CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. August 12, 2015 Call to Order Invocation – Pastor Gabriel Barden, Seventh Day Adventist Church Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Minutes of Previous Meetings City Council Meeting ‐ July 8, 2015 Special City Council Meeting ‐ July 18, 2015 Communications Veterans of the Month Presentation Recognize Persons Present Bids 1. 15‐032 2015 Central Business District Highland and Chicago Improvements ($3,613,127) 2. 15‐037 Sealcoating and Restriping for Two Areas of Parking Lots at the City Hall Facility ($27,375) Other Business (O) 1. Consideration of Petition 11‐15 at 300 Willard Avenue; an application by Virginia Roth, agent for Suresite Consulting on behalf of American Tower Corporation and T‐Mobile, requesting conditional use approval to install a commercial antenna tower in the CI Commercial Industrial District City Council Agenda – August 12, 2015 Page 2 2. Ordinance Amending the List of One‐Way Streets in the City of Elgin 3. Authorization for Payment – Elgin Sports Complex Lighting 4. Authorization for Payment – Shales Parkway Salt Dome Conveyor Rental **Consent Agenda (C) 1. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a State of Illinois Department of Transportation Agreement with the State of Illinois Department of Transportation and the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation and the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority for Crossing Warning Signal Device Improvements at McLean Boulevard and Big Timber Road 2. Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. for Engineering Services in Connection with the McLean and Big Timber Road Railroad Signal Improvements Project 3. Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with West Side Tractor Sales Co. for Trade‐in of Non‐Functioning Surplus Equipment for Equal Purchase Credit Towards New Equipment 4. Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Bonnell Industries, Inc. for Trade‐in of Non‐Functioning Surplus Equipment for Equal Purchase Credit Towards New Equipment 5. Resolution Authorizing Execution and Acceptance of a Plat of Easement for Watermain Purposes from David Huang and Accepting for Ownership and Maintenance Certain Public Improvements (2725 Alft Lane) 6. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Purchase of Services Agreement with the Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin for Economic Development Services 7. Resolution Approving Final Plat of Subdivision for Bowes Creek Country Club, Phase 4A Subdivision 8. Resolution Authorizing Execution and Acceptance of Bowes Creek Country Club Phase 4B Plat of Blanket Easement for Blanket Utility Purposes from Toll Brothers 9. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Services Agreement with Motorola Solutions for Maintenance of Intrado 911 and Non‐Emergency Phone Systems 10. Ordinance Amending the Elgin Municipal Code by Adding to the List of Stop Intersections (Summit Street at Spring Street) City Council Agenda – August 12, 2015 11. 12. Page 3 Ordinance Amending Chapter 20.15 of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as Amended, Entitled "50/50 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program" and Amending Chapter 20.16 of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as Amended, Entitled "75/25 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program" Resolution Approving a Grant Recipient Eligibility List Under the 50/50 and 75/25 Historic Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Programs Miscellaneous Business (M) 1. Minutes for Various Boards and Commissions a. Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee June 2, 2015 b. Board of Fire & Police Commissioners April 16, 2015 c. Emergency Telephone System Board June 18, 2015 d. Fire Pension Fund February 10, March 31 and June 2, 2015 e. Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Board April 14, 2015 f. Hemmens Cultural Center Advisory Task Force July 8, 2015 g. Heritage Commission June 2, 2015 h. Heritage Commission Design Review April 28 and June 9, 2015 i. Liquor Commission June 10, 2015 j. Planning and Zoning Commission June 1, 2015 k. Committee of the Whole Minutes for June 24, 2015 l. City Council Minutes for June 24, 2015 2. Various Tax Reports a. Telecommunications Tax b. Natural Gas Tax c. Sales Tax d. Video Gaming Revenue 3. Disbursement Report Announcements Next Committee of the Whole Meeting, Wednesday, August 26, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers Next Regular Meeting of the Elgin City Council, Wednesday, August 26, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers Adjournment City Council Agenda – August 12, 2015 Page 4 **All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and non‐controversial by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by a Council member or citizen, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately immediately after approval of the Consent Agenda. Citizens desiring discussion on any item listed under the Consent Agenda should contact a Council member prior to the meeting and request that the item be removed for discussion. The City of Elgin is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact the Human Resources Department at (847) 931‐6076 or TT/TDD (847) 931‐5616 promptly to allow the City of Elgin to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. 1 AGENDA ITEM: MEETING DATE: August 12, 2015 ITEM: 2015 Central Business District Highland and Chicago Improvements ‐ Bid 15‐032 ($3,613,127) OBJECTIVE: Improve the city’s infrastructure with improvements to two bridges, pavements and sidewalks in the city’s central business district. RECOMMENDATION: Award the 2015 Central Business District Improvement Project bid to Copenhaver Construction of Gilberts, Illinois in the amount of $3,613,127. The city has completed improvements to the Central Business District (CBD) with the exception of the Highland Avenue and Chicago Avenue bridges and the adjacent portion of State Street between those two bridges. This proposed work represents the final phase of CBD improve‐ ments. (The penultimate phase of the CBD improvements involving the Riverside Drive extension between the Highland Avenue and Chicago Street bridges commenced earlier this year will soon be complete.) The proposed work includes improvements to the bridges’ sidewalks, railing and street lights and related electrical components. The project will also replace the water main and vaulted sidewalks on the State Street portion of the project. The decorative planters in the CBD that have been damaged during the severe freeze‐thaw cy‐ cles will have their concrete corners replaced and the fencing repainted. All other decorative planters in the CBD will be retrofit to minimize this damage from occurring again in the future. BACKGROUND The 2014 and 2015 budgets allocated funds to complete the final phase of improvements in the Central Business District (CBD). The city has made improvements in the CBD with the exception of the Highland Avenue and the Chicago Street bridges and the short stretches between the river and State Street. This final phase of improvements includes bridge and street repairs to those areas. 1 During the design engineering of this final phase, the engineering department recognized that the significant structural work necessary for bridge serving as the Riverside Drive extension (be‐ tween (Chicago Street and Highland Avenues) was beyond the capabilities of the typical con‐ tractors that performing street improvements and minor bridge repairs. The engineering staff accordingly revised the project plans to remove the bridge for the Riverside Drive extension and obtain a separate contract solely for that work. That decision successfully attracted highly quali‐ fied structural firms to bid on the work and the project is expected to be completed by mid‐ August. The Chicago Street and Highland Avenue bridges were removed from their originally planned phases (Chicago was phase 2 and Highland was phase 4) and combined with the extra work re‐ quested by the city and the local businesses. The frontage road along State Street was added at the request of the business owners and the Downtown Neighborhood Association whereas the Riverside Drive Bridge was added to avoid being the only unimproved infrastructure in that ar‐ ea. There are other phases the city has decided not to pursue additional improvement to in the CBD at this time. The bid documents were packaged so that the Chicago Street and Highland Avenue bridges, plus the frontage road on State Street, were included in the base bid.. There are three alternates with this bid that are being recommended for approval. The first al‐ ternate includes brick work and receptacles for the soon to be completed bridge for the River‐ side Drive extension. The second and third bid alternates provide for the repairs of the fencing and concrete on the decorative planters that suffered damage over the past winters during the extreme freeze and thaw cycles. The second bid alternate covers the repainting of all fencing installed on previous phases. The third alternate provides repairs the damaged concrete around. The current bid alternates contemplate repairs to only those decorative planters that are cur‐ rently exhibiting deterioration. The staff has determined that the decorative planters’ concrete deterioration and rusting fencing can be partially attributed to a design flaw and a failure of the city’s consulting engineer to properly inspect these items before accepting the work. Because of these flaws, the staff believes all the curbing and fencing on all the decorative planters in the CBD will rapidly deteriorate during the next few years. The material quantities in the second and third bid alternates will need to be increased to repair all the planter beds in the CBD with new, partial curbing and fencing. The quantity of curb repair will increase from 695 feet to ap‐ proximately 1100 feet and the fencing will increase from 695 feet to approximately 5100 feet for an increase in cost of approximately $150,000. This increase in material quantities will re‐ quire a change order to the proposed bid. The city is currently negotiating with the city’s con‐ sulting engineer, TranSystems Corporation, to reimburse the city for these additional costs. 2 OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS The project will include improvements to sidewalk, street lights, landscaping with irrigation and other elements besides the typical street resurfacing. The engineer’s estimate for the project is $3,878,750. Four bids were received for the project (including the three alternates) and ranged from a low bid of $3,613,127 to a high bid of $4,715,351. The low bid was submitted by Copenhaver Con‐ struction of Gilberts, Illinois. Copenhaver Construction has worked on past CBD improvements and to the best of staff’s knowledge, provided satisfactory service. A copy of the bid tabulation is included as Attachment B. The staff is recommending that the award the base bid and the three alternates. The scheduled timing for this project contemplates that the contractor will start work this fall after the water department has replaced the water main on the State Street frontage road. It is the intent to complete the bulk of the project this fall with minor work being performed next spring. Unless the favorable construction weather prevails, the project will be shut down for the winter just before Thanksgiving and will begin again at the end of March 2016. The shutdown will include improvements to make sidewalks and streets safe and fully accessible. The project will be fully completed by August 1, 2016 providing the water main work does not delay the startup of the street improvements. INTERESTED PERSONS CONTACTED The Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin worked with the affected State Street busi‐ ness owners to address their concerns regarding the scope and construction of the improve‐ ments. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Copenhaver Construction’s bid for this project totals $3,613,127 including the base bid and the three alternates. In addition to the construction component, administration costs estimated at $345,000 will be incurred. The total cost of this phase of the streetscape is estimated at $3,958,127. The engineering department is recommending utilizing the remainder of the Central Area TIF funds, the Riverboat funds originally designated for collector street resurfacing and a portion of the savings, in the Riverboat fund, from the Locust Street Rehabilitation project. A separate memorandum for construction administration will be submitted at a later date. These engi‐ neering services, will be funded from the remainder of the Locust Street Rehabilitation project savings. 3 BUDGET IMPACT FUND(S) ACCOUNT(S) PROJECT #(S) AMOUNT BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE Central Area TIF Riverboat Riverboat 262‐0000‐791.92‐32 262000 $4,430,900 $2,181,760 275‐0000‐791.93‐80 275‐0000‐791.93‐80 340067 1,500,000 572,100 1,265,340 434,710 LEGAL IMPACT Notices were published in the Courier News on April 21, 2015 and on the city’s website. The bids were opened and read publicly on May 19, 2015. There were four bidders for the project with bids ranging from a low bid of $3,613,127 to a high bid of $4,715,351. The bid submitted by Copenhaver Construction of Gilberts, Illinois was the lowest responsive bidder. ALTERNATIVES The city council may choose to reject the bid. Additional direction to staff would be necessary in order to restart the bid process. NEXT STEPS 1. Execute contract documents. 2. Issue notice to proceed. 3. Schedule construction to be completed by August 1, 2016. Originators: Final Review: Joseph Evers, P.E., City Engineer Debra Nawrocki, Chief Financial Officer William A. Cogley, Corporation Counsel/Chief Development Officer Richard G. Kozal, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operating Officer Sean R. Stegall, City Manager ATTACHMENTS A. B. Location Map Bid Tabulation 4 Attachment B 2015 CBD Highland and Chicago Improvements Bid Summary Engineer’s Estimate Base Bid: $3,734,031.00 Alternate A Bid: $16,757.00 Alternate B Bid: $95,250.00 Alternate C Bid: $32,712.00 Total all Bids: $3,878,750.00 Copenhaver Bids Base Bid: $3,562,072.30 Alternate A Bid: $16,778.00 Alternate B Bid: $12,700.00 Alternate C Bid: $21,576.00 Total all Bids: $3,613,126.30 Illinois Constructor Bids Base Bid: $4,392,998.00 Alternate A Bid: $20,925.00 Alternate B Bid: $50,800.00 Alternate C Bid: $119,712.00 Total all Bids: $4,584,435.00 Landmark Contractors Bids Base Bid: $3,841,539.19 Alternate A Bid: $15,032.20 Alternate B Bid: $50,222.15 Alternate C Bid: $116,232.00 Total all Bids: $4,023,025.54 Vixen Construction Bids Base Bid: $4,553,829.00 Alternate A Bid: $20,248.30 Alternate B Bid: $57,753.25 Alternate C Bid: $83,520.00 Total all Bids: $4,715,350.55 2 AGENDA ITEM: MEETING DATE: August 12, 2015 ITEM: Sealcoating and Restriping for Two Areas of Parking Lots at the City Hall Facility ‐ Bid 15‐037 ($27,375) OBJECTIVE: Improve the surface of two areas of parking lots located at the City Hall facility by sealcoating and restriping the asphalt pavement surface. RECOMMENDATION: Award a contract to SKC Construction for crack sealing and sealcoating services in the amount of $27,375. The parking lots serving the Robert Gilliam Municipal Complex are in need of sealcoating and restriping. This maintenance work will provide not only aesthetic improvements to the parking lots, but will also preserve the longevity of the paved surface. BACKGROUND Regular preventative maintenance activities are necessary to extend the useful life of asphalt parking lots. These maintenance activities include crack sealing, seal coating and striping and staff has identified two areas within the city hall parking lots that are in need of these services. The city parking lot located at the northwest corner of Highland Avenue and Douglas Avenue as well as the smaller city parking lot just north of the Dexter Court circle in front of the Robert Gilliam Municipal Complex, would both greatly benefit from these activities to preserve the overall life of the parking lot. Attachment A is a location map of the two parking lot areas. OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Crack sealing, seal coating and restriping of approximately 12,000 square yards of asphalt sur‐ face of the designated city parking lots will provide a renewed appearance and curb appeal as well as provide much needed maintenance activities vital to preserve the life and enhance the longevity of the asphalt surface. Not performing such maintenance activities will lead to quicker deterioration of the asphalt surface, thus requiring replacement of the asphalt surface sooner than anticipated. In an effort to minimize disruption to those that utilize these parking lots on a regular basis, it is anticipated that the work will be performed in two separate phases on separate weekends and only with prior approval by the city manager. All improvements covered by this contract shall be completed by September 25, 2015. INTERESTED PERSONS CONTACTED None. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS A single bid in the amount of $27,375 was received for this project from SKC Construction. To fund the proposed work, staff is utilizing a portion of the remaining funds from the 2015 Neigh‐ borhood Sidewalk Program. BUDGET IMPACT FUND(S) ACCOUNT(S) PROJECT #(S) Riverboat 275‐0000‐791.93‐80 AMOUNT BUDGETED $100,000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE $81,000 LEGAL IMPACT An invitation to bid was advertised in the Daily Herald and was posted on the city’s website on July 1, 2015. One bid was received, opened and read publicly on July 14, 2015. The single bidder is SKC Construction of Elgin, IL which was the lowest responsive bidder. Attachment B is a bid tab summary. ALTERNATIVES 1. The city council may choose not to award the project to SKC Construction and rebid this work out. 2. The city council may choose to do nothing at this time and leave the City Hall parking lot in its current condition. NEXT STEPS 1. Award contract to SKC Construction for crack sealing and seal coating services. 2. Schedule and complete anticipated and necessary maintenance work. 2 Originators: Final Review: Christopher Tiedt, Senior Engineer‐ Public Services Gregory J. Rokos, Public Services Director Debra Nawrocki, Chief Financial Officer William A. Cogley, Corporation Counsel/Chief Development Officer Richard G. Kozal, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operating Officer Sean R. Stegall, City Manager ATTACHMENTS A. B. Location Map Bid Tab 3 Bid Tabulation County Local Public Agency Route Kane / Cook City of Elgin Dexter Ct Parking SKC CONSTRUCTION Item No. Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 CRACK ROUTING (PAVEMENT) Items LF 7000.00 $0.10 $700.00 2 CRACK FILLING LB 3500.00 $1.75 $6,125.00 3 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS (SINGLE SEAL COAT) LSUM 1.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 4 PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS LSUM 1.00 $2,900.00 $2,900.00 6 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION LSUM 1.00 $250.00 $250.00 TOTAL $21,975.00 ALTERNATE ONE Item No. Items 1 CRACK ROUTING (PAVEMENT) 2 CRACK FILLING 3 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS (DOUBLE COAT - COVER AND SEALER) 4 PAINT PAVEMENT MARKINGS 6 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROTECTION Unit Quantity Unit Price Total LF 7000.00 $0.10 $700.00 LB 3500.00 $1.75 $6,125.00 LSUM 1.00 $17,400.00 $17,400.00 LSUM 1.00 $2,900.00 $2,900.00 LSUM 1.00 $250.00 TOTAL ALTERNATE ONE $250.00 $27,375.00 August 12, 2015 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Sean R. Stegall, City Manager Sarosh B. Saher, AICP, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Consideration of Petition 11-15 at 300 Willard Avenue; an Application by Virginia Roth, Agent for Suresite Consulting on behalf of American Tower Corporation and T-Mobile for a Conditional Use in the CI Commercial Industrial District to Permit the installation of a Commercial Antenna Tower RECOMMENDATION The Planning & Zoning Commission and Community Development Department recommend approval of the application, subject to conditions. Please see the “Recommendation Detail” at the end of this memorandum for more information. The written findings and recommendation of the Commission and staff are attached under separate cover as required by the Elgin Zoning Ordinance. A draft ordinance is also attached. SUMMARY Virginia Roth, Agent for Suresite Consulting on behalf of American Tower Corporation and TMobile requests approval for a conditional use to permit the installation of a commercial antenna tower on property located at 300 Willard Avenue. The applicant proposes to construct a 126-foot tall monopole tower and equipment enclosure at the southwest corner of the property. The 1,600 square foot (40’x40’) lease area will be enclosed with a 6-foot high chain-link fence. The entire lease space will be located within the existing commercial operations yard that is enclosed within a 6-foot high sold privacy fence with landscaped screening along its easterly street-facing elevation. The owners of the property, Ferryville, Inc., have provided their consent to this application and, if approved, installation of the monopole tower and associated mechanical units within the lease space. Commercial antenna towers located within a CI Commercial Industrial District can only be approved through a Conditional Use. Additionally, these towers are required to be set back a Mayor and Members of City Council August 12, 2015 Page 2 minimum distance equal to the height of the commercial antenna tower from any of the following adjacent zoning districts: residential, business, community facility, or CI Commercial Industrial district. The proposed monopole does not meet this minimum setback requirement, as it is located 42’-7” from a CF Community Facility district to the west, and 83’-7” from unimproved right-of-way to the south located within the CI District, both setbacks further requiring the tower to be approved through a conditional use. However, the CF zoning district to the west covers property that is comprised of open space controlled by the City of Elgin that contains the waterway, floodway and natural habitat of the Willow Creek tributary to Poplar Creek. The unimproved right-of-way located to the south contains a drainage ditch that is also tributary to Poplar Creek. The fall zone of the tower does not encroach upon any permanent structures located on adjacent properties in the vicinity of the subject property. The closest permanent structure to the tower is the industrial building located to south at a distance of approximately 175 feet from the proposed tower. The building on the subject property is located at distance of approximately 232 feet from the proposed tower. The tower is designed to withstand sustained winds exceeding 60-90 mph. In addition, in the unlikely event of a failure, the tower is designed to collapse at 3 different spots and collapse upon itself. The applicant suggests that this location and tower are necessary to fill a coverage gap (see before and after coverage maps), and the tower is designed to accommodate the co-location of 4 additional cellular service providers. This design feature to co-locate antennas from more than one provider can help reduce the necessity for future towers in and around this location. COMMENTS FROM OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS The following are additional comments and/or requirements provided by other city departments as they pertain to building, fire, life/safety and other applicable code issues. The comments are divided into those that are required to be addressed either prior to obtaining the requested zoning relief or prior to obtaining a final Certificate of Occupancy. 1. Fire Department Comments that materially affect the site and/or building plans No comments. Comments that will be addressed during the Plan Review/Permitting process None Applicable 2. Community Development - Building and Development Division Comments that materially affect the site and/or building plans No Comments Comments that will be addressed during the Plan Review/Permitting process Mayor and Members of City Council August 12, 2015 Page 3 None Applicable 3. Community Development – Code Enforcement Division Comments that materially affect the site and/or building plans No issues. Comments that will be addressed during the Plan Review/Permitting process No Comments 4. Public Works - Engineering Division Comments that materially affect the site and/or building plans None Applicable Comments that will be addressed during the Plan Review/Permitting process 1. The subject site has floodplain constraints. A complete stormwater application will be required at the time of permit application to evaluate the feasibility of new construction within the floodplain. 2. The proposed 10' utility easement intended for the delivery of fiber to the premise and details shall be provided accompanied by language defining the use of the “access easement” shall be incorporated into the lease agreement, confirming that the defined easement would only be used to transport people and vehicles over and above ground to the lease area and would not be used for installing utilities. The applicant is aware of these issues and intends to address them at the time of requesting the building permit for the project. 5. Police Department Comments that materially affect the site and/or building plans No issue from police. Comments that will be addressed during the Plan Review/Permitting process Not Applicable 6. Public Works – Parks and Open Space Maintenance Comments that materially affect the site and/or building plans None Applicable Comments that will be addressed during the Plan Review/Permitting process None Applicable 7. Water Department Comments that materially affect the site and/or building plans No comments from the water department. Mayor and Members of City Council August 12, 2015 Page 4 Comments that will be addressed during the Plan Review/Permitting process None applicable at this time. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED The applicant must apply for and receive all necessary building and occupancy permits as required by the City of Elgin. RECOMMENDATION DETAIL At its July 6, 2015 meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission concurred with staff and recommend approval of Petition 11-15, subject to the following conditions: 1. Substantial conformance to the Statement of Purpose and Conformance, and Attachments, submitted by Virginia Roth, Site Acquisition Specialist, SureSite Consulting Group, LLC, dated March 23, 2015. 2. Substantial Conformance with the Consent and Disclosure of the property owner, Ferryville, LLC, dated March 18, 2105. 3. Substantial conformance to Site Plan and Construction Drawings prepared by Ghazwan M. Sadat, Architect, for T-Mobile, and last revised on June 16, 2015. 4. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. On a motion to recommend approval and to adopt specific findings of fact, the vote of the Planning & Zoning Commission was five (5) yes, zero (0) no and zero (0) abstentions. Respectfully Submitted, Sarosh Saher, AICP, Senior Planner Community Development Department FINDINGS OF FACT PETITION 11-15 300 Willard Avenue July 6, 2015 RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS OF FACT OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS SUBJECT Recommendation and findings of fact for Petition 11-15, an application by Virginia Roth, Agent for Suresite Consulting on behalf of American Tower Corporation and T-Mobile for a conditional use to permit the installation of a commercial antenna tower on property located at 300 Willard Avenue. GENERAL INFORMATION Petition Number: 11-15 Requested Action: Approval of a Conditional Use Current Zoning: CI Commercial Industrial District Existing Use: Trucking and Courier Services with Commercial Operations Yard Property Location: 300 Willard Avenue Applicant: Virginia Roth, Agent for Suresite Consulting on behalf of American Tower Corporation and T-Mobile Owner: Ferryville, LLC Staff Coordinator: Sarosh B. Saher, AICP, Senior Planner LIST OF EXHIBITS ATTACHED A. B. C. D. E. F. Aerial/Location Map Zoning Map Parcel Map Site Photos Development Application and Attachments Draft Conditional Use Ordinance Findings of Fact Petition 11-15 July 6, 2015 BACKGROUND The applicant proposes to construct a 126-foot tall monopole tower and equipment enclosure at the southwest corner of the property. The 1,600 square foot (40’x40’) lease area will be enclosed with a 6-foot high chain-link fence. The entire lease space will be located within the existing commercial operations yard that is enclosed within a 6-foot high sold privacy fence with landscaped screening along its easterly street-facing elevation. The owners of the property, Ferryville, Inc., have provided their consent to this application and, if approved, installation of the monopole tower and associated mechanical units within the lease space. Commercial antenna towers located within a CI Commercial Industrial District can only be approved through a Conditional Use. Additionally, these towers are required to be set back a minimum distance equal to the height of the commercial antenna tower from any of the following adjacent zoning districts: residential, business, community facility, or CI Commercial Industrial district. The proposed monopole does not meet this minimum setback requirement, as it is located 42’-7” from a CF Community Facility district to the west, and 83’-7” from unimproved right-of-way to the south located within the CI District, both setbacks further requiring the tower to be approved through a conditional use. However, the CF zoning district to the west covers property that is comprised of open space that contains the waterway, floodway and natural habitat of the Willow Creek tributary to Poplar Creek. The unimproved right-of-way located to the south contains a drainage ditch that is also tributary to Poplar Creek. The fall zone of the tower does not encroach upon any permanent structures located on adjacent properties in the vicinity of the subject property. The closest permanent structure to the tower is the industrial building located to south at a distance of approximately 175 feet from the proposed tower. The building on the subject property is located at distance of approximately 232 feet from the proposed tower. The tower is designed to withstand sustained winds exceeding 60-90 mph. In addition, in the unlikely event of a failure, the tower is designed to collapse at 3 different spots and collapse upon itself. The applicant suggests that this location and tower are necessary to fill a coverage gap (see before and after coverage maps), and the tower is designed to accommodate the co-location of 4 additional cellular service providers. This design feature to co-locate antennas from more than one provider can help reduce the necessity for future towers in and around this location. The Community Development Department offers the following additional information: A. Zoning History. The subject property was added to the City of Elgin in 1895 as part of the County Clerk’s Subdivision and zoned B Residence District. The zoning classification remained residential until 1962 when the property reclassified within a B-4 General Service District and M-1 Limited Manufacturing District. In 1992, the property was reclassified to CI Commercial Industrial District as part of a comprehensive amendment to the zoning ordinance. 2 Findings of Fact Petition 11-15 July 6, 2015 In 1997, the property was granted a planned development as a conditional use to provide for a motor vehicle recycling facility and recycling yard. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning. The areas to the north and south of the property are zoned CI Commercial Industrial district and are improved with a mix of commercial and light industrial land uses. The area to the east is zoned CF Community Facility District and is improved with the recently developed Prairie Park at 301 Willard Avenue. The area to the west is also zoned CF Community Facility District and contains the waterway, floodway and natural habitat of the Willow Creek tributary to Poplar Creek. C. Trend of Development. The subject property is located in an area developed primarily with light industrial and commercial uses. D. Zoning District. The purpose of the CI Commercial Industrial District is to provide for an existing pattern of development in which certain commercial uses and industrial uses have located together. These districts are typically located within older established nonresidential areas of the community. E. Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is designated as “Parks and Open Space” by the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines dated 2005. The designation includes properties that lie in the vicinity of open waterways. The Parks and Open Space designation includes those areas intended to remain in natural open space and land areas along water features, as well as, areas designated for active and passive parks, trails, athletic fields, and golf courses. Community and neighborhood parks are to be distributed throughout the planning area to provide full park service coverage to all residents, subject to the service area standards described in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. FINDINGS After due notice as required by law, the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of Petition 11-15 on July 6, 2015. Testimony was presented at the public hearing in support of the application. The Community Development Department submitted a Conditional Use Review and Written Findings & Recommendation to the Planning & Zoning Commission dated July 6, 2015. The Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission have made the following general findings against the standards for a conditional use as outlined within § 19.65.030: A. Site Characteristics Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to its size, shape, significant features including topography, watercourses, vegetation, and existing improvements. 3 Findings of Fact Petition 11-15 July 6, 2015 Findings. The proposed use meets the site characteristics standard in that this standard evaluates only the site at which the use is proposed. The subject property contains approximately 2.6 acres of land (112,635 square feet) of land and is improved with a 2,634 square-foot building containing the offices of the trucking and courier services company. An asphalt paved surface parking lot is located to the north of the existing building. A 1.32 acre commercial operations yard is located to the south of the building and is enclosed within a sold 6 foot high privacy fence with heavy landscape screening along its street frontage. B. Sewer and Water Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to the availability of adequate municipal water, wastewater treatment, and storm water control facilities. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the sewer and water standard. The subject property is served with municipal water and sanitary sewer systems. C. Traffic and Parking Standard. The availability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the traffic and parking standard. The subject property is located along Willard Avenue which is a major collector street connecting East Chicago Street on the north to Villa Street on the south. Vehicular access to the zoning lot is provided at one location at north of the property. Access to the lease space is provided by way of a 12 foot wide access easement within the existing asphalt paved parking lot and gravel surfaced commercial operations yard on the property. Parking is currently provided in conformance with the requirements of the zoning ordinance and will not be impacted by the location of the proposed lease space. D. Location, Design, and Operation Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to it being located, designed, and operated so as to promote the purpose and intent of this title and chapter. Findings. No evidence has been submitted or found that the proposed conditional use will be located, designed, or operated in a manner that will exercise undue detrimental influence on itself or surrounding property. 4 Findings of Fact Petition 11-15 July 6, 2015 The tower is proposed to be located about 232 feet from the existing building on the subject property, 42’-7” from the west property line, and 83’-7” from the south property line. The land to the west and south of the subject property backs up to open space associated with the waterways of Willow Creek. The land further to the south is improved with an industrial building located approximately 175 feet away. Therefore, no buildings on the adjacent properties will be impacted by the proposed commercial antenna tower. In the unlikely event that the tower was to collapse the only features that will be negatively impacted will be equipment and vehicles located within the commercial operations yard on the subject property, and vehicles located along the northerly 5 feet of the property to the south. E. Historic Preservation Standard. Where applicable, the suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to making possible an efficient contemporary use of, or a compatible improvement to a designated landmark or property located in a designated historic district while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural values to an historic preservation plan. Findings. This standard is not applicable as the subject property is not designated as a historic landmark nor is it located within a historic district. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of Petition 11-15, subject to conditions. The Planning & Zoning Commission concurs with the Community Development Department and recommends approval of Petition 11-15 subject to conditions. On a motion to recommend approval, subject to the conditions outlined by the Community Development Department the vote was five (5) yes and zero (0) no. The conditions for approval voted on by the Planning & Zoning Commission are: 1. Substantial conformance to the Statement of Purpose and Conformance, and Attachments, submitted by Virginia Roth, Site Acquisition Specialist, SureSite Consulting Group, LLC, dated March 23, 2015. 2. Substantial Conformance with the Consent and Disclosure of the property owner, Ferryville, LLC, dated March 18, 2105. 3. Substantial conformance to Site Plan and Construction Drawings prepared by Ghazwan M. Sadat, Architect, for T-Mobile, and last revised on June 16, 2015. 4. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. 5 Findings of Fact Petition 11-15 July 6, 2015 Respectfully Submitted, s/ Robert Siljestrom Robert Siljestrom, Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission s/ Sarosh Saher Sarosh B. Saher, AICP, Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission 6 WILLARD AVE LAUREL ST Subject Property Petition 11-15 MACKEY LN SADLER AVE JOYCE LN ANDERSON AVE LA ST CLEVELAND AVE VIL EXHIBIT A Map prepared by City of Elgin Department of Community Development OLIVE ST Aerial/Location Map . 0 60 120 240 360 480 Feet PRC Laurel St Subject Property Petition 11-15 LAUREL ST WILLARD AVE RC2 CF MACKEY LN Legend CI CF Residence Conservation 1 Residence Conservation 2 Residence Conservation 3 Planned Residence Conservation Single Family Residence 1 RC3 Single Family Residence 2 Planned Single Family Residence 2 CF Two Family Residence Multiple Family Residence Planned Multiple Family Residence Residence Business MFR Planned Residential Business Neighborhood Business Planned Neighborhood Business Area Business Planned Area Business Center City 1 NB V Center City 2 illa Planned Center City ANDERSON AVE St Office Research Industrial Planned Office Research Industrial General Industrial Planned General Industrial Sherman Ave Commercial Industrial George St Planned Community Facility Community Facility VIL LA ST MFR Fox River Preservation RC2 Planned Center City 2 OLIVE ST Planned Single Family Residence 1 Planned Two Family Residence EXHIBIT B Map prepared by City of Elgin Department of Community Development Zoning Map CF . 0 60 120 240 360 480 Feet 06183010430000 WILLARD AVE Subject Property 300 Willard Ave Petition 11-15 06183010440000 N AVE ANDERSO EXHBIIT C City of Elgin Department of Community Development ¯ Parcel Map 0 25 50 100 150 200 Feet SITE LOCATION EXHIBIT 300 Willard Ave. Petition 11‐15 Subject property Subject Property View from Willard Ave. looking south SITE LOCATION EXHIBIT 300 Willard Ave. Petition 11‐15 View looking west from Willard Ave. View looking west from Willard Ave. View looking north along Willard Ave. View looking east from Willard Ave. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS PETITION 11-15 300 Willard Avenue Infrastructure Development Service March 26, 2015 Department of Code Administration City of Elgin 150 Dexter Court Elgin, IL 60120 RE: 300 Willard Avenue, Elgin, IL(CH67415) PIN: 06-18-301-043-0000 and 06-18-301-044-0000 Conditional Use Permit – Statement of Purpose and Conformance Dear Sir or Madam: SureSite, as applicant on behalf of Americ an Tower and TMobile, submits the followin statements in addition to its application for a conditional use permit for this project: g American Tower and TMobile propose the con struction of a new telecommunications facility at this site. T he project includes the installat ion of a steel platform, monopole to wer, support cabinet, antennas, and associat ed hardware wi thin a 40’ x 40’ area at t he southwest corner of this property. The new facility will all ow for greater reliability of cell servi ce and increase public safety by providing emergency services with the latest high speed voice and data services. Site Characteristics: Th e subject pr operty was selected based on RF coverage objectives and determination that neighboring properties were not sufficient. It is l ocated in a commercial industrial ar ea, and the southwest corner of the parcel, where the compound is proposed, is currently used as a parking lot. Sewer and Water: No sewer or water service is required at this facility. Traffic and Parking: N o increase in traffic volu me is expected as this is an unmanned facility, and only sp oradic maintenance would need to b e performed during the course of the facility’ s operation. Location, Design and Operation: The property is located in a commercial industrial zoned area, and will not negatively affect the current character of the area. Historical Preservation: Not applicable. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Virginia Roth, Site Acquisition Specialist O 773.867.2961 | F 216.593.0401 SureSite Consulting Group, LLC Corporate Office: 3659 Green Road, Suite 214 * Cleveland, OH 44122 * tel 216-593-0400 * fax 216-593-0401 Chicago * Columbus * Denver * Detroit * Los Angeles * Pittsburgh * Raleigh * Santa Barbara SureSite Consulting Group, LLC 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60631 773.867.2961 Transmittal TO: Dave Waden Building and Development Services City of Elgin 150 Dexter Court Elgin, IL 60120 847.931.5920 FROM: SureSite Consulting Group 773.867.2961 DATE: RE: Virgie Roth 04/13/15 TMobile NSB Project reference # : CH67415 Site Location: 300 Willard Avenue, Elgin, IL FedEx 2nd Day Dear Sir or Madam, I represent TMobile in its application for special use permit for t he construction of a new telecommunications facility at this site I have enclosed the Development Application, owner consent letter, legal description, coverage maps, FAA letter, Statement of Purpose and C onformance, construction drawings dated 3/18/ 15 by Concordia Wir eless, an d the structural analysis and tower drawing by Valmont. Additionally , I have enclosed our check in the amount of $1,425 representing payment of the following: $800 for the conditional us e permit, $240 for the publishing fee, $145 for a public hearing si gn, and $240 for transcript). TMobile is requesting a special use permit for this work. If you should have any questions or need any addi tional information, please contact me at (773) 867-2961 or Sincerely, Virgie Roth, SureSite - Agent for TMobile / ATC T‐Mobile Existing Coverage Indoor coverage without New Site T‐Mobile Proposed Coverage Indoor coverage with New Site Existing Site Locations Neighboring Sites Address CH37938B 1323 Summit Street (Rt 58) Elgin, ILLINOIS 60120 CH17388C 100 E. Chicago Street Elgin, ILLINOIS 60120 CH27888A 250 South Grove Avenue Elgin, ILLINOIS 60120 CH17262A 1480 Sheldon Dr, Elgin, ILLINOIS 60120 CH67316B 896 Bluff City Blvd. Elgin, ILLINOIS 60120 CH27866A 300 East Elgin Ave Elgin, ILLINOIS 60120 CH67415: “The Purpose of this Ring is to offload On‐Air sites (CH27888, CH67316, CH37938) and to improved customer experience in immediate area of search Ring center. The BTS candidate is at the ideal location and can offload (CH27888, CH67316, CH37938), moreover it can provide better in‐building coverage in the immediate North area of search ring center. SHEET INDEX NO. REGIONAL MAP VICINITY MAP SHEET DESCRIPTION T-1 TITLE SHEET SP-1 SITE NOTES SP-2 GENERAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS ATC SERVICES, INC. LS-1 SITE SURVEY LS-2 SITE SURVEY LS-3 A-0 AERIAL, WETLAND, ZONING AND FLOOD PLAIN MAP OVERALL SITE PLAN A-1 COMPOUND PLAN SITE LOCATION A-2 SITE ELEVATION A-3 CABLE SCHEDULE AND ANTENNA DETAILS A-3A RFDS A-3B NSN CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM A-4 EQUIPMENT DETAILS EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS A-4B SITE SUPPORT CABINET AND CUBE SPECIFICATIONS A-5 CHAIN-LINK FENCE DETAILS A-6 ARCHITECTURAL & CIVIL DETAILS S-1 STRUCTURAL NOTES AND FRAMING PLAN S-2 STEEL PLATFORM ELEVATION & DETAILS S-3 PLATFORM DETAILS ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN AND DETAILS E-1A ENLARGED ELECTRIC & FIBER PLAN E-2 UTILITY DETAILS E-3 ATC UTILITY H-FRAME DETAILS EG-1 SITE LOCATION T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 A-4A E-1 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT C ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. NEW SITE GROUNDING DIAGRAM EG-2 GROUNDING DETAILS EG-3 GROUNDING DETAILS MISC-1 CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE SITE MANNED WITH A SUPERVISOR AND CREW FOR THE FULL 28 DAYS OF THE BUILD. GC SHALL CONTACT THE A&E FIRM PRIOR TO BIDWALK AND CONSTRUCTION START TO CONFIRM THAT DRAWINGS ARE THE MOST RECENT SET. MANDATORY SIGNAGE & POSTING DRIVING DIRECTIONS DRIVING DIRECTIONS FROM T-MOBILE OFFICE AT: 8550 W BRYN MAWR AVE, CHICAGO IL 60631: 1. HEAD SOUTH TOWARD W BRYN MAWR AVE (259 FT) 2. TURN RIGHT ONTO W BRYN MAWR AVE (0.3 MI) 3. TURN RIGHT ONTO N EAST RIVER RD (0.5 MI) 4. TURN LEFT ONTO IL-72 W/W HIGGINS RD (1.5 MI) 5. SLIGHT RIGHT TO MERGE ONTO I-90 W (0.2 MI) 6. MERGE ONTO I-90 W (17.0 MI) 7. TAKE THE IL-59 EXIT (0.4 MI) 8. TURN LEFT ONTO IL-59 S/S RTE 59 S (1.7 MI) 9. TURN RIGHT ONTO IL-58 W/GOLF RD (1.4 MI) 10. TURN LEFT ONTO ROHRSSEN RD (0.7 MI) 11. CONTINUE ONTO BODE RD (1.6 MI) 12. TURN LEFT ONTO WILLARD AVE (0.5 MI) Mobile T Site Number ATC Tower Number 283670 THE SCOPE OF WORK CONSISTS OF INSTALLATION OF NEW WIRELESS EQUIPMENT: STI GHA T DA LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF EXPIRES: 11/30/15 IL LI NOIS SIGNED: 06/16/15 LATITUDE: N 42° 01' 49.17" LONGITUDE: W 88° 15' 40.85" GROUND ELEVATION: 722' AMSL SITE TYPE: RAW LAND JURISDICTION: CITY OF ELGIN COUNTY: COOK LANDLORD: FERRYVILLE, LLC ROBERT ALEXANDER 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 PHONE: 847-695-2900 AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION 1101 PERIMETER DRIVE, SUITE 700 SCHAUMBURG, IL 60173 PHONE: (847) 240-1508 SITE ACQUISITION: CELLUSITE LLC CONTACT: DEREK MCGREW PHONE: (317)-507-4541 ENGINEERING CONTACT: CONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. GM SADAT, PE PHONE: (847) 981-0801 FAX: (847) 589-0643 UTILITIES: POWER: COMED FIBER: AT&T APPROVED BY: GMS Revision/Issue Date Initial A LEASE EXHIBIT 12/22/14 KC B 90% REVIEW 01/23/15 KC C REVISED LEASE EXHIBIT 02/16/15 BG D FINAL 03/18/15 KC/JR FINAL REVISION 04/13/15 JR T-MOBILE OPS F EASEMENT REVISION 04/23/15 JR R.F. OPS G FENCE REVISION 06/16/15 JR SITE ACQUISITION 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 APPLICANT: CHECKED BY: RH E CONSTRUCTION SITE OWNER PROJECT INFORMATION A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 CHECKED BY: GMS R.F. ENGINEER Site Address PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE I CERTIFY THAT THESE DRAWINGS WERE PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND CONTROL AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GOVERNING LOCAL BUILDING CODE. APPROVALS Site Name 1. INSTALLATION OF (6) NEW ANTENNAS 2. INSTALLATION OF (1) GPS ANTENNA 3. INSTALLATION OF (2) SYSTEM MODULES 4. INSTALLATION OF (5) RF MODULES 5. INSTALLATION OF (2) COVP'S 6. INSTALLATION OF (1) HYBRID CABLE 7. INSTALLATION OF (1) SITE SUPPORT CABINET 8. INSTALLATION OF (1) FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/ MODULES 9. INSTALLATION OF (1) STEEL PLATFORM 10. INSTALLATION OF (1) NEW MONOPOLE TOWER DRAWN BY: KC No. CH67415G Scope of Work DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE RIGHT TOTAL TRAVEL ESTIMATE: 25.8 MI, 36 MINUTES LICENSED PROFESSIONAL - STATE OF ILLINOIS 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. SITE GROUNDING PLAN EG-1A CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. CODES: 1. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 2012 2. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (IEEE) 3. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACI) 318, BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 4. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (AISC), MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 5. TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (TIA) 222-G, STRUCTURAL STANDARDS FOR STEEL TOWER AND ANTENNA SUPPORTING STRUCTURES 6. TIA 607, COMMERCIAL BUILDING GROUNDING AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS 7. APPLICABLE CODE IS CBC OF 2012 ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 TITLE SHEET T-1 GROUT OR PLASTER EXISTING ANTENNA (E) BRICK GROUND ROD (E) MASONRY GROUND BUS BAR CONCRETE MECHANICAL GRND. CONN. EARTH GRAVEL CAD WELD PLYWOOD GROUND ACCESS WELL SAND E ELECTRIC BOX T TELEPHONE BOX WOOD CONT. WOOD BLOCKING STEEL LIGHT POLE CENTERLINE FND. MONUMENT PROPERTY/LEASE LINE SPOT ELEVATION MATCH LINE SET POINT 1 REVISION X GRID REFERENCE X X-X X X-X WORK POINT GROUND CONDUCTOR DETAIL REFERENCE UT BELOW GRADE TELEPHONE CONDUIT UE BELOW GRADE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT A OE/OT ELEVATION REFERENCE X OVERHEAD ELECTRIC/TELEPHONE CONDUCTORS CHAIN LINK FENCING PROJECT SYMBOLS 3 SCALE: NTS 1. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE OWNER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST TWO FULL DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. DO NOT EXCAVATE OR DISTURB BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINES OR LEASE LINES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. DO NOT SCALE BUILDING DIMENSIONS FROM DRAWINGS. 4. ANY DRAIN AND/OR FIELD TILE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETURNED TO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITION PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF WORK. SIZE, LOCATION AND TYPE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE ACCURATELY NOTED AND PLACED ON AS-CONSTRUCTED DRAWINGS AND ISSUED TO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AT COMPLETION OF PROJECT. 5. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, FACILITIES, CONDITIONS, AND THEIR DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON PLANS HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS. THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND OWNER ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER AS TO THE SFOFICIENCY OR ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR THE MANNER OF THEIR REMOVAL OR ADJUSTMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND FACILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO OBTAIN FROM EACH UTILITY COMPANY DETAILED INFORMATION RELATIVE TO WORKING SCHEDULES AND METHODS OF REMOVING OR ADJUSTING EXISTING UTILITIES. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BOTH HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES OR DOUBTS AS TO THE INTERPRETATION OF PLANS SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER FOR RESOLUTION AND INSTRUCTION, AND NO FURTHER WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE DISCREPANCY IS CHECKED AND CORRECTED BY THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. FAILURE TO SECURE SUCH INSTRUCTION MEANS CONTRACTOR WILL HAVE WORKED AT HIS/HER OWN RISK AND EXPENSE. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL OUPS AT (800) - 362-2764 FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS 48 HOURS PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 7. ALL NEW AND EXISTING UTILITY STRUCTURES ON SITE AND IN AREAS TO BE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINISH ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION OF WORK. 8. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT ISSUING THE BUILDING PERMIT SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK OR AS STIPULATED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL HAVING JURISDICTION. 9. GRADING OF THE SITE WORK AREA IS TO BE SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS IN SLOPE AND IS TO FEATHER INTO EXISTING GRADES AT THE GRADING LIMITS. ICGB. IN.(") INT. LB.(#) L.F. L. MAS. MAX. MDCMC MECH. MFR. MIN. MISC. MTL. (N) NO.(#) N.T.S. O.C. OPNG. PCS PLY. PRC P.S.F. P.S.I. P.T. PWR. QTY. RAD.(R) REF. REINF. REQ'D. RGS. SCH. SHT. SIM. SPEC. SQ. S.S. STD. STL. STRUC. TEMP. THK. T.O.A. T.O.C. T.O.F. T.O.P. T.O.S. T.O.W. TYP. U.G. U.L. U.N.O. V.I.F. W W/ WAP. WCS WT. C L PL ISOLATED COPPER GROUND BUS INCH(ES) INTERIOR POUND(S) LINEAR FEET (FOOT) LONG(ITUDINAL) MASONRY MAXIMUM METRICOM DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & CONTRACTING MECHANICAL MANFOACTURER MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS METAL NEW NUMBER NOT TO SCALE ON CENTER OPENING PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES PLYWOOD PRIMARY RADIO CABINET POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PRESSURE TREATED POWER (CABINET) QUANTITY RADIUS REFERENCE REINFORCEMENT(ING) REQUIRED RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL SCHEDULE SHEET SIMILAR SPECIFICATION(S) SQUARE STAINLESS STEEL STANDARD STEEL STRUCTURAL TEMPORARY THICK(NESS) TOP OF ANTENNA TOP OF CURB TOP OF FOUNDATION TOP OF PLATE (PARAPET) TOP OF STEEL TOP OF WALL TYPICAL UNDER GROUND UNDERWRITERS LABORATORY UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERIFY IN FIELD WIDE(WIDTH) WITH WIRED ACCESSED POINT WIRELESS . COMMUNICATION SERVICE WEIGHT CENTERLINE PLATE PROJECT ABBREVIATIONS SCALE: NTS 12. NEW GRADES NOT IN BUILDING AND DRIVEWAY IMPROVEMENT AREA TO BE ACHIEVED BY FILLING WITH APPROVED CLEAN FILL AND COMPACTED TO 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. 13. ALL FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN UNIFORM LIFTS. THE LIFTS THICKNESS SHOULD NOT EXCEED THAT WHICH CAN BE PROPERLY COMPACTED THROUGHOUT ITS ENTIRE DEPTH WITH THE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE. ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA 1 COAXIAL CABLE ABOVE ADDITIONAL ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ALUMINUM ALTERNATE ANTENNA APPROXIMATE(LY) ARCHITECT(URAL) AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE BUILDING BLOCK BLOCKING BEAM BARE TINNED COPPER WIRE BOTTOM OF FOOTING BACK-UP CABINET CABINET CANTILEVER(ED) CAST IN PLACE CEILING CLEAR COLUMN CONCRETE CONNECTION(OR) CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS DOUBLE DEPARTMENT DIAMETER DIAGONAL DIMENSION DRAWING(S) DOWEL(S) EACH ELEVATION ELECTRICAL ELEVATOR ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ENGINEER EQUAL EXPANSION EXISTING EXTERIOR FABRICATION(OR) FINISH FLOOR FINISH GRADE FINISH(ED) FLOOR FOUNDATION FACE OF CONCRETE FACE OF MASONRY FACE OF STUD FACE OF WALL FINISH SURFACE FOOT(FEET) FOOTING GROWTH (CABINET) GAUGE GALVANIZE(D) GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM GROUND HANGER HEIGHT GHA NEW ANTENNA ABV. ADD'L A.F.F. A.F.G. ALUM. ALT. ANT. APPRX. ARCH. AWG. BLDG. BLK. BLKG. BM. BTCW. B.O.F. B/U CAB. CANT. C.I.P. CLG. CLR. COL. CONC. CONN. CONST. CONT. DBL. DEPT. DIA. DIAG. DIM. DWG. DWL. EA. EL. ELEC. ELEV. EMT. ENG. EQ. EXP. EXIST.(E) EXT. FAB. F.F. F.G. FIN. FLR. FDN. F.O.C. F.O.M. F.O.S. F.O.W. F.S. FT.(') FTG. G. GA. GI. G.F.I. GPS GND. HGR. HT. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS 14. ANY FILLS PLACED ON EXISTING SLOPES THAT ARE STEEPER THAN 10 HORIZONTAL TO 1 VERTICAL SHALL BE PROPERLY BENCHED INTO THE EXISTING SLOPE AS DIRECTED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 15. THE GRADES WITHIN THE FENCED-IN AREA ARE TO BE ACHIEVED BY COMPACTING CLEAN FILL TO A DENSITY OF 90% OF STANDARD PROCTOR COVERING THE AREA WITH 6 MIL. VISQUENE (1' OVERLAP AT SEAMS) FOR WEED SUPPRESSION, THEN ACHIEVING FINISH GRADE BY ADDING 6" OF 3/4" CRUSHED STONE-NO FINES. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN ENTIRE SITE AFTER CONSTRUCTION SO THAT NO PAPERS, TRASH, WEEDS, BRUSH OR ANY OTHER DEPOSITS WILL REMAIN. ALL MATERIALS COLLECTED DURING CLEANING OPERATIONS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. 17. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS WHICH ARE NOT IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PROTECTED. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 10. ALL EXCAVATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FOUNDATIONS, UTILITIES, ETC., SHALL BE PROPERLY LAID BACK OR BRACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CORRECT OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION (OSHA) REQUIREMENTS. 18. GC TO HIRE PUBLIC JULIE & PRIVATE LOCATE SERVICE IN ORDER TO LOCATE AND PROTECT ANY AND ALL SURFACE UTILITIES. DO NOT SCALE OFF THESE PLANS FOR ANY BELOW GRADE UTILITIES. 11. STRUCTURAL FILLS SUPPORTING PAVEMENTS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 100% OF MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DRY DENSITY. 2 GENERAL NOTES SCALE: NTS SITE NOTES 19. THESE PLANS MAY NOT CONTAIN OR REVEAL ALL SUBSURFACE UTILITIES; GC IS RESPONSIBLE OF LOCATING AND PROTECTING ALL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION SP-1 GENERAL NOTES: DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE: GENERAL NOTES (CONT'D): OWNER FURNISHED MATERIALS, T-MOBILE "THE COMPANY" WILL PROVIDE AND THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL: A. BTS EQUIPMENT FRAME (PLATFORM) AND ICEBRIDGE B. SHELTER (GROUND BUILD/CO-LOCATE ONLY) AC/TELCO INTERFACE BOX(PPC) C. ICE BRIDGE (CABLE TRAY WITH COVER) (GROUND BUILD/CO-LOCATE 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BOTH HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIES OR REPORTED TO THE PROJECT MANAGER FOR RESOLUTION AND INSTRUCTION, AND NO FURTHER WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL DISCREPANCY IS CHECKED AND TOWERS, MONOPOLE E. TOWER LIGHTING F. GENERATORS & LIQUID PROPANE TANK G. ANTENNA STANDARD BRACKETS, FRAMES, AND PIPES FOR MOUNTING. 2. PERCENT TO 7 PERCENT BY VOLUME. AIR ENTRAINING ADMIXTURE REQUIRED TO EXPENSE. CONTROL TOTAL AIR CONTENT, WATER REDUCING ADMIXTURE PERMITTED TO OBTAIN SLUMP OVER 3-INCHES. ANTENNAS (INSTALLED BY OTHERS) TRANSMISSION LINE MATERIALS COLLECTED DURING CLEANING OPERATIONS SHALL BE PROPERLY J. TRANSMISSION LINE JUMPERS DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR. K. TRANSMISSION LINE CONNECTORS WITH TRANSMISSION LINE GROUND KITS M. N. HANGERS HOISTING GRIPS O. BTS EQUIPMENT 12. ALL SITE WORK SHALL BE CAREFULLY COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH LOCAL GAS, ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, AND ANY OTHER UTILITY COMPANIES HAVING SUCH INTERRUPTION, AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE. ANY INTERRUPTION THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE ALL OTHER MATERIALS FOR THE SHALL BE MADE WITH A MINIMUM AMOUNT OF INCONVENIENCE TO THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF THE SITE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SUCH MATERIALS AS FENCING, STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPORTING SUB-FRAME FOR BUILDING/PROPERTY OWNER AND ANY SUCH SHUTDOWN TIME SHALL BE ELECTRICAL POWER, CONDUIT, LANDSCAPING COMPOUND STONE, CRANES, CORE 4. DETAILING REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI STD-315 LATEST EDITION). 6. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CONCRETE 3/4".UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE ACCURATELY PLACED AND ADEQUATELY SECURED IN POSITION. LOCATION OF REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE DRILLING, SLEEPERS AND RUBBER MATTING, REBAR, CONCRETE CAISSONS, PADS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE JOB ACCORDING TO THE DRAWINGS AND RESPONSIBLE FOR PICKUP AND PAYMENT OF REQUIRED PERMITS. 3. T-MOBILE FURNISHED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PICKED-UP AT THE T-MOBILE WAREHOUSE, NO LATER THAN 48HR AFTER BEING NOTIFIED INSURED, STORED, UNCRATED, PROTECTED AND INSTALLED BY THE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER: CONTRACTOR WITH ALL APPURTENCES REQUIRED TO PLACE THE EQUIPMENT IN 16. GC WILL NOT START THE CONSTRUCTION UNTIL AFTER THEY RECEIVE THE PRE CON PACKAGE AND HAVE A PRE CON WALK WITH THE PROJECT MANAGER. 3. T-MOBILE OR HIS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS WHICH, IN HIS OPINION ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPORT, BRACE AND SECURE EXISTING STRUCTURE AS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES DURING CONSTRUCTION. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS WHICH AFFECT THE NEW CONSTRUCTION. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT ALLOW OR CAUSE ANY OF THE WORK TO BE COVERED UP OR ENCLOSED UNTIL IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED BY THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. ANY WORK THAT IS ENCLOSED OR COVERED UP BEFORE SUCH INSPECTION AND TEST SHALL BE UNCOVERED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE; AFTER IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE THE WORK TO ITS ORIGINAL CONDITION AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. 9. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, FACILITIES, CONDITIONS, AND THEIR DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON PLANS HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS. THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND OWNER (T-MOBILE) ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATEVER AS TO THE SFOFICIENCY OR ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION SHOWN CONFINED SPACE C. ELECTRICAL SAFETY D. TRENCHING AND EXCAVATION REMOVE FROM SITE/OWNER'S PROPERTY ALL WASTE MATERIALS, UNUSED EXCAVATED MATERIAL INCLUDING MATERIAL CLASSIFIED UNSATISFACTORY, ALL EXISTING INACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC AND OTHER UTILITIES, WHICH INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE REMOVED NOT INTERFERE WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE REPLACED WITH EQUIPMENT CONFORMING TO THE 7. 4. THE AREAS OF THE OWNERS PROPERTY DISTURBED BY THE WORK AND NOT COVERED BY THE BUILDING OR DRIVEWAY, SHALL BE GRADED TO A UNIFORM SLOPE, FERTILIZED, SEEDED, AND COVERED WITH MULCH 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, AS REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONCORDIA DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANT THAT THE AFOREMENTIONED EASEMENTS ARE SFOFICIENT FOR CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. GC SHALL CONSULT WITH A T-MOBILE REPRESENTATIVE AND LANDLORD WITH EXACT LOGISTICS TO FACILITATE CONTRACTIBILITY OF THE SITE AND DELIVERY OF CRITICAL MATERIALS SUCH AS THE TOWER, STEEL, CONCRETE AND CRANES TO THE PROPOSED LEASE AREA. GC SHALL RESTORE SITE TO ORIGINAL CONDITIONS AND REPLACE ANY AND ALL DISTURBED TREES OR LANDSCAPING. CONCORDIA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND/OR OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY. SHALL ALSO OBTAIN FROM EACH UTILITY COMPANY DETAILED INFORMATION AFFECTED UTILITIES. 6. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. SCOPE OF WORK FOR THESE PLANS DOES NOT INVOLVE VALUE ENGINEERING AS WELL AS MAINTAINABILITY OPERATIONS OF THE SITE, ACCESS OR UTILITIES. PROTECTION A. UPON COMPLETION OF ERECTION INSPECT ALL GALVANIZED STEEL AND PAINT ANY FIELD CUTS, WELDS, OR GALVANIZED BREAKS WITH ZINC BASED PAINT. COLOR TO MATCH THE GALVANIZING PROCESS. TESTS CONCRETE MATERIALS AND OPERATIONS SHALL BE TESTED AND INSPECTED BY THE CYLINDER SHALL BE KEPT SEPARATELY, IF REQUIRED TO BE USED IN THE FUTURE. B. ONE ADDITIONAL TEST CYLINDER SHALL BE TAKEN DURING COLD WEATHER AND DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ANTENNA INSTALLATION CURED ON SITE UNDER SAME CONDITIONS AS CONCRETE IT REPRESENTS. 1. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS WORK INCLUDED: A. ANTENNAS AND COAXIAL CABLES ARE FURNISHED BY T-MOBILE UNDER A SEPARATE CONTRACT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSIST ANTENNA INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR IN TERMS OF COORDINATION AND SITE ACCESS. ERECTION SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONNEL AND B. INSTALL ANTENNAS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND T-MOBILE SPECIFICATIONS. 9. PLACING CONCRETE A. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED NOT LESS THAT 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT, UNLESS INSPECTION IS WAIVED IN EACH CASE, PLACING OF CONCRETE SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER. CONCRETE SHALL NOT BE PLACED UNTIL ALL FORMWORK, EMBEDDED PARTS, STEEL REINFORCEMENT, FOUNDATION SURFACES AND JOINTS INVOLVED IN THE PLACING HAVE BEEN APPROVED, AND UNTIL FACILITIES ACCEPTABLE TO THE T-MOBILE REPRESENTATIVE HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AND MADE READY FOR ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE WORK AS SPECIFIED. CONCRETE MAY NOT BE ORDERED FOR PLACEMENT UNTIL ALL ITEMS HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND T-MOBILE HAS PERFORMED A FINAL INSPECTION AND GIVEN APPROVAL TO START PLACEMENT IN WRITING. B. PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 301. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. C. ONE SLUMP TEST SHALL BE TAKEN FOR EACH SET OF TEST CYLINDERS TAKEN. C. INSTALL GALVANIZED STEEL ANTENNA MOUNTS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. D. INSTALL FURNISHED GALVANIZED STEEL OR ALUMINUM WAVEGUIDE AND PROVIDE PRINTOUT OF THAT TEST. PROPERTY. E. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOUR (4) SETS OF SWEEP TESTS USING ANRITZUPACKARD 8713B RF SCALAR NETWORK ANALYZER. SUBMIT FREQUENCY DOMAIN REFLECTOMETER(FDR) TESTS RESULTS TO THE PROJECT MANAGER. SWEEP TESTS SHALL BE AS PER ATTACHED RFS "MINIMUM FIELD TESTING RECOMMENDED FOR ANTENNA AND HELIAX COAXIAL CABLE SYSTEMS" DATED 10/5/93. TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENT TESTING SERVICE AND BE BOUND AND SUBMITTED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF WORK COMPLETION. A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS F. INSTALL COAXIAL CABLES AND TERMINATING BETWEEN ANTENNAS AND EQUIPMENT 10. PROTECTION A. IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLACEMENT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT THE CONCRETE FROM PREMATURE DRYING, EXCESSIVELY HOT OR COLD TEMPERATURES, AND MECHANICAL INJURY. FINISHED WORK SHALL BE PROTECTED. B. CONCRETE SHALL BE MAINTAINED WITH MINIMAL MOISTURE LOSS AT RELATIVELY HARDENING OF CONCRETE. C. ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE WATER CURED BY CONTINUOUS (NOT PERIODIC) FINE MIST SPRAYING OR SPRINKLING ALL EXPOSED SURFACES. WATER SHALL BE CLEAN AND FREE FROM ACID, ALKALI, SALTS, OIL SEDIMENT, AND ORGANIC MATTER. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LAYOUT AND CONSTRUCTION STAKING. CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH GRADE AND LINE STAKES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SAID UTILITIES AND FACILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR RELATIVE TO WORKING SCHEDULES AND METHODS OF REMOVING OR ADJUSTING C INSPECTION IS ACCEPTABLE. CONSTANT TEMPERATURE FOR A PERIOD NECESSARY FOR HYDRATION OF CEMENT AND ON THE PLANS OR THE MANNER OF THEIR REMOVAL OR ADJUSTMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING EXACT LOCATION OF ALL C. FIELD WELDING SHALL BE DONE AS PER AWSD1.1 REQUIREMENTS VISUAL AND/OR CAPPED, PLUGGED OR OTHERWISE DISCONTINUED AT POINTS WHICH WILL THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, EITHER BEFORE OR AFTER INSTALLATION AND THE COST TO THE OWNER OR HIS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. FALL PROTECTION B. LEGAL MANNER. REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES (U.L.) AND BEAR THE U.L. REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO A. CONTAMINATED OR DANGEROUS TRASH AND DEBRIS, AND DISPOSE OF IN A (EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED) AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 6. CONFORM TO ASTM A-233, E70 SERIES. BARE ELECTRODES AND GRANULAR FLUX USED IN THE SUBMERGED ARC PROCESS SHALL CONFORM TO AISC SPECIFICATIONS. CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. T DA 2. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROVIDED UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE NEW LABEL. B. WELDING ELECTRODES FOR MANUAL SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING SHALL WORKING CREW. THIS WILL INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ALL WORK, MATERIAL, AND EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE LATEST EDITIONS AND INTERIM AMENDMENTS OF THE NATIONAL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCES. ALL SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE FOR ENGINEER'S AND/OR OWNER'S REVIEW IF REQUESTED. TWO SHALL BE TESTED @ THREE DAYS, TWO @ TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS. THE FIFTH NEAR UTILITIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SAFETY TRAINING FOR THE CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. WELDING A. FIVE CONCRETE TEST CYLINDERS SHALL BE TAKEN OF THE TOWER PIER FOUNDATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. BE USED BY THE CONTRACTOR WHEN EXCAVATING OR PIER DRILLING AROUND OR DUE TO DEFECTS IN MATERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE CORRECTED BY THE T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 A. ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDERS. CERTIFICATION DOCUMENTS IS DISCOVERED NOR SHALL IT OBLIGATE THE ENGINEER FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE. RELOCATED AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT MANAGER. EXTREME CAUTION SHOULD ACCEPTANCE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ANY FAILURE OF EQUIPMENT OR WORK ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC). NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE, OSHA, AND ALL 5. OR MATERIAL SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY PREVENT LATER REJECTION WHEN SUCH DEFECT WHERE REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION OF THE WORK, SHALL BE ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED AND WORK PERFORMED UNDER THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS OR T Mobile B. THE FULL EFFORT OF A PERSON USING A SPUD WRENCH. ENGINEER AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. FAILURE TO DETECT ANY DEFECTIVE WORK WHERE ENCOUNTERED IN THE WORK SHALL BE PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES, AND WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF FINAL 5. 8. ALL EXISTING ACTIVE SEWER, WATER, GAS, ELECTRIC, AND OTHER UTILITIES THE EQUIPMENT AFTER PICKING UP. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT A. A FEW IMPACTS OF A IMPACT WRENCH #5 BAR AND SMALLER ... 1-1/2" DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK: OPERATION, READY FOR USE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 4. #6 THROUGH #18 ... 2" 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AT THE END OF THE PROJECT A COMPLETE SET OF AS BUILT DRAWINGS TO T-MOBILE'S PROJECT ENGINEER. 1. TIGHTEN HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS TO A SNUG TIGHT CONDITION WHERE ALL PLIES IN A JOINT ARE IN FIRM CONTACT BY EITHER ATC SERVICES, INC. CAST AGAINST AND PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO EARTH ... 3" SPECIFICATIONS. IT IS THE POSITION OF T-MOBILE TO APPLY FOR PERMITTING AND CONTRACTOR ALL STEEL SHALL BE HOT-DIP GALVANIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A123. 4. MINIMUM COVER (INCHES) AND/OR AUGER MOUNTS, MISCELLANEOUS FASTENERS, CABLE TRAYS, NON-STANDARD ANTENNA FRAMES AND ALL OTHER MATERIAL AND LABOR C. ANY FIELD CHANGES OR SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER, AND T- MOBILE PROJECT MANAGER IN WRITING SHALL BE PROVIDED, EXCEPT AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. CONSTRUCTION. ASTM A325 BOLTS, BEARING TYPE 3. DRAWINGS. THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM COVER (INCHES) FOR REINFORCEMENT 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, IF REQUIRED DURING B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE SHORING AND/OR BRACING WHERE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL ALL CONNECTIONS ARE COMPLETE. REBARS SHALL BE ASTM A-615 DEFORMED TYPE WITH MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH DETAILING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE OF ASTM A36, GRADE 36; ROLLED STEEL, RODS, PLATES, 2. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-185. 5. A. U-BOLTS AND ANCHOR BOLTS. OF 60,000 PSI (40,000 PSI GRADE MAY BE USED FOR TIES & STIRRUPS). COORDINATED WITH THE BUILDING/PROPERTY OWNER. PLATFORM, ROOFING LABOR AND MATERIALS, GROUNDING RINGS, GROUNDING TRANSFORMERS AND DISCONNECT SWITCHES WHERE APPLICABLE, TEMPORARY SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE. NECESSARY TO INTERRUPT ANY SERVICE OR UTILITY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE BUILDING/PROPERTY OWNER FOR BASIC BUILDING CODE. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE AND (ACI 301) STANDARD 13. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AT ALL TIMES MAINTAIN THE UTILITIES OF THE BUILDING/SITE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION. SHOULD IT BE ALL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (ACI 318) BUILDING CODE JURISDICTION OVER THIS LOCATION. CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH AND INSTALL THE FOLLOWING: WIRES, COPPER-CLAD OR XIT CHEMICAL GROUND ROD(S), BUSS BARS, 3. DETAIL, FABRICATE AND ERECT STRUCTURAL STEEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (ASD), AWS D1.1, AND THE CONCRETE FOR ALL FOUNDATIONS: 540 LBS PER CUBIC YARD OF CONCRETE MINIMUM CEMENT CONTENT FOR 1-INCH MAXIMUM SIZE INSTRUCTION MEANS CONTRACTOR WILL HAVE WORKED AT HIS OWN RISK AND I. WEATHERPROOFING KITS 2. AGGREGATE, SLUMP RANGE 3 INCHES TO 5 INCHES, TOTAL AIR CONTENT 4 11. CONTRACTORS SHALL CLEAN ENTIRE SITE AFTER CONSTRUCTION SUCH THAT NO PAPERS, TRASH, DEBRIS, WEEDS, BRUSH, OR ANY OTHER DEPOSITS REMAIN. ALL DIVISION 5 - STRUCTURAL STEEL: 1. C172, ASTM C31 AND ASTM C39 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CORRECTED BY THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. FAILURE TO SECURE SUCH H. L. MINIMUM ALLOWABLE CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH SHALL BE 4000 PSI AT 28 DAYS WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS METHODS STANDARDS ASTM DOUBTS AS TO THE INTERPRETATION OF PLANS SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY ONLY, GC TO FURNISH AND INSTALL FOR ROOFTOP INSTALLATION) D. 1. GHA 1. SUCCESSFUL CURING SHALL BE OBTAINED BY USE OF AN AMPLE WATER SUPPLY UNDER PRESSURE IN PIPES, WITH ALL NECESSARY APPLIANCES OF SPRINKLERS, AND SPRAYING DEVICES. ELECTRICAL NOTES: 1. ELECTRICAL DESIGN SHALL BE PERFORMED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. STRUCTRUAL DESIGN SHALL BE PERFORMED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL WORK COMPLIES WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL AND STATE CODES AND NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. 2. ALL SUGGESTED ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS (SUCH AS BREAKER SIZES, WIRE SIZES, CONDUITS SIZES ARE FOR ZONING PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO OF THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES AND PASS ALL APPLICABLE AND NECESSARY INSPECTIONS. IN SOME EVENTS, IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO PERFORM AN ELECTRICAL LOAD STUDY TO VERIFY THE CAPACITY OF THE EXISTING SERVICE. THIS IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONCORDIA. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD LOCATE ALL BELOW GRADE GROUND LINES AND UTILITY LINES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES AND GROUND LINES THAT MAY BECOME DISTURBED OR CONFLICTING IN THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. PER MANFOACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. WEATHERPROOF ALL CONNECTORS BETWEEN THE ANTENNA AND EQUIPMENT PER MANFOACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. TERMINATE ALL COAXIAL CABLE THREE (3) FEET IN EXCESS OF ENTRY PORT LOCATION UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. G. ANTENNA AND COAXIAL CABLE GROUNDING: 1. ALL EXTERIOR #6 GREEN GROUND WIRE "DAISY CHAIN" CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE WEATHER SEALED WITH RFS CONNECTOR/SPLICE WEATHERPROOFING KIT #221213 OR EQUAL. 2. ALL COAXIAL CABLE GROUNDING KITS ARE TO BE INSTALLED ON STRAIGHT RUNS OF COAXIAL CABLE (NOT WITHIN BENDS). ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS SP-2 ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 CLOSEST WETLANDS NEW SITE LOCATION NEW SITE LOCATION 1 WETLAND INFO: THE PROJECT SITE "DOES NOT" APPEAR TO BE LOCATED WITHIN A WETLAND AREA, AS PER U.S.FISH AND WILDLIFE ONLINE MAPPER SERVICE TOOL C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. AERIAL VIEW 3 SCALE: N.T.S. WETLAND MAP SCALE: N.T.S. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 T DA GHA NEW SITE LOCATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS NEW SITE LOCATION FLOOD PLAIN MAP INFO: THE PROJECT SITE "DOES" APPEAR TO BE LOCATED WITHIN A FLOOD PLAIN ("ZONE AE"), PANEL 144 OF 832, AS PER FEMA'S FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP #17031C0144J, REVISED ON AUGUST 19, 2008. "ZONE AE" SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD BASE FLOOD ELEVATION = ±725-FT (NAVD 88) FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION = ±727-FT (NAVD 88) 2 CITY OF ELGIN ZONING MAP SCALE: N.T.S. 4 FLOOD PLAIN MAP SCALE: N.T.S. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 AERIAL, WETLAND, ZONING AND FLOOD PLAIN MAP LS-3 LEGEND & SYMBOLS UTILITY POLE OHW PIN 06-18-301-046 SIGN TELCO PEDESTAL ATC SERVICES, INC. EXISTING BUILDING FIRE HYDRANT LIGHT STANDARD 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT INLET OHW CATCH BASIN MANHOLE T Mobile TRAFFIC SIGNAL ROW MARKER IRON PIPE SET T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 PIN 06-18-301-047 IRON PIPE FOUND BUFFALO BOX VALVE BOX EXISTING SLIDING GATE HORIZONTAL CONTROL POINT GENERATOR RECEPTACLE OHW EXISTING BUILDING GROUNDING TEST WELL OHW OHW PROPERTY LINE C OHW HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE C DT10" ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. DECIDUOUS TREE W/SIZE CT10" OHW CONIFEROUS TREE W/SIZE BRUSH TREE LINE GAS CHAIN LINK FENCE 326 E < < X E E X E X E X E X E OHW E OHW X E OHW X OHW X E IL LI NOIS EXISTING UTILITY POLE W/FIBER SPLICE AND NEW TRANSFORMER TO BE UTILIZED ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 X X X X X X X X OHW X X X X X X X X X X H X X X PROPERTY LINE EXISTING LIGHT POLE TO REMAIN OVERALL SITE PLAN EXISTING WOODEN PARKING BARRIERS (TYP.) HW 2.THESE P LANS MAY N OT C ONTAIN OR REVEAL A LL S UBSURFACE UTILITIES; G C I S RE SPONSIBLE O F LO CATING AND PRO TECTING ALL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION 3. GC WIL L NOT ST ART CONSTRUC TION UNTIL AF TER THEY RE CEIVE THE PRE CON PACKAGE AND HAVE A PRE CON WALK WITH THE PM. A-0 N W W SW S SE SCALE: 1/32"=1'-0" (1/32"=2'-0" IF 11X17 SHEET SIZE) N E 1 OVERALL SITE PLAN E N IMPORTANT NOTE: FIBER SOURCE & ROUTE TO BE CONFIRMED AFTER FIBER COORDINATION WALK X DITC E EXIS TING NEW T-MOBILE 8'X12' STEEL PLATFORM W/ ICE BRIDGE CANOPY X NEW 40'-0" X 40'-0" ATC LEASE AREA (1,600 SQ FT) X X 83'-7" E NEW 8' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK X X LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF (ASPHALT) X E X NEW 10'-0" X 20'-0" T-MOBILE LEASE AREA (200 SQ FT) NEW 39'-0" X 39'-0" CHAIN LINK FENCE COMPOUND; GC TO INSTALL 6-FT HIGH FENCE A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 X CULTIVATED FIELD 1. GC TO HIRE PUBLIC JULIE & PRIVATE LOCATE SERVICE IN ORDER TO LOCATE AN D PRO TECT ANY AND ALL SURFACE UT ILITIES. DO NO T SCALE OFF THESE PLANS FOR ANY BELOW GRADE UTILITIES. < OHW X NEW MONOPOLE SHOWING NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA MOUNTS; SEE SHEET A-2 FOR DETAILS < R.O.W. LINE -4 " X 23 2' OHW E 42'-7" W WILLARD AVE X PIN 06-18-301-044 ASPHALT GRASS AREA < GHA X E GRAVEL APPROVED BY: GMS T DA E E E E NEW TOWER FALL ZONE CHECKED BY: RH < X S OHW E E E E E CHECKED BY: GMS < X E E CONCRETE IMPORTANT NOTES: NEW LOCATION OF POWER STATION MATCHING EXISTING TO BE INSTALLED @ 20' O.C. S STARTING AT 20' TO THE SOUTH OF PORTABLE ENCLOSURE (TYP. OF 3) E E UNDERGROUND TELECOMM. LINE DRAWN BY: KC OHW '-8" E E UNDERGROUND GAS LINE UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION/ MONITORING LINE E E E PROPERTY LINE COM E UNDERGROUND FIBER LINE UNDERGROUND WATER LINE EXISTING UTILITY POLE W/ TRANSFORMER E C W CREEK LO W E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND STORM/SANITARY SEWER LINE EXISTING BUILDING E E WIL SS/SA E X T E X G GAS OHW < UTILITY EASEMENT LINE FO GAS E NEW 12' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT LEASE AREA LINE UE OHW C < OVERHEAD WIRES G E < OE/OT EXISTING TRAILERS GAS EXISTING UNDEVELOPED AREA WOOD FENCE GASOHW IRON FENCE 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. < x OHW PIN 06-18-301-043 < x ASPHALT AREA C EXISTING GUARDRAIL GAS EXISTING FENCE CONTOUR W/ELEVATION < 666 CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. NEW 12' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT LEGEND & SYMBOLS UTILITY POLE SIGN EXISTING WOODEN FENCE (TYP.) TELCO PEDESTAL FIRE HYDRANT 6" LIGHT STANDARD NEW 39'-0" CHAIN LINK FENCE 2'-6" INLET 6" 12'-0" ATC SERVICES, INC. 24'-6" 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT CATCH BASIN MANHOLE 7'-8" TRAFFIC SIGNAL NEW 12-FT WIDE CHAIN LINK FENCE DOUBLE GATE X X A PH AL TOR C SE BUFFALO BOX X X 8'-0" 4'-0" GRAVEL 2'-0" ICE BRIDGE NEW PPC MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PLATFORM HANDRAIL W/ UNISTRUTS NEW STEEL PLATFORM OSHA COMPLIANT LADDER W/ HANDRAIL X GRASS AREA 4'-0" X 6" NEW UTILITY H-FRAME W/ FIBER BOX & W/ NEW 600A 120/240V 1Ø 3W (2) 2-GANG METER BANKS; (1) METER SOCKET TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE X NEW 10'-0" X 20'-0" T-MOBILE LEASE AREA (200 SQ FT) ASPHALT CULTIVATED FIELD X 31'-4" X 12'-0" 3'-6" X NEW WOODEN PLATFORM W/ HANDRAIL 8'-0" X X X 8'-0" X 1'-0" NEW T-MOBILE 10'-0"LEASE AREA X X CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS GHA UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION/MONITORING LINE CHECKED BY: GMS NEW T-MOBILE SITE SUPPORT CABINET MOUNTED ON NEW PLINTH W/ (2) SYSTEM MODULES MOUNTED ON TOP OF SSC USING UNISTRUTS A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA NEW T-MOBILE CIENA DELIVERY SWITCH TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM HANDRAIL W/ UNISTRUTS UNDERGROUND WATER LINE CONCRETE BETA SECTO R 4'-6" X W UNDERGROUND STORM/SANITARY SEWER LINE DRAWN BY: KC 722 NEW T-MOBILE 8'X12' STEEL PLATFORM W/ ICE BRIDGE CANOPY NEW T-MOBILE COVP AND ALARM BOX TO BE MOUNTED ON STEEL PLATFORM W/ UNISTRUT FRAME X UNDERGROUND TELCO LINE NEW T-MOBILE GPS ANTENNA TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM CANOPY POST X UT NEW 26W LED SERVICE LIGHT MOUNTED ON NEMA 3R JUNCTION BOX (PATRIOT DEFENDER LED 5.25") FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/MODULES LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF 3'-6" UNDERGROUND FIBER LINE 10' x 20' FUTURE CARRIER'S SPACE 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. IL X FO NEW T-MOBILE 20'-0" LEASE AREA UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND GAS LINE X UE UG 3'-0" CENTER LINE PROPERTY LINE UTILITY EASEMENT LINE X NEW 40'-0" ATC LEASE AREA LEASE AREA LINE NEW 39'-0" CHAIN LINK FENCE PROPERTY LINE CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. X OVERHEAD WIRES LOT LINE COM X X X WOOD FENCE X A MM R GA CT O SE CHAIN LINK FENCE C NEW T-MOBILE 8'-0" HIGH ICE BRIDGE 11'-7" X NEW 40'-0" X 40'-0" ATC LEASE AREA (1,600 SQ FT) 10' x 20' FUTURE CARRIER'S SPACE IRON FENCE SS/SA X CONTOUR W/ELEVATION EXISTING GUARDRAIL OE/OT 7'-8" 1" -1 TREE LINE x T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 CONIFEROUS TREE W/SIZE BRUSH 666 NEW 39'-0" X 39'-0" CHAIN LINK FENCE COMPOUND; GC TO INSTALL 6-FT HIGH FENCE 3' DECIDUOUS TREE W/SIZE X CT10" X DT10" NEW GRAVEL AREA INSIDE ATC COMPOUND TO BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY GC. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WEED BARRIER TO BE PLACED UNDER GRAVEL MIRAFI 500X OR APPROVED EQUAL T Mobile 72 2 HORIZONTAL CONTROL POINT HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE X VALVE BOX X IRON PIPE FOUND NEW MONOPOLE SHOWING NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA MOUNTS; SEE SHEET A-2 FOR DETAILS X ROW MARKER IRON PIPE SET 2'-0" LI NOIS X STEEL PLATFORM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NEW 8' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT X X 10-FT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 COMPOUND PLAN IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. G C T O HI RE PU BLIC & PR IVATE LO CATE SE RVICE IN O RDER T O LOCATE AND PROTECT ANY AND ALL SURFACE UTILITIES. DO NOT SCALE OFF THESE PLANS FOR ANY BELOW GRADE UTILITIES. W N W SE SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" (1/4"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) A-1 N E 1 COMPOUND PLAN NE 3. GC WILL NOT ST ART CONSTRUC TION UNTIL AF TER TH EY RECEIVE THE PRE CON PACKAGE AND HAVE A PRE CON WALK WITH THE PM. SW 2.THESE P LANS MAY N OT C ONTAIN OR R EVEAL ALL SUBSURFACE UTILITIES; GC I S RESPONSIBLE OF LOCA TING A ND P ROTECTING A LL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. S NEW 2 3/8" O.D. SCH. 40 PIPE NEW 2-3/8" O.D. SCH 40 ANTENNA PIPE TO BE INSTALLED (TYP. PER EACH ANTENNA) NEW 6' HIGH LIGHTNING ROD TOP OF NEW LIGHTNING ROD (OVERALL STRUCTURE HEIGHT) ELEV. ± 126'-0" (AGL) (1) NEW COVP TO BE BANDED DIRECTLY TO TOWER TOP OF NEW TOWER AND C.L. OF FUTURE CARRIER ANTENNAS ELEV. ± 120'-0" (AGL) NEW FRIG RF MODULE (TYP.) NEW 2 3/8" O.D. SCH. 40 PIPE NEW FRIG TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PIPE MOUNT (TYP. OF 1 PER SECTOR) NEW 1/2" U-BOLTS W/ NUTS & WASHERS NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA (TYP. OF 2 PER SECTOR) NEW ANTENNA FRAME NEW ANTENNA PLATFORM NEW EXIT PORT TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT NEW STEEL PLATE (V.I.F.) ACTUAL SIZE (TYP. OF 2) NEW PLINTH C.L. OF FUTURE CARRIER ANTENNAS ELEV. ± 110'-0" (AGL) T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 NEW RF MODULE (TYP.) 2-HOLE LUG, TYP. NEW TOWER PORT ELEV. ± 98'-0" (AGL) (2) NEW FXFC MODULES TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW MOUNT PIPE (TYP.) C.L. OF NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNAS ELEV. ± 97'-0" (AGL) C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. NEW T-MOBILE LOW PROFILE ADJUSTABLE PLATFORM W/ HANDRAIL KIT TO BE INSTALLED ANDREW PART #'S MC-PK8-B & MT-195-8 NEW GROUND WIRE FROM NEW PIPE TO PLINTH NEW MONOPOLE NEW GROUND WIRE FROM PLINTH TO NEW GROUND BAR NEW T-MOBILE HYBRID CABLE 2 NEW #2 AWG GREEN INSULATED GROUND WIRE TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR, TYP. ENLARGED ANTENNA ELEVATION DETAIL SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" (1/2"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) 3 TYPICAL RF UNIT MOUNTING DETAIL (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS SCALE: N.T.S. NEW T-MOBILE GPS ANTENNA FURNISHED BY T-MOBILE & INSTALLED BY GC 2. STRUCTURAL/ DESIGN & ANALYSIS SHALL BE PERFORMED & APPROVED BY TOWER OWNER AND MANUFACTURER (STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS BY OTHERS) NEW T-MOBILE HYBRID CABLE TO BE ROUTED INSIDE NEW MONOPOLE FROM TOP COVP TO BOTTOM COVP. GC TO FURNISH & INSTALL ALL NECESSARY MOUNTING HARDWARE NEW T-MOBILE COVP AND ALARM BOX TO BE MOUNTED ON STEEL PLATFORM W/UNISTRUT FRAME (BEHIND CIENA) NEW T-MOBILE SITE SUPPORT CABINET MOUNTED ON NEW PLINTH W/ (2) SYSTEM MODULES MOUNTED ON TOP OF SSC USING UNISTRUTS NEW T-MOBILE CIENA DELIVERY SWITCH TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM HANDRAIL W/ UNISTRUTS NEW MONOPOLE NEW 26W LED SERVICE LIGHT MOUNTED ON NEMA 3R JUNCTION BOX (PATRIOT DEFENDER LED 5.25") FUTURE T-MOBILE MODULES TO BE MOUNTED ON STEEL CUBE NEW T-MOBILE 8'-0" X 12'-0" STEEL PLATFORM W/ ICE BRIDGE CANOPY TO BE FURNISHED & INSTALLED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR; TOP OF PLATFORM TO BE ELEVATED ABOVE FPE (BFE +2') NEW 8'-0" HIGH T-MOBILE ICE BRIDGE TO BE FURNISHED & INSTALLED BY GC NEW 6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 NEW WOODEN PLATFORM W/ HANDRAIL 1 SITE ELEVATION (WEST) SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" (1/8"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) LI NOIS NEW MONOPOLE FINISHED GRADE ELEV. ± 0'-0" (AGL) NEW WOODEN PLATFORM W/ HANDRAIL IL NEW STEEL PLATFORM OSHA COMPLIANT LADDER W/ HANDRAIL NEW ENTRY PORT NEW UTILITY H-FRAME TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE; EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED ABOVE BFE (REFER TO SITE SURVEY) LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF NEW PPC MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PLATFORM HANDRAIL W/ UNISTRUTS NEW T-MOBILE HYBRID CABLE SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAILS A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA GHA SPECIAL NOTES: 1. GC TO VERIFY ALL HEIGHTS AND AZIMUTHS IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. GC SHALL NOTIFY T-MOBILE AND ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 NEW GRAVEL AREA INSIDE ATC COMPOUND TO BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY GC. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WEED BARRIER TO BE PLACED UNDER GRAVEL MIRAFI 500X OR APPROVED EQUAL SITE ELEVATION A-2 4 ENLARGED ELEVATION (WEST) SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" (1/4"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) ANTENNA AND CABLE SCHEDULE SECTOR ALPHA BETA GAMMA LOCATION A-2 A-4 A-3 A-1 B-2 B-4 B-3 B-1 C-2 C-4 C-3 C-1 TECHNOLOGY LTE - - UMTS/PCS LTE - - UMTS LTE - - UMTS/PCS - - BLUE (1-4) - - ANDREW TMBXX-6516-A2M RAD CENTER ±97'-0" ±97'-0" COLOR CODING RED (5-8) - - RED (1-4) MODEL # ANDREW TMBXX-6516-A2M - - MECHANICAL DOWNTILT 0 - - 0 ELECTRICAL DOWNTILT 2 - - GREEN (5-8) ±97'-0" GREEN (1-4) BLUE (5-8) - - - - 0 - - 0 0 - - 0 2 2 - - 2 2 - - 2 ANDREW ANDREW TMBXX-6516-A2M TMBXX-6516-A2M ANDREW ANDREW TMBXX-6516-A2M TMBXX-6516-A2M RRU TYPE FRIG - - FXFC FRIG - - FXFC FRIG - - (**) HCS DIA. & TYPE 1.584" HIGH CAPACITY - - - - - - - - - - - HCS ACTUAL LENGTH ±132' - - - - - - - - - - - 135' - - - - - - - - - - - BUNDLE DIA. & TYPE - - - - - - - - - - - - BUNDLE FACTORY LENGTH - - - - - - - - - - - - JUMPER TYPE FROM COVP TO RRU HYBRID JUMPER - - - - - - HYBRID JUMPER JUMPER LENGTH 10' - - 8' 12' - - 8' 12' - - 8' JUMPER TYPE FROM RRU TO ANTENNA RF JUMPER - - RF JUMPER RF JUMPER - - RF JUMPER RF JUMPER - - RF JUMPER JUMPER LENGTH 9' - - 8' 9' - - 15' 9' - - 20' HYBRID JUMPER HYBRID JUMPER ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT CABLE TIE 50MM 20MM (1) WRAP OF INSULATION TAPE (OVERLAPPING 50%) (2) STRETCH WRAPPED WRAPS OF SELF AMALGAMATING TAPE (STRETCH 30%, OVERLAPPING 50%) (3) WRAPS OF INSULATION TAPE (OVERLAPPING 50%) RET JUMPER DAISY-CHAIN FROM ALPHA SECTOR TO BETA & GAMMA SECTORS ANTENNA AND COAXIAL CABLE SCHEDULE HA ALP H 340° T MU I Z A NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA (TYP.OF 2 PER SECTOR) ANTENNA CENTERLINE HEIGHT IS IN REFERENCE TO ELEVATION 0'-0" 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL COLOR CODE RINGS ON EACH OF THE HYBRID CABLES AND JUMPER CABLES WITH UV RESISTANT TAPE. ALL CABLE SHALL BE MARKED AT TOP AND BOTTOM WITH 2" COLOR TAPE OR STENCIL TAG. COLOR TAPE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM GRAYBAR ELECTRONICS. 4. INSTALL NEW HYBRID THRU THE EXISTING CABLE ENTRY PORTS AND ROUTE ALONG EXISTING T-MOBILE COAXIAL CABLES. RF JUMPER CONNECTION DETAIL 2 LT B2 E AZ BE IM TA UT H 12 0° A ° MM 240 GA T H U IM AZ NEW TOWER STANDOFF KIT SITE PRO PART # STK3 NE W N SE SW E W N E LT 2 C SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" (1/2"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF (2) NEW BARREL CUSHIONS. SITE PRO PART # BC124 IL LI NOIS NEW COAX BLOCK MOUNTING HARDWARE. SITE PRO PART # CH50 ANTENNA NEW FRIG TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PIPE MOUNT (TYP. OF 1 PER SECTOR) NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA CONFIGURATION CHECKED BY: GMS COVP UM T PC S/ S B1 / TS UM CS P 1 C 1 FXFC & FRLB DRAWN BY: KC SCALE: N.T.S. LEGEND TMA FRIG 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 T DA 2. (2) NEW FXFC MODULES TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PIPE MOUNT (TYP.) (1) NEW COVP TO BE BANDED DIRECTLY TO TOWER ALL ANTENNAS SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH DOWNTILT BRACKETS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE REQUIRED MECHANICAL DOWNTILT FOR EACH ANTENNA WITH RF ENGINEER. ANTENNA DOWNTILT SHALL BE SET AND VERIFIED BY A SMART LEVEL. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. GHA A2 LTE 1. C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. (**) - ALL FXFC MODULES ARE SHARED BY UMTS/PCS ANTENNAS. A1 S/ T UM S PC T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 HCS FACTORY LENGTH HYBRID JUMPER HYBRID JUMPER JUMPERS TO BE TORQUED TO 221.27 IN/LBS 240° 120° 340° AZIMUTH S NOTES : 1. GC TO VERIFY FINAL RF CONFIGURATION w/T-MOBILE RF ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. GC TO VERIFY W/ T-MOBILE RF ENGINEER WHICH PORTS SHALL REMAIN UNUSED; GC TO INSTALL A CAP ON ALL UNUSED PORTS NEW COAX BLOCK. SITE PRO PART # CXB158 3" STD. PLATFORM SUPPORT ARM ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 CABLE SCHEDULE & ANTENNA DETAILS 3 RF JUMPER MOUNTING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. A-3 ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 T DA GHA DRAWN BY: KC LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL IMPORTANT NOTE: GC TO OBTAIN LATEST RFDS FROM T-MOBILE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START LI NOIS ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 RFDS 1 RFDS A-3A ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 T DA GHA DRAWN BY: KC LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 NSN CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM 1 NSN CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM A-3B NOTES: 1. THE GPS ANTENNA MOUNT IS DESIGNED 2. THE MOUNTING PLATE SHALL BE FABRICATED AS SHOWN AND ATTACHED TO TO FASTEN TO A STANDARD 1-1/4" DIA. SCH. THE APPROPRIATE SUPPORT STRUCTURE 40 GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL PIPE. USING U-BOLTS. THE SUPPORT PIPE FOR THE PIPE MUST BE THREADED AT THE THE GPS SHALL BE MOUNTED USING ANTENNA MOUNT END. THE PIPE SHALL BE OVERSIZED U-BOLTS TO ALLOW CUT TO THE REQUIRED LENGTH (MIN. OF ADJUSTMENT. IT IS CRITICAL THAT THE GPS 18') USING A WAND OR ROTARY PIPE ANTENNA IS MOUNTED WITHIN 2" OF CUTTER TO ASSURE A SMOOTH VERTICAL AND THE BASE OF THE ANTENNA PERPENDICULAR CUT. THE CUT PIPE END IS WITHIN 2" LEVEL. SHALL BE DEBURRED AND SMOOTH IN ORDER TO SEAL AGAINST THE NEOPRENE GASKET ATTACHED TO THE ANTENNAS MOUNT. FYGA GPS ANTENNA 3. INSTALL GPS ANTENNA AS SPECIFIED ON SITE PLAN. IF INSTALLING ON ICE/CABLE BRIDGE ENSURE THAT GPS IS A MINIMUM OS 10' ABOVE GRADE, ON THE FURTHEST POST FROM THE TOWER TO ATTAIN MAXIMUM COVERAGE. ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT 4. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE GPS ANTENNA HAS THE REQUIRED FULL EXPOSURE TO THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE/HORIZON. T Mobile ICE BRIDGE POST/ CANOPY POST FYGA GPS MOUNTING KIT T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 NEW GPS ANTENNA # 2 BCW COPPER TINNED JUMPER (CADWELD) 3'-0" MIN. WAVE GUIDE BRIDGE MOUNTING BRACKET ANDREW OR EQUAL 10" FYGA CABLE TO FSMF WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE HANGER KIT ANDREW OR APPROVED EQUAL AT 36" O.C. MAX. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS 3" DIA. (MIN) SCH 40 PIPE (PIPE LENGTH MAY VARY DEPENDING ON ENTRY PORT HEIGHT, FIELD VERIFY) FINISH SLOPE TO DRAIN # 2 BCW, CADWELD TO GROUND RING (TYP.) SCALE: N.T.S. FINISH GRADE A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF 3" CLEARANCE 3'-6" ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. T DA 1 FYGA GPS ANTENNA DETAIL CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. 8" SEE SHEET A-2 FOR HEIGHT DIAMOND GRIP CHANNEL 2'-0" WIDE ATTACHED WITH J BOLTS C GHA HOSE CLAMP WITH WORM SCREW (TYP. OF 2) NEW MTS BRIDGE KIT 12" Ø MIN. CONCRETE PIER. IL LI NOIS PLATFORM HANDRAIL KIT ANDREW MT-195-B 12" 2 GPS ANTENNA & ICE BRIDGE SECTION SCALE: N.T.S. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 EQUIPMENT DETAILS LOW PROFILE CO-LOCATION PLATFORM KIT. ANDREW PART# MC-PK8-B 3 NEW ANTENNA PLATFORM W/ HANDRAIL KIT SCALE: N.T.S. A-4 6.0" ATC SERVICES, INC. Flexi Multiradio BTS System Module FXFC 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT 20.1" T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 18.9" 23.0" T Mobile 15.2" 16.4" Flexi Multiradio BTS System Module ESMB 5.2" C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 PROPOSED FRIG (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. Weight [479.1 mm] 18.86 inches 7.71 kg | 19.0 lb DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS [408.4 mm] 16.08 inches GHA [478.8 mm] 18.85 inches A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 T DA LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF [148 mm] 5.83 inches [517.6 mm] 20.38 inches Flexi Multiradio BTS System Module FSME IL LI NOIS LARGE COVP (RAYCAP ASU9338TYP01) SCALE: N.T.S. Flexi Multiradio BTS System Module FSMF ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS FSEB (ALARM BOX) SCALE: N.T.S. PROPOSED RF/SYSTEM MODULES ESMB/FSME/FSMF/ SCALE: N.T.S. A-4A ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 TOP VIEW SECTION A-A BOTTOM VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. TOP VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. FRONT VIEW 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS ISOMETRIC FRONT VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 T DA GHA SCALE: N.T.S. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS ISOMETRIC VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 SITE SUPPORT CABINET & CUBE SPECIFICATIONS DETAIL B SIDE VIEW SCALE: N.T.S. 1 SITE SUPPORT CABINET SPECIFICATIONS SCALE: NTS SIDE VIEW BOLT LAYOUT ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. 2 CUBE SPECIFICATIONS SCALE: NTS A-4B 3" DIA. (2 7/8" O.D.) CORNER POST GENERAL NOTES 3" DIA. (2 7/8" O.D. GATE POST) 2 1/2" DIA. (2 3/8" O.D. LINE POST) WOVEN WIRE FENCE 3. DURING CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL CONFORM TO THE WISCONSIN STANDARD PROCEDURES FOR EROSION CONTROL BASED ON "THE WISCONSIN PROCEDURES FOR URBAN SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MANUAL", LATEST EDITION. PROJECT 1" ABOVE GROUND AND SLOPE ALL AROUND (TYP) TENSION WIRE FIN. GRADE LINE POST FOOTING 3'-3" 3'-6" 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 TYPICAL FENCING NOTES CORNER, GATE AND LINE POST FOOTING SEE DETAIL "B" 0'-12" ATC SERVICES, INC. 4. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING BELOW GRADE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 12'-0" (MAX.) EXTERIOR SIDE 3'-6" (MIN.) CHAIN LINK FENCE 1 1/2" MAX CLEARANCE FROM GRADE TYPICAL ELEVATION 2. WEED CONTROL FABRIC SHALL BE USED UNDER ALL AREAS OF THE YARD & DRIVE 1" TOP RAIL 1" CROWN TENSION WIRE FINISH GRADE 4" SEE PLAN FOR HEIGHT HORIZONTAL RAILS BOTTOM TENSION WIRE 1" CHAMFER TOP OF CHAIN LINK FENCE TOP RAIL 1. NO SCREENING SHALL INTERFERE WITH SIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR SAFE INGRESS AND EGRESS. TRUSS ROD FACILITY SIDE (INSTALL FENCING PER ASTM F-567, SWING GATES PER ASTM F- 900) GATE AND CORNER POST (12" FOR LINE POST) 18" TYPICAL SECTION 1. GATE POST, CORNER, TERMINAL OR PULL POST 2 1/2"Ø SCHEDULE 40 FOR GATE WIDTHS UP THRU 6 FEET OR 12 FEET FOR DOUBLE SWING GATE PER ASTM-F1083. 2. LINE POST: 2 1/2"Ø SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM-F1083. GATE LATCH GATE POST 3. GATE FRAME: 1 1/2"Ø SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM-F1083. DETAIL "B" POST FOOTING STYMIELOCK OR EQUIVALENT 4. TOP RAIL & BRACE RAIL: 1 5/8"Ø SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM-F1083. 5. FABRIC: 9 GA. CORE WIRE SIZE 2 1/4" MESH, CONFORMING TO ASTM-A392. C L CORNER, TERMINAL OR PULL POST 2.5" X 3" X 1/4" PLATE W/ 1 1/4" HOLE 6. TIE WIRE: MINIMUM 9 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL AT POSTS AND RAILS A SINGLE WRAP OF FABRIC TIE AND AT TENSION WIRE BY HOG RINGS SPACED MAX 24" INTERVALS. C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 7. TENSION WIRE: 7 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 SEE PLAN FOR HEIGHT 1" CROWN 8. BARBED WIRE: NOT USED 4" TOP BRACE RAIL 4" 4" MOUNTING BRACKET #WPA-2, TRUELINK FENCE AND PRODUCTS (773) 463-7010 6" STRETCHER BAR 9. GATE LATCH: 1-3/8" O.D. PLUNGER ROD W/ MUSHROOM TYPE CATCH AND LOCK, KEYED ALIKE FOR ALL SITES IN A GIVEN MTA. 10. LOCAL ORDINANCE OF BARBED WIRE PERMIT REQUIREMENT SHALL BE COMPLIED IF REQUIRED. FENCE POST DIAGONAL ROD W/ W/STEEL TURNBUCKLE 11. HEIGHT = SEE SITE PLAN FOR HEIGHT INTERIOR BOTTOM TENSION WIRE 12. ALL WOOD FENCE RAILS TO BE NO. 2 PINE CCA PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER (IF APPLICABLE). WIRE FENCE FINISH GRADE CAPPED END 14. ALL HARDWARE TO BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED. WOVEN WIRE CORNER, GATE, TERMINAL OR PULL POST EXTERIOR TYP. FENCE MOUNTING 3/4" DIA. SOLID GALVANIZED STEEL ROD STYMIELOCK DETAIL DOUBLE SWING GATE - CLR OPNG WIDTH VARIES (SEE PLANS) PLUNGER BAR DOME CAP 1-1/2" MAX. TOP TENSION WIRE SNOW GATE GATE HINGE HOOK BOLTS LOCKS PROVIDED BY GC IL PLUNGER ROD 2'-6" BRACE RAIL AT GATE DIAGONAL ROD W/STEEL MUSHROOM CAP DETAIL MOUNTING BRACKET #WPA-3, TRUELINK FENCE AND PRODUCTS (773) 463-7010 FORK CATCH 3'-0" 6'-0" LOCK KEEPER GUIDE 1 1/2" (MAX.) 15" TURNBUCKLE GATE FRAME FINISHED GRADE ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 GATE LATCH WITH LOCK LOCK KEEPER PLUNGER BAR CHAINLINK FENCE DETAILS PIPE SLEEVE STRAIGHT PLUG GATE POST PLUNGER ROD CATCH SEE DETAIL B-B WIRE FENCE 18" GATE MOUNTING LI NOIS LATCH FORK STRETCHER BAR 3'-6" CENTER GATE STOP EMBEDDED IN CONC A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF CL GATE CL GATE POST 1" CROWN (TYP.) APPROVED BY: GMS GHA 3'-3" 3'-6" LOCKS PROVIDED BY GC CHECKED BY: RH T DA 18" CHECKED BY: GMS 15. ALL MATERIALS ARE FURNISHED, DELIVERED & INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 1 1/2" MAX CLEARANCE FROM GRADE 3/16" DRAWN BY: KC 13. PICKETS TO BE 7/8 " THICK NO. 1 SPRUCE (IF APPLICABLE). 4.5" ROD EXTENSION SEE DETAIL "B" (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. 15" 18" 1 WOVEN WIRE SWING GATE, DOUBLE NEW CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAILS & NOTES SCALE: NTS A-5 ATC SERVICES, INC. WELDED WIRE OR CHICKEN WIRE FENCING 6'-0" MAX. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT SEDIMENT CONTROL FABRIC ATTACHED USING "HOG RINGS" OR PLASTIC TIES FENCED IN COMPOUND SEE SITE PLAN T Mobile PROPOSED FENCE T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 2'-0" MIN. 6" OF 3/4" WASHED CRUSHED STONE OVER WEED BARRIER GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WEED BARRIER TO BE PLACED UNDER GRAVEL. MIRAFI 500X OR APPROVED EQUAL 1'-0" 2% SLOPE 2% SLOPE COMPACTED SOIL BACKFILL 1'-0" C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. 1'-6" MIN. FL L IN KEY 8"- 12" OF FABRIC INTO TRENCH 6" ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 6" OW E EXTEND GRAVEL 1'-0" BEYOND FENCE LINE, TYP. NOT TO EXCEED LEASE AREA "LUGGED-U" OR "T" STEEL FENCE POST (TYP.) 1 SOIL EROSION CONTROL SCALE: N.T.S. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AT HIS/HER OWN EXPENSE ANY AND ALL SOIL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES/FENCING AROUND ALL AREAS THAT HAVE A GRADE IN EXCESS OF 5% OR WHERE THERE IS POTENTIAL FOR SOIL EROSION AND SOIL RUN-OFF DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE OF THE PROJECT NOTES: SCARIFY TOP 6" AND COMPACT SUBGRADE F1. REMOVE TOP 6 - INCHES OF GRADE ROM COMOUND.P 2. SCARIFY TOP 6 - INCHES AND COMPACT SUBGRADE. 2 SITE COMPOUND GRAVEL DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. NOTE: 1. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND DEPOSITED OFF-SITE 2. GRADE DRIVEWAY PARKING AREA & TOWER COMPOUND @ 2% SLOPE TO PROVIDE DRAINAGE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS 6'' 6" MIN FLOW 3 EMBEDDING DETAIL 4 SCALE: N.T.S. (2) REBAR, PICKETS OR (2) 2"X2" STAKES DRIVEN 6" TO 12" INTO GROUND 5 ANCHORING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. ANGLE FIRST STAKE TOWARD PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE WIRE OR NYLON BOND BALES PLACED ON CONTOUR OR AROUND STRUCTURE A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA FLOW 4" VERTICAL FACE GHA METAL OR WOOD POST OR STAKE FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH, BACK FILL W/ TAMPED NATURAL BOIL 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS SILT FENCE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 ARCHITECTURAL & CIVIL DETAILS A-6 NEW SITE SUPPORT CABINET 1.4 DO NOT SCALE THESE DRAWINGS, USE DIMENSIONS. 1.5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INFORM THE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY DEVIATION FROM THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BE RELIEVED OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH DEVIATION BY THE ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, ETC., UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR HAS SPECIFICALLY INFORMED THE ENGINEER OF SUCH DEVIATION AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION, AND THE ENGINEER HAS GIVEN WRITTEN APPROVAL TO THE SPECIFIC DEVIATION. L4X4X1/4 ABOVE C6x8.2 C6x8.2 CORNER ICE BRIDGE SLEEVE SEE 4/S-2 (TYP. OF 4) ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT L4X4X1/4 ABOVE 23.3" T Mobile SSC MOUNTING DETAIL ON PLINTH-TOP VIEW SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" (3/4"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) NEW STEEL PLATFORM OSHA COMPLIANT LADDER W/ HANDRAIL 2.0 STRUCTURAL STEEL NOTES 8 S-1 2.1 ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE AISC "SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS", LATEST EDITION, THE AISC "CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STEEL BUILDINGS AND BRIDGES", LATEST EDITION. L4X4X1/4 1" DEEP STEEL GRATING (19W4, GALV. BEARING BAR 1/8" WIDE AT 1-3/16" O/C.) L4X4X1/4 1200 LBS C6x8.2 2.2 ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL PLATES, SHAPES AND BARS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A36, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. COLD FORMED TUBING SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A500 GRADE B. PIPES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A53 GRADE B. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A307 OR ASTM A36. T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 L4X4X1/4 ABOVE 9 S-1 2 1.6 ALL THINGS WHICH, IN THE OPINION OF THE CONTRACTOR, APPEAR TO BE DEFICIENCIES, OMISSIONS, CONTRADICTIONS AND AMBIGUITIES, IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER. PLANS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR A WRITTEN INTERPRETATION OF THE ALLEGED DEFICIENCY, OMISSION, CONTRADICTION OR AMBIGUITY WILL BE MADE BY THE ENGINEER BEFORE THE AFFECTED WORK PROCEEDS. 250 LBS 50 LBS C6x8.2 1.3 THE STRUCTURE IS DESIGNED TO FUNCTION AS A UNIT UPON COMPLETION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL TEMPORARY BRACING AND/OR SUPPORTS REQUIRED AS THE RESULT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND/OR SEQUENCES. 3 S-1 C6x8.2 NEW PPC MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PLATFORM W/UNISTRUTS 11.6" 1.2 NO CHANGE IN SIZE OR DIMENSION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LIMITING THE AMOUNT OF CONSTRUCTION LOAD IMPOSED UPON STRUCTURAL FRAMING. CONSTRUCTION LOADS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE CAPACITY OF THE FRAMING AT THE TIME THE LOADS ARE IMPOSED. HOLES INSIDE SSC CABINET. GC TO DRILL NEW HOLES IN THE SAME LOCATION ON NEW SSC PLINTH C6x8.2 22.8" 1.1 STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO BE USED WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL DRAWINGS INTO THEIR SHOP DRAWINGS AND WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR ENGINEER REVIEW. NEW T-MOBILE CIENA DELIVERY SWITCH TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM W/ UNISTRUTS 4.8" 1.0 GENERAL NOTES 2.3 ALL BOLTS (OTHER THAN ANCHOR BOLTS), NUTS AND WASHERS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A325. ALL BOLTS SHALL BE 3/4 INCH DIAMETER, MINIMUM. BOLTS USED IN LATERAL LOAD RESISTING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE FRICTION TYPE, DESIGNED FOR INDICATED FORCES WITHOUT STRESS INCREASES. CONCRETE PIER; SEE DETAIL 4 THIS SHEET 500 LBS C6x8.2 2.4 ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY QUALIFIED WELDERS AND SHALL CONFORM TO LAWS D1.1 "STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE", LATEST EDITION. ALL WELDING ELECTRODES SHALL BE E70XX. 2.5 ALL BEAMS SHALL BE FABRICATED WITH THE NATURAL CAMBER UP. PLATFORM PLAN W N S E SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" (3/4"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) N 1 ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. W SW SCALE: N.T.S. SE 3 N 2.7 STEEL BAR GRATING SHALL BE STANDARD BEARING BAR GRATE TYPE GW-125 WITH 1 1/4"x3/16" @ 1 3/16" O.C. BEARING BARS AS MANUFACTURED BY McNICHOLS (1-800-237-3820) OR EQUAL. USE STANDARD J-BOLTS AND CLIPS FOR ATTACHMENT. GRATING SADDLE CLIP FASTENERS SHALL BE ASTM A570 GRADE 36 WITH MIN. THICKNESS OF 14 GA. SELF TAPPING GRATING FASTENERS BOLTS MIN. THICKNESS OF 14 GA. SELF TAPPING GRATING FASTENERS BOLTS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL PER ASTM A240, TYPE 410. 2.9 A. ALL STEEL SHALL BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. B. FIELD TOUCH UP ALL DISTURBED SURFACES WITH ZINC REACH PAINT. C. GRIND ALL WELDS ON HANDRAILS TO A SMOOTH FINISH. ICE BRIDGE SLEEVE, SEE 5/S-2 (TYP. OF 2) NEW T-MOBILE SITE SUPPORT CABINET MOUNTED ON NEW PLINTH CONNECTION DETAIL E 2.6 THERE SHALL BE NO FIELD CUTTING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS FOR THE WORK OF OTHER TRADES WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. " '-0 R1 2.10 MINIMUM SHEAR CAPACITIES: PROVIDE AT LEAST ONE HALF OF THE UNIFORM LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY OF THE BEAM WITH THE ASSUMPTION OF FULLY BRACED COMPRESSION FLANGE. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS 2.11 THE DEPTH OF A SIMPLE SHEAR CONNECTION SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN ONE HALF OF THE NOMINAL DEPTH OF THE BEAM. THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF BOLTS PER CONNECTION SHALL BE TWO (2). CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS 2.12 GRATING SHALL BE MIN. 1" x 3/16" WELDED STEEL WITH BEARING BARS AT 1 3/16" C.C, GALVANIZED, PROVIDE BANDING AT CUT EDGE OF BEARING BARS. GRATING SHALL BE SECURED TO STRUCTURAL STEEL WITH TYPE C SADDLE CLIPS, MIN. 14 GA, AND SELF TAPPING SCREWS. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 12 SADDLE CLIPS PER GRATING PANEL. 2.13 STAIR TREADS SHALL BE ABLE TO SAFELY SUSTAIN 100 PSF LIVE LOAD OR A CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 300 LBS, APPLIED ON A 4 SQUARE INCHES AREA, WHICHEVER PRODUCES THE GREATER STRESSES. (8) #6 BARS A S-1 ICE BRIDGE CANOPY POST 3.0 CONCRETE NOTES ICE BRIDGE CANOPY POST PLATFORM HANDRAIL 8 CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. L4X4X1/4"X9" LONG ANGLE AT EACH CORNER W/ (2) 5/8" DIA. S.S. HILTI KWIK BOLT 3, 6" EMBEDMENT T/STEEL (TOP OF PLATFORM) ±5'-0" (AGL) ±727'.00" (NAVD 88) CONCRETE STRENGTH AT 27 DAYS SHALL BE 4000 PSI MINIMUM DO NOT FIELD BEND OR WELD TO GRADE 60 REINFORCING STEEL. PROVIDE IR ENTRAINED CONCRETE WITH AIR CONTENT OF 5% TO 7% FOR ALL CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH OR WEATHER. 6 S-1 ICE BRIDGE CANOPY POST L4X4X1/4"X9" LONG ANGLE AT EACH CORNER W/ (2) 5/8" DIA. S.S. HILTI KWIK BOLT 3, 6" EMBEDMENT 7 S-1 1/2"-1" THK. GROUT PLATFORM HANDRAIL 24" DIA. MINIMUM CONCRETE PIER C-CHANNEL (SEE PLANS) L4X4X1/4"X9" LONG ANGLE AT EACH CORNER W/ (2) 5/8" DIA. S.S. HILTI KWIK BOLT 3, 6" EMBEDMENT C-CHANNEL (SEE PLANS) 4.1. SHOP DRAWINGS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO FABRICATIONS. 4.2. PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SHOP DRAWINGS AND MAKE ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAMP AND SIGN THE DRAWINGS THAT HE HAS REVIEWED THEM. 9 CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. (9) #6 VERTICAL BARS #3 TIES @ 10" O/C (9) #6 VERTICAL BARS 24" DIA. MINIMUM CONCRETE PIER 24" DIA. MINIMUM CONCRETE PIER NOTE: FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION: 727' (NAVD 88) NOTES: C-CHANNEL (SEE PLANS) 24" DIA. MINIMUM CONCRETE PIER L4X4X1/4"X9" LONG ANGLE AT EACH CORNER W/ (2) 5/8" DIA. S.S. HILTI KWIK BOLT 3, 6" EMBEDMENT PLATFORM HANDRAIL DETAIL A 1. ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION 3. ATTACH CABINETS DIRECTLY TO STRUCTURAL STEEL PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS BUT NOT LESS THAN ONE 1/2"Ø BOLT AT EACH CORNER. SCALE: N.T.S. #3 TIES @ 10" O/C 4.3. SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE FURNISHED FOR ALL STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS. ALL SUBMITTALS TO BE TWO (2) SETS PRINTS AND ONE (1) SET REPRODUCIBLES ONLY. 2. USE MASONRY BITS FOR DRILLING & NO CUTTING/DAMAGING OF REBARS IS ALLOWED SECTION ICE BRIDGE CANOPY POST 5 S-1 8'-0" (MIN.) 4.0 SHOP DRAWINGS 6 T/ FIN. GRADE ±0'-0" (AGL) ±722.00'(NAVD 88) 4 PIER ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. 8109 (3) #3 TIES AT TOP DO NOT USE IN ADMIXTURE, WATER OR OTHER CONSTITUENTS OF CONCRETE WHICH HAS CALCIUM CHLORIDE. MINIMUM COVER FOR REINFORCING STEEL UNLESS INCREASED COVER IS NECESSARY TO MEET FIRE RATING INDICATED: -CAST AGAINST AND EXPOSED TO EARTH...............................................3" -EXPOSED TO EARTH AND WEATHER #11 TO #6 BARS........................2" -EXPOSED TO EARTH AND WEATHER #5 AND SMALLER..............1 1/2" -INTERIOR EXPOSURE, BEAMS AND COLUMNS.....................................1 1/2" -INTERIOR EXPOSURE, SLABS, WALLS AND JOISTS...........................3/4" TH DDEUS A. PACYNIA 1/2"-1" THK. GROUT (3) #3 TIES AT TOP C-CHANNEL (SEE PLANS) BASE FLOOD ELEVATION ±3'-0" (AGL) ±725'.00" (NAVD 88) MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE: -3/4" FOR FOOTINGS, WALLS, BEAMS, SLABS AND COLUMNS. -3/8" FOR CONCRETE TOPPING. SCALE: N.T.S. PLATFORM HANDRAIL 2'-0" 5'-0" MEET OR EXCEED THE FOLLOWING CODES AND STANDARDS (LATEST EDITION) -DESIGN......................................................ACI 318 -CONSTRUCTION.....................................ACI 301 -DETAILING...............................................CRSI MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE USE CLASS "B" FOR SPLICES UNLESS NOTED -REINFORCING STEEL.........................ASTM A615 GRADE 60, DEFORMED ASTM A706 IF BARS ARE TO BE WELDED -MIXING.......................................................ASTM C94. READY MIX CONCRETE -AIR ENTRAINMENT...............................ACI 318 AND ASTM C-260 -AGGREGATE...........................................ASTM C33 AND C330 (FOR LT. WEIGHT) SECTION 5 ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 STRUCTURAL NOTES AND FRAMING PLAN S-1 7 SECTION SCALE: N.T.S. 12'-0" 6'-0" GALVANIZED PIPE CAP (TYP.) 6'-0" L4x4x1/4x9' LONG GALVANIZED PIPE CAP (TYP.) (4) 24" WIDE ICE BRIDGE 3" STD. 10'-6" LONG ICE BRIDGE POST (TYP. OF 6) L4x4x1/4x9' LONG (TYP. OF 3) (4) 24" WIDE ICE BRIDGE CORNER OF ICE BRIDGE CANOPY; SEE DETAIL 3 THIS SHEET ATC SERVICES, INC. 3" STD. 10'-6" LONG ICE BRIDGE POST (TYP. OF 6) 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT NEW VERTICAL UNISTRUTS ATTACHED TO HORIZONTAL UNISTRUTS W/1/2" U-BOLTS FURNISHED & INSTALLED BY GC NEW ALARM BOX MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM USING UNISTRUTS NEW VERTICAL UNISTRUTS ATTACHED TO HORIZONTAL UNISTRUTS W/1/2" U-BOLTS FURNISHED & INSTALLED BY GC NEW ALARM BOX MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM USING UNISTRUTS NEW 1" METALLIC LIQUIDTIGHT CONDUIT (TYP.) T Mobile NEW UNISTRUTS T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 NEW SYSTEM MODULE (TYP.) NEW COVP MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM USING UNISTRUTS NEW PLATFORM HANDRAIL NEW SYSTEM MODULE (TYP.) FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/ MODULES NEW PLATFORM HANDRAIL NEW UNISTRUTS NEW COVP NEW DC POWER BOX T/STEEL (TOP OF PLATFORM) ±5'-0" (AGL) ±727.00' (NAVD 88) ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. SSC PLINTH SSC PLINTH NEW UNISTRUTS MOUNTED ON BACK C-CHANNEL C6X8.2 C NEW SITE SUPPORT CABINET (SSC) 1" DEEP STEEL GRATING (19W4, GALV. BEARING BAR 1/8" WIDE AT 1-3/16" O/C.) PLATFORM LEG, SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHEET S-1 (TYP. OF 4) 1" DEEP STEEL GRATING (19W4, GALV. BEARING BAR 1/8" WIDE AT 1-3/16" O/C.) NEW T-MOBILE STEEL PLATFORM ACCESS LADDER (OSHA COMPLIANT) 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. C6X8.2 BASE FLOOD ELEVATION ±3'-0" (AGL) ±725.00' (NAVD 88) CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. 2 DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS EXAMPLE OF T-MOBILE PLATFORM IN THE FIELD SCALE: N.T.S. T/ FIN. GRADE ±0'-0" (AGL) ±722.00'(NAVD 88) TH DDEUS A. PACYNIA 1 8109 PLATFORM ELEVATION SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" (3/4"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) C6 (TYP.) C6 (TYP.) L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4", 6 3/4" LONG (TYP. OF 2) L2 1/2x2 1/2x1/4", 6 3/4" LONG (TYP. OF 2) 1/4" ICE BRIDGE GRIP STRUT (2) 1/2" DIA. A307 BOLTS PER ANGLE TYP. 1/2" DIA. A307 BOLT (TYP.) L4x4x1/4", 9" LONG 1/2" DIA. U-BOLT 3" STD. ICE BRIDGE POST 3 CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2"=1'-0" (2"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) TYP. 4" STD., 6 3/4" LONG ICE BRIDGE/H-FRAME POST SLEEVE 4 TYP. 3/16" 1/4" x 1/2" WIDE BAR WELDED TO BOTTOM SIDE OF PIPE TO PREVENT POST FROM DROPPING TO GROUND LEVEL (TYP.) C6 (TYP.) CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2"=1'-0" (2"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) 3/16" 4" STD., 6 3/4" LONG ICE BRIDGE/H-FRAME POST SLEEVE 5 1/4" x 1/2" WIDE BAR WELDED TO BOTTOM SIDE OF PIPE TO PREVENT POST FROM DROPPING TO GROUND LEVEL (TYP.) CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: 2"=1'-0" (2"=2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 STEEL PLATFORM ELEVATION & DETAILS S-2 ATC SERVICES, INC. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT CL 1'-4" T Mobile 1'-4" 1'-0" GALV. BAR 1 1/2" X 3/8" (TYP.) GALV. BAR 1 1/2" X 3/8" (TYP.) 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE RAIL 2 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE RAIL 3/16" 3/16" CL "W" BEAM 3/16" TOE PLATE CUT-OUT AT LADDER BENT PLATE 5"X3/8"X6" LONG BENT PLATE 5"X3/8"X6" LONG TYP. 3" "C" CHANNEL (SEE PLANS) GRATING (AS SHOWN ON PLAN) 3'-6" 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE RAIL 1/4"X4" TOE PLATE MODEL#296448 STANDARD VERTICAL RAILING BASE (TYP.) 2 "C" CHANNEL (SEE PLANS) GRATING (AS SHOWN ON PLAN) 3/16" 3/4" Ø RUNGS EQUALLY SPACED NOT TO EXCEED 12" O/C 6" 1" CLEAR MIN. TO EDGE OF STEEL MODEL#448106 KEE KLAMP SINGLE SOCKET TEE (TYP.) 1 4'-0" (MIN.) 3 FINISHED GRADE 1 LADDER ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS 8109 MODEL#448172 KEE KLAMP TWO SOCKET CROSS (TYP.) 3" FINISHED GRADE ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. TH DDEUS A. PACYNIA 2 S-3 8" 3" 8" C 2" 1/2" Ø SQ. HEAD BOLTS & NUTS 1/2" 6" 1/2" C-CHANNEL (SEE PLANS) 1/4"X4" TOE PLATE GRATING (AS SHOWN ON PLAN) 5" 3" 1 T-RUNG FLUSH W/TOP OF GRATING 1/4"X4" TOE PLATE 10" 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE POST @ 4'-0" O.C. MAX CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. 3" 5" 1'-9" 4" 4" 6" 1 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE RAIL 3 1'-9" TYP. 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE POST @ 4'-0" O.C. MAX 1'-9" 1'-9" BAR 2 1/2" X 3/8" (TYP.) 3'-6" 4'-1" TYP. 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE RAIL 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE RAIL BAR 2 1/2" X 3/8" (TYP.) 1 1/2" Ø X-STR. PIPE POST @ 4'-0" O.C. MAX T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 GRIND SMOOTH & ROUND CORNERS (TYP.) 3" 1'-0" 2 LADDER SECTION SCALE: N.T.S. 3 HANDRAIL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 PLATFORM DETAILS S-3 OHW ALL LANDSCAPING TO BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION OR BETTER. PHOTOS OF BEFORE AND AFTER REQUIRED. IMPORTANT NOTE: C ALL UNISTRUT, FASTENERS, HARDWARE, ETC; ARE TO BE EITHER HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT USE ZINC-PLATED OR PRE-GALVANIZED GAS OHW GAS ASPHALT AREA FIBER ROUTE TO BE CONFIRMED WITH SERVICE PROVIDER AND ATC AND T-MOBILE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START E OHW GAS C E E E UF E E E NEW 12' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT OHW E X E E X E UE X X OHW E FIBER X OHW X E X UE /U F E X OHW E UE (FROM EXISTING POLE W/FIBER SPLICE TO ATC H-FRAME) X UE E X E ELECTRIC EXISTING UTILITY POLE W/FIBER SPLICE AND NEW TRANSFORMER (BY COMED) TO BE UTILIZED AS FIBER & POWER SOURCE ±401' X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5.) ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY ANSI, NEMA, NFPA, AND "UL" LISTED. 6.) THE ENTIRE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SHALL BE GROUNDED AS REQUIRED BY UBC, NEC, T-MOBILE, AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. W N W N SW S CODES AND STANDARDS SE 4.) ELECTRICAL PLANS, DETAILS, AND DIAGRAMS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC ONLY. FIELD CONDITIONS DICTATE THE AMOUNT AND LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT. 12.) ALL ABOVE GROUND CONDUITS AND BUSHING SHALL BE RGS. APPROVED BY: GMS GHA X X 3.) CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM ALL VERIFICATION TESTS AND EXAMINATION WORK PRIOR TO THE ORDERING OF THE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL ISSUE A WRITTEN NOTICE OF ALL FINDINGS TO THE ENGINEER LISTING ALL MALFUNCTIONS, FAULTY EQUIPMENT & DISCREPANCIES. 11.) ALL SINGLE- PHASE SELF- CONTAINED METER CONNECTION DEVICES MUST INCLUDE HORN TYPE BY-PASS PROVISION SO THAT SERVICE WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED WHEN A METER IS REMOVED FROM THE SOCKET. CHECKED BY: RH 13.) ALL WORK IS TO COMPLY W/THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) & ANY ORDINANCES, CODES & ALL OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH & PAY FOR ALL PERMITS & RELATED FEES. 14.) ALL EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS FURNISHED & INSTALLED UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES (U.L.) LISTED, NEW, FREE FROM DEFECTS, & SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE. SHOULD ANY TROUBLE DEVELOP DURING THIS PERIOD DUE TO FAULTY WORKMANSHIP, MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS & LABOR TO CORRECT THE TROUBLE WITHOUT COST TO THE OWNER. 15.) ALL WORK SHALL BE EXECUTED IN A WORKMAN LIKE MANNER & SHALL PRESENT A NEAT MECHANICAL APPEARANCE WHEN COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CUTTING & PATCHING RELATED TO ELECTRICAL WORK, & SHALL RESTORE ALL EXISTING LANDSCAPING, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, CONDUITS, WIRING, PIPING, ETC. DAMAGED BY THE ELECTRICAL WORK TO MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS. 16.) ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, ALL LABOR, MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ELECTRICAL POWER & LIGHTING SYSTEMS, TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, PANEL BOARDS, CONDUIT, CONTROL WIRING, GROUNDING, ETC. AS INDICATED ON ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS &/OR AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING CODES. NEC ANSI NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE NEMA NFPA UL IBC NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE BUILDING OFFICIAL AND CODE ADMINISTRATORS 19.) GC WILL NOT START CONSTRUCTION UNTIL AFTER THEY RECEIVE THE PRE CON PACKAGE AND HAVE A PRE CON WALK WITH THE PM. 20.) GC TO PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS ABBREVIATIONS GEN GND GPS O/H PCS GENERATOR GROUND AIC AWG AMPS INTERRUPTING CAPACITY AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE BCW BARE COPPER WIRE BTS BASE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM C CAB CONDUIT CABINET DISC DISCONNECT SWITCH TYP DRAWING TYPICAL DWG ELEC UG UNDERGROUND GAS ELECTRICAL EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING UW UNDERGROUND WATER SS STORM SEWER PPC RGS GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM OVERHEAD PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM POWER PROTECTION CABINET RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL 17.) GC TO HIRE PUBLIC UNCC & PRIVATE LOCATE SERVICE IN ORDER TO LOCATE AND PROTECT ANY AND ALL SURFACE UTILITIES. DO NOT SCALE OFF THESE PLANS FOR ANY BELOW GRADE UTILITIES. 18.) THESE PLANS MAY NOT CONTAIN OR REVEAL ALL SUBSURFACE UTILITIES; GC IS RESPONSIBLE OF LOCATING AND PROTECTING ALL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA EXISTING ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX E SCALE:1/32"=1'-0" (1/32"=2'-0" IF 11x17 SHEET SIZE) 1.) NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, LATEST EDITION . 2.) ALL ELECTRICAL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION PROSEDURES TO CONFORM WITH LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS. 9.)PROVIDE T-MOBILE WITH ONE SET OF COMPLETE ELECTRICAL "AS-BUILT" DRAWINGS AT THE COMPLETION OF THE JOB SHOWING ACTUAL ROUTINGS AND WIRING CONNECTIONS. CHECKED BY: GMS ALL CONDUITS INCLUDE 15% EXTRA E N UTILITY SITE PLAN 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 DRAWN BY: KC OHW X H GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES 10.) LABEL ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PER T-MOBILE SPECIFICATIONS. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. ±48' (FROM ATC H-FRAME TO PPC) NEW 40'-0" X 40'-0" ATC LEASE AREA (1,600 SQ FT) 7.)ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM INTERRUPTING RATING OF 20,000 AIC WHERE APPLICABLE. 8.)PATCH, REPAIR AND PAINT ANY AREA THAT HAS BEEN DAMAGED IN THE COURSE OF THE ELECTRICAL WORK. C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. X X X X UE/UF NEW 39'-0" X 39'-0" CHAIN LINK FENCE COMPOUND; GC TO INSTALL 6-FT HIGH 1 T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. ELECTRIC (ASPHALT) UE X NEW 8' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT ±48' (FROM ATC H-FRAME TO CIENA) E X OVERHEAD ELECTRIC CONDUIT OVERHEAD FIBER CONDUIT OF < X DITC OE T Mobile < OHW X E UE X EXIS TING ELECTRIC CONDUIT SERVICE CONDUIT LENGTH (EXCLUDING LENGTH FOR CONDUITS NOTE: FROM PPC TO SITE SUPPORT * THE CONDUIT LENGTH CABINET) GIVEN IS BASED ON THE DRAWING +15%. FIBER THE EXACT LENGTH TO BE ±396' VERIFIED IN FIELD. GC TO (FROM UTILITY POLE VERIFY LENGTHS AFTER W/ FIBER SPLICE TO COORDINATING W/ SERVICE ATC H-FRAME) UTILITY COMPANIES. < E CONDUIT AND WIRE SIZING TO BE PER NEC FOR 600A SERVICE. SERVICE ENTRANCE PER COMED EQUIPMENT RULES. UTILITY CONDUITS TO BE PARALLELED AND A MINIMUM OF SCH. 40 PVC UNDERGROUND WITH RGC ELBOWS AND RISERS. RISERS ON POLE TO BE 15FT. ABOVE GRADE WITH COILED WIRE TAILS TO REACH TRANSFORMER CONNECTIONS UE/UF R.O.W. LINE X NEW T-MOBILE 8'X12' STEEL PLATFORM W/ ICE BRIDGE CANOPY UE/UF W < E X NEW 10'-0" X 20'-0" T-MOBILE LEASE AREA (200 SQ FT) X E < < OHW UE X NEW UTILITY H-FRAME W/ FIBER BOX & W/ NEW 600A 120/240V 1Ø 3W (2) 2-GANG METER BANKS; (1) METER SOCKET TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE UE/UF < WILLARD AVE E E X E X E NEW MONOPOLE SHOWING NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA MOUNTS; SEE SHEET A-2 FOR DETAILS E UE < < E E (1) NEW 4" RIGID PVC SCH. 40 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT WITH RGC ELBOWS AND RISERS. FIBER CONDUIT TO BE ROUTED FROM EXISTING UTILITY POLE TO NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX ON NEW UTILITY H-FRAME; FINAL ROUTE TO BE DETERMINED BY FIBER PROVIDER. GC TO PROVIDE PULL STRING. < OHW < X E < E S E NEW LOCATION OF POWER STATION MATCHING EXISTING STATIONS ON PREMISES TO BE INSTALLED @ 20' O.C. STARTING AT 20' TO THE S SOUTH OF PORTABLE ENCLOSURE (TYP. OF 3). CIRCUITS TO ORIGINATE FROM EXISTING JUNCTION BOX AT SOUTHEAST CORNER OF YARD < X E E FIBER OPTIC CABLE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONDUIT E E E E UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC CABLE FO X E E < C E E 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT LEGEND GASOHW EXISTING BUILDING E ATC SERVICES, INC. GAS OHW GAS G BIDDING & CONSTRUCTION NOTE: WIRE SIZES SHOWN ARE ESTIMATED MINIMUMS. IT IS THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO IDENTIFY AND COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE LOCAL ELECTRICAL AND BUILDING CODES IN ADDITION TO NEC 2008 AND FOLLOW WHICHEVER IS MORE CONSERVATIVE. CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTIMATE PHASE CONDUCTOR SIZE & UTILIZE THE APPROPRIATE WIRE SIZE AND TYPE ASSUMING A 2% VOLTAGE DROP. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM WITH LOCAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN AND DETAILS E-1 LEGEND UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC CABLE X T Mobile NEW 10'-0" X 20'-0" T-MOBILE LEASE AREA (200 SQ FT) X NEW T-MOBILE 8'X12' STEEL PLATFORM W/ ICE BRIDGE CANOPY X X NEW GRAVEL AREA X NEW 26W LED SERVICE LIGHT MOUNTED ON NEMA 3R JUNCTION BOX (PATRIOT DEFENDER LED 5.25") NEW T-MOBILE CIENA DELIVERY SWITCH TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM HANDRAIL W/ UNISTRUTS NEW T-MOBILE GPS ANTENNA TO BE MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM CANOPY POST NEW T-MOBILE COVP AND ALARM BOX TO BE MOUNTED ON STEEL PLATFORM W/ UNISTRUT FRAME (1) NEW 2" FLEXIBLE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FROM NEW T-MOBILE SITE SUPPORT CABINET TO NEW COVP; APPROXIMATE LENGTH= X X (1) NEW 3/4" RMC W/ (2) #12 AWG AND (1) #12 AWG GRND. WIRES FROM NEW PPC TO NEW LIGHT ROUTED UNDER PLATFORM; APPROXIMATE LENGTH= 14' X NEW PPC MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PLATFORM HANDRAIL W/ UNISTRUTS NEW T-MOBILE SITE SUPPORT CABINET MOUNTED ON NEW PLINTH W/ (2) SYSTEM MODULES MOUNTED ON TOP OF SSC USING UNISTRUTS X NEW STEEL PLATFORM OSHA COMPLIANT LADDER W/ HANDRAIL (1) NEW 1-1/4" RIGID ELECTRIC CONDUIT W/(3) #3 AWG WIRES FOR POWER AND (1) #8 GROUND WIRE FROM NEW SSC TO PPC CABINET ROUTED UNDER PLATFORM; APPROXIMATE LENGTH= X X NEW WOODEN PLATFORM W/ HANDRAIL ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. X X X (1) NEW 2" RIGID PVC SCH. 40 UNDERGROUND FIBER CONDUIT TO BE ROUTED FROM NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX TO NEW T-MOBILE CIENA MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PLATFORM; X X X X X X X X NEW 8' WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL CONDUIT AND WIRE SIZING TO BE PER NEC FOR 600A SERVICE. SERVICE ENTRANCE PER COMED EQUIPMENT RULES. UTILITY CONDUITS TO BE PARALLELED AND A MINIMUM OF SCH. 40 PVC UNDERGROUND WITH RGC ELBOWS AND RISERS. RISERS ON POLE TO BE 15FT. ABOVE GRADE WITH COILED WIRE TAILS TO REACH TRANSFORMER CONNECTIONS NEW UNDERGROUND CONDUITS TO RUN FROM H-FRAME TO UTILITY POLE ON WILLARD AVE. DRAWN BY: KC X (1) NEW 2" RIGID PVC SCH. 40 UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONDUIT W/(3) 3/0, (1) #4 AWG CU. THHN. FROM NEW T-MOBILE METER TO NEW PPC MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PLATFROM; 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. GHA X X C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. T DA 2-GANG METER BANKS; (1) METER SOCKET TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE X X X X X X X X X X X X X LI NOIS X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 ENLARGED ELECTRIC & FIBER PLAN (1) NEW 4" RIGID PVC SCH. 40 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT WITH RGC ELBOWS AND RISERS; FINAL ROUTE TO BE DETERMINED BY FIBER PROVIDER. GC TO PROVIDE PULL STRING. N W SE SCALE:3/8"=1'-0" (3/8"=2'-0" IF 11x17 SHEET SIZE) NW E ENLARGED ELECTRIC & FIBER PLAN E N 1 SW NEW UTILITY H-FRAME W/ FIBER BOX & W/ NEW T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/ MODULES FUTURE (2) NEW 1" RIGID CONDUITS (FOR FIBER & POWER) FROM NEW SSC TO MODULES MOUNTED GC TO ROUTE UNDER PLATFORM (2) NEW 1" RIGID CONDUITS FROM NEW T-MOBILE CIENA BOX TO NEW SITE SUPPORT CABINET: (1) FOR FIBER AND (1) FOR ELECTRIC; APPROXIMATE LENGTH= X X X X X X X OF X OVERHEAD ELECTRIC CONDUIT OVERHEAD FIBER CONDUIT X ELECTRIC CONDUIT 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT NEW T-MOBILE 8'-0" HIGH ICE BRIDGE X E OE ATC SERVICES, INC. X UE X FIBER OPTIC CABLE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONDUIT X FO X UF S FIBER ROUTE TO BE CONFIRMED WITH SERVICE PROVIDER AND ATC AND T-MOBILE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START E-1A EXISTING FIBER SPLICE E GC TO INSTALL NEW 15 AMP DISCONNECT BREAKER INSIDE PPC CABINET NEW ATC UTILITY H-FRAME FUTURE STEEL CUBE NEW W/ MODULES COVP NEW PPC (200A) NEW SSC 1'-6 1/4" NEW CIENA E NEW UAM LOOP MIN. 15' SLAG UP SERVICE POLE FOR UTILITY SERVICE CONNECT-ENCLOSE IN POLE PROTECTOR (TYP.) NEW P1000 UNISTRUTS PROVIDE HARDWARE AS REQUIRED. VERTICAL PIECES TO BE PLACED ON CIENA MOUNTING NEW FIBER PULL BOX NEW 48V DC BREAKER BOX W/ 1/4" SPRING NUTS & BOLTS PWR. (1) NEW 1" RMC ELECTRIC W/(3) #12 AWG WIRES & (1) #6 GRND WIRE FROM NEW SSC TO NEW CIENA DELIVERY SWITCH 15-FT RIGID SLEEVE ALONG EXISTING POLE (TYP.) CONDUIT AND WIRE SIZING TO BE PER NEC FOR 600A SERVICE. SERVICE ENTRANCE PER COMED EQUIPMENT RULES. UTILITY CONDUITS TO BE PARALLELED AND A MINIMUM OF SCH. 40 PVC UNDERGROUND WITH RGC ELBOWS AND RISERS. RISERS ON POLE TO BE 15-FT ABOVE GRADE W/COILED WIRE TAILS TO REACH TRANSFORMER CONNECTIONS (1) NEW 4" RIGID PVC SCH. 40 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT WITH RGC ELBOWS AND RISERS. FIBER CONDUIT TO BE ROUTED FROM EXISTING UTILITY POLE TO NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX ON NEW UTILITY H-FRAME; FINAL ROUTE TO BE DETERMINED BY FIBER PROVIDER. GC TO PROVIDE PULL STRING. UE UE UF UF NEW T-MOBILE 200AMP 22 KAIC BREAKER TO BE INSTALLED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR (2) 2-GANG METER BANKS; (1) METER SOCKET TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE UE E FO E E E FO UE UF (1) NEW 2" FLEXIBLE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FROM NEW SSC TO NEW COVP E E UF (1) NEW 1" RMC W/(1) CAT-6 CABLE FOR FIBER FROM NEW SSC TO NEW CIENA DELIVERY SWITCH (2) FUTURE 1" RIGID CONDUITS (FOR FIBER & POWER) FROM NEW SSC TO MODULES MOUNTED ON CUBE (1) NEW 2" FIBER PVC SCH 40 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT FROM NEW T-MOBILE CIENA BOX MOUNTED ON NEW PLATFORM HANDRAIL W/ UNISTRUTS TO NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX ON ATC H-FRAME FO ROUTING SHOWN IS BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS FROM VISUAL FIELD OBSERVATIONS OF EXISTING POLES & TRANSFORMERS. THESE PLANS MAY OR MAY NOT REFLECT AND/OR CONTAIN THE FINAL SCENARIO FOR POWER OR FIBER ROUTING. THE ELECTRICAL DESIGN SHOWN IS FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL TRANSFORMER MAY BE REQUIRED. LONGER LEAD TIMES MAY BE POSSIBLE. CONCORDIA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OR COMPLIANCE W/ POWER CODE. ELECTRICIAN IS REQUIRED TO CONFIRM COMPLIANCE OF SITE W/ LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE AND/OR NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODES. THE MOST RESTRICTIVE OF SUCH CODES SHALL GOVERN AND BE APPLICABLE. THE DESIGN SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION AND APPROVAL BY T-MOBILE & GC. GC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING FINAL SCENARIO & CODE COMPLIANCE & IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH T-MOBILE POWER COORDINATOR. GC SHALL BID ON THESE PLANS USING THE WORST CASE SCENARIO. ATTENTION GC: 1.) CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY FOR CONNECTION OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT POWER TO THE SITE. THE TEMPORARY POWER AND ALL HOOKUP COSTS TO BE PAID BY CONTRACTOR. 2.) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCAL UTILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR DEPTH, TYPE, SIZE & SEPARATION OF CONDUIT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION . NOTIFY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES 3.) CONTRACTOR TO CALL UTILITY LOCATE HOTLINE 48 HRS. PRIOR TO EXCAVATING FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS. SURROUNDING EXCAVATED AREA MUST BE PRIVATELY LOCATED FOR NONPUBLIC UTILITIES. 4.) ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE RGS 5.) ALL INTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE EMT 6.) GC TO FIREPROOF ALL PENETRATIONS 7.) GC TO WEATHERPROOF ALL EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 8.) GC SHALL MAINTAIN A MAXIMUM VOLTAGE DROP OF 3% 9.) GC SHALL COMPLY W/ ALL REQUIREMENTS OF BUILDING CODE, VOLUMES 1& 2, INCLUDING ELECTRICAL CODE. 10.) GC SHALL FURNISH & INSTALL ALL NECESSARY HARDWARE/ JUNCTION BOXES / STRAIN RELIEF EQUIPMENT AS NECESSARY PER BUILDING CODE & INSPECTOR. GC TO PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITY CONDUITS, ENCLOSURES & WIRES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 22" MAX. EXTENSION 20" O.C. (1) NEW 1-1/4" RMC FOR POWER (W/(3) #3 AWG WIRES FOR POWER AND (1) #8 GROUND WIRE) FROM NEW PPC CABINET TO NEW SSC NEW 1-5/8" GALV. STEEL STRUT, ATTACH TO INTERIOR WALL 2 FIBER CONDUIT SEE THIS SHEET FOR SIZE AIC: GROUND BAR: NEW 1-1/4" NON-METALLIC SEAL-TITE W/ CAT6A EXTENDED FROM END OF WHIP W/ CONNECTOR TAPED TO END YES BREAKER BREAKER BREAKER SERVICE USAGE PHASE A PHASE B USAGE SERVICE BREAKER BREAKER BREAKER AMPS POLES STATUS LOAD VA FACTOR VA VA FACTOR LOAD VA STATUS POLES AMPS LOAD DESCRIPTION --100 2 ON 4200 1.25 5250 0.00 0 N/A ----------ON 4200 1.25 5250 0.00 0 N/A ----15 500 1.00 500 0.00 0 --1 ON N/A ----------N/A 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 N/A ----------N/A 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 N/A ----------N/A 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 N/A ----------N/A 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 N/A ----------N/A 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 N/A ----------N/A 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 N/A ----------N/A 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 N/A ----0 0.00 0 0.00 0 ------N/A N/A ------20 1 ON 180 1.00 180 0.00 0 N/A ----5750 5430 VA TOTAL KVA 11.18 46.58 AMPS CKT 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 SERVICE EQUIPMENT NOTES: 1. SERVICE EQUIPMENT SHALL HAVE A SHORT CIRCUIT TO WITHSTAND RATING THAT IS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT AT THE SUPPLY TERMINAL. THE INSTALLATION SHALL BE FREE FROM ANY SHORT CIRCUITS AND GROUNDS. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE ANCHORED TO WITHSTAND 80 M.P.H. WIND SPEED, EXPOSURE C. 3. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LABELED WITH PERMANENT ENGRAVED PLASTIC LABELS. 4. PATCH, REPAIR AND PAINT ANY AREA THAT HAS BEEN DAMAGED IN THE COURSE OF ELECTRICAL WORK. CONDUCTOR NOTES: 1. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER 2. ALL WIRING SHALL BE COPPER WITH THHN/THWN DUAL RATED 600 VOLTS INSULATION. 3. CONDUCTORS SHALL BE 12 AWG MINIMUM UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SOLID TINNED COPPER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONDUIT MATERIAL SCHEDULE: NEW 1-1/4" STRAIGHT NON-METALLIC SEAL-TITE CONNECTOR PART# LQA1125 CONDUIT NOTES: 1. HWGC SHALL BE USED WHEN INSTALLED IN OR UNDER CONCRETE SLABS, IN CONTACT WITH EARTH, OR EXPOSED ABOVE GRADE. 2. EMT SHALL BE USED ONLY FOR INTERIORS RUNS AND SHALL HAVE COMPRESSION TYPE FITTINGS. 3. SEAL TIGHT, FLEXIBLE CONDUIT MAY BE USED WHERE CODE PERMITS. ALL CONDUIT SHALL HAVE FULL SIZE EQUIPMENT GROUND WIRE. 4. PVC SHALL BE SCH 40 5. SERVICE CONDUITS SHALL HAVE NO MORE THAN (3) -90° BENDS IN ANY SINGLE RUN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PULL BOXES AS NEEDED WHERE CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS EXCEED THESE CONDITIONS. 6. SERVICE CONDUIT SHALL BE AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 42". 7. ALL COAX, POWER AND TELEPHONE SYSTEM CONDUIT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 36" RADIUS SWEEPS TO EQUIPMENT, PULL BOXES, MONOPOLE, ETC., UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, OR AS REQUIRED BY UTILITY COMPANIES. 8. ELECTRICAL CONDUITS SHALL TRANSITION TO SEALTIGHT AT SSC BASE ENTRY TO PREVENT WIRING CONTACT WITH CONCRETE AND SHARP CABINET EDGES. GC TO CAP & SEAL ALL FUTURE CONDUITS. ALL MATERIALS FURNISHED & 1. PROVIDE POWER AND TELEPHONE TO SERVICE POINTS PER INSTALLED BY GC UTILITY COMPANY REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT UTILITY SERVICE PLANNERS AND OBTAIN ALL SERVICE 9. ROUTE RGS SCH. 40 CONDUIT BELOW GRADE REQUIREMENTS AND INCLUDE COSTS FOR SUCH IN HIS BID. FROM THE PPC TO THE TO THE DISCONNECT -- ALL 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY FOR CONDUITS BELOW PAVED SURFACED SHALL BE CONNECTION OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT POWER TO HE SCH. 80. ALL EXPOSED EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL SITE. THE TEMPORARY POWER AND ALL HOOKUP COSTS TO BE BE RGS SCH. 40 AND INTERIOR CONDUITS (I.E. PAID BY CONTRACTOR. ROOFTOPS) MAY BE SUBSTITUTED BY EMT. UTILITY COORDINATION NOTES: 3. PROVIDE DAILY UPDATES TO PM UNTIL FINAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE IS EFFECTED. NOTES: 1. ALL CONDUITS & CONDUCTORS FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. SEE SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR UTILITY CONDUITS & CONDUCTOR SIZES. 3. ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS AND CONNECTIONS TO BE VERIFIED WITH T-MOBILE REPRESENTATIVE. 4. BELLOW GRADE CONDUITS FROM PPC-CABINET TO BE RGS FROM ELBOW TO STUB-UP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ALL CONDUIT RUNS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING : 1.) ALL ABOVE GRADE, EXTERIOR CONDUITS SHALL BE RGS. 2.) ALL BELOW GRADE HORIZONTAL CONDUITS SHALL BE PVC 3.) ALL BELOW GRADE 3" Ø & 45" BENDS SHALL BE STEEL W/THREADED CONNECTIONS. 4.) ALL BELOW GRADE TO ABOVE GRADE RISERS SHALL BE STEEL W/THREADED CONNECTIONS. 5.) SEAL TIGHT FLEXIBLE CONDUIT MAY BE USED WHERE CODE PERMITS. FIXED NEW 8"x8"x4" JUNCTION BOX W/ 3/8" SPRING NUTS AND BOLTS 1.) IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WITH THE PROPERTY OWNER & NECESSARY UTILITY COMPANIES FOR THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING BELOW GRADE UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH EXISTING BELOW GRADE UTILITIES. 2.) CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH UTILITY COMPANY FOR CONNECTION OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT POWER TO THE SITE. THE TEMPORARY POWER AND ALL HOOKUP COSTS TO BE PAID BY CONTRACTOR. 3.) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCAL UTILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR DEPTH, SIZE & SEPARATION OF CONDUIT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION . NOTIFY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES 4.) CONTRACTOR TO CALL J.U.L.I.E. (800) 892-0123 48 HRS. PRIOR TO EXCAVATING FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS. SURROUNDING EXCAVATED AREA MUST BE PRIVATELY LOCATED FOR NONPUBLIC UTILITIES. 15A GFI RECEPTACLE GENERATOR RECEPTACLE NOTES: GROUND PORT FLOAT (DOOR REMOVED) AC CABINET FIXED NEW MAXCELL PULL SLEEVE CONDUIT FOR FIBER TO CIENA, 4' FIRE HOSE COILED AND ZIPTIED, CLEARLY NOTED AAV FO FO 3 CIENA DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. REMOVABLE HINGED DEAD FRONT o1.875 OUTER KNOCKOUT E FLOAT MAIN DISCONNECTS (UTILITY/ GENERATOR) WITH MECHANICAL INTERBLOCK TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSION o1.375 INNER KNOCKOUT (2X) 24 OR 30 POSITION LOAD CENTER 1.38 2X 3.00 TYP. 4 PPC CABINET DETAILS SCALE: N.T.S. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS NEW UAM FIXED JOINT UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. 12" 24" YES YES 3 22,000 NEW PLASTIC CAP ON EACH SIDE (TYP. ALL STRUTS) 12" N TO GROUND BOND: INTERNAL TVSS: WIRE: 12" 1 200 AMPS YES 11" LOAD DESCRIPTION SITE SUPPORT CABINET --SERVICE LIGHT ----------------GFCI OUTLET NEW T.B.D. PHASE: BUSS RATING NEUTRAL BAR: C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. NEW 1-1/4" NON-METALLIC 10" LONG WHIP W/ 5' OF (1) EA. BLUE #12 AWG STRANDED WIRE & (1) EA. BLACK #12 AWG STRANDED AND (1) EA. GREEN #6 AWG STRANDED EXTENDED FROM END OF WHIP W/ CONNECTOR TAPED TO END NEW 48V DC BREAKER BOX W/ 1/4" SPRING NUTS & BOLTS UNISTRUT FOR CONDUIT SUPPORT, ATTACHED TO INTERIOR WALL; ADJUST STRUT IN FIELD IF NECESSARY A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 30.00 12" CKT 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 PANEL BOARD SCHEDULE PANEL STATUS: MODEL NUMBER: 2.38 4" ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 240V/120 200 AMP H-FRAME NEMA 3R T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 T DA 1'-0" SAND NSD VOLTAGE: MAIN BREAKER: MOUNT: ENCLOSURE TYPE: 3.00 3.00 3'-6" MIN. 6" WIDE UTILITY WARNING TAPE (8" TO 12" BELOW GRADE) ENTIRE LENGTH OF TRENCH T-MOBILE PROJECT NAME: 1.37 FINISHED GRADE SCALE: N.T.S. 29.55 NATIVE SOIL, COMPACTED AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT NEW CIENA CN 3911 SERVICE DELIVERY SWITCH, APPROX. 25 LBS 6.33 1 RESTORE SURFACE COURSE AND BASE COURSE MATERIAL ORIGINAL CONDITION T Mobile FIXED (1) #4 AWG CU. THHN WIRES FROM PPC TO T-MOBILE METER UTILITY RISER DIAGRAM 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 16" CIENA (1) NEW 2" RIGID PVC SCH 40 FIBER SOURCE AND ROUTE TO BE DETERMINED UPON COORDINATION W/ UTILITY PROVIDER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START ATC SERVICES, INC. GHA NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX NOTES ON FIBER & POWER COORDINATION (1) NEW 3/4" DIA. RGS CONDUIT (PVC SCH. 40 UNDERGROUND) W/(2) #12 AWG & (1) #12 AWG GROUND WIRES FOR LIGHT 2'-3 1/4" NEW TRANSFORMER (BY COMED) NEW 26 WATT LED FLOOD LIGHT NEW T-MOBILE 200 AMP METER TO BE INSTALLED IN METER SOCKET TOP LEFT METER TO BE LABELED T-MOBILE, REMAINING POSITIONS: B, C, D E EXISTING COMED UTILITY POLE 14.00 10.00 UTILITY DETAILS E-2 KNOCKOUTS TYP 15X REAR VIEW L I E TOLL JU 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX 23 ALL ABOVE GRADE CONDUIT SHALL BE RIGID STEEL. CONSULT WITH LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODE. 1 1 T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 NEW 600A 120/240V 1Ø 3W (2) 2-GANG METER BANKS; (1) METER SOCKET TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE UTILITY RACK PLAN VIEW DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. TOP LEFT METER TO BE LABELED T-MOBILE, REMAINING POSITIONS: B, C, D 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 8'-0" DISC. NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX UNISTRUT (TYP.) CONDUIT TO T-MOBILE CIENA CONDUIT FROM FIBER SOURCE NEW 12" DIA. CONCRETE SUPPORT PIERS W/42" MIN. DEPTH BELOW GRADE UTILITY RACK ELEVATION DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. 3 A N M . SA ZW 062-061844 LI NOIS 3'-6" MIN. OR FROST LINE FINISHED GRADE 12" 2 APPROVED BY: GMS IL 3" CLEARANCE 12" CHECKED BY: RH LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF 2" CONDUIT TO T-MOBILE PPC GC TO INSTALL ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ABOVE FPE; SEE SHEET LS-3 DETAIL 4 FOR INFO CHECKED BY: GMS T DA NEW FIBER DEMARCATION BOX DRAWN BY: KC GHA NEW 600A 120/240V 1Ø 3W (2) 2-GANG METER BANKS; (1) METER SOCKET TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE T-MOBILE METER (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. 3"Ø GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE SCH. 40 NEW 600A 120/240V 1Ø 3W (2) 2-GANG METER BANKS; (1) METER SOCKET TO BE UTILIZED BY T-MOBILE; ELECTRICAL CONTACTOR TO INSTALL 200AMP CB 22 KAIC 3'-0" 3" CLEARANCE 8 - 8 92 - 0 ATC SERVICES, INC. NOTE: 3'-6" MAX OR FROST LINE 1- 00 EE FR CAL L NOTE: 1.) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCAL UTILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR DEPTH, SIZE & SEPARATION OF CONDUITS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. NOTIFY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2.) CONTRACTOR TO CALL UTILITY LOCATES 48 HRS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS. LOCATION SURROUNDING EXCAVATED AREA MUST BE PRIVATELY LOCATED FOR NON-PUBLIC UTILITIES. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 ATC UTILITY H-FRAME DETAILS UTILITY RACK ELEVATION DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. E-3 KEY NOTES: 1 GROUND RING, #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER WIRE BURRIED 30" BELOW GRADE (TYP.) 2 5/8" Ø X 10' COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW CIENA TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 16 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW TOP COVP TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM PPC CABINET TO GROUND RING 11A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW CIENA TO NEW GROUND RING 17 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW ANTENNA PIPE TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 12 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW MODULE PLINTH TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 18 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM METER SOCKET TO ISOLATED GROUND ROD #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/MODULES TO GROUND RING 13 #2 AWG GREEN JACKETED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW MASTER GROUND BAR TO EXISTING SITE WATER MAIN 19 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SSC TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 14 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SECTOR 19A GROUND BAR TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW GPS ANTENNA TO GROUND RING 9A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW SSC TO GROUND RING 15 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW BOTTOM COVP TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 20 EXISTING GROUND RING 10 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SUB-METER TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 15A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW BOTTOM COVP TO GROUND RING 21 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM HYBRID CABLE & MICROWAVE COAX CABLE TO MASTER GROUND BAR 21A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM HYBRID CABLE TO GROUND RING 22 NEW TOWER GROUND RING 23 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW CABLE LADDER TO MASTER GROUND BAR 24 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW ALARM BOX TO MASTER GROUND BAR 24A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW ALARM BOX TO GROUND RING 25 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM ICE BRIDGE TO ICE BRIDGE POST 26 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM UTILITY POST TO GROUND RING (USE CADWELD CONNECTION) 27 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM GROUND RING TO FENCE POST 27A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM GROUND RING TO ICE BRIDGE POST 28 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM FIBER JUNCTION BOX GROUND BAR TO GROUND RING 29 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW SYSTEM MODULE PLINTH TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 30 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM UPPER TOWER GROUND BAR TO LOWER TOWER GROUND BAR 31 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SSC PLINTH TO MASTER GROUND BAR 32 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM MASTER GROUND BAR TO GROUND RING DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS 33 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW LIGHT TO GROUND RING CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS 27A (TYP.) 34 #2 AGW SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM STEEL PLATFORM TO GROUND RING 25 (TYP.) 34A #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW STEEL PLATFORM TO MASTER GROUND BAR 7A 5 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE BOND DIRECTLY TO TOWER 6 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW MICROWAVE DISH TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 8 8A LOWER TOWER COPPER GROUND BAR X X X X 9 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/MODULES TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR X X X X X X X X 27 (TYP.) X X 4B (TYP.) (TYP.) 5 X X 4A X X X X 22 ATC SERVICES, INC. #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW GPS ANTENNA TO MASTER GROUND BAR 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT T Mobile T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. X X X 1 (TYP.) #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SUB-METER TO EXISTING SITE WATER MAIN X X 21 SYMBOLS LEGEND: X X 8 11 32 (TYP.) 7 GROUND ROD X 19A X 33 24 X 15 4 29 34 (TYP.) 9 X X (TYP.) 26 FUTURE CONNECTION (10 FT.) EXOTHERMIC WELD CONNECTION MECHANICAL CONNECTION X X X X X X X X SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" (3/8" = 2'-0" IF 11 X 17 SHEET SIZE) X X X NOTE: GROUND BUSS BAR: GC TO INSTALL COPPER GROUND BUSS BAR AT THE END OF THE ICE BRIDGE AT A LOCATION ADJACENT TO THE SSC CABINET. BUSS BAR SHALL BE CONNECTED TO GROUND RING WITH TW #2 AWG SOLID TINNED COPPER LEADS. ALL EXPOSED GROUND LEADS SHALL BE ENCASED IN 1/2" FLEXIBLE SEAL TIGHT CONDUIT AND SEALED W/ SILICONE AT EACH END. ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 SITE GROUNDING PLAN X EG-1 N W N E SITE GROUNDING PLAN X E N 1 X W X SW X LI NOIS GROUND WIRE (BELOW GRADE) (TYP.) 18 X IL GROUND WIRE (ABOVE GRADE) SPARE GROUND WIRE FOR BOND DIRECTLY TO TOWER X LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF GROUND BAR X 31 28 GROUND TEST WELL A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA 35 GHA X 2 (TYP.) S SE 4A 11 X MASTER GROUND BAR #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM PPC CABINET TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 7 X SECTOR GROUND BAR (TYP. OF 1 PER SECTOR) 4 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM LOWER TOWER GROUND BAR TO GROUND RING (2 REQUIRED) X 3 4B GROUNDING NOTES SECTOR A SECTOR B SECTOR C 1.) UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITY LENGTHS TO BE DETERMINED FROM SITE PLAN. 2.) SEE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 16000 FOR ALL ELECTRICAL AND GROUNDING INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 3.) FOR ORIENTATION OF SITE LAYOUT SEE SITE PLAN, DRAWING. ATC SERVICES, INC. 4.) UDA CABINET FURNISHED BY OWNER AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT 5.) GROUND KITS PROVIDED BY OWNER SHALL BE RETROFITTED TO ACCOMMODATE 2 HOLE LUG CONNECTION AND APPROPRIATE LENGTH. 6.) CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE OWNER CERTIFICATION OF RESISTIVITY TESTING. T Mobile 7.) GROUND RODS TO BE INSTALLED AT 10' CENTERS. 8.) ALL GROUND LEADS TO BE SLEEVED IN 3 4"Ø SCHEDULE 40 PVC CONDUIT AND SEALED W/ SILICON. T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 9.) GROUND BARS SUPPLIED BY OWNER AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 10.) ALL BENDS IN GROUNDING SYSTEM MUST BE SMOOTH AND WELL ROUNDED AND MAINTAIN BENDING FXFC (TYP.) 17 RADIUS. FRIG FXFC FRIG FRIG 11.) SEE SITE PLAN FOR COAXIAL ROUTING THIS SHEET IS INTENDED FOR GROUNDING CLARITY ONLY AND IS SCHEMATIC IN DETAIL. 3 3 12.) GROUND KITS SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN 8"-18" OF ALL CONNECTORS. 13.) TOWER FOUNDATION DESIGN BY OWNER, INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 14.) ADDITIONAL GROUND KITS TO BE PLACED AT 100' WHEN ANTENNA CENTERLINE IS 200' OR ABOVE. 15.) ALL CONDUITS TO BE SEALED W/ SILICONE TO PROVIDE A WATER TIGHT SEAL. 20 EXISTING GROUND RING NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR (TYP.) NEW GROUND WIRE (TYP.) GROUND RING, #2 SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER WIRE CONSTRUCT RING FROM ONE CONTINUOUS PIECE. 21 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM HYBRID CABLE 2 5/8" Ø X 10' COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD 21A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM HYBRID CABLE TO GROUND RING 3 SECTOR GROUND BAR (TYP. OF 1 PER SECTOR) 22 NEW TOWER GROUND RING 4 MASTER GROUND BAR 23 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW CABLE LADDER TO MASTER GROUND BAR 24 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW ALARM BOX TO MASTER GROUND BAR LOWER TOWER COPPER GROUND BAR #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE BOND DIRECTLY TO TOWER 25 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM ICE BRIDGE TO ICE BRIDGE POST 6 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW MICROWAVE DISH TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 26 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM UTILITY H-FRAME POST TO GROUND RING 7 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM PPC CABINET TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 27 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM GROUND RING TO FENCE POST #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM PPC CABINET TO GROUND RING 27A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM GROUND RING TO ICE BRIDGE POST #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/MODULES TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 28 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM FIBER BOX TO GROUND RING #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/MODULES TO GROUND RING 29 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW SYSTEM MODULE PLINTH TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SSC TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 30 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM UPPER TOWER GROUND BAR TO LOWER TOWER GROUND BAR 9A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW SSC TO GROUND RING 31 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SSC PLINTH TO MASTER GROUND BAR 10 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SUB-METER TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 32 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM MASTER GROUND BAR TO GROUND RING 33 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW LIGHT TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 8A 9 11 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW CIENA TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 11A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW CIENA TO NEW GROUND RING 12 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW ALARM BOX TO GROUND RING 33A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW LIGHT TO GROUND RING #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW MODULE PLINTH TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 34 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM STEEL PLATFORM TO GROUND RING 13 #2 AWG GREEN JACKETED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW MASTER GROUND BAR TO EXISTING SITE WATER MAIN 34A #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW PLATFORM TO MASTER GROUND BAR 14 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 35 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SUB-METER TO EXISTING SITE WATER MAIN 14A #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 15 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW BOTTOM COVP TO NEW MASTER GROUND BAR 15A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE CU GROUND WIRE FROM NEW BOTTOM COVP TO GROUND RING 16 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW TOP COVP TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 17 #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW ANTENNA PIPE TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR 18 19 19A #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM METER SOCKET TO ISOLATED GROUND ROD #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM NEW GPS ANTENNA TO GROUND RING #6 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND CU WIRE FROM NEW GPS ANTENNA TO MASTER GROUND BAR 36 #2 AWG GREEN STRANDED GROUND WIRE FROM NEW UPPER COLLECTION GROUND BAR TO MASTER GROUND BAR 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 30 8 4B 15 9 11 29 4-GANG MULTIMETER BANK ALARM BOX 31 24 22 (TYP.) 5 GPS ANTENNA 19A UTILITY H-FRAME POST (TYP.) FUTURE STEEL CUBE W/MODULES FIBER DEMARCATION BOX PPC (TYP.) 25 TO STEEL PLATFORM 34 (TYP.) (TYP.) 26 28 27A (TYP.) NEW SSC ON PLINTH W/ PROPOSED MODULES FINISHED GRADE 1 DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS ICE BRIDGE (TYP.) 32 (TYP.) BOTTOM COVP CIENA 18 (TYP.) (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. 4A A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA 5 8 NEW MASTER GROUND BAR MOUNTED ON NEW T-MOBILE PLATFORM 7 24A 7A TO LOWER TOWER GROUND BAR 4 #2 AWG SOLID, TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM LOWER TOWER GROUND BAR TO GROUND RING (2 REQUIRED) 4B 16 NEW TOWER 1 4A 14 ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. GHA KEY NOTES: NEW GROUND WIRE FROM NEW RF MODULE TO NEW SECTOR GROUND BAR (TYP. ALL MODULES) 3 C TOP COVP 12 (TYP.) NEW ANTENNA PIPE GROUND WIRE (TYP. ALL PIPE MOUNTS) CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS 2 (TYP.) GROUND RING GROUND ROD (TYP.) 1 NEW SITE GROUNDING DIAGRAM SYMBOLS LEGEND: SCALE: N.T.S. GROUND TEST WELL GROUND ROD GROUND WIRE (BELOW GRADE) ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 GROUND WIRE (ABOVE GRADE) SPARE GROUND WIRE FOR FUTURE CONNECTION (10 FT.) GROUND BAR NEW SITE GROUNDING DIAGRAM EXOTHERMIC WELD CONNECTION MECHANICAL CONNECTION BOND DIRECTLY TO TOWER EG-1A BURNDY CONNECTIONS 20.000 OR APPROVED EQUAL 0.000 CADWELD CONNECTIONS OR APPROVED EQUAL LOWER TOWER BUSS 0.000 PARALLEL HORIZONTAL CONDUCTORS PARALLEL THROUGH CONNECTION OF HORIZONTAL CABLES TYPE PT HORIZONTAL STEEL SURFACE TO FLAT STEEL SURFACE OR HORIZONTAL PIPE TYPE HS "UL" GROUND BAR LABEL PROPERTY OF T-MOBILE DO NOT RECYCLE "C" CONNECTOR HYPRESS 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT 4.000 TYPE YGHC Ø 0.437 (44) Ø 0.437 x 0.687 SLOT (42) TINNED BAR 1.000 1/5 IN HIGH STAMPING TO READ: PROPERTY OF T-MOBILE DO NOT RECYCLE 1.500 THROUGH CABLE TO TOP OF GROUND ROD TYPE GT VERTICAL STEEL SURFACE CABLE DOWN AT 45° TO VERTICAL STEEL SURFACE INCLUDING PIPE TYPE VS NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO PURCHASE BOTTOM GROUND BARS FROM PRIMUS AND MUST BE TINNED WITH T-MOBILE STAMP AND TAMPER PROOF HARDWARE R4150A4 TYPE 2-YA-2 2 SPLICE OF HORIZONTAL CABLES CABLE DOWN AT 45° TO RANGE OF VERTICAL PIPES TYPE VS C SCALE: NTS 2 HOLE LUG TWO HOLE - LONG BARREL LENGTH INSTALLATION NOTES: TYPE YA-2 1/4-20 HEX BOLT #6 GRN 1. SELECT BOLT LENGTH TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF TWO EXPOSED THREADS. CADWELD DETAILS 1/4" FLAT WASHER 2. BURNISH MOUNTING SURFACE TO REMOVE PAINT IN THE AREA OF LUG CONTACT. SCALE: NTS 3. APPLY ANTI-OXIDANT COMPOUND TO MATING SURFACE OF LUG AND WIPE CLEAN EXCESS COMPOUND. 1" 2" 2" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 2" 2" 1" PRIMARY GROUND BAR/ METAL ENCLOSURE 1/2" 0.4" DIA (50 TYP) SCALE: N.T.S. 11/16" DIA (2 TYP) 0.815" 1" 9/16" DIA (8 TYP) 6 1/2" NEUTRAL GROUND OCCURS AT DISCONNECT 24" 3A LOWER TOWER GROUND BAR 3 SCALE: NTS POWER NEUTRAL TERMINAL GROUND BAR DETAIL CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS MECHANICAL GROUND CONNECTION 7/8" UPPER TOWER BUSS DRAWN BY: KC A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA 4 1 1/8" 1 1/8" 1/4" EXT. TOOTH LOCKWASHER 1/4-20 HEX NUT 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. GHA 4. USE SOLID COPPER WIRE AND MECHANICAL 2-HOLE LUG FOR ALL EXTERIOR GROUNDING. CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. GROUND BAR ASSEMBLY COPPER LUGS 4" 1 VERTICAL PIPE T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 BOND JUMPER FIELD FABRICATED GREEN STRANDED INSULATED WBKT1 HORIZONTAL SPLICE T Mobile SBSS65S TAMPER RESISTANT SBSS64S TAMPER RESISTANT THROUGH CABLE TO GROUND ROD ATC SERVICES, INC. LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS SCALE: NTS GROUNDED (NEUTRAL) ENTRANCE CONDUCTOR GROUNDING STRIP SUPPLIED SERVICE ENTRANCE RACEWAY (TOP OR BOTTOM FEED) SHALL BE A NEMA 3R ENCLOSURE IF BOLTED HUB OR SELF BONDING HUB IS USED BOND JUMPER IS NOT REQUIRED (TYP.) TO GROUND BUSS AT SSC EQUIPMENT METER SOCKET AND MAIN DISCONNECT ENCLOSURE POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER NOTES NEUTRAL LAY IN LUG SHALL BE INSULATED FROM ENCLOSURE 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL LABEL CIRCUIT BREAKERS W/ PERMANENT ENGRAVED PLASTIC LABELS NOTING FUNCTION OF BREAKER. MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT NEUTRAL BUS 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE MISSING COMPARTMENT ACCESS COVER SCREWS LOST DURING INSTALLATION. GROUND BUS TO ELECTRICAL ISOLATED GROUND ROD 3B PRIMARY BUSS BAR SCALE: NTS 5 BOND NEUTRAL AND GROUND BUS AT SERVICE DISCONNECT SERVICE ENTRANCE GROUNDING SCALE: NTS ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE ENCLOSURE IS RODENT-PROOF AFTER INSTALLATION OF CABINET & CONDUITS. 6 POWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL GROUNDING SCALE: NTS GROUNDING DETAILS EG-2 EXOTHERMIC WELD (THERMOWELD OR EQUIVALENT). PARALLEL, NO T-WELDS ALLOWED. NO SLAG OR DEFORMITIES ALLOWED D E R GR AD E IU ES S M (T IN YP . B IC EN AL D ) IN G EXTERIOR GROUND RING #2 SOLID, BARE, TINNED COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 2" ATC SERVICES, INC. S/S NUT 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT S/S BELLEVILLE WASHER S/S FLAT WASHER 45 1" LEGEND COPPER BUSS S/S FLAT WASHER 1- GROUND BUSS BAR, 1/4"X 4"X 24", CONFIRM w/T-MOBILE PROJECT MANAGER THE APPROVED BUSS MFR. HOLE CENTERS TO MATCH NEMA DOUBLE LUG CONFIGURATION 2- INSULATORS, CONFIRM THE APPROVED BUSS MFR. w/T-MOBILE 3- 5/8" LOCKWASHERS, CONFIRM w/T-MOBILE THE APPROVED BUSS MFR. (NEWTON INSTRUMENT CO. CAT. NO. 3015-8 OR EQUIVALENT) 4- WALL MOUNTING BRACKET, NEWTON INSTRUMENT CO. CAT NO. A-6056 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT (CONFIRM w/T-MOBILE THE APPROVED BUSS MFR.) 5- 5/8-11 X 1" H.H.C.S. BOLTS, NEWTON INSTRUMENT CO. CAT NO. 3012-1 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT (CONFIRM w/T-MOBILE THE APPROVED BUSS MFR.) S/S BOLT (1 OF 2) GROUNDING - STANDARD GROUND BAR DETAIL 2 SCALE: NTS TIE CONNECTION 3 SCALE: NTS STANDARD LUG CONNECTION OF GROUND LEADS TO GROUND BAR DETAIL SCALE: NTS C CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. FINISHED GRADE 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. SUBGRADE 42" MIN. 15° MAX 5/8" X 10' COPPER CLAD STEEL GROUND ROD #6 AWG FROM ANTENNA CABLE GROUND KIT 4 CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS 5 LIGHTNING ROD CONNECTION SCALE: NTS GROUND ROD DETAIL SCALE: NTS A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 T DA #2 SOLID, BARE, TINNED COPPER GROUND RING DRAWN BY: KC GHA 1 T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 NOTES: 1. ALL HARDWARE 18-8 STAINLESS STEEL INCLUDING BELLEVILLES. COAT ALL SURFACES WITH KOPRSHIELD BEFORE MATING. 2. FOR GROUND BOND TO STEEL ONLY: INSERT A DRAGON TOOTH WASHER BETWEEN LUG AND STEEL. COAT ALL SURFACES WITH KOPR-SHEILD. JUMPER, #2 SOLID, BARE, TINNED COPPER GROUNDING CONDUCTOR ALTERNATE EQUALS-COMSCOPE, 1/4"X 4"X 14" BUS BAR W/INSULATED HARDWARE-#GB0414IT (CONFIRM w/T-MOBILE THE APPROVED BUSS MFR.) T Mobile LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF IL LI NOIS GROUND TINNED BAR ON MONOPOLE #6 AWG STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE (GROUNDED TO GROUND BAR) (STANDARD ANDREW GROUNDING KIT) CABLE GROUND KIT WEATHERPROOFING KIT ANDREW #221213 ANTENNA CABLE NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO PURCHASE BOTTOM GROUND BARS FROM PRIMUS AND MUST BE TINNED WITH T-MOBILE STAMP AND TAMPER PROOF HARDWARE 2 1/2" DIA. MAX. GROUND BAR DETAIL SCALE: NTS GROUNDING DETAILS NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL CABLE GROUND KIT AT A BEND AND ALWAYS DIRECT GROUND WIRE DOWN TO GROUND BAR. CAD WELD 6 ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 7 STANDARD CONNECTION OF CABLE GROUND KIT TO ANTENNA CABLE SCALE: NTS EG-3 1/ 4" M 3'-0" IN . 1 21" x 1 21" x 41" x 7'-6" LONG STEEL ANGLE T Mobile US A TM THIS IS A T-MOBILE USA FACILITY THAT IS CURRENTLY EMERGENCY CONTACTS __________________________________ POLICE/FIRE PHONE # __________________________________ T-MOBILE NETWORK OPERATIONS (1 - 800 - __________________________________ CONTACT PERSON NAMES O F O N-SITE STAFF __________________________________ CONTACT PHONE # - ) __________________________________ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: __________________________________ T-MOBILE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR LICENSE # __________________________________ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER __________________________________ CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ POINT OF CONTACT NAME __________________________________ CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ CREW LEADER PHONE # __________________________________ NAMES O F O N-SITE STAFF __________________________________ ANTENNA & LINE CREW CO: __________________________________ CLIMBING CERTIFICATION# __________________________________ POINT OF CONTACT NAME __________________________________ CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ CREW LEADER PHONE # __________________________________ NAMES O F O N-SITE STAFF __________________________________ PHONE # LOCAL ELECTRIC COMPANY _________________ ON-SITE CHECKLIST T Mobile ENGINEER: _________________ PHONE # _________________ AVAILABLE: YES NO N/A PERMITTED DRAWINGS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ELECTRICAL PERMIT CLIMBING CERTIFICATIONS CITY INSPECTION STICKERS IMPORTANT!!!: GC Shall Post this Mandatory Sign on the SITE INFORMATION BOARD along with the materials from the above noted checklist in a Visible Area On-Site T Mobile 7'-6" Get more from life LOCAL TELCO ENGINEER: _________________ 8505 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 135 IRVING, TX 75063 NYSE AMT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS SHALL BE POSTED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTING FIRM THAT HAS BEEN AWARDED THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SITE FAILURE TO POST THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTES A VIOLATION OF THE MASTER SCOPE OF WORK AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR & T-MOBILE NEW MANDATORY SIGNAGE TO BE POSTED -- SEE DETAIL 3 THIS SHEET __________________________________ __________________________________ ATC SERVICES, INC. UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! THIS IS A T-MOBILE US A FACILITY THAT IS CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! THE F OLLOWING I NFORMATION I S S HALL B E P OSTED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTING FIRM THAT HAS BEEN AWARDED TH E CO NSTRUCTION OF TH IS SITE FA ILURE TO POST TH IS INFORMATION CONSTITUTES A VI OLATION OF T HE M ASTER SC OPE OF W ORK AGR EEMENT BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR & T-MOBILE __________________________________ CONTRACTOR LICENSE # POINT OF CONTACT NAME CONTACT PHONE # GENERAL CONTRACTOR: USA TM NEW 3" DIA. PVC CONDUIT SEALED ON ONE END AND CAPPED ON THE OTHER END -- TO BE UTILIZED AS A HOLDER FOR: 1) PLANS 2) PERMITS 3) INSPECTION PAPERS 4) CLIMBING CERTIFICATIONS; 5) ANY OTHER ITEMS REQUIRED T-MOBILE'S MASTER SCOPE OF WORK AGRMNT. 6" (OVERSIZED) ELECTRIC CONDUIT CLAMP (MAY BE GALV OR EMT) -- TO BE USED FOR SECURING THE PVC CONDUIT DOWN 2'-6" MIN 1/2" DIA. BOLTS w/NUTS WASHERS AND LOCK WASHERS ON BOTH SIDES TO SECURE SIGN TO POST NOTE A: IN CASE OF COLLOCATIONS OR ROOFTOPS, PLACEMENT OF A NEW SUPPORT POST MAY BE IGNORED IN LIEU OF PLACING THE 3'-0" x 3'-0" INFORMATION BOARD ON A LANDLORD-APPROVED LOCATION THAT IS VISIBLE (SUCH AS FENCE GATE OF FENCE OR APPROVED WINDOWS) FINISHED GRADE SITE NUMBER: SITE NAME GENERAL CONTRACTOR: __________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACTS CONTRACTOR LICENSE # __________________________________ POLICE/FIRE PHONE # POINT OF CONTACT NAME __________________________________ T-MOBILE CONSTRUCTION CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER NAMES OF ON-SITE STAFF __________________________________ CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ PROJECT MANAGER __________________________________ CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: __________________________________ __________________________________ CONTRACTOR LICENSE # __________________________________ POINT OF CONTACT NAME __________________________________ CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ ENGINEER: _________________ CREW LEADER PHONE # __________________________________ PHONE # ANTENNA & LINE CREW CO: __________________________________ T-MOBILE NETWORK OPERATIONS (1 - 800 LOCAL TELCO ON-SITE CHECKLIST __________________________________ POINT OF CONTACT NAME __________________________________ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT CONTACT PHONE # __________________________________ ELECTRICAL PERMIT CREW LEADER PHONE # __________________________________ CLIMBING CERTIFICATIONS NAMES OF ON-SITE STAFF __________________________________ CITY INSPECTION STICKERS Get more from life PHONE # 2'-0" MIN. NO 1 SCALE: N.T.S. 3'-0" 1 21" x 1 21" x 41" x 7'-6" LONG STEEL ANGLE MIN 1/2" DIA. BOLTS w/NUTS WASHERS AND LOCK WASHERS ON BOTH SIDES TO SECURE SIGN TO POST NEW 3" DIA. PVC CONDUIT (TO BE USED AS A WEATHER PROOF HOLDER) NEW 3'-0" W X 3'-0" W X 0'-1/4" THICK WEATHER-TREATED PLY WOOD BACKBOARD FOR SIGNAGE 1 21" x 1 21" x 41" x 7'-6" LONG STEEL ANGLE 2 SITE INFORMATION POST & BOARD (PLAN VIEW) SCALE: N.T.S. !ATTENTION GC! 1- APPROVE LOCATION OF SIGN WITH T-MOBILE PROJECT MANAGER AND LANDLORD REP. SIGN SHALL NOT BE POSE A TRIPPING HAZARD. GC SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SIGN BOARD UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF THE QA WALK 2- MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS FOR ALL MATERIALS THAT ARE FURNISHED BY GC SHALL BE PLACED ON SITE. 4 T ON-SITE MANDATORY INFORMATION SIGN / BOARD SCALE: N.T.S. (C) Concordia 2001-2015, Copyright Notice: These Documents/Drawings Are Produced by and Are Therefore The Intellectual Property of Concordia Group Of Companies. Do Not Copy, Reproduce, Reverse-Engineer or Replicate Any Parts of These Documents In any Manner Without Obtaining Written Consent From The Concordia Group. DATE 1.) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCAL UTILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR DEPTH, SIZE & SEPARATION OF CONDUITS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. NOTIFY CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 2.) CONTRACTOR TO CALL UTILITY LOCATES 48 HRS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS. LOCATION SURROUNDING EXCAVATED AREA MUST BE PRIVATELY LOCATED FOR NON-PUBLIC UTILITIES. ADDITIONAL NOTES AND GUIDELINES Mobile 361 RANDY ROAD UNIT 101 CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 MAIN: (847) 981-0801 TM DRAWN BY: KC CHECKED BY: GMS CHECKED BY: RH APPROVED BY: GMS A N M . SA W Z 062-061844 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF OSHA CFR 1910 SPECIFIES THAT IF YOU HAVE EMPLOYEES OR CONTRACTORS WHO CLIMB HIGHER THAN SIX FEET THEY MUST BE TRAINED AND CERTIFIED IN FALL PROTECTION. IF THEY ARE NOT CERTIFIED, THEY MUST BE UNDER DIRECT ON-SITE SUPERVISION OF A CERTIFIED INDIVIDUAL, AND CLIMB 100% ATTACHED. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONSULT WITH ALL APPLICABLE OSHA RULES AND GUIDELINES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START SCALE: N.T.S. N/A PERMITTED DRAWINGS IL UTILITY NOTES: SITE INFORMATION POST & BOARD (ELEVATION VIEW) ONCORDIA WIRELESS, INC. _________________ AVAILABLE: YES CONCORDIA, LTD A PROFESSIONAL DESIGN FIRM LICENSE # 184.004952- D.B.A. T DA !ATTENTION GC! THIS IS A TEMPORARY INSTALLATION THAT MAY REQUIRE USE OF A HOLE AUGER -- AT NO CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER WILL THE GC BE ALLOWED TO POUR/PLACE CONCRETE AROUND THE POST -- THIS IS A TEMPORARY INSTALLATION AND WILL BE REMOVED AT THE END OF THE PROJECT LIFE AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE QA WALK C ) ENGINEER: _________________ IMPORTANT!!!: GC Shall Post this Mandatory Sign on the SITE INFORMATION BOARD along with the materials from the above noted checklist in a Visible Area On-Site 3 - LOCAL ELECTRIC COMPANY _________________ CLIMBING CERTIFICATION# T-MOBILE 8550 WEST BRYN MAWR AVE. SUITE 100 CHICAGO, IL 60631 MAIN: (773) 444-5400 FIRE_____________________________ POLICE__________________________ BOU ____________________________ GHA TMO T Mobile NEW 3'-0" W X 3'-0" W X 0'-1/4" THICK WEATHER-TREATED PLY WOOD BACKBOARD FOR SIGNAGE TO BE FASTENED TO POST (POST MAY NOT BE NECESSARY FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF SITES, SEE NOTE "A" BELOW) 3'-0" STAPLE A COLOR COPY OF ORIGINAL PERMIT IN PLASTIC LAMINATE TM O THINK SAFETY FIRST! REMEMBER YOUR OSHA TRAINING! LI NOIS ATC # 283670 CH67415G STI 300 WILLARD AVE ELGIN, IL 60120 MANDATORY SIGNAGE & POSTING MISC-1 DRAFT CONDITIONAL USE ORDINANCE PETITION 11-15 300 Willard Avenue DRAFT 08-05-15 SBS Ordinance No. Gxx-15 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE TO INSTALL A COMMERCIAL ANTENNA TOWER IN THE CI COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (300 Willard Avenue) WHEREAS, written application has been made requesting conditional use approval to install a commercial antenna tower in the CI Commercial Industrial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing concerning said application on July 6, 2015 following due notice by publication; WHERAS, the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission have submitted their written Findings of Fact concerning said application; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of said application, subject to the conditions below; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Elgin concurs with the findings and recommendation of the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Elgin hereby adopts the Findings of Fact, dated July 6, 2015, made by the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as Exhibit A. Section 2. That a conditional use to install a commercial antenna tower in the CI Commercial Industrial District at 300 Willard Avenue, and legally described as follows: Lots 3 and 4 of Smith’s Subdivision Being a Subdivision of Part of Lot 22 of the County Clerk’s Subdivision of the South Half of Section 18, Township 41 North, Range 9 East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois. (Commonly known as: 300 Willard Avenue, Elgin, IL – PIN: 06-18-301-043-0000 and 06-18-301-044-0000) be and is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. Substantial conformance to the Statement of Purpose and Conformance, and Attachments, submitted by Virginia Roth, Site Acquisition Specialist, SureSite Consulting Group, LLC, dated March 23, 2015. 2. Substantial Conformance with the Consent and Disclosure of the property owner, Ferryville, LLC, dated March 18, 2105. 3. Substantial conformance to Site Plan and Construction Drawings prepared by Ghazwan M. Sadat, Architect, for T-Mobile, and last revised on June 16, 2015. 4. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. Section 3. That the conditional use granted herein shall expire if not established within one year from the date of passage of this ordinance. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage in the manner provided by law. s/ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: Passed: Vote: Yeas: Nays: Recorded: Published: Attest: s/ Kimberly Dewis, City Clerk TRANSCRIPTS PETITION 11-15 300 Willard Avenue Transcript of Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Date: July 6, 2015 Case: City of Elgin Planning & Zoning Commission Planet Depos, LLC Phone: 888-433-3767 Fax: 888-503-3767 Email: Internet: Worldwide Court Reporting | Interpretation | Trial Services 1 1 BEFORE THE CITY OF ELGIN 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 3 ------------------------------X 4 In Re the Matter of: 5 300 Willard Avenue, T-Mobile, : 6 Construct a new commercial : 7 Cell Tower. : 8 ------------------------------X : Petition 11-15 REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS 9 10 Elgin, Illinois 11 Monday, July 6, 2015 6:59 p.m. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Job No.: 75394 22 Pages: 1 - 24 23 Reported by: 24 Notary Public, DuPage County, Illinois Jean S. Busse, CSR, RPR Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 2 Report of proceedings held at the location 1 2 of: 3 4 City of Elgin Municipal Building 5 City Council Chambers 6 150 Dexter Court 7 Elgin, Illinois 8 (847) 931-6100 60120 9 10 11 12 Before Jean S. Busse, a Certified Shorthand 13 Reporter, Registered Professional Reporter, and a 14 Notary Public in and for the State of Illinois. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 3 1 PRESENT: 2 MR. ROBERT SILJESTROM, Chairman; 3 MS. KAREN BEYER, Member; 4 MR. JAY COX, Member; 5 MS. BETH KRUGER, Member; 6 MR. LORETTA REVESZ, Member. 7 ALSO PRESENT: 8 MR. SAROSH SAHER, Senior Planner; and 9 MR. RYAN PETERSON, Intern. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 4 P R O C E E D I N G S 1 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 2 Good evening, 3 everyone. The time is one minute before 7:00, and the 4 Chair calls this meeting to order. 5 Secretary, please call the roll. 6 MR. SAHER: 7 MEMBER BEYER: 8 MR. SAYER: 9 MEMBER COX: Ms. Karen Beyer. Here. Mr. Jay Cox. Here. 10 MR. SAHER: Mr. Corey Dixon. 11 Mr. Corey Dixon had called in stating 12 that he may not be able to make it to tonight's 13 meeting. 14 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: Thank you. 15 MR. SAHER: 16 MEMBER KRUGER: 17 MR. SAHER: 18 The reason I'm calling out his name is that Ms. Beth Kruger. Here. Mr. Anthony Pedote. 19 he is officially still on the Commission until the 20 City Council makes a replacement appointment. 21 Ms. Loretta Revesz. 22 MEMBER REVESZ: 23 MR. SAYER: 24 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: Here. Chairman Robert Siljestrom. Here. PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 5 On behalf of the members of this Commission, 1 2 the City Staff, and our ever illustrious court 3 reporter, I want to extend a warm welcome to all 4 of you tonight, and that includes those of you at 5 home who may be watching these proceedings on 6 television. Tonight's agenda has three items, and I'm 7 8 going to go over them very briefly for you. The first one is what we call a conditional 9 10 use. That's a request to have a TV or a cell phone 11 tower at a specific location on Willard Avenue. 12 The second one is what we call a variation. 13 This is allowing somebody to do something that is not 14 normally in the zoning process, and that's a building 15 on Park Street. Finally, there's what we call a final plat 16 17 of subdivision. This is a large parcel of property up 18 on the north end of town, and the owners want to 19 subdivide that to make that accessible for an 20 additional -- I presume an additional house. So having said that, there is now a legal 21 22 necessity. Anybody that wants to address the 23 Commission tonight, you have to stand up, be sworn 24 in with the court reporter. Very formal, very PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 6 1 necessary. 2 (Witnesses duly sworn.) 3 (Proceedings commenced off the record from 4 7:02 p.m. to 7:11 p.m.) CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 5 In each of these cases 6 members of this Commission will listen carefully to 7 the petitioners, the City Staff, and to others in the 8 audience who may wish to express some relevant or 9 related opinion regarding the issue. Then each Commissioner will have the 10 11 opportunity to comment and to question petitioner and 12 the City Staff on their concerns. Finally, we'll vote on the matter, and that 13 14 vote will be predicated on what each person believes 15 to be in the best interests of all of the people of 16 Elgin. The next item on our agenda is what we call 17 18 a conditional use. 19 300 Willard Avenue here in Elgin, and the number is 20 11-15. 21 22 This is for a cell phone tower at I must ask the Secretary, do you have evidence of proper notice? 23 MR. SAHER: Yes, we do, Mr. Chairman. 24 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: Has anyone signed in PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 7 1 as an interested party? MR. SAHER: 2 3 Not at this time, although we do have two people who walked in just before. 4 Are you related to that? 5 MS. LEE: 6 MR. SAHER: 7 8 9 10 property. We are the owners of the property. You are the owners of the Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: Would you then summarize the issue for us and introduce the petitioners? 11 MR. SAHER: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 12 This is a petition to construct a cell 13 tower at the property at 300 Willard Avenue. 14 cell tower is proposed to be 126 feet tall, including 15 all of its appurtenances and additions, and will be 16 located within a 40'-by-40' lease area, a total of 17 1,600 square feet, and that entire lease area will be 18 located within a screened commercial operation's yard 19 that is located on this property. 20 The The commercial operation's yard is located 21 to the south of the existing office building on the 22 property, and the cell tower's lease space will be 23 located on the far southwest corner of the commercial 24 operation's yard. PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 8 The lease space will be surrounded by a 1 2 6-foot-high chain link fence, which in turn will be 3 surrounded by a solid privacy fence and landscape 4 material of the commercial operation's yard. 5 base of the tower will not be readily visible from 6 Willard Avenue. So the In addition to that, the reason this 7 8 application is being brought before the Planning and 9 Zoning Commission is because, number one, it is 10 located in a CI Commercial Industrial District 11 requiring all applications for cell towers be 12 considered a conditional use. In addition to that, there is a fall zone 13 14 requirement that all towers are supposed to maintain, 15 and this tower does not meet that fall zone 16 requirement for properties or zoning district that 17 lie adjacent to the subject property and as a result 18 also has been brought here as part of this conditional 19 use. 20 Related to the fall zone requirement, this 21 cell tower is being located on the far southwest 22 corner of this property. 23 the property is land that is zoned CF Community 24 Facility District and contains the open space that has Immediately to the west of PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 9 1 Willow Creek's tributary to Poplar Creek running 2 through it. 3 features within that area. There are no structures or any man-made To the south of the subject property lies 4 5 an unused right-of-way, which contains a drainage 6 ditch that is also a tributary to Willow Creek 7 floodway. Then to the north and south of this property 8 9 are light industrial or commercial properties that 10 are located within the CI Commercial Industrial 11 District. 12 The property immediately across the street 13 along Willard Avenue is also zoned CF and contains 14 Prairie Park that was recently designed and built by 15 the City of Elgin as a city park. 16 As far as the impact that the tower itself 17 would have on surrounding structures, the tower is not 18 within any distance that would give it a negative 19 impact on any building structure. 20 It is located 42 feet, 7 inches from the 21 west property line, beyond which there is open space, 22 and 83 feet, 7 inches from the south property line, 23 south of which there is that unused right-of-way. 24 If the tower were to fall in one piece at a PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 10 1 126-foot radius, the only impact it would have would 2 be to the south 5 feet into the adjacent property to 3 the south where currently there are vehicles being 4 parked. The tower is not within 126 feet of the 5 6 existing building on the site, nor adjacent buildings 7 to the cell, as a result of which there is no negative 8 impact that Staff sees of this tower being placed in 9 the current location that it is. Here to provide some additional information 10 11 is Virginia Roth representing Sure Site. 12 location consultant on behalf of T-Mobile. 13 here to provide some basic information on the reason 14 for this tower and to answer any questions. 15 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 16 MS. ROTH: 17 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: They are the She is Is it Ms. Rath? Roth, R-o-t-h, Virginia. Ms. Roth, please 18 tell us what your status is and tell us about the 19 tower. MS. ROTH: 20 I am a representative from Sure 21 Site, and I'm representing American Tower in their 22 project. 23 T-Mobile. 24 indicated, it's a 40'-by-40'-foot area along the They are seeking to build a tower for It would be their first carrier. As was PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 11 1 southwest corner of the 300 Willard property. This property was selected because it 2 3 will best serve the coverage area intended by 4 T-Mobile. 5 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 6 MS. ROTH: 7 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: That's it? Yes. Okay. Mr. Cox, 8 your questions, your comments, your thought for 9 Ms. Roth? 10 MEMBER COX: I guess looking back again 11 to the -- I'll say the thoroughness of the Staff 12 packet, there were a couple of notes, again, 13 discussing -- I just want to clarify -- the Public 14 Works section again where they were talking about 15 access easement language being incorporated into the 16 lease agreement. 17 I know that falls outside the purview of the 18 Board to enforce it, but I just want to make sure that 19 you're aware of it and will have something addressing 20 that in the lease agreement so at least Staff comments 21 are addressed. 22 MS. ROTH: 23 MEMBER COX: 24 MR. SAHER: I will make sure. Okay. Staff was also able to see that PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 12 1 the site plan that was provided in your packet shows 2 the delineation of an access easement from Willard 3 Avenue through the parking lot on the site and then 4 south toward the lease space. 5 MEMBER COX: 6 MR. SAHER: Yes. So that will ensure that they 7 will continue to remain as part of the permit drawings 8 that were submitted. MEMBER COX: 9 Then the second point was just 10 that the proposed utility easement will be to the 11 premise and details were provided which, again, you 12 were addressing. 13 that the Staff points were addressed as early in the 14 process as possible. So that was really just to make sure MS. ROTH: 15 Yes. I can't recall the specific 16 language within the lease, but I believe that it is 17 included. MEMBER COX: 18 That's fine. I was looking for 19 that just to kind of make sure the big picture is 20 shown. Thank you. CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 21 Ms. Revesz, your 22 questions, your comments, your thoughts for Ms. Roth 23 or Staff? 24 MEMBER REVESZ: I don't really have any PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 13 1 questions. Our packet was exceptionally thorough. 2 It's a very good location, actually, for a cell tower. 3 A lot of us are not -- you know, sometimes with cell 4 towers there's a lot of opposition. 5 good location. CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 6 This was a really Ms. Beyer, your 7 questions, your comments, your thoughts for Ms. Roth 8 or Staff? MEMBER BEYER: 9 My understanding from reading 10 this very good packet is this allows for the 11 colocation of five cellular providers? MS. ROTH: 12 Actually, it will be three total. 13 T-Mobile is the first, and there is additional space 14 for two carriers in the future. T-Mobile will be placed at 97 feet, and the 15 16 other carriers at 110' and 120'. 17 MEMBER BEYER: I'm happy to see that more 18 than one carrier is going to be able to use this site. 19 That means we'll have fewer additional sites this way. 20 That's all. CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 21 Ms. Kruger, your 22 comments, your thoughts, your questions for Ms. Roth 23 or Staff? 24 MEMBER KRUGER: Because you'll be adding to PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 14 1 other carriers in the future, do you know about how 2 long that will be? 3 I'm just thinking about the access easement. 4 If they don't come for a while, will that be difficult 5 to get in there? I was more thinking that because it's been 6 7 raining so much and access easements can be ripped up, 8 the providers that go in there, that's part of their 9 contract to make sure that they take care of the 10 property? MS. ROTH: 11 I believe if there is damage, 12 that they would restore it to the way that it was 13 found. It's an unmanned site. 14 So after 15 construction, there will not be any additional 16 traffic, and the same would be said for additional 17 carriers. 18 shouldn't be heavy equipment or anything that's going 19 through that access easement. 20 antennas. 21 Once the tower is established, there MR. SAHER: It would just be to add If I could add, also, the access 22 easement is planned through the existing parking lot 23 on the property -- 24 MS. ROTH: Yes. PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 15 1 MR. SAHER: -- and the commercial 2 operation's yard, which is currently used by this 3 trucking company to story heavy equipment. 4 the surface on which the access easement is being 5 proposed can handle very heavy equipment. 6 As such, So it would be up to the property owners to 7 continue the maintenance of that in accordance with 8 our regular building codes to ensure the commercial 9 operation yard is maintained dust free with a proper 10 gravel or blacktop surface and the parking lot is 11 properly sealed and striped. 12 13 The access easement is designed right through that. 14 MEMBER KRUGER: Great. 15 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: Thank you. Is there anyone in the 16 audience who has a question or a comment or a thought 17 with regard to this issue? Sir? 18 MR. ALEXANDER: Thank you. 19 My name is Robert Alexander. I'm an owner 20 of STI Trans, T-r-a-n-s. STI Trans currently leases 21 it from Ferryville, LLC, which T-Mobile/American Tower 22 is leasing the property through Ferryville, LLC. 23 My question is on the zoning issue. 24 I mentioned to you when I met you, in reference to the PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Robert, Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 16 1 current zoning issues with the property, that both of 2 the PIN numbers are currently on Ferryville, LLC, at 3 300 Willard. My question to all is simply in regards to 4 5 the current zoning issues, we will not put those in 6 jeopardy. They will stay in effect. All we're doing is basically adding 7 8 additional zoning for the cell tower purposes; 9 correct? MR. SAHER: 10 11 Mr. Chairman, I can answer that question. CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 12 13 That's my question to you. Would you please do that, Mr. Saher? MR. SAHER: 14 The reason that this application 15 is being brought before the Planning and Zoning 16 Commission and that we're going through the zoning 17 process is because the type of land use, which is 18 for a cell tower that has been proposed, is a land 19 use that the community has reserved to be able to 20 be made aware of, first of all, be able to comment 21 on, and then have representatives of the community, 22 as 23 uses. 24 the City Council, approve these types of land That is what we call a conditional use or in PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 17 1 some communities it's called a special use. The underlying zoning district will not be 2 3 changed. The PIN numbers, obviously, cannot be 4 changed. This is simply a consideration of one 5 particular land use within this zoning district to 6 give the community the option to be made aware of and 7 add any special conditions that it feels are 8 appropriate to this property. 9 10 I hope that answered your question. MR. ALEXANDER: I guess my second question 11 is -- I should ask this, too -- the term of this lease 12 is subject up to six terms. 13 on a five-year lease. 14 Each term conditional is Within that 30-year term rezoning issues 15 will not be an issue 15 years from now because of the 16 fact of the wetlands, the creek that's in the back? 17 MR. SAHER: Correct. 18 If this property is rezoned for any purpose, 19 the cell tower will be considered a preexisting 20 feature and continue to remain. 21 Our zoning ordinance does have a provision 22 to allow for nonconforming land uses or nonconforming 23 structures to continue to remain and be operated in 24 the way they were used to on the site. PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 18 MR. ALEXANDER: 1 2 That was my question. Thank you. 3 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 4 Anyone else in the audience have a question 5 6 7 or comment? Ms. Roth, I see you have come back. MS. ROTH: 9 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 11 Tell us what's on your mind. 8 10 Thank you, sir. for Ms. Roth? I'm just waiting for questions. Any further questions I don't see any hands. All right. Then I would ask for a summary and Staff's 12 position with regard to 11-15. 13 MR. SAHER: 14 In summary, Staff would like to state that Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 15 it recommends approval of Petition 11-15, based on the 16 four conditions on Pages 6 and 7 of your Staff Report 17 dated July 6th, 2015. 18 I would also like to add that even though we 19 bring up this issue of the fall zone from time to 20 time, every time a cell tower is brought before the 21 Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council 22 for final approval, we talk about the fact if the cell 23 tower falls for its entire length of, in this case, 24 125 feet, what kind of impact would we have? PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 19 And the reason we bring that up is because 1 2 our zoning ordinance for these provisions was written 3 in 1992 prior to the technology that is used today in 4 the construction of cell towers. Today cell towers are designed to resist 5 6 very high wind speeds, in this particular case 60 to 7 90 miles per hour. In addition, in the unlikely event that the 8 9 tower actually fails, it has been provided with 10 fail-safe crumple zones that will allow the tower 11 to collapse in on itself and not have any negative 12 impact outside of its lease space, as a matter of 13 fact. So with the modern technology, the negative 14 15 impact that the tower will have on any surrounding 16 property is greatly minimized, which gives Staff this 17 additional comfort level to make these recommendations 18 for approval. 19 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 20 The Chair, then, will entertain a motion on 21 22 Thank you. 11-15. MEMBER KRUGER: I motion to recommend the 23 City Council approve Petition 11-15 subject to the 24 conditions outlined within the Staff report and to PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 20 1 adopt as the findings of the Commission the documents 2 and conditions provided within such Staff report. 3 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 4 MEMBER BEYER: 5 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 6 Is there a second? Second. Any further discussion or comments? 7 MEMBER COX: I have one discussion. 8 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 9 MEMBER COX: Yes, sir. It's a point for Staff. 10 I've looked at the documents and see about 11 this place that you're talking about where the tower 12 is designed to fail on itself. 13 I would want to point out that there is at 14 least one case within the past two years in St. Louis, 15 Missouri, where the system did not work. 16 I appreciate the fall zone comments and 17 about how the technology is supposed to work and we 18 always need to rely on the theory and the code and all 19 that; but just sort of for whomever may be watching or 20 for those sitting here, there are times when they 21 don't work. 22 23 24 So I appreciate Staff's position, but theory always doesn't apply. MR. SAHER: I would like to say that today's PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 21 1 technology tries everything possible to make sure that 2 this technology works. 3 results of the technology as well within your packets. I think we have some test 4 But thank you for that clarification. 5 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 6 before us. We have a motion It's been seconded. 7 Further discussion? 8 Secretary please call the roll. 9 MR. SAHER: Ms. Beyer. 10 MEMBER BEYER: Yes. 11 MR. SAYER: 12 MEMBER COX. 13 MR. SAHER: 14 MEMBER KRUGER: 15 MR. SAHER: 16 MEMBER REVESZ: 17 MR. SAHER: 18 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 19 That will be our recommendation to City Mr. Cox. Yes. Ms. Kruger. Yes. Ms. Revesz. Yes. Chairman Siljestrom. Yes. 20 Council. That concludes our consideration of 11-15, 21 but the Chair has a question for you, Ms. Roth. 22 MS. ROTH: Yes. 23 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 24 opportunity tonight is to be an educator. Part of your We have had PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 22 1 recently, in my recollection, three requests for cell 2 towers. What is happening in the cell tower 3 4 business? Why the proliferation of cell towers? 5 MS. ROTH: Well -- 6 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: This has no 7 relationship to the issue at hand, none whatsoever. 8 It's simply an attempt to get a little bit of 9 education because these things are coming down the 10 pipe. 11 MS. ROTH: My best guess is that the cell 12 phone traffic is increasing. 13 increasing at such a rate that they're seeking to -- 14 they call it offloading. 15 their sites onto other sites just so that you don't 16 lose your coverage basically. Daily usage is They're offloading some of 17 Does that make sense? 18 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 19 MS. ROTH: Okay. I think so. I think that is probably 20 the reason, just increased use indoors, your daily 21 usage from your home, on your phone, on any mobile 22 device. 23 24 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: Would it be fair to say, then, as the volume of cell phone calls gets PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 23 1 greater, the areas get smaller? Would that be a 2 logical conclusion? 3 MS. ROTH: 4 CHAIRMAN SILJESTROM: 5 MS. ROTH: 6 (Off the record at 7:33 P.M.) That may be a logical conclusion. Thank you. You're welcome. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 24 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS. 2 3 COUNTY OF DU PAGE ) 4 5 I, Jean S. Busse, Certified Shorthand 6 Reporter No. 84-1860, Registered Professional 7 Reporter, a Notary Public in and for the County of 8 DuPage, State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I 9 reported in shorthand the proceedings had in the 10 above-entitled matter and that the foregoing is a 11 true, correct and complete transcript of my shorthand 12 notes so taken as aforesaid. 13 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my 14 hand and affixed my notarial seal this 13th day of 15 July, 2015. 16 17 18 19 ______________________________________ Notary Public 20 21 22 My Commission Expires 23 July 25, 2017. 24 PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 25 again 11:10,12,14 12:11 able 4:12 11:24 13:18 16:19 agenda 5:7 6:17 16:20 agreement about 11:16,20 10:18 11:14 14:1,3 Alexander 18:22 20:10,11,17 15:18,19 17:10 18:1 above-entitled all 24:10 5:3 6:15 7:15 8:11,14 access 13:20 16:4,7,20 18:10 11:15 12:2 14:3,7,19 20:18 14:21 15:4,12 allow accessible 17:22 19:10 5:19 allowing accordance 5:13 15:7 allows across 13:10 9:12 along actually 9:13 10:24 13:2,12 19:9 also add 3:7 8:18 9:6,13 11:24 14:19,21 17:7 18:18 14:21 18:18 adding although 13:24 16:7 7:2 addition always 8:7,13 19:8 20:18,23 additional American 5:20,20 10:10 13:13,19 10:21 14:15,16 16:8 19:17 answer additions 10:14 16:10 7:15 answered address 17:9 5:22 antennas addressed 14:20 11:21 12:13 Anthony addressing 4:17 11:19 12:12 any adjacent 9:2,18,19 10:14 12:24 8:17 10:2,6 14:15 17:7,18 18:9,10 adopt 19:11,15 20:5 22:21 20:1 Anybody affixed 5:22 24:14 anyone aforesaid 6:24 15:15 18:4 24:12 anything after 14:18 14:14 A application 8:8 16:14 applications 8:11 apply 20:23 appointment 4:20 appreciate 20:16,22 appropriate 17:8 approval 18:15,22 19:18 approve 16:22 19:23 appurtenances 7:15 area 7:16,17 9:3 10:24 11:3 areas 23:1 attempt 22:8 audience 6:8 15:16 18:4 Avenue 1:5 5:11 6:19 7:13 8:6 9:13 12:3 aware 11:19 16:20 17:6 B back 11:10 17:16 18:6 base 8:5 based 18:15 basic 10:13 basically 16:7 22:16 because 8:9 11:2 13:24 14:6 16:17 17:15 19:1 22:9 been PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 8:18 14:6 16:18 19:9 21:6 before 1:1 2:12 4:3 7:3 8:8 16:15 18:20 21:6 behalf 5:1 10:12 being 8:8,21 10:3,8 11:15 15:4 16:15 believe 12:16 14:11 believes 6:14 best 6:15 11:3 22:11 Beth 3:5 4:15 Beyer 3:3 4:6,7 13:6,9,17 20:4 21:9,10 beyond 9:21 big 12:19 bit 22:8 blacktop 15:10 Board 11:18 both 16:1 briefly 5:8 bring 18:19 19:1 brought 8:8,18 16:15 18:20 build 10:22 building 2:4 5:14 7:21 9:19 10:6 15:8 buildings 10:6 built Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 26 9:14 business 22:4 Busse 1:23 2:12 24:5 by-40 7:16 10:24 C C 4:1 call 4:5 5:9,12,16 6:17 16:24 21:8 22:14 called 4:11 17:1 calling 4:18 calls 4:4 22:24 care 14:9 carefully 6:6 carrier 10:23 13:18 carriers 13:14,16 14:1,17 case 18:23 19:6 20:14 cases 6:5 cell 1:7 5:10 6:18 7:12,14 7:22 8:11,21 10:7 13:2,3 16:8,18 17:19 18:20,22 19:4,5 22:1 22:3,4,11,24 cellular 13:11 Certified 2:12 24:5 certify 24:8 CF 8:23 9:13 chain 8:2 Chair 4:4 19:20 21:21 Chairman 3:2 4:2,14,23,24 6:5,23 6:24 7:8,11 10:15,17 11:5,7 12:21 13:6,21 15:15 16:10,12 18:3,9 18:13 19:19 20:3,5,8 21:5,17,18,23 22:6,18 22:23 23:4 Chambers 2:5 changed 17:3,4 CI 8:10 9:10 city 1:1 2:4,5 4:20 5:2 6:7 6:12 9:15,15 16:22 18:21 19:23 21:19 clarification 21:4 clarify 11:13 code 20:18 codes 15:8 collapse 19:11 colocation 13:11 come 14:4 18:6 comfort 19:17 coming 22:9 commenced 6:3 comment 6:11 15:16 16:20 18:5 comments 11:8,20 12:22 13:7,22 20:6,16 commercial 1:6 7:18,20,23 8:4,10 9:9,10 15:1,8 Commission 1:2 4:19 5:1,23 6:6 8:9 16:16 18:21 20:1 24:22 Commissioner 6:10 communities 17:1 community 8:23 16:19,21 17:6 company 15:3 complete 24:11 concerns 6:12 concludes 21:20 conclusion 23:2,3 conditional 5:9 6:18 8:12,18 16:24 17:12 conditions 17:7 18:16 19:24 20:2 consideration 17:4 21:20 considered 8:12 17:19 construct 1:6 7:12 construction 14:15 19:4 consultant 10:12 contains 8:24 9:5,13 continue 12:7 15:7 17:20,23 contract 14:9 Corey 4:10,11 corner 7:23 8:22 11:1 correct PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 16:9 17:17 24:11 could 14:21 Council 2:5 4:20 16:22 18:21 19:23 21:20 County 1:24 24:3,7 couple 11:12 court 2:6 5:2,24 coverage 11:3 22:16 Cox 3:4 4:8,9 11:7,10,23 12:5,9,18 20:7,9 21:11,12 creek 9:1,6 17:16 Creek's 9:1 crumple 19:10 CSR 1:23 current 10:9 16:1,5 currently 10:3 15:2,20 16:2 D D 4:1 daily 22:12,20 damage 14:11 dated 18:17 day 24:14 delineation 12:2 designed 9:14 15:12 19:5 20:12 details 12:11 Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 27 device 22:22 Dexter 2:6 difficult 14:4 discussing 11:13 discussion 20:5,7 21:7 distance 9:18 district 8:10,16,24 9:11 17:2,5 ditch 9:6 Dixon 4:10,11 documents 20:1,10 doing 16:7 down 22:9 drainage 9:5 drawings 12:7 DU 24:3 duly 6:2 DuPage 1:24 24:8 dust 15:9 E E 4:1,1 early 12:13 easement 11:15 12:2,10 14:3,19 14:22 15:4,12 easements 14:7 education 22:9 educator 21:24 effect 16:6 Elgin 1:1,10 2:4,7 6:16,19 9:15 else 18:4 enforce 11:18 ensure 12:6 15:8 entertain 19:20 entire 7:17 18:23 equipment 14:18 15:3,5 established 14:17 even 18:18 evening 4:2 event 19:8 ever 5:2 every 18:20 everyone 4:3 everything 21:1 evidence 6:22 exceptionally 13:1 existing 7:21 10:6 14:22 Expires 24:22 express 6:8 extend 5:3 F Facility 8:24 fact 17:16 18:22 19:13 fail 20:12 fails 19:9 fail-safe 19:10 fair 22:23 fall 8:13,15,20 9:24 18:19 20:16 falls 11:17 18:23 far 7:23 8:21 9:16 feature 17:20 features 9:3 feels 17:7 feet 7:14,17 9:20,22 10:2,5 13:15 18:24 fence 8:2,3 Ferryville 15:21,22 16:2 fewer 13:19 final 5:16 18:22 Finally 5:16 6:13 findings 20:1 fine 12:18 first 5:9 10:23 13:13 16:20 five PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 13:11 five-year 17:13 floodway 9:7 foot 10:24 foregoing 24:10 formal 5:24 found 14:13 four 18:16 free 15:9 further 18:9 20:5 21:7 future 13:14 14:1 G G 4:1 give 9:18 17:6 gives 19:16 go 5:8 14:8 going 5:8 13:18 14:18 16:16 good 4:2 13:2,5,10 gravel 15:10 Great 15:14 greater 23:1 greatly 19:16 guess 11:10 17:10 22:11 H hand Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 28 22:7 24:14 handle 15:5 hands 18:10 happening 22:3 happy 13:17 heavy 14:18 15:3,5 held 2:1 here 4:7,9,16,22,24 6:19 8:18 10:10,13 20:20 hereby 24:8 hereunto 24:13 high 19:6 home 5:5 22:21 hope 17:9 hour 19:7 house 5:20 I Illinois 1:10,24 2:7,14 24:1,8 illustrious 5:2 immediately 8:22 9:12 impact 9:16,19 10:1,8 18:24 19:12,15 inches 9:20,22 included 12:17 includes 5:4 including 7:14 incorporated 11:15 increased 22:20 increasing 22:12,13 indicated 10:24 indoors 22:20 industrial 8:10 9:9,10 information 10:10,13 intended 11:3 interested 7:1 interests 6:15 Intern 3:9 introduce 7:9 issue 6:9 7:9 15:17,23 17:15 18:19 22:7 issues 16:1,5 17:14 item 6:17 items 5:7 itself 9:16 19:11 20:12 J Jay 3:4 4:8 Jean 1:23 2:12 24:5 jeopardy 16:6 Job 1:21 July 1:11 18:17 24:15,23 K Karen 3:3 4:6 kind 12:19 18:24 know 11:17 13:3 14:1 Kruger 3:5 4:15,16 13:21,24 15:14 19:22 21:13,14 L land 8:23 16:17,18,22 17:5 17:22 landscape 8:3 language 11:15 12:16 large 5:17 lease 7:16,17,22 8:1 11:16 11:20 12:4,16 17:11 17:13 19:12 leases 15:20 leasing 15:22 least 11:20 20:14 LEE 7:5 legal 5:21 length 18:23 level 19:17 lie 8:17 lies 9:4 light 9:9 line 9:21,22 PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM link 8:2 listen 6:6 little 22:8 LLC 15:21,22 16:2 located 7:16,18,19,20,23 8:10 8:21 9:10,20 location 2:1 5:11 10:9,12 13:2,5 logical 23:2,3 long 14:2 looked 20:10 looking 11:10 12:18 Loretta 3:6 4:21 lose 22:16 lot 12:3 13:3,4 14:22 15:10 Louis 20:14 M maintain 8:14 maintained 15:9 maintenance 15:7 man-made 9:2 material 8:4 matter 1:4 6:13 19:12 24:10 means 13:19 meet 8:15 Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 29 meeting 4:4,13 Member 3:3,4,5,6 4:7,9,16,22 11:10,23 12:5,9,18,24 13:9,17,24 15:14 19:22 20:4,7,9 21:10 21:12,14,16 members 5:1 6:6 mentioned 15:24 met 15:24 miles 19:7 mind 18:7 minimized 19:16 minute 4:3 Missouri 20:15 mobile 22:21 modern 19:14 Monday 1:11 motion 19:20,22 21:5 Municipal 2:4 N N 4:1 name 4:18 15:19 necessary 6:1 necessity 5:22 need 20:18 negative 9:18 10:7 19:11,14 new 1:6 next 6:17 nonconforming 17:22,22 none 22:7 normally 5:14 north 5:18 9:8 notarial 24:14 Notary 1:24 2:14 24:7,20 notes 11:12 24:12 notice 6:22 number 6:19 8:9 numbers 16:2 17:3 O O 4:1 obviously 17:3 office 7:21 officially 4:19 offloading 22:14,14 Okay 11:7,23 22:19 Once 14:17 one 4:3 5:9,12 8:9 9:24 13:18 17:4 20:7,14 open 8:24 9:21 operated 17:23 operation 15:9 operation's 7:18,20,24 8:4 15:2 opinion 6:9 opportunity 6:11 21:24 opposition 13:4 option 17:6 order 4:4 ordinance 17:21 19:2 other 13:16 14:1 22:15 others 6:7 outlined 19:24 outside 11:17 19:12 owner 15:19 owners 5:18 7:5,6 15:6 P P 4:1 packet 11:12 12:1 13:1,10 packets 21:3 PAGE 24:3 Pages 1:22 18:16 parcel 5:17 park 5:15 9:14,15 parked 10:4 parking 12:3 14:22 15:10 part PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 8:18 12:7 14:8 21:23 particular 17:5 19:6 party 7:1 past 20:14 Pedote 4:17 people 6:15 7:3 permit 12:7 person 6:14 PETERSON 3:9 petition 1:5 7:12 18:15 19:23 petitioner 6:11 petitioners 6:7 7:10 phone 5:10 6:18 22:12,21,24 picture 12:19 piece 9:24 PIN 16:2 17:3 pipe 22:10 place 20:11 placed 10:8 13:15 plan 12:1 planned 14:22 Planner 3:8 Planning 1:2 8:8 16:15 18:21 plat 5:16 Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 30 please 4:5 10:17 16:12 21:8 point 12:9 20:9,13 points 12:13 Poplar 9:1 position 18:12 20:22 possible 12:14 21:1 Prairie 9:14 predicated 6:14 preexisting 17:19 premise 12:11 PRESENT 3:1,7 presume 5:20 prior 19:3 privacy 8:3 probably 22:19 proceedings 1:9 2:1 5:5 6:3 24:9 process 5:14 12:14 16:17 Professional 2:13 24:6 project 10:22 proliferation 22:4 proper 6:22 15:9 properly 15:11 properties 8:16 9:9 property 5:17 7:5,7,13,19,22 8:17,22,23 9:4,8,12 9:21,22 10:2 11:1,2 14:10,23 15:6,22 16:1 17:8,18 19:16 proposed 7:14 12:10 15:5 16:18 provide 10:10,13 provided 12:1,11 19:9 20:2 providers 13:11 14:8 provision 17:21 provisions 19:2 Public 1:24 2:14 11:13 24:7 24:20 purpose 17:18 purposes 16:8 purview 11:17 put 16:5 p.m 1:12 6:4,4 23:6 Q question 6:11 15:16,23 16:4,9 16:11 17:9,10 18:1,4 21:21 questions 10:14 11:8 12:22 13:1 13:7,22 18:8,9 R R 4:1 radius 10:1 raining 14:7 rate 22:13 Rath 10:15 readily 8:5 reading 13:9 really 12:12,24 13:4 reason 4:18 8:7 10:13 16:14 19:1 22:20 recall 12:15 recently 9:14 22:1 recollection 22:1 recommend 19:22 recommendation 21:19 recommendations 19:17 recommends 18:15 record 6:3 23:6 reference 15:24 regard 15:17 18:12 regarding 6:9 regards 16:4 Registered 2:13 24:6 regular 15:8 related 6:9 7:4 8:20 relationship 22:7 relevant 6:8 rely PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 20:18 remain 12:7 17:20,23 replacement 4:20 report 1:9 2:1 18:16 19:24 20:2 reported 1:23 24:9 reporter 2:13,13 5:3,24 24:6,7 representative 10:20 representatives 16:21 representing 10:11,21 request 5:10 requests 22:1 requirement 8:14,16,20 requiring 8:11 reserved 16:19 resist 19:5 restore 14:12 result 8:17 10:7 results 21:3 Revesz 3:6 4:21,22 12:21,24 21:15,16 rezoned 17:18 rezoning 17:14 right 15:12 18:10 right-of-way 9:5,23 Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 31 ripped 14:7 Robert 3:2 4:23 15:19,23 roll 4:5 21:8 Roth 10:11,16,16,17,20 11:6 11:9,22 12:15,22 13:7 13:12,22 14:11,24 18:6,8,10 21:21,22 22:5,11,19 23:3,5 RPR 1:23 running 9:1 RYAN 3:9 R-o-t-h 10:16 S S 1:23 2:12 4:1 24:5 Saher 3:8 4:6,10,15,17 6:23 7:2,6,11 11:24 12:6 14:21 15:1 16:10,13 16:14 17:17 18:13 20:24 21:9,13,15,17 same 14:16 SAROSH 3:8 say 11:11 20:24 22:24 SAYER 4:8,23 21:11 screened 7:18 seal 24:14 sealed 15:11 second 5:12 12:9 17:10 20:3,4 seconded 21:6 Secretary 4:5 6:21 21:8 section 11:14 see 11:24 13:17 18:6,10 20:10 seeking 10:22 22:13 sees 10:8 selected 11:2 Senior 3:8 sense 22:17 serve 11:3 set 24:13 shorthand 2:12 24:5,9,11 should 17:11 shouldn't 14:18 shown 12:20 shows 12:1 signed 6:24 Siljestrom 3:2 4:2,14,23,24 6:5,24 7:8 10:15,17 11:5,7 12:21 13:6,21 15:15 16:12 18:3,9 19:19 20:3,5,8 21:5,17,18 21:23 22:6,18,23 23:4 simply 16:4 17:4 22:8 sir 15:17 18:3 20:8 site 10:6,11,21 12:1,3 13:18 14:14 17:24 sites 13:19 22:15,15 sitting 20:20 six 17:12 smaller 23:1 solid 8:3 some 6:8 10:10,13 17:1 21:2 22:14 somebody 5:13 something 5:13 11:19 sometimes 13:3 sort 20:19 south 7:21 9:4,8,22,23 10:2,3 12:4 southwest 7:23 8:21 11:1 space 7:22 8:1,24 9:21 12:4 13:13 19:12 special 17:1,7 specific 5:11 12:15 speeds 19:6 square 7:17 SS 24:2 St 20:14 Staff 5:2 6:7,12 10:8 11:11 11:20,24 12:13,23 13:8,23 18:14,16 19:16,24 20:2,9 Staff's PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM 18:11 20:22 stand 5:23 state 2:14 18:14 24:1,8 stating 4:11 status 10:18 stay 16:6 STI 15:20,20 still 4:19 story 15:3 street 5:15 9:12 striped 15:11 structure 9:19 structures 9:2,17 17:23 subdivide 5:19 subdivision 5:17 subject 8:17 9:4 17:12 19:23 submitted 12:8 summarize 7:9 summary 18:11,14 supposed 8:14 20:17 sure 10:11,20 11:18,22 12:12,19 14:9 21:1 surface 15:4,10 surrounded 8:1,3 surrounding Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 32 9:17 19:15 sworn 5:23 6:2 system 20:15 T take 14:9 taken 24:12 talk 18:22 talking 11:14 20:11 tall 7:14 technology 19:3,14 20:17 21:1,2,3 television 5:6 tell 10:18,18 18:6 term 17:11,12,14 terms 17:12 test 21:2 TESTIMONY 24:13 thank 4:14 7:7,11 12:20 15:14,18 18:1,3,13 19:19 21:4 23:4 theory 20:18,22 things 22:9 think 21:2 22:18,19 thinking 14:3,6 thorough 13:1 thoroughness 11:11 thought 11:8 15:16 thoughts 12:22 13:7,22 three 5:7 13:12 22:1 time 4:3 7:2 18:19,20,20 times 20:20 today 19:3,5 today's 20:24 tonight 5:4,23 21:24 tonight's 4:12 5:7 total 7:16 13:12 toward 12:4 tower 1:7 5:11 6:18 7:13,14 8:5,15,21 9:16,17,24 10:5,8,14,19,21,22 13:2 14:17 15:21 16:8,18 17:19 18:20 18:23 19:9,10,15 20:11 22:3 towers 8:11,14 13:4 19:4,5 22:2,4 tower's 7:22 town 5:18 traffic 14:16 22:12 Trans 15:20,20 transcript 24:11 tributary 9:1,6 tries 21:1 trucking 15:3 true 24:11 turn 8:2 TV 5:10 two 7:3 13:14 20:14 type 16:17 types 16:22 T-Mobile 1:5 10:12,23 11:4 13:13,15 T-Mobile/American 15:21 T-r-a-n-s 15:20 U underlying 17:2 understanding 13:9 unlikely 19:8 unmanned 14:14 unused 9:5,23 usage 22:12,21 use 5:10 6:18 8:12,19 13:18 16:17,19,24 17:1,5 22:20 uses 16:23 17:22 utility 12:10 V variation 5:12 vehicles 10:3 PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Virginia 10:11,16 visible 8:5 volume 22:24 vote 6:13,14 W waiting 18:8 walked 7:3 want 5:3,18 11:13,18 20:13 wants 5:22 warm 5:3 watching 5:5 20:19 way 13:19 14:12 17:24 welcome 5:3 23:5 west 8:22 9:21 wetlands 17:16 we'll 6:13 13:19 we're 16:7,16 whatsoever 22:7 WHEREOF 24:13 whomever 20:19 Willard 1:5 5:11 6:19 7:13 8:6 9:13 11:1 12:2 16:3 Willow 9:1,6 wind 19:6 wish Petition 11-15: 300 Willard Avenue Conducted on July 6, 2015 33 6:8 Witnesses 6:2 work 20:15,17,21 works 11:14 21:2 written 19:2 X X 1:3,8 Y yard 7:18,20,24 8:4 15:2,9 years 17:15 20:14 Z zone 8:13,15,20 18:19 20:16 zoned 8:23 9:13 zones 19:10 zoning 1:2 5:14 8:9,16 15:23 16:1,5,8,15,16 17:2,5 17:21 18:21 19:2 1 1 1:22 1,600 7:17 11-15 1:5 6:20 18:12,15 19:21,23 21:20 110 13:16 120 13:16 125 18:24 126 7:14 10:5 126-foot 10:1 13th 24:14 15 17:15 150 2:6 1992 19:3 60120 2:7 7 2 2015 1:11 18:17 24:15 2017 24:23 24 1:22 25 24:23 3 30-year 17:14 300 1:5 6:19 7:13 11:1 16:3 4 40 7:16 10:24 42 9:20 7 9:20,22 18:16 7:00 4:3 7:02 6:4 7:11 6:4 7:33 23:6 75394 1:21 8 83 9:22 84-1860 24:6 847 2:8 9 90 19:7 931-6100 2:8 97 13:15 5 5 10:2 6 6 1:11 18:16 6th 18:17 6-foot-high 8:2 6:59 1:12 60 19:6 PLANET DEPOS 888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM Ordinance No. G32-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LIST OF ONE-WAY STREETS IN THE CITY OF ELGIN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That Section 11.24.020 of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, entitled "One-Way Streets and Alleys" be and is hereby further amended by adding to the list of one-way streets in the City of Elgin under Section 11.24.020B the following: Lincoln Avenue from Dundee Avenue to Hill Avenue. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication in the manner provided by law. _________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Passed: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Published: Attest: _____________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk O‐3 OTHER BUSINESS ITEM: MEETING DATE: August 12, 2015 ITEM: Authorization for Payment ($20,687) OBJECTIVE: Provide safe and properly lit athletic fields at the Elgin Sports Complex. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the payment to Associated Electrical Contractors in the amount of $20,687. BACKGROUND The Elgin Sports Complex has ten lighted softball fields and four lighted soccer fields. These lights range in age from approximately 10 years to 25 years old and as a result they regularly require repairs. The repairs typically include replacement of ballasts, capacitors, lamps and wir‐ ing. The light poles on the athletic fields at the sports complex rise to 700 feet and the city does not have a piece of equipment that can reach that height and maneuver between the fields. As Repairs to the lights are always contracted for this reason. OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS The city solicited quotes from five electrical contractors for light repairs. Quotes for labor and materials were requested due to the unknown nature of what the repairs would actually entail. Two quotes were received, with the lowest coming from Associated Electrical Contractors from Woodstock. The staff coordinated the repairs with Associated Electrical Contractors this spring, which re‐ quired them to be at the sports complex a total of nine days. The total cost for their labor and materials came to $20,687. This is the first time the repairs have exceeded $20,000. This in‐ crease stems from two factors: First, the last time repairs were made to the sports complex lights was in 2012, and second, the aging of the lights. Because thos invoice exceeds $20,000 it requires city council approval. Associated Electrical Contractors rates are as follows: Labor Electrician $ 105 Bucket Truck $ 90 Journeyman $ 105 Material Lamps 1‐30 $ 87.50 Lamps 31‐70 $ 82.50 Integral Ballasts $ 300 Remote Ballasts $ 330 Wire Harnesses $ 75 INTERESTED PERSONS CONTACTED None. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Payment for these electrical repairs is made from the Sports Complex electrical account. BUDGET IMPACT FUND(S) ACCOUNT(S) PROJECT #(S) Recreation 296‐5071‐766.40‐01 N/A AMOUNT BUDGETED $21,000 AMOUNT AVAILABLE $21,000 LEGAL IMPACT Notices were sent to five electrical contractors on July 1, 2014 and published on the city’s web‐ site. Two quotes were received and opened on July 11, 2014. ALTERNATIVES None. NEXT STEPS Approve the authorization for payment. 2 Originators: Final Review: Maria Cumpata, Recreation and Facilities Superintendent Randy Reopelle, Parks and Recreation Director Debra Nawrocki, Finance Officer William A. Cogley, Corporation Counsel/Chief Development Officer Richard G. Kozal, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operating Officer Sean R. Stegall, City Manager ATTACHMENTS A. Tab Sheet 3 Athletic Field Electrical Services TABULATION OF BIDS CITY OF ELGIN Associated Electrical Contractors 319 Lamb Road Woodstock, IL 60098 Fitzgerald Lighting & Material 1585 Beverly Court Aurora, IL 60502 Price Price Electrician Bucket Truck Joruneyman (If required) $ 105.00 $ 90.00 $ 105.00 $ 481.25 No Bid No Bid TOTAL $ 300.00 $ 481.25 Request for Quotation No: 2472A Date Quotes Due: 7/11/14 Department: Parks & Recreation Description Labor: (Hourly Rates) Material Lamps: Qty: 1 ‐ 30 Lamps: Qty: 1 ‐ 20 Lamps: Qty: 31 ‐ 70 Lamps: Qty: 21 ‐ 40 Lamps: Qty: 41 ‐ 50 Lamps: Qty: 51 ‐ 60 Lamps: Qty: 61 ‐ 70 Integral Ballasts Remote Ballasts Wire Harnesses TOTAL $ 1,475.00 $ 2,412.11 Alternate: Painted Lamps $ 5.00 $ 87.50 $ 89.92 $ 82.50 $ 300.00 $ 330.00 $ 75.00 $ 85.42 $ 80.93 $ 75.00 $ 70.00 $ 377.67 $ 377.67 $ 293.00 O‐4 OTHER BUSINESS ITEM: MEETING DATE: August 12, 2015 ITEM: Authorization for Payment ($22,750) OBJECTIVE: Obtain authorization to pay Illinois Conveyor Services, Inc. for the rental of a conveyor at the Shales Parkway salt dome. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the payment to Illinois Conveyor Services, Inc. in the amount of $22,750. BACKGROUND The city orders road salt each year for all three of the city salt domes and the Shales Parkway location has the largest capacity of all three. When salt deliveries are made to this location, a conveyor is needed in order to have the salt loaded to the top and sides of the salt dome. This year, for the 2015‐16 winter season, 4800 tons were ordered and delivered which is a larger amount than last year in order to replenish the salt dome supply. The conveyor was rented and used for three additional days than originally anticipated. OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS The public services department obtained a quote from Illinois Conveyor Services, Inc. for the rental of equipment and labor services. This was a sole source quote as a search of the Fox Val‐ ley area for additional vendors resulted in companies that either sell a conveyor, or repair a conveyor. The city has used Illinois Conveyor Services in the past with satisfactory results. A purchase order in the amount of $13,000 was set up and funds encumbered in anticipation of using the conveyor equipment for 4 days. Due to the larger amount of salt ordered this year, and the capacity of equipment, it was necessary to use the conveying equipment for three addi‐ tional days at a cost of $9,750 for a total cost of all 7 days totaling $22,750.00. Illinois Conveyor Service requires that one of their employees be on site and operating the con‐ veying equipment. Public Services employees will then lift up piles of salt with an end loader and empty the material into a hopper, when then feeds the salt into the conveyor. 1 INTERESTED PERSONS CONTACTED None. FINANCIAL IMPACT Payment for the equipment rental and services will be made from the existing purchase order encumbered to Illinois Conveyor Services. BUDGET IMPACT FUND(S) General Services ACCOUNT(S) PROJECT #(S) 010‐3343‐755.43‐04 AMOUNT BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE $22,750 $22,750 LEGAL IMPACT None. ALTERNATIVES None. The equipment has been rented and salt deliveries have been completed and stored in the Shales salt dome for the 2015‐16 winter season. NEXT STEPS Approve the authorization for payment. 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Originators: Gregory Rokos, Public Services Director Final Review: Debra Nawrocki, Chief Financial Officer Richard G. Kozal, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operating Officer William A. Cogley, Corporation Counsel/Chief Development Officer Sean R. Stegall, City Manager ______________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS None. 3 Resolution No. 15-104 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE NORTHEAST ILLINOIS REGIONAL COMMUTER RAILROAD CORPORATION AND THE COMMUTER RAIL DIVISION OF THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY FOR CROSSING WARNING SIGNAL DEVICE IMPROVEMENTS AT McLEAN BOULEVARD AND BIG TIMBER ROAD BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that David J. Kaptain, Mayor, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute a State of Illinois Department of Transportation Agreement with the State of Illinois Department of Transportation (Section 14-00185-00 TL, Project RRP-4003(352), Job No. C91-372-14, TIP #09-14-0024)) and the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation and the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority on behalf of the City of Elgin for crossing warning signal device improvements at McLean Boulevard and Big Timber Road, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. __________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: __________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No. 15-105 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH HAMPTON, LENZINI AND RENWICK, INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE McLEAN AND BIG TIMBER ROAD RAILROAD SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that pursuant to Elgin Municipal Code Section 5.02.020B(9) the City Council hereby finds that an exception to the requirements of the procurement ordinance is necessary and in the best interest of the city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Sean R. Stegall, City Manager, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. for engineering services in connection with the McLean and Big Timber Road Railroad Signal Improvements Project, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. _______________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays Recorded: Attest: _________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No. 15-106 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH WEST SIDE TRACTOR SALES CO. FOR TRADE-IN OF NON-FUNCTIONING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT FOR EQUAL PURCHASE CREDIT TOWARDS NEW EQUIPMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that pursuant to Elgin Municipal Code Section 5.02.020B(9) the City Council hereby finds that an exception to the requirements of the procurement ordinance is necessary and in the best interest of the city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Sean R. Stegall, City Manager, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with West Side Tractor Sales Co. for the trade-in of non-functioning surplus equipment for equal purchase credit towards new equipment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. _____________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: _________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No. 15-107 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH BONNELL INDUSTRIES, INC. FOR TRADE-IN OF NON-FUNCTIONING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT FOR EQUAL PURCHASE CREDIT TOWARDS NEW EQUIPMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that pursuant to Elgin Municipal Code Section 5.02.020B(9) the City Council hereby finds that an exception to the requirements of the procurement ordinance is necessary and in the best interest of the city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Sean R. Stegall, City Manager, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with Bonnell Industries, Inc. for the trade-in of non-functioning surplus equipment for equal purchase credit towards new equipment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. _____________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: _________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No.15-108 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF A PLAT OF EASEMENT FOR WATERMAIN PURPOSES FROM DAVID HUANG AND ACCEPTING FOR OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (2725 Alft Lane) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that David J. Kaptain, Mayor, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute a plat of easement for watermain purposes from David Huang for the property legally described on Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause the plat of easement to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Kane County, Illinois. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Elgin hereby accepts for ownership and maintenance the following public improvements and appurtenances thereto located within the easements described in such plat of easement: approximately 947 feet of 8-inch watermain; 12 feet of 6-inch watermain; two, 8-inch valves in 4-foot vaults; and two fire hydrants. __________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: __________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No. 15-109 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE DOWNTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION OF ELGIN FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Sean R. Stegall, City Manager, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute a purchase of services agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with the Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin for economic development services, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. __________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: __________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No. 15-110 RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION FOR BOWES CREEK COUNTRY CLUB, PHASE 4A SUBDIVISION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that it hereby approves the final plat of subdivision prepared by Manhard Consulting, Ltd. dated April 21, 2015, and last revised June 17, 2015, for Bowes Creek Country Club, Phase 4A Subdivision. ________________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: ____________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No. 15-111 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF BOWES CREEK COUNTRY CLUB PHASE 4B PLAT OF BLANKET EASEMENT FOR BLANKET UTILITY PURPOSES FROM TOLL BROTHERS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that David J. Kaptain, Mayor, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute Bowes Creek Country Club Phase 4B plat of blanket easement for blanket utility purposes from Toll Brothers for the property legally described on Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause the plat of blanket easement to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Kane County, Illinois. ________________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: ____________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Resolution No. 15-112 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE OF INTRADO 911 AND NON-EMERGENCY PHONE SYSTEMS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that pursuant to Elgin Municipal Code Section 5.02.020B(9) the City Council hereby finds that an exception to the requirements of the procurement ordinance is necessary and in the best interest of the city; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Sean R. Stegall, City Manager, be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute a services agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with Motorola Solutions for maintenance of Intrado 911 and non-emergency phone systems, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. __________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: __________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Ordinance No. G30-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ELGIN MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING TO THE LIST OF STOP INTERSECTIONS (Summit Street at Spring Street) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That Title 11, Chapter 11.32 of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, be and is hereby further amended by adding to the list of stop intersections under Section 11.32.030 the following: Street Summit Street Direction North/South To Stop For Spring Street Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten days after its passage and publication in the manner provided by law. _________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Passed: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Published: Attest: _____________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk Ordinance No. G31-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20.15 OF THE ELGIN MUNICIPAL CODE, 1976, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "50/50 HISTORIC/ARCHITECTURAL REHABILITATION GRANT PROGRAM" AND AMENDING CHAPTER 20.16 OF THE ELGIN MUNICIPAL CODE, 1976, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "75/25 HISTORIC/ARCHITECTURAL REHABILITATION GRANT PROGRAM" WHEREAS, the City of Elgin has previously established two historic/architectural rehabilitation grant programs known as the 50/50 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program and 75/25 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program; and WHEREAS, given the relative interest in the 50/50 grant program and the lower level of interest in the 75/25 grant program and the resulting administrative difficulties in transferring grant funds between such programs the City Council has determined that it is appropriate to combine funding from the two grant programs into one historic rehabilitation grant fund; and WHEREAS, the City of Elgin is a home rule unit and as a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government affairs; and WHEREAS, regulations relating to historic/architectural rehabilitation grant programs of the City pertain to the City's government and affairs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That Chapter 20.15 of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, entitled “50/50 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program” be and is hereby further amended by adding a new section 20.15.080 thereto entitled "Combined Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Fund" to read as follows: “20.15.080: COMBINED HISTORIC/ARCHITECTURAL REHABILITATION GRANT FUND: Any annual funding which may be provided for the 50/50 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program and the 75/25 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program shall be combined into a single historic/architectural rehabilitation grant fund." Section 2. That Chapter 20.16 of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, entitled "75/25 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program" be and is hereby further amended by amending Section 20.16.080 thereof entitled "Use Of Any Excess Funds" to read as follows: "20.16.080: COMBINED HISTORIC/ARCHITECTURAL REHABILITATION GRANT FUND: Any annual funding which may be provided for the 50/50 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program and the 75/25 Historic/Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Program shall be combined into a single historic/architectural rehabilitation grant fund." Section 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication in the manner provided by law. ______________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Passed: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Published: Attest: _____________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk 2 Resolution No. 15-113 RESOLUTION APPROVING A GRANT RECIPIENT ELIGIBILITY LIST UNDER THE 50/50 and 75/25 HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL REHABILITATION GRANT PROGRAMS WHEREAS, the 50/50 and 75/25 Historic Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Programs have been established to provide financial assistance and incentives for property owners in Elgin's historic districts and individual landmarks in the restoration of their properties; and WHEREAS, in 2015 applications have been made for 11 projects under the city's Historic Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Programs; 10 applications under the 50/50 historic rehabilitation grant program and 1 application under the 75/25 historic rehabilitation grant program; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. G31-15, funding for the 50/50 and 75/25 Historic Architectural Rehabilitation Grant Programs has been combined into one historic rehabilitation grant fund; and WHEREAS, said applications have been submitted to the Elgin Heritage Commission which conducted a review and scored applications based upon objective criteria and forwarded eligibility lists to the City Council which has reviewed and approved the lists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that the sum of $161,181.98 is allocated for the following projects approved under the grant recipient eligibility lists. Owner (50/50 Program) Jim and Kelly Langenberg Will and Maureen Alexander Renate Adams Tim Ramseyer John and Dawn Laskey James Stendler/Scott Metlicka John Boline Zhixian Guo Rosalia and Joaquin Cornejo Roy and Evelyn Chapman Address Grant Amount 582 Park Street 625 Lillie Street 612 N. Spring Street 211-213 Michigan St. 711 Douglas Ave. 821 Brook Street 162 College Street 305-307 North Street 372 N. Spring St. 705 W. Highland Ave. $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 17,802.50 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 10,475.00 $ 7,065.00 $ 18,138.62 $ 8,900.00 $ 14,000.00 (75/25 Program) Rich Hirschberg 109 Hill Avenue $ 4,800.86 TOTAL $161,181.98 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the projects shall be in conformance with all applicable codes and ordinances. __________________________________ David J. Kaptain, Mayor Presented: August 12, 2015 Adopted: Vote: Yeas Nays: Recorded: Attest: __________________________ Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk -2-