Be exceptional - Chartered Accountants


Be exceptional - Chartered Accountants
Be exceptional
“Quite simply, the Chartered Accountant qualification opened up new doors
for me; I’m currently working as a CFO in Hong Kong. The pace of business is
incredibly fast here, but I know I have the confidence and the training to make
a difference.”
Darren Chan CA
Chief Financial Officer, Integrated Hospitality Management Limited
Think bigger
In a world characterised by global competition, unbridled
change, increasing business complexity and ongoing technical
advancements, it pays to set yourself apart. By becoming a
Chartered Accountant, you’ll be recognised and sought after for
your commercial know-how, analytical thinking and leadership
abilities – so your career can continue to thrive.
Few qualifications offer the rigour, proven expertise and trusted
experience that comes with the Chartered Accountants Program.
Quite simply, it’ll give you a proven competitive edge – and take
you further in life than you might expect.
It’s also your passport to the world. The Institute of Chartered
Accountants Australia is widely recognised as one of the world’s
leading accounting institutes, and is also a founding member
of the Global Accounting Alliance, which can open doors to an
international career.
The qualification will help you understand complex issues, find
unique solutions and equip you with exceptional thinking. It’s not
easy. And it requires dedication and effort. But it will set you apart
as one of the best, and take you to the very top.
And we look forward to coming on the journey with you.
Set yourself apart
The Chartered Accountants Program incorporates a broad range
of real-life issues with pragmatic problem-solving to help build
your technical and business skills. The expertise and thought
leadership that stems from this will be of vital use – allowing
you to develop thinking of the highest quality. Thinking that will
become the hallmark of your career.
As you complete the Program, you’ll develop the ten key
attributes necessary to become a well-rounded professional –
and be well equipped to respond to the changing needs of both
business and market demands.
Keeping on top of the
latest international
research and
knowledge from
financial accounting
and reporting, audit
and assurance, taxation
to management
accounting and
applied finance.
Analysing and solving
problems proactively
with an open mind, as
well as solving issues as
they arise.
Developing strategies
for change in the
business environment,
anticipating and
responding to these
changes before and as
they happen.
Being serviceorientated with a
thorough understanding
of the needs of clients
and customers.
Developing long-term
relationships and
positive outcomes
through negotiation
wherever possible.
Upholding the
profession’s codes
of conduct and
embodying honesty,
integrity, objectivity,
commitment and
independence – always
in accordance with
laws, regulations and
the public interest.
Bringing technical
competence and
professional skills
to life by showing
scepticism and
managing challenges
and taking responsibility
for your own actions.
Refreshing your skills
and knowledge through
continual learning,
while gathering
feedback from your
peers and reflecting on
your own performance.
Staying informed
exceptionally high levels
of spoken, written
and interpersonal
skills; ‘knowing
your audience’ and
communicating to
them with clarity
and simplicity in a
compelling way.
Solving problems
Thinking ahead
Being ethical
Using technology to
gather, manipulate,
analyse and
communicate sound
information, and
to contribute to
technology strategies
that yield better
business performance.
Understanding people
and getting the best
out of them through
empathy, teamwork and
strong leadership.
“The Chartered Accountants Program provides you with the skills, attitudes
and thinking to really place yourself at the coal-face of big business. It gave
me the confidence to think bigger picture and actively participate and add
value in the growth of our business.”
Simone Taylor CA
Financial Controller, OrotonGroup
The pinnacle of
your profession
The Chartered Accountants Program is Australia’s
pre-eminent professional accounting qualification.
It will open doors for you – both in Australia and
overseas – throughout your career and across a wide
range of sectors, including public practice, commerce,
not-for-profit and the public sector.
No matter where you choose to work, as a Chartered
Accountant, you’ll be equipped to become an
independent and trusted advisor to your organisation
– an integral member of senior management teams.
The Chartered Accountants Program
is the only professional accounting
qualification in Australia that has
Graduate Diploma status, providing
assurance of the highest academic
The Program continues to be the only
Australian professional accounting
qualification recognised by the Global
Accounting Alliance, the premier
international accounting network.
Over 12,000
candidates are undertaking the
Program, making it the largest
accredited postgraduate accounting
program in Australia.
82% satisfaction
with the Program by employers
in 2012.
74% of employers
90% of employers
talk favourably about the Program.
73% satisfaction
by those studying the Program
in 2011.
70% of mentors
are satisfied with the level of
professional development they gained
from mentoring a candidate.
rate the value of the investment in the
Program as excellent or good.
“Becoming a Chartered Accountant actually changes the way you think about
business. I analyse complex issues and work with key stakeholders to develop
effective, outcome-focused solutions.”
Emilie Williams CA
Manager – Group Audit & Risk, Qantas
“I’m excited about becoming a
Chartered Accountant. I know
it will open doors for me in my
professional career. And the
thing is, you keep learning,
you keep getting better.”
Connor McCauley
Senior Consultant, Ernst & Young
Chartered Accountants Program candidate
The best just gets better – the new
Chartered Accountants Program
As the leading accounting qualification in Australia, the Chartered Accountants
Program remains at the forefront of innovation. In 2013, the Program will use a
contemporary adult learning approach that is amongst the best in professional
education – and features a combination of online and face-to-face learning, which
means greater flexibility for you and your employer.
Jointly developed with the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants, the
refreshed Program incorporates greater breadth and depth of practical knowledge and
skills by drawing on the best accounting skills from both sides of the Tasman, along
with best practices.
How it works
The qualification combines
the five modules of the
Graduate Diploma of Chartered
Accounting and Mentored
Practical Experience (three
years full time or equivalent
in an accounting role with an
Approved Training Employer).
Becoming a
Chartered Accountant
Once you’ve completed the
five modules of the Program
and met the requirements
of the Mentored Practical
Experience, you can apply for
membership of the Institute.
Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting
You’ll be required to pass all five modules before you gain the Diploma, with every one building
on your practical experience and existing knowledge. All five modules are built around integrated
real-life case studies and practical scenarios which have been developed with the assistance of
highly experienced Chartered Accountants. The first four modules cover technical content and can
be taken in any order. All four of these modules must be completed before beginning the final
module, Capstone.
Audit &
Going beyond compliance to gain a holistic understanding of
how business works, assessing and responding to risk, and
explaining the importance of ethics and quality control. Also
develops the skills necessary to analyse and understand the
success of an organisation.
& Reporting
Examines an organisation’s financial performance, and
equips candidates with the skills to prepare historical
financial statements for key stakeholders, including
clients and regulators. It has a strong focus on accounting
standards and ethics, and builds towards more complex
financial accounting.
At a glance
• You can start studies in any of the three terms
available during the year, allowing for greater
flexibility and to avoid clashing with busy periods
such as the end of financial year
• Problem-based learning using practical case studies
and scenarios
• Each term is 12 weeks in duration with the final exam
in week 13
• Three online assessments enable you to track your
progress (20% of total mark)
• Final exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes, and is
presented in a written and ‘open book’ format (80%
of total mark)
Accounting &
Applied Finance
Strategic planning and managerial decision making is
the essence of management accounting. This module
illustrates how to prepare and use financial and nonfinancial information, and to understand the risk management
process of an organisation – adding value to the decision
making process.
Understanding tax implications when making operational
and strategic decisions is crucial in any sector. This module
examines the application of relevant Australian taxation laws
to various entities. You will build a solid knowledge base
to explain taxation consequences and calculate taxation
liabilities in a range of scenarios.
This final module brings together all the learning from
the first four modules, while drawing on your practical
experience. It integrates knowledge from the technical
content, with a focus on the development of professional
skills and competencies as follows:
At a glance
• Strategic and critical thinking
• Three mandatory full day face-to-face workshops
• Problem solving
• Workshops assessment (40% of total mark)
• Working with and leading teams
• Final written exam is 3 hours and 30 minutes, based
on a case study and open book (60% of total mark)
• Effective communication
• Ethics
• Data, analytics and synthesis
• Technical and business knowledge integration.
• You’ll have the option to attend either one face-toface lecture forum or two virtual classrooms for each
•Capstone module is offered twice a year (from 2014)
• 14 weeks in duration, with the final exam in week 17
• Emphasis on professional skills
• Timetables are published 2 years in advance for
maximum flexibility.
Chartered Accountant
Admission to membership
Achieve Graduate Diploma
of Chartered Accounting (GradDipCA)
14 weeks
Online learning,
3 face-to-face workshops
Workshops (40%),
Final exam (60%)
Integrates technical knowledge and
professional skills, using complex
real life case studies, to become
a well-rounded professional
12 weeks each
Online learning,
Optional face-to-face lecture
forum/virtual classrooms
3 online assessments (20%),
Final exam (80%)
Develops technical competence
through problem-based
learning using case studies
and scenarios
Audit &
Develops professional
competence with
guidance from a
Chartered Accountant
& Reporting
Accounting &
Applied Finance
Mentored Practical Experience
Accredited undergraduate/masters degree or alternative entry pathway
3 years approved full
time (or equivalent)
Concurrent to study
Online, on-the-go
For many students, online learning is fast becoming the most flexible and useful way to
take their studies further. As well as online core module content, podcast recordings,
readings and quick reference guides, you’ll have access to course material that can
be easily downloaded for future reference on a computer or mobile device – which is
particularly useful if you need to travel interstate or overseas for work.
You’ll take part in virtual classrooms and online discussions with other candidates
enrolled in the Program, as well as posting questions in our online Technical Query
Forums. Naturally, face-to-face learning will continue to be incorporated into the
possible mix of learning resources for you.
At a glance
• Accommodates different learning styles
• Easier to balance workplace commitments and study
• Difficult and complex concepts and theories will come to life.
Help if you need it
The Program is designed to push you to be the best. But if you need a boost to your
studies, help is never far away. The CA Study Masterclass provides extra (and optional)
study support.
These additional sessions provide a comprehensive understanding of key module
concepts, as well as an opportunity to practice exam style questions and exam
techniques. The CA Study Masterclass is available for each of the Program modules
and is delivered by professional expert facilitators. Additional resources – including
checklists, mind maps and tools – are provided for you to use in your exams.
Like to know more? Visit
“I don’t just see the Chartered
Accountants Program as a ‘final
qualification’, it’s an ongoing thing for
me. I enjoy staying in step with the latest
thinking and ideas around the world.”
Jossie Zhao
Adviser, KPMG
Chartered Accountants Program candidate
“Being a mentor is incredibly
rewarding. The opportunity for
me to give back – to encourage a
new generation of thinkers – is
a massive plus. It’s a win-win for
mentors, mentees and ultimately,
the organisation they work for.”
Vijyata Kirpalani CA
Audit Leader, Audit Office of New South Wales
Learning from the best – Mentored
Practical Experience
An essential part of your journey towards becoming a Chartered Accountant is the
three-year Mentored Practical Experience component that runs concurrently as you
study the modules.
It’s one of the main reasons why the Chartered Accountants Program is seen as one of the
most respected accounting qualifications in the world.
You’ll be mentored by an experienced Chartered Accountant, who will supervise and
support you through your study and practical experience with structured one-on-one time.
Your mentor will also formally review your practical experience logbook on a regular basis,
and then submit a final report to recommend you for membership of the Institute. This
becomes tangible proof of your learning journey – documenting the practical skills and
technical knowledge needed to really go places in your career.
To start the Program, you’ll need to be working in a relevant accounting position with an
Approved Training Employer. From here, you can choose a mentor working within your
organisation or in special circumstances you can elect to have an external mentor. Either
way, your mentor will become an invaluable part of your learning.
Joining a community of bright minds
During your study, and once you achieve the Chartered Accountant qualification, you’ll have
access to a wide range of networking and professional opportunities, continuing professional
education, thought leadership and support from the Institute and its global partners. More than
this, you’ll be able to tap into a global community of bright minds – bringing the latest knowledge
and thought leadership back into your organisation.
You’ll also have access to a deeper international perspective. The Institute is one of the founding
members of the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA), and currently the only Australian body within
the Alliance. With more than 785,000 qualified accountants across the globe, the GAA can open
up opportunities for you all around the world as a Chartered Accountant.
At a glance
Around 60,000 Australian Chartered Accountants are working in 115 countries.
Chartered Accountants work in:
34 38
Public sector
Over 4,000 Australian Chartered Accountants work overseas in GAA countries.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA)
Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI)
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKCPA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, Incorporated Association (IDW)
Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA)
New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA)
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
“The benefits of three years of mentored practical experience
are second to none. It’s a bit like jumping into the deep end –
but having someone there to encourage and support you makes
all the difference.”
Heather Matheson CA
Assistant Manager, McGrathNicol
Your future starts here
There are five easy steps to get started with the Chartered Accountants Program.
Have completed an accredited degree and prerequisite subjects
Be working in a relevant accounting position with an Approved Training
Employer and mentored by a Chartered Accountant
Register for the Program at
Submit employment details and academic transcripts to the Institute
Enrol in your first module
Alternative entry pathways
Opportunities to study the Chartered Accountants Program are available if you have
met the following:
• A non-accounting tertiary qualification
• Completed an Institute-accredited conversion course which meets all core
knowledge areas, or you’ve passed the Chartered Accountants Program
entrance exam.
International graduates
As globalisation continues, Australian employers are increasingly becoming aware of
the benefits of employing international graduates. For visa and immigration information
The Institute is authorised to undertake skills assessments and skilled employment
assessments for accounting.
Call us on 1300 137 322 or email
Indigenous accountants
To increase the number of indigenous accountants in Australia, the Joint Accounting
Bodies – Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, CPA Australia and the Institute
of Public Accountants – are leading the ‘1000 Indigenous Accountants in a decade’
To find out more, contact the Queensland Relationship Manager
(see back page for details).
Want to know more?
To talk about the benefits of the Program and chat through your options
call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 137 322 or visit for further details including Program
costs, timetables and frequently asked questions.
“Yes, it’s a fair bit of work. But
my learning curve has been
extraordinary. I’ve enjoyed the
real-world practice and insights.”
Kunal Gupta
Accountant – Business Services, ACM Partners
Accountants and Tax Consultants
Chartered Accountants Program candidate
For more information:
Call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 137 322
Visit our website
Contact the Relationship Manager in your state
National Office/New South Wales
33 Erskine Street, Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 9985, Sydney NSW 2001
Tweet us @Chartered_Accts
Level 29,Google
91 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
GPO Box 9985, Adelaide SA 5001
Phone 08 8113 5500
08 8231 1982
Australian Capital Territory
Level 10, 60 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra ACT 2601
Level 3, 600 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
GPO Box 9985, Canberra ACT 2601
GPO Box 9985, Melbourne Vic 3001
Phone 02 6122 6100
Phone 03 9641 7400
02 6122 6122
03 9670 3143
Western Australia
Level 32, Central Plaza One 345 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
Level 11, 2 Mill Street, Perth WA 6000
GPO Box 9985, Brisbane Qld 4001
GPO Box 9985, Perth WA 6848
Phone 07 3233 6500
Phone 08 9420 0400
07 3233 6555
South Australia/Northern Territory
Phone 02 9290 1344
02 9262 1512
Watch our videos
08 9321 5141
The contents and information contained in this publication are for general information purposes only. Information in this publication is correct as at July 2012 but may be subject to change
from time-to-time. The Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA) reserves the right to change the content or the method of delivery or presentation of any unit of study, or to
withdraw any unit or course of study which it offers, including but not limited to imposing limitations on the number of enrolments in any given unit or course of study, or amending the
ICAA’s policies in relation to the provision of the Chartered Accountants Program. Participants should seek clarification from the ICAA’s Customer Service Centre in relation to their proposed
course of study. The ICAA expressly disclaims all liability for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information in this publication.
Copyright © Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia 2012. All rights reserved.
This publication is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, it may only be reproduced for internal business purposes, and may not otherwise be copied,
adapted, amended, published, communicated or otherwise made available to third parties, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without prior written consent of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants Australia. 0612-07