FY 16 Manager`s Recommended Budget
FY 16 Manager`s Recommended Budget
’ Respectively Submitted to the Rutherfordton Town Council on May 6, 2015 “We are a Safe, Caring, Beautiful & Vibrant Town. Businesses Thrive & Involved Citizens Take Pride in our Community” FIND US ON TWITTER @RutherfordtonNC FIND US ON FACEBOOK MyRutherfordton PROMOTE US WITH HASHTAG #MintedOriginal FIND US ON THE WEB AT: www.rutherfordton.net www.myrutherfordton.com MAYFEST – 1st Saturday of May FUNC – 1st Friday of Each Month – May – Sept JULY 4th – July 4th of Each Year HILLTOP FALL FESTIVAL - 1st Saturday in October TRICK or TREAT on MAIN – October 31st of Each Year SALUTE TO VETERANS – 2nd Saturday of November CHRISTMAS PARADE – 1st Saturday of December TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS- 1st Wednesday of Each Month @ 5:30pm Table of Contents For the Budget Year Ending June 30, 2016 Budget Ordinance Manager’s Message Town Information Organizational Chart Citizen’s Budget Guide Budget Calendar Budget Summary Expenditures By Department General Fund Revenues Line Item Detail General Fund Expenditures Administration RTR/Community Development Police Fire Public Works Library Recreation Debt Service Powell Bill Fund Revenues Expenditures Table of Contents For the Budget Year Ending June 30, 2016 Utility Enterprise Fund Expenditures Utility Enterprise Fund Line Item Detail Revenues Expenditures Schedule of Fees Capital Improvement Plan General Fund Utility Enterprise Fund BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Rutherfordton, does ordain as follows: Section 1: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30th 2016. Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Grants & Investments Utility Franchise Fees Sales & Services Fund Balance State Shared Revenues Miscellaneous Total $1,839,697 $634,576 $2,955 $375,000 $402,138 $152,895 $20,952 $5,755 $3,433,968 Section 2: The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the Town government and its activities for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1st 2015, and ending June 30th 2016, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for the Town. Administration Police Fire Public Works Recreation RTR/Community Development Library Debt Service Total Town of Rutherfordton Ordinance # 05-15 $479,009 $1,008,157 $575,517 $824,049 $95,550 $116,376 $183,981 $151,329 $3,433,968 June 3, 2015 Section 3: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Sewer Fund for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1st 2015 and ending June 30th 2016: Charges for Utilities Other Charges Total $819,186 $1,100 $820,286 Section 4: The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Sewer Fund for the operation of the sewer utilities for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1st 2014 and ending June 30th 2015, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this Town. Operations Capital Investment Future Appropriations Debt Service Total $521,634 $143,000 $100,000 $55,652 $820,286 Section 5: It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Powell Bill Fund for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1st 2015 and ending June 30th 2016: Powell Bill Distribution Total $135,000 $135,000 Section 6: The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Powell Bill Fund for the maintenance of Town streets for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1st 2015 and ending June 30th 2016, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this Town. Powell Bill Operations Total $135,000 $135,000 Section 6: The operating funds encumbered on the financial records of June 30th 2014 are hereby re-appropriated into this budget. Section 7: There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of fifty six point cents ($.567) per one hundred ($100) valuation of property as listed for taxes as of January 1st 2015, for the purpose of raising the revenue listed as “Ad Valorem Taxes” in the General Fund in Section 1 of this ordinance. There is hereby further levied an additional tax at the rate of thirteen cents ($0.13) per one hundred dollars ($100) of valuation of property as listed for taxes as of January 1, 2015 within the boundaries of the Rutherfordton Municipal Service District. (Boundaries are kept on File in the Office of the Town Clerk) Section 8: The corresponding FY 2015-2016-Schedule of Fees is approved with the adoption of this Annual Budget Ordinance. The FY 2016 Schedule of Fees is attached as Attachment A to this Ordinance. Town of Rutherfordton Ordinance # 05-15 June 3, 2015 Section 9: The Town Manager is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations as contained herein under the following conditions: A. He may transfer amounts between line-item expenditures and between departments without limitation as believed to be necessary and prudent. He must make an official report on such transfers at the next regular meeting of the governing board B. He may transfer amounts up to $5,000 between functional areas including contingency appropriations, within the same fund. He must make an official report on such transfers at the next regular meeting of the governing board C. He may not transfer any amounts between funds, except as approved by the Governing Board in the Annual Budget Ordinance as amended. Section 10: Copies of the Annual Budget ordinance shall be furnished to the Town Clerk, to the Governing Board and to the Town Manager and Finance Director to be kept on file by them for the direction in the disbursement of funds. INTRODUCED at the regular meeting of the Town of the City of Rutherfordton on May 6, 2015. ADOPTED this 3rd day of June, 2015 by the Town Council of the Town of Rutherfordton, North Carolina. _______________________, MAYOR Jimmy Dancy ATTEST: ____________________________ Pat Hardage, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: __________________________ David Lloyd, Town Attorney Town of Rutherfordton Ordinance # 05-15 June 3, 2015 Manager’s Message To: The Honorable Mayor Dancy Members of the Rutherfordton Town Council Citizens of Rutherfordton From: Doug Barrick, Town Manager Re: Transmittal of the FY 2016 Rutherfordton Manager’s Recommended Budget Date: May 6, 2015 I am honored to present the Town of Rutherfordton Manager’s Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2016. This budget proposal represents the ongoing financial stability of the Town in a financially difficult time as the Town deals with the effects of coming out of the recent recession and challenging economy. This budget has been prepared in accordance with the North Carolina General Statues, and as such is balanced. This budget follows the Town Council directives to provide excellent and cost effective services while providing long-term financial stability. The Manager’s Recommended General Fund Budget totals $3,433,968 which represents an effective decrease of 2% from the Fiscal Year 2014 budget. Generally, most revenue sources are projected to increase, to reflect the uptick in economy as seen the actual year end numbers for the past two years and for the current year. It is important to note that given the current economic climate all revenue projections even those with growth have been estimated conservatively to ensure stability during the fiscal year. Utility and sales taxes are on the rise but have not reached levels from prior to 2007. The Town has seen growth in personal and business property as our businesses begin to recover and expand operations. The Town has also been fortunate to realize the addition of Rutherford Regional to the tax scrolls. We continue to monitor the direct impact of other governments on our budget, such as the State’s recent tax reform efforts and the potential for new revenue streams such as HB 903. As a result of prior legislation the transitional hold harmless distribution from the state expired last fiscal Manager’s Message year & we will realize a loos in privilege license fees of approximately 2 cents on the tax rate this year.. Significant changes in the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2016 include wayfinding signage, greenway trail construction funds, employee wellness, recycling education & promotions and ensuring competitive rental rates. . The proposed budget accounts for a 2% cost of living adjustment for our employees and addresses the need to evaluate post-retirement health care concerns. While this budget represents a decrease in spending from previous years this amount is equated out a 2% decrease over prior years due to major grants, shifting of funding & the loss of privilege license fees. The Fiscal Year 14 budget included for the first time a 5 year capital improvement plan for both the general and utility fund and this budget has updated that plan. In doing so the Town is able to evaluate and plan for future needs. Goals for Fiscal Year 2016 In order to align Town operations with Town Council directives the Town Manager and Department Heads submitted detailed goals for the coming year. Together these goals represent critical success factors for each department, as the Town strives to deliver continued excellent, cost effective services to the Citizens of this community. Specific initiatives funded in the FY 2016 Manager’s Recommended Budget while controlling costs include: Wayfinding Signage Greenway Trail Construction Funds IPDC Sharing of Part Time Planner Employee Wellness Downtown Façade Grants Retirement Bonuses for Employees Recycling Promotion & Education Entrance Signage Commitments to investing in the upkeep of our aging Sewer system Competitive rental rates! Replace one patrol car & one investigations vehicle in the Police Department. General Fund Revenue Highlights The FY 2016 Manager’s Recommended Budget proposes a continuation of the $0.567 tax rate per $100 of assessed valuation for the third year in a row. Ad valorem taxes remain the Towns largest revenue source, providing more than 53% of the Town’s annual operating budget. The Towns’ tax levy has begun to rebound as result of the growth in personal and business property as our businesses begin to recover and expand operations. This trend can be seen statewide as the economy crawls its way back from the depths of the 2008 recession. The Town and the region are far from rebounding job numbers from pre 2008 however the unemployment rate continues to slowly tick upward. Manager’s Message Other revenues such as Sales Tax and State Shared Revenues while expected to be lower than 2012 levels are forecasted to have a higher than anticipated return as these distributions are based on the Town’s population and consumer spending. The Utility Franchise Tax distribution is expected to rise slightly in FY 2016 but will be locked in in future years with the recent tax reform changes. This revenue is the third highest source of funds and will be a slow grower for years to come under the new state formula. Most General fund fees and rates are proposed to remain flat for this fiscal year as well. FY 16 Revenue Sources Overall, the Town has seen changes in our revenue streams, however through careful planning and ensuring a diverse tax base the Town has been able to successfully navigate these fluctuations our strong fund balance has also ensured a stable tax rate as the Town has leaned on its savings to ensure stability for our Citizens and Businesses’. This budgets overall reduction coupled with the conservative forecast for revenues will help build our fund balance to allow the Town to ride out future down turns and to handle future capital and infrastructure needs. General Fund Expenditure Highlights In order to deliver services to the Community the City relies solely on the shoulders of the City Staff. These employees have a strong commitment to customer service and professionalism. This budget does look to provide merit based raises. These raises will be based on annual evaluations. The City is also focused on increasing professional development through new managerial and teamwork trainings incorporating all staff. Another key feature this year will be some expanded funds for real world trainings through acquired structure for police and fire training, along with some new training props to allow continued reinforcement of essential roles. Manager’s Message FY 16 Expenditures by Dept Our expenditures have been geared back to account of the loss in privilege licenses, and the lack of major grant funded projects as in previous years. However we have achieved some new projects such as faced grants, and allocating funding towards the construction of trials. We have also looked to IPDC to assist with some planning functions to help spur growth in the Town and along the HWY 221 corridor. The Town has also taken the stance of reducing rental rates at the clubhouse to increase the number of rentals that we make and assisting boosting profits for future improvements at this great community building. The Town has managed debt carefully and will look to pay off debt early in coming years to save on interest payments. This budget also proposed to take on a 5 year debt package to support the purchased of a new automated trash truck, an automated limb truck and police investigations vehicle. For the most part most our capital will be pay as you go and limiting debt to short terms. This practice will allow the Town to invest in capital projects from the Capital Improvement Plan. This plan takes a holistic approach to evaluating future needs of the Town and allows us to budget out costs over a five-year plan, rather than on a year to year basis. Overall, the expenses are down from last year, however the overall budget is more in line with years prior as the economy rebounds and local growth occurs. The Town has also maintained our regional partnerships to ensure that we are providing and securing the most cost effective means of service to the Town. We have also kept our commitment to economic development to ensure a diverse and stable tax base and business community. Sewer Fund Historically the sewer fund rates have not truly offset the expenses of the system. The Town Council has taken a proactive approach over the past five years to make this fund self-sufficient and to invest in the systems future. In response to added pressure from State regulations, system Manager’s Message maintenance, increases in operational costs, and taking on capital expenses the Sewer system rates are proposed to increase in FY 16 by 2%. This rate increase upon its onset was formulated to allow for capital spending through a reinvestment in the Towns system. This year is also the 1st year of operations to Tryon International Equestrian Center. This new major customer has allowed the Town to minimize our rate increases & to provide additional capital investment into our system. In the coming year the sewer fund will be replacing an aging mower, replacing a sewer jetter & sewer camera, as well as providing additional funds for repairs and continue the engineering for solutions to increase our future Waste Water Treatment capacity Conclusion The Town of Rutherfordton remains in a strong financial shape and stays committed to ensuring long-term success. The Town will continue to look for ways to cut expenses and explore new revenue streams, while keeping the costs to the citizens and businesses as low as possible. This budget represents the most comprehensive annually updated financial guide for the services provided to the citizens of Rutherfordton. However, the budget process does not conclude with the approval of this document. It is not placed on a shelf and merely opened once a year during budget season. The Budget is a constantly evolving document that is examined throughout the year and carefully managed by the Town staff and serves as a gateway to keep the citizens informed. Town Management recognizes and thanks the Staff, Department Heads, Town Council and citizens who participated in the budget process and looks forward to another successful year for the Town of Rutherfordton. Respectfully submitted, Doug Barrick Thadd Hodge Doug Barrick Town Manager Thadd Hodge Finance Director Chartered in 1787, Rutherfordton is one of the oldest towns in Western North Carolina. Our founding along a ridgeline offer vistas of a rolling countryside, leading to a backdrop of the great Blue Ridge Mountains. Our history runs deep here, and we are a community of firsts. You can still sense our past in the traditional historic brick buildings in downtown, as well as the stately antebellum homes that line our streets. Today, we are known within the region for our unrivaled quality of life, the beauty of our place, and our pride in our community. We provide a wealth of cultural and creative arts more commonly found in a large city, and an abundance of outdoor recreation activities found only in more rural places. Our downtown is the heart of activity and energy in our community, where new discoveries are made every day. Perhaps our most unique claim is our singular place in the North Carolina gold rush, where an inventive spirit minted the first $1 gold coins in the United States. Bechtler minted over $2 million in gold coins, and while continually inspected by federal authorities, the coins were always found to be of exceptional quality and purity, far exceeding federal standards for US mints. That purity and creative energy that was cast early in Rutherfordton’s history, is alive and well in the community today. Whether it is spirit of enterprise found in our independent downtown businesses, the rush of creativity evident in our cultural offerings, or the inventive fever being forged in our young minds, Rutherfordton continues to mint a quality of life that is the gold standard for Western North Carolina. Citizens of the Town of Rutherfordton Mayor Jimmy Dancy and Town Council Christy Bare Stan Clements Town Manager Terry Cobb Henry Giles Town Attorney Public Works Public Works Director Fire Department Fire Chief Finance Finance Director Town Clerk RTR / Community Development Planner Police Dept. Chief of Police Citizen’s Budget Guide State law defines an annual budget as “a proposed plan for raising and spending money for specified programs, functions, activities or objectives during a fiscal year.” While this definition may seem simple, budgets usually contain a considerable amount of detailed information. The fact remains, however, that a budget exists as the single most comprehensive annually updated financial guide for the services provided to the citizens of a community. Understanding how a budget is created and adopted and recognizing the key components of the budget document itself is paramount to a citizen’s understanding of the local government’s goals and objectives. The purpose of this guide is to provide you, the citizen, with that information. MUNICIPAL BUDGETS IN NORTH CAROLINA The Town of Rutherfordton, like all local governments throughout North Carolina, prepares, adopts, and administers its budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act (LGBFCA). This Act establishes responsibilities in the adoption of the budget and most importantly, requires that the budget be balanced. In other words, the estimated revenues must equal the proposed spending. North Carolina local governments operate under a July 1 - June 30 fiscal year. A budget must be adopted by June 30th of each year, or interim provisions must occur. The spending for the coming year is authorized through the Town Council adoption of a budget ordinance. This action authorizes the spending, assures that the budget is balanced, levies the property tax for that budget year, and formally authorizes an annual fee schedule. Under North Carolina law, local property taxes may not be changed at any point in the year once adopted without input from the State government. By law, each year, a public hearing is held by the Town Council to receive comments from citizens and taxpayers on the recommended budget. That hearing is usually held after the Town Manager formally presents his recommended budget to the governing body. Throughout the budget review period, copies of the recommended budget are kept on file for public review in the Town Finance Officer’s office and with the Town Clerk as well as made available on the Town’s website. This document contains a wealth of information regarding the Town and its fiscal priorities for the year. The Manager’s Budget Message outlines in narrative form the Town’s mission for the year and how necessary funding levels have changed from the previous year. The remaining sections outline in detail the amounts of revenues and expenditures anticipated for the following year. Town staff also maintains a five-year capital plan, which expresses a long-term vision of the Town’s priorities and funding requirements necessitated by those needs as outlined by the Town Council. We urge you to take the time to review this budget. If you have questions, please call: Doug Barrick, City Manager Or Thadd Hodge, Finance Director At 828-287-3520 BUDGET FORMAT The accounts of the Town of Rutherfordton are organized on the basis of funds of which each is considered a separate accounting entity. Government resources are allocated in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. This segregation of revenues and costs allows close monitoring of attributable accounts to provide insurability that certain funds are self-supporting and that revenues which are required by law for specific purposes are identifiable. The Town of Rutherfordton’s Operating Budget consists of three primary funds: General Fund, Utility Enterprise (Sewer) Fund and a Powell Bill Fund. General Fund Town All electric Council, operations, Administration, maintenance, Library, andPolice, capital improvements Fire, Public Works, are funded Parks through and Recreation, this fund which is also Rutherford Town known Revitalization, as an “Enterprise Transfers, Fund”. and The Fund Debt Service, has are beenallmanaged funded through since FYthe1998 General under a contract with ElectriCities and in Fund. cooperation with the City of Huntersville. Sewer Fund All waste water operations, maintenance, and capital improvements are funded through this fund which is also known as an “Enterprise Fund”. The Fund is under a contract with United Water for collections and treatment operations, and a contract with Broad River Water Authority for billing, while the Town of Rutherfordton handles all maintenance and system expansion. Powell Bill Fund By NC Statute, the Town will begin this fiscal year to use a separate annually budgeted special revenue fund to account for state distributions of the gasoline tax and any expenses deemed eligible by the State to be paid from such revenues. REVENUES Revenues are shown by sources and by funds. Revenue projections can be made more accurately when revenues are segregated by source and controlled accordingly. The major revenues by source are as follows: Ad Valorem Taxes Also known as property taxes, these include the collection of current year as well as prior year levies and potentially interest and penalties on delinquent taxes. Property subject to ad valorem taxes include real property, vehicles, business personal property (equipment, lease upgrades, and fixtures), and certain personal property such as watercraft (boats and jet skis). Property owners are required to list property annually with the Rutherford County Tax Assessor’s Office. Some nonprofit organizations, such as religious groups may not be subject to such property taxes; additional information regarding exemptions may be obtained from the Rutherford County Tax Assessor’s Office. Sales Tax NC General Statutes allow the Town to receive revenue from additional Federal, state, and local agencies which may be used for any general fund expenditure. Included in this are the Sales Tax Refunds the Town of Rutherfordton receives annually. Due to the fact that Local Governments are exempt from paying sales tax on products, this revenue category also includes all sales tax refunds the Town receives to reimburse for sales tax paid by the Town. Grants & Investments This revenue type consists of interest earned on Town held investments as well as all grant proceeds from state, federal, or other organizations that are disbursed to Rutherfordton. Examples include federal public safety grants, PARTF state parks and recreation grants, and interest earned on investments. Utility Franchise Fees Much like Sales Tax, this revenue is a distribution from the state that is received quarterly and is allowed to be expended for any general fund expenditure. Sales & Services Revenue received from the sale of property or other merchandise, as well as monies received from the Town’s administering of services comprises this category of revenue. Examples include sale of surplus equipment and parking ticket fees. Appropriated Fund Balance Fund balance is the amount available to appropriate from the previous year-end revenues exceeding budgeted expenditures or prior year revenues exceeding expenditures. As with investment earnings, certain restricted revenues are indicated separately from the overall general fund appropriated fund balance. State Shared Revenues As stated with Sales Tax, and true for Utility Franchise Fees, NC General Statutes allow the Town to receive revenue from additional Federal, state, and local agencies which may be used for any general fund expenditure. This revenue category includes other distributions the Town of Rutherfordton receives including the Beer and Wine Tax. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous revenues include nonrecurring and minor revenue sources. EXPENDITURES Expenditures are shown in the budget classified by funds from which they are paid, by departments spending the money, by the functions for which the expenditures are made and by the object of expenditures which provides greater detail for controlling expenditures. Funds are appropriated at adequate levels in order to maintain or improve the quality and the level of service that has been provided historically. The major expenditures by function are shown as follows: Administration Police Fire Public Works Recreation RTR/Community Development Library Debt Service The Town’s Enterprise operation of the Utility Enterprise Fund is maintained in its own fund and department. The Town also uses a separate annually budgeted special revenue fund to account for state distributions of gasoline tax. The major expenditure functions are summarized below: Administration This function includes expenditures associated with the Town Council, Town Manager, Finance, Human Resources as well as other Administrative Tasks. Police This function includes all expenditures associated with the Police Department and its employees including payroll and supplies. Fire This function includes all expenditures associated with the Fire Department and its employees including payroll and supplies. Public Works This function includes all expenditures associated with the Public Works Department and its employees including payroll, supplies and costs associated with the collection of trash and recycle materials. Recreation This function includes expenditures associated with the maintenance and operation of all Town owned parks and rental facilities. RTR/Community Development This function includes expenditures associated with the Town of Rutherfordton’s community planning, economic development, as well as the managing and implementation of town festivals. Library This function includes expenditures associated with the maintenance and operation of the Town Library. Debt Service This function includes the payment of both principal and debt of all town issued general fund debt. Town of Rutherfordton Budget Calendar For Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Date Description January 7, 2015 City Council receives Budget calendar January 16, 2015 Department heads submit CIP requests January 23, 2015 Department heads submit proposed FY 16 goals February 9, 2015 Department head meeting to review/revise goals February 27, 2015 Departments submit line item budget requests to Finance Director March 6, 2015 Finance Officer submits revenue estimates March 13, 2015 Manager finalizes Recommended CIP April 6-10, 2015 Manager and departments hold budget meetings April 14, 2015 April 15, 2015 Coucil, Manager, and Staff workshop to discuss FY 2016 Budget, Goals and CIP Coucil, Manager, and Staff workshop to discuss FY 2016 Budget, Goals and CIP April 20, 2015 Manager and departments hold budget meeting April 24, 2015 Staff finalizes, prints and prepares budget for distribution May 6, 2015 Manager submits recommended FY 2016 Budget to Council and Citizens May 16, 2015 Additional budget workshop, if needed June 3, 2015 Public Hearing on FY 16 Budget & Town Council adopts budget Bold = Council Action GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Administra on Expenditures10‐4100 Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 Personnel $259,042.00 $238,183.04 $280,592.00 $227,083.11 Operating $221,838.00 $209,448.93 $287,605.00 $251,926.00 Capital $0.00 $0.00 $27,500.00 $0.00 Debt Service $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 Total: $480,880.00 $447,631.97 $595,698.00 $479,009.11 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 ‐19% ‐12% ‐100% ‐100% ‐20% RTR Expenditures10‐4300 Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 Personnel $19,323.00 $16,588.80 $9.00 $0.00 Operating $206,678.00 $77,179.12 $215,773.00 $94,376.00 Capital $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $22,000.00 Debt Service $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 Total: $226,001.00 $93,767.92 $215,784.00 $116,376.00 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 ‐100% ‐56% 2199900% ‐100% ‐46% Police Expenditures10‐5100 Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 Personnel $781,313.62 $736,177.29 $829,015.00 $835,852.86 Operating $130,285.00 $99,083.21 $149,834.00 $131,305.00 Capital $9,500.00 $10,027.31 $130,566.00 $41,000.00 Debt Service $24,086.00 $1,378.88 $2,493.00 $0.00 Total: $945,184.62 $846,666.69 $1,111,908.00 $1,008,157.86 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 1% ‐12% ‐69% ‐100% ‐9% Fire Expenditures10‐5300 Personnel Operating Capital Debt Service Total: Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 $364,364.76 $357,327.65 $533,539.00 $451,667.12 $113,400.00 $103,697.71 $161,647.30 $123,850.00 $606,700.00 $612,299.25 $3,000.00 $0.00 $63,750.00 $56,751.68 $58,335.00 $56,529.00 $1,148,214.76 $1,130,076.29 $756,521.30 $632,046.12 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 ‐15% ‐23% ‐100% ‐3% ‐16% Public Works Expenditures10‐5600 Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 Personnel $538,392.60 $521,067.98 $574,774.00 $567,335.19 Operating $401,341.50 $285,015.27 $739,179.38 $256,714.00 Capital $10,875.00 $3,000.00 $18,000.00 $0.00 Debt Service $24,068.00 $602.68 $6,017.00 $94,800.00 Total: $974,677.10 $809,685.93 $1,337,970.38 $918,849.19 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 ‐1% ‐65% ‐100% 1476% ‐31% Library Expenditures10‐6100 Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 Personnel $131,149.00 $130,820.64 $140,237.00 $148,580.72 Operating $25,315.00 $22,742.10 $26,776.00 $28,650.00 Capital $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $6,750.00 Debt Service $2,948.00 $76.67 $301.00 $0.00 Total: $159,412.00 $153,639.41 $167,315.00 $183,980.72 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 6% 7% 674900% ‐100% 10% Parks & Rec. Expenditures10‐6200 Personnel Operating Capital Debt Service Total: Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $79,882.12 $75,405.97 $65,056.00 $95,550.00 $12,252.88 $12,252.88 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $92,135.00 $87,658.85 $65,059.00 $95,550.00 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 ‐100% 47% ‐100% ‐100% 47% General Fund Totals Personnel Operating Capital Debt Service Budget FY 13‐14 Actual FY 13‐14 Budget FY 14‐15 Budget FY 15‐16 $2,093,584.98 $2,000,165.40 $2,358,167.00 $2,230,519.00 $1,178,739.62 $872,572.31 $1,645,870.68 $982,371.00 $639,327.88 $637,579.44 $179,069.00 $69,750.00 $114,852.00 $58,809.91 $67,149.00 $151,329.00 Total: $4,026,504.48 $3,569,127.06 $4,250,255.68 $3,433,969.00 Percent Change from FY 14‐15 to 15‐16 ‐5% ‐40% ‐61% 125% ‐19% General Fund Revenues 10‐ Account Code 3100-1100 3100-1110 3100-1120 3100-1130 3100-1140 3100-1200 3100-1600 3100-1800 3100-1900 3231-0000 3260-0000 3312-0000 3324-0000 3329-0000 3416-0000 3430-0000 3431-0000 3431-3300 3432-0000 3433-0000 3434-0000 3451-0000 3471-0000 3474-0000 3480-0000 3830-0000 3831-0000 3831-1000 3831-1100 3831-1200 3831-2000 3832-0000 3833-0000 3835-0000 3835-0010 3837-0000 3838-0000 3839-0000 3840-1000 3842-0000 3983-0000 3984-0000 3985-0000 3986-0000 3987-0000 3988-0000 3989-0000 3989-1000 3991-0000 FY 13 Budget FY 13 Actual Taxes - Current Year $1,448,598 $1,398,883 Prior Years Taxes $17,000 $21,406 Vehicle Tax $106,095 $124,260 Municipal Tax District $7,714 $13,085 Gross Receipts $1,500 $1,466 Fire District Taxes $216,616 $216,772 Tax Refunds ‐$750 ‐$779 Tax Penalties & Intere $9,500 $8,717 Tax Discounts ‐$3,250 ‐$3,204 Sale And Use Tax $683,494 $648,152 Privilege License Tax $60,151 $58,623 Beer & Wine Tax $19,763 $17,131 Utility Franchise Tax $391,099 $376,851 Solid Waste Tax Disbur $3,025 $2,390 Court Fees $3,100 $3,122 Zoning Fees $300 $210 Fire Protection - Ruth $22,423 $21,378 Police-Illegal Substan $0 $750 Police Reports $130 $108 Recycling Revenue $1,300 $1,403 Staff - Contracted Ser $1,600 $2,432 Powell Bill Allocation $136,109 $139,009 Solid Waste User Fee $23,000 $22,537 Cemetery Revenue $1,866 $3,678 Parking Violation Fees $800 $2,077 Installment Purchase P $509,981 $509,981 Interest Earned - Inve $4,500 $2,321 Interest Earned - Taxe $20 $0 Interest - Powell Bill $500 $420 Interest Clubhouse Res $26 $15 Interest Earned - Main $50 $2,039 Cable TV Franchise $3,500 $3,115 Capital Donations $500 $500 Sales Tax Refund $0 $0 225th Coin Sales $0 $0 ABC Revenue $14,000 $23,446 ABC Officer Revenue $19,518 $19,518 Misc Revenue $3,349 $5,335 Donation-Vet Day Event $0 $0 Grants $80,400 $72,632 W Jones Bldg Rent $15,000 $20,074 Sale Of Fixed Assets $7,000 $9,464 Trash/Recycling Bins $400 $490 Reim For Sewer Fund Sa $32,500 $16,014 Clubhouse Revenue $13,500 $11,959 Transfer Rec Trust Fun $12,000 $9,000 Crestview Park Rental $2,200 $3,208 Main St Park Rental $0 $0 Fund Balance Appropria $265,096 $0 Total General Fund Revenues: $3,789,985 FY 16 Mgr. Budget FY 14 Budget FY 14 Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended FY 16 v. 15 Changes $1,499,424 $1,486,086 $1,656,925 $1,663,942 $7,017 0% $17,000 $63,627 $17,000 $22,000 $5,000 29% $134,031 $268,389 $127,916 $138,915 $10,999 9% $8,219 $8,841 $8,316 $7,740 ‐$576 ‐7% $1,267 $1,511 $1,248 $1,350 $102 8% $239,500 $239,594 $246,717 $261,993 $15,276 6% ‐$750 ‐$4,007 ‐$750 ‐$750 $0 0% $9,500 $17,571 $9,500 $10,000 $500 5% ‐$3,250 ‐$3,458 ‐$3,500 ‐$3,500 $0 0% $611,653 $621,576 $618,731 $634,576 $15,845 3% $56,375 $57,380 $48,330 $0 ‐$48,330 ‐100% $19,237 $18,403 $19,997 $17,952 ‐$2,045 ‐10% $373,234 $343,481 $369,134 $375,000 $5,866 2% $2,712 $2,570 $2,486 $2,500 $14 1% $3,100 $3,827 $3,100 $3,250 $150 5% $300 $575 $300 $300 $0 0% $21,379 $20,923 $21,379 $21,000 ‐$379 ‐2% $0 $4,577 $1 $500 $499 49900% $130 $138 $130 $130 $0 0% $1,300 $899 $80 $300 $220 275% $3,096 $3,240 $1,600 $1,600 $0 0% $136,788 $139,780 $140,535 $0 ‐$140,535 ‐100% $23,000 $22,864 $29,000 $22,797 ‐$6,203 ‐21% $1,866 $626 $974 $1,000 $26 3% $1,000 $2,577 $1,800 $2,000 $200 11% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $1,000 $1,045 $1,000 $1,500 $500 50% $20 $0 $20 $100 $80 400% $300 $310 $150 $0 ‐$150 ‐100% $12 $4 $5 $0 ‐$5 ‐100% $50 $722 $50 $0 ‐$50 ‐100% $3,500 $5,965 $3,500 $3,500 $0 0% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $22,000 $23,290 $22,000 $22,000 $0 0% $19,518 $19,518 $19,518 $19,518 $0 0% $16,602 $16,964 $5,755 $5,755 $0 0% $2,345 $2,495 $1,355 $1,355 $0 0% $721,700 $626,096 $174,843 $0 ‐$174,843 ‐100% $10,200 $5,900 $4,650 $8,100 $3,450 74% $10,375 $16,790 $26,866 $22,500 ‐$4,366 ‐16% $400 $270 $400 $400 $0 0% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $13,500 $10,865 $12,000 $10,000 ‐$2,000 ‐17% $11,000 $11,000 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $2,200 $2,168 $2,200 $1,750 ‐$450 ‐20% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $31,672 $13,075 $555,324 $152,895 ‐$402,429 ‐72% $4,026,504 $4,078,066 $4,150,592 $3,433,969 Administration The Administration Dept. in this budget covers the operational areas of the Town Council, Town Attorney & Town Administration. This Dept. has 3 Full Time Positions: Town Manager, Town Clerk, Finance Director Rutherfordton Town Council The Town Council serves as the board of directors for the Town of Rutherfordton and adopts ordinances, rules, and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to protect the health, life, or property, or to preserve or promote the comfort, convenience, security, better government, or general welfare of the Town and its residents and merchants. Town Council Core Values: Effective local, regional and state partnerships Excellent and cost effective services Long term financial stability Planned growth and economic development Fiscal accountability Leisure and cultural activities Environmentally sensible practices Citizen Involvement Town Mission Statement: “We are a Safe, Caring, Beautiful & Vibrant Town. Businesses Thrive & Involved Citizens Take Pride in our Community Town Administration Description The Town Manager who serves as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town handles the administrative operations of the Town of Rutherfordton. The Town Manager directs the implementation of policy directives by the Town Council and oversees all other departments and functions. Administration functions include budgeting and finance, tax collections, sewer billing, contract administration, information technology, project management, legal services, human resources, and customer service. The Town seeks to guarantee long-term financial stability while maintaining an organizational environment that fosters professionalism, efficiency, and a strong commitment to customer service. FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Review all policies & ordinances to ensure they are upheld, updated and enforced Improve staff opportunities for professional development in all departments Launch a Wellness Campaign for employees Administration Expenditures 10‐4100 Account 1010 Council Member Service 1020 Council Expense 1150 Professional Services 1160 Legal Services 1210 Salaries NEW‐Unemployment Ins. NEW‐401 K NEW‐NC Retire NEW‐FICA NEW‐Dental NEW‐Life NEW‐BCBS 1800 Fringe Benefits 1810 Med Benefits Claims 2000 Election Expense 2990 Department Supplies 3000 Wellness 3110 Travel & Training 3250 Postage 3310 Utilities 3510 Building & Grounds 3520 Equipment Service & Ma 3540 Equipment Repair/ Repl 4400 Notices & Ads 4500 Insurance & Bonds 4570 Special Events 4640 Grants & Incentives 4700 Tax Expenses 4910 Dues & Subscriptions 4950 Zoning/Ordinance Updat 4990 Miscellaneous 5000 Zoning Expense 5500 Capital Outlay 5560 Installment Purchase 9990 Hold Harmless FY 14 Budget $10,500 $5,000 $66,400 $0 $165,659 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,383 $52,000 $2,300 $4,500 $0 $6,200 $2,550 $13,000 $5,000 $7,306 $750 $200 $77,000 $2,345 $1,523 $8,411 $8,353 $0 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 FY 14 FY 16 Mgr. FY 16 v. Budget Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended 15 Change $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $0 0% $1,027 $5,000 $5,000 $0 0% $61,122 $76,800 $36,575 ‐$40,225 ‐52% $0 $1 $25,200 $25,199 2519900% $163,440 $178,844 $177,169 ‐$1,675 ‐1% $0 $1 $1,772 $1,771 177068% $0 $1 $4,329 $4,328 432820% $0 $1 $11,550 $11,549 1154932% $0 $1 $13,819 $13,818 1381812% $0 $1 $999 $998 99800% $0 $1 $396 $395 39500% $0 $1 $17,049 $17,048 1704827% $40,017 $49,741 $0 ‐$49,741 ‐100% $34,727 $52,000 $0 ‐$52,000 ‐100% $2,426 $1 $3,000 $2,999 299900% $4,212 $4,500 $4,500 $0 0% $0 $1 $22,500 $22,499 2249900% $4,583 $8,175 $7,500 ‐$675 ‐8% $1,330 $2,550 $2,000 ‐$550 ‐22% $11,551 $13,400 $14,000 $600 4% $4,030 $10,000 $5,000 ‐$5,000 ‐50% $6,869 $7,306 $7,400 $94 1% $195 $850 $800 ‐$50 ‐6% $0 $200 $200 $0 0% $76,048 $79,000 $78,000 ‐$1,000 ‐1% $1,061 $2,789 $3,500 $711 25% $1,521 $25,074 $1,751 ‐$23,323 ‐93% $14,122 $11,901 $12,000 $99 1% $8,676 $9,054 $9,000 ‐$54 ‐1% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $178 $20,500 $3,500 ‐$17,000 ‐83% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $27,500 $0 ‐$27,500 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% Department $479,009 Total: RTR/Community Development Department RTR/Community Development has only one contracted labor position at the time. Mission Statement Plan and implement Town festival’s and utilize state of the art planning techniques for effectively communicating with citizens, developers, and the general public thereby making Rutherfordton a great place to live, work, and play. Community Development Services Development Plan Review and Processing Geographic Information Systems Land Development Code Maintenance Planning Board Support Staff FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Review and revise zoning and development ordinances Façade Grants F.U.N.C. Increase Marketing & Recruitment to Downtown with new branding and EDC toolbox Work with Isothermal Planning and Development Commission to enlist a part time planner for the Town. RTR Expenditures 10‐4300 Account 1150 Professional Services 1151 Community Development 1210 Salaries NEW‐Unemployment Ins. NEW‐401 K NEW‐NC Retire NEW‐FICA NEW‐Dental NEW‐Life NEW‐BCBS 1810 Med Benefits Claims 2990 Department Supplies 3000 Wellness 3110 Travel & Training 3250 Postage 3310 Utilities 3520 Equipment Service & Ma 3540 Equipment Repair/Repla 3900 Historical Preservatio 4260 Woodrow Jones Bldg Exp 4500 Insurance 4900 Christmas Decorations 4910 Dues & Subscriptions 4920 Christmas Lights Expen 4990 Miscellaneous 5000 Zoning 5500 Capital Outlay 5560 Installment Purchase P 5800 Capital-W. Jones Bldg 5990 Master Plan Capital & 6010 Promotions 6020 Hilltop Fall Festival 6030 May Fest 6200 Design 6400 Economic Development 6410 Step-non REDD Funded FY 14 Budget $16,500 $0 $17,784 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,539 $0 $500 $0 $0 $50 $8,900 $0 $0 $250 $13,800 $0 $0 $200 $15,000 $50 $5,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 $700 $11,907 $12,201 $0 $121,500 $0 FY 14 Actual $10,130 $0 $15,125 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,464 $0 $143 $0 $260 $0 $7,639 $0 $0 $0 $706 $0 $0 $165 $15,554 $0 $5,512 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,441 $11,525 $11,723 $0 $12,382 $0 FY 15 Budget $16,500 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $500 $1 $1 $50 $8,600 $1 $700 $250 $13,800 $1 $1 $200 $16,200 $10,050 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $700 $12,150 $12,450 $1 $111,113 $12,500 Budget Request $19,176 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $50 $7,850 $0 $750 $1,500 $2,000 $0 $0 $200 $17,000 $250 $0 $22,000 $0 $0 $0 $700 $12,150 $12,450 $0 $0 $0 Department Total: FY 16 Mgr. Recommended FY 16 v. 15 Budget Change $19,176 $2,676 16% $10,000 $9,999 999900% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $500 $0 0% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $500 $499 49900% $50 $0 0% $7,350 ‐$1,250 ‐15% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $750 $50 7% $1,500 $1,250 500% $2,000 ‐$11,800 ‐86% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $200 $0 0% $16,200 $0 0% $10,000 ‐$50 0% $850 $849 84900% $22,000 $21,999 2199900% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $700 $0 0% $12,150 $0 0% $12,450 $0 0% $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 ‐$111,113 ‐100% $0 ‐$12,500 ‐100% $116,376 Police Department The Police Department has 14 full-time sworn positions, 5 volunteer reserve-sworn positions and 1 full-time clerical position that assists the public with police and nonpolice issues. The Department provides traditional and non-traditional police services to the residents, visitors, and those employed in the Town. Officers are trained to a general working level in different areas of law enforcement, and in more specialized and advanced areas as well, allowing Officers to properly handle incidents and calls for service without referring citizens to outside agencies. Five of the fourteen members possess Advanced Law Enforcement Certification and two hold Intermediate Certification through the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission. Two Officers are certified as Haz-Mat Technicians and one as Haz-Mat Operations Level Responder. Mission Statement The mission of the Rutherfordton Police department is to be a community oriented Law Enforcement Agency that enables and empowers its Police Officers to function as community workers. Organizing and working alongside residents to help them Prevent, Resist and Eliminate criminal and other disorder in their neighborhoods. Furthermore to be a Law Enforcement Agency with Officers adhering always to our Constitution and the Rules of Law. FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Replacement of older computers, especially XP systems. Improve employee retention through morale-building efforts. Move toward the transition from CJIN to wireless aircards by increasing number of aircards and beginning to integrate field reporting. Police Expenditures 10‐5100 Account 1210 Salaries 1220 Overtime 1310 Special Separation All NEW‐Unemployment Ins. NEW‐401 K NEW‐NC Retire NEW‐FICA NEW‐Dental NEW‐Life NEW‐BCBS 1800 Fringe Benefits 1810 Medical Claims 2120 Uniforms 2510 Gas, Oil, Tires 2990 Department Supplies 3000 Wellness 3110 Travel & Training 3220 Community Policing 3250 Postage 3310 Utilities 3510 Firing Range Expense 3520 Equipment Service & Ma 3530 Vehicle Service & Repa 3540 Equipment Repair/Repla 4400 Notices & Ads 4520 Reserve Compensation 4600 Reserve Equipment 4640 Grants 4650 K-9 Unit 4750 Animal Control 4800 Confidential Funds 4910 Dues & Subscriptions 5500 Capital Outlay 5560 Installment Payment FY 14 Budget $581,099 $8,500 $10,985 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $180,730 $0 $11,000 $50,983 $4,250 $5,000 $8,000 $250 $262 $4,746 $2,517 $9,000 $18,802 $7,500 $200 $625 $2,250 $0 $0 $800 $3,500 $600 $9,500 $24,086 FY 14 FY 16 Mgr. Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended FY 16 v. 15 $552,415 $607,365 $595,300 ‐$12,065 $5,430 $8,730 $8,500 ‐$230 $11,014 $10,985 $11,025 $40 $0 $1 $6,180 $6,179 $0 $1 $29,621 $29,620 $0 $1 $45,415 $45,414 $0 $1 $48,203 $48,202 $0 $1 $4,995 $4,994 $0 $1 $1,368 $1,367 $0 $1 $85,246 $85,245 $167,319 $201,927 $0 ‐$201,927 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 $4,070 $11,000 $8,500 ‐$2,500 $46,406 $51,000 $49,500 ‐$1,500 $3,370 $4,250 $4,250 $0 $2,427 $5,000 $3,500 ‐$1,500 $4,378 $9,000 $7,500 ‐$1,500 $0 $250 $250 $0 $157 $262 $262 $0 $4,971 $5,058 $8,518 $3,460 $2,517 $3,500 $4,750 $1,250 $4,645 $9,000 $9,000 $0 $22,141 $16,737 $16,000 ‐$737 $1,996 $26,800 $12,300 ‐$14,500 $193 $200 $200 $0 $600 $625 $625 $0 $472 $2,250 $2,250 $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 $591 $800 $800 $0 $0 $3,500 $2,500 ‐$1,000 $150 $600 $600 $0 $10,027 $130,566 $41,000 ‐$89,566 $1,379 $2,493 $0 ‐$2,493 Department $1,008,158 Total: Budget Change ‐2% ‐3% 0% 617890% 2962019% 4541366% 4820219% 499400% 136700% 8524536% ‐100% ‐100% ‐23% ‐3% 0% ‐30% ‐17% 0% 0% 68% 36% 0% ‐4% ‐54% 0% 0% 0% ‐100% ‐100% 0% ‐29% 0% ‐69% ‐100% Fire Department Town allows for 30 positions. The current staff is eight full-time, two part-time certified firefighters and twelve volunteers. Mission Statement The mission of the Rutherfordton Fire Department is to protect life and property from fire and other emergencies through incident response, public education, and code enforcement. It's the departments endeavor to deliver the highest level of care, to our residents. As a customer driven organization, it is our mission and number one priority to deliver the best possible service to our customers. FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Color code the fire hydrants based on the NFPA color requirements for gallons per minute availability so that responding personnel will know the flow of the hydrants. Increase pre-plan activity by 25 percent and begin updating current pre-plans to digital format for availability, efficiency, and productivity. Increase recruitment and retention activities to include expanded scholarship opportunity for members through Firemen's Relief Fund and change pay-per-call monies Fire Expenditures 10‐5300 Account 1210 Salaries 1220 Overtime NEW‐Unemployment Ins. NEW‐401 K NEW‐NC Retire NEW‐FICA NEW‐Dental NEW‐Life NEW‐BCBS 1800 Fringe Benefit 1810 Med Benefit Claims NEW‐Contractual Services 2000 Zoning Expense 2120 Uniforms 2510 Gas, Oil, Tires 2990 Department Supplies 3000 Wellness 3110 Travel & Training 3250 Postage 3310 Utilities 3510 Building & Grounds 3530 Vehicle Service & Repa 3540 Equipment Repair/Repla 4500 VFIS Insurance 4520 Volunteer Compensation 4550 Volunteer Insurance & 4570 Banquets 4910 Dues & Subscriptions 5500 Capital Outlay 5560 Installment Purchase FY 14 Budget $273,742 $12,036 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $78,587 $0 $0 $0 $2,200 $11,000 $6,000 $3,400 $2,000 $100 $12,900 $2,000 $15,000 $15,000 $23,000 $15,000 $4,000 $850 $950 $606,700 $63,750 FY 14 Actual $273,118 $7,873 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $76,337 $0 $0 $0 $2,102 $10,920 $5,661 $3,243 $1,778 $78 $13,643 $4,081 $11,159 $9,187 $22,081 $14,993 $3,496 $849 $426 $612,299 $56,752 FY 16 Mgr. FY 16 v. FY 15 Budget Recommended 15 Budget Change $322,356 $332,310 $9,954 3% $12,000 $12,000 $0 0% $99,588 $3,323 ‐$96,265 ‐97% $1 $7,987 $7,986 798553% $1 $21,308 $21,307 2130705% $1 $25,920 $25,919 2591922% $1 $2,664 $2,663 266300% $1 $690 $689 68900% $1 $45,465 $45,464 4546373% $99,588 $0 ‐$99,588 ‐100% $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $1 $6,500 $6,499 649900% $5,120 $5,500 $380 7% $2,400 $2,400 $0 0% $12,152 $12,000 ‐$152 ‐1% $6,000 $6,000 $0 0% $4,000 $4,000 $0 0% $3,000 $3,000 $0 0% $100 $100 $0 0% $14,250 $13,850 ‐$400 ‐3% $2,000 $3,000 $1,000 50% $50,000 $12,500 ‐$37,500 ‐75% $17,824 $10,000 ‐$7,824 ‐44% $24,000 $24,000 $0 0% $15,000 $15,000 $0 0% $4,000 $4,000 $0 0% $850 $1,000 $150 18% $950 $1,000 $50 5% $3,000 $0 ‐$3,000 ‐100% $58,335 $56,529 ‐$1,806 ‐3% Department Total: $632,046 Public Works Department Public Works has fourteen full-time employees and one part time. The department is responsible for refuse collection, recycling, yard debris, grassclippings and leaf pick up within the town limits. Employees of this department maintain all streets signs, sidewalks, curbs, right of ways, parks, facilities, Clubhouse, grounds, town buildings, waste water treatment plant, sewer lines, pump stations, manholes, streets storms drains and the Rutherfordton cemetery. Mission Statement The mission of the Public Works Department of the Town of Rutherfordton is to maintain the public property of the Town, including street rights-of-way, public easements, and other public property in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing and functional for all of our citizens. Maintain all vehicles and equipment of the Town and functions as the maintenance arm of the sewer department. FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Trenching & Shoring OSHA Training & NCDOT Flagger Training Send Employees to Basic Electrical classes Seek operational efficiencies with manpower and equipment. Public Works Expenditures 10‐5600 Account 1210 Salaries 1220 Overtime 1230 Trustee Expense NEW‐Unemployment Ins. NEW‐401 K NEW‐NC Retire NEW‐FICA NEW‐Dental NEW‐Life NEW‐BCBS 1800 Fringe Benefits 1810 Med Benefit Claims 2120 Uniform Rentals 2510 Gas, Oil, Tires 2700 Trash Cans / Recycle B 2990 Department Supplies 3000 Wellness 3110 Travel & Training 3250 Postage 3310 Utilities 3510 Building & Grounds 3520 Equipment Service & Re 3530 Vehicle Service & Repa 3540 Equipment Repair/Repla 3550 Safety Equipment 3600 Street Lights 3970 Powell Bill Expense 3980 Signage 3990 Parking Lot Maintenanc 4400 Notices & Ads 4570 Banquets 5500 Capital Outlay 5560 Installment Payment 5900 Powell Bill Cap Outlay 6000 Cemetery Maintenance 6050 Crestview Park Mainten 8000 Landfill Fees 8500 Recycle Fees FY 14 Budget $407,707 $3,732 $1,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $124,974 $0 $9,270 $60,000 $6,500 $4,000 $0 $3,000 $50 $8,874 $3,248 $9,000 $17,000 $9,800 $3,000 $51,962 $123,563 $4,000 $750 $500 $300 $10,875 $24,068 $13,525 $2,000 $0 $71,000 $0 FY 14 FY 16 Mgr. Budget Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended FY 16 v. 15 Change $398,233 $425,787 $419,541 ‐$6,246 ‐1% $2,983 $3,000 $3,000 $0 0% $380 $1,980 $1,980 $0 0% $0 $1 $4,011 $4,010 401041% $0 $1 $9,420 $9,419 941912% $0 $1 $25,133 $25,132 2513188% $0 $1 $31,289 $31,288 3128798% $0 $1 $3,996 $3,995 399500% $0 $1 $768 $767 76700% $0 $1 $68,197 $68,196 6819609% $119,473 $143,999 $0 ‐$143,999 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $7,481 $8,000 $8,000 $0 0% $42,924 $54,354 $51,750 ‐$2,604 ‐5% $6,060 $90,000 $6,000 ‐$84,000 ‐93% $4,567 $5,193 $7,000 $1,807 35% $180 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $863 $4,000 $3,500 ‐$500 ‐13% $0 $50 $50 $0 0% $9,142 $9,052 $9,052 $0 0% $3,200 $2,500 $2,500 $0 0% $6,961 $9,000 $8,000 ‐$1,000 ‐11% $11,044 $19,000 $12,000 ‐$7,000 ‐37% $8,382 $9,800 $9,800 $0 0% $2,875 $3,000 $3,000 $0 0% $50,005 $51,962 $51,962 $0 0% $38,064 $56,485 $0 ‐$56,485 ‐100% $2,223 $4,000 $8,500 $4,500 113% $481 $750 $2,000 $1,250 167% $500 $500 $500 $0 0% $289 $380 $600 $220 58% $3,000 $18,000 $0 ‐$18,000 ‐100% $603 $6,017 $94,800 $88,783 1476% $17,354 $332,200 $0 ‐$332,200 ‐100% $418 $2,000 $1,500 ‐$500 ‐25% $237 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $71,764 $76,950 $68,500 ‐$8,450 ‐11% $0 $1 $2,500 $2,499 249900% Department $918,849 Total: Library The library has three full-time employees Norris Library maintains a collection of reading, reference, and audio-visual materials for use of the general public. Patrons are provided assistance in researching of information. Some training in the basic use of the Internet is also provided. Federal and State income tax forms are provided for the public. Children’s programs are the strongest aspect of Norris Library’s services. In summer, the library participates in a reading program for children. There is also a story hour. During the school year, children from day care centers as well as school groups come to the library for story reading and for an introductory lesson on how to use the library. Preschool story time is held weekly at the library. Students with school assignments depend on the library for materials; as well as wireless connection for the MacBooks provided to the students by Rutherford County Schools. Description The Rutherfordton Norris Library is operated and funded by the Town of Rutherfordton with the help of the Norris Library Foundation. Its mission is to provide wealth’s of information to the Towns citizens and visitors, and provide a safe and enjoyable environment for individuals to study and/or perform research. FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Update our Library Work Room Enlisting the help of a Spanish speaking volunteer to assist adult Hispanic patrons on using the internet for email, resumes, job applications, etc. Contact elementary schools within our community to promote library services and encourage the issuing of library cards Library Expenditures 10‐6100 Account 1210 Salaries NEW‐Unemployment Ins. NEW‐401 K NEW‐NC Retire NEW‐FICA NEW‐Dental NEW‐Life NEW‐BCBS 1800 Fringe Benefits 2990 Department Supplies 3000 Wellness 3010 Book Expense 3110 Travel & Training 3310 Utilities 3510 Building & Grounds 3520 Equipment Service & Ma NEW-Programming 3540 Equipment Repair/Repla 4570 Banquets 5500 Capital Outlay 5560 Installment Purchase FY 14 FY 14 FY 16 Mgr. FY 16 v. Budget Budget Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended 15 Change $101,183 $101,563 $106,243 $110,483 $4,240 4% $0 $0 $1 $1,105 $1,104 110383% $0 $0 $1 $2,762 $2,761 276106% $0 $0 $1 $7,369 $7,368 736819% $0 $0 $1 $8,618 $8,617 861664% $0 $0 $1 $999 $998 99800% $0 $0 $1 $196 $195 19520% $0 $0 $1 $17,049 $17,048 1704827% $29,966 $29,257 $33,987 $0 ‐$33,987 ‐100% $3,850 $4,898 $3,850 $4,500 $650 17% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $6,305 $4,781 $6,000 $6,000 $0 0% $100 $0 $100 $350 $250 250% $6,100 $6,071 $7,263 $7,000 ‐$263 ‐4% $2,000 $1,217 $2,000 $1,500 ‐$500 ‐25% $5,260 $4,379 $5,260 $6,000 $740 14% $0 $0 $1 $1,000 $999 99900% $1,700 $1,395 $2,300 $2,300 $0 0% $0 $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $0 $1 $6,750 $6,749 674900% $2,948 $77 $301 $0 ‐$301 ‐100% Department $183,981 Total: Recreation Department There are no staff positions in the recreation budget. The facilities are being maintained by the Public Works Department and some special interest groups. Little League, the Golf Club, Clubhouse Committee and the Kiwanis Club, are providing programs and direction for those facilities. Facilities include 2nd Street Park, Main Street Park, the Clubhouse area, Crestview Park, the Golf Course and Kiwanis Park. Included in the recreation budget are the Town entrances. The Recreation Committee is involved in the long-term plans for recreation. Plans for a comprehensive trails system and Kiwanis Park have been presented to Town Council. Mission The Recreation department’s mission is to provide great parks, natural areas, and recreational experiences. FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Improve the safety and usability of all parks and rentable facilities owned by the Town. Parks & Rec. Expenditures 10‐6200 Account 2990 Department Supplies 3110 Travel & Training 3310 Utilities 3510 Building & Grounds 3560 Crestview/Kiwanis Main 3580 Second Street Park 3590 Town Entrances 4640 Grants 4990 Miscellaneous 5000 Clubhouse Utilities & 5100 Clubhouse Maintenance 5500 Capital Outlay 5600 Golf Course Capital Im 6950 Appearance Commission 6970 Little League Field 6990 Golf Course 7010 TRAILS 9930 Clubhouse Reserve FY 14 Budget $2,000 $1,000 $26,200 $1,500 $7,000 $0 $2,500 $0 $250 $15,322 $0 $12,253 $0 $0 $12,960 $9,800 $0 $1,350 FY 14 FY 16 Mgr. FY 16 v. Budget Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended 15 Change $361 $2,000 $2,000 $0 0% $500 $1,000 $1,000 $0 0% $23,575 $24,100 $24,100 $0 0% $1,045 $1,500 $1,500 $0 0% $8,977 $7,000 $10,000 $3,000 43% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $2,845 $2,500 $15,000 $12,500 500% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $250 $250 $0 0% $15,398 $13,500 $13,500 $0 0% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $12,253 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $12,905 $2,000 $2,000 $0 0% $9,800 $10,000 $10,000 $0 0% $0 $1 $15,000 $14,999 1499900% $0 $1,200 $1,200 $0 0% Department $95,550 Total: Debt Service Description Debt Service expenditures serve to make payments on the principal and interest on various financing instruments the Town utilizes to purchase capital assets including land and equipment, and construct capital improvements such as new buildings or facilities. Long-Term Debt Payment Summary Current Debt General Fund On September 12, 2012, the Town executed an installment purchase agreement in the amount of $509,981 for the purchase of a fire truck. This agreement bears interest at 2.08% and calls for monthly principal and interest payments of $4,711 beginning in October of 2012 through September of 2022. Sewer Fund On September 2, 2009, the Town was awarded a loan in the amount of $101,850 with the State of North Carolina for a loan from the North Carolina Emergency Revolving Loan Account to finance the waterworks road pump Station replacement and wastewater collection system improvements. This note bears no interest and calls for annual payments of $16,975 in May of each year beginning in May 2011 through May 2016. On June 12, 2006, the Town executed a promissory note in the amount of $591,952 with the State of North Carolina for a loan from the North Carolina Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to finance the retrofit of the wastewater treatment plant. This note bears interest at 2.195% and calls for semi-annual payments of interest and annual payments of principal in May of each year beginning in May 2009 through May 2026. Proposed Debt General Fund $38,000 – Investigations Vehicle $138,000 – Grabble Truck $260,000 – Trash Truck Town Debt Payments Loan Description Department Admin Department Total: Loan Total Principal Amount Loan Total Interest Amount $0 $0 $0 $38,000 $0 RTR‐Comm. Dev Police Department Total: Investigations Vehicle Fire Department Total: Fire Truck $38,000 $428,209 $0 $38,154 Department Total: Grabble Truck Trash Truck $428,209 $138,000 $260,000 $38,154 Department Total: $398,000 $0 Department Total: $0 $0 Department Total: waterworks road pump station repla. and system impr. retrofit of wastewater plant $0 $33,950 $373,864 $0 Department Total: $407,814 Public Works Library Parks & Rec. Sewer $53,342 $53,342 Loan Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,000 $0 $0 $38,000 $466,363 $0 $0 $466,363 $138,000 $260,000 $0 $398,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $461,156 $0 $461,156 Town Total: FY 15‐16 Payment Total $0 $0 $0 $56,529 $56,529 $94,800 $0 $0 $16,975 $38,677 $55,652 $206,981 Powell Bill Fund This fund has no employees and is solely for the purpose tracking the revenues and expenditures of monies used for street and sidewalk construction, maintenance and repair. Description Street improvements for the Town of Rutherfordton are funded primarily through a stateshared gasoline tax known as “Powell Bill” funds. The Town utilizes these funds to maintain our street resurfacing program, construct new streets, repair existing sidewalks, and improve existing streets and sidewalks. FY 2016 Work Program Replace aged and broken sidewalks throughout the Town Proactively monitor the Town street system for issues Begin the implementation of the Rutherfordton Trail System Powell Bill Fund Revenues NEW Account Code NEW Account Name Powell Bill Revenue Total Powell Bill Revenues: FY 16 Mgr. Recommended $135,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $135,000 Powell Bill Fund Expenditures Account # NEW NEW NEW Account Name Street Maintenance Sidewalk Maintenance Greenways & Trails Department Total: FY 16 Mgr. Recommended $90,000 $30,000 $15,000 $0 $135,000 Sewer Enterprise Fund The Sewer Fund has two employees for maintenance purposes as well as two contracted employees for the operation of the Town’s sewer system. Description The Town of Rutherfordton operates a Sewer Enterprise Fund. The Town provides all collection, system maintenance and expansion. FY 2016 Goals and Objectives Purchase a new sewer line jetter system to better maintain and clean town sewer lines. Purchase a new camera trailer to allow the inspection of sewer lines. Provide more funds for sewer collection system line replacements. Sewer Expenditures 60-7135 Budget FY 13-14 Actual FY 13-14 Budget FY 14-15 Budget FY 15-16 Personnel $20,000.00 $17,772.56 $57,519.00 $59,384.00 Operating $551,885.00 $435,149.19 $617,010.00 $562,250.00 Capital $68,660.00 $68,659.97 $1,000,002.00 $143,000.00 Debt Service $57,021.00 $8,890.18 $56,337.00 $55,652.00 Total: $697,566.00 $530,471.90 $1,730,868.00 $820,286.00 Percent Change from FY 14-15 to 15-16 3% -9% -86% -1% -53% Sewer Fund Revenues 60‐ Account Code 60-3380-0000 Violation Fines 3710-5200 Taps & Connections Fee 3713-5100 Sewer Use Fees 3713-5120 Late Payment Fees 3830-0000 Installment Purchase P 3831-0000 Interest Income 3839-0000 Miscellaneous Revenue 3842-0000 Grant Revenue 3984-0000 Transfer In Sewer Cap 3991-0000 Fund Balance Appropria FY 13 FY 13 FY 14 FY 14 FY 16 Mgr. Budget Actual Budget Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended FY 16 v. 15 Budget Changes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $750 $250 $750 $850 $750 $750 $0 0% $676,982 $689,022 $696,456 $696,285 $729,740 $819,186 $89,446 12% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $200 $455 $360 $120 $360 $350 ‐$10 ‐3% $0 $384 $0 $307 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0 $0 $17,500 $1,000,000 $0 ‐$1,000,000 ‐100% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! Total Sewer $820,286 Revenues: Sewer Expenditures 60‐7135 Account 1250 Reim General Fund Sala NEW‐Salaries Overtime NEW‐Unemployment Ins. NEW‐401 K NEW‐NC Retire NEW‐FICA NEW‐Dental NEW‐Life NEW‐BCBS 2510 Gas, Oil Tires 2990 Department Supplies 3100 Plant Chemicals 3310 Utilities 3350 Billing & Collection C 3370 Travel & Training 3390 Refunds 3400 Sludge Disposal 3450 Testing/Monitoring 3500 Contracted Services 3530 Line Maintenance & Rep 3531 Plant Maintenance & Re 3540 Sewer Equipt Repair / 4500 Insurance 4640 Grants 4920 Depreciation Expense 4990 Miscellaneous 5000 Capital Project Intere 5010 LAKE LURE CONNECTOR 5100 Capital Project Princi 5500 Capital Outlay 5520 Capital Reserve Sewer 5560 Installment Purchase 5600 Intrafund Transfers 9000 Capital Project Expens 9930 For Future Appropriati FY 14 Budget $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,892 $40,000 $88,736 $16,000 $0 $0 $15,000 $42,400 $124,250 $7,771 $40,904 $2,245 $4,000 $0 $0 $17,639 $8,891 $0 $48,130 $68,660 $0 $0 $0 $0 $111,048 FY 14 FY 16 Mgr. Actual FY 15 Budget Recommended FY 16 v. 15 Budget Change $17,773 $57,510 $0 ‐$57,510 ‐100% $0 $1 $46,354 $46,353 4635308% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $1 $464 $463 46254% $0 $1 $783 $782 78167% $0 $1 $2,086 $2,085 208500% $0 $1 $3,616 $3,615 361462% $0 $1 $333 $332 33200% $0 $1 $66 $65 6500% $0 $1 $5,683 $5,682 568209% $0 $0 $1,500 $40,565 $43,400 $3,000 ‐$40,400 ‐93% $32,529 $20,000 $35,500 $15,500 78% $64,676 $69,000 $74,500 $5,500 8% $15,420 $17,000 $17,000 $0 0% $0 $1 $5,500 $5,499 549900% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $16,770 $17,000 $16,000 ‐$1,000 ‐6% $41,799 $42,800 $3,500 ‐$39,300 ‐92% $124,393 $126,400 $216,000 $89,600 71% $11,963 $25,000 $47,000 $22,000 88% $42,896 $28,700 $28,000 ‐$700 ‐2% $8,220 $5,000 $5,000 $0 0% $4,262 $4,750 $4,750 $0 0% $17,500 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $14,157 $10,000 $5,000 ‐$5,000 ‐50% $8,890 $8,206 $0 ‐$8,206 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $48,130 $0 ‐$48,130 ‐100% $68,660 $1,000,000 $0 ‐$1,000,000 ‐100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $1 $55,652 $55,651 5565100% $0 $1 $0 ‐$1 ‐100% $0 $1 $143,000 $142,999 14299900% $0 $207,954 $100,000 ‐$107,954 ‐52% Department $820,286 Total: FIND US ON TWITTER @RutherfordtonNC FIND US ON FACEBOOK MyRutherfordton PROMOTE US WITH HASHTAG #MintedOriginal FIND US ON THE WEB AT: www.rutherfordton.net www.myrutherfordton.com MAYFEST – 1st Saturday of May FUNC – 1st Friday of Each Month – May – Sept JULY 4th – July 4th of Each Year HILLTOP FALL FESTIVAL - 1st Saturday in October TRICK or TREAT on MAIN – October 31st of Each Year SALUTE TO VETERANS – 2nd Saturday of November CHRISTMAS PARADE – 1st Saturday of December TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS- 1st Wednesday of Each Month @ 5:30pm Rate Schedule For FY 2015-2016 Clubhouse Rental Fees Updated May 2011 Weekends and Holidays Monday - Thursday 2 p.m- Entire Day Monday - Thursday: any 4 hr block $175 $125 $75 Police Officer fee if alcohol is on the premises $32 / hr Cash Deposit $100 Crestview Park Facilities Ball Fields Crestview Picnic Area All reservations to be made at Town Hall $10 / hr; lights are additional $10 / hr 1st hr $10 each additional hr $5 Cemetery Fees: Updated August 2012 Plot Deed Record $450 $150 $26 If a multiplot purchase, no additional costs for the deed and its recording. Solid Waste Fees Garbage Collection: Residential ** 1 can picked up once per week Each additional weekly can pickup Updated June 2014 Covered by property taxes* $8.10 per month Commercial & Other Non-Residential Customers 2 cans picked up once per week Each additional weekly can pickup Commercial - Twice weekly pick up Recycle Collection Residential Currently subsidized by property taxes (2 bins max) Non-subsidizing customers Commercial** & Other Non-Residential Customers Currently subsidized by property taxes Non-subsidizing customers Covered by property taxes* $8.10 per month $8.10 per month Covered by property taxes* $8.10 per bin per month Covered by property taxes* $8.10 per bin per month * If a customer does not subsidize collection through property taxes, the fee is charged beginning with the first can or bin. ** Each apartment is classified as a separate residence Trash Receptacle Recycling Bin Bulk Pickup Brush Pickup 95 gallon 65 gallon $60 $43 $10 Charge assessed by pickup One free pickup per month, $90 per truckload thereafter. Effective 9/1/08 Copy Fees Per Page 10¢ Fire Department Fees Inspection Permit Fees Business/Mercantile Residential Foster Care Rest Home/Child Care Assembly Manufacturing/Institutional $10 $10 $20 $50 $100 Zoning Fees Rezoning Application Copy of UDO Variance Fee Conditional Use Permit Special Use Permit Zoning Permit requiring inspection Zoning Permit not requiring inspection $200 $25 $100 $100 $100 $25 $10 Updated June 2014 Rutherfordton Inside Sewer Rates Block Monthly Volume From (gallons) To (gallons) 1 Base Rate (first 1000 gallons free) 2 1,001 500,000 3 500,001 1,000,000 4 1,000,001 10,000,000 5 10,000,001 and over Rutherfordton Outside Sewer Rates Block Monthly Volume From (gallons) To (gallons) 1 Base Rate (first 1000 gallons free) 2 1,001 500,000 3 500,001 1,000,000 4 1,000,001 10,000,000 5 10,000,001 and over Tap Fees 4" tap 6" tap 8" tap Rate per 1,000 gallons $ 13.25 $ 5.14 $ 4.46 $ 2.86 $ 1.29 Rate per 1,000 gallons $ 39.75 $ 15.42 $ 13.38 $ 8.58 $ 3.87 Inside Outside $750 As Negotiated $900 $1,200 Town of Rutherfordton General Fund 2016‐2020 Capital Improvement Plan Summary = Committed DEPT Library Community Development Police Police Public Works Public Works Library Public Works Community Development Parks & Rec Community Development Public Works Public Works Fire Fire Library Public Works Fire Fire Admin Fire Fire Parks & Rec Parks & Rec Community Development Parks & Rec Community Development Fire Parks & Rec Public Works DESCRIPTION Work Room Woodrow Jones Boiler Investigations Vehicle Replacement Patrol Vehicle Replacement Grabble Truck Refuse Truck Digital Homework/Meeting Room Vehicle Replacement Downtown Streetscapes Kiwanis's Park Bathrooms Way finding Signage Lawn Mower Leaf Truck SCBA & Cascade Rescue Engine Technology Upgrades Dump Truck Rescue Equipment Extrication Equipment Fleet Vehicle Vehicle Replacement Mini Pumper Kiwanis's Park Trail & Shelter Crestview Park Improvements Betchler House Over Mountain victory Greenway Central St Parking & Main St Park Station #2 Purple Martin Greenway New Facility 2016 6,750 22,000 38,000 82,000 138,000 260,000 One Time Capital Fund Balance Debt 2017 82,000 2018 41,000 2019 82,000 2020 Future 38,000 41,000 260,000 22,000 22,500 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 22,500 25,000 25,000 225,000 13,000 167,000 195,600 525,000 22,875 40,430 60,000 60,000 22,500 30,000 125,000 275,000 546,750 0 0 0 251,500 966,600 290,305 579,000 22,500 125,000 220,725 325,000 400,000 450,000 725,000 2,778,225 Total 6,750 22,000 76,000 328,000 138,000 260,000 22,000 45,000 125,000 275,000 50,000 13,000 167,000 195,600 525,000 22,875 40,430 60,000 60,000 22,500 30,000 125,000 275,000 22,500 125,000 220,725 325,000 400,000 450,000 725,000 5,412,380 Town of Rutherfordton Sewer Enterprise Fund 2015‐2019 Capital Improvement Plan Summary = Committed DEPT Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer Sewer DESCRIPTION Inspection Camera Sewer Jetter Spare Pumps for Lift Stations WWTP Aeration Basin Liner WWTP Generator Vehicle Replacement Manhole Rehab Charlotte Road Lift Station WWTP SCADA Outfall Tractor 2016 68,500 75,000 143,500 2017 18,500 39,000 175,000 232,500 2018 2019 2020 18,500 25,000 25,750 87,425 138,175 25,750 115,000 140,750 25,750 48,725 92,975 Total 75,000 37,000 39,000 175,000 25,000 77,250 87,425 115,000 48,725 679,400