compendium - KrishiKosh
compendium - KrishiKosh
TAMIL NADU VETERINARY AND ANIMAL , SCIENCES UNIVERSITY " , Summ-e r school . on Recent Concepts in Improving Feed Quality-and the Techniques used in the Eva~ion of . Feed-stuff for- Poultry (23.6.2000 to 13.7.2000) C'" t -. - ' .. . ...: COMPENDIUM Organised at Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal-637 001 Sponsored by INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH NEW DELHI-ll0 012. 2000 ~~========================~==========~ ~ / TAMIL NADU VBTERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCBS "UNIVBRSITY Summer school on Recent Concepts in Improving Feed Quality and , the Technique~ u.sed in the Evaluation of Feed-stuff for Poultry (23.6.2000 to 13.7.2000) COMPENDIUM Compiled by R.Ravi M.R.Purushothaman B.Mohan P.Vasantha Kumar P.Vasan D.Chandrasekaran T.I.Sundaram A.Natarajan Organised at Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal-637 001 Sponsored by -t INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH NEW DELHI-110 012. 2000 TAMILNADU VETERINARY AND .ANIMAL SCIENCES / UNIVERSITY MADHAVARAM MILK COLONY CHENNAI • 600 051. INDIA. Telegram UNIVVET Phone (0) 0091 ·44 ·5551574 Fax 0091 ·44 ·5551576 Resi 0091 ·44 ·4833136 E·Mail Website , , : \ " '" FOREWORD The spectacular growth of ~he dairy and poultry sectors, have 'placed India in the . first place in milk production and in the fifth place in egg production. From a su_bsidiary to agriculture, livestock enterprises have emerged as significant contributor to the farmers well being. , The continous rise in the feed cost and the uneconomical prices for the products have put considerable strain on the livestock and poultry. farmers. Feed cost alone constitutes more than 75 percent in the cost of production livestock products. The University is focusing to study the opti.mal nutrient requirements, identify ways for the utilization of unconventional feed resources, assess the quality of feed ingredients and optimizing the feed formulations. The effectiveness of the research studies is fully realized only when the knowledge accrued is taken to the place where it is needed the most. One such effective means is organizing training programmes. This training programme "Recent Concepts in Improving Feed Quality and the Techniques Used in the Evaluation of Feedstuff for Poultry", sponsored by the ICAR, New Delhi" will be handeled by scientists and industry people who have in-depth knowledge in the concerned topics, and the proceedings to be brought out with the articles will be of immense use to the livestock industry. Place : Chennai - 51 R.PRABAHARAN Dated : 6-6-2000 '. TAMIL NADU VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal - 637 001. ~WEA4:» Dr. P. Sadasivam, Ph.D., Dean. \._ i!~4J.\ ?I~\); ~ >,,~~I / MESSAGE Namakkal the egg basket of Tamil Nadu and the seco,nd largest egg center in this country has been witnessing tremendous changes in the poultry arena for the last three decades. Nearly 1.2 crores of layer birds and 50 lakhs chicks and growers are housed in this area and the per day requirement of feed for Iivesotck and 'poultry is around 2000 tonnes costing nearly 375 crores per annum. The need to upgrade this sector bas lead to the formation of second Veterinary College in this area which was started in 1985. The different departments of this college have made a major stride in fulfilling the needs of the poultry sector. Special mention has to be made to the Department of Animal Nutrition which has produced P.G. students who achieved top rank in administrative services and more number have opted for P.G. studies in Animal Nutrition in diff~rent Universities and National institutes. The research work of this unit has been focussed on exploration of new feed stuff for poultry and reassessment of nutrient requirement to suit local agro-climatic conditions. These findings have been efficiently disseminated and are practiced by the farmers in this area to produce feed at low cost. The Department of Animal Nutrition, which was hitherto catering to academic pursuit was assigned to venture into an independent high tech farmer friendly feed analytical and counseling unit viz., Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory. Since 1994, this unit has grown from strength to strength and has established a niche among the poultry farmers true to its academic background and has won the confidence of the poultry farmers not only around Namakkal but also from the other parts of the country. It is fitting that the Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory of Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal are conducting the summer school on "Recent Concepts in Improving Feed Quality and the Techniques used in the Evaluation of Feed-stufffor Poultry" for faculties belonging to Animal Nutrition, Livestock Production and Management and Poultry Science discipline from various Agricultural and Veterinary Universities of the country. I am sure that summer school sponsored by I.C.A.R. will be successful in imparting the practical knowledge acquired over years by the faculty of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. TAMIL NADU VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY Dr.R.Ravi, Ph.D., Professor and Head & Director of Summer School. Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal-637001, (() Office : (94286) 66491-3. : (04286) 32007. F a x : (04286) '66484. (() Residence Feed, which constitutes nearly 70-80% of poultry production, is the major source of expenditure. The quality of the feed ingredients has been highly variable. The science of feed quality assessment has developed in recent years and these techniques have played a major role in achieving the optimum production and improving the efficiency of production. In recognition of the importance of the feed quality assessment to improve the profitability of poultry farming, the ICAR has sponsored a Summer School on Recent Concepts in Improving Feed Quality and the Techniques used in the Evaluation of Feed-stuff for Poultry at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal. We are extremely thankful' to ICAR . authorities in granting us an opportunity of hosting this summer school. We are grateful to the Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Finance Officer of this university and the Dean of this college for their encouragement and support in running this programme. Guest lectures by various experts in this and connected fields have been arranged to highlight the development in the poultry nutrition. This summer school has attracted participants from different parts of this country. We wish the experiences gained at this schoo.1 would help the trainees to carry out further research in improving the knowledge of feed quality assessment. We hope the compendium of the lectures to be released shall be a· permanent reference materjal. We acknowledge the help extended by all in the conduct of the summer school. , /\,~ Namakkal-1 123.6.2000 (RRAVI) Director, Summer School Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal-l. [Faculty) Core faculty / !partment of Animal Nutrition Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory'., . :ofessor and Head Professor and Head '.R.Ravi, Ph.D., Dr.D.Chandrasekaran, Ph.D., :sociate Professor Assistant Pro(essors '.M.R.Purushothaman, Pll.D., 1.Thiru.T.K.Sundaram, M.Sc., 2.Dr.A.Natarajan, Ph.D., . :sistant Professors Dr.B.Mohan, Ph.D., Dr.P.Vasantha Kumar, M.V.Sc., Dr.P.Vasan, M.V.Sc., Co-ordinating faculties Dr. P.Sadasivam, Ph.p., Dean,VC&RI, Namakkal-1. Dr. K. Viswanathan, Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Poultry Science. Dr. B. Mohan, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Poultry Science. Dr. K. Man i, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Poultry Science• .or. N. Dorairajan, Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology. Dr.N.Punniamoorthy, Ph.D., Professor a.nd Head, Department of Ph~rmacology. Dr.V.Ram"esh Saravana Kumar, Ph:D., Associate Professor and Head, Department of Livestock Production and Management Dr. P. Mat h i aI ag an, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Extension. Dr. M. Safi u lIah, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Head, Department of Animal Husbandry Economics. I. Dr.S.Selvam, M.V.Sc., Assistant Professor, Department'of Animal Husbandry Economics • . Dr.M. Amanullah, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy. In vited faculties Dr.R.Kadirvel, Ph.D., Dean, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-7. Dr.O.Narahari, Ph.D., Professor of Poultry Science, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-7. Dr. George Mathen, Associate Professor of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science, Kerala Agricultural University, Trichur, Kerala State. Dr.R.Balagopal, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Head, Deptof Animal Husbandry, T.N.A.U, Coimbatore. " Dr.K.S.Ganesan, M.V.Sc., Deputy Manager (Nutrition & Technical Services), Godrej Agrovet Ltd, ~hennai. Dr.J.Moses, Varsha Multi Tech, Bangalore-60. ICONTENTS I - 51. / Page Particulars ""- No. No. "' 01 Role of Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, in the' development of poultry:industry at Namakkal (Or.P.Sadasivam) 02 Quality of drinking water and its role in poultry (Or.V.Ramesh Saravana Kumar) - 1 , 10 --.-- An over view of feeding management in commercial poultry farm (Dr.K.Viswanathan) 14 04 Feeding practices in commercial poultry farms (Dr.S.Mohan, P.Sc.) 20 05 Selection and processing of poultry feed (Dr.R.Ravi) 06 Unconventional feed resou'rces for poulfry (Dr.R.Ravi) 34 07 Marine protein resources and their feeding value for poultry (Or.S.Mohan, ANN) 38 Fats and oils.- their quality assessment for poultry (Dr. M. R. Purushothaman)· 43 103 I I I 23 I \ 08 09 --- Reassessment of the nutrient requirement of poultry .- .(Or.M.R.Purushothaman) . _. - 46 10 Antibiotic feed additives and their residues in poultry production (Dr. N. PUliniamoorthy) 49 Enzyme supplementation to improve nutrient utilization in poultry (Or.O. Chandrasekaran) 55 12 Nutritional factors to improve feed efficiency in chicken (Dr.O.Narahari) 65 13 Techniques to evaluate the protein quality of feed ingredients used for chicken ration by invitro methods (Dr.S.Mohan, ANN) 78 Mycotoxins scenario in feed ingredients and feed used for poultry in Namakkal (Dr. O.Chandrasekaran) 81 11 14 - 15 Rapid technique ,to identify & quantify aflatoxins in feed (Dr.A.Natarajan) 87 16 Fluorimetric method of mycotoxin analysis (Dr.K.Mani,and Dr.Moorthy) 90 . "- 17 Estimation of ~itamins using HPLC (Thiru. T.K.Sundaram) , 94 18 Common adulterants ,/contaminants in feed stuffs and their testing , (Dr.A.Natarajan). 97 Modified method of estimating the multimycotoxins In feed I raw materials (Dr:A.Natarajan) 101 Quantification of trace minerals by colorimetric methods (Thiru. T.K.Sundaram) 104 / Relationship between egg and, feed prices of Namakkal poultry market - ~n economic approach (Dr.Mohammed Safiullah) 113 22 Computer application in livestock irtdustry (Dr.S.Selvam) 117 23 Communication Skills (Dr.P.Mathialagan) 123 24 Recycling of poultry manure (M.Mol1amed Amanullah ) 131 25 Pre and post harvest strategies to prevent grain loss during storage (M.Mohamed Amanullah ) 13~ 26 M.V.Sc., and Ph.D., Thesis works 140 27 Tests carried out in Animal. Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory 141 A glimpse of feed manufacturers, hatcheries, chemicals and glassware suppliers (Dr.J.Ramesh, Dr.Rajavelu and Dr.Ramesh Kumar) 142 19 20 21 28 RO·LE OF VETERINARY COLLEGE AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE, NAMAKKAL, IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF POUJ..,TRY INDUSTRY AT NAMAKKAL Dr. P.SADASIVAM, Ph.D., " , DEAN, ... , VETERINARY COLLEGE AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE, NAMAKKAL 637 001. Namakkal is the second ,largest poultry pocket in India with a. population of 50 lakhs chicks and growers and around 1.25 crore layer birds. On an average 85 lakhs eggs costing nearly 1.15 crores are being produced daily in this area anQ marketed in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and also exported to Gulf countries and Maldives. The layer population in Namakkal area alone requires approximately 1625 I tonnes of compounded feesI/day amounting to Rs.l.lO crores / day. Besides this, there are more than 200 trading agencies involved in the supply of inputs like chicks, medicines, vaccines, equipment, cages, purchase of manure and spent hens. The turnover in poultry industry alone contributes nearly 2.5 to 2.75 crore per day. Considering the excellent growth of po~ltry industry in this area to cater the day to day scieritific needs of the farmers. 1. M.V.Sc., programmes in 8 disciplines related Poultry Science was initiated in the year1993. 2. Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory was started during 1994. 3. Center of Advanced Studies in Poultry Science, funded byI.C.A.R, New Delhi was established in the year 1995. 4. Experimental Agrometerology Advisory Services funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt.ofIndia, is functioning since 1996. LTRY M.V.Sc. & Ph.D. THESIS WORKS CARRIED OUT ON rou L 637001 NAMAKKA . AT VETERINARY COLLEGE AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE!.-o S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEPARTMENTS M.V.Sc. thesis completed pOn.D. tllesis con !pleted 13 2 7 6 21 1 Animal Nutrition Livestock Production & Management Preventive Medicine Poultry Science Microbiology Parasitology Pathology TOTAL 2 3 2 4 14 19 5 17 88 SALIENT RESEARCH FINDINGS l.DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL NUTRITION S.No 1 2 3 4 5 TITLE Efficiency of Silicates in binding aflatoxin in the ration of broilers. Effect of various lev~lo of availabl~ Phosphorus in relation with calcium on egg production & egg shell quality in commercial white leghorn layers. Utilization of Soap Stock as an energy source in Broiler ration. YEAR RECOMMENDATION STUDENT Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminium Silicates (HSCAS) 0.5% addition to 0.25 ppm of Aflatoxin .B1, diet was effective. 1996 P.Vasan - S.Sengathir 1997 V.Murugesan 1997 Study on the occurrence M.Pauline of Ochratoxin A in Felicita Suganthi sunflower oil cake and its detoxification. Feeding value of squilla meal as a replacement for B.Mohan fish meal in chicken rations. 2 1998 1999 0.3% available phosphorus with 3.5% calcium was found to optimum for better egg pToduction Cheap energy source. TME-6700 Kcal. Inclusion level- 1.5% in broiler finisher 4% aqueous Ammonia spray is effective upto a level of 2 ppm of ochratoxin in the diet Availability (DM basis) - 57,942 tonnes/annum (Karnataka, Gujarat Maharashtra, T.Nadu, Goa) Squilla meal can replace a)100% offish meal in growers, b) 25% in layers. Presently used to a value of 2.5.lakhs/day 2.DEPARTMENT ·OF POULTRY SCIENCE S.No 1 2 3 4 -5"':-"":"- 6 TITLE Commercial \ chicken egg • preservation under field condition Effects of water from different sources on the egg production and egg quality characteristics of commercial white leghorn layers Effect of acidic and alkaline drinking water on egg production and egg. qualities on commercial layers Relationship of dietary. Sodium and Potassium levels to wet droppings in commercial layers Effect of using Probiotics on production performance &immune status in ·commercial broilers A study on· counteraction of aflatoxicosis by yeast culture in broiler chicken Effect of copper & garlic supplementation on serum and meat cholesterol in broilers STUDENT R.Kathiresan YEAR 1995 / R.Mathivanan P. Veeramani 1995 Borewell water lIad lesser impurities than open well water source except for sulphate and total dissolved solids. 1996 Birds provided with 0.5% Lactic acid in drinking water has resulted in higher body weight with lower feed consumption, higher dressing percentage with better feed efficiency. ( P. Shamsudeen Sachin Krishna Darekar RECOMMENDATION Experimental egg storage room at the farm level had resolved better inte~nal egg qualities. Oil spraying p(.?ved to be the best, followed by H202, immersing with lime " dJpping(Sodium water and water glass silicate) ." 1996 1996 R.Richard Churchill 1996 K.Premkumar 1999 3 The highest level of Potassium (1.22%) followed by highest level of sodium (0.42 %) in feed significantly increased water consumption fecal moisture & improved the shell thickness. Dietary addition of Lactobacilli (0.01 & 0.02%) had significant effect on the HI titre values of broilers at 14th, 21 st & 28th day of post vaccination .against Ranikhet disease and showed higher profit margin per kilogram of body weight The adverse effect of aflatoxin on production parameters, relative organ weight, serum biochemistry and immunity was encountered by yeast culture (Sacchromyces cervisiae at 0.1 &.O.:z% .in feed) The dietary supplementation of copper at 150 or 250 ppm., garlic at 0.5 or 1 % & their combinations significantly reduced the serum, breast & thigh meat cholesterol of broilers. 3.DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY S.No 1 2 3 4 TITLE Studies on Tapeworm infection in , chickens. STUDENT S. Gomathinayagam Immunization & immune status of Eimeria necatrix N. Sundar infection in chicken. Studies on current status of T. Anna coccidiosis in local commercial poultry farms Comparative efficacy of anthelmintics against cestodes in chicken RVelusamy ~ .' YEAR RECOMM1~NDATION Clllsantel lI.i. 32 mglkg on 1999 alternative days & Albendozole at 20 mglKg for 3 consequetive days were found to be effective against R cesticillus infection. Coccidiosis due to E. necatrix was found to 1999 cause temporary depression in HI titre for R.D vaccination• .Prevalence of coccidiosis is more in deep litter system 1995 (56.28%) than caged birds (29.16%). Stress factors serve as pre disposing factors Fenbendazole at the dose rate of 60 mglkg body 1998 weight for 3 days was found to remove all the worms and was cost effective 4.DEPARTMENT OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE S.No 1 TITLE Studies on the efficacy of an inactivated vaccine against hydropericardium syndrome in broilers A comparative study on immune status of birds using inactivated! live run vaccines STUDENT K. Govindarajan YEAR 1998 , C.Padmanaban 1997 RECOMMENDATION Single dose of 0.5 ml of inactivated vaccine against BPS was safe and potent on 10th day of age. 83% birds were protected within one week after vaccination & thereafter all the birds survived the challen2e Immune response was greater and equal with inactivated oil immersion and combination of five intermediate and inactivated oil emulsion vaccines in comparison to live vaccines. I 5.DEPARTMENT OFLIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AND MANAGEIItfENT TITLE The relationship of intake of sodium , chloride, calcium, phosphorus with the egg shell breakage in layers under field conditions S.No 1 STUDENT YEAR M.Murugan 1997 RECOMMENDATION The Eggshell qu~mcy , , was affected by dietary Cah:ium, and Sodium chloride. ' 6.DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY STUDENT TITLE Study of Cyclopiazonic acid G.A.Balasub~ Ramanian toxicity in Japanese Quails Fumonisin toxicity S.Piramana~ in broilers yagam - S.No 1 2 3 . ffiD associated with aflatoxicosis 4 YEAR RECOMMENDATION Cyclopiazonic acid toxicity 1996 caused erythrocytopenia 1999 C. Theophilus Anandkumar 1996 D.Basheer Ahmed 1999 R.Ravisankar 1999 Pathology of - - Citrinin 5 mycotoxicosis in broiler chicken Sequential Pathology of Hydropericardium syndrome in Broilers I 22% offield sample were positive for Fumonisin HI. It • causes hypovitaminosis in broilers Marked pathological changes in lymphoid organs, kidney & liver in IBD & Aflatoxin group indicated additive effect. Citrinin causes Anemia, and marked pathology in kidney and liver. HPS produced maximum affect at 3 to 5 days post infection and showed recovery from 10 days post infection. 7.DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY S.No 1 TITLE Studies on Bursal derived Killed ffiD vaccine STUDENT M. Mahesh YEAR 1996 5 RECOMMENDATION Bursal derived oil emulsion vaccine provided higher immune response and better protection than chick embryo derived oil emulsion vaccine. 2 3 4 5 6 Studies on epidemiological markers of E.coli with special reference to its source of infection & control measures Study on Fowl Cholera under field conditions Bacterial load of Poultry feed & feed ingredients Vaccine & vaccination against Ranikhet disease under field conditions Studies on Egg drop syndrome in Poultry S.Sivakumar 1996 S, Saravanan 1997 S.Sathya Narayanan 1997 K.Shoba 1998 HirakKumar Mukhopadhya 1996 "_ The efficacy of quaternary ammonium compounds as water sanitizer Wf. s si'gnificant when to clalorine and iodine to contrul Keol; infection. ELISA is the test of choice to analyse the antibody response to fowl cholera. The cost analysis of the . vaccines revealed that fermenter type vaccines are cheaper and afforded higher protection. The presence of E. coli, Salmonella sps and Clostridium perfringens in feed and feed ingredients of poultry were characterised as l!atho2enic. No correlation between N.D. vaccination and the H.I titre below 8 weks of age, between H.I titre and egg production. Vaccination with inactivated vaccine before the point of lay is recommended for sustain~d antibo~ level. Drop in egg production in commercial farms in Namakkal was found to be mostly due to New castle disease followed by Infectious bronchitis virus and EDS76. Concurrent infection with E. Coli, aflatoxicosis and Pasteurella mal(o.£id~...,w~rt.:_also_noJked for the _. drop. " TAMIL NADU STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS RESEARCH PROJECTS S.No Year· No. of Projects 1. 1995-1996 2 2. 1996-1997 2 3. 1997-1998 5 4. 1998-1999 4* 5. 1999-2000 4 Funding Agency TNSCST TNSCST TNSCST TNSCST TNSCST , * First prize at state level for the best project (1998-99) Title : Evaluation of production performance of spent chicken after forced moulting Students: V.Thavasiappan and P.Kathiravan (Final year) Guide : Dr.B.Mohan, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Animal Nutrition '"', / ANIMAL FEED ANALITICAL AND QUALI1Y CONTROL LABORATORY OBJECTIVES • To analyse feed ingredients/compounded feed for proximate composition, minerals, mycotoxins,and send the results in 24 to 48 hours. • To inform the results of mycotoxirt contamination on the same day telephonically / telegraphically. • To run the laboratory on cost effective basis. MYCOTOXINS ANALYZED fir Aflatoxins: B 1, B2, Gl, G2 fir Citrinin fir Cyclopiazonicacid ... Fumonisins ... Ochratoxin ... Oosporein ... Patulin __._---_._ ..... -"Sterigmatocystin ... Trichothecenes: T2, DON, DAC ACHIEVEMENTS Year 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 No. of Analysis Receipts lIn lakhs) Expenditure J..ln lakhs) 7173 14188 19072 19025 21674 3.67 7.80 9.60 11.25 14.09 2.50 5.18 8.88 9.89 12.29 'EXPERIMENTAL AGROMETEOROLOGICAL ADVISOH.Y SERVICES - Since 1996 .... Funded by National Center for Medium Range Weather Forecas~ing. Department of Science and Technology, Govt. Oflndia . .... To record daily weather parametrrs at Namakkal and send it to NCMRWF New Delhi ... 'To get weather forecasts for Namakkal area from NCMRWF twice a week .... To disseminate the forecasts to poultry farmers through telephone!AIRlPost. With suitable advises on Nutrition, Management and Disease control .... To get the feedback and analyse the impact. CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN POULTRY SCIENCE The Center of advance studies in Poultry Science at Veterinary College and Research Institute is the only CAS center for poultry science in the entire nation. It is fully funded b~ I.C.A.R, and was started during April 1995. Na~akkal Achievements l.Trainer Training Programme conducted SI.No I'· - 2 3 4 5 6 Title . Recent concepts in poultry feed analysis and quality control Recent concepts in poultry disease diagnosis and bio security of commercial poultry Farm Advanced managemental techniques in • commercial layer production Current trends in nutritional standards and feeding methods in commercial chicken production Commercial poultry farm management and disease control technique National! State Level Period Nos~ National 03.03.97 to 22.03.97 22.07.98 to 05.08.98 6 National National National National Recent developments in feed quality assessment and feeding of commercial chicken National 8 11 02.12.98 to 19.12.98 07.07.99 to 27.07.99 08 18.11.99 to 17.12.99 6 10.05.2000 to 30.05.2000 16 15 2.Trainings Proposed: Title Nationall State Level Period (Proposed) I Current trends for sustaining Poultry flock health and economIC production / performance National 06.09.2000 to 26.09.2000 2 Emerging concepts In commercial Poultry housing land management National 07.02.2001 ' to 27.02.2001 SI.No "- 3. Teaching and Laboratory Manu'als prepared at CAS of Poultry Science a) b) c) d) e) 't) g) 'Manual on poultry management Manual on poultry disease management Practical guide on poultry management Practical manual on poultry management Practical manual on poultry breeding, feeding and technology Manual on analytical techniques in Feed. Manual on recent concepts in poultry disease diagnosis and bio security of commercial poultry farm Manual on advanced managemental techniques in commercial layer production, Manual on current trends 'in nutritional standards and feeding methods in commercial production. Manual on commercial poultry farm management disease control techniques Manual on recent developments in feed quality assessment and feeding of commercial chicken I h) i) j) k) 4.Booklets/Pamphlets prepared in Tamil Language and distributed to Poultry farming community .- 1. ~..vaccination schedule for a commercial poultry fai1n. 2. Tur.key and Emu farming 3. Summer management of layers 4. Nutritive value of eggs 5. Preservation of eggs ****** QUALITY OF DRINKING WATER AND ITS ROLE IN POULTRY PRODUCTION Dr.V. Ramesh Saravana Kumar, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Head Department of Livestock Production and Management Veternary College and Research Institute Namakkal-1 The development of livestock and Poultry rearing could not be considered without water supply. Animals are less exacting than human being when it comes to the quality of drinking water, but unless really fresh water is available in sufficient quantity. It will b~ usable if its salinity does not lead to functional problems and if it does not contain germs and parasites. Mineralization is measured by the weighi of dry residue per litre obtained b) evaporation at 1100 to 1800 C. Conductivity increases rapidly with the content of dissolvec salts and it gives an idea of chemical purity of water.. Ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite gives ar indication of the amount of biological degradation of organic material in the water. From I nutritional point of view, the ions Ca ++, Mg++, Na+, S04- - , CC , C03 - - and often the ions Fe +++, Fe++ and dissolved CO2 are involved. Alkaline earth metal content is expressed a: degrees of hardness, which tells upon the capacity of water to fomi lather. Table. 1 Water quality as a function of chemical composition Suspect Pure Drinkable Nitrites Nil Nil Traces Nil. Traces ..Nitrates Nil. Ammonia Nil Nil Upto 0.002 <0.001 OI"g_anic material 0.001-0.003 0.003-0.004 <0.027 0.027-0.066 0.066-0.165 Nach <300 > 30° < 6° Degree of hardness Table.2 Characteristics of water according to degree of hardness Poor Measurable Measurable. Above 0.002 > 0.004 Above 0.165 > 50° . Degree of hardness Characteristics of water 0_6° Very sweet 6-12° Sweet 12-18° Moderately sweet 18-25° Slightly sweet 25-50° Hard Above 50° Very hard (One degree of hardness corresponds to 10 mg of lime dIssolved per litre) From ~utritional. point of view, it is consid~red that dr~nk~g water sh~uld have less ~hanl 1 g of dry reSIdue per htre. Between 1 and 2 gm, the water IS saId to be salIne and the ammal should accustomed to it. Waters containing bicarbonates of soda are perfectly agreeable to 10 animals where as waters containing sodium carbonate cause diarrhoea at concentrations ab~ve 2 g per iiter. Waters containing sodium sulphates have the same effect at concentrations above 4 g per liter. Water containing calcium carbonate is more dangerous for the equipment than the I animals. Generally it is agreed that drinking water should have less than 30, hardness but this " value is often exceeded. Microbial quality of water Ground water, particularly open well water often carries pathogenic microbes. The total bacterial count, total coliform count and fungal count will provide indirect information on the microbiological quality of water. Drinking water can be the vector of viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases. For those caused by viruses and bacteria water is only a vehicle; contamination can originate just as much from domestic animal as from wild animals. In the transmission of parasitic diseases, J water, as regards the wet mud around the drinking troughs, plays an active role since it allows development of infectious stage of parasitic eggs. The significance of various coliform organisms in water has been a subject of considerable study. Cpllectively, the coliforms are referred to as indicator organisms because they indicate the presence of human or animal faeces. All types of colifrom organisms may occur in faeces. The Genera Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Citrobacter and Escherichia usually· represent the majority of isolations made ,from raw and treated municipal water supplies. The ==-presence of large number -of coliform orgariisiiis of same type in water from a well, from 11 tap suggests that such multiplication has occurred. Industrial waste containing high concentrations of bacterial nutrients are capable of promoting large after growth of coliforms. Poultry production Chicks that have ample clean air, water and food will grow at a profitable rate. Chicks can loose 98% of their body fat or 50% of body protein and still survive: But a 10% loss in body water will results in ser~ous physiological illness and a 20% loss will result in death. Although intermittent watering / restricted watering may be successful some times, but such programmes have never been successful in broiler production. One of the basic necessities of poultry industry is adequate supply of pure and WhOlesome water, as it is one of the biosecurity components. But this is often neglected, ·leading to great disastrous situations in terms of water borne illness and poor production. The geological 11 I quality of water gepends on meteorological, geological, pedological and topographic; conditions. The quality of ground water is often under thnmt due ;'J a variety of pollutic caused by the entry of ,industrial effiuents ,domestic sewage, agricultural land washings, et, into the sub-soil. Various physico-chemical properties of water quality are colour, turbidity, pI total dissolved solids, total hardness, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates and some of the trace elemen such as iron, copper, zinc, fluoride and certain heavy metals like lead, arsenic) and cadmium. Table. 3 Acceptable limits for drinking water criteria in poultry Property Bacteria Upper limit o cfu/ml Nitrate 20 ppm Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Not known Not known 600 ppm Magnesium Manganese 125ppm 0.05ppm Iron Aluminum Zinc -Sodium Hardness PH 25 ppm Not known ~5~.Qppm 50 ppm 110 ppm 8 Comm"ents Presence of some bacteria may not cause Problems. Coliforms indicate faecal condemnations At 3 to 20 ppm adverse effect occurs. Above 20 ppm performance declines For humans, upper limit is 0.1 ppm Not established May improve feed conversion and body weight gai but decreases livability At this level has laxative effect May form black deposits on equipment and Promotes leaking Water has metallic taste, stains the equipment For humans upper limit is 0.05 ppm Water has bitteLtaste Causes diarrhoea Interferes with disinfectants, biological and medicat pH of 6.4 is the lower limit Cfu - colony forming unit; ppm - parts per million parts 12 'fable 4. Guideline for poultry for the suitability of water with different concentration oftotai dissolved salts (TDS). TDS ppm 'Less than 1,000 '1000-2000 3000-4000 5000-6000 7000-10000 More than 10000 Comments These water should 'present no serious burden to any class of poultry These )Vater should ,be satisfactory for all classes of poultry. They may cause \-. watery droppings (especially at the higher levels)'but should no "'- , affect health or performance These are poor waters for poultry, often causing watery droppings, increased mortality and decreased growth_(especially in turkey) These are not acceptable waters for poultry and almost always cause some type of problem,. Especially at upper limits, where decreased growth and production or increased mortality probably will occur. These waters are unfit for poultry but may be suitable for other Livestock These waters should not be used for any livestock or poultry REFERENCES Lenore, S., Arnold, E., and Rhodes, R., 1 . Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. American Public He(l).th Association Washington DC. NRC., 1994. Nutrient requirements of Poultry. 9th Edn. National Academic Press, Washington DC. Pagot, 1. 1992. Animal Production in the Tropics. Macmillan eta., London-P. Pattison, M ., 1993. The Health of Poultry. Longman Scientific and technical Publications 13 AN OVER VIEW OF FEEDING MANAGEMENT IN COMMERCIAL POULTRY FARM Dr. K. Viswanathan, Ph.D., Professor and Head, . Department of Poultry Science, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal- 637 001. The primary purpose of raising poultry is to transform feed into meat and egg. Hence the conversion of feed to these products must be done efficiently and economically. Feeding poultry is more critical than that of farm animals with regard to number of factors. This is so because the birds are quite different from four' footed animals; . their digestion is more rapid, their respiration and circulation are faster, their body temperaturt; is 8° to I oOP (about 106 F) higher, they are more active, they are more sensitive 0 to environmental influences, they grow at a rapid rate and they mature at an earlier age. Unlike large and small ruminants as they are called as converters poultry species being monogastrics remain as competitors obviously covering the major share of grains from the use and consumption of human beings. Free choice feeding system Here the birds are given chance to select their own feed since feed ingredients are made available separately. The birds are given opportunity to consume low, medium and high percentage of protein and energy ingredients to meet their requirements. Mash feeding In this system, grains, oilcakes, vitamins and mineral supplements are ground and mixed to satisfy the requirement of~irds. This system of feeding is used extensively now. In field, readymade poultry concentrate ~e available which contains mixture of various grains and oil cakes and these concentrates can be used for manufacture of mash feed. ! Advantage: I. Best suited for any type of feeder 2. Selective feeding of any ingredients are avoided 3. Uniform mixing of micronutrients can be done 4. Well adopted if feeder space is limited , Disadvantage: 1. Dustiness 2. Adhering to the comer of the feeders 14 Wet mash feeding Wet feeding are used to increase the feed consumption since wet mash are more palatable than dry mash. It is practiced in summer season. During wet mash feeding fungus problem will be more if the feeder are not cleaned properly every day. / Pellet feeding "-. ... Bulky, low-density. mashes produce poor results because chick~ens are to , consume sufficient amount of mash to satisfy their energy requir~ments. Pelleting these feed greatly increase their density, there by causing marked improvement in production simply I because the chickens are capable of consuming sufficient amount of pellet feed to meet their energy and other requirements. Pellet binders used for the preparation are 1. Bentonites 2. Hemicellulose 3. Guar meal 4. Molasses These are included at the rate of2.5% of the diet. The ground mash is mixed with any one of the above binders and is compressed mechanically to form pellets Advantage: 1. No wastage (even if wasted it can be picked out) 2. No dustiness 3. Rejecting particular feed ingredient is minimized when feed ingredients are changed 4. Toxins get destroyed during processing 5. Digestibility of feed get increased during processing Disadvantage: 1. Cost of pellet ~eed production is comparatively more 2. The time of pellet feeding is only l/Sth of mash feeding and the resulting time is used for vices 3. Some of the nutrients get lost during processing Crumbled feeding The crumbled feeds are prepared by breaking the pellets into small pieces. The crumbled feeds are ideal for starting chicken, broilers, ducks and turkeys. 15 Feed Additives 1. Nutrient feed additives - like vitamins, minerals, trace '((lements, amino acids, fermentation by products and unidelltifiec growth promoters are added to the commercial poultry feed to pr.)vide est.ential nutrient to the birds. ~ 2. Non nutrient feed .additives - like antibiotics, probiotics, coccidiostats, antioxidants, enzymes, hormones, pigments antifungals etc., are added to the poultry feed to improve the quality of feed. Among the feed additives, probiotics and enzyme preparations are more extensively used in commercial poultry feed. Probiotics: Parker (1974) first used the term probiotic and Lactqbacilli is the most commonly used probiotic bacteria in poultry. In commercial poultry feed Lactobacillus spore powders are added for growth stimulation, better digestibility, higher feed conversion and to reduce stress during any infection. Buttermilk is the most commonly available rich source of Lactobacillus and this can be given by adding buttermilk into the drinking water of birds. In commercial feed formulation. Feed additives are added to an extent that will increase the nutritive value of the feed and decrease the feed cost for production of poultry meat and eggs. Enzyme usage in poultry The enzyme in a soluble or free form must be considered as wasteful because enzymes can not be recovered at the end of the reaction. This is also a problem in use of _. ~~nzym~s in poultry nutrition because of its wastage in litter material. Top avoid this wastage enzymes can be immobilized in two ways. 1. Physical method : Enzymes can be a~sorbed into an insoluble matrix, entrapped within a gel or encapsulated within a microcapsule. 2. Chemical method: Enzymes can be covalentaly attached to a solid support or cross-linked. This type of immobilized enzymes can not be used in poultry feed. Enzyme like all organic materials are gradually used up and therefore must be continuously synthesized by the living cells. Enzymes retain their catalytic activity even when they are extracted from the cell. Crude fibre forms a coat over the digestible nutrients and· form insulation against digestive enzymes and delays the digestive process. The wall of the, 16 i cell is composed of variety of polymers of which cellulose and pectin comprise the maximum. Lignin provides further structural support to cell wall. Fibre degrading enzymes not only Improve feed efficiency but also make the bird to obtain extra energy. Tannin interferes with protein and dry matter digestibility either by inhibiting the proteolytic and other,enzymes or by \ fanning indigestible complexes with dietary protein. "- ... By incorporating the enzymes like cellulose arid 'lignase there will be definite improvement of the digestibility of fibre in poultry feed. Protease inhibitor and amylase inhibitor are present in soyabean and wheat respectively. Hence a combination of proteases and amylases will improve utilization of these ingredients in a feed mixture. Addition ofLactic acid producing bacteria assist in maintaining the optimum environment for the enzymes to act in the digestive system by acidification and stimulation of enzymes action at low pH. Addition of yeast cells increases the rate of cellulose degradation. Live yeast " cells proliferate in the gut, releases a number of enzymes including phytase, which help in breakdown of phytin phosphorus. Live yeast increases tile popUlation of cellulolytic bacteria thus releasing more energy from crude fibre. Phase feeding In the case of broilers, 8 wee,ks period is divided into two phases and the feeds are provided as broiler starter and broiler finisher feed. In layers, the feeds are provided by dividing into three phases such as chick, grower and layer. Now, laying phase is further divided into three as follows ."= - -:! ... Phase I : is considered to be as the time for the onset of egg production until pass the time of maximum egg production, about 36 weeks of age. Phase II : is the period between 36 to 52 weeks of age, a period of high but decreasing egg production. Phase III : is from about 52 weeks to the end of production cycle~ in some cases 6 - 8 weeks beyond 72 weeks of age. During phase three egg production continues to decline while egg weight increases slightly. Phase feeding programme adjusts the daily nutrient intake according to expected requirement fo . r matntenance and egg production. Restricted feeding Most broiler chickens are given unlimited access to feed, or at most, have limited a~cess during brief periods of darkness. It is generally assumed that the faster birds reach marl\et weight, the better the feed conversion will be since the ma',ntenance requirement should be reduced. While this usually true, there may be some potential for modifying the growth pattern of the bird in f~vour of an even greater reduction in maintenance requirement. If broiler growth rate could be reduced during early life, and it is followed by compensatory growth so as to achieve the same market weight for age, then maintenance requirements must be reduced - implying improved feed efficiency. This concept raises the question of restricted feeding and lor reduced nutrient intake during early life. If it is accepted that feed conversion in its classical sense (digestibility, metabolizability ~tc.) has improved little over years, then' improvements that we continue to see in feed utilization must be associated with the reduction in maintenance requirement. In order to allow potential for compensatory growth, while maintaining Carcass quality, some means of maintaining the correct balance of amino acids to energy must be achieved. This is best accommodated by physical feed restriction, or diet dilution, using conventional type diets. There is current interest in diet dilution of in broilers as a means of controlling fat deposition, since it is assumed that fat cell numbers increased most rapidly in the very young bird. (Cherry et al., 1984). Controlling fat cell growth at this' age may therefore plays an upper limit on sub'sequ;ent fatness of the bird. Improvements in feed efficiency with such systems are claimed to be related to production of leaner birds, although such early qualitative feed restriction does imply compensatory growth. The broiler chickens fed with conventional starter diets to 4 times, the conventional starter was reintroduced, followed by regular broiler and finisher diets. The broiler chicken appears able to benefi1 from a period of "under nutrition " in that subsequently compensa~ory growth results in nc overall loss of market weight, and is likely associated with improved feed utilization. 18 · Some Research findings related to this topic 1. Broilers provided with 0.5 lactic acid in drinking water had significantly higher dressing perc~ntage and lesser percentage weight of intestine. 2. The groups supplemented with '0.02 and 0.01 % combination of lac~illi recorded higher profit margin per kg live weight and per kg dressed meat respeCtively.., Whereas, overall performance and economics were favourable for the inclusion of"" 0.1 % Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the broiler diet as better body weight and livability were the advantages. 3. Dietary supplementation of lactobacillus sporogenes had significantly include the immune status against Ranikhet disease in broilers when tested at 28 and 49 days of age post vaccination. 4. Inclusion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (0.1 and 0.2 %) in aflatoxin (1 ppm) treated diet significantly counteracted the toxic effects of aflatoxin on body weight, feed consumption and feed efficiency. **** 1n FEEDING PRACTICES IN COMMERCIAL POULTRY FARMS Dr. B. Mohan, M.V.Sc., Ph.D., .Associate Professor, Department of Poultry Science, Veterinary College and Research Institute, ~ Namakkal-637 001. i The major objective of poultry production is to efficiently and economically convert relatively unpalatable and unattractive feed stuffs into nutritious, palatable and attractive food for humans. Optimally balanced diets using least cost, available ingredients are specifically formulated for a variety of types and ages of poultry. Feeding practices in chick and grower: In general for laying chicken two diets are sufficient from hatching until point of lay~ a starter feed for the first six to eight weeks ~d grower feed thereafter. The success of a table egg production enterprise depends to a very large extent, on the quality of pullets at housing. , A quality pullet can be defined, as one of optimum body weight and condition required for optimum performance in the laying house. April, May and June hatches had the lowest production per hen housed. This was probably due to lighter pullets grown in hot weather. Flock. uniformity is very important in obtaining optimum performance and the greatest profitability. In situation where uniformity is a problem, grower should sort out all the sma~l birds and pen them separately at about 5 weeks. The house temperature is one of the most important factors affecting feed consumption. There is a change in feed consumption as house temperature increase or :decrease, but the relationship is not constant at various house' temperatures. The influence of temperature on the nutrient requirements of replacement pullets has not been widely investigated. Some researchers concluded that protein requirement as percentage of diet was increased in a hot environment. The metabolic studies showed that protein deposition in the growing pullet was not influenced by temperature and that protein anabolism was relatively independent of environmental temperature. In general, however, pullet growth can be improved at high temperature by increasing nutrient density. Increasing dietary protein increased body weight initially, but at 140 days of age, body weights wer~ not affected by dietary protein. High protein or nutrient dense rearing feeds increased body weights of pullets reared under high temperatures and decreased the time taken by the pullet to reach maturity. 20 sexu~l : Nqrmally a starter is fed upto 8 weeks of age and the change from starter to the grower takes place during 56 -63 day period. If body weights are not upto those specified by the breeder then feed change should be postponed and the starter is continued until standard weight for age is reached. Usually, a starter is not fed beyond the lOth wee!, of age. / Several methods have been suggested for increasing feed consump,tion in growing .'-...._ . pullets. Feeding crumbled feeds has been shown to help. These feeds are eaten,.faster and digested more easily than mash. However, the quality of the crumble should be checked for to'o much dust. Feed consumption can be encouraged by increasing the frequency of feeding and by stirring the feed between feedings, spraying the feed with water can help. encourage eating, but care needs to be taken to avoid mould growth. Feeding practices in layers: Just as with the growing pullets, house temperature is one of the most important factors affecting feed consumption in laying hens. It has long been suggested that feed for hen~ should contain more protein in hot we~ther than in cold weather. Since a, major problem in rearing pullets in hot climates is obtaining acceptable body weights at housing, the laying use of pre lay ration is recommended'during the 2-3 weeks prior to the first egg, the liver and reproductive system increase in size in preparation for egg production. At the same time, calcium reserves are being built up to meet the demand for shell formation. The specification for a pre lay ration which is usually similar to a layer ration except for a 2.0-2.5 per cent level of total calcium. Such a ration is usually fed until 5 per cent production is reached and helps pullets to attain the desired body weight at this early stage of production. Protein and amino,!cid.requirements are greatest from the onset of production upto peak egg mass. This is the period when body weight, egg weight and egg numbers are all increasing. The attainment of adequate egg size is one of the problems of the egg industry. If satisfactory egg size is not attained with 19 per cent protein in the ration, the levels of the most critical amino acids should be checked, particularly that of methionine. The best way of correcting a methionine limitation i,s by adding a feed grade form of methionine. Small egg size can be due to low energy intake as well as low protein and amino acid intake', 'The use of fat in layer rations has been shown to be helpful not only because of its energy contribution, but also it can increase the linoleic acid level. Which shou'ld be over 1.2 per .cent in the ration. If separate feeding of calcium is not feasible, then atleast 50 per cent of the calcium in the feed should be in . . granUlar form rather than all in powder form. It is important not to over fed phosphorus since it has been shown that excessive levels are detrimental to egg shell quality, particularly in hot summer. Feeding pr~_~ti~es in broilers : Fpr broilers protein levels recommended are 1-2 per cent lower than what is normal1~ used in th~, ~emperate regions. Energy levels have been also adjusted to \ protein levels, bu kept higher than those currently used. The optimum level has been inc~:eased to 0.6 per cen versus 0.4 per cent normally~ recommended in the temperate regions. Levels of certain amine acids have been raised higher than those normally used at that protein level. Normally the starter is fed for the first 4 weeks of life to strait run chicks, and the finisher is used from l weeks to market (7 weeks of age). Providing adequate levels oeeach. nutrient and a gOO( balance of these nutrients is a prerequisite to successful feeding. Using feed with: good qualit; ingredients is a second prerequisite and using only fresh feed is the third prerequisite. It i: very import.ant to order fresh feed, preferably once a week, where deterioration is more rapi( and fat tend to go rancid quickly. Broilers are usually fed either crumbles or pellets. The broiler starter is provided a: crumbles, while finisher ration is provided as pellets. Crumbles and pellets tend to reduce fee( wastage and improve feeo efficiency. Broilers are normally fed ad libitum. However in recen years, intermittent feeding programs have been used on modern, well managed broiler farms When intermittent feeding is used 20-30 per cent more feeder and drinker space is provided Fast growth rate in the modern broiler has not been without its problems. It has contributed tc increased mortality due to heart attacks, increased leg problems and increased inCidence 0 ascites. By restricting feed and lor nutrient intake early in life, it has been possible to reduci some of these problems. Body fat an undesirable component in the modern broiler can also b! r~duced by feed and lor nutrient restriction. Several methods have been used to reduce ver: rapid growth rate in the early life of the broiler. One method is by altering the lightinl pr9grame, and another is by actual feed restriction and the third is by reducing energy and I protein content of the diet by adding to it extra fibre. **** ')') 0 SELECTION AND PROCESSING OF POULTRY FEED Dr. R. Ravi, Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal- 637 001 The demand of feed is directly proportional to the growth of poultry industry. The anticipated annual growth is 10' to 12% fo~ cOminercial layers and 20 to ~5% for broilers. Around 5 million tones (per annum) of compounded feed is currently produced for poultry. It is projected that the total production of poultry feeds will be over 17.5 millipn tonnes by the year 2010 AD. I. SELEC~ION : On the arrival of ingredients, representative sampling is done for assessing the quality of materials. Sampling: Sampling is a function in the feed manufacturing industry as stated by Gehrt(1976), "No analysis can be better than the sample from which it was made". Some of the decisions affected are as follows. 1. The selection of an ingredient for a feed formula, 2. The selection of a supplier for an ingredient. 3. The acceptance or rejection of a shipment of an ingredient. .. - -A.,...,...The status of a process in control or not in control. 5. The status of a product - does it meets its specification and guarantee or not? 6. Should an official report be challenged? 7. .Are all guaranteed items stable for the required period .. A prerequisite to intelligent sampling is some knowledge of the product. (Poundston~, 1962) Kinds of Samples: 1. Check sample 2. Composite sample 3. Discrete sample 4. Duplicate sample 23 5. O~cial sample " 6. Purchasing sample 7. R~feree sample C' 8. Reference sample 9. Retained sample 10. Standard sampl~ 11. Working sample. Requirements of sampling system: 1. Adequate education and thorough in~truction of the personnel involved m sampling is important. 2. The equipment selected for the sampling is important. Tools of sampling: 1. ·Probe 2. Divider or other 3. Bag triers 4. Bag probe 5. Compartmental probe 6. Pelican sampler 7. Bomb sampler 8. Automated or mechanized sampler. The following precautions and directions shall be observed whIle sampling. 1. Samples shall be taken in a protected place not exposed to damp air, dust or soot. 2. The sampling instrument shall be clean and dry when used. 3. Precautions shall be taken to protect the samples, the material being sampled, the .sampling instrument and the containers for samples from adventitious contamination. 4. The samples shall be placed in clean and dry glass containers and sealed air tight with a stopper or a suitable closer. 5. The number of bags to be selected from the lot shall depend on the size of the lot . Number of bags to be selected for sampling ( BIS, 1992) Number of bags Lot size to be selected / Upto 50 5 51 to 100 8 " 101 t0300 13 301t0500 22 501 and abov~ 32 ,~ Draw equal quantities of the material with an appropriate sampling instrument at the top, bottom and the sides of each bag. The total quantity of the material drawn from each bag shall be not less than 1 kg. Mix all the portions of the material drawn from the same bag thoroughly. Take out about 1.5 kg of material and divide into three parts. One of these . " samples shall be for the purchase!, another for the vendor and the third for the reference. The , samples shall be transferred immedi~tely to clean and dry' sample containers, sealed air tight and labeled. The fe~d ingredients are carefully inspected at the time of purchase and the following points are generally considered for on ~he spot appraisal of raw materials. 8. Mois*ure: The moisture content of the ingredients should not exceed 10 - 12%. If the moisture levens niore7the material has to be dried before storage. Cominonly sun drying is followed in OUf country. The moisture content of samples can be estimated quickly by moisture meter or by using NIR (Near infra red reflectance) moisture analyzer. The relationship between moisture content and possible biological activity for an oil free materi~l at a temperature of25 - 35 0 C is given below. 1. Upto 8% moistUre No significant biological activity 2. Insect infestation is possible 8 -12% moisture 3. 12 -18% moisture Insect infestation + mould growth possible 4. 18 - 24% moisture Insect infestation +mould and bacterial growth possible 5. Above 24% moisture Bacterial growth and seed germination possible. 25 b. Pres~nce of impurity: Some times a grain may contain other related edible grains and,llts presence may be intentional or unintentional. The presence of such grains in the bulk is ~alled impurity. Presence of barley or oat grains in wheat is common impurity and it iE difficult to separate these grains during screening procedure. The presence of seeds of weeds mayor may not I - injuries for the health and production of birds. Seeds of beans and peas in cereals is an impurity but not toxic. Hdwever, the presence of harmful legumes like, lathyrus, wild pea and lupins, if present at less than 1%, the lot may be accepted for purchase. Some weeds may be highly detrimental and the permissible limits i of some toxic seeds in cereal grains are given \ below. Name of the weed Maximum permissible limit Agrostemmagithago 50 - 55 seeds per kg Dhatura seed 10 per kg Castor seed less than 0.1% Croton seed should be absent Ergot infested grains 15 per kg c. Detection of extraneous particles: Some time considerable amount of grits of stone and gravels remains unscreened in the grain lot. As such grits may not be harmful but definitely cause problems in feed grinding. d. Fungal infestation : - It is risky .to _store_ grains. containing live fungal infestation. In case of fungal infestation, the grain should be tested for the level of mycotoxins particularly the aflatoxins. e. Insect infestation : Th~ lot of grain selected for purchase should be free from live or dead insects and their eggs. There should not be any weevil ed, touched or germ eaten grains in the bulk. The grain godown and stores should be made insect free by suitable treatments before storage. The grains stored in godown should be periodically inspected for the appearance of insects. Various degree or levels of insect damage of food grains have been accepted for feeding pOUltry. For the determination of the extent of insect damage, tru:ee touched and genu eaten grains are equated with one weeviled grain. On the basis of the percentage of discoloured and weeviled grains, maize can be classified into five groups for the purpose of physical quality assessment. 26 Grading of maize and other grains on the basis of insect damage Grade -- . Percentage pf discoloured damaged and No. touched grains in representative samples . / 1 Less than 5 2 5.1 to 10 .~ ", I 3 10.1 to 15 4 15.1 to 20 Rejected More· than 20 , Some times due to unfavourable climate or careless storage or some other reason, large quantity of grains get damaged and declared unfit for human consumption. Such damaged grains are available at a much cheaper rate than the wholesome grain's and damage upto certain extent has been found useful for feeding poultry after mixing ~ith other feed ingredients. The utility of such, grains is detertnined on the basis of the percentage of sound I grains provided it is free from fungal infestations and toxic preservatives. Grading of substandard grains for animal feeding Sound grains (%) Fit (or ihe class of animal 1. More than 70.1 Cattle and' buffalo feed 2. 55.1 to 70.1 Poultry feed 3. 30.1 to 55,0 Industrial uses 4. Less than 30.0 Manure f. Detection of Adulterants : The commonly found adulterants are given below Name of the ingredient Adulterants Protein supplements Urea Fish meal Sand, Silica, Urea, Leather meal Rice polish Flour of broken rice Deoiled rice bran Sand, Silica Groundnut cake Mahua seed cake, urea The adulterants can be detected by physical or microscopical examination or by laboratory tests. 27 .? g. D~~eCtion of anti-nutritional' factors~ , . Soy~bean meal samples have to be checked for urease activity in order to confirm the destruction of trypsin inhibitor and other heat labi Ie anti··nutritional factors present in it. l o. STORAGE: The storage of feed ingredients is advantageously utilized for the procurement of raw materials during the harvesting season when the price is low and the ingredients are sound and wholesome. During lean period the availability is less and the quality may not be upto the mark. Further the price per unit also will be ~ore. Feed storage is a technology because it requires skill for providing protection to feed ingredients against the damage caused by moisture, insect infestation, dampness, rodents and fungal infestation. Among various methods of storage, bag storage of feed ingredients and processed feed is most popular method used by almost all class of producers, suppliers and consumers. Advantages of bag storage: 1. Loading, unloading and stacking of bags is convenient. 2. Definite quantity of materials may be filled and packed in the bags. 3. Bags are easily available in different size and at reasonable price even at remote places. 4. Empty bags need little space for storage. S. Bags can be easily inspected by shifting, i{suspected for insect irifeslation! other damages" 6. Porosity in bags facilitates fumigation. Following points should be considered for proper stacking offilled bags in the godown.: 1. Bags should be stacked away from the walls and atleast 50 em space should be left between the wall and the stack to facilitate inspection. 2. Bags should be stacked on wooden planks or steel base and the space between the floor and surface of the plat form should be 5-7 em for better aeration, cleaning and fumigation etc. 3. Passage for the movement ofperson(s) should be provided at a distance of 4-5 meters in the stacks. 4. The bags are stacked in crisscross! block system. s. Treatments for the control of insects, rodents and fungi should be done before hermetically sealing the godown.. Hermetic sealing of godown is helpful in quick depletion of oxygen due to respiration resulting in anaerobic interllal environment the insects are killed and the stock becomes insect. free. This method may be ,,\ . used for long term feed storage in dry climate of warm countries. \.._ 6. The height of stack is determined on the basis of height of godown, the faci1i!y for lifting the bag and the ingredients to 'be stored. Fumigation : Volatile toxic chemicals are used for the eUrrililation of insects and' their larvae from the storage godowris which are known as fumigants. The feed stock in unsealed stores should inspected at the interval of 15 days for checking insect infestation. The necessity of fumigation is determined on the basis of the intensity of the insect infestation. About 1 kg of representative sample is weighed, sieved, spread in a flat container and examined for the I presence of insects. SI.No. Insect count" per kg Class of feed Operation needed 1 Insects and larvae Clear or free No treatment is required Few Immediate fumigation Heavy is required Intensified and long duration I 2 are absent Maximum 2 live insects present 3 3 or more live insects fumigation is required NB*· Immediate treatments should be done and insects number should not be allowed to increase to 8 in primary grains and 4 in processed feeds. The insecis count include live and dead insects as well as major and minor insects. (Source: Pathak, N.N. (1997) Text book of Feed Processing Technology, . pp: 114).. . Fumigation is done in an air tight condition for a defmite period. Some commonly Used fumigants are aluminium phosphide, Ethylene di- bromide, Ethylene 4i chloride, carbon tetra chloride and methyi bromide. 29 Details of information on use of some fumigants are given below. Dosage . Fumigant \ Aluminium Phosphide 2 tablets of 1 3 gms each I Exposure Tolerance limit Remarks period (ppm) 7 days 0.05 3 ml/q , in grains per 100 q Ethylene . fooj 0.01 Suitable for all m food grains milled grains 25 ppm 7 days Suitable for whol€ grains and, not fo] di-bromide (EDB) , milled grains moisl grains or· oil seeds 55 ml/q 36-48 hours Free from . Fpr all 'Storage DiChloridecarbontetra residue after chloride (EDCT) aeration Ethylene Methyl bromide - 22 gms per 48 hours :For all feed grains Sq.M (Source: Pathak, N.N.(1997) Text book of Feed processmg Technology pp:l16). Surface treatment: Organophosphorus compounds such as Malathion and Diclorvos are used for application on the floor, walls and other exposed surface and never mixed with food grains. -~ 'Precautions to be adopted during chemicattreatment : 1. Face mask should be used to avoid inhalation. 2. Fumigated grains should be properly aerated for sufficient time before use. 3. The instructions given on the leaf let supplied by the manufacturer must be read thoroughly before use, All instructions must be followed strictly. . Rodents control: Rats, mouse and· bandicoots cause considerable damage to grains. The following rodenticides are used to control rodents. Alfa naphthyl thio urea (ANTU ) , zinc phosphide, aluminium phosphide, thallium sulphate, arsenic tri oxide, barium carbonate, .sodium fluoro acetate etc. Among this zinc phosphide is the most commonly used rodenticide'in India. 30 --Fungal control: Fungal damage of feeds occurs only when moisture exceeds 12% in the tropical countries. Drying ?f food grains and meals to reduce moisture content below 10% is a practical approach for fungal control. Mixing of propionic acid or calcium propionate at the / rate of 2.5 kg per tonne can check the growth of many fungi. Inactivation of fuQgal toxins in , , feeds is perhaps not feasible for practical uses. Storage losses : I Storage losses are observed in sunflower oil cake and deoiled rice bran to the maximum extent of two percent on storage. DI. PROCESSING: The objective of feed processing is' to make the feeding economical and poultry , . production a viable enterprise. The various reasons for processing the feed ingredients may be enumerated as follows. 1. To improve the feeding value. i. e. the voluntary feed intake, digestibility / and feed utilization efficiency can be improved. 2. To increase keeping quality and storage period. 3. Reduction in bulkiness. 4. RemovaVneutralization of harmful constituents. 5. To reduce feed wastage and feed refusal. 6. To ensure balanced intake of nutrients. Types of feeds : .. _, The feeds are manufactured in the form of mash, pellets' or crumbles. Feed grinding: The process of disintegration in the shape and size of material's with t~e help of inechanical devices is known as grinding. The equipment used for grinding are known as grinders/mills. There are mainly two types a.Hammer mill and b. Roller mill ~~. a.Hammer mill : This is most commonly used mill by the compounded feed industry. The hammer mill process feed with the aid of rotating metal bars (Hammers) that blow the ground product through a metal screen. The size of the product is controlled by changing the screen size. Usually 3 to 4 mm sieve is used for chicks and grower mash and 6mm seive is used for layer mash. b. Roller mill: Roller mills act on grain by compressing it between two smootb of corrugated rolle~ . . ~ that can be screwed together to produce smaller and smaller ,,particles, With grailis such a~ maize, or sorghum the product can r~ge in size from cracked gl'ain to a rather fine powder. t Feed mixing: . Feed ingredients generally are mixed together in a mixer in the proper ratios td provide a nutritionally balanced mixture. There are two types of batch mixers namely' Horizontal type and Vertical type. Horizontal types of mixers are commonly used in the feed industry. Horizontal mixers can accommodate ingredients differing in particle size, density. and texture. For most efficient mixing usually the ingredients used in the largest amount is added first and then ingredients . that make up a smaller proportion of final diet are added in descending order of their contribution to the total diet. When fat is added in the diet, all other constituents are mixed first and the fat is added last and the final diet is mixed again. The duration of mixing varies between 5 and 7 minutes and the efficiency of mixing is scrutinized by using grain separators/sieves (as per BIS specifications) and also by micro-nutrient tracers. Usually the premixes are prepared using . . blen~ers and the commonly used ingredient for preparing . premIxes IS maIze. Pelleting of feeds; The processing of densification of feeds in the cylindrical shape is known as pell~ting: The advantages of pelleting are 1. Density of feeds is increased, . 2. Voluntary feed intake is more, 3. Less palatable and unconventional feeds can be incorporated in the diet 4. Intake of balanced feed is assured, 5. Gelatinization of starch due to heat increases digestibility, 6. Transportation becomes easier and Feed wastage is reduced. However increased cost of production renders this process uneconomical and not gaining popularity for feeding of pOUltry. Crumbles: The pelleted feeds are broken down to crumbles. The crumbles are mainly fed to ~roilers. The use of crumbles is limited due to higher cost of production. 32 Stor~ge of. ~rocessed f~eds: ) The i>rocessed feeds can be stored foi? to 10 days with out affecting the keeping quality. Beyond which the quality gets deteriorated due to the ab ;orption of moisture and development of fungi. When fat or ojl is added in the diet, antioxidauts such as vitamin E, BHT, BHA or santhoquinol is .added at the rate of 0.5 to 1% of the diet depending~n the moisture content of feed to improve the keeping quality \ . . . .. **** ',-I UNCONVENTIONAL FEED RESOURCI~S FOR POULTRY ~ Dr. R. Ravi. Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Animal Nutrition " Veterin~ College and Research Institute; Namakkal. Introduction Feed is the major cost item in any system of poultry production and the feed bud~et accounts for nearly 60 -70% of its total cost in ititensive system of production. The need to explore alt~rnative feed ingredients has recently gained much attention because of rising costs . of conventional feedstuffs. More over, the ever growing poultry industry increases the . requirement of feed ingredients for poultry feed prodllction. Large quantities Qf agroindustrial by-products are produced annually and generaliy go waste because of lack of knowledge concerning the nutritive value. The feeding value of some of the newer feed resources available locally in large quantities are discussed in this paper. In poultry feed, maize forms an important constitute because of its high energy anc xanthophyll content. The' present availability of maize and cereals for poultry feeding is 2.: million tonnes which is 25 per cent deficit. To support the present annual growth rate of 10 12 % layers and 20 - 22 % broilers, the requirements for maize has to be improved by { times by 2015. However it should be noted that between 1992 - 96 1. _ .. 2. The production growth rate of maize is static. The area u.nd~r maize cultivation has not improved (5.9 Vs 6.02 million hectares). 3. The productivity in kg per hectare has not improved. 4. Major portion of maize is diverted to starch producing industry. The above situation likely to cause escalation in the price of maize. The alternate fa] maize, commonly used in this area is sorghum, and lor ragi. The availability of these millet~ are seasonal and they are traded at 10 and 25 per cent respectively. less than maize price. In addition to the above constraints, the poultry farmer& in this region are at i disadvantages position as they have to spent Rs.0.30 to Rs.l.O I Kg. for transport as majo: percent of maize is purchased from far off places. Owing to these factors, efforts have beet directed to exploit the use of locally available ingredients for poultry. Some of the work: carried out in the Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College and Research Institute Namakkal, are discussed. Little millet, rice waste, wheat waste have been attempted t( replace maize and tapioca leaf meal and tapioca rind to replace deoiled rice bran an( sunflower cake combinations. Little millet Little millet (P6Inicu11f miliare) which is av~ilable to an extent ctf 0.1 million tonnes annually in Tamilnadu :especially in close proximity to poultry prodaction (Season and crop report Government of Tamilnadu) posses nutritive value similar to thai of maize, except for / higher crude fibre, ADF, cellulose and lignin owing to the presence of ili."z thick hull, the whole grains has low ME than ground grains (2.07 Vs 2.88 Kcal /g). The IOw"ME_! GE ratio of little millets than maize (0.6 4 Vs 0.29) suggests that it is rich in NSP. The gr~ns had ' . I tannin content of 0.15% which is well below the tolerance level for poultry. . ~ Biological trial I with broilers revealed little millets could be used upto 30% replacing 75% maize in an isocaloric and isonitrogenous diet. . Incorporation of autoclaved little millets improved feed• ir _ conversion with. diet containing 40% little millets whereas autoclaving did not improve of the diet or digestibility of nutrient except for phosphorus. energy content Addition of multi enzymes or yeast improved performance, and balance of P. In egg type pullets, little , millet could be included \~P., ~o 30%; addition of enzymes or yeast permitted the inclusion at 40% level without any ad~~se effect on laying performance, carcass yield and egg quality except for reduction in intensity of yolk colour (purushothaman, 1994). Wheat waste " Wheat waste is estimated to be available to a tune of 8.5 million toones annually (Rao, 1992). Wheat waste available in this region was contamin~ted with 4.6% millets, 9.4% mustard, 9.5% Amaranthus etc. The CP, CF and TA were higher and available carbohydrate and TME were lower than maize. Replacement of wheat waste with maize in isocaloric and isonitrogenous cockerel diet at 30% was beneficial 'whereas at 40%, feed efficiency was adversely affected. Wheat waste when stored upto 6 month~, contained very low level of uri~ acid / 0.30 mg %) (Senthil Murugan 1995). Rice waste Rice waste is estimated to be available more than 5 million tonnes annually and the nutritive value is reported to be comparable to maize. Total replacement of rice waste for . I maIze in isocaloric arid isonitrogenous diet in chick, grower and iayer diet have been attempted and the results were found to be comparable to maize - based diet. Tapioca leaf meal Tamil Nadu is the second largest producer of tapioca in the country and in this state Namakkal and its surroundings produces 80% of the tapioca. Nearly 33,000 hectares of land in Salem District is used for tapioca cultivation. The two major by product of this tapioca viz t . " aploca leaf meal and tapioca rind' is presently burnt in the field. Tapioca leaf meal is available to the extend of 4.6 tonnes per hectare (Ravindran and -Rajaguru, 1988) and this lea: . . ' meal possess 20% CP ; is high in CF (20.8%), cellulose (20.8%) ; Ligllin '(5.7%), The ME il 1.914 kcaVg with moderate level ofHCN (1881 mg/kg.) and talmL-i (; .. 7g/kg).' Tapioca lea: meal was evaluated in mash and pelleted form in egger type chick and grower ration replacin~ DORB and SF combination (.66:34). The result suggests that tapioca leaf meal at 10% level it mash or 20% in pellet form can be used in chick and grower ration without any adverse effec on production performance. Cassava peel meal • Cassava peel meal (CPM) which constitute 20% of the tuber is available to the extenc . of 0.3 million tonnes annually. It is very low in CP (2.9%) high in CF (12.8%) cellulose . (16.9%) and lignin (4.6%). The ME of cassava' peel meal is 2.595 KcallKg. Cassava pee meal when used on an isocaloric and isonitrogenous replacem'ent basis, it could be used up tc 10% level in cockerel ration or up to 5% level in broiler ration. Gliricidia leaf meal Oliricidia leaf meal (GLM) contained (%) 18.60 crude protein, 3.11 ether extrac~~ 12.09 crude fibre; 56.72 NFE, 9.48 total ash, 1.62 calcium, 0.18 phosphorus, 4128 kcal. grOSSi energy, 1960 Kcal.TME, 35.80 ppm HCN and 16.30 ppm tannins respectively. Two! biological trials were conducted using cockerels (0-10 weeks) and broilers (0-8 weeks). Ini cockerel trial, addition of GLM at 10, 15 & 20 % levels resulted in significantly lowered! weight gain and feed consumption. However, 5% level did not affect weight gain/feed intake~ significantly. Feed efficiency did not differ significantly among various treatment groups. . In1 .~ broiler trail, upto "5% GLM inclusion in the ration did not affect feed intake! weight gaiIi-:- poor feed efficiency was recorded in 10% GLM group. Blo<ld parameters & Slaughter data showed ! no significant variation Exploiting the use of agro-industrial waste which are locally available in plenty . an4 l ::::::: ::~::::::::p::::::~:i:~o:~-:t::::e· of feed enzymes shall play l;.~ 1 Reference : 1. Purushothaman,M.R. and S.Thirumalai 1995. Replacing maize with millets in grower and l layer diets. Indian lPoult. Sci. 30(3) 251-254. 2. Purushothaman,M.R. andS.Thirumalai 1995. Feeding value of millet in chick diet. IndialD Vet. 1.72 (7) 705-708. 3. Purushothaman,M.R. . and R.NatanamI995. Feeding value of little millet for egg typl chicken. Indian J. Poult. Sci.30 (3) 199-204. 36 4. purushothaman,M.R. and R.Natanam1996. Chemical composition lmd nutritive value of ' little millet (Paniclim miliare) . Indian Vet. J. 73 (4) 410-413. R.NatanamI997: Feeding value of little millet (Panicum 5. purushothaman ,M.Rand . sumatrense) for broilers. Indian J. Anim. Sci.67 (1 )80-81. ,J ! 6. purushothaman;M.R. and S.Thirumalai 1997. Replacement of maize wit!_l rice waste in \ layers. Indian 1. Anim. Sci 67 (9) 829-830. "', , 7. purushothaman,M.R. and R.Natanam 1998. Effect ofautodaving and sup~lementati?n of enzyme or yeast culture on feeding value of little millet for broilers Indian J:,_ Anim. Sci. j 16 (1) 19-23. 8. Sankaravinayagam, V.B., R.Ra\l~and\ M.R.Purushothaman, 1999. Tapioca leaf meal for egg- type grower ration. Indian J. Poult Sci,. 34 (1) 42-45. 9. Sankaravinayagam, V.B., R.Ravi and M.R.Purushothaman, 1999. Tapioca leaf meal for egg- type chicks. Indian 1. Anim Sci. 69 (8) 641-642. 10 Elancheziall, R. Ravi and M.R.Purushothaman 1999 Utilization of cassava peel-meal , as a feed for male layer,chicks. IncJian J Anim. Sci. 69 (9) 742-743. II. Elanchezian, N, R.Ravi and M.R.Purushothaman 1999 Utilization of cassava peel- . meal as a feed ingredient in broiler ration. Indian 1. Poult. Sci. 34 (2) 255-258. 12 Ravindran, V. and AS.B. Rajaguru 1988. Effect of stem pruning on cassava root yield and leaf growth Sri Lankan Joum,al ofAgri. Sci. 25 (2) : 32. 13 Meenaloc~ani, V. 1999. Utilization of Gliricidia leaf meal as a feed for poultry, M.V.Sc thesis submitted to Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai:~-- ***** 37 MARINE PROTEIN RESOURCES AND THEIR FEEDING VALUE FOE POULTRY "', . / Dr.B.Mohan. Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition,. Veterinary College and Research Instltute, . Namakkal-637 001. I ~ Among the various livestock enterprises the growth in broiler and layer chicken industry in India over the last two decades is noteworthy. Parallel to this growth the demand for feed ingredients chiefly cereals, oilcakes and animal protein feedstuff like fishmeal and meat meal are also on the rise. Simultaneously scien~i.$ts are also on the lookout for alternate feed ingredients to narrow this gap. On the other hand over the last 10 years the m;age of com-soya diet for broilers instead of rations with fishmeal has gained much importaI\ce in India and is being practiced. In .layer ration also the .usage of fishmeal has also fallen to a level of 3-5% from 6-8%. Farmers and feed manufactures attribute the escalating cost of fishmeal and microbial contamination in fishmeal as chief factor that hinders its usage in chicken feed. In spite of all these factors many a times the perfomiance of broilers and layers fed with good quality sterilised fish meal seem to be cost effective and better than the synthetic all vegetable protein diet due to the better amino acid availability, mineral balance, vitamins and other animal protein factors present in fish meal. - . -- - "Keeping -in view of the benefits of fishmeal and otb~r marine protein resour~es available to a level of 2.38 million tonnes over the vast coastline of 7,517 km in India, evaluation of the marine protein resources for poultry is undertaken in this department. Fish meal is legally defmed as " the product obtained by processing whole or part of fish from which part of the oil may have been removed and to which fish solubles may have . been re-added. Fish solubles are the stablished products composed of press juice obtained during manufacture of fishmeal from which much of the fish oil and some of the water have been removed." In India most of the human inedible fishes and part of the edible fishes are sun dried over sea sand or nets and then fmely ground to a size of 5-7mm and used as fish meal in pOUltry feeds. The price of the fish meal is fixed based on its protein content .The normal cost of 4nsterilised fish meal works out from Rs.2 - 2.25/unit (One protein unit protein) and for sterilised fish meal it ranges from Rs 2.25 to 2.50/unit . = 10 % Crude St~tewise Marine protein resources Fin fish Mantis shrimp Prawn head waste Cuttle fish Squid Clam meat Crabs Sergestid shrimll Mussel meat Total Gujarat 34,000 13,964 availability of marine protein sources for feeding(tonnes/annum). Mahar astra Goa 33,732 10,400 8,455 3,812 Kama ,Kerala taka Orissa 23,545 14,760 32,447 3,762 '6,382 3,256 J~oultry l--- Am}hr:i Pl"ade~11 3,090 2,440 and prawn Tamil Nadu Total 34,942 1,76,593 57,942 '1~~48 " 8,200 6,300 1,261 500 4,023 800 6,271 545 50S 16 2,557 28,000 - - 311 341 275 3,022 3,229 3,159 42 38 1 16 1,322 -, - 87,790 - 158 1,196 20,000 78 48 3,880 . . . , .,31,235. - 1,769 - 3-;936 6,977 3,687 6,046 48,000 775 - -I 1;459 - - - - - 770 5 - - 71,786 13,654 39,732 23,911 37095 13,625 47,598 476 .. 3,35,191 Source: Ahamad All.S, C.P.Rangasamy, D,Naryanasamy and C.Gopal,. Manne protem resources availability lU IndIa as raw materials for prawn feeds. ClBA BULLETIN.No.9,March 1995,Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (I.C.A.R), 141 ,Marshall's Road, Egmore, Chennai 600 008. Processing of fish meal l.Unsterilised fish meal Whole fish namely Oil mathi, Kilathi (leather jacket), defleshed fishes, crustaceans like Squilla, PrawI1 head meal are usually dried over sea sands, rocks or over fish nets. Drying over sea sand causes contamination of fish with sand and silica. Fresh fishes are usually dried for 3 to 5 days so as to reduce their moisture content to 8 to 10 %. Varieties of fishes based on their proximate composition are mixed in a different ratios to arrive at 40 to 45 % crude protein and later they are finely ground to a mesh size of 5 to 7mm using high-speed pulverizes. The ground fish meals are usually packed in gunny bags and stacked over planks in a well-ventilated area. Fish meals with oil contents ranging from 6 to 8 % or high moisture content (above 15 %) should not be stored for longer time since such fish meals are prone for auto-oxidation and combustion. t. Sterilized fish meal Fresh fishes are compressed to remove the oil content and the residual flesh and other components of the fish are dried in' cylindrical drums by blowing hot air over the material. The fishes are heated to a temperature of 90 to 110°C for a maximum period of 5 to 10 minutes. During this process the moisture content is reduced to less than 8 to 10%. The dried material is directly ground using pulverisers to a size of 4-5mm and than packed in 50 kg bags 39 -, ; sterilised fish meal. The bacterial contamination in sterilised fishraeal is comparatively , Iwer than unsterilised fishmeal. Sterilised fishmeal are used for bn:edet flocks, broilers, / lick and growers to a level of 5{7% in their rations. !uality of marine protein su~plements The protein contents of various marine protein supplements range from about 30% to O%,and'commercial fish meals contain 40-45% crude protein. The oil and protein present in sh meal also contribute metabolisable energy to a level of 2300-2500 Kcal. A good quality sh when processed as 'fish meal contains about 4-5% calcium and 2-2.5% phosphorus in :idition to other vital trace minerals like Iron, Copper, Zinc,:Iodine etc. Fish meal is also a Dod source of Vitamin B 12. Care should be taken to analyze and check the sand & silica naximum S%) and salt (maximum 3%) contamination in fish meals. Table 2 Proximate composition and insoluble ash calcium and phosphorus . content of marine supplements (0/0 DM) ~utrients Squilla meal Fish Meal Shrimp Meal Squid Meal ry matter 94.24 - 89.00 82.38 93.26 rude protein itrogen free 38.37 18.67 33.97 11.94 40.68 13.00 61.77 0.75 69.19 4.84 5.40 32.72 8.12 8.07 1.74 Mohan (1999) 13.92 1.86 38.31 2.73 6.64 36.95 10.91 10.92 4.75 Verma & Banja et al (1996) 10.83 7.66 18.99 - ~tract rude fiber :her extract ::>tal ash cid isoluble ash alcium losphorus eferences 7.28 1.72 Ravinder Reddy el al.(997) 40 6.32 1.78 Rosenfeld 11.58 20.19 2.45 3.43 Rulan et al.(1997) et al. (1979) Table3. Amino acid composition of squiJIa meal, fish meal and soya bean meal (g/16gN) S.No . Squilla / Amino acids Protein Meal . ~'ish Meal 2 3 4 '" Tryrosine 8 9 10 II 12 1"ry~toj)_han I3 14 Available Lysine Aspartic acid 5 6 7 - Phenylalanine Histidine Isoleucine . Leucine Methionine Methionine + Cystine Valine Arginine Lysine Threonine References "- 7.30 - 5.20 7.00 - J 3.60 5.00 - 7.10 3.20 0.80 - - Mathew etal , c 2.64 2.35 l.20 3.32 5.05 1.02 3.51 2.30 1.48 4.04 6.13 .' 1.86 3.55 2.37 3.45 2.79 0.65 2.38 6.31 4.31 5.57 6.74 4.38 0.82 4.79 7.21 5.69 Mohan Ravinder Reddy et al. Mohan N.R.C (1999) (1997) (1999) (1994) 7.30 7.10 S.20 7.00 0.91 3.60 5.00 0.80 429 3.20 - I Soyabean meal 1-..... ,~ I meal - - , \ 2.04 3.62 5.52 8.25 2.25 - 5.01 2.05' 4.90 4.34 2.66 4.45 7.70 l.41 2.91 4.70 7.12 6.11 3.90 1.68 - 7.21 (1982) Usage of fish meal in chicken feeds. Fish meal is one amonR the complete diet for chicken supplying a balanced level of - . . amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. But its high cost and demand in the availability during the monsoon season (June to September) paves way for finding alternate protein sources. Normally fish meal is included to a level of 5-7% in the diet of chicken. Care should be taken to check sand and silica and salt contamination. High sand & silica contaminated fish meals When inciu~ed in the ration may cause mortality in chicks and growers and salt toxicity results in ascites in young chicks and wet dropping in layers. Fish meal is also supplemented by top dressing over the n~rmal ration, during incidence of poor growth in growers or during drop in egg Production in layers d~e to unknown etiology. Care should be taken during usage of unsterilised fish meal which may pose bacterial contamination especially in growing chicks. 41 REFERENCES 1. Ahamad AIi.S, C.P.RangasamY, D,Naryanasamy and C.Gop21,. Maline protein resources availability in In1ia as raw.materials for prawn feeds. CrnA BULLETIN.No.9,March 1995,Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (I.C.AR),141,Marshall's Road, Egmore, Chennai 600 008. 2. Hulan,H.W,F.G.Proud foot and C.G.Zarkadas, 1979.The nutritional value and quality of squid (Illex illecebrosus) meal as source of dietary protein for broiler chicken.Br.J.Nutr.,41: 163-173. 3. Mathew,P.T.,ALekshmy Nair and.P.V.Prabhu,1982;Squilla Protein: Chemical . Composition and nutritive value. Fish. Technol., 19:97~ 100. 4. Mohan.B. Feeding value of Squilla meal as a replacement for fish meal·in chicken ration,1999. Ph.D, thesis work submitted to Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,Chennai-51. 5. N.R.C.1994.Nutrient Requireme~ts of Poultry. 9th revised Ed.,National Academy' Press,Washington,D.C.p 155. 6. Ravinder Reddy,V.,V.Ravindra Reddy and S.Qudratullah,1997.Utilisation of Squill a meal (a novel animal protein source) by broilers.Br.Poult.Sci.38:263-288. 7. Rosenfeld, DJ.,AG.Gernat,J.D.Marcano,J.G.Murillo,G,H.Lopez and J.AFlores~. . 1997. The effect of using different levels of shrimp meal in broiler diets. Poult. Sci., 76:581-587. 8. Verma,S.V.S. and S.K.Bhanja,1996.Metabolisable energy offish and meat meal for POUltry. Int.J.Anim. Sci., 11 :305-308. ***** 42 FATS AND OILS-l1HEIR QUALITY ASSESSMENT FOR POULTRY Dr.M.R.Purushothaman,Ph.D Associate Professpr' (NA,W» \ ~ Department of Animal Nutrition Veterinary College and Research Institute, 'Namakkal ,I The inclusion of fats and oils in poultry diets especially for high perfo~ance broiler's , diets are steadily increasing. To achieve }Jetter feed· efficiency, feed formulator 'att"'empt to include fatloil to represent approximately 20-25% of the total energy. For iefficient feed formulation the assessment of its nutritive "alue is very important. Some of the test that are to be carried to study the nutritive value and their significantly are discussed below: MO,st fats and oils have similar gross energy values but their available energy concentrations vary widely. Much of the variation appears to be associated with chemical composition and structure. In addition, composition of the basal diets, age of the birds and inclusion levels also influence the available energy of fats and oils. , ' Following are the factor of chemical composition of fats and oils which affect nutritive value: 1. Acid values 2.Iodine value 3. Peroxide value . 4. Saponification number 5. Non elutable material and 6. Unsaponificable matter 1. Acid value: it is the measure of propc;>rtion of free fatty acid (FF A). From acid value the FFA can be calculated by the formula: FFA (g/ Kg) = acid value I 1.9. The amount of FF A in various fats and oils varie~ from 0 to 900 giKg. The ab~orbabi1ity or appar~nt~ fat availability is, r~duced or the AME of the, fat· is lower when the FFA concentration and this effect is more pronounced at early age than as the age of chicks advances. 2. Iodine value: it is the measure of degree of saturation of fat or oils. As the iodine value of the fat or ~il increases or, saturation increases the apparent availability of fat and apparent metabolisable energy decrea,ses. The following are the correlation of AME and TME with iodine value: AME (K cal I g) = 4.34 + 0,0571 X TME (K call g) = 5.50 + 0.0560 X where X= iodine value. Synergist effect ofsaturated and unsaturated fatty acid: In addition, to the higher absorption of unsaturated fatty acids, the synergism phenomena between saturated and unsaturated fatty acid is important factor in determining the nutritive value of fats. Dietary energy of a mixture of relatively saturated and unsaturated i~ over and above that which would be predicted from the value fi)r the two individual fat, this is due to the fact that unsaturated fatty acids promote absorption ufthe :,aturate4 fatty acids. 3~ Peroxide value: it is the measure of peroxides present in tit, oils and fats.~Peroxide value is sensitive indicators of the early stage of oxidative deteri,~ratio~. Though peroxide and hydro peroxide are tasteless, their presences are indicator of flavour deterioration. 4. Saponification number : is a measure of chain length of fatty acids in fats and oils. It is defined as the amount of (mg) of alkali required to saponify a known quantity (lg) of sample. Progressive reduction in both absorption and subsqent AME value of fats with increased chain length or increase in saponification number. 5. Non elutable materials: these includes moisture, impurities, unsaponifiable matter and total oxidised and polymerised fatty acids. It is quantjfied with Gas liquid chromatograph. Glycerol also is estimated in the non elutable material but this contributes energy. So glycerol as to substract from ·the non elutable.materials to obtain the non nutritive elutable material. As the level of non nutritive elutable materials in fats and oils increases the AME of the fat or oil ~ecfeases. 6~ Unsaponific~ble matter: this include sterols, squalene and tocopherols along with contaminants like polyethylene and pesticides residues. It is normally less in vegetable oil and is .considerably higher in fat. The nutritive value ofunsaponificable matter is considerably low due to its poor digestibility. Fatty acid profile: this can be done with Gas liquid chromatograph or by High performance liquid chromatograph. They provide information on the ratio of saturated and ~ _u!l~~,:!rate.d fatty acig, the co~centration of essential fatty acids and conce~ation long, medium and short fatty acids. Composition of basal diet and nutritive value of oils or fats: The nutritive value of fat and oils varies with the composition of·the .basal diets. For eg: for com based diets greater TME value of tallow was recorded than for wheat based diets. Age of the birds: in· young bird the ability to assimilate dietary fat is impaired by the deficiency in bile production, During this period of growth "fat which emulsify readily are digested to a greater than fat with a higher melting point like tallow. Normally the AME ana TME of fat or oils for older birds are higher than for the young birds Level of inclusion: fats or ·oils are utilized more efficiently at lower levels of inclusion. As the levels of fats in the diets increases the AME value of fat decreases . •U Carcass and abdomi!lal f~t characteristics as influenced by the fats or oils: Fat deposition is primarily controlled by the calorie: protein ra':ion of '.he diets. Higher ratio Increases the degree of fat deposition. In addition, the type cf fat ul.ed in the diet has an influence of.the degree of saturation of the carcass fat ie. Use uf fat b1.ving higher degree of ./ saturated fatty acid like tallow increases the saturated carcass fat or the saturated fatty acids and oleic acid levels decreases with increase in dietary poly unsaturated fatty acids. Similar fatty acid composition of the diets has significant effect on t~e fatty acid composition of the egg yolk especially linoleic and linolenic acid contents. Supplementation of layer diet with coconut oil or animal fats which are rich in saturated fatty acid resulted in higher levels of yolk cholesterol. The quality assessment of fats or oils with the above tests and knowledge of the type _ of the fats or oils that are used shall be an effective tool to maximizes the profitability of the poultry enterprises. Chemical composition of fats and oils used in poultry feed Type of fat or oil Acid value Iodine value Saponification ME (K cal /g) (g /Kg) (g/100g) number (mg/g) Upt03 weeks Tallow 33.2 69 Tallow acid oil 114 45 0.5-1.3 55 Rice bran oil 75 85-115 Palm acid oil 716 48-56 Lard 190 I Above 3 weeks 8.5 7.4 , 193 196 7.6 8.4 7.8 8.1 7.1 7.3 .- .' Soyabean acid oil 428 128 *******. 180 . ':!!"I .REASSESSl\1ENT OF THE NUTRIENT REQUIREr~ENT OF POULTRV Dr.M.R.Purushothaman, Ph.D., Associate Professor . Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary crllege and Research Institute, Nama.kla.l-l. Maximising the profit margin has been the main objective in any enterprises including poultry. Feed is the major expenses in poultry enterprises and any attempt to reduce the feed bir~ cost is likely to improve the profit margin, this could be best achieved by providing the with optimum nutrient. Through different standard have prescribed the different nutrients requirement for different classes of poultry, The applicability of any standard is variable with . . the strain of the bird, climatic condition and other environmental condition. In an attempt to: an~ study the nutrient requirement under the local climatic condition, crude protein . . . pho$phorous requirment of poultry were undertaken in the Department of Animal Nutrition,: j . Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal. .~ ; The study of crude protein need for poultry is usually expressed as calorie : protein~ . ~ ratio and is assumed that the amino acid profile is balance according to the requirement. Tb~ protein nutrition· of pullet is vital for. optimum attainment of body weight at maturity an~ optimum production performance. Leeson and Summers (1989) suggest that leghorn pullet~ showed optimum growth when the· total CP intake up to 140 days of age is lkg. It should1 ~ . noticed that under the local condition feed intake during the chick stage «()'8 weeks) is1.5 arid grower stage (9-20 weeks) 5.S kgs and BIS -1992 specification is 20 and 16% respectively. Which means the protein intake is 1.18 kgs (0 ..18. kgs. excess). In ordet: to Cl asses~ the CP requirement of the pullet during the growth phase under the local agro climat~G condition a trial was initiated with a isocaloric diet containing protein, lysine and methioni~e as fer BIS 1992 speCification (as c~ntrol) and with diet containing 1 or 2% less than contrOl with or without lysine and methionine supplementation. The results revealed that . 1. Chick between 0 to 8 weeks of age could be maintained with 18% CP, 0.8% LysiPj 0.34% methionine at a calorie: protein 143 : 1 2. Grower could be maintained with 15% CP, 0.62% lysine, 0.31 % methionine and: P of 164: 1'. 3. The level of total Nitrogen, uric acid Nitrogen excretion were lowered and N-balance V! better as the level of CP in the diet was reduced from the BIS specificatiori (BandesWar 1998). The higher level of proteins not only increases the cost of the rations but 1 increases Ammonical Nitrogen emission in poultry sheds and environment especially un~ 46 - the Namakkal conditions where the summer temperature is 40°C."lncrea:>ing the level of CP is harmful and it leads to heat stress as protein is the most inefficie ntly util ized nutrient, Hence, to make up the amino acid, lysine and methi~nine, attempts shOllld noiITJe directed to increase the protein but rather to supplement the first limiting amino acid. In recent year it has been observed that the coSt of phosphorus source viz~CP has increased by two folds and the pattern of changing recommendations of NRC for Pliosp,horus for laying hens over the 40 years (Roland 1986) suggested decreasing levels of dietary .ohosphorus. The optimum dietary phosphorus requirement should ensure"better sHells, " decrease feed cost arid reduce the levels of phosphorus in effluents. Study on varying levels of available phosphorus (0.2, 0.3,0.4 arid O.S%y at calcium level 0(3.5% for layers has "suggested that ~ " 1. 0.2% available phosphorus was not sufficient for layer, as it increased feed consumption, reduced tirbial ash siginificantly which may not be able to support layer for proloonged period. 2. 0.5 % available phosphorus was very high to the birds because it reduced the shell thickness and egg specific gravity. / 3. 0.3% available phosphorus was better than 0.4% available phosphorus. 4. Available phosphorus arid calcium should be 1:11. The second method of reducing the cost is by the use of unconventional source of phosphorus. The commonly available phosphorus source viz. Super phosphate was used to replace 50% of DCP in cockerel and broiler ration. Super phosphate Was found to contain 8.2% p and Fl-1.8%. Fifty per cent replacement of super phosphate with DCP was found to produce optimum production performance with no change in serum calcium arid phosphorus, tibia calcium and phosphorus. The third method is to increase the availability of organic phosphorus by the use of enzymes phytase. This method not only reduces the inclusion of inorganic phosphorus arid Cost but also reduces the environmental pollution of phosphorus. The enzymes phytase catalYses phytic acid to orthophosphate, inosital, and other phosphoric inosital intermediates. PhYtase is commercially prepared from culture of Aspergillus ficuum and A. niger. Phytate, apart from reducing phosphorus availability is also known to form complex with protein and ~nseqUentlY reduces their availability. they also reduce the activity of pepsin, trypsin and pha amYlase. 47 Reference: 1. Leeson, S. and lD.· Summers 1989. Response of leghorn pull ~ts t ) protein and e9-ergy in the diet when used in regular a hot-cyclic environments. POllttry ~;cience 68·: 546 2. BIS 1?92 . Requirement for,~chicken feeds IS: 1374 - 1992. Manak Bhavan, 19, Bhadur Zafar Marg, New Delhi - 110 002. 3. Bandeswaran, 1998. Lysine and· methionine suplementation in isocaloric and low protein diets on the performance of white leghorn acid, M.V.Sc thesis submitted to Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai. 4. Roland, D.A. SR 19886. Egg shell quality iii Calcium and Phosphorus requirement of commercial leghorns. World is Poultry Science 1. 42: 154. 5. Sengathir, S. 1997. Effect of various levels of available phosphorus in relation ith calcium'( egg production and egg shell quality in commercial WL layer :. M.V.Sc thesis submitted to Tamiq Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai. 6. Karunakaran, P. 1996 Formulation of cheap mineral mixture for chicks and broilers and fin~ its efficiency, M.V.Sc thesis submitted to Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences Universitj, \. Chennai. ****.* _' ANTIBIOTIC FEED ADDITIVES AND THEIR RE:,IqUES IN POULTRY PRODUCTION Dr.N. Punniamurthy, Ph.D., Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Veterinary College & Research Institute ~,.... , N'amakkal-637 001 Antibiotics are extracellular secondary metabolites, elaborated by fullgi and some bacteria; for their own protection. Apart from the natural antibiotics, synthetic compounds such as sulphonamides, trimethoprim, furazolidones and fluroquinolones are also referred to as antibiotics . The use of antibiotics in prophylaxis and as feed additive growth promoters may result in antibiotic drug residue in meat, milk or eggs. Hence there is a growing concern over the unintentional antibiotic residues. All foods of animal I poultry origin are viewed by many with apprehension that they may have some deleterious substance(s). Growth and development: Growth means increase in cell number, size and I or deposition of substances within cells. The emphasis in animal I poultry production has shifted from promoting maximum growth to altering the efficiency and composition of growth and enhancement of lean tissue gr?wth i.e. protein accretion. The synthesis of muscle protein produces a higher rate of gain" since muscle has a higher moisture content (upto 75%); 1.0. g of protein holds 3.0. g ofwa,t,er. Fat is deposited in animals body, free of water. In fact it replaces tissue water. The deposition ..... of 1.4 g offat replaces 0.4 g of water and the actual gain is only I.e g. Hence, partitioning of ~ .~ nutrients between muscle and fat is of specific interest in livestock and poultry production. Role of antibiotics in animal agriculture: First introduced in the 1950s in animal! poultry production, the antibiotics have been Primarily intended for three purposes (1) growth promotion, to improve feed efficiency (20-50 g per tonne of feed) (2) prevention of common infectious diseases in the respective species (50-200 g per tonne of feed) (3) treatment of specific diseases(antibio~ic chemotherapy) the dose V~ing with the animal , disease status, the drug preparation and the route of adm' . be tnlstration proposed (Walton, 1988). Penicillins and tetracyclines were the first antibiotics to uSed. Now a 'wide range of substances such as aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, '-tlpho na .d . . .' (Ii nu es, tnmethoprim, furazolidones, fluoroquinolones and the ionophores are used ayS, 199 1). 49 , , Antibiotics as growth promoters: Growth promoters have antibacterial and I or parasitic activity. 'The mechanism by which antibiotics bring about improved performance in growth and lor feed efficiency is not very clear but they may involve more than one mechanism(s) (1)T11inning of the mucous membrane of the gut, facilitating better absorption (2)Altering the gut motility to enhance better assimilation.(3)Producing favoJrable conditions to beneficial microbes in the gut of the animal, most likely by destroying harmful bacteria and (4) Repartitioning proteins to muscle accretion probably by suppressing monokines ( a transient immune suppresslon?). Klasing and Johnstone (1991) in the context of monokines in growth of chicken particularly indicated the negative role played by monokines which repartition the nutrients towards maximizing immuno-competence of the animallbird thereby impairing growth of the ingividuaL It is suggested that antibiotics favour growth by decreasing the microbe-host interactions and decreasing the degree of activity of the immune system. For monogastric animals, there is strong evidence that growth promoters act locally in the gastro intestinal tract. The flora stabilizing effect and reduction of potentially hazardous micro-organisms lead to reduced waste of nutrients, reduced toxin formation, especially of ammonia and amines and therefore to a higher level of metabollc well-being. It is expected that the improved absorPtion leads to improved liver function, both resulting in an increase in liver 'protein synthesis and nutrient retention~ It is suggested that the higher metabolic well-being may favourably alter the endocrine regulation systems, in terms of the growth response. (Klasing and Johnstone, 1991; Gropp and Birzer, 1992). The three general modes of action for antibiotics may be summed up to (a) Metabolic effect (on rate or pattern of metabolism) (b) Nutrient sparing effect and (c) Disease control effect. However, none of the above mechanisms has been elucidated fully; nevertheless, it is evident that only young growing birds I animals are responsive to antibiotic mediated growth promotion; that too under poor sanitary .conditions and not in birds / animals reared in cleaner environment In fact prolonged use of antibiotics actually decreased growth response in chicken (Klasing and Johnstone, 1991). Antibiotic residues in foods of animal origin: Concern over antibiotic residues in edible foods of animal origin is two fold (1) Potential threat to direct toxicity in humans (2) Whether the low levels of antibiotic exposure would result in alteration of micro-flora, cause disease and the possible development of resistant strains compromising antibiotic therapy in humans (piddock, 1993) 50 An important concern of veterinary toxicology is the possible tr~nsmission of harmful substances from milk, meat' and eggs to'. humans. The probable direct toxicity of the drugs . include, , penicillins (allergy),cholramphenicoi (bone marr,)w toxicity), gentamicin (nephrotoxicity) ; while tsulphameth¥ine, oxytetracyclines and fi lrazoli~ ones, e suspected to be carcinogens . and oxytetracycline has been reported to react with nitrite to yield'(carcinogenic) , nitros~inine. Apart from the parent compounds, their metabolites ~ay be more toxic, ill certain cases. However, there is very . little~ direct eyidence implicating direct toxicity due to antibiotic , drug residues in foods of animal origin (Walton, 1988; Woodward, 1991). The indirect effects being the possibility of transfer of antibiotic- resistant bacteria to . . humans via foods of animal origin, from animals treated with antibiotics or infected by resistant bacteria and the probable transfer of the resistance factor (R) from non-pathogenic bacteria to other bacteria which will lead to widespread resistance. The instances are serious as the antibiotic.s used in animal production are also used in human treatment, despite a general but vague understanding. that there should be a distinction between drugs used in veterinary and human healthcare systems (Piddock, 1993; Threlfall et al.,1994). Antibiotic resistant bacteria: There are"three 'possible routes by which the indiscriminate use of antibiotics could pose a risk to human health': (1) Antibiotic resistant bacteria pathogenic to human are selected; contaminated food stuffs leading to an infection that requires antibiotics and therapy ill humans is untreatable. (2) Antibiotic resistant bacteria non pathogenic to human are selected in the animal, again due to the possible contamination, the hacteria ingested transfer resistance to other bacteria "in the human gut (3) Antibiotic residues in animal products allows the selection of . antibiotic resistant bacteria in the consumer offoods (Threlfall et aI .. , 1994). Bacterial resistance to antibiotics can be encoded on the chromosome or on a transmissible extra-chromosomal DNA element such as plasmid. Resistance in bacterial population can spread from person to person by bacteria through plasmids and from plasmid to plasmid ( or chromosomes) by transposons. While chromosomal resistance is transferred only' to daughter progeny, the plasmid mediated resistance can be transferred to other species of bacteria by process~s as simple as bacterial conjugation, transduction and transformation. The transfer of resistant genes between bacteria of the same species and of different species is of fundame~t~l Importance to. the spread .of resistance to antibiotics. The resistance to ciprofioxacin is chromosomally integrated, whereas the resistance to gentamicinlapramycin and trimethoprim are ' plasmid mediated. ' ( ~ 51 } . In addition to the above it has now been demonstrated that DNA encoding antibioti( . resistant genes can contaminate naturally occurring semisynt J~C antibiotic preparation providing another route for selection and transfer of antibiotic Nsist 1) Ice, Spread of resistanl ~rganisms may occur among the animals and between anima] E an~ man. They have alS( suggested the possibility of a different route of entry or different culture medium for the ingestec; bacteria, for example, b~ w~y of nasal passage to sputum to the GI tract. Fluroquinolone-resistari . . Salmonella and Camphylobacter have been isolated from animals, feedstuffs and man ( Piddock 1993). Multiple drug resistance: The increase in the incidence of both resistant and multiple resiStant S.typhimurium OT 104 ofR type ACSUT (resistant to ampicil1~n, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, streptomycin, sulpha and tetracycline) and its prevalence in all' food animals is reported to be a serious proposition. Salmonella enteridites PT4 is associated ~ith poultry and pOUltry prod\lcts (Threlfall et al., 1994). A~tibiotics . into the environment: All antibiotics are xenqbiotic compounds which in their unchanged form or metabolized state, are excreted from the animal I bird into the environment. Most antibiotics used : as growth .promoters are poorly absorbed from. the gut of the bird; it is quite natural that a .~ substantial portion of these antibiotics are excreted into the environment in an activ~ form. Moreover the practice of spreading manure in agriculture and other disposal methods , are likely to introduce antibiotics into the environment. If the antibiotics persist longer in the soil es.pecially at lower temperatures, tile pot~!ltjal. to affect the bacterial.population of the soil which may lead to selection of resistant microbial population. Limited information is available regarding the prevalence and persistence of manure-borne antibiotics in soil. It is reported that . the antibiotics introduced in the soil, persist for varying lengths of time ranging from less than a day to several weeks or longer (Addison, 1984). .Regulation of the levels of the antibiotic-residues: The safety evaluation of various types of antibiotics is dependent on the concept of MRL (maximum residue level) for the protection of the consumers. . Following the cessation of administration of an antibiotic to an arumal or flock, a specific period of time must elapse to enable the antibiotic to be cleared from the animals' tissues or products before the same are passed for hUrruln consumption. This period is defined as the withdrawal period which 'is in fact based on the value ofMRL (Woodward, 1991).. 52 . The MRL values for the antibiotics employed in veterimuy field are fixed based on the following parameters: (l) The no-observed effect level (NOEL) is generally taken as the dose, in both the to~icological and microbiological studies, at which and be low wtich adverse effects do not occur, with reference to the most sensitive effects in the most sensitive species. (2) The / acceptable daily intake (ADI) is derived from NOEL' by dividing this bY'a suitable. safety factor. "" , . This safety factor (SF) is usually 100 (10 for animal-human variation x 10 for ,human - human . . variation).The safety factor, might irivolve pharmaco-kinetic factors reducing the errors· of extrapolation. The toxicity studies can give only an idea and can never be used to declare a particular chemical lantibiotic to be absolutely safe. And it is also important to recognise that the ADI is intended to cover the potential risks arising from life time exposure as a result of daily intake of the substance. This implies that NOEL is always derived for long term studies- but it is not the case. The safety factor is an arbitrary value (Woodward, 1991). Adherence to withdrawal periods: Contamination of the foods of animal origin is rarely intentional and generally result from failur~ ichicken, to observe the withdrawal time and discard time, in food producing .animals specified for various antibiotics. In Vandresser and Witcke's study (1989), streptomycin, penicillin, sulphamethazine and oxytetracycline were the four most common antibiotics found in contaminated tissues, with sulphamethazine being the most commonly found sulpha in animal tissues. Long acting formulations of penicillins and tetracyclines were reported . . ~o be more likely associated with residue problems; injectables were more likely to be associated with residue problems than' feed additives and boluses. The most frequently cited reaSons for violative residues has been stated to be the failure to observe correct withdrawal time for the drugs. The withdrawal periods are periodically (frequently) revised lamended. However, it is important to realize that the end point for determining withdrawal times is a legal and not a biological concept and therefore controlled by regulatory and not medical practices. Some drugs IUay have zero tolerance (no residue is permitted, because the drug is carcinogenic), negligible as temporary t.olerances (valid until ~rther revision).While prescribing veterinary products with no specific recommendations on ~ithdrawal periods , the following withdrawal periods are considered to be saf~ : milk-7 days, eggs-7 days, meat (including muscle, fat and liver) from pOUltry and mammals-28 days .The issue of withdrawal periods is the least understood and apparently difficult to implement with many small holdings of poultry, scattered around (Riviere and Spoo; 1995). 53 Detection of antibiotic residues in foods' of animal origin: Tests employed for detection must not only overcome the challenges of isolation from complex:food matrix but also to meet the requirements to equal or e'reed the tolerance levels . set by regulatory agencies (Moats and Medina, 1996). Accoruing to FDA guidelines for :: approval of analYti£al ~ethods for residue analysis methods must be able to determine ~ : -~~ residues at the safe or tolerance levels· as well as at one-half or twice the tolerance level . (Woodward, 1991), 'Chromatographic and electrophoretic separations are more effectively ~ used for quantitation. While, thin layer chromatography is an inexpensive niethod, liquid '! .~ chromatography (LC) appears to be the generally preferred technique-which frequently ~ requires iittle sample preparation. Reference Addison,lB. 1984. Antibiotics in sediments and run~offwaters from feed lots. In: Residue rcveiws, 92: 1-28. Gropp. J.M and D.R.T.Birzer,1992. In: Farm animals and the Environment, Ed. Cilve Phillips and 'David Piggins, CAB international, Wallingford, UK. Hays V.W., 1991.Effects of antibiotics. In:Growth and regulation in Farm animals. Advances in meat Research Vol.7 Eds. A.M. Pearson and T.R, Dutson Elsevier Applied Science, New york Klasing, K.C. arid BJ Johnstone, 1991. Monokines in growth and development. Poultry Science 70: 1781-1789 ' . Moats.W.A. and M.B.Medina 1996.Veterinary drug residues :Food safety.ACS symposium series, ACS, washington, DC. Piddock, LJ.v.. 1993, Does the use ofantiinicrobial ....... compromise antimicrobial. chemotherapy. J.Antimicrob Chemother 38: 1-3. Prescbtt,J.F. and J.D.Baggot 1993. Antimicrobial therapy in Veterinary Medicine. Iowa State University Press! Ames. Riviere, J.E and J.W Spoo,1995 .Chemical residues in tissues of food animals. In: Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Ed. H.Richard Adams. Iowa State University Press / Ames. ThrelfaII, EJ., J.A. Frost, L.R.Ward and B.Rowe, 1994. Veterinary Record, 134, 577. Van Dresser, W.R. and lR.Wilcke,1989. Drug residues in food animals. JAVMA. 202(10): 1700-1710. Walton,J.R .. 1988 Antibiotic resistance: an overview. Vet. Rec. 122,249-251 Woodward, K.N. 1991. Use and regulatory control of veterinary drugs in food production. In; Food.contamin.ants: Sources and surveillance pp 99-108 Ed.C.S. Creaser and R.Purchase ,Royal Society of Chemistry,London. 54 ENZYME SUPPLEMENTATION -TO . . . IMPROVE NUTRIENT UTILIZATION IN POULTRY Dr.D.Chandrasekaran,Ph.D., .. Professor and Head Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory .""" "Veterinary College and Research Institute Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Namakkal -637 002 ' ... The main objective of the nutritionists is to improve the nutritive value of the feed to exploit the genetic potential of the birds to the maximum. The genetic potential of the bird has been improved to such an extent that it behaves like a machine, any slight alteration in the nutrient balance in the feed or the environment, affects the production. Hence maintaining the quality of the feed is of utmost importance, for this, selecting the raw material based on the quality should be carefully done. But with our experience in Namakkal, we have found that the quality of rqW material is declining continuously. Quality of raw materials The data on the crude protein and ct:Ude fibre content of som~ of the common feed ingredients analyzed in this laboratory since 1994 is given in table 1. Table 1. Crude protein and crude fibre (%ADB) content of some common feed ingredients. Feed Ingredient Crude protein Mean Crude fibre Range Mean Range Min. Max. 13.58 6.07 27.74 52.14 6.66 2.63 9.68 22.14 34.9 27.56 19.65 34.25 36.49 30.08 38.64 10.99 9.35 15.27 Fish meal 37.4 22.59 58.65 - Meat meal 56.74 41.19 75.85 - - Min. Max. 40.81 30.15 47.05 Soya meal 45.18 33.07 Sunflower meal 26.77 Rapeseed meal Groundnut meal - The wide variation in the crude protein and crude fibre contents in the most commonly us ed .ingredIents . . . ....C'. WIth whIch the Iarmer and the nutritionists have to mdIcates the constramts ~ h in the future, hence ormulate the ration. The situation cannot be expected to c ange enh . . hI t .ents should he probed, ancmg the ways to effectively utilize the unavrula e nu n 55 .. -- .... .... -~- ---~ ...... . The feed ingred~ents contain two important unavailable nutrients, which are at present ... considered as anti-nutritional factors for poultry, they are: . I 1. Non-starch polysaccharides 2. Phytate Non-starch polysacchari'des~ Earlier these were generally termed as crude fibre, but it has become archaic due to the defects in the estimation technique, it is now termed as non-~tarch polysaccharides (NSP). The NSPs are the cell wall constituents; broadly categorized into three main patterns (Smits and Annison, 1996). 1. Fibrillar polysaccharides (Cellulose) 2. Matrix polysaccharides (Hemicellulose and' pectin) 3. Encrusting substances (Lignin) Cellulose The fibrous component of the cell wall, is a polymer of D-glucose, joined together by. BI -4 glucosidic linkages. Similarly, p-glucans found in certain cereals like wheat, barley etc. are polyglycans with p 1-4 glucosidic linkages, but they ,also contain branches of 131-3 linkages. Hemicellulose A heterogeneous polysaccharide of glucose, xylose, mannose, arabinose and galactose. Xyloglucan is predominant in the hemicellulose. It consists of a chain of 13 1-4 linked D·: glucose units with terminal branches of a 1-6 linked xylose units. It also .c~!1tains. "-' - . i arabinoxylans, arabinogalactan, galactomannans and rhamnogalacturans (pectic substances). .j Lignin A high molecular weight amorphous polymer of phenyl propane derivatives. It is non carbohydrate compoun~, linked with cellulose and hemicellulose. The NSP contents, in terms of neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibr~ (ADF) and lignin, of some of the commonly used feed ingredients are given in Table 2. Th hemicellulose and cellulose were calculated based on the NDF, ADF and lignin contents. Thl j NDF represents most of the NSPs of the ingredient except some soluble NSPs like pectins. j ~ 56 Table 2. The NSP (glkg) content of common feed ingredients. (McDonald et ai, 1995; *NRC ,1994) NDF ADF Maize 117 28 DeoiJed rice 451 275 176 205 70 107 57 50 47 10 Wheat 124 30 94 20 10 Ground nut 180 146 34 136 10 Rapeseed meal 295 206 89 186 20 Soya meal 125 91 34 81 10 Sunflower' 320 260 60 170 90 Ingre~ients Hemicellulose Cellulose Lignin* 89 10 18 \ bran .. Sorghum I meal meal* The NDF content of the common feed ingredients indicates that even in maize which is the best utili~ed energy source by the birds, is about 12%, whereas deoiled rice bran contains about 45%. Among the oil seed meals, sunflower meal and rapeseed meal contained nearly 30%. This indi<;ates that..considerable amount of nutrients are unavailable to the non-ruminants due to the lack of the needed enzymes to digest them. The monosaccharide composition of the NSPs is given in Table 3. Though the pentose sugars and uronic acid are not utilized as efficiently by non-ruminants as ruminants, the hexose component, which can be utilized by the birds, is present in considerable amount. Maize, wheat and sorghum contain nearly 4% of these units in the NSP's. Compared to the cereals, the oil seed meals contain higher amount of these utilizable monosaccharides; it ranges from 12.7% in soya to 14.3% in sunflower meal. The values quoted for some oil cakes may be low compared to the quality of ingredients in India, as the amount of glucose in sun flower meal given in Table 3 is only 8.9%, whereas the cellulose content alone (Table 2) cOIlles to 17%. 57 Table 3. Major composition ofNSPs (on %DMB) in different feed stuffs (Classen, 1996) Feedstuff Maize Glucose Uronic'acid Arabinose Xylose Mannose Galactose 1.9 2.4 0.2 0.4 2.6 0.6 0.1 0.2 2.1 l.3 1 , 0.9 Wheat 3.3 4.8 traces 0.3 2.8 0.2 Rapeseed meal 4.3 1.7 0.2 1.6 5.8 4.6 2 1.8 0.6 2.9 6.7 2.5 . Sunflower meal 2.3 3.8 1 1 8.9 3.4 Rice Bran 0.4 0.32 0.03 0.17 0.08 5 Sorghum Soya meal , Whatever be the variation of the NSP content of the feed ingredients in the reports, in our preliminary investigations it was found that the cellulose content of the layer mash at Namakkal ranged from 8 to 10% and the hemicellulose rang~d from 7 to 10%. The level of pectin was calculated to be around 2%. This indicates that nearly 17 to 22% of the feed is totally unavailable except for a small fraction broken down by the microbes in the intestines. Thetotal glucose or its,equivalent bound in cellulose, hemicellulose (assumed as 50%) approximately comes to 15%. The total energy in the bound form comes to ,about 560 to 570 kcaVkg. Phytate About two thirds of the phosphorus in plant ingredients are in the form of salts of: phytic acid (Simons et ai, 1990). It is an hexophosphori~ ester of myoinositol , thej ..j availability of phytate phosphorus w~~ reported to range from zero (Nelson, 1976) to a~ maximum of 56% (Edwards, 1983) which can be considered as mostly unavailable to non-: • ruminants. The level of phytate phosphorus in feedstuffs depends on the part of the plant'l oil seeds and cereal bypro ducts contain higher amounts compared to cereals (Ravindran et al'.l 1995). The phytate phosphorus and phytic acid content of some common feed ingredients are j given in Table 4. 58 ., T~~le,4. The total and Phytate phosphorus and phytic acid content (%DM) of some common feed ingredients (Tyagi et ai, 1998; Ravindran et ai, 1995) Ingredient Total P/ Phytate P Phytic acid Maize 0,37- 0.47 0.21- 0.33 0.74 -1.17 Sorghum 0.27-0.32 0.20-0.24 0.71-1.31 Wheat 0.4 - 0.49 0.24 - 0.37 0.85 - 1.31 Broken rice 0.10 - 0.21 0.09 - 0.10 0.30 - 0.33 0.31 0.23 0.82 Deoiled rice bran 1.63 - 1.83 i.33 - 1.60 4.71 - 5.61 Wheat bran 1.08 - 1.19 0.74 - 0.87 2.62 - 3.08 Ground nut meal 0.56 - 0.91 0.39 - 0.54 1.38 -1.91 Soya bean meal 0.81 - 1.03 0.51 - 0.64 1.81-2;29 Sunflower meal 0.88 - 0.91 0.45 - 0.46 1.61 - 1.63 Rape seed meal 1.19 0.7 - Bajra Anti- nutritive effects ofNSPs The soluble NSPs especially the pentosans and pectic substances in the diet were found to increase the viscosity of the gut contents (Bedford et ai, 1991; Choct and Annison, 1992). The increase in viscosity decreased the solubilization of fat and hydrolysis of fat and prQlein. The digestibility of the fat was more affected than protein (Fenglar and Marquardt, 1988; Choct and Annison, 1992) and among fat the depression was more pronounced in saturated fats (Antoniou et ai, 1980). The increase in thickness of the unstirred water layer adjacent to the. mucosa due to increase in viscosity, decreased the uptake of end products of fat and protein digestion (Smits and Annison, 1996). Therefore affecting the energy utilization. Anti.. nutritive effects of Phytate Phytate, a reactive anion, forms stable complexes with minerals like calcium, zinc, copper etc. in the gut thereby reducing their solubility and availability (Erdman, 1979). Th~ hindi'ng of calcium by phytate reduced the activities of a amylase (Deshpan~e and Cheryan, 19 84), pepsin (Deshpande and Cheryan, 1984) ~d trypsin (Singh and Krikorian, 1982; CaldWell, 1992), affecting the digestibilities of starch and· protein, since calcium is essential for the activity and stability of these enzymes. Further, at low pH, phytate being negatively charged and protem . b' .. Iy charged &'.orms l'nsoluble complexes with proteins emg posItIve " 59 (Cheryan, 1980) and at high pH, both phytate and proteins are negatively charged and multivalent cations like calcium are involved in forming phytate protein complexes (Odell : and de Boland, 1976), still lowering the digestibility of the proteins. Role of enzymes· in overcoming the ill effects of NSPs and Phytate Bhatt et al (1991) obs~rved a linear increase in the digestibilities of crude protein, I crude fibre, ether extract and NFE in broilers with an .increase in level of enzyme supplementation. Similarly, Friesen et al (1992) observed that addition of crude cellulase preparation to the diet of broilers containing barley, oats or rye significantly increased· the apparent digestibilities of protein and lipid. Addition of endo-xylanases also improved the -. weight gain, feed efficiency, digestibilities of organic matter, crude fat, crude fibre and NFE in broilers fed with diet containing added animal fat' and not in the group fed with diet containing ·added soya oil (Langhout et ai, 1997), and supplementation of either protease or u galactosidase to a semi purified soya diet was found to improve the feed intake and weight gain and nitrogen retention in chicks and the TME of soya bean meal (Ghazi et ai, 1997a and b). Allen et ai, (1997) observed a reduction of viscosity in the ileal contents apart from improvement in feed efficiency. Significant positive interaction between xylanase and crude, fat and protein digestibilities and increased deposition of vitamins A and E were reported by Danicke et ai, (1997). The enzyme phytase, a normal constituent of .common feed stuffs like 'soya, i rape seed meal, corn, wheat etc. (Guenter, 1996), help in degrading the phytate to a. certain: extent, but the activity of vegetable phytases are limited as they act only at a narrow pH range (Anon, 1998). Microbial phytase are a good source for hydrolysing phytate '( Nelson~el ai, 1971). Several w.orkers have used phytase and reported about the enhanced availability of; phosphorus (Simons et ai, 1990; Broz et ai, 1994; Sebastian et ai, 1996; Kornegay et ai, :}-.• 1996), caldum (Simons et ai, 1990; Schoner et ai, 1991; Sebastian et ai, 1996), zinc (Yi et ai, ~ 1996a; Sebastian etal, 1996), copper (Aoyagi and Baker, 1995; Sebastian et ai, 1996),and o(, amino acids in chicks (Sebastian et ai, 1997) and turkey (Yi et ai, 1996b). Further, increase in protein digestibility in pigs ( Morz et ai, 1994), and nitrogen retention in chickens ( Van 1 der.~ ] Klis et ai, 1991; Farrel et ai, 1993) was also observed. Use of enzymes in improving the quality of feed Renewed interest on the role of enzymes in improving the nutritive value of the feed started in the early nineties and the evaluation work has been intensified since th~n. Apart from overcoming the ill effects of the of NSPs and phytate, enzymes have been found to. 60 enhance the performance, iIi terms of weight gain , feed efficiency (Friesen et ai, 1992; Brenes et ai, 1993a and b; Benabdeljelil, 1997; Langhout et ai, 1997), reduced weights cif digestive organs and liver (Brenes et ai, reduction in the cost of feed. 1993~, Svihus et ai, 1997) in broiler chicks and , / . Practical. experience in using enzymes for commercial layers ... A mixture of two commercial enzymes @ 500glton of feed was used in the trial. The approximate energy contribution of this cocktail mixture was calculated t~ be about 70 kcal/kg of feed. This was based on the total NSP degrading enzymes and an effective digestion period of 120 min. in the bird. The phytase content of the enzyme mixture was 604 units/kg of feed, the expected release of phosphorus was calculated to be 0.22% on the assumption that the phytate phosphorus release would be 0.000031g/min.lunit and an efficiency factor of70% (Van der Klis er ai, 1991). A flock of 9688 layers at 45 weeks of age in a commercial layer farm was divided into two halves, one group (6126 birds) was fed with layer mash containing 17% crude protein, 2500 kc~ ofMElkg, 3.75% calcium and 0.4% available phosphorus. The other group (3562 birds) was fed with a layer mash containing 16.5% crude protein, 2430 kcal of MElkg, 3.5% calcium and 0.18% available phosphorus along with 500 g/ton of the ,enzyme cocktail. The trial was continued for 30 days. The feed intake, egg prQductidn, egg breakage and mortality were recorded and the results are given in Table 5. Table 5. Feed intake, egg production, egg breakage in commercial layers fed with or without enzymes SI.No Treatment Feed intake Breakage Mortality Egg production (gld) (%HD) (%) (%) 1 - Enzyme 111.08 85.1 0.35 0.03 2 + Enzyme 110.98 86.2 0.32 0.03 There waS no difference in the feed intake, egg production, breakage or mortality. The feed cost was reduced by Rs. O. 12/kg of feed including the cost of the enzymes and the feed cost per egg produced ~as reduced by 1.55 paise, with the rise in price pho.sphate the benefits will be still more. 61 of di-calcium Benefits of using enzymes "' 1. Enhances nutrient availability by digesting hitherto indigestible nutrients, also' enhancing the capabilities of local enzymes by reducing the viscosity 2. Releases bound minerals, Prevents further binding there by reducing the need for supplementation I 3. Reduces moisture content of the excreta 4. Reduction in faecal volume and nutrient content, there by improving farm hygiene 5. Reduction in feed cost Characteristics of an effective enzyme 1. Should be able to function,at a pH range between 2 and 7 2. Should be able to withstand high temperatures of processing 3. Should have a good keeping quality after mixing in the feed 4, Should have optimal potency to be able to digest the target nutrient within a shortest period of time 5. Should be economical Conclusions The use of enzymes is gaining'moment\lm day by day. There are a number of questions to be answered for proper utilization of the enzymes. 1. The NSP content of the commonly used feed stuffs along with their individual. monosaccharides have to be estimated 2. The potency of each enzyme should be known and their presentation should be in a uniform and a commonly understandable unit. 3. The exact mode of action in the various parts of the gut should be studied. 4.A simple technique should be evolved to evaluate the potency of each commercial enzyme preparation so that the farmers can test the potency before they purchase it. References Allen, C,M., McCracken, K.J. and Bedford, M.R (1997) Effect of fat type, rate of inclusion and enzyme supplementation on diet metabolizability a~d broiler performance, British Poultry Science, 38: S25 - 26. Antoniou, T. And Marquardt, RR and Misir, R (1980) The utilization of rye by growing chicks, as influenced by calcium, vitamin D3 and fat type and level, Poultry Science 59: 758 - 769. 62 Aoyagi,S. an~ Baker,D. (1995) Effect of microbial phytase and L25-dihydroxycholecalciferol on dietary copper utilization in chicks. Poultry Science. 74: 121- 136. Bedford,M.R, Classen, H.L. and Campbell, G.L. (1991). The effect of pelleting , salt and pentosonase on the viscosity of the intestinal contents and the performance of broilers fed rye. Poultry Science, 70: 1521 - 1522. Classen, L.Henry. (1996). Enzymes in 'action, Feed Mix Enzymes Special Issue; 12 - 16. Benabdeljelil, K. (1997) Influence of an enzyme mixture added to barley bas~'p diets on broiler " ... performance, Indian Journal of Poultry Science 32: 1 - 13. Bhatt, R S. Sharma,Manoj and Katoch, B. S. (1991) Effect of diet with fibre degrading 'enzyme on performance and nutrient utilization in broilers Indian JOurbal of Animal Nutrition, 8: 135 138. Brenes, A, Marquardt, RR, Guenter, W. and Rotter, B.A. (1993) Effect of enzyme supplementation on the nutritional value of raw, autoclaved and dehulled lupins (lupinus a/bus) in chicken diet, Poultry Science 72: 2281 - 2293. Broz, J., Oldale,P., Perrin-Voltz, AH., RycQ,en, G.,Schulze, l and Sin\moes Nunes, C. (1994) Effect of Supplemental Phytase on performance and phosphorus utilization in broiler chickens fed a low phosphorus diet without addition of inorganic phosphates. British Poultry Science, 35: 273 - 280. Caldwell, RA (1992)Effect of calcium and phytic acid on the activation of trypsinogen and stability of trypsin. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 40: 43 - 46. Cheryan,M. (1980) Phytic acid interactions in food systems. CRC. Critical Reviews. in Food / Science and Nutrition 13 :297 - 302. Choct, M. and Annison,G. (1992) Thejnhibition of nutrient digestion by wheat pentosans, British Journal of Nutrition 67: 123 - 132. Danicke, S., Simon, 0., Jeroch, H. and Bedforcl, M. (1997) Interactions between dietary fat type and xylanase supplementation when rye based diets are fed to broiler chickens 2. Performance, nutrient digestibility and the fat-soluble vitamin status of livers, British Poultry Science, 38: 546 - 556. Deshpande, S.S. and Cheryan;M. (1984) Effects phytic acid divalent cations, and their interactions on alpha amylase activity. J<?urnal of Food Science 49: 516' - 519. Edwards, H.M. Jr. (1983) Phosphorus 1. Effect of breed strain on utilization of sub optimal levels of phosphorus in the ration. Poultry Science 62: 77 - 84. Erdlllan, J. W.Jr. (1979) Oil seed phytates .nutritional implications. Joumal of American Oil " -Chemists Society: 56: 736 - 741. Farrell, D.J., Martin, E., Preez, ll, Bongarts, M., Sudaman, A and Thomson, E. (1993) The beneficial effects of microbial phytase in diets of broiler chickens and ducklings. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 69: 278 - 286. . Fenglar,A.I., and Marquardt, RR (1988). Water soluble pentosans from rye: n. Effects on rate of dialysis nd on the retention of nutrients by chick. Cereal Chemistry 65: 298 - 302. Friesen, O.D. Guenter, W., Marquardt, RRand Rotter, B.A. (1992) The effect of enzyme supplementation on the apparent metabolizable energy and nutrient digestibilities of wheat barley oats and rye for the young broiler chick Poultry Science 71: 1710 - 1721. Ghazi, S., Rooke, J.A, Galbraith, H. and Morgan, A (1997a) Effect of adding protease and alpha galactosidase enzymes to soyabean meal on nitrogen retention and true metabolizable energy in broilers, British poultry Science 38: S28. Ghazi, S., Rooke, J.A, Galbraith, H. and Morgan, A. (1997b) Effect of feeding growing chicks semi-purified diets containing soyabean meal and different amounts of protease and alpha G galac~osidase enzymes, British poultry Science 38: S29 - 30. uenter WIlhelm, (1996) Phytases in cereals and hemicelluloses in canola (rape se~d) me~ and lupins in Enzymes in Poultry and Swine Nutrition, Proceedings o~ the Fl~st Chmese Symposium on Feed Enzymes, 6-8 May1996, Nanjing, People's Repubbc ofChma, chapter 10:1-15. 63 Kornegay, E.T., Denboe, D.M., Yi, Z. and Ravindran,V. (1996) Response to graded levels of Natuphos phytase added, to corn-soya bean meal based diets containin~ three levels of nonphytate phosphorus, British Journal of Nutrition, 75: 839 - 852. Langhout, DJ., Schutte, lB., Geerse, C., Kies, AK, Dejong, l, and Verstegan, M.W.A (1997) Effect on chick performance and nutrient digestibility of an endo-xylanase added to a wheat and rye based diet in relation to fat source, British Poultry Science, 38: 557 - 563. Greenhalgh, IF.D. (1995) Animal Nutrition 5th Edn. ELBS; McDonald, P., ,. Edwards,RA antl f P:546 - 5,50 ' Morz,Z. Jongbloed, AW. and Kemme,P.A (1994) Apparent digestibility and retention of nutrients bound to phytate complexes as influenced by microbial phytase and feeding regimen to pigs, Journal of Animal Science 72: 126 - 132. National Research Council, (1994). Nutrient Requirements of Poultry ninth revised eoo. National Academy Press Washington, D.C. ' . Nelson, T.S. (1976) The hydrolysis of phytate phosphorus by chicks and laying hens, Poultry Science 55: 2262 - 2264. Nelson, T.S., Shieh, T.R, Wodzinski, Rl and Ware,lH (1971) Effect of supplemental phytase on the utilization phytate phosphorus by chicks, Journal of Nutrition 101: 1289 - 1293. O'dell,B.L. and de Boland, AR (1976) Complexation of phytate with proteins and cations ,in com germ and oilseed meals. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 24: 804 - 808. Ravindran, v., Bryden, W.L., Kornegy, E.T. (1995) Phytates: occurence, its bioavailability and implications in poultry nutrition. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 6: 125 - 143. Schoner, FJ., Hoppe, P.P. and Schwartz, G. (1991) Comparitive effects of microbial phytase and inorg~nic phosphorus on performance and retentions of phosphorus, calcium, and crude ash in broilers, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 66: 248 - 255. Sebastian, S., Touchburn, S.P., Chavez, E.R, and Lague, P.C. (1996) The effects of supplemental microbial phytase on the performance and utilization of dietary calcium, phosphorus, copper and zinc in broiler chickens fed corn soya diets. Poultry Science 75: 729 - 736. Sebastin, S., Touchburn, S.P., Chavez, E.R, and Lague, P.C. (1997) Apparent digestibility of protein and amino acids in broiler chickens fed corn soya bean diet supplemented with microbial phytase. Poultry Science 76: 1760 - 1769. Simons,P.C.M., Versteegh, HA. Jongblod, AW., Kemme, P.A, Stump, P., Bos, KD., Wolters, M.G.E., Beudeker, RF., Verschoor, G.l (1990) Improvement of phosphorus availability by microbial phytase in broilers and pigs. British Journal of Nutrition 64: 525 - 540. - . Singh,-M. -and Krikorian, AD. (1982)" Inhibition of trypsin activity! in vitro by phytate. Journal Agrculture Food Chemistry 30: 799 - 800. Smits Coen,HM. and Annison Geoffrey. (1996) Non-starch plant polysaccharides in broiler nutrition - towards a physiologically valid approach to their determination, World's Poultry Science Journal, 52: 203-221. ' Svihus, B., Newman, RK and Newman, C.W. (1997) Effect of soaking, germination, and enzyme treatment of whole barley on nutritional value and digestive tract parameters of broiler chickens, British Poultry Science, 38: 390 - 396. Tyagi, KPrayeen, Tyagi, K Pramod, and Verma, S.V.S. (1998) Phytate phosphorus content of some common poultry feed stuffs. Indian 1. Poult. Sci. 33: 86 - 88. Van Der Klis, lD., Versteegh, HAl, Simons, P.C.M. and Kies, AK (1997) The efficacy of phytase in corn-soyabean meal-based diets for laying hens, Poultry Science, 76: 1535 1542. Yi, Z., Kornegay, KT. and Denbow, DM(1996a) Supplemental microbial phytase improves the zinc utilization in broilers. Poultry Science, 75: 540 - 546. . Yi, Z., Kornegay, KT. and Denbow, DM(1996b) Supplemental microbial phytase improves the zinc utilization in broilers. Poultry Science, 75: 979 - 990. 64 - - -- ------~ NUTRITIONAL FACTORS TO IMPROVE FEED EFFICIENCY IN CHICKEN / Dr.D. Narahari,Ph.D., Professor of Poultry Science, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai - 600 007, INDIA Feed efficiency (FE) is an important economic trait in poultry;' because feed is th~ largest single item of expenditure in 'poultry production. It is the efficiency at which the feed is converted into meat or eggs. It is also called as feed conversion efficiency, (F.C.E) and feed conversion ratio (F.C.R.). FE IN BROILERS: In broiler chicken the FE is calculated ,using the formula, Feed Consumed (Kg) FE= Body Weight (Kg) This value will be usually below 2 under commercial field conditions. Lower the value, better wiU be the FE and vice versa. • The FE value in broilers varies with the age at which the broilers are sold. As the marketing age of broilers increases, the FE also increases, i.e., it wiil -, become poorer. For example, if broilers are reared upto 6,7 and 8 weeks of age, they may record an average FE of 1.8, 1.9 and 2.0, respectively. • Similarly, if male and female broilers are reared separately from day - old to disposal, the males will record lower (better) FE than females; due to faster growth rate in the former. • Fast growing hybrid broilers will record better FE than slow growing varieties. • Feeding high energy feeds with balanced nutrients, results in better FE. Some times FE in broilers is also expressed as weight gain for each Kg of feed Consumed, Therefore it will be always less then one. 65 - ~E IN LAYERS: \ In layers, the FE is expressed both as Kgs of feed consumed to produce one dozen ~ggs as well as Kgs of feed consumed per Kg egg mass. Kgs of feed Consumed FE = ---------------------------iDozens of eggs produced This value will be usually 1.5 to 1.6 in a well maintained young flock. The rate of egg >roduction mainly influences this trait, followed by feed intake. Higher rate of, egg >roduction associated with lower level of feed intake results in better (lower) FE. This method )f expressing FE is most commonly used in countries where eggs are not sold on weight or ;veight grade basis. The other measure of FE in layers take~ into account the egg weight (mass) also. Feed Consumed in Kgs FE = -----------------------------Kgs of eggs produced Usually this value will be 2.2 to 2.3, Besides the rate of egg production and feed ;onsumption, the egg weight also influences this FE. This type of FE will be useful in places ;vhere the eggs are sold on weight basis or ,~old under various weight grades. ffE IN BREEDERS: ~n the breeding stock the FE may be calculated based on the Kgs of feed consum~d )er dozen. hatching eggs; including the feed consumed by the males. Kgs of feed Consumed FE= Dozens of hatching eggs produced [he FE in broiler' and egg - type breeders will be around 3.80 and 2.00, respectively. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE FE: Several factors will influence the FE; some of which are already discussed. These factors can be broadly classified as nutritional factors and non-nutritional factors. The non-nutritional factors influencing the FE are breed, gender, housing system, feeder space and design, feeding system and management, health status of the birds, rate of passage of feed in the gut, age of the birds, debeaking, environmental temperature, growth 66 rate, rate of egg production, mortality and morbidity, lighting programme, egg weight and so on. These factors are not discussed here, due to want of time. NUTRITIONAL FACTORS: The nutritional factors influencing the FE are; 1. 2. < • Energy level in the feed Fat/ oil supplementation 3. Crude protein and amino acid levels in the feed 4. Micro-nutrients balance in the feed 5. Presence of anti-nutrients in the feed 6. Mycotoxins and microbial contamination of the feed 7. Feed ingredients quality 8. Interaction of nutrients and non-nutrients 9. Performance enhancers and other non-nutrient feed supplements in the feed 10. Multi-enzyme supplementation 11. Feed processing techniques 12. Feed .palatability and flavour 1. ENERGY LEVEL IN THE FEED: Birds will consume feed primarily to satisfy their energy needs. The energy needs vary with body weight, age, growth rate, egg mass per day and. the ambient temperature. The feed intake in birds is inversely proportional to the ME level in the feed. Hence the FE will be better (lower) with high energy diets (Table 1). Howeyer, too high dietary energy level leads to very low feed intake as we~l as sub-optimal intake of other nutrients, resulting in poor growth rate and egg production. Therefore a good feed shall have a proper balance of energy and other nutrients for optimal FE. Optimal ME for best FE is higher than the optimal ME for best growt1;1 rate and egg production. If the ideal levels of various amino acids and other nutrients in the feed are fixed, based on per unit of mega calorie of ME, then it will be possible to achieve ideal FE and growth rate/egg production. Suggested optimal nutrient requirements of chicken in tropics for each megacolorie ofMElKg diet are summarised in Table 2. 67 TABLE 1: PERFORMANCE OF BROILERS FED MASH OR PELLETS WITH '" VARIED M E LEVELS " ME level Form of feed (KCal/Kg) I ~ Mash Pellet Mash Pellet 2500 2700 Mash Pellet 2900 Avg. wt. gain! Day (g) Avg. feed consumption! day (g) % Mortality (0-6 wks) 35.3 38.2 81.9 84.8 2.32 2.22 4.6 6.3 36.1 39.0 79.4 83.8 2.20 2.15 6.3 38.8 39.5 78.9 79.4 80.1 2.03 2.01 2.18 8.2 10.9 82.7 2.13 36.7 38.9 Mean for Mash Mean for Pellets FE 8.2! 6.37 8.47 TABLE 2: NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF CHICKEN IN TROPICS FOR EACH MEGACALORIE OF ME/KG DIET Broiler Starter 2.85 8.07 Broiler finisher 3.00 Chick 2.65 2.50 2.50 6.67 7.55 6.40 7.20 Breeder hen 2.55 6.67 % Arginine 0.44 0.35 0.33 0.28 0.27 % Histidine 0.12 0.:37 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.08 % Jsoleucine 0.28 0.24 0.23 0.20 0.26 0.26 % Leucine 0.42 0.36 0.41 0.34 0.33 0.32 % Lysine 0.42 0.34 0.33 0.24 0.28 % Methionine 0.18 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.27 0.12 Nutrient M. E.(M.Cal./Kg) % Crude Protein % Phenylalanine 0.25 0.22 % Threonine 0.28 % Tryptophan Grower Layer 0.18 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.22 0.26 0.23 0.19 0.19 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 % Valine 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.21 0.28 0.27 % Linoleic acid 0.35 0.33 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.50 % Calcium 0.42 0.40 0.38 0.40 1.20 1.18 % Non-Phytate 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.18 0.20 0.20 32 21 30 34 20 20 23 14 25 30 35 35 Vit. A (LU.) 3510 3020 2400 4000 4000 Vit. D3 (I. C. U.) 560 3333 533' 453 240 640 640 l ; I ·1 j ~ .~ ~ ~ :;• i ~ j 1 .~ Phosphorus . Manganese (mg) Zinc (mg) 68 L_ J ~ - 2. FAT/OIL SUPPLEMENTATION: In broiler feeds, it has become mandatory to supplement oil or fat, to increase the "ME level in the feed, resulting in lower feed, consumption and better F E. • Lipids produces les~er metabollc heat (BMR), resulting in better FE, especially during summer. • \... \ " Oil supplementation also reduces dustiness of feed; thereby 're,duces feed wastage and imp(Oves FE. • Fats and oils enhance palatability and flavour of the feed. • Digestion of lipids takes longer time than digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. This results in longer retention of feed in the gut, better digestion and absorption of other nutrients, ultimately leading to better FE. • Oil supplementation may not be benificial in layers; because it leads to fat deposition and will not improve egg production. • Linoleic acid in oils is needed to improve the yolk and egg size; but beyond 1.25% dietary level ,it is also not benifical and converted into body fat. • In broiler feeds, the amino acids and other nutrient levels also must be optimal, in fat supplemented high energy diets; otherwise growth rate will be affected, leading to poor FE; even though the feed intake is low. • Oils and fats are having extracaloric effect, leading to better FE. • Oils have higher calorific value than fats. But along with oils, especially rice bran oil, anti-oxidants have to be added to the feed, to prevent rancidity. 3. PROTEIN AND AMINO ACID LEVELS IN THE FEED: The amino acid profile of the feed is the most important factor determining the growth rate and FE. Since the utilisation of the dietary amino acids for growth and egg production are limited only to the extent of the least available essential amino acid (EAA) the nutritionist should take care of balancing all the essential amino acids to 100%. Beyond 100% requirement of EAA is also not good; because it will be under utilized for energy or fat deposition. If the dietary availability of the 10 EAA in 2 different diets are in the range of 60 to 120% in one feed and 80 to 90% in another feed, these 2 feeds, for· growth will be utilized only up to 60 and 80%, respectively. Hence the latter feed is superior to the former feed, eventhough none of the EAA are upto 100% level in this feed. - 69 Based on this concept, the EAA levels in the feed can be expressed as unit~ or % for each unit or 100% of lysine as shown in table 3. r ABLE 3: RECOMMENDED LEVELS OF EAA IN THE DIETS ASSUMING LYSINE L,EVEL AS 1.00. \.mino acid . Broiler Starter l.00 _ysme Rel~tive Broiler finisher - levels in different feeds Chicl< Grower Layer l.00 l.00 l.00 Meat- type breeder hen l.00 l.08 l.38 1.02 1.05 0.31 0.37 0.24 0.27 0;71 0.83 0.94 0.96 1.29 1.42 1.20 1.19 0.35 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.64 0.75 0.69 0.74 0.80 0.95 0.69 0.70 0.20 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.73 0,87 1.02 0.98 L 1.00 .... l.14 v-ginine 0.32 Iistidine 0.73 ;oleucine l.10 0.32 1.09 1.09- 1ethionine 0.42 0.40 0.65 0.73 hreonine 0.18 yptophan --- .. 0.73 ,eti<:;me henylalanine -- ._".. _.- 0.18 - -- -- 0.65 0.74 . - -- _- -- _- - _.- 0.82 aline 0.82 , -'-~ -- _. -... MICRO-NUTRIENT BALANCE IN TOE FEED: . c - .Micro-nutrients like -trace minerals ang vitamins plays vital role in various body ~tabolic, enzyme and biochemical reactions, ultimately leading to better growth rate, egg )duction and FE. Deficiency or imbalance of any of these micro-nutrients results in ficiency diseases, metabolic disorders, poor growth rate, egg production, hatchability and Among micro-nutrients the nutrients, which have to be additionally taken care of for timal growth rate, egg production and feed efficiency are manganese, zinc, vit. A, D 3 , E and :::omplex group of vitamins. All these micro-nutrients must be present in proper ratio for optimal FE. Excess of tain nutrients, not only increase the feed cost; but also interferes with the utilisation of er nutrients; thereby affect the performance of the birds. 70 I 5. ANTI-NUTRIENTS AND NATURALLY OCCURRING TOXICANTS: Several naturally occurring toxicants and anti-nutrients are present in feedstuffs of plant origin; especially legumes. These toxicants in feedstuffs have to be detoxified, before mixing in feed, to improve their nutritional value as shown in Table:4. TABLE 4: DETOXIFICATION PROCEDURES TO REDUCE THE ANTI-NUTRIENTS IN FEEDSTUFFS Anti-nutrients Amylase inhibitor Beta_glucans Chymotrypsin inhibitor Cynogenetic glycosides (HCN) ChI orogenic acid Feedstuffs Wheat, rye, beans Barley Soya, peas, beans Perarubber, chick pea, yam tapioca Sunflower, safflower Cyclopropene fatty acids Erucic acid Glucosinolate compounds Gossypol Cotton seed, kopok Mustard & rape seed meal Mustard and rapeseed meal Cotton seed meal Haemagglutinins Castor, Soya, potatoes, wheat germ Ackee plum, Jack fruit seeds Lathyrus bean, grass pea Linseed Soyabean .Subabul ,- Hypoglycin - A Lathyrogens Linatine Lipoxygenase . _Mimosine Niacytin Oxalates Pentosans P'!_l)ain inhibitor Phytates S'!_l)onins Solanine Tannins Thiaminase Trypsin inhibitor Maize, wheat bran Spinach, beet root, sesame oil meal Wheat Soya, peas, blans Rice bran, legumes husk Alfalfa, peas, soya Potato Sorghum, tamarind seeds, tapioca, sal seed Fish, beans, linseed, cotton seed Soya, beans, peas 71 Detoxification. p_rocedure Heat treatment Enzyme supplementation Heat treatment Water washing, during and storage Choline & multi - enzyme supplementation Solvent extraction Solvent extraction Iodine supplementation Calcium hydroxide and iron supp lementation Heat treatment Riboflavin supplementation Water soaking Water/heat treatment Roasting Water treatment and ferrous sulphate supplementation Niacin supplementation Additional calcium supplementation Xylanase supplementation Water and heat treatment Phytase and vit D3 supplementation Water soaking Deskining Water soaking, decortication, salt/alkali treatment Thiamine supplementation, heat treatment Heat treatment Moreover, high fibre levels in certain feedstuffs like sunflower, safflower, cotton see~, rice bran, can be reduced by decortication, dehulling and enzyme supplementation. The feed ingredients must be free from these toxicants, before mixing feed or during feed processing. The most commonly used soya bean meal contains as many as 10 naturally occurring toxicants; which have~to be destroyed by dehulling, heat treatment etc., to improve its nutritional value. 6. MYCOTOXINS AND MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION: Mycotoxins, especially aflatoxins contaminated feeds and feedstuffs will drastically reduce the growth rate and egg production and increases, the mortality in chicken, leading to poor FE. Therefore all feed ingredients, espe9ially maize and peanut cake must be screened against mycotoxins, before mixing in feed. OtherWise the feed has to be supplemented with toxin binders like Hydrated sodium calcium alumino silicates (HSCAS), activated charcoal, mannan oligosacharides adsorbing other nutrients. (MOS) or their combinations, to adsorb the toxins; without Microbial contamination, especially with salmonella, E-coli (source: poor quality feedstuffs of animal origin), must be avoided. 7. FEED INGREDIENTS QUALITY: Only good feedstuffs will produce good quality feed. Best feed formulation and feed supplements can not substitute or compensate the poor feedstuffs' quality. For best growth rate, egg production and feed efficiency, the feedstuffs must be concentrated sources of "all nutrients and energy, low in fibre, free from mycotoxins and naturally occurring toxicants, palatable, fresh and low in moisture content. High energy feedstuffs give better FE; provided the compounded feed is balanced with rest of the nutrients. Unlike the common belief the research has proved that millets, rice polish, broken rice md their combinations in broiler diets, resulted in better growth rate and FE than maize, as hown in Table 5. 72 TABLE 5: PERFORMANCE OF BROILER FED DIFFERENT' SOURCES OF ENERGY / Treatment Dailyavg. weight gain (g) 1ontrol (Maize based diet) . 25% maize + 75% broken rice 50% ~ize + 50% rice polish 100% Pearl millet (bajra) I 39.7 43.6 42.7 44.8 50% f?xtail millet (Thenai) + 50% maize 40.1 33% Tamarind kernels + 67% maize 43.4 Daily avg. feed consumption (g) 89.7 92.0 89.7 98.1 90.2 FE ' % mo.rtality (0-6 wks) I 92.8 2:26 2:11 2.10 2.19 2.25 3.3 (7 2.14 3.7 3.6 2.7 2.2 The above results have clearly indicated the superiority of other energy sources over maize; probably due to better amino acids and other nutrient profile. Moreover, maize in tropical countJ;ies is more prone for mycotoxins than other grains. 8. INTERACTION OF NUTRIENTS AND NON-NUTRIENTS: Synergism and antagonism exist between various nutrients and non-nutrients as detailed in Table - 6 resulting in variations in the performance of the birds . .- ~ ~ ~ TABLE 6: SYNERGISM AND ANTAGONISM BETWEEN VARIOUS NUTRIENTS AND NON -NUTRIENTS Component Methionine Phenylalanine Glycine Lysine Valine Niacin Sodium Calcium -COpper ~elenium !hytic acid Zinc Synergism Cystine, betaine, choline, inorganic S04 Tyrosine Serine -- --- Antagonism -- Arginine Leucine, Isoleucine -- -- Tryptophan -Vit. D3,Ca : P ratio, high protein feed, lactic acid Iron Vit. E -EDTA 73 Potassium Magnesium, oxalates, Zinc, Manganese Molybdenum, Zinc Arsenic Zinc, Iron Calcium ,phytic acid :holine B12, folic acid, Betaine, Methionine ~hiamine --- litamin K onophor :occidiostats High dietary fat Amprolium, Thiaminase Dicoumarol, sulfa drugs Tiamutin, Tylosine -- I . In addition to the above synergism and antagonism, all toxicants also act as Lntagonists. Therefore, the nutritionist shall take care of all these factors, during feed ormulation, selection of feedstuffs and supplements; for optimal performance and FE. I. PEIU'ORMANCE ENHANCERS: Besides nutritionally balancing the feed ,the feed shall have certain non-nutrient feed supplements, called as performance enhancers for optimal results. Commonly used performance enhancers are anti-microbials, Direct Feed Microbials (DFM), arsenicals, herbal preparations, appetisers, flavouring agents etc. Anti-microbial drugs like antibiotics iiJ-nd furazolidone compounds brings growth )romotion, by suppressing the growth of harmful microbes; which will compete with the host or nutrients and also produce diseases in chicken. Now, many countries have banned the use )f this group of performance enhancers, because the drug residues in meat and eggs, will levelop drug resistant bacteria in humans consuming it. Hence to prevent this sort of drug esistance complications, the anti-microbial drugs must be divided into 2 categories namely; lrugs used ~s performance enhancers and drugs used for therapeutic use. These 2 shall not be nterchanged. DFM are fast gaining popularity as pe'rformance enhancers; replacing anti-microbials. 3akers yeast and several species Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Aspergillus, Clostridium, 1acillus etc. are grown as biotechnology products and used as performance enhancers. They "'ill act on competitive exclusion basis and produce favourable gut atmosphere for optimal lutrient absorption. For optimal results, the DFM choose must be able processing conditions 'pelleting temp etc.) and develop probiosis. Arsenicals like, 3-Nitro-4-hydroxy phenyl-arsonilic acid act as a mild anti-microbial and anabolic agent. It also helps in better utilisation of lipids. Hence arsenical supplementation will be more beneficial in fat supplemente9 feeds. Herbal preparations will imprg:ve appetite, stimulates liver, protect the birds from mycotoxins and thereby enhance the performance of the birds. " , " Normally the feed contains 1 or 2 performance enhancers for better perfonna.nce at lowest FE. Besides performance enhancers coccidiosta.ts, toxin binders, antioxida~ts (for high oil feed), flavouring agents, pigments etc. are also added to the feed, to serve specific purposes. 10. MULTI - ENZYME ,SUPPLEMENTATION: Chicken's digestive system is not secreting enzymes to digest non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), phytates and other complex compounds in the feed; which forms nearly 20% of the total biomass. If this 20% of the non-available nutrients are made available to the birds by enzyme supplementation, the FE can be improved by 15-20%. Proper enzyme supplementation will; • Increase the M E content of the feed e Improve the bio-availability of amino acids • Enhance the availability of phosphorus, zinc and manganese • Improve the growth rate, egg production and FE (Table 7). • Reduce the excretion of phytate phosphoru,s, NSP and other waste materials and thereby reduce the environment pollution. • .. Multi-enzymes with Phytase supplementation may not be much beneficial with conventional feedstuffs like maize, Soya and fish. But feeds with rice polish, rice bran, sunflower, rapeseed meal, will give good results. • The enzyme must be stable, active and available at the right dose for optimal results. • It must be able to withstand the processing temperature (pelleting); otherwise the feed shall not be pelleted or avoid unstable enzyme supplementation to pelleted feeds. o If pelleting has to be done, apply enzymes by post -pelleting spraying, using liquid enzymes and special sprayers. • In future specific liquid multi - enzymes supplementation, suitable for the type of feed ingredients and applied by post - pellet spraying, will be the best method to improve the FE. rABLE 7: EFFECT OF MULTI-ENZYME SUPPLEMENTATION ON BROILER \ND LAYER PERFORMANCE ~ Treatment ROlLERS (0-6 wks) mtrol - no enzymes: ulti-enzymes pplementation ~YERS (66 -78 wks) 18% N.P.P. + No lytase ~9% N.P.P. + 500 UIK lytase ~% N.P.P + 1000 UIKg lytase 'WP = Avg. body Avg. daily wt. gain/, feed consum day(g) ptionlbird (g % Egg FE Production (w/w) %, Shell Mortality Thicknes (mm) 40.0 89.2 --- 2.23 5.4 --- 42.1 88.4 --- 2.10 5.2 --- -- 108.6 78.4 2.33 .1.78 0.327 -- 108,0 78.1 2.33 2.00 0.326 -- 107.1 78.9 2.30 1.89 0.326 . Non-Phytate Phosphorus l1. FEED PROCESSING TECHNIQUES: Feed processing techniques like grinding, mixing steam pelleting, extruding, post Jelleting vitamins + enzyme spraying, stQrage will greately influence the performance of the Jirds, including FE. Improper mixing leads to poor performance of the birds. Pelleting, extrusion, cooking :!tc. generate sufficient heat, not only to destroy heat labile harmful substances~ but also vitamins and enzymes. Therefore the processing temperature and duration must be controllecC for optimal results. Crumbles and pellet feeding of broilers will improve feed efficiency and growth rate (Table - 1). However, it is not advantageous in egg - type chicken. This improvement in performance might be due to lesser wastage of feed, more uniform distribution of nutrients in each pellet and better utilisation of ME. At the same time, pelleting may destroy certain nutrients and supplemental enzymes. Therefore for best results in broilers, the pelleted feed must be subjected to post - pellet spraying of liquid vitamins and enzymes. 12. FEED PALATABILITY AND FLAVOUR: Fat and molasses supplcimentation and even ~elleting will improve the feed palatability and flavour and thereby increase the feed consumption, resulting in better overall performance. They also reduce dustiness, resulting in better F E. Palatability and flavour enhancing feed supplements are available in the market; which will be mostly useful in broilers and with unpalatable, unconventional feedstuffs. ~, CONCLUSIONS: In order to improve the FE and other economic traits in chicken, by dietary ,means; • Select good quality feedstuffs, free from all toxins. • Use high energy feeds, especially in broilers • Increase the nutrient density in the feed. • Ensure thorough mixing of feed. • Fix various nutrient levels, as units per megacalorie of MElKg feed, during feed formulation. • Fix essential amino acid levels, as units per unit of lysine. • In case of broiler diets, incorporate fat, oil or oil rich feedstuffs like sunflower seeds, extruded full fat Soya, rice polishing, maize germ meal para - rubber kernels etc. • Avoid feed wastage. • Intermittant feeding (along with lighting programme) 1 hour feeding + 3 hours rest results in better F E. • Feed broilers with crumbles and pellets prepared by post - pellet spraying of liquid vitamins and enzymes. • Use stable enzyme - cocktail having N.S.P. digesting enzymes and phytase. • Use only reliable feed supplements of high bio-availability. • Avoid all sorts of antagonism among nutrients and non-nutrients in the feed. -00000- TECHNIQUES TO EVALUATE THE PROTEIN QUALITY OF FEED INGREDIENTS USED FOR CHICKEN RATION BY [NV/FRO METHODS Dr. B. MOHAN, M.V.Sc.,Pb.D., lAssistant Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal - 637 002. It is a common knowledge that dietary crude protein level will affect growth, weight gain and egg production in poultry. Hence the level of crude protein in the ration is formulated based on the crude protein content of various feed ingredients. Inspite of satisfying the crude protein content iin the diet as per' the specification, the expected . weight gain or egg production is not achieved on many occasions. One of the main limiting factors is found to be the quality of protein which is more limiting than the quantity alone. Based on these problems a few invitro techniques were standardised to asses the quality of protein in feed ingredients by I.Urease activity to assess under-cooking of soyabean meal. 2.Quick test to identify leather meal in meat meal. 3.Protein solubility in potassium hydroxide to indicate over processing of soyabean meal and other plant proteins. 4.Estimation of chitin in fish meal to check its adulteration with other marine crustaceans. -Urease 'activity test: The measurement of urease activity based on change in pH IS the most commonly used invitro test for assessing quality of soyabean meal. Determining the activity of the urease enzyme Will indirectly indicate whether trypsin inhibitor is present, as both of these proteins . are denatured and in activated during heating. This assay, however is useful only for detecting under-cooking of soyabean meal because the urease activity rapidly decreases to zero as soyabean meal is heated. UREASE ACTIVITY (Qualitative): Principle: Method adapted from Gold Kist. The urease enzyme activity of soya bean is measured qualitatively by the conversion of urea to ammoma gas in the presence of phenol red indicator. Reagents: 1. Sodium hydroxide O.IN 2. Sulphuric acid O. 1N 3. Urea phenol red solution: Dissolve 0.I4g of phenol red in 7ml O.IN sodium hydroxide and 35ml of distille9 water. Dissolve 21g of urea (reagent grade) in 300ml of distilled water. Mix these two solutions together and titrate to'amber ''- color with O.IN sulfuric acid. Procedure: 1. Adjust the urea phenol red solution to amber color with O.IN sulphuric .acid. 2. Place one teaspoon of well-mixed standard soyabean meals (1,3,5,7,9,11% ofraw . soyabean meal) and test sample soyabean meal into a series of petri dishes. Put the test sample in the middle dish. 3. Add 5-8 drops of amber-colored phenol red solution. Swirl gently to spread' samples evenly wetted in the dishes. 4. Let them stand for 5 minutes and compare the t~st soyabean meal sample with the standard soyabean meal samples. Scale Reading: No 1. Slightly active~ Few scattered red purple particles. No 2. Moderately active: Surface app~ars to be approximately 25% covered with red purple parti:cies. No 3. Active: Surface appears to be approximately 50% covered with red purple particles. No 4. Very active: Surface appears to approximately 75% covered with red purple particles. No 5. Overcooked: No visible red purple color develops after 5 minutes. Allow the sample to stand for an additional 25 minutes. If no colored particles appear, the soyabean meal is overcooked. Quick test for Leather Meal: To boost the crude protein content in fish meal and meat meal, leather meal is usuall~ mixed and adultered. Reagents: 1. Ammonium molybdate solution- Dissolve 5g of ammonium molybdate in 100ml distilled water and pour into 35ml of concentrated nitric acid. Procedure: . up brown to black test samp Ie partlC . 1es an d place in petri dish. PIck '70 Add 3-5 drops of ammonium molybdate and let it stand for 5-10 minutes." Leather meal will give no color change. / Meat and bone meal gives a greenish yellow color. PROTEIN SOLUBILITY IN POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE. It is a invitro assay to indicate over-processing of plant protein namely soyabean, sunflower oil cake and animal proteins like fish meal and meat meal. Analytical procedure: Approximately 1.Sg of soyabeans is placed in a 250ml beaker and 75ml of 0.2% KOH (w/v; 0.0.36 N) is added. The mixture is stirred for 20 minutes at '22°C. Approximately 50ml of the liquid is then collected and centrifuged at 1250Xg for 10 minut~s. A 15mI aliquot of the supernatant is collected and analysed, for N 'content by the Kjeldahl . . method. Soluble protein is then calculated as percentage 'of the total protein in the original sample of soyabeans meal. CHITIN ESTIMATION TECHNIQUE: Chitin is a fibrous compound (n-acetyl glucosamine ) present in marine crustaceans and insects. Of late many cheap marine crustaceans like squiUa , ,and their by products like prawn head wastes are mixed with fishmeal and sold in the market and thus fetching a higher price. Hence to identify the level of adulteration of marine crustaceans in true fish meal the simplest method is to estimate the chitin. content in the fishmeal since true fish meal will be free of chitin. Chitin content of fish meal is estimated as per the procedure given below. Deproteinization: Two grams of finely ground fish meal is mixed with 100 ml of3% sodium hydroxide and is boiled 'for 10min.The solution is cooled and filtered.The residue is made free of alkali after washing in distilled water. Demineralisation: This procedure is performed to remove the calcium carbonate .The residue is treated with 100 ml of 4% hydrochloric acid for 2 h at room temperature. Later, . the clear solution is filtered and the residues is washed free of chlorides and then rinsed with alcohol and dried at 100 ° C for 2 h. The final residue obtained is chitin. REFERENCES 1. Araba ,M. and N.M.Dale, 1990.Evaluation of protein solubility as an indicator of over processing soyabean meal.Poult.Sci.,69:76-83. 2. Madhavan,P.,K.G.Ramachandran Nair. T.K. Tankappan,P.v. prabhu and K.Gopakumar, 1986.Production of chitin and chitosan.Central Institute of Fisheries Technology,Cochin. ***** NlYCOTOXINS SCENARIO IN FEED INGREDIENTS AND FEED USED FOR POULTRY IN NAMAKKAL Dr. D.Chandrasekaran Ph.D., Professor and Head . Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory Veterinary College and Research Institute, Veterinary Hospital Campus, Trichy Road, Namakkal- 637001. Fungal contamination of foods and feeds is not a new phenomenon; it has bee~ well established since biblical times. Mycotoxin is derived from the word myco meaning fungi.· Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by a wide range of fungi, mainly mold. There are more than one hundred species of molds that produce mycotoxins; the three most important species are Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. Nearly three hundred types of mycotoxins have been recorded so far. Livestock and birds consuming feeds contaminated with mycotoxins suffer from mycotoxicosis, though the problem has been known for several centuries, until the early sixties it was mainly thought. in terms of toxicity to animals and birds and the consequent ec;onomic loss (Cheeke and Shull, 1985). Classification of mycotoxins based on their biological effects: Ingestion mycotoxin contaminated feed by livestock and poultry cause variable effects which ranges from drop in production, depression in growth rate to mortality, depending on the intensity of the contamination. The toxic effects of these mycotoxins vary according to the type of toxin. Based on the biological effects to the livestock and poultry the' toxins have been Classified below (adapted form Cheeke and Shull, 1985). Hepatotoxins:- Aflatoxin, Sporidesmin, RubratoxinB, Sterigmatocystin, Tricothecenes, Ochratoxin A, PhomposinA, Cyclopiazonic Acid Nephrotoxins:- OchratoxinA, Citrinin, Aflatoxin, Oosporin, Cyc1opiazonic Acid, Sterigmatocystin Neurotoxins:- Trichothecenes (vomitoxin, satratoxin), Salframine, PenitremA, Ergot alkaloids, Ochratoxin A Genitoxins:Oermitoxins:- Zearalenone, Ergot alkaloids, Aflatoxins (mostly ruminants) 12,13-Epoxytrichothecenes ( T2 toxin, nivalenol) Carcinogens: - Aflatoxin, Sterigmatocystin, Luteoskyrin, Patulin, and Penicilic acid, T2, OchratoxinA and Citrinin Teratogenes:- Aflatoxin. Ochratoxin hnmunosuppressents:- Aflatoxin, T2, Ochratoxin, Citrinin, Oosporin nematological agents:- Aflatoxin, Trichothecenes. 01 Mycotoxins Recorded in Nainakkal flatoxin:. Aflatoxin is the most prevalent of all the mycotoxins; A total of 233"86 s~mples Were reened in this laboratory from May 1994 to December 1999 for the contamination of aflatoxins, of hich 65% were oilcakes, 23% were feed and 12% were cereals. Nearly 80% of these were found to ~ ~ positive for aflatoxins. The bulk of the positive samples were de-oiled groundnut cake (DOGNq ld maize. iI Cakes: Among the oil cakes DOGNC was the major component. Invariably all the DOGNC mples (99.3%) were found to be contaminated, in S2.0% of the samples the level was below lOry Ib, but in 47.3% samples it ranged between 100 and 50Q'ppb and 5.4% of the samples the level was ove SOOppb. In 68.3 % of the sunflower cake (SFOC) sam~les the level ranged from 1 to 20 ppb"~ aile 10.8% samples were found to be negative. In 18.1% of the SFOC·samples the level was tween 21 and 100ppb, only in 2.6% of the samples the level exceeded 100ppb. Soyabean meal BM) was the third predominant oil cake subjected for aflatoxin analysis, 72.2% of the meal screened ~re negative for aflatoxins. Further, 26.2% recorded below 20ppb of AFTB 1, and in only 0.3% of the mples the level exceeded 100ppb. Reviewing the influence of season on the toxin contamination it. I lS found that 43.2% of DOGNC, 41.3% of SFOC and 26.3% of SBM positive for the presence of ·TB 1 were in the non-rainy season. ~reals: Maize was the predominant cereal screened (78.7%), nearly 36.3% of the maize sample~~ ~re negative and in 31.9% the level of AFTB1 was below 20ppb. In 18.4% of the maize samples the: :. reI ranged between 21 and 100ppb, 11.9% of the samples the level was between 101 and SOO ppb, .~~ .~: ~% samples the level was above SOOppb, studying the influence of the s~ason it was JO).ln9 that - - of the --......._ -' . . ... ... ~ ~ ' - ' -,~ ~ _ arly 30.5% of the maize samples tested in the non-rainy season were found to be contaminated ~t,~ "TBI. Among the other cereals tested 70.2% contained below 20ppb of AFTB1, 8.2% . tween 21 and 100ppb and only 0.7% contained above 100ppb of AFTBI. contain~~ -!i-.... '~l' eds: Only 8.5% of the feed samples screened were negative for AFTBI. In S7.6% of the sam~l~ ~ level was below 20ppb. In 29.1% of the samples the level ranged from 21 to 100ppb, in 6.35% ~k ~ samples it was between 100 and 500ppb, in 0.3% it was above SOOppb. The effect of the seas~f,: .'J. lowed the pattern of the cereals and oil cakes it was nearly 39.1% positive for AFTB 1 during t~~: .~ . n-rainy season. ycotoxins other than aflatoxins >~ . A 2-Dimensional thin layer chromatographic method was modified and standardized in t~I~' loratory from an earlier procedure( Tapia, 1985). Quantification of ochratoxin A (OA), ci~rinin, 1i~' :in, zearaienone, sterigmatocystin, aflatoxins was done. A total of 4131 samples were received ~o~ tlysis between April.1997 and December 1998. While 2407 samples were oil cakes, 140S sample 82 were feed and 319 were cereals. OA,. citrinin and aflatoxin were the mycotoxins predominantly observed iIi the feed ingredients and feeds. Ochratoxin: Seventy eight per cent of SFOC samples were found to be contaminated with OA. / While 55.3% samples contained up to 100 ppb, 22.8% contained levels higher than,100ppb and 63.6% "- samples of SFOC were co-contaminated with AFTBI. Of the 1405 feed samples, '138 ~amples were positive for OA. In 63 samples, both OA. and AFTB 1 were found to eo-occur up to 20ppb level and in 48 samples they co-occur at higher levels (21 to 200 ppb). Very little contaminatio~ was observed in SBM and rapeseed meal. Citrinin: Among the cereals, maize was predominantly contaminated both with citrinin and AFTB 1. While 45 maize samples out of 229 were positive for citrinin, 22 contained AFTB 1 also. Citrinin was present in 171 feed samples and all of them were contaminated with AFTB 1. Among these, 53 samples contained above 50ppb of citrinin and 21-50ppb of AFTBl, 5 bajra samples were contaminated with citrinin (100 - 200ppb) out of 11 samples received for analysis. Only 6 SBM samples were found to have citrinin and all the samples were negative for AFTB 1. Zearalenone: Out of 79 jowar samples received, 37 jowar samples contained zearalenone ranging from 1 to 2 ppm level. Out of 11 b~jra samples, 8 were positive for zearalenone (0.5 to 1ppm). Emerging new toxins: Apart from the above mentioned toxins the presence of cyclo piazonic acid~ oosporin, patulin, deoxynivalenol (DON), diactoxyscirpernol (DAS), fumonisins and sterigmatocystin have also been recorded occasionally. Further, presence of toxins different from those mentioned above have been suspected due to the fact that mortality has been recorded in birds showing hepatitis and nephritis even though the feed was free from the above mentioned mycotoxins. Several new fluorescent spots are encountered in the analysis of multimycotoxins and Some are consi stently seen in the feeds obtained from farms with a history of feed related problems, indicating the possibility of new toxins. The results of the various screening process indicates that the mycotoxin contamination of the feed ingredients has reached an alarming level, where even in dry seasons the' feed/ingredients are not free from mycotoxins. The seriousness of the situation has not been well understood either by the agricultural farmers or the raw material suppliers or the poultry farmers. 83 latoxin in animal feeds maximum permissible levels in various countries apted from van Egmond (1991) stria .zil lada C nce ia tugal All feeds Peanut meal (Export) Livestock feeds Feed Ingredients Peanut meal (Export) Feed Ingredient , GN derivatives 50 ',20 Feed/ingredients A ~ Tolerance Level (ppb) Bl Bl,B2,Gl,G2 50 50 20 50 200 120 20 200 Commodity Ilntry permissible level for various commodities for AFTB 1 in most countries is 50ppb or below ~cotoxins in feed( other than aflatoxins) Tolerance levels in some countries Ilntry Toxin Commodity Tolerance Level (ppb) eden DON Ingredient Feed: swine cattle & chicken swme chicken 4000 400 2000 200 1000 raw materials 4000 Ochratoxin A DON A ~ld reports of mycotoxicosis in poultry at Namakkal ,ed on the test results and interactions with the farmers regarding the effects on the birds,: I owing observations were made in respect to the various mycotoxins recorded in NamakkaL J d for giving these well known facts again-is that these effects were seen even at low Je;~~ ~reas, in the literature reports the effects are observed at levels several times above the !' I :lrded here. atoxin: Hepatitis, Nephritis, Immuno suppression. Even at 20 ppb level affected hatchabiJit, n at 40 ppb level caused mortality in chicks. rinin: At 50ppb level caused nephritis in chicks, Immuno suppression, At 40ppb level a,~ . ;;hability and at 50ppb level caused watery droppings in layers. , 84 Trichothecenes (T2, DON & DAS): Irritant toxin causing oral ulcers and enteritis, anemia, pale~ess of beak, legs: Cattle are more sensitive - Feed refusal reported, In an episode caused (the feed contained i ppm of T2toxin): the following effects were observed a) Shrivel~ng of comb b) Moulting a week after exposure c) Regression of ovaries & oviduct. Ochratoxin': Immuno suppression. At 50ppb level caused nephritis in chicks. Air sacculitis At lOOppb level caused watery droppings in layers; affects egg shell thickness and ca'us~d leathery eggs. " At SOppb level affected hatchability ... Oosporin: Nephritis. Gout and Immuno suppression. Fumonisins: Pasty vent in chicks. . . Sterigmatocystin: Hepatitis, at 100ppb level caused nephritis in chicks and watery droppings in growers and layers and Imm(mo suppression. Zearalenone: Suspected to cause leathery eggs The observations made here indicates that in the field conditions the effects of the mycotoxins seen '" even at such low levels could be due to the presence of two or more mycotoxins and their synergistic effects. Our experiencejustifies the .low permissible levels allowed in some countries. Mycotoxins in Animal Products: The major concern in mycotoxicosis is not only the decline in health of the livestock and poultry and the consequent economic loss to the farmers, but the residues or the metabolites present in the livestock products affecting the human health. In general nearly 90% of the aflatoxins absorbed are excreted within 24hr. A small amount is retained in the tissues for a longer period of time as they are bound to the proteins, the highest residue concentration was found in the liver. The major concern is the transmission of aflatoxin Ml in the milk because of its carcinogenicity, as the proportion of the toxin in liver to that in the feed was 1: 14000 whereas in the milk it was 1:300, which explains the seriousness of the situation. The proportion of the aflatoxin in the feed :broiler liver was 1: 1200, swine liver 1: 800 and egg. it was 1:2200 (Stoloff, 1980). Similarly the T2 toxin residue in 'the tissues was also reported (Yoshizawa et al,1981). The tissue: feed ratio in the chicken muscle was 0.014, heart 0.011 and liver 0027 while in swine muscle it was 0.002, heart 0.003 and liver it was 0.011. The presence of Ochratoxin A as high as 29J..lg in the muscles of chicken collected from a slaughter house was reported by Elling et al., (1975 ). Kidneys were found to contain the highest levels followed by liver and tnuscles (Krogh, 1987). Eggs were free of ochratoxins at low levels but were detected when the feed Contained 10mglkg. :urrent Needs . Standardizing a procedure for estimating the currently prevalent mycotoxins in a single run, as th [1ost important thing is that how fast the results can be passed on to the farmer. . Simple and economical methods for detoxifying the mycotoxins as rejecting the feed/ingredients i 'j mpossible for developing countries like India. References :heeke,R.P. and Shull,L.R. 1985 Natural Toxicants in Feed and Poisonous Plants.AVI Publishing :ompany,IN C.Westport Connecticut. ~lling, F., Hald, B., Jacobson, C. and Krogh, P. 1975 Spon~eous nephropathy in poultry associated with Ichratoxin A. Acta. Patho!. Scand. Sect. A.Patho!. 83:739. ~rogh,P.1987 Ochratoxin in foods. In:P. Krogh(Ed.) Mycotoxins in food. Academic Press, Harcourt Brace ovanovich, London. Stoloff, L. 1980 Aflatoxin M in milk. J. Food Prot. 43,226. ~apla, O.M. 1985. A quantitative thin layer chromatography method for the analysis of afiatoxins, ochratoxin A :earalenone, T-2 toxin and sterigmatocystin in foodstuffs. Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. Vol. 17: 183- I 86 fan Egmond, H.P. 1991. Limits and regulations for mycotoxins in raw materials and animal feeds. In vlycotoxins and Animal Food CRC press, Inc. London. {oshizawa,T. Mirocha,C.J. Behems, lC. and Swanson, S.P.1981 Metabolic fate ofT-2 toxin in a lactating cow. Food ~osmet. Taxicol. 19,31-39. 86 L RAPID TECHNIQUE TO IDENTIFY & QUANTIFY AFLATOXINS IN FEED Dr.A.Natarajan, M.VSe., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory, Veterinary Hospital Campus, Namakkal-l. \,. Aflatoxins are a group of structurally related secondary fungal metabqlites that are carcinogens, hepatoxic, teratogenic and immuno-suppressive. They are produced in a variety of grains and nuts. The quantity of the aflatoxins present in the feed ingredients should be known to effectively control the level below the permissible quantity. The method Qf analyzing aflatoxins ought to be simple, reliable, quick and precise. It should not be timeconsuming and should have repeatability. The aflatoxim are analyzed based on their properties. Solubility in organic solvents like chloroform, methanol ~c. helps in extraction, while insoluble nature in petroleum ether and hexane affords to separation from interfering elements. Characteristic fluorescence and absorption under long wave UV light aid detection f and fluorescence intensity gives quantification. Romer's method (Modified) In the method of detection and quantification of aflatoxins, the following steps are involved .. 1. Sampling and sample preparation: Adequate sampling i$ extremely important. Sample should be drawn from as many bags as possible and from different sides of individual bag. The quantity thus drawn is mixed well, spread and quartered to provide a 250 g analytical sample. The analytical sample is ground through a 10-mesh screen and mixed well. Onc~ ground well, a quantity as small as 109 is used for further processing. 2. Extraction: First, a slurry by blending the sample with water is made, followed by acetone and filtered. 3. Extract purification: Treat with cupric carbonate and ferric gel to eliminate fluorescent materials other than aflatoxin, washed with acid and alkali and extracted with chloroform and dried. 4. Detection and estimation: The dried aflatoxin is rediluted with known quantity of chloroform and spotted in an activated TLC plate with standards and ascertained the concentration by visual comparison method in an Ultraviolet viewing cabinet. 87 . .,' Reagents required: 1.0.2MNaOH 8 g ofNaOH in 1000 ml solution 2"., 0.,41 M FeCh Dissolve 70 g FeCh to m~e 1 litre solution with DW, 3.0.03 ro H S0 2 '; 4 0.3 ml ofe~nc. H2S04 in 1 litre ofDW. 4.0.02MKOH Dissolve 1.222 g ofKOH and 10 g ofKCI in 1 litre & l%KCI. standard flask with distilled water. I . Preparation of activated TLC plate: _, T~ prepare 2 plates (IOcm x IOcm or Idem x Scm) of 0.2 mm thickness dissolve 16~ . .. of silica gel (G) in 35mI of distilled water, apply on the using applicators and allow it t~ natural dry. Then keep the plates at 105 0 C for'l hour.and cool. Draw lines with- lcm spaCt such that standards are at the middle of the plate and four sample spots can be applied or either side of the standard. Procedure: 1. Take 109 of the sample. Add 40ml of distilled water. Beat it in the mixie for 2 mts. 2. Add 60 ml of acetone and again beat it for two minutes. Contents may slightly be heated up. High temperature should be avoided. 3. Filter the contents. Take 30 mt of the filterate and add approximately 0.6 g of cupric carbonate in beaker (A). 4. In another beaker (B), take 34 ml,otO.2 MNaOH + 6 ml of FeCh '(0.41 M) and swirl the '.. contents. 5. Add the contents in the beaker (B) to beaker (A) and again mix it slowly by swirling movements. 6. Filter the contents through Whatman No.1 filter paper. 7. Take 40 ml of the filterate in a 250 ml separating funnel. 8. Add 40 ml of(0.03 %) H 2 S04 and 10 ml of chloroform. Mix it slowly. 9. Collect the chloroform layer in a 100 Illl beaker, add again 10 ml of chloroform, mix thoroughly, allow to settle and collect the chloroform in the same 100 ml beaker; 10. In a second separating funnel, take 40 ml of 0.02 M KOH and 1 % KCI mixture. , . , 11. To this, add the collected 20 ml chloroform extract. Mix it slowly and collect the . layer through anhydrous sodium sulphate bed drop by drop to. remove any traces rof _. moisture. , . 12. Keep the chloroform extract in ail oven at 50°C till it becomes dry. 13. The dry aflatoxin film is rediluted with 0.2 ml chloroform and spotted on the TLC plate taking exactly 5, 10,20 and 40 besides the standard spots of5 and 10 J.ll. 88 Calculation: SxCxD Aflatoxin content in ppb x 1000 = T x 1.714 'f S is Standard, which compares with the sample in fluorescent intensity, C is Concentration of the standard, D is Dilution factor, . T is Sample which compares with standard in fluorescent intensity and 1,714 is the Effective weight. Preparation of aflatoxin standard: Carefully prepare the given aflatoxin in a suitable standard flask with benzene Acetonitrile (98+2) mixture to give a concentration of lOlli/mi. Standardize the concentration of the stock solution using spectrophotometer (Vide AOAC 1990 15th edition Ch:49 pp 1185-1186). From this stock solution, prepare aflatoxin solution in benzene: acetonitrile containing 4 Ill/ml in a suitable flask, which is the working standard. After spotting the standards and sample, develop the spots in an unsaturated developing tank containing chloroform: acetone: water in the ratio of 87: 12: 1. After developing three fourth of the plate, the plate 'is carefully removed from the tank, dried well and viewed in a UV cabinet viewer using long wavelength (364 nm). ***** 89 .•• , t ' FLUORIMETRIC METHOD OF !\ri:COTOXIN A.N~LYSIS K. Mani and M. Moorthy Department of Poultry :;cience, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Naniakkal- 637 001. AFLA TEST PRINCIPLE: Samples are mixed with an extraction solution blending' and filtering. The extraction is then applied to Afla test column 'bound with specific antibodies to Aflatoxin. At this stage, the aflatoxin binds to the antibody ,on the c;olumh. The column is then washed with water to get rid of the ifIlmuno-affinity column of impurities. By passing , methanol through the column, the Aflatoxin is removed fro~ solution can then be injected into HPLC system (or) measured in a Fluorimeter. PROCEDURE: I. Set up: 1. Calibrate the Fluorimeter. 2, Prepare Afla test developer. (To 0.5 ml of Afla test developer add 4.5 ml of Purified water and mix well to prepare Afla test developer) 3. Prepare methanol: water (80: 20 by volume) solution. II. Sample Extraction: 1. Weigh 50 gm of ground sample with 5 gm ofNaCI and place it in a jar. 2. Add, 100 rol methanol: water (80 : 20 ) and mix. 3, Cover the jar and blend it at high speed for on€? minute. 4, Remove the cover from the jar and pour the extract into a folded filter paper. S. Collect the filtrate in a clean vessel. III. Extract Dilution: 1, Pipette (or) pour 10 ml filtered extract into a clean vessel. 2. Dilute the extract with 40 ml purified water and mix well. 3. Filter dilute extract through glass microfibre filter. IV, Column Chromatography: 1: Remove the top cap from the column. 2. Cut bottom 1/8 inch of the end of the top cap with a blade. 3. Replace the cap to the column and fit the column to the glass syringe and remove bottom cap on column. 90 ' the antibody. This methanol 4. Pass 2 ml filtrated diluted extract (2ml = 0.2 gram sample equivalent) Completely through Afla test affinity column at a 'rate of about 1 - 2 drops / second until air comes through the column. 5. Pass 5 ml of purified water/ through the column at the rate of about 2 drops / ~~. ~ . 6. Repeat the above step until air comes through the column. , .... '. 7. Elute the affinity column by passing 1 ml ofHPLC grade methanol through column at a rate of 1-2 drops/second and collect all samples elute in a glass cuvette. 8. Add 1 ml of Afla test developer to elute in the cuvette. Mix well and place Cuvette in a calibrated Fluorimeter. 9. Read the Aflatoxin after 60 seconds. OCHRA TEST INTRODUCTION: Ochra test is an immuno-affinity test, which utilizes monoclonal anti- bodies with high specificity for Ochratoxin A, and negligible reactivity towards Ochratoxin B. This property makes this test ideal as the cleanup step for HPLC analysis. PROCEDURE: 1. Set liP: 1. Calibrate the Fluorimeter. 2. Prepare methanol: water (86:20 by volume)' solution every week or as needed. 3. Prepare mycotoxin wash buffer. 4. Make sure that reagent blank (1.5 ml Ocbra test eluting solution) reads 1.5 ppb less on a calibrated series 3 or 4 Fluorimeter. 5. Make sure that 2ml of purified water in a cuvette reads 0 ppb on a calibrated Fluorimeter. II. Sample Extraction: 1. Weigh 50 gm of feed sample and place in blender jar. 2. Add to the jar 100ml methanol: water (80:20 by volume). 3. Cover the blender jar and blend at higli speed for 1 minute . . 4. Remove cover from the jar and pour extract into folded filter paper. 5. Collect fi1tered in a dean vessel. 91 III. Extract Dilution: 1. Pipette or pour 10 ml filtered extract into a clean vessel. 2. Dilute extract with 40 ml purified water. Mix well. 3. Filter extract through micro fibre filter and collect filtrate in a clean vessel or directly into glass syrin~e barrel. IV. Column Chromatography: 1. Pass 10 ml diluted extract completely through Ochr~ test affinity column at a rate of about 1 - 2 drops/ second until air comes through column. 2. Pass 10 ml of mycotoxin wash buffer through the column at a rate of 1 - 2 Drops.! . . ~ second. , 3. Pass 10 ml of purified water .through the column at a rate of 1 '-2 drops! second until air comes through column. 4. Elute affinity column by p.assing 1.5 ml ochratest eluting solutio)) through column at a rate of 1-2drop/second and collecting all ofthe sample ". elut~ t (1.5 ml) in a glass . cuvette. 5. Mix well and place cuvette in a calibrated Fluorimeter. 6. Read Ochratoxin concentration after 60 seconds . ZEARALA TEST INTRODUCTION: . Zearalenone is an estrogenic mycotoxin produced by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. Zearalenone is unaffected by humidity or heat at temperature upto 30 °C:-The reagents used for this test shoJ.Ild bring to room temperature before use. PROCEDURE: 1. Set up: 1. Calibrate Fluorimeter. 2. Prepare methanol: water extraction solution every week or as needed. 3. Prepare Zearala test developer solution fresh every month or as needed. n. Sample Extraction: 1. Weigh 50gm of ground sample with 5gm salt (NaCI) and place in J>lender jar. . Add to jar 100ml of methanol: water (80:20). 3. Cover the.blender jar and blend at high speed for 1 minute.· 4. Remove the cover from the jar and pour the extract into fluted filter paper. 5. Collect filtrate in a clean vessel. 92 III. Extract Dilution: 1. Pipette 1ml filtered extract into a 50ml-gradmited cylinder. 2. Dilute extract with 49ml of distilled water. Mix well. 3. Filter the dilute extract through microfibre filter and collect filtrate in a clean vessel. / IV. Column Chromatography: 1. Pipette 1ml of filtered dilute extract into glass syringe barrel. , .. 2. Pass filtered diluted extract completely through affmity column at a rate of about 1 - 2 drops / second until air comes through the column. 3. Pass 5ml of distilled water through the column at a rate of 1 - 2 drops / second. 4. Elute affinity column by passing Iml HPLC grade methanol ~ough column at a . . rate of I - 2 drops/second and collect the entire sample elute ml in a glass cuvette. 5. Add 1.0ml of Zearala test developer to elute in the cuvette. Mix well and place cuvette in a calibrated Fluorimeter. 6. Read Zearalenone concentration after 120 seconds. ***** 93 ~ ESTIMATION OF'VITAMINS USING HPLC' \ T .K.Sundaram, M.Sc., Assistant Professor (SG), Animal Feed Analytical & Quality Control Laboratory, VeterinruY Hospital Campus, Namakkal- 637 001. Vitamins, widespread, in the fields of foods, pharmaceuticals and clinical chemistry, n.eed to be analysed to ascert~n the op!imum levels. HPLC plays an important role in analysing these vital factors in low levels. " . HPLC is a High Performanc.e Liquid Chromatograph consisting of various ?etectors. '1. UV- visible spectrophotometric qetector. .2. Fluorescence detector. 3. Conductivity detector and 4. Refractive index detector. The principle involved in these estimations is very simple that a specific column (Stationery phase) has been designed for each type of estimation. When under set conditions (Analytical conditions) the sample is injected through a mobile phase which passes through the column and due to different adsorbing power of different polar substances~ the more polar substance is very strongly absorbed at the bottQm and less Qol~ substances are least absorbed and elute first. The eluted substances pass through the detector in. the order of decreasing polari~y and the absorbance at. a median A max. is recorded in. UV-visible spectrophotometric detector and processed in the integrator. The ~ess polar substances will have less retention time whereas the more polar substances will be' recorded with different peaks at different retention times, which depend on the degree .~f polarity of the samples injected. The area under each peak is a quantitative measure of the amount of that component. The estimation of vitamins is divided into 1. Water soluble vitamins and 2. Fat soluble vitamins depending upon the method and analytical conditions. 94 !I The water soluble vitamins are estimated by Ion exchange chromatography since these vitamins are ionic. To separate such compounds, it is necessary to make them behave as non-ionic species with lipophonic characteristics. An organic counter ion added to the mobile phase farms a reversible ion-pair complex with ionic sample component. This complex behaves as an electrically neutral, non-polar lipophilic compound. Sample ± + counter-ion ± ~ (Sample counter-ion ± ) pair. The extent to which the sample and the counter ion form an ion-pair complex I .. affects the degree of retention by the non-polar stationary phase. The more lipophilic the ion-pair complex, the greater will be its attraction for, and retention by, the hydrophobic stationary phase. The technique of ion-pair chromatography enables the chromatographer to reversibly alter the polarity for the sample components and this technique is otherwise called as Reversed Phase Chromatography. There are so many ion-pair reagents identified but for water soluble vitamins 1pentane sulphonic acid sodium salt (SHS) and I-Octane sulphonic acid sodium salt (SOS) are used as ion pair reagents. The retention time is found to be longer if I-Octane sulphonic acid sodium salt is used rather than I-pentane sulphonic acid sodium salt. These vitamins are quantified by external calibration method in the UV region. The analytical conditions to be followed are given below: Stationary Phase: Shim-pack CLCODS(6.0 mm cpx 15 em) Mobile Phase: 100 mM sodium phosphate Buffer (PH 2.1) 0.8mMSOS} -' 9 Acetonitrile - 1 Temperature 40 CC Flow rate 1.S-in/lmt Detector : UV-2l0nm Peaks appear in the following order. 1. Nicotinic Acid. 2. Nicotinamide. 3. Pantothenate. 95 4. Pyridoxine. 5. Riboflavin Pho.sphatl6. Thiamine. 7. Caffeine. 8. Folic Acid. 9. Biotin. 10. Riboflavin. The fat soluble vitamins are selectively separated, in general by reversed phas~ chromatography. But absorption chromatography may sometimes be desirable to separate isomers and homologues. The analytical conditions are given below, for vitamin A as acetate and palmitate, Vitamin E and its acetate and Vitamin K2. Stationary phase " Zorbax ODS (4.6 mm rpx 15 em) Mobile phase " Methanol. Temperature Flow rattt " 55'C : 1.5 mllmt. Detector " UV 325, 254 nm. For horoologues of Tocopherol, the analytical conditions are Stationary Phase " Shim-pack CLe:--,":-" NH2 ar a Silica Column (6.0 mm rp x 15 em) Mobile Phase " n-Hexane 100 Iso-propanol 4 Temperature 40'C Flow rate 1.5 mllmt. Detector " UV297nm. Remarks: 1. The estimation of water soluble vitamins is so easily affected by ion intensity and pI that utmost care should be taken to maintain these two factors strictly constant. Reproducibility and repeatability are grossly affected by ion intensity and pH. 2. All chemicals should be ofHPLC grade manufactured by genuine companies. 3. For preparation of standard solution UV-grade solvents have to be utilized. 96 · I COMMON ADULTERANTS /CONTAMINANTS IN FEED STUFFS AND THEIR TESTING. Dr. A. Natarajan, M.V.Sc., Ph.D., ,-Assistant Professor, Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory \."~ Veterinary Hospital Campus, '. Trichy Road, Namakkal- 637001. Introduction: .Adulterants / contaminants are foreign bodies that are found in the agricultural/marine products an~ by-products which could cause harmful· effects to livestock and poultry. Presence of adulterants and contaminants reduces the nutritive value of the main product. Adulterants and contaminants might gain entry into the major product naturally (occur in minute quantities) or during industrial processing (supply of improperly handled raw materials) or by deliberate addition to.gain extra profit. Common adulterants of livestock and poultry feed: Maize: Cobs, sand and silica, shrunken and broken kernels Ragi: . Sand and silica. ' Other cereals: Sand. and silica. Fish Meal: Sand and silica, Salt, Urea. Meat and Bone Meal: Leather meal, sand and silica, silk worm pupae meal. Groundnut cake: -Soya Bean Meal: Sand and silica, Rape Seed Meal, Hulls, steamed DaRB Hull, Sand and silica, Urea. ~ - 10- __ Sunflower Oil Cake: Hulls, Sand And Silica. OORB: Sand and Silica, Husk Calcite: Magnesium, Sand and Silica. OCP: Sand and Silica, fluorine. Shell Grit: Sand and Silica. Rape Seed Meal: Pongamia globra (Pungam cake) Rice polish: Sand and Silica, Rancid oils Impact of contaminants and adulterants on animal productivity and health: Sand and Silica: Ruminants (max) :4% Poultry :2.0% (max) Excess of Sand and Silica causes digestive disorders in Ruminants. Excess of sand and silica in poultry causes loose droppings, poor F.C.R., lowered egg and meat production. 97 !- Salt: Poultry .... .~: ,(max): 0:5 % . Ruminants (max): 1 % . Excess of salt cause ill effects in poultry. Ascites, excess water intake, reduced feed ntake, trembling symptoms are the Common symptoms in poultry. Young are less tolerant than >Id. Five per cent salt produces limite;d mo~ality at 3 months of age but it will·be very high in )aby chicks. Ruminants can tolerate upto 5G,(o. Magnesium Poultry (max): 0.05% Ruminants (ma'f:): 2% Ullder practical conditions an excess of magnesium in poultry is more likely due to the Ise of dolomitic limestone which depresses growth rate of chickens and reduces egg production md egg shell thickness. It is a common adult.erantlcontaminant in lime stone powder or calcite md PCP. Urea: Ruminants « 0.3 % of the total DM) The presence of urea in poultry feedlingredients reduces the .true protein level and nisleads to give false picture about the true protein content. Hence' it becomes mandatory to ~vatuate 'the feeds for urea also. In the case of cattle feeds, urea is normally added at 1 to 1.5% o increase the nitrogen availability for the rumen microbes. Exceeding 1.5 % of urea may lrove fatal to the microbes and also to the host. due to ammonia toxicity. Hence the feeds meant br cattle should also be checked for urea and other NPN materials. The above a,dulterants/contaminants present in feed/ingredients are qualitatively and luantitatively estimated. The special analytical methods for quick iests and spot test for the Iresence_of adulterants are given below. MAGNESIUM Test for magnesium sulfate) ?eagents: Solution A - Potassium hydroxide IN. Solution B - Dissolve 12.7g of iodine and 40g of potassium iodide in 25ml of distilled Water. Stir and then dilute to 100mI. )rocedure: 1. ·Mix solution A with an excess amount of solution a to give a very dark brown color mixture. 2. Take a small part of the dark brown color mixture and add 2-3 drops of Solution A until it turns a pale yellow. 3. Moisten the filter paper with this pale yellow solution and then sprinkle with the sample to be tested. 98 Positive Results: Magnesium gives YELLOW BROWN SPOTS. Note: The mixture of Solution A and B deteriorates very quickly and should be freshly mixed for each test. SALT (Sodium Chloride) 1. Silver nitrate solution (5%). 2. Nitric acid solution (1 :2). 3. Ammonium hydroxide solution (1: 1). 4. Standard sodium chloride solution (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 %). Procedure: l. Weigh Ig of sample and add 100 ml of distilled water. Stir and filter with Whatman No.4 2. Pipette 1 ml of standard solution and 8 ml of nitric acid solution. Stir and add 1 ml of silver nitrate solution. , 3. Stir and compare the test sample with the standard sample. This test should be read within 5 minutes. Positive Results: Salt gives a WIflTE TURBIDITY. UREA Reagents: 1. 'Urease solution - Dissolve 0.2 g bfurease powder in 50 ml of distilled water. 2. Standard ,urea solution (0,1,2, ...... 5%) 3. Cresol red indicator (0.1%). Procedure: l. Weigh 10 g of test sample and add 100 ml of distilled water. Stir and filter with Whatman No.4 ' 2. Pipette 2 ml of standard solution and test sample into white porcelain spot plates. , 3. Add 2-3 drops of cresol red indicator and add 2-3 drops ofure'ase solution. 4. Let it stand for 3-5 minutes, if urea is present, it will form a deep red-purple spreading like a spider's web appearance, in contrast to the yellow color of t4e, indicator. 5. Compare the test sample with the standard urea sample. This test should be read within 10-12 minutes. 99 \ HOOFO~HORN Reagent.~: , CJ 0' J~{ . . , Idl , .2TOQ2 m OHa. VI J.:l 25VIg mUf2~Ctg~JV'J 1.1 GJaciaJ acetic acid (l: I). . . . ~d, biup!i;~ bnn ,{blo!1}p '{l''l ~3rnon~1,b H bn!) A nOliulo210 51uixlm 5rlT :~loV1 P/'(Jcedure: JP.~t !bS5 10} b~xifft vlrli!~J'H 1." For quick test, place 2-'3 particles' of amber color test sample into an evaporating , 'T..JA~ dish. ' (b' Lt" 'h "l:) ~ no ( ..J fflUI .. Oc;. 1 2", Add 5 ml of glacial acetic acid into the evapor~titlg dish [and let. it stand for 60 .lo~c) nOliU Of! ~H61im l~vll7. , " minutes. .1 ' .(S:: () noijul02 bbe Ohli~ .!: 3. If hoof and horn are present, the. test p.articles WIill still t:emru,',n hard and t9ugh. , .(1: I) nodu 02 5bIXOlb'(rf mlJlCIommA .f. Gelatin will be become ~oft and swollen. . "~' " .laf £.0 ,~.O ,1.0 (0) no;iulot! sbnoltb mui~~,~lBbrT6j2 .f:.' LEATHER MEAL nsuJts>rlW dtiw 15t[it bns 1i12 .15t6," b5fli!2tb 101m 00 f bbs bns sIom£210 ~ f rlgi~W ,I Reagents: , . . ' , • '-' ..' Vi in 100 ml of 1. Ammonium Molybdate solution - Dissolve 5 g of Ammonium Molybd~te 1m I hb£ .b.nB 1i12 .noiJpi02 bbn ~iltin hJl 8 bon nohuJo?, b.16bnl3l?10 1m I ~i1~qi(J .~ . dlstllled 'Water and pour mto 35 m of concentrated mtnc aCid. , .noi1uioo t>161!in l~vliG '10 'ip Procedure: bS~J 3d.bluolie. i~~! eidTbl:}hJms~ b1Bbn~la fldl.dliW algml)e 1~~1 ~rh ~lfmrnOO bnB ,i!2 .r. Pick up brown to acR test sample partiC es ana place In petn dI'Sh. . . ,'~~wnirn (. nirltiw 2. Add 3-5 drops of ammonIUm molybdate and let It stand for 5-1 U mInutes. . , .YTI018JIUT 3TIHW B 27Jyi!l .1lB2 :dhJ2.~Jl ~l'/'ili~o(1 3. Leather pleal Wln glve no color change. Meat and bone meal gIVeS a greemsh yellow color. . . A3JfU An overview of adulterants I contaminants encountered in AFAQCL for tbe year 1998-99 I. High Sand and, Silica: (> I 0 %) : About 344 samples out of the 2162 samples (15.91 %) "~~~jg6\~d .1:)1Ilw, b~1Iit2jb 10 Jm Oc oj lsbv/oa "S2&SlUl0 g S.p sv10;22(Q - ijortulo2 'J2£5IiJ . i for the sand and SIlica estImatlOn contamed alarmmg quantltIes.1.11gh sand ~l1d silica problem. was :'~:d . fi h 1 c; II db DORB l' (q-.?? ...... lS,l (0) noiiulo2 8!nLJ blBbant2 .S: eVI ent In IS mea 10 owe y , ca cite ana nce po Ish. ' ; h M ' ( ) . 'h ", . ,(Ii;~r.O) loiBoibni b~l i.0251J . ,r. CP H.g agneslUm:· > I % : Rig magneSIUm contamInatlOn was oDserveu In calCIte and D '. ~~',,\\)'}·.)ml\ , samples due to dolomitic source. . rlbJiw 15tmbJ!£ 1it2 .1~tBW b~mj2ib 'to 1m 001 bbB bOB ~lqms2 H Ig :Sa.t: (> 5 %) : . ' . High Urea: 10 g or II~i~W .1 - t>.0\.1 flfifnlBrlW Total samples received 532 1~FI~W~e1il:niBbol0q jl5j :1[86/ oloi f}iqmsa t2~t bOB noi!ui02 bl£bon!21o 1m ~ ~115qi'i .noitul02 52B51U 10 aq01b £-~ bbs bl1B 10160ibni b~l (0251010 aq01b t-£ bbA .£ Jliw li ,tn52~lq 2i B~lU li .251unim c-£ 101 bnB12 ii t~J .P lotal samples receive 118 fjrli 1~ c~IRg feleoJJ;j'( sel! ~t ~6~tg~0%'j ,50IlB16fJqQ6 dsw '2(1~biq2 6 5jJil gnibB~nq2 5!q1f.mub~1 Q~5b B unp! .1otnoibni bs~.n· ~d bl,!ori2 12:51 aidT .sIqm62 B~1U hlBbnsj2 5fb riiiw ~lqmBa 12St selJ ::n.GqmoJ .( 2. Fish Meal : 11 (>1 %) , .2~1uflim ~~ 100 s: r-0 r rrirWw MODIFIED METHOD OF ESTIMATING THE MULTIMYCOTOXINS IN ' FEED I RAW MATERIALS Dr. A.Natarajan, M.V.Sc., Ph.D., ~ AS$istant ProfessQr, , Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Co~trol Laboratory, Veterinary Hospital Campus, Namakkal- 637 001. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by specific strains of fungi that grow on wide range of agricultural commodities like cereals, nuts, soyabeans, by-products and other crops. Most of the mycotoxins are ideally produced under the conditions prevailing in .. tropic~l ." regions like India. Because it is very common that liver and kidney damages, fluctuation m~gg production, diarrhoea, reduction in feed intake and subsequent growth retardation, and impainnent of immune system occur iii poultry flocks due to mycotoxins other than aflatoxin, 'It becomes inevitable that a single procedure to estimate mycotoxins inCluding aflatoxin was to be standardized for careful use of the infested feed materials. The method of Maria 0 Tapia <;has been Suitably modified and standardized in this laboratory in such a yvay that maximum recovery of more number of toxins iq shortest time was made possible. In the developed method, the Rf values were' fixed for various mycotoxins so that the method is <;ommercially applicable. The multitoxins are extracted with Acetonitrile, potassium chloride and hydrochloric acid, filtered and defatted wit~ hexane twice. , ~~e. fat fr~e ~xtract is further extracted by .. -,~- . ~- --- - ~- - . chloroform, dried and rediluted in high purity chloroform and spotted on a precoated aluminium sheet (E Merck) 0.25 mm thickness along with known standards. After air dried, developed in chloroform and acetone o'n one direction and Toluene, Ethyl acetate and formic acid in .the second direction perpendicular to the first. The plates are dried and quantified under exposure in long wave UV-light. Reagents: 1, Acetonitrile 2. Hexane 3. Chloroform 4. Sodium sulphate anhydrous 5. Acetone 6. Toluene 7. Ethyl acetate 101 . 8.' Formic acid 9:' 5 N HCI (Sp. Gr. 1. ~8): 182.3 g HCI or 154.49 ml is dissolved in DW to 1 litre . . 10. Potassium chloride (4%)::4 gofKCl in 100 ml DW. 11. Sulphuric acid (20 % v/v): 20 ml of suiphuric acid dissolved in DW to 100 ml. I 1~. Potassium hydroxide (2q %): 20 g QfKOH dissolved to 100 ml. 13. Standard toxins: Aflatoxin, Ochroxin, T2-toxin, Citrinin, Zearelenone and as working standard. , Sterigmatocys~in of suital?le conce~tration , . Procedure: 1. Take about 109 of the ground sample, blend at high speed for 3 m with 36 ml of Acetonitrile, 4 ml of 4 % KCI and 0.8 mi. of 5 N HCl. 2. Filter the extract through filter paper (Whatman No.1) 3. Transfer. 20 ml of filtrate into a 250 ml separating funnel, add 20 ml of water and 20 ml of hexane, shake well. The hexane layer is discarded. 4, Collect the lower layer and add 20 ml of hexane, shake well and collect the lower layer. S~ Extract the resulting acetonitrile phase with two 10 ml portions of chloroform. 6. Collect the chloroform layer, dry over anhydrous sodium sulphate. 7: Evaporate to dryness 8. The residue is dissolved in 0.2 ml chloroform 9. Spot 10, 20, 50, and 100 J..lI of the extract on a precoated aluminium sheet (E Merck) together with standard spots. :7l().-Pevelop the plate iIi chloroform and acetone (9: 1) in one direction.and toluene, ethyl acetate and formic acid (5:4: 1) in the second direction perpendicular to the first. 11. The plates are viewed under long and short wavelength. Sterigmatocystin (in small amounts) and T2-toxin exhibit no fluorescence. Sterigmatocystin is visible as an orange fluorescent spot in long UV light intensified by spraying the corresponding zone of the plate with 20 % aqueous KOH. 12. On the same plate spray 20 % H 2S04 at Rf of T2 toxin, dry at 110°C in an hot air oven. When viewed under long UV light, T 2 toxin fluoresces as light green colour. ..Calculation: SxCxD Aflatoxin content in ppb = x 1000 TxE . 102 S is Standard, which compares with the sample in fluorescent intensity, C is Concentr~tion of the standard, D is Dilution factor, T is Sample which compares with standard in fluorescent intensity and J E is effective weight, which is 4.900. \"\ , , " The Rfvalues as observed by Maria O.Tapia and ourseIfis given Mycotoxins , Eluent 2 Eluent 1 Sterigmatocystin 1.00 (0.98) 0.57 (1.00) Zearalenone 0.98 (0.93) 0.57 (0.95) Aflatoxin B 1 0.62 (0.73) 0.22 (0.33) Aflatoxin B2 0.56 (0.7i) 0.20 (0.28) Aflatoxin G 1 0.48 (0.68) 0.15 (0.25) AflatoxinG2 0.40 (0.66) 0.12 (0.20) T..:2 Toxin 0.40 (0.60) 0.33 (0.38) Ochratoxin A 0.00 (0.00) 0.46 (0.57) The modified method is being adopted since 1996 in this laboratory and a number of agricultural products and by-products have been screened for multimycotoxins ~nd> qui!e ~ large ._ .. . . ' ''Oilumber of feed ingredients were found to contain mU.ltimycotoxins and some of them in alarming quantities, regularly. The sunflower oil cake was found to contain both aflatoxin and ochrat9xin almost round the year ~d cereals and other oil cakes during the rainy seasons. ***** 103 QUANTIFICATION OF TRACE MINERALS BY COLORIMETRIC METHODS T.K.Sundaram, MSc. Assistant Professor (SG) Animal Feed Analytical and Quality Control Laboratory Veterinary Hospital Campus - . Road, Namakkal. Tnchy ,NGANESE: " ....;: Manganese is important in the animal body is an activator of many enzyme~ such ~:: rolases and kinases and 'as a constituent· of arginase, pyruvate carboxylase and mangane~~\ ~roxide dismutase Deficiency include retarded growth, skeletal abnormalities ataxia of the newborn'; reproduction failure. Mang~nese through its activation of glycosyl transferases is required for the" . . ' l~tion of the mucopolysaocharide which forms the organic matrix of bone. )rt~nt element in the diet of young chicks, a deficiency leading to 'perosis' or 'slipped tendon' a br~tion Manganese is' of.the leg bone which is not the only factor but·may also be aggravated by high dietary :es of calcium and phosphorus or a deficiency of chlorine. Another link between manganese and chlorine deficiencies is shown in fatty infiltration of the and changes in the ultra structure of the liver. Manganese deficiency in breeding birds reduces hatchability and shell thickness and causes retraction in chicks. Other abnormalities associated with deficiency include impaired glucose ation and a reduced vitamin K- induced blood clotting response. The dietary nutrient levels for ry is 100mglkg. [MATION OF MANGANESE tie qfmeihod: The acid soiuble manganese in animal feed is oxidised to potassium perinanganate potassium periodate in an acidified sample solution free from organic carbon. The resultant r developed is read in a photoelectric colorimeter or spectrophotometer. at 530 nm. ~nt: I.Potassium permanganate standard solution: 500ppm Mn. issolve 1.4383g KMn04 (500ppm Mn) in I I of distilled water. Boil for 1 hr and let stand 'ernight. Take O.l2g of sodium oxalate (dried for lh at 105°) in a 500ml beaker and add 250ml ~S04 (5+95) previously boiled and cooled to 27°c. Dissolve and add KMn04 solution to the hot dium oxalate (at 55°-60°) till the end point. The end point is appearance of faint pink which q;ists for 30s. . Irmality = mt KMn04 x 66.999 104 Transfer aliquot containing 20mg Mn t9 beaker, Add 100ml H20, 15ml H3P04 and 0.3~ KI04 and heat to boiling cool and dilute to one litre and protect from light. Dilute this solution containing 20ppm M~ with H20 (previously boiled with 0.3g KI04) to~'niake c-.onvenient working standards in range of concentration to be compared. Procedure:' " l. Weigh 5g of sample in a silica (ca 600°C) cfllcible. Ash it.· Cool and add 5ml tI2S04 and 5ml RN03 to ash in dish or to ash transferred to beaker with 20-30ml H20. 2. Evaporate to white fumes. 3. IfC is not completely destroyed, add additional portions HN03 boiling after each addition. 4. Cool slightly; transfer to 50 or 100m) volumetric flask, and add diluted H3P04 solution (8+92) equal to Ih volume of flask (25 or 50ml). S. Cool dilute to volume, mix and filter or let stand until clear. 6. If SOml flask was used, pippet 25ml clear solution into beaker or 50 or 100ml volumetric flask and add 15ml H20. If lOOml flask was used, pippet 50ml into b~er or IOOml flask and add 30ml H20. 7. Heat nearly to boiling and with stirring or swirling add 0.3g KI04 for each 15mg Mn present. 8. Keep for 30-60min. At 90-1 OO°e. or until colour development is complete. 9. Cool dilute to measured volume of 50 or· 1OOml and mix. t . 10. Compare with standard KMn04 solution in spectrophotometer at 530nm. . Calculation: Concentration in J.lg ~ 1000 Mn (in mg/kg) =---------S.Wx 1000 IRON: More than 90% of the iron in the, body is combined with proteins, the most important being haemoglobin which contains about 3.4g/kg of the element. Deficiency: Chronic iron toxicity results in alimentary disturbances, reduced growth and phosphorous deficiency. Sources: Feeds. of animal origin, such as meat, blood and fish meals are excellent sources of iron. The dietary nutrient level of iron for \ poultry is 80mg/kg. ESTIMATION OF IRON (WONG'S METHOD) Outline of method: Iron is determined colorimetrically/ spectrophotometrically making use of the fact that ferric iron gives a blood red colour with potassium thiocyanate. The resultant colour developed is read photometrically at 540nm. 105 Rengents: I. 30% H2S04 solution. ~. 7 % potassium persulphate solution: 7g of potassium persulph~lte is dissolved in glass distilled water and the solution is made upto 100mi. ;. 40% potassium thiocyanate solution: 40g KSCN is dissolved in 90ml glass distilled water 4ml: acetone is added and volume is made upto 100ml. ~. St~ndard iron solution: 702.2mg FAS is dissolved in 100ml glass distilled water and after addition of 5ml of 1: 1 HCL, the solution is made upto one litre and mixed thoroughly (0.1 ~8' Fe/ml). The standard solution is prepared fresh once in 6 months. Working standard solution (IOllg tolOOllg Fe/ml) is prepared by diluting the above solution suitably. Procedure: 1) Take 2g of the sample, slightly heat till smoke ceases and keep it in a muffle furnace at 550°C in a silica crucible for one hr. and then cool. If the sample is a powder (other than feed), ashing is not necessary. Take one gram of powder. 2) To this total ash/one g powder, add (1+3) HCI till effervescence ceases and add 5 drops of 0+3) HN03. 3) Heat the contents to boil. Cool and ,filter through Whatman No:42 filter paper and collect the filtrate in a 100mi volumetric flask. 4) Wash the residue with hot distilled water two or three times and collect the washings also into a lOOml volumetric flask. Make upto the mark with distilled water. -5) rake 6.5 ml aliquot into a test tube. Add 1.0 ml of30% H2S04, l.Oml of potassium persulphate solution and 1.5 ml of 40% KSCN solution. The red colour that develops is measured within 20mts. at 540nm against a reagent blank. ,< >: 6) Prepare standard solutio.ns with 1O,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65Ilg Fe/ml and add the , reagents as for sample and read the O.D at 540nm against the reagent blank. 7) Prepare a calibration curve and calculate concentration of Fe in the sample. Calculation: 100 x 1000 Cone. of Fe mg/kg = Cone. in IlgX-------6.5 x S.W x 1000 S.W = Weight of the sample. 106 corp~K: Copper present m certam plasma proteins such as ceruloplasmin which are IS ~oncemed with t,he release of iron from the cells into the plasma. Deficiency: Deficiency of copper impairs the animal's ability to absorb iron, mobilize it from the tissues and utilize it in haemoglobin synthesis. Copper plays a role in oxygen metabolism and in many enzyme systems, Copper is necessary for the normal pigmentation of hair, for and wool. Deficiency '" leads to poor grov.-th, bone disorder infertility depigmentation of hair an(i'wo~l, gastrointestinal , . disturbances and lesions in the brain stem and spinal cord. The lesions are associated with muscular incoordination. The dietary nutrient level of copper for poultry is 3.Smg/kg. ESTIl\'IA nON OF COPPER Outline of method: Copper forms a complex compound with EDTA, the colour of which is developed by the addition of sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate which is extracted and estimated colorimetric ally at 440 nm, Reagents: 1. EDTA solution: EDTA disodium salt 2Sg is dissolved in 500m~ of glass distilled water. ' It is well shaken (4 to S times) with solid diethyl dithiocarbamate (0.5g) and 100mi of chloroform till the colour ~isappears. Ei&ht ml of 0.1% cresol red is .added and the mixture is shaken well and the EDTA solution is kept in a stoppered bottle. 2. Copper standard: Dissolve 982 mg of CUS04. 5H20 in water and Sml of Cone. H2S04 is. added and made upto 250ml to give a standard solution of copper of Img Iml. ", 3. 1% sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate in water. ·.Procedure: 1. Take 2g of feed sample in a kjeldahl flask, add 5ml of glass distilled water, 4ml of co~c.H2S04 and Sml of cone. RN0 3(distilled). 2, The contents are digested covering the flask with a funnel plugged with glass wool. 3. Cone. RN03 is added in drops till a clear digest is obtained. 4. Perchloric acid (one ml) is then added and the digestion is continued for 15-20mts. 5, The digest is then quantitatively transferred to a separating funnel using glass distilled water to make to SOmt. 6, Sml of EDTA solution is then added and the solution neutra~ized with distilled ammonia (to get a pink colour). 7. It is cooled and one m} of 1% sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate is added, fonowed by 10ml of distilled carbon tetrachloride. 107 'I' '"' ., ,". • 1\~"" 1 I ~. Tlle'mi"?,ture is, shaken fort exactly 2mts. After the carbon tetrachloride layer separates;, it is,~~-ip~() , cC;]Qrimetric tube through a plug of cotto~~and the intensity of the colour isreao,at 4.40nm ag~inst a re~gent blank extracted si~ilarly. For each set of estimation, a reagent blank prepared' by. u.~ng the sa~e quantity of acid~ etc. is carried throu~h the procedure. CORper in the sample is calculat1d from a standard curve 5, 10, 15,20,25,30,3~ and 40~W:l~\ ·by applying the same method. . . '. 1000 :alculation: Conc. of Cu in mg/kg ~ Conc. in X s.w X 1000 W ::= S.ample Weight OBALT: In cattle and sheep "pining" bush sic~ness and "washing disease" have beel) recognised for " ' any years. These diseases are found to be associated with deficiency of cohaJt. The physiological nction of cobalt was only well understood when vitamin B 12 was isolated and WI:I,S shown to ntain the e~f?ment. Cobalt is required by microorganisms in the rumen for the synthesis of vitamin 2 and if the element is deficient in the diet then the vitamin cannot be produced in the rumen in tounts sufficient to satisfy the animal's requirements. There is evidence that the intestinal c~oorganisms in non-ruminants also can synthesize vitamin B 12 although in pigs and poultry this lthesis may be insufficient to meet their requirements. It is common practice to include in pig and lltry diets some animal protein food rich in vitamin B 12 in preference to including a cobalt salt. art from the importance of cobalt as a component of vitamin B 12, the element is believed to have er functions in the .animal body as an activ~ting ion in certain enzyme reactions. _ •• 1 . _ _ ~ "ft, 1 TIMATION OF COBALT mne of method: Cobalt is isolated from the HCI extract of the sample by passing a current ofH2S, ~red off, boiled off H 2 S by adding nitric acid, the solution is brought to alkaline pH and complexed 1 nitroso-R salt in the presence of spekker acid and sodium acetate and the colour developed is sured photometrically at 540nm. gents: :obalt standard solution: 0.05 mg Co/ml. Dissolve O.2385g COS04 7H2 0 (donot dry, use as 'eceived) in H 2 0 and dilute to one litre, Dilute, if necessary to suitable concentration to prepare r,tandard curve. ~itroso R salt solution: Dissolve one gram CJO~OHNO(S03Na)2 in H20 and dilute to 500ml. :pekker acid: Mix 150ml of85% H3P04 and 150ml of H 2S0 4 and dilute to one litre with H 20. 108 4. Sodium acetate solution: Dissolve 500g of CH3COONa.3H20 in water and dilute to one litre with water. Experi~ental: Preparation of standard .curve: To 1,2,3,4,5,6,7;8,9,10, and llml portion of standard cobalt solution in 100mi volumetric flasks add 2ml spekker acid, 10ml nitroso R salt solution and 10ml "sodium acetate solution. Prepare blank by using 2m! spekker acid and 1Oml soditim~a~etate solution, but omitting Nitroso R salt solution. Bring solution to boiling on 'hot plate. Add Sml RN0 3 and boil. ~ 1 but $ 2miil. Cool and Dilute to 100ml. Procedure: I. Ash 2 g sample at 600°C for 2 hrs. 2. Dissolve in 20ml HCI and 50ml H 20 and boil for 5 mts. 3. Cool and transfer to 250ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume. (Take aliquot containing O.Smg Co as Beer's law no longer appears to follow, above this amount). ,- 4. Pass brisk current of H2S gas through the solution for 10mts. Filter directly into 100mi volumetric flask through Whatman No.40 filter paper. 5. Wash with 50ml of 1 % H 2S04 saturated with H 2S. 6: Add 2 sn1all glass beads and boil offH2S (bumping may occur). Shake flasks often. 7. Add 5ml RN0 3 and boil until nitrous fumes no longer appear (Take care, as volume of solution will be 19W and bumping and spattering may occur. At first indication of this, remove immediately from hot plate.). Small amount ofRN03 remaining will not affect result. 8. Cool and add 2drops of phenolphthalein and adjust to first faint PInk with 30 % NaOH solution. -- Immediately add 2ml of Spekker acid followed by 10ml of nitro so R salt solution and 10ml sodium acetate solution. 9. Bring vigorous boil, carefully add Sml RN03 and boil ~ 1 but s 2mts. Cool and dilute to volume . .10. Compare colour with standard Co solution in spectrophotometer at S40nm. Read colour within 2 hrs. Calculation: Cone. in mg x 250 xlOO % Co = ---------- 1000 x aliquot x sample weight ZINC: . . . . . Th 1 nts tends to accumulate in the e e erne Zmc has been found In every tIssue 1D the antmal body. bones rath~r than in the liver, which is the main storage organ of many of the other trace elements. 109 , <:,- Zn is an activator of several enzyme systems. Zn is included in carbonic anhydrase, pancrratic_h'~ .. .carboxy peptidase, lactate dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase alkaline - ,phosphatase . and thymidine kinase: Among the other physiological functions of Zinc are the production; storage and secretion of hormones, involvement in the immune systems and electrolyte balance. Deficiency: Zn deficiency in chicks,causes retarded growth, foot abnormalities, "frizzled" feathers, . parakeratosis and a bone abnormality ref~rred to as the swollen hock syndrome. Sources: Yeast i~, a rich source and Zn is concentrated in the bran and germ of cereal grains. Animal protein by.products such as meat meal and fish meal are richer sources of the element than . Dlant protein supplement. ~n toxicity Zn poisoning' have been reported. Most animals have a high tolerance for this element. ~xcessive amounts are known to depress food consumption ana may induce copper deficiency. rhe dietary nutrient levels for poultry is 50mglkg. ~STIMATION OF ZINC: )utline of method: The sample is wet oxidised. Pb, Cu, Cd, Bi, Sb, Sn, Hg and Ag metals are emoved. as sulfides with added Cu as scavenger agent. Elimination of Co and Ni is also imllitaneously done by extracting metal complexes of a·nitroso.~·napthol and dimethyl glyoxinie espectively with chloroform. Zn is extracted as Zn dithizonate with carbon tetrachloride, transfer of :n to dil HCI and final extraction ofZn dithizonate for colour measurement. teagents: Copper sulphate solution: 2mg Culml. Dissolve 8g CuS04,5H20 in H2O and dilute to one litre. Ammonium citrate solution: Dissolve 22Sg (NRJ)2HC6GS07 in H 20 make alkaline to phenol red with NH40H (pH7.4 first distinct colQu~ change )and.add 75mlin excess. Dilute to 2 litre .. Extract this solution immediately before use as follows. Add slight excess dithizone and extract with carbon -tetrachloride until solvent layer is clear bright green. Remove excess dithizone by repeated' extraction with chloroform and finally extract once more with carbon tetrachloride. (It is essential that excess dithizoIie be entirely removed, otherwise Zn will be lost during elimination Co and Ni). Dimethylglyoxime solution: Dissolve 2g reagent 10ml in ~OH and 200·300ml H 2 0, filter and dilute to one litre. oc-nitroso - ~ - napthol solution: Dissolve O.25g in CHCh and dilute to 500ml. Chloroform: Redistilled. Diphenylthiocarbazo~e (dithizone) solution: Dissolve O.05g dithizone in 2ml ~OH and 100m H20 and extract repeatedly with carbon tetrachloride until solvent layer is clear bright .green Discard solvent layer and filter aqueous portion through washed ashless paper. (This solution i: llO best prepared as needed, since it is only moderately stable, even when kept in dark and under refrigeration) . Carbon tetrachloride: Redistilled. Dilute hydrochloric acid: 0.04N 3.4~ml of 1. 18 HCI is dissolved in 1 litre with H 20. Zinc standard solution: , (i) Stock solution: 500I-lg/ml. Dissolve 0.5g pure granulated Zn in slight excess' pfdil. HCI and dilute to one litre. (ii) Working solution: 51-lg/ml. Dilute lOmi stock solution to one litre with O.04N HC!. trocedure: Preparation of sample: Weigh 2Sg of sample into a Kjeldahl digestion flask. (estimated to contain 25-1001lg Zn). Add HN03 and heat cautiously until first vigorous reaction subsides somewhat, then add 2-5ml H2 S04. Continue heating, adding more HN03 in small portions as needed to prevent charring, until fumes of S03 evolve and solution remains clear and almost colorless. Add O.Sml of HCI04 and continue heating until it is almost completely removed. Cool, and dilute to 40ml. Separation of sulfide group. To H 2 S04 solution, add 2 drops of methyl red and one ml,ofCuS04 solution and neutra:tise with NRtOH. Add enough HCI to make solution ,O.l5N with respect to this acid (O.Sml excess in SOml solution is satisfactory). pH of the solution is adjusted to 1.9 - 2.1. Pass stream ofH2 S into solution until precipitation is complete. Filter through fine Whatman No.42 filter paper (previously fitted to funnel and washed with HCI (1 +6), then with distilled water). Receive filtrate in 2S0ml beaker, and wash flask and filter with 3 or 4 small portion of H 20. Gently boil filtrate until odour of H 2 S can no longer be detected, then add Sml saturated Br-H20 and continue boiling until Br - free. t Cool, neutralize to phenol red with NRtOH, and make slightly acid with HCI (excess ofO.2ml 1+1 HCI). O. Dilute resultant solution to definite volume. For optimum condition of measurement, solution Should contain 0.2 - .1.0 I-lg Znlml. 1. Elimination of Nickel and Cobalt. III Transfer 20ml aliquot of prepared solution to 125ml separator, add 5ml ammonium citrate solution, . 2ml dimethyl glyoxime solution: and 10mi a - nitro so - 13 - napthol solution and shake for 2mts • , ' t ' Discard solvent layer and extract with lOmI CHCh tq remove residual a - nitro so - 13 - napthol. Discard solvent layer. I 12. Isolation and Estimation ofiZinc. To aqueous phase, following removal ofNi.and Co which, at this point, has pH of 8.0. . 8.2, add 2m) dithizone solution and 10ml CCl4 and shake for 2 mts. 13. Let phases separate and remove aqueous layer as completely as possible, withdrawing liquid With pipette attached tO'vacuum line. 14. W~sh' down sides of separator with ca 25ml H 20 and without shaking again draw off aqueous layer. 15. Add 25ml 0.04N HCI and shake for one min. to transfer Zn to acid aqueous layer. Drain and Discard solvent with care to dislodge and remove drop that usually floats on surface. 16. To acid solution add 5.0ml ammonium citrate solution and 10.Oml CCl4 (PH of solution at' this point is 8.9 - 9.0). 17. Determine volume of dithizone to be added ,as follows: To separator containing 4ml working Zn standard (20J..lg) dilute to 25ml with O.04N HCI, SmI citrate buffer, and lOml CCI4, add 4ithizone reagent in O.lml increm.ents, shaking briefly .after each addition until· faint yellow in aqueous phase indicates bare excess of reagent. Multiply volume of. dithizone solution required by 1.5ml and add this volume (to nearest O.OSml) to all samples. Shake for 2 mts., Pipette exactly Sml solvent layer into clean, dry test tube, dilute with 10ml CCl4 mix and determine absorbance at 540nm. 18. Preparation of standard curves: Prepare series ofsellarators containing 0,5,10,15,20J..l Zn diluted to 25ml with 0.04N HCI add Sml citrate buffer and proceed as with fmal estimation of Zinc. , 19. Plot 'A' against conc. and draw smooth curve through points. (Intercept) Calculation: Volume made 1000 Cone. of Zine = Cone. in J.lg x ------------ x -----------. s.w (in ppm) ******* 112 1000 x Aliquot RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EGG AND FEED PRICES OF NAMAKKAL POULTRY MARKET - AN ECONOMIC APPROACH Dr.A.Mohamed Safiullah / Associate Professor and Head Department of Animal Husbandry Economics \. . Veterinary College and Research Institute Namakkal- 637001., Namakkal is the 'second largest poultry producing center in Indi~. Poultry Industry is contributing sizable proportion to national livestock income. During the last three decades, national egg production has increased at the rate of 8.2 percent annually. p'er capita consumption of egg has also increased nearly four times during 1961-95 even inspite of ever increasing human population. However, the egg industry suffers very often from various externalities like price policy, feed availability, market forces on input and product, trade practices, etc. Further this industry has to meet challenge of price mechanism which highly influences qemand for the product. Moreover the feed is the major input which determines the cost of production. Further it contributes nearly 70.73 per cent of total cost and 8l.69 percent of total variable cost of production (ARE Bulletin 1997). Thus therefore a p.eed arises to make a comparative analysis on the behaviour and relationship of prices of both egg and poultry feed (iayer mash). Methodology: The monthly data on prices of eggs for the period 1986-95 that prevailed in Namakkal .poultry market were collected from the records o£the·branch officeofNECC (National Egg coordination Committee), Namakkal. Similarly poultry feed (layer mash) prices were collected from the branch of T APCO (Tamil Nadu Poultry Development Corporation), Namakkal. The prices at Namakkal were chosen to be represent the ideal poultry market. The trend in the egg and feed prices for the period 1986-95 was estimated using the exponential growth curves after careful scrutiny of scatter. In order to. study the seasonality in prices, seasonal indices were constructed by taking 6 moths centered moving averages. The calculated indices were adjusted to 100 so that the total seasonal indices for the twelve months add upto exactly 1200. The relationship between prices of egg and feed were assessed by using the multiple linear regression of the form mentioned below. 113 Transfer 20ml aliquot of prepared solution to 12Sml separator, add Sml ammonium citrate solutio • n, 2ml dimethyl glyoxime solution and 10ml a. - nitroso - ~ . - napthol solution and shake for 2mt ,s. , Discard solvent layer and extract with 10ml CHCb to remove resid\.!al a. - nitro so - ~ - napth6l Discard solvent layer. 12. Isolation and Estimation~of Zinc. ,.\ To aqueous phase, following removal ofNiand Co which, at this point, has pH of 8.0-8.2, add 2ml dithizone solution and 10ml CCl4 and shake for 2 mts. . 13. Let phases separate and remove aqueous layer as completely as possible, withdrawing liquid With pipette attached to'vacuum line. 14. W ~sh' qown sides of separator with ca 25 ml H20 and without shaking again draw off aqueous layer. . IS. Add 2Sml 0.04N HCI and shake for one min. to transfer Zn to acid aqueous layer. Drain and Discard solvent with care to dislodge and remove drop that usually floats on surface. 16. To acid solution add 5.0ml ammonium. citrate. solution and 10.0ml CCl4 (pH of solution at· this point is 8.9 -:- 9.0). 17. Determi~e volume of dithizone to be added .as follows: To separator containing 4ml working Zn standard (20J.1g) dilute to 2Sml with 0.04N HCI, 5ml citrate buffer, and 10ml CCI4, add dithizone reagent in O.lml increments, shaking briefly .after each addition until faint yellow in aqueous phase indicates bare excess of reagent. Multiply volume of. dithizone s~lution required by 1.5ml and add this volume (to nearest O.OSml) to all samples. Shake for 2 mts .. Pipette exactly Sml solvent layer into clean, dry test tube, dilute with 10ml CCl4 mix and determine absorbance at S40nm. 18. Preparation of standard curves: Prepare series of separators containing 0,S,10,lS,20J.1 Zn diluted to 25ml with 0.04N HCI add Sml citrate buffer and proceed as with final estimation of Zinc. • 19. Plot' A' against conc. and draw smooth curve through points. (Intercept) Calculation: Volume made 1000 Conc. of Zinc = Conc. in J.1g x - - - - - - - - x ----------, s.w (in ppm) ******* 112 1000 x Aliquot .1 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EGG AND FEED PRICES OF NAMAKKAL .POULTRY MARKET - AN ECONOMIC APPROACH Dr.A.Mohamed Safiullah / Associate Professor and Head Department of Animal Husbandry Economics Veterinary College and Research Institute .. Namakkal- 637001. Namakkal is the -second largest pOUltry producing center in India. Poultry Industry is; contributing sizable proportion to national livestock income. During the last three decades, national egg production has increased at the rate of 8.2 percent annually. Per capita consumption of egg has also increased nearly four times during 1961-95 even inspite of ever increasing human population. However, the egg industry suffers very often from various externalities like price policy, feed availability, market forces on input and product, trade practices, etc. Further this industry has to meet challenge of price mechanism which highly influences demand for the product. Moreover the feed is the major input which detennines the cost of production. Further it contributes nearly 70.73 p~r cent of total cost and 81.69 percent of total variable cost of production (ARE Bulletin 1997). Thus therefore a need arises to make a comparative analysis on the behaviour and relationship of prices of both egg and poultry feed (iayer mash). Methodology: The monthly data on prices of eggs for the period 1986-95 that prevailed in Namakkal poultry market were collected from the records of the branch office ofNECC (National Egg coordination Committee), Namakkal. Similarly poultry feed (layer mash) prices were collected from the branch of T APCO (Tamil Nadu Poultry Development Corporation), Namakkal. The prices at Namakkal were chosen to be represent the ideal poultry market. The trend in the egg and feed prices for the period 1986-95 was estimated using the exponential growth curves after careful scrutiny of scatter. In order to. study the seasonality in prices, seasonal indices were constructed by taking 6 moths centered moving averages. The calculated indices were adjusted to 100 so that the total seasonal indices for the twelve months add upto exactly 1200. The relationship between prices of egg and feed were assessed by using the multiple linear regression of the form mentioned below. 113 Where \ Yt = Price of 100 eggs in rupees in tth month. Ft = Price of poultry feed (layer mash) per bag (75 Kg) in rupees in tth Il!onth. Yt - l .= Price of 100 eggs in rupees in t-l th month. Ft - l = Price of poultry feed (layer mash) per bag (75 Kg) in rupees in t -l th month. au ..... a3 - parametys to be estimated. . Results and Discussion: Trend Analysis of Egg and Feed Prices: Monthly time series data on feed and egg prices were processed for the forecasting trend analysis using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method after taking log. The parameters of trend equation obtained are sho,wn in Table 1. Table. 1. Parameters of Trend Analysis of Feed and Egg Prices S.No. Variable Name Constant (A) 2.214 1. Feed Price (315.469) 1.634" 2. Egg Price (182.107) ' IndIcates. sIgmficant at one percent level. Figures in par.entheses indicate 't' statistics. . R2 Rate of Change (r) - 0.004 (38.342) 0.003 (25.265) 0.926 0.845'" .. The results in Table 1 indicate that the time series data pertaining to annual prices showed an increasing trend over the reference period with the constant rate of change in their . . respective prices. The rate of change was higher in the case of feed price than the egg price . R2 values of both trends showed a good fit with significant F values. Seasonal variations: It is measured by seasonal indices. Seasonal indices of feed prices increased from January to April as shown in Figure l. There ~as.a fall in May and thereafter started increasing slowly to reach a peak in August. Again it started decreasing st~eply in Sept~~ber and then " "', . . reached a moderate increase till the end of the year. But egg prices started increasing from February and attained a peak in April. Thereafter it declined to touch a deep down in June. Then it began to increase till August and maintained a plane till October. Suddenly it witnessed a fall in November and subsequent slight iIicrease in December and January. In overall c,?mparison of price indices of egg and feed, egg price indices fluctuate erratically throughout the year than the feed price. There were uniform ups and downs noticed in feed prices. A little increase in feed price causes an erratic violent fluctuation in egg prices. 114 Causal Relationship between egg and feed price: The fitted model to explain the causal relationship between egg and feed price showed 88 percent of variation as the adjusted R2 value was 0.88 (Table 2.) and the goodness of fit was also confirmed by significant 'F' values. The coefficient of the variable Ft - l was found to be _. significant and positive implying that every rupee increase in feed (previous month) price increases the current egg price by rupee 0.11. This shows the causal relationship which exist between feed and egg price. It could be inferred that feed price increase during this month would definitely cause an increase in the next month egg price. Similarly the variable Yt-l was also found to be significant and positive. It implies the current egg price increase has been tickled by it own last moth price. Table 2. Causal Relationship between egg and feed prices. ~ Significance 7.152 't'values 3.008 Ft 0.044 0.843 NS Ytamilnadu veri-l 0.073 8.511 Ft-! R2- 0.879 0.108 2.178 ** * F - 279.68 N-1l9 Variables Coefficients l- Intercept f-... ---- L 115 ** Conclusion: :.;.:..... .. j.~.. Th~ price behaviour during 1986-95 indicated that the egg price increased by a greater~=:" percentage compared to the feed prices. The seasonality in egg prices was more pronounced in co~parison to feed price. The current egg price was found to be influenced by its own previous month price and previous~ feed price. This shows the importance of previous prices of both feed and egg in the egg price fixation. Therefore it is mandatory to consider both egg and feed prices:' , , while formulating the price policy for making decision on egg price. References: Animal Husbandry Economics (AHE) Bulletin (1997) ,on'Economics of Livestock, Enterprises. :: Safiullah, AM. 1998. An Analysis of Egg and Feed Price. in Namakkal Poultry Market of Tamil'.... Nadu. Indian Journal Agricultural Marketing 12 (1&2): ***** 116 166-~68 .. COMPUTER APPLICATION IN LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY Dr.S.Selvam, M.V.Sc., , Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Husbandry ,Economics, Veterinary College and Research Institute, ... Namakkal- 637 001 . ' , Computers have revolutionized many fields and are playing significant role in every sphere of human life. They are an efficient means of storing, analysing and retrieving data, in addit10ri'to acting as complex calculators. The invention of silicon chips has decreased the size and cost than earlier computers and has made them readily available to a wide range of users. Computers are becoming an indispensable tool for many aspects of scientific and commercial applications. It is a most efficient machine that must be fed, i.e., programmed, with basic information in ,order to function, The efficiency of the computer is limited by the degree of accuracy of the information that is programmed and only a trained person can provide this. Computers have a tremendous potential in agriculture in general and feed industfy'in particular: To fully understand the pos,sible uses of applications of computers in,the animal nutrition apd feeding industry, one has to think of all operations, which takes place inside a feed manufacturing ind~stry. These operations can be divided into 1) Technical, 2) Mechanical and 3) Administrative. Compu~er is a valuable supporting machine for a nutritionist, who now can compute complex . feed formulations in seconds that would have been impract.icable if they had to be atte~pted without such a mechanical aid. Computer can resolve the long sequences of calculations in a n~gligible amount . of time and can give series of answer& to each problem depending on limitations that may be set,by the. K "~ ...... • • ..",_~_ .... ~ compounder in respect of any of the ingredients. Computer has a role. in an}mal nutrition in the following aspects. . 1. Computer control of crop and grain drying . . 2. Use of computers in ration formulation. 3. Use of computer in feeding. 4, Computers can also be used in purchase and inventory maintenance of ingredients. 1. ·COMPUTER CONTROLLED CROP DRYING Crop drying re~oves moisture fro~ harvested crop residues ,so that it can be stored and . . handled without spoilage or damage by mould growth, insects or mechanical fracture. Moisture . Content is critical to the process of pelletising and to the integrity of the finished product. Typical crop-drying systems include a method to move air, typically fan, a chamber to hold crop or other product and, possibly a heater to increase the temperature of the drying. 117 A computer-based system for co~tr~l drying includes several components. Sensing t~ansducers·.:. must supply information about tbe physical variables of the sy~tem. Signal conditioning and'·' interfacing circuitry make the data compatible with requiremen,. of the digital computer. The computer itself must be programmed to read the necessary input data, to perform the desired control algorithms and to write the output} data. Interfacing and output signal conditioning transform the computer output into a form appropriate to the controlling actuators. z. COMPUTER SIMULATION AND CONTROL OF GRAIN DRYING The application of the digital computer to the arti,ficial drying of grain is one of the success ltories of agricultural engineering. Grain drying systems may be divided into those that dry grain in )atches a~(.l those that dry grain as it flows continuously through equipment. Computer simulation of. trying i$ valuable· because drying e~eriments are time consuming, expensive and subject to mcontroUed varia~ion. Thus, with aid of computer we can simulate the 'environment inside a graill Irier and predict at a most acceptable level of precision, its physical performance at a steady rate . . Il{\TION FORMULATION WITH COMPUTERS ~) Trail and Error Formulation With The Computers 'he trail and error method is exactly what the term implies. Feeds are interchanged by trail and error .until the right combination js achieved. Many ration balancing software programs written for the computer allow for trail and error ration " 'I;_' dancing. Feed mill nutritionists frequently use this technique to enter into computer rations that are " !ven to them by other nutritionists or by producer. The objective in this case is to confirm the l~ritive val?es for ration based on the specific ingredients us~d by the feed manufacture With low 1st. It does require spedalized program to use this method. Spread sheet programs, for instance, , ganize data into rows and columns. Information, such as nutritive values for feed ingredients and. ~t of ingredients are fed into data cells. Simple and complex arithmetic operations can be controlled: ' user and low cost feed with required nutritive value can be formulated. Line;lt: Programming: The most common technique for computer formulation of rations is the linear Programming ,: ?) technique. At times, this is referred to as least cost ration formulation. This designation results ' . ~ m the fact that most LP techniques for ration formulation ·have as their objective minimization o,f ~ , It. A few LP programs are in use that solve for maximization of income over feed costs. A livestock} Iducer and nutritionist should always have in mind that maximizing net profit is the only true .~ 118 objective of most ration formolations. A skilled user of LP system will control ration quality by writing specifications that lead to rations that will maximize profit. The LP program is a mathematical technique in which i large number of simultaneous equations are solved in such a way as to meet the minimum and maximum levels of nutrients and levels of feed ingredients specified by the user at the lowest possible cost. \, .... Procedure For Use of Linear Programming ... Before using the LP approach to ration formulation, the user should b.ecome familiar with the specific software package to be used. It must first be understood that all data. entered into the computer is directed to files. The necessary data files are generally created in steps as follows: 1. Enter names of available feed ingredients, and the cost of each 2. Enter nutrient values' for feeds 3. Enter ration specifications. Ration specifications are generally broken into the two parts: a) Nutrient limits and b) ingredient limits. In each case, the formulator specifies either a lower limit and/or an upper limit for each item: If no specification for the particular item is desired, it may be specified a zero or left blank, 'depending on the circumstances. It 'is also appropriate to list feed-stuffs available, but not currently on hand (with an upper limit of zeros) 4. Submit all of the above' information to the matrix building and solving portion of the LP software package 5~ Examine the solution provided by the computer software 6. Reformulate with LP at periodic intervals. Changes in ingredient costs, in ingredient availability, and in the needs of birds dictate the need for reprocessing the ration. The good formulator monitors all these items on a regular' basis. The software available are LINDO 6.1 and LINGO 6.0 Using electronic spread sheets to balance rations Another possible method of utilizing a micro computer to balance rations is by an electronic spread sheet program. There are many electronic spread sheet programs on the market available for micro computer use and some are powerful enough to permit the use of a limited database to provide information for the balancing of the ration. To use an electronic spread sheet, one must develop a template, which is a series of formulas entered on the spread sheet in the appropriate places to perform the mathematical calculations required. The simplest template would require the operator to enter basic information from prices of the feed 119 iffs being considered. With a little practice, the electronic spread sheet permits the operator to try. . iny different possible formulations fairly, quickly, thus saving much time compared to making the . I c:~ssary calculations by hand. Imputerized concentrate feeders (Dairy cows) Computerized feeders offer pot~ntial ~op feed concentrate more precisely and in a manner that )motes more efficient utilization than when fed in a milking parlor, magnetic or feeding door. Most I11puterized feeding systems consists of several basic components: A feeding station consisting of the stall, a feed box where concentrates are deli:vered to the cow, and an electronic device to identify individual cow in the herd .. A bin. or bins to stores, and conveyors to deliver concentrate to the fee~ box. A tag or transponder attached to each cow that permits th~ , system to identify'the individual cows; " and -,' A computer to control the feeding unit and storeimport~t inform~tion. ':''0- . One computer is capable of controlling numerous feeding sections (up to 45 in cow systems). A "inium daily limit of ~oncentrate each cow may receive is set through an entry at the computer 'board, without having to physically restrain the cow. Many computer' feeders offer dual feed ?ensing capability usually one energy rich concentrate and the other protein rich supplement Itaining supplemental minerals and vitamins. Future developments in computerized feeders will likely see the integration of electronic milk ghing into the same computer, permitting automatic adjustment of concentrate allotments as the " proceeds through her lactation. """'-In- feed industry besides feed -formulation and feeding, computer 'will help in the following rs: 1. It anticipates raw material shortage and excesses 2. It can forecast raw material prices and best cost of procurement· 3. It aids forward planning in buying of raw materials . .~~ 4. -It remembers previous formulation changes to facilitate fast comparision and instant back tracing 5. It stores raw material and finished goods, analysis data, target and tolerance values and performs statistical test limitations in computer formulation. 6. In animal nutrition laboratory computers are used to store the required data. 120 COM~ON ~QOGRAMMES AVAILABLE FOR FEED FORMULATION A. Feed unit accounf This'programme is designedtto tIo all accounting of activities ,·t the animal husbandry feed mill, which supplies feed to a number of departments. Entries are ~ad~ on a monthly b~si's. I~~eniorj 'of~ ingredients is maintained including purchases and usages for the year to "date. Cost of each feed' \.. \ ' pur~hased is calculated and a billing for each department is developed. The computer used is ~DC • 6500 &nd.progralllming language is COBAL, B. F~ed sheet, ' It cillculates a feed sheet giving weight of ration ingredients and a cumulative scale reading .for < I cattle, feeders to use on a gaily basis. Input data includes ration composition, dry matter, moisture II: ," 1 : . ... ....... ~ ~ * content of each ingredients, batch size wanted and order in which ingredients are to be added to mix~~ . tru_ck. The programmipg l~guage-used is Fortran. ' , C. Telptan ration formulation programme, . . . ,It evaluates present ration or formulates' a': new ration. Ration can be balanced only or formulated on a least cost basis. Typical nutrient Tequirem¢nts, feed nutrient values and limits' On , -,',! ingredients are stored in a computer. User must indic"afe if he wants use values different than those desired. Computer used is Telplan computer network and language used is Fortniri. D. Feed usage and gain projection for feed lots It predicts feed intake, period and accumulative pay weight gain and expected feed usage after " different lengths of time on feed. Computer language used is Fort~. E. Balance programmes It calculates different mineral or nutrient balances and expresses billances numerous ways. Program is changed constantly to 'meet experimenters' needs. Information necessary includes feed intake, body weights, analysis of feed, urine and faeces. Computer used is mM 3601165. 'Language used is Fortran: ' F. Digestion trial calcuJation It calculates coefficient of digestibilities of proximate analysis 'of nutrients as well as six other nutrients of program specification. Feed, faeces and urine analysis can be used. Computer used is mM 360/165, language is Fortran. G. Feed stuff evaluation It places dollar value on feed based on the price of the soyabeen meal, corn, DCP and limestone. Computer used is IBM 360/165, language used is Fortran. 121 or "Feed mix" program least cost ration formulation ." This program is designed for least cost for unit of ration. An optional sol~ion method is lable for high profit per day for beef cattle. Options are illCludor', for ~tching ~pecifications of an iog ration, parametric price solutions and parametric solutions fot individual restrictions. ° lputer used is mM 360/165, languag~ used is Fortran. I. Maximum profit for beef gain in feedlot Thi~ program calculates the most profitable gain for beef cattle in feedlot considering feed :dient prices, ca~le. prices, labour cost and overhead cost. Computer used is mM 360/30, 165and languoage used is LPS and MPS. 'ERNET AND POULTRY PRODUCTION Intefllet has tran_sformed significantly the ways in which itldividuals and organisations ions. It is not only being used for communication and accessing the retrie~al information Irces. It is increasingly being viewed as a powerful tool for monitoring and disseminatiol\, lnation about the products and services· to the trade world. The nutritionists and farmers can )ve and equip themselves with the latest information about ingredients available,. cost and ° :lu~ them in feed formulation. ***** 122 COMMUNICATION SKILLS Dr. P. Mathialagan, Ph.D., ;". Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Extension, Veterinary College and Research.Institute, Namakkal- 637 001. ... ~he overriding challenge in the current era is to find out w~ys and means to con~ey . scientific information to the audience in an intelligible style and to motivate. the audience by whic.h communicated messages are finally accepted and practiced. Coinmuni~ation has been defined by J. Paul Leagans as a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or. impression in ways that each gains a common und~rstanding of ~he meaning, inte~t an<l use of messages . .. COMMUNICATION - ELEMENTS Any a~t of communication be it a speech at a public meeting, ~ written report, a radio broadcast or a question from a farmer, includes the following elements: o . s~~r~es.· .f-.! Messa~e H Channel H iteceiyer ,, , I I , I I I I .L----------~ . ~ ______________ JI Feedback ,. Any. communicator must consider all the above. elements carefully, as.they .alLcontribute .____ _ to the effectiveness of communication. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION 1. Intrapersonal communication: Communication within an individual. (e.g.) thinking; feeling. 2. Interpersonal communic~tion: Interpersonal communication most commonly occurs in face to face situations, where we can see, hear, and even touch the other person or persons.· It provides' opportunity for immediate feed, back. Based on the result we can alter our communication style and structure. . '3. Mass communication: It is a communication system in which an identical message IS originated by an institutional organization and sent to a large number of receivers through puplic channels. (T.V., Radio, Newspaper, Magazines, Film and Computer networks). 4. Non-verbal communication: Communication without language is known as Non-verbal communication. It is also known as gestural communication. . 123 ORGANISA'l'ION COMMUNICATION In the field, VAS not only treat the animals and communicat'~ scientific information· to the farmers, they also are involved in administration. Organiut1. nal communication is the process involving the transmitting of and receiving,of instructions, orders, decision, reports and requests between the members of the organization. I communication are The different types of organizational 1. Vertical - Either upward or downward, used in communication from head to field functionaries or ~pward. 2. Horizontal - Communication among peers of same working group. 3. Diagonal - Cuts across organization's chain of command, seen in tactical situation, civilian unrest etc. 4. Circular - In communication by conference, controversial issues etc. 5. Grape vine - Either serial transmission or rumour. Mostly it IS an informal communication. Becoming an effective communicator in interpersonal relationship involves a wide range of s~ills. Most of the skills required adaptation i.e. moulding our communication behaviour to fit the circumstances. Good communication does not require only the ability to talk fluently. ·~t Nor does it require only the ability of saying to what one is being told. Ratlter good communication requires of the change agent, the ability to make himself or herself understood clearly and to understand others. In brief effective communication requires the ability and skills in transmitting information in an intelligible manner, treating the message keeping in view·the typ~ ..9f .audience and to~ collect- the. response to know whether ·message has reached and understood in its proper perspective. Various methods and aids are used in making communication effective. Some of them are discussed below. COMMUNICATION DISTORTION The loss of message during the process of communication is also known as filtering of information. When a message is transmitted through translation, explanation, simplification some part of it goes distorted or filtered. Immediately after receiving the message, the receiver has to interpret the idea of the sender. The exact loss of message or filtration of message or distortion of information will depend up on the past knowledge, experience, beliefs, attitudes, etc. When the idea passes through the mind, some pieces of information are ignored or filtered out and others are added. Certain beliefs~ ~ikes and dislikes, have programmed certain behaviour pattern that serves as the basis for an individual's cognitive structure. The expression 124 "Cognitive Structure" refers to a "Set of values, attitudes, acceptance of the bits of information". ' This is what exactly the proces:; of filtration describes. TYPES QF DISTOaTION Tnere are four types of distortion . a. Leveling: It refers knocking down some of the informition. When the contents of ' ,he message is incomp~tible with the receiver, distortion occur.'" . b. Sh~rpen~ng: Here, the receiver amplifies and inflates the information. ~. A5,~imilatio.. : The r~iver. adds a different meaning that the sender has not perceived or intended. \ ~. ,Forge.ting: In this case, the li~ener forgets a portion of message and deletion is also possible. Distortion happ~n~ at the iQterpretation state of communication. The information reached m~y be .selected, edited and tr~smitted to others. The director of Veterinary Services who receives, an information from the Animal Husbandry Secretary, decides and selects communicate t~ hi~ wha~ to subordinates., ,Distortion is a common characteristic feature in which we / perceiv~ what we see, hear and read. An expected result of communication can be achieved only when the message is heard, ; . understood, ,believed and acted upon as perceived and intended by the sender. To achieve it, care must be taken that the information is truly and relia~ly transmitted. In real practice, there are more distortion points through which the information has to pass. Distortion of information, , th~refore~ is partly a tUnctiQ.n" when a ~an· of communication is wider: It is irrespective. of whether or not the structure of the ~organ~sation is big or small. ' , ",Distortion ~ rn~y take pla~ intentionally in the organisation because of the needs and ~unbition of Certain' membC!rs in' relation to others. The preconceived idea will have' an eftect on , the judgement of vllrious membe~s and filtration multiplication occurs when 'it passes through successive stag~s in the process ~f communication. Sometimes,' an individual position makes guesses on what bits of informati<,>I) actually the next receiver would like to have. Interpre~ing, condensing" precising, summarizing are the possible ways to distort messages. " 'A 1'YPI,CAL EXAMPLE OF COMMUNICATION DISTORTION ,j I OPERATIQN HALLEY'S COMET , : A Colonel issued the following directive to his E~ecutive Officer: Tomorrow evening at approximately 2000 Halley's Comet will be visible in this area, an eVent which occurs only once every 7S years. Have the men fall out in the battalion area in fatigues, and I will explain this rare phenomenon to them. " 125 i" In case of rain, we will-not be able to ..see anything, so assemble the men in the theater and I wiIJ show them films of it. Executive Officer to Company Commanders: By order of the Colonel, tomorrow at 2000, Halley's Comet will appear above the pattalion ~ea. If it rains, fall the mtn out in fatigues, them march to the theater where this rare phenomenon will take place, something which occurs.only once every 75. years. Company Commander to Lieutenant: . By order of the Colonel in fatigues at 2000 tomorrow evening, the -phenomenal Halley's Comet will appear in the theater. In case of rain, in the battalion area, the Colonel will give another order, something which occurs once every 75 years. Lieutenant to Sergeant: Tomorrow at 2000, the Colonel will appear in the theater with Halley's Comet something' which happens every 75 years. If it rains, the Colonel will order the Comet into the battalion area'. ' Sergeant to Squad: When it rains tomorrow at 2000, the phellomenal 75·year·old General Halley,' accompanied by the Colonel, will drive his Comet through the battalion area theater in fatigues. EXTENSION TALK Most of us spend about seven out of every ten working hours communicating with others. Three·fourth of our communication is done by speech. Speech is 'essential' to some seven out of . ten jobs in our country. There are countless situations in which we interact with other human beings and strive to get their valued co·operation and support. Interaction required interpersonal ::ommunication in a variety of ways~ Public speaking is one of the most powerful way through Nhich we can communication with others. Qualities of a good speaker I. Voracious reader 2. Good listener 3. Creative thinker 4. Attractive voice & voice modulation 5. Language fluency 6. Good memory' 7. Group psychology 8. Conviction, Courage, Confidence & Convincing power 9. Pleasing appearance. ii) Planning and Organising a talk '. Selection of topic 2. Collection offacts 3. Discarding 4. Message- 5. Accuracy 6. Express, Argue & appeal 7. Inject humour 8. Short speech 9. Visuals 10. Keycards 11. Rehearsal. iii) Effe(tive presentation techniques' .Shed off fear 2. Audience survey 3. Opening sentence & introduction 4. Speak loud & voice modulation 5. Illustrate 6. Eye contact 7. Speed 8. Pause 9. Natural gestures 10. Respect audience fatigue 11. Time 12. Conclusion. 126 (iv) Others 1.Dress 2. 'Physical facilities 3. Mike 4. Stage & audience - distance 5. Distributing hand outs & tea, (v) Don'ts 1,Too many points 2. Irrelevant points 3. Distracting mannerism 4. Begirining nervousness 5. ... .- Don't apologies 6. Unnatural gesture 7. Don't memorise or read a script 8. Dori't bit mike 9. Don't be little local man 10. Don't go late. GROUP COMMUNICATION This method is adopted when it is necessary to communicate with a number of people simultaneou'sly, who are located not far off from the communicator, and reasonably good time is available for communication to change the attitude of the group. Here group participation and formation of group opinio,n are important. They are broadly classified into three groups namely General meeting, lecture and discussion type of meeting. Debate, symposium, panel, ~orum, group discussion, brainstorming, workshop, 'seminar, role playing are all discussion type of meeting which can effectively be used in a heterogeneous group of participants where information can be pass~d.on for consider;ation and future action. VISUAL COMMUNICATION To produce an aid for a learning situation, you must carefully follow the following steps .:. Analyse the outline of your lecture and define the learning steps (the amount of information required to lead to a definite conclusion). •:. Examine each step and decide what has to be supported and reinforced by visual material. .:. For each step, decide which aid is most suitable. •:. Having decided on the different methods and materials needed for each learning step, edit 'the sketches of the different images to achieve a homogeneous presentation. Visual aid is an instructional or communicating device in which the message can be seen but not hear. These aids can be used in group and mass communication with the help of facilitators. There are two types of visual aids: (i) Projected (ii) Non-Projected. NON-PROJECTED VISUALS The planning and preparation of visual aids requires time, thought and imagination in: .:. Selecting the points to be visualized; .:. Translating ideas into suitably visual forms; .:. Choosing the most appropriate medium; .:. Designing layout and choosing colour; 127 .:. Making the aid; .:. Evaluating its effectiveness and revising for future use. Flannel Graph: Papers containing the messag'e are prepared with sand paper backing and are placed on a board covered with flannel or hand woven thick cloth. The flannel graph is well utilized for teaching different kinds of educational stories. The flannel graph can be of particular use with illiterates. Poster: A poster is designfd to make a public announcement of a special idea, and timely information, It usually includes only a few words with an illustration to catch the attention of the viewers and to pass a simple message at a glance. It should be attractive, brief, and clear. It is called the ABC of poster. Charts: A chart is a visual symbol summarizing or comparing or contrasting or performing other helpful services in explaining subject matter. Chart should be with bold and simple lette~ing, brief words, simple design, colourful (not more than 3 colours) and large enough to be seen. There are different types of charts namely flip chart, tabular chart, overlay chart, flow chart, pull chart, stripteaser chart, window chart, tree chart, strip roll up chart. Flash cards: Flash cards are series of illustrated cards flashed (turned over at short intervals) before the learners in proper sequence to etnphasize important points in a presentation. PROJECTED VISUALS OHP TRANSPARENCIES Transparencies are an excellent projected visual aids where overhead projectors and electricity are available .. It is very easy to ,prepare and handle. To make the presentation more interesting, different types of transparencies can be prepared. According to subject matter and needs one can select the design. Var,iety of transparent tnaterials can be used a. Acetate Sheet, b. Cellophane Papers,- c, Used X-:ray films, d. Glasses. Any pen having transparent colour ink can be used. Specially manufactured O.H.P. pens are available. There are two types, oil based and ~ater based. Even glass marking pencil and crayons can be used. Suggestions to make good transparency and its presentation Have one basic idea in each transparency. Use simple lettering. "Have letter size of 114" height with sufficient spacing. Use' lines to draw attention. Minimum verbiage should be used. Write notes or questions on the edges of the mount. Arrange the transparencies in order. Start by projecting the outline to show what will be presented. Stand by the side of the projector and, ensure that you are not obstructing the view of the audience. Face the audience. Place the visual on the OHP table, Switch on the projector (first thin light). Use a pointer (pencil, pen etc.) to 128 dir~ct attention on_ the transparency. Switch, off the projector when not required. Avoid walking in front of the projector. The room should be darkened for effective presentation. PREPARA TION OF SLIDES AND PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES Slide is a small film (35mm) of glass or other transparent material of 2'-' x 2" or 2.5" x 3,5" size containing a single pictorial or graphic image which is projected by focusing l,ight through it from electric bulb, petromax or lantern. It is one of the most popular and versatile • f visual media in education. The most commonly used slide of today i~ made on 35mm film for classroom projection and 120mm for theater projection. There are two types of slides namely hand made slides and photographic slides. .Keep th,e slides in order and insert them in a slide carrier in an inverted position. Set the projector and connect the cord.. Fix the screen. Turn the switch first to 'fan' and then to 'lamp'. Similarly, at the end put off the lamp first and after the projector get cooled put off the fan. Focus and centre the image on the screen. Tum the operating knob and adjust the objective lens to get a sharp image. Now slide synchronizer is available. The room should be darkened for effective presentation. MASS COMMUNICATION This method makes large number of farmers aware of new ideas and technologies, or altering them to. sudden emergencies. While the amount of detailed information that can be transmitted by mass media is limited, they will serve as an important and valuable function in stimulating farmers' interest in new practices. Printed media, radio, television are all examples of mass communication. PRINTED MEDIA To apply this method effectively the education levels and literacy rate of the audience must be considered. Spoken words are forgotten rapidly. For effective communication, written methods are useful. Thus, the written methods are used in teaching to provide facts in such a manner that their attention is attracted, to make them understand, remember arid finally to help them to take favourable decisions. in~ormation Further the written communication reduces the loss of during transit and in addition it covers large number of people within the short time. WRITING FOR FARMERS The writing should be in the spoken form, but the slangs should be removed and not too stylistic. Avoid other language words as far as possible use apt and common usage words. Don't use the same words often. Write short sentences. There should be link between one sentence and the other. Write in active voice and never in passive voice. Don't use words or sentences, which have double meaning or ambiguity. Don't use double negatives. Positive 129 sentence followed by negative sentence would create interest. Paragraphs should 'be small. ~ There should be continuity from one para to other. Where there is discontinuity between paragraphs, use sub heading. Leaflets, folders, pamphlets, bulletins etc. can be used effectively in this communication. RADIO: It is one of the quickest the farmers. w~y of communicating technical information, innovations to Selection of topic, collection of facts, preparing outline, building script and presentation are important steps in preparation of radio talk. While presenting rehearse - recheck, pre-record and criticize yourself by listenin_g to the tape recording. Correct the pronunciations and adjust the length of the script. The first 30 seconds are the critical period to catch the listener's attention. Be friendly, natural and :;onversational. Sound enthusiastic. Main and important points should be repeated. TELEVISION: Presenting a TV Programme is much more difficult than radio programme. fhe audience will hear you as well as observe you. YQU should show more and talk less. You ::an use a variety of visual aids like specimens, photographs, slides, charts, etc. You can even :ielJlonstrate new ideas. Rehearsal and self-evaluation will improve your presentation. COMPUTERS: With the world witnessing a communication revolution, computers play an mportant role in it. Computers provide various uses like Internet, E-mail, Teletext, Videotext, feleconferencing, Multimedia etc. which can aid in faster and better communication. ... .; Though communication is taking place from the time man originated, the communication ,kill has to be mastered to give an effective presentation to motivate and make them accept and )ractise the communicated messages. With this guideline we can refine and develop our :ommunication skills to fit the circumstances in which we make a presentation ~EFERENCE )irectorate of Extension, 1961. Extension Education and Community Development, Govt, of India, New Delhi. . lass, Kenneth, B. and D. Packer Harry, 1995. Preparation of Audio Visual Aids, Prentice Hall, London. ~ieffer, RE. and L.W, Lochran, 1966. Manual of Audio Visual Techniques, Prentice .;rHall, London. .1athiyalagan, Peru., 1997. Animal Husbandry Extension Education, Departmenr~f Extension ~ducation, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India. . ~yudu, C.S., 1997. Communication, Himalaya Publishing House. rella Reddy, M. Audio Visual Aids in Teaching, Training and Extension, Extension Education Institute, m~a Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad. ***** RECYCLING OF POULTRY MANUItE Dr. M. Mohamed AmanulJah Ph.D., Assistant Professor Department of Agronomy Veterinary College and Research Institute - Namakkal. "Poultry population is raising every year leaving large amount of '?O'ultzy refuse. "Poultry population is estimated to be 207.7 million and 18.3 million and the manure availability is 'estimated to be 5.2 and 0.4 million tonnes in India and Tamil Nadu respectively. Th~ poultry population in India and Tamil Nadu is not spread throughout the country or state but it is concentrated in some pockets only. So, disposal of the manure as soon as the same is removed from the poultry house is a problem because of the high cost of transport to distant places. Hence, the manure is stored in most • ,.", 1;0'" ¥ ..,' farms before disposal atleast for a period of one month which leads to loss of nearly 40% N which reduces the value of the manure. Land application of Poultry manure for crops have been the traditionally and, still the most " important use. But, modern methods of rearing poultry have complicated the problem. Much of the > ., manure now produced contains no litter. Litter is not used when birds are used in cages or slots. , . When poultrylittei is used it absorbs moisture and helps keep the manure friable so a large surface area is exposed to the air. Manure free. litter on the other hand contains 70-80% moistUre making the pr~cess of application difficult. At the same time, if stored to reduce the m~i~tbre co~tent, nut~ent . 16sses occur and handling cost increases. Another problem peculiar to this m~ure is . ~hat the N is' too " quickly available so that, if care is nottaken in applying it, burning occurs. . . __ . - ----, In recent years, the problem of animal waste disposal in concentrated areas has been augmented by confined feeding operations. In addition, increased public consciousness of environmental pollution has challenged the animal scientists and agricultural scientists to expand and to improve the disposal system, recycling the waste nutrients effectively, wherever feasible. Hence, for quick disposal to avoid loss of nutrients and to avoid environment al pollution, the manure can be recycled in the following ways. . .. . l I. Land application as plant nutrients to crops, 2.En~rgy generation 3. Fish Production and 4. Mushroom production. Characterisation of Poultry Manure .: Deep litter poultry manur~: During production, the accumulating manure gets mixed with the litter. Whe~ excreta are added, the litter becomes moist (20-22 %) but remains aerobic. Aerobic fermentatior occurs with the production of heat and loss of C02 and Ammonia. 131 ·iler Manure: The litter is .changed more frequently and there is less Ammonia loss becau..~ estricted decomposition. This .results in manure richer in N than deep litter manure~ \ . :e Manure: This manure contains 70 % mqisture since it is not mixed with litter materials: EnQrmous . of Ammonia occurs in this manure if it is n~t used the earliest. rient content: ,t Nutrient values of poultry manure vary considerably. The ratio of litter to manure and the moisture :ent causes considerable variation among manure from different houses. Nutrient content of Poultry manure o. , I ) Particulars Deep Litter Broiler House Cage Manure CIN Ratio 9.5-11.5 9.4-11.2 5.8-7.6 Total N(%) 1.70-2.20 2.40-3.60 3.63-5.30 Total P20S(%) 1.41-1.81 1.56-2.80 1.54-2.90 Total K20(%) 0.93-1.30 1.40-2.31 2.5-2.90 Fe (Ppm) 930-1380 970-1370 970.1450 Zn (Ppm) 90-308 160-315 290-460 Cu(Ppm) 24-42 27-47 80-172 Mn(Pp~) 210-380 190-350 370-590 Ca (%). 0.90-1.10 0.86-1.11 0.80-1.02 Mg(%) 0.45-0.68 0.42-0.65 0.40-0.56 is the most abundant nitrogen compound (40-70 per cent In fresh poultry excreta, ·uric aCid or urate , )tal N) while urea and ammonium are present in small quantities. s of nutrients on storage The nutritional value of unprocessed. p~ultry manure deteriorates rapidly. During storage, ;iderable nitrogen losses occur. Deep litter containing 22'· % moisture, when stored in open air, dly loses its N due to high proteolytic activity. In litter of meat poultry; losses up to 30 per cent are ld. Hence, immediate processing of poultry manure is essential to prevent rapid decomposition. 132 Limitations on the use The nitrogen availability is too quick that, if care is not taken, burning occurs. Fresh poultry manure is difficult to handle because of its high water content and cannot be applied to crops due to caustic effects on foliage. Recycling of Poultry manure 1. Land Application Land is considered the ultimate receptor of all Agricultural wastes. Land application of poultry manure serves a dual role: First, it alleviates the practical problems associated with build up of . manure: Second, it fertilises the receiving crops and increases the Soil fertility Loss of nutrients after application Nitrogen in poultry manure is present in both organic and inorganic forms that are subject to volatilisation, denitrification, immobilisation, mineralisation and plant uptake. Immobilisation is responsible for reducing inorganic N 1-2 weeks following application of manure. Undigested feed and the litter material are the immobilising agents. Mineralisation occurs quite rapidly following application of poultry waste. About 40 per cent of Organic N in poultry litter incorporated into the soil get mineralised 'in 90 days. Shortly following application, conditions generally favour volatilisation of the ammoniacal- N . . Thirty seven per cent of the total - N in surface applied poultry manure volatilises in 11 days. ·Effect of application of Poultry Manure Soil physical properties: Poultry manure application improves the physical properties of the Soil. It significantly decreases bulk density and increases total porosity,. infiltration capacity and water holding capacity. Nutrient availability: Poultry manure is a better source of all plant nutrients than other manure. It increases the available N, exchangeable K and decreases the adsorption capacity and increases the soluble P. Nutrient uptake: Addition of poultry manure either alone or in combination with N, P and K increases the uptake ofN, P and K in many crops. Increase in N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Cu contents in crops due to the application of poultry manure has been reported by many scientists. Yield of crops: Application of Poultry manure either alone or with FYM in conjunction with mineral fertilizers helps to increase the yields of many crops mainly due to the ability to supply all the nutrients required for crop growth. Quality of crops: Application of poultry manure to vegetables results in the increase of vitamin C, protein, calcium and ascorbic acid content and a slight decrease in crude fibre. 133 -- dJal effects: Application of Poultry manure to the first crop has significant residual effect on ~eding crop yield and that also increases the nutrient content of the soil. essing of poultry manure Before field application immediate processing of poultry manure is needed to prevent rapid mposition and loss of nutrients. Thel.e are several commonly practised methods of storing poultry lTe, each of which could affect the quality of the manure at the time of application. "Drying" improves the physical characteristics of the poultry manure while achieving acceptable mservation. But, it is limited by cost and mechanical consideration. Similar work has been ucted regarding centrifugation, vacuum filtration and Electro-osmosis. All these methods have en successful, but the economic feasibility has not been conclusively established. Iposting poultry m~nure Compo sting, or the controlled biological decomposition of organic waste, has been investigated method of stabilising poultry manure prior to land application. This process produced a material s.everal advantages with respect to handlin~ by reducing volume, mass of dry matter, odours, fly :;tion and breeding and weed seed viability. The heat generated during composting may also oy pathogens. Composting poultry manure and poultry carcasses, with straw as carbon source successfully mposes the manure and carcasses and produces a stable organIc ma,terial physically and lically similar to the manure used in composting process. :ed for Fish Utilisation of animal waste in fishponds is an old practice in China and other Asian ~cycling ·poultry wastes in fishponds the mineral rich matter is incorporated" in the form of nianure ! ~ventually cou~tries. • recovered as table fish. The poultry waste applied to fishpond not only serves as a iser but also consumed directly by the fish and so the" fish yield increases. It also r~sults in higher lction of micro fauna and flora. o Ga~~ Production The anaerobic digestion of organic was~es results in the generation of biogas. For successful tion poultry manure can be used along with other organic manure. Incorporation of Poultry manure at 15-20 % level along with cow dung and digested slurry ases the biogas yield apart from increasing the manurial value of the digested slurry solids which ither be used as manure for crops or feed for fish. hstrate for Mushroom Production The preparation of a substrate through composting is critical for the cultivation of commercial Ifoom Agaricus bisporlls. The substrate mixture has to be composted before use. Composts are 134 . (- usually based on Horse manure and Cereal straws. These materials are low in protein, contains libOut 0.5 % N for straws apd 0.8-1.0 % for Horse manure. In mushroom composting.other materials. called Aciiv~tors are aJways added to increase the Nitrogen content and provide· readily available substrate to fasten the decomposition of the rel~tively resistant straw. Activators' added to improve the Nitrogen content includes Poultry. manure, Dried Blood etc. Poultry, manure is by far 'th~ most used activator in , " mushroom composting world wide because of its significance as a source of otg~ic Nitrogen and . organic Sulphur. 'Conclus~n Poultry manure can efficiently be used in fishponds as feed for fish, for generation .of energy. . I ' , a~ong with cowdung and digested slurry~ activator for mushroom production and can be applied to field crop~,_ as organic manure. But, before field application the same has to J>e composted with straw for better stability. to conserve the nutrients. ** •• *. 135 PRE AND POST HARVEST STRATEGIES TO PREVENT GRAIN LOSS DURING STORAGE Dr. M. Mohamed Amanullah,Ph,D., Assistant Professor . The losses I Department of Agronomy Veterinary College and Research Institute - Namakkal-l. t, o~ crop produce ca~sed I year after year by pests and diseases afflictions are quite ,nsiderable. Food grains losses occur during harvesting, threshing, transporting, processing and )rage. The estimated loss of crop produce during storage is placed around 10 % of the production. fective control of these biological setbacks in the case of millets especially maize and Sorghum can Ip to wipe out the marginal deficits in grain needs to which the feed industry is subjected to hodically.. ctors influencing the Post harvest loss of Grains Pre harvest factors eather Weather prevailing at the time of harvest determines the storage ability of the grains. Grains vested during dry seasons possess less moisture content whereas the same harvested during rainy .son or cold season contains high moisture content. Rain at the time of maturity in the field decides efficiency. of storage. The Alpha Amylase activity of the grains that received rains at maturity is re which increases the incidence of pests and miroflora at storage. Neglected pest control in the field if Pests are not properly controlled in the field during the crop growth the insect infestation I.'" . y-~be high during storag~. E.g. Bruchid beetles in pulses. Bruchid beetles are not controUed In the d, the adults lay eggs on the grains and the eggs that are hatched at the time of storage damages the lOS. Field Fungus Field Fungi (Alternaria, Cladosporium,' Fusarium, Helminthosporium etc,) that damage the 'ns at the time of harvest reduces the storage quality. Field fungi require grain moisture of 25-30 o/c \row. The damage done by field fungi is done at the time of grains are harvested and no furtheI lage from them is likely to occur during storage. cessing Damage caused to the grains at the time of processing (Shelling and Thrashing) may cause )Iems at the time of storage by absorbing moisture thus invading the fungus. Generally small grains ,pe injury, where as large seeds are more likely to be damaged. 136 2. Post harvest factors Relative Humidity . - Relative Humidity of the atmosphere is an important factor influencing the quality of grail during storage. If grains are stored,jn places where the reiative humidity is not very high, loss ori t] , . quality will be very low. Relative humidity of 70 % is usually accepted as ~maximal permissible lev (or storage. ' . Te~perature . .. Temperature of the atmosphere is also very important. Very high temperatur~ often deteriorate the grain qU3:lity. A temperature 33 0 C is considered ideal for storage~ Seed moisture Grains lose or gain moisture.depending upon the RH of the atmosphere in which they are stored since grains are hygroscopic. Each'kind of grain will attain a characteristic moisture content a1 .~ .' a given RH which is called equilibrium moisture content. Of the various compounds present in the ~ seeds, protein absorbs bulk of water, carbohydrate slightly less and lipids do not absorb water at all. Higher the seed moisture content, f~ster will be the 4eterioration by 'fungal contamination. Micro flora ., The storage fungi comprise several group Species of the genus Aspergillus and Penicilium. It believed that these fungi do not cause damage to the grain during storage if the grains are stored in an atmosphere where Relative Humidity is less than 70 %. The storage fungi do not invade grains to any large extent before harvest. The fi.mgi can damage the seeds by discoloration of the embryo or the whole seed, Production of mycotoxin, development ofmustin~ss and c*i!1g,~!!d ~p_tal.decay. __ .. Non insect pests Non insect pests like rats, mice, squirrels, birds and mites can cause considerable damage if conditions are favourable. Strategies to maintain the quality under storage Ideal storehouse An ideal storehouse should have no windows and one door. The' entrance should be 1 m above the ground. There should be a rat- proof flip around the building at about 1 m height extending out 2C cm, Such construction makes difficult for rats to enter through the walls unless there are cracks in the foundation, The storehouse must be rainproof, relatively moisture vapour proof and insect proof. The should be no cracks in walls or on floors. The grain bags should not be kept directly on the floor, but on wooden pallets and should be at least 50 cm away from the walls. 137 . storage preventive measures . . ' DUS types of insects arid pests attack the grains during '~torage. In pulses,' insect infestation comes the field. Insect infestation generally re~ains undet~ted until adults are seen. This oc~urs when : are internal feeders. By the time these adult insects are detected some grains ate already 1ged. Therefore, to avoid these losses and to keep grains free from insect pests during storage the wing preventive and remedial measuJes must be adopted. All storage structures should be thoroughly cleaned, white washed and disinfected with ual sprays of insecticides such as Malathion 50 E.C (1 ml in 50 ml of water) @ 51itres per 100 m2 Dr Fenitrothion 50 E.C (1 ml in 100 ml of water) before arrival of new produce. Grains should be cleaned and the moisture content should be reduced preferably it 13 %. 'Most es of insects do not breed or multiply at such low moisture content. Application of coconut, mustard and groundnut oils at 0.3 per cent w/w concentration over e pulse grain provides effective protection for four months against pulse beetles. For storage prefer~bly new bags *ould be used to avoid insect infestation. If old bags are to be they must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with either Malathion sprays or fumigants like EDB. egies during Storage Grains should be inspected fortnightly. In the event of detection of any living insect or a~ion, grains must be fumigated under airtight condition with anyone of the· following fumigants. Aluminium Phosphide, 2-3 tablets of 3 gm each per tonne of material with an exposure period r days or 1 tablet per m3 space Ethylene di bromide (EDB), 32 gm per m3 space with an exposure period of 5-7 days. -Ethylene dichloride Carbon Tetrachloride (3:1) (EDCT) mixture, 320-480 gm per m sp~ce . m exposure of 24-48 hours. 3 ~(, Of all the fumigants, Aluminium Phosphide is the safest. Its repeated application does not r the grain quality. Maximum of 3 fumigants may be given at an interval of 40-50 days. After fumigation, storehouse should be aerated and thoroughly cleaned with brush or hard lsticks to remove all dead and moribund insects. To prevent reinfestation, surface treatment with hion 50 E.C or Fenitrothion 50 E.C (1 mt in 100 m1 of wat~r) @ 4-5 litres per m2 area or hion dust 5 % @ 3·4 Kg per 100 m2 should be given. DDVP can also be used for the treatment of ssing and prestorage sheds because it has fumigant action and it is most suitable against flying s. Valor (RH 787) at 2 % as a single dose rodenticide and warfarin 0.025 % as multi dose ticide can be recommended for the control of house rats and mice. Storehouses should be kept Intense care should be taken to use these insecticides because they are highly toxic to human 138 Anato~in in maize The two fungi that cause Aflatoxin in Maize are Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. The Aflatoxin content is low at harvest and increase during storage. If wet grains are not dried within 72 hours, aflatoxin contamination is likely to occur. Aflatoxin content in the pre- harvested maize is relatively low but increases rapidly during the period when the grain is handled',,-before storage. . \" Aspergillus flavus contamination in maize is closely associated with weevil infestation (Sitophilus zeamais). The weevils carry high concentration of Aspergillus'fl~s spores. Virtually no Aspergillus \ jlOVIlS can be seen before harvest in the dry season maize crop. \ \ . Control of Anatoxin The safe level of Aflatoxin in maize is 20-80 Ppb. Field and mechanical drying are the most effective measures for controlling aflQtoxin contamination in maize. If the moisture content of maize is reduced to .14 % within 72 hours after harvest, the aflotoxin content can be maintained at 16 Ppb and can be safely stored for a minimum of three months with no increase in Aflatoxin content. A very high incidence of Aspergillus flavus is normally found in soil samples, in the soil around the drying yard and storehouses. No Aspergillus flavus is found in atmosphere of maize fields but high level of spores is present iV the atmosphere in storehouses for maize' storage. Hence, the surroundings. of .the storehouse should be kept clean and sprayed with fungicides to avoid the infestation of Aspergillus flavus in the grains stored inside the storehouse. Three chemicals are effective in controlling the aflatoxin. Sodium bisulphide, ammonia and propionic acid: ammonium bis propionate at a ratio of 9: 1. Sodium 'bisulphide and ammonia treatments both result in grain with strong odour; the ammonia treC!tment al~o prqduces.,darker~grain._Tbe-most promising reagent is the propionic based fungicide formulation, which '~~~en shown to effectively control both mold growth (Aspergillus flavus) and aflatoxin formation, while not affecting the physical qualities of the grain. The cost of the fungicide treCl;tment is offset by higher prices for better quality gram. Conclusion The quality of the grains can be maintained and loss of grains can be minimised under storage and storage life of the grains can be increased by the following ways. Drying to remove the excess moisture from the grains within 72 hours after harvesting Storing dried grains at moisture content of not more than 13.0 % $toring the grains in an ideal storehouse Fumigating the storage house with EDD at an interval of 50-60 days. ************* 139 M.V.Se., and Ph.D., Thesis Carried out at Department of Animal Nutrition . .~. Veterinary Coll~ge.and Research Institute, Namakkal- 637 oot; Tamil Nadu. SI.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S!.No I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 .. ~. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. Ph.D. Thesis Title of the thesis work Poultry droppings as a feed resource for sheep Sugarc'.Ule Bagasse pith as a feed for sheep. Nutritive value of Samai (Panicum miliare) for Poultry Feeding value of squilla meal as a replacement for fish meal in chicken rations. Effect of feeding yeast culture (Saccharomyces . cerevisiae) on rumen fermentation andproduction performance in sheep Title of the thesis work Name of the Scientist Dr.D. Chandrasekaran Dr.R.Ravi 1993 1994 Dr.M.R.Purushothaman 1994 Dr.B.Mohan 1999 Dr.A.Natarajan 1999 M. V.Sc., Thesis Name of the Scientist Rice waste as a replacer of maize in poultry ration . Wheat waste as a replacer of maize in poultry ration Formulation of Cheap Mineral Mi$re for chicks and broilers and finding out its efficiency. Use of. Tapioca Leaf Meal in the ration of Chicks and Growers Effi~iency of silicates in binding aflatoxin in the - . ration of broilers Utilization of Cassava Peel Meal as a feed for Poultry Effects of various levels of Available Phosphorus in relation with Calcium on egg production and egg shell quality in commercial , White Leghorn layers. Ut~1ization of soapstock as an energy source in broiler ration Lysine and methionine supplementation in isocaloric low protein diets on·the performance of white leghorn birds Performance of broiler chicks on varying levels of dietary protein and energy A study on the occurrence of Ochratoxin -A in sunflower cake and its detoxification Enzyme supplementation on performance of broilers. Gliricidia leaf meal as a feed ingredient in poultry ration 140 Year Year Or.K.Ambasankar 1995 Dr.S.Senthil Murugan 1995 Dr.P .Karunakaran 1996 Dr.V.B.Sankaravinayagam 1996 Dr.P.VIisan 1996 - Dr.N .Elanchezhiail 1997 Dr.S.Sengathir' 1997 Dr.V.Murugesan 1997 . Dr.C.Bandeswaran 1998 1998 Dr.P.M.Natarajan . 1998 Dr.M.Pauline Felicita Suganthi Dr.A.Bharathidasan 1999 Dr.V.Meenalochani 1999 - Tests carried out in ANIMAL FEED ANALYTICAL AND QUAlITY CONTROL LABORATORY VETERINARY HOSPITAL CAMPUS, TRICHY ROAD, NAMAKKAL - 1 PHONE: (04286) 31693, FAX: (04286) 28693 SL. No. Analytical cha~es Rs. P. Tests \,. \ . 0.1 Moisture 30..0.0.'-, 0.2 Crude Protein 40.. DO. 0.3 Crude Fibre 40.. DO. 0.4· Ether Extract 40..0.0. 0.5 Calcium 40..0.0. 0.6 Phosphorous 40..0.0. 0.7 Total Ash 35. DO. 0.8 Sand and Silica 40.. DO. 0.9 Salt 40..0.0. 10. Aflatoxin 11 Ochratoxin 60.. DO. 12 T2 Toxin 60..0.0. 13 Citrinin 50.. DO. 14 Stergmatocystin 50.. DO. 15 Formaldehyde 50.. DO. 16 Magnesium 50.. DO. 17 Urea 50.. DO. 18 Copper 60..0.0. 19· Iron 50.. DO. 20. Manganese 50.. DO. 21 Zinc 85. DO. 22 Free Fatty Acid 50.. DO. 23 Gross Energy 150.. DO. 24 Complete Analysis (1 to 9) 250.. DO. 25 Soluble Proteins 70..0.0. 26 Multimycotoxins (10. to 14 ) - . 10.0.. DO. 175. DO. Note: D.D to be drawn in favour of Professor and Bead, A.F.A.Q.C.L PAYABLEAT NAMAKKAL. 141 , ~LIMPSE OF FEED MANUFACTURERS, HATCHEIRIES, CHEMICALS AND GLASSWARE SUPPLIERS. T.Rajavetu, J. Ramesh and S. Ram.eshlmmar II. M.V.Sc, Department of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary College, and Research Institute, Namakkal. I. FEED MANUFACTURERS: l Name of the Companies Aishwarya feeds, 39-G, Dr. Sankaran Road, Gandhi nagar, Namakkal-637 001. Annam Feeds Limited, 9, First street, Co-op Colony, Gandhi Nag_ar, Namakkal. AVM cattle and poultry feed Manufacturing Industries, 275, Shanthi nagar, Saibaba colony, Coimbatore-641 03 8. Bhor Industries Limited, Lakshmi feed division, N-21 III Phase, SIDCO Industrial estate, HOSlJR-635 126 B. V. Animal Feeds, Thalavapalayam, Kattuthottam post, Thanjavore-613 501. Chinthamani Foods & Feeds Pvt Limiteo; F~1 T5, Gfeenways Road, Fairlands, Salem- 636 016. Kaaveri Bioproteins Private Limited, 18, SIDCO, No.2, Dr. Sankaran Road, Namakkal-637 002. Kerala trading corporation, 235, Teppam East bazar, Virudhunagar-626 001. Palani Andavar Feeds Private Limited, 52-A, Pudupatti Road, Namagiripet, Narnakkal-637 406. Pe Pe Feeds, PSN Complex first floor 25, Mohanur Road, Namakkal-637001. Poineer Feeds Pvt. Ltd, S. F. No.7/3, Trichy Road, Pongalur, Tiruppur, Coimbatore- 641 667. Phone No. Off: 31142,23750 Factory: 22543,32650 Fax No. 04286-31316 Off: 04286-30660,33142 Fac:66489,66483 04286-20863 0422-449517,438041 0422-438106 20605,24605. 04286- 21218,21245 Fax: 0428630808 04562-44104 04287-40409 Off: 0428632205,33205. Fac: 04286-66423 04286-30205 0421-816330 0421-816329 I 142 ·12 13 14 \ 15 16 17 18 19 ~ 20 21 22 23 24 Ponni Enterprises, 114-B, Paramathi Road, Namakkal-637 001 - R.G. Sundar and Company, 'Erode Feed Producers, 77, Perndurai Road, Erode- 638 001. Prakash Feed Mills Pvt. Ltd., 1. v.L. Towers, II-B, 117, N.M. Road, Chennai-600 029. Selvam Broilers Pvt. Ltd., 10, Co-op Colony, P.B. No. 18, Gandhi nagar, Namakkal-637 001. . Shanthi Feeds, , 191, main road, Pappampatty Post, Ondipudanut, ( Via), Coimbatore- 641 016. S.K.M. Animal Feeds and Foods (India) Ltd., 180, Gandhiji Road, P.B.No. 415, Erode 638 001. S.L. T. Animal Feeds Pvt. Ltd., 32, Srinivasa Rao Street, Vendipalayam, Erode-638 002. Shanmugharajeswaran Trading Company, 204, Teppam, North Bazar, First floor, P.B. No. 72, Virudhunagar-626 001. S.S. Foods and Feeds, 18-A-3, Paramathi Road, RKS Building, Namakkal-637 001 Suguna Poultry Products Ltd, 27, Rajendra Road, Udumalpet-642 126 The Erode Dist. Co-op Milk Producers .-Union Limited, Cattle Feed Plant, Chennimalai Road, Erode, 638 001 Valarmathi Farms Pvt. Ltd., 90, Raju Naidu Layout II, 100 Feet Road, Coimbatore 641 012 Vishwa Agro Enterprises Ltd., 41, Mill Road, Gobichettipalayam, Erode Dt. 638476 04286-32542,32752 044-3743276,3742097 3740362 04286-32794 04286-31542 , (j44,3743728 ... 04286-33171 0422-834633 0424-255701,258212 0424-256827 0424-257306 04562-44699,44679. 04286-22925 04252-26371,26372 04252-20080 0424-262358 0422-495416 04285-22493,22593 143 04285-22707 II HATCHERIES S.NO. 1 2 " .) 4 5 , 6 7 8 - 9 10 II 12 Name of the Hatchery MIS Balaji Hatcheries Ltd. & V.S.N. Hatcheries Ltd., 4-2028, Durga Nagar, Greamspet, Chitoor - 517 002. Andr~ Pradesh. MIS Komarla HatcherieS, 172, Kavi Lakshameesha Road, Vishweshapuram, Bangalore-560 004 Jayadevi Hatcheries, Paramathi Road, Konut (PO) Namakkal- 637 002 Poineer Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd., 325/1 A,. Trichy road, Pongalur, Tiruppur-641 667. Mis Ramachandra Hatcheries, 1-A, Karkana III Street, . Gugai, Salem 636 006 Selvam Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd., No.10 Co- operative colony, P.B.No.18, Gandhi Nagar, Namakkal-637 002. MIS Shanthi Agencies, 191, Main Road, Papampati Village, Coimbatore-16 MIS Sriilivasa Hatcheries Limited, 3-5-823, III Floor, Hyderabad business center, Old MLA Quarters road, Hyderguda, Hyderabad-500 029. MIS Suguna Agencies, 27, Rajendra Road, Udumelpet-642 126. Sun India Hatcheries Private Ltd:, 9, I Street, Cooperative colony, Gandhi nagar, Mohanur Road, Namakkal-637 001 Valarmathi Agencies, 56, Ganga Complex, Raju Naidu Layout, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore 2. Venkateshwara Hatcheries Ltd., 48, Gandhi Nagar, Mohanur road, Namakka1637002. Phone No. Fax No. " 04286.-32199,67665 20748 04287-465034 0427-465209 04286-32794 04286-33171 - ._04252-26371,26372 04252-20080 04286-32827 04286-20863 04286-20821 - ill CHEMICAL AND GLASSWARE DISTRIBUTORS 144 S.NO. NAME OF THE COMPANY PHONE NO. FAX NO. 1 E- Merck India Ltd., 3, Haddows road, Second street, Chennai-600 006. Loba Cherne Pvt., Ltd., 78/80, Babu Genu Road, P.B.No. 2042, Mumbai 400 002 Modem Scientific Company, P.B.No. 3811, 12, Grey Town, Coimbatore-641 018 Premier Scientific suppliers, 36, Bharathiyar Street, Karur-639 001 Ponmani & Co., 18, West Bouleward road, Opp. Ibrahim Park, Trichy 620 008 Qualigens Fine chemicals, A division of Glaxo India Ltd., Dr. Anne Basent Road, Mumbai-400 025. Rea Chern Laboratory Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., 293, Ambattur Industrial estate, Cnennai-600 098 S. d. Fine Chemicals Ltd., 5, ·G.N.T.Road, Moolakadai, Chennai-600110. 044-8272458 044-8273341 022- 2011145,2053696 022-206456 0422-380297 0422-380968 2 3: 4. 5 6 7 8 : 0431-700708 0431-700239 022- 4933871 022- 4935358 044-6255138 044-5377664 **** 044-5583797 Sri Sathya Sai Press - Namakkal - ® 32090, 34790