learn to pray the rosary as a family every night before bed!
learn to pray the rosary as a family every night before bed!
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2013 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH SUNDAY READINGS First Reading: Sirach 3: 2 – 7, 12 – 14 SUNDAY, December 29 7:15 (English) Pro – Populo 8:30 Deceased Members of the Vu Family 10:00 Lino Kocovic 11:30 Patrick Frawley 1:00 Juana Lara Esparra This passage from Sirach details the duties children owe to father and mother. Their life-long devotion will not be forgotten and “will take lasting root.” MONDAY, December 30 7:00 Rita Sullivan 9:00 Maria & Santolo Scodes Gospel: Matthew 2: 13 – 15, 19 – 23 TUESDAY, December 31 – St. Sylvester I 7:00 Rosaria Patinella 9:00 Gina Bianco 5:00 PM Jean Sullivan, Mercedes Ficara & Mr. & Mrs. Vicicca WEDNESDAY, January 1 – Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God 7:00 Pro – Populo 9:00 William Walsh Noon Alice M. Rodriguez THURSDAY, January 2 – St. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen 7:00 Serafina Belloise 9:00 Fr. Sebastian [Living] FIRST FRIDAY, January 3 – The Most Holy Name of Jesus 7:00 Robert Isreal Rivera 9:00 Rosario Hicks FIRST SATURDAY, January 4 – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 9:00 Anthony Zippollaro 5:00 Dante Cocciolillo SUNDAY, January 5 7:15 (Italian) John Matthew Bele 8:30 Doris Wilkowski 10:00 Dr. Alfred & Angela Caiola 11:30 Alice M. Rodriguez 1:00 Honorable Anthony Cerchiara LITURGICAL MINISTER FOR JAN 4 / 5 LECTORS 5:00 H. Cuesta 7:15 E. DiPaolo 8:30 N. Hill 10:00 I. Negron 11:30 Y. Armstrong 1:00 L. DiJusto EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 5:00 A. Venterina / L. Severino … Host: D. Cuesta 7:15 C. Bele 8:30 A. Perera / l. Cahill / L. A. Caruso / M. McCabe … Host: M. Cortese 10:00 C. Harris / M. Micalizzi … Host: H. Corbie 11:30 M. Alberty / J. Anyansi … Host: M. Saplicki 1:00 A. Corbie / K. Reed … Host: M. Burke ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 Nicholas Noel 8:30 D. Boucauld/T. Legree/D. Tran 10:00 A. Noel/N. Ohakam 11.30 C. & S. Colon/ V. D’Alessandro/J. George 1:00 C. & K. Anianwu/V. Barreto Second Reading: Colossians 3: 12 – 21 Paul urges Christians particularly in the setting of the family, to “clothe” themselves with kindness, patience, humility, and mercy; to forgive; and, above all, to love! An angel of the Lord, appearing in a dream to Joseph, urges him to flee with Jesus and Mary to Egypt to escape the murderous schemes of Herod. Later, in another dream, an angel tells Joseph to go with Jesus and Mary to a town called Nazareth in the region of Galilee, thus fulfilling the Scriptures: “He shall be called a Nazarean.” ©2001 Bon Venture Services, Inc. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Jn 2: 12 – 17 / Lk 2: 36 – 40 1 Jn 2: 18 – 21/ Jn 1: 1 - 18 Nm 6: 22 – 27 / Gal 4: 4 – 7 / Lk 2: 16 – 21 1 Jn 2: 22 – 28 / Jn 1: 19 – 28 1 Jn 2: 29 – 3:6 / Jn 1: 29 – 34 1 Jn 3: 7 – 10 / Jn 1: 35 – 42 PLEASE PRAY FOR … Estrella & Myrna Alvarez, Salvatore Amedeo, Mary L. Ball, Francis Bele, Kim Benack, Linda Bravo, Olive Burke, Bernie Byrne, Phillip & Anthony Capano, Marianna Caruso, Salvatore Caruso, Niki Catechis, Joseph Cavazzini, Christina Celantano, Theresa Coutain, Anna Cristina, Audia DeJesus, Helen DeAlto, Rosemarie DeNegris, Cynthia Dukes, Rosa Echevarria, Laticia Elliot, Marie Ferrari, Domenica Frega, Beatrice Galeano de Maduro, Frank Gervasi, Leniore Griffith, Natalie Griffiths, Iris Grubler, Elsie Haberfelner, James Heame, Marilyn Iarossi, Mary Iorio, John Joseph, Singh Latchman, Theresa Lewis, Maurice Lisby, Connie Lorelli, Brunilda Mandozza, Ann & Ralph Martone, Anthony Masterangelo, Julia Merritt, Jim Messenger, Anthony Militello, Alisa Nicovic, Wendyann Ocasio, Carmen Ortiz, Jose Ortiz, Beth Pagan, Vincenza Petrone, Mary Pirro, Angelina Rader, Lucille Rahman, Michael Ramirez, Giuseppe Regina, Carmen Rivera, Iris Rivera, Dorothy & Elvira Santomauro, Arthur Simmons, Valerie Stevens, Beverly Lynda Warner, Joan Wheeler, Karen Williamson and all of our homebound and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. + PARISH MISSION STATEMENT + We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, have been joined together into a family of faith since 1925. In our communal participation in the worship of the Lord, we are nourished in Word and Sacrament and we are sent forth to bring the Good News of Salvation to all. We endeavor to proclaim the Gospel by both word and deed. We welcome all who come to our house of worship as true sisters and brothers and we pledge ourselves to the service of those in need in our parish family, in our neighborhood, and in our greater community. MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8AM – 9PM FRIDAY: CLOSED SATURDAY: 9AM – 5PM SUNDAY: SEE YOU IN CHURCH LEARN TO PRAY THE ROSARY AS A FAMILY EVERY NIGHT BEFORE BED! SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD THE NEW YEAR 2014 THE PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA will be with Brenda Ortiz, December 29 – January 4. The Sanctuary Lamp for this week burns in memory of Rosella LoPresti. Donated by her brother, Joseph. BANNS OF MARRIAGE III Nkechi Alily – Osita Ochulor TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 st 5:00 PM VIGIL 11:00 – 12 MIDNIGHT EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR MIDNIGHT MASS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 st 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 12 Noon A Christmas Gift for Your Parish In order to balance our parish budget every year we rely on the generous gifts that come to us through the Christmas collection. We also rely heavily on the weekly Offertory gifts that are made 52 weeks out of the year. Both your Christmas gifts to our parish and your weekly Offertory gifts help us manage our operating budget through winter when heating bills are high and unexpected costs arise for snow and ice removal. For this reason, we ask you to please be as generous as possible with your Christmas gift to the parish. If possible, please use your weekly envelope and your Christmas envelope during Christmas week. We need your support. Thank you for your generosity both throughout the year and at Christmas! Please continue to use your offertory envelopes so we are able to acknowledge your giving at the end of the year. Online giving is available … see our Parish Pay item below. Automated Giving Is Here…Have You Signed Up Yet? It benefits you and our parish! Enrollment is friendly and trouble-free. Managing your account through ParishPay is easy. It’s easy to sign up! Simply fill out the enrollment form and drop it in the collection basket or enroll at the program’s website, www.parishpay.com or call 1-866-PARISH-1. Questions? Speak with Fr. Quarato. CHRISTMAS FLOWER OFFERINGS Traditionally offerings are made in memory of a deceased loved one. The funds collected help to cover the sizable cost of the greens and flowers for the entire Christmas Season. Envelopes are available in the Church lobby. CARDINAL’S ANNUAL APPEAL GOAL: $69,500 PLEDGED TO DATE: $71,488 THANK YOU FOR HELPING US MAKE OUR GOAL! The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across our Archdiocese. It is not too late to make your gift! Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. FRIDAY IS FIRST FRIDAY – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins at 2:30 PM with Benediction at 7:30 PM. Come and adore Him! FOR A GRACE-FILLED NEW YEAR st Please be informed that a Dec. 31 event of prayer and worship is being organized to spiritually end the year 2013, and to solemnly and graciously enter into the New Year 2014 in the Lord’s presence. Activities scheduled for this prayerful and spiritual event include: a) Soul uplifting praise and worship songs b) Auricular Confessions c) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament d) Special Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit amongst others. Activities will begin promptly at 10:00 PM. Everyone is invited and welcome. 2014 CHURCH CALENDARS THIS SUNDAY The calendars come to us through the kindness of Sal Farenga and his staff at Farenga Bros. Inc Funeral Homes 920 Allerton Avenue, The Bronx, 718.654.0500. MAKING ALL THINGS NEW PARISH PLANNING IN THE ARCHDIOCESE We have now begun the CLUSTER PHASE. Our Parish Core Team has begun meeting with the teams of our cluster parishes to see how we can collaborate and share recourses. Our cluster parishes are: Nativity; St. Mary, Star of the Sea; St. Lucy; and St. Michael. THE ANNUAL CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS & CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA COLLECTION will be taken up next weekend. Please be as generous as possible. NEXT WEEKEND WE CELEBRATE THE EPIPHANY ! Epiphany Calk and Water will be blessed and distributed at the 10AM Family Mass. Remember to bring a bottle if you want to take home some Epiphany Holy Water. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RECTORY WILL BE st CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1 . THE CHRISTMAS CRECHE Look at the humility of God.... Therefore hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves, so that He who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally. - St. Francis of Assisi (Letter to the Order) OUR COMMITTEE FOR BLACK MINISTRY INVITES YOU TO JOIN US ON A TRIP TO THE SIGHT AND SOUND THEATRE In Lancaster County Pennsylvania MOSES SATURDAY, APRIL 12 th Adults: $140 Children under 17 - $120 A deposit of $70 for adults and $60 for children th Is due on January 17 th The balance is due on February 20 Depart from Holy Rosary at 8AM Lunch at the American Buffett Show time at 2:45PM Depart from PA at 5PM. May checks payable to Committee of Black Ministry SORRY NO REFUNDS! Contact: cobm.bakhita@gmail.com or 718.379.4432. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN HOW TO MINIMIZE YOUR CAPITAL GAINS TAXES AND MAXIMIZE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Gratitude to God our Father for the birth of Jesus Christ is the first reason for Catholics to be extra generous at Christmas. Family members and friends want to show their love and share their good fortune with one another. Christian believers understand that all that we have is a gift from God, and choose to donate to others who have less. Giving wisely and effectively takes planning, and benefits from good judgment and proper timing. We should not leave important decisions simply to emotions or to the last minute availability of funds. For example, people who invest know that there can be significant tax advantages for themselves and their charities if they plan when and how to give. You too might want to talk with your accountant or tax advisor to see how your generosity could become even more effective, since gifts to your parish are tax deductible. For example, it could be far better to give stock that has risen in value, than to sell it and give the cash. And qualified donors even have the ability to make gifts through their IRA accounts. As we approach the end of this year, see how much good you can do for our parish and the causes you support if you do some planning. You could even think about your Christmas donation and have it ready for later. Your carefully considered generosity today will help the Church in New York to spread the Gospel all year long. Please give this some thought. We will be happy as well as grateful to help you make a tax-deductible year-end gift. To contribute to our parish speak with Fr. Quarato or call the Rectory at 718.379.4432. To transfer stocks and bonds to Holy Rosary Parish, please contact 212.371.1011 x2008. Envelopes are available in the Church lobbies for your special Christmas Gift to our parish. Thank you for your generous support! St. Francis of Assisi began the tradition of the Christmas crèche near Greccio, Italy in 1223. He brought live animals to a cave where Midnight Mass was celebrated, and the local people who were present saw the baby Jesus appear in the manger he had prepared in front of the altar. The crèche helps us to focus in on the true meaning of Christmas. Father Quarato, Father Sebastian, Father Pleho, Father Hippolytus, the Parish Staff and the Pastoral Council Members wish you and your families every blessing for the New Year! ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY - The Rosary Altar Society will th meet next Sunday, January 5 , for the 8:30 AM Mass followed by our usual meeting in Father Winters Hall. All women of the parish, both young and old, are always welcome. Come see what we are all about. PRAYER FOR THE VOCATION OF MARRIAGE Heavenly Father, through the intercession of the Holy Family, Help us treasure the gift of marriage that Reflects the love of Christ for the Church, Where the self-giving love Of husband and wife Unites them more perfectly and Cooperates in your plan for New life created in your image. Help us support men and women In their vocation of marriage, Especially in difficult times when They join their sufferings to the Cross. Help us uphold the institution of marriage, Especially in our society as the place where love is nurtured and family life begins. Help us acknowledge that our future Depends on this love and on your Providential care for us. Amen. Please pray daily for the vocation of marriage. + NO PARISH MEETINGS + A NOTE TO OUR NON-CATHOLIC FRIENDS Although we warmly welcome you to our parish Liturgies, we cannot extend to you an invitation to receive Holy Communion. The reception of Holy Communion is a sign of Unity in Faith, and such unity does not exist between Catholics and those who belong to other Christian groups. That unity is something for which we are to pray. If you would like to explore becoming a Catholic, please speak to one of the Priests. You may find the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF COMMUNION helpful. This document is found printed on the inside cover of Today’s Missal in the pews. +++ CatholicsComeHome.org +++ LOOKING FOR THAT RIGHT PERSON? www.catholicsingles.com A NOTE ABOUT BECOMING SPONSORS FOR BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION It is a great honor to be asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. The role of a “godparent” is to be an “other parent” in matters of our holy Faith. That is why sponsors must be practicing Catholics, 16 yrs of age or older, having received Confirmation and currently living a good Christian moral life. If the sponsor is married, that person must be in a valid Church marriage. One sponsor is required for Confirmation. It is customary to have two for Baptism, in which case one must be male and the other female. A nominated sponsor is asked to get certification from his/her current parish. This is a declaration by a priest/deacon that the individual is qualified to be a sponsor according to Church Law. To be so certified, the individual must be a current parishioner of the particular parish where the certification is being sought, and be known to the priest/deacon as being a faithful practicing Catholic, attending Mass there regularly. Unfortunately, at times, family members or friends are chosen to be sponsors with good intentions, but are found to be ineligible according to Church Law. Also, more and more, people seem to think that they are still “parishioners” of their childhood parish, where they attended school or received sacraments years ago, while no longer living in the area or attending Mass there regularly. It is important for individuals to be active members of their local Catholic faith communities. The unfortunate fact is that some are neither practicing Catholics nor faithful members of a parish family and are thereby ineligible to become sponsors. Like all other things in life, individual choices bring consequences.
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