Pie Drive - Guyra Central School
Pie Drive - Guyra Central School
N GUYRA CENTRAL SCHOOL E W S L E T T E R T E R M 2 W E E K 5 3 0 t h Well there is most assuredly some talent on hand at Guyra Central School if the recent Snowball Talent quest is any indication. I had the good fortune recently of being asked to be on a judging panel of three; myself, Mrs Rita Williams and Deputy Principal Sam Hutton for the annual event. Some say I was the rose between two thorns, but perhaps that was just the voices in my head. With talent spread across a wide age range from Kindergarten through to year 11 we were kept entertained from start to finish. Those involved certainly showed their mettle with some technical difficulties thrown in that would have rattled even the most seasoned performer. The art of dancing was certainly to the fore with the winning acts all from this category. Performing Arts are an important aspect of modern education and the kids of Guyra Central School are certainly thriving in this area, especially dance and music. Some of our acts were more polished than others, almost semi-professional perhaps, and yet some of the most entertaining were those acts that the kids had devised themselves. I think one of the most pleasing aspects of the day was the support offered from fellow students to those brave enough to grace the stage. This most definitely was an excellent example of the key message for the School at the moment of Pride Respect and Responsibility. Murray Harman M A Guyra Central School 02 6779 0844 and Guyra Central School Canteen 02 6779 1689 Y 2 0 1 3 DATES TO REMEMBER K-6 assembly – 31st May Primary Athletics Carnival – 7th June P&C Meeting – 18th June @ 6pm Transition into Kindergarten -Thursday 25th July Guyra Central School Marne Street GUYRA Ph: 02 6779 0844 Fax 02 6779 2035 Email: guyra-c.admin@det.nsw.edu.au Page 2 – Principal’s Report Page 3 – Year 6 transition report, Farm News Page 4 – Canteen Roster , Happy Birthdays P & C President Mr Rodney Merritt 0437 37 0090 Website: www.guyra-c.schools.nsw.edu.au 1 Snowball On Friday the school celebrated its 3rd annual Snow Ball. Again it was much excitement and anticipation and the gymnasium was full with both students and parents. The aim of the Snow Ball is to celebrate and remind students about values of Pride Respect and Responsibility. These values are encapsulated in the performances by the students from K-12. We saw bands work together, dancers perform stunning choreography and some very original performances. The year 6 girls with their cup performance was very unique. Congratulations to all of the participants. 1st prize went to dancer Mackenzie Ramage, 2nd to the line dancing Warks, 3rd place to Millie Roberts. A big thank you to our guest judges Mrs Williams and Mr Harman. Another tradition of the snowball is to dress up in theme and this year we continued to rival past years with a snow queen, elves, snowballs and penguins. A final note, these events would not succeed if we didn’t have staff to organise this. Thanks to the PBL team and a special note to Mrs Moffatt and Mrs Merritt. Transition to high school The first transition to high school day was a huge success with 39 students from Black Mountain, St Mary’s and Guyra Central engaging in a series of lessons from the English/ HSIE faculty. The day commenced with an introduction from the Year Adviser for Year 7 in 2014, Mr Terry Curran. This was followed by lessons in English, history, geography and drama- with a general consensus that history was “the best”. Mr Curran provided the group with a treasure hunt at the end of the day to familiarise students with their new environment. There will be further transition days in the coming semester to make the change to high school less stressful for students. It is anticipated that it will be a very large class coming into Year 7 next year which is pleasing. Thanks to Mr Curran and the English/HSIE faculty for a great day. Regional Directors Visit Mr Jim White, Regional Director, and Mrs Carolyn Lupton, a former teacher at GCS paid a visit on Monday to engage in discussion with Year 11 and 12 students to gauge their opinions on the issues in rural education. Mr White was impressed with the calibre of our senior students and their opinions on the quality of school, the schools community culture and what makes a good teacher. Mr White ends his role as Regional Director for the New England Region at the end of this week and I take this opportunity, on behalf of the entire school community, to thank him for his unending support for GCS and wish him well for the future. State soccer update On Tuesday 21st - Thursday 23rd May we travelled to Sydney to play soccer for North West in Bankstown. North West had some challenging games playing some excellent teams, however we did manage to win one game 3-1 against Barrier. Although we both played some great soccer unfortunately we did not make it into the state side. By Brendan Knowles and Lucas Atkin Just another reminder To ensure the safety of all students; please report to the administration office if visiting the school. If you wish to visit classrooms, I request that you sign in the visitor’s book in the foyer. Thanks for your consideration. 2 Mrs Jo Burgess Principal Transition Into Kindergarten Transition into Kindergarten will once again run during Terms 3 and 4. If you have a child ready to start Kindergarten in 2014 please see the front office for details. Pie Drive Yr 5-6 students are currently running a pie drive fundraiser for their 2013 Great Aussie Bush Camp Excursion. Please stock up your freezer and enjoy our local produce from the Country Fresh Hot Bread Shop. Orders and payment to be placed at the Front Office by Friday 31st May by 3.30pm. Orders will then be available for collection on Thursday 13th June between 2-4pm. PBL Focus for this week WALK IN THE CORRIDORS AND AROUND THE SCHOOL School Caps The SRC are proud to announce that the school caps are now ready to order from the school office. The caps will be $12.50. Please put your name down with payment to Pre order. They are a big hit as the students helped to design them. Thank you for your support. Lost property We are encouraging parents to please take the time to check their child's clothing especially jumpers & jackets to ensure they do not have other students clothing. With the cooler weather approaching please also ensure you CLEARLY LABEL your child's clothing and belongings. If you have lost any clothing please take the time to visit our lost property or take advantage of our clothing pool located next to the front office. Year 6 Transition Day On Monday 27th May, Year 6 students went to high school for a transition day. During the day we studied English with Mrs Dolby and Mrs Chandler. History taught by Mr Tobler, Geography with Ms Nielsen and Drama with Mr Mulligan. We all had a fantastic day with our great helpers from Year 9 and 10- Hope, Emma, Luke, Dillon, Abby, Hannah, Mason and Austin, we couldn’t have done it without them. We are all excited to be going up to the high school again in August. We would like to thank Mr Curran for a great day and we look forward to next year. RIVERINA STOCKFEEDS, based in Warwick QLD, and LANDMARK have again come to our aid in the stock feed department. Many thanks to Anthony Grob, Territory Manager at Riverina, and all the men at Landmark Guyra. We have a tonne of cattle feed and a high protein feed for the pregnant ewes. Both these feeds need to be measured carefully so that the animals get used to the new product and can utilise it fully. Our new steers are very well behaved and the breaking in process has started. They have been in the yards every day and had a halter put on and a short rope attached to the fence. They have performed wonderfully so far at this very early stage. They just need to learn, as the red heifer has, that apples are treats. If they don’t she will get them all and they will miss out! Jane Walker Written By Savannah Roberts and Gemma Sisson Year 9 and 10 helpers for the day 3 CANTEEN ROSTER TERM 2 WEEK 5 June Mon 3rd Tash Nitschke Maryanne Brazier Tues 4th Darren Couley Karen Morgan Wed 5th Sally Geere Joanne Presnell Thurs 6th Kerrianne Goard Paula Small Fri Garry Keyes 7th TYRONE CLOUGH, BIEANKA WADLEY, KASSIE BULL, CORMACK HUME, JACK VALANCE, ANALIESE WARK, BENGERMAN ELLIS, JACK SORAGHAN, RYAN FIELD Heidi Wilson Soup is now available $1.70 Cup Once sold out – WHEELIES will be no longer available Bouquets to Staff If you need to make changes to your days or would like to volunteer at the canteen please contact Suellen on 6772 6701 or the Canteen on 6779 1689 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED GC School Speak HSIE Human society and it’s environment. This key learning area involves the study of people, cultures, societies and environments and is a mandatory subject in Years 7-9. COMMUNITY COLLEGE A few courses that are coming up at Gala Reception skills 6th June Medical Terminology TBA GUYRA UNITED SOCCER CLUB HOODIES Club Branded Black & Orange Hoodie Sizes 4 to 14 (kids) Small to 5XL (adults) ORDER WILL BE MADE ~ FRIDAY 31ST MAY ORDER FORMS AVAILABLE BURGESS GARAGE / ASK YOUR COACH AT TRAINING NECOM Junior Orchestra Workshop Wed 26 & Thurs 27 June 2013 NECOM’s annual Junior Orchestra Workshop gives students an inspiring two days of invaluable performance experience playing in a large ensemble under the leadership of conductor and music education specialist Ann Phelan and NECOM The Workshop is open to Yr 3-8 students who can read music and have at least 6 months playing experience on one of the following instruments: Violin, viola, cello, double base, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba, percussion or pianists willing to play percussion. Date: Wed 26 & Thurs 27 June 2013 Venue: NECOM, Armidale Time: Wed 9.00am - 3.30pm Thurs 9.00am - 3.00pm Free Concert Thurs 2.30 - 3.00pm Fee $80 (bursaries available) Dress: Casual (no uniforms) Lunch: Bring lunch both days, morning tea provided. Try Rugby Venue: Guyra Rugby Field, New England Hwy Age Group: 5-8 years Date & Time: 31st May, 7th& 14th June 4.305.30pm each Friday Cost: $35 (includes 3 wks. ball, cap and drink bottle) Contact & Registration: Darryl Savage 6775 0042 or Sam White 6779 2141 RSVP: Monday, 27th May 2013 Note: Sausage sizzle after training. Would you like to receive your newsletter by email Please ring the school on 6779 0844 and give them your email address 4
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