February 2016 - Myrtle Beach Corvette Club
February 2016 - Myrtle Beach Corvette Club
Myrtle Beach Corvette Club Vette Gazette Editor: Bob Carey VetteGazette.MBCC@gmail.com Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 Visit our Sponsor Presidents Corner by Tim Wuennemann Greetings…. We are off to a very good start for 2016 with good attendance and participation at the January meeting. We had many new members in attendance. There was very positive feedback from the members in attendance pertaining to the Activities Committee direction, for 2016. The June Car Show plans are set and the solicitations for donations are off to a very good start. We will have the two new charities attend our meetings before the end of May. In This Issue BOD Reports 1-3 Events 4 NCM News 6 Sponsorships 7 Car Show News 8 If you have not been at a meeting for awhile mark you calendar for February 14, 2016 and attend at Crow Creek, Calabash NC. Calendar 10 Birthday and Anniversary 11 As your President my goal is to help facilitate your good ideas into action through teamwork with the support of the Board. We are focused on implementing the changes the majority of our members want to take place. Sponsors 12 Classified Ads 16 Businesses 23 Save The Wave! Car Show Forms 24 Tim Wuennemann President, Myrtle Beach Corvette Club Page 2 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Dealer Ken Belford VP Hello members! Well I made it through my first meeting and dinner as the new vice- president, and it may have gone without any “hitches” - or I hope so. I want to thank all the 93 members that attended the meeting, and stayed for the dinner. That count is no record, but it is one heck of a showing. All had a great time, talking to one another, I guess about the past holidays and the partying. The meal was good, and we even had some great singing to go along with it! Anyway, let’s hope we have another large representation at our February 14th meeting. It will be held at the Crow Creek Golf Course Clubhouse, meeting at 5PM, dinner to follow at 6PM. Our members that volunteered to host the affair are Rich and Chickie Kidd - thank you both . Just to give a little advanced notice, the March 13th meeting will be held at Barefoot Resort Golf Clubhouse. So, until later, God bless you, stay safe, and keep those Corvettes shiny and bright. Ken Belford, v.p. Susan Woldanski Secretary The minutes from the November meeting were issued to all members. One correction was noted. That is, Jimmy Payne was introduced as a new member at the November meeting. His wife, Jackie Payne, also a new member, was not introduced as she did not attend the meeting. Here is something fun to remember. As Corvette owner you can tell anyone that the tired feeling you experience when you finish a spirited drive is called “Vette Lag.” LOL Page 3 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 Marian Ambrosino Membership Director www.mbcorvetteclub.com Dealer Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I want to start off by thanking the new members that came to my very first (woohoo) orientation before the January meeting – John Barber & Karen Wrede (who drove up from their home in Florida to attend!), John & Carol Bunn, Lew Christoffel, Peter & Cheryl Garruto, Lanny & Judy Johnston, Rich & Nan Kerp, Patricia Miller, and Michael Murphy! I also want to thank new members David & Wendy Gooden and Steve and Vicki Isaak for attending the meeting. During our meeting, we also had Melvin and Pamela Baker stop by to join! They were past members from Little River that have rejoined now that they have a 2015 Shark Gray Coupe…very nice. Melvin and Pamela are both organized, great planners so I’m sure Jim Spore would love help with our activities committees and Linda Meaders would love the help with our June Car Show activities! There are plenty of ways to put those special talents to good use!! Everyone can help me out by keeping an eye out for our newest members at our meetings and gatherings and make them feel welcome by asking them to join you at your table. Spread the love :) For the month of February, we have some people celebrating over 10 years of membership in the MBCC. Tom & Mary Jane Luff, Carlos & Helen Scheer, and Ed & Connie Wisniewski have all been members for 11 years this month! Our current roster includes 223 total members. As a reminder, please send any changes to your address, phone number, email etc. to me at MarianAmbrosino@gmail.com so I can keep our roster up-to-date and you don’t miss out on any of the fun. Last but not least, I want to share a special thanks to Betty Freedman, Sandy Beall, Linda Meaders, and Deborah Kelly for all the help while I was getting acquainted with my new position and all of the responsibilities it includes. Many, many thanks ladies! The trip IS the destination…drive safely my friends. ~Marian Page 4 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Jim Spore Activities Chairman Iguessmostofyoudidn’texpecttohearfromme againastheMBCCAc:vi:esDirector.Well,Iamno longertheAc:vi:esDirectorbutsincenoonewas willingtoassumetheposi:onIthoughtitwas:meto formanAc:vi:esCommiCeewherenooneperson wouldneedtoberesponsibleforalltheclubsac:vi:es. ThereforeIhaveagreedtotakeontheposi:onasthe ChairmanoftheNewMBCCAc:vi:esCommiCeeandI wasabletofind6clubmemberswhoarewillingtobe ontheCommiCee.TheyareDianneBelford,DeborahKelly,NancyJessee,Jerry Edwards,CarlosScheer,andDavidLacey.Iwillcon:nuetobeveryac:veinthe commiCeebutwithatotalof7peopleitwilltakethepressureoffanyone person. Ourfirstmee:ngwasJanuary7thandIhandedoutamatrixofalltheac:vi:es wehavedonethelastthreeyears.Weallagreedwewouldcon:nuedoingmany ofthethingsthatwerethemostpopularinthepastbutwealsocameupwith somereallygoodnewideas.There’snothingbeCerthanagoodbrainstorming sessionandthat’swhatwedidforthebalanceofourfirstmee:ng.Thiswillbea workinprogressbutnothingbutgoodcancomefromthecommiCee. Injustonerela:velyshortmee:ngwewereabletocomeupwithagameplan forJanuaryandFebruaryandabunchofideasfortherestoftheyear.Hereis whatwehaveplanned. SaturdayJanuary30th-TheclubwillbegoingtotheAlabamaTheatertosee comedianRickyMokel.UnfortunatelythecutofffortheshowwasJanuary22nd. (Februaryeventscon:nuedonnextpage) Page 5 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com SaturdayFebruary6th-Theclubwillbebowlingatthe“710Bowling”alleyin NorthMyrtleBeachatnoon.The"710Bowling”islocatedat1105Hwy.17S. NorthMyrtleBeach,SC29582.Thisisnotyourstandardbowlingalley.Itismore likeanightclubthathasbowlingalleys.Inaddi:ontobowlingthereisfree billiards,darts,pingpongandshuffleboard.Thecostwillbe$14perperson. Thatwillcovertwogames,shoerental,pizza,andsocdrinks.Adultbeverages andaddi:onalfoodcanalsobepurchasedfromtheirfullbarandrestaurant. ACachedisalinktotheirsite-www.710bowling.com.Youdon'thavetobea goodbowlertohaveagood:me.Theyevenhavebumpersonallthelanes!If you'dliketogosendyourchecktoourPOBoxandnoCfytheAcCviCes CommiIeeandyouwillbeaddedtothesign-upsheet. MondayFebruary15th-BreakfastatSeaCaptainsat9:00.Theyarelocatedat 3002NorthOceanHighway,MyrtleBeach,andyou'llbehardpressedtofinda beCerandmoreaffordablebreakfastbuffet.Youcanalsoorderrightoffthe menu.ACachedisalinktotherestaurant-hCp:// www.seacaptains.com/.Again,pleasenoCfytheAcCviCesCommiIeetohave yournameaddedtothelist. TuesdayMarch1st–We’llbemakingaDayTriptotheAirborneandSpecial OperaConsMuseuminFayeCeville,N.C.Yes,thisisonlyadaytrip.Wewillbe depar:ngfromtheLowesFoodinLiCleRiver.WhenwegettoFayeCevillewe willhavelunchthenheadtotheMuseum.Thatwaypeoplecanspendasmuch :meinthemuseumastheywish.Departure:meandotherdetailswill follow.PleasenoCfytheAcCviCesCommiIeeifyouareinterestedingoingso yournamecanbeaddedtothelist. Again,ifyouwouldliketogobowling,sendyourcheckmadeouttoMBCCtoour POBox:MBCC,POBox4836,NorthMyrtleBeach,SC29597.Andifyouwant toaIendanyoftheseacCviCessendanemailtombccactcom@gmail.com. Thanks! Page 6 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 mbcorvetteclub@gmail.com Mike Woldanski NCM Ambassador MIKE "We have a unique opportunity for all club members to share in the activities surrounding membership with the National Corvette Museum. Please take time to review this opportunity and enroll. The benefits of membership are being extended to our club as a Lifetime Member." "Please see me if you have any questions at our next meeting. Click on the document on the left to link to a printable page to use and mail in. Use the link below to log in the web site to sign up on line. http://www.corvettemuseum.org/etrial/ Read the linkable document for the required password. Page 7 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 mbcorvetteclub@gmail.com CAR SHOW DONATIONS COMMITTEE Betty Freedman stahlerb@aol.com It is once again time to begin soliciting donations that can be auctioned at our 21st Annual Corvettes at Myrtle Beach Car Show. This year we decided to make some changes. Instead of our Friday evening Silent Auction, we will be having a Chinese Auction. We feel this will be a lot of fun for our members and guests. We will continue our live auction on Saturday, auctioning vacation packages. We still need donations solicited, so if you go to your favorite restaurant or salon, etc., ask if they will donate. You will find all the forms you need in the Vette Gazette. For those who would like to help but are uncomfortable asking businesses for donations, you can purchase a gift card which can be included in a basket. I will be asking the membership for those who want to participate to bring me something each month. With that being said, anyone who would like to participate, please bring me or mail (to our club mailbox) one scratch off lottery ticket by next meeting. We will make a basket full of lottery tickets for the Chinese Auction. If you are interested in actually soliciting donations, please let me know and I will make sure you have a territory and the forms needed. Page 8 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Dealer Linda Meaders Car Show Chairperson As you all know our #1 fund raiser for the last 21 years has been our annual June car show. This year our show will be on Saturday June 4th again at Broadway at the Beach. Our Welcome party will be Friday night June 3rd. Our host hotel again is Landmark Resort at 1501 south Ocean Blvd in Myrtle Beach. They are offering great rates for our car show participants. Those rates are posted on our website as well. More information on this will follow on our website and in the Vette Gazette. There are sign up sheets that I will be putting out at every meeting but if you are interested in being on one of these committees please contact me. They are: 50/50 chaired by Sandy Beall (need 10 people), Donations, chaired by Betty Freedman, Goody Bags, chaired by Linda Gengler (need 8-10 people), Judging, chaired by Bob Furfaro (need 14 people), Outside Club Participation need 1 or 2 people. This committee consists of email and/or calling clubs from all over the southeast inviting them to our car show. I have a list of outside clubs. This committee would take care of emailing our registration form to their club website so the information can go out to all of their members. If you are affiliated with any other clubs outside of South Carolina we would love to have you invite them to our show. Our Parking committee is chaired by Jim Spore and he needs 4 people for Friday night and about 20 people for Saturday. Registration is chaired by Debbie Sadar and she is asking for 8-10 people. Shirts and Hats committee chair is Della Goettl and she needs 10 people for Friday night and Saturday. As always we have cases and cases of bottled water that have to be kept on ice and repositioned in our coolers. We make sure that all car show participants and of course our members and volunteers are hydrated. So we always ask the membership if you can bring a case of water or ask a business to donate water. I’m also asking for a Vendor committee this year. I would need 2 people including a chairperson. If anyone in the membership knows of a vendor that would like to set up at our car show they can contact our Vendor chairperson. This committee will keep in contact with the vendors, assign them a vendor number and make sure they know where they will be set up on Saturday at the show. We will also need a little write up about their business so that our DJ on Saturday can promote their business. Page 9 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Dealer At this writing we will have 5-6 golf carts which is great. We also have a 40x80 tent , the port a potties, Friday night and Saturday entertainment as well as our Auctioneer who has committed to donating his time at the show. The registration form, trophy sponsorship form, donation form, sponsorship forms and vendor forms will be posted to our Vette Gazette this month. We ask the membership if they wish to participate they can purchase a trophy with their name or a business name on it. Also dash plaques are $2.25 each and we need 300 so anyone that is interested in purchasing them, please let me know. All these donations help defer the cost of our show expenses and allow us to donate more to our charities. If you have any questions at all about the car show, forms, sponsorships, etc, please let me know. Remember this is all on a volunteer basis. It’s up to you as members whether you want to get involved or not. It is so very rewarding when the whole thing is over and put together and of course we have tons of fun doing it. Linda Meaders 2016 MBCC Car Show Chairperson Click here to go t o forms Page 10 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 mbcorvetteclub@gmail.com ACTIVITIES & UPCOMING EVENTS February 5:00PM Milardo’s Pizza and Sports Bar #PXMJOH /.# .VTUTJHOVQ 5:00PM Papa’s Pizza Wings and Things Cruise In 5:00PM Grumpy Monk Cruise In 4FB$BQUBJOT #SFBLGBTU ". %BZ5SJQ "JSCPSOF 4QFDJBM0QT 'BZFUUFWJMMF 5:00PM Milardo’s Pizza and Sports Bar Page 11 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Dealer Birthday Wishes Carla, Silver Pat Gibson Jill Edwards Carlos Scheer Jim Hill Tony Ingorgia Nan Kerp Pamela Baker Tom Haller Linda Meaders Jimmy Payne Sean Brosky Mark Woodson Nancy Jessee 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 8 9 12 10 12 14 14 Debbie Burmer William Fiscus Harry Silver Ron Petrecca Brenda Falkler Debbie Pacella Joey Villano Diane Merola Karen Wrede Maryellen Grabarz Jim Falkler Sharon Spore Bill Clark Happy Anniversary to Mike & Susan Woldanski 26 YEARS 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 25 25 27 27 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Page 12 Volume 6 Issue 2 Febr uary 2016 OUR 2016 CHARITIES BARNABAS HORSE FOUNDATION http://www.barnabashorse.org/ Barnabas Horse Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity, was established in 2011 to answer the need for alternatives/additions to traditional talk therapy in our community. Knowing the healing that horses have brought into their own lives, they felt called to share their experience, strength, hope, and horses with those who have been affected by abuse and trauma. They began working with children, age 4-17, but within two years they saw a need to expand their program to help more people. They are currently working with children, women, and families, and are undergoing the training to work with veterans. MEALS ON WHEELS OF HORRY COUNTY, INC. http://www.mowhc.org/ MISSION STATEMENT Meals on Wheels of Horry County, Inc. glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ by providing home-delivered meals and fellowship to the homebound, elderly, and frail of Horry County. VALUES Maintain a deep respect for the diverse community we serve. Educate our community in the nutritional needs of the elderly, disabled, and terminally ill. Administer honesty in our efforts and in the resources that God and the community entrusts to our program. Leadership in serving our community through partnering with other agencies. Supportive of our volunteers, understanding that time is a precious resource. Page 13 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.myrtlebeachcorvetteclub.com Please patronize our sponsors CRUISE IN CHANGES BACK ! 1st Wednesday 5 PM Milardo’s Pizza & Sports Bar 3264 Bus. HWY 17 Business Murrells Inlet 2nd Tuesday 5 PM Papas Wings & Things 111 Pavilion Drive Little River 3rd Thursday 5 PM The Grumpy Monk 4545 Hwy 501 Myrtle Beach Please try and attend some of these great events, they are helping your club to reach it’s goals and support our charities so let’s show them how much it’s appreciated and support their businesses also. Thank You Members of the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club Page 14 Volume 6 Issue 2 Febr uary 2016 mbcorvetteclub@gmail.com OUR SPONSORS Coastal Cosmetic Dental Associates Wyman Wise State Farm Insurance Page 15 Volume 6 Issue 2 Febr uary 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com OUR SPONSORS. Bill and Val McGarry SURFWATER PROMOTOTIONS Charlie and Debbie Meade Jim and Brenda Falkler Averill Automotives, Inc. Keith and Gwenn McDaniel Page 16 Volume 6 Issue 2 february 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Newsletter Articles and Classifieds We encourage members to submit articles and items for publication in the Vette Gazette. Subjects can include car s how s, mystery trips, fun runs, events, tech tips, Corvette new s, parties and more. Pictures ar e desirable. For MBCC members and Sponsors, w e offer free classifieds for Corvette related items such as cars, accessories, parts and serv ices. Please include a br ief description, price , picture and contact infor mation of items for sale. Please email to Vettegazette.MBCC@gm ail.com by th e 25th of each month. Myrtle Beach Chevrolet & Cadillac Sales Manager Scott Urban Car Sales: (843) 492-6634 Service: (843) 492-0729 Parts: (843) 492-0729 1785 Hi ghway 501 Myrtle Beach SC 29577 MBCC members are offered discounts for parts, accessories and service. www.mbcorvetteclub.com Page 17 Volume 6 Issue 2 february 2016 For Sale BOOKS FOR SALE! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! Corvette from the Inside: The Development History as told by Dave McLellan, Corvette's Chief Engineer 1975-1992 1st Edition $20.00 There's no one more qualified than Dave McLellan to reflect upon the remarkable endurance of this legendary American icon. Dave McLellan belongs to a select group by having been the second of only three Corvette Chief Engineers to date. He is also the very first Corvette Chief Engineer to sit down and write his view of the incredible story of America's foremost sports car. Cor-vette specs C4 - 1984-1996 $15.00 This is the best reference book for the C4 owner or for those looking to purchase a C4. This book details year by year changes in the C4. Press releases, production numbers and important landmarks are noted for each year. I was amazed with the changes that happened to the C4 that I never read about before I read this book. Buy this book and you will not be disappointed. Chilton’s General Motors Corvette 1984-1996 Repair Manual Presently out of print - $15.00 Chevrolet Fuel Injection - Motorbooks Decembe r 2015 $5.00 Page 18 Volume 6 Issue 2 february 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com For Sale BOOKS FOR SALE, CONTINUED OEM 1995 Corvette 2 Volume Repair Manuals $50.00 each Volume One - covering all except drivability and emissions and electrical diagnosis. This is the Official Repair Manual that the dealers and shops use. This is the finest manual available. It is very detailed with good diagrams, photos and exploded views. This is a must for anyone who insists on Genuine OEM quality parts. Topics Include: General Information, Heating/Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Steering, Suspension, Driveline/Axle, Brakes, Engine, Engine Mechanical, Engine Cooling, Engine Electrical, Engine Controls, Engine Exhaust, Transmission/Transaxle, Body Interior and Exterior, Accessories, Instrumentation and Lighting, Wiring Systems, Restraints and more. 1984-1990 Parts and Illustration Catalog This is a 3 ring binder with a wealth of pictures and part numbers. $10.00 1986 Electrical Diagnostic Supplement ( Wiring Diagrams ) $5.00 Contact Bob Carey if interested MBCC Member rwc42@me.com 845-282-2455 Decembe r 2015 Page 19 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com For Sale February Dealer Page 20 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com For Sale Dealer 1967 Corvette Roadster Original Factory A/C Car, Goodwood Green with green interior, Two tops (black soft top and green hard top), Four Speed, Side pipes, Electric windows, power steering, L79 —327/ 350 HP (engine is a ’65 corvette engine -car s/n 102394 - is stamped on the block) intake and exhaust manifolds and other engine dressing is original ’67 stuff, Remainder of car and driveline is original. Engine was rebuilt and documented in 2001 and has approx. 7000 miles on it. Offered with asking price of $63,000.00 Contact = Don Porter (cell 336-782-5911) (email - dporter13@triad.rr.com) Car is located in Kernersville, February Page 21 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com For Sale 2004 C5 CORVETTE Vehicle is in pristine condition and runs like a top. It has 22,600 miles and has been well cared for. The following ad-ons have been installed: Mid America motor works axle back exhaust MGW short throw shifter (6 speed) Air Raid cold air intake Mark Shaner polished throttle body Mid America front end bra Chrome engine covers and caps Stainless screens on all vents Removable cover for inside top All OEM parts that have been replaced Asking $23,300. Call Gary @ 910-274-1343 Decembe r 2015 Page 22 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com For Sale 1993 Chevy Corvette 40th Anniversary Ruby Red One-Owner Car Showroom Condition Includes: Original Window Sticker and Factory Literature 1993 Chevrolet Service Manuals Wolf Car Cover Targa Top 13,000 original miles Asking $20,000 OBO Call David 914-403-4981 Decembe r 2015 Page 23 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 2016 www.mbcorvetteclub.com Member Businesses ! Myrtle Beach Corvette Club, P.O. Box 4836, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597 TROPHY SPONSORSHIP FORM The Myrtle Beach Corvette Club appreciates your contribution to our 21st Annual “Corvettes at Myrtle Beach” car show being held on Saturday, June 4, 2016. Your contribution will support our local car show charities: Barnabas Horse Foundation (Tax # 61-1675670) and Meals on Wheels (Tax ID#26-3523060) By sponsoring a trophy that displays your name, or the name of your business, you will be recognized at the time of the trophy presentation. Submit “your name” as you want to see it on the trophy (or trophies) you purchase. Trophy Prices: See page two for complete breakdown of Trophy prices TROPHY CLASS PURCHASED: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________________________________ Name on Trophy: ________________________________________________________ Street Address: __________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: ________ Zip: _______________ Contribution Amount: $____________________________ Phone No: ______________ Email Address: __________________________________ MBCC Member soliciting the sponsorship: ___________________________________ Mail your check payable to: MBCC, PO Box 4836, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597 DEADLINE IS MAY 14, 2016 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 TROPHY CLASSES AND PRICES CIRCLE CHOICE(S) AND FILL OUT PAGE ONE 1 EACH - BEST IN SHOW $45.00 ===================================================================== 7 EACH – 1ST PLACE (C1) $20.00 2ND PLACE (C1) $17.00 3RD PLACE (C1) $15.00 (C2) $20.00 2ND PLACE (C1) $17.00 3RD PLACE (C1) $15.00 (C3) $20.00 2ND PLACE (C1) $17.00 3RD PLACE (C1) $15.00 (C4) $20.00 2ND PLACE (C1) $17.00 3RD PLACE (C1) $15.00 (C5) $20.00 2ND PLACE (C1) $17.00 3RD PLACE (C1) $15.00 (C6) $20.00 2ND PLACE (C1) $17.00 3RD PLACE (C1) $15.00 (C7) $20.00 2ND PLACE (C1) $17.00 3RD PLACE (C1) $15.00 ===================================================================== 1 EACH – 1ST PLACE STOCK 1 EACH – 2ND PLACE STOCK 1 EACH – 3RD PLACE STOCK $20.00 $17.00 $15.00 ===================================================================== 1 EACH – 1ST PLACE CUSTOM 1 EACH – 2ND PLACE CUSTOM 1 EACH – 3RD PLACE CUSTOM $20.00 $17.00 $15.00 ===================================================================== 1 EACH – BEST INTERIOR $15.00 1 EACH – BEST EXTERIOR $15.00 1 EACH – MOST EXTREME $15.00 1 EACH – BEST ENGINE $15.00 1 EACH – FARTHEST TRAVELED $15.00 1 EACH – CLUB PARTICIPATION $15.00 1 EACH - LADIES CHOICE $20.00 1 EACH – SURVIVOR $20.00 ==================================================================== 34 EACH – CLASS WINNER $20.00 each Karen Wrede (5) $100.00 ===================================================================== HOST CLUB TROPHIES 1 EACH – 1ST PLACE CLUB CORVETTE $20.00 1 EACH – 2ND PLACE CLUB CORVETTE 1 EACH – 3RD PLACE CLUB CORVETTE 350 – DASH PLAQUES $2.25 $17.00 $15.00 “21st Annual Corvettes at Myrtle Beach” June 3 -June 4, 2016 Please join us on June 3rd and June 4th in beautiful Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for our 21st Annual Corvette Show, “Corvettes at Myrtle Beach”, hosted by the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club. We begin the festivities with our Friday night “Pre-Car Show Party” at Landmark Resort overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. The maximum seating capacity for the pre-show party is 250. We have protected parking to walk around and view our cars, beautiful ambiance in the Banquet Room, delicious dinner, a DJ and dance floor, an easy-to-find location, enough space for a great time and fun for everyone. The official host hotel of this year’s car show is Landmark Resort, 1501 South Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Call Toll Free: (800-845-0658) for reservations and tell them you are with the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club Car Show and you should receive the special rate. Rooms have been blocked for Interior, Ocean view, Oceanfront, and Suites. Prices range from $82.00 plus tax for an interior room (weekday) to $188.00 plus tax (weekend) for a deluxe oceanfront suite. To receive this rate you must make your reservations by May 3, 2016. The first 150 to register for both days’ events will receive an event T-shirt. The first 300 will receive a goody bag with a dash plaque and other mementos. We will have trophy classes covering the C1 to C7 models. Judging will be done by unbiased MBCC members. Trophies will be awarded at the show. Trophies will also be awarded for The Longest Distance Traveled , Best in Show, Club Participation, Ladies Choice and other Specialty Classifications. The National Corvette Museum will have items for sale. There are plenty of door prizes, numerous food and auto vendors, and entertainment. The show is being held at Broadway at the Beach on the 21st Avenue North side of the park, (www.broadwayatthebeach.com), the same location as last year. Pre-registration can be down-loaded through our website www.myrtlebeachcorvetteclub.com by clicking on the “MB Car Show” tab on the website. Men and women’s car show shirts will be available for purchase the day of the show. ... Women’s shirts run a little small. For all pre-registrants who wish to attend Friday evening’s Pre-Car Show Party, it will be held at the Landmark Resort at 1501 South Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach. Below is a list of other local hotels in the area very near Broadway at the Beach: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hampton Inn & Suites Oceanfront Resort, 1801 S Ocean Blvd, MB, SC 29577 843-946-6400 LaQuinta Hotel Broadway at the Beach, 1561 21st Ave. North, MB SC 29577 843-916-8801 Fairfield Inn Broadway at the Beach, 3150 Oleander Dr, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577, 843-444-8097 Hampton Inn & Suites Broadway at the Beach, 1140 Celebrity Circle, MB, 29577 843-916-0600 Please check our website at www.myrtlebeachcorvetteclub.com , or contact Linda Meaders with your questions and/or to request additional information. See you at the show! Tim Wuennemann Myrtle Beach Corvette Club President mbcorvetteclub@gmail.com Linda Meaders Car Show Chairman lmeaders@frontier.com 21st ANNUAL MBCC CAR SHOW REGISTRATION Registration must be received no later than May 14, 2016. No refunds after that date. Please print or type Car Owner: _____________________________________________________________________ Guest: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code: ______________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________Cell Phone: ____________________________ Personal E-mail address: _________________________________________________________ Year of vehicle: ____________ Model type: __________________________________________ Coupe: _______Convertible: ________Color: _________________________________________ I am a member of ______________________________________________________________Club Are you bringing your car on/in a trailer? _____ Yes _____ No Show Options & Costs: (Please Check Desired Options) ____ 1 couple – $115 - Includes Friday Night Pre-Show Party & Saturday show ($10 for each additional car) ____ 1 single – $70 - Includes Friday Night Pre-Show Party & Saturday show ($10 for each additional car) ____ 1 car show only - $25 ($10 for each additional car)(no event T-shirt for car show only) ____ Day of show car entry - $30.00 (no event T-shirt for car show only) Men’s Pre-Registration T-Shirt – Size desired? S___ M___ L___ XL___ XXL___ XXXL___ XXXXL___ Note: first 150 registrants for both days’ events will receive an event T-shirt with the entry fee. Note: please add $2.00 for men’s XXL, $3.00 for men’s XXXL, and $5.00 for men’s XXXXL to your entry fee. (Extra men’s & women’s shirt(s) available at an extra cost) _ Men’s S-XL/ XXL/ XXXL/ XXXXL/ $15.00 $17.00 $18.00 $20.00 Women’s V- Neck M-XL / $17.00 XXL/ $18.00 XXXL/ $20.00 Make check payable to “Myrtle Beach Corvette Club”: Send Registration Form to: MBCC PO Box 4836 North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597 Liability Clause: Entrants and participants by execution of this form, release and discharge The Myrtle Beach Corvette Club, Broadway at the Beach, Landmark Resort, their officers, directors, members, employees and anyone else connected with the presentation of this car show, from any and all known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments and/or claims from any causes whatsoever that may be suffered by any entrant or participant to person or property. Alcohol is not allowed at the show. Signature: ____________________________________________ ______________ Date: ____________________________ MBCC, P.O. BOX 4836, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597 www.myrtlebeachcorvetteclub.com The Myrtle Beach Corvette Club is a group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts who live and work along the Grand Strand. We meet monthly and support various charity events in Horry County, Georgetown County in South Carolina, and Brunswick County in North Carolina throughout the year. "Corvettes at Myrtle Beach" is the official name of our annual Car Show fund raiser. This year it will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2016 at Broadway at The Beach. Show participants come from all along the East Coast (Florida to Maine), Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Kansas, Texas, and as far north as Canada. The show is open to the public with no admission fee. Our club is a social club and our primary purpose is to raise contributions to support charities located in Horry County and Georgetown County in South Carolina, and Brunswick County in North Carolina. Our 2016 Car Show charities will be Barnabas Horse Foundation (tax id# 61-1675670 and Meals on Wheels (tax id# 26-3523060). These programs are operated entirely by volunteers and dedicated to helping our needy children and families throughout the Grand Strand. We have four types of sponsorships available: PRIZE SPONSOR: With one or more items or gift certificates from you or your business establishment, you or your company will be acknowledged as the door prizes are awarded at the Car Show and/or raffled at the Awards Banquet. CAR SHOW SPONSOR: $100 - We will provide to all car show participants any flyers, coupons or informational material you provide on your products or service. You or your company will be acknowledged as a sponsor on our Car Show T-Shirt. EVENT SPONSOR: $300 - We will provide to all car show participants any flyers, coupons or informational material you provide on your products or service. You or your company will be acknowledged as a sponsor by having your company name or logo on our web page and Car Show T-Shirt. If you or your company has a web page, we will post a link from our web page to yours for one year. You will be presented with a plaque showing our sincere appreciation for your support shortly following the car show event. EVENT SPONSOR- RESTAURANT: $400 – We will provide to all car show participants any flyers, coupons or informational material you provide on your restaurant. Your restaurant will be acknowledged as a sponsor by having your restaurant name or logo on our web page and Car Show T-shirt. If your restaurant has a web page, we will post a link from our web page to yours for one year. We will set up a cruise-in one day every month for our club members to dine at your restaurant. We cannot guarantee the amount of participants that will attend. You will be presented with a plaque showing our sincere appreciation for your support shortly following the car show event. TROPHY SPONSOR: There are several trophy classes available for individuals or companies to purchase for our Car Show. A list of available trophies and pricing can be provided if you have an interest in purchasing a trophy or trophies. We encourage you to consider this option in addition to other sponsorships. Your name, or company name, will be engraved on the trophy ! MYRTLE BEACH CORVETTE CLUB VENDOR REGISTRATION/CONTRACT FORM 21st Annual Corvettes at Myrtle Beach Car Show Vendor Contract #___________ Welcome to Myrtle Beach Corvette Club’s 21st Annual Corvettes At The Beach Car Show located at Broadway at the Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC on Saturday, June 4, 2016. As a participant in our car show, you will be entitled to a booth space(s) reserved to display, demonstrate and sell your products or services. Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016 Place: Broadway at the Beach – 21st Ave North & Grissom Pkwy next to IMAX Theater Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Check in: Set-up begins at 7:30 am Booths & Display must be setup by 9:00 am Tear Down: Booths & displays should not be removed prior to 3:30 pm Entry Deadline: May 14, 2016 will be the absolute deadline for vendor registrations Entry Fee: $50 per 10’ x 10’ space Refunds: Sorry, but there will be no refunds for cancellations or no-shows. If you would like to participate by purchasing a booth space(s) please complete page 2 of this document by signing, dating and mailing the completed form and your check made payable to MBCC to the following address: P O BOX 4836 North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597 Rules and Regulations 1. Spaces will be assigned as contracts received; all requests will be considered 2. Space locations & size will be sent to you in an email confirmation 3. Exhibitor must be present during show & booth must always be attended 4. After unloading, non-authorized vehicles must be moved to designated parking area 5. Vendors may not move booth(s) from one location to another 6. Vendors will be responsible for personal liability coverage Vendor Contract #____________________ PLEASE PRINT Name _______________________________________________Date:____________ Company Name:_______________________________________________________ Company Address:_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Telephone:____________________________________________________________ Fax Number__________________________________________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: MBCC P O Box 4836 North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597 A confirmation email noting your assigned space will be sent to you shortly. Please do not hesitate to call or email Linda Meaders, car show chairperson, if you have any questions. I can be reached at 843-340-1731 or by email: lmeaders@frontier.com PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE BEFORE MAY 14, 2016 AND MAINTAIN THE FIRST PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS. On June 4, 2016, the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club will be holding their 21st Annual Corvette Car Show at Broadway @ the Beach in Myrtle Beach. We are expecting between 250 and 300 Corvettes from our club and many Corvette Clubs from across the country to participate. Our club is a social club and all funds generated from our car show will be donated to specific charities. Our 2016 Car Show charities will be “Meals on Wheels of Horry County”, program run and operated by volunteers and dedicated to providing home-delivered meals and fellowship to home bound elderly residents, and “Barnabas Horse Foundation”, run and operated by volunteers dedicated to providing equine-assisted therapy for children and adults recovering from trauma and abuse. We are asking local businesses to support our charities by donating vacation packages, golf packages, show tickets, complimentary dinners, etc., to be auctioned off. We will also be distributing gift bags to all participants of the show upon registration. We will be putting together 300 bags filled with items of advertisement and gifts to promote local and national businesses. We would love to include an item with your business advertisement in the bags. Please contact me with any questions or to coordinate pickup of donations. Thanks in advance for your support. Betty Freedman 843-347-2019 Maryellen Grabarz 843-347-2785 P.O. BOX 4836, NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29597 www.myrtlebeachcorvetteclub.com The Myrtle Beach Corvette Club appreciates your contribution for our June 4, 2016 Car Show to support two local charities, Meals on Wheels of Horry County (tax ID#38-3801214) and Barnabas Horse Foundation (tax ID#). We would appreciate receiving your contribution no later than May 20, 2016. You may mail your contribution to the address noted above, or your preferred MBCC member will contact you personally to pick up your contribution. Please fill in the important personal or company information below: NAME: ______________________________________________________________________ COMPANY: __________________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ CITY: _____________________________________ STATE ______ ZIP: _______________ AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTION: $_________________________ PAID BY CHECK NUMBER ____________ CASH DONATION ______ DOOR PRIZE ITEMS DONATED: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ***** THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ***** MBCC MEMBER NAME: ______________________________________________________ MEMBER PHONE NUMBER: __________________________________________________ NATIONAL CORVETTE MUSEUM FREE MEMBERSHIP WHO’S ELIGIBLE? Program available to members of clubs who belong to the NCM at the annual business/club or lifetime business/club membership level. 2016 EVENTS January 26-31 MiM Daytona Rolex 24 presented by Michelin March 7-12 MiM Tucson Experience April 28-30 Michelin NCM Bash May 1-4 MiM Tail of the Dragon presented by Michelin PERKS Free one-year eMembership Receive 5% Corvette Store discount Subscription to weekly NCM eNews Emailed membership card May 12-14 C4 Gathering June 11-21 MiM LeMans Tour May 19-22 MiM Marble & Glass ELIGIBILITY New members only Not valid for upgrades or renewals Current members of the NCM can upgrade for a 25% discount to individual or family levels. July 13-17 MiM Milford Proving Grounds September 1-3 22nd Anniversary September 29-October 1 R8C/Xperience Reunion October 11-15, 18-22, 25-29 MiM 1-Lap of Kentucky TWO WAYS TO SIGN UP - Visit www.corvettemuseum.org/etrial (use password vette2016) to enroll online - Fill out and send in the form below to: National Corvette Museum Attn: Membership 350 Corvette Dr., Bowling Green, KY 42101 November 3-5 Vets ‘n Vettes presented by Mobil 1 Learn more and register at corvettemuseum.org NCM FREE e-MEMBERSHIP NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: BIRTHDATE: STATE: EMAIL: CLUB AFFILIATION: ZIP: