amanah saham pahang
amanah saham pahang
Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia Tanglin PO Box 101 Singapore 912404 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web site: (65) 6831-6854 (65) 6235-1849 Pricing Policies for Malaysia's Forests EEPSEA POLICY BRIEF' No. 2003 - PB2 The Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) was established in May 1993 to support training and research in environmental and resource economics across its 10 member countries: Cambodia, China , Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Papua New Gu inea , the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its goal is to strengthen local capacity for the econom ic analysis of environmental problems so that . researchers can provide sound advice to policymakers. The way In which timber companIes pay to use forests can have a profound effect on sustainable forest management. A well-designed pricing policy can help ensure the efficient utilization of forest EEPSEA Policy Briefs summarize the key results and lessons generated by EEPSEAsupported research projects, as presented in detail in EEPSEA Research Reports. resources, a long-term sustainable harvest and mInImum ecological and environmental damage. Highlighting this, a new report shows that Peninsular Malaysia's pricing policy neither produces optimal financial returns for the government nor provides the best incentives for sustainable forestry practice. EEPSEA Policy Briefs and Research Reports are available online at -+ A summary of EEPSEA Research Report 2003-RR2, Forest Pricing Policy in Malaysia, by Awang Noor Abd. Ghani and Mohd. Shahwahid Hj. Othman. Contact: Awang Noor Abd. Ghani, Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. The most striking result was th~ ~ The study was carried out by a investigations by looking at the compa r tments in Pahang and 25 team of researchers from the current pricing policy framework in compartments in T erengganu. The Universiti Putra Malaysia (Awang Peninsular Malaysia . The system sites in Pahang had relatively high Noor Abd . Ghani, from the typically comprises a mix of volume- royalty and prem i um charges, each Dep artment of Forest Management, based and area-based charges, the delivering rough ly equal shares of and Mohd . Shahwahid Hj . Othman, revenue from which provides a revenue. The Terengganu sites had from t he Department of H ospitality significant source of public funds in lower royalties and premiums, with & Recreation, Faculty of Economics some states. The area-based forest royalties providing the larger share. and Management). They looked at charge is known as a p r emium and concessions in several logging areas is levied for the right to harvest a Forest Figures and found that the introduction of specifi c concession area granted The reseal"chers started their analysis a tender system for logging under a permit or a license. by estimating the value of the t imber concessions would be the best way to Volume-based timber fees include in each area - its potential s t umpage create an efficient market for royalties and a silvicultural cess. value. This is the total value that logging rights . This, in turn, was Royalties are based on the actual could be realized if a forest area is predicted to improve both the volume of logs extracted from t he logged through clear fe ll ing. Since competitive performance of logging forest. The cess has been collected clear fe ll ing is not allowed in many companies and the equitable in all states since allocation of fO]'estry revenue. aloe designated for forest maximum . They used a residual r ehabilitation and development. value technique to calculate The Need for BeHer Pricing Rights to harvest timber from stumpage values. I n t his approach, The study was carried against the logging concessions are allocated the value of standing timber is the background of recent changes in using open difference between the price of the Malaysia's forest industry. The through negotiation or u n der long- products that co u ld be made from it economy has seen a significant shift term con t racts. and the stump - to - market processing 0'" 1973; its revenues closed tendering, towards manufactu ring while a r eas, this value is a hypothetical costs (including margins for profit agriculture has been beset with Revenue vs Value and risk). Data on log prices came labour shortages, rising wages, and The research team then looked at from Amanah Saham Pahang - a increasing competition from other how much revenue this system state-based economic development agency and from previous surveys. land uses. The future of the fO"estry generates and whether this sector in Peninsular Malaysia is ,"epresents an opti mal value. The open to question and the need for ,"esea r ch was carried out on logging potential stumpage values ranged sustainable management more sites in the states of Pahang and [mm important than ever. In light of Terengganu. These states were MYR 42,532 (USD II, I92) pe" this, the researchers decided to look chosen because of their importance hectare . Although the estimates of at forest pricing policy to see how it as log producers. their broadly potential stumpage value varied by a could contribute to improving the similar forests and their proximity factor of six, the researchers found The researchers found that MYR 7,078 (USD 1,862) to overall economic and environme n tal to each other . Through consultation that the average values in the two performance of the sector. with state forest offices, research states were not much different sites were chosen in 27 logging (MYR 24,161 [USD 6,358] in The researchers began their EEPSEA Policy Brief . No. 2003 • PB2 small size of government revenue Pahang and MYR 24.503 [USD 85% in Pahang and 65% in relevant data from all logging 6,448J in Terengganu). Te r engga nu. compartm e nts , so only figur es for Much logging in Malaysia is based From th is, th e authors conclude tha t the amount of revenue selected co mpa rt ments were on the Select ive Management System forgone due to th e SMS logging calcu lated ), (SMS), which prohibits the harvesting regulation s is low . was the sm all size of governm e nt of trees below a certain diameter . The m o st striking result revenue in most a r eas , relative to the Thus, the amount of potential A Bad Deal for the Government prescribed realized r ent (i. e. the stumpage value of the tr ees on a site T h e researchers then investiga ted how value of the trees that could be is split between the stum p age value of much revenue the government is harvested - and so the hypoth etical those trees be low the cutting limit obtaining from th e com p a n ies financ ial value of the site) . This (the prescribed silvicultul'al rent) and operating logging concess ion s. ranged from 0.1% to 35.4% with an those above th e cutting limit (the Est imates of government r evenue were average of about 10%. prescribed realized rent). In both obtain ed from d ata on th e roya lty. slates, the major ity of the st u mpage s ilvic ultural cess, and pre mium s. (Th e investigated wh at kin d of charging value was prescribed reali se d r e n t - resea r c h e r s were unable to obtain th e framework would provide th e In ligh t of th is , th e researchers government with better returns. T o do this they invest igated how alternative royalty sys tem s might Production Forest (Timber Producthm - Perm~nenl fINest rst~tt) ~ pe r form. They assu med th a t concessionaires would aim fo r a I Short·term Concessiona ire (l icensee) 1 I I Allocation or Long-term Concessiona ire (lTC) 1 tendering . _.. _._._ .. _...... : Sells the area to , other logger , ~~~-~~-~~ 1 - . competit ive bidding system, the I S'.lIing I Buying ......1..... : Th ey found that under a ~- (Stumpage market) The next togger sells to other : logger until profit , margin is ' ~ ~~ !"2rJi~~ _ _ ~ .. : I Pays royalty Pays cess Pays premium Tendering average bid price for logging concessions would be MYR 19,100 (USD 5,026) per hectare. Unde r a I _._ .. _" , I base th e ir bid on prevailing market prices and h arvesting tech niques . Conducts own logging. contrac t oul or tendering the area ' on discu ss io ns with forest practitione l's in the field) and th en Rerenue 1 _._., , ~~.----~-- - , Pays royatty Pays cess Pays premium Of tender price I Allocation or tendering Conducts own togging t)r contract out profit margin of 30% (a level based I Pays royalty Pays cess Pays premium or tender price I State Revenue Fores t AlIOC.1riOll System in Penin sular Malaysia system based on fixed roya lties and a premium equal to the estimated p rescdbed realized rent, the average amount be paid by a concess ionaire would be MYR 16.278 (USD 4.283) per hect a re . A BeHer Deal Through Tendering T he study shows that the govel'nment Pricing Polici es for Ma laysia's Forests is curren tly coll ecting a relatively system pegged to the hypothe tical requ ires full informatio n on timb er small share of the total possib le value of logging sites . vol umes, log p rices and loggin g commercial value of Peninsular Competitive b idding (either costs an d the absence of coll usion Malaysia's forests. D rawing on through open or sealed bid s) is a among bidde r s . If th ese cond itions findings fr om other studies, the good method for granting fo r est exist , or can be created, there is authors warn that th is could concessions because it can capture great potential t o us pricing pol icies contribute to rapid d e·ple tion of sign ifi cant revenue fo r the t o improve the management o f forests, wasteful extraction p ractices, government, el imina te rent seeking Malays ia's fo r ests . jllegal logging, and a bias against behaviour by co n cessionaires, conservation. They recomme n d that improve the transparency of timber the government switch t o a disposal, and create incentives for competitive bidding system or a efficie n t timb er harvesting. fixed r oyalty and premium price work we ll , however, such a system To 3.8 MYR I USD EEPSEA is an international secretariat administered by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) on behalf of EEPSEA's sponsors: IDRC ~ CRDI International Development Research Ce ntre Centre de recherches pou r Ie developpement internationa l Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs DAN IDA 1+1 Canadian Intern ational Devel opm ent Agency Agence canadienne de developpement international ~ .Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency