18 Apr - Ramapo Catskill Library System
18 Apr - Ramapo Catskill Library System
RCLS Weekly Memo 1 August 23, 2010 Robert Hubsher, Executive Director Ruth K. Daubenspeck, Newsletter Editor Ramapo Catskill Library System • http://www.rcls.org 619 Route 17M • Middletown, NY 10940-4395 • 845.243.3747 Serving Member Libraries Since 1959 April 18, 2016 Now Online @ www.rcls.org RCLS Weekly Memo Archives Juvenile Books Preview Session National Children’s Book Week Press Release AccuCut LibGuide On Your Mark, Get Set AccuCut Shapes AccuCut Dies Alphabetical List AccuCut Die Procedures 2015 RCLS Plan of Service Evaluation Survey Results RCLS Annual Meeting Award Guidelines Success in Albany! Library Advocacy Works! The Governor and Legislature have come to an agreement on the FY2016-17 New York State budget. Thanks to your efforts and effective advocacy, we are happy to report the following: State Library Aid: $95.6 million ($4 million increase) This allocation represents a 4.3% increase in total library aid, which is equivalent to the increase in educational foundation aid. This is the most library aid included in any state budget since FY2008-09. State Library Construction Aid: $19 million ($5 million increase) The allocation for the construction aid program was increased by 35% which is the first increase in nearly a decade. MTA Payroll Tax Reimbursement: $1.3 million Last year we were able to secure a permanent exemption for public libraries and public library systems subject to the MTA payroll tax. This reimbursement reflects the taxes paid in the previous year. It will be the last year this reimbursement is required. THANK YOU!!! to everyone who participated in making the case to the legislature this year. Our messages are working, our efforts matter. Thank you for all you do! Juvenile Books Preview Session RCLS Board Meeting The materials for the Monday, April 18 RCLS Board Meeting are now on the RCLS Website. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the System Headquarters in Middletown. Please feel free to attend. The Juvenile Books Preview Session at RCLS headquarters in Middletown is in full swing! Come and take advantage of this opportunity to look at some of the new books for children and teens. Those library staff who participate will be able to request books from the preview collection. Other free items are available to those who come to RCLS to preview the books. The list of over 1,060 books is available for viewing on the RCLS website along with the instructions that explain how the Preview Session works, plus the breakdown of the number of books that are in each of the nine categories. Registration is required to participate. Contact Eileen Kieva (ext. 221 or ekieva@rcls.org) to reserve a date and time. Space is limited! The Session ends Friday, May 20. Don’t pass up this great opportunity!. April 18, 2016 Examine the State of America’s Libraries Libraries face an uncertain economy as they shift resources and services to meet the needs of the 21st-century digital world. The State of America's Libraries 2016: A Report from the American Library Association, a very special American Libraries digital supplement, details the critical ways that academic, school, and public libraries are transforming the communities they serve, this year and beyond. Edited by Kathy Rosa, director of A L A’s O f f i c e f o r R e s e a r c h and Statistics, The State of America's Libraries 2016 features news and commentary on: The Top Ten Most Challenged Books in 2015 Children’s and teen services Community engagement The Every Student Succeeds Act Privacy in the digital age Calls to action in support of libraries To read this special issue, visit the American Libraries website. 2 RCLS Weekly Memo Former RCLS Director Passes Richard (Dick) V. Anglin, retired Director of the Ramapo Catskill Library System, passed away following a long illness on Thursday, April 14. He was 77. Dick started his RCLS career in September of 1976 as the Adult Services Consultant and Outreach Coordinator. During that time he oversaw the Talking Books for the Blind program, Radio Vision Radio Reading Service for the Blind, and Richard V. Books-by-Mail home delivery program. Anglin Dick also served as liaison to the state and federal correctional facilities that RCLS serves. In 1987, Richard V. Anglin was appointed Director of RCLS, a position he held until his retirement in 2000. In his first year in that role, Dick oversaw the creation of ANSER (Automated Network SERvices) with nine member libraries committing to automation. All other member libraries received computers with modems and printers at that time. In 1988, he established the first annual RCLS Legislative Breakfast. In the 1990s, Dick guided the expansion of automation to include all 48 member libraries. That decade also saw the creation of the RCLS website and the ability to access the RCLS database of member libraries’ holdings including the electronic means to request library materials from home, things that are taken for granted today. Leading up to the new millennium, Dick, along with the RCLS Board and staff, strove to meet the challenge for RCLS to continue to provide new electronic services to member libraries and their patrons. He championed libraries with the RCLS catchphrase, “Let our Libraries amaze YOU!” Dick Anglin is survived by his wife Mariela, three sons, three brothers, four sisters and two grandchildren. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, April 22 at the Applebee-McPhillips Funeral Home, 130 Highland Avenue, Middletown NY. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 23 at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, 90 Euclid Avenue, Middletown. Share your library news with the RCLS Weekly Memo. Send your article to rclsmemo@rcls.org RCLS Weekly Memo 3 Phishing Emails and You Cyber Security Tips Newsletter April 2016 Volume 11, Issue 4 Thomas F. Duffy, Chair of the Cyber Security Tips Newsletter says, “Social engineering refers to the methods attackers use to manipulate people into sharing sensitive information, or taking an action, such as downloading a file. Sometimes social engineers interact with the victim to persuade the victim to share details or perform an action, such as entering information into a login page.” Learn more at the Center for Internet Security website. Bogle Pratt Fund Funding Program Allows Travel Abroad for ALA Members The American Library Association(ALA) is accepting applications for the Bogle Pratt International Library Travel Fund sponsored by the Bogle Memorial Fund and the Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science. An award of $1,000 is given to an ALA personal member to attend their first international conference. An international conference may be defined as a conference sponsored by an international organization or a conference held in a country other than your home country. Recipients must be personal members of the ALA for at least one full year. The deadline to apply has yet to be announced; however, this is an annual award that has always had a deadline of January 1. Check the ALA website often for an official date. The winner will be announced after the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The award is in recognition of Sarah Comly Norris Bogle, a prominent U.S. librarian who made notable contributions to international library service. She frequently represented ALA abroad at meetings of and pertaining to international library significance. More information and application forms can be found on the ALA website. April 18, 2016 YALSA’s Teens Succeed with Libraries Video Contest The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) invites library staff and teens to submit creative and compelling videos for its Teens Succeed with Libraries Video Contest. The contest is open to library staff and the teens they serve. YALSA is looking for creative video entries that compellingly demonstrate how teens make use of library services, programs and staff in order to succeed in school and prepare for college, careers and life. Examples of content may include, but are not limited to: showing how teens use libraries to get good grades, explore careers, pursue hobbies, plan for college, build digital skills, serve the community, become engaged citizens, connect with others, create, and more. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube by Sunday, May 1. Winners will be announced no later than Wednesday, June 1. The top three entries will receive a box of books, audiobooks and graphic novels worth a minimum of $200. 2016 Teen Read Week™ Activity Grant Eligible library staff, afterschool providers and educators can now apply for the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) 2016 Teen Read Week Activity Grant. Ten grants worth $1,000 each will be awarded to help fund literacies-focused Teen Read Week programs and activities that are especially geared towards youth who speak English as a second language. Applications are due by Wednesday, June 1. Funding for the grants is generously provided by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. Learn more on the official Teen Read Week web site at www.ala.org/teenread. April 18, 2016 4 RCLS Weekly Memo Thirty Libraries, One Week, Endless Possibilities What is Break the Box? Thirty libraries in Orange, Rockland, Sullivan and Ulster counties came together to provide brand new programs for National Library Week 2016. By working to promote programs as a unit, the libraries hoped to bring local attention to their amazing libraries and give their patrons outstanding service. All the programs were open to anyone regardless of their home library because they believed that all libraries can become safe, welcoming spaces for all visitors. Nyack Library and Valley Cottage Library West Nyack Free Library West Nyack Free Library Valley Cottage Library RCLS Weekly Memo 5 April 18, 2016 Valley Cottage Library West Nyack Free Library Share your library’s photos with the RCLS Weekly Memo Send them to rclsmemo@rcls.org Suffern Free Library April 18, 2016 6 RCLS Weekly Memo Deadlines System Calendar Tuesday, April 19 @ 8 a.m. Registration for Trustee Orientation Workshop (4/20) For a complete and up-to-date list of events, including links to additional information, see the RCLS Calendar. To add information, contact Ruth Daubenspeck. Wednesday, April 20 @ 8 a.m. Registration for Are Your E-mails Sending the Right Message? (4/21) April Monday, April 25 @ 8 a.m. Registration for Get Smarter with Your SmartMail—Tips and Tricks (4/26) Wednesday, 20 Trustee Orientation Workshop, Monticello – 5:30 p.m. Sunday, May 1 Direct Access Plan Approval Form due to Robert Hubsher @ RCLS Friday, May 20 Annual Meeting Awards nominations due to Annual Meeting and Awards Committee @ RCLS Job Openings Job Postings Building Your e-résumé Monday, 18 RCLS Board Meeting, RCLS – 6:30 p.m. Thursday, 21 Are Your E-mails Sending the Right Message? RCLS – 9:30 a.m. Monday, 25, ANSER Committee, RCLS – 9:30 a.m. Monday, 25 CLOUSC, Greenwood Lake – 9:30 a.m. Monday, 25 RCLS COSAG, RCLS – 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, 26 Get Smarter with Your SmartMail—Tips and Tricks RCLS – 10:00 a.m. Thursday, 29 RCLS Managers Meeting, RCLS – 10:00 a.m. Follow RCLS on This site (RSS) YouTube Facebook Linkedin Twitter RCLS Headquarters E-mail and Extension Directory (845.243.3747) Robert Hubsher ............Executive Director ................................................................. 242 Chuck Conklin ..............Delivery & Building Maintenance Supervisor ......................... 226 Dan Donohue ...............ILL/Technical Services Librarian ............................................ 237 Grace Riario .................Assistant Director & Outreach Coordinator ............................ 233 Jerry Kuntz ...................Electronic Resources Consultant ........................................... 246 John Schneider ............ANSER Manager and Systems Administrator ....................... 228 Randall Enos ................Youth Services Consultant .................................................... 240 Stephen Hoefer ............Fiscal Officer.......................................................................... 223
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