AGENDA CITY OF WATSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Motto: "Opportunity Through Diversity; Unity Through Cooperation." Mission Statement: "The City of Watsonville is dedicated to improving the economic vitality, safety & living environment for the culturally rich Watsonville community, by providing leadership for the achievement of community goals & high quality, responsive public services." Mayor Karina Cervantez, District 2 Mayor Pro Tempore Felipe Hernandez, District 1 Lowell Hurst, Council Member, District 3 Eduardo Montesino, Council Member, District 4 Daniel Dodge, Council Member, District 5 Trina Coffman-Gomez, Council Member, District 6 Dr. Nancy A. Bilicich, Council Member, District 7 Carlos J. Palacios, City Manager Alan J. Smith, City Attorney Beatriz Vázquez Flores, City Clerk CIVIC PLAZA COUNCIL CHAMBERS th TH 275 MAIN STREET, 4 FLOOR, 6 LEVEL PARKING WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA INTERPRETATION SERVICES Spanish language interpretation is available Americans with Disabilities Act The Council Chambers is an accessible facility. If you wish to attend a meeting and you will require assistance in order to attend and/or participate, please call the City Clerk's Office at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting to make arrangements. The City of Watsonville TDD number is (831) 7634075. Meetings are televised live on Charter Cable Communications Channel 70 and AT&T Channel 99. For information regarding this agenda or interpretation services, please call the City Clerk's Office at (831) 768-3040. CITY OF WATSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL May 13, 2014 City Council Chambers 275 Main Street, 4th Floor 5:30 P.M. 10.0 CLOSED SESSION (City Council Conference Room, 275 Main Street, 4th Floor) (a) (b) Public Comments regarding the Closed Session agenda will only be accepted by the City Council at this time. Closed Session Announcement The City Council will now recess to discuss those items listed on the Closed Session Statement attached to the Agenda. 6:30 P.M. 1.0 ROLL CALL 2.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.0 PRESENTATIONS & ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC & CITY COUNCIL (This time is set aside for members of the general public to address the Council on any item not on the Council Agenda, which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council. No action or discussion shall be taken on any item presented except that any Council Member may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may ask questions for clarification. All matters of an administrative nature will be referred to staff. All matters relating to Council will be noted in the minutes and may be scheduled for discussion at a future meeting or referred to staff for clarification and report. Any Council Member may place matters brought up under Oral Communications on a future agenda. ALL SPEAKERS ARE ASKED TO FILL OUT A BLUE CARD & LEAVE IT AT THE TABLE DESIGNATED NEAR THE PODIUM, GO TO THE PODIUM AND ANNOUNCE THEIR NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO OBTAIN AN ACCURATE RECORD FOR THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING.) 3.2 REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION 3.3 PRESENTATION OF MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION TO SANTA CRUZ METROPOLITAN TRANSIT DISTRICT GENERAL MANAGER LES WHITE ON HIS RETIREMENT 3.4 PG&E PRESENTATION TO THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE'S WASTEWATER DIVISION AN INCENTIVE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $79,210.70, FOR THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE BLOWER AND DIFFUSER UPGRADE PROJECT 3.5 PRESENTATION OF MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION TO FRANK LOPEZ, PRESIDENT OF MONTEREY BAY AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION, RECOGNIZING MAY 18-24, 2014, AS PUBLIC WORKS WEEK & PRESENTATION OF PUBLIC WORKS VIDEO 1 P:\Agendas\2014\CC0051314.Docx 5/8/2014 3:56 PM 4.0 3.6 RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEE JACKIE MCCLOUD FOR HER OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE AND ACHIEVEMENT, AND HER AWARD AS THE CALIFORNIA WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION'S LABORATORY ANALYST OF THE YEAR, PRESENTED BY CWEA DIRECTOR GAYLE TUPPE 3.7 PRESENTATION BY PHIL KRAMER REGARDING 180/180 - THE WATSONVILLE 100 DAY DASH: ENDING HOMELESSNESS IN WATSONVILLE (5 Min) CONSENT AGENDA All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are recommended actions which are considered to be routine and will be acted upon as one consensus motion. Any items removed will be considered immediately after the consensus motion. The Mayor will allow public input prior to the approval of the Consent Agenda. Public Input on any Consent Agenda Item 4.1 MOTION APPROVING COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 22 & MAY 6, 2014 4.2 RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM OF NICOLAS GARCIA C/O HECTOR GARCIA & CLAUDIA NOLASCO-GARCIA FOR DAMAGES (Date of occurrence: 11/10/13) 4.3 RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM OF PACIFIC AIR CARE, INC., FOR DAMAGES (Date of Occurrence: 12/23/13) 4.4 RESOLUTION APPROVING TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT FORM & AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAME PURSUANT TO SECTION 4-11.02 OF WATSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE (Recommended by Police Chief Solano) --Staff Report --Resolution 4.5 RESOLUTION APPROVING FIVE-YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ONE (1) FIVE-YEAR OPTION TERM WITH IN SOOK YUM, AN INDIVDUAL, DBA TOP USA CO., FOR THE USE OF A CITY OWNED BUILDING LOCATED AT 21, 27, & 31 WEST BEACH STREET, COMMENCING ON MARCH 14, 2014, & ENDING MARCH 13, 2019 (Recommended by Community Development Director Tavantzis) --Staff Report --Resolution 5.0 ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA 7.0 OLD BUSINESS 7.1 AWARDING BID FOR OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS AT PENNSYLVANIA DRIVE AT CLIFFORD AVENUE, PROJECT ST-13-05, & APPROVAL OF FUNDING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PROJECT (Recommended by Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano) (a) Staff Report (b) City Council Questions (c) Public Input (d) City Council Discussion (e) Resolution Awarding $534,740 Bid To Granite Rock Company for Pennsylvania Drive at Clifford Avenue Operational Improvements, Project No. St-13-05; & Authorizing A $534,740 Budget Appropriation: $200,000 from Gas Tax Fund, $20,000 from Crestview Area Impact Fee Fund, 2 P:\Agendas\2014\CC0051314.Docx 5/8/2014 3:56 PM $89,000 from Pennsylvania Drive Impact Fee Fund, $225,740 from Errington Clifford Extension Corridor Impact Fee Fund of Which $200,000 will be Appropriated for FY 2013-2014 & the Remainder for FY 2014-2015, & when Completed, will be Reimbursed $198,540 by Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD) 8.0 9.0 NEW BUSINESS 8.1 CONSIDERATION OF WATER AVAILABILITY LETTER FOR 70 TREMBLY LANE - APN 051-411-20 (Recommended by Community Development Director Tavantzis) (a) Staff Report (b) City Council Questions (c) Public Input (d) City Council Discussion (e) Resolution Approving Request from Stephen Graves & Associates, on Behalf of Raeid Farhat, for a Water Availability Letter (“Will Serve”) for a Proposed 12 Lot Residential Subdivision of a 100,270 Sf (2.30 Acre) County Parcel Located at 70 Trembly Lane (APN: 051411-20), & Authorizing & Directing Community Development Director to Issue Said Letter 8.2 REPORT ON THE WATSONVILLE TRANSIT CENTER RENOVATION BY SANTA CRUZ METROPOLITAN TRANSIT DISTRICT (Recommended by Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano) (a) Staff Report (b) City Council Questions (c) Public Input (d) City Council Discussion (e) Appropriate Motion REPORTS & PRESENTATIONS 9.1 PRESENTATION BY PAJARO VALLEY PREVENTION & STUDENT ASSISTANCE REGARDING ELECTRONIC CIGARRETES (Requested by Council Member Dodge)—No Action Required (a) Oral Presentation (b) City Council Questions (c) Public Input 10.1 EMERGENCY ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA 10.2 INFORMATION ITEMS—Written Report(s) Only (a) Report of Disbursements (b) Miscellaneous Documents 11.0 ADJOURNMENT Pursuant to Section 54954.2(a)(1) of the Government Code of the State of California, this agenda was posted at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting at a public place freely accessible to the public 24 hours a day and on the City of Watsonville website at Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office (275 Main Street, 4th Floor) during normal business hours. Such documents are also available on the City of Watsonville website at subject to staff’s ability to post the document before the meeting. 3 P:\Agendas\2014\CC0051314.Docx 5/8/2014 3:56 PM CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WATSONVILLE CLOSED SESSION AGENDA AND STATEMENT FOR MAYOR PRIOR TO CLOSED SESSION (Government Code §§ 54954.2 and 54957.7) 5:30 P.M. City Council Chambers 275 Main Street, 4th Floor X Regular ____ Adjourned Special Meeting of May 13, 2014 [Date] _ The City Council of the City of Watsonville will recess to Closed Session to discuss the matters that follow: A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) 1. Pending litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(1): a) B. Name of case: Ethnobotanica v. City of Watsonville — Santa Cruz County Superior Court (Case No. CV173820) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) 1. Anticipated litigation pursuant to subdivision (e)(3): a) b) Claimant: Nicolas Garcia c/o Hector Garcia and Claudia Nolasco-Garcia Agency claimed against: City of Watsonville Claimant: Pacific Air Care Agency claimed against: City of Watsonville Dated: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 Prepared by:___________________________________ Alan J. Smith, City Attorney CITY COUNCIL 4.1 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 22, 2014 City of Watsonville Council Chambers 275 Main Street, 4th Floor CONTENTS 10.0 1.0 2.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5:33 P.M. Session Closed Session 6:33 P.M. City Council Meeting Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Oral Communications Report out of Closed Session Proclamation to WHS and PVHS Papás Presentation SCC Arts Council Presentation Motion Approve Minutes Reso 36-14 Reject Claim of Esteban Serna Reso 37-14 Grove Street Pump Station Emergency Power Project Reso 38-14 City Banking Services Reso 39-14 Approve Contract Brandley Gonzales LLMAD --40-14 Accept Engineer’s Report --41-14 Order Improv & Set Hearing Bay Breeze LLMAD --42-14 Accept Engineer’s Report --43-14 Order Improv & Set Hearing 4.8 4.9 4.10 5.0 7.1 7.2 6.1 6.2 10.1 10.2 11.0 Vista Montaña LLMAD --44-14 Accept Engineer’s Report --45-14 Order Improv & Set Hearing Reso 46-14 Appoint Alternates to CAB and SCCRTC Ord 1303-14 Historical Designation of 134 E. Beach Street Items Removed from Consent Agenda-None Reso 47-14 Fiber Optic Project Change Orders 2 & 3 Pennsylvania Dr. at Clifford Ave. Operational Improvements (Postponed) Reso 48-14 Underground Utility District No. 21 Reso 49-14 Approve CDBG 20142015 Emergency Items Added-None Information Items (a) Report of Disbursements (b) Miscellaneous Documents Adjournment 5:33 P.M. 10.0 CLOSED SESSION (City Council Conference Room, 275 Main Street, 4th Floor) A. (a) Public Comments regarding the Closed Session agenda were only accepted by the City Council at that time. (b) Closed Session Announcement The City Council recessed the regular Council Meeting to discuss those items listed on the Closed Session Statement attached to the Agenda. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) Vol 61 Min-CC042214 173 1. Pending litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(1): a) Name of case: Ethnobotanica v. City of Watsonville — Santa Cruz County Superior Court (Case No. CV173820) 6:33 P.M. 1.0 ROLL CALL Mayor Cervantez, Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez, and Council Members Bilicich, Coffman-Gomez, and Hurst were present. Members Dodge and Montesino were absent. Staff members present were City Attorney Smith, City Clerk Vázquez Flores, Assistant City Manager Tavantzis, Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano, Police Chief Solano, Fire Chief Bisbee, Administrative Services Director Vega, Parks & Community Services Director Espinoza, Library Director Heitzig, Human Resources Manager Manning, Assistant Parks & Community Services Director Blachly, Solid Waste Division Manager Gordo, Project Manager Berry, Principal Engineer Fontes, Administrative Analyst Ventura, Environmental Education Coordinator Stolzenthaler, Environmental Project Manager Templeton, Deputy City Clerk Ortiz, and Interpreter Vasquez-Quintero. 2.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.0 PRESENTATIONS & ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC & CITY COUNCIL Debra Bone, Cabrillo College Stroke and Disability Learning Center Director, spoke about the functions of her program. She thanked Council for their support and announced her retirement. She invited the Council to their Honors Day Celebration on May 22, 2014. Kathryn Herndson, Santa Cruz resident, spoke about the decision by the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors to require residents to install radio frequency identification chips on all dogs and cats in Santa Cruz County. She spoke in opposition of the new requirement by the County and pleaded to Council to deny requests by the County to implement similar regulations in the City. Marilyn Garrett spoke in opposition to the decision of the County to require forced microchip installation in pets. She spoke about the many health hazards microchips could have on pets and asked Council not allow any similar regulations in Watsonville. Amy Mascareñas, El Pájaro Community Development Corporation (CDC), invited the public to several business planning workshops offered by El Pájaro CDC (Submitted flyers to Council). Christopher Lang spoke about a positive experience he had at a bus terminal. He pledged his commitment to non-violence and invited the public to pursue peace. Mayor Cervantez announced that Item 7.2 would be postponed to the May 13, 2014, meeting. However, she said, she would allow anyone present to speak on the item, if they wished. Vol 61 Min-CC042214 174 Member Bilicich spoke about the installation of solar panels at Hall District School and thanked residents for making the project possible by approving Measure L. She spoke about dog attacks at Atri Park and stated Pit Bulls were dangerous and needed to be addressed. Member Coffman-Gomez invited the public to attend the Candidate Forum for the Board of Supervisors race on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, at the Methodist Church on Stanford Avenue. She spoke about Freedom Rotary’s beautification project of the City’s Welcome Signs and thanked the participants. Member Hurst spoke about the President of California State Grange’s visit to Watsonville and the plans to revitalize the Madonna Grange located at the Fairgrounds. He invited the public to visit the Watsonville High School Agriculture Department and help with their plant sale. He quoted Ladybird Johnson and spoke about the importance of Earth Day. Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez spoke about his attendance at the NWACP Dinner in Santa Cruz and his attendance at the Watsonville Riders Streetlow Magazine Car Show. He thanked City staff and Assembly Member Alejo for working to acquire funding for the cleaning of Pinto Lake. He spoke about his attendance at the grand opening of Kissed by an Angel Wines and encouraged residents to visit it. He commended Police Chief Solano and the Police Department for achieving the lowest crime rate in ten (10) years. Mayor Cervantez spoke about her participation in the Prom Dress Drive and the success of the event. She thanked the YWCA, Celebrations Party & Rentals, all of the volunteers and organizers that worked on the event. She announced that the Draft Climate Action Plan would be presented in the Community Rooms on May 8, 2014 and invited the public to attend. 3.2 REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Smith reported that Council received a report on the item listed on the Closed Session Agenda and gave staff direction. 3.3 PRESENTATION OF MAYOR’S PROCLAMATION TO WATSONVILLE & PAJARO VALLEY HIGH SCHOOLS & PRESENTATION ON PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE SCHOOL PROGRAM & GREEN ROOTS REVOLUTION WASTE REDUCTION PROJECT AT BOTH WATSONVILLE & PAJARO VALLEY HIGH SCHOOLS IN HONOR OF EARTH DAY 3.4 PRESENTATION BY PAPÁS REGARDING ITS SERVICES TO THE RESIDENTS OF WATSONVILLE 3.5 PRESENTATION BY ARTS COUNCIL SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REGARDING ITS IMPACT IN WATSONVILLE & RESULTS FROM THE ARTS & ECONOMIC PROSPERITY STUDY 4.0 CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Cervantez, in answering Member Bilicich, stated the people that would be appointed as alternates to Community Action Board and Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission were listed on the resolution. Vol 61 Min-CC042214 175 Member Coffman-Gomez thanked Administrative Services Director Vega for reevaluating banking services for the City through the Request for Proposal process. Public Input on any Consent Agenda Item (None) MOTION: It was moved by Member Hurst, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez, and carried by the following vote that Consent Agenda be approved: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MEMBERS: MEMBERS: MEMBERS: Bilicich, Coffman-Gomez, Hernandez, Hurst, Cervantez None Dodge, Montesino 4.1 MOTION APPROVING COUNCIL MINUTES OF APRIL 8, 2014 4.2 RESOLUTION NO. 36-14 (CM): RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM OF ESTEBAN SERNA FOR DAMAGES (Date of Occurrence: 9/20/13) 4.3 RESOLUTION NO. 37-14 (CM): RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS & CALLING FOR BIDS FOR GROVE STREET STORM DRAIN PUMP STATION EMERGENCY POWER PROJECT NO. SD-14-01 & AUTHORIZING A $180,000 BUDGET APPROPRIATION FROM STORM DRAIN IMPACT FEE FUND 4.4 RESOLUTION NO. 38-14 (CM): RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT TO U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR BANKING SERVICES, FOR A THREE-YEAR PERIOD WITH ONE (1) ONE YEAR OR THREE YEAR OPTION TERM, COMMENCING ON JUNE 1, 2014, & ENDING MAY 31, 2017 4.5 RESOLUTION NO. 39-14 (CM): RESOLUTION APPROVING SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO. 9 WITH REINARD W. BRANDLEY, CONSULTING AIRPORT ENGINEER, SUPPLEMENTING THE INTITIAL SCOPE OF WORK & ENGINEERING FEE SET FORTH IN SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES AGREEMENT NO. 7 FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF TAXIWAY C & GENERAL AVIATION APRON PHASE 1 PROJECT NO. AP-12-01 AT WATSONVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT EXCEED $114,200 4.6 LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR 20142015 FISCAL YEAR FOR GONZALES STREET ALLEYWAY NO. PK-94-01 (a) Report (b) RESOLUTION NO. 40-14 (CM): RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ENGINEER’S REPORT & INTENTION TO ORDER IMPROVEMENTS, LEVY, & COLLECT ASSESSMENTS & SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 27, 2014, TO CONSIDER LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR 2014-2015 FISCAL YEAR FOR GONZALES STREET ALLEYWAY NO. PK-94-01 Vol 61 Min-CC042214 176 (c) 4.7 4.8 RESOLUTION NO. 41-14 (CM): RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ORDER IMPROVEMENTS, LEVY & COLLECT ASSESSMENTS & SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR 5/27/2014 LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR 20142015 FISCAL YEAR FOR BAY BREEZE SUBDIVISION NO. PK-03-02 (a) Report (b) RESOLUTION NO. 42-14 (CM): RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ENGINEER’S REPORT & INTENTION TO ORDER IMPROVEMENTS, LEVY, & COLLECT ASSESSMENTS & SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 27, 2014, TO CONSIDER LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR 2014-2015 FISCAL YEAR FOR BAY BREEZE SUBDIVISION NO. PK-03-02 (c) RESOLUTION NO. 43-14 (CM): RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ORDER IMPROVEMENTS, LEVY & COLLECT ASSESSMENTS & SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR 5/27/2014 LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR 20142015 FISCAL YEAR FOR VISTA MONTAÑA SUBDIVISION NO. PK-03-03 (a) Report (b) RESOLUTION NO. 44-14 (CM): RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ENGINEER’S REPORT & INTENTION TO ORDER IMPROVEMENTS, LEVY, & COLLECT ASSESSMENTS & SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 27, 2014, TO CONSIDER LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR 2014-2015 FISCAL YEAR FOR VISTA MONTAÑA SUBDIVISION NO. PK-03-03 (c) RESOLUTION NO. 45-14 (CM): RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ORDER IMPROVEMENTS, LEVY & COLLECT ASSESSMENTS & SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR 5/27/2014 4.9 RESOLUTION NO. 46-14 (CM): RESOLUTION APPOINTING ALTERNATE MEMBER TO COMMUNITY ACTION BOARD OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, INC., & ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE SANTA CRUZ COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2014 4.10 ORDINANCE NO. 1303-14 (CM): ORDINANCE PLACING HISTORICAL DESIGNATION ON THE JOSIE SMITH DALY HOUSE, LOCATED AT 134 EAST BEACH STREET, WATSONVILLE 5.0 ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA—None Vol 61 Min-CC042214 177 7.0 OLD BUSINESS 7.1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS 2 & 3 FOR CITYWIDE FIBER OPTIC PROJECT, PHASE 1, PROJECT NO. ST-13-07 & APPROVAL OF A BUDGET APPROPRIATION OF $183,000 FROM SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR CHANGE ORDER 3 (a) Staff Report The report was given by Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano. (b) City Council Questions In answering Member Coffman-Gomez, Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano said that approving the change orders for the Fiber Optic Project would delay other projects funded from the Sewer Fund. He added that the hardware change for Beach Road had been addressed in Change Order No. 2. Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano, in answering Member Bilicich, stated the manhole project would not be affected by the Change Orders. In answering Mayor Cervantez, Project Manager Berry stated that Phase 1 of the Fiber Optic Project was complete and Phase 2 would begin in the middle of May. He added that the contract with Charter Communications for services would expire at the end of June, and the City needed to finish the Fiber Optic Project before then. Project Manager Berry, in answering Member Coffman-Gomez, stated he did not predict that City streets would have to be dug again as the conduits were adequate for future work for the Fiber Optic Cable. In answering Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez, Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano said there was extra capacity built into the Fiber Optic Project in case there was a need to serve additional parties. Project Manager Berry answered questions from Member Coffman-Gomez regarding reimbursement from Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District for their portion of the Fiber Optic Project at the Watsonville Transit Center. (c) Public Input (None) (d) City Council Discussion (None) (e) RESOLUTION NO. 47-14 (CM): RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS NUMBERS 2 & 3 WITH ALL PHASE EXCAVATING & CONSTRUCTION INC., FOR CITYWIDE FIBER OPTIC PROJECT, PHASE 1, PROJECT NO. ST-13-07, INCREASING SCOPE OF WORK IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $195,500; & AUTHORIZING A $183,000 BUDGET APPROPRIATION FROM SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND FOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 3 MOTION: It was moved by Member Hurst, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez, and carried by the following vote to approve the above resolution (e): Vol 61 Min-CC042214 178 AYES: MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: MEMBERS: MEMBERS: Bilicich, Coffman-Gomez, Hernandez, Hurst, Cervantez None Dodge, Montesino 7.2 AWARDING BID FOR OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS AT PENNSYLVANIA DRIVE AT CLIFFORD AVENUE, PROJECT ST-13-05, & APPROVAL OF FUNDING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PROJECT – ITEM POSTPONED 6.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS, ORDINANCES, & APPEALS 6.1 CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF ESTABLISHMENT OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 21, ON LAKE AVENUE BETWEEN RODRIGUEZ STREET AND UNION STREET (a) Staff Report The report was given by Principal Engineer Fontes. (b) City Council Questions Member Bilicich stated her concerns regarding the prioritization of underground utility districts. She stated PG&E should address Council in order to answer questions regarding overhead cables. Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano stated PG&E would be doing a presentation at a future meeting which would allow Council to ask questions. Public Works & Utilities Director Palmisano answered questions from Member Coffman-Gomez regarding the prioritization of underground utility districts. In answering Mayor Cervantez, Principal Planner Fontes said PG&E would be responsible for maintenance to underground utility districts including street repair if needed. He added that residents would not be affected by the change to underground utility districts unless there were issues with their connections. (c) Public Hearing Mayor Cervantez opened the public hearing. After seeing no members of the public approach the podium, Mayor Cervantez closed the Public Hearing. (d) City Council Discussion Member Bilicich stated PG&E needed to give priorities to projects where seniors lived. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 48-14 (CM): RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 21 & ORDERING INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES UNDERGROUND ON LAKE AVENUE WITHIN SAID DISTRICT, BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF RODRIGUEZ STREET & BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY THE EASTERLY BOUNDARIES OF BRENNAN STREET & UNION STREET MOTION: It was moved by Member Coffman-Gomez, seconded by Member Bilicich, and carried by the following vote to approve the above resolution (e): Vol 61 Min-CC042214 179 6.2 AYES: MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: MEMBERS: MEMBERS: Bilicich, Coffman-Gomez, Hernandez, Hurst, Cervantez None Dodge, Montesino CONSIDERATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 2014-2015 ACTION PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE PLAN TO THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (a) Staff Report The report was given by Administrative Analyst Ventura (b) City Council Questions Administrative Analyst Ventura answered questions from Member Bilicich regarding items eligible for funding under CDBG. Assistant City Manager Tavantzis, in answering Member Bilicich, stated that historically the Gene Hoularis Waldo Rodriguez Youth Center staff had been paid with CDBG funding, and CDBG also paid for some code enforcement services. She explained that the criteria for using CDBG funds was very specific. Assistant City Manager Tavantzis in answering Member Coffman-Gomez stated the HOME Grant was separate from CDBG. Administrative Analyst Ventura and Assistant City Manager Tavantzis answered questions from Member CoffmanGomez regarding funding the City received separate from CDBG, the CDBG Consolidated Plan, CDBG funded services, CDBG project income and expenditures, contingency projects, and CDBG projects. In answering Member Bilcich, Assistant City Manager Tavantzis stated that roughly six (6) employees were paid for with CDBG money. In answering Member Bilicich, Administrative Analyst Ventura stated that CDBG funding for downtown was difficult because 70% of the funding needed to be for the benefit of lowmoderate income residents and that was difficult to prove in a downtown area. She added that funding for underground utility districts was not likely because of the amount of the CDBG Grant. (c) Public Hearing Mayor Cervantez opened the public hearing. After seeing no members of the public approach the podium, Mayor Cervantez closed the Public Hearing. (d) City Council Discussion Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez spoke about the importance of using funds to remove blight in the City. He spoke about the importance of revamping the skate park at Ramsay Park as skate parks had become a major attraction. Member Bilicich stated she would like CDBG funds to be used for projects in order to help the General Fund. Mayor Cervantez and Member Coffman-Gomez thanked staff for their work. Vol 61 Min-CC042214 180 (e) RESOLUTION NO. 49-14 (CM): RESOLUTION APPROVING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (“CDBG”) ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2014-2015 MOTION: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez, seconded by Member Hurst, and carried by the following vote to approve the above resolution (e): AYES: MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: MEMBERS: MEMBERS: Bilicich, Coffman-Gomez, Hernandez, Hurst, Cervantez None Dodge, Montesino 10.1 EMERGENCY ITEMS ADDED TO AGENDA (None) 10.2 INFORMATION ITEMS—Written Report(s) Only (a) Report of Disbursements (b) Miscellaneous Documents 11.0 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:38 P.M. ___________________________________ Karina Cervantez, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________________ Beatriz Vázquez Flores, City Clerk Vol 61 Min-CC042214 181 This page was left blank intentionally. Vol 61 Min-CC042214 182 CITY COUNCIL 4.1 MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 6, 2014 City of Watsonville Council Chambers 275 Main Street, 4th Floor CONTENTS 1.0 3.1 5:31 P.M. Session Roll Call Oral Communications 10.0 3.2 10.1 Closed Session Report out of Closed Session Adjournment 5:31 P.M. 1.0 ROLL CALL Mayor Cervantez, Mayor Pro Tempore Hernandez, and Council Members Bilicich (5:41 p.m.), Coffman-Gomez, Dodge (5:55 p.m.), Hurst, and Montesino were present. 3.0 PRESENTATIONS & ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC & CITY COUNCIL Gary Richard Arnold spoke about California Forward’s involvement in unethical political practices and involvement in unfair government decisions. He urged the Council to keep local control. 10.0 CLOSED SESSION (City Council Conference Room, 275 Main Street, 4th Floor) A. (a) Public Comments regarding the Closed Session agenda were only accepted by the City Council at that time. (b) Closed Session Announcement The City Council recessed the regular Council Meeting to discuss those items listed on the Closed Session Statement attached to the Agenda. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) 1. Pending litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(1): a) Name of case: Ethnobotanica v. City of Watsonville — Santa Cruz County Superior Court (Case No. CV173820) 3.0 PRESENTATIONS & ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) 3.2 REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Smith reported that the Council received a report and gave direction to staff. Vol 61 Min-CC050614 Special 183 10.1 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M. ___________________________________ Karina Cervantez, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________________ Beatriz Vázquez Flores, City Clerk Vol 61 Min-CC050614 Special 184 CITY COUNCIL 4.2 RESOLUTION NO. _______ (CM) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE REJECTING CLAIM OF NICOLAS GARCIA C/O HECTOR GARCIA AND CLAUDIA NOLASCO-GARCIA FOR DAMAGES (Date of Occurrence: November 10, 2013) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: That the claim of Nicolas Garcia c/o Hector Garcia and Claudia NolascoGarcia for damages, which was filed with the City Clerk on April 10, 2014, be and the same is hereby rejected. ******************************* The foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Watsonville, held on the Member day of , 2014, by Council , who moved its adoption, which motion being duly seconded by Council Member , was upon roll call carried and the resolution adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ______________________________ Karina Cervantez, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ City Attorney Reso No. (CM) Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\RC 14-12 Garcia.docx ri 5/7/2014 10:43:29 AM 1 AJS ______ CJP ______ CITY COUNCIL 4.3 RESOLUTION NO. _______ (CM) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE REJECTING CLAIM OF PACIFIC AIR CARE, INC., FOR DAMAGES (Date of Occurrence: December 23, 2013) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: That the claim of Pacific Air Care, Inc., for damages, which was filed with the City Clerk on March 27, 2014, be and the same is hereby rejected. ******************************* The foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Watsonville, held on the Member day of , 2014, by Council , who moved its adoption, which motion being duly seconded by Council Member , was upon roll call carried and the resolution adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ______________________________ Karina Cervantez, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ City Attorney Reso No. (CM) Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\RC 14-09 Pacific Air Care.docx ri 5/7/2014 11:50:25 AM 1 AJS ______ CJP ______ City Council 4.4 City of Watsonville Watsonville Police Department MEMORANDUM DATE: May 6, 2014 TO: Carlos J. Palacios, City Manager FROM: Manny Solano, Chief of Police Jorge Zamora, Lieutenant SUBJECT: Tow Service Agreement (TSA) AGENDA ITEM: May 13, 2014 RECOMMENDATION: That the City of Watsonville approve the form of the comprehensive Tow Service Agreement (TSA) with the tow companies listed on the police department’s rotation list and direct the City Manager to execute same. DISCUSSION: The City of Watsonville’s T.S.A. with the companies on the rotation list has expired. For the purpose of this proposal the term “rotation” means each tow company is selected for service in a sequential manner to tow vehicles. There are five tow companies on the rotation list. These companies are appointed by the Chief of Police to fill the rotation vacancies. The tow company and their drivers must meet the minimum standards as required by the vehicle towing ordinance sections 4-11.01 through 4-11.30. The current tow companies in the rotation list are: • JV Towing • Speed of Light • Bay City Tow • Chaz Towing • Auto Care BACKGROUND: On February 1, 1992 section 4-11.01 became effective. To date, the five companies listed continue to effectively meet the needs of the police department. They are efficiently administered with a minimum of staff time and resources. The tow companies are used by the police department for the removal of vehicles in the following circumstances: • The vehicle is involved in a traffic collision and owner requested the tow. • Storage of vehicles at arrest scenes. • Storage of vehicles for evidence. Page 1 of 2 J.ZAMORA 5/6/2014 9:13:27 AM • Vehicles left unattended which block roadways or pose safety hazards. STRATEGIC PLAN: The TSA with the tow companies will obligate them contractually. This new TSA is similar to one utilized by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to ensure compliance with the law. Safety and ethical standards are clearly stated in the TSA. Currently all of the tow companies on the rotation list have signed the C.H.P. agreement. Implementation of this agreement will create uniformity and safeguard the city, the tow companies and the citizens. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact on the city or the tow companies. ALTERNATIVES: The City Council may elect not to move forward with the approval of the TSA at this time. ATTACHMENTS: None Page 2 of 2 J.ZAMORA 5/6/2014 9:13:27 AM CITY COUNCIL 4.4 RESOLUTION NO.__________ (CM) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE APPROVING FORM OF TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAME PURSUANT TO SECTION 4-11.02 OF THE WATSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the form of Tow Service Agreement between the City of Watsonville and tow service operators on the City’s rotation list, a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, is hereby approved. 2. That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute such Agreements for and on behalf of the City of Watsonville pursuant to Section 4-11.02 of the Watsonville Municipal Code. ********************************** Reso No. (CM) Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\Tow Service Agreement Form.docx ri 5/7/2014 12:49:51 PM Manny Solano 1 AJS ______ CJP ______ PD ______ 2014 — 2019 TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT March 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS ELEMENT PAGE 1. ROTATION LISTS .................................................................................................................1 2. TOW COMPANY ....................................................................................................................2 3. TOW COMPANY BUSINESS ...............................................................................................3 4. FINANCIAL INTEREST........................................................................................................5 5. RESPONSE TO CALLS .........................................................................................................5 6. STORAGE YARD ...................................................................................................................7 7. TOW TRUCK OPERATORS ................................................................................................8 8. TOW TRUCK CLASSIFICATIONS...................................................................................10 9. GENERAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................12 10. INSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................12 11. RATES ....................................................................................................................................13 12. COLLUSION..........................................................................................................................15 13. INSURANCE ..........................................................................................................................16 14. ANNUAL OPEN ENROLLMENT/MEETINGS ................................................................17 15. DEMEANOR AND CONDUCT ...........................................................................................18 16. TOW COMPLAINTS............................................................................................................18 17. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW ...............................................................................................19 18. COMPLIANCE WITH TSA.................................................................................................19 19. DISCIPLINARY ACTION ...................................................................................................21 20. TERMS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION .............................................................................21 21. HEARING/APPEAL .............................................................................................................22 22. ADVERTISING .....................................................................................................................23 23. CANCELLATION .................................................................................................................23 24. COMPANY APPROVAL ....................................................................................................24 ATTACHMENT A.......................................................................................................................25 i CITY OF WATSONVILLE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA WATSONVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT 2014 thru 2019 This Tow Service Agreement (TSA) contains terms and conditions that a company agrees to comply with in order to receive and maintain a rotation tow listing with the Watsonville Police Department (WPD). Participation in the WPD Rotation Tow Program is voluntary. A company, by agreeing to participate in the program, does not establish a contractual relationship with WPD and is not acting as an agent for WPD, or the City of Watsonville, when performing services under the TSA. Exceptions to compliance with the TSA shall not be authorized by verbal agreement. Any exceptions shall be documented by the traffic Lieutenant as a written addendum to the TSA. 1. ROTATION LISTS A. A call to a company shall constitute one turn on the list and the company shall be moved to the bottom of the list. 1. This includes when the company fails to answer the phone, is unable to respond, is unable to perform the required service, refuses to respond or provide service, or is canceled due to excessive response time. B. If it is determined the company is not needed and is canceled by WPD, up to and including arrival on scene and standby time which does not result in a tow, there shall be no charges and the company shall be placed back at the top of the list. C. If the company responds to a WPD call and is canceled by the vehicle’s registered owner or agent, prior to the company taking possession of the vehicle, there shall be no charge and the company shall be placed back at the top of the list. 1. D. Possession is deemed to arise when the vehicle is removed and is in transit, or when vehicle recovery operations or load salvage operations have begun (Section 3068.1[a] of the Civil Code). Nothing in the TSA shall prohibit a supervisor or scene manager, from requesting a specific company when, in their opinion, the necessary resources to clear a hazard are not available from the company currently at the top of the rotation tow list. 1. In such an instance, the selected company would then go to the bottom of the list and those tow company’s which were by-passed, would remain in the same list order. Regardless of the class of tow truck utilized or responding to the call, charges shall not be more than for the class of 2014-2019TSA 1 of 25 vehicle towed or serviced, except when vehicle recovery operations require a larger class tow truck. 2. TOW COMPANY A. An owner or principal applying for the rotation tow program shall have a minimum of three (3) verifiable years for-hire towing experience, as an owner or principal, prior to the final filing date of an enrollment period in order to qualify for a rotation tow listing. 1. B. Companies which do not have owner who meet the requirements may be considered if a full-time manager is employed who possesses three (3) verifiable years for-hire tow experience, as an owner, principal or full-time manager. 1. C. The three (3) verifiable years for-hire experience shall be decided by WPD. The three (3) verifiable year’s for-hire experience, as an owner, principal, or full-time manager shall be decided by WPD. Management experience shall be decided and qualified by WPD as follows: 1. The designation of “manager” means general power and permits reasonable inferences that the employee so designated is invested with the general conduct and control of his employer’s business. 2. An individual who has charge and control of a business and is vested with a certain amount of discretion and independent judgment. D. If the manager ceases to be employed by the company, the TSA shall be terminated until a new manager is approved by WPD. E. Companies shall require all tow truck drivers involved with WPD rotation tow operations participate in a controlled substance and alcohol testing (CSAT) program. 1. Companies requiring a Class A, Class B, or commercial Class C license (endorsed for hazardous materials transportation) shall participate in a CSAT program as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Parts 40 and 382. 2. Companies not required to possess a Class A, Class B, or commercial Class C license shall be enrolled in a CSAT program substantially similar to the requirements as outlined in Section 1 above. 2014-2019 TSA 2 of 25 F. 3. The company shall ensure selection pools for commercially and noncommercially licensed companies are maintained separately. 4. A company possessing a non-commercial company’s license who returns with a positive test result shall meet the same reinstatement requirements as a company required to possess a commercial company’s license. Companies shall have a Carrier Identification (CA) number and a valid Motor Carrier Property (MCP) permit. The MCP documentation shall be provided to WPD during the enrollment period. 1. G. Expiration of a company’s MCP and/or suspension of the MCP, pursuant to Section 34623 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC), shall result in the immediate suspension of the Tow Company, as well as additional disciplinary action which may be imposed by WPD. Tow companies shall get approval from the Watsonville Police Department for their companies to conduct business within the City of Watsonville. Each company on the rotation list shall employ only capable and competent companies and attendants. Each company shall provide the Chief of Police with a current list of employees and attendants authorized to perform operations of each tow truck. The Chief of Police may remove a company from the rotation list if the company employs a driver who, within the five (5) years preceding employment, has been convicted of one or more of the following crimes: (1) Auto theft, burglary, possession of stolen property, grand theft, or any other felony crime; (2) A crime of violence on the person of another; (3) A violation of the Health and Safety Code of the State relating to narcotics or dangerous drugs; (4) A violation of Sections 4461, 4462b, 4463, or 5017a of Division 3 of the Vehicle Code of the State; (5) A violation of any provision of Division 4 of the Vehicle Code of the State; or (6) A crime relating to illegal acquisition of vehicles or vehicle parts or documents relating to vehicle registration or ownership. 3. TOW COMPANY’S BUSINESS A. A company’s place of business shall have a sign which clearly identifies it to the public as a tow service. 1. The sign shall have letters which are clearly visible to the public from the street and shall be visible at night. 2014-2019TSA 3 of 25 B. Business hours shall be posted in plain view to the public. C. A place of business shall be sufficiently staffed to allow customers to talk face-toface with a tow company’s owner, manager, or employee during normal business hours. 1. D. E. “Normal business hours” shall not be less than 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for the following state recognized holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Labor Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, President’s Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (Section 22851[b] CVC). Offices staffed with only one employee may be closed for one hour at lunch. 1. A sign shall be posted which reflects a lunch closure and a phone number where a request by a vehicle’s owner/agent shall result in an immediate response to release property or a vehicle. 2. Response to the office shall be within the time frame required for a normal WPD Class A tow. The company shall maintain records of all tow services furnished at the company’s primary office. 1. Invoices shall at a minimum include a description of each vehicle, nature of service, start time, end time, location of call, itemized costs of towing and storage, the tow truck company’s name, and truck used. F. The company’s primary office shall also maintain business records relating to personnel, insurance, personnel taxes, payroll, applicable operating authorities, local operating authorities, lien sale actions, and Federal Communication Commission licensing (if applicable), and non-WPD tows. G. WPD may inspect all company records without notice during normal business hours. H. Companies shall permit WPD to make copies of such business records at their place of business, or to remove business records for the purpose of reproduction. 1. I. WPD shall provide a receipt for any record removed from the place of business. Records shall be maintained and available for inspection for a period of two (2) years plus the current term of this TSA. 2014-2019 TSA 4 of 25 1. 4. 5. Failure of the company to comply with the aforementioned inspection requirements shall be cause for disciplinary action. FINANCIAL INTEREST A. No company or applicant shall be directly involved in the towing-related business of any other company or applicant within the City of Watsonville. B. The sale or transfer of the controlling interest in a company shall immediately terminate the TSA. C. No company shall share equipment with any other company or applicant involved with the WPD rotation tow list (excluding equipment which may be unavailable due to repairs or equipment replacement). RESPONSE TO CALLS A. The company shall respond to calls 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, and respond to the scene within a reasonable time. Reasonable response time shall be 20 minutes. B. An appropriately licensed company shall respond with a properly equipped tow truck of the class required to tow the vehicle and be in possession of the appropriate class of license and applicable endorsements. 1. C. Any applicable permits (e.g., load variance, oversize) shall be valid and maintained in the tow truck. The company shall advise the Santa Cruz Consolidated Emergency Communications Center (SCCECC) at the time of notification, if they are either unable to respond within the reasonable response time set forth in 5A. 1. If, after accepting the call, the company is unable to respond or will be delayed in responding, the company shall immediately notify S.C.C.E.C.C. D. A failure to respond to towing or service calls, and/or repeated failures to meet maximum response time requirements, may result in disciplinary action. E. If service, other than towing and recovery is canceled by the vehicle’s registered owner or agent, no lien shall arise for the service unless the company has presented a written statement to the vehicle’s registered owner or agent for the signed authorization of services to be performed pursuant to Section 3068(a) of the Civil Code. 2014-2019TSA 5 of 25 1. F. The company shall not attempt to take possession of a vehicle in order to establish a lien for any non-towing services performed, or begun and subsequently canceled. Nothing shall prohibit a Class B, C, or D company from maintaining a place on a lighter class rotation tow list, provided the tow truck meets the equipment specifications for that class of operation. 1. Regardless of the class of tow truck utilized or responding to the call, charges shall not be more than for the class of vehicle towed or serviced. G. WPD Traffic Bureau may establish a policy which allows a company to dispatch more than one tow truck to a multiple vehicle collision scene in response to a rotation tow call. H. If two or more companies are called to the same incident, distribution of the vehicles shall be at the discretion of the WPD Incident Commander. I. When a company will be temporarily unavailable to provide services due to a preplanned or scheduled activity, the company shall notify the Traffic Bureau at least 24 hours prior to the date that services will be unavailable, noting the times and dates of the unavailability. J. Only tow truck personnel and equipment requested shall respond to a WPD call (e.g., tow truck driver bringing girlfriend, children, or their dog, is not allowed). The only exception to this requirement is a tow truck company trainee with an approved rotation tow truck company. K. L. A company/employee shall not respond to a WPD call assigned to another company or re-assign a call to another tow company, unless requested to do so by WPD. 1. Nothing would preclude the assigned company/employee from responding to an incident to ascertain if additional assistance or equipment is required. 2. There shall be no additional charge for any personnel or equipment which is not necessary to perform the required service. There may be times when the company/employee assigned the initial call may require assistance from an additional company/employee. 1. The assigned company/employee may, with the concurrence of the scene manager, request a specific company for additional assistance. 2. The company/employee’s request shall be routed through WPD. 2014-2019 TSA 6 of 25 M. 6. There may be times when a company/employee, who was not called to the scene, comes upon a collision scene where a vehicle or vehicles are blocking a roadway and the on-scene officer requests assistance in clearing the roadway. 1. In such a case, the company may be requested by the officer to move the vehicle to a safe location and leave it. 2. There shall be no charge for this assistance and the assistance provided shall not change the company’s place in the rotation. STORAGE YARD A. The company shall be responsible for the safekeeping and prevention of vandalism of all vehicles and contents which are stored or impounded by WPD. 1. At a minimum, a 6 foot securely fenced or enclosed storage yard capable of protecting stored vehicles and their contents from theft or tampering shall be provided. 2. The yard shall be reasonably screened from public view. The storage yard shall be within 1 mile of the City limits. B. The primary storage yard shall be at the same location as the business address. C. Tow companies shall maintain sufficient storage spaces. 1. A secondary storage yard shall only be utilized if the primary storage yard is full. 2. Secondary storage yard shall be located within a mile of the city limits. a) There shall be no charge to the vehicle’s owner/agent for towing a vehicle from a secondary storage yard to the primary storage yard D. Storage yards owned by a company and shared with another company shall only be approved if the company charges for the space exclusively on a flat monthly rate rather than a vehicle-by-vehicle basis, or combination thereof. E. Storage yards shared by companies, or other business establishments not owned by the company, shall be physically separated and secured from each other. F. Prior to the utilization of new storage yards which were not listed with WPD, a company shall obtain WPD’s approval. 2014-2019TSA 7 of 25 G. During business hours there shall be a company employee who is available and they shall be properly trained to conduct business transactions related to towing, storage, and release of vehicles/property. H. Upon approval from WPD, the company or their employee shall release personal property from a vehicle which has been stored/impounded by WPD at the request of the vehicle’s registered owner or agent (personal property is considered to be items which are not affixed to the vehicle). 1. A receipt shall be provided for the removed property, with a copy placed in the stored vehicle. a) I. The requirement to obtain approval from WPD prior to the release or removal of property may be excused if it is determined proper safeguards and procedures are utilized by the company. 1. J. L. This requirement may not be waived in cases where a vehicle has been impounded for evidence or investigation. Personal property and/or the vehicle shall be released at the primary storage yard. 1. K. This procedure shall also apply to the removal of property by the tow company and/or their employee to a secured area within the business. Personal property or a vehicle release from a secondary storage yard shall only be granted if it’s acceptable to the vehicle’s registered owner or agent. No fee shall be charged for the release of personal property during normal business hours pursuant to Section 22851(b) CVC. 1. The maximum charge for a non-business hours release shall be one-half the hourly tow rate charged, or less, for initially towing the vehicle pursuant to Section 22851(b) CVC. 2. No lien shall attach to any personal property in or on the vehicle pursuant to Section 22851(b) CVC. The company shall keep a written record of every vehicle stored for a period longer than 12 hours pursuant to Section 10650(a) CVC. 1. The record shall contain the name and address of the person storing or requesting the tow, the names of the owner and driver of the vehicle (if 2014-2019 TSA 8 of 25 ascertainable), and a brief vehicle description (make, model, license plate number, and any vehicle damage) pursuant to Section 10650(b) CVC. M. 7. Vehicles stored must be released within 2 hours of the owner’s demand, or at such time as mutually agreed upon. TOW TRUCK COMPANIES A. The company shall ensure tow truck companies responding to calls initiated by WPD are competent and have completed a Tow Service Agreement Advisory Committee (TSAAC) approved tow truck driver training course within the past five (5) years. 1. The TSAAC approved tow truck driver training course list is contained in Attachment A of this TSA. a) 2. Acceptable tow truck driver training courses shall be approved by the TSAAC. Documentation of a completed tow truck driver training course shall be kept in the company’s training file and available for inspection. a) Tow truck driver training documentation should be for the appropriate class of tow truck (e.g., a Class D driver should have heavy duty tow company’s training documentation). B. Completion and/or documentation of a tow truck company’s training shall not alone indicate a sufficient level of competence. C. Tow truck companies shall perform all towing and recovery operations in the safest and most expedient manner possible. D. Tow truck companies shall be at least 18 years of age and shall possess the proper class of license and endorsements for the towed and towing vehicle. E. All tow truck companies and owner/companies shall be enrolled in the Employer Pull Notice (EPN) program. F. 1. Upon the addition of new a company, the company shall be granted a maximum of 30 days to enroll company employees in the EPN. 2. The EPN shall be kept on file, signed, and dated by the company. The company shall maintain a current list of employees. 2014-2019TSA 9 of 25 8. G. Uniforms: WPD rotation tow truck companies shall wear an identifiable uniform displaying the company and company’s names while engaged in WPD rotation tow operations. H. Personal Appearance: WPD rotation tow truck companies shall represent a professional image. An unacceptable representation would include, but not limited to: Not bathing – excessive personal body odor or an excessively dirty/torn uniform. I. Safety Garments: WPD rotation tow truck companies shall wear appropriate warning garments (e.g., vests, jackets, shirts, retro reflective clothing) for daylight and hours of darkness in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1598. If the tow truck driver is working on a Federal-aid highway, the company shall comply with the guidelines contained in the Federal Code of Regulations, Title 23, Highways, Chapter 1, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Part 634, Worker Visibility, which requires highvisibility personal protective safety clothing to be worn that meets the Performance Class 2 or 3 requirements of the ANSI/ISEA 107-2004 (compliance date of November 24, 2008). TOW TRUCK CLASSIFICATIONS A. A company shall equip and maintain tow trucks covered under the TSA in accordance with the provisions set forth in the California Vehicle Code (CVC), Watsonville Municipal Code 4-11.05, Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations (Title 13), the specifications contained in this TSA, and in a manner consistent with industry standards and practices. B. All tow trucks shall have recovery and wheel lift capabilities meeting the specifications contained in this TSA. C. 1. Class D tow trucks used exclusively for salvage and recovery operations are not required to possess wheel lift capabilities. 2. A company who has a car carrier is exempted from the recovery, wheel lift, and boom capability requirements. However, the car carrier must be an additional unit and shall not be used for recovery. A violation of the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) and/or safe loading requirements of a tow truck may be cause for disciplinary action. This includes exceeding the tow truck’s GVWR, front axle weight rating, rear axle weight rating, maximum tire weight ratings, or not maintaining 50 percent of the tow truck’s unladen front axle weight on the front axle when towing. There are four (4) classes of tow trucks covered under this TSA. 2014-2019 TSA 10 of 25 1. Class A - Light Duty a) A company should maintain a minimum of one tow truck which has a manufacturer’s GVWR of at least 14,000 pounds. (1) 2. Class B - Medium Duty a) 3. A company should maintain a minimum of one tow truck with a GVWR of at least 26,001 pounds. The truck shall be equipped with air brakes and a tractor protection valve or device, and be capable of providing and maintaining continuous air to the towed vehicle. (1) All Class B tow trucks with a GVWR of less than 26,001 pounds currently approved for the CHP Class B rotation tow list will be allowed to remain on the WPD tow list until June 30, 2013. (2) Tow company’s continuously used on rotation for WPD, whose equipment was previously approved and owned by the same company but lacks air brakes, and/or a tractor protection valve or device, may apply for and receive a Class B rotation tow listing if the tow truck is capable of supplying service brake air to the towed vehicle and has a single control for application. Class C - Heavy Duty a) 4. After June 30, 2006, Class A 4-wheel drive tow trucks with a GVWR of less than 14,000 pounds may be listed as special equipment. These tow trucks shall be used only for recoveries requiring the use of 4-wheel drive. A company should maintain at least one three-axle tow truck with a GVWR of at least 48,000 pounds. The truck shall be equipped with air brakes and must be capable of providing and maintaining continuous air to the towed vehicle. Class D - Super Heavy Duty a) A company should maintain at least one three-axle tow truck with a GVWR of at least 52,000 pounds. The truck shall be equipped with air brakes and must be capable of providing and maintaining continuous air to the towed vehicle. 2014-2019TSA 11 of 25 9. 10. GENERAL EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS A Tow Truck and Car Carrier Classifications: Tow truck and car carrier classifications are based on the truck chassis GVWR and the classification system used by the American Trucking Association (ATA) and truck manufacturers. Tow truck and car carrier classifications shall meet all applicable state and/or federal standards. B. Identification Labels: Each piece of towing equipment shall have a label or identification tag permanently affixed to the equipment in a prominent location to identify the manufacturer, serial number, model, and rated capacity. C. Recovery Equipment Rating: The basic performance rating of the recovery equipment is the weight the equipment can lift in a winching mode, when the boom is static at a 30 degree elevation with the load lines vertical and the lifting cables sharing the load equally, measured with a live load (weight or load cell). 1 The structural design of the recovery equipment must have a higher load capacity than the performance ratings. 2. Winches shall conform to or exceed the specifications set forth by the Recovery Equipment Rating, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Handbook, and SAE J706. 3. All ratings for cable and chain assemblies are for the undamaged assembly condition. All cable and chain assemblies should be the same type, construction, and rating as specified by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for the equipment. 4. Control/Safety Labels: All controls shall be clearly marked to indicate proper operation, as well as any special warnings or cautions. INSPECTIONS A. B. WPD reserves the right to conduct one annual inspection of all tow trucks utilized on rotation calls. 5. WPD may conduct additional inspections without notice during normal business hours. 6. WPD may honor annual inspections performed by the California Highway Patrol Area office Special Equipment 2014-2019 TSA 12 of 25 1. 11. To properly and safely tow, service, or recover the wide variety of vehicles being operated on the highway, a towing procedure may require the use of special equipment specifically designed for the purpose. WPD may honor annual inspections conducted by the California Highway Patrol Area office. RATES A. B. C. D. Fees charged for calls originating from WPD shall be reasonable, valid, and not in excess of those rates charged for similar services provided in response to requests initiated by a public agency or private person. Reasonableness shall be determined as compared to other similar service rates 1. The City Council shall by resolution, establish the maximum chargeable rates for normal rotation requests. 2. The City Council shall by resolution, establish the City Towing Service Fee. Rate requirements represent the maximum a company may charge on a WPD call. 1. A company is not precluded from charging less when deemed appropriate by the company. 2. These requirements shall not be construed as requiring a charge if a company would not normally charge for such service. Any company who charges rates above the submitted rates for a WPD call shall be subject to disciplinary action. In an effort to remain competitive in the open market, the company may lower rates at any time by notifying WPD. 1. When a company lowers the rate, that retail rate becomes the company’s new approved rate. E. A valid bank credit card or cash payment shall be accepted for payment of storage and/or towing when a vehicle is stored pursuant to Section 22651 CVC (Section 22651.1 CVC). F. No company or employee shall refer to any rate as a required or “WPD Rate.” G. The approved schedule of rates charged by the company shall be available in the tow truck, and shall be presented upon demand to the vehicle owner/agent for whom the tow service was provided or any WPD officer at the scene. 2014-2019TSA 13 of 25 H. There shall be no additional charge for moving (i.e., driving, towing, pushing, utilizing a forklift) a stored vehicle from inside a company’s storage yard to the front of the business establishment. I. Companies may only raise rates after approval by Watsonville City Council. J. Tow Rates 1. The rate for towing should be computed from portal to portal when a vehicle is towed to the company’s storage yard. a) 2. 3. K. L. Portal to portal is defined as follows: Time shall start from either the point of dispatch or upon departure from the place of business, whichever is closer to the location of the call, and shall end at the estimated time of return to the place of business or completion of the call, if another call is pending, whichever is shorter. The time expended, for towing a vehicle back to the company’s storage yard, should be charged at a rate not to exceed the hourly rate. a) Time expended in excess of the hourly rate shall be calculated in no more than one-minute increments. b) There shall be no additional charges for mileage, etc. The company shall base towing charges upon the class of vehicle being towed, regardless of the class of truck used. Service Call 1. The company may charge up to a 30 minute minimum per call for any service which is performed when the vehicle company or agent is present and the vehicle is not stored at the direction of an officer or returned to the company’s storage yard. 2. Rates for a service call (out-of-gas, lockouts, tire changes, etc.) should be from portal to end of service. 3. Charges, in excess of a 30-minute service call, may be charged in no more than one-minute increments. 4. Fuel charges for gasoline dispensed on out-of-gas service calls shall be at the prevailing market rate. Fees for Special Operations 2014-2019 TSA 14 of 25 1. Fees shall be reasonable and consistent with industry standards for similar operations. 2. Companies involved in the two (2) tow truck Salvage and Recovery list may charge a minimum two-hour rate. 3. a) Time expended in excess of the two-hour minimum shall be at the hourly rate in no more than one-minute increments. b) If it is determined that only one truck is required, the second truck may claim portal to portal and time expended on scene until determination was made that it was not required. Hourly rates shall be established for the following: a) 4. M. Auxiliary and contracted equipment, e.g., airbags, converter gear/dolly, additional trailers, fork lift, front loaders. If a company performs a service which requires rental equipment and specialized labor, the company shall only be entitled to charge for the actual cost of that service plus a markup rate not to exceed ten (10) percent. Storage Fees 1. A vehicle stored 24 hours or less shall be charged nor more than one day storage pursuant to Section 3068.1(a) of the Civil Code (CC).If the vehicle is released from storage after 24 hours has lapsed, charges may be allowed on a full, calendar-day basis for each day of storage, or part thereof pursuant to Section 3068.1(a) CC. 2. Storage of vehicles in combination should be charged a per vehicle rate except for dollies, con-gear, vehicle on a car carrier/trailer, etc. Dollies and con-gear, not in combination, may be charged a storage rate not to exceed Class A storage fees. 3. Inside storage fees shall only be charged when inside storage is requested by WPD, registered owner, legal owner, insurance company or when the inside storage can be justified by the tow company. 4. The company shall display in plain view at all cashiers stations, a sign as described in Section 3070(d)(2)(E) CC, disclosing all storage fees and charges in force, including the maximum storage rate. 2014-2019TSA 15 of 25 12. 13. COLLUSION A. A company and/or applicant shall not conspire, attempt to conspire, or commit any other act of collusion with any other company or applicant for the purpose of secretly, or otherwise, establishing an understanding regarding rates or conditions to the TSA that would bring about any unfair condition which could be prejudicial to WPD, the motoring public, or other companies. B. A finding by WPD that any company or applicant has been involved in collusion shall be cause for denial of an application or shall nullify the TSA. Any company or applicant found to be involved in any act, or attempted act of collusion, shall be disqualified from participation WPD rotation tow lists for the current term, plus three years. INSURANCE A. The WPD, City of Watsonville, and/or its City Council and/or its officers and/or its employees, shall not be responsible for any loss or damages arising from towing and storage of vehicles or the performance of any requirement imposed by this chapter or law. As a condition of being granted a permit and being placed on the rotation list, the company must defend, indemnify, and save harmless the WPD, the City of Watsonville, the City Council, and city officers and employees, from any and all suits, claims, or actions brought, for any and all injury, illness, or damages sustained or arising out of the operation of towing services and storage of vehicles and arising out of the performance of any requirement of the TSA. The company shall maintain public liability insurance, primary coverage, in amounts established by the Vehicle Code of the State or by resolution of the City Council, whichever is the higher. Policy expiration dates and any notice of cancellation shall be forwarded to the Traffic Bureau of the Police Department. Without insurance, a company shall be removed from rotation. Companies shall further be responsible at actual cash value for customer vehicles and contents as provided by law. A certificate of insurance for workers' compensation shall be provided to the City. The City Finance Director shall be furnished with a certificate of insurance for the above coverage providing not less than thirty (30) days notice of cancellation to the City. The company shall maintain the following minimum levels of insurance from an insurance carrier admitted in California, or admitted in the state in which the companies business is located, and is authorized to do business in California: 1. Minimum Level of Financial Responsibility (as required by Section 34631.5 CVC) - Bodily injury and property damage with a combined single limit of not less than $750,000 for Class A tow trucks. The combined limits for Classes B, C, and D shall not be less than $1,000,000. 2014-2019 TSA 16 of 25 These minimum standards are to include non-owned and hired auto coverage. 2. Uninsured Motorist - Legal minimum, combined single limit. 3. On-Hook Coverage/Cargo - Insuring the vehicle in tow with limits based on the size of the tow truck. 4. 5. 14. a) Class A tow truck…………………$50,000 b) Class B tow truck…………………$100,000 c) Class C tow truck…………………$200,000 d) Class D tow truck…………………$250,000 Garage Liability - Includes premises and operations. Coverage for bodily injury and property damage with a combined single limit of not less than $500,000. Garage Keeper’s Liability – Shall be the same minimum as on-hook coverage for vehicles in the care, custody, and control of the company in the storage yard. B. A company shall provide proof of insurance for all storage yards. C. Proof of insurance shall be in the form of a certificate of insurance. All companies’ insurance policies shall provide for not less than 30 days written notice to WPD and to the City Clerk in the event the insurance policy is canceled or is due to expire. D. Failure by any company to maintain the minimum insurance requirements set forth in the TSA shall immediately nullify the TSA, remove the company from the rotation tow list, and subject the company to disciplinary action by WPD. ANNUAL OPEN ENROLLMENT/MEETINGS A. The Traffic Bureau shall conduct, at a minimum, one (1) annual open meeting to discuss the forthcoming TSA term and issues concerning the rotation tow program. 1. WPD shall give the company a 30-day written notice of the meeting. 2014-2019TSA 17 of 25 15. DEMEANOR AND CONDUCT A. While involved in WPD rotation tow operations or related business, the tow company and/or employee(s) shall refrain from any acts of misconduct including, but not limited to, any of the following: 1. Rude or discourteous behavior. 2. Lack of service, selective service, or refusal to provide service which the company is capable of performing. 3. Any act of sexual harassment or sexual impropriety. 4. Unsafe driving practices. 5. In no event shall the tow truck’s yellow lights be activated while responding to a service call. 6. Exhibiting any objective symptoms of alcohol or drug use. a) 16. The company/tow truck driver shall submit to a preliminary alcohol screening test upon demand of WPD if an odor of an alcoholic beverage is detected upon their person. TOW COMPLAINTS A. All WPD related tow service complaints received or initiated by the WPD against a tow company or tow company employees, shall be accepted and investigated in a fair and impartial manner. 1. The tow company and their employees shall cooperate with WPD investigators during the course of an investigation. B. The company shall be notified in writing of the findings within 30-days of the conclusion of any investigation. C. Should the filing of criminal charges be a possibility, WPD shall conduct the investigation to conclusion or assist the lead investigating agency and request prosecution if warranted. D. Complaints for violations of the law not normally investigated by WPD shall be referred to the agency with investigation jurisdiction. E. Alleged violations of the TSA shall be investigated by WPD Traffic Bureau, another Division within WPD or the agency with investigative jurisdiction. 2014-2019 TSA 18 of 25 17. 18. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW A. The tow company and employees shall, at all times, comply with federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. B. Any conviction of the company or employee involving a stolen or embezzled vehicle, fraud related to the towing business, stolen or embezzled property, a crime of violence, a drug-related offense, felony driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, misdemeanor driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or moral turpitude should be cause for suspension or removal of an company/employee, or denial of a company/employee’s application, or termination of the TSA. C. WPD personnel, as well as tow companies and their employees, shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities pursuant to Section 12110(a) CVC. D. No tow company or their employees shall accept any gratuities from a repair shop for the delivery of a vehicle, not owned by the repair shop or tow company, for the purpose of storage or repair pursuant to Section 12110(c) CVC. E. Failure of a company to satisfy a court order mandating reimbursement to the vehicle or property owner for the damage or loss which occurred while the vehicle was in the company’s custody will result in the company being taken off the rotation tow list. F. A company or employee arrested/charged for a violation involving any of the above crimes should be suspended until the case is adjudicated. COMPLIANCE WITH TSA A. The company agrees, as a condition of inclusion in the rotation tow program, to comply with the terms and conditions of the TSA. Furthermore, the company or company’s agent agrees that failure to comply with these terms and conditions shall be cause for disciplinary action (i.e., written reprimand, suspension, termination, or denial of an application). B. A violation of the equipment requirements, related to safety, shall be cause for immediate suspension. 1. C. The suspension shall remain in effect until the suspension period is completed and WPD has inspected the equipment and concluded the company is in compliance. A violation of the GVWR and/or safe loading requirements of a tow truck may be cause for disciplinary action. 2014-2019TSA 19 of 25 1. D. A violation of intentionally overcharging or a pattern of overcharging may be cause for suspension. 1. E. This includes exceeding the tow truck’s GVWR, FAWR, RAWR, maximum tire weight ratings, or not maintaining 50 percent of the tow truck’s laden front axle weight on the front axle when in tow. The suspension shall remain in effect until the suspension period is completed and proof of reimbursement to the aggrieved customer has been provided to WPD. Any unsatisfactory terminal evaluation rating issued by the Motor Carrier Safety Unit (MCSU) shall be cause for suspension. 1. The suspension shall remain in effect until proof of a satisfactory compliance rating from the MCSU has been provided to the WPD Traffic Bureau. F. Allowing an incompetent tow truck driver to respond to a WPD call may be cause for disciplinary action on the company. G. A company’s tow truck driver responding to a WPD call, for whom the following information has not been submitted and approved by the Watsonville Police Department, shall be cause for disciplinary action of the company: H. 1. A valid City of Watsonville business license for the tow truck company. 2. Documentation indicating completion of a TSAAC approved tow truck driver training program within the past five (5) years. 3. Enrollment in an annual random drug testing program and Employer Pull Notice program. 4. Valid tow company permit issued by the City of Watsonville. Tow companies shall not record (i.e., videotape, photograph) a scene unless it is for official use by the tow company for business related reasons. 1. The on-scene investigating officer or incident commander shall make the determination when a tow company may record a scene for tow related business reasons. 2. In the event a tow company is determined to be in violation of this provision, the company and its employees will immediately surrender any such recording device to an officer of the Watsonville Police Department. 2014-2019 TSA 20 of 25 19. DISCIPLINARY ACTION A. The Chief of Police shall take disciplinary action against a company for violations investigated and sustained. Furthermore, the company agrees that failure by the company, or their agent, to comply with these terms and conditions shall be cause for disciplinary action (i.e., written reprimand, suspension, denial of an application, or termination from WPD Rotation Tow Program). 1. 20. The Chief of Police shall retain discretion regarding the length of any suspension imposed pursuant to the terms and conditions of this TSA. B. Nothing shall preclude WPD from taking the appropriate enforcement or administrative action for any violations of law. C. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit WPD from immediately suspending, terminating, or denying an application of any company or employee whose conduct, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, is deemed to be a danger to the motoring public, or who has engaged in conduct constituting a flagrant violation of the TSA (e.g., registered sex offender). D. Records of violations shall be retained by WPD for 36 months. E. Disciplinary action taken against a company by Chief of Police should be communicated to the City Manager. TERMS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION A. Violations of the terms and conditions of the TSA may be cause for disciplinary action in the following manner: 1. First violation within a 12 month period – letter of written reprimand. 2. Second violation within a 12 month period – 1 to 30-day suspension. 3. Third violation within a 12 month period – 60 to 90-day suspension. 4. Fourth violation within a 12 month period – termination of the TSA. NOTE: In lieu of termination, WPD may impose additional suspensions for longer periods, if deemed appropriate. B. Violations of the terms and conditions of the TSA which warrant suspension for the first violation are categorized as major violations. Any subsequent or continuing major violation may be cause for termination. 2014-2019TSA 21 of 25 1. C. A suspended or terminated company, and/or the tow business owner at the time of the suspension or termination, shall not be eligible for a rotation listing for the duration of the suspension or termination. 1. 21. When considering disciplinary action for a major violation of the TSA, the hearing officer should take into consideration all violations which have occurred within 36 months prior to the date of the current violation. This provision applies to the company working in any capacity within any tow business or operating any tow business, even if operated under new ownership. D. If the company is serving a suspension for one year or more, the company shall be required to have complied with all terms and conditions of the current TSA at the time of reinstatement. E. A company shall comply with all the terms of the suspension (i.e., restitution to victims, court orders) prior to reinstatement or re-application. HEARING/APPEAL A. A hearing shall be granted, upon an company’s request, within ten (10) calendar days, for any of the following circumstances: 1. Company is served with disciplinary action. B. A hearing shall be held as soon as practicable. C. The hearing shall be conducted by the Chief of Police or designee, and the company shall be entitled to present all relevant facts and circumstances in support of the company’s position. 1. The company shall be entitled to present testimony of at least one qualified person. D. The company shall be notified in writing of the Chief of Police or designee’s decision(s) within ten (10) business days of the date of completion of the hearing. E. Following a hearing, if the company is dissatisfied with the Chief’s or designee’s decision(s), the company may appeal by submitting a written request to the City Manager within ten (10) calendar days. F. The appeal shall be conducted by the City Manager or designee and shall be held as soon as practicable. 2014-2019 TSA 22 of 25 1. G. 22. Any applicant who desires to appeal any decision of the Chief of Police or designee’s under this TSA may, within ten (10) days of the mailing of notice of the decision of the Chief of Police, file a written notice of appeal with the City Manager or designee. The applicant is entitled to reasonable notice of the time and place of the hearing of the appeal by the City Manager or designee and is entitled to be personally present, to be represented by an attorney, to call witnesses, and to hear and examine responsible personnel and all witnesses called in support of the Chief's decision. The hearing shall not be governed by the rules of evidence nor normal courtroom procedures. The City Manager's or designee’s decision shall be final. Disciplinary action shall not take effect until the hearing and appeal process has been exhausted, with the exception of company’s whose conduct is deemed to be a danger to the motoring public or who continue to violate the terms and conditions of this TSA. If a company fails to request a hearing or appeal within the specified time or fails to appear at a scheduled hearing or appeal, the action taken by the Chief of Police shall be final and the disciplinary action shall take effect upon written notification to the company by the Traffic Bureau. ADVERTISING The company shall not display any sign or engage in any advertisement indicating an official or unofficial connection with the City of Watsonville or Watsonville Police. 23. CANCELLATION This TSA may be canceled by either party by giving written notice to the other party. CITY OF WATSONVILLE APPROVED AS TO FORM: By___________________________ Carlos J. Palacios, City Manager By______________________________ Alan J. Smith, City Attorney ATTEST: By___________________________ Beatriz Vázquez Flores, City Clerk 2014-2019TSA 23 of 25 24. COMPANY APPROVAL I certify that the undersigned company operating under this Tow Service Agreement (TSA) is qualified and competent. I further certify that I have read and understand this TSA and agree to abide by all the provisions. I further agree to indemnify, defend, and save harmless the WPD, the City of Watsonville and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to the company in connection with the performance of the TSA, and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm, or corporation who may be injured or damaged by the company in the performance of this TSA. The company, and the agents and employees of the company, in the performance of this TSA, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers or employees or agents of the City of Watsonville. The terms of this TSA (2014-2019 TSA) will become effective: ____________________________and end ______________________________. Date Date Company Approval Signature Typed Name Company Title Business Address Date Phone Number Motor Carrier Permit Number 25. SEVERANCE If any portion of this TSA is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such portion shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary in such court's option to render such portion enforceable and, so modified, such portion and the balance of this TSA shall continue in full force and effect. 2014-2019 TSA 24 of 25 ATTACHMENT A TOW SERVICE AGREEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVED TOW TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING COURSES Automobile Club of Southern California 3333 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Contact: Rob Wade at (714) 885-1333 E-mail: California Tow Truck Association 823 South Williams Road Palm Springs, CA 92264-3472 Contact: Steve Cardinale at (800) 874-2860 or (760) 325-5840 E-mail: California State Automobile Association Automotive Services 150 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102-5279 Contact: Ben Sims at (415) 565-4373 Randy Resch Randy Resch Training 21020 Fog Ridge Alpine, CA 91901 Telephone: (619) 807-3177 E-mail: Tow Pros, LLC 4615 East Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307 Contact: Ken Kay at (661) 979-0747 E-mail: Towing & Recovery Association of America (Correspondence Course) 2121 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22314 Telephone: (800) 728-0136 E-mail: WreckMaster Incorporated P.O. Box 473 Lewiston, NY 14092 Telephone: (800) 267-2266 E-mail: 2014-2019TSA 25 of 25 CITY COUNCIL 4.5 City of Watsonville Community Development Department MEMORANDUM DATE: May 7, 2014 TO: Carlos J. Palacios, City Manager FROM: Marcela Tavantzis, Community Development Director Kurt Overmeyer, Economic Development Manager SUBJECT: Lease Agreement between the City of Watsonville and In Sook Yum, dba Top USA Co., for retail space at 21, 27 and 31 West Beach Street in the City-owned Beach Street Garage AGENDA ITEM: May 13, 2014 By Marcela Tavantzis at 9:11 am, May 07, 2014 City Council RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Lease Agreement, and any amendments of a non-substantive nature subject to legal approval, with In Sook Yum, dba Top USA Co., for retail space at 21, 27 and 31 West Beach Street in the City-owned Beach Street Garage. DISCUSSION: On January 13, 1998, the Council approved a Lease Agreement with In Sook Yum for retail space at 21, 27 and 31 West Beach Street (on the first floor of the West Beach Street Parking Garage) for a three-year term with one option to renew for an additional five years. The agreement has been amended and/or extended twice and expired on January 13, 2014. Top USA Co. has been occupying the space and paying rent on a month-to-month basis since the January 13, 2014 expiration of the lease, while the terms and details of the new lease were developed. The premises include 8,424 square feet of retail space and 510 square feet of storage space. The key terms of the proposed Lease Agreement are as follows: 1. Term: Five years, with an option to extend for an additional five-year period 2. Size: Retail Space - 8,424 sq. ft. Storage Space - 510 sq. ft. Page 1 of 2 5/7/2014 9:11:01 AM M:\CDD\CC Packet\AGENDA 2014\05-13-14\Top USA lease\Top USA staff rpt.doc\KM\dm 3. Rent: Retail Space - $7,507.38 per month, with an annual increase of $253.00 ($0.03/ sq. ft.) Storage Space - Years 1–5 at $178.50 ($0.35/sq. ft.) If the Tenant exercises the option to extend the lease, the rent will be set at the then market rate, with subsequent adjustments on each anniversary date of the lease. With the slow economy, available retail spaces in the downtown area continue to be vacant. The lease rate for Top USA is roughly the same as the current asking rate for similar lease spaces in the downtown area; however, those lease spaces have been on the market for approximately 8 – 24 months. The lease rate for Top USA Co. is fair considering the economic situation and the difficulty in leasing spaces similar in size. STRATEGIC PLAN: This action is consistent with the City’s goal of economic development. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City’s General Fund will receive rent in the amount of $480,769 over the initial five-year term. ALTERNATIVES: The City Council can elect to discontinue the lease with In Sook Yum which would require the City to locate another tenant resulting in the loss of rent for an unspecified amount of time. ATTACHMENTS: None. cc: City Attorney Page 2 of 2 5/7/2014 9:11:01 AM M:\CDD\CC Packet\AGENDA 2014\05-13-14\Top USA lease\Top USA staff rpt.doc\KM\dm CITY COUNCIL 4.5 RESOLUTION NO.__________ (CM) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE APPROVING A FIVE-YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ONE (1) FIVE-YEAR OPTION TERM BETWEEN THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE AND IN SOOK YUM, AN INDIVDUAL, DBA TOP USA CO., FOR THE USE OF A CITY OWNED BUILDING LOCATED AT 21, 27, AND 31 WEST BEACH STREET, WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, COMMENCING ON MARCH 14, 2014, AND ENDING MARCH 13, 2019, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAME BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the five-year Lease with one (1) five-year option term between the City of Watsonville and In Sook Yum, an individual, dba Top USA Co., for the use of a City owned building located at 21, 27, and 31 West Beach Street, Watsonville, California, commencing on March 14, 2014, and ending March 13, 2019, a copy of which Lease is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, is fair and equitable and is hereby ratified and approved. 2. That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute such Lease for the original term and if properly exercised, the one (1) five-year option term for and on behalf of the City of Watsonville. ****************************** Reso No. (CM) Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\Top USA Co Lease Agrmt.docx ri 5/7/2014 12:17:23 PM 1 Marcela Tavantzis AJS ______ CJP ______ CDD ______ LEASE AGREEMENT WATSONVILLE BEACH STREET PARKING GARAGE 21, 27 and 31 Beach Street BETWEEN THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE AND IN SOOK YUM, DBA TOP USA CO. 1132903v4 21166/0009 05Nov08 PDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE 1. BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS .................................................................................1 1.01. Tenant's Trade Name .......................................................................................................1 1.02. Premises ...........................................................................................................................1 1.03. Term. ................................................................................................................................1 1.04. Minimum Monthly Rent ..................................................................................................1 1.05. Use of Premises ...............................................................................................................1 1.06. Hours ................................................................................................................................2 1.07. Security Deposit ...............................................................................................................2 1.08. Tenant's Percentage..........................................................................................................2 1.09. Guarantor of Lease...........................................................................................................2 1.10. Address for Notices to Tenant .........................................................................................2 ARTICLE 2. LEASE OF PREMISES .......................................................................................3 2.01. City of Watsonville as Landlord ......................................................................................3 2.02. Premises ...........................................................................................................................3 2.03. Reservations .....................................................................................................................3 2.04. Tenant Improvements. .....................................................................................................3 2.05. Condition of Premises. .....................................................................................................3 ARTICLE 3. TERM........................................................................................................................3 3.01. Commencement of Term .................................................................................................3 3.02. Option to Extend ..............................................................................................................4 3.03. Expiration; Holding Over ................................................................................................4 3.04. Tenant's Rights and Obligations on Termination or Expiration ......................................4 3.06. Landlord's Failure to Timely Sign Lease .........................................................................4 ARTICLE 4. RENT ........................................................................................................................4 4.01. Rent ..................................................................................................................................4 4.02. Commencement of Rent. .................................................................................................4 4.03. Annual Adjustment To Minimum Rent ...........................................................................5 4.04. Late Charges & Interest on Unpaid Rent .........................................................................5 ARTICLE 5. SECURITY DEPOSIT ..............................................................................................6 5.01. Amount of Deposit...........................................................................................................6 5.02. Use and Return of Deposit ...............................................................................................6 5.03. Transfer of Security Deposit ............................................................................................6 ARTICLE 6. USE ...........................................................................................................................6 6.01. Use of Premises. ..............................................................................................................6 6.02. Operation of Business ......................................................................................................7 6.03. Hazardous or Toxic Materials..........................................................................................7 6.04. Compliance with Governmental Regulations ..................................................................8 6.05. Americans With Disabilities Act. ....................................................................................8 1132903v4 21166/0009 05Nov08 PDE ARTICLE 7. TAXES; ASSESSMENTS ........................................................................................8 7.01. Personal Property Taxes ..................................................................................................8 7.02. Possessory Interest Taxes ................................................................................................8 ARTICLE 8. OPERATING EXPENSES .......................................................................................9 8.01. Additional Rent ................................................................................................................9 8.02. Definitions .......................................................................................................................9 8.03. Payment of Additional Rent ............................................................................................9 8.04. End of Term ...................................................................................................................10 ARTICLE 9. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS.....................................................................10 9.01. Consent ..........................................................................................................................10 9.02. Notices ...........................................................................................................................10 9.03. Trade Fixtures ................................................................................................................10 9.04. Restoration .....................................................................................................................10 9.05. Signs and Advertising Matter. .......................................................................................11 ARTICLE 10. UTILITIES ............................................................................................................11 10.01. Separate Charges ............................................................................................................11 10.02. Jointly Metered Utilities ................................................................................................11 10.03. Interruption ....................................................................................................................11 ARTICLE 11. INDEMNIFICATION; INSURANCE..................................................................12 11.01. Indemnification ..............................................................................................................12 11.02. Insurance Requirements .................................................................................................12 11.03. Tenant's Failure To Maintain Insurance ........................................................................13 11.04. Property Insurance/Other Insurance Premiums. ............................................................13 11.05. Waiver of Subrogation ...................................................................................................14 11.06. Waiver of Loss and Damage ..........................................................................................14 11.07. Notice by Tenant ............................................................................................................15 ARTICLE 12. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS ......................................................................15 12.01. Landlord's Maintenance Obligations. ............................................................................15 12.02. Landlord's Right of Entry ..............................................................................................16 12.03. Tenant's Maintenance Obligations. ................................................................................16 12.04. Plate Glass......................................................................................................................16 12.05. Landscaping ...................................................................................................................17 ARTICLE 13. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING..................................................................17 13.01. Prohibition Against Voluntary Assignment, Subletting, and Encumbering; Tenant's Request to Landlord ........................................................................................17 13.02. Involuntary Assignment. ................................................................................................17 13.03. Consent Required ...........................................................................................................18 13.04. Unauthorized Assignment or Sublease ..........................................................................18 13.05. Effect of Consent ...........................................................................................................18 13.06. Surrender of Lease .........................................................................................................18 ii ARTICLE 14. DEFAULT ............................................................................................................18 14.01. Events of Default ...........................................................................................................18 14.02. Remedies ........................................................................................................................19 14.03. Covenants and Conditions .............................................................................................20 ARTICLE 15. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION; Condemnation ................................................20 15.01. Landlord's Duty To Repair. ...........................................................................................20 15.02. Tenant's Duty to Repair or Replacement .......................................................................21 ARTICLE 16. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES; ATTORNMENT .................................................21 16.01. Tenant to Furnish Certificate .........................................................................................22 16.02. Attornment .....................................................................................................................22 16.03. Additional Documents ...................................................................................................22 ARTICLE 17. MISCELLANEOUS .............................................................................................22 17.01. Rules and Regulations ...................................................................................................22 17.02. Attorneys' Fees ...............................................................................................................22 17.03. Sale or Lease of the Premises by Landlord ....................................................................22 17.04. Liability to Successors ...................................................................................................23 17.05. Interpretation. .................................................................................................................23 17.06. Time ...............................................................................................................................23 17.07. Force Majeure ................................................................................................................23 17.08. Notices ...........................................................................................................................24 17.09. Relationship of Parties ...................................................................................................24 17.10. Waiver ............................................................................................................................24 17.11. Accord and Satisfaction .................................................................................................24 17.12. Authority ........................................................................................................................24 17.13. Broker's Commission .....................................................................................................24 17.14. Guaranty of Lease ..........................................................................................................25 17.15. Recycling Activities .......................................................................................................25 17.16. Quiet Enjoyment ............................................................................................................25 iii EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Diagram Showing Location of Premises Description of Landlord's and Tenant's Work Form of Confirmation of Lease Terms Rules and Regulations iv INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS Page Act of Bankruptcy ......................................................................................................................... 19 ADA ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Adjustment Date ............................................................................................................................. 5 Applicable Operating Expenses ...................................................................................................... 9 Beginning Index .............................................................................................................................. 5 Building........................................................................................................................................... 1 Commencement Date .................................................................................................................. 1, 3 Expiration Date ............................................................................................................................... 1 Extended Term ................................................................................................................................ 4 Extension Index .............................................................................................................................. 5 Hazardous Material ......................................................................................................................... 7 Index ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Landlord .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Lease ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Lease Year ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Minimum Monthly Rent ............................................................................................................. 1, 4 Operating Expenses ........................................................................................................................ 9 Possessory Interest Tax ................................................................................................................... 8 Premises ...................................................................................................................................... 1, 3 Rent Commencement Date ............................................................................................................. 1 Security Deposit .......................................................................................................................... 1, 6 Tenant ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Tenant's Percentage......................................................................................................................... 9 Tenant's Trade Name ...................................................................................................................... 1 Term ............................................................................................................................................ 1, 3 v LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (this "Lease") is made this _________ day of _________, 20__, between the CITY OF WATSONVILLE ("Landlord") and In Sook Yum, an individual, dba Top USA Co. ("Tenant"). Landlord and Tenant agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Lease as follows: ARTICLE 1. BASIC LEASE PROVISIONS The following are basic terms applicable to this Lease. The Sections and Exhibits referenced below in parenthesis explain and define the basic terms specified below and are to be read in conjunction with basic terms herein: 1.01. Tenant's Trade Name. Top USA Co. 1.02. Premises. (Section 2.02, Exhibit A). A. Premises; Building. 21, 27 and 31 West Beach Street, Watsonville, California (the "Premises"), as shown on Exhibit A, located within the West Beach Street Parking Garage (the "Building") B. Approximate Square Feet Within Premises: Retail Space: 8,424 sq. ft. Storage Space: 510 sq. ft. 1.03. Term. A. Term: Five years commencing on the Commencement Date and expiring five years afterward (the "Expiration Date"), unless extended as provided herein (Section 3.02). B. 2014 (Section 3.01) Lease Commencement Date (the "Commencement Date". March 14, C. Rent Commencement Date (the "Rent Commencement Date"): Commensurate with the Commencement Date D. Confirmation of Lease Terms: (Exhibit C) Not Applicable E. Options to Extend: One option for Five (5) Years. (Section 3.02). 1.04. Minimum Monthly Rent. ($)$7,507.38 (Section 4.01) , subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4.03. 1.05. Use of Premises. Retail and Storage. Premises shall be used solely for this use and for no other use or purpose (Section 6.01). December 20, 2010 1.06. Hours. Tenant's hours of operation shall be normally accepted business hours for office uses; however, Tenant shall have access to the Premises at all hours for the conduct of Tenant’s business. 1.07. Security Deposit. $10,587.20 (Section 5.01). 1.08. Tenant's Percentage. (for purposes of shared expense) 89.09% (Section 8.02). 1.09. Guarantor of Lease. None (Section 17.14, 1.10. Address for Notices: (Section 17.08) The following notice addresses will continue to be effective, unless changed by written notice to the other party: Tenant. In Sook Yum 27 West Beach Street Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone: (831) 722-5630 Fax: (831) 722-6098 Landlord – for Notices City of Watsonville City Clerk 275 Main Street, Suite 400 Watsonville, CA 95076 With a Copy to: Community Development Director 250 Main Street Watsonville, CA 95076 Landlord - For Rent Payment City of Watsonville Finance Department 250 Main Street Watsonville, CA 95076 2 ARTICLE 2. LEASE OF PREMISES 2.01. City of Watsonville as Landlord. Tenant acknowledges and understands that the Landlord is a municipality consisting of numerous offices, departments, agencies and districts. Whenever a provision contained in this Lease, or any extension, modification or amendment, requires the "written consent" of the Landlord, such consent must be obtained from the then acting City Manager or Assistant City Manager for the City of Watsonville. Tenant may not rely on any statement or representation by any other employee, agent or representative of Landlord in obtaining such consent and any such statement or representation other than the express written consent of the City Manager or Assistant City Manager shall be null and void and have no effect. Nothing contained in this Section shall limit in any way the authority of any office, department, agency or district of the City of Watsonville or County of Santa Cruz, California from approving or withholding consent to any event or activity regulated by local law. 2.02. Premises. Landlord leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Landlord the space within the Building described in Section 1.02 (the "Premises"). A diagram of the location of the Premise is attached to this Lease as Exhibit A. 2.03. Reservations. Landlord reserves the right at any time to make alterations or additions to the Building. Easements for light and air are not granted in this Lease. Landlord further reserves the right to enter and access and use any space within walls or above the ceiling finish and beneath the floor surface of the Premises for utility lines and conduits. 2.04. Tenant Improvements. If applicable, the respective obligations of the Landlord and Tenant regarding preparation of and improvement to the Premises for Tenant's use are set forth in Exhibit B attached to this Lease and are defined as either Landlord's Work or Tenant's Work, as the case may be. Any improvement, fixture or item of equipment that is not listed on Exhibit B is the Tenant's obligation at its sole cost and any such item must be approved in writing by the Landlord before work on such item of improvement or installation of such fixture or equipment related thereto and will promptly return any and all monies paid by Tenant. 2.05. Condition of Premises Tenant acknowledges that it accepts the Premises in their current and disclosed condition existing on the date of execution of this Lease, subject to all applicable zoning, municipal county or state laws, ordinances and regulations affecting the use of the Premises, and subject to those items included on Exhibit B as Landlord's Work. Tenant acknowledges that it has satisfied itself, by its own independent investigation, that the Premises are suitable for its intended use and neither Landlord nor its agents or representatives have made any representation or warranty as to the present or future suitability of the Premises for the conduct of Tenant's business. ARTICLE 3. TERM 3.01. Commencement of Term. The initial term of this Lease (the "Term") shall commence on the date specified in Section 1.03 ("Commencement Date") and shall continue until the Expiration Date, unless extended or terminated sooner in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Lease. 3 3.02. Option to Extend. Tenant is hereby granted the option(s) to extend described in Section 1.03.E (the "Extended Term") following the expiration of the initial Term, upon the same terms and provisions contained in this Lease except for the amount of the Minimum Annual Rent, which shall be adjusted to market rate as provided in Section 4.03. Tenant may exercise the option to extend the Term by giving written notice to Landlord at least four but not more than six months before the expiration of the initial Term. If Tenant is in default at the time of exercise of the option, Tenant's election to extend the Term of this Lease shall be totally ineffective and this Lease shall expire at the end of the initial Term, unless otherwise terminated earlier in accordance with this Lease. 3.03. Expiration; Holding Over. The Term will expire at 5:00 p.m. on the Expiration Date. If Tenant remains in possession of the Premises after the Expiration Date in the absence of a new lease agreement or after Landlord has declared a forfeiture of this Lease as a result of Tenant's default, then such holding over shall be construed as a tenancy from month-to-month, subject to all of the terms, conditions, provisions and obligations of this Lease at the time this Lease expires or upon the Tenant's default, as the case may be, except the Minimum Annual Rent shall be 125% of the rent in effect prior to Tenant's holdover. Unless Tenant obtains the express written consent of Landlord to holding over, Landlord does not waive its right to pursue any legal or equitable remedy against Tenant with regard to Tenant's continued possession of the Premises after the expiration of the Term of this Lease. 3.04. Tenant's Rights and Obligations on Termination or Expiration. On or before the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender to Landlord the Premises and all of Tenant's alterations and fixtures broom clean, in good order and condition, excepting reasonable wear and tear. ARTICLE 4. RENT 4.01. Rent. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in advance, on the first day of each month during the Term of this Lease, a minimum monthly rent, (the "Minimum Monthly Rent") without deduction, setoff, prior notice or demand, in the amount set forth in Section 1.04, subject to adjustment as set forth in Section 4.03. Minimum Monthly Rent for any partial month shall be prorated at the rate of 1/30 of the Minimum Monthly Rent per day. All rent and other amounts owed to Landlord shall be paid to Landlord at the address to which notices are given, unless Landlord provides written notice of a change of address. 4.02. Commencement of Rent. A. Rent Commencement Date. Tenant's obligation to pay the Minimum Annual Rent shall commence on the Rent Commencement Date as set forth in Section 1.03. B. Proration. If Tenant's obligation to pay rent does not commence on the first day of a calendar month, Tenant shall pay rent for the fractional month on a per-diem basis (calculated on the basis of a 30-day month) until the first day of the calendar month following the Commencement Date. If the Term commences prior to Tenant's obligation to pay Minimum Annual Rent and Percentage Rent, Tenant shall nonetheless be required to pay all sums set forth in the Lease other than Minimum Rent. 4 4.03. Annual Adjustment To Minimum Rent. During the intial two year term of the lease, rent is not subject to annual adjustment. In the event the lease is extended as set forth above, rent will be adjusted to reflect the then market rate, and will be subject to adjustment at the commencement of the third year of occupancy and each year thereafter including all extensions of the Term (the "Adjustment Date") as follows: A. Method of Adjustment. The base for computing the adjustment is the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers, San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Metropolitan Area, All Items (1982-1984 = 100), as published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ("Index"), which is in effect on the date of the commencement of the Term ("Beginning Index"). The Index published most immediately preceding the Adjustment Date in question ("Extension Index") is to be used in determining the amount of the adjustment. If the Extension Index is increased over the Beginning Index, the Minimum Rent for the following year (until the next rent adjustment) shall be set by multiplying the Minimum Rent set forth above by a fraction, the numerator of which is the Extension Index and the denominator of which is the Beginning Index. The amount of the Annual Increase shall not exceed 3% in any one year. B. Additional Provisions. In no case shall the Minimum Rent be less than the Minimum Rent set forth in Section 1.04, nor shall the Minimum Rent be less than the Minimum Rent in effect immediately prior to the adjustment date then occurring. On adjustment of the Minimum Rent as provided in this Lease, the Landlord shall notify the Tenant in writing of the new Minimum Rent. If the Index has changed so that the base differs from that in effect when the Term commences, the Index shall be converted in accordance with the conversion factor published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the Index is discontinued or revised during the Term, such other government index or computation with which it is replaced shall be used in order to obtain substantially the same result as would be obtained if the index had not been discontinued or revised. 4.04. Late Charges & Interest on Unpaid Rent. Tenant acknowledges that late payment by Tenant to Landlord of rent will cause Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by this Lease, the exact amount of such costs being extremely difficult and impracticable to fix. Such costs include, without limitation, processing and accounting charges, and late charges that may be imposed on Landlord by the terms of any encumbrance and note secured by any encumbrance covering the Premises. Therefore, if any installment of rent due from Tenant is not received by Landlord when due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord an additional sum of 10% of the overdue rent as a late charge, and interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, or the maximum rate of interest allowed by law, on the unpaid balance of such rent or sum until paid. The parties agree that such late charges and interest represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs that Landlord will incur by reason of late payment by Tenant. The acceptance by Landlord of any late charge shall not constitute a waiver of Tenant's default with respect to the overdue amount, nor prevent Landlord from exercising any of the other rights and remedies available to Landlord under this Lease or as provided by law. 5 ARTICLE 5. SECURITY DEPOSIT 5.01. Amount of Deposit. Upon delivery of Premises, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord the sum set forth in Section 1.07 herein ("Security Deposit"). This Security Deposit shall be held by Landlord, without liability for interest, as partial security for the full and faithful performance by Tenant of all the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be performed by Tenant. Landlord may commingle the Security Deposit and shall not be required to keep it separate from its general funds. 5.02. Use and Return of Deposit. If Tenant fails to abide by any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease, then Landlord, at its option, may use any amount of the Security Deposit to compensate Landlord for any loss or damage sustained or suffered due to such failure by Tenant. The entire Security Deposit, or any portion thereof, may be applied by Landlord for the payment of overdue rent or other sums due and payable to Landlord by Tenant hereunder. Tenant shall, upon the written demand of Landlord, immediately remit to Landlord a sufficient amount in the form of a cashier's check to restore the Security Deposit to the original sum deposited. Failure to do so within five days after such demand shall constitute a material breach of this Lease. Should Tenant comply with all of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease and promptly pay when due all of the rent herein provided and all other sums payable to Tenant to landlord, the Security Deposit will be returned in full to Tenant within 30 days following the end of the Term or earlier termination of this Lease. 5.03. Transfer of Security Deposit. Landlord may deliver the Security Deposit to Landlord's assignee or successor in interest in the Premises, if Landlord's interest is sold, conveyed, transferred or assigned, and upon delivery, Landlord shall be discharged from any further liability with respect to repayment of the Security Deposit to Tenant. ARTICLE 6. USE 6.01. Use of Premises. A. Permitted Use. Tenant shall use the Premises for the use specified in Section 1.05, specifically general offices. B. Limitations on Use. Tenant shall not commit or suffer to be committed any waste upon the Premises or any nuisance or other act or thing which may disturb the quiet enjoyment of any other tenants in the Building. C. Insurance Considerations. No use shall be made or permitted to be made of the Premises, nor acts done, which will increase the existing rate of insurance upon the Premises, or cause a cancellation of any insurance policy covering the Premises or any part thereof. Nor shall Tenant sell or permit to be kept, used, stored or sold in or about the Premises any article which may be prohibited by any policy of fire insurance obtained by the Landlord. Tenant shall, at its sole cost, comply with any and all requirements regarding the use of the Premises by any company that issues a policy of fire, casualty or public liability insurance to the Landlord. If Tenant's use of the Premises results in a rate increase for the Premises or the Building, Tenant shall pay as additional rent within 10 days written notice, a sum equal to the additional premium caused by such rate increase. 6 6.02. Operation of Business. Tenant shall conduct its business in the Premises during the usual and customary days and hours for such type of business, as forth in Section 1.06. 6.03. Hazardous or Toxic Materials. A. Generally. Tenant shall comply, at its expense, with all federal, state and local statutes or regulations concerning environmental conditions, emissions, pollutants and controls. Tenant shall not cause, store, use or permit any Hazardous Material, including without limitation asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyls, to be brought upon, kept or used in or about the Premises by Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors or invites, without the prior written consent of Landlord, which Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold as long as Tenant demonstrates to Landlord's reasonable satisfaction that such Hazardous Material is necessary or useful to Tenant's business, does not violate any requirements of the Landlord's policies of fire, causality or public liability insurance and will be used, kept and stored in a manner that complies with all laws regulating any such Hazardous Material so brought upon or used or kept in or about the Premises. B. Indemnity by Tenant. If Tenant breaches any of its obligation stated herein, or if the presence of Hazardous Material on the Premises caused or permitted by Tenant results in contamination of the Premises, then Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless from any and all claims, judgment, damages, penalties, fines, costs, liabilities or losses, including, without limitation, diminution in value of the Premises, damages for the loss or restriction on use of rentable or usable space or of any amenity of the Premises, damages arising from any adverse impact on the Building, and sums paid in settlement of claims, attorneys' fees, consultant fees and expert fees which arise during or after the lease Term as a result of such contamination. Without limiting the foregoing, if the presence of any Hazardous Material on the Premises caused or permitted by Tenant results in any contamination of the Premises, Tenant shall promptly take all actions at its sole expense as are necessary to return the Premises to the condition existing prior to the introduction of any such Hazardous Material to the Premises; provided that Landlord's approval of such actions shall first be obtained, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld so long as such actions would not potentially have any material adverse long-term or short-term effect on the Premises. Landlord agrees to hold the Tenant harmless from any and all past, present and future environmental problems not caused by the direct or indirect result of the operation of Tenant's business. C. Definition. As used herein, the term "Hazardous Material" means any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste which is or becomes regulated by any local governmental authority, the State of California or the United States Government. The term "Hazardous Material" shall include without limitation, any material or substance which is (i) defined as a "hazardous waste," "extremely hazardous waste" or "restricted hazardous waste" under Sections 25115, 25117 or 25122.7, or listed pursuant to Section 25140 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5 (Hazardous Waste Control Law); (ii) defined as a "hazardous substance" under Section 25316 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.8 (Carpenter-Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act); (iii) defined as a "hazardous material," "hazardous substance," or "hazardous waste" under Section 25501 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.95 (Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory); (iv) defined as a "hazardous substance" under 7 Section 25281 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.7 (Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances); (v) petroleum; (vi) asbestos; (vii) listed under Article 9 or defined as hazardous or extremely hazardous pursuant to Article 11 of Title 22 of the California Administrative Code, Division 4, Chapter 20; (viii) designated as a "hazardous substance" pursuant to Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. § 1317); (ix) defined as a "hazardous waste" pursuant to Section 1004 of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq. (42 U.S.C. § 6903); or (x) defined as a "hazardous substance" pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq. (42 U.S.C. § 9601), and any amendments or successor statutes thereto. 6.04. Compliance with Governmental Regulations. Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply with all of the requirements of all local, state and federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to the Premises. With regard to the use of the Premises, Tenant shall faithfully observe all local ordinances and state and federal statutes now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 6.05. Americans With Disabilities Act. A. Landlord's Responsibility. Landlord and Tenant agree that as of the Commencement Date, the Premises, the Building, and common areas are in compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and any other local, state or federal law or regulation regarding the accessibility of the Premises by disabled individuals. B. Tenant's Responsibility. Tenant acknowledges and expressly accepts full responsibility and shall incur all costs and expenses for construction or modification to the Premises required to meet future revisions or changes in the requirements of the ADA and any other local, state or federal law or regulation regarding the accessibility of the Premises by disabled individuals Tenant agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold Landlord harmless for any claim, loss, expense or liability arising from Tenant's failure to fully comply with all such laws or regulations. ARTICLE 7. TAXES; ASSESSMENTS 7.01. Personal Property Taxes. Tenant shall pay before delinquency all federal, state or local taxes, assessments, license fees, and other charges that are levied and assessed against Tenant's personal property installed or located in or on the Building, and that become payable during the Term. On demand by Landlord, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with satisfactory evidence of these payments. 7.02. Possessory Interest Taxes. Tenant shall pay before delinquency all possessory interest taxes, assessments, license fees, and other charges that are levied and assessed against Tenant's leasehold interest under this Lease. "Possessory Interest Tax" means that tax imposed pursuant to laws of the State of California on leaseholds of tax exempt property and does not include taxes on Tenant's inventory, personal, or any other tax or assessment that is presently or may, in the future be levied. On demand by Landlord, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with satisfactory evidence of these payments 8 ARTICLE 8. OPERATING EXPENSES 8.01. Additional Rent. In addition to the Minimum Monthly Rent, Tenant agrees to pay additional rent as and when provided in this Article 8 and elsewhere in this Lease; provided, however, that in no event shall the total rent payable by Tenant to Landlord exceed the sum of $1,041.00, as may be adjusted pursuant to section 4.03, and the Minimum Monthly Rent shall be adjusted accordingly if any additional payment is required pursuant to this Article 8. 8.02. follows: Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined as A. "Lease Year": Each consecutive calendar year of the term. B. "Tenant's Percentage": That portion of the total rentable area of the Building occupied by Tenant as set forth as a percentage in Section 1.08 above. C. "Operating Expenses": All direct costs of operation and maintenance of the Building as determined by standard accounting practices, calculated assuming the Building is 100% occupied, including the following costs by way of illustration, but not limitation: real property taxes and assessments and any taxes or assessments hereafter imposed in lieu thereof; rent taxes, gross receipt taxes assessed against Landlord; water and sewer charges, the net cost and expense of insurance for which Landlord is responsible hereunder or which Landlord or any first mortgagee with a lien affecting the Premises reasonably deems necessary in connection with the operation of the Building; utilities; janitorial services; security; labor, costs incurred in the management of the Building, if any (including a proportionate share of the wages and salaries of employees used in the management, operation and maintenance of the Building, and payroll taxes and similar governmental charges with respect thereto and administrative fees not to exceed 10% of the annual Operating Expenses excluding therefrom such fee from taxes and insurance, which proportionate share shall be determined by dividing the rentable square feet in the Building by the total rentable square feet managed by such employer); air-conditioning; waste disposal; heating; ventilating; elevator maintenance; supplies; materials; equipment; tools; and maintenance, costs of upkeep of all parking and common areas. Operating Expenses shall not include depreciation on the Building or equipment therein, Landlord's executive salaries or real estate brokers' commissions. D. "g": In the case of the food service or retail tenants located on and accessible only from Second Street, Applicable Operating Expenses will mean only the direct costs of maintenance of the building exterior, sidewalks, landscaping, lighting and Landlord's insurance costs. In the case of office tenants, Applicable Operating Expenses will mean all Operating Expenses. 8.03. Payment of Additional Rent. Tenant shall pay as additional rent an amount equal to the Applicable Operating Expenses paid by Landlord, as set forth above, multiplied by Tenant's Percentage. Landlord shall endeavor to give to Tenant by the first day of March of each Lease Year, a statement of the additional rent payable by Tenant hereunder. However, failure by Landlord to give such statement by such date shall not constitute a waiver by Landlord of its right to require payment of the additional rent. One twelfth of the amount of the annual 9 additional rent shall be payable in monthly installments along with the installments of Minimum Monthly Rent due after receipt of the statement, and, in the case of the monthly installment of Minimum Monthly Rent first due following receipt of the statement, Tenant shall pay along with such monthly installment one twelfth of the amount of additional rent multiplied by the number of months having passed within the then current Lease Year. 8.04. End of Term. Even though the Term has expired and Tenant has vacated the Premises, when the final determination is made of Tenant's Percentage of Operating Expenses for the year in which this Lease terminates, Tenant shall immediately pay additional rent due for the period of Tenant's occupancy. ARTICLE 9. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS 9.01. Consent. Tenant shall not make any improvements, alterations or additions to the Premises without Landlord's prior written consent. All improvements, alterations and additions shall be in conformity with the laws, directives, rules or regulations of all applicable public and governmental agencies. 9.02. Notices. At least 15 days prior to commencing any work relating to any improvements, alterations or additions approved by Landlord, Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing of the expected commencement date. Landlord shall have the right thereafter to post and maintain on the Premises such notices as Landlord deems necessary to protect Landlord and the Premises from mechanics' liens, materialmen's liens or any other liens. Tenant shall pay, when due, all claims for labor and materials furnished to or for Tenant for use in improving the Premises. Tenant shall not permit any mechanics' or materialmen's liens to be levied against the Premises arising out of work performed, materials furnished or obligations to have been performed on the Premises by or at the request of Tenant. Tenant hereby indemnifies and holds Landlord harmless against loss, damage, attorneys' fees and all other expenses on account of claims of lien of laborers or materialmen or others for work performed or materials or supplies furnished to Tenant or persons claiming under it. 9.03. Trade Fixtures. Tenant may install trade fixtures, display items, machinery or other trade equipment in conformance with the all laws, ordinances, directives, rules or regulations of all applicable public and governmental agencies. With the exception of furniture, equipment and trade fixtures that may be removed by Tenant without causing damage to the Premises, all improvements, alterations or additions shall become part of the realty and belong to Landlord at termination of the Lease. Tenant shall not remove any trade fixtures, display items, machinery or other trade equipment from the Premises, without Landlord's written consent, if the removal of any such item would cause damage to the Premises and, in the absence of Landlord's written consent to removal, any such item shall be deemed a part of the realty and belong to the Landlord at termination of the Lease. 9.04. Restoration. Except as otherwise provided herein, Tenant shall return the Premises to the same condition as existed at the date of execution of the Lease, reasonable wear and tear excepted. In addition, Landlord, at its election, may require Tenant to remove, at Tenant's sole cost, any improvements, alterations or additions approved by Landlord in 10 accordance with this Lease. Tenant shall repair, at its sole cost, any damage resulting from the removal of any alterations, improvements, additions, equipment, machinery or trade fixtures. 9.05. Signs and Advertising Matter. A. Consent Required. Tenant shall not place any sign upon the Premises or the Building visible from the exterior without Landlord's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Landlord shall maintain monument and/or directory signs. B. Maintenance and Display Requirements.. Tenant further agrees to maintain such sign, awning, canopy, decoration, lettering, advertising matter or window coverings in good condition and repair at all times. Tenant shall not display or sell any merchandise or allow carts, portable signs, devices, vending machines or other objects to be stored or remain on the sidewalk or elsewhere outside of the defined exterior of the Premises without the prior written consent of the Landlord. C. Limitation on Advertising Media. No advertising medium shall be used or allowed to be used by Tenant which can be heard or experienced outside the Premises, including without limitation, flashing lights, searchlights, loudspeakers, phonographs, radios or television. Except with Landlord's prior written consent, Tenant shall not display, paint or place, or cause to be displayed, painted or placed, any handbills, bumper stickers or other advertising devices on any vehicle parked in the parking facilities serving the Building; nor shall Tenant distribute or cause to be distributed in or near the Building any handbills or other advertising devices. D. Sign Construction. Tenant's signs shall not be installed without the written consent of Landlord and shall comply with all City sign requirements. Tenant, at its sole cost, shall obtain all necessary permits before installing, erecting or constructing any such sign. Signs shall be installed prior to the commencement of Tenant's business and thereafter shall be maintained by Tenant at Tenant's sole expense. If Tenant fails to maintain any such sign(s), Landlord shall have the right to maintain any such sign(s) and Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for such cost, plus a 20% overhead fee. If Tenant installs a sign without the Landlord's prior written consent, Landlord shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to remove and store Tenant's sign at Tenant's sole expense. The removal and storage costs shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per month until paid, or at the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is less. ARTICLE 10. UTILITIES 10.01. Separate Charges. Tenant shall pay for all water, gas, heat, light, power, telephone service and any other utilities metered or otherwise separately charged to the Premises. 10.02. Jointly Metered Utilities. Landlord shall pay tenant’s pro rata share of any utility charges which are jointly metered or charged. Tenant's pro rata share of these charges shall be based upon the ratio of the square footage of the Premises to the total square footage of the building or buildings serviced by such meter. 10.03. Interruption. Landlord shall not be liable for any failure or interruption of any utility service being furnished to the Premises, and no such failure or interruption shall entitle Tenant to terminate this Lease. 11 ARTICLE 11. INDEMNIFICATION; INSURANCE 11.01. Indemnification. Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any damage to Tenant or Tenant's property from any cause which is not the result of Landlord's gross negligence or willful misconduct. Tenant, as a material part of the consideration for this Lease, hereby expressly waives and releases all claims against Landlord, its officers, employees, representatives and agents, for any injury or damage to any person or property on or about the Premises arising for any reason, except for such injury or damage that may be caused by Landlord’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Tenant agrees to indemnify, release, defend and hold harmless Landlord, its officers, employee, representatives and agents from any loss, claim, cost, expense or liability for any injury or damage to person or property, occurring in, on or about the Premises, arising for any reason, including without limitation the condition or use of the Premises or the improvements or personal property located therein and against any loss, claim, cost, expense or liability for injury to the person or property of Tenant, its agents, officers, employees, invitees or trespassers except for such injury or damage, or any loss, claim, cost, expense or liability that may be caused by Landlord’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. 11.02. Insurance Requirements. Tenant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Lease insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with Tenant's operation and use of the Premises. The cost of such insurance shall be borne by Tenant. A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as the following: (1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 0001). (2) Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California. (3) Property insurance against all risks of loss to any tenant improvements or betterments. B. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Tenant shall maintain limits no less than the following: (1) General Liability. $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal, (Including operations, injury and property damage, products and completed operations). (2) Property Insurance. Full replacement cost with no coinsurance penalty provision. C. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Landlord may choose to review deductibles and self-insured retentions on property insurance. At the option of Landlord, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects Landlord, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or Tenant shall provide a financial 12 guarantee satisfactory to Landlord guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. D. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability policy is to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City of Watsonville, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insureds with respect to liability arising out of ownership, maintenance or use of that part of the Premises leased to Tenant. (2) Tenant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects Landlord, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by Landlord, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of Tenant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Coverage shall not be canceled, except after 30 days' prior written notice has been given to Landlord. E. Acceptability of Insurer. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII. F. Verification of Coverage. Tenant shall furnish Landlord with original certificates and amendatory endorsements effecting commercial general liability coverage required by this agreement. Upon request by Landlord, Tenant shall provide certificates evidencing the other coverages required herein. The endorsements should be on forms provided by Landlord or on other than Landlord's forms, provided those endorsements or policies conform to the requirements. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by Landlord before the Lease commences. Landlord reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications at any time. G. Increase in Coverage. Landlord may increase or decrease the amount of commercial general liability insurance required herein, based upon a general review by Landlord of the standard insurance requirements. Changes in insurance amounts shall occur not more frequently than once a year. Landlord will notify Tenant of any changes under this provision of this Lease. 11.03. Tenant's Failure To Maintain Insurance. Tenant agrees that if Tenant does not maintain any insurance policy required under this Lease or fails to pay any premiums when due, Landlord may, at its election, either terminate this Lease, require that the Premises be immediately closed for business pending reinstatement of insurance by Tenant, or obtain the necessary insurance and pay the premium, and the repayment thereof shall be deemed to be additional rent due by the Tenant and payable on the next date upon which a payment of rent is due. 11.04. Property Insurance/Other Insurance Premiums. 13 A. Tenant, at its sole cost, shall procure and maintain a property insurance policy, Special Form Causes of Loss at least as broad as ISO Special Form Causes of Loss, CP1030, throughout the Term of this Lease in an amount equal to the replacement value of the improvements or alterations constructed by Tenant in the Premises, together with other insurance as may be deemed necessary by Landlord or required by Landlord's lender or by any governmental agency. Said insurance shall include coverage for Tenant's personal property, trade fixtures, equipment and merchandise located in or upon the Premises. Landlord, in its sole discretion, may require Tenant, from time to time, to procure and maintain other policies of insurance covering the Premises, including without limitation, earthquake insurance, vandalism and malicious mischief endorsement and rental loss insurance. B. All policies of insurance required under this Lease shall name Landlord as an additional insured. Landlord has the right at any time to demand a copy of a Certificate of Insurance from Tenant for the policies of insurance required herein and any other reasonable evidence proving compliance with these provisions. The failure to provide Landlord with such evidence within five calendar days of such demand shall constitute a material breach of this Lease. 11.05. Waiver of Subrogation. Tenant and Landlord each waive its right of recovery against the other, and each party's successors, assigns, directors, agents and representatives in connection with any loss or damage caused to property belonging to Tenant or Landlord which is covered by any insurance policy of either Tenant or Landlord in force at the time of any such loss or damage. Tenant and Landlord hereby waive, on behalf of each party's insurance carriers, any right of subrogation it may have against the other party and each shall notify its carriers of the waiver contained herein. 11.06. Waiver of Loss and Damage. Landlord shall not be liable for any damage to inventory or other property of Tenant, or others, located in, on or about the Premises, nor for the loss of or damage to any property of Tenant or of others by theft or otherwise, which is not the direct result of Landlord's negligence, and Tenant waives any claim against Landlord with respect to such property. Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant, Tenant's employees or representatives for any injury or damage to persons or property resulting from fire, explosion, falling plaster, steam, gas, electricity, water, rain or leaks from any part of the Premises or from the pipes, appliance or plumbing works or from the roof, street or subsurface or from any other places or by dampness or by any other cause of whatsoever nature except to the extent such injury or damage may be caused by Landlord’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant, Tenant's employees or representatives for any such damage caused by other tenants or persons in the Premises, occupants of other property in the Building, or the public, or caused by operations in construction of any private, public or quasipublic work except to the extent such injury may be caused by Landlord’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. All property of Tenant kept or stored on the Premises shall be so kept or stored at the sole risk of Tenant, and Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless from any claims arising out of damage to the same, including subrogation claims by Tenant's insurance carriers, unless such damage shall be caused by the willful act or gross neglect of Landlord. 14 11.07. Notice by Tenant. Tenant shall give immediate notice to Landlord in case of fire or accidents in or around the Premises or of any damage or defects in the Premises, or any fixtures or equipment therein. ARTICLE 12. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 12.01. Landlord's Maintenance Obligations. A. Landlord's Obligations. Landlord, on behalf of Tenant and the other occupants of the Building, shall maintain in good condition and repair the foundations, roofs and structural components and exterior surfaces of exterior walls of the Building (exclusive of doors, door frame, door checks, windows, window frames and store fronts); provided, however, if any repairs or replacements are necessitated by the negligence, gross negligence or willful acts of Tenant, its officers, employees, representatives, agents, customers, invitees or trespassers or by reason of Tenant's failure to observe or perform any provisions contained in this Lease or caused by alterations, additions or improvements made by Tenant or its officers, employees, representatives, agents, contractors, subcontractors, laborers or materialmen, the cost of such repairs and replacements shall be the sole obligation of Tenant. B. Tenant's Maintenance Obligations. Tenant shall be solely responsible for all repairs to and maintenance of the Premises which are not expressly allocated to the Landlord under this Lease or by separate written agreement between Landlord and Tenant. C. HVAC. Landlord shall maintain all shared HVAC systems. In the event Premises have an individual HVAC system, if Tenant fails to maintain, repair, or replace HVAC systems in accordance with Section 12.03, Landlord may contract with a service company licensed and experienced in servicing HVAC equipment and approved by Landlord for regular maintenance, repairs and replacement, if required, of the HVAC equipment serving the Premises. Tenant shall be responsible for the reasonable costs of such maintenance, repairs or replacement as set forth in this Lease. Tenant will contract with a HVAC service company licensed and experienced in serving HVAC equipment for service on a quarterly basis. D. Landlord Repair Provisions. Unless Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of the need for repairs under this provision, Landlord shall not be liable for its failure to make such repairs. Landlord shall be entitled to a reasonable period of time to effect such repairs upon receipt of said written notice from Tenant. Tenant waives any right of offset against any rent due hereunder and agrees not to assert as an affirmative defense in any judicial proceeding or arbitration brought by Landlord against Tenant on claims made under this Lease the provisions of Sections 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code, or any superseding statute, and of any other law permitting Tenant to make repairs at Landlord's expense. If Landlord fails to make repairs within 30 days after notice of the need for such repairs from Tenant, or if Landlord does not respond timely in the case of an urgent repair request (e.g. ceiling leak on food or equipment), or if repairs take longer than 30 days, if Landlord does not commence the repairs within 30 days and pursue to completion thereafter, Tenant shall have the right, at its option, to make such repairs on the behalf of and for the account of Landlord and deduct all costs and expenses thereof from the next installment(s) of rent due under this Lease. 15 12.02. Landlord's Right of Entry. Landlord, its agents, contractors, employees and assigns may enter the Premises at all reasonable times to: (a) examine the Premises; (b) perform any obligation of, or exercise any right or remedy of, Landlord under this Lease (c) make repairs, alterations, improvements or additions to the Premises or the Building as Landlord deems necessary; (d) perform work necessary to comply with laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of any public authority or of any insurance underwriter; (e) show prospective tenants the Premises during the last six months of the Term; and (f) perform work that Landlord deems necessary to prevent waste or deterioration in connection with the Premises should Tenant fail to commence to make, and diligently pursue to completion, its required repairs within three days after written demand therefor by Landlord. Landlord will give a minimum of 24 hours advance notice of such entry when practicable. 12.03. Tenant's Maintenance Obligations. A. Generally. Except as provided elsewhere in this Lease, Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, shall keep the Premises in good order, condition and repair and shall make all replacements necessary to keep the Premises in such condition, including maintenance, repair, and replacement of grease traps (if business is a food service operation) and HVAC systems, and maintenance and inspection of fire sprinkler systems. All replacement equipment shall be of a quality equal to or exceeding that of the original equipment or improvements. Nothwithstanding anything to the contrary, if a replacement of the HVAC or fire sprinkler is required, Landlord shall be responsible for such costs. B. Failure to Repair, Etc. Should Tenant fail to commence to make these repairs and replacements or otherwise maintain the Premises within a period of fifteen business days after delivery of a written demand by Landlord, or should Tenant commence, but fail to complete, any repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after written demand by Landlord, Landlord shall have the right to make such repairs or replacements without liability to Tenant for any loss or damage that may occur to Tenant's stock or business, and Tenant shall pay for all costs incurred by Landlord in making such repairs or replacements, together with interest thereon at the maximum rate permitted by law from the date of commencement of the work through the date of payment. Tenant shall, at its expense, repair promptly any damage to the Premises or the Building caused by Tenant, its agents, employees, customers, invitees, subtenants, assignees or concessionaires, or caused by the installation or removal of Tenant's personal property. C. Compliance with Requirements. Tenant shall, at its own expense, comply with all requirements of the Landlord's insurance underwriters and any other governmental authority having jurisdiction thereof, regarding the installation and periodic maintenance of fire suppression systems or apparatus. 12.04. Plate Glass. Tenant shall replace, at its expense, any and all damaged or broken glass and plate glass components on or about the Premises resulting from any cause whatsoever other than the direct negligence of Landlord. Tenant shall have full responsibility, at its sole discretion, to either self-insure or obtain insurance policies covering damage or replacement of said glass and plate glass components. 16 12.05. Landscaping. If landscaping in the vicinity obstructs the view of the Premises from the street, Tenant shall contact Landlord to evaluate and discuss the situation. If the trimming required to restore reasonable visibility is routine maintenance, Landlord shall bear the cost of such landscape maintenance. If the trimming required by Tenant is beyond routine maintenance, Landlord shall undertake the trimming and shall charge Tenant the additional expense beyond the cost of routine maintenance. ARTICLE 13. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING 13.01. Prohibition Against Voluntary Assignment, Subletting, and Encumbering; Tenant's Request to Landlord. Tenant shall not voluntarily assign or encumber its interest in this Lease or in the Premises, or sublease all or any part of the Premises, or allow any other person or entity (except Tenant's authorized representatives) to occupy or use all or any part of the Premises, without first obtaining Landlord's express written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment, encumbrance, or sublease without Landlord's consent shall be voidable, and at Landlord's election, shall constitute a default. No consent to any assignment, encumbrance, or sublease shall constitute a further waiver of the provisions of this provision. For purposes of this provision, the consent of Landlord shall be construed as meaning the express approval of any assignment, encumbrance or sublease of the Premises by the City Council of Watsonville, California, or any agent or representative authorized by said City Council to give said consent. Unless otherwise provided in writing by Landlord, the Term of this Lease shall not be extended under any option(s) to extend or renew the Term of this Lease granted herein that have not already commenced at the time of said assignment or sublease. 13.02. Involuntary Assignment. A. No interest of Tenant in this Lease shall be assignable by operation of law including, without limitation, the transfer of this Lease by testate or intestate succession. Each of the following acts shall be considered an involuntary assignment: (1) If Tenant is or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or institutes a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act in which Tenant is the bankrupt; or, if Tenant is a partnership or consists of more than one person or entity, if any partner of the partnership or other person or entity is or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; (2) If a writ of attachment or execution is levied on this Lease; (3) If, in any proceeding or action to which Tenant is a party, a receiver is appointed with authority to take possession of the Premises. B. An involuntary assignment shall constitute a default by Tenant and Landlord shall have the right to elect to terminate this Lease, in which case this Lease shall not be treated as an asset of Tenant. C. If a writ of attachment or execution is levied on this Lease, Tenant shall have 15 days in which to cause the attachment or execution to be removed. If any involuntary 17 proceeding in bankruptcy is brought against Tenant, or if a receiver is appointed, Tenant shall have 30 days in which to have the involuntary proceeding dismissed or the receiver removed. 13.03. This Section intentionally omitted 13.04. Deemed Assignment. Any transfer of this Lease from Tenant by merger, consolidation, liquidation or sale of a controlling interest of corporate stock shall constitute an assignment. 13.05. Unauthorized Assignment or Sublease. Any attempted assignment or subletting without Landlord's required consent shall be void and shall, at the option of Landlord, terminate this Lease. Any assignee, subtenant or other recipient of Tenant's interest in this Lease is hereby notified that such transfer is of no force or effect without Landlord's prior written consent. 13.06. Effect of Consent. Consent by Landlord to an assignment or subletting shall not release Tenant from its primary liability under this Lease, and Landlord's consent to one assignment, subletting or occupation by other parties shall not be deemed a consent to other subleases, assignments or use by other parties. 13.07. Surrender of Lease. The voluntary or other surrender or a mutual cancellation of this Lease by Tenant shall not work a merger, and shall, at the election of Landlord, either terminate all or any existing subleases or subtenancies or may operate as an assignment to it of any or all of such subleases or subtenancies. Landlord shall exercise its election within 30 days of the event so requiring. ARTICLE 14. DEFAULT 14.01. Events of Default. The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute a breach and material default of this Lease by Tenant: A. The failure of Tenant to pay or cause to be paid any rent, monies or other charges due Landlord as set forth in this Lease within 10 days of Tenant's receipt of written notice. B. The failure of Tenant to maintain all insurance coverage as set forth in Article 11. C. The abandonment of the Premises by Tenant, which shall mean failure to utilize the Premises for general office purposes for a continuous period of thirty days, except by prior written notice by Tenant and with the written consent of Landlord. D. Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, the failure of Tenant to do or cause to be done any act as set forth in this Lease, if the failure continues for 15 consecutive days after notice has been given to Tenant. However, Tenant shall not be in default of this Lease if Tenant commences to cure the default within the 15 day period and diligently and in good faith continues to cure the default to the satisfaction of Landlord; 18 E. Tenant causing, permitting or suffering, without the prior written consent of Landlord, any act when this Lease requires Landlord's prior written consent or prohibits such act; or F. Any act of bankruptcy caused, suffered or permitted by Tenant. For the purposes of this Lease, "act of bankruptcy" shall include any of the following: (1) Any general assignment or general arrangement for the benefit of creditors; (2) The filing of any petition by or against Tenant to have Tenant adjudged a bankrupt or a petition for reorganization or arrangement under any law relating to bankruptcy, unless such petition is filed against Tenant and the same is dismissed within 60 days; (3) The appointment of a trustee or receiver to take possession of substantially all of Tenant's assets located in the Premises or of Tenant's interest in this Lease; or (4) The attachment, execution or other judicial seizure of substantially all of Tenant's assets located at the Premises or of Tenant's interest in this Lease. 14.02. Remedies. In the event of any breach by Tenant, in addition to other rights or remedies of Landlord at law or in equity, Landlord shall have the following remedies: A. Landlord shall have the right to recover against Tenant: (1) The worth at the time of award of the unpaid rent that had been earned at the time of termination; (2) The worth at the time of award of the amount by which the unpaid rent that would have been earned after termination until the time of award exceeds the amount of this rental loss that Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; (3) The worth at the time of award of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the Term after the time of award exceeds the amount of this rental loss that Tenant proves could be reasonably avoided; and (4) Any other amount necessary to compensate Landlord for all the detriment proximately caused by Tenant's failure to perform Tenant's obligations under the Lease. B. The worth at the time of award of the amounts referred to in the previous subparagraphs shall be computed by allowing interest at 10% per annum. The worth at the time of award of the amount referred to in subparagraph (3) shall be computed by discounting this amount at the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of award plus 1%. C. Efforts Landlord may make to mitigate the damages caused by Tenant's breach of this Lease shall not constitute a waiver of Landlord's right to recover damages against 19 Tenant, nor shall anything contained in this Lease affect Landlord's right to indemnification against Tenant for any liability arising prior to the termination of this Lease for personal injuries or property damage, and Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from any injuries and damages, including all reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by Landlord in defending any action brought against Landlord for any recovery, and in enforcing the terms and provisions of this indemnification against Tenant. D. However, the breach of this Lease by Tenant, or an abandonment of the Premises by Tenant, shall not constitute a termination of this Lease, nor of Tenant's right of possession under this Lease, unless and until Landlord elects to do so, and until that time Landlord shall have the right to recover rent and all other payments to be made by Tenant under this Lease as they become due; provided, that until Landlord elects to terminate this Lease and Tenant's right of possession under this Lease, Tenant shall have the right to sublet the Premises or to assign interests in this Lease, or both, subject only to the written consent of Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. E. As security for the performance by Tenant of all duties and obligations under the Lease, Tenant assigns to Landlord the right, power, and authority, during the continuance of this Lease, to collect the rents, issues, and profits of the Premises, reserving to Tenant the right, prior to any breach or default by Tenant under this Lease, to collect and retain the rents, (solely in the case of a sublease previously approved by Landlord) issues, and profits, from the operation of Tenant's approved business use, as they become due and payable, and so long as payments to Landlord are also kept current. Upon any breach or default, Landlord shall have the right at any time afterward, without notice except as provided for previously, either in person, by agent, or by a receiver to be appointed by a court, enter and take possession of the Premises and collect rents, issues, and profits, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable attorney fees, upon any secured indebtedness, and in an order as Landlord may determine. F. If Landlord should take any act to maintain or preserve the Premises on Tenant's behalf, or seek the appointment of a receiver to protect Landlord's interests under this Lease, such acts shall not constitute a termination of Tenant's right of possession unless Tenant receives written notice from Landlord to regarding Landlord's election to terminate. G. Intentionally Deleted. 14.03. Covenants and Conditions. All covenants made by Tenant hereby are conditions of this Lease; therefore, in the event of any default by Tenant in fulfilling any of the same, Landlord may at any time thereafter at its option declare a forfeiture of this Lease. Landlord shall not be obligated to perform any covenant made by him under this Lease which accrues after the date of any default by Tenant hereunder. ARTICLE 15. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION; CONDEMNATION 15.01. Landlord's Duty To Repair. A. If the Premises are destroyed or materially damaged from a cause not insured against under a fire or casualty insurance required herein, or if the amount of available 20 insurance proceeds, including deductible costs, is not sufficient to completely repair or restore any such damage or destruction, Landlord or Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease by giving written notice of termination to Tenant within 30 days after the date of the damage or destruction. If the Lease is not terminated, then Landlord shall diligently proceed to repair and restore the Premises to the extent that insurance proceeds, including deductible costs, are sufficient to completely repair or restore any such damage or destruction. B. If the Premises are materially damaged or destroyed from a cause covered by a fire or casualty insurance required herein, and it can be repaired or restored within 180 days after commencement of repair or restoration, then Landlord shall diligently proceed to repair and restore the Premises. If Landlord determines that the Premises cannot be repaired or restored within this period, then Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease by written notice to Tenant given within 60 days after the date of the damage or destruction, and Tenant's obligation to pay Rent and other charges under this Lease shall terminate as of the date of the damage or destruction, or the date Tenant ceases to do business at the Premises, whichever date is later. C. If the Premises are damaged to the extent of 50% or more of the replacement cost, Landlord may elect to terminate this Lease by written notice to Tenant given within 60 days after the date of the destruction. D. If Landlord elects or is required to make repairs under this Article, Tenant shall be entitled to a reduction in rent, equal to that portion of the Premises in which the floor area rendered unusable bears to the gross floor area of the Premises, from the date of damage to the earlier of the date Tenant reopens for business or 30 days from completion of Landlord's repair work. Tenant waives the provisions of Civil Code Sections 1932(2) and 1933(4) with respect to any destruction of the Premises. E. Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, damage to or destruction of the Premises shall not terminate this Lease or result in the abatement of any rent or other charges payable under this Lease. Tenant expressly waives any right it may have, in law or equity, to offset any cost incurred by Tenant for repairs or restoration to the Premises against Tenant's obligations to pay rent in connection with Landlord's duties of repair and restoration under this Lease. F. Landlord's duties of repair and restoration under the provisions of this Lease shall extend only to those portions of the Premises insured under a policy of fire or casualty insurance required herein, and Landlord shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or destruction to Tenant's personal property, trade fixtures, merchandise, inventory or equipment. 15.02. Tenant's Duty to Repair or Replacement. Except as otherwise provided herein, Landlord's obligation to restore shall not include the restoration or replacement of Tenant's personal property, trade fixtures, merchandise, inventory, or equipment. Tenant shall restore and replace said items in the event that Landlord is obligated or elects to repair any damage or destruction of the Premises. ARTICLE 16. CERTIFICATES; ATTORNMENT 21 16.01. Tenant to Furnish Certificate. Landlord or Tenant shall, within 15 business days of written notice from Landlord or Tenant, execute and deliver to Landlord or Tenant a written statement, certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect or, if modified, stating the nature of such modification. Landlord's or Tenant's statement shall include other details requested by the other, such as the date to which rent and other charges are paid and Landlord's or Tenant's knowledge concerning any uncured defaults in Landlord's obligations under this Lease and the nature of such defaults if they are claimed. Any such statement may be relied upon conclusively by any prospective purchaser or encumbrancer of the Premises. Landlord's or Tenant's failure to deliver such statements within such time shall be conclusive upon the Tenant that this Lease is in full force and effect, except as and to the extent any modification has been represented by Landlord or Tenant, and that there are no uncured defaults in Landlord's or Tenant's performance and that not more than one month's rent has been paid in advance. 16.02. Attornment. If any proceedings are brought for foreclosure, or if the power of sale is exercised under any mortgage or deed of trust made by Landlord covering the Premises, Tenant shall attorn to the purchaser/transferee upon any such foreclosure or sale and recognize such purchaser as Landlord under this Lease, provided the transferee expressly assumes the obligations of this lease. Further, Landlord shall be required to provide said transferee with the material terms of this lease to which transferee will be bound and required to fulfill the obligations of "Landlord". If the transferee refuses to assume the obligations of the lease, Tenant may immediately terminate this Lease without penalty or forfeiture. 16.03. Additional Documents. Tenant, upon request of any party in interest, shall execute promptly such instruments and certificates necessary to carry out the intent of the foregoing Sections as shall be requested by Landlord. In no event shall Tenant be required to provide financial statements. ARTICLE 17. MISCELLANEOUS 17.01. Rules and Regulations. Tenant shall faithfully observe and comply with the "Rules and Regulations," a copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit D, and all reasonable and nondiscriminatory modifications thereof and additions thereto from time to time put into effect by Landlord. 17.02. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any legal action, arbitration or proceeding between the parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses as a part of the judgment or award resulting therefrom. 17.03. Sale or Lease of the Premises by Landlord. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Lease, Landlord may assign in whole or in part Landlord's interest in this Lease and may sell all or part of Landlord's leasehold interest in the real estate of which the Premises are a part. In the event of any sale or exchange of the Premises by Landlord and assignment by Landlord of this Lease, Landlord shall be entirely freed and relieved of all liability under all covenants and obligations contained in or derived from this Lease or arising out of any act, occurrence or omission relating to the Premises which occurs after the consummation of such sale, exchange or assignment, provided the transferee expressly assumes the obligations of this lease. Further, 22 Landlord shall be required to provide any transferee with the material terms of this lease to which transferee will be bound and required to fulfill the obligations of "Landlord". Landlord shall give written notice to Tenant and any assignee or subtenant of any such change of ownership. If the transferee refuses to assume the obligations of the lease, Tenant may immediately terminate this Lease without penalty or forfeiture. 17.04. Liability to Successors. The covenants and conditions herein contained shall, subject to the provisions as to assignment, apply to and bind the heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto who shall be jointly and severally liable for the covenants contained herein. 17.05. Interpretation. A. Whenever the singular number is used in this Lease, the same shall include the plural. Reference to any gender shall include the masculine, feminine and neuter genders, and the word "person" shall include corporation, firm or association, when required by the content. B. The headings or titles to the paragraphs of this Lease are for convenience only and do not in any way define, limit or construe the contents of such paragraphs. C. This instrument contains all of the agreements and conditions made between the parties with respect to the hiring of the Premises and may not be modified orally or in any manner except by a written instrument signed by all the parties to this Lease. D. The laws of the State of California shall govern the validity, performance and enforcement of this Lease. If any provision of this Lease is determined to be void by any court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect any other provision of this Lease and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. If any provision of this Lease is capable of two constructions, one which would render the provision void and one which would render the provision valid, the provision shall be interpreted in the manner which would render it valid. E. Except as may otherwise be expressly stated, each payment required to be made by the Tenant shall be in addition to and not in substitution for other payments to be made by Tenant. 17.06. Time. Time is of the essence in this Lease. 17.07. Force Majeure. Any prevention, delay or stoppage due to strikes, lockouts, labor disputes, acts of God, inability to obtain labor or materials or reasonable substitutes therefor, governmental restrictions, regulations or controls, enemy or hostile government action, civil commotion, fire or other casualty, and other causes beyond the reasonable control of the party obligated to perform, shall excuse the performance by such party for a period equal to that resulting from such prevention, delay or stoppage. However, Tenant's obligations to make payment for rental and other charges pursuant to the terms of this Lease shall be excused or reduced only as elsewhere specifically provided in this Lease. 23 17.08. Notices. All notices to be given by one party to the other or options to be exercised under this Lease shall be in writing, mailed or delivered to Tenant at the addresses shown in Section 1.10 and to Landlord at the following address: City of Watsonville City Clerk 275 Main Street, Suite 400 Watsonville, CA 95076 Mailed notices shall be sent by United States Postal Service, certified or registered mail, or via a nationally recognized overnight courier, postage prepaid, and shall be deemed to have been given on the date of posting in the United States Postal Service. Either party may, by proper notice, at any time designate a different address to which notices shall be sent. 17.09. Relationship of Parties. The relationship of the parties hereto is that of Landlord and Tenant and it is expressly understood and agreed that Landlord is not in any way or for any purpose a partner of Tenant, or a joint venturer with Tenant in the conduct of Tenant's business or otherwise. 17.10. Waiver. The waiver by Landlord of any breach of any term, covenant or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, covenant or condition or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition herein contained. The subsequent acceptance of rent hereunder by Landlord shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding breach by Tenant of any term, covenant or condition of this Lease, other than the failure of Tenant to pay the particular rental so accepted, regardless of Landlord's knowledge of such preceding breach at the time of acceptance of such rent. No covenant, term or condition of this Lease shall be deemed to have been waived by Landlord, unless such waiver is in writing by Landlord. 17.11. Accord and Satisfaction. No payment by Tenant or receipt by Landlord of a lesser amount than the rent herein stipulated shall be deemed to be other than on account of the earliest stipulated rent, nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment as rent be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and Landlord may accept such check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the balance of such rent or pursue any other remedy in this Lease provided. 17.12. Authority. Tenant is a California public entity, and the individual executing this Lease on behalf of such entity represents or warrants that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of such entity and that such entity shall be bound by all the terms and provisions hereof. 17.13. Broker's Commission. Landlord will pay the commission for any broker with whom Landlord has a written agreement. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that JR Parrish represents both parties in this transaction. Each party represents and warrants that there are no other claims for brokerage commissions or finder's fees arising from that party's activities in 24 connection with this Lease, and each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other party harmless from all liability arising from any such claim. 17.14. Guaranty of Lease. Intentionally Deleted. 17.15. Recycling Activities. If no regulation or ordinance is in effect, Tenant warrants to Landlord that it will adopt a recycling plan which shall include Tenant's sorting and separating recyclable materials from all other solid waste and place recyclables in proper recycling containers. If, during the Term, any local governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Premises adopts any ordinances or regulations on recycling, Tenant warrants that Tenant shall comply with the all applicable ordinances and regulations and if any such local government authority determines that Tenant has violated any provision of the recycling laws, Tenant shall pay all costs, expenses, fines, penalties or other damages imposed upon Landlord by reason of Tenant's failure to comply with such law. Tenant agrees to indemnify Landlord accordingly. 17.16. Quiet Enjoyment. Landlord covenants, warrants and represents that upon commencement of the Lease term, Landlord has full right and power to execute and perform this Lease, and to grant the estate demised herein; and that Tenant, upon the payment of the rent herein reserved and performance of the covenants and agreements hereof, shall peaceable and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises and all rights, easements, covenants, and privileges belonging or in any way appertaining thereto, during the term of this Lease. Upon request, Landlord shall provide proof of ownership satisfactory to Tenant. SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE 25 The parties have executed this Lease as of the date first written above. TENANT IN SOOK YUM, DBA TOP USA, CO. Dated: _________________, 20__ By: _____________________________________ Name: ____In SookYum_____________________ Title: _____President_______________________ LANDLORD: CITY OF WATSONVILLE, a municipal corporation Dated: _________________, 20__ _________________________________________ By: Carlos Palacios City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ 26 EXHIBIT A Diagram – Location of Premises West Beach Street Retail Space 8424 sq.ft Storage Space 510 sq.ft. Rodriguez Street EXHIBIT A EXHBIT B Description of Landlord’s and Tenant’s Work NOT APPLICABLE 2 EXHIBIT C Form of Confirmation of Lease Terms NOT APPLICABLE EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D Rules and Regulations NOT APPLICABLE EXHIBIT D CITY COUNCIL 7.1a City of Watsonville Public Works and Utilities MEMORANDUM DATE: May 6, 2014 TO: Carlos J. Palacios, City Manager FROM: Steve Palmisano, Director of Public Works and Utilities Murray Fontes, Principal Engineer SUBJECT: Resolution Awarding Bid for Operational Improvements at Pennsylvania Drive and Clifford Avenue, Project ST-13-05, and Approval of Funding Appropriations for the Project. AGENDA ITEM: May 13, 2014 By Steve Palmisano at 4:48 pm, May 06, 2014 City Council RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council: 1) Award a construction contract for the Operational Improvements at Pennsylvania Drive and Clifford Avenue, Project ST-13-05, to the lowest responsive bidder, Granite Rock Company, in the amount of $534,740. 2) Approve necessary appropriations to fund the project, including: $200,000 from Gas Tax (Fund 305); $ 20,000 from Crestview Area Impact Fee (Fund 342); $89,000 from Pennsylvania Drive Impact Fee (Fund 341); and $225,740 from the Errington Clifford Extension Corridor Impact Fee (Fund 347). Appropriate $200,000 from Fund 347 for Fiscal Year (FY) 13-14 and the balance for FY 14-15. DISCUSSION: This project consists of construction of operational improvements at the intersection of Pennsylvania Drive and Clifford Avenue. The work involves reconstruction and overlay of the roadway, replacement of sidewalk and installation of a roundabout at the intersection. On December 10, 2013, the City Council approved Resolution No. 161-13 (CM) that included approval of plans and specifications and called for bids for the project. Bids were opened on March 25, 2014. The results are summarized as follows: Bidder Granite Rock Company Don Chapin Company Granite Construction Company Earthworks Paving Contractors, Inc. Monterey Peninsula Engineering, Inc John Madonna Construction Company, Inc. Amount $ 534,740 $ 550,226 $ 558,558 $ 582,464 $ 624,811 $ 626,211 M:\Public Works & Utilities\STAFF REPORTS\2014\05-13-14\Pennsylvania Clifford Award\staff report pennsylvania clifford accept 050614.docx Page 1 of 2 bid The project involved a significant amount of pavement rehabilitation due to the poor existing condition of the roadway. This increased the overall project cost above what was originally estimated. Because of this, an appropriation from Gas Tax funding in an amount of $200,000 is requested for this project. STRATEGIC PLAN: The project meets the goals and objectives outlined in the City’s 2013-2015 Strategic Plan, Goal #1 – Protect Public Safety, Strategy 1.3 – Invest in proper maintenance and operation of infrastructure to ensure improved circulation systems that integrate streets, pedestrians facilities, bikeways and trails. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Construction award is in the amount of $534,740. Appropriations for this project are requested as follows: Gas Tax Funds (Fund 305), $200,000 Crestview Area Impact Fee Fund (Fund 342), $ 20,000 Pennsylvania Drive Impact Fee Fund (Fund 341), $ 89,000 Errington Clifford Extension Corridor Impact Fee Fund (Fund 347), $225,740* The Pennsylvania/Clifford project was identified in all of the above named Impact Fee areas and there is adequate funding in each of these funds to support the project. *Grant Funding: The City received a grant through the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD) in the amount of $198,540 for this project because of the emissions reductions that a roundabout provides. As this grant is paid on a reimbursement basis, the grant will reimburse the Errington Clifford Extension Corridor Impact Fees Fund after the project has been completed. This project was included in the 2011- 2013 Adopted Biennial Budget but inadvertently not included as a carryover project in the current budget. It is recommended that this project be appropriated for the current fiscal year in the amounts and funds as outlined above. The project account code is 342 942 7837 02191. ALTERNATIVES: The Council can choose not to award the bid and not proceed with the project. ATTACHMENTS: None cc: City Attorney M:\Public Works & Utilities\STAFF REPORTS\2014\05-13-14\Pennsylvania Clifford Award\staff report pennsylvania clifford 050614.docx Page 2 of 2 bid accept CITY COUNCIL 7.1e RESOLUTION NO.__________ (CM) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE AWARDING $534,740 BID TO GRANITE ROCK COMPANY, A CORPORATION, FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA DRIVE AT CLIFFORD AVENUE OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. ST-13-05; AND AUTHORIZING A $534,740 BUDGET APPROPRIATION: $200,000 FROM GAS TAX FUND, $20,000 FROM CRESTVIEW AREA IMPACT FEE FUND, $89,000 FROM PENNSYLVANIA DRIVE IMPACT FEE FUND, $225,740 FROM THE ERRINGTON CLIFFORD EXTENSION CORRIDOR IMPACT FEE FUND OF WHICH $200,000 WILL BE APPROPRIATED FOR FY 2013-2014 AND THE REMAINDER FOR FY 2014-2015, AND WHEN COMPLETED, WILL BE REIMBURSED $198,540 BY THE MONTEREY BAY UNIFIED AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT (MBUAPCD) WHEREAS, Resolution No. 161-13 (CM) adopted by the City Council of the City of Watsonville on December 10, 2013, approved plans and specifications and authorized calling for bids for the Pennsylvania Drive at Clifford Avenue Operational Improvements, Project No. ST-13-05; and WHEREAS, the bids received for the Pennsylvania Drive at Clifford Avenue Operational Improvements, Project No. ST-13-05 were opened in the “Old City Council Chambers,” City Hall, 250 Main Street, Watsonville, California, on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, at 11:00 A.M., and later tabulated by the Purchasing Officer for the consideration of the City Manager and submission to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that the bid from Granite Rock Company, a corporation, [Contractor License #22] for the Pennsylvania Drive at Clifford Avenue Operational Improvements, Project No. ST-13-05, in the amount of $534,740 be accepted as the lowest responsive bid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the bid of Granite Rock Company, a corporation, for the Pennsylvania Drive at Clifford Avenue Operational Improvements, Project No. ST-13Reso No. (CM) 1 Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\AB ST-13-05 Operational Improv at Pennsylvania & Clifford.docx ri 5/7/2014 11:59:01 AM AJS ______ CJP ______PWU ______ By Steve Palmisano at 1:41 pm, May 07, 2014 05, in the amount of $534,740 be accepted, and the execution of a contract by the City Manager is hereby authorized. 2. That the budget appropriation of $534,740: $200,000 from Gas Tax Fund, $20,000 from Crestview Area Impact Fee Fund, $89,000 from Pennsylvania Drive Impact Fee Fund, and $225,740 from the Errington Clifford Extension Corridor Impact Fee Fund of which $200,000 will be appropriated for FY 2013-2014 and remainder for FY 2014-2015 is hereby authorized. 3. That all other bids are hereby rejected. ********************************** Reso No. (CM) Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\AB ST-13-05 Operational Improv at Pennsylvania & Clifford.docx ri 5/7/2014 11:59:01 AM 2 City Council_____________ 8.1a City of Watsonville Community Development Department MEMORANDUM DATE: April 23, 2014 TO: Carlos J. Palacios, City Manager FROM: Marcela Tavantzis, Community Development Director Tom Sharp, Senior Engineering Associate By Marcela Tavantzis at 4:30 pm, Apr 30, 2014 SUBJECT: Water Availability Letter for a Proposed Development of a County Parcel at 70 Trembly Lane (APN: 051-411-20) AGENDA ITEM: May 13, 2014 City Council RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council adopt a resolution authorizing issuance of a water availability letter for a proposed 12 lot residential subdivision in general conformance to the Planning Map presented to the City Council in the County designated urban area based on the staff finding that the application is consistent with City Council Policy 1.4. BACKGROUND: On December 10, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 303-02 (CM) which modified the policy for water availability to properties located in unincorporated Santa Cruz County but within the Watsonville water service area. The primary objectives of the policy are: 1) discouraging further division of land in designated Rural Areas; and 2) increasing density on larger vacant, underutilized land in the designated Urban Areas. The policies eased the restrictions on connection of existing parcels to existing water mains both in Rural and Urban Areas, and also reflect that there are designated Urban Areas that are not within County sanitation districts (for sewer service). A brief summary of the adopted policies follows: I. County-Designated Urban Areas Objective 1 and the accompanying policies allow water connection within Countydesignated Urban Areas for an existing undividable parcel; a deed-restricted, accessory dwelling; an affordable project with a density of at least 12 units-per-acre; agriculturalworker housing; and certain institutional uses such as daycare facilities and schools. Policy 1.4 provides the City Council the opportunity to consider projects that do not meet the density requirement on an individual basis provided the project provides the greatest density allowed by the County General Plan and there are unique site constraints which prevent the project from yielding the 12 units per acre standard. II. County Designated Rural Areas Objective 2 and the accompanying policies limit water connections within the Rural Areas to an existing parcel of land, to serve either a single-family residence and/or a deedPage 1 of 3 AP 4/30/2014 4:11:10 PM M:\CDD\CC Packet\AGENDA 2014\05-13-14\Water Availability Letter - 70 Trembly Lane, APN 051-411-20\staff report Trembly.doc\TS\dm restricted, accessory dwelling, agricultural-worker housing; and certain institutional uses such as day care facilities and schools. The policies do not allow the City to serve new parcels created by division of land, nor do the policies allow for extension of water mains to serve parcels. III. Failing Wells Objective 3 and the accompanying policies continue the principle of allowing connection of existing development to the water system, upon providing evidence that an existing well is failing. IV. Continuing Dialogue with Santa Cruz County Objective 4 and the accompanying policies direct staff to continue to work with and through Santa Cruz County, to address city-centered development ideals within the Pajaro Valley, and on a County-wide basis. As Santa Cruz County represents the governing authority for the area, continued dialogue is critical for the ultimate implementation of city-centered development principles. PROJECT DESCRIPTION On April 11, 2014, Raeid Farhat, represented by Steven Graves and Associates, Inc. requested that staff prepare a water availability letter for a proposed 12 lot residential subdivision of a 100,270 SF (2.30 acre) parcel located at the end of Trembly Lane in the unincorporated County area adjacent to North Green Valley Road. The property is located on a gently sloping pasture with a riparian area located at the property’s edge. Agricultural land is actively cultivated on the adjacent property to the east while the residential neighborhood along Trembly Lane is located to the west. The County designates the property as Urban Low Residential. The property is zoned residential, 1 lot per 10,000 SF (R1-10). The smaller residential parcels next door on Trembly Lane are zoned residential, 1 lot per 6,000 SF (R1-6). To complete the application for the subdivision, the County Planning Department requires the submittal of a water availability letter from the local water utility, the City of Watsonville. The project proposes a rezoning of the property from the current R1-10 zoning to the denser R1-6 zoning, which is the zoning for adjacent properties located west of the subject parcel. In addition, the project proposes to develop as a planned development. The County planned development ordinance allows projects reduce standards such as street width which yields more area for lots. The property is affected by two constraints to development. The property is subject to the County agriculture buffer ordinance. The buffer, which is normally 200 feet, is designed to reduce conflicts between agricultural activities and residential neighborhoods. The ordinance allows projects to propose reductions to the buffer to the Agricultural Policy Advisory Commission. For the subject property, the agricultural fields are set back farther behind the riparian areas and for that reason a 35-foot buffer is proposed. The county agricultural buffer removes 3,400 SF from possible residential development. In addition to the agricultural buffer, a portion of the site is located within an Alquist Priolo fault zone. A 50 foot setback from the identified fault is required to protect residents from surface Page 2 of 3 AP 4/30/2014 4:11:10 PM M:\CDD\CC Packet\AGENDA 2014\05-13-14\Water Availability Letter - 70 Trembly Lane, APN 051-411-20\staff report Trembly.doc\TS\dm faulting. The setback from Alquist Priolo fault zone removes 24,800 SF from possible residential development. DENSITY ANALYSIS The project proposes 12 residential building lots and a neighborhood park. The Alquist Priolo fault zone and the agricultural buffer account for 28,200 SF. The neighborhood park is located within this undevelopable area. The 40-foot wide street right of way which provides access to the project has a total area of 16,800 SF. Subtracting these undevelopable areas from the total parcel size yields net developable area of 55,270 (1.27 acre). With the proposed 12 building lots, the proposed density is 9.5 units per acre a little less than the goal of the density policy. CONFORMANCE WITH CITY COUNCIL WATER POLICY As stated above Council Policy 1.4 provides the City Council the opportunity to consider projects that do not meet the density requirement on an individual basis provided the project provides the greatest density allowed by the County General Plan and there are unique site constraints which prevent the project from yielding the 12 units per acre standard. Staff believes that the combination of the proximity to active agricultural fields and the presence of the Alquist Priolo fault zone presents the type of site constraints contemplated by the Policy 1.4. The applicant’s intention to apply for a zoning change to the more dense R1-6 yields the greatest density allowed by the County General Plan and therefore passes the density policy test. Because Water Availability letters issued for county development are subject to the City Council policy, they are conditioned to conform to the development plans submitted with the application for water service. For these reasons, staff recommends that City Council adopt a resolution authorizing issuance of a water availability letter for a proposed 12 lot residential subdivision in general conformance to the Planning Map presented to the City Council in the County designated urban area based on the staff finding that the application is consistent with City Council Policy 1.4. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff anticipates no direct financial impact as a result of the action. The site is located outside the City and in the event of development; the City would receive impact fees to cover capital costs and monthly fees to cover use and operational costs. ALTERNATIVES: Do not approve the applicant’s request for a Water Availability Letter. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter dated April 11, 2014 from Steven Graves and Associates requesting a water availability letter APN 051-411-20, 70 Trembly Lane. 3. Planning Map cc: City Attorney Page 3 of 3 AP 4/30/2014 4:11:10 PM M:\CDD\CC Packet\AGENDA 2014\05-13-14\Water Availability Letter - 70 Trembly Lane, APN 051-411-20\staff report Trembly.doc\TS\dm ROE AV 35 397 385 100 60 46 48 106 101 107D 54 79 77 75 65 63 77 52 107C 65 50 92 107B 36C 36B 36D 36A 34A 36 40 44 48 141 42 70 68 44 41 40 72 55 39 34 32 30 71 61 96 73 59 75 57 82 78 76 35 33 31 29 25 15 19 21 051-411-20 27 31 35 39 43 47 120 569 124 119 110 123 127 114 118 144 139 143 130 152 151 132 152 125 117 122 149 148 123 144 121 140 119 115 113 111 109 107 105 101 103 136 132 128 124 120 116 112 108 100 104 131 153 145 141 137 129 133 125 121 113 117 109 105 101 128 106 140 148 135 147 126 134 138 142 130 113 134 117 138 121 142 AGATE DR 116 573 111 115 160 ONYX DR 578 107 162 185 175 165 155 145 104 LAPIS DR 30 22 PAULSEN RD 100 108 112 CELIA DR 143 101 18 16 A A A A 14 79 12 10 8 73 61 37 35 33 101A 35A 31 29 19 21 15 7 3 5 6 588 549 396 384 149 44 42 38 66 64 62 26 24 22 15 18 14 12 10 8 600 553 373 LITTLEWAY LN TREMBLEY LN 606 584 361 374 27 25 23 21 20 11 7 4 612 563 125 137 12 5 20 349 320 101 136 37 GREEN VALLEY RD 222 30 A5 115 341 333 325 234 124 111 24B 23A 23B CB 0 12 55 616 51 614 567 313 301 277 265 289 253 239 110 148 36 32 28 26 20 18 1 1A 100 640 585 225 215 29 25 23 21 19 16 4 650 598 596 210 172 144 7 2 658 110 595 196 184 9 158 130 3 116 104 662 622 203 191 179 165 153 141 131 117 105 DUTCHMAN RD 668 628 Site and Vicinity Map 125 146 129 133 150 154 137 158 141 162 Street Project Site Legend Parcel Watsonville City Limit PROJECT: Water Availability Letter for a Proposed County Development APN#s: 051-411-20 LOCATION OF PROJECT: 70 Trembley Ln Prepared by Watsonville GIS Center 4/28/2014 (CODD1423). This Document is a graphic representation only of best available sources. The City of Watsonville assumes no responsibility for any errors. © Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 Steven Graves & Associates 775 Estates Drive, Aptos (831) 661-5451 April 11, 2014 Thomas J. Sharp, Senior Engineering Associate City of Watsonville Community Development Department 250 Main Street Watsonville, CA 95076 Subject: Water Will Serve Letter Request: Raied Farhat/Trembley Lane (APN 051411-20) – Proposed 12-Lot Subdivision. Dear Mr. Sharp, This follow up letter addresses your initial questions regarding our request for a will serve letter for Raeid Farhat’s proposed 12-lot single family subdivision on Trembley Road. The two main questions were: 1. Calculating the Net developable Area and 2. Implications of the Planned Development overlay versus a standard subdivision. Net Developable Area. As indicated on the proposed site plan from Roper Engineering here are the areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gross Area Road Dedication Park Dedication Net Area 100,266 +/- s.f. 16,783 s.f. 7,831 +/- s.f. 75,652 +/- s.f. As shown the park and road dedications are removed from the net developable area. The rear yards of lots 5, 6 and 7 would typically be only 15’, however we have proposed 35’ to increase the agricultural setback in this area. This additional area doesn’t affect the net developable area. It should be noted though, that a standard subdivision would normally require a 56’ wide Right of Way which would further reduce the overall net developable area further (this is discussed below). Planned Development. As we have discussed, the Planned Development zoning overlay allows us to propose some variations to the zoning district standards. The two areas that we are requesting flexibility are the roadway standards and the lot frontage requirements. For a standard subdivision a 56’ wide ROW would be required. This would allow parking on both sides. However, the larger ROW would further reduce the number of units possible. The minimum frontage requirement is 60’ for each lot with a minimum of 40’ frontage on the cul-de-sac. Lots 6, 7, 8 and 12 do not meet this standard. I have attached a very rough sketch of what a standard subdivision under R-1-6 would look like. As shown, with the larger ROW and all lots meeting the frontage requirements, a maximum of 9 total lots may be feasible. However, with this number of lots only one affordable unit would be required (in Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2 addition to .35 of the cost of a unit would be paid as an in-lieu fee). Under the proposed R-1-6 (PD) rezoning, a total of 10 market rate and 2 affordable units are possible. Attached is an excerpt from the County’s code section dealing with accessory second units. As shown in C(3) – all development standards must be met for the parcels in order to allow for a second unit and this would likely apply to the entire subdivision since we are proposed the minimum street standard. For these reasons we have not proposed to include second units in the 12 unit plan. The higher density and the additional affordable unit in our opinion would be more consistent with the City’s goals then fewer overall units with second units. Please call me if you have any questions for need further information. Sincerely, Steven Graves Cc: Raied Farhat EXCERPT FROM COUNTY CODE SECTION 13.10.681 – Accessory Second Units (C) Requirements. Before a permit for a second unit can be granted, the following requirements shall be met: (1) Location. The second unit shall be located on a residentially zoned parcel or on a parcel designated for residential use in the General Plan which contains no more than one existing detached, single-family dwelling, or where one detached single-family dwelling shall be constructed concurrently with the proposed second unit. A second unit may be located on agriculturally zoned land outside the Coastal Zone or on a parcel designated for agricultural use in the General Plan outside the Coastal Zone; (2) Parcel Size. The size of the parcel, if located within the urban services line, is no smaller than that required by the minimum lot size standards of the respective zoning district. The size of the parcel, if located outside the urban services line, is at least one acre in area, unless the parcel is served by public sewer. Parcels outside of the urban services line (USL) with public sewer service shall meet the requirements of subsection (D)(2) of this section; (3) Development Standards. All development standards for the applicable agricultural or residential zone district shall be satisfied; and the development shall be consistent with all County policies and ordinances; Attachment 2 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 1 CITY COUNCIL 8.1e RESOLUTION NO. (CM) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE APPROVING THE REQUEST FROM STEPHEN GRAVES AND ASSOCIATES, ON BEHALF OF RAEID FARHAT, FOR A WATER AVAILABILITY LETTER (“WILL SERVE”) FOR A PROPOSED 12 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF A 100,270 SF (2.30 ACRE) COUNTY PARCEL LOCATED AT 70 TREMBLY LANE (ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER: 051-411-20), WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO ISSUE SAID LETTER WHEREAS, on or about September 24, 2002, the City Council directed City staff to prepare revisions to previously adopted policies relative to the limitation of future water connections and water main extensions to serve parcels located outside of the City of Watsonville; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 303-02 (CM) establishing and adopting the “Outside City of Watsonville Water Connections–Goals, Objectives, and Policies;” and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2014, Steven Graves & Associates, on behalf of Raeid Farhat, submitted an application requesting City Council authorization to issue a Water Availability Letter for a proposed 12 lot residential subdivision of a 100,270 sf (2.30 acre) County parcel located at 70 Trembly Lane (Assessor’s Parcel Number 051-411-20,) outside the City limits, but within the City's water service area (“Project”); and WHEREAS, Policy 1.4 of the Outside City of Watsonville Water Connections Goals, Objectives, and Policies authorizes the Council to issue a Water Availability Letter to projects not meeting the density requirements subject to four findings; and WHEREAS, staff recommends the Council find that the proposed project does satisfy the findings established in Policy 1.4 of the “Outside City of Watsonville Water Connections-Goal, Objectives and Policies,” which reads as follows: Reso No. (CM) Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\Water Availability Letter 70 Trembly Lane.docx ri 5/7/2014 12:07:18 PM 1 mtg AJS ______ CJP ______CDD ______ (a) The proposed Project, notwithstanding Policy 1.2a is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the City of Watsonville General Plan; and. (b) The proposed Project is designated at the highest allowable density under the County General Plan including the State density bonus; and (c) There are unique site characteristics, including but not limited to size, shape, and topography that limit the development of the site; and (d) The proposed Project complies with Policy 1.2b relative to inclusionary unit provisions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That good cause appearing upon the above Findings, therefor the Council hereby approves the request from Steven Graves & Associates, on behalf of Raeid Farhat, for issuance of a Water Availability Letter (“Will Serve”) for the proposed 12 lot residential subdivision of a 100,270 sf (2.30 acre) County parcel located at 70 Trembly Lane (Assessor’s Parcel Number 051-411-20). 2. That the Community Development Director, or her designee, be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue said letter. ********************************** Reso No. (CM) Q:\COUNCIL\2014\051314\Water Availability Letter 70 Trembly Lane.docx ri 5/7/2014 12:07:18 PM 2 City Council _______ 8.2 City of Watsonville Public Works and Utilities Department MEMORANDUM DATE: April 30, 2014 TO: Carlos J. Palacios, City Manager FROM: Steve Palmisano, Director of Public Works & Utilities Maria Esther Rodriguez, Assistant Director SUBJECT: Watsonville Transit Center Renovation: Status Update and Options AGENDA ITEM: May 13, 2014 By Steve Palmisano at 8:58 am, May 01, 2014 City Council RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council: 1) Receive a status report and presentation on the Watsonville Transit Center renovation, and 2) Support Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District (METRO) efforts for renovation of the Watsonville Transit Center and exploration of additional options for improvements. DISCUSSION: Overview Watsonville Transit Center is deteriorating and its state of disrepair detracts from the appearance and experience of downtown Watsonville. On September 27, 2013, the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District (METRO) Board awarded a contract to B+U, LLP to produce alternative designs for the renovation of the Watsonville Transit Center. The design alternatives will range from the lowest cost, superficial renovation to a complete rebuilding with possible expansion of the transit center. Background Watsonville Transit Center opened in the renovated Crocker Bank building in 1995 and will require renovation to correct deterioration and to improve its fit and function in downtown Watsonville. The terminal building presents an imposing, stark façade lacking color and Page 1 of 3 M:\Public Works & Utilities\STAFF REPORTS\2014\05-13-14\Watsonville Transit Center\Staff Report_METRO Watsonville Transit Center Update_final.doc appeal and detracts from typical urban architecture in Watsonville. Its interior does not effectively use available space to provide quality amenities which would be expected with the level of activity at the transit center. The outdoor passenger waiting area was originally intended to be an active Mercado, but the available kiosks have difficulty attracting and sustaining appropriate tenants. Santa Cruz METRO recently removed two of the vacant kiosks to eliminate dark and potentially threatening spaces within the Mercado. Consultant Selection and Conceptual Design The Santa Cruz METRO Board of Directors awarded a contract to B+U, LLP, an architecture firm in Southern California, to produce alternative conceptual designs from which the Board can select for the transit center renovation. B+U and ARUP, the transit design sub-consultant have consulted with senior operations personnel at Santa Cruz METRO, assessed operating requirements and conducted traffic studies to develop alternative, more effective transit operating configurations within the current transit center footprint. The City of Watsonville’s Public Works Department is working closely with the consultants and Santa Cruz METRO staff to evaluate the operating alternatives and their impact on surrounding streets. City Planning staff from the Community Development Department recently joined the team effort to inform the urban design component of the project and guide its congruence with current short and long-range plans for Watsonville. At this point, the consultant has completed three “schemes” for bus operating alternatives and has presented different conceptual approaches to renovate the existing terminal. The conceptual designs using the existing parcel revealed that the bus bay capacity could only be increased by two bus bays. This could be problematic if Santa Cruz METRO decides to increase service in Watsonville within the next decade, as the transit center is currently at capacity and would have a difficult time accommodating more buses on the tarmac. City of Watsonville and Santa Cruz METRO staff discussed the possibility of expanding the transit center. The consultant indicated that expanding the transit center into the adjacent parcels could increase bus bay capacity by 20 to 26 bus bays. METRO Board Discussion At its April 25th meeting, the Santa Cruz METRO Board received an update and discussed the various options described above on the Watsonville Transit Center renovation. Board discussion included the importance of the City of Watsonville City Council input and support of the renovation and exploration of additional options for expansion. The METRO board will consider amending the consultant agreement to add exploration of additional options for expansion at their upcoming meeting. Staff recommends that the City Council receive the presentation and provide support of the renovation of the Watsonville Transit Center and exploration of additional options for improvements. Page 2 of 3 MER 5/1/2014 8:57:14 AM M:\Public Works & Utilities\STAFF REPORTS\2014\05-13-14\Watsonville Transit Center\Staff Report_METRO Watsonville Transit Center Update_final.doc FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: Council can choose not to support renovation or exploration of expansion options. ATTACHMENTS: None cc: City Attorney Page 3 of 3 MER 5/1/2014 8:57:14 AM M:\Public Works & Utilities\STAFF REPORTS\2014\05-13-14\Watsonville Transit Center\Staff Report_METRO Watsonville Transit Center Update_final.doc CITY COUNCIL 10.2a CITY OF WATSONVILLE FINANCE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF DISBURSEMENTS WARRANT REGISTER DATED 5/13/2014 FUND NO. FUND NAME AMOUNT 120 TRUST FUND 130 EMPLOYEE CASH DEDUCTIONS FUND 150 GENERAL FUND 160 RETIREMENT FUND 170 INVESTMENT FUND 202 REDEVELOPMENT OBLIG RETIREMENT 205 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 206 ENTERPRISE ZONE 210 CAL HOME GRANT FUNDS 221 INCLUSIONARY HOUSING 246 CIVIC CENTER COMMON AREA 250 LIBRARY FUND 260 SPECIAL GRANTS 281 PARKS DEVELOPMENT FUND 309 PARKING GARAGE FUND 340 CITY-WIDE TRAFFIC IMPACT 349 PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPACT FEES 354 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS 710 SEWER SERVICE FUND 720 WATER OPERATING FUND 3,232.00 566,435.52 225, 166.76 314.00 1,443.23 5,246.50 4,961.63 600.00 55,750.00 1,000.71 8,829.36 20, 150.58 63,220.79 6,640.48 8,506.21 380.57 5,850.00 1,131.05 182,765.14 278,399.03 95,142.30 40,880.44 2,773.52 81,685.89 490,687.67 730~RPORTENTERP~SEFUND 740 765 780 787 WASTE DISPOSAL FUND COMPUTER FUND-ISF WORKERS COMP/LIABILITY FUND HEALTH INSURANCE FUND-POOL TOTAL 2,151,193.38 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE CLAIMS ARE BUDGETED AND APPROPRIATED FOR: APPROVED FOR PAYMENT: EZEQUIEL R. VEGA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CARLOS J. PALACIOS CITY MANAGER TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 4/23/2014 TO 5/13/2014 PAYROLL INVOICES TOTAL OF ALL INVOICES 1,584,757.86 566,435.52 2,151, 193.38 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209108 $339.00 339.00 05/13/14 65156 150-410-7361-00000 0 1-800-BOARDUP SERVICE BKN WINDOW OUTSTANDING 1 208792 $664.37 319.35 50.39 146.67 9.20 108.93 29.83 05/13/14 00304 720-598-7559-00000 710-530-7324-00000 720-596-7559-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 150-680-7533-00000 0 A L LEASE COMPANY, INC SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208923 $431.51 180.00 200.00 51. 51 05/13/14 50873 710-540-7559-00185 730-560-7221-00000 150-680-7702-00000 0 A EQUIP EQUIP EQUIP OUTSTANDING 1 209046 $ 68. 7 9 68.79 05/13/14 61474 150-680-7533-00000 0 A.M. LEONARD REPLACEMENT SCOOP SHOVEL OUTSTANDING 1 209078 $1976.00 1976.00 05/13/14 63262 710-530-7324-00000 0 ACCO ENGINEERED SYSTEMS CONTRACTED MAINTENANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208446 $4534.32 11. 92 7.58 88.50 293.79 143.73 16.03 275.98 141.45 118. 90 14.09 38.46 18.42 87.04 115.86 9.75 18.43 54.17 85.49 32.53 927.59 80.14 460.00 116.96 497.05 70. 72 35.18 241. 41 04/24/14 00316 150-691-7533-00166 150-692-7510-00210 150-220-7324-00000 260-339-7559-00924 740-572-7559-00000 354-959-7821-00188 150-450-7323-00000 150-450-7325-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7559-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7559-00000 710-531-7559-00000 730-560-7321-00000 730-560-7321-00000 730-560-7325-00000 740-570-7324-00000 740-570-7559-00000 740-572-75§9-00000 740-575-7559-00000 720-596-7559-00000 720-597-7559-00000 720-598-7559-00800 150-620-7321-00000 150-680-7321-00000 150-680-7533-00000 0 ACE HARDWARE STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/3l/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 STATEMENT 03/31/14 OUTSTANDING TOOL SHED RENTALS, INC. RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL 3 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 78.06 21. 65 21. 65 166.36 24.65 220.78 150-680-7541-00000 150-680-7559-00000 150-690-7325-00000 710-540-7559-00129 720-596-7559-00000 740-572-7324-00023 STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 03/31/14 03/31/14 03/31/14 03/31/14 03/31/14 03/31/14 1 209134 $1350.00 1350.00 05/13/14 65994 349-949-7855-42226 0 AERO-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. CALLAGHAN MOLD TESTING OUTSTANDING 1 208750 $4934.03 4934.03 05/02/14 56602 130-000-2050-00000 0 AFLAC H7935 INSURANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208756 $200.00 200.00 05/05/14 59527 150-230-7232-00000 0 AGA CENTRAL COAST CHAPTER AGA CONF VEGA & HAYS OUTSTANDING 1 208963 $85.24 28.41 28.41 28.42 05/13/14 53433 710-541-7361-00000 710-541-7361-00000 710-541-7361-00000 0 AIRGAS USA, LLC RENT CYLINDER RENT CYLINDER RENT CYLINDER OUTSTANDING 1 208794 $13843.97 1678.00 513.00 2528.00 2506.14 814.18 608.00 1406.00 1158. 00 303.00 493.00 265.00 253.00 1138. 65 180.00 05/13/14 00460 246-321-7361-00000 246-321-7361-00000 246-321-7361-00000 150-620-7361-00000 150-523-7324-00000 730-560-7361-00000 150-220-7361-00000 150-220-7361-00000 150-620-7361-00000 730-560-7361-00000 150-450-7361-00000 150-450-7361-00000 150-620-7361-00000 246-321-7361-00000 0 AIRTEC SERVICE,INC REBUILD PUMP 6 REPLACE SHEAVES REPLACE LEAKING PUMP REPLACE COMPRESSOR REPAIRS SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REPLACE FAN MOTOR REPAIRS OUTSTANDING 1 208430 $564.00 564.00 04/23/14 52109 150-409-7359-00000 0 ALAMEDA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE INTERNAL AFFAIRS TUITION OUTSTANDING 1 208431 $1276.00 1276.00 04/23/14 52109 150-409-7359-00000 0 ALAMEDA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE DRIVER AWARE TUITION OUTSTANDING 1 208972 $40.00 40.00 05/13/14 54360 150-692-7770-00162 0 ALARCON, CECILIA REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208961 $1859.77 1592.66 267 .11 05/13/14 53383 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 0 ALLIED PACKING & SUPPLY, INC EXPANSION JOINTS MECHANICAL SEAL REBUILD OUTSTANDING 4 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208970 $157.00 157.00 05/13/14 54219 120-279-5895-00159 0 ALVARADO, PERLA REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 209023 $40.00 40.00 05/13/14 58909 150-692-7770-00162 0 ALVAREZ, CECILIA REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 209121 $1000.00 1000.00 05/13/14 65664 730-560-7361-00000 0 AMERICAN AVIATION PROFESSIONALS INC. COUNTER EQUIP OUTSTANDING 1 208927 $1022.00 1022.00 05/13/14 51411 710-540-7351-00000 0 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL OUTSTANDING 1 208795 $50.00 50.00 05/13/14 00760 150-690-7232-00000 0 AMERICAN RED CROSS SC CO HEROES BFAST 2014 OUTSTANDING 1 208796 $101. 00 101. 00 05/13/14 00851 720-596-7351-00000 0 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION DUES OUTSTANDING 1 208797 $4401. 30 426.67 737.45 120.97 57.83 116. 93 1705.01 153. 71 58.41 996.80 27.52 05/13/14 00875 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 AMREP STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 209073 $152.40 39.00 88.90 24.50 05/13/14 63125 150-450-7503-00000 150-450-7503-00000 150-450-7503-00000 0 ANALGESIC SERVICES, INC. OXYGEN D OXYGEN D OXYGEN OUTSTANDING 1 208835 $1717.68 26.34 11. 80 43.43 28.97 31. 63 406.93 32.90 7.32 1128. 36 05/13/14 06458 710-530-7324-00000 150-680-7533-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 208971 $2695.30 2695.30 05/13/14 54290 710-534-7361-00000 0 APPLIED MARINE SCIENCES INC RESOLUTION NO. 186-09(CM) OUTSTANDING 1 209022 $86.80 05/13/14 58798 0 COMPANY,INC 4/01/14 4/01/14 4/01/14 4/01/14 4/01/14 4/01/14 ARCMATE MANUFACTURING CORP. OUTSTANDING 5 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 86.80 150-688-7533-00000 RUBBER CUPS INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209006 $35.00 35.00 05/13/14 57229 150-692-7770-00162 0 AREVALOS, JUAN REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208942 $6527.90 6527.90 52208 05/13/14 730-560-7221-00000 0 ASAP SIGNS & PRINTING STABILIZER SIGN BALANCE OUTSTANDING 1 209074 $884.13 884.13 05/13/14 63149 150-523-7505-00000 0 ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ANTI FREEZE 165GAL OUTSTANDING 1 209115 $67998.53 26914.61 41083.92 05/13/14 65412 730-560-7562-00000 730-560-7562-00000 0 ASCENT AVIATION GROUP, INC. JET A FUEL FUEL OUTSTANDING 1 208793 $8.94 8.94 05/13/14 00315 150-409-7222-00000 0 AT&T YELLOW PAGE ADD OUTSTANDING 1 209084 $359.68 359.68 05/13/14 63800 150-409-7222-00000 0 AT&T CLETS LINE OUTSTANDING 1 209081 $3244.94 3244.94 05/13/14 63649 150-250-7222-00000 0 AT&T - at&t CALNET 2 DS3 LINE OUTSTANDING 1 209082 $2007.37 2007.37 05/13/14 63649 150-250-7222-00000 0 AT&T - at&t CALNET 2 PRI ACCOUNT OUTSTANDING 1 209083 $559.72 0.68 134. 35 5.42 0.80 16. 97 0.10 0. 71 307.15 0.51 0.14 6.04 2.36 0.63 0.68 36.48 0.63 2.34 0.97 37.87 4.37 0.52 05/13/14 63649 150-120-7222-00000 150-220-7222-00000 246-321-7222-00000 150-230-7222-00000 150-250-7222-00000 150-315-7222-00000 221-347-7222-00000 150-409-7222-00000 150-417-7222-00000 150-450-7222-00000 309-521-7222-00000 150-523-7222-00000 710-530-7222-00000 710-540-7222-00000 730-560-7222-00000 730-561-7361-00000 720-596-7222-00000 150-622-7222-00000 150-690-7222-00000 710-532-7361-00000 150-620-7222-00000 0 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 C60 AT&T - at&t CALNET 2 SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY OUTSTANDING 6 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208935 $560.00 560.00 05/13/14 51906 150-523-7505-00000 0 ATCO INTERNATIONAL LOT DE-GREASER OUTSTANDING 1 208798 $341. 50 47.00 47.00 247.50 05/13/14 01215 150-410-7323-00000 150-410-7323-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 AUTO CARE TOWING TIRE CHANGE PD VEHICLE REPAIR TRUCK TOW OUTSTANDING 1 209140 $9222.50 3230.00 3230.00 1700.00 340.00 274.55 274.55 144.50 28.90 05/13/14 66098 720-913-7855-42110 250-935-7855-42110 150-901-7855-42110 730-910-7855-42110 720-913-7855-42110 250-935-7855-42110 150-901-7855-42110 730-910-7855-42110 0 AZCO SUPPLY, INC. QUOTE NO. 9670 DATED 2/28/14 FIBER OPTIC PHASE 1 AND 2. FIBER OPTIC PHASE 1 AND 2. FIBER OPTIC PHASE 1 AND 2. SALES TAX SALES TAX SALES TAX SALES TAX OUTSTANDING 1 209012 $2704.00 2704.00 05/13/14 57855 720-598-7559-00000 0 AZZIE'S STORAGE STEEL STORAGE UNIT OUTSTANDING 1 208799 $9795.53 660.31 2524.19 1127. 51 410.28 14.14 5059.10 05/13/14 01342 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 0 BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS OUTSTANDING 1 208914 05/13/14 50386 720-596-7324-00000 720-596-7324-00000 720-596-7324-00000 0 BAVCO BACK FLOW BACK FLOW CREDIT OUTSTANDING 1 209107 $1350.00 1350.00 05/13/14 65117 150-409-7307-00000 0 BAY AREA POLYGRAPH POLYGRAPH FEES OUTSTANDING 1 208800 $165.00 165.00 05/13/14 01410 740-572-7559-07831 0 BAYSIDE OIL II INC WASTE OIL OUTSTANDING 1 209051 $2410.00 2410.00 05/13/14 61843 710-541-7315-07023 0 BC LABORATORIES, INC. PRIORITY POLLUTNATS OUTSTANDING 1 209008 $800.00 415.00 385.00 05/13/14 57274 150-620-7361-00000 150-410-7361-00000 0 BEST DOORS INC. LIBRARY DOOR REPAIR PD GATE REPAIR OUTSTANDING 1 208801 $9905.11 2108.54 154.99 05/13/14 01439 150-690-7361-00000 150-450-7361-00000 0 BEWLEY'S CLEANING CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE OUTSTANDING $245.62 222.50 236.87 213.75- 7 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 91. 55 183.09 285.00 165.00 120.00 1275.00 2868.82 114. 95 2108.54 154.99 91. 55 183.09 720-594-7559-41202 740-575-7361-00000 246-321-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 309-525-7361-00000 309-525-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 710-540-7361-00129 150-690-7361-00000 150-450-7361-00000 720-594-7559-41202 740-575-7361-00000 CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE EXTRA CLEANING EXTRA CLEANING MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE CLEANING SERVICES FOR PLAZA CLEAN SERVICE CLEAN SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE CLEANING SERVICE INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208802 $1082.32 51. 58 19.20 922.74 49.03 4.00 35.77 05/13/14 01450 710-540-7559-00129 740-570-7324-00000 740-570-7559-00000 150-680-7541-00000 150-510-7559-00000 260-339-7559-04001 0 BIG CREEK LUMBER COMPANY LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LUMBER AND SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208995 $100.00 100.00 05/13/14 55858 720-596-7772-00000 0 BLAS, VIRGINIA WASHER REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 209037 $136.69 136.69 05/13/14 60532 740-570-7091-00000 0 BOBO, BYRON BOOT REIMB OUTSTANDING 1 208924 $24502.28 19837.93 4664.35 05/13/14 51005 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 BODY BY HANK VEHICLE REPAIRS BODY REPAIR OUTSTANDING 1 208433 $69.00 69.00 04/23/14 55891 150-315-7232-00000 0 BOYLE, KEITH MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208966 $5116. 25 2603.25 210.00 2303.00 05/13/14 53989 150-210-7319-00000 150-210-7319-00000 150-210-7319-00000 0 BRENDT D. CARLSON, M.D., INC. EAP SERVICES FIRST AID DMV PHYSICALS OUTSTANDING 1 208803 $2727.12 16.31 19.34 288.34 41. 00 34.95 136.46 77.13 21. 66 17. 8.4 114.86 05/13/14 01550 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 0 BRODART CO. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS OUTSTANDING 8 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT 107.47 60.43 59.03 340.19 33.70 19.79 14.29 19.08 55.98 183.36 58.14 531. 22 19.14 45.97 9. 80 141.71 220.30 39.63 CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS 1 208804 1 208952 $275.42 275.42 05/13/14 53113 710-530-7324-00000 0 BUCKLES-SMITH ELECTRIC PAINT OUTSTANDING 1 207851 $2373.00 715. 00 221.00 410.00 1027.00 05/01/14 01619 720-596-7361-00000 720-596-7361-00000 150-220-7361-00000 730-560-7361-00000 0 BUD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE, INC MSC LAMPS/LAMPS FOR STOCK MSC LAMPS/LAMPS FOR STOCK POLICE STATION/AIRPORT POLICE STATION/AIRPORT OUTSTANDING 1 208448 $3073.77 380.57 185.20 1573.00 935.00 04/29/14 01619 150-410-7325-00000 150-680-7533-00000 740-912-7855-42141 150-250-7361-00000 0 BUD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE, INC PD WORK/ RAMSAY PARK PD WORK/ RAMSAY PARK MSC/ CITY HALL MSC/ CITY HALL OUTSTANDING 1 209130 $650.00 650.00 05/13/14 65809 780-293-7307-00000 0 BURKE, WILLIAMS & SORENSEN, LLP LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OUTSTANDING 1 208919 $432.37 107.15 290.38 34.84 05/13/14 50708 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 BURTON'S FIRE APPARATUS, INC. CIRCUIT BREAKER SUPER AUTO EJECT REFLECT TAPE . OUTSTANDING 1 208454 $10283.10 50.00 49.00 250.00 609.46 18.00 05/01/14 62393 150-450-7351-00307 150-160-7501-00000 150-410-7359-00000 150-692-7510-00162 720-600-7501-00000 0 BUSINESS CARD SAFE KIDS RECERT ONLINELOGMEIN PUBLIC RECORDS STAFF TRAINING AEROMEXICO PUMAS OWL POS PORT ADAPTER OUTSTANDING 05/13/14 01550 0 UNISSUED UNISSUED 9 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT 235.26 433.89 30.00 711. 68 112. 00 20.84 38.75 38.75 38.75 680.00 95.35218.40 90.00 115.70 115.70 115.70 231. 43 115.70 115.70 140.00 275.00 99.85 25.35 183.00 257.34 257.34 257.34 257.34 257.34 216.74 504.00 69.99 69. 96 481. 00 7.50 275.00 75.00 105.00 4.75 122.40 513.00 135.00 698.00 250.00 406.50 1 2 087 63 $573.65 63.78 90.03 419.84 CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # 150-450-7533-00000 ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 150-110-7232-00103 150-691-7342-00166 730-560-7511-00000 150-250-7361-00000 720-596-7559-00000 710-530-7559-00000 740-570-7559-00000 150-450-7359-00000 150-110-7232-00102 150-620-7353-00000 720-600-7501-00000 150-620-7501-00000 150-410-7501-00000 730-560-7501-00000 720-596-7501-00000 150-690-7501-00000 309-521-7232-00000 150-409-7359-00000 710-530-7359-00000 710-530-7222-00000 150-680-7222-00000 150-692-7359-00162 150-110-7232-00101 150-110-7232-00103 150-110-7232-00104 150-110-7232-00106 150-315-7232-00000 150-409-7359-00000 150-409-7359-00000 710-530-7361-00000 150-250-7361-00000 150-409-7359-00000 309-525-7361-00000 710-530-7359-00000 720-596-7359-00000 730-560-7511-00000 150-250-7501-00000 150-410-7533-00000 150-409-7359-00000 150-450-7351-00307 309-525-7361-00000 260-339-7559-04001 150-450-7516-00000 CA OES ICS GUIDES MEMORY CRUCIAL.COM UNITED WAY LUNCHEON ENTRANCE FEE/LODGING TENANT APPRECIATION DAY DOMAIN RENEWAL LAPTOP CASE LAPTOP CASE LAPTOP CASE FIRE TRAINING YOSEMITE LODGING REFUND NEWSPAPER LIBRARY ADAPTER SECURITY METRICS CARD PROCESS SECURITY METRICS CARD PROC SECURITY METRICS CARD PROC SECURITY METRICS SECURITY METRICS SECURITY METRICS POLICE TRAINING 2014 ACWA SPRING CONF PAGER AMERICAN MESSAGING PAGER AMERICAN MESSAGING TRAINING USA GYMNASTICS LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAY LEGISLATIVE ACTION LEGISLATIVE ACTION LEGISLATIVE ACTION LEGISLATIVE ACTION TRAINING LODGING LODGING POLICE TRAINING DIRECT TV DOMAIN RENEWAL GO DADDY POLICE TRAINING BEHAVIOR ANALS MONEY MACHINE PRKING GARAGE 2014 ACWA SPRING CONF WEBINAR TRAINING PAPER AIRPLANES SPEAKERS TAPE SWITCH HOLDER POLICE TRAINING LODGING SAFETY BLT TCH ASSESS MONEY MACHINE PRK GARAGE MAGNIFYING GLASSES HELMET SHIELDS FIRE DEPT 05/06/14 62393 150-230-7359-00000 150-230-7232-00000 150-450-7232-00000 0 NEW NEW NEW 765-5~0-7805-22003 BUSINESS CARD SYSTEM EXPENSES SYSTEM EXPENSES SYSTEM EXPENSES INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS OUTSTANDING 10 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 208933 $685.43 98.21 360.63 226.59 05/13/14 51791 150-450-7323-00000 150-680-7321-00000 150-450-7533-00000 0 C PARTS PARTS PARTS 1 11112384 $3210.52 3210.52 05/02/14 62407 130-000-2050-00000 0 CA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT PAYROLL FOR - 050214 1 208806 $1962.00 1962.00 05/13/14 01935 720-913-7813-42102 0 CALCON SYSTEMS, INC SERVICE CALLS OUTSTANDING 1 208913 $238.00 238.00 05/13/14 50301 150-280-7361-00000 0 CALIFORNIA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL OUTSTANDING 1 208746 $992.30 992.30 05/02/14 51096 130-000-2050-00000 1 209015 $195.34 97. 67 97. 67 05/13/14 58112 150-692-7510-00210 150-691-7361-00158 0 CALTRONICS BUSINESS SYSTEMS COPIER LEASE COPIER LEASE OUTSTANDING 1 208808 $335.78 335.78 05/13/14 02270 730-560-7325-00000 0 CARLON'S FIRE EXTINGUISHER SALES & SERVICE SPRINKLER REPAIRS OUTSTANDING 1 208807 $229.85 229.85 05/13/14 02260 730-560-7702-00000 0 CARMEL MARINA CORP. RENTAL APRIL 2014 OUTSTANDING 1 208955 $113. 68 113. 68 05/13/14 53192 720-598-7359-00000 0 CARRILLO, SALVADOR REIMBURSEMENT OUTSTANDING 1 208968 $658.33 658.33 05/13/14 54149 720-596-7559-00000 0 CARROT-TOP INDUSTRIES FLAGS OUTSTANDING 1 208918 $40.60 40.60 05/13/14 50641 150-691-7533-00159 0 CASSIDY'S PIZZA SPRING BREAK DAY CAMP 2014 OUTSTANDING 1 208987 $2471.26 54.10 130.19 188.17 365. 65 341.04 1099.78 238.09 54.24 05/13/14 55520 720-597-7559-00000 150-250-7501-00000 OUTSTANDING 710-540-7501-00000 150-409-7501-00000 765-550-7805-22003 150-315-7501-00000 150-230-7501-00000 0 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC PCI CARDS PCI CARDS PRINTER PRINTER TONER TONER MAINT KIT MAINT KIT $41.94 41. 94 05/13/14 58367 250-935-7857-42043 0 CENTER POINT LARGE PRINT BOOKS OUTSTANDING 1 209019 TRACTOR SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE INV VEND 1 150-160-7501~00000 &N AND AND AND INVOICE # CHECK STATUS 62252 CALIFORNIA STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT B.MARTIN DEL CAMPO OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING 11 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209053 $30.27 30.27 05/13/14 61872 150-523-7505-00000 0 CENTRAL COAST AUTO BODY BODY SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 209054 $693.77 693.77 05/13/14 61930 720-596-7361-00000 0 CENTRAL COAST ENERGY SERVICES, INC. CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR 3YEAR OUTSTANDING 1 208809 $341. 00 341.00 05/13/14 02346 720-596-7361-00000 0 CENTRAL COAST LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE INC. FREEDOM RES MAINT OUTSTANDING 1 209099 $2612.50 2612.50 05/13/14 64642 246-321-7361-00000 0 CENTRAL COAST SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM PANEL MAINTENANCE C OUTSTANDING 1 209062 $44.00 44.00 05/13/14 62559 150-691-7770-00161 0 CHAVEZ-ROCHA, ROSA REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 209014 $662.96 662.96 05/13/14 58029 720-596-7559-00000 0 CHAZ CUSTOM EMBROIDERY & DIGITIZING DECALS OUTSTANDING 1 209142 $21748.55 5437.93 5534.30 5377.58 5398.74 05/13/14 66106 710-532-7551-00000 710-532-7551-00000 710-532-7551-00000 710-532-7551-00000 0 CHEMTRADE CHEMICALS US LLC ALUMINUM SULFATE ALUMINUM SULFATE ALUMINUM SULFATE ALUMINUM SULFATE OUTSTANDING 1 209106 $817.74 258.37 559.37 05/13/14 65102 150-410-7516-00000 150-410-7516-00000 0 CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPLY POLICE BELTS DUTY BELTS OUTSTANDING 1 208748 $121. 60 121. 60 05/02/14 55274 130-000-2050-00000 0 CINCINNATI LIFE INSURANCE CO PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 209113 $266.28 27.80 27.81 27.80 51. 31 131.56 05/13/14 65372 720-596-7702-00000 150-230-7702-00000 710-530-7702-00000 150-160-7702-00000 150-410-7702-00000 0 CINTAS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SHREDDING SERVICE SHREDDING SERVICE SHREDDING SERVICE SHREDDING SERVICE SHREDDING SERVICE OUTSTANDING 1 209119 $269.86 269.86 05/13/14 65533 150-620-7702-00000 0 CIT COPIER CHARGES OUTSTANDING 1 208731 $498.00 498.00 05/02/14 02560 130-000-2050-00000 0 CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 208760 $913.62 20.00 44. 96 60.04 58.59 44.01 05/05/14 02610 150-210-7232-00000 150-210-7359-00000 150-120-7501-00000 150-620-7501-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 CITY OF WATSONVILLE-CASH PARMA FUEL EXP T VIDES EMP TRAINING REFRESHMENTS OFFICE SUPPLIES T VIDES SUPPLIES LIBRARY H CLEMENT PARTS M HOLLAND OUTSTANDING 12 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT 52.70 9.8o· 40.00 40.00 40.00 45.47 111. 87 36.90 69.21 62.18 39.44 33.54 14.99 67.32 22.60 CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 150-620-7559-00000 150-160-7212-00000 150-210-7232-00000 150-110-7232-00105 150-110-7232-00101 150-210-7359-00000 150-210-7361-00000 150-691-7342-00166 150-688-7344-00000 150-690-7344-00000 150-691-7511-00159 150-691-7511-00158 150-691-7511-00161 150-691-7511-00158 150-691-7533-00159 SUPPLIES LIBRARY A MARTINEZ POSTAGE M FLOREZ PARMA CONF PARKING N MANNING NAACP DINNER D DODGE NAACP DINNER F HERNANDEZ REFRESHMNTS ORAL BOARD LUNCH ORAL BOARD LUNCH PCS R ALVAREZ EVENT SUPPLIES M GODINEZ LUNCH ADV COMM MTING FLYERS PARTY SPLS CESAR CHAVES AWARDS SUPPLIES PARKS P MACIAS CESAR CHAVEZ MACIEL/NEGRETE MOVIE RENTAL/RAFT RENEWAL INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209146 $3267.50 3267.50 05/13/14 66131 720-596-7307-00000 0 CIVINOMICS SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 209110 $550.00 500.00 50.00 05/13/14 65258 150-620-7361-00000 150-622-7361-00000 0 CLEAN BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY MAINT MAINT OUTSTANDING 1 208810 $669.95 669.95 05/13/14 02727 710-530-7351-00000 0 CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS INC 2YR SUBSCRIPTION OUTSTANDING 1 208442 $50.00 50.00 04/23/14 50910 710-911-7835-33161 0 CLERK OF THE BOARD NOTICE OF EXEMPTION MANANA LN OUTSTANDING 1 209071 $1694.06 1239.85 296.94 54.24 54.24 48.79 05/13/14 63094 765-550-7805-22003 710-540-7559-00000 150-160-7501-00000 150-250-7501-00000 150-315-7501-00000 0 CLICKAWAY CORPORATION COMPUTER SUP COMPUTER SUP COMPUTER SUP COMPUTER SUP COMPUTER SUP OUTSTANDING 1 208811 $885.28 885.28 05/13/14 02771 150-523-7505-00000 0 COAST COUNTIES TRUCK & EQUIP PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 209057 $818.12 421.11 397.01 05/13/14 62094 740-912-7813-57812 740-912-7813-57812 0 COAST PRESSURE SYSTEMS SERVICE HIHYDRAULIC SYSTEM REPLACE HOSES OUTSTANDING 1 209033 $4500.00 750.00 3750.00 05/13/14 60182 349-949-7855-42226 349-949-7855-42226 0 COASTWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. CALLAGHAN MOLD REMEDIATION MOLD REMEDIATION OUTSTANDING 1 209096 $68.85 68.85 05/13/14 64534 150-160-7357-00000 0 CODE PUBLISHING ELEC UPDATE OUTSTANDING 13 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208435 $69.00 69.00 04/23/14 65666 150-110-7232-00106 0 COFFMAN-GOMEZ, TRINA MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208732 $381. 30 381.30 05/02/14 02861 130-000-2050-00000 0 COLONIAL LIFE & ACCIDENT INS PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 209100 $81.65 81. 65 05/13/14 64666 150-523-7505-00000 0 COMMERCIAL TRUCK COMPANY MUD FLAPS OUTSTANDING 1 209105 $3040.02 3040.02 05/13/14 65079 710-530-7324-00000 0 COMPOSITECH PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING INC. HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS OUTSTANDING 1 209135 $7760.00 7760.00 05/13/14 66011 150-130-7303-00035 0 CONSTANTINE, WILLIAM J. VIEIRA V COW OUTSTANDING 1 209111 $96539.34 96539.34 05/13/14 65296 720-598-7537-42105 0 CORIX WATER PRODUCTS, INC. SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208428 $126.50 126.50 04/23/14 62980 150-410-7232-00000 0 CORRAL, TOMAS MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208444 $1414.00 1414.00 04/23/14 03019 710-911-7855-42110 0 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ ENCROACHMENT PERMIT W BEACH OUTSTANDING 1 208733 $768.35 463.35 125.00 180.00 05/02/14 03017 130-000-2050-00000 130-000-2050-00000 130-000-2050-00000 0 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ S.CARRILLO O.LOPEZ C.SANCHEZ OUTSTANDING 1 208812 $50.00 50.00 05/13/14 03015 150-315-7309-00000 0 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ FILING FEE OUTSTANDING 1 208813 $8489.05 8489.05 05/13/14 03015 150-162-7307-00000 0 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ ELECTION PETITIONS OUTSTANDING 1 208814 $6711.00 6711.00 05/13/14 03019 740-572-7361-00000 0 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ AGREED CONTRIBUTION OUTSTANDING 1 208832 $735.03 735.03 05/13/14 05864 150-419-7361-00000 0 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ OPEN QUERY OUTSTANDING 1 208921 $8726.27 8726. 27 05/13/14 50775 150-410-7331-00000 0 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ RADIO SHOP 3RD QRT OUTSTANDING 1 209025 $150.00 75.00 75.00 05/13/14 59083 150-419-7559-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 CRIME SCENE CLEANERS INC VEH CLEANING VEHICLE CLEANING OUTSTANDING 1 209088 $378.68 378.68 05/13/14 63913 730-560-7551-00000 0 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES, INC. SQUIRREL BAIT OUTSTANDING 14 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208815 $409.29 174.67 57.95 75.95 47.95 52.77 05/13/14 03084 150-690-7322-00000 710-540-7361-00421 150-250-7322-00000 150-523-7222-00000 150-417-7533-00000 0 CRUZIO/THE INTERNET STORE INC. DSL DSL DSL DSL DSL OUTSTANDING 1 208754 $3695.15 3695.15 05/02/14 65812 130-000-2050-00000 0 CSAC EXCESS INSURANCE AUTHORITY PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 208805 $225.00 225.00 05/13/14 01770 710-530-7351-00000 0 CWEA AL HERNANDEZ-GRD 1 OUTSTANDING 1 209094 $1980.46 1980.46 05/13/14 64433 720-596-7559-00000 0 D & M TRAFFIC SERVICES, INC. TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208816 $1810.56 367.63 262.50 25.00 367.63 787.80 05/13/14 03118 150-690-7361-00000 720-596-7559-00000 720-598-7559-00000 150-690-7361-00000 710-540-7559-00185 0 D&G SANITATION UNIT/EXTRA SERVICE UNIT RENTAL SPECIAL SERVICE UNIT/EXTRA SERVICE TOILET RENTAL OUTSTANDING 1 208817 $149.66 52.13 34.42 63.11 05/13/14 03220 150-523-7505-00000 710-530-7324-00000 150-523-7324-00000 0 DAVIS AUTO PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 209029 $600.00 600.00 05/13/14 59801 206-364-7307-00000 0 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OUTSTANDING ST ENTER ZONE VOUCHER 1 208818 $1158.00 1107. 00 51. 00 05/13/14 03422 150-409-7361-00000 150-409-7361-00000 0 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FINGERPRINT FEES H&S ANALYSIS OUTSTANDING 1 208910 $155.00 155.00 05/13/14 50272 720-598-7359-00000 0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CERT RENEWAL S HERNANDEZ OUTSTANDING 1 208911 $130.00 130.00 05/13/14 50272 720-598-7359-00000 0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH CERT RENEWAL S CARRILLO OUTSTANDING 1 208912 $90.00 90.00 05/13/14 50272 720-596-7351-00000 0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DRINK WATER OPER OUTSTANDING 1 208922 $9446. 40 9446.40 05/13/14 50806 720-596-7369-00000 0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM NO 4410011 OUTSTANDING 1 209097 $1143. 97 907.04 05/13/14 64625 740-575-7369-00000 0 DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCES RECYCLING & RECOVERY 3RD QTR SERVICES OUTSTANDING 15 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # 236.93 740-572-7369-00000 ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS lST QTR 2014 55719 DEVIN DERHAM-BURK E.SANTANA OUTSTANDING 1 208734 $286.15 286.15 05/02/14 03017 130-000-2050-00000 1 208819 $5000.00 5000.00 05/13/14 03521 150-690-7325-00000 0 DIAMOND D COMPANY EPOXY CONCRETE CALLAGHAN OUTSTANDING 1 208820 $107.35 107.35 05/13/14 03589 150-691-7511-00166 0 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY CONTIGO SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208937 $3971. 95 3934.95 37.00 05/13/14 52046 150-523-7505-00000 740-575-7324-00000 0 DIXON & SONS TIRES INC. TIRES AND REPAIRS TIRES AND REPAIRS OUTSTANDING 1 208441 $300.00 300.00 04/23/14 56866 710-540-7559-00422 0 DULCERIA MARQUEZ JUMP HOUSES FOR DAY OF CHILD OUTSTANDING 1 208821 $4073.75 4073.75 05/13/14 03913 205-385-7367-01502 0 EL PAJARO COMMUNITY DEV CORP RESOLUTION NO. 62-13 (CM) OUTSTANDING 1 208755 $462875.58 462875.58 05/01/14 65748 787-299-7319-00000 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SPECIALISTS, INC. HEALTH BENEFITS OUTSTANDING 1 209136 $900.00 900.00 05/13/14 66026 740-570-7361-00000 0 ENCOMPASS COMMUNITY SERVICES GRAFFITI TRUCK WASH PRGM OUTSTANDING 1 208455 $2215.95 2215.95 05/01/14 62246 150-620-7322-00000 0 ENVISIONWARE, INC ANNUAL MAINTENANCE OUTSTANDING 1 209133 $150.00 150.00 05/13/14 65950 150-315-7090-00000 0 ESPINO, MANNY SAFETY BOOTS OUTSTANDING 1 209116 $5820.00 3060.00 2760.00 05/13/14 65447 710-541-7315-07024 710-541-7315-07024 0 EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL, INC. SAMPLES SAMPLES OUTSTANDING 1 208925 $260.00 260.00 05/13/14 51017 120-279-5895-00192 0 FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY OF THE CENTRAL COAST REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208948 $2378.94 414.55 87.19 9.68 7.29 360.26 60.54 105.64 252.57 145.49 05/13/14 52833 150-680-7504-00000 150-680-7559-00000 354-959-7821-00188 354-958-7821-00190 150-680-7504-00000 150-680-7504-00000 150-680-7559-00000 150-680-7504-00000 150-680-7533-00000 0 FASTENAL COMPANY BLEACH SAFETY SUPPLY SAFETY SUPPLY SAFETY SUPPLY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 16 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT 81. 70 258.25 22.49 184.89 102.58 5.36 6.58 13.50 33.37 11. 32 215.69 CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # 150-680-7533-00000 740-570-7324-00000 150-680-7533-00000 150-680-7533-00000 150-680-7504-00000 150-680-7533-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-680-7559-00000 710-530-7324-00000 05/13/14 52833 ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS EARMUFF SUPPLIES/MATERIALS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SS HOLE SAW PARTS PARTS PARTS 0 UNISSUED UNISSUED 1 208949 1 208822 $54.29 23.08 17.95 13.26 05/13/14 04170 730-560-7212-00000 150-410-7212-00000 730-560-7212-00000 0 FEDEX SHIPPING SUPPLIES SHIPPING FEES SHIPPING FEES OUTSTANDING 1 209090 $2735.31 1354.45 1380.86 05/13/14 63960 730-560-7361-00000 730-560-7361-00000 0 FIRST ALARM SECURITY & PATROL, INC. PATROL SERVICES PATROL SERVICE OUTSTANDING 1 208823 $1086.39 131. 25 212.16 130.20 321.09 84.21 207.48 05/13/14 04282 720-596-7559-00000 150-690-7361-00000 720-596-7361-00000 740-575-7361-00000 150-419-7533-00000 150-680-7361-00000 0 FIRST ALARM, INC. 320 HARVEST DR 231 UNION ST 1521 FREEDOM BLVD 730 SAN ANDREAS RD ALARM FEES 795 VISTA MONTANA OUTSTANDING 1 208438 $56750.00 55750.00 1000.00 04/23/14 65169 210-610-7367-02047 221-347-7367-00000 0 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY FTHBP I ORTIZ 123 EL CAPITAN FTHBP I ORTIZ 123 EL CAPITAN OUTSTANDING 1 208824 $271.23 154.18 117. 05 05/13/14 04302 710-541-7506-00000 710-541-7506-00000 0 FISHER SCIENTIFIC PARTS DRIERITE OUTSTANDING 1 209066 $412.50 412.50 05/13/14 62808 710-540-7559-00422 0 FLEMING, JOSEPHINE GBP CONSULTING SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 209000 $12980.00 12980.00 05/13/14 56449 720-598-7537-42105 0 FONSECA/MCELROY GRINDING COMPANY NIGHT GRINDER OUTSTANDING 1 208950 $174.25 89.75 42.25 42.25 05/13/14 52852 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 FREEDOM TUNE-UP SMOG INSPECTION SMOG INSPECT SMOG OUTSTANDING 17 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208997 $352.00 196. 00 156.00 05/13/14 56117 740-572-7361-00023 740-572-7361-00023 0 FREON FREE CHEMICALS APPLIANCE PROC CHEMICALS/APPLIANCE PROCESS OUTSTANDING 1 208825 $85.41 85.41 05/13/14 04640 740-570-7559-00000 0 FUJITAS GARDEN,INC SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208826 $286.25 153.67 132.58 05/13/14 04707 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 0 GALE/CENGAGE LEARNING BOOKS BOOKS OUTSTANDING 1 208956 $100.00 100.00 05/13/14 53250 720-596-7772-00000 0 GARCIA, OLGA FRUTOS WASHER REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 209087 $52.07 52.07 05/13/14 63912 150-523-7505-00000 0 GCS ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT SERVICES, INC. SWITCH IGNITION OUTSTANDING 1 208946 $388.50 388.50 05/13/14 52482 205-380-7501-00000 0 GMS ANNUAL LICENSE OUTSTANDING 1 208938 $80.50 80.50 05/13/14 52148 150-409-7232-00000 0 GONZALEZ, SAUL IA PRO SYMPOSIUM MEAL ADV OUTSTANDING 1 209120 $553.10 266.00 287.10 05/13/14 65597 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY TIRES LOT TIRES OUTSTANDING 1 208905 $156.74 156.74 05/13/14 11442 150-523-7505-00000 0 GRAINGER SUPPLIES/MATERIALS OUTSTANDING 1 208440 $3716 .13 3716.13 04/23/14 05030 720-598-7537-00000 0 GRANITE ROCK COMPANY SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208452 $17004.04 1312.73 8761.01 920.21 4333.81 1676.28 04/30/14 05030 720-598-7559-00000 720-598-7559-00000 720-598-7537-42105 720-598-7537-42105 720-598-7537-42105 0 GRANITE ROCK COMPANY MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS MATERIALS OUTSTANDING 1 208957 $385.00 385.00 05/13/14 53271 710-530-7559-00000 0 GREEN TOUCH MARCH MAINT OUTSTANDING 1 208973 $250.00 250.00 05/13/14 54377 260-336-7533-03226 0 GREEN VALLEY CINEMA 8 GIFT CARDS OUTSTANDING 1 209068 $4914.19 4914.19 05/13/14 62928 202-367-7303-00000 0 GRESHAM SAVAGE NOLAN & TILDEN APC FORMERLY PO S004799 (C/0#4) OUTSTANDING 1 209104 $260.22 05/13/14 65001 0 GROCERY OUTLET OUTSTANDING 18 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 26.10 17.28 23.25 120.20 21. 75 4.69 46.95 150-691-7533-00159 150-691-7511-00166 150-691-7533-00161 150-691-7533-00161 260-339-7559-04001 150-691-7342-00166 150-691-7511-00166 SPRING CAMP CONTIGO SPLS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208827 $1335.00 1335.00 05/13/14 05137 150-690-7361-00000 0 GRUNSKY EBEY FARRAR & HOWELL,INC SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 209039 $100.00 100.00 05/13/14 60597 720-596-7772-00000 0 GUERRERO, OMAR WASHER REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 209058 $780.00 780.00 05/13/14 62292 710-540-7307-00000 0 GUTIERREZ CONSULTANTS, INC CONSULTING SERVICES FOR OUTSTANDING 1 208828 $56.68 56.68 05/13/14 05209 710-541-7506-00000 0 HACH COMPANY CHLORINE OUTSTANDING 1 209028 $297.00 297.00 05/13/14 59740 720-600-7361-00000 0 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS REPORT UPGRADE OUTSTANDING 1 209098 $380.57 380.57 05/13/14 64640 340-940-7837-82216 0 HATCH MOTT MACDONALD, LLC. SIGNAL TIMING ANALYSIS (FOR TL OUTSTANDING 1 208947 $505.19 409.19 96. 00 05/13/14 52798 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS, INC. CABLE WINDSHIELD TOWELS OUTSTANDING 1 209131 $200.00 100.00 100.00 05/13/14 65810 120-279-5895-00159 120-279-5895-00159 0 HERNANDEZ, ALFREDO REFUND CAR WASH REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208436 $69.00 69.00 04/23/14 65508 150-110-7232-00101 0 HERNANDEZ, FELIPE MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208445 $1421.65 114. 67 34.69 26.92 1067.78 11. 45 149.85 9. 80 6.49 04/23/14 51675 720-596-7559-00000 720-598-7559-00000 730-560-7221-00000 720-598-7559-00000 150-450-7325-00000 260-339-7559-04001 720-597-7559-00000 150-692-7510-00210 0 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 209059 $1729.98 1729.98 05/13/14 62391 740-570-7361-00000 0 HOPE SERVICES INC. RESOLUTION NO. 42-13(CM) OUTSTANDING 19 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209139 $56.00 56.00 05/13/14 66073 150-691-7343-00159 0 HORIBE, ERIC ZUMBA STRENGTH OUTSTANDING 1 208434 $69.00 69.00 04/23/14 50505 150-110-7232-00103 0 HURST, LOWELL MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208909 $210.00 210.00 05/13/14 50201 150-690-7361-00000 0 HUTCHINSON AND BLOODGOOD SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 208830 $314.00 314.00 05/13/14 05812 160-278-7775-00000 0 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. ACCOUNT MAINT OUTSTANDING 1 208736 $4025.00 4025.00 05/02/14 05813 130-000-2050-00000 0 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 303800 OUTSTANDING 1 208737 $2668.68 2668.68 05/02/14 05813 130-000-2050-00000 0 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 457 303884 PTS OUTSTANDING 1 208831 $286.45 286.45 05/13/14 05818 710-541-7506-00000 0 IDEXX LABORATORIES INC. SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208939 $1329.94 571. 54 758.40 05/13/14 52158 720-596-7324-00000 720-596-7324-00000 0 INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC CORP. DESKTOP CHARGER DESKTOP CHARGER OUTSTANDING 1 209091 $6609.12 6609.12 05/13/14 64123 720-600-7361-00230 0 INFOSEND, INC. BILLING SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 209072 $950.33 950.33 05/13/14 63098 150-409-7357-00000 0 INNERWORKINGS NOT TO APPEAR FORMS OUTSTANDING 1 209077 $18.46 18.46 05/13/14 63231 150-450-7559-00000 0 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER BATTERY OUTSTANDING 1 208833 $1118. 58 1118.58 05/13/14 06009 150-523-7505-00000 0 INTERSTATE BATTERY CO BATTERIES OUTSTANDING 1 209147 $135. 00 135. 00 05/13/14 66132 250-935-7857-42043 0 J STOR BOOK OUTSTANDING 1 208941 $250.00 250.00 05/13/14 52176 120-279-5895-00193 0 JAMES, MIRIAM REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 209052 $5270.42 4961.25 309.17 05/13/14 61846 730-560-7303-00040 150-130-7307-00000 0 JARVIS, FAY & DOPORTO, LLP LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 209041 $730.00 91. 00 91. 00 05/13/14 60829 720-596-7361-00000 710-531-7361-00000 0 JERRY ALLISON LANDSCAPING INC. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE OUTSTANDING 20 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 548.00 720-597-7361-00000 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE INVOICE # LANDSCAPING INC. SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208976 $1336.00 622.00 649.00 65.00 05/13/14 54438 246-321-7361-00000 309-525-7361-00000 309-525-7361-00000 0 K & D LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE OUTSTANDING 1 208834 $170.37 23.31 32.53 98.36 16.17 05/13/14 06355 150-691-7511-00166 710-540-7559-00185 150-688-7533-00000 710-540-7559-00185 0 K-MART CORP DAY OF THE CHILD SPLS EARTH DAY SUPPLIES PCS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208945 $381. 38 346.18 35.20 05/13/14 52417 710-531-7559-00000 740-570-7559-00024 0 KELLY-MOORE PAINT COMPANY, INC. SUPPLIES PAINT OUTSTANDING 1 209127 $24255.00 10272.50 13982.50 05/13/14 65730 260-339-7361-03310 260-339-7361-03310 0 KEMA SERVICES, INC. RESOLUTION NO. 32-13(CM) RESOLUTION NO. 32-13(CM) OUTSTANDING 1 208931 $7555.83 7555.83 05/13/14 51608 710-530-7551-00000 0 KEMIRA WATER SOLUTIONS, INC. FERRIC CHLORIDE OUTSTANDING 1 208836 $1988.00 755.44 755.44 397.60 79.52 05/13/14 06493 720-913-7855-42110 250-935-7855-42110 150-901-7855-42110 730-910-7855-42110 0 KNOWLTON CONSTRUCTION SIDEWALK REPAIR SIDEWALK REPAIR SIDEWALK REPAIR SIDEWALK REPAIR OUTSTANDING 1 208943 $2594.87 2594.87 05/13/14 52265 720-596-7770-00000 0 KOKP DEVELOPMENT, LLC REFUND OVERPAYMENT OUTSTANDING 1 209129 $3308.00 3308.00 05/13/14 65783 309-525-7361-00000 0 KONE, INC. INTALL TIMER BEACH ST GARAGE OUTSTANDING 1 2 087 64 $2675.00 2675.00 05/06/14 62638 150-680-7361-00000 0 LA SELVA PROPOSALS DATED MARCH 6 2014 OUTSTANDING 1 209079 $71.26 71. 26 05/13/14 63399 740-575-7559-00000 0 LANDTEC NORTH AMERICA SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 207517 04/24/14 00000 0 UNISSUED UNISSUED 1 209124 05/13/14 00000 0 UNISSUED UNISSUED 1 209125 05/13/14 00000 0 UNISSUED UNISSUED 1 209126 05/13/14 00000 0 UNISSUED UNISSUED 21 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209010 $562.50 562.50 05/13/14 57439 150-409-7307-00000 0 LANSING, KAREN STRESS PRESENTATION OUTSTANDING 1 208928 $90.00 90.00 05/13/14 51413 150-410-7516-00000 0 LARUE'S AUTO REPAIR REMOVAL BREAK LINES OUTSTANDING 1 208456 $150.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 05/01/14 66063 150-110-7232-00103 150-110-7232-00105 150-110-7232-00106 150-110-7232-00102 150-120-7232-00000 0 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DIVISION MEETING DIVISION MEETING DIVISION MEETING DIVISION MEETING DIVISION MEETING OUTSTANDING 1 209048 $3200.00 3200.00 05/13/14 61544 150-409-7361-00000 0 LEXIPOL LLC SUB UPDATE OUTSTANDING 1 208837 $3930.00 180.00 570.00 3180.00 05/13/14 06753 150-409-7307-00000 150-409-7307-00000 150-409-7307-00000 0 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE PROF. SVCS WAl00-00023 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 208838 $227.85 227.85 05/13/14 06760 150-523-7505-00000 0 LINCOLN STREET RADIATOR RADIATOR OUTSTANDING 1 209050 $487.00 487.00 05/13/14 61792 120-279-5895-00178 0 MAGANA, VERONICA REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208426 $126.50 126.50 04/23/14 51934 150-410-7232-00000 0 MAGDAYAO, ANTHONY MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 209122 $553.63 59.68 493.95 05/13/14 65685 150-110-7357-00000 710-530-7324-00000 0 MALDONADO, JUAN BUSINESS CARDS MOBILE WASTE FORMS OUTSTANDING 1 2 087 65 $4480.00 4480.00 05/07/14 06934 150-450-7325-00000 0 MARK ROOD COMPANY PAVEMENT PATCH OUTSTANDING 1 209005 $172.00 172.00 05/13/14 57169 150-692-7770-00162 0 MARTINEZ, JOSE BERNABE REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208915 $70.00 70.00 05/13/14 50395 150-692-7770-00162 0 MARTINEZ, LORENA LOPEZ ENROLLMENT REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 209042 $100.00 100.00 05/13/14 61061 720-596-7772-00000 0 MARTINEZ, RAUL WASHER REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 208839 $1623.17 1623.17 05/13/14 06970 150-523-7505-00000 0 MARTY FRANICH FORD-LINCOLN-MERCURY VEHICLE REPAIRS OUTSTANDING 1 208994 $250.00 05/13/14 55830 0 MATHIEWS, STEVEN B. OUTSTANDING 22 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 250.00 120-279-5895-00193 REFUND INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208840 $404.52 242.35 78.86 83.31 05/13/14 07063 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 710-530-7324-00000 0 MCMASTER CARR BATTERY GREASE GUN TIME/DAY ACTIVATED SWITCH SUPPLIES/MATERIALS OUTSTANDING 1 208841 $32.72 32.72 05/13/14 07130 720-596-7559-00000 0 MERCURY METALS, INC SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208449 $1979.00 1979.00 04/29/14 65885 787-299-7320-00000 0 MES VISION CHECK RUN 4/15/14 OUTSTANDING 1 208761 $1853.00 1853.00 05/05/14 65885 787-299-7320-00000 0 MES VISION CHECK RUN 4/30/14 OUTSTANDING 1 208934 $2770.52 2770.52 05/13/14 51806 150-410-7331-00000 0 METRO MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS RADIO EQUIP FOR MOTORCYCLE OUTSTANDING 1 208920 $380.40 380.40 05/13/14 50750 710-541-7361-00000 0 METTLER-TOLEDO INC. PREVENTATIVE MAINT OUTSTANDING 1 208842 .$3964.21 69.70 286.22 104.09 646.92 245.47 338.78 200.00 388.46 519.26 629.06 64.02 39.06 19.53 335.74 77.90 05/13/14 07170 246-321-7324-00000 730-560-7504-00000 150-450-7504-00000 150-620-7504-00000 OUTSTANDING 150-410-7324-00000 710-530-7559-00000 720-596-7559-00000 150-690-7361-00000 150-220-7324-00000 309-521-7324-00000 150-450-7533-00000 150-691-7511-00166 246-321-7324-00000 720-596-7324-00000 0 MID VALLEY SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 150-622~7504-00000 1 209047 $28.70 28.70 05/13/14 61514 150-692-7510-00210 0 MID-AMERICA SPORTS ADVANTAGE DIGOUT TOOLS OUTSTANDING 1 208429 $126.50 126.50 04/23/14 53348 150-410-7232-00000 0 MONTALBO, ERIC MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208980 $893.90 284.00 285.90 174.00 100.00 05/13/14 54802 710-541-7315-07022 710-541-7315-07026 710-532-7315-00000 710-534-7361-00000 0 MONTEREY BAY ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC. ANALYSIS ANALYSIS ANALYSIS ANALYSIS OUTSTANDING 23 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 50.00 710-541-7315-07024 ANALYSIS INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208843 $870.00 870.00 05/13/14 07367 730-560-7369-00000 0 MONTEREY BAY UNIFIED AIR TOXIC FEE/PERMIT OUTSTANDING 1 209093 $250.00 250.00 05/13/14 64408 120-279-5895-00193 0 MONTEREY REGIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL RENTAL REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208432 $69.00 69.00 04/23/14 64966 150-110-7232-00104 0 MONTESINO, EDUARDO MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208844 $214.00 44.40 6.42 19.14 109.37 98.4310.37131.44 12.03 05/13/14 07400 730-560-7221-00000 730-560-7221-00000 730-560-7221-00000 730-560-7221-00000 730-560-7221-00000 730-560-7221-00000 730-560-7221-00000 730-560-7221-00000 0 MONUMENT LUMBER COMPANY STATEMENT 4/25/14 STATEMENT 4/25/14 STATEMENT 4/25/14 STATEMENT 4/25/14 STATEMENT 4/25/14 STATEMENT 4/25/14 STATEMENT 4/25/14 STATEMENT 4/25/14 OUTSTANDING 1 209004 $60.00 60.00 05/13/14 56979 150-692-7770-00162 0 MOORE, CHRISTAL REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208845 $1170.53 1170.53 05/13/14 07487 710-530-7324-00000 0 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC. GEAR MOTOR OUTSTANDING 1 208929 $1495.00 598.00 598.00 299.00 05/13/14 51460 150-160-7322-00000 710-540-7361-00000 201-360-7501-00000 0 MUNIMETRIX SYSTEMS CORP IMAGEFLOW SOFTWARE SUPPORT IMAGEFLOW SOFTWARE SUPPORT IMAGEFLOW SOFTWARE SUPPORT OUTSTANDING 1 209017 $767.00 7 67. 00 05/13/14 58265 150-688-7344-00000 0 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TOWN WATCH BANNERS OUTSTANDING 1 209018 $35.00 35.00 05/13/14 58265 150-688-7344-00000 0 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TOWN WATCH MEMBERSHIP OUTSTANDING 1 209117 $44.00 44.00 05/13/14 65473 250-935-7857-42043 0 NATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS SP BOOKS OUTSTANDING 1 209032 $22268.54 22268.54 05/13/14 60037 720-597-7559-00000 0 NATIONAL METER & AUTOMATION, INC. BRONZE METERS OUTSTANDING 1 208735 $20862.19 20862.19 05/02/14 05078 130-000-2050-00000 0 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 209063 $243.93 40.63 40.66 05/13/14 62579 150-230-7212-00000 710-530-7212-00000 0 NEOPOST, INC. MAIL MACHINE MAINT MAIL MACHINE MAINT OUTSTANDING 24 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 40.66 40.66 40.66 40.66 720-596-7212-00000 730-560-7212-00000 740-570-7212-00000 150-620-7212-00000 MAIL MAIL MAIL MAIL MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS MAINT MAINT MAINT MAINT 1 209044 $100.00 100.00 05/13/14 61072 720-596-7772-00000 0 NOLASCO, ANA MARIA WASHER REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 209101 $451.00 320.00 131. 00 05/13/14 64776 150-692-7351-00163 150-692-7351-00210 0 NOR CAL ASA SOFTBALL TEAM REGISTRATION SOFTBALL TEAM REGISTRATION OUTSTANDING 1 208959 $26105.00 26105.00 05/13/14 53317 720-913-7855-33190 0 NORTHERN DESIGN INC PAINTING PROJECT OUTSTANDING 1 209034 $519.77 184.77 80.00 80.00 175.00 05/13/14 60342 730-560-7326-00000 150-523-7505-00000 730-560-7326-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 NPM INC. LEAK REPAIR MONTHLY INSPECTION UST MONTHLY INSPEC APRIL 2014 REPAIR OUTSTANDING 1 208917 $476.42 476.42 05/13/14 50515 150-620-7351-00000 0 OCLC, INC. CATALOGING/METADATA OUTSTANDING 1 209070 $4731. 04 4731. 04 05/13/14 63012 710-532-7551-00000 0 OLIN CORPORATION SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE OUTSTANDING 1 208738 $5664.00 5664.00 05/02/14 08107 130-000-2050-00000 0 OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL #3 PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 208846 $52.04 30.36 21. 68 05/13/14 08108 730-560-7325-00000 150-620-7321-00000 0 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 209055 $807.34 26.24 21.69 132.35 21. 69 30.37 147.83 264.44 86.79 75.94 05/13/14 62007 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 740-570-7559-00000 720-596-7559-03180 150-523-7505-00000 150-680-7533-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-680-7557-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 OSUNA AUTO ELECTRIC & SMALL ENGINE REPAIR MINI C BREAKER PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS THROTTLE CABLE PARTS TRIMMER LINE CLUTCH PULLEY OUTSTANDING 1 208926 $303.40 303.40 05/13/14 51044 150-523-7505-00000 0 OWEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY SENSOR OUTSTANDING 1 209075 $314.28 156.03 05/13/14 63167 710-541-7506-00000 0 PACIFIC 4 GLOVES OUTSTANDING 25 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 158.25 710-541-7506-00000 GLOVES INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208847 $143.84 143.84 05/13/14 08185 150-220-7324-00000 0 PACIFIC COAST FLAG US FLAG OUTSTANDING 1 208848 $954.00 217.50 84.00 92.50 52.50 52.50 85.00 70.00 35.00 120.00 62.50 82.50 05/13/14 08223 720-597-7361-00000 150-210-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 720-597-7361-00000 0 PACIFIC CREDIT SERVICES INC PRE COLLECT 1/23/14 CREDIT REPORTS PRE COLLECT MARCH 2014 PRE COLLECT 10/21/13 PRE COLLECT 11/26/13 PRE COLLECT 4/28/13 PRE COLLECT 4/29/13 PRE COLLECT 5/20/13 PRE COLLECT 7/11/13 PRE COLLECT 8/20/13 PRE COLLECT 9/26/13 OUTSTANDING 1 209001 $2569.98 2569.98 05/13/14 56752 281-929-7820-42025 0 PACIFIC CREST ENGINEERING, INC. FIELD IMP OUTSTANDING ;; 1 209109 $4407.52 4407.52 05/13/14 65166 710-541-7315-07021 0 PACIFIC ECORISK, INC. TOXICITY TESTS OUTSTANDING 1 208849 $710.37 710. 37 05/13/14 08230 150-680-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 795 VISTA MONTANA OUTSTANDING 1 208850 $399.72 399.72 05/13/14 08230 150-450-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 370 AIRPORT BLVD OUTSTANDING 1 208851 $39.48 39.48 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC PAJARO @ GRN VLY RD OUTSTANDING 1 208852 $10597.50 10597.50 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 43 COMPTON/REF100109 OBF OUTSTANDING 1 208853 $27.65 27.65 05/13/14 08230 720-596-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 998 MAIN ST OUTSTANDING 1 208854 $58.04 58.04 05/13/14 08230 710-530-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC W BEACH & LEE OUTSTANDING 1 208855 $104.04 104.04 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC HWY 129 @ BLACKBURN OUTSTANDING 1 208856 $51.17 51.17 05/13/14 08230 740-572-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC OHLONE AND HARKIN SLOUGH OUTSTANDING 1 208857 $1115.33 1115. 33 05/13/14 08230 740-572-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 500 2ND ST OUTSTANDING 26 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 208858 $3807.78 3807.78 05/13/14 08230 730-560-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC BUENA VISTA OUTSTANDING 1 208859 $15660.11 15660.11 05/13/14 08230 710-532-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 401 PANABAKER OUTSTANDING 1 208860 $2197.95 2197.95 05/13/14 08230 309-525-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 260 RODRIGUES ST OUTSTANDING 1 208861 $19.41 19.41 05/13/14 08230 150-680-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 201 PACIFICA BLVD OUTSTANDING 1 208862 $205.79 205.79 05/13/14 08230 150-688-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 26 W FRONT ST OUTSTANDING 1 208863 $11.40 11. 40 05/13/14 08230 150-690-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 75 HOPE DR OUTSTANDING 1 208864 $52.95 52.95 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC HARKING SLOUGH OUTSTANDING 1 208865 $423.99 423.99 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC W BEACH AND MAIN OUTSTANDING 1 208866 $3625.35 3625.35 05/13/14 08230 710-531-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC PUFFIN LN OUTSTANDING 1 208867 $10.45 10.45 05/13/14 08230 354-959-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 1180 E LAKE AVE OUTSTANDING 1 208868 $234.36 234.36 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CENTRAL AVE OUTSTANDING 1 208869 $10418.55 10418.55 05/13/14 08230 710-532-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 401 PANABAKER OUTSTANDING 1 208870 $181. 30 181.30 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC W 5TH AND MAIN OUTSTANDING 1 208871 $2043.63 2043.63 05/13/14 08230 150-690-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 1301 MAIN ST OUTSTANDING 1 208872 $82.03 82.03 05/13/14 08230 150-417-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 130 RODRIGUEZ ST OUTSTANDING 1 208873 $7244.21 7244.21 05/13/14 08230 720-596-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 101 LIGHTHOUSE DR OUTSTANDING 1 208874 $21. 03 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC OUTSTANDING 05/13/14 08230 0 27 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 21. 03 710-530-7211-00000 ELEC INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208875 $34820.08 34820.08 05/13/14 08230 720-596-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 51 BURCHELL AVE OUTSTANDING 1 208876 $9. 8 6 9. 8 6 05/13/14 08230 720-596-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 127 RIVERSIDE DR OUTSTANDING 1 208877 $2571.36 2571.36 05/13/14 08230 150-680-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC ELEC OUTSTANDING 1 208878 $61.53 61. 53 05/13/14 08230 730-561-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 1487 HIGHWAY 1 OUTSTANDING 1 208879 $12.21 12.21 05/13/14 08230 150-680-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 651 OHLONE OUTSTANDING 1 208880 $964. 67 964. 67 05/13/14 08230 354-959-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 125 AVIATION WAY OUTSTANDING 1 208881 $34.85 34.85 05/13/14 08230 150-680-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 37 DAVIS AVE OUTSTANDING 1 208882 $922.56 922.56 05/13/14 08230 150-510-7211-00000 0 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC FREEDOM & DAVIS OUTSTANDING 1 208883 $3986.27 3986.27 05/13/14 08300 150-523-7505-00000 0 PACIFIC TRUCK PARTS TRUCK PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 208884 $225.00 225.00 05/13/14 08322 150-690-7221-00000 0 PAJARO VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESS EXPO OUTSTANDING 1 208986 $953.73 691.72 25.33 111. 60 99.38 25.70 05/13/14 55375 740-572-7324-00023 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 PAJARO VALLEY FABRICATION INC. REPAIR HINGES, DOORS ETC. SHEAR MATERIAL TRUCK 625 REPAIR REPAIR FIRE TRK FLAT BAR OUTSTANDING 1 208885 $832.53 147.88 95.00 11. 65 30.38 6.05 25.29 135.52 321. 25 12.34 41.12 05/13/14 08340 150-220-7324-00000 150-220-7361-00000 150-450-7323-00000 150-690-7325-00000 150-680-7541-00000 150-692-7510-00162 740-570-7324-00000 730-560-7303-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-450-7325-00000 0 PAJARO VALLEY LOCK SHOP LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS LOCKS & REPAIRS OUTSTANDING 28 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: •04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 6.05 150-417-7322-00000 LOCKS & REPAIRS INVOICE # VALLEY PREVENTION & STUDENT NO. 8-13 (CM) NO. 6-14(CM) NO. 8-13 (CM) INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208940 $37157.35 16002.18 7350.30 13804.87 05/13/14 52165 260-336-7367-03226 260-336-7367-03234 260-336-7367-03226 0 PAJARO RESOLUTION RESOLUTION RESOLUTION 1 208886 $3208.80 356.97 4 61.13 124.78 85.06 531. 65 1546.13 103.08 05/13/14 08343 150-409-7357-00000 720-597-7559-00000 710-540-7559-00185 150-691-7501-00166 710-540-7559-00185 150-280-7357-00000 150-409-7357-00000 0 PAJARO VALLEY PRINTING WAIVER FORMS DOOR HANGERS WATER NOTICE EARTH DAY FLYERS CONTIGO NEWSLETTER PW PRINTING OUR TOWN NEWSLETTER MAY 14 TRAIN REQ FORMS OUTSTANDING 1 208752 $54.00 54.00 05/02/14 59033 130-000-2050-00000 0 PAL POLICE ACTIVITIES LEAGUE PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 209026 $375.00 375.00 05/13/14 59615 150-690-7361-00000 0 PANTHER PROTECTIVE SERVICE MONTHLY SERVICE OUTSTANDING 1 209040 $508.47 508.47 05/13/14 60618 150-523-7505-00000 0 PAPE MATERIAL HANDLING, INC. PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 208982 $12381.02 12381.02 05/13/14 55241 710-530-7324-00000 0 PARKSON CORPORATION REPAIR PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 208998 $185.08 185.08 05/13/14 56193 150-523-7505-00000 0 PASO ROBLES TRUCK CENTER FUEL FILTERS OUTSTANDING 1 208984 $4041. 00 3086.00 400.00 230.00 125.00 200.00 05/13/14 55276 710-530-7361-00000 710-530-7361-00000 710-530-7361-00000 710-530-7361-00000 710-530-7361-00000 0 PENINSULA PEST MANAGEMENT INC. APPLICATION OF HERBICIDE INSECTICIDE APPLICATION APPLICATION OF HERBICIDE VERTEBRATE PEST MNGMNT INSECTICIDE APPLICATION OUTSTANDING 1 209141 $20.00 20.00 05/13/14 66105 150-409-7232-00000 0 PEREZ, JOSEPH REIMBURSEMENT OUTSTANDING 1 208930 $100.04 100.04 05/13/14 51601 710-541-7557-00000 0 PIERSON, BARBARA PARTS FOR WATER FAUCETS OUTSTANDING 1 208887 $1494.00 1494.00 05/13/14 08585 150-510-7533-00000 0 PIONEER RESEARCH CORP VANDAL MARK REMOVER OUTSTANDING 1 209137 $143.10 143.10 05/13/14 66043 150-523-7505-00000 0 PKT WELDING & FABRICATION REPAIR OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING 29 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209049 $100.00 100.00 05/13/14 61585 120-279-5895-00159 0 PLASCENCIA, CORAL REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208983 $25704.74 25704.74 05/13/14 55259 710-532-7551-00000 0 POLYDYNE, INC CLARIFLOC OUTSTANDING 1 208936 $239.56 198.34 41. 22 05/13/14 51955 720-596-7559-00000 720-596-7559-00000 0 PORT SUPPLY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES/MATERIALS FR PINTO LA OUTSTANDING 1 208888 $220.00 220.00 05/13/14 08705 720-597-7212-00000 0 POSTMASTER PERMIT FEE OUTSTANDING 1 209036 $736.08 736.08 05/13/14 60472 150-523-7505-00000 0 POWERPLAN REPAIR CHAIN OUTSTANDING 1 209027 $745.32 23.00 30.00 32. 86 32.86 25.24 32.86 24.06 29.68 224.87 132.80 32.86 23.75 71. 24 29.24 05/13/14 59675 150-690-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 150-690-7361-00000 710-530-7324-00000 150-523-7324-00000 150-690-7361-00000 730-560-7702-00000 740-575-7559-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION,INC CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CYLINDER RENTAL CUT OFF WHEEL OUTSTANDING 1 208753 $569.80 569.80 05/02/14 62976 130-000-2050-00000 0 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC. PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 209128 $175.00 175.00 05/13/14 65776 720-598-7091-00000 0 PRECIADO, JAMIE BOOT REIMBURSEMENT OUTSTANDING 1 208450 $8046. 96 8046. 96 04/29/14 65844 787-299-7318-00000 0 PREFERRED BENEFIT WEEK ENDING 4/17/14 OUTSTANDING 1 208451 $5280.56 5280.56 04/29/14 65844 787-299-7318-00000 0 PREFERRED BENEFIT CLAIMS WEEK ENDING 4/24/14 OUTSTANDING 1 208757 $10652.57 10652.57 05/05/14 65844 787-299-7318-00000 0 PREFERRED BENEFIT CLAIMS W/ENDING 5/08/14 OUTSTANDING 1 208739 $2141.95 2141.95 05/02/14 08790 130-000-2050-00000 0 PROF FIRE FIGHTERS-WATSONVILLE PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 30 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208981 $377.50 377.50 05/13/14 54833 730-560-7221-00000 0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES INC. SIGN INSPECTION OUTSTANDING 1 209064 $400.00 400.00 05/13/14 62598 150-210-7361-00000 0 PROFILES INTERNATIONAL INC. CHECK POINT METERS OUTSTANDING 1 11112381 $242724.92 242724. 92 05/02/14 08840 130-000-2050-00000 0 PUBLIC EMP RETIREMENT SYSTEM PAYROLL FOR - 050214 1 208965 $508.58 508.58 05/13/14 53676 250-935-7857-42043 0 QUALITY BOOKS INC. BOOKS OUTSTANDING 1 208889 $ 61. 0 9 61. 09 05/13/14 08900 740-575-7361-00000 0 QUALITY WATER ENTERPRISES BOTTLE WATER OUTSTANDING 1 209102 $141. 00 141.00 05/13/14 64861 710-541-7361-00000 0 RAININ INSTRUMENT, LLC CALIBRATION OF PIPPETTERS OUTSTANDING 1 208977 $68.00 68.00 05/13/14 54442 120-279-5895-00159 0 RAMIREZ, MAXIMILIAN REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208967 $1710.77 1710.77 05/13/14 54051 720-598-7559-00000 0 REBCO UTILITY SUPPLY, INC PAINT MARKING OUTSTANDING 1 208985 $173.66 146.53 27 .13 05/13/14 55365 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 0 RECORDED BOOKS, LLC BOOKS BOOKS OUTSTANDING 1 208890 $19.95 19.95 05/13/14 09100 710-541-7361-06769 0 REDSHIFT INTERNET SERVICES WEB HOSTING OUTSTANDING 1 209024 $113. 68 113. 68 05/13/14 59014 720-598-7359-00000 0 REGALADO, JESUS CLASS REIMBURSEMENT OUTSTANDING 1 208891 $650.41 237.21 151. 03 2 62 .1 7 05/13/14 09140 205-380-7221-00000 150-315-7221-00000 205-380-7221-00000 0 REGISTER PAJARONIAN LEGAL ADS POPOS HEARING LEGAL ADS OUTSTANDING 1 208892 $2101. 48 105.00 1996.48 05/13/14 09150 150-130-7307-00000 150-130-7307-00000 0 REMCHO, JOHANSEN AND PURCELL LEGAL SERVICES SPEC TAX MEASURE OUTSTANDING 1 209085 $82.50 82.50 05/13/14 63855 150-210-7307-00000 0 RENNE SLOAN HOLTZMAN SAKAI LLP SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 208745 $175.00 175.00 05/02/14 51096 130-000-2050-00000 1 208988 $80.00 05/13/14 55609 51673 REQUA, DEBRA FL003841 C.JOHNSON 0 RESOURCE RECYCLING OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING 31 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 80.00 710-540-7351-00000 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209007 $199.00 199.00 05/13/14 57238 120-279-5895-00161 0 REYNOSO, MELANIE REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208954 $192.17 192.17 05/13/14 53134 150-250-7322-00000 0 RICOH USA, INC. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE OUTSTANDING 1 209003 $1410.16 1410.16 05/13/14 56942 150-409-7702-00000 0 RICOH USA, INC. EQUIPMENT LEASE OUTSTANDING 1 209103 $1750.00 1750.00 05/13/14 64930 740-570-7361-00000 0 RIVAS, RODOLFO REPAIR ELECTRICAL RISER OUTSTANDING 1 209061 $477.00 477.00 05/13/14 62435 120-279-5895-00178 0 ROBLES, DAVID REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208427 $126.50 126.50 04/23/14 52754 150-410-7232-00000 0 ROBLES, HENRY MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 209118 $288.68 175.00 113. 68 05/13/14 65527 720-598-7091-00000 720-598-7359-00000 0 ROCHA, LEONARDO BOOT REIMBURESMENT FY13/14 CLASS REIMBURSEMENT OUTSTANDING 1 209076 $267.00 267.00 05/13/14 63205 120-279-5895-00161 0 ROCHA, MONICA REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 208747 $450.00 450.00 05/02/14 51096 130-000-2050-00000 62457 ROSA F. ROCHA FL024318 S.ROCHA OUTSTANDING 1 209009 $382.05 382.05 05/13/14 57278 720-596-7770-00000 0 RUBIE, JUDIE REFUND OVERPAYMENT OUTSTANDING 1 208766 $950.00 950.00 05/07/14 59188 150-450-7232-00000 0 RYAN, MONICA GRADUATION DINNER OUTSTANDING 1 208740 $9879.46 9879.46 05/02/14 09490 130-000-2050-00000 0 S C COUNTY EMP CREDIT UNION PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 208893 $423.37 423.37 05/13/14 09478 150-688-7344-00000 0 S&S WORLDWIDE, INC. ARTS&CRAFTS SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208894 $1512.75 750.00 762.75 05/13/14 09547 740-572-7361-00023 740-572-7361-00023 0 SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC. BOX FLOR BULBS TECHNICAL LABOR CHARGE/FEE OUTSTANDING 1 208762 $324.95 137.04 113. 60 74.31 05/06/14 63029 150-688-7344-00000 260-336-5890-03235 260-336-7533-03234 0 SAFEWAY, INC. SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 32 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208932 $1335.64 677.04 658.60 05/13/14 51698 720-598-7559-00000 730-560-7221-00000 0 SAN BENITO SUPPLY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208964 $590.00 590.00 05/13/14 53669 710-541-7315-07021 0 SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION CHARTER OF RV JOHN MARTIN OUTSTANDING 1 208443 $15.00 15.00 04/23/14 61137 150-315-7309-00000 0 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY RECORDER RECORDING FEE 132 ROACHE RD OUTSTANDING 1 208989 $365.00 365.00 05/13/14 55705 150-450-7359-00000 0 SCHAEFER, ALMITA L. TRAVEL REIMB OUTSTANDING 1 209038 $5.24 5.24 05/13/14 60576 720-596-7361-00000 0 SCHALOW, FRED LANDSCAPING SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 208895 $299.57 299.57 05/13/14 09832 150-280-7232-00000 0 SCHWAN INC COUNCIL DINNER OUTSTANDING 1 208974 $4094.62 2924.21 1083.00 87.41 05/13/14 54421 150-692-7510-00162 150-692-7510-00210 740-570-7559-00000 0 SCORE AMERICAN SOCCER COMPANY, INC. YOUTH SOCCER UNIFORMS YOUTH SOCCER UNIFORMS CONES OUTSTANDING 1 208896 $146. 97 44.78 80.32 21. 87 05/13/14 09839 740-575-7559-00000 710-530-7324-00000 150-680-7533-00000 0 SCOTTS VALLEY SPRINKLER & PIPE APRIL STATEMENT APRIL STATEMENT APRIL STATEMENT OUTSTANDING 1 208741 $1216.31 1216.31 05/02/14 09882 130-000-2050-00000 0 SEIU LOCAL 521 PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 208749 $2.00 2.00 05/02/14 55327 130-000-2050-00000 0 SEIU LOCAL 521 COPE PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 208944 $2604.24 2604.24 05/13/14 52348 720-596-7551-00000 0 SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 209021 $330.00 265.00 65.00 05/13/14 58677 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 SILVA'S MOBILE GLASS REPLACE WINDSHIELD WINDSHIELD REPAIR OUTSTANDING 1 209011 $100.00 100.00 05/13/14 57822 720-596-7772-00000 0 SKOCKO, JEFF WASHER REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 208453 $76.27 76.27 05/01/14 53798 150-130-7232-00000 0 SMITH, ALAN J. PER DIEM SPRING CONFERENCE OUTSTANDING 1 208447 $750.00 04/24/14 65075 0 SMITH, DONNAE OUTSTANDING 33 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 750.00 150-210-7359-00000 DIVERSITY WORKSHOP INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209112 $56.42 56.42 05/13/14 65351 150-409-7232-00000 0 SOUSA, ELIZABETH S. REIMBURSEMENT OUTSTANDING 1 208916 $9990.00 9990.00 05/13/14 50481 150-409-7359-000DO 0 SOUTH BAY REGIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE ACADEMY OUTSTANDING 1 208969 $225.00 225.00 05/13/14 54158 150-626-7559-00000 0 SPENCER LEARNING ULTIMATE PHONICS PROG OUTSTANDING 1 208960 $122.93 122.93 05/13/14 53322 354-959-7821-00189 0 SPRING VALLEY WHOLESALE NURSERY REPLACEMENT TREE OUTSTANDING 1 208978 $788.97 22.55 67. 65 45.10 45.10 22.55 112. 75 22.55 22.55 90.20 112. 75 135. 30 45.10 45.10 0.28- 05/13/14 54553 150-220-7222-00000 710-530-7222-00000 710-531-7222-00000 710-540-7222-00000 710-541-7222-00000 740-570-7222-00000 740-571-7222-00000 740-572-7222-00000 740-575-7222-00000 720-596-7222-00000 720-597-7222-00000 720-598-7222-00000 150-680-7222-00000 720-596-7222-00000 0 SPRINT CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE OUTSTANDING 1 208979 $1003.95 213.94 8.06 75.98 705.97 05/13/14 54553 730-560-7222-00000 150-450-7222-00000 150-250-7222-00000 150-409-7222-00000 0 SPRINT CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE OUTSTANDING 1 209080 $4070.50 4070.50 05/13/14 63521 281-929-7820-42025 0 SSA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC. SOCCER SCREEN IMP OUTSTANDING 1 208742 $175.00 175.00 05/02/14 10338 130-000-2050-00000 0 ST OF CA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD A.HERNANDEZ OUTSTANDING 1 209067 $2861. 00 2861.00 05/13/14 62855 740-572-7361-00023 0 ST VINCENT DE PAUL RECYCL MATTRESSES OUTSTANDING 1 209035 05/13/14 60391 150-409-7501-00000 150-450-7501-00000 150-450-7501-00000 150-409-7501-00000 0 STAPLES ADVANTAGE PD OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CM SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING $441. 75 266.71 194.20209.32 159.92 34 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208439 $10516.80 10516.80 04/23/14 10319 740-575-7369-00000 0 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION INT. WASTE MGNT FEE RETURN OUTSTANDING 1 208897 $41. 47 41. 4 7 05/13/14 10372 150-220-7324-00000 0 STATE STEEL SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208759 $1791.00 1791.00 05/05/14 10374 740-570-7369-00000 0 STATE WATER RESOURCES CNTRL BD ANL PERMIT FEED MSC OUTSTANDING 1 209143 $59.98 59.98 05/13/14 66112 150-409-7351-00000 0 STRATA LEADERSHIP, LLC. MAG SUB OUTSTANDING 1 208898 $50.00 50.00 05/13/14 10551 730-560-7361-00000 0 SUPERIOR ALARM COMPANY FIRE TEST OUTSTANDING 1 209086 $50.00 50.00 05/13/14 63906 150-409-7361-00000 0 T-MOBILE USA, INC. TEXT MESSAGE RET OUTSTANDING 1 209043 $267.00 267.00 05/13/14 61070 120-279-5895-00161 0 TAPIA, VANESSA REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 209144 $210.86 32.64 142.72 35.50 05/13/14 66117 150-691-7533-00158 150-692-7510-00162 150-691-7533-00166 0 TARGET 1850 APRIL 1850 APRIL 1850 APRIL OUTSTANDING 1 208996 $250.00 250.00 05/13/14 55919 260-336-7533-03226 0 TARGET CORPORATION GIFT CARDS OUTSTANDING 1 209016 $138. 00 138.00 05/13/14 58129 150-680-7359-00000 0 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS T&O FIELD DAY CONTRERAS&ROCHA OUTSTANDING 1 208899 $3935.56 495.86 159.44 250.15 122.32 83.34 19.37 120.52 11. 33 257.15 237.76 1625.87 30.22 43.28 52.89 61.34 317.47 05/13/14 10680 150-315-7501-00000 150-626-7501-00000 150-210-7501-00000 740-572-7559-00000 150-450-7501-00000 260-339-7559-00924 720-597-7559-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-409-7357-00000 740-570-7559-00000 150-240-7559-00000 150-160-7501-00000 150-110-7501-00000 710-530-7559-00000 720-596-7559-00000 730-560-7501-00000 0 TAYLOR'S OFFICE CITY OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING BANK 16 2014 16 2014 16 2014 35 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION 23.62 23.63 710-530-7559-00000 720-596-7559-00000 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209114 $4687.33 4687.33 05/13/14 65405 710-530-7559-00000 0 TELEDYNE INSTRUMENTS, INC. PORTABLE SAMPLER OUTSTANDING 1 208900 $1732.22 1732.22 05/13/14 10704 720-596-7324-00000 0 TELSTAR INSTRUMENTS, INC. PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 209056 $120.00 120.00 05/13/14 62092 740-572-7361-00000 0 TERRA X PEST SERVICES, INC. MONTHLY SERVICE OUTSTANDING 1 209138 $71.00 71. 00 05/13/14 66060 150-523-7505-00000 0 THE ELECTRICAL DEPOT SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208829 $604.12 604.12 05/13/14 05675 150-523-7505-00000 0 THE HOSE SHOP INC. REPAIR PARTS OUTSTANDING 1 209069 $87.75 66.60 9.50 11. 65 05/13/14 63011 720-596-7212-00000 150-523-7505-00000 150-680-7533-00000 0 THE UPS STORE SHIPPING SHIPPING FRT OUTSTANDING 1 209060 $119.14 119 .14 05/13/14 62397 710-541-7506-00000 0 THERMO ELECTRON NORTH AMERICA LLC SUPPLIES/MATERIALS OUTSTANDING 1 209123 $2178.51 1834.98 343.53 05/13/14 65725 250-935-7857-42043 250-935-7857-42043 0 TOMO BOOKS USA SPANISH BOOKS SPANISH BOOKS OUTSTANDING 1 208901 $4873.43 89.62 286.24 103.31 4394. 26 05/13/14 10840 720-598-7559-00000 720-596-7324-00000 150-450-7323-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 TOWNSEND AUTO PARTS PARTS AND SUPPLIES PARTS AND SUPPLIES PARTS AND SUPPLIES PARTS AND SUPPLIES OUTSTANDING 1 208953 $80.50 80.50 05/13/14 53128 150-409-7232-00000 0 TRAUB, TERRY IA PRO SYMPOSIUM MEAL ADV OUTSTANDING 1 208902 $133.50 44.50 44.50 44.50 05/13/14 10924 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 740-572-7324-00000 0 TRI-COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION INC SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE OUTSTANDING 1 208999 $100.00 25.00 75.00 05/13/14 56311 260-336-7533-03234 260-336-7533-03234 0 TRIPS FOR KIDS PAL/ADELANTE TRIP PAL/ADELANTE TRIP OUTSTANDING 1 208991 $337.12 337.12 05/13/14 55739 150-523-7505-00000 0 TURF STAR INC. MUFFLER ASSEMBLY OUTSTANDING 36 REPORT: CHECKREG RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208975 $103.03 103.03 05/13/14 54433 150-620-7559-00000 0 ULINE ENVELOPES OUTSTANDING 1 209132 $1443.23 1443.23 05/13/14 65857 170-231-7302-00000 0 UNION BANK BANKING SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 209031 $2011. 90 44.24 1967.66 05/13/14 60026 150-523-7505-00000 150-523-7505-00000 0 UNITED ROTARY BRUSH CORPORATION TYMCO ROD GUTTER BROOMS OUTSTANDING 1 209145 $1366.09 1366.09 05/13/14 66130 720-598-7537-42105 0 UNITED SITE SERVICES FENCE RENTAL OUTSTANDING 1 208743 $272. 00 272. 00 05/02/14 11070 130-000-2050-00000 0 UNITED WAY OF SANTA CRUZ CO PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 209002 $200.00 200.00 05/13/14 56939 720-596-7771-00000 0 VALENZUELA, ANA TWO TOILET REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 208904 $88.97 88.97 05/13/14 11160 150-410-7559-00000 0 VALLEY FEED K9 FOOD OUTSTANDING 1 208990 $49.00 49.00 05/13/14 55738 150-691-7770-00161 0 VAN-BEEK, KELLY REFUND OUTSTANDING 1 209045 $200.00 200.00 05/13/14 61256 720-596-7771-00000 0 VARGAS, ROBERT TWO TOILET REBATE OUTSTANDING 1 209089 $130.00 130.00 05/13/14 63959 150-691-7511-00158 0 VAZQUEZ-QUINTERO, SOFIA TRANSLATION 3/20/14 OUTSTANDING 1 208958 $282.80 282.80 05/13/14 53312 150-691-7343-00159 0 VELASQUEZ, NATALIA CORDOBA ZUMBA KIDS CLASS OUTSTANDING 1 208992 $437.42 268.44 90.21 20.22 2.69 38.23 17.63 05/13/14 55799 720-597-7222-00000 150-220-7222-00000 720-598-7222-00000 710-540-7222-00000 720-596-7222-00000 710-531-7222-00000 0 VERIZON WIRELESS DATA PLAN DATA PLAN DATA PLAN DATA PLAN DATA PLAN DATA PLAN OUTSTANDING 1 208993 $785.12 145.33 36.31 266.07 38.01 33.31 266.09 05/13/14 55799 730-560-7222-00000 150-315-7222-00000 150-110-7222-00000 150-450-7222-00000 202-367-7222-00000 720-596-7222-00000 0 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE CELL SERVICE OUTSTANDING 37 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 209095 $288.68 175.00 113. 68 05/13/14 64459 720-598-7091-00000 720-598-7359-00000 0 VILLEGAS, ANDRES BOOT REIMBURSEMENT WATER TREATMENT COURSE OUTSTANDING 1 208903 $14.70 14.70 05/13/14 11143 710-541-7506-00000 0 VWR INTERNATIONAL INC. PAPER WEIGHING OUTSTANDING 1 209065 $28198.81 27056.93 354.38 787.50 05/13/14 62757 710-530-7303-00031 710-530-7303-00044 740-570-7361-00000 0 WACTOR & WICK LLP LEGAL SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES CONSULTING SERVICES OUTSTANDING 1 208751 $2935.59 2935.59 05/02/14 58532 130-000-2050-00000 0 WAGEWORKS INC AF06989 OUTSTANDING 1 208744 $4819.50 4819.50 05/02/14 11570 130-000-2050-00000 0 WATSONVILLE POLICE ASSOCIATION PAYROLL FOR - 050214 OUTSTANDING 1 208951 $189.40 189.40 05/13/14 52993 150-523-7505-00000 0 WATSONVILLE UPHOLSTERY SEAT REPAIR OUTSTANDING 1 209030 $4680.00 4680.00 05/13/14 59908 710-540-7361-00421 0 WATSONVILLE WETLANDS WATCH CONDUCT SLOUGH TRAIL MAINTENAN OUTSTANDING 1 209013 $499.28 499.28 05/13/14 57907 740-572-7361-00023 0 WEST COAST RUBBER RECYCLING RECYCLED TIRES OUTSTANDING 1 208906 $419.97 175.84 244.13 05/13/14 11866 720-596-7559-00000 710-540-7559-00185 0 WILD ROSE FRAMING AND ART SUPPLY TRAILS SUPPLIES PW BILLBOARDS OUTSTANDING 1 208962 $210.00 210.00 05/13/14 53424 150-691-7770-00161 0 WILKENING, CHRISTY REFUND ENROLLMENT OUTSTANDING 1 11112383 $214856.98 108628.96 75024.76 31203.26 05/02/14 11700 130-000-2050-00000 130-000-2050-00000 130-000-2050-00000 0 WIRE TRANSFER-IRS FEDERAL SOCIAL SECURITY MEDICARE 1 11112382 $38055.74 1984.53 36071.21 05/02/14 10334 130-000-2050-00000 130-000-2050-00000 0 WIRE TRANSFER-STATE OF CALIFORNIA SDI 77651115 PIT 80038870 1 208907 $500.00 500.00 05/13/14 11915 150-410-7559-00000 0 WITMER-TYSON IMPORTS, INC K-9 TRAINING OUTSTANDING 1 209148 $250.00 250.00 05/13/14 66133 260-336-7533-03226 0 YOGURTLAND GIFT CARDS OUTSTANDING 38 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 PAGE CITY OF WATSONVILLE CHECK REGISTER DATE RANGE: 04/23/14 - 05/13/14 BANK CHECK # WO # CHECK AMT AMOUNT CHECK DATE VENDOR # G/L ACCT # ADDRS # VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INVOICE # INV VEND CHECK STATUS 1 208758 $81035.89 81035.89 05/05/14 64245 780-291-7712-00000 0 YORK INSURANCE SERVICES GROUP, INC. TRUST DEPOSIT 4/2014 OUTSTANDING 1 209020 $80.50 80.50 05/13/14 58427 150-409-7232-00000 0 ZAMORA, JORGE IA PRO SYMPOSIUM MEAL ADVANCE OUTSTANDING 1 208908 $783.11 783.11 05/13/14 12015 740-570-7324-00000 0 ZEP VEHICLE CARE, INC. TRUCK WASH SOAP OUTSTANDING 1 209092 $595.70 595.70 05/13/14 64379 150-620-7322-00000 0 ZOOM IMAGING SOLUTIONS COPIER CHARGES OUTSTANDING TOTAL # OF ISSUED CHECKS: 423 TOTAL AMOUNT: 2151193. 38 TOTAL # OF VOIDED/REISSUED CHECKS: 0 TOTAL AMOUNT: 0.00 TOTAL # OF ACH CHECKS: 0 TOTAL AMOUNT: 0.00 TOTAL # OF UNISSUED CHECKS: 6 39 REPORT: CHECKREG GENERATED: 23 OCT 12 09:20 RUN: THURSDAY MAY082014 11:53 FUND TOTALS ---------FUND FUND NAME 120 130 150 160 170 201 202 205 206 210 221 246 250 260 281 309 340 349 354 710 720 730 740 765 780 787 TRUST FUND EMPLOYEE CASH DEDUCTIONS FUND GENERAL FUND RETIREMENT FUND INVESTMENT FUND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT OBLIG RETIREMENT COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT ENTERPRIZE ZONE CAL HOME GRANT FUNDS INCLUSIONARY HOUSING CIVIC CENTER COMMON AREA LIBRARY FUND SPECIAL GRANTS PARKS DEVELOPMENT FUND PARKING GARAGE FUND CITY-WIDE TRAFFIC IMPACT PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPACT FEES SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS SEWER SERVICE FUND WATER OPERATING FUND AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND WASTE DISPOSAL FUND COMPUTER FUND - ISF WORKERS COMP/LIABILITY FUND HEALTH INSURANCE FUND - POOL ISSUED TOTAL --------------- TOTAL - VOIDED/REISSUED TOTAL ---------------------- 3,232.00 566,435.52 225,166.76 314.00 1,443.23 299.00 4,947.50 4, 961. 63 600.00 55,750.00 1,000.71 8, 829.36 20,150.58 63,220.79 6,640.48 8,506.21 380.57 5,850.00 1,131.05 182,765.14 278,399.03 95,142.30 40,880.44 2,773.52 81,685.89 490,687.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ================ ================ 2,151,193.38 0.00 PAGE 40 REPORT: APEDIT Batch # GENERATED: 12 AUG 13 07:53 1860 CITY OF WATSONVILLE GL Offsetting Entries Expenditure Summary Account # Account Name 130-000-2050-00000 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS PAYABLE RUN: THURSDAY MAY012014 11:50 Amount Acct Mth $566,435.52 2014/05 Date 05/02/14 PAGE 11 Acct Mth Total $566,435.52 CITY COUNCIL 10.2 b INFORMATION ITEMS May 13, 2014 1.0 MINUTES --Parks & Recreation Commission April 3, 2014 2.0 PROCLAMATIONS --Leslie R. White April 10, 2014 --Watsonville and Pajaro Valley High School Waste Reduction Project April 22, 2014 3.0 CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION --Mary Sims December 15, 2013 --Kissed by an Angel Wines April 19, 2014 --2014 PVUSD Annual Art Exhibit Participants May 7, 2014 Files available for viewing at City Clerk’s office. --California Strawberry Commission Scholarship recipients. May 8, 2014 Files available for viewing at City Clerk’s office. Minutes CITY OF WATSONVILLE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Old City Council Chambers City Hall, 250 Main Street, Watsonville April 3, 2014 6:30 P.M. ===================================================================== 1.0 ROLL CALL Commissioners: Staff: DeHart, Garcia, Hurtado-Aldana, Lopez, Orozco, Rodriguez, Sauer Parks and Community Services Director Ana Espinoza Assistant Director Brad Blachly Recreation Supervisor Tony Roman Administrative Assistant I Desiree Moya 2.0 COMMUNICATIONS a) Oral Communications from Commissioners & Members of the Public Commissioner DeHart attended the Cesar Chavez Awards and said it was a wonderful event. Commissioner Orozco also commented that she attended the event and she enjoyed the fact that this year Adults were nominated and she hopes that next year we have more applicants. Commissioner Rodriguez provided information on Guitars not Guns program, and that this organization is in the process of gaining non-profit status. b) Correspondence Addressed/Referred to Commission 3.0 CONSENT AGENDA 3.1 Motion to Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 6, 2014 Commissioner Orozco moved to approve Consent Agenda Commissioner Hurtado-Aldana second that motion Chair Rodriguez took a vote: Ayes: Hurtado-Aldana, Orozco, Rodriguez, DeHart. Noes: None Abstains: None Absent: Garcia, Lopez, Sauer The motion passed. 4.0 ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA 5.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS None 1 6.0 PRESENTATIONS & REPORTS 6.1 An Overview of Recreation Advocates, Inc. by Board President Annette Baldwin Board President Annette Baldwin gave an overview of the Recreation Advocates, Inc. and each event that this organization has sponsored in the past. Currently the Recreation Advocates are offering financial aid for youth programs. Recreation Advocates Inc. help’s assist families by paying a percentage of the activity fee. Commissioner DeHart asked questions concerning historical information regarding Recreation Advocates Inc. President Baldwin responded to questions and said they are a non-profit organization and she was not too sure what year the organization was formed, they separated from the Parks and Recreation Department around 1999 and support various youth recreation organizations. Commissioner Orozco asked if there was a specific income scale for approval of the scholarship program and is there an application process. President Baldwin clarified that an application is submitted and based on the information on the application the Advocates are able to review the number of children in the family along with the income in order to give a percentage of what the family is eligible for on their enrollment. A video of the winter wonderland was played for the Commission. This event was put on by volunteers in the 1990’s. However due to challenges, this event was discontinued. 6.2 Update on the Establishment of Friends of Parks and Community Services, Inc. by Commissioner Orozco Commissioner Orozco gave an update on the status of the establishment of Friends of Watsonville Parks and Community Services, Inc. Orozco mentioned that the website has been created and they are working on an online donation feature. The board is working on minor paperwork details and establishing a bank account. The logo is close to being finalized and the next step is formalizing the board fundraising policy. Hurtado-Aldana asked about ideas for fundraising for this year. Orozco clarified that they want to finalize some logistics before moving forward on fundraising but there are several ideas for fundraising. They are considering participating in the Strawberry Festival and selling beverages to raise funds for youth scholarships. Commissioner Rodriguez asked about board membership and how would someone apply to be a board member. 7.0 NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Planning Session on the 2014 Spirit of Watsonville 4th of July Parade by Recreation Supervisor Tony Roman Recreation Supervisor Tony Roman discussed the planning of the 2014 2 Spirit of Watsonville 4th July Parade and explained how vital it is to have the police, fire and solid waste involved with the 4th of July parade so that the event is successful. Recent facts have shown that the parade has been drawing more than thirty thousand people in attendance. All participants must pre-register and an application will be available online as well as at the customer service office. Rules for parade will stay the same with two exceptions. The first being the maximum number of vehicle and equestrian entries. In addition, rule 4 was modified to include language requiring vehicles to be currently registered and meeting California vehicle code requirements and prohibiting drivers to changing ride height of the vehicle and exhibitions of speed. The route of the parade will remain the same from Freedom Boulevard and down Main Street. The Grand Marshal will be selected by a committee. Event marketing is advertised through media releases, Spirit of Watsonville website, and banner across Main Street, and phone calls to past participants. Staff reviewed roles and support from the Police & Public Works and Utility Departments. Many volunteers are utilized and are key to the success of the parade. The concern for this year’s parade is the amount of entries of cars and equestrians units. It is proposed that a limit for vehicles and equestrians will be set at 75 for each. It is proposed that rather than issuing trophies to selected participants that this year, ribbon be issued to each participant. a) Commission Questions & Comments: Commissioner Hurtado-Aldana asked how marshals keep track of parade participants. Assistant Director Brad Blachly clarified that the marshals within each division has a list of parade entries entered and this is verified. For the equestrian units last year bibs were issued for each horse to help identify each entry. Commissioner DeHart liked the changed of limits of equestrians and vehicles to 75 as she feels this will make the parade more manageable. Commissioner Orozco asked how each participant was grouped, if it was by organization? Roman explained that most separation was done based upon safety. Orozco suggested we consider including a cultural section; our itty bitty programs in the sports sections; school district such as the three primary high schools; and a section for dogs. Orozco inquired about the festival budget as it corresponds to prior years. Roman did not have that data available, but would like to keep cost down. Dehart mentioned that the school district definitely needs to be encouraged to participate in the parade. Lt. Zamora gave input on what he feels is an issue with the vehicles which is hydraulics’ on a vehicle and safety. Also, that it is difficult for officers to issue citations during the parade due to information that will need to be provided by the driver and how this would delay the parade. b) Public Input None c) Appropriate Motion, (If Required) None 3 8.0 9.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS None REPORTS 9.1 Director’s Report Director Espinoza extended her report to include Recreation Supervisor Jaime Jimenez to do a brief presentation of a special guest visiting from Mexico. Recreation Supervisor Jimenez reminded the commission of PUMAS affiliation and introduced Mauricio Pedroza Izquierdo, the director of the PUMAS club. Maurico met with parents involved in the Department soccer league and with the coaches during the City youth soccer practice. Maurico mentioned that it is an honor for him to be part of the City’s league and said he will work very hard with our soccer league. Maurico also presented a certificate that PUMAS brought to the soccer program and explained that they have 8 soccer academies in the USA, 5 in California, 1 in Seattle, 1 in Michigan and 1 in Huston Texas. Commissioner Rodriguez commented that this community is very soccer oriented and it is an honor to see the PUMAS participate in our programs. Director Espinoza briefly discussed on the Contigo Program newsletter and that it was the second issue. The newsletter highlights the activities that Contigo is providing. Staff obtained business sponsorships that are paying for the cost of the newsletter. She also mentioned that Neighborhood Services has completed the pre-perceptions survey for a target Downtown neighborhood. Neighborhood Services staff spent months that they going door-todoor and speaking with each resident and obtaining information. Staff is currently analyzing all that data and at a future meeting the Commission will be given a report. Neighborhood Services will be presenting to the neighborhoods the results of the survey on April 15th & 29th at the old City Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. Thereafter, residents will work together to identify priorities that they would like to address collectively. Neighborhood Services has partnered with the County and offered a workshop series called Cara y Corazon, an 8 week parenting series. The workshops focus on re-introducing family values as a way to strengthening family relationships and empower parents to reflect in utilizing family cultural traditions and strengths as a way to educate and guide children. There are 20 families that are involved from local neighborhoods. 4 10.0 ADJOURNMENT The next Commission meeting will be held on May 1, 2014 ATTACHMENTS (Bolded Items included in current packet) 3.1 Minutes of the February 6, 2014 Meeting 7.1 Staff Report on Spirit of Watsonville 4th of July Parade 9.1 Department Flyers Department Newsletter 2013 Hip Hop for Hope Report State of California) )Ss. County of Santa Cruz) I declare under penalty of perjury that I am employed by the City of Watsonville, in the Parks & Recreation Department that I posted this Agenda on the outdoor bulletin board in front of City Hall, 250 Main Street Dated: Signature____________________________________ 5