Guess Who? - Guyra Central School
Guess Who? - Guyra Central School
GUYRA CENTRAL SCHOOL Pride Respect Responsibility Newsletter — Term 1 — Week 6 — 3 March 2015 Dates For Your Diary Guyra Show MARCH Thursday, 5th .......... Positive Behaviour for Learning Day K-12 Friday, 6th ............... Primary Assembly (Yellow & Fluro) Wednesday, 18th .... Grandparents‟ Day ................................ Secondary Cross Country Friday, 20th ............. Primary Assembly (Rose & Indigo) ................................ Senior performance at the Bowling Club Monday 30th ........... Primary Cross Country ................................ Year 10 Work Experience (all week) ................................ Year 11-12 Half Yearly Exams APRIL Thursday, 2nd ......... Last Day of Term 1 Friday, 3rd ............. Good Friday Monday, 20th .......... Staff Development Day Tuesday, 21st ........ First Day of Term 2 Jamie Ward Guyra Central School Marne Street GUYRA NSW 2365 Ph: 02 6779 0844 Fax: 02 6779 2035 Email: Kassie Bull P & C President: Mrs Anita Hunter Website: Canteen: 02 6779 1689 Celebrating Guyra Centrals’ Achievements with Mrs Jo Burgess, Principal Dental Mascot visit to Kindergarten North West Swimming Team: Gane Harbutt, Sarah Skipper & Cooper Wilson. K-12 PBL Celebration day On Thursday 5 March, Guyra Central will celebrate our values of Pride, Respect and Responsibility by staging a welfare and well being day for all students from Kindergarten to Year 12. Each Stage group will engage in a range of fun activities including Dragon Boat Racing on Malpas Dam, study skills for Years 11 and 12, road safety, nutrition and cyber safety for primary. The PBL day has been designed to strengthen positive interactions with staff and students and further promote positive behaviour for learning. Agricultural Students Success at Guyra Show On Friday, a group of keen Agriculture students from Guyra Central School attended the Guyra Show to participate in the sheep and cattle junior judging. Students were asked to visually assess and compare a pen of four ewe lambs and also four Poll Hereford heifers. There were a number of students selected to pass their judgments in the oral presentation section. All students performed really well with Braydon Cameron and Rachel Coles placing 3rd and 4th respectively and Savannah Roberts placing 4th in the sheep judging. Both Rachel and Braydon were selected to move through to the zone finals held in Manilla. By Rachel Coles and Abby Walls Farm News A huge thank you must go to Mr Ian Pearson who donated his time to shear the lambs at the school farm in preparation for the Northern Schools Prime Lamb Competition next term. I Kindergarten Clean Up Australia Day Ben Lennon, Cody Martin, Garth Walls & Jack Lockyer at the Guyra Show. would also like to thank the Merritt‟s and Ms Reim who have willingly agreed to look after the school cattle for the remainder of term. Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve Art Excursion On Friday 13th, the Year 9 & 10 Visual Arts class went on an excursion to the Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve to undertake an art making day. We have been studying a unit called „Sacred Grounds‟, where we have been looking at artists who study the environment and create work inspired with their connection to the land. We will be looking at how artists respond or comment upon the land around them from early colonial artists up to contemporary environmental artists who seek to protect or document nature. After studying the work and practice of John Wolseley students undertook their own art making practice on the excursion. We created detailed drawings of the land, the environment and the objects we found there. We tried using a range of different art making materials to create a number of different styled art including abstract and figurative pieces. We also created some unique rubbings, took photographs and videos as well as documenting animal paths, views and different perspectives of the environment. Students had a very successful enjoyable day. By Miss Kylie Baxter Madison Morgan & Taylor Brennan Kelsie Youman, Alice Stanley, Ben Lennon, Cody Martin, Gemma Williams & Ashleigh Richardson Positive Behaviour Learning Focus Right Place Right Time Right Thing Kelsie Youman Vincent Abayan NO EXCUSES What is your favourite part of the Library? Jamie Ward & Abby Walls: “We love the new bean bags and reading tent.” Rachel Coles: “Access to all the resources and Ms Reim is great.” Akashia Brazier: “I like typing & playing maths games.” Myah Wilson: “Being able to do activities on the computer.” Patrick, Kiearnna & Shearnna Wadley: “We get to play cool maths games.” Matthew McLean & Ben Turner: “We like the Wheels and Dirt Bike magazines.” Carly Harman, Bieanka Wadley, April Heagney, Tara Wells, Shayla Cannon & Regina Ellem: Good to hang out with friends out of the sun. Guess Who? Congratulations Primary Awards The students selected for showing Pride Respect Responsibility Mrs Jenny Atkin: Kindergarten Rose Charlee Roberts: Working hard in reading groups. Summer Tibbs: Excellent reading skills Tommy Mitchell: Great listening Mrs Justine Eddy: Stage 1, Purple Tino Alefosio: Excellent effort in addition and subtraction. Eleanor Ross: Great Improvement in completing writing activities. Ella Vidler: Excellent contribution to narrative writing. Miss Emma Burey: Stage 1, Aqua Ryan Saunders: For great narrative writing. Shearnna Wadley: For always being on task. Shanaye Yeomans: For always using great talking and listening skills. Miss Bianca Hamilton & Mrs Justine Watts: Stage 1, Fluro Emma Looker: Participating & trying her best in class. Darcey Heagney: Always using his manners. Jade Butler: Always following instructions. Mrs Meagan Vidler: Stage 2, Coral Ashley Donnelly: Being a conscientious learner. Max Raper: Detailed bird's eye view drawing. Jessy Baines: A great bird's eye view drawing Mrs Sjaan Mitchell: Stage 2, Yellow Oscar Atkin: Terrific effort in maths. Claire Flynn: Great attitude towards learning. Caleb Campbell-Spencer: Great contribution to class discussions. Miss Sarah McRae, Stage 3, Red Ben Stevens: Extending his writing. Michael Looker: Working hard on all key learning areas. Analiese Wark: Outstanding effort across all areas. Mr Steve Alletsee, Stage 3, Indigo Kiarna Landsborough: Always completing work to a high standard. Tayla Mitchell: Writing an interesting report on Meerkats. Malekai Landsborough: Settling well into Stage 3 Indigo. Assistant Principals’ Award: Daniel Sisson: Showing pride, respect and responsibility Angelyna Ortiz: Consistently demonstrating Pride, Respect and Responsibility Rave Brazier Joey Ryan Guyra Show Success Notes From Switzerland CANTEEN ROSTER Thursday, 5th March: Anne Bull & VOLUNTEER NEEDED Friday, 6th March ..... VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Monday, 9th March .. Kristy Davis & Renata Ling Tuesday,10th March April Worley & VOLUNTEER NEEDED Wed, 11th March...... Marie Jones & VOLUNTEER NEEDED Thursday, 12 March . Trish Martin & Renata Ling Friday, 13 March ...... Tina Skipper & VOLUNTEER NEEDED Monday, 16 March ... Kristy Sisson & Renata Ling Tuesday, 17 March .. Anne Bull & Marie Jones Thank you for volunteering your time at the Canteen. We really appreciate it. If you need to change a day you are rostered on please contact the Canteen: 6779 1689 Alysha Clark: 0400 017 809 or Heidi: 0432 668 261 Hallo aus der Schweiz, On 16th of January I departed from Sydney to start my year as a Rotary Exchange student in Switzerland. On board the plane were 25 other exchange students heading to different parts of the world to start their exchange. My flight to Switzerland took 25 hours and 25 minutes, phew I made it. I had a lovely welcome to Switzerland by my host families holding a welcome banner for me, the weather outside was quite cold and snowing a little colder than Guyra. My first host family live in a town called Mitlodi which is about an hour and a half from Zurich. It is absolutely beautiful living in the mountains, the views are breath taking. When I arrived I spent two days with my host family then I had to leave to attend an intensive language camp in a town called Bischofzell. I spent two weeks there in dormitory style accommodation with other exchange students who are on exchange in other parts of Switzerland. There were students from New Zealand, Zimbabwe, America, Canada and other Aussies, it was pretty awesome spending time with other students getting to know them. The language side of the camp was very intensive but very helpful especially when you have never studied German, Swiss German or High German before. The school I‟m attending for the year is Kantonsschule Glarus with 600 students. I travel by train to school which is a new experience. The school day starts at 7.55 and finishes at 4.30.The subjects I am studying are English, German, Art, Sport, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Mathematics, German study lessons & Economics. On 14th & 15th February Rotex a (Rotary organisation) organised a weekend in Engleberg for all inbound exchange students in Switzerland. We all had to travel by train to Engleberg which was a 3 hour trip from where I live. The weekend was great we went Ice skating, sledding down the mountains and touring the town of Engleberg which is beautiful. I have been living in Switzerland now for 7 weeks and I love it so much, the Swiss chocolate is to die for and the snow is just amazing and the people are so lovely. I have visited the towns of Bischofzell, St Gallen, Engleberg, Luzurn, Einsiedeln, Zurich and Glarus. I miss you all but know I am having an absolutely great time. Briana Merritt.xo Sports Update Primary Sports Award Bree Wilson & Ellie Mitchell Guyra Show Success Kara Williams & Olivia MacDiarmid Gym: The New Smith Machine is a great asset for the Guyra Central School's Gym. Students studying Certificate III in Fitness will now have the added benefit of being able to learn and practice a variety of new exercises that will greatly assist them with their studies. The School Gym is also available to staff members who have completed their orientation and induction to the gym with Linley Ryan. Tennis: Joey Ryan participated in the New England zone boys primary tennis trials in Armidale on 24th February and has been selected to participate at the North West regional trials in Tamworth on Friday, 13th March. Cricket Rep Trials: Armidale junior cricket will hold selection trials for representative teams for next season. Date: Tuesday 17th March @4pm and Sunday 22nd March @10am. Registration begins 30 minutes prior to commencement. Trials will be held at the following venues: Under 12s to 14s: Harris Park. Under 15s & 16s: Sportsground nets. Age is taken at 31st August 2015. Interested players must attend at least one trial day. For further information contact: Michael Dennis 0402 339 095 or Swimming: Congratulations to the secondary and primary students who competed in the North West Swimming Carnival this week. Well done! More details to come….. P & C News The P&C is in need of new members as there has been minimal attendance at recent meetings. The P&C is in danger of not having enough active members to continue. At meetings teachers discuss important changes within the school and it is a great way to get involved and give your opinion on changes which may affect your school. The P&C are the governing body for the canteen and without an active P&C the canteen may not be able to operate. All new members are welcome to attend or express an interest in being part of the new committee. The next meeting is the AGM where we will vote for new committee members. Next meeting is on 19th May at 6pm at Rafters. MESSAGE BOARD Website: For more photos and the school calendar, please visit the GCS website at Newsletter: Please call the school office on 6779 0844, or email: to update your email address or provide contact details to receive the newsletter. School Banking: Save and win a trip to Disneyland! All you need to do is simply make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 and you‟ll automatically go in the Grand Prize competition. Find out more at Health Careers Forum: Kick start a career in the health professions! Who: Years 10, 11 & 12. When: Wed 17th March 2015, 9.15am - 11.30am & 12.30pm - 2.45pm. Where: University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health, Tamworth. Contact: 6755 3519 or Cyper Safety Solutions: If you want to learn about the internet with your child go to Skills For Life at The Hub: Guyra Youth at the Hub are hosting a FREE 6 week fun and interactive program to provide information and skills for young people to be able to cope with life in a healthy and effective way. Who: 12 - 25 Years. When: Wednesday, 18th February 2015 for 6 weeks. Time: 3.30pm - 5.30pm Where: The Hub (opp Post office) Contact: Marni Hietbrink 6779 1635 email: Guyra Little Chats Supported Playgroup: When: Every Tuesday 10-12 Where: Old School Hall, St Mary of the Angels School Cost: FREE Contact: Michelle 0488 371 742 Note: Bring a piece of fruit to share. Uniform Update: Guyra Central School will be introducing a school blazer as an option for our secondary uniform. The school blazers are available in sizes 4-26, we do have some sizes available in the secondary office to fit before placing an order. Order forms are available at the main office. Vaccinations: Notes have gone home to Year 7 and Year 11 students for vaccinations for 2015. Please return notes as soon as you can. Extra copies are available at the main office. Book Club: Last Monday the Scholastic Book Club Order Forms were sent home with each primary student. If your child would like to place an order, please ensure that they are returned to the library no later than Wednesday 11 March. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Guyra Central School (not Scholastic Australia like the order form indicates). Shamrocks Guyra Hockey Club: Junior hockey registrations are open for Under 9, Under 11 (boys), Under 11 girls, Under 13 girls, Under 16 girls. If you would like to play but are not in the above age groups please register your interest and we will place you in a team. To register please contact Leanne Savage: 0428 750 042 email: by 6th March. Guyra Community Garden Opening: If you enter in the “Build a scarecrow” competition you win a prize! Prizes will be presented at the Grand Opening on Sunday, 22nd March at 10.30am. Everyone of all ages welcome to enter. Contact: or 02 67791635 by 13 March. April School Holidays Program: Booknow by calling Manda on 67791715 or email
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stage. This most definitely was an excellent example of the key message for the School at the moment of Pride
Respect and Responsibility.
Murray Harman