Annual Report - OPPA Credit Union
Annual Report - OPPA Credit Union
Annual Report 2015 Table of Contents Winners of the 2015 OPPA Credit Union Educational Scholarship Awards 2 2015 Photo Highlights 3 Agenda of the 44th Annual General Meeting 4 Minutes of the 43rd Annual Meeting 5 Report of the Board of Directors 8 Report of the Chief Executive Officer 9 Report of the Senior Manager, Credit and Risk 10 Audit Committee Report 11 Five Year Operating Highlights 12 Board of Directors 13 Management and Staff 14 Staff Service Awards 15 Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting 16 Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements 17 Contact Us 23 Winners of the 2015 OPPA Credit Union Educational Scholarship Awards 2 2015 Photo Highlights 3 Agenda of the 44th Annual General Meeting DATE Thursday, April 28, 2016 TIME Registration at 6:00 p.m. Meeting at 6:30 p.m. LOCATION Sheba Shrine Club 142 John Street Barrie ON AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Registration Report & Declaration of Quorum 3. Official Welcome 4. Adoption of Minutes of 43rd Annual Meeting 5. Adoption of Reports: • Auditor’s Report • Audit Committee Report • Board of Directors Report • Chief Executive Officer’s Report • Senior Manager, Credit and Risk Report 6. New Business: • Appointment of External Auditors • Approval of By-law change 7. Director Election 8. Service Awards Presentation 9. Question Period 10. Door Prizes 11. Adjournment DINNER AND REFRESHMENTS 4 Minutes of the 43rd Annual Meeting ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE ASSOCIATION CREDIT UNION LIMITED SHEBA SHRINE CENTRE 142 JOHN STREET, BARRIE, ONTARIO APRIL 22, 2015 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Steve Ridout. It was confirmed that a quorum was present with 47 members and 3 guests. An official welcome was extended to all members and guests. A moment of silence was held in remembrance of all OPPA Credit Union members who passed away during the last year. ADOPTION OF 2014 AGM MINUTES MOTION Moved by Bill Soule, seconded by Noreen Angus, that the minutes of the 42nd Annual Meeting held on April 23, 2014 be adopted as published in the 2014 Annual Report. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED REPORTS AUDITORS’ REPORT The Auditors’ Report for the year 2014 was reviewed by Mike Jones of Jones and O’Connell. MOTION Moved by Debbie Sokoloskie, seconded by Bob McAfee, that the Auditors’ Report for 2014 be adopted as presented. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT MOTION Moved by Noreen Angus, seconded by Jill Bennett, that the Audit Committee Report for 2014 be adopted as published in the 2014 Annual Report. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT MOTION Moved by Karen Zammit, seconded by Donna Soule, that the Report of the Board of Directors be adopted as published in the 2014 Annual Report. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED 5 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT MOTION Moved by Laurie Dennis, seconded by Tammy Lewis, that the Report of the Chief Executive Officer be adopted as published in the 2014 Annual Report. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED REPORT OF THE SENIOR MANAGER, CREDIT AND RISK MOTION Moved by Neil Vingerhoets, seconded by Andrew Shannon, that the Report of the Senior Manager, Credit and Risk be adopted as published in the 2014 Annual Report. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED NEW BUSINESS APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS MOTION Moved by Danita Hellingman, seconded by Suzanne Chaddock, that as per recommendation of the Audit Committee, we appoint the firm of Jones and O’Connell as auditors for the fiscal year 2015. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED BY-LAW CHANGE MOTION Moved by Fred Bertucca, seconded by Noreen Angus, to approve by-law change to Paragraph 4.4 as approved by the Board of Directors on October 27, 2014. Steve Ridout asked if there were any questions from the floor. A question was posed asking for an explanation for the By-law amendment. Bryan Neely explained the reason for the proposed change to our borrowing By-law. VOTE – 47 FOR CARRIED ELECTION OF OFFICERS Steve Ridout called on Neil Vingerhoets to act as Election Chairperson for the election of officers. The one position expiring at this Annual Meeting (Steve Ridout) was declared vacant. Steve Ridout has previously submitted his intent to stand for re-election. Steve qualifies for the position of Director as outlined in the Credit Union Act, Sections 91 and 92 and has no conflict of interest to declare as per the Credit Union Act, Section 146 (1). Steve Ridout has confirmed his intent to stand. As we have one qualified nominee for one vacancy and there are no further candidates, Steve Ridout was declared elected by acclamation for a three year term. 6 RECOGNITION AWARDS Suzanne Chaddock presented Service Awards to Iris Bilokrely (absent) for 25 years of service. Also recognized were Tanya Verkerk and Jennifer Collins for 10 years’, and Danita Hellingman and Shelley Jong for 5 years’ service. A special acknowledgement was extended to Donna Trebble who is retiring. She was presented with a gift in appreciation for her dedication to the OPPA Credit Union for the past 36 years. An open discussion period was held, followed by a draw for door prizes. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Moved by Debbie Sokoloskie, seconded by Jill Bennett, that the meeting adjourn at 7:20 p.m. CARRIED Steve Ridout, Board Chair Karen Zammit, Corporate Secretary 7 Report of the Board of Directors On behalf of your Board of Directors, it is my privilege to present the 2015 Annual Report of the OPPA Credit Union. The Board of Director’s role is to establish our strategic direction, create and maintain a framework of governance policies, oversee management and ensure compliance with all regulatory and statutory requirements. The Board is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the credit union is operated in a safe and prudent manner and for ensuring adherence to the standards of sound business and financial practices outlined by our regulator, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO). In 2015, the OPPA Credit Union focused on six goals in our business plan: • • • • • • Service Delivery – To provide financial products/service through value added advice and reliable technology solutions. Financial Performance – To manage growth, liquidity, capital and interest rate risk to meet the ongoing needs of our members and to meet regulatory requirements. Market Presence – To enhance awareness within the OPP family of our unique value added personal advice and service. Human Resources – To ensure our workforce has the skills and tools that support our growth and continue superior service delivery. Governance – To ensure Board and Committees have the skills and tools to support effective Governance. Build Relationships and Partnerships – To pro-actively build relationships with both the OPP and OPPA in order to enable us to present/demonstrate both our brand and our service promise. I wish to acknowledge the Board for their contributions and commitment, along with our management team and staff for their dedication, hard work and courteous service delivery. I would also like to thank you our Members for your confidence and support. Steven B. Ridout 8 Report of the Chief Executive Officer 2015 was a challenging year but was still a successful operating year for the OPPA Credit Union. Interest rates continue to be low and are projected to remain that way for some time. I am pleased to report that our Balance Sheet assets grew by $12,426,733 or 7.37% and our loans grew by $10,813,928 or 7.08%. Our total assets under administration as at December 31, 2015 is $188,577,447. The OPPA Credit Union continues to focus on strengthening our brand and enhancing the awareness within the OPP family. This year to raise awareness we’ve made financial wellness presentations at OPP General Headquarters to new recruits, OPPA Pre-Retirement Seminars, OPP Veterans’ AGM, OPP Veterans’ Day, OPP Civilian Conference, OPP Wellness Day and Post-Recruit Family Day. We also participated in the OPP family day events at GHQ and London. This year, we organized a bicycle rodeo at both events and gave away 25 bicycles. For the third year in a row we also partnered with the OPPA to recognize our OPP Veterans’ on June 6th at GHQ. The OPPA Credit Union continues to be an early adopter of banking technology. In 2015, we introduced Deposit Anywhere™ which is a new feature on your OPPA Credit Union mobile App. Deposit Anywhere™ allows members to quickly and securely deposit cheques using our banking App on their smartphone or tablet. We also updated and redesigned the mobile App to enhance our members’ online banking experience. Lastly, we introduced Interac® Online, this new payment method gives members the option to pay for online purchases directly from their OPPA Credit Union Account. As we understand the unique financial requirements of a recruit we have created a website specifically to provide them with financial tips and information. The website also introduces the Financial Advisor Team who are a great resource for recruits when they need financial advice they can trust. The advisors will provide recruits with advice that is customized, personal and specific to their needs, goals and situation. Members continue to have a high level of satisfaction with the products, services and financial advice they receive and it is reflected in our continued success. During 2016, we will focus on educating members about financial wellness and the importance of planning and implementing savings and investment goals and strategies. Special thanks to our staff, management team and Board of Directors for their efforts and commitment over the past year. I would also to thank our members for their continued confidence, loyalty, feedback and support of the OPPA Credit Union. Bryan Neely Chief Executive Officer 9 Report of the Senior Manager, Credit and Risk I am pleased to report in 2015 we achieved a considerable increase in growth over the previous year in our lending portfolio. The portfolio grew $10,813,928 compared to $5,596,852 in 2014 or 7.08% vs 3.66%. Our Financial Advisor Teams are working hard to build long-term relationships with our members and as a result significant progress was made towards our goals and objectives. The OPPA Credit Union continues to provide financial assistance to OPP recruits for their Ontario Police College tuition. Also, we had many members take advantage of our new vehicle loan rate of 4.99% in 2015. We continue to provide our members with competitive lending products and rates to meet their needs. The statistics outlined below represent the number of loans for 2015 with 2014 comparison figures. Loan Type Personal Loans Recruit Loans Mortgages Commercial Mortgages Bridge Loans MeritLine/Lines of Credit Totals Number of Loans 2015 2014 146 139 105 99 169 147 7 1 26 31 146 130 599 547 Loan Value 2015 $ 3,175,813.47 1,222,208.57 38,446,673.23 774,114.73 5,395,750.06 4,806,565.00 $53,821,125.06 2014 $ 2,713,413.97 821,082.00 34,480,879.54 260,000.00 6,342,024.75 5,174,046.23 $49,791,446.49 Number of loans declined – 46 Delinquent loans over 90 days at December 31, 2015 - Nil I would like to thank the Financial Advisors, Advisor Support Representatives and Member Service Assistants for providing our members with outstanding service during 2015. Our staff will continue to build relationships with their members and provide them with advice on their everyday financial needs as well as long-term financial goals during 2016. Karen Zammit Senior Manager, Credit and Risk 10 Audit Committee Report Each year, the OPPA Credit Union establishes an Audit Committee composed of members appointed by the Board. All members of the Audit Committee are active Directors of the Credit Union. The Chief Executive Officer and Board Chair are ex-officio members of this Committee. The role of the Audit Committee is to review financial information and reporting processes and their associated risks and controls. The Committee held 5 meetings during 2015 to fulfil our oversight responsibilities for: • Integrity of the financial statements • The external audit function • The internal audit function • Adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls • Monitoring and oversight of the Enterprise Risk Management program • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements The Committee also met with the external auditors to review and discuss the audit plan. The audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 have been reviewed and the Committee recommends their acceptance and approval by the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee also recommends that Jones & O’Connell perform the annual external audit for 2016. In 2015 the Committee worked closely with Senior Management and the internal auditors to review the internal audit plan and implement any necessary changes to our policies as a result of the internal auditors’ reports. The Audit Committee continues to receive full co-operation and support from management, which enables us to enhance the overall control and risk management structure of our Credit Union. We confirm that all significant recommendations made by the Audit Committee have been implemented and that the Committee is conducting its affairs in accordance with the Act, Regulations and Credit Union by-laws. There are no matters which the Committee believes should be reported to the members or which are required to be disclosed pursuant to the Act or the Regulations. Scott Couse Audit Committee Chair Committee Members: Scott Couse, Chair Suzanne Chaddock Matt Lewandowski 11 Five Year Operating Highlights Voting Members Staff Total new memberships in 2015 were 312. We are conducting an ongoing comprehensive membership review to close inactive memberships. Not included in the annual total are new members under the age of 18. Net Profit Assets (including Assets Under Administration) Printed copies of complete financial statements, along with accompanying notes and all required disclosures are available on request. Call 1-800-461-4288 or 12 Board of Directors 2015-2016 Front Row (left to right): Scott Couse, Steve Ridout, Fred Bertucca Back row (left to right): John Tod, Tanya Hodgin, Matthew Lewandowski, Suzanne Chaddock Board Member Date Elected Term Expires Steven Ridout, Chair Fred Bertucca, Vice-Chair Scott Couse, Audit Chair Suzanne Chaddock, Director Tanya Hodgin, Director Matthew Lewandowski, Director John Tod, Director 2006 2008 2001 2013 2014 2013 2014 2018 2017 2016* 2016* 2017 2016* 2017 * Term expires at 2016 Annual Meeting In Memoriam Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of the members of the OPPA Credit Union Limited who passed away during 2015. Steve Ridout, Board Chair 13 Management and Staff (at December 31, 2015) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Bryan Neely CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Andrew Shannon MANAGEMENT Karen Zammit - Senior Manager, Credit and Risk Debbie Sokoloskie – Senior Manager, Business Development Shelagh Pepper – Senior Manager, Member Services & Growth Laurie Dennis – Manager, Member Service Administration SUPERVISOR, BANKING SERVICES - Shelley Jong FINANCIAL ADVISORS Shannon Antonio Jennifer Collins Dale Gamble Victoria Simpson Casey Thompson ADVISOR SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVES Jolene Hollmann Tammy LaloMalec Lorraine McCluskey Nancy Noel Rosanne Wyer SENIOR MEMBER SERVICE ASSISTANT - Jill Bennett MEMBER SERVICE ASSISTANTS Bettyann McKee Carla Kruger MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES Christa Ball* Christine Belmontes* Laura Button** Bonnie Elliott Danita Hellingman ACCOUNTING ANALYST - Anita Plewes CO-ORDINATOR, ACCOUNTING AND BANKING SYSTEM - Iris Bilokrely ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATOR - Sarah Simmons CO-ORDINATOR, AUDIT & COMPLIANCE - Michele Cobby 14 * Part-time **Maternity Leave Staff Service Awards Each year presentations are made to staff recognizing significant milestones in their career with OPPA Credit Union. We are pleased to present the following at the 2016 Annual General Meeting: 5 Years Shannon Antonio – Financial Advisor Bonnie Elliott – Member Service Representative 10 Years Andrew Shannon - Chief Operating Officer 15 Years Tammy LaloMalec - Advisor Support Representative Congratulations! 15 Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting The accompanying summarized financial statements of OPPA Credit Union Limited and all the information in this annual report are the responsibility of Management and have been approved by the Board of Directors. The financial statements have been prepared by Management in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. When alternative accounting methods exist, Management has chosen those it deems most appropriate in the circumstances. Financial statements are not precise since they include certain amounts based on estimates and judgements. Management has determined such amounts on a reasonable basis in order to ensure that the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects. Management has prepared the financial information presented elsewhere in the annual report and has ensured that it is consistent with that in the financial statements. OPPA Credit Union maintains systems of internal accounting and administrative controls of high quality, consistent with reasonable cost. Such systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that the financial information is relevant, reliable and accurate and that the Credit Union’s assets are appropriately accounted for and adequately safeguarded. The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that Management fulfils its responsibilities for financial reporting and is ultimately responsible for reviewing and approving the financial statements. The Board carries out this responsibility principally through its Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is appointed by the Board. The Committee meets periodically with Management and the external auditors to discuss internal controls over the financial reporting process, auditing matters and financial reporting issues, to satisfy itself that each party is properly discharging its responsibilities and to review the annual report, the financial statements and the external auditors’ report. The Committee reports its findings to the Board for consideration when approving the financial statements for issuance to the owners. The financial statements have been audited by Jones & O’Connell LLP, the external auditors, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards on behalf of the owners. Jones & O’Connell LLP has full and free access to the Audit Committee. Bryan Neely Chief Executive Officer Andrew Shannon Chief Operating Officer 16 Independent Auditor's Report To the Members of Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited The accompanying summarized financial statements, which include the balance sheet and statements of changes in members' equity, operations and comprehensive income, are derived from the audited financial statements of Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited for the year ended December 31, 2015. We expressed an unmodified opinion on those financial statements in our report dated February 22, 2016. These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by International Financial Reporting Standards. Reading the summarized financial statements is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited. Management’s Responsibility for the Summarized Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of the summarized financial statements in accordance with criteria that management has determined will represent a fair summary of the audited financial statements. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summarized financial statements based on procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standards (CAS) 810, "Engagement to Report on Summary Financial Statements". Opinion In our opinion, the summarized financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited for the year ended December 31, 2015 are a fair summary of those financial statements on the basis of criteria that management has determined will represent a fair summary of the audited financial statements. Readers are cautioned that these summarized financial statements may not be appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the entity's financial position, financial performance and cash flows, reference should be made to the related audited financial statements that are available from management upon request. Jones & O'Connell LLP Chartered Professional Accountants Licensed Public Accountants February 22, 2016 St. Catharines, Ontario Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited Statement of Changes in Members' Equity Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Undivided earnings Balance, December 31, 2013 $ Comprehensive income Balance, December 31, 2014 Comprehensive income Balance, December 31, 2015 $ 7,873,429 $ 164,885 Members' Equity $ 8,038,314 407,298 19,967 427,265 8,280,727 184,852 8,465,579 339,958 15,448 355,406 8,620,685 $ 200,300 $ 8,820,985 Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited Statement of Operations For the year ended December 31 Operating Revenue Interest on loans Investment income Swap and forward agreements 2015 $ 5,756,227 164,400 24,596 Interest Expense Interest on members' deposits Interest on borrowings Financial Margin Other Operating Items Provision on loans to members Other income 2014 $ 5,653,059 162,445 (36,871) 5,945,223 5,778,633 1,340,464 1,012,606 1,508,204 846,417 2,353,070 2,354,621 3,592,153 3,424,012 (22,771) 363,044 (22,773) 403,155 Operating Margin 3,932,426 3,804,394 Operating Expenses Administration Advertising and communication Computer, office and other equipment Member security costs Occupancy costs Other miscellaneous Salaries and benefits 231,037 210,919 242,648 156,027 116,575 494,279 2,078,015 212,675 214,342 233,208 176,259 124,932 438,467 1,929,933 3,529,500 3,329,816 Income Before Income Tax (Expense) Recovery 402,926 474,578 Income Tax (Expense) Recovery Current Deferred (62,968) - (92,040) 24,760 Net Income for the Year $ 339,958 $ 407,298 Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited Statement of Comprehensive Income For the year ended December 31 Net Income for the Year 2015 $ 339,958 2014 $ 407,298 Other Comprehensive Income Unrealized gain on investment classified as available for sale 18,283 23,630 Related current income tax expense (2,835) (3,663) 15,448 19,967 Comprehensive Income for the Year $ 355,406 $ 427,265 Ontario Provincial Police Association Credit Union Limited Notes to Financial Statements December 31, 2015 1. Basis of Presentation These financial statements are a summarized version of the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015, which have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on February 22, 2016. A copy of the audited financial statements is available upon request from management of the credit union. Management and the board of the credit union have determined that presentation of the credit union's balance sheet, statement of changes in members' equity, operations and comprehensive income in these summarized financial statements provides sufficient information to allow members to assess the financial position and results of operation of the credit union for the year ended December 31, 2015. Contact Us 123 Ferris Lane Barrie ON L4M 2Y1 Telephone and Fax Toll Free 1-800-461-4288 Local Telephone (705) 726-5656 Fax (705) 726-1449 Website Financial Advisor Teams Our Financial Advisor Teams, (Financial Advisors and Advisor Support Representatives) are assigned to a group of members, depending on the first letter of your last name. To reach your Financial Advisor Team by phone, call our main telephone number and enter the extension as noted below. Surname Alpha FINANCIAL ADVISOR TEAMS Financial Advisor Advisor Support Rep Ext. A,C,I,J,K,N,O Dale Gamble Lorraine McCluskey 2231 B,D,T Shannon Antonio Jolene Hollmann 2223 E,F,G,H Jennifer Collins Nancy Noel 2224 L, M, W Casey Thompson Tammy LaloMalec 2240 P,Q,R,S,U,V,X,Y,Z Victoria Simpson Rosanne Wyer 2222 23
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