1-Cover Page April - Myrtle Beach Corvette Club


1-Cover Page April - Myrtle Beach Corvette Club
Myrtle Beach Corvette Club
Vette Gazette
Editor: Bob Carey VetteGazette.MBCC@gmail.com
Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Visit our Sponsor
Presidents Corner
by Tim Wuennemann
I hope all is well and you are
getting adjusted to the Nice
Spring Weather. The weather
forecast for April 10 is Sunny
with a temperature high of 75
degrees. Join us at Simply
Southern Restaurant on this
date at 5:00pm for our monthly
In This Issue
OOD Reports
NCM News
Car Show News
As your President my goal is to help facilitate your good
ideas into action through teamwork with the support of
the Board. We are focused on implementing the
changes the majority of our members want to take
Birthday and Anniversary
Event Photos
You will have a nice ride home
while still in daylight. Check out
Jim`s Activity Board. Get involved- join us in the fun!
Classified Ads Businesses
Save The Wave!
Classified ADs
Tim Wuennemann
Car Show Forms
President, Myrtle Beach Corvette Club
Page 2 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Ken Belford - VP
HELLO, everyone.
Again, I want all the members to know that we had a great day,
a great meeting and a delicious dinner at our March “get
together”. A wonderful time was had by all, and our hosts, Keith
and Gwen McDaniel, deserve the applause. Thank you. Our
April10th meeting will be held at “Simply Southern”, and our
hosts will be Melvin & Pamela Baker. Let’s all pray for a lovely
day, so that our cars will shine and stay that way. Also, don’t
forget to say thanks to our hosts. A little bad news - I tried super
hard to get King Street Grill in Murrells Inlet to hold our May
meeting, but last week, they notified me that they couldn’t do it;
also, Angelo’s in Myrtle Beach said that May was just too busy a time for them. Maybe we can do
something during their off season in ’17. All this being said, we may have to do Simply Southern 2
months in a row. Anyway, hope to see everyone at our April meeting. Get your RSVP’s in early.
Thanks to all. Ken
Marian Ambrosini - Memberships
Hello All As of our March meeting we have 237 members including our newest
members: David & Barbara Nelson, Tom & Rosemarie Kilinski, John
& Anita Bowerman, and Marsha & Roger Castner. Welcome to the
I also want to extend an official welcome to Tom & Lynn Haller, who
attended their first meeting in March although they have been
members for a while.
This month we have some members celebrating at least 5 years of
membership! Robert & Theresa Furfaro have been members for 16
years, Sean Brosky has been a member for 6 years, and George &
Darlene Eichler have been members for 5 years. Happy Anniversary!
An email went out asking for emergency contact information, please take a moment to reply if you
have not done so already.
My monthly reminder: please send any changes to your address, phone number, email etc. to me at
MarianAmbrosino@gmail.com so I can keep our roster up-to-date and you don’t miss out on any of
the fun.
Happy Spring!
Marian Page 3 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Susan Woldanski - Secretary
The minutes from the February meeting were issued to all
members. One change was noted; that is the name Mark
Goodman was corrected to Mark Woodson.
During the month of March Get Well cards were sent to Diane
Belford and Larry Beall. A sympathy card was sent to Al and
Betty Freedman. These were sent on behalf of the MBCC.
Please forward the name(s) of any members deemed to need
get well wishes, thinking of you wishes, and/or a sympathy card
to susanwoldanski@yahoo.com. I will gladly send them the
best wishes of all members of our club.
Betty Freedman - Car Show Donations Committee
Betty Freedman stahlerb@aol.com
Maryellen Grabarz and I want to thank everyone who has been
soliciting donations. Your help is so appreciated as it makes our
job a lot easier and makes our show a success for our charities.
We still have six weeks to request donations. Please check my
weekly list of donations requests and when you are out, ask a
business for a donation. All donations are tax deductible. We can
use more restaurants which are very easy to obtain especially if
you are dining there. Take our car show flyer and donation letter
with you. If you have any donations, you can bring them to our
April meeting or give me or Maryellen a call and we can make
arrangements to meet. Please fill out the donation received form
(on our website) and attach it to the donation so we can send a
thank you letter from MBCC to the business.
At our March meeting, Maryellen and I sold Chinese Auction tickets for two small baskets. This was
an example of what our Friday evening Chinese Auction would be and the opportunity to auction the
scratch off lottery tickets that were donated which we didn’t want to expire. Our winners were Ken
Belford and Kathy Clifford. We collected $141 for our charities. I would like to thank those who
donated the lottery tickets (Nancy Jessee & Connie Wisniewski) and to all the members that bought
Thanks to all that donated garden/lawn items. I asked that you be creative and you certainly were.
We will be able to make a nice large basket to be auctioned.
For those who wish to participate, please bring to our April meeting crossword puzzle, suduko, word
search books, etc. We all need to keep our minds stimulated and what would be better than a big
basket of brain teasers. Any kind or size of books or even games will work.
Let’s have fun and make our car show the best.
Page 4 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Jim Spore - Activities Committee Chairperson
March was a jam packed month of activities that started out with 18
cars making a day trip to the Airborne and Special Operations Museum
in Fayetteville, NC. Before going to the museum we all stopped at
Luigi’s, an outstanding Italian restaurant for lunch where we had our
own private room.
After lunch we went to the museum which was only a couple miles
away. I thought the museum was going to be interesting but I was
absolutely BLOWN AWAY by what I saw and read!! It’s impossible to
explain it any more than that but I know almost everyone of us spent 2
+ hours there and we could have even spent more time. The bottom
line is whether you were in the military or not you have to make a trip
to the Airborne and Special Operations Museum. Thanks go to Larry
Beall for suggesting this trip.
After leaving the museum many of us stopped at Krispy Kreme
Donuts. That was worth the trip in itself since the manager came out
and made sure we all had Krispy Kreme hats, then gave us all freshly made HOT donut holes. Between the
donuts we each ordered and the free donut holes, I know we all had a sugar buzz by the time we left!
The next event was the Annual North Myrtle Beach St. Patrick’s Day Parade on march 12th. The weather was
perfect for the 17 MBCC cars that participated in the parade. Hank Grabarz, Gerry Gismondi and Sharon and I
had the privilege of giving 3 Jr. Miss Pageant Winners a ride. The girls threw beads and candy as did all of our
club members. After the show several of us went to a cruise-in at HWY55 in the Coastal North Town Center in
front of Hobby Lobby.
On Monday the 21st we did a lunch cruise in to the King Street Grill at 11:30. This was an extremely successful
day as there were 22 cars and 41 people that showed up. I know everyone had a good time and I’m sure we’ll
be going back there later in the year. Thanks to Nancy Jessee for making this happen.
That’s it for March but here’s what‘s going on in April. Coastal Carolina Corvette’s “VETTES DOIN
CHARLESTON” show is on Saturday April 19th. This is a great show that I have gone to for years. They also
have a great meet and greet show Friday night on the 18th. They always turn out in large numbers for our show
so let’s support their show. For the show flyer and registration form visit…….. http://www.4cccc.org/vdc/
vdc.asp. Jerry and Ellen Edwards will be leading a caravan down to Charlotte. More information about the
caravan will be announced at the April meeting.
April 28th - 30th is the National Corvettes Museum’s “BASH”. Our Museum Liaison Mike Woldanski will be
able to give you all the information about the trip to Bowling Green.
Our last April event is the MBCC “CALLING ALL CARS SHOW “on April 30th. I, along with Linda Meaders
the person who started this show, want to see a huge turnout by our club. The weather WILL be good this year
but just in case we have even scheduled a rain date on Saturday May 7th given the horrible weather we have had
the past two years.
The last thing I want to mention is a possible MBCC golf outing. There was an “are you interested “signup
sheet at the March meeting and 12 people expressed interest. If you are interested send your response to
Page 5 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Mike Woldanski - Ambassador NCM
Everyone has one last chance to purchase a $10 Raffle
Ticket for the April 30th drawing for a new 2016 Torch Red
Corvette Convertible. Please see me at the Monthly Meeting
to get your tickets.
Brick Beautification
A huge thank you to NCM Fighter Squadron and Myrtle
Beach for sponsoring sections of worn bricks to be
Sponsoring a section of bricks is $1,000 donation and helps
replace 12 small bricks or one large brick in the front
walkway. Clubs who sponsor a section will have their name
engraved on a small brick that surrounds the turn table display at the entrance to the NCM.
Corvette Plant Recognized
GM's Corvette Assembly Plant has received recognition by Trade & Industry Development
magazine for their 2015 investment of $483 million for facility upgrades and expansion plans.
According to the magazine, the company's investment was one of the top 15 in the nation.
Due to the success of the Corvette Z06, GM is investing over $439 million to expand and
improve the Plant. When completed, the new 450,000 square foot facility will make up nearly
half of the plant's total operation. Improvements include substantial upgrades in technology,
including new tooling, robots and state-of-the-art environmental and efficiency enhancements
to the paint shop.
Read more online here.
Corvette Racing has Podium Finish at Sebring
Corvette Racing's Triple Crown streak continued Saturday with a 10th class victory in the
Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring. Oliver Gavin, Tommy Milner and Marcel Fassler in the No. 4
Chevrolet Corvette C7.R won their second straight race to open the IMSA season to go along
with a victory in the Rolex 24 at Daytona. The team has won the last five of the world's top
endurance races - Daytona and Sebring in 2015 and 2016, plus the 24 Hours of Le Mans in
Read more online here.
Revealed at Michelin NCM Bash
According to Corvette Product Manager Harlan Charles, Chevrolet will announce four new
colors for the 2017 Corvette and have samples available at the Michelin NCM Bash April 28-30.
Word on the street is we can expect two shades of blue (Admiral Blue that was seen on the
Grand Sport, and possibly Dark Adriatic Blue Metallic that can be seen on the Cadillac). Of
course we expect a new 'gray' to debut, too. Harlan also indicated that we will have at least six
2017 Corvettes on display, including the new Grand Sport.
Want to be among the first to see them for yourself? Be sure to register for Bash!
Check out the complete agenda and register online here.
Page 6 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Linda leaders - Car Show Chairperson
Well, we’re getting closer to the June 4th car show every day.
At this writing we have 75 pre-registrations in, of which 22 are
our club cars. The majority of the participants are coming to
the welcome party on Friday night, which is great. Last year
we had 275 sitting down for dinner and we all had a blast. This
year will be just as good as past parties and maybe even
The band is Stringwood which is the band we had in 2014.
They play a lot at the LaBelle Aimee winery, so if you haven’t
heard them, check out the event calendar for the winery and
stop by and see them. They will have everyone up and
It’s a great opportunity to do a meet and greet with members
of other clubs. And speaking of other clubs, we have 15 clubs represented so far and they are from
FL, PA, MO, NC, SC and VA.
Bill McCriskin has been helping with getting outside clubs interested in our show. He has targeted FL
and SC but needs help with other states. So, Hank Grabarz, Gerry Gismondi, Kevin Goettl and Al
Freedman have stepped up to help with searching out Corvette clubs in GA, NC, VA, WV and MD
and DC respectively. If anyone is willing to step up and work on TN and KY it would be greatly
appreciated. If we get one participant from a club that’s never been to our show before, we know they
will bring other members back next year. That’s how we have built up our show of cars at our show to
You all know I set a goal for how many cars I’d like to see and how much I’d like to see us all raise for
our charities. I made my goal in 2014, thanks to all of our volunteers going out for donations. This
year, my goal is 325 cars and I’d like us to raise $26,000. But, that’s just my goal!
We presently have commitments from 13 vendors of which 3 are food vendors and we’re still looking
for more. Remember they don’t have to be car related. If you know of anyone that is interested in
showing their “wares” please speak with them. We have a vendor contract on the Vette Gazette page
for you to download. Or you can call me for help of course.
At this writing we still need 24 top 40 class winner trophies. We’ve sold all dash plaques thanks to
some members stepping up. Remember the first 150 participants get a car show shirt. I showed the
new red shirt at the meeting. The car show logo this year is a yellow C7 coupe. The sponsors on the
back will be in color this year. It’s very impressive looking. Thank you Mel & Pamela Baker for helping
us seek out other options. If you want to pre-order a shirt (if you are only coming to the car show) let
me know and I’ll put you on the list.
A Big Thank you to those who are volunteering for committees and participating with anything to do
with our car show. It takes a team effort to make this a success. It is not one person. With your help,
this year will be “over the top.” Just watch and see!
Linda Meaders
2016 Car Show Chairperson
Page 7 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Calendar of Events
Page 8 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Birthday and Anniversary Dates
Happy Birthday to:
Greg Wertman
Frank Morea
Bill McGarry
Lauren Cribb
Hoyt (Lanny) Johnston
Rich Wojciechowski
Denise Pelletier
Catherine Prouty
Della Goettl
Michael Myrphy
Eric Edwards
Mark Woodson
Natalie Papandrea
George Eichler
Jane Schwartzman
Sylvia Graham
Happy Anniversary to:
Robert & Mary Ann Jagger
Charlie & Angela Torregrossa
Debbie & Joe Burmer
Pete & Gail Pesci
John & Carol Bunn
Fred & Diane Sansbury
John & Ellen Husar
Harry & Carla Silver
David & Lori Lacey
Forrest & Deborah Kelly
John & Anita Bowerman
Page 9 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Airborne & Special Operations Museum
March 1st Fayetteville NC
Page 10 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Airborne & Special Operations Museum
Before and After the Museum
At Luigi’s and Krispy Kreme
Page 11 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
St. Patrick’s Day Parade NMB
March 12th 2016
St. Patricks day Parade
North Myrtle Beach
Page 12 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
St. Patrick’s Day Parade NMB
Page 13 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Hiway 55 Cruise-In Car Show
Page 14 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
King Street Grill Lunch Cruise-In
Monday March 21st Lunch Cruise-In - 22 Cars in Attendance
Page 15 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Overtime Sports Cafe Cruise-In
Thanks to Linda Meaders
and Melvin Baker for these
Page 169 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Our Sponsors
Page 17 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
For Sale
ChromeSpiderWheels.34,200 Miles Priced at $33,900.
Page 18 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
For Sale
Page 19 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
For Sale
2015 Crystal Red Metallic Coupe - Kalahari Interior - 8 speed automatic - 2,900 miles
Options include:
Chrome Aluminum wheels 19" front 20" rear
ZF1 Appearance Package
Performance Data and Video Recorder
including navigation
Performance Exhaust
Red Calipers
Carbon Flash Hood Stripe
Premium Carpet Mats
Battery Protection Package
Carbon Flash Badge Package
Carbon Flash Painted Spoiler & Outside Mirrors
Purchased in June
Remainder of the 2 year free maintenance
3 year bumper to bumper
Original Price: $71,415
Asking Price: $64,000
Contact: Dave Jeffers
Home Phone: 843-249-8616
E-Mail: the_jeffers@hotmail.com
Page 20 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
2001 LS1 Triple Black Coupe
Automatic Trans - 2Tops
20,771 miles
Asking $ 18,500 or BO
Call Greg Owens (843) 274-8537
Page 21 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
For Sale
1967 Corvette Roadster
Original Factory A/C Car, Goodwood Green with green interior, Two tops (black soft top and green
hard top), Four Speed, Side pipes, Electric windows, power steering, L79 —327/ 350 HP (engine is a
’65 corvette engine -car s/n 102394 - is stamped on the block) intake and exhaust manifolds and
other engine dressing is original ’67 stuff, Remainder of car and driveline is original. Engine was
rebuilt and documented in 2001 and has approx. 7000 miles on it.
Offered with asking price of $63,000.00
Contact = Don Porter (cell 336-782-5911) (email - dporter13@triad.rr.com)
Car is located in Kernersville,
Page 22 Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016
Member Business
“21st Annual Corvettes at
Myrtle Beach” June 3 -June 4, 2016
Please join us on June 3rd and June 4th in beautiful Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for our 21st Annual Corvette
Show, “Corvettes at Myrtle Beach”, hosted by the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club. We begin the festivities with
our Friday night “Pre-Car Show Party” at Landmark Resort overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. The
maximum seating capacity for the pre-show party is 250. We have protected parking to walk around and view
our cars, beautiful ambiance in the Banquet Room, delicious dinner, a DJ and dance floor, an easy-to-find
location, enough space for a great time and fun for everyone.
The official host hotel of this year’s car show is Landmark Resort, 1501 South Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach,
SC 29577. Call Toll Free: (800-845-0658) for reservations and tell them you are with the Myrtle Beach
Corvette Club Car Show and you should receive the special rate. Rooms have been blocked for Interior,
Ocean view, Oceanfront, and Suites. Prices range from $82.00 plus tax for an interior room (weekday) to
$188.00 plus tax (weekend) for a deluxe oceanfront suite.
To receive this rate you must make your reservations by May 3, 2016.
The first 150 to register for both days’ events will receive an event T-shirt. The first 300 will receive a goody
bag with a dash plaque and other mementos. We will have trophy classes covering the C1 to C7 models.
Judging will be done by unbiased MBCC members. Trophies will be awarded at the show. Trophies will
also be awarded for The Longest Distance Traveled , Best in Show, Club Participation, Ladies Choice and other
Specialty Classifications. The National Corvette Museum will have items for sale. There are plenty of door
prizes, numerous food and auto vendors, and entertainment. The show is being held at Broadway at the Beach
on the 21st Avenue North side of the park, (www.broadwayatthebeach.com), the same location as last year.
Pre-registration can be down-loaded through our website www.myrtlebeachcorvetteclub.com by clicking on the
“MB Car Show” tab on the website. Men and women’s car show shirts will be available for purchase the day
of the show. ... Women’s shirts run a little small.
For all pre-registrants who wish to attend Friday evening’s Pre-Car Show Party, it will be held at the
Landmark Resort at 1501 South Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach.
Below is a list of other local hotels in the area very near Broadway at the Beach:
Hampton Inn & Suites Oceanfront Resort, 1801 S Ocean Blvd, MB, SC 29577 843-946-6400
LaQuinta Hotel Broadway at the Beach, 1561 21st Ave. North, MB SC 29577 843-916-8801
Fairfield Inn Broadway at the Beach, 3150 Oleander Dr, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, 843-444-8097
Hampton Inn & Suites Broadway at the Beach, 1140 Celebrity Circle, MB, 29577 843-916-0600
Please check our website at www.myrtlebeachcorvetteclub.com , or contact Linda Meaders with your
questions and/or to request additional information. See you at the show!
Tim Wuennemann
Myrtle Beach Corvette Club President
Linda Meaders
Car Show Chairman
Registration must be received no later than May 14, 2016. No refunds after that date.
Please print or type
Car Owner: _____________________________________________________________________
Guest: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: ______________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _____________________________Cell Phone: ____________________________
Personal E-mail address: _________________________________________________________
Year of vehicle: ____________ Model type: __________________________________________
Coupe: _______Convertible: ________Color: _________________________________________
I am a member of ______________________________________________________________Club
Are you bringing your car on/in a trailer? _____ Yes _____ No
Show Options & Costs: (Please Check Desired Options)
____ 1 couple – $115 - Includes Friday Night Pre-Show Party & Saturday show ($10 for each additional car)
____ 1 single – $70 - Includes Friday Night Pre-Show Party & Saturday show ($10 for each additional car)
____ 1 car show only - $25 ($10 for each additional car)(no event T-shirt for car show only)
____ Day of show car entry - $30.00 (no event T-shirt for car show only)
Men’s Pre-Registration T-Shirt – Size desired? S___ M___ L___ XL___ XXL___ XXXL___ XXXXL___
Note: first 150 registrants for both days’ events will receive an event T-shirt with the entry fee.
Note: please add $2.00 for men’s XXL, $3.00 for men’s XXXL, and $5.00 for men’s XXXXL to your entry fee.
(Extra men’s & women’s shirt(s) available at an extra cost) _ Men’s S-XL/
Women’s V- Neck
M-XL / $17.00
XXL/ $18.00
XXXL/ $20.00
Make check payable to “Myrtle Beach Corvette Club”:
Send Registration Form to: MBCC
PO Box 4836
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597
Liability Clause: Entrants and participants by execution of this form, release and discharge The Myrtle Beach Corvette Club,
Broadway at the Beach, Landmark Resort, their officers, directors, members, employees and anyone else connected with the
presentation of this car show, from any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments and/or claims from any
causes whatsoever that may be suffered by any entrant or participant to person or property. Alcohol is not allowed at the show.
Signature: ____________________________________________ ______________ Date: ____________________________