Student Brochure 2011 - Chartered Accountants


Student Brochure 2011 - Chartered Accountants
Contact details
South Australia / Northern Territory
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Customer Service Centre 1300 137 322
Student Brochure 2011
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Australian Capital Territory
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If you take on the challenge
you will reap the rewards
Phone 03 9641 7400
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Phone 07 3233 6500
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ABN 50 084 642 571. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Incorporated in Australia Members’ Liability Limited.
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Would you like to be highly paid and enjoy
exciting opportunities in whichever industry
you like, wherever in the world you wish to go?
Benefits of becoming a Chartered Accountant
The Chartered Accountants difference
GAA – be part of something global
Welcome to the Chartered Accountants Program
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A career with options
First steps to getting you there
Chartered Accountants Program
International students
Where you can work
How we can help
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If you get it
it will set you apart
Benefits of becoming a
Chartered Accountant
No graduate accounting program is
more rigorous than the Chartered
Accountants Program.
It is the highest you can aim, which
is why it will put you furthest ahead.
Set you furthest apart. And take you
to where you want to go.
As a Chartered Accountant you will
be respected worldwide as having a
qualification that is a step up from
the rest.
You will be set up for a career not only
as an accountant but for a range of
exciting roles in industries from surfing
and music to stockbroking and finance.
The Chartered Accountants Program.
It will make you not a number, but
number one.
In the following pages, you’ll find out
exactly what a Chartered Accountant is,
how you can become one, and how the
Institute of Chartered Accountants
in Australia can support you on your
exciting journey.
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The rewards of being a
Chartered Accountant:
> Greater financial rewards
> Broader horizons
> Exciting choice of job roles
> The chance to work around
the world
> Respect and status
> Greater job security.
There’s no better way to achieve
the best in your business or
accounting career than becoming
a Chartered Accountant.
‘I work hard, but the rewards
are worth it and each day I’m
challenged and learn something
new. I love being able to return
similar opportunities to the teams I
work with and it’s great sharing my
experiences with colleagues who
are starting out on similar journeys.
I’m always looking forward to the
road ahead because the accounting
world really is so dynamic, diverse
and exciting. My professional
qualification and Chartered
Accounting background has really
given me the skills I need to deal
with change and provide valueadding solutions to the Group
Reporting and Governance division
and wider organisation I work with.’
Nadine Rossetto CA
Accounting Manager – Australia Beer,
Lion Nathan National Foods
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The Chartered Accountants
When you push yourself harder
you end up further ahead
All accountants are not
the same
Other Number One Chartered
Accountant Business leaders:
In any profession, there are levels
of achievement and recognition that
mark the top performers.
> John Stanhope FCA
Chartered Accountants are widely
recognised as being a step up from the
rest, having successfully graduated
from the Chartered Accountants
Program with an accredited Graduate
Diploma in Chartered Accounting.
For many, becoming a Chartered
Accountant is the first step on the
ladder to senior management or, indeed,
to becoming the next CEO. Both here in
Australia or overseas.
CFO, Telstra
> Cameron Keller FCA
Head of Commercial Banking,
> Brian Cassell FCA
CFO, Fairfax Media
> Matthew Coghlan CA
VP Finance – China,
BlueScope Steel
The Chartered Accountant Program
is the only Australian accounting
qualification accredited as a higher
education award Australia-wide,
the Graduate Diploma of
Chartered Accounting.
This post-graduate qualification
status allows for subject credits in
over 50 masters degrees on offer
in Australia.
> Paul Whittingham CA
CFO, Apple Australia
Only Chartered Accountants are able
to further their careers as members of
Australia’s most respected professional
accountancy body, the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in Australia.
And, through them, membership of
the worldwide opportunities of the
Global Accounting Alliance.
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GAA – be part of
something bigger
As a Chartered Accountant your
qualification is recognised by the
following organisations, opening
up opportunities worldwide:
American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (AICPA)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants
in Australia is one of the founding
members of the Global Accounting
Alliance, or GAA.
Canadian Institute of Chartered
Accountants (CICA)
The GAA represents around 775,000
Chartered and Certified Public
Accountants around the world.
Chartered Accountants
Ireland (CAI)
The Institute is proud to be the only
Australian accounting body within
the alliance.
Hong Kong Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (HKCPA)
Institute of Chartered Accountants
in England and Wales (ICAEW)
Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Scotland (ICAS)
Institute of Public Auditors in
Germany, Incorporated
Association (IDW)
Japanese Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (JICPA)
Global Accounting Alliance
Other countries where Chartered
Accountants live and work
New Zealand Institute of
Chartered Accountants (NZICA)
South African Institute of
Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
The Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia
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A career with options
Being a Chartered Accountant gives
you skills that are transferable across
multiple organisations and industries.
You can work in roles from strategic
planning and market analysis to
compliance, change management
and IT.
As a respected financial expert,
the roles you will have open to you
extend into government, not-for-profit
organisations and commerce. Not just
in accounting, but as a board member,
CEO, CFO or marketer.
When you have it
it will open up new horizons
Many highly successful people have
also found the Chartered Accountant
qualification the ideal basis for
launching and running their
own businesses.
Where Chartered Accounting
has taken them:
> Keith Bradshaw FCA
CEO, Marylebone Cricket Club (Lord’s)
> David Craig FCA
CFO – Financial & Risk Management,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
> Amanda Cox CA
CFO, West Coast Eagles
> Stuart Nelmes CA
Financial Investigator – Forensic
Accounting, Australian Securities
& Investments Commission (ASIC)
> Michelle Wennen CA
Financial Controller,
Louis Vuitton Australia
> Grant Vickery CA
Commercial Manager,
OneSteel Manufacturing
> Tim Pethick CA
‘Starting in audit gave me the
opportunity to work on a large
variety of clients with each day
bringing a new challenge and a
different aspect to address. There
are so many different aspects to
accounting that it’s certainly
never boring!
I learnt about different industries,
met and networked with people
from a large range of backgrounds
and professions and grew as a
professional at the same time.
Having the formal qualification is a
guarantee that wherever I go and
whatever I choose to do, my career
and education is recognised and
Sherry Lal CA
Morgan Stanley (London)
Founder, Nudie
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It’s the toughest of its kind
but it’s not a marathon
The pathway to becoming
a Chartered Accountant
Step 1: Complete an approved
business or
commerce degree
Step 2: Complete the Chartered
Accountants Program
while accumulating three
years of work experience
with a Chartered
Accountant mentor*
Chartered Accountant
Find out more at
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First steps to getting you there
So what do you need to do?
These include:
The first step to becoming a Chartered
Accountant is to complete a business
or commerce degree (accredited by the
Institute), with a major in accounting.
> Conversion courses
Core areas that you need to cover
at university to be eligible, include
financial accounting, commercial and
corporations’ law, Australian taxation
law, auditing, management accounting
and corporate finance.
Don’t worry if you haven’t completed an
accounting degree – there are ways for
non-accounting graduates to become
eligible to start the Chartered
Accountants Program.
Available from most
Australian universities as a
postgraduate program.
> Entrance exam
If you have extensive accounting
experience gained on-the-job and
have the support of your employer,
then the entrance exam is for you.
The exam assesses your readiness
for the Program and identifies any
further knowledge you may need.
> Graduate Certificate of
Chartered Accounting
A fast-track conversion course
available from Deakin University for
non-accounting graduates. Studied
part-time by distance learning, the
course covers the core accounting
knowledge areas. On successful
completion of the course you meet
the academic entry requirements for
the Chartered Accountants Program.
students for more information.
* You are no longer required to complete 26 weeks work experience before starting the Program.
‘The career benefits of winning the
Student Challenge are enormous.
It is a great way of differentiating
yourself from other students and
graduates, particularly when
asked the hard questions in job
interviews. Recognition like this
is certainly a valuable thing to
add to the resumé.
By simply participating in the
challenge, I feel that my analytical
and problem solving skills have
increased strongly. The competition
has great benefits for students,
certainly not limited to simply
the great prizes that are offered.
The opportunity to be involved
in such a project is something I
would definitely recommend to any
student who loves a challenge!’
Jackson Oxley
La Trobe University
National winner of the 2010
Chartered Accountants
Student Challenge
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The most challenging
most rewarding program
Chartered Accountants Program
In order to become a Chartered
Accountant, you need to successfully
complete the Chartered Accountants
Program. There are two components
to the Program – Practical Experience
and the Graduate Diploma of
Chartered Accounting.
Practical Experience
The Practical Experience Program
means three years of work-based
development, including mentorship
and training. This forms the basis of the
practical ability that sets you apart from
other types of accountants.
Graduate Diploma of
Chartered Accounting
While you are working, you need to
complete five modules, part-time.
By combining study with work
experience, you’ll be able to draw
on the world of work to support
your learning.
The topics you will cover are:
> Audit & Assurance
> Financial Accounting & Reporting
> Management Accounting &
> Taxation
> Ethics and Business Application.
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The Chartered Accountants
Program transforms you from
a graduate to a technically
competent, ‘work-ready’
professional. You will have the
practical, as well as academic,
knowledge and skills that the
market and profession demands
and values.
On completion of the Chartered
Accountants Program you are
eligible to apply for membership
to the Institute. Your path to the
top starts here!
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International students
You will find plenty of information on
our website to help you get settled
into life in Australia and on your way to
becoming a Chartered Accountant.
The six steps below outline your path:
1. Academic qualifications: you
will need qualifications that are the
equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s
degree. The Institute is authorised by
the Australian Government to undertake
skills assessments for accounting.
If you have an overseas degree/
qualification or are unsure if you are
eligible to apply for the Program, please
contact the Institute’s qualification
assessment team at 1300 137 322 or
Don’t forget that as of 1 July 2010
when applying for permanent
residency, you will need to have
English language (IELTS) band scores
of at least seven on each of the four
components – speaking, reading,
listening and writing or complete the
Skilled Migration Internship Program –
Accounting (SMIPA). More information
on the SMIPA Program can be found
Need help with preparing for your
IELTS? Go to and click on Test
takers > How do I prepare?
2. The right visa: for skilled migration
purposes, the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia can assess
your qualifications based on a
permanent residency or temporary
485 visa. Our advice for checking
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what visa you need to work and
study in Australia is to visit the
Australian Government Department of
Immigration and Citizenship website,
3. Employment: you need to be
employed with an organisation that
is recognised by the Institute. Have a
conversation with your employer about
gaining support to study the Chartered
Accountants Program.
4. Register as a potential candidate:
once you’re employed in an
accountancy role, register as a
potential candidate and start recording
your work experience. You can register
5. Enrol in your first module: the
Program has five modules. Completing
all five modules will take around
two years.
Did you know?
The Chartered Accountants
Program is also offered in
Malaysia and Singapore.
In Singapore, the Program is
offered as a gateway to
membership of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in Australia.
All modules in Singapore are based
on Australian accounting and audit
standards, plus relevant legislation.
In Malaysia, candidates complete
the MICPA programme, which
means upon completion they can
apply for membership for both the
Australian and Malaysian institutes.
To find out more, visit
6. Mentoring: at the same time as
you take your modules, you will need
to complete three years practical
experience under the guidance of a
Chartered Accountant mentor.
If successful, at the end of this
process, you will then be eligible to
apply for membership to become a
Chartered Accountant.
To find out more, visit
Wherever you’re from
it’ll take you where you want to go
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So where can you work?
As a Chartered Accountant, your skills
are currently in high demand in:
It will take you on exciting journeys
but it’s not a solo voyage
‘My career highlight was taking
a four month secondment with
Nexia Court & Co with their offices
in New York City, USA. I lived in
an apartment in the middle of
Manhattan and had an awesome
time experiencing everything the
Big Apple has to offer!’
Jayde Brown CA
Accountant – Business Services,
Nexia Court & Co
> International professional
With offices around the world, these
global accounting firms include what
are commonly referred to as the Big
4 – Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG
and PwC. If you’re fascinated by
the workings of big business, high
finance and international commerce
then these firms are for you
> Mid-tier accounting
Mid-tier firms typically have six or
more partners and can offer you the
opportunity to specialise in industry
areas of particular interest to you.
A career path in these firms is well
defined and there are some great
career development opportunities
on offer both here and abroad
> Small-to-medium
accounting organisations
With typically only one to six
partners, small to medium firms
offer a wide variety of work,
promotion opportunities and
close client contact
> Large corporates
From Sony Music to Vodafone
to Macquarie Bank, Chartered
Accountants are found at the
very heart of business and are in
high demand for their analytical
thinking in an increasingly
competitive environment
> Public sector
From large federal government
departments and agencies to state
level public sector organisations,
Chartered Accountants are highly
sought after. If you’re keen to
work in the public service it offers
interesting and rewarding
career opportunities
> Not-for-profit
For those looking to work in the
not-for-profit / charity sector,
becoming a Chartered Accountant
also opens many doors. Chartered
Accountants work in organisations
such as Oxfam, Unicef and
RSPCA, making a difference in
today’s world.
What is the Chartered
Accountants difference?
The Chartered Accountants Program
is the only Australian professional
accounting qualification that:
> Is an accredited postgraduate award
(Graduate Diploma)
> Will lead to automatic membership
of the Global Accounting Alliance
> Combines study and work
> Is the preferred qualification by the
Big 4 accounting firms
> Is for employees working in public
practice, commerce and government
> Will set you apart and give you
greater career options and
earning potential.
How much you could earn
Chartered Accountants are among
some of the best-paid professionals in
Australia. When you start out, what
salary can you realistically expect?
Accounting graduate earn up to $44,000*
(No experience)
earn up to $68,000*
(3-5 years experience)
Accounting qualified
over $80,000*
(Chartered Accountant with 3-5 years experience)
Up-to-the-minute information on
salaries for all states, sectors and levels
of the accounting profession can be
found at:
*Dependent on location and employer.
Source: Hays Recruitment Salary Survey 2010
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How we can help
We will help you be not a number
but number one
The Institute has a wide choice
of events, information, social
networking and resources to
help you find the career, role
and employment you want.
A few of these include:
Chartered Accountants
Student Challenge
Solve a real-life business problem for
a not-for-profit organisation to win
some fantastic money-can’t-buy prizes,
including practical experience that’ll
set you apart from the crowd.
register online at
Where: Online/Australia wide
Register now at
students to access information to
get ahead in your study and fast
track your career. Including:
> What to study for success
> Tips to get your first job
> Salary surveys and employer
> Podcasts showcasing real life
Chartered Accountants
Employment Evening 2011
> Recruitment events
This is your chance to meet prospective
top-quality employers in Australia, oneon-one. Attending the event will put you
way ahead in the race to a top graduate
or vacation job in accounting or finance.
> Career development programs
register online at
Where: ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, TAS,
VIC and WA
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Study, job and career advice
When: May to August 2011
For the latest updates on what’s
happening with our student events
and programs, check our website,
students, as dates and details are
subject to change.
> Free e-news to keep in touch
and up to date.
‘I’m not looking at working in WA
but this session was worth the
2.5 hour drive up (and back) from
Donnybrook. I learnt so much about
what employers are looking for in
graduates and about how to sell
myself, so employers will always
look twice at my application. It
was very helpful learning about the
Chartered Accountants Program
and the benefits of it.
The employees that were
representing the firms were very
informative and able to provide
insights into what it’s like working at
these firms and what’s expected of
you as an employee. I’d recommend
this to anyone who’s studying
business and looking at working in
the industry anywhere, not just in
Perth. It’ll give them an edge that
others don’t.’
Rowena Murdoch
Third year student
Edith Cowan University
Employment Evening 2010 attendee
March each year.
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Take our Student website
with you
It’s the highest you can aim
but it’s not Everest
Visit on your mobile browser for up to the
minute news and information in the palm of your hand.
The Institute’s student website includes information on:
> Events: kickstart your career with work experience, career
and networking events
> What’s hot: current features, events and competitions
> Register: register on your mobile for free, and go into the
draw to win one of many prizes we have on offer*.
*Conditions apply, see website for details.
prizes and fun stuff
Need a break from study? Visit our website to play
games, take quizzes and win some great prizes.
Register now at
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Stay connected
Join the conversation on our
Facebook page:
Want the latest student news and
updates? Follow our tweets on
Watch and subscribe to our series
of free career-oriented vodcasts
to help you get that dream job.
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