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Deze download wordt u gratis aangeboden door Web : Email : Facebook : Twitter : Google+ : (DrrloNEEFl' ORDER NO. ARP-112-O STEREOTURNTABLE PLr43G! wE.wB. MODEL PL.43OCOMES IN FOUR VERSIONSDISTINGUISHEDAS FOLLOWS: Type Voltago Remarks WE 220V -240V Europe model WB 220V -240V United kingdom model WP 220V -240V Oceania model H 1 1OV- 12OVl22OV - 24OV (switchable) General export model o The basic performance of the PL-430/WE, WB, WP and R types is the same as the PL-4IKUT type. Pleaserefer to the PL-4lKUT type servicemanual (ART-709) with the exception of the supplements. PICINEEFI PIONEEFI PIoNEEFI PIoNEEFf ELEETFICINIC ELECTFTCINICS ELEcrFtcrNtc ELEcTFtoNlcs COF|POFIATICIN 4-l , Mesuno 1-chome, Mesuno-ku, Tokyo.rFB, Japan lNC. 1925 E. Dominguez St., Long Beach, Catifonnia 9OAIO $JSAI U.S.A. N.v. Luirhagen-H-ven IEUF|oTTEI s, aogo Anrwenp, Betgium AUSTFIALIA PTY' L7trt. 178-184 E}oundany Foad, BnaLside, Vicronia 819b, Aus6nalia FU OAPR. 1982 P r i n t e di n J a p a n 1. SPECIFICATIONS Motor and Turntable DriveSystem Motor. T u r n t a b l eP l a t t e r speeds PC-22O (WE,WB,Wp modelsonly) Specifications .. Direct-drive ....DQservomotor 3 1 O m md i a m .a l u m i n u m ,,-';'rt]dl?; . . . . Lessthan *0.014%(WRMS) o . o 2 5 %( w R M S ) 0 . 0 3 5 %( D l N ) Valuesmarkedwith an "*" designatethe wow and flutter for motor, and do not includil the cartridge or tonearm load. S i g n a l - t o - N o iR s ea t i o M o r et h a n 7 8 d B ( D | N - B ) (with PioneercartridgemodelpC-2201 Wow and Flutter Type. S t y l u s. OutputVoltage ....Movingmagnerrype . 0 . 5 m i t d i a m o n d( p N - 2 2 0 ) ...2.5mV ( 1 k H z , 5 0 m m / sp e a kv e l o c i t y ,L A T ) T r a c k i n gF o r c e. l . 7 g t o 2 . 3 g( p r o p e r2 9 ) FrequencyResponse . . . lO to 30.000Hz Recommended Load Weight 50ko 5.5s PC-3MCSpecifications(R model only) TYPe . Stylus. OutputVoltage M o v i n gc o i l t y p e . 0 . 5 m i ld i a m o n d( P N - 3 M C ) ..2.5mV (l kHz, bOmm/speakvelocity,LAT) Tonearm T r a c k i n gF o r c e. . . 1 . 7 g t o 2 . 3 g( p r o p e r2 9 ) Type . . . . . Static-balancetype,straightpipearm FrequencyResponse ....10to32,000H2 EffectiveArmLength ....22jmm Recommended Load 50ke Overhang . . 15.5mm weight 3.ts U s a b l eC a r t r i d g eW e i g ht 3 g ( m i n . )t o 8 9 ( m a x . ) Subfunctions A u t o - r e t u r nm e c h a n i s mA, n t i - s k a t i n g f o r c e c o n t r o l ,S t y l u s p r e s s u r e d i r e c t - r e a d o u tc o u n t e r w e i g h t ,C u e i n g d e v i c e , S t r o b el i g h t ,F r e es t o p h i n g e s Miscellaneous PowerRequirements WE, WB, WP models R model . AC22O-24OV-,50, 60Hz AC110-12O/22O-240Y( s w i t c h a b l e5) ,0 , 6 0 H z PowerConsumption 12W Dimensions 4 2 0 ( W )x 1 0 8 ( H )x 3 6 7 ( D ) m m 1 6 - 1l 2 l W l x 4 - 1l 4 ( H l x 1 4 - 7 1 1 6 ( D l i n . weight 5 . 8 k g / 1 2t b 1 3 o z Accessories EP Adapter Operatinglnstructions ....'...1 NOTE: Specifications and design subject to possiblemodification without notice, due to impromements. 2. CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUSPARTS NO?ES: o Partswithout part number cannot be supplied, o The A, mark found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts ofidentical designation. o For your Parts stoch control, the fast mouing items are indicated with the marhs ** and * ** GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN * This claseification shall be adjusted by each distributor becauseit dependson model number, temperature,humidity, etc. Mark Arr A* A* A* Symbol & Description Part No. PL.4/KUT PL-430/WE PL-430/WB PL-430/WP PL43O/R Panel Front name plate (C) Front name plate (E) SP knob (A) unit SP knob (El unit PNX.348 PAM.()76 PAM.O78 PNX457 PAM.O89 PAM{)90 PNX457 PAM-089 PAM-O9O PNX457 PAM.O89 PAM-O9O PNX457 PAM€89 PAM€90 PAD-O98 PAD-098 PAD-098 PAD.O98 C knob unit C knob (Cl unit Rubber mat assembly Microswitch Power transformer (1 2OV) PAD.O93 pno-ioz pno-ioz PEA-057 ':'.:'o 'l'. l'o PAD-i07 PEA-057 pno-ioz PEA-o57 PTT.143 PTT-I43 PTT-143 '::i' PDG.()25 PDG-026 '::10' PDG.O27 PDE.O64 PRB-191 PHG441 PDEO44 PRDO78 PHH.OOS XWRO16 PDE-044 PRB.213 PHH-OO3 XWR-016 PDE-044 PRB.213 PHH.OO3 XWR-016 A Power transformer l22OV -24OV I Power transformer (1 10V-12OV l22OV-24OVl AC power cord Art A** Neon lamp Line voltage selector PU cord Operating instructions Packing case Power supply assembly 'i?:* PEAO57 PSFO20 PTT-119 PDG-O23 xwR-006 ':: :o' ':'.l',0 ':::o' PEA.O57 ':'.1',0 PTT.121 PDG.O28 PEL-O46 PSB€l 1 PDEO44 PRB.213 PHH.OO3 XWR.O18 3 3. ELECTRICALPARTS LIST NO?ES: o When ordering recistors, firet convert resistancevaluesinto code form 6 thown in the following example* Ex. 1 When there are 2 effective digits (any d'igit apart ftom 0), suchas 560 ohm and 47h ohm (tolerancei8 shown by J=5%, and K=10%)' 5 6 1. , . . , R D % P SE t a E J 56 x 101 560f: 4 7 3 . . . . . R D % P S 0 A 0 I , @J 47 x 10' 47ka A . . . . R N 2 H @ i I B IK 0R5.. 0.5{t . . . . - R S I P t o E t oK 010.. IO Ex. 2 When there are 3 effective digits (such u in high precision metal fiIm resisto'f,). 5621 . . . . RN%SR El[ilElEl r 562 x 10t 5.62ka c The [, marh found on some cotnponent parts indicates the importance of the aafety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be eure to uce parts of identi cal designation. o For your Parts Stoch Control, the fast moving items are indicated with the marhs ** and * ** GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN * This c[a$ification shall be adjusted by each distributor becauseit depends on model number, temperature,humidity, etc' PowerSupplyAssembly(XWR-016) Mark A A Part No. Symbol & Description PCL-041 R 5 2 H S F B3 3 3 J L c1 R1 Capacitor Resistor PowerSupplyAssembly(XWR-018) Mark A A Part No. Symbol & Description PCL-040 RS2PF91 2J C1 R1 Capacitor Resistor lrl E1 'l 3 4. P.C. BOARD CONNECTIONDIAGRAM A CONTROL Ass'y(XWM-Os7) B c POTVER SUPPLY POWER TRANSFORMER tr-------1 REO I D ]= r lwHT Ass'y(XWR.O | 6) 'l 4 MOTOR CONTROL 'y(xwR-o | 6) 5 6 Ass'v(PWM.O6O) POWER SUPPLY Ass'y(XWR-O la) D 5 6 2 3 5. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MOTOR CONTROL Ass'y tVR I vR2 PwM- O6O lc r PA2007 SPEED CONTROL OPERATING POINT ADJ (33T 9 m ) PCP-O66 O P E R A T I N GP O I N T A O J ( 4 5 r o m ) PCP-056 lc r c 2 P A2 0 0 8 MOTOR DRIVE I 89 vcc sP2 6 RT 5 RFV - tt V OUT or, .12 Tstoe 78 vcc I tA * 69 V IN HA- 5lo VREF H8+ 4| VCC2 H8- 4 CT 13 F GI N 3 CC 12 LA I 3 CH F t4 FG OUT 213 RF LB2 2 :H P 15 FG REF I LB I I t6 CO GNO TA8 PHE.30] t4 LA2 A NEON P€L-049 Ql 2SD985 REGULATOR AC POIVER CORD [ of I | lasrpm-33rarpml | | A C 2 2 0 V2 50/60A) -''"| | '3..'j5'r? ""1;i:'.'.? D2wz-3oo L - - Sl I POWER PSF-O20 ?'"8ii-tils, CONTROLAss:y XWM -O57 - PA2007 P42008 POWER SUPPLYAss'y XWR-016 2SD985 fypc 1 -too-otut*t' 2 No 3 4 5 I 6 1. RESISTORS: lndicated in a, %W, 15% tolerance unless othemise noted k : ko, M : M o . ( F ) : t 1 % . ( G ) : ! 2 y o ,l K l : i 1 0 % ( M ) : l 2 0 9 6 t o l e r a n c e 2. CAPACITORS: Indicated in capacity {rF)/voltage (V) unlessothemise noted p : pF Indication without voltage is 50V except electrolytic capacitor. P A2 0 0 8 I T O RD R I V E tc2 a ga * 3. VOLTAGE,CURRENT: ]l ft HA- 4. OTHERS: @ : A d j u s t i n gp o i n t . mark found on some component parts indicates the imTne l\ portance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. io H8+ H8- : DC voltage (V) at no input signal mA: DC currentat no input signal PHE- 3O3 FA X 2 t2 LA I This is the basic $hematic diagram, but the actual circuit may vary d u e t o i m p r o v e m e n t si n d e s i g n . l3 LB2 l4 L A2 TA8 SWITCHES: Sl : POWER 52 : SPEED ON - OFF 33 l/3rpm -45rpm t-r EJ Theunderlinedindicates the switchposition. -J A NEON PEL-049 NOTE: The indicated semiconductons ane repre*ntatiue ones only. Other alternative semiconductons may be used and are listed in the parts list. AC POWER CORO A P O G - O 2 5 ( w E P) O G- 0 2 6 ( W 8 ) P D G- o 2 7 ( W P ) ac220v 240v 50/60Hz POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT TYPE lssty A N E ON PEL-O46 i I wHT I 13 | ^ --a-- A XWMo57 IA J Cl o.ot/ A Ci l O - r 2 O V 220 -240v 50 /5o Hz A C P O W E RC O R O PDG-O28 A l!\ sl .ot No S t : PqY,Ttt P SF - O 2 0 I /\ ACIIO-l2Ov AC,22O-24Ov S 3 : L I N EV O L T A G E SE L EC T O R P SB - O | | POWER S U P P L Y A s s ' y( B ) XWR-OI8 D 4 5 6 "r
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