2016-04 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
2016-04 Hangfire - Tri-City Gun Club Website
TCGC REGULAR MEETINGS: Goldsby Community Center, 122 E. Center Rd., Goldsby, OK Friday, April 1st at 7:30PM April 2016 Friday, May 6th at 7:30PM President’s Corner—Club Rules, Friends of the NRA Fundraisers and Information for members. Page 2 Vice-President’s Corner—Handicap Parking, BEAVERS!, Grant Information, Website Update Page 2 Claybuster’s—St. Patrick’s Day Shoot, Upcoming Trap Match Page 3 Safety Corner—Member Shout Out, Moving Firearms to and from the Firing Line, RSO Opportunities Page 3 Maintenance Corner Page 4 Range Activity Schedule Page 5 Member at Large—Orientation, New Member Info, Grant “Thank You” Page 5 WE NEED PARTICIPANTS AND VOLUNTEERS FOR: Brownells NRA Day Sportsfest April 2, 2016 Kevan Riley: sportsfest@tcgc.us Hunters Education Clinic April 16, 2016 Gaitha Milligan: hec@tcgc.us Women on Target May 7, 2016 Robin Miller: wot@tcgc.us Treasurer’s Report—Financial Review, Fees, Event Help, and Budget Page 5 Youth Hunters Education Competition May 21, 2016 Amil Lyon: yhec@tcgc.us Announcing the 2016 Eugene "Gene" Adkisson Scholarship. Check online for deadlines and application. Www.tcgc.us. Renewals for 2017 Begin in early September. We will announce the dates as soon as the OU Football Schedule is released, so that we can work around traffic issues. The dates will appear on the front page of the Hangfire each month, as well as the Home Page of our website, so no sign in or password is needed to view it. General & EC Meeting Minutes Page 7 Short Mag Lee Enfield Match Results Page 10 MBABR Match Results Page 11 Pistol Match Results Pages 12 Military Revolver, Semi-Auto, .22 Pistol Match Results Page 16 We will have a Vintage Battle Rifle match Sorry, no smaller calibers allowed. This in April. will be a bench rest type of match similar to the Military Bolt rifle matches. Vintage battle rifles used from WWII through the Vietnam conflict that meet The match has been scheduled for the following criteria are eligible: 17April 2016. If enough interest is · Rifles must be .30 caliber, Semishown, other matches will follow. Automatic · No optics Contact G. Goodnight at · Will include the M1, M1A, M1 Cargergood2@aol.com bine, CETME and FAL. if you have comments. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, April 21st at 6:30 PM in the TCGC Range Stat House, 450 Jerry Black Lane, Goldsby, OK 1 PRESIDENTS CORNER Congratulations to Tara and Mark for being diligent and removing two of the beavers. The removal of the beavers and the dam should help drainage on the range. Please read the executive committee minutes for discussions. One of the things discussed is improving drainage on the Archery range. I received confirmation that Tri-City Gun club will receive grants from 2016 NRA Foundation Grants for Women on Target, Venture Crew, Youth Shooting Sports, BSA Camp and Shoot, and Archery. Be sure to support Friends of NRA and the future of Youth Shooting sports. Thanks goes out to a group of our members for being " busier than a beaver ", the high water problem is steadily going away. The high water would keep our septic lines from functioning during a large event. The Friends of NRA will be having their fund raising banquets again this year. I will attend them, they are fun and serve good food, they support programs teaching firearm safety and the use of firearms. TCGC receives grants every year from Friends of NRA. Hope you attend a banquet. The New Website will continue to improve. Check the "News" Section for the latest and greatest! Jamie Schmidt Vice President Tri-City Gun Club vp@tcgc.us The website is looking better all the time, We hope the members appreciate all the valuable time that has been spent towards this effort. Tri-City Gun Club Youth Program Other items looking excellent, long range gongs, pistol gongs, shotgun ranges, and the road. The members appreciation can be shown by following the rules, it is that simple. Speaking of rules, if you are not wise enough to inform your guests of the ultimate importance of them knowing and following TCGC rules, be ready to be reprimanded, properly. You know you messed up, so just be polite, quiet and listen, it will go quicker. Open to Youth Age 9-18. Check out information at www.tcgc.us "Updates" "Youth News" No Charge! Everything Provided! Shotgun and Air Rifle. Jamie Schmidt youth@tcgc.us Join the BSA Venture Crew No. 82. Ages 13-20 Contact Amil Lyon, Crew Advisor 405-364-8753 yhec@tcgc.us Thank You Mark Ericksen President Tri-City Gun Club pres@tcgc.us MATCH DIRECTORS MILITARY BOLT ACTION BENCH REST MATCH—MBABR Steve Vannoy steve-v@sbcglobal.net (405) 769-2126 SHORT MAGAZINE LEE-ENFIELD & VINTAGE BATTLE RIFLE MATCH Gerald Goodnight gergood2@aol.com (405) 387-5249 MILITARY REVOLVER & SEMI-AUTO PISTOL MATCH Ed Pulver edpulver@cox.net (405) 830-7466 SHOTGUN & SKEET Shotgun - Tara Nelson (405) 664-6549 PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTERS Shawn Sanderson al45auto@cox.net (405) 495-3533 WINTER WARS Tony Lawson lawsont@pldi.net Jeff Anderson jfrya@cox.net 405) 485-8062 (405) 921-2998 VICE-PRESIDENTS CORNER Hoping that by the time of this publication, the Handicap parking and new shotgun shooting pavilion are completed. Just a reminder, TCGC is a not for profit, making it also neutral in the political world. There were a few complaints about the new member orientation that were not constructive, unless it came from someone that has attended all of the orientations, please just keep quiet. Of all the instructions, sign all your paperwork, have your drivers license and NRA card out, approximately 70% didn't. The club is starting its busy time with events. Those of you that want to help, look at the calendar to see what you can put on your schedule. There are always work days and if you have time during the week, we will work that in. shotgun@tcgc.us If you are aware of any changes or anyone that has been left off of this list please notify Vice President at: vp@tcgc.us The “Hangfire”, published monthly, is the publication of the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc.,, P.O. BOX 1604, Norman, OK 73070-1604 Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. is not responsible for the content of articles submitted and published in the Hangfire, even though all newsletter articles, and advertisements are approved by the Vice-President and Editor for relevance only. Technical and/or hand loading data are for informational purposes only. No responsibility is accepted by Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. for results obtained by persons using such data, and all liability for any consequential injures or damages is disclaimed. Information regarding match schedules or specific dates and locations for events should be verified prior to monetary or travel commitments. References to any specific commercial manufacturer or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Tri-City Gun Club Executive Committee, its membership, nor the publisher. The articles, opinions, and letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, publisher or the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc., and may be edited for content or brevity. ALL design, layout, match reports are copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission. Articles , announcements, your comments or suggestions are welcome. © 2014 Lea Greenleaf 2 SAFETY CORNER Tri-City Clay Busters Great News: I recently observed three different members with guests who did it right, I know there are many others, just thought I would mention these since I saw them. Skeet and Trap Competition 2nd Sunday of Each Month Congratulations to Loni West. She took me Pot O' Gold ($85) at the St Patrick’s Day Shoot with a total of 18 Lucky Targets!!! Good Shootin' Loni!! In one case I saw a dad with his young son on the pistol range, the dad was not shooting and the son was shooting a 22 rifle. The dad was in direct control of his son. In the second case, I observed a member who is also an RSO with four guests on the range. In this case the member, Greg Pickle was not shooting and he was in a position to observe his guests and provide guidance and support as needed. Please text, call, or email me if interested in the Bender Clinic. I am working on booking him for later in the year. Spring is in the air...Along with a ton of orange dust!!!! Come one! Come all! Let’s turn the sky Orange Sunday, April 10th out at TCGC!!! Maybe someone would like to challenge Tara in a friendly round of Trap Doubles In the third case, on Saturday afternoon, 03/19, I observed a member on the Long Range with several guests. This member met his guests in the parking area, gave them a briefing and they moved safely to the North end of the Long Range. Please be patient as we rebuild the Manual Clay Thrower area. This project should be complete real soon. A shout out and thank you to these members as well as all others for doing it right. ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** Clay targets are NOT to be taken from skeet or trap houses and used at free throwers. No shotguns on tables cased or uncased. Shotguns are to be stored in gun racks or vehicle. Range Rule Reminders: Moving Firearms to and from the Firing Line: Members are reminded that all firearms must be placed on the shooting bench \ table when they are brought onto the range. They are to be uncased and made safe with an open chamber indicator placed in the chamber. When you are ready to leave the range, all firearms with cases, must be cased on the Shooting Bench \ Table then removed from the firing line and placed in your vehicle. Always keep the muzzle pointed down range or up in the air. On 03/19, I observed two members casing their AR 15s, on the table behind the Ready Line, who inadvertently pointed their muzzles at me. Anyone interested in shooting in a fun skeet league please contact Tara. We would like to put together a spring league if we have enough people interested. Trap and Skeet Orientation Cost of the Key is $25.00 cash or check. No Credit Cards. Call, text or email Tara. Tara Nelson, Match Director 405-664-6549 NEW WEBSITE claybreakersok.com Opportunities for RSOs to Serve: 2016 Events where we will need significant RSO, NRA Certified Instructor and Member help. These are all day events, and lunch is provided. Be sure to put them on your calendar and plan to support. TCGC COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON CONTACT INFO Activities Joe Mays 405-354-7342 NRA Sportfest – April 2, 2016 (RSOs, Firearm Instructors and member support) Hunter Education – April 16, 2016 (Hunter Education Instructors, member support with RSOs and 22 Rifle Instructors are needed in the afternoon) Women on Target – May 7, 2016 (RSOs, Firearm Instructors and member support) Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) May 21, 2016 (RSOs and member support) josephmays@sbcglobal.net Archery Simm Rudnick 405-360-4346 archery@tcgc.us Grant Writing Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Insurance Whitney Boutin 405-579-0453 Maintenance Bill Hutcheson 405-664-1128 All members supporting the NRA Sportfest and Women on Target plan to attend the Safety Briefing at 7:15 AM the morning of the event at the Pavilion. Members supporting the shooting event only for Hunter Education should be on the range at 12:00 for the Safety Briefing and Range set up. Glkshooter63@yahoo.com Membership Goldie Welch 405-823-1059 secretary@tcgc.us Safety Ken Anderson 405-249-9804 If you are planning to support or have questions, please let me know. crso@tcgc.us Skeet Range Mike Whitaker 405-245-1621 Be safe and shoot straight, make sure your bullets impact the Berm. Ken Anderson Chief Range Safety Officer 405 249-9804 CRSO@tcgc.us tricityclaybusters@gmail.com Youth Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 youth@tcgc.us 3 ITEMS OF NOTE: TRI-CITY GUN CLUB STORE We offer for sale clothing and hats with the TCGC club logo on them all at reasonable prices for our members. We will continue to sell our current inventory with the old logo at 1/2 price until it is gone. We will, however, sell the coffee cups, TCGC stickers, and cleaning patches at their regular prices. We have a new logo and hope to have some new inventory soon. Reg. Price Sale Price TCGC Coffee Cups $10.00 TCGC Stickers $1.00 Cleaning Patches: 22 cal - 100pk $1.00 30 cal - 200pk $3.00 Sale and/or New Items will be announced in the "Hangfire". Money generated in sales will be used to buy additional merchandise. The club appreciates your business. 1. Waivers: Have Guests sign waivers when you bring them on Range Property! 2. Only Club approved targets will be allowed on TCGC Property. Violations of this rule could be grounds for your membership to be reviewed. 3. GATE: Allow for the gate to fully open or close before entering gate code; if you do not gate will freeze and have to be reset. DO NOT allow people you do not know to follow you through the gate. 4. Any member has the right to ask to see someone’s club badge. Those not having the proper credentials should be asked to leave. RANGE ACTIVITY SCHEDULE To Schedule range or facility use contact: Tara Nelson 405-664-6549 scheduler@tcgc.us Unless noted there is always one range open See legend for range designations Sharoyn Tomlinson, 405-740-5948, jerht06@cox.net Please contact Sharoyn in April and May. Date APR 1 APR 1 APR 2 APR 3 APR 3 APR 6 APR 9 APR 9 APR 10 APR 12 APR 13 APR 14 APR 15 APR 16 APR 17 APR 20 APR 21 APR 23 MAINTENANCE CORNER Next scheduled work days for April. 4/1/2016. 1400-1900. Workday 4/15/2016. 1500-1900. Workday Please bring your gloves for both work days. I need people to help park from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and tear downs after the following events: Sports Fest - April 2nd 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Hunter’s Ed - April 16th 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Women On Target - May 7th 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. YHEC - May 21st 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. APR 24 APR 27 APR 28 MAY 1 MAY 4 MAY 6 MAY 6 MAY 7 Location ALL GOLDSBY ALL Event Times sh sk, tr1 lr,sh sh,pr sa 1&2,sh sh sk,tr1 sk,arr ALL ALL lr sk,tr1 sh sr 14:00-19:00 19:30-21:00 07:00-19:00 08:00-16:00 14:00-17:00 17:30-19:00 08:00-14:00 09:00-17:00 09:00-12:00 18:30-20:00 17:30-19:00 18:00-20:00 15:00-19:00 07:00-18:00 09:00-12:00 17:30-19:00 18:30-21:00 09:00-13:00 sr sk,tr1 sk,arr lr,sh sk,tr1 ALL GOLDSBY ALL 08:00-12:00 17:30-19:00 18:00-20:00 07:00-15:00 17:30-19:00 14:00-19:00 19:30-21:00 07:00-18:00 Sport/Activity WORK DAY Membership Meeting Sportsfest Practical Pistol Match Safety Orientation McClain Co 4-H MBABR SDA Class Spring is in the Air Bylaw Committee Meeting McClain Co 4-H TCGC Youth Shooting WORK DAY Hunter’s Education Vintage Battle Rifle Match McClain Co 4-H Executive Committee Meeting Military Pistol, Revolver, .22 Match .22 Rifle Match McClain Co 4-H TCGC Youth Shooting Practical Pistol Match McClain Co 4-H WORKDAY Membership Meeting Women on Target Check TCGC Website for Latest Calender! The road starting from the cattle guard. coming and going, is 10 miles per hour. Please adhere to the rules. Legend: ar = archery range, arr = air rifle range, lr = long range, sr = short range, sa = shotgun area, pav= pavilion, pr = pistol range, all = all ranges, sh = stat house, sk = skeet range, tr = trap range Bill R. Hutcheson (405) 664-1128 maintenance@tcgc.us 4 MEMBER AT LARGE While it never seemed that winter ever really set in this year, it's wonderful to see a spring arrive and members making it out to the range to get some shooting in. The last few days of February we had an extra new member orientation. This is somewhat unusual, but since we conducted both renewal and new member orientations by December this last time, we were able to determine we had about 170 openings and were able to fill about 145 or so. here early or on time. As Mark alluded to, those who attended our impromptu orientation in late February and felt there was much room for improvement need to experience a regularly scheduled orientation before passing judgement upon those who have conducted a multitude of these. I also wish to take this time to extend the invitation to those who have just joined and feel they are above obeying our range rules to return their badge, receive a refund, and participate in the shooting sports elsewhere. I feel I'm a pretty accomplished shooter and have spent 35 of my 54 years’ hand loading for and shooting pistol and rifle. However, I For those who joined then and had to split the orientation between the Goldsby Center and the TCGC Range, please strive each time I'm at the range to observe the safety rules down to the last letter and should I screw up I want my felbear in mind that was an unusual situation. Typically, we have an entire day at the center for renewals, but since we low members to be able to feel like they can correct me and feel comfortable doing so. squeezed in an extra orientation, Goldsby only had a half day slot. By the same token, February is a very cold month so we ordinarily wouldn't be holding it at the outside pavilion Thanks to Jamie's hard work in obtaining grant money and at TCGC, but it was unseasonably warm and in the 70's. If preparing drawings and bids, we now have handicapped we could predict weather in February a month ahead, we'd parking. Not only is this the first step in making our range more accessible to members who need easier access due have held the entire orientation at TCGC. to disabilities, but it's of great benefit when we have activiAs Mark mentioned in his column, the process goes faster ties such as Women On Target and SportsFest and the general public is here. when renewing and new members have their money and paperwork ready. Also, bear in mind that once your photo is Thanks again for everyone's hard work in making TCGC a taken and in the system, your badges will be prepared in success! advance for renewals. You'll also find that with renewals, when we have access to the Goldsby Center for a full day, Eric Bauman memberatlarge@tcgc.us the ticket system we have gone to rewards those who get Treasurer’s Report meeting. Must notify both the secretary and treasurer and Our financial information is being reviewed by Matt Mann and send your signed lease or out of state bill showing you moved. There is a $25.00 return check fee will be added he will report his findings to the board. It should take about 6 for returned checks. If you miss renewals there will be a to 8 weeks to complete the process. We can make the information available to any member or on the web site when com- $125.00 fee added unless you are activity military assigned out state on duty. We have officers in the club that pleted. can review your documents showing that you not availaThe tractor is completely paid off now. Will review if a small ble for renewals. At this time it does not appear that we dozer might be needed or a backhoe. Here is a small dozer to will increase the dues. Regular Working $60.00 — Regular review. http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/ Non Working $140.00 — Associate Working $80.00 — Asproduct_200591685_200591685 sociate Non Working $160.00. The late fees for not renewing your membership by the end of October 2016 for the 2017 is $125.00. If you do not complete your work hours for 2016 the fee is $80.00 due at renewal plus you must renew as a non-working member so the fee will be $240.00 for associate member and $220.00 for regular members. Please review you badge and make that it matches your membership type. ASC non-working associate — ASW working associate — RNW regular non-working — RW regular working I will not being doing any refunds for 2016 completed work hours after January 6, 2017 9:00 pm. This is the first regular meeting in January 2017. There is a $15.00 fee for refunds of canceled memberships if you return your 2017 badge and provide proof that you have moved out of state. There are no refunds after February 3, 2017. The second regular 5 Women on Target, Hunters Education, YHEC, and NRA Day are shaping up. If want to work at any of these events please let Ken know. If you need supplies for the event please let the event director know to bring to the EC for review and purchase. I am watching the budget and March has been very busy so will be let the board know at the April EC meeting if we must cut purchases. I need to save enough funds to pay insurance, that is due in August and is about $16,000.00 for 2016-2017. Will need about $10,000 down on the dozer. May Books Always Balance! SCHOLARSHIP FUND If you would like to give to donate to the Gene Adkisson scholarship fund please make your check to: Tri-City Gun Club. In the memo line please put: Scholarship Fund. Any member of the Executive Committee can accept your check for deposit. Thanks 1. 2. 3. General Membership Meeting—March 4, 2016 vehicles with appropriate handicapped parking placards. 12. Sportsfest and Women on Target are coming up. Please come out and President called the meeting to order at 7:30. help. The previous meeting minutes were approved. 13. Appleseed will be held at the short range. 14. If there are safety concerns on the range; don’t scold, teach. 15. Jerry Tomlinson was awarded a broken bolt for precision marks- Joe Mays brought a Swiss pistol from 1882, in 7.52 caliber. It works like, ahem, a Swiss watch. 4. 5. 6. Robert Bortschetter brought a 1917 Springfield made by Eddystone. 7. 8. One more month until the new bylaws are ready for review. manship. 16. All expected closures are on the schedule. 17. Issues regarding the NRA’s blended learning were discussed. There is now an online course component that must be completed before the classroom and practical portions. 18. An RSO course will be held at cost for club members. 19. New membership is now closed. 20. Please participate in organized matches; such as military bolt action, practical pistol, shotgun, etc. President adjourned the meeting at 8:23 PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick s.rudnick@ou.edu 405-209-0371 The treasurer’s report was given and approved. Concrete is being poured for the skeet range and handicapped parking. It will cost about $11k. We have migrated to the new website. The old website directs to the new website. Several new features are boing added. 9. EC meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month. The agenda will be published a few days prior to the meeting. 10. Mosquitoes are back on the range. Bring appropriate protection. 11. The short range and pistol range will be closed for a couple of days to do concrete work. The new handicap spaces will not be usable for several weeks. When they are usable, please reserve them for members and patrons with Executive Committee Meeting—March 17, 2016 1. Meeting to order at 6:30PM. 2. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3. A member presented some safety concerns regarding new members, guests, and SDA classes. The general concern lies in a lack of understanding of the club rules, by those that are still unfamiliar with them. The issue is exacerbated by the lack of supervision of guests by members. These concerns have largely been addressed. Members of the EC will follow up to ensure rules and procedures are being followed. 4. Material estimates for the roof around the connex containers is in. We should be well within the previously approved budget. 5. Bill is looking at a grass catcher/bagger for the Gravely mower. It will help to keep the range cleaner and will help in eliminating sand burrs. There was a motion to approve the cost of the bagger/ catcher for the mower at a cost of up to $2800. This motion was seconded and approved. 6. The cost for the work shed/office will come out of the maintenance budget. 7. A controller is being installed on the gate proximity sensor to keep the gate open. 8. Mosquito control on the archery range was discussed. There are addition concerns with drainage. We need to identify the water course and get it dug out, so that the archery can drain properly. 9. The website is going well. There have been some growing pains for some members. However, the response has been generally positive. Payment integration needs to move forward. 10. There was some additional discussion regarding laptops, routers, and other tech concerns. The member database was discussed. A tech meeting will be held at 2:00 PM on Sunday. 11. The layout of the Hangfire was discussed. A highlights page is being considered. 12. Event attendance was discussed. 13. We will switch to Square for payments. 14. Monitors for the air gun range were discussed. The general consensus is that they are unnecessary and will not hold up well. 15. Brass funds will continue to go to maintenance. 16. Ken has made plans for a score booth. There was a motion to approve $2k for the score booth. The motion was seconded and approved. 17. The pistol plate rack is getting worn. We need to get it repaired. Tony Waggoner has offered to assist. 18. EMSTAT for events was discussed. Using EMSTAT will ensure we have better tools and training available. EMSTAT also carries insurance for its staff. There were separate motions to use EMSTAT for Women on Target and for Sportsfest. Both motions were seconded and approved. 19. Jesse Curran will bring his .50 BMG for WOT and Sportsfest. 20. There are still concerns with the range being booked for community events. Community interaction is part of our charter. 21. Concerns were raised over the addition of handicapped access. 22. It was suggested that some part of the range be named after Kevin Welch. This is being considered. 23. Ken found some pop up tents for area cover. We will get three. 24. The CPA is conducting the review. Rodney Berryhill has given permission to enter his property to control the beaver population and to remove dams. The meeting was adjourned at 9:01PM. Thanks Everyone! Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick s.rudnick@ou.edu 405-209-0371 6 For Sale April 23-24 Women Only NRA Basic Pistol Browning White Lightning 12 gauge 28” Barrel, 7 Vector+ chokes Kick-Eez adjustable recoil pad Briley 20 gauge companion tube set seating tool and 4 flush chokes April 24 Women Only Oklahoma Concealed Carry I usually have a concealed carry class every 3rd Saturday, if I get a minimum of four for the class. $1,800.00 This was bought Nov. 2015 NEW Randy McGuckin (405) 623-6261 Tony Lawson Guninstructor101@gmail.com (06/16) FOR SALE For Sale Scope mounted and bore-sited by Big Boy Tech's., This rifle may never have been fired and I don't have the time for it. Asking $400.00 Remington XP-100 in 7mm08, LEER Burris scope and base, also it has a fiberglass custom stock, and drilled and taped for iron silhouette sites. $700.00 Remington Model 7600 .243 Win cal rifle, pump action, Wood stock and engraved receiver. 5 cartridge mag. (06/16) Contact Norm Henson, SW Oklahoma City. C-405-919-6663 or H-405-735-7244. Danny McClung Text or Call 405-401-0780 For Sale M1 Carbine magazines. Still in Military Box and wax wrapped. $2000 for the lot. 15 Round Magazines $30.00 each. (75) 30 Round Magazines $45.00 each (28) Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 (05/16) (05/16) PERSONAL CLASSIFIEDS INFORMATION Email vp@tcgc.us to place or change your advertisement. There is no charge. Deadline is the Friday evening following the Executive Committee monthly meeting. Ads run for 2 consecutive months then are removed unless re-submitted. PLEASE NOTIFY : VP@TCGC.US WHEN YOUR ITEMS ARE SOLD. Volunteers Needed Contact information to volunteer: Rick Hipps, best is to email rickhipps@sbcglobal.net, if email is not possible call 799-7262 leave a message if no one answers; either way, be patient I will get back with you. 2016 Claude Hall Gun Shows JANUARY 9 & 10 JANUARY 30 & 31 MARCH 12 & 13 MAY 14 & 15 JUNE 25 & 26 JULY 9 & 10 AUGUST 13 & 14 OCTOBER 8 & 9 7 Short Mag Lee Enfield Match Director: Steve Vannoy 12 March 2016 RSO: Paul Ott This was our 2016 SMLE match; the second of two of our special MBABR matches of 2016. It was run concurrently with our March MBABR match and some of our shooters shot both matches which earned them credit towards the 5 match requirement for the State match in October. That’s 120 rounds fired in one day; in a bolt action rifle. That’s a lot of shooting in one day. Rifle Group 1 Group 2 Best Group Gale No 4 Mk 2 4.820 2.610 2.610 Morris Bill No 4 Mk I 3.195 3.195 3.195 3 Adams Martin No 4 Mk I 3.203 3.203 3.203 4 Goodnight Gerald No 4 Mk 2 3.976 3.976 3.976 5 Dyer Steve No 4 Mk I 4.403 4.350 4.350 6 Mulqueen Pat No 4 Mk I 6.000 6.000 6.000 Last name First Name 1 Morris Bill No 4 Mk I 97 4 94 1 98 2 289-7 2 Goodnight Gerald No 4 Mk 2 96 1 88 0 94 1 278-2 3 Towery Gale No 4 Mk 2 92 1 92 0 91 0 275-1 4 Dyer Steve No 4 Mk I 87 0 93 0 90 0 270-0 5 Adams Martin No 4 Mk I 72 0 92 0 85 0 249-0 6 Mulqueen Pat No 4 Mk I 68 0 82 0 62 0 212-0 Rank Last name First Name 1 Towery 2 Rank Rifle Score 1 X Score 2 X Score 3 X Aggregate Vintage Battle Rifle Match In what has become another favorite annual match, Gerald Goodnight has scheduled the Vintage Battle Rifle Match for the third Sunday in April. Vintage battle rifles used from WWII thru the Vietnam conflict that meet the following criteria are eligible. Rifles must be 30 caliber, semi automatic, no optics, no major mods, and include the M1, M1A, M1 carbine, SKS, AK 47, CETME and FAL. Sorry, no smaller calibers allowed. Rifles and ammo should be checked for safety and functionality before the match. This will be a bench rest type of match similar to our Military Bolt Action rifle matches except that all strings will be for score and at least 2 will be “off hand”. The Vintage Battle Rifle Match is scheduled for 17 April 2016 at 0900. We will only have one relay unless the first one fills up. If enough interest is shown, other matches may follow. Contact Gerald Goodnight at 387-5249 to sign up or if you have questions. 8 Military Bolt Action Benchrest Match Director: Ben Maynard 12 March 2016 RSO: Gerald Goodnight Last name First Name Rifle Group 1 Group 2 Best Group 1 Vannoy Steve M96 3.901 1.442 1.442 2 Anderson Jeff 03A3 1.657 1.865 1.657 3 Lawson Tony 03A3 1.666 2.086 1.666 4 Morris Bill 03A3 2.789 1.679 1.679 5 Vannoy Donovan M96 4.158 2.362 2.362 6 Maynard Frank 1911 3.478 2.499 2.499 7 Adams Martin 03A3 2.946 2.681 2.681 8 Nechvatal Ed M96 2.727 2.861 2.727 9 Everett Butch 03A3 2.819 3.163 2.819 10 Dyer Steve 03A3 2.825 2.839 2.825 11 Ott Paul M96 3.953 4.094 3.953 12 Vannoy Aaron M96 4.631 4.286 4.286 13 Maynard Ben 96/11 4.434 4.869 4.434 14 Tomlinson Jerry M1917 5.459 5.345 5.345 15 Barger Scott M48A 6.000 5.722 5.722 16 Malone Mike M39 6.000 6.000 6.000 Last name First Name Rifle Score 1 X Score 2 X Score 3 X Aggregate 1 Anderson Jeff 03A3 100 4 99 4 100 8 299-16 2 Lawson Tony 03A3 99 2 99 5 100 3 298-10 3 Dyer Steve 03A3 99 3 98 2 99 2 296-7 4 Maynard Frank 1911 99 3 98 3 95 1 292-7 5 Ott Paul 03A3 98 1 96 2 96 0 290-3 6 Vannoy Steve M96 97 2 93 2 97 2 287-6 7 Nechvatal Ed M96 96 2 95 1 95 1 286-4 8 Vannoy Donovan M96 89 2 98 3 98 1 285-6 9 Morris Bill 03A3 95 2 95 3 93 2 283-7 10 Adams Martin 03A3 94 0 93 1 95 4 282-5 11 Maynard Ben 96/11 97 1 92 0 93 1 282-2 12 Vannoy Aaron M96 93 4 93 1 93 2 279-7 13 Everett Butch 03A3 91 1 91 0 93 1 275-2 14 Malone Mike M39 83 0 77 0 74 0 234-0 15 Tomlinson Jerry M1917 67 0 62 0 73 0 202-0 16 Barger Scott M48A 57 0 71 0 71 0 199-0 Rank Rank 9 Practical Pistol Match Results Match Results Combined See website for complete match results. 10 11 Commercial Advertisements 2016 Hangfire Annual Ad Prices: $60 - Business Card Ad. $150 - 1/4 Page Ad 12 $250 - 1/2 Page Ad $450 - Full Page Ad Tri-City Member’s 10% Discount! Aballtime LLC Insurance & Real Estate Trusted Choice Agency -- Independent Agent 2862 Classen Boulevard Norman, OK 73071-4059 405.579.0453 FAX 405.579.7840 www.aballtime.com Christine M. Kane chris@aballtime.com Auto, Home, Life, Health, and Business. 13 TRI-CITY GUN CLUB P.O. BOX 1604 NORMAN OK 73070-1604 TRI-CITY RECYCLING PROGRAMS Aluminum Cans & Plastic Bottles Thanks for your efforts in the Recycling program. Please help with the cardboard. Flatten all boxes, it only takes a few seconds. Brass / Shell Cases Do you reload your brass? If you don’t, rather than trash it, recycle it for those who do! Place your used brass from the day’s outing that you collected from the range and put into the gray barrels. Collected and Sorted Brass Casings will be sold at the TCGC General Meetings. All funds collected from the sale of brass goes directly back into club projects!! 14
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