02 May - Ramapo Catskill Library System
02 May - Ramapo Catskill Library System
RCLS Weekly Memo 1 August 23, 2010 Robert Hubsher, Executive Director Ruth K. Daubenspeck, Newsletter Editor Ramapo Catskill Library System • http://www.rcls.org 619 Route 17M • Middletown, NY 10940-4395 • 845.243.3747 Serving Member Libraries Since 1959 May 2, 2016 Now Online @ www.rcls.org RCLS Weekly Memo Archives Friends News and Notes Juvenile Books Preview Session National Children’s Book Week Press Release 2015 RCLS Plan of Service Evaluation Survey Results RCLS Annual Meeting Award Guidelines RCLS Preview Session Randall Enos, RCLS Youth Services Consultant The RCLS Juvenile Books Preview Session at RCLS will be ending Friday, May 20. I hope you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to look at some of the books published during 2015-2016 for children and teens. The list of books and other information is available on the RCLS website. The preview books are divided by category (picture, fiction, nonfiction-individual, nonfiction-series, seriesfiction, young adult fiction, young adult nonfiction, and pop -up/toy books, etc.), so you can focus on the area in which you are interested. Those who participate in the RCLS Preview Session will be able to request specific books from the collection for their library. Free items are also available to those who come to RCLS to preview the books. The collection is available for viewing Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. To schedule an appointment, contact Eileen Kieva at ext. 221 or ekieva@rcls.org. For more information about the RCLS Preview Session, contact me at ext. 240 or renos@rcls.org. Website Makes Government Data Easier to Find Steve Lohr, of the New York Times writes, “For years, the federal government, states, and some cities have enthusiastically made vast troves of data open to the public. A project coming out of the MIT Media Lab seeks to harness that data and make it available to a wider audience. The project, called Data USA, bills itself as ‘the most comprehensive visualization of US public data.’ It is free, and its software code is open source, meaning that developers can build custom applications by adding other data.” May 2, 2016 Experience the Dewey Decibel Podcast American Libraries has launched a new podcast called Dewey Decibel. In the first episode, “Preservation: If You Don’t Have the Keepers, You Don’t Have the History,” AL Associate Editor Phil Morehart interviews three preservation experts in observance of ALA Preservation Week (April 24– 30): Brad Meltz er, chair of Preservation Week; Michèle Cloonan, dean of Simmons SLIS; and Michael Witmore, director of the Folger Shakespeare Library. YALSA 2016 Young Adult Services Symposium Registration for the Young Adult Li br ar y S ervi c es Asso ci at i on (YALSA) 2016 Young Adult Services Symposium, which takes place November 4–6 in Pittsburgh, P e n n s yl v a n i a , i s n o w o p e n . Individuals can register for the symposium with early bird rates now through September 15. This year’s symposium theme is “Empowering Teens to Increase your Library’s Impact.” YALSA is offering two travel stipends - one to a student and one to a library staff member, each worth up to $1,000. 2 RCLS Weekly Memo Makerspace Boot Camp School Library Media Specialists of Southeastern New York (SLMSSENY) is very excited to be holding a Makerspace Boot Camp this summer at the beautiful Honor’s Haven Resort and Spa in Ellenville, NY, July 6-8. Participants will explore making and makerspaces at this three-day immersive conference. Learn 25 maker style activities (Robots and Robitics, Coding, Circuitry, Engineering and Fabrication) in five hands-on playgrounds, as well as learn the educational theory behind making and Makerspaces, funding opportunities, participate in a grant writing session, network with colleagues and so much more. 15 Hours of PD. Participants will interact with a variety of products that are a perfect fit for Makerspaces. Some of the products that will be explored are: Bare Conductive Paint MakeyMakey Chibitronics Makedo Dash and Dot Onion Edison Ozobot GoldieBlox Primo Hanz Toys Scribbler 3D Pen Hyperduino Sphero Kano Sugru K'Nex Think Fun Games Lego EV3 Vex Robotics LittleBits Participants will walk away with a binder full of product details, lesson plans and instructions on how to use these products in their own Makerspace. For additional information and to register, visit the SLMSSENY website. Share your library news with the RCLS Weekly Memo Send your article to rclsmemo@rcls.org RCLS Weekly Memo 3 May 2, 2016 Funds to Acquire Children’s Books for Libraries Teen Read Week 2016 Initiative Launched The Lois Lenski Covey Foundation is dedicated to advancing literacy and fostering a love of reading among underserved and at-risk children and youth. The Foundation provides grants to rural and urban, public and school libraries throughout the country for the purchase of books published for young people preschool through grade 8. Lois Lenski, author and illustrator of over one hundred children’s books and the 1946 Newbery medalist for Strawberry Girl, had a life-long concern that good books be available to all children. The focus of the grant program is on libraries that serve economically or socially at-risk children, have limited book budgets, and demonstrate real need. Funds are earmarked for purchasing books for young people, and are not intended for administrative or operational use. Grants for 2016 will range from $500 to $3,000. The application deadline is Friday, May 13. Visit the Foundation’s website to learn more about the grant program, the application process and application. The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) has launched its 2016 Teen Read Week website. YALSA encourages libraries to use a multilingual “Read for the fun of it” theme during Teen Read Week, October 9–15, and to highlight services and resources for and with the 22% of the nation’s youth who speak a language other than English at home. This year’s Teen Read Week poster features the theme in the six most spoken languages in the US: English, Chinese (Mandarin), French, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Tagalog. Eligible library staff, afterschool providers, and educators can now apply for a YALSA 2016 Teen Read Week Activity Grant. Funds Available for Digital Humanities Projects National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Projects for the Public grants program supports projects that significantly contribute to the public’s engagement with the humanities through digital platforms. Digital platforms - such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments - can reach diverse audiences and bring the humanities to life for the American people. The program offers three levels of support for digital projects: grants for Discovery projects (early-stage planning work), Prototyping projects (proof-of-concept development work), and Production projects (end-stage production and distribution work). While projects can take many forms, shapes, and sizes, your request should be for an exclusively digital project or for a digital component of a larger project. View the application packet on the GrantsGov website. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, June 8. 2016 Teens’ Top Ten Nominees Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) has officially announced the 2016 Teens’ Top Ten Nomi nees . This ye a r ’s list of nominees features 26 titles that were published in 2015. A video and a list of the nominees, including annotations of each title, are on the YALSA website. The division is calling on libraries to encourage teens to read the nominated books throughout the summer so they are ready for the national Teens’ Top Ten vote, which will take place August 15 through Teen Read Week (October 9–15). May 2, 2016 4 RCLS Weekly Memo How National Library Week Got Started Wayne A. Wiegand of American Libraries writes, “‘This is only the beginning,’ remarked John S. Robling, chair of the National Book Committee cosponsored by ALA and the American Book Publishers about the first National Library Week, held March 16–22, 1958. By any measure, the event was a huge success. Some 68 million subscribers to 22 national magazines could read well-placed articles about libraries, and 170 million homes served by radio and TV could hear or view 14 network programs on libraries.” Newburgh Free Library celebrates by gaming 3D printing crafting makerspace. Josephine-Louise Public Library in Walden celebrates with color. Share your library’s photos with the RCLS Weekly Memo Send them to rclsmemo@rcls.org Sullivan County libraries celebrate with a “Battle of the Books” tournament. Congratulations to the winners from the Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library! RCLS Weekly Memo 5 May 2, 2016 Traveling Thru the Past: Fallsburg History Bus Tour With Sullivan County Historian John Conway Pennie Mercado, Principal Clerk, Fallsburg Library Fallsburg Library wanted to celebrate National Library Week by doing something different. Along with other programing held in the library, a bus ride to learn about our rich history was planned. On Sunday, April 10, Sullivan County Historian John Conway narrated two historical bus tours of the Town of Fallsburg for children of all ages. With passengers ranging from the very young to 87, they entered the buses not knowing what to really expect. Within minutes the bus was on the way and the history lesson began. Along with learning of the hot spots for the long gone hotels in our past, we heard stories of the notorious gangsters, their hideouts and their “dumping grounds”. Our history lesson continued with the rich (whom might not have been so rich at the time) to the famous sports names that came and went over the years. Included with our bus tour was a tour of the Sullivan County Historical Society & Museum in Hurleyville by Myron Gittell, a member of the Board of Directors of the Sullivan County Historical Society. At the end of our journey we were left wanting more. The good news is that Fallsburg Library has John Conway booked for at least six more lectures this summer. Join us as we travel through our past once again and learn more about the little community John Conway, Sullivan County Historian formerly known as “Neversink Falls” or “Old Falls,” or just plain “Fallsburgh.” This event was made possible through a grant from Stewart’s Shops. Buses were supplied by the Fallsburg Central School District. Lauren and son Al Leshia and son Steven May 2, 2016 6 RCLS Weekly Memo May Workshops CAP Record Workshop Wednesday, May 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.@ RCLS Register here. CAP Record Workshop for front line staff only with Dan Donohue, RCLS ILL/Technical Services Librarian Connecting Communities: Small Library Marketing Success Monday, May 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. @ RCLS Register here. Public spaces used by all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, rural libraries connect communities. When it comes to getting the word out about their resources, many rural libraries face the common challenges of money and time. This session will teach rural library staff how to market their libraries, on-budget and with minimal time investment. From turning your lost-and-found bin into a viral sensation, to crafting the perfect elevator speech for a town with no elevators, there are many facets to effective rural library marketing. Attendees will see real-life examples of materials and learn about resources and tools that make marketing easy. Attendees will leave with practical knowledge to help them use the power of marketing to tell their rural library’s compelling story. Participants will receive 2 Marketing CE Hours. Audience: All library staff. Presenters: Laurie Buckley, Southern Adirondack Library System; Thomas Vitale, ChautauquaCattaraugus Library System and Sarah Creveling, Penn Yan Public Library. Troubleshoot Your PC 101 Thursday, May 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. @ RCLS Register here. RCLS ANSER Manager & Network Administrator John Schneider will present information on how to troubleshoot your computer. John is very technology savvy and can present the subject for everyone to understand. Participants will receive 2.5 Technology CE Hours. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – BASICS Webinar Friday, May 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. @ RCLS Register here. Join us at RCLS to watch this webinar or watch it from your own computer (link and materials will be sent to you a few days before the event). Learn the BASICS of the ADA. We will discuss the public library’s responsibilities to provide access to all library programs and services. Participants will receive 2 Special Client Populations CE Hours. Audience: Library administration and staff. Presenter: Valerie Lewis, Administrator of Outreach Services at the Suffolk Cooperative Library System Digitizing Your Historic Newspapers: A Panel Discussion Monday, May 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. @ RCLS Register here. Learn why you should digitize your microfilm and how to take advantage of cost-effective services available in the Hudson Valley. Get practical advice on digitizing your newspaper collections from distinct perspectives: a local history librarian at a public library, a digital services librarian at a regional library council that hosts a database of newspapers, and a vendor who has expertise in transferring microfilm to digital formats. Hear how the three panelists collaborate to digitize and provide access to newspaper collections. Participants will receive 2 Archives and Special Collections CE Hours. Audience: All library staff. Presenters: Jen Palmentiero, Digital Services Librarian for Southeastern NY Library Resources Council (SENYLRC), Toya Dubin, President of Hudson Archival and Brian Jennings, New City Library. RCLS Weekly Memo 7 May 2, 2016 Honing Your Communication Skills to Prove Your Library’s Value Tuesday, May 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. @ SENYLRC Conference Room Register here. Do you feel that your administrators do not understand your expertise and value? Are you tired of people asking you why libraries still matter, or why librarians need a Master’s degree? Are the people you are supposed to serve wasting their time on Google searches instead of asking you to help them with proper research? If so, then you will benefit from this workshop. Presenter: Kathy Dempsey is a consultant and trainer through her business, Libraries Are Essential, and is the author of The Accidental Library Marketer. Cost: $20 for members, including all ESLN members, $25 for non-members. All participants will receive a certificate of completion for CE Credits. Trustee Orientation Workshop Wednesday, May 25 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. @ Valley Cottage Library Register here. Buffet dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. This program will provide you with the basic information every library trustee should be acquainted with to be an effective board member. As the items covered in this session are limited, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with the 2015 Trustee Handbook, which will be distributed to each attendee at the program. May Webinars Introducing Learning Circles: Online Learning, Offline Tuesday, May 3, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Learning Circles offer a solution to the isolation of online learning by creating study groups for learners who want to take their online courses together, in-person. Developed by Chicago Public Library and P2PU, these librarian-facilitated study groups meet weekly in the library for 6-8 weeks to work through online courses in subjects ranging from resume writing to public speaking to Web design. Participants experience the value of sharing strategies, progress and companionship with peers, all in a low-stress environment. Presenters: Grif Peterson of P2PU and Kate Lapinski of Chicago Public Library. For more information and to register, visit the WebJunction website. Future Proofing Library Spaces Wednesday, May 11, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Do you want learn the essentials of making your library environment future-friendly? There is no question of whether technology impacts your library—the question is, how does it impact your library now, and how will it change in the future? What can you do at your library to keep up? Join Carson Block in a fun and thought-provoking webinar to explore how technology is impacting library users and library spaces, and develop strategies to stay ahead of the curve. For more information and to register, visit the Infopeople website. Collecting and Vetting Digital Content Thursday, May 19 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Join Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) for a webinar that discusses untapped sources of digital content that you can take advantage of to increase the digital content in your collection. You will learn tips for vetting content, walk away with several new sources of information, and share your own go-to resources with fellow webinar participants. Cost: YALSA members: free - Non-Members: Purchase webinar on-demand beginning June 19. For more information and to register, visit the YALSA website. Genealogy Essentials: Helping Patrons Search for Family Roots Thursday, May 19, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. This webinar, presented by James Ison of FamilySearch.org will teach library staff how to assist patrons with genealogical questions using FamilySearch.org, a leading genealogy resource. For more information and to register, visit the WebJunction website. May 2, 2016 8 RCLS Weekly Memo System Calendar Deadlines Tuesday, May 3 @ 8 a.m. Registration due for CAP Record Workshop (5/4) Friday, May 6 @ 8 a.m. Registration for Connecting Communities: Small Library Marketing Success (5/9) For a complete and up-to-date list of events, including links to additional information, see the RCLS Calendar. To add information, contact Ruth Daubenspeck. May Monday, 2 – Friday, 20 RCLS Preview Book Center Monday, 2 – Tuesday, 3 National Library Legislative Day, Washington, D.C. Wednesday, May 11 @ 8 a.m. Registration for Troubleshoot Your PC 101 (5/12) Monday, 2 2016 ALA Notable Children’s Book Banquet, SUNY Orange-Middletown – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, May 12 @ 8 a.m. Registration for ADA (American Disabilities Act) Basics (5/13) Wednesday, 4 Book Repair Workshop, Spring Valley – 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 20 Annual Meeting Awards nominations due to Annual Meeting and Awards Committee @ RCLS Wednesday, 4 CAP Record Workshop, RCLS – 10:00 a.m. Friday, 6 – Saturday, 7 LTA Trustee Institute, Plattsburgh Monday, 9 System Services Committee, RCLS – 9:30 a.m. Monday, 9 Connecting Communities: Small Library Marketing Success, RCLS – 10:00 a.m. Job Openings Job Postings Building Your e-résumé Monday, 9 RCLS Teen Librarians, Monticello – 10:15 a.m. Follow RCLS on Tuesday, 10 2016 ALA Notable Children’s Book Banquet, Mid-Hudson Library System – 4:15 p.m. This site (RSS) YouTube Facebook Linkedin Twitter Tuesday, 10 RUG Meeting, Warwick – 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, 11 Directors Association, RCLS – 9:30 a.m. Jim Farrell, Director at Pearl River Public Library will give a short 45-60 minute presentation on library law following the meeting. Submit your questions to him at jfarrell@rcls.org. RCLS Headquarters E-mail and Extension Directory (845.243.3747) Robert Hubsher ............Executive Director ................................................................. 242 Chuck Conklin ..............Delivery & Building Maintenance Supervisor ......................... 226 Dan Donohue ...............ILL/Technical Services Librarian ............................................ 237 Grace Riario .................Assistant Director & Outreach Coordinator ............................ 233 Jerry Kuntz ...................Electronic Resources Consultant ........................................... 246 John Schneider ............ANSER Manager and Systems Administrator ....................... 228 Randall Enos ................Youth Services Consultant .................................................... 240 Stephen Hoefer ............Fiscal Officer.......................................................................... 223
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