Low Res - Indy Region, SCCA


Low Res - Indy Region, SCCA
December-January 2010
2009 Awards Banquet
Primo South Banquet & Conference Center
2615 National Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46227
Indianapolis Region SCCA Notice of 2009 Annual Meeting on Page 3
Um ,you know, The purpose of the Involved
Member Award is to recognize Indianapolis
Region members who exhibit exceptional
participation during the year.
Cliffy, I think you’ve
been reading page 10
of the Clutch Chatter.
You know you have to
get your form in by
December 31st.
Press Releases Inside
Results of Indy Region events and other club news inside
Officers & Chairpersons
E-mail: flagchief@yahoo.com
Phone: 317-280-9587
E-mail: mtownneon@verizon.net
Phone: 765-763-0281
Bryan Deane
Dave Dusterberg
E-mail: powrp@yahoo.com
Phone: 317-407-7743
Dick Powell
E-mail: richlank@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 317-787-4010
Rich Lankford
E-mail: sccaindy@verizon.net
Phone: 765-763-0281
E-mail: cwbnewpal@comcast.net
Phone: 317-861-0710
Pauletta Dusterberg
Officers & Chairpersons .......................................................... 2
Calendar of Upcoming Events .................................................. 2
Region Officer Job Descriptions ............................................ 4,5
National SCCA Press Release ................................................. 6
Minutes ..................................................................................... 7
Checkpoint #10 ........................................................................ 8
SCCA Runoff DVD available .................................................... 8
A Word From the 2010 Solo Chair ........................................... 9
Opt In/Opt Out .......................................................................... 9
Involved Member Award Info .................................................. 10
Membership Application ......................................................... 11
Contributor Ads ...................................................................... 12
SCCA National Press Release ............................................... 13
2009 Season Rookie Standings ............................................. 14
2009 Class Standings........................................................15-18
Welcome New Members ........................................................ 18
Classified Ads ......................................................................... 19
Board Meeting Notice ............................................... back cover
Time to get
ready for next
Lou Byer
E-mail: pcwehman@comcast.net
Phone: 317-485-2769
Phil Wehman
E-mail: dtcgh@verizon.net
Phone: 317-780-9007
Chuck Hanson
E-mail: racerlinn@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 317-727-2132 (E)
Steve Linn
Indianapolis, IN
Phone: 317-248-9626
Jay Quinn
E-mail: jccastel@indygov.org
Phone: 317-898-9273 (E)
Jan Castelluccio
Indy Region Connections
E-mail: indysccareg@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 317-596-8938
Will Lahee
Indy Region Home Page:
National SCCA:
Solo Info Sites:
Andy Welden
Indy Region E-Group
Phone: 317-297-5474
Calendar of Upcoming Events
December 14
December 31
January 23, 2010
Clutch Chatter
John Wilmoth
Email: indyscca@jwwWebDesign.com
Or jww@jwwphotos.com
Phone: 317-843-0503
December 17
BOD MeetingDooley O’Tooles @ 6:30 PM
Solo Steering CommitteeDooley O’Tooles @ 6:30 PM
Last day to file Involved Member FormSee form inside.
Year End BanquetPrimo South @ 6:00 PM
November 2009
To be held Saturday January 23, 2010 At Primo South Banquet & Conference Center
2615 National Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46227 Starting at 6 PM
Buffet Dinner and Drinks to be followed by the 2009
Indy Region Annual Meeting and Awards
$20.00 per person. Pre-registration is required
A cash bar will be available for sodas and alcoholic drinks.
Please RSVP to our Activities Chair person by
January 3, 2009 with names of attendees and
full payment to:
Indy SCCA Awards Banquet
C/O Lou Byer
7914 W 300 S
New Palestine, IN 46163
The 2009 Annual Meeting of the Members of the Indianapolis Region
SCCA will be held on Saturday, January 23, 2010 in conjunction with our
annual Awards Banquet, being held at Primo’s South, 2615 National Ave,
Indianapolis, IN 46227.
At this meeting, the members will be voting for the officers for 2010,
according to the official ballot produced by the nominating chairman.
The ballot has space for write-in candidates for the offices.
Come out and join the rest of us for an evening of fellowship and festivities. Enjoy a great dinner with your friends, and be there to help congratulate the award winners. Check out the Involved Member award rules, and
you may be getting an award yourself!
Help us celebrate another great
year for the Indianapolis Region SCCA.
Ballot for Election of the 2010 Indianapolis Region Sports Car Club of America Board of Directors
Regional Executive
Assistant Regional Executive
Recording Secretary
Membership Chairperson
Activities Chairperson
Bryan Deane
David Dusterberg
Rich Lankford
Dick Powell
Pauletta Dusterberg
Lou Byer
Member Signature
Printed Name _____________________________
Member Signature
Printed Name _____________________________
No proxy votes will be honored. Deadline for receipt is January 23, 2010 6:30 PM.
Bring to banquet or mail to: Jan Castelluccio, 9115 Trinity Place, Indianapolis, IN 46229
Clutch Chatter
November 2009
We are rapidly approaching the time to elect our officers for the year 2010. Now is the time for anyone desiring to be more
involved with the running of our club to step up and enter their nominations for office in our region. I have included a general
description of the various offices. If you wish to run, or you know someone else who wishes to run for office, please contact our
nominations chairman Jan Castelluccio E-mail: jccastel@indygov.org or see the request for nomination following the Job Descriptions.
Region Officer Job Descriptions
It’s getting near that time of year when Regions are considering
new officer candidates for 2010. To help us recruit new leaders,
we present the following Job Descriptions for Region Officers.
This list is by no means comprehensive, and is only offered as a
guide for us during the upcoming elections.
Regional Executive
- Chief Executive Officer of the Region.
- Official Spokesperson for the Region.
- Presides at all meetings of Members and Directors.
- Shall report on the status of the Region at each meeting.
- Shall call any special meeting of Members and Directors in
accordance with the Bylaws of the Region.
- Prepares and adheres to agendas for all meetings.
- Shall appoint or discharge necessary and appropriate positions
and committees.
- Shall sign and execute, together with the Treasurer (or his assignee), all contracts, notes, and drafts in the name of the Region.
- With the Treasurer, participate in creating and assist to determine the Region’s budget for the coming year.
- Shall perform or cause to be performed all duties assigned to
him/her by the Sports Car Club of America, Inc.
- Shall cause books, statements, reports and other certificates
and records to be filed as required by law.
- Shall complete (with aid of Assistant RE) Region SCCA Charter Documents and submit to the National Office no later
than February 15th of each year.
- Shall complete SCCA Directory information for the Region
and submit to the National Office no later than December
31st of each year.
- Shall enforce Region’s Bylaws and perform all duties incidental
to the office of Regional Executive.
- Shall supervise all activities of the Region.
- Shall have other such duties and authorities as prescribed by
Bylaws or Regions Board of Directors.
- Work closely with Region Board of Directors to create and
monitor one year and five year plans using guidelines offered
in the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan of SCCA, Inc.
- Communicate as needed with Executive Officers of other local
sports car clubs, SCCA Regions, and SCCA Divisions.
- Shall maintain communications with the responsible SCCA
Area Director.
Assistant Regional Executive
- Performs duties of the Regional Executive in that person’s
absence or incapacity.
Clutch Chatter
November 2009
- Performs other such duties as assigned by the Regional Executive.
- Performs duties as assigned by the Region’s Board of Directors.
- Shall attend all meetings of the Members and Directors.
- With the Regional Executive, shall prepare the Region’s SCCA
Charter Documents and submit to the National Office no
later than February 15th of each year.
- Work closely with Region Board of Directors to create and
monitor one year and five year plans using guidelines offered
in the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan of SCCA, Inc.
- Shall keep minutes of meetings of Members and Directors.
- Shall be the custodian of all records of the Region.
- Shall attend all meetings of the Members and Directors.
- Work closely with the RE and Region Board of Directors to
create and monitor one year and five year plans using guidelines offered in the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan of
SCCA, Inc.
- Shall maintain the Region’s calendar of events.
- Shall submit the Region’s calendar to newsletter and website.
- Shall have care and custody of, and be responsible for all
funds, merchandise, and assets of the Region.
- Shall have custody of monies, debts, and financial obligations
of the Region.
- Shall attend all meetings of the Members and Directors.
- Reports financial status of Region to Members and Directors.
- Shall maintain accounting records in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
- Pays listing or sanctioning fees in advance of any SCCA event.
- Shall transmit dues and income information received from the
SCCA National office to the Region’s Membership Chairperson.
- Shall make monthly, or more often if required, deposits to the
Region’s bank account.
- Obtain tax exemption certificate if required.
- With the Regional Executive, participate in creating and assist
to determine the Region’s budget for the coming year.
- Work closely with the RE and the Region Board of Directors
to create and monitor one year and five year plans using
guidelines offered in the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan
of SCCA, Inc
- Shall ensure preparation and filing of tax returns in accordance
with the Internal Revenue Code of the United States and
other controlling jurisdictions.
- Shall notify the Region’s bank(s) when changes are made with
respect to addresses, signatures, and other contact information
for new officers or check signers.
Membership Chairperson
The Membership Chairperson promotes continued growth of
the Region through actively recruiting new members and retaining current Members.
- Shall be the Chairperson of the Membership Committee.
- Shall make new Members and other interested parties feel welcome at all Region events.
- Shall maintain a list of Members and other interested parties.
The list shall include all available contact information.
- Shall prepare an annual Region roster.
Other Directors or Officers
- Shall attend all meetings of the Members and Directors.
- Shall perform such duties and have such powers as assigned by
the Board of Directors
- Work closely with Region Board of Directors to create and
monitor one year and five year plans using guidelines offered
in the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan of SCCA, Inc.
May be assigned as liaison to committees and specialty chiefs
who are not already members of the Region’s Board of Directors.
The newsletter editor generates a periodical publication and distributes it to all Region Members and other interested parties.
- Shall produce a publication that is professional appearing and
easy to read.
- Generates content that is relevant to the Region and SCCA
- In cooperation with the Region’s Secretary, shall generate a
calendar of events.
- Shall include reports of all the Region’s events.
- Shall work closely with the Region’s Webmaster to ensure accuracy and timeliness of shared information and stories.
- Shall secure advertising to offset publication costs.
The Region’s Webmaster designs the webpage and maintains
content that is relevant to the Region and SCCA activities.
- Maintains a professional and easily navigated site.
- Ensures that the website is updated on a regular basis and is
- Collect stories, features, and pictures for web content.
- Works closely with the Region’s newsletter editor to ensure
accuracy and timeliness of shared information and stories.
- In cooperation with the Region’s Secretary, shall generate a
calendar of events.
- Shall include results from all of the Region’s events.
Committee Chairpersons
A committee runs each program established by the Region.
Each committee shall have a chairperson who is responsible
for managing their respective program in a manner they see fit
and in accordance with the Region Bylaws.
- As required, shall attend meetings of the Membership and
Board of Directors and shall report on activities of the committee at such meetings.
- Shall communicate with the Board of Directors and Regional
Executive on a regular basis.
- Shall prepare and monitor a committee budget for the committee’s annual activities.
- Submit items of importance to Region’s publication and website.
Elections for the 2008 Indianapolis Region Board of Directors
will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2008 at the Annual Membership Meeting/Awards Banquet. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact any of the current members of
the Board of Directors. Contact information is on the inside
front cover of the newsletter.
November 2009
Clutch Chatter
SCCA Pro Racing Announces Formation of
Pro Spec Racer Ford and Formula Enterprises Series
travel to Miller Motorsports Park in Tooele, Utah.
The season will conclude at VIRginia
International Raceway in Alton, Va., where the
two classes join World Challenge and Trans-Am,
Sept 11 – 12.
TOPEKA, Kan. (Dec. 10, 2009)– SCCA Pro
Racing has announced the formation of a fiveevent Pro Series for SCCA’s Spec Racer Ford
and Formula Enterprises classes.
“We’ve been looking forward to a renewed
partnership with SCCA Pro Racing for some
time,” SCCA Enterprises President Erik
Skirmants said. “The original Pro Spec Racer
Ford series produced some incredible racing and
we’ll be expecting nothing less in 2010. Formula
Enterprises is equally capable of putting on a
fantastic show and we see the new Pro Series as
the final step in the maturation of this class. We
certainly are excited to provide our Club Racers
top level competition and expect to welcome
many new faces into the classes and see them
learn, succeed and move on with strong skills
developed running our spec racing products.”
Recognizing the need to give drivers in the
popular Spec Racer Ford and Formula
Enterprises classes an affordable venue to
compete at the professional level, SCCA Pro
Racing has teamed up with SCCA Enterprises to The Spec Racer Ford is an enclosed-wheel, open
create a five-event, 10-race Pro Series schedule cockpit, purpose built race car powered by a
for 2010.
1.9-liter Ford engine. Next year marks the 25th
Anniversary of the original Spec Racer Ford. The
“In the history of SCCA Pro Racing, some of the Spec Racer Ford previously ran in a professional
most successful series were born out of popular series from 1994 to 2002. The Formula
SCCA Club Racing classes,” SCCA Pro Racing Enterprises car is a single-design, open-wheel,
President and CEO Robert Wildberger said. “The fixed specification car powered by a 2.3-liter
Spec Racer Ford and Formula Enterprises Pro Mazda engine. Both cars are designed and
Series are ideal support series for the SCCA Pro produced by SCCA Enterprises and were created
Racing Trans-Am Series and World Challenge with the intention of providing fun and competitive
Championships. We’re happy we can provide racing at an affordable price. SCCA Enterprises
these racers with an opportunity to taste has produced more than 1000 spec racing cars
competition at the professional level.”
since 1983.
Four of the five race Spec Racer Ford Pro/
Formula Enterprises Pro weekends were
announced at the Performance Racing Industry
Show, in Orlando, Fla., each of them double-race
weekends.The season begins April 10 – 11 for
the 25th Anniversary Spec Racer event at Road
Atlanta. From there, both series head to New
Jersey Motorsports Park, in Millville, N.J., May 8
– 9. A month later, June 5 – 6, the two series
Both the Spec Racer Ford and Formula
Enterprises Pro Series will use SCCA Club
Racing technical regulations, which are available
at www.scca.com/club.
November Indy Region Board Meeting Minutes
This is a synopsis of the minutes of the meeting
of the Indy Region BOD November 9, 2009 at
Dooley O'Tooles, 6:30 PM.
There were 8
directors and 9 guests present. Minutes of the
previous meeting were approved.
Old Business Lou Byer has reserved Primo's
South for January 23 for our 2009 Awards
Banquet. He will get together with Rich Lankford
to get a deposit to Primo's.
Election report: No additional nominations
have been received yet.
Another call for
nominations will be in the December Clutch
Treasurers Report Rich emailed the report to
everyone before the meeting. The Region assets
for the year will be up from last year end. After
minor discussion, the report was approved.
Clutch Chatter
Pauletta expects to have a
combined December/January issue, with a mailer
to everyone for January with ballot and Banquet
Notice. Deadline for next issue is December 1.
By: Dick Powell
Dave Dusterberg, Andy Welden, Rich
Lankford, and Charles Lemeron made a trip to
Bluegrass Motorsports Park for a meeting with
Mr. Kurt Niemeyer, with positive impressions and
response. We have committed to our May Race
weekend, and another summer weekend for
2010. We have committments for Chief Starter
and Registrar for our races.
Andy, Dave, and Rich Kakoczi will be
attending the GLDiv Roundtable for Race
planning, and Velma will be attending for Solo
The Gingerman Drivers School
discussed earlier in the year will not be included
in the schedule.
Solo Scott Thomas has stepped up to be the
Solo Chairperson for next year. All of the sites
we had this year have re-confirmed for 2010, and
the Solo schedule will be developed in the next
couple months. Many of this years specialty
Chiefs have agreed to continue for next year,
Scott will work on filling the couple vacant spots.
Fort Wayne Region has approached us about
organizing and running an event at the Ft. Wayne
Coliseum lot. Scott and Geoff will continue in
discussions with them.
Website John is keeping the website current
and attractive. He asks that anyone finding a
discrepancy on the site to let him know for Rallycross Program Bluegrass has set up a
Rallycross course, and has invited us to organize
correction / adjustment.
an event there. We need to have some of the
Pauletta reported current people who have expresses interest in Rallycross
membership is 455. There are quite a few to step forward and lead the program.
recently expired members that will be renewing
when the season gets closer, as happens every New Business Next BOD meeting scheduled
for December 14 at O'Tooles. Meeting was
Activities The November Club Nite Out at GT
Souths BBQ on Emerson was a great success,
with 21 attending, and an excellent response
from all. The December 1 CNO will be at Union
Jacks in Speedway. We will not have a CNO in
January, but will resume in February at a location
Rally The season went well, good entries for all
the events, and will end the year in the green.
Chuck is working on a schedule for next year.
Checkpoint 10_2009
By: Chuck
Where has the year gone? Seems like only yesterday
that the rally season was over, and the new season is
already upon us!
The Great Lakes Division is asking us to seriously
consider presenting a rally in the 2010 Divisional
Series, and the Champaign County group would like
to do another joint event with us. Ides of March was
well received by both Indianapolis and Champaign
competitors last year, and is in territory that should be
of interest to the GLD competitors. I am taking the
initiative to get started on it for Saturday March 13,
2010. This is the last day of standard time, so it will
provide an opportunity to run a few legs after dark
which will increase the appeal to the GLD folks and
not distress the Champaign folks. I hope that it will
not distress too many of our folks.
The Solo folks in Indy and Columbus have been
aggressively working on their schedules. Below are
the potential dates that are left for us, if we want to
minimize potential conflicts with their dates. Please
contact me if you are willing to take any of these
2010 Potential Rally Dates
April 17/18
May 15/16
Terre Haute Solo
May 16
June 26/27
July 31/Aug. 1
Aug. 21/22
Sept. 25/26
Oct. 30/31
Nov. 20/21
National Championship Runoffs DVD available
TOPEKA, Kan. (Nov. 17, 2009) – The
2009 SCCA
National Championship
Runoffs DVD set presented by Toyo Tires
is now available for purchase.
just in time for the holidays. SCCA
members can log into their account at
“merchandise” link to order.
Race fans can relive the 2009 Runoffs all
over again with an eight-disc DVD set
presented by Toyo Tires, which covers all
24 National Championship races at Road
America. Each race is presented as it was
aired on SpeedcastTV.com.
Orders will begin shipping around
Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, due to file
corruption, the Touring 2 and S2000 races
are not of the same quality as the other
Runoffs races.
With Toyo’s support, the 2009 Runoffs
DVD set is priced at $31.99 and available
Clutch Chatter
November 2009
A Word From The 2010 Solo Chair………
Hello everyone! After a fantastic 2009
Solo season, the 2010 season is just
around the
corner! I just want to
take this opportunity to
introduce myself as many of you may
not know me. My name is Scott Thomas and I’m
the 2010 Solo chairman for Indy Region. I’m
entering my second full year of both SCCA
membership as well as Solo competition. I’m
thrilled to be stepping up to help guide the 2010
season and hope to make it as good as, if not
better than, last year.
By: Scott Thomas
they have been very receptive to that. We are
also attempting to add an event at the former
Visteon plant location in Connersville.
The Connersville Chamber was also quite
receptive to having us and we look forward to
working out an event that fits both our schedule
and theirs.
Stay tuned to the website as well as Clutch
Chatter for more information on the upcoming
Solo season! If you have site ideas, event ideas,
or just a suggestion for something new or
We have a lot of planning underway for next different, email me – cobra17st@sbcglobal.net.
season already. I have made a few tweaks to the I’m all ears! I look forward to another great Solo
schedule after gathering input from club season in 2010!
members. I’m working on adding more test and
tune sessions to our schedule as well as working
on adding new sites to the mix. We’re hoping to
make 2 visits out to Terre Haute this year and
Clutch Chatter Mailing Opt In/OptOut
A complete, printable, electronic format copy of Clutch Chatter (including back issues) is available in Adobe pdf format for downloading on the Indy Region website at indyscca.org . Paper copies are only mailed to those who have
sent the “Opt-In” form.
When an issue of Clutch Chatter is completed and ready for publication, the pdf file will be posted on the Indy Region
website and a special notice e-mail will be sent to the Indy Region e-group with a link to the download page. This
should be available several days before the mailed copies arrive, since it won’t have to go through the printer or the mail.
New members of Indy Region will receive Clutch Chatter in the mail for two months, after which they are expected to
view or download from the website. They will be able to elect to opt-in by filling out and mailing in the form below.
Non-members. Clutch Chatter is a valuable tool for recruiting new members into the region, and drawing participants to our events. Our plan is to add non-member competitors to the mailing list for two months. If they participate in
another event during the two months, then they stay on the list for two more months.
If you change your mind, you can complete and mail in the form below.
Indy Region SCCA Members Only:
Opt-Out Form
Return completed form to:
Pauletta Dusterberg
c/o Clutch Chatter
3732 E US Hwy 52
Morristown, IN 46161
Opt-in to continue receiving Clutch Chatter via mail by completing and returning this form.
Opt-out to stop receiving Clutch Chatter via mail by completing and returning this form.
Name: __________________________________ SCCA Membership #__________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
(address is provided for confirmation purposes only and will not result in an address change)
Your answer to the following question has no bearing on your choice:
Do you have an e-mail address or readily available internet access?
Yes _________ No __________
November 2009
Clutch Chatter
Involved Member Award
Pauletta Dusterberg
The purpose of the Involved Member Award is to recognize
Indianapolis Region members who exhibit exceptional
participation during the year. It is not a competition between
members. In fact, the more award recipients the better. It is truly
a celebration of dedication, support and commitment to Indy
Region SCCA.
An Involved member award will be presented to each Indianapolis Region member, 16 years of age and older, who earns a
minimum of 800 points in a calendar year by participating in at
least two of the following four areas of participation: meetings and
other club-sponsored special events, rally, race and solo.
An Involved member award will be presented to each
Indianapolis Region junior member, under 16 years of age, who
earns a minimum of 400 points in a calendar year by participating
in at least two of the areas of participation.
The Involved member award will be an embroidered lightweight
jacket or fleece. A member will be awarded a jacket only once in
every 5 calendar years (example: a winner presented a jacket in
2003 is eligible again in 2008). Repeat awards within the 5
calendar years will be recognized by embroidering of the award
year on the jacket.
Points are awarded as follows:
Indy Region Board of Directors
100 per year
Newsletter Editor
100 per year
100 per year
100 per year
Program Chair
100 per year
Banquet or Trophy Chair
100 per year
Indy Region Race Events:
Event Chair
400 per event
Event Co/Assistant Chair
250 per event
Working Chief of Specialty
125 per day
100 per day
Driver/ Crew
50 per day
Indy Region Solo Events:
National/Divisional Event Chair
400 per event
National/Divisional Event Co/Chair
250 per event
Regional Event Chair
100 per event
Regional Event Specialty Chair
75 per event
Regional Driver / Worker
50 per day
Indy Region Rally Events:
National/Divisional Event Rallymaster
400 per event
Regional Rallymaster
200 per event
Rally PreCheck / Safety Steward
100 per event
Working Chief of Specialty
75 per day
Driver / Navigator / Worker
50 per day
Other Events:
National/Divisional Rally or Solo Registrar 75 per event
GLDiv Roundtable Chair
100 per event
GLDiv Roundtable/SCCA Nat Conv
50 per day
Activities Participation / Awards Banquet 50 per day
Clutch Chatter / Website article/photos
50 per article
Monthly meeting attendance
30 per event
Points are only awarded for Indy Region related events, Great
Lakes Roundtable, and SCCA National Convention. There will be
no combination of points for a single event; points from only one
category may be scored per day. For example, a member who is
a worker and a driver on the same day at the same event may
only score points for one category or the other. Each member is
solely responsible for tracking and reporting their points; no one
else will do this for you. To be eligible for an award, the Indy
Region member must fill out the attached form or a reasonable
facsimile and mail or e-mail it to the Membership Chairman. The
form can also be downloaded in Excel format from our website,
making tabulation of points easier. All forms must be received no
later than December 31st of the year in order to be eligible for an
Involved Member Award for that year. Confirming receipt of
submitted points is the sole responsibility of the entrant. A
person’s eligibility will be verified by the Membership Chairman.
The IMA will be presented to the winning members at the Annual
Awards Banquet for that year.
Indy Region Involved Member Points Reporting Form
This form can also be downloaded in Excel format from our website, making tabulation of points easier.
How Participated
Email form to: Pauletta @ sccaindy@verizon.net
Or snail mail to Pauletta Dusterberg, 3732 E US Hwy 52, Morristown, IN 46161
Clutch Chatter
National Race GROUP1
Membership Application
Pos PIC No. Name
Class Region
1 1 3 William Moore T2 NEO
800-770-2055 www.scca.com
2 1 42 Mike Kramer T3 TNN
3 1Prospective
97 AdamSCCA
in the Sports
Car Club of America, the world's largest member participation automotive organization, please complete the form
4 apply
2 7for Bob
below in full and return, with payment, to your region or the SCCA Membership Department, PO Box 299, Topeka. Kansas 66601-0299.
5 3 76 Jeff Luckritz SM SBR
6 4 60 PRINT
Rick Deerwester
SM Cinci
Birthdate _____/_____/________
7 2 _____________________________________________________________
77 Dick Ruhl T2 OVR
8 1 32
Ralph Porter SSB Indy
Telephone (____)_______________
9 5 09 Rob Piekarczyk SM NEO
State _______ Zip __________ E-mail __________________________
10 1_______________________________
82 Morey D. Doyle SSC Indy
11 6 you
Cinci before? No
Yes Year____ Previous Member Number ________________
12 7 68 David Bednarz SM DET
IF APPLYING FOR FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (husband/wife & children), list names and ages of children under age 21:
13 3 98 Bill Baten T2 Indy
Spouse Name ______________________________________________
Birthdate ______/_____/__________
DNF 8 59 Dennis Brown SM Indy
Children Name _____________________________________________ Birthdate ______/_____/__________
Name ____________________________________________________
Birthdate ______/_____/__________
Name ____________________________________________________
Birthdate ______/_____/__________
Name ____________________________________________________
Birthdate ______/_____/__________
SCCA’s Weekend Membership Program: A $15 discount can be used towards your first year’s dues by using your weekend
membership number. The maximum amount that may be applied is $30 and expires in 60 days (date on receipt).
Weekend Membership # ___________________ Second Weekend Membership # ___________________
SCCA’s Membership Referral Program is an incentive for SCCA members to refer new members. By providing the name of the
SCCA membeer who sparked your interest, you are granted a $15 discount and your SCCA friend will receive a credit on their
membership renewal.
Referred by SCCA member: ______________________________________________________ #__________________
First / Last Name & Member Number REQUIRED
Please send me a Crew License.(Check box)
Please indicate the area(s) of SCCA in which you plan to participate, or which interest you most. Your response will be uised to allocate your national dues
to the areas you indicate. Thank you.
Club Racing
Pro Racing
Annual National dues
_____ 01 Regular Member
$60.00 +
_____ 03 Spouse Member*
$20.00 +
_____ 10 Family Membership $95.00 +
Pro Rally
Road Rally
Annual Region dues
Regular Member
Spouse Member
Family Membership
*Spouse must be regular member's legal spouse.
Credits Weekend $______
Referral $_______
Enclosed is my check or money order for $___________ U.S. Do not send cash.
Mastercard No. _____________________________ Expiration Date _________
I hereby apply for membership in the Sports Car Club of America. Inc. and its Indianapolis / 013 Region and agree to abide by the bylaws.
Applicants Signature ______________________________________________________ Date ____________________
Dues include payment for subscription to Sports Car ($24 value)
(Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions)
November 2009
Clutch Chatter
The Old
Bed and Breakfast
Pete & Wendy Hylton, Innkeepers
7579 North State Road 267
Brownsburg, IN 46112
Phone: 317-852-5923
See our website www.theoldmg.com
November 2009
Clutch Chatter
Three Professional Race Weekends to Feature SCCA Pro Racing Lineup
The third event is set for Sept 11 – 12 at VIRginia
International Raceway. The weekend, which marks the
conclusion of the Trans-Am, SRF Pro and FE Pro
seasons, will say goodbye to summer and kick-off the
fall racing season in style. Trans-Am will co-headline
with the World Challenge Championships. The SRF Pro
Series, FE Pro Series and a Volkswagen Jetta TDI
SCCA Pro Racing currently sanctions, owns or operates program will join the festivities.
eight professional road racing series across both closed
and open-wheel categories, including the recently- “2010 is going to be a hallmark year for SCCA Pro
announced Pro Spec Racer Ford and Pro Formula Racing,” Wildberger stated. “Displaying a large portion of
Enterprises Series. With such a vast array of products to our series on the same weekend will painta clearer
work with, SCCA Pro Racing has taken the initiative to picture of what SCCA Pro Racing is about and will lead
create its own, unique professional race weekends.
to further expansion in the years to come.”
TOPEKA, Kan. (Dec. 10, 2009) –Following the recent
growth and expansion of SCCA Pro Racing, the
sanctioning body announced today at the Performance
Racing Industry show that it will stage at least three
professional race weekends in 2010 headlined by and
featuring a variety of SCCA Pro Racing properties.
“SCCA Pro Racing is enjoying a period of tremendous
growth right now,” SCCA Pro Racing President and CEO
Robert Wildbergersaid. “We have a great advantage in
the industry at the moment, to have such a diverse and
entertaining mix of properties under our umbrella.
We’ve been looking forward to reviving the all-SCCA
Pro Racing weekend concept for a while now and all the
pieces have finally come into place.”
2010 All-SCCA Pro Racing Dates
See List Below.
Further information on the three SCCA Pro Racing
events will be announced as they become available. The
latest news, schedules and announcements are
available at www.sccapro.com.
The first all-SCCA Pro Racing weekend will take place
May 8 – 9 at New Jersey Motorsports Park in Millville,
N.J. The SCCA Pro Racing Trans-Am Series will
headline the weekend, which will include the
Volkswagen Jetta TDI Cup, plus the Spec Racer Ford
and Formula Enterprises Pro Series.
SCCA Pro Racing
A wholly owned subsidiary of Sports Car Club of
America, Inc., SCCA Pro Racing Ltd. is a leading
sanctioning body for motor sports events in the United
States. A member of the Automobile Competition
Committee of the United States (ACCUS), SCCA Pro
Racing operates and sanctions the Trans-Am Series,
Not too long after New Jersey, the show will travel west World Challenge Championships, Volkswagen Jetta TDI
to Tooele, Utah, and Miller Motorsports Park. Trans-Am Cup, Playboy Mazda MX-5 Cup, Spec Racer Ford Pro
will headline the weekend once again, with the TDI Cup, Series, Formula Enterprises Pro Series and F2000
SRF Pro and FE Pro Series completing the schedule.
Championship Series. For more information, please visit
May 8 - 9
New JerseyMotorsportsPark
Volkswagen Jetta TDI Cup, SRF Pro, FE Pro
Volkswagen Jetta TDI Cup, SRF Pro, FE Pro
VIRginiaInternational Raceway
Trans-Am, World Challenge
SRF Pro, FE Pro, VW TDI program
June 5 - 6
Sept. 11 - 12
Clutch Chatter
November 2009
Rookie Standings
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Class ST CS ST ES HS CS SSM/SMS ASP GS GS /FSP CS SMS CSL HSL ST SMS SMS HS STU ES STS STX SMS BSP BS GS SMS ST GS STX ST AS ST BP BS AS AS CS STX SMS FS By: Will Lahee
Driver Patrick O'Neal Brent Markwalder Scott Thomas Jimmy Chiu Dick Powell Matt P. Ted Skreko Eric Nunemaker Brian Fisher Nicholas Linsky Jeff Rinck Anthony Carson Brooke Markwalder Mari Levey John Smith Steve Lowry Justin Van Emon Oliver Vaugh Joseph Wilson Anh vu Le Christina Bell Richard Miller Kevin Colby Kyle English Jamie Tomlinson Jon Peiffer John McAfee Glen Hammer Jason Baer Kevin Parrish James Gates Ramantg Vadlamudi Stefan Schochat Jeff Kleiner Yin‐Yu Chen Lawrence Anicete Manny Ramirez Calvin Wang Mitch Pettigrew Bill Bratton Tyler Welken Car Model 90 Honda Civic Si 2007 Pontiac Solstice 95 Saturn SC2 90 Mazda Miata 03 Ford Focus ZX3 08 Mazda MX‐5 Miata 95 Mazda Miata 09 Nissan GTR 08 Volkswagen GTI Sentra 02 Mazda Miata 09 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart 2007 Pontiac Solstice 09 Honda Fit 91 Saab 900 Honda Civic 04 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 92 Honda Civic Mitsubishi Evolution 07 Honda Civic si 90 Mazda Miata 03 Cadillac CTS 02 Chevrolet Camaro SS 04 Subaru Wrx Sti 06 Mazda RX8 95 Ford Probe GT 03 Subaru WRX 01 Saturn SC2 03 Mini Cooper S 20 Subaru Impreza 2.5i 08 Hyundai Tiburon Lancer Evo 99 Volkswagen Passat 65 Factory Five Cobra Roadster 07 Mazda Rx‐8 94 Acura NSX 08 Evo X 07 Pontiac Solstice 05 Mini Cooper S 99 Dodge Dakota R/T 09 Pontiac G8 November 2009
Clutch Chatter
Championship Points– 2009 Solo Class Standings
**Please note that trophy designations are inaccurate on this report.
There will be a separate report with final year end trophies.
Event #Event Name
1Indy Points Event #1, 16th Street
2Indy Points Event #2, Terre Haute
3Indy Points Event #3, Grissom AFB
4Indy Points Event #4 - Grissom AFB
5Indy Points Event #5, Midwest Sports Complex
6Indy Points Event #6, 16th Street Stadium
7Indy Points Event #7, Grissom AFB
Car Model
Super Stock
1T Jack Tovey
2T Joe Wade
3 Jerry Strope
3 Curtis Wade
5 Steve Mieritz
6 Dave Dutro
06 Dodge Viper
2007 Porsche
04 Chevrolet Corvette
2007 Porsche
02 Chevrolet Z06
Posche 911
A Stock
1T Jon Wilson
2T Kyu H. Lee
2T Andrew Goumas
4T Kyle Ruddy
5T Adam Deffenbaugh
5T Don Rushing
5T Nick Jackson
8 Andy Hohl
8 Ron Glumb
8 Ramantg Vadlamudi
8 Manny Ramirez
12 Kristopher Stuckey
12 Barry Schonberger
12 Elizabeth Ruddy
15 Kent Schonberger
15 Steven Mardis
17 Ben Keefer
18 Robb Leu
19 Angelo Chialva
19 Jonathan Gray
19 Lawrence Anicete
07 Saturn Sky
03 Honda S2000
07 STi
Honda S2000
03 Porsche Boxter
04 Honda S2000
04 Honda S2000
04 Honda S2000
Lancer Evo
08 Evo
01 Honda S2000
08 Mitsubishi Evo
08 Mitsubishi Evo
07 Saturn Sky Redline
04 Honda S2000
Honda S2000
05 Honda S2000
07 Pontiac Solstice
94 Acura
B Stock
1T Steve Povalac
1T Joe O'Neill
3 Paul Crisostomo
4 Jamie Tomlinson
5 Yin-Yu Chen
6 Joe Conrad
2007 Mazda RX
05 Mazda Rx
05 Mazda Rx
06 Mazda RX
07 Mazda Rx
05 RX
C Stock
1T Darren Daubenspeck
2T Tom Walgamuth
3T Brent Markwalder
4T Matt P.
5 Michael Gough
6 Jeff Rinck
7 Brandon Lavender
07 Pontiac Solstice
99 Miata
2007 Pontiac Solstice
2008 Mazda Miata
99 Mazda Miata
02 Mazda Miata
96 Mazda Miata
By: Will Lahee
8 Bruce Durell
9 Ted Drummond
10 Calvin Wang
99 Mazda Miata
07 Pontiac Solstice
07 Pontiac Solstice
D Stock
1T Chad Steider
2T Clint Griest
2T Brandon Kelter
2T Anthony Carson
5 Jack Wade
6 Isaac Sachs
6 Joe Wade
8 Matt Neisen
09 Mazda Mazdaspeed
07 Mazda Speed
05' Saab 92x aero
09 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart
08 WRX
04 Subaru Impreza WRX
Dodge SRT-4
E Stock
1T Jimmy Chiu
2T George Schmitt
2T Berry Beaman
4 Cooper Lacy
4 Anh vu Le
90 Mazda Miata
96 Mazda Miata
94 Mazda Miata
94 Mazda Miata
07 Honda Civic si
F Stock
1T Sean Murphy
2T Christopher Hacker
3T Brian Steuerwald
4 Jacob Robertson
5 Cole Hudson
5 Tyler Welken
7 Rick Huibregtse
8 Evan Luscher
95 Chevy Camaro
00 Pontiac Firebird WS
04 Audi S4
06 Infiniti G35 coupe
05 Infiniti G35 Coupe
09 Pontiac
93 BMW M5
05 Mercedes Benz Clk
G Stock
1T Ian Girvan
2T Todd Dearborn
3T Stefan Girvan
3T Paul Dupouy
5T Brian Fisher
6T Eric Allen
7 Matthew O'Sha
7 James Rose
7 Jeffery Rapp
10 Patrick Snyder
10 Jon Peiffer
10 Cody Cross
13 Nicholas Linsky
13 Vincent Vergara
13 John O'Brien
13 Thomas Foxworthy
17 Jared Shroyer
18 Max Wade
18 Brent Kalman
18 Luke Allen
21 Jason Baer
22 Andrew Janik
23 Matthew Boron
24 Danielle Steinke
honda Civic
87 BMW 325e
Honda Civic
05 Saturn Ion
08 Volkswagen GTI
08 Audi A3
08 Volkswagen GTI
05 Dodge Srt-4
07 Mustang
2004 Volkswagon GT
95 Ford Probe GT
Acura TL
05 Dodge Neon SRT-4
04 Dodge Srt-4
03 Mistubishi Eclipse
05 Volkswagen Jetta GL
04 Acura RSX Type-S
Mini Cooper
03 Mini Cooper S
95 Honda Civic Del Sol
00 Saab
Toyota Celica
H Stock
1T Dick Powell
2T Jacob Vanderbilt
3T Oliver Vaugh
03 Ford Focus ZX3
91 Jetta TDI
92 Honda Civic
Warning - Class Final Standings are officially unofficial and year end trophies are given to
members that have worked a specialty per our points qualification rules
Gabe Argenta
Ted Drummond
Christopher Krumnow
Melissa Britten
Koon Wan
Ivan Hadad
Cory Innis
Damon Greven
Jason Chordas
Ryan Ferando
Edward Dyer
00 Cavrolet Cavalier
08 Volkswagen New Beetle SE
08 Saturn Astra
06 Toyota Corolla XRS
06 Mazda 3
Mazda 3
96 Honda Civic
99 Subaru impreza 2.2L
08 Volkswagen Rabbit S
08 Honda Fit
08 Volkswagen EOS
A Street Prepared
1T Phil Wehman
2T Eric Nunemaker
3 Aaron Haskell
4 Sunday Ross
5 Mike Begora
6 Matthew Smith
05 Lotus Elise
09 Nissan GTR
Exige "S"
06 Lotus Exige
05 Lotus Elise
B Street Prepared
1T Ryan Kowalewski
2T Bart Monnin
3T Chris Davis
4 James Cocherell
5 Sean Seamon
5 Craig Hudson
7 Jeremy Highers
7 Jason Proksch
9 Kyle English
07 Pontiac Solstice
99 BMW Z3
01 Honda S2000
04 Honda S2000
Mazda Miata
04 Subaru STI
Ford Mustang
02 BMW M3
04 Subaru Wrx Sti
C Street Prepared
1T Leonardo Bonvino
2T Ted Drummond
3T Jeff Alexander
Mark Galovic
5 Bryan Alexander
6 Scott Foxworthy
6 Donald Kline
93 Mazda Miata
88 Toyota Mr2 Sc
2000 Mazda Miata
2003 MR2
Toyota MR2
91 Mazda Miata
D Street Prepared
1T Joe Conrad
1T Douglas Hale
01 Volkswagen Jetta
E Street Prepared
1T Craig Hudson
2T Travis Camp
2T Kent Weaver
4T Crissy Weaver
5 Myke Dziengel
5 Mark Rees
7 Keith Margraf
7 Alan Kamer
7 Michael Claprodt
10 Rachel Fehring
11 Joel Fehring
06 Subaru WRX
05 Subaru Impreza WRX
03 Ford Mach1
03 Ford Mach1
03 Ford Mach1
99 Chevy Camaro
82 Pontiac Firebird S/E
94 Ford Mustang
87 Supra
96 Pontiac Trans Am
96 Pontiac Trans Am
F Street Prepared
1T David Dusterberg
2T Benjamin Wilson
3T Steve Linn
4 Nicholas Linsky
4 Steve Mieritz
6 Patrick Gilbert
6 Wade Hill
8 Christopher Krumnow
96 Dodge Neon
Toyota Celica
92 Nissan Sentra
87 Fiero
96 Plymouth Neon
90 Ford Escort
78 Pontiac Fiero
B Prepared
1T Jeff Kleiner
2 Jeff Cruise
3 Tim Boyd
65 Factory Five Cobra Roadster
65 Cobra
65 Cobra
C Prepared
1T Warren Leveque
2T Michael LeVeque
3T Scott Lewis
4 Bill Headlee
5 Tim Mahler
6 Mark McKinnon
6 Paul Fox
66 Corvair Yenko Stinger
66 Chevy Corvair
97 Chevy Camaro
70 Ford Boss 302
66 Chevrolet Corvair
70 Ford Boss Mustang
65 Corvair
E Prepared
1T Yancy Smith
87 Honda crx
F Prepared
1T Kenton Hochstetler
2 Paul German
3 Richard Dempsey
Mazda RX7
Mazda RX-7
Mazda RX7
G Prepared
1T David Copher
2 Mike Hearne
Bug eye
84 Honda CRX
A Modified
1T Jeff Everett
04 Formula SAE Formula
B Modified
1T Daniel Stone
2 Bob Sonntag
76 LeGrand Mk
79 LeGrand Mk
C Modified
1T Brent Cary
1T Bruce Faucett
1T Raymond Thomas
1T Mark Lamm
5 Stephen Geiger
5 Colin Faucett
5 Randall Turner
Formula Ford
84 Van Diemen Rf
83 Reynard Formula Ford
73 Dulon Mp
Formula Ford
84 Van Diemen Rf
73 Dulon Mp1
D Modified
1T Stephen Brinkerhoff
2 Paul Snyder
3 Warren Leveque
06 Ultralite XR7
06 World Class Mtr Ultralite S2K
06 Sorta Lotus XR7
E Modified
1T Mark Scott
2T Lee Miller
3T Jack Banker
4T Ben Scott
5 Christian Banker
6 Steve Tamandli
6 Warren LeVeque
8 Cameron Lane
9 Brian Gard
10 Valerie Gard
08 Brunton Super Stalker
02 Lotus
03 Stalker V6 Roadster
08 Brunton Super Stalker
03 Stalker V6 Roadster
88 Pontiac Fiero
66 Corvair Yenko Stinger
72 Datsun 240z
Dodge Neon
Dodge Neon
F Modified
1T Maurie Light
2 Mark Hawkins
84 Mace Thomas
84 Mace Thomas
Street Touring (ST)
1T Patrick O'Neal
2T Bob Miller
3T Scott Thomas
4T John Smith
5T Jay Warfel
96 Honda Civic
94 Suzuki Swift GT
95 Saturn SC
91 Saab
02 Subaru Impreza RS
David Dusterberg
Kevin Parrish
Adam West
Jeremy Garrett
Glen Hammer
Brad Adams
Eric Conrad
Tony Rogers
Stefan Schochat
Shao Fei Xu
Charles Lemeron
Malhon Godwin
Kevin Bryant
Kenny Lukenbill
James Gates
95 Suzuki Swift
07 Subaru Impreza 2.5
85 BMW 325e
2001 Ford Focus
01 Saturn SC
92 Honda CiviC
86 Honda Civic
Mazda Speed
99 Volkswagen Passat
Subaru 2.5i
02 Dodge Neon ACR
95 Acura Integra LS
05 Civic Si
Datsun 5
08 Hyundai Tiburon
Street Touring 2 (STS)
1T Shahab Sakha
2T Harold Hammerly
3T Larry R. Metz
4 Andrew Peppler
5 Christina Bell
6 Steve Linn
7 Steve Peppler
7 Bryan Deane
7 Steve Ring
90 Mazda Miata
90 Mazda Miata
90 Honda Civic CRX
92 Mazda Mx-5
90 Zoom Zoom Crapwagon
92 Mazda Mx-5
90 Mazda Mi-otter
88 Honda CRX-Si
Street Touring X
1T Andrew Madson
2T Bryan Welch
3T Joel Harleman
4T Jimmy Stine
5T Jordan Huibregtse
6T Justin McCarthy
7 Fred Foxworthy
8 Brad Riehle
9 Richard Miller
10 Jay Nogan
10 Joe Kniesly
12 Harold Davis
12 Warren Kniesly
14 Nicholas Linsky
15 Kevin Parrish
15 Josh Davis
17 Mitch Pettigrew
17 Kevin Gaskins
17 Anthony Carson
04 Subaru Impreza
03 Cadillac CTS
05 Mini Cooper S JCW
86 BMW 325es
91 BMW 318is
05 Mazda Rx-8
05 Subaru WRX
Lincoln LS
03 Cadillac CTS
02 Mini Cooper S
89 Honda Civic SI
02 Subaru Impreza WRX
20 Subaru Impreza 2.5i
Ford Mustang
05 Mini Cooper S
03 Ford Mustang
09 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart
Street Touring U
1T Kevin Kent
2T Nicholas Myers
3T Jason Proksch
4T Michael Johnson
5T Marshall Radwin
6 Mat Jordan
7 Luke Wilson
8 Chuck McMillion
9 Joseph Wilson
10 Paul Hepner
11 Kyle English
11 Gregory Leeder
11 Ryan Kent
14 Vito Mazzola
06 Subaru ST
03 Mitsubishi Evolution VII
02 BMW M3
05 Subaru STi
07 Subaru Impreza STi
08 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X
05 Subaru WRX
Mitsubishi Evolution
06 Mitsu Lancer Evo IX MR
04 Subaru Wrx Sti
05 Pontiac GTO
06 Subaru STI
04 Subaru Forester
'Street Modified
1T Gary Burton
1T Lucas Cole
3 Tom Miller
4 Ron Bunten
90 Ford Mustang
98 Neon
65' Corvair
'Street Mod Street Tire
1T Kevin Miller
2T Scott Dales
3T Oscar Judd Jr
4T Kyle Roland
5T David Sockrider
6T Benjamin Newburn
7 Chris French
8 Dan Levey
8 Jeremy Meadows
10 Mat Jordan
10 Chuck McMillion
12 Dale Brier
12 Gretchen Lee
14 Tim Meggenhofen
14 Chris Snyder
16 Eric Benson
16 Brian Britten
18 John Fehring
18 Travis Camp
20 Vito Mazzola
20 Kevin Colby
20 Maks Derylo
23 Justin Van Emon
23 James Priest
25 Tony Rogers
25 James Fehring
25 Steve Lowry
25 Joshua McDonough
25 Ted Skreko
25 Max Wade
31 Kenny Lukenbill
31 Anthony Carson
31 Lukeus Allen
31 Chris White
31 Greg Leder
31 Dustin Houser
31 Avijit Verma
31 Brandon Van Horn
31 John McAfee
31 John Ryan III
31 Matthew Hull
31 Oscar Judd
31 Cody Sowder
31 Bill Bratton
31 Bryan Ruiz
31 Ely Lee
31 Curtis Wade
00 Acura Integra
03 Mini Cooper S
00 Audi S
98 Acura Integra GSR
04 Volkwagen Golf R
03 Subaru Wagon!
04 Subaru Impreza WRX STi
04 Dodge Nsrt-4
05 Subaru Impreza STi
07 Subaru Impreza STi
05 Subaru WRX
03 Subaru WRX Wagon
2005 STI
03 BMW M3
02 Chevrolet Cavalier
97 Pontiac Firebird
96 Pontiac Trans Am
05 Subaru Impreza WRX
04 Subaru Forester
02 Chevrolet Camaro SS
03 Subaru Impreza WRX
04 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
96 Subaru Impreza L
Mazda Speed
96 Pontiac Trans Am
Honda Civic
92 Chevrolet Camaro
95 Mazda Miata
Nissan Sentra
09 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart
07 Mini Cooper
94 Honda Civic CX
92 Nissan 240sx
05 Chevy Cobalt SS
BMW 325i
03 Subaru WRX
03 Subaru Wagon
2000 Focus
00 Audi S4
05 STi
99 Dodge Dakota R/T
99 Honda Civic Si
95 Neon
2007 GTi
Super Street Modified
1T Ted Skreko
2 1 Paul Dornburg
3 Terry Davis
95 Mazda Miata
73 Porsche 911T Targa
73 Porsche 911t
F Shifter Kart
1T Steve Linn
92 Kart Kart
Junior Kart A
1T Robby Linn
1T David Copher
3 Parker Dalesna
92 Kart Kar
Kart Kar
Junior Kart B
1T Christian Hammerly
2 Marissa Linn92
3 Zoe Conrad92
Kart Kart
Kart Kart
B Stock Ladies
1T Mary Crisostomo
05 Mazda Rx-8
C Stock Ladies
1T Brooke Markwalder
2007 Pontiac Solstice
D Stock Ladies
1T Kara Czechkowski
08 Lexus IS
G Stock Ladies
1T Marta Kizym
1T Wanda Brinkerhoff
BMW 325i
2003 Nissan Sentra
H Stock Ladies
1T Mari Levey
2 Heather Miller
09 Honda Fit
99 Chevrolet Cavalier
'E Street Prepared Ladies
1T Huong Pham
1T Cathi Clark
06 Subaru WRX
Yenko Stinger Stage 2
C Prepared Ladies
1T Kathy Lewis
1T Tracy Mclean
3 Crissy Weaver
97 Chevy Camaro
66 Chevy Corvair
03 Ford Mach1
D Modified Ladies
1T Wanda Brinkerhoff
2 Georgia Brown
Street Touring X Ladies
1T Cris Kniesly
02 Subaru Impreza WRX
Welcome New Members
Street Touring U Ladies
1T Kelly Cogdill
04 Subaru Forrester
Street Mod Street Tire Ladies
1T Kelly Cogdill
2 Gretchen Lee
04 Subaru Forrester
2005 STI
X-Class (Pax)
1T XBM Clemens Burger
2T XSTS Geoffrey Chambers
Will Lahee
3T XCSP Raleigh Boreen
Brian Davis
Ron Conrad
7 XSTS Gustavo Hammerly
8 XCM Mark Lamm
9 XCSP Velma Boreen
10 XCM Randall Turner
10 XHS
Larry Harts
12 XFS
Jim Zeisler
13 XST
Travis Robuck
14 XST
Rich Grunenwald
14 XSTS Tom O'Gorman
14 XSTX Samuel Krauss
14 XSS
Steve Mieritz
18 XSTS David Santel
18 XSTS Laura Harbour
18 XSS
Jerry Strope
76 LeGrand Mk
90 Mazda Miata
89 Honda Civic Si
96 Mazda Miata
89 Honda Civic Si
86 Honda Civic Si
90 Mazda Miata
73 Dulon Mp
96 Mazda Miata
73 Dulon Mp
04 Mini Cooper Cooper
08 Ford Mustang Shelby GT
89 Honda Civic Si
89 Honda Civic
90 Mazda Miata
95 Eagle Talon
02 Chevrolet Z06
90 Mazda Miata
90 Mazda Miata
04 Chevrolet Corvette
By: Paulertta Dusterberg
We would like to welcome these new members to the
Indianapolis Region of the SCCA:
Ray E. Sharp
Smyrna, TN
We look forward to seeing you at an Indy Region event in the near future.
As of the date of this newsletter we are 447 members strong.
1992 Toyota MR2
Prepared for E/Stock
Basic Information:
Mileage: 113621
-Sun Roof Car – No T-Tops
-Black Body Color
-Black Interior
-Power Steering
-Power Windows & Locks
-Tilt Wheel
-Cruise Control
Autocross Modifications:
-Koni Sport (Yellow) Struts Front &
-Custom Adjustable Addco Front
Sway Bar
-HD Adjustable Front Sway Bar
End Links
-Reinforced Front Sway Bar End
Link Mounts at Strut
-Urethane Front Sway Bar
Mounting Bushings
-Autocross 4 Wheel Alignment
Using Toyota Crash Bolts for
Optimum Camber Correction
-Muffler Removed Replaced with
Straight Pipe (saves 25#s)
-K&N Replacement Air Filter
-Royal Purple Oil & Trans Lube
-Schroth 4 Point Harnesses for
Driver & Passenger
Wheels and Tires:
-Kodiak Lite-Weight Front Wheels
14 x 6 (Approx. 9# each), Rear
Wheels 14 x 7 (Approx. 9.5#
Each). All Have Allowable 1/4”
Offset Built In, Mounted With Kumho
V710 205/50-14 Front
And 225/50-14 Rear Having a
Total of About 50 Runs
-Stock 14 x 6 and 14 x 7 Rims
With Older 710’s Good for Test &
-Set of 4 Almost New Stock Size
Street Tires Included
-“Big Green Book” Service Manuals Included
Price: $5295.00
Contact: Norm or Sandra Dively
Car located in Michigan
Classified Ads
Wheels (& tires)
Four 18” x 7” wheels for Mazda 6,
etc, with 245/45 tires, medium
tread. $800 or best offer.
Chuck Hanson, 317-780-9007
email: dtcgh@verizon.net
Fax - 317-780-7845
1992 Toyota MR2
See ad to the left
FOR SALE: 1999 Mazda Miata
Beautiful full color illustrations of
your race car, motorcycle, boat whatever. Done from your photos or if you
have been to the runoffs in the past two
years, there’s a good chance I have on
track photos of you. They make great
gifts and can be reproduced for family,
crew, or sponsors. We can make greeting
cards too, use on business cards and
letterhead (I do great logos) or on your
Call me, Lou Byer, at 317-861-0710
or email cwbnewpal@comcast.net
122,000 miles, Rota RB wheels with BF
Goodrich tires, custom exhaust, wired for
Sirius Satellite radio.
Needs some minor TLC but otherwise
good car. $4000.00 or make offer.
Dave or Pauletta Dusterberg
Email: Mtownneon@verizon.net
Cell: 317-512-3208 Dave
317-512-1479 Pauletta
765-763-0281 home
Classifieds are offered as a free service to Indy Region members.
Send to Pauletta Dusterberg, 3732 E US Hwy 52, Morristown, IN 46161 765-763-0281
Email: clutchchatter@yahoo.com
Deadline for next months ads is the 15th.
If you want a picture with your ad, please send it as a separate JPEG file attachment to
or by snail mail as a photo for scanning.
November 2009
Clutch Chatter
at Dooley O’Tooles
160 E. Carmel Drive
(121st Street)
0.6 mile west of
Keystone Ave.
Lou Byer
Dick Powell
cwbnewpal@comcast.net 317-861-0710
Or any Board member from the inside front cover.
Another quality event guaranteed to increase your smiles per hour brought to you by your friends at Indy Region SCCA
Indianapolis Region SCCA
Clutch Chatter Newsletter
c/o Pauletta Dusterberg
3732 E US Hwy 52
Morristown, IN 46161