Quality Assurance in Agent-Based Systems
Quality Assurance in Agent-Based Systems
Quality Assurance in Agent-Based Systems Current State and Open Problems Preprint Nr. 4, 2002 Cornelius Wille, Reiner R. Dumke, Stanimir Stojanov*) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, , Postfach 4120, D-39016 Magdeburg, Germany, Tel.: +49-391-67-18664, Fax: +49-391-67-12810, Email: {dumke, wille}@ivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de *) University of Plovdiv, Dept. of Mathematics and Informatics, 4000 Plovdiv, 236 Bulgaria blv., Bulgaria Email: csstani@pu.acad.bg Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Software Quality and Agent-based Systems ................................................................ 1 1.2 Foundations on Agent-based Systems.......................................................................... 5 1.2.1 Software Agents ........................................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) ....................................................................................... 8 1.2.3 Agent Communication ................................................................................................. 9 1.2.4 Agent Interaction and Co-operation............................................................................. 17 1.2.5 Agent Minds, Intentions, Motivations and Negotiations 20 1.2.6 Agent Mobility ............................................................................................................. 26 1.2.7 Agent Communities and Organisations........................................................................ 27 1.2.8 MAS Architectures....................................................................................................... 30 1.3 The MAS Development Process .................................................................................. 41 1.3.1 MAS Development Methodologies.............................................................................. 41 1.3.2 MAS Specification ....................................................................................................... 52 1.3.3 MAS Design and Implementation................................................................................ 56 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Evaluation und Measurement Aspects of Agent-based Systems .......... 60 3 Agent Types ............................................................................................................. 68 4 Acronyms.................................................................................................................. 70 5 MAS Web Links..................................................................................................... 73 6 References ................................................................................................................ 75 Empirical Aspects of Agent-based Systems................................................................. 60 Experiences of Agent-based System Development...................................................... 62 Related Work in Measurement of Software Agent and Agent-based Systems ............ 63 Open Problems and Intentions of Quality Assurance in MAS..................................... 66 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Software Quality and Agent-based Systems In introducing new techniques or technologies, the main aspects of investigation are addressed to their functionality in the new application area and are based on the experimentation with new paradigms (tools, languages, middleware and architectures). Software Agents provide new means to implement flexible and intelligent communication systems with an autonomous aspect of sensoring, understanding, negotiation, decision, and action. But, like in the objectoriented software development, that will be understood just now with help of more and more quantified experience in the area of software agents we can only establish some special remarks about complexity or efficiency (“Thus it is already a good bet that the software engineering of tomorrow will be ‘agent-oriented’, just as that of today is beginning to be ‘object-oriented’.” [Ferber 99, p. 8]). The conversion shift from an object to an agent is shown in a simplified manner in Figure 1. Agent memories, knowledge, skill, character Object/Class memories features, adaptation, negotiation, learning, action, co-operation features Figure 1: Main characteristics of an object/class and an agent Wooldridge et al. [Wooldridge 01] describe the difference between objects and agents in the following manner (see also [Brenner 98] and [Murch 00]) • • • agents embody stronger notion of autonomy than objects, and in particular, they decide for themselves whether or not to perform an action or request from another agent; agents are capable of flexible (reactive, pro-active, social) behavior, and the standard object model has nothing to say about such types of behavior; a multi-agent system is inherently multi-threaded, in that each agent is assumed to have at least one thread of control. [Huhns 01] characterises the difference of essential aspects of the programming features and paradigms as following. Concept Abstraction Building Blocks Computation Model Design Paradigm Architecture Models of Behaviour Terminology Object language Class Object Method/Message Interaction Patterns Inheritance and Polymorphism Designing and Using Engineer Multiagent language Society Agent Perceive/Reason/Act Co-operative Interaction Managers, Assistants, and Peers Enabling and Enacting Activate Table 1: Features of programming languages and paradigms 2 The mapping between object-oriented programming (OOP) and agent-oriented programming (AOP) is given in [Lind 01] as described in the following table. Characteristic Structural Elements Relations OOP abstract class class class variables methods collaboration (uses) composition (has) inheritance (is) instantiation AOP generic role domain specific role knowledge, belief capabilities negotiation holonic agents role multiplicity domain-specific role + individual knowledge service matchmaking polymorphism Table 2: Mapping OOP to AOP Obviously, we can establish a more complex structure or architecture of such agent-based systems. Moreover: • • • • How can we use some experience in software measurement and evaluation of the object-oriented software development? Which kinds and contents are the new measurement aspects for agent-based systems? Which characteristics of software agents are measurable and which of them should be measured necessarily? How can we install measurement aspects in agent-based systems to control the efficiency of software agents? A lot of questions and problems exist in the development of agent-based systems and there are not enough satisfying answers now. [Jennings 98, p. 19] writes: “There is little in the way of production-quality software support for building agent applications, and still less general understanding of the issues that need to be addressed when building such systems. Worse, most of today’s agent systems are built from scratch, using bespoke tools and techniques, which cannot easily be applied to other types of systems. This is particularly worrying because a lot of infrastructure is required before the main components of an agent system can be built. At the moment, most developers rebuild this infrastructure from scratch in every new case; this process is clearly not sustainable.” Software measurement and evaluation as a key technology for software quality assurance should consider the following components and aspects of agent-based systems: • • • The analysis and evaluation of the product characteristics of an agent-based system such as architecture, design artefacts, code, documentation and run time aspects, The investigation of the agent-based system development process in the different parts of life cycle characteristics and management aspects, The consideration of the resources which are necessary to develop and maintain agent-based systems and are divided in personnel, software and hardware resources. 3 However, the metrics situation in the OOSE area has not changed essentially since the following study from 1997 [Dumke 97]. The charts below characterise the facilities and the situation in the OO metrics area. Note, that the charts provide only an approximate overview about the metrics situation. We use pc for the process metrics, pr for the product metrics, and rs for the resources metrics. System Model Granularity Class #metrics Component #metrics OO System #metrics 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 pc pr rs pc pr rs pc pr rs Life Cycle Phase Related OOA #metrics OOD #metrics OOP #metrics 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 pc pr rs pc pr rs pc pr rs Measurement Area Related (Model-based) Metrics (Empirical-based) Measures #metrics #metrics 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 pc pr rs pc pr rs Figure 2: Situation of OO software metrics Currently, software agents are a new technique without detailed quantified knowledge about the technology. This paper will give first ideas of possible aspects in software quality assurance of agent-based systems. 4 1.2 Foundations on Agent-based Systems In the field of software agents, we have to consider a sharp increase of knowledge and applications. Interesting areas of agent applications are (see also [Jennings 98]) • • • • solving new types of problems such as open systems, complex system and ubiquity, improving the efficiency of software development through distribution of data, control, expertise or resources, industrial applications like process control, manufacturing, air traffic control, information management, electronic commerce, and health care, entertainment on the area of distributed games, interactive theatre and cinema. We try to give an overview of the area of software agents that is required to explain and to define the software quality assurance aspects. 1.2.1 Software Agents We are agree with the definition of software agents by [Maes 94]: “Autonomous agents are computational systems that inhabit some complex dynamic environment, sense and act autonomously in this environment, and by doing so realise a set of goals or tasks for which they are designed.” This definition considers the important aspects of software agents and their environment which is necessary for any (autonomous) action. The general types of these interactions with the environment are shown in the Figure 3. External Environment Factors Outgoing messages (to human, agent or other controller) Agent Inference Engine Incoming messages from other agents Internal World State Actions on the environment Figure 3: Agents interactions with the environment [Hayzelden 99, p. 10] A general taxonomy of agents is given in the Figure 4 which can be found in most of the books about software agents. Autonomous agents Biological agents Robotic agents Computational agents Software agents Task specific agents Entertainment agents Figure 4: Taxonomy of autonomous agents 5 Artificial life agents Viruses A software agent can have certain aspects of the behaviour as described in the Table 3. Property Social ability Autonomy Reactivity Adaptability Agent Granularity Degrees Learning Pro-activity Description A software agent is able to use communication as a basis to signal interest or information to either homogeneous or heterogeneous agents that constitute a part of its environment. The agent may work toward a single global goal or separate individual goals. Agents should operate without the intervention of external elements (other agents or humans). They have some kind of control over their actions and internal states. Agents perceive their environment and respond in a timely fashion to changes that may occur. Agents are characterized by their flexibility, adaptation, and facility to set up their own goals based on their implicit purpose (interests). One of the major characteristics of agents is their ability to acquire and process information about the situation, both spatially and temporally. Agents may have degrees of complexity; Most simple agents are characterized by the lack of intelligence regarding their behavior. These agents are called reactive. More complex agents are called cognitive or intelligent agents. They are characterized by their ability to know their environment, to act on themselves and on the environment; their observed behavior is a consequence of their perception, knowledge, and interactions. Either the agency itself may perform some learning ability (as a society) or each individual agent may be embedded with a learning algorithm (e.g. a Neural Network or their re-enforcement algorithm). Learning often allows the agent to alter its future action sequences and behavior such that future mistakes can be alleviated. Learning is often a factor that provides an agent's ability to demonstrate adaptive behavior. Agents should exhibit goal directed behavior such that their performed actions cause beneficial changes to the environment. This capability often requires the agent to anticipate future situations (e.g. using prediction) rather than just simply responding to changes within their environment. Table 3: Properties of software agents by [Hayzelden 99, p.5/6] On the other hand, we can combine the agents characteristics to define special kinds of software agents and agent communities (see Figure 5 adapted from [Darbyshire 00]). Autonomy pro-active reactive passive preference reasoning learning Intelligence with humans with agents Social ability Figure 5: 3D model of agent characteristics 6 In order to define all aspects of the behaviour of an agent based on the 3D characteristics, we will cite the definition by [Ferber 99, p. 9] of general (software) agents: “An agent is a physical or virtual entity, which is capable of acting in an environment, which can communicate directly with other agents, which is driven by a set of tendencies (in the form of individual objectives or of a satisfaction/survival function which it tries to optimise), which possesses resources of its own, which is capable of perceiving its environment (but to a limited extent), which has only a partial representation of this environment (and perhaps none at all), which possesses skills and can offer services, which may be able to reproduce itself, whose behaviour tends towards satisfying its objectives, taking account of the resources and skills available to it and depending on its perception, its representations and the communications it receives.” In the most complex case we can establish the following components as a static architecture description of an agent as shown in the Figure 6. This software agent could have all the characteristics and facilities which are described in Table 3 above. Influences Intentions/ Collaboration Administration/ Co-ordination Inputs/ Perceptions Outputs/ Reactions Tasks/ Goals Action/ Co-operation Negotiation/ Communication Knowledge/ Experience Reflections Figure 6: Components of a general software agent Hence, software quality assurance of software agents includes aspects such as the quality of the capability of acting in an environment, the level of communication with other agents, the quantities of the driven aspects by a set of tendencies, the characteristics of possessed resources, the kind of capability of perceiving its environment, the characteristics of the agent-based partial representation of this environment, the quality of the possessed skills and offered services, the level of the ability to reproduce itself, the kind of the behaviour towards satisfying its objectives, taking account of the resources. In the next section we will describe the general characteristics of agent-based systems in a short form. Afterwards, we describe the detailled facilities of software agents considering the different existing system and approaches. 7 1.2.2 Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) Software agents can build communities in a special domain area. Such systems are defined as multi-agent systems and we will cite [Ferber 99, p. 11] again: “The term 'multi-agent systems' (or MAS) is applied to a system comprising the following elements: • An environment, E, that is, a space which generally has a volume. • A set of objects, O. These objects are situated, that is to say, it is possible at a given moment to associate any object with a position in E. These objects are passive, that is, they can be perceived, created, destroyed and modified by the agents. • An assembly of agents, A, which are specific objects (A ⊆ O), representing the active entities of the system. • An assembly of relations, R, which link objects (and thus agents) to each other. • An assembly of operations, Op, making it possible for the agents of A to perceive, produce, consume, transform and manipulate objects from O. • Operators with the task of representing the application of these operations and the reaction of the world to this attempt at modifications, which we shall call the laws of the universe.” In the manner of the software agent representation, we describe the (static) architecture of a MAS in a simplified kind of visualisation in Figure 7. Software agents can handle in different cities together with other agents and can operate or work with objects. Influences Agenta City A Agentb User Customer Results Object2 Object1 City B City C Agentc Reflections Environment (Network) Figure 7: Components of a multi-agent system 8 Benefits Hence, software quality assurance of MAS includes the aspects such as reliability, availability and usability of the environment, the appropriateness and size of the objects, the structure and efficiency of the agents communities, the performance of the agents operations, and the stability of the user interaction with the MAS. 1.2.3 Agent Communication In order to describe the kinds of agent communication, we can establish the general situation in shifting from the interactions between objects (from the object-oriented software development point of view) and between agents which is intimated in Figure 8. Agent1 Object1 Agent2 Object2 Messages Interaction based on a communication language Figure 8: Kinds of communication between objects and between agents Intentions of communication are information and conversation and can be expressed by the communication medium based on messages, communication languages and conversation languages. Some kinds of an agent communication language (ACL) [Singh 98] are the main aspect in the interaction between software agents. Examples of communication languages or technologies are described in following. ¾ ACML: The Agent Communication Markup Language was defined by Grosof et al. [Grosof 00] and is based of the FIPA ACL and the XML. This ACML is used in order to combine the ACL standards with the business rules and existing XML related business process descriptions. The following DTD fragment of ACML gives a short impression of this approach. <?xml version=”pre-1.0” encoding=”US-ASCII”?> <!ENTITY % messagetp “accept-proposal | agree | cancel | cfp | confirm | disconfirm | failure | inform | inform-if | inform-ref | not-understood | propose | query-if | query-ref| refuse | reject-proposal | request | request-when | request-whenever | subscribe”> <!ELEMENT message (messagetype, messageparameter* )> <!ELEMENT messagetype (%messagetp;)> <!ELEMENT messageparameter (sender | receiver | content | reply-with | reply-by | in-reply-to | envelop | 9 language | ontology | protocol | conversationid)> <!ELEMENT sender (agentname)> . . . ¾ Agent-0: This is the first member of the Agent Oriented Programming (AOP) family and executes the loop comprising two steps [Papadopoulos 01]: - During the first step incoming messages are gathered and the mental state of the agent is updated appropriately, - During the second step commitments (e. g. guarantees that the agent will carry out an action at a certain time) are executed using capabilities (actions the agent is able to perform). Another approach is Agent-K which combines the message passing functionality of Agent-0 with the format of KQML. ¾ COOL: The CO-Ordination Language was developed by Barbuceanu et al. [Barbuceanu 00] in order to consolidate of conversation concepts. An example of this language which describes a customer conversation is given in the following. (def-conversation-plan ‘customer-conversation’ :content-language ‘list :speech-act-language ‘kqml :initiate-state ‘start :final-states ‘(rejected failed satisfied) :control ‘interactive-choice-control-ka :rules ‘(start cc1) (proposed cc-13 cc-2) (working cc-5 cc-4 cc-3) (counterp cc-9 cc-8 cc-7 cc-6) (asked cc-10) (accepted cc-12 cc-11)) ¾ FLBC: This Formal Language for Business Communication developed by [Moore 00] is based on the XML (see also [Glushko 99]) and has deep foundations in speech act theory. The following example of a FLBC message gives a short characterisation of this language. <?xml version0”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8” standalone=”no”?> <!DOCTYPE flbcMsg SYSTEM “http://wwwpersonal.umich.edu/~samoore/research/ flbcMsg.dtd”> <flbcMsg msgID=”M”> <simpleAct speaker=”A” hearer=”B”> <illocAct force=”F” vocab=”N” language=”L”> X </illocAct> 10 </simpleAct> <context> <resources> <actors> <person id=”A”/> <person id=”B”/> </actors> </resources> <respondingTo message=”V”/> </context> </flbcMsg> ¾ GroupLog: GroupLog is an agent co-ordination language (see [Papadopoulos 01]) and is based on an extended Horn Clauses formalism. The agents are process models which receive messages and react to them by invoking appropriate methods. The following example of a group communication shows the syntactic elements of GroupLog. group meet_schedule { context(). interface(begin). meet_schedule(Id) : begin :members(meet_schedule(Id), [H,I]), rd(meet_schedule(Id), meet(MeetId)), H << begin(I,MeetId) || I begin(H,MeetId) | meet_schedule(Id). meet_schedule(Id) : new | meet_schedule(Id). } << H and I are the agents which communicate (‘<<’) in the MeetId group. ¾ JADL: The JIAC Agent Description Language has been designed in order to support the Java Intelligent Agent Componentware (JIAC) for implementing MAS for telematic and telecommunication applications. The background of JADL consists of a toolkit that includes an agent development environment, an agent debugger, a marketplace monitor, an agent navigator, and a remote administration tool (see [Liu 01]). ¾ Java: Of course, Java is not really an agent communication language. But their Web facilities (the classes URL, Thread, Server, Datagram etc.) allow us to implement agent-like systems which include a communication part, e. g. - Generic Mobil Agents [Wong 99]) as a set of Java classes for constructing heterogeneous agent-based systems, - Jada [Rossi 01] as a co-ordination language for Java that can be used to coordinate parallel/distributed components, - JATLite [Jeon 00] as an infrastructure for agent implementation based on a message routing concept, 11 - JavaSpace [Freeman 99] for building agent-like communities in predefined environments (spaces), - Jini [Arnold 99] as a collection of interacting Java programs in order to keep reliability and simplicity to the construction of networked devices and services, - Software Aglets [Lange 98] as an IBM product for implementing mobile agent systems. ¾ KIF: The Knowledge Interchange Format [KIF 98] is a language designed for use in the interchange of knowledge among disparate computer systems (created by different programmers, at different times, in different languages, and so forth). The syntax of KIF can be described in three layers: the basic characters, the combination of these characters as lexemes, and the combined lexemes as expressions. In KIF can be used functions and relations about numbers, characters, strings, and lists. The following KIF expression defines the characters and gives a little impression of the language syntax. (defrelation character (?x) := (exists ((?n natural-number)) (and (>= ?n 0) (< ?n 128) (= (code-char ?n) ?x)))) ¾ KLAIM: The Kernel Language for Agent Interaction and Mobility (see [Papadopoulos 01] is a Linda variant. A KLAIM program is a net, comprising a set of nodes. Each node in the net describes an allocated environment that maps symbolic locality references as a set of running processes to actual tuple spaces. The following KLAIM code example gives us an impression of this kind of ACL: def Client = out(Q)@1 ; nil def Q = in(‘foo’,!X)@self ; out(‘foo’,X+1)@self ; nil def Server = in(!P)@self ; eval(P)@self ; nil KLAVA (see [Rossi 01]) is an implementation of KLAIM in Java. [Nicola 00] discusses the semantics of KLAIM. ¾ KQML: The Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language [Labrou 97] offers a variety of message types (performatives) that express an attitude regarding the content of the exchange between agents. Performatives can also assist agents in finding other agents that can process their requests. In order to obtain a general impression of this language, we cite from [Labrou 97] the following simple KQML example: An agent A sends the following performatives to agent B. The :in-reply-to suggests that the ask-all follows a relevant advertise message (ask-all :sender :receiver :in-reply-to :reply-with :language 12 A B id0 id1 Prolog :ontology :content foo ‘‘bar(X,Y)’’) and agent B replies with the following KQML message (tell :sender :receiver :in-reply-to :reply-with :language :ontology :content B A id1 id2 Prolog foo ‘‘[bar(a,b), bar(c,d)]’’) The :sender wish to know if the :content is true of the receiver. True of the :receiver is taken to mean that either the <expression> matches a sentence in the receivers knowledge base or is probable by the :receiver. ¾ LGI: The Law-Governed Interaction was developed at the Rutgers University (USA) and is a co-ordination mechanism that allows to build an open group of distributed active entities (agents, processes) (see [Bryce 01]). The agents interact with each other , with confidence that an explicitly specified policy (the law of the group) is strictly observed by each of its members. The three types of communication in LGI are between the agent and the controller and between controllers. ¾ Little-JIL: The Little-JIL is a visual language of agent co-ordination (see [Papadopoulos 01]). This language has been designed to address in particular the problem of knowledge discovery in databases which is helpful in Web environments in order to regard aspects such as traffic analysis, fraud detection etc. In Little-JIL an agent is a special resource associated with a step as a representation of a process. ¾ LuCe: The Logic Tuple Centres (see [Rossi 01]) is a co-ordination model, system and technology for the construction of multi-agent systems involving autonomous, pro-active, possibly heterogeneous agents. LuCe is logic-based and exploits Prolog both as the inter-agent communication language and as the co-ordination language. ¾ MAI2L: The Multi-agent Language [Haugeneder 98] consists of four aspects such as characters (char) representing the agent action or plan, preconditions (pre) which contain operations for knowledge access and for setting conditions on that knowledge, procedures (proc) for composing flow structures, and effects (eff) which characterise the successful execution of the procedure. The following MAI2L example only shows the syntactical meaning of this language. plan(cnet(TaskType,BestBid), chars = Mgr, Bdrs, proc = (Mgr:cn_make_proposal(TaskType,Specs) & Bdrs:CallForBids = Mgr:propose(Bdrs,Specs) & Mgr(!timeout -> Bids) = 13 Bdrs(refine_bids(Specs,CallForBids\sender,B ids) & refine(CallForBids\sender,Bid)) & Mgr:cn_eval_bids(Bids,BestBid,RestBids,Time Outs) & . . . eff = Mgr(-cc),Bdrs:(-cc)). ¾ MIF: The Market Internet Format was defined in order to support e-commerce (see [Papadopoulos 01]). In MIF agents share a common language which is a formalised subset of commerce communication. Typical MIF expression of interest for e-commerce transactions are the following: (def car “trade-object” color (instance “red”)) . . . ) (instance “contract” data(interval 1/1/2000 1/1/2001) buyer(instance “person” (name “John Brown”) (address ...) ...) goods(instance “car” color(instance “red”) ...) ¾ PLACA: The Planning Communication Agents language (see [Papadopoulos 01]) includes the following syntactic structures: - INTEND x: intending to make sentence x true by adding it to the list of intentions, ADOPT x: adopting the intention, plan x to the intention, and plan list, DROP x: dropping the intention, and plan x, the set CAN-DO x, CAN-ACHIEVE x, PLAN-DO x, PLANACHIEVE x, and PLAN-NOT-DO x which are truth statements used in mental conditions. ¾ sACL: The small Agent Communication Language is defined by Pitt et al. [Pitt 00] in order to describe the appropriateness of a general semantic framework for the interpretation of ACLs. sACL is based on speech acts and is defined as a 3tuple 〈Perf, Prot, reply 〉 given by specifying Perf = {inform, query, command, request, agree, cancel, fail, null } acknowledge, end, Prot = { yesno_query, confirmation, commitment, datasync, no_protocol } . The protocols can be used by one agent to communicate with another in order to: - query another agent about the value of some proposition, inform an agent of some proposition and receive acknowledgement, 14 an - synchronise data with another agent about the value of some proposition, ask an agent if it will undertake some action. ¾ Telescript: Telescript was the first system to bring network agents into the public conscience. The first version of Telescript was developed before the Internet and networks has change dramatically. In order to see some facilities in Telescript we will chose an example from [Cockayne 97]. Based on the class definitions for Telescript agents, we can general define a meeting as follows meeting: sponsored op ( agent: protected Telename; _class: protected Classname; petition: protected Petition) Object|Nil throws MeetingDenied = { throw MeetingDenied(); nil } The operation op is special because the engine itself requests it whenever a meeting is requested of an agent. The operation may throw an exception. Indeed the shopping agent always throws a member of the predefined MeetingDenied class. ¾ TRUCE: This script language is a co-ordination language that supports roles, groups and dynamic agents at collaboration time (see [Papadopoulos 01]). The coordination is defined by a protocol specification. Every instruction in a script has two components: the action to be executed and a set of collaborators that participate in carrying out this action. A simple example of a co-ordination scenario is given in the following. protocol selling-protocol { when { $selling=true { sellers.if {myturn=true} { set $”current-sellers”=_me; } retract {selling-protocol}; facilitator.set {$selling} false; auction {facilitator, $”current-seller” {byuers, sellers} }; recover {selling-protocol}; facilitator.proceed {$”current-seller”}; } } The facilitator, byuers and sellers are the bound to agent names in this script. ¾ WARREN-ACL: The ACL of the Carnegy Mellon University MAS system shortly described in [Petrie 01] is based on the essential KQML characteristics. A simple example is given in the following. 15 (monitor :SENDER barney :RECEIVER news-agent :LANGUAGE simple-query :ONTOLOGY news :REPLY-WITH ibm-query-2 :NOTIFICATION-DEADLINE (30 minutes) :CONTENT (query news :CLAUSES (= $newsgroups ``dow-jones.indust.earningsprojections´´) (= subject ``IBM´´) :OUTPUT :ALL) ) ¾ 3APL: 3APL is an acronym of An Abstract Agent Programming Language [Hendriks 00] and was extended by two pairs as communication primitives: the pair tell and ask, and the pair req and offer. The first pair uses the exchange information between agents and the second pair is used to communicate requests between agents. A simple example which described a meeting planning is given in following and should given only a general impression of this language. reply(Host) <- true | begin offer(Host, meet(MeetId, MeetTime, MeetLedngth,Attendants); req(Host, ∃ MeetTime1 • epmeet(MeetId,MeetTime1, MeetLength,Attendants, MeetTime)); reply(Host) end ask(Host, confirm(MeetId,MeetTime)) A semantic part of agent communication involves several messages between two or more agents and is called as agent conversation. An example of an agent conversation is shown by [Bush 00] which is based on the MAS architecture standard FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, see below) and described in the following figure. Agent B request Agent A: agree Agent A: success refuse not-understood failure Figure 9: FIPA request conversation protocol Another modelling of agent conversation is well-known as protocol of Winograd & Flores described in [Singh 00] (see also [Greaves 00], [Philipps 00] and [Vongkasem 00]). The state chart of this conversation is given in the following diagram. 16 A: Declare A:Request 1 B: Promise B: Assert 2 A: Declare 3 A: Counter 4 B: Renege 7 B: Reject A: Withdraw B: Counter 5 A: Withdraw A: Accept A: Withdraw 8 6 9 A: Reject B: Withdraw Figure 10: Conversation for action between the agents A and B ( : final nodes) Commitments can be associated with each state in this protocol which means if B makes a promise to A without any explicit request from A, in terms of commitments, we can see that the protocol above effectively begins from the state 6. The publicly shared constraints on the potentially unbounded universe of possible semantically coherent ACL message sequence which could be used to achieve a goal characterises the functional role of the conversation policies [Greaves 00]. Hence, software quality assurance of agent communication addresses the aspects such as the level of the communication, the intensity or frequency of the communication, the useroriented semantics of the ACL, the appropriateness of the ACL, and the guarantee of the conversion principles. 1.2.4 Agent Interaction and Co-operation The communication between agents is mostly embedded in common intentions such as collaboration or co-operation. Kinds of agent interactions for a successful or conflicting situation are described in [Ferber 99, p. 66] and is shown in the following Table 4 (see also [Miles 01]). Category Indifference Co-operation Antagonism Situation Independence Simple collaboration Obstruction Co-ordinated collaboration Pure individual competition Pure collective competition Individual conflicts over resources Collective conflicts over resources Goals Resources Skills compatible compatible sufficient sufficient sufficient insufficient compatible compatible insufficient insufficient sufficient insufficient incompatible sufficient sufficient incompatible sufficient insufficient incompatible insufficient sufficient incompatible insufficient insufficient Table 4: Situations in agents interaction 17 The activities between agents require a general goal to produce some of the expected results. The main technology to keep this collaboration is called distribute allocation of tasks. Coordination and collaboration needs basic principles of management, such as co-ordination. The empirical reasons for agents co-ordination are defined by [Hayzelden 99] as: “Firstly to prevent chaos. In general no agent possesses a global view of the entire agency to which it belongs, as this is simply not feasible in any community of reasonable complexity. Consequently, agents only have local views, goals and knowledge which, may interfere with, rather than support other agent’s actions. Secondly, to meet global constraints: Agents performing network management may have to respond to certain failures within seconds and others within hours. Co-ordinating agent behaviour is therefore essential to meet such global constraints. Agents in a MAS possess different capabilities and expertise: Therefore, agents need to be co-ordinated in just the same way that different specialists need to co-ordinate their capabilities. Agent’s actions are frequently interdependent and hence an agent may need to wait on another agent to complete its task before executing its own. These mutually dependent activities need to be co-ordinated.” The four main kinds of co-ordination by [Ferber 99, p. 409] are (see also [Durfee 01]) the coordination by synchronisation, the co-ordination by planning, the co-ordination by reaction, the co-ordination by regulation. The co-ordination can be context-dependent. [Cabri 00] classifies two kinds of these dependencies • The environment-dependent co-ordination which considers aspects like enforcing security, handling heterogeneity, and supporting open interactions. • The application-dependent co-ordination which is addressed to the facilitating access, exchanging knowledge or implementing co-ordination protocols. The co-operation can be the largest context of interaction. In the literature we find the common definition of co-operation as Co-operation = collaboration + co-ordination of actions + resolution of conflicts . Based on this intention we require from an agent co-operation that additional agents are helpful for increasing the performance level (like as SciAgents [Drashansky 99]) or in avoiding potential conflicts. On the other hand, software agent’s behaviour is based on three main types of agent coupling such as [Ferber 99, p. 113]: 1. Fixed coupling: each component has a role or perhaps several roles from which it does not shift, 2. Variable coupling: the relationships between agents can evolve, but within a framework of very specific mechanism, 3. Evolutionary coupling: this kind of coupling characterises a variable organisation structure where the agents can evolve as a function of performance etc. The intention of the agents co-operation is to achieve a (user) goal as a description of the world state. Based upon a set of actions it can perform, the agent can construct a variety of plans for achieving this goal. The agent commits to the ‘ideal’ plan by adding the actions called for by the plan to a schedule of events, and executes the plan according to the schedule. Such co-operation requires some of the following capabilities or components [Haugeneder 98]: 18 • Agent body: which is needed to be able to change the world through actions, • Agent communicator: which is necessary to communicate with other agents, • Agent head: this is necessary that the agent have knowledge of how to plan its actions, achieve its goals. The agent knowledge can be described in the following figure (see also [Sun 00]). Planning Scheduling Distributed plan Shared goals Tasks Goal activation Execution Changes in World State Figure 11: Process view of several distributed agents Software agents can be characterised relating to the summarised agent facilities and skills in an organisation. We can divide agents organisation in non-redundant vs. redundant and specialised vs. generalist forms. The following description is dedicated to the action and behaviour of software agents. The action of agents can be modelled in the following six kinds by [Ferber 99, p. 148]: 1. Action as transformation of a global state: this approach is based on the classical AI planning theory. The general description of this state-based action can be defined as σ1 = Exec(op(A, L1 , L2), σ2) where are A the agent, σ1 and σ2 the different states (old and new) and L1 and L2 the different agent locations (old and new). The transformation itself was described by stripslike operators which are based on the description of the direction related to the dimensions. 2. Action as response to influences: An agent is actually making a gesture or influences. The results of these gestures are obtained by application of the laws of the universe. The latter is the response of the environment, which acts by combining all the influences it receives from agents, and then deducing from them a new global state in conformity with its own particular nature. Action and reaction can be defined generally on the base of the influences Γ and the states Σ as Exec: Op × Σ → Γ, especially Exec(op,σ) = γ . 19 3. Action as computing processes: Methods of this kind of action description are finite-state automata, register automata, petri nets, and other forms of algorithm descriptions. 4. Action as local modification: In local models, action is considered as being a local modification which is propagated along a net of automata. The cellular automata is a kind of this description. 5. Action as physical displacement: Models relating to this kind of action definition are (physical) space description, and potential field presentations. 6. Action as command: This description form is based on control theory and cybernetics which apply a particular command theory. Some investigations consider the action of actors which are threats models as a simpler kind of agents (see [Agha 01]). The actor-based models are the foundation of the Cyborgs (cyber organism) (see also [Bradshaw 01]). The co-operation of software agents can be based on agent teams. In order to build an agent team [Yoshimura 00] defines the following activities: “Specify what a team is capable of doing (i.e., what roles it can fulfil); specify which components are needed to form a particular type of team; specify the co-ordinated behaviour among the team members; and specify some team knowledge.” Further aspects of team building is related to the automated team formation and the special task structures in team and subteams. In MAS software agents play different roles such as matchmaker, brokers, facilitator or mediator. This kind of agents is known as middle agent that can be characterised by its core skills of providing basic mediation services to the considered agent society, co-ordinating these services according to given protocols, conventions, and policies, and ensuring reliable service mediation in terms of levelled quality of services as well as trust management within and across multiagent systems borders. On the other hands, security aspects play an essential role in agent co-operating. An agent management must provide basic mechanisms for identifying agents (authentication) and for verifying the privileges of agents in the shared space (authorisation) (see [Bryce 01]). The application of agent-based systems for communities was called by [Hattori 99] as socialware. Hence, the software quality assurance of agents co-operation must considers the aspects such as the efficiency of the agents interaction, the level of the co-ordination, the quality of the agent coupling, the reliability of the agent components, the appropriateness of the kinds of agent actions, the effectiveness of the agent teams and communities, and the level of successes of consideration the user goals. 1.2.5 Agent Minds, Intentions, Motivations and Negotiations The next consideration is directed on the states of the (artificial) minds of software agents. This view is related to the mental states and intentions of software agents. Mental states are based on the cognition concept which consider several types of cognition as interactional, representational, conative, organisational and other cognition. On the other hand, the source of actions are agent motivations. Relating to the dimensions of organisations, we can distinguish between personal, environmental, social and representational kinds of motivations. As a special case, we can establish the commitment as a solution of relational and social motivations under special constraints. Another aspect of motivation is the intention which is defined by [Ferber 99, p. 298] as: “We say that an agent x has the intention of carrying out an action a which we denote as intention(x,a) if x has as its 20 goal that a proposition P about a state of the world should be true (denoted goal(x,P) ) and that the following conditions should be satisfied: x believes that P forms part of the consequences of a; x believes that P is not currently true; x believes that it is capable of doing a; x believes that a will be possible, and thus that P can be satisfied.” Agent intention or motivations are also a reason for agent negotiation in order to keep some tasks of a collaboration. [Katoh 00] defines some kinds of negotiation protocols which consider risks of successful agent co-operation. This investigations led to the kinds of software agents as risk averse, risk neutral and risk seeking agents. A general characterisation of the agent behaviour as agents roles is described by Kendall comparing the facets of objects and agents roles in the following table [Kendall 01]. Role model Responsibilities Objects Services, tasks Agents Services, tasks, goals, obligations, interdictions Collaborators Roles it interacts with Roles in interact with External interfaces Access to services Access to services Relationships to other roles Aggregation, generalisation, re- Aggregation, specialisation, generafinement, role sequences lisation, role sequences Expertise Ontology, inferencing, problem solving, knowledge Co-ordination and Protocol, conflict resolution, negotiation knowledge of why other roles are related, permissions Other Resources, learning/adaptability Table 5: Facets of objects and agents roles [Preist 99] distinguishes three main approaches of negotiation strategies such as • • • The rule based approach where the negotiation strategy is coded into the agent using a set of rules specifying how they should bargain, and when they should or shouldn’t accept a deal. The game theoretic approach which is based on the economic analysis of a negotiation problem which is used to propose an appropriate negotiation protocol and strategy. The adaptive behaviour approach where simple agents adapt their strategy by observing the behaviour of the marketplace and their current performance. Some concrete agent negotiations has been defined by Zacharia [Zacharia 01] for e-commerce agents in the following manner: • The buying agent, which tries to maximise the following Cobb-Douglas utility function U = (1 – P)1-I OI • where P is the price the buyer will pay, normalised by his budget cap (Pactual/Pcap) so that it is between 0 and 1, I is the importance of the problem to the buyer, and O is the outcome of the problem in the range [0,1], where 1 is perfect and 0 is terrible. The selling agent, which can executes the derivative follower’s price based on P = LastContractPrice + Sup * random1 - Sdn * random2 * idle 21 where is assumed that the price bids are increased by a fixed step Sup for the next period and was decreased by Sdn if a deliberative follower fails to receive a contract. Special examples of agents for electronic marketplaces are defined by [Barbosa 01] as buyer agent, seller agent and (between them) as intermediary agent. Their algorithm are described as following • The algorithms of the buyer agent’s perception based on the - Active transactional model: M1:if know what want then inform product details are offer then M2: choose the product That fits better; Visualize options and choose With whom negotiate; Start negotiation if Complete transaction then finish transaction else goto M1 else M3: information is saved for seller’s evaluation else inform the kind of the product; if inform product functionality offer then goto M2 else goto M3 - Passive transactional model: M1:iter until intermediary agent contact if the product interest then start negotiation if complete transaction then finish transaction else goto M1 else answer is no • The algorithms of the seller agent’s perception based on the - Active transactional model: - M1: choose what announce iter wait for demand if demand then visualize possible buyers; start negotiation; if complete transaction then finish transaction else goto M1 Passive transactional model: M1: iter until intermediary agent contact if sell the product 22 then give information; start negotiation; if complete transaction then finish transaction else goto M1 else answer is no • The algorithm of the intermediary agent based on a general transactional model: if received request of demand then if offered product found then show the buyer; M1: intermediate negotiation; Save negotiation results; M2: if buyer profile for Suggestion suitable then notify the buyer else goto M1 else show answer the lack else (~ of demand) if buyer not satisfied found then contact the buyer; goto M1 else save product and characteristics; goto M2 An essential aspect in agent’s negotiation consists in their possible conflict management. The following model by [Tessier 01] describes the conflict handling for agents. Conflict avoidance Goal adaptation Conflict recognition Conflict diagnosis Conflict resolution Conflict process analysis Belief update Conflict management Negotiation Figure 12: Conflict handling action model A general classification of conflict resolution modes is defined by [Aïmeur 01] as • • • Negotiation: as a discussion procedure established between two opposed parts for the purpose of reaching a common agreement. Mediation: as a negotiation between two opposed parts in the presence of a third neutral part which will facilitate the research of a solution to the conflict. Arbitration: where conflicting parts leave it to a third part decision. 23 [Jung 01] developed a system for multi-agent teamwork called CONSA (Collaborative Negotiation System based on Argumentation) to resolve conflicts. The key idea in CONSA is to cast conflict resolution as an explicit common team goal. CONSA includes three stages of argumentation. We assume that the team member Aj generates a proposal π. Then the argumentation stages are 1. Opening stage: (a) A team member Aj detects a conflict with π. (b) If Aj believes joint action not beneficial to resolving conflict, terminate, return; (c) Else Aj communicates with team members to establish team operator to resolve current conflict. 2. Argumentation stage: (a) Any member Ak in the current team operator may generate proposal to resolve conflict, (b) Other team members evaluate-proposal. (c) If no conflict/coincidence found, accept the proposal and got to step 3. (d) Else if proposal found to conflict/coincide; continue argument if cost-benefit-wise useful, else accept the proposal and goto step 3. 3. Closing stage: (a) If suggested proposal accepted, then terminate conflict-resolution team operator; (b) Else if the conflict resolution found unachievable or irrelevant, terminate conflictresolution team operator. A special model for agent operation is well-known as belief desire intention (BDI) model. [Georgeff 98] describes the three components in this model as follows: • beliefs are components of an agent-based system which can represent environment information they was updated after each sensing action, • desires are components which include information about the objectives what priorities or payoffs are associated with the various current objectives, • intentions are components which include the information of the system state to represent the currently chosen course of action. The BDI agent architecture of Kinny described in [Pitt 00] is shown in the following figure. Belief (fact) Database Plan Library Sensors User/Agent Interface Interpreter (Reasoning System) Environment 24 Actuators Desires (Goals) Intention Structures Figure 13: BDI agent architecture These models are the background of the agents negotiation in order to arrive special goals or intentions. A well-known example of this negotiation is the haggle protocol (see [Pitt 00a]) which is illustrated by the finite state diagram shown in the following figure. buyer: query_if 0 seller: inform 1 seller:agree 2 buyer:inform 9 seller:agree 9 Figure 14: The Haggle protocol In order to manage the BDI process, [Brazier 99] defines the following control hierarchy shown in the figure 15. own process control Belief determination intended goal determination desire determination intention and commitment determination goal determination plan determination committed goal determination intended plan determination committed plan determination Figure 15: Task hierarchy of own process control within a BDI agent [Jain 99] defines the sphere of commitment between agents as SoCom. In order to keep a successful co-operation, the SoCom manager was created for efficient e-commerce applications. Hence, the software quality assurance of agent minds, intentions and negotiation should consider the aspects such as the level of negotiation, the success rate of negotiations, the 25 effeciency of the agent roles, the appropriateness of the negotiation strategies, the effectiveness of the BDI application. 1.2.6 Agent Mobility The general aspects and priciples of agent mobility is shown in the charts of the following figure. App Host A Service RPC-based approach App Host B Service Send agent App Service App Mobile Agent-based approach Service Disconnect App Service Recconnect and return Figure 16: Principles of Agent Mobility In order to keep the agent’s mobility, most of the agent-moving work must be done in the host or network. Knapik defines the following activities by the host ([Knapik 98], p. 203): • “Network and mobility support is responsible for moving files to and from addresses. These files contain agents, which must be executed at each host. • Verify that the agent has all right codes embedded the header. • Discern the capabilities of an agent, and determine whether an agent can execute or whether it is safe to execute. This could mean parsing the agent’s source code to find any references to forbidden global variables or functions that aren’t understood. The agent must know what functions the host supports, and call only those functions, or the host must be able to load a personality that is indicated in the agent header. • Perform information, resource, and data access functions, such as getting current time, customer record, and so on. • If an agent runs amok, stop it and send it back to its user to be analyzed, then change permissions such that the user’s agents are not longer welcome.” Li defines a “secure route structure” for mobile agents in the following manner [Li 00]: “An agent’s route is defined as a sequence of [c0, ..., cn]. Each of ci, for 0 ≤ i ≤ n, represents the IP address of a host. The route indicates the itinerary of an agent, who will visit each host in the same order as the sequence.” Furthermore, this sequence is a structure because of the eligible 26 paths in the network. This basic structure can be extended by any quality information such as performance, cost etc. (see also [Stefano 00]). Hence, the software quality assurance of agent mobility addresses the aspects such as the performance of agent movements, the appropriateness of the visited cities, the knowledge about the requirements and supports of the different cities. 1.2.7 Agents Communities and Organisations The system of co-operating agents can be built as agent organisations (see also [Case 01] and [Valera 01]). We cite the definition of [Ferber 99, p. 88]: “An organisation can be defined as an arrangement of relationships between components or individuals which produces a unit, or system, endowed with qualities not apprehended at the level of the components or individuals. The organisation links, in an interrelational manner, diverse elements or events or individuals, which thenceforth become the components of a whole. It ensures a relatively high degree of interdependence and reliability, thus providing the system with the possibility of lasting for a certain length of time, despite chance disruptions.” The key functions of an agent organisation – also defined by Ferber – are described in the following. The representational function frepr comprises the generality of functions for modelling the environment and other organisations as well as the memorisation of any events which may have affected the organisation. The role associated with the representational function is that of archivist. The organisational function forg relates to everything concerning the management of the activity of an organisation, and in particular to the planning, allocation and following up of tasks, the co-ordination of actions and the management of obligations. A large number of roles are associated with this function, in particular those of customer, mediator, planner and co-ordinator. The conative function fcon refers to the sources, limits and selection of the activities of organisations and is divided into three sub-functions: the motivational function, the external function and the decision function. One of an associated role of this function is the decisionmaker. The interaction function finter serves to create the link between an organisation and that which surrounds. The roles associated with this function are those of interface (observer, executive and communicator). The productive or operative function foper concerns the primitive activities which have to be brought into play to solve a problem or carry out a piece of work. The vegetative or preservative function fvege deals with the preservation of both structure and agents, with the acquisition and maintenance of resources, and with the tasks carried out to maintain and reproduce the organisation. The schematic representation of the different functions of an organisation is shown in figure 17 which demonstrates the possible interactions of these functions [Ferber 99]. 27 Cognitive function Vegetative function Productive function Co-ordination function Representational function Interface function Figure 17: Types of functions of an organisation For the interaction between organisations, [Ferber 99, p. 96] defined five types of dimensions: (1) The physical dimension (φ) deals with the implementation, the architecture of the organisation and its personal resources. (2) The social dimension (σ) concerns the place and thus the role of an organisation in a higher-level organisation. (3) The relational dimension (α) is concerned with interactions, with the exchanges which an organisation may have with other organisations on the same level, and with its communications and their co-ordination. (4) The environmental dimension (χ) is linked to the organisation’s capacities to act, perceive and reason in relation to the surrounding world. (5) The personal dimension or dimension of the self (ω) represents everything which relates to the essence of the organisation. Figure 18 gives a simplified presentation of these dimension analysis of agent organisations including a mapping of the organisational functions by [Ferber 99, p. 105] for two kinds of agent organisation: the reactive organisation ReactOrg and the communicative organisation ComOrg. The notification of the function means their presence and the function written in square brackets means their optionality. Social: σ ComOrg(frepr,[ forg, fcon , foper ]) Relational: α Environmental: χ 28 Self: ω ComOrg(forg, fcon, finter,[ foper]) ReactOrg(forg, fcon, finter, foper, fvege) ReactOrg([ fcon ]) ComOrg([ foper ]) ComOrg(frepr, [ forg ]) Physical: φ ReactOrg(forg, fcon, finter, foper, fvege) ComOrg(frepr, forg, fcon, finter, foper) Figure 18: Aspects of analysing of organisations Software agents in organisations could be observed for different kind of reasons. The observation of the software agents should have no influences on their operationality. Therefore, [Moro 00] defines some kinds of synchronisation (also called correlation strategies) relating to the considered agent events such as • • • “Temporal correlation, events coming at close times are grouped together, and the firing of a grouped event is performed when an internal clock sends its tic. Size correlation, events are put into a buffer and sent when the buffer becomes full. Data correlation, events carry some information that is used both to classify them and to decide when to send a grouped event.” In this context, we can establish seven types of agent organisational relationships shown in Table 6 after [Ferber 99, p. 111]. Relationships Acquaintance Communicational Subordination Operative Informational Conflictual Competitive Static Master/slave Dependency between tasks Dependency between knowledge - Dynamic Service demand/request Obligation to do Validation obligation - Table 6: Organisational relationships [Ferber 99, p. 225] describe three general types of modelling the intentions of agents: • The interactional system: This kind of modelling is addressed to the actions such us active and passive perceptions and defines the elementary and complex features. • The representational system: This kind of modelling considers the representation, the beliefs and the knowledge of agent-based systems. The types of beliefs can also be divided in the organisational grids of analysis as environmental (χ), social (σ), relational (α) and personal (ω). 29 • The conative system: This model determines the action that the agent should undertake, on the basis of the data and knowledge available to it, in order to maintain a function, while preserving its structural integrity and its actions in such a way that the organisation of which it forms part also preserve its structural integrity. Hence, the software quality assurance of agent organisations must consider the aspects such as the appropriateness of the different organisation functions, the level of the different organisation dimensions, the effectiveness of the interoperations in an agent organisation, and the performance of the agents correlation. 1.2.8 MAS Architectures In order to investigate the software agent quality, we must consider the different kinds of agent-based system architectures. These kinds of architectures lead us to the quantity characteristics of agent systems and give us the possibility of agents and systems evaluation based on real system parameters such as system structure, complexity and coupling (see also [Vidahl 01]). Kinds of agent architectures are described by [Hayzelden 99] as the reactive agent architecture, where the agents based on this type of architecture generally do not have an internal representation of the environment; the deliberative agent architecture, where an agent that conforms to this architecture generally has a richer internal representation of its operational environment; the hybrid agent architecture that is a coupling of the two above architectures. Types of agent architectures according to [Ferber 99, p. 127] are described in the following Table 7. This table includes more details about the component structure. Type of architecture Horizontal modular Blackboard Subsumption Competitive tasks Production rules Classifiers Connectionist Dynamic system Multi-agent Approach Horizontal functional Functional Vertical functional Vertical functional Functional Vertical functional Vertical functional Vertical functional Object/ functional Type of component Module Subordination structure Hierarchical Coupling structure Fixed (but progressive) Variable Fixed Constitution Task Primitive task Hierarchical (Meta) Hierarchical Task + primitive actions Rule Hierarchical (Competition) Hierarchical (Meta) Variable Predefined Variable Predefined Rule Hierarchical Evolutionary Predefined Formal neuron Egalitarian Predefined Stimulicommand Agent Egalitarian Fixed (by weight) Fixed (but progressive) Variable Egalitarian Predefined Predefined Predefined Emergent Emergent Table 7: Main agent architectures by Ferber A general characterisation of future communication systems is given by [Nwana 99] including the software agent technology shown in the following figure. User Interface Agents Agent Interoperability/Middleware Layer Network Service Layer 30 Telecommunication Network Layer Figure 19: A layered architecture of agent-based communications systems The FIPA Agent Management Reference Model (see [Bellavista 01]) is described in the following figure. Domain Agents Agent Platform A Internal Platform Message Transport ACL Interfaces Wrapper Management Agent Agent Communication Directory Facilitator Communication Channel (ORB) Figure 20: FIPA Agent Management Reference Model Now, we will present some examples of an agent architecture. The network community support system Shine is based on the following software agent architecture [Yoshida 00]. user Application Interface Planner other agents Post Person Database Figure 21: The internal structure of a Shine agent [Laufmann 98] defines a functional agent model which includes the following general components. general knowledge and behaviour 31 “internal” capability modules “external” interactions with other agents communication and interaction Agent Core task-specific knowledge and behaviour protocol and language modules “internal” resource and skill modules Fig. 22: Coarse-grained agent functional model A special agent description for an intelligent agent is defined by [Evans 99] in the following manner (KB stands for knowledge base). Agent Comm. Module Task List Negotiation Skills Agenda Attention focus Situation Assessor Agent Comm. Module Low Level Skills Self Model World KB High Level Capabilities Skill KB Agent Model Contexts World view Figure 23: Intelligent agent internals This is an example of an intra-agent structure where the MAS architectures are descriptions of the inter-agent structures. Examples of MAS architectures are presented in the following. The general architecture of the OMG MASIF (Mobil Agent System Interoperability Facility) is shown in the following figure (see [Bellavista 01]). Region Agent System Place 32 Enhanced Agent Services Agents MAF Agent System Basic Agent Services MAF Finder Communication Channel (ORB) System-specific MASIF-compliant Figure 24: OMG MASIF interfaces The general MAS infrastructure RETSINA (Reusable Task Structure based Intelligent Network Agents) by Sycara et al. described in [Shehory 01] is shown in the following figure. USER1 Goals and Task Specification USER2 USER h Results Interface Agent 1 Interface Agent 2 Interface Agent k Task Proposed Situation Task TaskAgent 1 TaskAgent 2 TaskAgent j Conflict Resolution Information Request Reply Service Request Information Integration Advertisement InfoAgent 1 MiddleAgent 1 InfoAgent n Info Source 1 Info Source 2 Info Source k Figure 25: The RETSINA multi-agent infrastructure The multi-agent system architecture is based on the concrete requirements of their implementation. An example of an Agent Service Layer (ASL) by [Evans 99] is shown in Figure 26 without any comments. C++ Sicstus Prolog CLIPS Java KQML 33 Jess ASL JASL Orbix OrbixWeb TCP/IP Figure 26: ASL architecture description The general MAS infrastructure ADEPT (Advanced Decision Environment for Process Tasks) by Norman et al. described in [Shehory 01] is shown in the following figure. Agency 5 Agency 8 Agency 6 Responsible agent 8 Communication Agency 7 Responsible agent 4 Agency 4 Communication Agency 3 Agency 1 Agency 2 Figure 27: The ADEPT multi-agent organisation A simple description of the main components of an agent-based system by [Nwana 98] is shown in Figure 28 which is used over an interface agent. co-operate collaborative agents learning smart agents interface agents autonomous software system Figure 28: A part view of an agent typology In Figure 29 we will show another architecture defined by [Busuioc 99] which is addressed to the management of telecommunication systems (see also [Fricke 01]). portable PC mobile phone 34 PDA customer agent service agent service agent service supplier agents service supplier agents Network domain Cell agent fixed network agent (FNA) FNA FNA FNA Agent Platform Figure 29: The agent platform architecture by Busuioc The kinds of agent architectures should be the source for deriving model parameters and aspects for agent system evaluations. An example of a MAS architecture in order to support a workflow enactment service is given in the following figure [Divitini 01]. Agent Manager Workflow Enactment Service Agent Agent Agent Connection Server Invoked Application Figure 30: An agent-based architecture for Wokflow Enactment Service [Kühnel 01] defines the following general relation model between the agent aspects and components which can be a basis for different kinds of MAS architectures. Knowledge Base Situation Option matches reach 35 Information Capability Goal fulfil Plan current Request id ActionInvocation Intention Commitment Task Schedule id Action starts runs TimePoint Controller loads current Executor Interaction Management Components owns Motivation Expertise knows uses State other Figure 31: Relations between MAS data structures and components Some kinds of software agents that are working in the Web [Thuraisingham 01] are retrieval agents, mobile agents, filter agents, locator agents and situation monitoring agents. A typical architecture of agents in the Web is described in the following figure (see also [Kearney 98]). Data Sources Retrieves Data For Client Retrieval Agents Locator Agents Locates Data for Client Informs Retrieval Agents Internet / Web Client Figure 32: Agents and the Web Tewari and Maes defines a MAS architecture in order to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the heterogeneous resources in electronic markets ([Tewari 01], see also [Maes 99]). The main components of this Multi-Attribute Resource Intermediary (MARI) system are described in the following figure. Internet HTML Interface 36 User Interface Manager (UIM) Buyer Valuation Manager (BVM) Seller Valuation Manager (SVM) Valuation Function Generalizer (VFG) Valuation Function Trainer (VFT) User Notification Manager (UNM) Market Cycle Manager (MCM) Optimisation Heuristic Manager (OHM) Active User List Match Maker (MM) User Status Manager (USM) Transaction Partner List Buyer Pool Seller Pool Database Manager (DM) Figure 33: Architecture of the MARI system A simplified architecture of a MAS for telecommunication is developed by [Huhns 98] and is shown in the following figure. User DB1 Graphical Interaction Agent Transaction Scheduling Agent Schedule Repairing Agent Scheduling Processing Agent DB2 ... DBn Figure 34: Multi-agent system for relaxed processing of telecommunication transactions A MAS architecture based on the application view is described as Human-Centred Virtual Machine (HCVM) in [Koshla 00] shown in the following figure. Problem Solving Agent Layer Intelligent Hybrid Agent Layer 37 Intelligent Agent Layer Expert System Agent Software Agent Layer Distributed Comm. & Processing Agent Fuzzy Logic Agent Media Agent Supervised Neural Network Agent Object Layer XML Agent Self Organizing Agent Genetic Algorithm Agent Fusion Agent Global Preprocessing Phase Agent Combination Agent Decomposition Phase Agent Control Phase Agent Transformation Agent Decision Postprocessing Phase Agent Phase Agent Figure 35: The five layers of the HCVM A special example of a so-called upper respiratory decision media agent is described in the following table (see [Koshla 00]). Parent Agent Goals: Tasks: Task Constraints: Invoking Condition: Precondition: Postcondition: Communicates with: HCVM media agent Effective/accurate symptomology gathering Establish practitioner’s location in the system Correlate symptomatic data to argumentative diagnosis knowledge Determine symptoms Map symptom characteristics to media artefacts Determine media layout Map symptomatic data to antecedents of rules and input vector of supervised neural networks Medical practitioner’s context, symptom data characteristics, media characteristics information processing/task context, media layout (e.g. visual, text) Request from upper respiratory diagnosis decision agent C Trained Medical practitioner, Problem solving phase: decision, diagnosis, availability of image/graphic, audio and text objects Multimedia upper respiratory diagnosis symptom display Upper respiratory diagnosis decision agent C, graphic and audio objects Table 8: The HCVM media agent Parent Agent Communication Constructs Linguistic/nonlinguistic features: External and Tools: HCVM media agent Inform: upper respiratory symptomology to decision agent C Psychological scale and representing dimensions of symptoms, symptom for upper respiratory infection cluster C Software: Graphic object, audio objects, text object Domain: Symptomology images, sound effects Design: Multimedia symptom analysis and design techniques 38 Internal Tools: Planning and sequencing media generation, display and co-ordination actions Generate and display upper respiratory symptomatic elaborate images, abstract sound effects and representative text, Generate & Display logarithmic sliding temperature scale and other perception based sliding scales for acute Otitis Media symptoms, Generate & Display abstract image icon to establish practitioner’s location in the system (e.g. potential diagnosis state) Display feedforward neural network graphics for reasoning (not implemented) Actions: Table 8: The HCVM media agent (Cont.) A special kind of MAS is defined in [Umeda 00] as argument-based agent system which is based on co-operative reasoning with argumentation protocols. The Nomad architecture of an eAuctionHouse is defined by [Sandholm 00] as follows. User’s TCP/IP connection Replies to user Request for bids, setting up auctions etc. User’s Web browser conn. H T M L Inter face eAuctionHouse Auction database Connection manager Auction engine Web system Request for automaInterface for tically generated agent specifying agents Agent generator Agent database Create agent from template Agent manager User’s TCP/IP connection Create user-programmed Java agent Agent dock Communication with user Nomad Figure 36: The Nomad architecture within eAuctionHouse [Massoud 00] describes the potential architecture of industrial systems with critical aspects such as security, performance, reliability, and robustness. The following figure 37 shows this general architecture. Vulnerability Assessment agents Hidden failure monitoring agents Reconfiguration agents Restoration agents Event Planning 39 identification agents agents Triggering events Event/alarm filtering agents Plans/decision Model update agents Update model Command interpretation agents Check consistency Events/alarms Controls Fault isolation agents Inputs Frequency stability agents .........Inhibition signal ........ Protection agents Generation agents Controls Power system Figure 37: The multi-agent system architecture This design organises the agents in three layers: 1. The reactive layer (bottom) consists of agents that perform programmed self-healing actions that require an immediate response. 2. The agents in the co-ordination layer (middle) include heuristic knowledge to identify which triggering event from the reactive layer is urgent, important, or resource consuming. 3. The deliberative layer (top) consists of cognitive agents that have goals and explicit plans that let them achieve their goals. The goals of agents in this layer are dependability, robustness, and self healing. The application of mobile agents in order to keep security aspects is described in [Romão 01] based on the definition of a proxy certificate (see Figure 38), where CA stands for certification authority and C for certificate. Cardholder(C) certificate Proxy certificate C Identity C pub key C Identity CA Agent Signature pub key C Signature Figure 38: Cardholder binding with a proxy certificate The signature verification based on this agent related structure shows the following figure. CA certificate Cardholder(C) certificate CA Identity C Identity 40 CA pub key CA C Signature pub key CA Signature Proxy certificate C Identity Signed document Agent pub key C Agent Signature Signature Figure 39: Signature verification with proxy certificates Hence, the software quality assurance of MAS architectures addresses the aspects such as the efficiency of the MAS layers, the reliability of the MAS components, the appropriateness of the chosen platform, the performance of the co-ordination and planning in the MAS, the usability of the MAS interface, the effectiveness of the MAS integration, the manageability of the MAS structure, the appropriateness of the MAS architecture granularity. 1.3 The MAS Development Process 1.3.1 MAS Development Methodologies The MAS development process is embedded in the general view of the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). Another description as Agent-Based Software Engineering (ABSE) is a refinement of some aspects of AOSE based upon practical experience in agent building [Petrie 01]. Currently, we can establish: “Although many Multi-Agent Systems (MAS for short) have been designed, there is a crucial lack concerning specification and development methodologies.”[Hilaire 00] Some of the agent-oriented system development technologies and methodologies are (see also [Knapik 98], [Koblick 99], Parunak 99], [Papazoglou 01], and [Stojanov 00a]): ¾ AAII: This methodology has been created by the Australian AI Institute for developing agent-based systems for a decade (see [Wooldridge 01]). The main technologies involve in this methodology are the belief-desire-intention technology, the procedural reasoning system (PRS) and the multi-agent reasoning system (DMARS). The main steps of the AAII methodology are 1. Identification of the roles in the application domain and development of the agent class hierarchy. 41 2. Identification of the responsibilities associated with each role, the services required by and provided by the role, and then determine the goals associated with each service. 3. Determination of the plans for each goal that may be used to achieve it, and the context conditions under which each plan is appropriate. 4. Determination of the belief structure of the system – the information requirements for each plan and goal. ¾ AAOSA: The Adaptive Agent Oriented Software Architecture is a software methodology that proposes the break-up of complex software into a community of simpler, independent, collaborating, adaptive, message-driven components such as AAOSA agents. Each agent is comprised of a black box section (specialities) and a white box section (communications) (see [Wooldridge 01]). The predefined communication is based on a standard inter-agent message field. The co-ordination between agents uses ambiguity resolution methods. ¾ ABROSE: The Agent Based Brokerage Services in Electronic Commerce framework includes the following objectives (see [Wooldridge 01]): 1. Dynamic knowledge capture, 2. Usage of multi-agent system to represent the knowledge base, 3. Navigation and information retrieval through a graphical interface (also supported by agent technology), 4. Utilisation of Java and CORBA as implementation technologies, 5. Usage of collaborative agents to optimise intermediation, 6. Evaluation of agent technology implications in information brokerage and commercial applications, 7. Java, CORBA, and SNMP usage to implement the management architecture. In ABROSE, the MAS is concerned with the brokerage functionality for e-commerce activity. Buyers and sellers are represented by proactive, autonomous, and co-operative agents. ¾ ADK: The AgentBean Development Kit (see [Papadopoulos 01]) is a component-based framework for developing mobile multi-agent systems with some emphasis on network and system management issues. An agent composes one of the following three sets: 1. Navigational components which are responsible for managing the internity of the agent, 2. Performer components which consider the management tasks that should be executed at the host of the currently visited place, 3. Reporter components which are responsible for delivering agent’s results to designated destinations. ¾ Agents in Z: The framework approach of Luck and d’Inverno uses the Z language and defines a four-tier hierarchy of the entities that can exist in an agent-based system (see [Wooldridge 01]). They defines this four levels as kinds of system components as 1. Entities which are inanimate objects which have attributes such as colour weight and position, 2. Objects to be entities that have capabilities, 42 3. Agents which are defines to be objects that have goals and thus are in some sense active, 4. Autonomous agent which are defined to be agent with motivations. ¾ Agent UML: This methodology by Odell et al. uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) in order to support the agent system development (see [Bauer 01] and [Odell 01]). The proposed modifications include: • Support for expressing concurrent threads of interaction thus enabling UML to model contract protocols, • A notion of “role” that extends UML to allow the modeling of an agent playing many roles. Concretely the following connector types are defined in order to extend the UML sequence diagram for the possibilities of interactions in the agent lifelines and agent threads. X query request X X AND XOR not understood OR example of XOR Figure 40: Connector types and their use ¾ Burmeister: This approach is described in [Lind 01] as a development method for MAS based on object-oriented techniques. This method is limited to systems of co-operative, directly communicating software agents. The model approach includes three process descriptions: the agent model, the organisational model, and the co-operation model. The agent model of this approach describes the internal states, i. e. the goals or plans, of the agents and thus models the dynamics in the small. The interactions are modelled by protocols based on KQML messages. ¾ Cassiopeia: This approach of Collinot et al. is essentially bottom up (see [Wooldridge 01]). The methodology proposes three steps: 1. Identification of the elementary behaviours that are implied by the overall system task, 2. Identification of the relationships between elementary behaviours, 3. Identification of the organisational behaviours of the system which includes the grouping of the agents themselves. ¾ DESIRE: This framework by Treur et al. is developed for the design and formal specification of compositional systems (see [Wooldridge 01]). DESIRE has associated with it a graphical editor and other tools to support the development of agent systems. 43 ¾ Formal methods for AOSE: Formal methods in software engineering are helpful for the specification, direct programming and verification of software systems (see [Wooldridge 01]). These approaches intend the following details: • Specification: The formal specification of agent-based systems is directed on the aspects of beliefs, goals, actions and ongoing interaction. The most successful approaches are based on the temporal modal logic. Two examples of these approaches are the Cohen-Levesque theory of intentions and the Rao-Georgeff belief-desire-intention model. Problems can appear by the semantics of the specification languages based on this logic. Possible world semantics imply that agents are logically perfect reasoners, and they have infinite resources available for reasoning. No real agent has these properties. On the other hand, possible world semantics are generally ungrounded. That is, there is usually no precise relationship between the abstract accessibility relations that are used to characterise an agent’s state, and any concrete computational model. • Directly programming: Usually, the implementation of a MAS specification can be achieved by transformation in a programming language. Therefore, a specification was refined manually in order to fulfil the necessary information for code generation. The two kinds of implementation are the direct execution of the specification (as simulation) or the compilation of the specification and the program realisation. • Verification: The verification of the MAS system development can be realised by deductive verification (based on an axiomatic system such as Hoare’s calculus) or by model checking as a semantic approach in which was proved if a formula of a language (the specification) is valid to a predefined semantic model. ¾ Gaia: The Gaia methodology (the name comes from a Gaia hypothesis that all the organisms in the earth acting together to regulate the earth’s environment) is developed by Wooldridge et al. [Wooldridge 01] and is intended to allow an analyst to go systematically from a statement of requirements to a design that is sufficiently detailed and that can be implemented directly. The Gaia approach consists of two general concepts: a) The abstract concept including the roles, permissions, responsibilities, protocols, activities, liveness properties, and safety properties, b) The concrete concept involves the agent types, the services and the acquaintances. ¾ IMPACT: The Imperative Maryland Platform for Agents Collaborating Together (see [Klusch 01]) supports multi-agent interactions and agent interoperability in an application independent manner. IMPACT provides the yellow-pages server, the registration server, the type server and the thesaurus as human interface. The services of agents are described in a special markup service description language. ¾ IMPS: The Internet-based Multi Agent Problem Solving (see [Papadopoulos 01]) is a compositional platform for developing Internet multi-agent systems. IMPS uses problem solving methods and supports multi-agent systems with a knowledge library which can be distributed over the Internet. The agent level architecture contains two kinds of server agents: the extraction agent and the ontology construction agent which are used for providing on-demand knowledge to inference agents. 44 ¾ JGram: This approach supports the rapid development of multi-agents systems (see [Papadopoulos 01]). Agents’ services are defined in the JDL (JGram Description Language) and will be automatically converted into Java source templates. Cooperation between agents is based on pipelining where an agent may dynamically delegate tasks to other agents and chain together their results. JGram slates are the base for agent communication and are passed over from one agent to another for the purpose of accessing and if necessary modifying the entries in it. ¾ Kinny/Georgeff Approach: This approach is also described in [Lind 01], p. 82 ff., and is based on an object-oriented development method for BDI agents and BDI-based MAS. The underlying model includes an external viewpoint with the agent model and the interaction model and an internal viewpoint with the goal model and the plan model in order to keep the BDI paradigm. Furthermore, formal definitions for beliefs and goals are provided but the system dynamics are not explicitly modelled in the method. ¾ MALINA: MALINA (Multi-Agent Local Integrated Network Associations) is an environment for the development of multi-agent applications and it is a more precise extension of the concepts given in [Stojanov 96], [Stojanov 98], [Stojanov 00]. This is a more common approach to intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, an approach that does not focus just on the agents’ ability to “think” or to make the agent very clever, but also embraces all constitutive parts of one multi-agent system in a vast technology for the development of distributed applications in a very short time. The technology supports a bottom-up approach for developing multi-agents applications. MALINA is specified in the following three levels: • Abstract level – at this level a hypothetical infrastructure which provides the theoretical framework of the technology is defined. • Conceptual level – conceptions are decomposition and detailisation of the hypothetical infrastructure in order to prepare the development of supporting programming tools and an appropriate developing environment The following four conceptions which are a basis for the developing environment of the technology are founded. The Abstract Agent Architecture specifies the architecture of an abstract generic agent by help of which the agents of different applications can be configured. The AgentCities specify a static infrastructure for multi-agent applications. The AgentAssociation provides various possibilities for building agents associations. The MobileServices give different ways for automatic generation of mobile agents. • Development level – this level includes the development tool for the technology. In the MALINA technology the abstract agent is a genetic structure with the following main parts: agent machine including the agent interface, agent local control, functionality (specialisation) of the agent and agent mentality. Agent interfaces consist of perceptive and influence mechanisms. Using its sensors the agent receives information from other agents and from the multi-agent environment. In our technology that is the city in which the agent lives. Each agent sends information to the other agents through its effectors, and using the effectors it is capable to change the environment or to operate into the city employing its functionality and specialisation or its social role. It is not enough just to send and receive information through sensors and effectors. 45 Mechanisms for processing and understanding these information are needed. In the abstract agent architecture we have separated this process over two phases: • Agent training – during the configuration of the operational agent the designer has to “teach” the agent what it should do according to received performative (influencing the adaptation performance and the learning performance). • Run time processing – this is a practical mechanism for reasoning that enables the agent to use all knowledge obtained during the training (influencing the cooperation performance and the suitability performance). In the MALINA technology the agents can communicate with each other through KQML (see [Finin 94], [Labrou 97]). The agent meta-level is the part from the abstract agent that deals with the processing of the received requests (in form of KQML performatives) and with the construction of the answers (also KQML performatives). The Agent Cities concept specifies one open infrastructure for modelling multi-agent systems in distributed environment. An application could be considered as a set of different “cities”. Each city includes logically related agents. A city can be constructed in three steps: specification and identification of the city, definition of the agent locations and distribution of the agents over the city. Each operational agent after its configuration is put into a given city and as an inhabitant of this city the agent participates in the social life of the city. But to perform any social activities agents need mechanisms to communicate with one another and with the institutions of the city. That is why, when the cities are created, they have to be put into operation by means of defining some communication mechanisms. The city consists of three main parts (see Fig. 41), where MCC stands for Mobility Conditions Check, MA for Mobility Assignment, AR for Agents Relocation, and SI for Static Infrastructure. In the MALINA technology we propose a measurement and evaluation module which implements some ideas of the approach proposed in this paper. By means of appropriate metrics we try to gather quantity data for the evaluation of the agent behaviour (the local aspect) and of the features of the multi-agents application as a whole (the global aspect). By the local aspect we intend to improve the operation of the separated agent and the loading of their local resources. We distinguish different kinds of resources – devices, system software, information sources etc. The main goal of the global aspect is the optimisation of the static infrastructure of multi-agents application and the effective use of the global resources. The two aspects tie close together in relation to some metrics. Mobility Assistant MCC Measurement and Evaluation System MA 46 AR SI In the technological framework two kinds of measurements are possible - off-line and on-line measurements. The off-line measurements will be accomplished during the “agents’ teaching” phase which is a part of the testing. The measurement data are visible for the designers of the multi-agents application. In this way they can improve with help of development tools the technology of the static infrastructure of the system. For the support of the off-line measurements we are going to define a new set of specialised KQML-performatives. The on-line measurements and evaluations take place during the running of the application (run-time measurements). The gathered data are used mainly for supplying of the city’s mobility module. This kind of the measurements is transparent for the application designers and users. They cause dynamically changes of the system which can be only booked. ¾ MAS-CommonKADS: This approach from Iglesias described in [Lind 01], p. 85 ff., is a general purpose multi-agent analysis and design method based on the so-called CommonKADS design method which supports most aspects of a knowledge-based systems (KBS) project. The method describes KBS development from two perspectives: the result perspective that captures a set of models for different aspects and the environment, and the project management perspective that includes features of a riskdriven generic spiral life cycle model. The CommonKADS extends the method by adding techniques from object-orientation (OMT, OOSE, RDD) and protocol engineering (SDL, MSC) and tailoring them towards the specific requirements of MAS. The model hierarchy of this approach is shown in the following figure relating to the analysis and design phases. ANALYSIS: Agent model Task model Expertise model 47 Co-ordination model Organisational model DESIGN: Application model Architectural model Platform model Figure 42: Hierarchical set of models in the MAS-CommonKADS approach ¾ MaSE: The Multiagent Systems Engineering methodology takes an initial system specification and produces a set of formal design documents in a graphically based style [Wood 01]. The general steps are shown in the following figure. Requirements Goal Hierarchy Capturing Goals Use Cases Applying Use Cases ANALYSIS Sequence Diagrams Concurrent Tasks Roles Agent Classes Conversations Refining Roles Creating Agent Classes Constructing Conversations DESIGN Agent Architecture Deployment Diagrams Assembling Agent Classes System Design Figure 43: The MaSE methodology ¾ MASSIVE: The development method of MultiAgent SystemS Iterative View Engineering was created in an European project in order to support the whole development process of MAS construction and implementation [Lind 01]. The general MASSIVE view system is described in the figure 44. MASSIVE is an iterative development method. The fundamental building blocks are socalled knowbbles as a term being comprised of “knowledge” and “bubbles”. The 48 MASSIVE method is based on an experience factory and uses some helpful technologies for a considerable implementation such as aspect-oriented programming. Environment View Task View System Perspective Developer Perspective Agent Architecture Architectural View Functional Nonfunctional Basic Capabilities System View System Architecture GUI, Exception Handling Delimination Deployment, Performance Engineering Dimensions Structures Protocol Design Society View Role View Assignment Generic Interaction Structures Interaction View Figure 44: The MASSIVE view system The UML activity diagram in figure 45 gives an overview about the MASSIVE process. These main steps of MASSIVE include the usage of the experience dates which will be used and updated during the developement of MAS in different projects. not ok ok Implement Apply Evaluate not reusable code exists no 49 Check Experience Select Micro Process Model Construct Reuse yes fail First Iteration? no Experience exists Adapt for Reuse E. exists Select Test Case Run Test Check Experience Reuse not ok Change Code Reuse ok No further Test Cases Project not Further Test Cases exist ok Select View Re-Engineer complete Project complete Update Experience Figure 45: The MASSIVE methodology process description ¾ MStreams: The Mobile Streams is a middleware platform for the development of distributed multi-agents systems (see [Papadopoulos 01]). It is suitable for applications that require dynamic configuration. The components (namely mobile agents) synchronise their co-operation by means of sending and receiving events. ¾ PageSpace: The PageSpace platform (see [Papadopopulos 01]) is a meta-architecture or reference architecture for developing Internet agents-based application. The composed set of distributed agents are conceived as comprising three layers: the client layer, the server layer and the application layer. PageSpace distinguishes some kinds of agents, such as user interface agents, application agents (that manage the running of some application), gateway agents (that provide access to the outside world), kernel agents (that perform management and control tasks) etc. ¾ SIM_AGENT: The SIM_AGENT toolkit [Sloman 99] allows the construction of agents in which each agent has a multi-component architecture, in which different components operate in parallel, using different kinds of mechanisms. These can include neural nets or other reactive mechanisms alongside AI symbol manipulating mechanisms, used for solving complex planning problems, or for certain metamanagement tasks. A factory automation system could use a set of reactive procedures to handle routine management and a deliberative planner to handle novel problems, such as the production of a new product. ¾ SODA: The Societies in Open and Distributed Agent spaces is a methodology for the analysis and design of Internet-based applications as multi-agent systems [Omicini 01]. SODA concentrates on inter-agent issues, like the engineering of societies and infrastructures for multi-agent systems. The main development steps are: • Analysis: the role model, the resource model, the interaction model, and the outcome, 50 • Design: the agent model, the society model, the environment model, and the outcome. Some of these development approaches are evaluated in [Lind 01] based on the following characteristics: • • • • • Generality: i. e. the range of multi-agent systems that is supported or the commitment to a particular technology or agent architecture, Flexibility: which covers aspects such as the extensibility of the method or support for different process models or tools, Granularity: captures the level of detail by which system aspect can be modelled and the supported levels of abstraction, Formality: e. g. the use of formal methods or well defined semantics of modelling elements and finally, Tool support: which summarise available tools for a particular method. Based on these aspects the following evaluation is derived shown in table 9 (adapted to a scale of 1 (low) until 10 (high)). Method Burmeister Kinny/Georgeff DISIRE MAS-CommonKADS Gaia Generality 7 3 9 6 9 Flexibility 4 5 2 8 4 Granularity 3 2 7 10 5 Formality 2 4 6 3 6 Tool support 1 2 2 2 1 Table 9: Evaluation of chosen MAS development methods Hence, the software quality assurance must be an element of the MAS development methodologies itself. Therefore, we present an overview about the situation in the following table which is only based on the description in the literature that we have considered and thus can be incomplete. MAS Development Methodology AAII AAOSA ABROSE ADK Agents in Z Agent UML Burmeister Evaluation of Software Quality Quality Aspects Measurement Usage (more than Testing) no no no no no yes no yes no no no no no no Metrics Repository or Experience Factory no no no no no no no Table 10: SQA characteristics of some MAS development methodologies MAS Development Methodology Evaluation of Software Quality Quality Aspects Measurement Usage (more than Testing) Cassiopeia no no DESIRE no yes Formal Methods of AOSE no no Gaia no yes IMPACT no yes 51 Metrics Repository or Experience Factory no no no no no IMPS JGram Kinny/Georgeff MALINA MAS-CommonKADS MaSE MASSIVE MStreams PageSpace SIM_AGENT SODA no no no yes no no no no no no yes no no yes no no yes no no no no no no no no no yes no no no Table 10: SQA characteristics of some MAS development methodologies (Cont.) In the next two sections we will consider some special techniques of MAS specification, design and implementation and their characteristics according SQA. 1.3.2 MAS Specification In the following we will consider some special techniques of agent or MAS specification which are mostly formally. [Hennessy 99] uses the Milner’s π-calculus in order to define agents as located threads in a MAS environment. In [Lumpe 00] a modified form of the π-calculus was used in order to define the object composition language PICCOLA. Objects are a composition of parallel running agents which are bundled with some restricted locations that serve as the state of the object. As another example of these behaviour description, we will give a short overview about the characteristics of formal specification of software agents. [Sewell 99] describes a two-level architecture of mobile agents based on the π-Calculus. The main definitions are • the agent creation: • the agent migration: migrate to s → P . agent a = P in Q , An example of agent behaviour is given in following without any comments. agent b = new d in iflocal <a> c ! d → 0 else 0 in c ? x → x! [Li 00] defines an Information Gathering Agent (IGA) which performs the task of collecting and filtering information. The IGA should be autonomous, social able, reactive and proactive. A formal description of an intelligent agent is defined by Hendriks et al. [Hendriks 00] according to the following definitions: 52 • An intelligent agent is a tuple 〈a, Π, σ, Γ 〉 where a is the name of the agent, Π ⊆ Goal is called the goal base, σ ∈ ℒ is called the belief base, and Γ ⊆ Rule is a set of plan rules, also called the rule base. • Let ℬ be a set of basic action symbols with typical elements a, a‘, and ℒ be a first-order language. The set of goals Goal is defined by: (1) If a ∈ ℬ and t1, t2, ..., tn ∈ T, then a(t1, t2, ..., tn ) ∈ Goal; (2) At ∈ Goal; (3) if ϕ ∈ ℒ, then ϕ ? ∈ Goal; and (4) if π1, π2 ∈ Goal, then (π1; π2 ), (π1 + π2 ) ∈ Goal. • The set of plan rules Rule is defined by: if p(t), π ∈ Goal and ϕ ∈ ℒ, then p(t) ← ϕ | π ∈ Rule. If p(t) ← ϕ | π is a rule, then p(t) is called the head of the rule, ϕ is called the guard of the rule, and π is called the body of the rule. A formal model of specification based on Z is given in [Hilaire 00]. The following example gives a general impression of this kind of formalisation. We consider the following statebased model of concurrent use of two doors. DOOR1: deactivate1/inLL opened closed activate1 DOOR2: deactivate2/outLL opened closed activate2(someoneInLL) Figure 46: State-based model of the two doors Therefore, we can define (in Z) the following system characteristics about this model described in figure 46 that gives us an impression of the agents specification. LoadLock someoneInLL: ℝ INIT ¬ someonInLL 53 inLL ∆ someoneInLL someoneInLL’ outLL ∆ someoneInLL ¬ someoneInLL’ ¬⋄ (instate(DOOR1.opened) ∧ instate(DOOR2.opened) Role behavior attributes: ℙ Attribute stimulus: ℙ Event actions: ℙ Action Interaction orig == first roles dest == second roles roles: Role × Role content: Event ∀ e ∈ msg• (e ∈ (dest.stimulus) ∧ (e ∈ orig.actions)) Organization behavior roles: ℙ Role env: ℙ envRole interactions: ℙ Interaction ∀ i ∈ interactions • (i.orig ∈ roles ∧ i.dest ∈ roles) A formal model of co-ordination by [Tolksdorf 00]: “The system to be co-ordinated is represented by a set of decision variables V = {v1, ..., vn } with values from a set of domains D = {D1, ..., Dn}. Any coordination process leads to an instantiation x of decision variables from decision space X. In quantitative formal models, a global utility function U: X → ℜ is associated with each of these instantiations that models how good 54 the system is co-ordinated. The model can be analysed to find an optimum y ∈ X such that ∀x ∈ X : U(x) ≤ U(y), meaning that there is no instantiation that provides better co-ordination. For a qualitative mode, a set D of constraints {C1, ..., Cm} is used. The notion of a consistent instantiation x of decision variables from decision space is defined by X as y ⊨ C1 ∧ ... ∧ Cm.” A formal model of agents as an algebra of itineraries is defined by [Loke 01] as follows. Let A, O and P be finite sets of agent, action and place symbols, respectively. Itineraries (denoted by ℑ) are now formed as follows representing the null activity, atomic activity, parallel, sequential, nondeterministic, conditional nondeterministic behaviour, and have the the following syntax: ℑ ::= 0 | Aap | (ℑ || ℑ) | (ℑ ⊕ ℑ ) | (ℑ | ℑ ) | (ℑ :Π ℑ ) where A ∈ A, a ∈ O, p ∈ P, ⊕ is an operator which combines an agent with its clone to form a new agent, an Π is an operator which returns a Boolean value to model conditional behaviour. The definitions of Π and ⊕ are application-specific. Especially, the atomic activity includes the mobility characteristics of the agent A which moved his place to p based on the (mobile) activity a. The parallel, nondeterministic etc. descriptions are related to the agents execution in a special manner. In general, formal definition of agent-based systems can be realised by using the process algebra. [Peled 01] defines such a system as follows. An agent in process algebra is an abstract description of a system. Process algebra suggests a syntax for describing agents. Agents are described as term (just as in first order logic), using operators such as sequential and parallel composition, and nondeterministic choice. The semantics of process algebra describes how agents evolve (i.e., process or change) during the computation. In process algebra, there is usually no explicit notion of a state as a mapping of variables to values. An agent is itself a representation of a state – after executing an action, an agent evolves into another agent. As an example of agent description the CCS (Calculus of Communicating Systems) by Milner [Milner 89] can be used. Let α denote an arbitrary element of the action set, R denote an action subset, f denote a mapping from actions to actions and C denote an agent variable. Then the definition of an agent in BNF has the form agent ::= α.agent | agent + agent | agent || agent | agent \ R | agent[f] | (agent) | C | 0 where ‘+’ stands for agents sequence and ‘||’ for a parallel composition of agents. Indeed, the conglomerate of formal approaches for agent-based systems in [Meyer 99] is a typical description of the current situation of heterogeneity in this area. We can establish a lot of interesting and appropriate formal approaches which are not compatible for a whole formal model and do not consider the technological aspects of MAS. Hence, the software quality assurance in MAS specification must include methods or techniques to keep them. The possibility of evaluation can be realised in the formal specification languages through 55 • attributing or parsing based on attributed grammars or meta languages, • transformations or relations based on homomorphisms into the emprical data set, • tuple extensions of the agent description based on quality characteristics or metrics. 1.3.3 MAS Design and Implementation In the following we give some examples of techniques in the design of agent-based systems. An overview about some design methods is given in [Griss 01]. The SDL diagram can be used as an appropriate modelling technique for multi-agent system components of input and output. The following figure 47 describes the general architecture of multi-agent systems by [Ferber 99, p. 211]. Agent A1 Message routing unit Agent A2 . . . Agent An Figure 47: Architecture of communicating multi-agent systems Heinz et al. define an UML-based approach for specifying the agent behaviour [Heinz 00]. He creates an agent use case as “a collection of scenarios about the agent’s interaction with a system. Each scenario describes a sequence of events which the agent initiates. ... The diagrammatic notation for an agent use case is the same for a standard UML use case.” [Laufmann 98] intends for the development of agent-based systems the implementation of an model of co-ordination which should be explicit, reusable, minimal size and complexity, wholly separable and readily extensible. [Janca 98] defines an agent design model which consists of the following main components or levels as shown in figure 48. 56 Knowledge Skills Interfaces Figure 48: Agent design model As a special tool support for agent execution, [Georgeff 98] describes a BDI interpreter as follows: initialize_state() repeat options := option-generator(event-queue); selected-options := deliberate(options); update-intentions(selected-options); execute(); get-new-external-events(); drop-successful-attitudes(); drop-impossible-attitudes(); end repeat Yoshioka et al. define secure migration patterns in order to modelling the security aspects of mobile agents [Yoshioka 01]. These patterns are described as sequence charts. In order to support the MAS design process, [Deugo 01] defines different types of agent design patterns which are addressed to the following problems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Blackboard pattern: to ensure the cohesion of a group of specialised agents, Meeting pattern: to co-ordinate the agents tasks and mediate their activities, Market maker pattern: to match up buyers and sellers of goods (services or resources), Master-slave pattern: to delegate subtasks and co-ordinate their execution, Negotiating agent pattern: to detect and resolve conflicting intentions between agents, In [Lind 01] a special diagram called sociogram was created and described in order to explain the MAS structure for a special situation which is shown in the figure 49 and where T is a set of partitions of the environment for the agent, D is a database that contains the agent’s acquired knowledge, and A is a set of possible actions of the agent. reports to T D A T controls D A share resources 57 T D A knows T T D A knows D A T D A Figure 49: A sociogram of an MAS structure Sim and Chan have developed a Testbed for agent-based information brokering systems what is shown is the following figure [Sim 01]. Seller agent Buyer agent Blackboard Advertisement Queue Result Queue Connection Queue Record Agent Recommendation Agent Request Queue Broker Agent Record Database E-Mail to potentional Buyers WWW Figure 50: An agent-based information brokering testbed Examples of agent-based system development tools are (see [Kühnel 01] and [Poggi 01]): • AgentBuilder (www.agentbuilder.com), • ABE (www.research.ibm.com/iagents/ibm_agents.html), • Intelligent Agent Factory (www.bitpix.com/iaf/iafintro/iafintro.htm), 58 • JACK (www.agent-software.com.au/jack.html), • JADE (sharon.cselt.it/projects/jade/) • JAFMAS (www.ececs.uc.edu/~abaker/JAFMAS/), • JAT (java.stanford.edu/java_agent/html/), • Zeus (www.labs.bt.com/projects/agents/research/collaborative.htm). An overview about vendors of intelligent agent technologies is given in [Guilfoyle 98]. Hence, the software quality assurance in MAS design must include techniques and methods such as • attributing the design languages, components or patterns, • integration of the evaluation in the different MAS components by agent roles and responsibilities, • extension of the design tools by measurement and evaluation components, • involving of evaluation and measurement techniques in the designed agents or MAS itself. In order to characterise the empirical bases for MAS measurement and evaluation, we will present some experience in the next section. 2 EVALUATION AND MEASUREMENT ASPECTS OF AGENT-BASED SYSTEMS 2.1 Empirical Aspects of Agent-based Systems Software agents can be applied to solve new types of problems such as [Jennings 98. p. 6/7] 59 • • • dynamic open systems: the structure of the system itself is capable of changing dynamically and its components are not known in advance, can change over time, and may be highly heterogeneous, complex systems: agents represent a powerful tool for making systems modular which is one kind of the possibility to create and implement such systems, ubiquity: agents should be autonomous, proactive, responsive, and adaptive to solve basic problems in co-operation with the user. But, we can note that the very nature of the agent-based paradigm leads to a number of problems such as [Jennings 98, p. 10] • • • no overall system controller which keep global constraints and avoids livelocks and deadlocks, no global perspective related to the whole system or to the complete global knowledge, trust and delegation of agents seeking guidance during the time that work on their behalf. Integrating software agents in large-scale systems like cyberspace the following difficulties [Tambe 00] remain: 1. enabling a software developer to locate and recruit relevant agents in the distributed cyberspace environment is a key challenge; 2. it is unlikely that the recruited agents were built to work together, so appropriate interagent co-ordination is difficult; the problem is not only in the potentially large modifications in an open, distributed environment, the problem is exacerbated if such modifications must be repeated for each new integration; 3. the integrated system must be made robust despite the uncertainties of the environment, such as dynamic agent failures or unavailability (or dynamic availability). On the other hand, we can defined some essential empirical aspects for the evaluation of multi-agent systems: • • the volume and structure of an agent environment E, the position in E of the objects O which are active. The status perceived, created, destroyed and modified of the objects which are passive, • the level of the assembly of agents, A, which are specific objects, representing the active entities of the system, • the intensity of the relations, R, which link objects (and thus agents) to each other, • the performance of the operations, Op, making it possible for the agents of A to perceive, produce, consume, transform and manipulate objects from O, • the complexity of the operators with the task of representing the application of these operations and the reaction of the world to this attempt at modifications, which we shall call the laws of the universe. Some of the experience of multi-agents systems by [Hayzelden 99] are defined as benefits of the MAS as: • “to address problems that are too large for a centralized single agent, for example because of resource limitations or for robustness concerns (the ability to recover from fault conditions or unexpected events); 60 • to enable the reduction of processing costs - it is less expensive (in hardware terms) to use a large number of inexpensive processors than a single processor with equivalent processing power; to allow for the interconnecting and interoperation of multiple existing legacy systems, e.g. expert systems, decision support systems, legacy network protocols; to improve scalability - the organizational structure of the agents can dynamically change to reflect the dynamic environment - i.e. as the network grows in size the agent organization can re-structure by agents altering their roles, beliefs and actions that they perform; to provide solutions to inherently distributed problems, for example, telecommunications control, air traffic control and workflow management; to provide solutions which draw from distributed information sources; and to provide solutions where the expertise is distributed;” • • • • • A general empirical estimation of the success of agents interaction is described in [Ferber 99, p. 61] as: “We shall consider an interaction situation as being an assembly of behaviors resulting from the grouping of agents which have to act in order to attain their objectives, with attention being paid to the more or less limited resources which are available to them and to their individual skills.” A detailed definition of a successful agent interaction is defined by [Ferber 99, p. 62] as: “The goal of an agent, A, is incompatible with that of another agent, B, if agents A and B have, as their respective goals to be achieved, the states described by p and q respectively, and if p ⇒ ¬ q, that satisfies is: (goal (A, p)) ⇒ ¬ satisfies (goal (B, q)).” Indicators of a co-operative activity by Bourdon in [Ferber 99, p. 71/72] are: (1) “the co-ordination of actions, which concerns the adjustment of the direction of agents’ actions in time and space; (2) the degree of parallelism, which depends on the distribution of tasks and their concurrent execution; (3) the sharing of resources, which concerns the use of resources and skills; (4) the robustness of the system, which concerns the system’s aptitude for making up for any failure by an agent; (5) the non-redundancy of actions, which characterises the low rate of redundant activities; (6) the non-persistence of conflicts, which testifies to the small number of blocking situations.” The general characteristics of the agent action and behaviour leads us to the following general empirical aspects of this kind of agent analysis: • • The action characteristics of performance, complexity and quality based on the different types of forms of agent actions (transformation, influences, processes, modifications, displacement and command. The general types of agents with or without memory and knowledge (tropistic agents and hysteretic agents). Finally, we define some empirical characteristics related to the mental state and the minds of software agents as follows: • • The structure and the complexity of the current multi-agent system (interactional, representational and conative). The intensity of the motivation of the different kinds of software agents . 61 • • The appropriateness of the commitments of agents related to the general system intention. The relationship of the software agent intention to each other. Based on the short remarks in section 1.2.4, we define some empirical characteristics of agent co-operation and collaboration: • • • • • The level and intensity of communication between software agents. The kind and the quality of co-ordination between interacting agents. The intention of collaboration as the basis of the evaluation of agents efficiency. The volume and the efficiency of the co-operation. The increase of the agent facilities and knowledge during the collaboration. Empirical aspects of agents in telecommunication systems by [Hayzelden 99]: “Although allocation of resources is a major factor to consider when applying agents to telecommunications there are many others, including: What communication does the agent have with other agents - try to minimize inter-agent communication so that action resolution is reached more rapidly? Where should the agent(s) be located (the agent location granularity)? One agent per node, one per physical link, one to represent each connection? Should the agents be stationary or mobile? What view of the network does the agent have (the agent control granularity)? Is it beneficial to have the agent aware of other indirectly related events occurring in the agents locality. What degree of dependency should there be between the agents in the system? If an agent 'dies', is the system still robust?” 2.2 Experiences of the Agent-based System Development Empirical aspects of the software agent technology by [Hayzelden 99]: “There are a number of obstacles in the way of the wider take-up of agent technology. Chief among these are the following: • Lack of interoperation standards: We noted at several points throughout this article that work is underway to develop communication standards for agent systems - the FIPA initiative is probably the best known of these. Such standards will be essential if agent technology is to achieve its full potential. At the time of writing, however, there are several other essentially competing standards for agent communication under development, including the Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML), as well as the ongoing Object Management Group (OMG) effort to standardize on distributed object technology, and the WorldWide Web consortium's Extensible Markup Language (XML). Experience (in particular, the OSI experience) suggests that interoperation standards in information technology cannot be dictated - they tend to emerge and are dictated largely by the marketplace. It therefore remains to be seen what impact agent interoperation standards such as FIPA will have, and whether they will indeed lead to a greater take-up of agent technology. • Lack of methodologies for agent-based development: Developing any distributed system is difficult - such systems are amongst the most complex general class of software systems to design and implement. Multi-agent systems add to the inherent complexity of distributed systems by having heterogeneous, 62 autonomous components, potentially designed and implemented by many different individuals and organizations. As a result, the multi-agent systems tend to exhibit unpredictable non-linear behavior, which can be very hard to understand. In order to master this complexity, methodologies are required for agent systems that enable a designer to model and understand multi-agent behavior. • Lack of understanding of the fit between system and problem: Agents have been deployed in many application domains, with very different properties. One of the most important tasks facing the agent research community is to achieve a better understanding of the characteristics of an application domain that imply an agent-based solution is appropriate. Too often, agents are applied to a particular problem without good reason.” [Schoder 00] describes the general situation in MAS development in following manner: “In our view, the technical aspects of mobile agents are not the only aspects requiring close attention. The real challenges lie in complementary concepts for the (self-) control of populations of mobile agents, such as multiagent systems, able to provide solutions for application areas characterized by inherently decentralized information. Coping with all of these challenges will provide the raison d’être and fulfill the promise of mobile agent technology.” Also, [Jennings 98, p. 19] defines an agent development bottleneck in the following manner: „There is little in the way of production-quality software support for building agent applications, and still less general understanding of the issues that need to be addressed when building such systems. Worse, most of today’s agent systems are built from scratch, using bespoke tools and techniques, which cannot easily be applied to other types of system. This is particularly worrying because a lot of infrastructure is required before the main components of an agent system can be built. At the moment, most developers rebuild this infrastructure from scratch in every new case; this process is clearly not sustainable.“ Finally, we can establish new dynamic architectures, new complex components, and new distributed design technologies, but also new kinds of problems in the area of software agents. 2.3 Related Work in Measurement of Software Agent and Agent-Based Systems We will consider some of the examples about agents measurement in the literature in the following. In a first description, we will consider the general experience by [Wooldridge 99] as • Political pitfalls: “Agents are a powerful, natural metaphor for conceptualizing, designing, and implementing many complex, distributed applications. Some tasks, however, are simply beyond the scope of automation. Indeed, many of the systems that have been built using agent technology could likely have been built just as easily with nonagent techniques. 63 . . . Another form of dogma associated with agents relates to their definition. Most agent developers have their own opinion on exactly what constitutes an agent – and no two developers appear to share exactly the same opinion.” • Management pitfalls: Managers “don’t know why you want agents”. . . . “Another common pitfall is devising an architecture or testbed that supposedly enables a whole range of potential systems to be built when what is actually required is a bespoke design to tackle a single application.” • Conceptual pitfalls: The developers “believe in silver bullets”, . . . “forgot that agents are software”, and “forgot that agents are multithreaded software.” • Analysis and design pitfalls: The designer “ignore related technologies”, . . .their “design doesn’t exploit concurrency”, and it was “ignore legacy”. • Agent-level pitfalls: “You want your own agent architecture. . . . Your agents use too much AI” or “Your agents use no AI”. • Society-level pitfalls: Typical extreme views are: “You see agents everywhere” or “You have too few agents.” This can leads to “obsessing on infrastructure” and a lacking system structure where the “agents interact too freely.” Now, we will cite some kinds of software agent measurement approaches addressed to the MAS product, MAS developement process, and the underlying resources. Product measurement and evaluation: • Coalition evaluation: [Katoh 00] defines a MAS based on a loose coalition which represents the relations of co-operation among agents by a function of subjective information of an agent to another one. This function defines a threshold to evaluate agents whether it should co-operate or not. The measurement of this kind of coalition considers dynamic properties such as reliability, ability and busyness and is related to the agent performance. • Co-ordination evaluation: [Tolksdorf 00] gives an order scaled evaluation of the coordination of a MAS based on the characteristics interactor distinction, orthogonality of the co-ordination model, coupling between interactors, interactor autonomy, externality, awareness, stability, reliability, scalability and usability. • Distributed decision measurement of co-ordination: [Barber 00] considers the five types of agent co-ordination as arbitration, negotiation, mediation, voting and self-modification. The different kinds of evaluation of these co-ordination types are based on the effort for searching an agent, for voting and on the voting effort itself. • Load management: [Gustavsson 99] describes a simulation of an auction for load management based on utility agents and customer agents for energy regulation of HomeBots. • Performance evaluation: [Evans 99] defines some formula to estimate the response time, the time of delay to notify, delete, create and commit by software agents (see also [Dikaiakos 01], [Dumke 01], and [Wille 01]). 64 • RPC performance: Based on the Agent Tcl (a mobile-agent system whose agents can be written in Tcl, Java and Scheme), [Kotz 97] defines the mobility on RPCs which is created by an Agent Interface Definition Language (AIDL). On the basis of some prototypes the RPC performance was measured relating to the client stub time, communication time, and local call time. • Size estimation: [Evans 99] executes the total number of links within a network and within special region boundaries. • Utility evaluation: [Tewari 01] describes a user utility function modelling in order to improve electronic markets. Implementing a Buyer or Seller Valuation Manager (B/SVM) is based on some generic utility functions such as (ax ± b) or (ax2 ± bx ±c) where x is a place-holder variable for a value of the flexible attribute over its permissible range and a, b, c represent arbitrary, non-negative constants. Tewari and Maes initiate some first applications of this model. • Usability level: [Devlin 01] considers a speech technology agent and uses the two evaluation methods as MUMMS (Measuring the Usability of Multi-Media Software) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) in order to measure some detailed aspects such as usefulness, efficiency, helpfulness and learnability. Process measurement and evaluation: • ACL evaluation: [Singh 98] defines some criteria to evaluate agent communication languages for an appropriate use. • Behaviour simulation: The MECCA system [Gerber 99] implements a component to simulate the agents scenarios and interactions. • Modelling of agent-based systems: [Falchuk 98] describes twenty icons for the different types of software agents and six types for the kinds of interactions for a better usability of the agent-based system modelling. • Reasonableness of agent deriving: [Joshi 98] defines a measure for the reasonableness to automatically generate exemplars to learn the mapping from a problem to an agent. Resources measurement and evaluation: • MAS platform evaluation: [Ricordel 00] describes an evaluation of different MAS platforms like AgentBuilder, Jack, MadKit and Zeus based on the evaluation criteria for the support of the analysis, design and development. Each of these criteria is divided in the subcriteria completeness, applicability, complexity and reusability. • Middleware evaluation: [Poslad 99] describes a (nominal) evaluation of the middleware aspects in agent-based systems. • Paradigm evaluation: [Wong 99] motivates for mobile agent implementation with Java. 65 • Resource allocation simulation: [Bredin 01] defines a simulation model for the resource allocation for mobil-agent systems. The simulation is based on a swarm simulation system and evaluates the effectiveness of resource-allocation of a mobil agent during the switching different cities. • Vendor evaluation: [Guilfoyle 98] gives an overview about the CASE level of vendors using the agent technology. 2.4 Open Problems and Intentions of Quality Assurance in MAS In the following we summarise the ideas of consideration of software quality assurance considerations of MAS and MAS development described in the first chapter (see also [Dumke 97a], [Schneidewind 02], and [Weinberg 92]). SQA intentions of software agents and MAS: The software quality assurance of software agents includes the aspects such as the quality of the capability of acting in an environment, the level of communication with other agents, the quantities of the driven aspects by a set of tendencies, the characteristics of possessed resources, the kind of capability of perceiving its environment, the characteristics of the agent-based partial representation of this environment, the quality of the possessed skills and offered services, the level of the ability to reproduce itself, the kind of the behaviour towards satisfying its objectives, taking account of the resources. The software quality assurance of MAS includes the aspects such as reliability, availability and usability of the environment, the appropriateness and size of the objects, the structure and efficiency of the agents communities, the performance of the agents operations, and the stability of the user interaction with the MAS. The software quality assurance of agent communication addresses the aspects such as the level of the communication, the intensity or frequency of the communication, the useroriented semantics of the ACL, the appropriateness of the ACL, and the guarantee of the conversion principles. The software quality assurance of agents co-operation must considers the aspects such as the efficiency of the agents interaction, the level of the co-ordination, the quality of the agent coupling, the reliability of the agent components, the appropriateness of the kinds of agent actions, the effectiveness of the agent teams and communities, and the level of successes of the user goal consideration. The software quality assurance of agent minds, intentions and negotiation should consider the aspects such as the level of negotiation, the success rate of negotiations, the effeciency of the agent roles, the appropriateness of the negotiation strategies, the effectiveness of the BDI application. The software quality assurance of agent mobility addresses the aspects such as the performance of agent movements, the appropriateness of the visited cities, the knowledge about the requirements and supports of the different cities. 66 The software quality assurance of agent organisations must consider the aspects such as the appropriateness of the different organisation functions, the level of the different organisation dimensions, the effectiveness of the interoperations in an agent organisation, the performance of the agents correlation. The software quality assurance of MAS architectures addresses the aspects such as the efficiency of the MAS layers, the reliability of the MAS components, the appropriateness of the chosen platform, the performance of the co-ordination and planning in the MAS, the usability of the MAS interface, the effectiveness of the MAS integration, the manageability of the MAS structure, the appropriateness of the MAS architecture granularity. SQA intentions of MAS development: The software quality assurance must be an element of the MAS development methodologies itself. Furthermore, the software quality assurance in MAS specification must include methods or techniques to keep them. The possibility of evaluation can be realised in the formal specification languages through • attributing or parsing based on attributed grammars or meta languages, • transformations or relations based on homomorphisms into the emprical data set, • tuple extensions of the agent description based on quality characteristics or metrics. Remarkable, the software quality assurance in MAS design must include techniques and methods such as • attributing the design languages, components or patterns, • integration of the evaluation in the different MAS components by agent roles and responsibilities, • extension of the design tools by measurement and evaluation components, • involving of evaluation and measurement techniques in the designed agents or MAS itself. The concrete methods and techniques of SQA are necessary to be selectable by considering the current paradigm, the type of MAS application, and the platform requirements. 67 3 AGENT TYPES The following list includes the kinds or types of software agents cited in this paper with the reference number as page in this preprint. A AAOSA agent, 40 Abstract generic agent, 44 Agent community, 25 Agent design pattern, 55 Agent organisation, 27 Agent training, 44 Agent team, 18 Application agent, 48 Artificial life agent, 4 Autonomous agent, 4, 41 Event identification agent, 38 Expert system agent, 36 Extraction agent, 43 F Fault isolation agent, 38 Filter agent, 34 Fixed network agent, 33 Frequency stability agent, 38 Fusion agent, 36 Fuzzy logic agent, 36 B BDI agent, 23, 43 Biological agent, 4 Broker agent, 56 Buyer agent, 20, 56 Buying agent, 20 G Gateway agent, 48 Generation agent, 38 Genetic algorithm agent, 36 Global processing phase agent, 36 Graphical interaction agent, 35 C Cell agent, 33 Coarse-grained agent, 30 Cognitive agent, 38 Collaborative agent, 32 Combination agent, 36 Command interpretation agent, 38 Computational agent, 4 Control phase agent, 36 Co-operative agent, 41 Customer agent, 33 H HCVM media agent, 37 Heterogeneous agent, 5, 12 Hidden failure monitoring agent, 38 Holonic agent, 2 Hybrid agent, 28 I Individual agent, 5 Inference agent, 43 Info agent, 31 Information gathering agent, 51 Intelligent agent, 30, 51 Intelligent network agent, 31 Intelligent physical agent, 15 Interface agent, 31, 32 Intermediary agent, 20 D Decision phase agent, 36 Decomposition phase agent, 36 Deliberative agent, 28 Distributed Comm. & Processing agent, 36 Dynamic agent, 13 E Entertainment agent, 4 Event/alarm filtering agent, 38 K Kernel agent, 48 68 L Locator agent, 34 Service supplier agent, 33 Shine agent, 30 Situation monitoring agent, 34 Smart agent, 32 Software agent, 4 Supervised neural network agent, 36 M MAF agent, 31 Media agent, 36 Middle agent, 18, 31 Mobile agent, 25, 34, 38, 50 Model update agent, 38 T Task agent, 31 Task specific agent, 4 Telescript agent, 13 Transformation agent, 36 Transaction scheduling agent, 35 N Network agent, 13 O Ontology construction agent, 43 U Upper respiratory decision agent, 36 User interface agent, 29, 48 P Parent agent, 36 Planning agent, 38 Postprocessing phase agent, 36 Proactive agent, 41 Protection agent, 38 V Vulnerability assessment agent, 38 X XML agent, 36 R Reactive agent, 28 Reconfiguration agent, 38 Record agent, 56 Responsible agent, 32 Restoration agent, 38 Retrieval agent, 34 Risk averse agent, 19 Risk neutral agent, 19 Risk seeking agent, 19 Robotic agent, 4 S Scheduling processing agent, 35 Scheduling repairing agent, 35 SciAgent, 17 Self organizing agent, 36 Seller agent, 20, 56 Selling agent, 20 Server agent, 43 Service agent, 33 69 4 ACRONYMS A AAII AAOSA ABE ABROSE ABSE ACML ACL ADEPT ADK AIDL AOP AOSE AR ASL Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute Adaptive Agent Oriented Software Architecture Agent Building Environment Agent-Based Brokerage Services in Electronic Commerce Agent-Based Software Engineering Agent Communication Markup Language Agent Communication Language Advanced Decision Environment for Process Tasks AgentBean Development Kit Agent Interface Definition Language Agent-Oriented Programming Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Agent Relocation Agent Service Layer B BDI BVM Belief Desire Intention Buyer Valuation Manager C CA CCS COOL CORBA Certification Authority Claculus of Communicating Systems CO-Ordination Language Common Object Request Broker Architecture D DESIRE DM DMARS DEsign and Specification of Interacting REasoning components Database Manager Multi-Agent Reasoning System E ECOMAS Evolutionary Computation and Multi-Agent Systems F FIPA FLBC FNA Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents Formal Language for Business Communication Fixed Network Agent H HCVM Human-Centred Virtual Machine I IGA IMPACT IMPS Information Gathering Agent Imperative Maryland Platform for Agents Collaborating Together Internet-based Multi Agent Problem Solving J JADE Java Agent DEvelopment 70 JADL JAFMAS JAT JDL JIAC JIAC Agent Description Language JAva-based Framework for Multi-Agent Systems Java Agent Template JGram Description Language Java Intelligent Agent Componentware K KADS KB KBS KIF KLAIM KQML Knowledge Analysis and Design System Knowledge Base Knowledge-Based System Knowledge Interchange Format Kernel Language for Agent Interaction and Mobility Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language L LGI Low-Governed Interaction M MA MadKit MALINA MARI MAS MaSE MASIF MASSIVE MCC MCM MIF MM MUMMS Mobility Assignment Multi-agent development Kit Multi-Agent Local Integrated Network Associations Multi-Attribute Resource Intermediary Multi-Agent System Multiagent Systems Engineering Mobil Agent System Interoperability Facility Multi-Agent SystemS Iterative View Engineering Mobolity Conditions Check Market Cycle Manager Market Internet Format Match Maker Measuring the Usability of Multi-Media Software O OHM OOA OOD OOP OOSE ORB Optimisation Heuristic Manager Object-Oriented Analysis and specification Object-Oriented Design Object-Oriented Programming Object-Oriented Software Engineering Object Request Broker P PDA PICCOLA PLACA PRS Personal Digital Assistent Pi Calculus based Composition LAnguage PLAnning Communication Agents language Procedural Reasoning System R RATSINA RPC Reusable Task Structure based Intelligent Network Agents Remote Procedure Call 71 S sACL SDL SI SNMP SODA SQA SVM small ACL Specification and Design Language Static Infrastructure Simple Nedtwork Management Protocol Societies in Open and Distributed Agent spaces Software Quality Assurance Seller Valuation Manager T TAM Technology Acceptance Model U UIM UML UNM USM User Interface Manager Unified Modeling Language User Notification Manager User Status Manager V VFG VFT Valuation Function Generalizer Valuation Function Trainer 3APL An Abstract Agent Programming Language 72 5 MAS WEB LINKS We will give a presentation about some of the plenty of Web sites related to software agents divided in general information, systems and projects. URLs to general information about software agents: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • http://www.agent.org/ http://www.agentcom.org/agent.com/ http://cui.unige.ch/tios/msgr/agents/overview.html http://ivs.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~dumke/STV/ST3-06.html http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~amw/agents/index.html http://www.irisa.fr/prive/sahai/ http://www.media.mit.edu/~nelson/research/routes-coopagents/ http://www.sics.se/ps/abc/survey.html http://www.compinfo.co.uk/tpagnt.htm http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~fuenf/work/agenten/agenten.html http://www.ai.iit.nrc.ca/subjects/Agents.html http://www.cs.wpi.edu/Research/airg/Agents-hotlist.html http://www.Agent-Link.org http://www.csee.embc.edu/aw/ URLs about agents implementation languages: • • • • • • • • AgentBuilder Framework: http://www.agentbuilder.com/ Agent-Tcl: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~agent/agenttcl.htm KQML: http://www.cs.umbc.edu/kqml/papers/ Obliq: http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/personal/Luca_Cardelli/Obliq/Obliq.html Python: http://www.python.org/ Safe-Tcl: http://www.smli.com/research.tct Scheme-48: http://photo.net/~jar/s48.html Telescript: http://www.genmagic.com/Telescript/Whitepaper/wp4/whitepaper-4.html URLs about agent-based system development and standards: • • • • • • • • • • • • • FIPA specifications: http://www.fipa.org/ Grashopper platform: http://www.ivk.de/ IBM Aglets: http://www.trl.ibm.co.jp/aglets/ Java-to-go: http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wli/group/java2go/java-to-go.html JAFMAS toolkit: http://www.esecs.uc.edu/~abaker/JAFMAS JATLite toolkit: http://java.standford.edu/ JINI framwwork: http://java.sun.com/products/jini/index.html MARI: http://www.media.mit.edu/gtewari/MARI/ OMG standards: http://www.omg.org/ SE: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~treur/SIG.meth0.html SIM-Agent: ftp://ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/dist/poplog/ Voyager: http://www.pts.com/voyager.cfm WinWin model: http://sunset.usc.edu/WinWin/winwin.html URLs about agent-based systems: • • • • • AgentBuilder: http://www.agentbuilder.com/ AgentCAC (control for ATM network): http://www.elec.qmw.ac.uk/dai/projects/ agentCAC/ Assistant systems: http://lieber.www.media.mit.edu/people/lieberary/letizia/letizia.mov BT Mobile agents for routing: http://www.labs.bt.com/library/papers/ Cooperation systems: http://www.firefly.com 73 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CyberAgent: http://www.ftp.com/cyberagents/ ECOMAS: http://www.csm.uwe.ac.uk/~rsmith/ECOMAS/agent_toolkit_list_(courtesi_of_bt).htm E-Commerce: http.//www.shopfido.com/, http://www.jango.com, http://b5www.berkom.de/ ABROSE/ Frictionless ValueShopper: http://compare.frictionless.com/ HP 'Ants based routing: http://www-uk.hpl.hp.com/ HP Market based control: http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/98/ Jack: http://www.agent-software.com.au/ MadKit: http://www.madkit.org/ Meta browser: http://www.metacrawler.com/, http://meta.rrzn.uni-hannover.de NetChaser: http://osweb.iit.unict.it/ARCA/ News watcher: http://www.backweb.com/, http://www.pointcast.com/ Personalogic: http://www.personalogic.com PYTHIA: http://www.cs.purdue.edu/research/cse/pythia/ Retrievel agents: http://www.verity.com/ Tele-MACS: http://www.agentcom.org/agentcom/ Telescript-based definition of personell shares portfolios: http://www.genmagic.com/ TINA-C homepage: http://www.tinac.com/ Zeus: http://www.labs.bt.com/projects/agents/zeus/ URLs about projects relating to software agents: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ABROSE project: http://b5www.berkom.de/ABROSE/ ACT IMPACT project: http://www.acts-impact.org/impact/ DFG, Germany: http://www.wirtschaft.tu-ilmenau.de/wi/wi2/ECAT2000-AOSM/ dMARS project: http://www.aaii.oz.au/proj/dMARS-prod-brief.html Eurescom project: http://www.euroescom.de/public/Projects/ MAGNA Project: http://www.fokus.gmd.de/oks/research/magna_e.html MAS in Project Management: ftp://fireflow.com/Agent98.zip MIT Media Lab: http://agents.www.media.mit.edu/groups/agents/ Stanford University: http://logic.stanford.edu/ Tacoma (Norway/U.S.A.): http://www.cs.uit.no/DOS/Tacoma/ University of Kaiserslautern: http://www.uni-kl.de/AG-Nehmer/Ara/ University of Potsdam: http://samuel.cs.uni-potsdam.de/soft/taxt/home.html#mission WARREN project: http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~softagents/warren.html WebCrawler: http://info.webcrawler.com/mak/projects/robots/robots.html URLs about software agent related conferences and communities: • • • • • • • AgentLink: http://www.agentlink.org/newsletter/ Agent Systems in the ECBS: http://www.agentlink.org/ Agents 2000: http://www.iiia.csic.es/agents2000/ Canadian workshop: http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~wshen/workshop1.htm DAI Digest: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~softagents/DAIlist/ Overview: http://www.csee.embc.edu/aw/Conferences_and_workshops/index.shtml UMBC AgentNews: http://agents.umbc.edu/agentnews/ 74 6 REFERENCES [Agha 01] Agha, G.; Jamali, N.; Varela, C.: Agent Naming and Coordination: Actor Based Models and Infrastructures. 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