january 31, 2016 - Church of the Divine Child


january 31, 2016 - Church of the Divine Child
1055 NORTH SILVERY LANE • D EARBORN, MI 48128 • (313) 277-3110 • F AX (313) 277-3211 • www.churchofthedivinechild.org
Rev. James Bilot
Rev. John Kopson
Rev. Mr. Roger O'Donnell
Rev. Thomas Urban
Weekday: 6:30 and 8:30 AM
Saturday: 8:30 AM
Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM
Holy Day: 6:30, 8:30 AM and 7:00 PM
Saturday: 3:-3:45 PM and after the 4:30 PM
Mass until all are heard
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Mon-Wed
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thurs & Fri
Closed for lunch from 12 - 1 PM
JANUARY 31, 2016
T he
The Church is the work of God
initiated by Christ and held together
by the Holy Spirit.
The Divine Child Parish is entrusted
with the responsibility of bringing
people to the Lord and
answering the call to holiness.
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Altar Server Schedule
8:00 am People of the Divine Child Parish
6:30 am Michael Grysko, requested by Family
8:30 am Randy Mosakowski, requested by Jerry & Pat Fitzgerald
6:30 am Casimer Swenskowski, requested by Rosa Forte
8:30 am Ronald Falzone, requested by Father, William
6:30 am (Spec. Int.) Bob Rivera, requested by Family
8:30 am Catherine Gasparella, requested by Carl & Denise Salmonson
6:30 am Frances Ramunno, requested by The Hermann Family
8:30 am John Mazur, requested by Wife
6:30 am Denise Clarke, requested by The Hermann Family
8:30 am Nunzio Curcuru, requested by Family
8:30 am George Rankin, requested by Nancy Billcheck
9:30 am People of the Divine Child Parish
JAN 31 - Poor Souls in Purgatory, requested by A Friend
FEB 01 - Emil Broda, requested by The Pauley Family
FEB 01 - MaryAnn LaCaprara, requested by Family
FEB 02 - Evangeline Murray, requested by Family
FEB 05 - Roy O’Connor, requested by The Hermann Family
FEB 06 - Giovanna LaCaprara, requested by Family
Please Pray For Our Sick
Father of Amy Peters
Arnold Wilson
Victoria Ciavaglia
Monday, February 1
8:30 am La. Bergeron & B. Daguanno
Tuesday, February 2
8:30 am K. Major & W. Lentz
Wednesday, February 3
8:30 am C. White & T. Van Buhler
Thursday, February 4
8:30 am M. Charnley & C. Van Antwerp
Friday, February 5
8:30 am N. Dillon & E. Gawlik
Saturday, February 6
8:30 am N. Marcyan & V. Marcyan
4:30 pm B. McCormick, S. McCormick, J. Moore,
P. Moore
Sunday, February 7
8:00 am B. Bustamante, J. Bustamante, L. Bustamante
N. Bustamante
9:30 am J. Balash, J. Balash, M. Balash, A. Raona
11:30 am C. White, J. White, J. Biscaro, D. Boccarossa
1:00 pm A. Hancock, M. Hancock, B. Daguanno,
W. Daguanno
The Altar Server schedule can be accessed
at www.churchofthedivinechild.org & click on Ministries.
EMHC/Reader Schedule
Saturday, February 6
4:30 pm S. Dziadzio, K. Sarb, S. Ossy, F. Misewicz,
A. Ketten, L. Ellul, K. Stupakis
Lector: E. Stratton & P. Walling
Sunday, February 7
8:00 am V. Micallef, P. Micallef, S. Gibb, D. Gruska,
M. Schroeder, J. Schroeder, R. Mangulabnan, M. Liniger
Lector: M. Grawburg
9:30 am M. Redmon, S. Beauchamp, A. Lapshan, J. Gorski
T. Gorski, W. Grysko, R. Succurro, L. Laliberte
Lector: D. Lore & J. Szpytman
11:30 am C. Ballnik, M. Yugovich, T. Childs, A. Szpytman,
K. Crombie, S. Berry, L. Cruz-Young, M. Ebert
Lector: L. O’Brien & M. Abram
1:00 pm J. Hartsaw, C. Matthewson, M. Manchell, L. Singer
Lector: M.C. Wright & M. Munie
Rest in Peace
“Happy are those who have died in the Lord; let them rest from their
labors for their good deeds go with them.” (Rev. 14:13)
Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the families of:
Father of Larry Philpot
Mother of Nick Santostasi
Baptisms - Sunday, January 24, 2016
Nursing Home Ministry Schedule
Captain – Sue D’Arcangelo
Debbie May
Barbara Kubicek
Alicia Hameister
Sadie Kathleen McNamara
Daughter of Robert & Laurie (Rabe) McNamara
Samantha Saab Newman
Daughter of Matthew & Hanan (Saab) Newman
Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Things Above from Fr. Bilot
Today begins Catholic Schools Week
across our nation.
Celebrating our
opportunity to thank the Lord for having
an avenue to spread the Gospel
Yes, spread the Gospel
As Catholics, we are entrusted with
the Word, the life and message of Jesus
Christ, and to integrate it into every
aspect of our lives. Being in a Catholic School makes the
message easier to deliver, i.e., we can say we are “Catholic.”
We can talk about Christmas vacation and Easter break as a
celebration of faith, not "winter recess" or “spring break.” As
Catholics, we must never become complacent with the
blessing of having a Catholic Church and Catholic Schools.
Celebrating Catholic Schools Week brings to the forefront that
we must never take our faith and our schools for granted.
They are an avenue by which to bring Christ to the world now
and in the future!
We also have many parishioners who are dedicated
teachers/administrators/students in our public school system.
Those in the public system are challenged to bring the Good
News of Jesus into their jobs, studies and interactions with
others -- not an easy feat when we are discouraged from
talking about faith/religion or our love for the Lord in the
classroom. (Back in the day when I was in the public school
system, we could still talk about religion in school.)
The challenge for those in the public school system is to
witness to the Lord by their actions, their love of God, and to
bring Christian virtues/values into their unique situation.
Together, as a parish, we struggle, but we hope that through
our efforts in Catholic schools, or in our local school systems,
we will nurture our faith and live it proudly and boldly!
We are very blessed here at the Church of the Divine Child
to have a K-12 school system. It takes a great deal of effort,
dedication, sacrifice and faith to continue to operate a Catholic
school. There is also a great deal of opposition from some
constituencies who see the Catholic schools as a threat. We
need not see Catholic schools as a threat but an opportunity
to educate our youth in a faith-based way: Is the threat about
“being better,” or is it about living our lives surrounded by
Catholicism? In turn, it helps us be better Catholics whether
we are inside or outside of the school buildings.
We celebrate our Catholic schools this week because they
are a gift from God. I pray that we use this gift to bring the
Good News of Jesus Christ to a world starving for Catholic
faith, hope and love.
I mentioned in last week’s bulletin article about the
success of most recent Christian Faith Formation Night. Dr.
Fastiggi spoke on Christian/Muslim relations, and it was very
well received. We had several people from the Muslim
community present, and they were pleased with the
presentation. I am glad they were here to help us see how we
are all God’s children. In conjunction with the Education
Commission, we will be looking into what our next step is so
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that this dialogue can continue, and we can dispel
any myths or apprehensions we may have. Please
pray daily to our Blessed Mother, Mary, to send the
Lord’s peace to our homes, our neighborhoods, our
country and our world. It is through the Lord’s
peace that holiness can abound. Terrorism, threats
and fear will not solve anything. Jesus Christ
remains the "way, the truth and the life."
I am leaving today (January 31) for a week of
vacation. Fr. John is returning from his vacation
today. Always know that even on vacation, I keep
all of you in my daily prayer.
In gratitude,
Fr. Jim
Prayer for Catholic Schools
O Christ, our Teacher,
You invite Your faithful people to make disciples in
Your name and to announce good news to the
poor. We thank You for the gift of Catholic
schools, where
◊ The message of Your life, death, and
resurrection is proclaimed,
◊ Christian community is experienced,
◊ Service to our brothers and sisters is modeled,
◊ And worship of You is cultivated.
Increase our zeal for ensuring that all children and
families can benefit from a high quality Catholic
education, and that Catholic schools grow in their
ability to nurture the soul of our nation.
We ask this through the intercession of The Divine
Child. Amen.
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Fr. John Kopson’s Commentary
St. Blaise, Blessing of throats.
Wednesday, February 3, after
6:30am & 8:30am Masses
Fr. John was away this week and will
return with an article next weekend.
Peace and God bless you all.
Lenten Reflection Books
The Worship Commission will make available the Little
Black Book for the Season of Lent after all Masses on
February 6 and 7 in the Gathering Room, while supplies
These little books include daily prayers and reflections as
well as daily Scripture passages. A $1 donation to cover
expenses is kindly requested.
Lost and Found
Displayed this weekend
in the Gathering Room
The DC Ushers’ Ministry will be
displaying all Lost and Found items found in the
Church these last few months.
We have
accumulated a large amount of items, including
eye glasses, coats, hats, many gloves, scarves &
umbrellas, jewelry and keys; kids’ books, toys,
purses, backpacks, and decanters; a bible, personal
prayer books and rosaries. Unclaimed items will be
donated to St. Vincent de Paul.
As always, all Lost and Found items are kept
in the Ushers’ Room located in the Gathering Room
and can be viewed any time before or after the
weekend Masses.
Monthly Canned Food Collection - Next Weekend
Please remember that next weekend, February 6 & 7 is set
aside for our monthly canned food collection for the truly poor
in Detroit’s inner city and St. Vincent de Paul at
St. Sebastian’s food pantry.
Please leave your donations in the gathering room.
Our needs: Jiffy Mix, Jelly, (strawberry is a favorite), Baked Beans,
Instant Potatoes, Hamburger Helper, Boxed potatoes (scalloped, etc), Cans
of large soups, Canned Fruits, Diced Tomatoes, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce,
Toilet paper, Cereal EXCEPT Cheerios (of which we have a very large
supply at this time). Thank you ahead of time!!
God bless you, Divine Child parishioners, for your generosity!
Bulletin Articles
Please, don’t forget to take photos for the bulletin when
you are at a function, event or gathering. We want to
hear what you’re doing!
Bulletin articles are due on Fridays at noon. Nine days
prior to publication. Please send them via email to:
If you have questions, please do not
hesitate to call me at the Rectory office
at 313-277-3110.
Thank you, Marilyn O’Brien
Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Weekly Holy Hour of Reparation to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Every Friday at 3pm
In the Adoration Chapel
For more information please contact
Tim at 313-363-7124
or email tabailey@mac.com
Come to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
How can I spend my time in Adoration?
Pray for priests. For young priests, dying priests, priests in
purgatory. For our parish priests and for priests in
danger. And for seminarians and their
perseverance in becoming priests.
Please visit our Lord in our chapel any
day or time or come to Tuesday
Exposition in the church from
9am to 7pm.
For inquiries, please call 313.277.3110
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Tuesdays from 7:30pm - 8:30pm
In the Church following
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
You are invited to Praise and Worship and
Intercessory Prayer with our Prayer Team.
Experience the power of the Holy Spirit through this
vital form of prayer.
What is intercession? Most simply put, it is praying
for others.
Catherine Zardus and Denise Gorski have been
trained in this intercession form of prayer. You don’t
need any experience to join us. Please come for
one night or every week. A new addition to these
evenings will be, Anne Marie Miller, a young woman
who will lead the music with her beautiful voice and
guitar. She recently graduated from Steubenville
and is also trained in intercession.
Please pray about joining this wonderful ministry or
just come try it out on a Tuesday evening. Most
intercessors experience great joy, peace and
intimacy with the Lord.
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Divine Child Book Group
The DC Book Group gathers to discuss spiritual
books by solid Catholic authors.
We invite you to join us!
Our next book selection is…
Crossing the Tiber
by Steve Ray
Steve Ray was raised in a devout Baptist
family. When a friend converted to the
Catholic Church, Steve and his wife Janet
decided to investigate the claims of the
Catholic Church. After hundreds of hours of
studying the Bible and the early Church, they
were convinced that the Catholic Church was
the Church founded by Christ, and were
received into the Church in 1994.
In Crossing the Tiber, Ray shares his journey and takes you
back to discover the early Church, the Catholics Church’s
teachings on Baptism and the Eucharist.
“A moving account of conversion and an instructive book.
Catholics can discover the clear logic of their faith.”
-Fr. Stanley Jaki
This book is available through any bookseller in paperback
and e-books.
Wednesday February 17, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Parts 1 & 2
Crossing the Tiber; and Baptism in the Scriptures and
in the Ancient Church
Wednesday March 16, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Part 3
The Eucharist in the Scriptures and in the
Ancient Church
Location: Elementary School Multi-Purpose Rm.
(enter through east doors)
Job Networking Group
If you have lost your job or are thinking of
switching careers, please join us! You may find
just what you are looking for!
If you would like to speak with the group
facilitator and ask questions before attending a meeting
please feel free to call Bob Jensen at (313) 278-0707.
Our job networking group is very proud to claim that since its
inception, we have placed over 500 people in some line of
work. We are back with a new day!
Group meetings are on Tuesdays from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Divine Child High School APR
MEETING DATES: Feb 2 & 16, Mar 1, 15 & 29, Apr 5 & 19,
May 3, 17 & 31, June 14
As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as
good stewards of God’s varied Grace. -1 Peter 4:10
Please Consider a Gift to Divine Child
By Mail: Church of the Divine Child - Advancement
Office 1055 North Silvery Lane - Dearborn, Michigan
Donate Online: Visit www.faithdirect.net
Include Divine Child in your Estate Planning
♦ Make a bequest to Divine Child in your will
♦ Create a charitable gift annuity
♦ Make a gift of life insurance
♦ Donate retirement assets
Make a Donation of Stock, Matching Gifts
Double or triple your gift by having your and/or your
spouse’s company match your contribution(s).
For more information, contact the,
Advancement office at 313.216.0893
Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Frequently asked questions about Lent
Who can impose ashes?
The ordinary minister for the blessing of ashes is a priest
or deacon. Others may assist with the imposition of ashes
where there is genuine need, especially for the sick and
What are the formulas to be used?
"Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel." Or
"Remember, man you are dust and to dust you will
Is it permissible for people to self-impose ashes on
Ash Wednesday?
Ashes are meant to be received, not taken and selfimposed. The Ceremonial for Bishops in its explanation of
Ash Wednesday states:
On the Wednesday before the First Sunday of Lent the
faithful, by receiving ashes, enter upon the season
appointed for spiritual purification. This sign of penance,
biblical in origin and preserved among the customs of the
Church until our own day, expresses the human condition
as affected by sin. In this sign we outwardly profess our
guilt before God and thereby, prompted by the hope that
the Lord is kind and compassionate, patient and
abounding in mercy, express our desire for inward
conversion. This sign is also the beginning of the journey
of conversion that will reach its goal in the celebration of
the sacrament of reconciliation during the days leading to
Easter.[#253 Ceremonial of Bishops]
The blessing and imposition of ashes should take place
either in the Mass or outside of the Mass. In the latter
case, it is to be part of a liturgy of the word and
conclude with the prayer of the faithful, Blessing and
Dismissal. [Circular Letter Concerning the Preparation
and Celebration of the Easter Feasts, #21]
The explanation in the Ceremonial of Bishops continues
with directives for the Bishop himself to receive the ashes
from another minister, concelebrant or deacon.
Is it proper to empty baptismal fonts during Lent?
Removing the holy water from the baptismal font during
Lent is an innovation based on custom not liturgical law.
The practice shows a lack of understanding of the season
of Lent.
“Through its twofold theme of repentance and baptism,
the season of Lent disposes both the catechumens and
mystery. Catechumens are led to the sacraments of
initiation by means of the rite of election, the scrutinies,
and catechesis. The faithful, listening more intently to the
word of God and devoting themselves to prayer, are
prepared through a spirit of repentance to renew their
baptismal promises.” [Ceremonial of Bishops, #249]
For both catechumens and the faithful it is important to
keep in the forefront of their mind the importance of the
waters of baptism. Catechumens passing by the
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baptismal font are led to yearn for the day when they will
be claimed as God’s children and join the family of
God. The faithful passing by the baptismal waters are led
to reflect on how they have been unfaithful to their
baptismal promises and use the time of Lent to repent so
that they are ready to renew those promises at the Easter
Vigil. The waters in the baptismal font serve as a constant
reminder to both groups.
There is no document that addresses this issue directly
since it is the innovation of someone’s imagination. The
only time that emptying the baptismal font is addressed is
in the Ordo. In the directives for Holy Thursday the Ordo
says: Holy water may be removed from all fonts. They are
refilled with the water blessed at the Easter Vigil.
May the Stations be ended with Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament?
Benediction is part of the Order for Solemn Exposition of
the Holy Eucharist. This order of prayer is part of the
Church's official liturgy. It is no longer permitted for
benediction to be added to end any other service or
Archdiocese of Detroit
Worship Office
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Catholic Faith Formation Night
With special guest speaker: Dr. Robert Fastiggi
Professor of Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Dr. Fastiggi addresses a full auditorium
with Catholics and Muslims in attendance. The evening was very interesting as we learned about
the history of Islam and pointing out similarities and differences between our faiths.
It was a very pleasant and informative night.
Please visit the Lighthouse Catholic Media Stand
located in the Gathering Room.
Religious CD’s and books are available for a
minimal fee.
Here is a sample of what you can expect to see:
(Depositing this fee in the stand, helps keep this program going)
What is this?
The Vocations Chalice Kit is a way to involve parish
households to pray for vocations.
How does it work?
The Vocations Chalice Kit is located in the Vestry of the
Gathering Room in the Church, next to the Ushers Room. Any
Divine Child family can sign it out at
take it home for a week and put it in a place of honor.
Each day the household will pray for an increase in vocations to
the priesthood and religious life. There are suggested prayers
within the kit. Families that are signed up can pick up the Kit
after 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday. Please return the kit prior to
9:30 a.m. Mass the following week.
It’s that easy!
Questions? Please call the Rectory Office for details at
In this
informative talk,
Dr. Scott Hahn
explores some of
the most
important beliefs
that distinguish
Christianity from
Islam. He
explains that
while both
religions trace
themselves back
to Abraham, the differences, including our understanding
of God as Father, are not insignificant. With charity,
balance, and candor, Dr. Hahn shows us how Islam
presents the most formidable challenge to Christianity in
the Third millennium.
Together, we seek to deepen our relationship with God
through the Catholic faith.
Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Divine Child Marches for Life!
MIDDLE SCHOOL (Open to all students in grades 6-8):
February 14: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Rm.
February 28: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Rm.
March 13: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Rm.
March 27: No Meeting. Happy Easter!
April 10: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Room.
April 23: CYT Zoo Scavenger Hunt
HIGH SCHOOL (Open to all students in grades 9-12):
January 30-31: CYO Rainbow Conference, Marriott Hotel,
February 21: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Rm.
Spirit: Who is the Holy Spirit and What does He do?
March 6: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Room.
Fill: How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
March 18-19: WAYMC Lock-In
March 20: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Room.
Evil: How can I resist evil?
April 1-3: Retreat
April 17: Timothy Awards 3:30pm at St. Thomas A’Becket
Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Room.
Healing: Does God heal today?
May 1: Meeting 7-8:30pm in the St. Teresa of Avila Room.
Church: What about the Church and telling others?
June 17-19: Steubenville Youth Conference, Steubenville, OH
For questions or more information please contact Rebecca
Bridgnanan at 313-277-3110 ext. 218 or
Please keep our youth in your prayers!
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Divine Child Elementary School presents….
Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
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CYO Online Registration is Here!
Sign up for track, baseball, or softball for the
Spring CYO Season
Reminder: Each participant must obtain a
physical and submit all required forms to Divine
Child's CYO Athletic Department prior to
participating in any CYO athletics, including team
Go to www.divinechildelementaryschool.org and
click on Athletics
• All Medical Forms (MHSAA) are due prior to
first tryout or practice.
• All payments are due first day of practice.
If you would prefer to register your child(ren) in
person, we will be available in the DCES gym
lobby the following dates:
Track: Thurs., January 28, 6 - 8 p.m.
Softball/Baseball: Thurs., February 4, 6 -8 p.m.
If you register online, you do not need to attend
the in-person registration dates above.
Holy Humor
A little girl was talking to her teacher about
The teacher said it was physically impossible for a
whale to swallow a human because even though it was a
very large mammal its throat was very small.
The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not
swallow a human; it was physically impossible.
The little girl said, 'When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah'.
The teacher asked, 'What if Jonah went to hell?'
The little girl replied, 'Then you ask him'.
CYO will also be accepting spring coaches
applications for:
Applications can be found on the
elementary school website under
Please return applications to the
Divine Child Elementary
School Office Attn: CYO Athletics
Save the date!
Plans are under way for the 40th Anniversary of the
Divine Child Elementary School Holiday Boutique.
We are now accepting applications for this event which
will take place on Saturday, November 5.
If you are a crafter/artisan and would like to participate
please go to http://bit.ly/DCHolidayBoutique2016
to access our online application.
Any questions please contact us at
Hope to see you there!
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
“Heavenly Father, protect these members of our Armed Forces. Be their constant
companion and their strength in battle, their refuge in every adversity. Guide them,
Lord, so that they may return home safely.” Amen.
MA3 Sean Abraham
1st Lt Elizabeth Aceves (Walker), RN
SSG Mitchell Assenmacher
PFC Keith Bizek
Tony Boyd
Staff Sgt David Brash
Lt Colonel Louis A. Camardo II
PVT2 Alexander Collins
PVT Michael Dawson
HN Ryan Desjarlais
Lieutenant Colonel Jay Deyonke
Major Kevin J. Dobzyniak
PFC Brandon Ebert
IT2 Perry W. Edgell V
Corporal Aaron Fryer
Major Joseph Johnson
Lieutenant Colonel Robert S. Kafka
1st Lt Stephen Kerr
Captain Natalie Ann Korona
Airman First Class Jamison R. Kucinski
Lieutenant Daniel Kuriluk
Captain Matthew Kuriluk
Commander Ron Kuzdak
Airman 1st Class Lauren LaCaprara
Airman Christopher J (Seraceno) Lapinski
Private Ian W. Laskey
Lance Corporal Joseph Leach
Major Adam J. Lytle D.D.S.
Airman 1st Class Brittany Mack
Captain Matthew J. Malinowski
Sgt Mitchel G. Malinowski
Staff Sergeant Christopher W. Owen
BM2 Claudio D. Polo
BM1 Samantha Polo
Airman Courtney Porter
Cody S. Pratt
SSG London Quicci
Brandon Raona
Sgt Joseph Reames
Lt Andrew Roscoe
2nd Lt Joshua Schultz
TSgt Jeffrey M. Selonke
3rd CPO Jannel Skiver
PFC Garrett Storr
Warrant Officer Kevin P. Sullivan
Staff Sgt Matthew Taylor
PFC Juan Vargas
PFC Samantha Velazques-Vargas
Major Leah Voelker
LtJG Catherine Walker
Sergeant Anthony Watkins
Master Sergeant Randy Williams
Lt Col Patrick Wnetrzak
LCPL Robert Wnetrzak
Major Thomas Wnetrzak
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May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May He show His face to you and be
gracious to you. May the Lord look
upon you with kindness and give you
peace. ~ Blessing of St. Francis
Please let us know if you have a family member who is serving in the military and we will acknowledge them
in our weekly column. Please share the good news with us when one of the above soldiers returns home!
Jolanda Karson
Amando Jayme
Jeanette Reitmeyer
Barbara O’Brien
Michael Thomas O’Brien
Bob Cuppetilli
Fred Wiedling
Diana Shinske
Sandy Blair
August French
Jamie McAdam
Judi & Ralph Woodward
Ron Kraska
Michelle DeGuzman
Laura Gee
Ken Schaffer
Arlene Thomas
Marco Rea
Karen Craig
Thomas Garchow
Lillian Holtz
Ruth G. K. Gaerig
Lucy Bommarito
John Nasal
Rachel Webb
Lee Rawlings
Donna Rawlings
Dorothy Shomo
Jennifer Perpich
Kathleen Smith
Daniel Leonetti
Edward Polli
Caroline Dubanik
Jerry Borycz
Joseph Salata
Linda Szafraniec
Patricia DiBella
Pat Ciarelli
Linda Pagano Veltri
Pat Shankie
Bill Smith
Patty McComber
Megan Schroeder
Nick Bonfiglio
Frank Bonfiglio, Jr.
Mary Karas
Earl Szostek
John Henderson
Dennis J. Sokol
Henry Peters
In order to keep this list current, names will be kept on
the list for one month only. Please call 313-277-3110
to keep a loved one on the list. Thank you.
LIFESPAN is looking for volunteers for our Garage Sale. Do you love
garage sales? We have a prime location in Livonia and we are looking
for volunteers to help organize and price the items.
Also looking for volunteers for the Dinner Committee to plan our
annual Dinner in May. Would you like to help us, but not committed all year?
Maybe one of these “one-time-a-year” events might appeal to you!
Call us at LIFESPAN 734-524-0162.
Lenten Fish Fry: Ash Wednesday, February 10- 3pm -8pm
Fridays - 11am - 8pm
Polish Dinners - Tuesdays - 4p- 8pm
Enjoy Veronica’s Catering’s classic Dinners together with our O’Kelly Burgers and Fries
Can’t stay for dinner? Call us for a carry out at 313.278.5600 extension 3
Lounge also open:
Sunday and Monday – CLOSED
Tuesday – 4pm – 10pm (Polish Night 4pm-8pm)
Wednesday & Thursday– 4pm – 10pm
Friday – 11am – 1am (Fish Fry 11am – 8pm)
Saturday – 4pm – 12am
Checkout us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/okelleylounge
for information on upcoming events.
O’Kelly Banquets can accommodate all of your banquet needs. Call us at 313.278.5600
www.okellybanquethall.com www.facebook.com/okellybanquethall
Please pray for these young women
who are discerning God’s call to the
religious life.
Colleen Bailey, a 2007
Edsel Ford HS graduate and a
parishioner, is in formation for the
Miles Christi Religious order in
Northville, MI.
Sr. Rita Clare Yoches, a 1997
DCHS graduate and former
parishioner, in formation for the
Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R., of
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
Archdiocesan News
Annual Mass for World
Day of the Sick
Sunday, February 7, 2016
at 11:00am
Cathedral of the Most
Blessed Sacrament
9844 Woodward Ave in
Fenced and secure onsite
Join Archbishop Allen H.
Vigneron in this special
annual Mass for the sick,
their caregivers, health care
professionals and loved
ones. This mass will include
an anointing of the sick and
a special blessing for
caregivers and health care
Handicap accessible.
Medical and emergency
personnel will be on the
premises. No registration is
necessary. All are welcome
to attend. Co-sponsored by
the Knights and Dames of
the Order of Malta
To learn more please call
Joyce Hyttinen at 248-5373304 or email
Readings for the Week of January 31, 2016
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/Ps 71:1-6, 15-17/1 Cor 12:31--13:13 or
13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30
Mon: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/Ps 3:2-7/Mk 5:1-20
Tues: Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7-10/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32
Wed: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17/Ps 32:1-2, 5-7/Mk 6:1-6
Thurs: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/1 Chr 29:10-12/Mk 6:7-13
Sir 47:2-11/Ps 18:31, 47, 50-51/Mk 6:14-29
1 Kgs 3:4-13/Ps 119:9-14/Mk 6:30-34
Next Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-5, 7-8/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3
-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11
National Catholic Schools Week
“Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and
Service” is the theme of National Catholic Schools Week 2016,
the annual celebration that begins this Sunday, January 31, to
focus attention on the good work of the nation’s Catholic
Our Catholic elementary and high schools integrate faith and
values into every aspect of students’ educational experiences, to
ensure they are educated wholly, in mind, body, and spirit.
Catholic school students are encouraged to think and act
according to the mind and heart of Jesus Christ.
Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal allow the
archdiocesan Office for Catholic Schools to help our Catholic
schools provide their students with exceptional academic
training while continuing the teaching mission of Jesus Christ.
The office, which is part of the Department of Evangelization,
Catechesis and Schools, offers resources for teachers and
principals, parents and students, and alumni.
For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs,
and services, please go to www.AOD.org.
12th Annual Nourishing the Soul Wine Tasting Event
Saturday, March 19 (6 PM)
The Solanus Casey Center’s 12th Annual “Nourishing the Soul” Wine
Tasting Event will be held Saturday, March 19, 2016, at 6:00 PM, and
we invite you to join us in making it a success! We’re also excited to
announce this year’s event has moved to a different venue: the newly
remodeled Petruzzello’s Banquet and Conference Center on Rochester
Road in Troy. Tickets are $95 per person, include valet parking, and
can be purchased by calling 313.579.2100, ext. 153 or online:
www.SolanusCenter.org $10 raffle tickets also available. You do not
need to be present to win.
West-Wayne Vicariate
Church of the Divine Child is part of the West-Wayne
Vicariate. Twenty-one churches make up this Vicariate. Please
check out the link below to view the latest newsletter for Jan/
Feb. In it, you will find dates and times of all the local churches
Mass & Confession schedules, Fish Fry’s, and other Lenten
Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan
For the Love of St. Mel’s Catholic Church
60th Anniversary Dinner Dance
Saturday, February 13, 2016
5:30pm - 10:30pm
$22 per person or $40 per Couple
5:30pm Doors open: Appetizers/beer/wine/
6:20 Dinner and Dessert
7:15 - 10:15 Dancing and Music by Blue Steel
Jazz Band
St. Mel Memorabilia/Selfie Photo Both
Autograph Area
Contact 313.274.0684 for tickets
St. Mel 7506 Inkster Rd, Dearborn Hts
Come to Capuchin Retreat on
Sunday, February 14 for a, Dinner Date with
your Spouse, held at 62460 Mt. Vernon,
Washington, MI 48094. Let your heart be
moved by coming together to share with each
other and become more open to God’s Love.
This is an evening of positive loving and
joyful sharing with one another. Presented by
Fred Cavaiani, Psychotherapist, Spiritual
Director and Licensed Marriage and Family
Therapist. Refreshments and appetizers start
at 4:30 PM followed by a delicious dinner and
a 2 hour program. $60/couple. Register by
calling 248.651.4826 or online
at: www.CapRetreat.org
St. Valentine's Wine Dinner
Monday, February 8th 2016
E.G. Nick's Restaurant in Plymouth.
A specially prepared four-course meal will be
served, featuring a different wine with each
course! Tickets are $80.00 per person and all
proceeds go to benefit families in need from
our area (Livonia, Plymouth, Canton, Redford,
Novi, Northville, Westland, etc.).
Please contact Blanche Greene at
blanche.greene@gmail.com or 734-451-9651
to reserve your seats or for more information.
We hope that our friends - both old & new will join us to help support those less fortunate
in our community. If for some reason you
cannot make the dinner, donations and raffle
prizes would be greatly appreciated.
Bethany South Event
February 17 - April 6 - Divorce Recovery
Workshop. A total of six workshops to be
held at St. Patrick Childcare Center, 135
Superior in Wyandotte. $10 registration fee.
For questions or to reserve a spot call 734285-9840 ext 108
Bethany is a Catholic organization under
the auspices of the Archdiocese of Detroit
Office of Youth and Family, providing peer
support to the divorced and separated of all
Christian faiths.
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Couples’ Retreat Focuses on
Enhancing Marriage Experience
St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat &
Conference Center, welcomes married
couples to a weekend retreat Feb. 12-14. The
focus is on celebrating marriage, weaving the
rejoicing of wedding into daily living, and
rediscovering the presence of Lord in
yourselves, your home and your family. The
retreat, led by the St. Paul Ministry Team,
includes conferences, personal reflection
time, Reconciliation and Eucharist. To
register, contact Lynnette Marshall at
313/286-2800 or online at
lmarshall@stpaulretreat.org. Retreat offering
is $300/couple which covers 2 nights and 5
meals. Check-in begins at 4 pm, Feb. 12. The
retreat ends at 11:30 am, Feb. 14.
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Church of the Divine Child, Dearborn, Michigan