informazioni utili per la presentazione della richiesta di
informazioni utili per la presentazione della richiesta di
INFORMAZIONI UTILI PER LA PRESENTAZIONE DELLA RICHIESTA DI AMMISSIONE AD ARTE FIERA 2014 USEFUL INFORMATION FOR APPLYING TO TAKE PART IN ARTE FIERA 2014 1) PRESENTAZIONE RICHIESTA Arte Fiera si configura come una manifestazione dall’accentuato aspetto curatoriale, realizzata su progetto e quindi atta a promuovere la partecipazione degli espositori che sarà: - per una prima parte, su invito e considerazione dei Direttori Artistici - per la seconda parte, successiva, dedicata a quelle gallerie che: · presentano giovani artisti · aderiscano alla formula sperimentata con successo nell’edizione 2013 del “Solo show” · si occupino – novità 2014 - specificamente di fotografia e di grafica d’autore · appartengano, infine, alla categoria di quelle gallerie che, pur non essendo invitate, vogliano comunque proporre la loro partecipazione ad Arte Fiera 2014. 1) SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS Arte Fiera is a fair with a keen curatorial slant, being developed as a project and so geared to encouraging Exhibitor participation: - by invitation of the Art Directors; - or, alternatively and subsequently, of galleries that: · show young artists; · agree to the successful “Solo Show” formula implemented at the 2013 edition; · have a special interest in the new topic for 2014 - photography and graphic art; · although not specifically invited, are nonetheless eager to participate in Arte Fiera 2014. Tutte le gallerie interessate devono sottoporre la loro richiesta utilizzando il modulo allegato alla presente comunicazione, illustrando in dettaglio le proposte espositive che saranno sottoposte all’esame della Commissione di Selezione. 2) CRITERI DI AMMISSIONE E VALUTAZIONE DELLA COMMISSIONE DI SELEZIONE Possono inviare la richiesta di ammissione esclusivamente le gallerie che abbiano i requisiti tecnico amministrativi richiesti nella scheda tecnica di manifestazione allegata. a) BolognaFiere valuterà preliminarmente l’ammissibilità delle richiesta di ammissione con riferimento a criteri tecnico-amministrativi indicati nella richiesta di ammissione di Arte Fiera. b) La selezione sarà curata da tutti i membri della commissione di Selezione, che procederanno a valutare i progetti espositivi presentati dalle gallerie attraverso un voto palese espresso numericamente da 1 a 10 (senza possibilità di decimali) in base alla rispondenza degli stessi al progetto di Arte Fiera individuato. c) Verrà stilata una graduatoria a scalare, che verrà sottoscritta dai membri della commissione che abbiano partecipato ai lavori. d) Sulla base di tale graduatoria verranno ritenute ammesse, a scalare, le gallerie col punteggio più alto, tenuto conto della disponibilità degli spazi espositivi messi a disposizione discrezionalmente da BolognaFiere per l’ edizione 2014 della Rassegna. e) Potranno essere in qualsiasi momento riesaminate le posizioni di singole gallerie che, per errate informazioni, siano state escluse dalla valutazione della commissione, mentre al di là di quest’ultima fattispecie, non è ammesso reclamo né riesame delle singole posizioni. Verrà redatto apposito verbale sottoscritto dai membri della Commissione che riportera’ i punteggi ottenuti dalle gallerie esaminate e che con la sottoscrizione e firma di ciascun componente della Commissione resta depositato presso gli Uffici di BolognaFiere. Resta in capo a BolognaFiere la conclusiva ed automoma responsabilità di decisione in ordine alla accettazione delle gallerie; BolognaFiere si riserva, quindi, recepite le valutazioni della Commissione, la facolta’ di decisioni anche difformi da tali valutazioni, registrandone le motivazioni. Tutte le gallerie devono inviare in allegato alla scheda un CD con fotografie di opere degli artisti inseriti nella proposta, biografie degli artisti presentati, e documentazione su eventuali mostre che tali artisti hanno realizzato da soli o con partecipazioni collettive, nonché ogni altra informazione utile per permettere alla Commissione ed agli organizzatori la migliore e più approfondita valutazione delle schede inviate. La documentazione dovrà essere inviata a: BolognaFiere Spa, Viale della Fiera 20, 40127 Bologna - Italia c.a. Arte Fiera Show office Le gallerie invitate riceveranno la modulistica di partecipazione ad Arte All interested galleries must therefore apply using the form enclosed with this letter, setting out in detail the proposals that they intend to present at the show. The proposals will be submitted to the Selection Committee. 2) GALLERY ADMISSION CRITERIA AND SELECTION COMMITTEE EVALUATION In order to apply, galleries must have had at least one year of documented activity at the time of application. (see detailed information below). a) BolognaFiere shall, as a preliminary measure, assess the admissibility of the request to participate in Arte Fiera on the basis of the technical and administrative criteria indicated by the applicant on the Application Request. b) Selection shall be made by all members of the Selection Committee. Each Committee member shall proceed to assess the extent to which the exhibition programmes submitted by each art gallery is in line with the Arte Fiera project announced and shall openly attribute an (indivisible) numerical score from 1 to 10. c) A rank order list shall be approved by the members of the Selection Committee participating in the selection process. d) Art galleries shall be accepted for admittance starting with those with the highest score on the rank list and proceeding in descending order, on the basis of the exhibition spaces made available for the 2014 edition of Arte Fiera by, and at the discretion of, BolognaFiere. e) The position of individual art galleries may be subject to re-examination in the event of an application not being submitted to the Selection Committee on account of erroneous information. Over and above this instance, however, the decisions of the Selection Committee shall be final and shall not be subject to challenge or re-examination in any way whatsoever. A formal report signed by all members of the Selection Committee shall be drawn up indicating the scores obtained by the art galleries examined. The report shall be filed with the BolognaFiere offices. The final independent decision regarding the admittance of any art gallery to the tradeshow shall nonetheless lie with BolognaFiere. BolognaFiere therefore hereby reserves the right, even in full cognisance of the Selection Committee’s assessments, to make decisions that run counter to such assessments, giving written motivation for its choice. When submitting the form, all galleries must include a CD containing photographs of works by the featured artists, biographies of the artists and documentation concerning individual or collective exhibitions these artists have taken part in, a short note on the criteria adopted for selecting the works and artists and for organising the exhibition project, as well as any other information that may be useful to the Committee and organisers in making an accurate and detailed evaluation of the submitted forms. Documentantion shall be sent to: BolognaFiere Spa, Viale della Fiera 20, 40127 Bologna - Italy kind attention of Arte Fiera Show Office The invited galleries will receive the forms for participation in Arte Fiera Fiera 2014. Le gallerie in lista di attesa riceveranno una comunicazione che le informerà del loro inserimento nella lista di attesa. 2014. The galleries placed on the waiting list will receive notification to that effect. Durante la manifestazione i componenti della Commissione verificheranno e documenteranno le modalità di presentazione delle opere di ciascuno stand e la conformità di quanto presentato da ogni galleria con quanto dichiarato nella Scheda di Manifestazione. Tali informazioni saranno utilizzate al momento della selezione delle richieste per la successiva edizione di Arte Fiera. During the exhibition, the members of the Committee will verify and document the methods of presentation of the works at each stand and the conformity of each gallery’s presentation with the declaration made on the Exhibition Form. This information will be used when selecting applications for the next edition of Arte Fiera. 3) SETTORI ESPOSITIVI E TARIFFE DI PARTECIPAZIONE Tutte le gallerie partecipanti sono distribuite all’interno dei padiglioni secondo criteri di omogeneità e migliore fruibilità della mostra. Le dimensioni degli stand espositivi assegnabili nella sezione arte moderna e contemporanea sono indicativamente non inferiori a mq. 36 mentre nelle sezioni Nuove Proposte, Solo Show, Fotografia e Grafica gli stand hanno una dimensione minima di 24 metri quadri e massima di mq. 32. Le condizioni di partecipazione ad Arte Fiera 2014 saranno le seguenti: Arte moderna e contemporanea (stand minimo 36 metri quadri) Euro 250 / mq Quota di iscrizione 550 euro + IVA (comprensiva di assicurazione, inserimento in catalogo e connessione internet wi-fi) Solo Show (da 24 a 32 metri quadri – stand unico) 180 euro / mq + quota di iscrizione 550 euro + IVA (comprensiva di assicurazione, inserimento in catalogo, e connessione internet wi-fi) La sezione Solo Show è rivolta alle gallerie che intendono esporre un solo artista all’interno del proprio spazio. Nuove Proposte / Fotografia / Grafica (da 24 a 32 metri quadri – stand unico) 160 euro / mq + quota di iscrizione 550 euro + IVA (comprensiva di assicurazione, inserimento in catalogo e connessione internet wi-fi) La sezione Nuove Proposte è stata pensata per favorire la partecipazione ad Arte Fiera di gallerie che vogliano presentare artisti under 35. Fotografia e grafica sono due sezioni dedicate a gallerie che intendono presentare lavori solo di fotografia o di grafica d’autore. Tutte le proposte saranno valutate e selezionate dalla Commissione di Selezione sulla base della loro effettiva conformità a questa impostazione. Le gallerie interessate a partecipare a questa sezione devono indicarlo chiaramente nella scheda allegata. 3) EXHIBITION SECTORS AND PARTICIPATION FEES All participating galleries are assigned spaces inside the halls according to criteria of uniformity and convenience for visitors. The dimensions of the assignable exhibition stands in the modern and contemporary art section are generally no less than 36 sq.m, while the stands in the New proposals, solo show, photography and graphic art sections are minimum 24 sq.m. maximum 32 sq.m. The conditions for participation in Arte Fiera 2014 are as follows: Modern and contemporary art 250 euro / sq.m Registration fee 550 euro + VAT if due (including insurance, inclusion in catalogue and wi-fi internet connection) Solo Show 180 euro / sq.m + registration fee of 550 euro + VAT if due (including insurance, inclusion in catalogue and wi-fi internet connection) The Solo Show section is addressed to art galleries who want to showcase a solo exhibition by one artist. In this section booths have a size of minimum 24 sq.m. maximum 32 sq.m, stands are single and non-combinable. New Proposals / Photography / Graphic Art 160 euro / sq.m + registration fee of 550 euro + VAT if due (including insurance, inclusion in catalogue and wi-fi internet connection) The aim of the New Proposals section is to promote participation in Arte Fiera by galleries wanting to showcase young artists born under 35 years old. The spaces in those sections are offered at more favourable conditions and have a size of minimum 24 sq.m. maximum 32 sq.m, comprising single and non-combinable stands. All proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Selection Committee on the basis of their effective conformity with this requirement. Galleries interested in taking part in this section must state this clearly on the enclosed form. 24/27 GEN/JAN 2014 PREVIEW 23 GEN/JAN PROCEDURA DI AMMISSIONE ADMISSION PROCEDURE SCHEDA DI MANIFESTAZIONE EXHIBITION FORM PROCEDURA DI AMMISSIONE ADMISSION PROCEDURE Arte Fiera è di norma rivolta alle gallerie, ai mercanti e agli operatori attivi nel campo dell’arte moderna e contemporanea. Sarà facoltà di BolognaFiere di ammettere qualsiasi altra categoria. La partecipazione ad Arte Fiera è esclusivamente ad invito. Saranno invitati a partecipare ad Arte Fiera, come espositori, le gallerie, i mercanti e gli operatori attivi nel campo dell’arte moderna e contemporanea che abbiano manifestato il loro interesse, e che siano stati selezionati da BolognaFiere sentito il parere della Commissione e Selezione che collabora per la realizzazione di Arte Fiera. La scelta delle opere da presentare, che dovrà essere conforme all’indicazione contenuta nella Scheda di Manifestazione, spetta all’Espositore che si assume le conseguenti responsabilità sia di ordine estetico che di ogni altro ordine. Le Schede di Manifestazione saranno sottoposte all’esame della Commissione di Selezione esclusivamente se accompagnate dalla documentazione comprovante l’avvenuto pagamento della quota di ammissione al procedimento di selezione. La quota ammonta a Euro 250,00 + IVA per tutte le sezioni. Le schede non accompagnate da tale pagamento non saranno considerate ricevibili e quindi non potranno essere sottoposte all’esame del Commissione. Il pagamento della quota dovrà essere effettuato mediante bonifico bancario intestato a: BolognaFiere spa - Arte Fiera Unicredit spa - Fil. Op. Emilia Est - BO C/C N. 000030081768 Iban: IT 70 I 02008 02515 000030081768 Bic - Swift UNCRITMMOEE indicando chiaramente il nominativo della Galleria, entro il termine indicato da BolognaFiere. Tale termine è perentorio. La quota non verrà in ogni caso restituita. Per le gallerie invitate ed ammesse a partecipare ad Arte Fiera 2014 la quota verrà considerata come anticipo sulla quota di iscrizione. A quanti saranno invitati a partecipare ad Arte Fiera, BolognaFiere invierà il modulo della domanda di partecipazione, la cui accettazione da parte di BolognaFiere attribuirà all’interessato la qualifica di espositore. A quanti non invitati, BolognaFiere darà la relativa comunicazione senza alcun obbligo di renderne motivazione. Ulteriori informazioni e chiarimenti potranno essere richiesti alla Segreteria di Arte Fiera ai seguent i contatti : Tel. +39.051.282257 / 282929, Fax +39.051.637.40.19, email As a rule, Arte Fiera is open to galleries, dealers and professionals operating in the field of modern and contemporary art. BolognaFiere, however, reserves the right to admit any other category it deems fit. Participation in Arte Fiera is by invitation only. Those galleries, dealers and professionals operating in the field of modern and contemporary art expressing an interest in attending shall be invited to participate in Arte Fiera as exhibitors only if duly selected by BolognaFiere, whose decision shall also take into account the recommendations of the Selection Committee designated to assist BolognaFiere in the staging of Arte Fiera. While the works to be exhibited are at the discretion of each exhibitor, they must, however, comply with the indications given in the Exhibition Form. The exhibitor shall have full responsibility for the aesthetic and other outcomes. The Exhibition Forms will be submitted to the attention of the Selection Committee only if accompanied by documentation demonstrating payment of the fees for admission to the selection procedure. The fees amount to Euro 250.00 + VAT, if due. Forms that are not accompanied by this payment will not be considered acceptable and will therefore not be submitted to the attention of the Committee. The fees must be paid by bank transfer to the following account: BolognaFiere spa– Arte Fiera Unicredit spa - Fil. Op. Emilia Est - BO C/C No. 000030081768 Iban: IT 70 I 02008 02515 000030081768 Bic - Swift UNCRITMMOEE clearly indicating the name of the Gallery, within the deadline stated by BolognaFiere. This deadline is obligatory. The fee is in any case non-returnable. For galleries admitted to take part in Arte Fiera 2014, the fee will be considered as an advance on the registration fee. All those invited to participate in Arte Fiera will receive the Application Form from BolognaFiere. Entitlement to participate as an exhibitor shall be subject to the completed Application Form being returned and approved by BolognaFiere. BolognaFiere shall inform all those not invited to participate, but is under no obligation to furnish reasons for non-inclusion. For any further information, please contact the Arte Fiera Show Office: Tel.+39.051.282257 / 282929, Fax +39.051.637.40.19, email DATI DELLA GALLERIA / DATA OF THE GALLERY: Nome / Company Name Indirizzo / Address CAP / Post Code Città / Town Nazione / Country Website Tel. Fax E-mail Fondata nel / Founded in Direttore / Directed by DATI PER FATTURAZIONE QUOTA DI AMMISSIONE Ragione sociale PEC Indirizzo P. IVA Codice fiscale email amministrativa Inoltre dichiara, sotto la propria responsabilità, che: NON È SOGGETTO agli Obblighi di Tracciabilità dei Flussi Finanziari Ex Legge 136/2010. INVOICING DATA (for administration purposes): È SOGGETTO agli Obblighi di Tracciabilità dei Flussi Finanziari Ex Legge 136/2010. You are a: Official Company Name Address and Post Code taxable entity / person professional individual If you are a taxable entity / person please indicate: VAT code in our country VAT code does non exist Town and Country TAX identification n° Administrative Contact Person Administrative Email in our country the TAX identification number does non exist If you are a professional individual, please indicate date and place of birth: Scheda di Manifestazione / Exhibition Form La galleria dichiara: • di avere almeno un anno di attività documentata al momento della presente richiesta; • di disporre di propri locali commerciali; • che tali locali sono aperti al pubblico almeno tre ore al giorno per cinque giorni la settimana; • che vi organizza almeno per tre volte l’anno delle mostre pubbliche; • che le opere da esporre ad Arte Fiera sono garantite autentiche; • di NON aver riportato condanne penali od avere in corso procedimenti penali per delitti non colposi in relazione a fatti inerenti alla propria attività commerciale; • di NON essere assoggettata a liquidazione, concordato, fallimento o ad altre procedure concorsuali; • di NON avere pendenze giudiziarie con BolognaFiere o con altre società del Gruppo BolognaFiere in relazione alla partecipazione ad Arte Fiera, ovvero di non essere insolvente con BolognaFiere o con altre società del Gruppo stesso. The above-mentioned Art Gallery hereby declares that: • it has been in operation for at least one year at the time of returning this Exhibition Form, and can document this statement; • it has its own commercial premises; • these commercial premises are open to the public at least three hours a day, five days a week; • public exhibitions are held on these premises at least three times a year; • the art works to be exhibited at Arte Fiera are all guaranteed authentic; • it DOES NOT have prior convictions or criminal proceedings in progress for offences relating to its commercial activities; • it IS NOT subject to liquidation, settlement, bankruptcy or other proceedings involving joint claimants; • it DOES NOT have pending lawsuits with BolognaFiere or with affiliated companies of BolognaFiere Group in relation to participation in ARTE FIERA and has no outstanding debts towards BolognaFiere or towards its affiliated companies.. PRINCIPALI MOSTRE SVOLTE DA GENNAIO 2011 A MARZO 2013 SHOWS STAGED BY THE GALLERY BETWEEN JANUARY 2011 AND MARCH 2013 1 2 Autore / Artist 3 Autore / Artist Titolo / Title Titolo / Title Durata / Duration Durata / Duration Catalogo / Catalogue Catalogo / Catalogue Autore / Artist 4 Autore / Artist Titolo / Title Titolo / Title Durata / Duration Durata / Duration Catalogo / Catalogue Catalogo / Catalogue PRINCIPALI MOSTRE IN PROGRAMMA NELLA STAGIONE 2013/2014 SHOWS SCHEDULED FOR THE 2013/2014 SEASON 1 3 2 4 PARTECIPAZIONE AD ALTRE FIERE NEL 2012 E 2013 PARTICIPATION IN OTHER FAIRS IN 2012 AND 2013 1 3 2 4 È INTERESSATA A PARTECIPARE AD ARTE FIERA 2014 NELLA SEGUENTE SEZIONE*: IS INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING TO ARTE FIERA 2014 IN THE FOLLOWING SECTION*: Arte Moderna e Contemporanea / Modern and Contemporary Art Solo Show / Solo Show Nuove Proposte / New proposals Fotografia, Grafica d’autore / Photography, Graphic Art con un'area espositiva di mq. / with an exhibition area of sq.m. ___________________________________________________ * barrare più di una casella in caso di scelta multipla. Le gallerie che presenteranno più di un progetto verranno selezionate per una sola sezione. * Please tick more than one section in case of multiple choice. Galleries presenting more than one project will be selected for only ONE section. CON LA SEGUENTE PROPOSTA: WITH THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMME: N.B. Ai fini di una più approfondita valutazione da parte della Commissione Selezione, si prega di allegare documentazione dettagliata delle opere proposte, specificando altresì se trattasi di pezzi unici o di opere multiple. N.B. In order to assist the Selection Committee in its deliberations, please enclose detailed documentation of the works proposed for the exhibition, indicating whether they are one-offs or limited editions. SI ALLEGA COPIA DEL VERSAMENTO DI: EURO 250,00 + IVA WE ENCLOSE COPY OF PAYMENT OF: EURO 250.00 + VAT, IF DUE EFFETTUATO IN DATA___________________________________________________ CON BONIFICO BANCARIO INTESTATO A MADE ON DATE _______________________________________________________ BY BANK TRANSFER PAYABLE TO BolognaFiere spa – Arte Fiera Unicredit spa - Fil. Op. Emilia Est - BO C/C N. 000030081768 Iban: IT 70 I 02008 02515 000030081768 Bic - Swift UNCRITMMOEE BolognaFiere spa – Arte Fiera Unicredit spa - Fil. Op. Emilia Est - BO C/C N. 000030081768 Iban: IT 70 I 02008 02515 000030081768 Bic - Swift UNCRITMMOEE QUALE QUOTA DI AMMISSIONE AL PROCEDIMENTO DI SELEZIONE AD ARTE FIERA 2014 AS FEE FOR ADMISSION TO SELECTION PROCEDURE FOR ARTE FIERA 2014 Per presa visione ed accettazione della procedura di ammissione ad Arte Fiera, sopra riportata. Per autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali in Italia ed all’Estero per fini amministrativi, statistici, promozionali e commerciali. We hereby confirm that we have read, and duly accept the Arte Fiera admission procedure outlined above. Furthermore we hereby authorise processing of personal data in Italy and abroad for administrative, statistical, promotional and commercial purposes. _______________________________ lì / on _____________________________ ______________________________________________ Firma / Signature Segreteria organizzativa Piazza Costituzione, 6 40128 Bologna, Italy Phone 051.282.257 Fax 051.637.40.19 MANDATORY PRIVACY FORM Policy statement on Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data) 1. Purposes of processing The personal data you provide to BolognaFiere S.p.A. (hereinafter, for brevity, the “Company”) may be utilized for: (i) the establishment and conduct of contractual relationships, as well as fulfillment of all the regulatory, fiscal and administrative requirements essential for, related to and/or in any way useful the establishment and conduct of the contractual relationships (including the activities necessary for the ordinary management of the exhibition); (ii) the preparation of studies and statistical and market research; (iii) the organization and conduct of events and meetings of a promotional or other nature; (iv) the publication of data on your company in the catalog, on the website, and on the Exhibition Guide Map, in press releases, mail and promo mail communications related to the Exhibition (including any activities necessary for managing the on-line and off-line publication); (v) the sending of informative and commercial messages, promotional or otherwise, advertising material including that relative to past editions of the Exhibition, offers of goods and services by mail, the Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS or SMS from Italy or from abroad (from EU and non-EU Member States) by the Company or individual or legal entities collaborating in the business activities of the Company, by companies specialized in telemarketing, or by parent companies, subsidiaries and/or affiliates of the BolognaFiere Group. 2. Methods of processing The personal data will be processed by suitable paper-based, electronic and/or Web-based instruments with logic strictly related to the aforesaid purposes and, in any case, such as to ensure data security and confidentiality. 3. Provision of data and consequences of refusal The provision of the aforesaid data is voluntary and will in no way result in a change in prices and/or rates; refusal to convey them and/or providing incorrect and/or incomplete data may make it impossible to: (i) institute and/or ensure the proper, timely execution of the contractual relationship and fulfill the legal, fiscal and administrative requirements essential or related to and/or useful to the purposes of establishing and conducting the contractual relationship (including activities necessary for the ordinary management of the exhibition); (ii) organize, conduct and/or permit your participation in events and meetings, of a promotional or other nature; (iii) publish data on your company in the catalog, on the website, on the Exhibition Guide Map, in any press releases, mail and promo mail communications related to the Exhibition; (iv) contact you and/or deliver informative and promotional messages, of a commercial or other nature, advertising material and/or offers of goods and services. Providing personal data is mandatory, however, in cases expressly required by law and/or fiscal and administrative regulations, and in that case failure to consent to the processing and transfer of the required personal data will make it impossible for the Company to fulfill the corresponding legal, administrative and/or fiscal obligations. 4. Disclosure of the data Within the Company, the data provided may be disclosed to shareholders, members of the board of directors or other administrative body, members of the board of statutory auditors, company personnel and, in any case, to the internal and/or external Data Supervisors and Persons in charge of processing personal data designated by the Company in the performance of their duties. Your personal data may be disclosed to any qualified parties that provide the Company with services essential to the purposes indicated in paragraph 1 above, including but not limited to: parent companies, subsidiaries, investees and/or affiliates; individuals, entities and/ or companies that manage and/or participate in the management and/or maintenance of the websites and electronic and/or Web-based instruments utilized by the Company; suppliers, contractors, subcontractors or other qualified parties that provide the Company services essential to the establishment and/or conduct of the contractual relationship with the Company (such as banks and/or parties charged to make collections and payments, insurance companies); parties that provide services consisting of or concerning the preparation of statistical and market research and the organization and conduct of events and exhibitions, of a promotional or other nature; the sending of informative and/or commercial messages, of a promotional or other nature, and advertising material and/or offers of goods and services in the methods indicated in paragraph 1 above; consultants that assist the Company in various ways, with particular reference to legal, tax, social-security, accounting, organizational and commercial aspects; auditing firms; any other parties to which the data must be disclosed based on a specific statutory provisions. Your personal data may be transferred abroad, in conformity with current regulations, even to non-EU Member States and other countries where the Company pursues its interests. 5. Dissemination of the data Your personal data will not be disseminated. 6. Rights of the data subjects With regard to the aforesaid processing, you may exercise your rights under Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, as transcribed below in its entirety: “Article 7 – Right to access personal data and other rights Data subjects shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them exist, even if the data have not yet been recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form. Data subjects shall have the right to information on: a) the source of the personal data; b) the purposes and methods of processing; c) the logic applied when the data is processed with the use of electronic instruments; d) the identity of the data controller, data supervisors and the representative designated pursuant to Article 5.2; e) the parties or categories of parties to which the personal data can be transferred or which can gain knowledge of them as designated representatives of the State, processing officers, or processors. Data subjects shall have the right to obtain: a) the updating, correction or, when they are interested, additions to the data; b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of law, including those that need not be retained for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed. c) certification that the parties to which the data have been transferred or disseminated have been notified of the operations specified in points a) and b), also regarding their content, except for the case where notification proves impossible or requires the use of means clearly disproportionate to the right being protected. Data subjects shall have the right to oppose, wholly or in part: a) for legitimate reasons the processing of their personal data even when it pertains to the purpose of collection; b) the processing of their personal data for the purpose of sending advertising or direct marketing material or to conduct market research or commercial communication surveys.” 7. Data Controller and Data Supervisor The Data Controller is BolognaFiere S.p.A., with head offices at Viale della Fiera 20, Bologna. The Data Supervisor on behalf of the Company is Marco Biagi. The Data Supervisor is responsible for responding to data subjects regarding the exercise of their aforesaid rights. Any request relative to the personal data processed by the Company may therefore be addressed to the Data Supervisor at the registered offices of the Company or by writing to the e-mail address An updated list of the Company Data Supervisor(s) can be consulted by contacting the Company at the above addresses. CONSENT Having read the foregoing policy statement, we expressly consent to the processing of our personal data in the methods indicated therein, including disclosure to the parties mentioned and/or their transfer abroad to: a) prepare studies and statistical and market research; I consent I do not consent Date and place. ............................................................................................... Signature...................................................................................................................... b) permit our participation in events and exhibitions, including those of a promotional nature; I consent I do not consent Date and place. ............................................................................................... Signature...................................................................................................................... c) permit the publication of your Company data in the catalog, on the website, on the Exhibition Guide Map, in any press releases and mail or promo mail communications related to the Exhibition (including the conduct of activities necessary to manage on-line and off-line communications) I consent I do not consent Date and place. ............................................................................................... Signature...................................................................................................................... d) receive informative and commercial messages, of a promotional or other nature, as well as advertising material and/or offers of goods and services by mail, the Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS, or SMS from Italy or from abroad (from EU and non-EU Member States) by the Company or by individual or legal entities that collaborate in the business activities of the Company and/or its parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates I consent I do not consent Date and place. ............................................................................................... Signature......................................................................................................................