Multi-agent simulation for decision making in distributed contexts Yacine Ouzrout LIESP/CERRAL Laboratory University Lyon 2 France e-mail: Plan 1. Introduction Supply Chain Context Supply Chain Management Collaboration and Decision Making 2. Multi Agent Systems and Collaboration Intelligent Agents Multi Agent Systems The use of MAS in SC context 3. Research topics & case studies 4. Conclusion Supply Chains… consist in a number of organizations which, combined, deliver products and services that are valued by customers contain organizations that can have differing and sometimes, conflicting objectives exist on a local, national, and global scale can be simple or complex depending on factors such as product design, lifecycle, supply and demand variability, operational requirements, as well as many other factors. Supply chain is a network Wholesale Distributors Suppliers Retailers Manufacturers Supplier Exchanges Customers Logistics Exchanges Customer Exchanges Virtual Manufacturers Contract Manufacturers Logistics Providers Information Flows Goods Flow Supply Chain Management addresses organizational decisions at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels extends beyond internal functions to incorporate a process orientation across organizations in the supply chain to be successful, requires that all individuals in the organization adopt a similar orientation toward business has, and will continue to provide a substantial contribution to productivity on a global scale. Supply Chain Coordination Coordination Coordination Coordination Mangmnt Mangmnt Mangmnt LIVR. PURCH. DELIV APPRO. PROD FAB. DISTRI Supplier of the supplier external supplier Mangmnt PURCH. Mangmnt PROD. Company Mangmnt Coordination Mangmnt Mangmnt Mangmnt PURCH. DISTRIB. APPRO.PROD FAB. DISTRI LIVR. PURCH. APPRO. LIVRAISON external customer Customer of the customer Information systems in extended SC APS Strategic PLM SRM CRM G.P.A.OERP epr oc u CP rem en FR t Planning merce e-com B2C B2B / Operational MES Supplier Manufacturer SCE WMS TMS YMS Distributor Retailer • Customers Relationship Management, Supplier Relationship Customer Chain Execution • Supply Manufacturing Execution Systems: Detail scheduling, Resource allocation,… Advanced Systems: Simulation & Planning • Product Planning Lifecycle Management: Managing all the information Management: Sales force management, Marketing strategies • WarehousingSC Management Systems, Transport Management Systems, optimization, Flows synchronization,… about the products throughout their full lifecycle. Yard Management Systems Collaboration and new business processes Firms need to consider the interactions with the suppliers and the customers, and incorporate them into their decision making process. As companies outsource more and more of their current in house activities, they will have to develop the software tools to control and collaborate with their outsourcers. Evolution of IT & the use of Internet technology have drastically changed our way of doing business. Business processes evolution Intelligent Agents The integration of the different IS would not solve the problem and there is a need for an approach for modeling and analysis of among enterprises and within the departments of an enterprise. Such an approach would enable integrated SC decision-making. An agent base framework can be the solution to address this critical need. One of the main benefits of using agent technology for SCM is the use of the capacity of reasoning, collaborating, negotiating, sharing Information of the intelligent agents. Artificial Intelligence and Collaboration Decision-Making An agent has the following properties : Autonomy: it should have some control over its actions and should work without human intervention. Social ability: it should be able to communicate with other agents. Reactivity: it should be able to changes its environment. Pro-activeness: it should also be able to take initiative based on pre-specified goals. The use of MAS in SC context A Multi-Agent System (MAS) is an organization of agents, interacting together to collectively achieve their goals Coordination: one issue on agent-based SCM is dedicated to coordination. Some works are presented to develop collaborative SC system, negotiation mechanisms, customer relationship . Simulation: another issue concerns the agent-based simulation of SC which try to show how agent-based supply chains can gain visibility and efficiency through simulation under various strategies. Design: some of the related agent based works are interested in how supply chains be formed dynamically. Knowledge Management: a last issue concerns the use of software agents for knowledge management within a SCM context. Example of Simulation Architecture Agent MAS Level A A A Object Data Base BD Agent’s interaction Data Exchange Manufacturing Model Resources Scheduling & Planning “Turbix” Case Study ASC 2C AS 2 ASC 1C AS 1 AWC 1C AW 1 Turbix Raw Materials Product Component Final Product AWC 2C AW 2 ACC 1C AC 1 ACC 2C AC 2 Plan 1. Introduction Supply Chain Context Supply Chain Management Collaboration and Decision Making 2. Multi Agent Systems and Collaboration Intelligent Agents Multi Agent Systems The use of MAS in SC context 3. Knowledge Management in SC Knowledge Exchange Knowledge Classification Knowledge Dynamic Knowledge Representation 4. Conclusion What is an intelligent agent An intelligent agent is a system that: • perceives its environment (which may be a collection of other agents, the physical world, a user via a graphical user interface, the Internet, or other complex environment); • reasons to interpret perceptions, draw inferences, solve problems, and determine actions; • acts upon that environment to realize a set of goals or tasks for which it was designed. input/ sensors Other Agents/ Environment output/ effectors Intelligent Agent What an intelligent agent can do An intelligent agent can : • collaborate with other agents to improve the accomplishment of their tasks; • carry out tasks on user’s behalf, and in so doing employs some knowledge of the user's goals or desires; • monitor events or procedures for the user; • advise the user on how to perform a task; • help different users collaborate. Characteristic features of intelligent agents Knowledge representation and reasoning Ability to communicate Exploration of huge search spaces Use of heuristics Reasoning with incomplete or conflicting data Ability to learn and adapt Knowledge representation and reasoning • An intelligent agent contains an internal representation of its external application domain, where relevant elements of the application domain (objects, relations, classes, laws, actions) are represented as symbolic expressions. • This mapping allows the agent to reason about the application domain by performing reasoning processes in the domain model, and transferring the conclusions back into the application domain. ONTOLOGY OBJECT SUBCLASS-OF represents If an object is on top of another object that is itself on top of a third object then the first object is on top of the third object. Application Domain BOOK CUP TABLE INSTANCE-OF CUP1 ON BOOK1 ON TABLE1 RULE ∀ x,y,z ∈ OBJECT, (ON x y) & (ON y z) (ON x z) Model of the Domain Separation of knowledge from control Implements a general method of interpreting the input problem based on the knowledge from the knowledge base Intelligent Agent Information / Knowledge other agents/ environment Problem Solving Engine Knowledge Base Information / Ontology Knowledge Rules/Cases/Methods Data structures that represent the objects and their relations (ontology) from the application domain, general laws governing them, action that can be performed with them, etc. Agent architecture • To enable agents to collaborate and make decisions, we must make assumptions about how their decisions can be influenced Collaboration Communication Information Perception Negotiation Rationalities & Goals Knowledge Base Case-Based Reasoning Agent architecture (cont.) Reasoning . define_r() . decision() Design . control() Identification . agent_id() . analyze() Perception . wait_inf() . get_inf() Knowledge . skills . commitments Rationalities Intentions Messages . create_msg() Communication . send_msg() . wait_msg() . get_msg() Simulation Scenarios Scenario 1 ASC 2C AS 2 “Customer Satisfaction” ASC 1C AS 1 AWC 1C AW 1 AWC 2C AW 2 ACC 1C AC 1 Order (Q, P, D) Turbix New plan (Ortems) Raw Materials Product Component Final Product Simulation Scenarios Scenario 2 ASC 2C AS 2 “Supplier Exchange” ASC 1C AS 1 AWC 1C AW 1 AWC 2C AW 2 ACC 1C AC 1 Order (Q, P, D) Turbix negotiation Raw Materials Product Component Select Supplier Final Product Simulation Scenarios Perform ance Indicators Scenario 1 20 15 “Customer Satisfaction” Finished Products 10 Rubbishes 5 0 Workforce 1 3 5 7 9 11 Sim ulations Scenario 2 5000 4000 Products “Supplier Exchange” Supplier Exchange 3000 Supplier SC1 Supplier SC3 2000 1000 0 Week “Turbix” Case Study application User Interface (Java) Multi-Agent Level (JADE) Agent belief, desire, intention A set of commitment rules determines how the agent acts. Each commitment rule contains a message condition, a mental condition and an action. In order to determine whether such a rule fires, the message condition is matched against the message the agent has received and the mental condition is matched against the beliefs of the agent. If the rule fires, the agent becomes committed to performing the action. Agent belief, desire, intention action request to B from A B accepts or reject A’s request If accepted, B attempts to perform A’s request Agent A Environment message of success or failure Agent B Agent communication three aspects to the formal study of communication: • syntax, how the symbols of communication are structured • semantics, what the symbols denote • pragmatics, how the symbols are interpreted Global Dimensioning Decision Scenario Supplier––RM RM==BB Supplier Customer22 Customer Customer11 Customer Distributor Distributor Manufacturer- -PIPI Manufacturer Supplier––RM RM==AA Supplier Warehouse1 Warehouse1 Manufacturer- -PP Manufacturer Supplier––RM RM==CC Supplier Warehouse22 Warehouse Customer22 Customer Customer11 Customer Mathematical Formulation S1n n S2 S3n ... Sn Ln ... S11 W11 ... W1p C11 ... C1m ... S21 W21 ... W2p C21 ... C2m ... S31 W31 ... W3p C31 ... C3m ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... m ... S1L1 WL11 ... WLpp C1L1 ... CLm Define : Supply Chain Matrix , Costs , Variables and capacities Added AddedCost Cost AS C AS2C2 AS C AS1C1 OS C OSiCi OM C OMiCi AW C AW1C1 Interaction Interaction Costs Costs TW C TWiCi AW C AW1C1 DC C DCiCi AC C AC1C1 AC C AC2C2 DC C DCiCi TM C TMiCi PMC PMC PS PS Production ProductionCost Cost Raw Materials Product Component SS C SS2C2 SS C SS1C1 Final Product StorageCost StorageCost SW C SW1C1 SW C SW2C2 SC C SC1C1 SC C SC2C2 L2− > p L2− > (m − 1) L2− > p L2− > p L2− > (m − 1) L2− > n L2− > n L2− > n + C + AW C + ACiC AS Cost = ∑ OSiC + OMC + TMC + ∑ TWiC + DC C + SS C + SW C ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ i i i i i i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 Benefits of MAS for SC The MAS clearly identifies the differing actor’s roles, functions, knowledge,… The MAS can model the distributed decision making processes. The agents may dynamically respond to change, coordinating their responses with other agents. The simulation models describe the dynamic, the behavior, and the interactions within the SC Plan 1. Introduction Supply Chain Context Supply Chain Management Collaboration and Decision Making 2. Multi Agent Systems and Collaboration Intelligent Agents Multi Agent Systems The use of MAS in SC context 3. Research topics & case studies 4. Conclusion Research projects 1. Multi-Agent architecture for SCM Copilotes 2 Project : « Trust » in Supply Chain . Simulation model of trust . Collaboration with a human science Lab. Logistic Cluster Project : « Sustainable & Green SC » . A Knowledge Management system to manage the Reverse Logistic . PhD Thitiya Research projects 1. Multi-Agent architecture for SCM Copilotes 2 Project : « The Beer Game » Logistic Cluster Project : « Serious game for logistics » . Simulation model SC collaboration . Pedagogical tool. . Simulation model of logistic infrastructure . Collaboration with logistics companies Research projects 2. Information System Interoperability Project ANR: « MAS & SOA » . Service Oriented Architecture . Definition of a new model of services based on intelligent agents . Collaboration with a Lab. (>1 year) Project e-tourism: « Distributed KMS for e-tourism » . Definition of a MA architecture to manage the KM. . Interface between KMS, Traceability system (RFID) and customers tools (mobile phone, PDA,…) (>1 year) Benefits of MAS for SC A vision of how information systems will be structured in the future. Architecture clearly identifies the differing roles of function, information and user access Agents may dynamically respond to change, coordinating their responses with other agents Information is distributed to function agents automatically Information agents manage the evolution of information Users may tap into other agents, to browse, visualize and change information, limited by their authority Conclusion companies have focused on their core competency and externalized many sorts of activities. IT has played a role to this issue in supporting these interactions to implement relationship strategies. IT permits databases consistency, real time data exchange and information sharing that are the bases for integrated and collaborative work importance of software application integration, such as ERP, as a base for integration and development of collaborative tools and methods some industrial cross functional integration through co-managed processes that integrate both suppliers and customers (VMI and CPFR) the significant role of product information as a vector of integration all along the Supply Chain. Multi-Agent Systems could help in developing future research dealing with these distributed organizations. Thank you ! Example MySAP & SAP R/3 ERP Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) Advanced WMS Functionality Yard Management Receiving Task Management Opportunistic Cross Dock Putaway QA Inventory Control Labor Management Warehouse Optimization Advanced WMS Functionality Core WMS Functionality Cycle Count Replenishment Work Order Management Pick Pack Ship VAS Planned Cross Dock Reverse Logistics Translation and Messaging Bus Backbone ERP TMS OMS SCP Material Handling Equipment Transportation Management Systems (TMS) Order Database AutoStage Shipment Consolidation Planning Optimized Shipping Plans Optimized Assignment / EDI Continuous Moves Last minute changes / exceptions In-Transit Visibility Freight Bill Payment Operations Yard Management Systems (YMS) Trailer Movement Initiated… – To and From the Dock – To and From Other Yards Trailer Movement Completed… Via the Yard Status View Via RF