BDSC SPRING NEWSLETTER 2012 - British Dressage Supporters


BDSC SPRING NEWSLETTER 2012 - British Dressage Supporters
Dates for your Diary
17-18 June 2012
Team Dressage
2&3 August 2012
Grand Prix Special
7 August 2012
9 August 2012
1&2 September 2012
BDSC wishes all Olympic
equestrian competitors
the very best of luck at
the London 2012
13-17 September 2012
Spring 2012
Inside this issue:
Members email addresses
Chairman’s letter
BDSC’S New web site
Grand Ball 2012 and Ball photos
Tips for taking better pictures of
your horse—Carys Jones
Tips for taking better pictures of
your horse (contd.)
Para Development
Pony Club 2012
Sheepgate U25 Championships
Heather Sumner IV Riders/Field
and Style
Committee Members
National Judges Convention
Where your money goes
Membership Form
Please would members let Jane Kendall have their email addresses so
that we can keep in touch and email
newsletters to those people who have
requested an electronic version. At
present we only have email addresses for about half our members, so
we’d really like to get our database
up to date.
Also, if your postal address or other
contact details have changed, please
don’t forget to let us know.
Photos courtesy of Jane Kendall
Page 2
The Ball raised a
over £13,000 …
… all of which will
be invested into our
Emile Faurie
presents awards
Amanda Bond
BD Chief Executive
Chairman’s letter
Welcome to our 2012 Spring
newsletter. This time last
year we were having wonderful weather, whilst this
month it is wet, wet, wet!
Maybe it was a mistake to
announce a hosepipe ban.
Anyway, let’s hope for a
return to sunshine soon.
It’s pleasing to report that
BDSC had a very successful
programme last year and
thanks to the efforts of the
committee carried out all its
promised activities. Those of
you who visited our marquees, at Hickstead and
The Nationals, enjoyed our
traditional hospitality whilst
watching excellent dressage.
As there is no international
dressage at Hickstead this
year – due to The Olympics
– our marquee will only be at
The Nationals in September.
A highlight of 2011 was the
BDSC trip to the European
Dressage Championships in
Thanks to a lot of hard work from our
web designer, Joarc Geelen and Linda
Westcombe from SkyBluePink, we now
have a fabulous new-look website
which has gone live.
Our thanks to Joarc for everything she
has done for BDSC on designing and
supporting the website. We hope all
members will go on line and have a
good look.
Rotterdam where we delighted in Team GB’s Gold
Medal win. Congratulations
to the riders who made up
the team, and also to our
Para Olympic riders who
themselves won gold at the
Europeans, more details of
both you’ll find later in this
Another highlight of the year
was the BDSC & BD Grand
2012 Dressage Ball at The
Radisson Blu in January. It
was a great night attended by
350 revellers. With help
from the raffle and auction
we raised over £13,000, all
of which will be invested
back into our sport. Let me
use this opportunity to thank
Karen & Keith Luetchford
who sponsored the champagne reception, and Tony &
Sarah Pidgley for sponsoring
the certificates awarded this
time by Emile Faurie and
Jenni Loriston-Clarke. Our
Master of Ceremonies Dane
“Skybluepink is a website design
company known for producing
creative and highly functional
websites for organisations coming from a wide range of sectors.
The company is 6 years old this
year, but started oddly enough
through horses! Joarc was a full
time dressage coach having
gained enormous experience
with Domini Morgan, fulfilling a
role as yard manager for many
Always interested in detail and
computers, Jo re-trained as a web
designer 12 years ago, so nowadays her dressage coaching is
limited to a select few, as her
time is deeply involved
with the technical side of
the website business.
Rawlins kept the evening
going with a swing, and Penny Goring again organised
hilarious party games. The
evening continued into the
early hours with dancing to
the fantastic live band, The
BDSC wish our Olympic and
Para Olympic riders all the
very best in the 2012 Games,
and fingers will be tightly
crossed for their success.
Finally let me thank the
BDSC committee who give
their time so willingly and
extensively to the sport we
all love, and with luck I’ll
meet as many of you as possible during the course of the
Best wishes
Penny Smith
Linda Westcombe is passionate
about horses and has ridden and
owned them since childhood.
She came late to dressage as do
so many, via membership of Battle Riding club and attending a
clinic run by Jo.
Now well and truly ‘hooked’ the
main challenge apart from adjusting to a very technical sport,
is getting enough time to ride
Her professional background is
twofold - as a trained illustrator,
and as a Business Director for
many years working with corporate clients. The two individual’s
skills complement each other to
create a smart, resourceful
approach that is a little different
from the norm.
Page 3
For the first time ever BDSC
joined forces with BD to host
the 2012 Ball. As usual a
very successful evening was
had by all at the Radisson
Portman Blu Hotel, and our
thanks go to BD for their
support in publicising the
event and, in particular, for
the beautiful black and gold
ballroom decorations which
they organised.
Certificates were awarded by
Emile Faurie to everyone
who competed for Great
Britain during 2011.
Dane Rawlins did an excellent job once again as Master
of Ceremonies for the evening, for which BDSC is very
After dinner games were
organised by Penny Goring
with her usual aplomb and
enthusiasm. This year the
Hoofpick & String game was
run as a knock-out competition, starting with 4 teams.
The winners, Judy Harvey’s
team, being presented by
Penny Goring with the magnificent silver Hoofpick
Our thanks go to everyone
who donated prizes for the
raffle and auction which contributed significantly to the
money raised to support
Chloe Vell (right) was
delighted to receive her
international award from
Emile and spent the evening
with her friends which they
never have the time to do
at competition.
Alex Helling above left.
Above left, ‘the Beavers’
live. Centre the Committee. Top right Judy
Harvey’s team wins the
Hoofpick and String challenge yet again! Left Dane
Rawlins, Master of Ceremonies with The Duchess
of Richmond. Right, Jennie
Loriston-Clarke dancing
the night away!
Carl Hester’s Tailcoat being
auctioned by Dane with Cathy
Wright. Above centre, Desi
Dillingham and Penny Smith
Above Heads and Tails game
Above Sally Martin presenting an auction prize of one
of her own paintings
All ball photos courtesy of
Carys Jones
Page 4
Picture this ...
Tips for taking better pictures of your horse
Over the years as a horse owner
horse in.
horse when taking his picture. Do
and horse photographer I’ve
3. The eyes have it. The eye is
you really want to immortalise
learnt a few simple things that
the window to the soul so for any
that trailer/car/muck heap/pile of
anyone can do to improve their
portrait – human or animal – if
rugs in your photos? A quick
horse photos. So next time
there’s one thing to get in focus
clear up or relocating your model
you’re out with your camera here
it’s your horse’s eyes.
can make sure your horse is the
are some tips to help you get
4. Ears forward. Catching your
focus of attention in the shot.
that perfect shot.
horse with his ears back can
And if you’re really technical and
make even the most beautiful
your camera allows adjustments,
1. What time do you call
creature look more like a donkey
use the maximum aperture (the
this? Many horses are most co-
than a Grand Prix performer.
lowest number) to help blur the
operative when they’re fed and
Many will co-operate and pose
warm. So think about the best
naturally. But sometimes it pays
7. Not everything is black
time to catch your horse on cam-
to have a friend around who can
and white. But sometimes it’s
era – trying to snap away when
flash up a carrot or rustle a crisp
worth trying your photo in black
he’s looking out for his tea won’t
packet to get your model’s atten-
and white as well as colour, to
give you the best shots. And if
it’s a chilly day, best not keep
5. That’s an interesting
him hanging around for too long
angle: look at your horse
without a rug on, if he’s used to
from all sorts of different
wearing a blanket or two…
angles. If your taking pho-
2. The light is right. Another
tos of him doing pole work,
timing consideration is what time
try shooting from the
of day to take your pictures. If
ground. Or if he’s standing
you aim for early morning or late
still, focus in on different
afternoon/early evening then the
parts of him – a close up of
light will be on your side. Try to
an eye, his whiskers with
avoid mid-day when the sun and
the sunlight on them or his
light can be harsh and un-
fluffy ears. These can all
flattering. And look for shade,
create interesting and ab-
where you can. Stable entrances
stract images.
and barn doorways can all pro-
6. De-clutter. Think
vide flattering light to pose your
about what’s behind your
Page 5
see if it makes a good shot. There are
ing your wall…or at least being a screen
many free digital photo editing soft-
saver on your mobile phone.
ware tools you can download from the
internet – for example Picasa – that
allow you to change the colour and
apply different styles to the digital images you capture.
Health and safety. No article would
be complete these days without a nod
to ‘elf and safety’. I learnt early on in
my relationship with horses that one
end can nibble and the other can
sometimes kick – so I tend to steer
clear of both, just in case. The good
news is that as someone interested in
horses, and quite possibly a horse
owner, you’ll already have an understanding of them, how they think and
how they are likely to react. Which all
comes in very useful when taking that
perfect shot which could end up grac-
Examples of Carys
Jones’ Photography
Carys Jones
Owner, Carys Jones Photography
Tel: 07904066465
Page 6
2012 Para Development Competition
The day started
with great impact
as the first rider,
Gallagher ...
scored a massive
91.6% ... and
proved to be the
highest score of
the two days
Vale View once again pulled
out all the stops for the Paras,
holding the Restricted Winter
Championships and a Summer
Qualifier alongside the annual
Talent Spotting, now renamed
Talent Development but with
the same format and sponsorship by the BDSC. Numerous
competitors brought a busy
buzzy ambiance, the sun came
out on the second day and a
happy atmosphere prevailed
throughout thanks to the excellent organisation.
proved to be the highest
score of the two days.
Kathryn is a Member of the
BDSC so she also took home
the £100 training voucher
and to cap her weekend won
the Grade IV Restricted
Championship and the Hickstead Qualifier thus confirming the excellent Development result.
The Junior Section was won
by Olivia Treadwell who
narrowly beat her twin sister
The Talent Judges this year
Elizabeth with a score of
were International para Judges 78.67%, both riding Dougal.
Eva Bachinger from Austria
In the new Pre-Talent section
and Mary-Ann Horn (GBR).
for under 14’s another high
The day started with great
score, 90.60% gave the winimpact as the first rider in the
ning place to Molly Bowenfirst class, Young Rider
Morris on Charlie B.
Kathryn Gallagher, scored a
The competition continued
massive 91.60%, riding a
on the second day when 17
smooth harmonious test on her riders contested the Senior
horse Waragon, and this
section. Scoring 90.67%
BDSC member Gayle
Bloomfield swept the board
on Hulland Sensation, going
on to win the Grade II Restricted Winter Championship in the afternoon.
This Para Dressage weekend
is now firmly established in
the calendar giving para riders a great chance to show
their skills in competition as
well as the Talent Spotting
from which it evolved with
sponsorship for the Development from the BDSC and the
Para Dressage Training
Juliet Seal
Sheepgate U25 Championships 2012
Pony Club Championships 2012
The BDSC is very
pleased to be sponsoring classes at this
amazing Championship in August. Young
Riders travel from all
over the country to
compete in this competition. The hospitality at Sheepgate is first
class and well worth
the journey.
The Championships are on
the move yet again and this
summer will be held at
Cholmondeley Castle in
Cheshire, from 16th-19th August. We are looking forward
to seeing as many of our
young BDSC members at the
open championships which
are on Friday 17th August.
Over 100 riders will be entering the open dressage
competition aged between 12
and 23yrs having qualified at
the Area competitions taking
part all over the country this
summer. There will also be
Pairs and Individual music
classes. A very interesting
day out with lots to see.
Great fun is also had in
the evenings when
youngsters and parents
can relax. We look
forward to seeing
many of our BDSC
members there.
Good Luck!
Lorrie Sisson
DS p s
Mo nsors
If you qualify for the £100 grant do ensure
that you put your BDSC membership number
on your entry form
BDSC is pleased to be
sponsoring the open class at
awarding rosettes and
training grants to the value of
£100 to use with a trainer of
your choice. This will go to
the highest placed BDSC
member in each arena. Do
make sure that you put your
BDSC membership number
not British Dressage on your
entry form.
We wish you all a very successful season and look forward to seeing you in August
at Cholmondeley Castle.
Lorrie Sisson
Page 7
BDSC Sponsor — IV Riders (Field and Style)
Heather Sumner, below with
her dogs and bottom right
with her horse, Mespa, has
been a most generous sponsor
of The BDSC. Her article
gives an insight into her busy
life. As well as setting up and
running IV Riders ( Field and
Style), she finds time to ride
and has a special interest in
competing side saddle.
How did the business start?
It’s now over 6 years since I
started with a
small collection of beautiful
and contemporary equestrian
gifts at the BD Convention at
Addington Manor. My learning curve since then has actually been almost vertical. It all
started because I always loved
the trade stands at big shows
remembering how fab the
Marquees at Royal Windsor
used to be; and, over a glass
or two of Chardon-neigh,
lamenting how predictable
horsey shopping had become.
So, the For Riders Collection
was born!
About Heather
My proper job until then had
been as a television graphic
designer working for ITN,
BBC and latterly Meridian
Broadcasting. We had horses
at home and I did a bit of
showing and was lucky
enough to buy a wonderful
old Grand Prix horse from
Sarah Whitmore, actually to compete side saddle, but from him I
caught the Dressage bug. Vladimir
took me to Equitana in Germany
in 1997 with the Side Saddle display team where he was ridden by
a young Andrew Gould.
For the last 7 years I have been
lucky enough to train with Dan
Greenwood and currently have the
side saddle ride on a beautiful semi
-retired Advanced horse with a
very generous owner. Side Saddle
is a great way of giving older competition horses nice parties still to
go to. I was Chairman of the Midlands Region of the side Saddle
Association until last October
when opening my shop became too
much of a stretch.
The Shop
Riding in the Cotswolds and with
so much Dressage activity in the
area, Stow on the Wold stood out
as a perfect place to make the big
move into a shop and we love it.
‘Field & Style’ (our new name) is
like shopping at a show without the
rain! We have teamed up with Gilinix to offer brilliant tweed gilets
for horse watching and dog walking as well as more elegant town
coats for owners! Classic Katherine
Partis soft herringbone cotton
blouses sit alongside this month’s
collection Of ‘The Rose’ jackets
where town meets country, and
gorgeous fine pure wool scarves.
Canine Chic offers a wide range of
dog goodies (I like to think its
Doggie Style! ) and, for our canine
customers, we offer bespoke collar
and coat services.
Pampeano luxury Argentine leather
goods, Gabriella Shaw and SallyAnn Lugg ceramics and Belinda
Sillars bronzes complement the
wonderful Sally Martin art which
adorns the walls; and we have a
permanent display of our tackroom
fittings on show. We are currently
excited to be fitting out Peter
Storr’s tackroom.
The back wall of the shop which
houses the For Riders Collection is
still my baby. Recent additions
include ‘Scales of training’ voltive
candle sets and hand- painted Terramundi ‘Grand Prix Horse Fund
Money’ pots and, of course, our
ever changing range of bespoke
crystal browbands.
We are proud to be currently making a very special belt for Charlotte
Dujardin and browband for Bobby
Hayler. We have some superb silk
stocks in the shop and I hope soon
to introduce a small exclusive range
of Dressage Accessories. We are
also currently starting work on a
new website to show off all these
lovely things.
The Shows
I love the Dressage shows best and
we will be out and about at
Hartpury for the Festival and
Stoneleigh Park for the Summer
Championships as well as the BD
Thank you to everyone who has
giggled at our slogans and praised
our Repair Handcream. You have
all kept me going and it is a pleasure to be able to support the BDSC.
Photos courtesy of
Heather Sumner
Page 8
It’s difficult to keep track
of members’ successes. If
you are a BDSC member
and have been successful in
competition, we’d love to
hear from you and will be
happy to feature you in
future editions of the newsletter
Penny Smith, Flat 4,
160 Sutherland Avenue,
London W9 1HP.
Tel: 0207 286 1536
Vice Chairman & Newsletter
Ann Dugdale, 1 Manor Farm
Cottages, Manor Farm Road,
Waresley SG19 3BZ
Denise Hulse, Thatched
Cottage, Marsh Lane,
New Buckenham
Norfolk NR16 2BE
Pony Club, Trips & Europeans
Lorrie Sisson, The Hawthorns,
Vicarage Lane, North Weald,
Essex CM16 6AL.
Tel: 01992 522721
Hospitality Stand & Newsletters’ Editor
Gill Gallagher, Leyfield,
Chalky Road, Gt Abington,
Cambs CB21 6AT.
Tel: 01223 893777
Jane Kendall, Pilstye Farmhouse, Rowhill Lane,
Balcombe, West Sussex
RH17 6JN.
Tel: 01444 811969
If you didn’t get your
certificate at the Ball,
you can get in touch with
Cathy Wright or pick it NATIONAL JUDGES CONVENTION 2012
up at the Nationals.
An SAE will be needed Wim Ernes from The Nether- movement and correct in
training so that breeders and
if you want us to send it lands and our own Stephen
Clarke ran the BDSC sponriders were guided in what
to you!
sored Judges Seminar at Bury
was required in the young
Farm, Buckinghamshire, a
new venue for dressage with a
lovely big and airy indoor
Wim talked about the correlation between the breeding,
training and judging of the
young horse. He said that
Judges had a responsibility to
judge what was correct in
Subscription rates for
Annual £20
Life £200
Family £50
Corporate £50
Any queries about
membership, contact
Jane Kendall
Para Representative
Juliet Seal, The White House,
Dean Hill, West Dean,
Salisbury SP5 1HN.
Tel: 01794 885795
Other members
Cathy Wright, Willow Barn,
Hall Farm, Shelton, Newark,
NG2 35JG.
Karen Luetchford, Gregory’s
Farm, Whempstead, Ware,
Herts SG12 0PG. Tel: 01438
Debi Woods, 4 The Stables,
Weeton Lane, Nr Leeds, LS17
9LP. Tel: 01132 458744.
Many thanks to the riders
and owners and to Wim and
horse classes and would pro- Stephen for giving us such
duce and train accordingly.
an interesting day.
It was an informative and
Jane Watkins
interesting look at dressage
judging which went on to
Spo es’ C
discuss the higher scales of
nso onv
training and highlighted just
BD ed by ntion
how important it is to understand the correct way of going and to reward this in
BDSC SPONSORSHIPS 2012 — where your money goes
National Judges Convention
Para Development
Pony Club Dressage Champi- Senior Home Internationals
onships—training grants
Rugs at the National ChampiSheepgate Under 25s
onships for the highest placed
BYRDS Championship—
BDSC member in prelim,
training vouchers
and novice restricted tests.
Marquees for members at
top shows