2011-2012 - Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida
2011-2012 - Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida
The Center for Jungian Studies Of South Florida A not-for-profit 501(c)3 organizaƟon P.O. Box 669 Hallandale, FL 33008 www.JungCenterSouthFlorida.org 201 1-20 12 C ALE ND AR E NC LO SED ... the content of the collective unconscious is made up essentially of archetypes ... Carl Jung 24TH SEASON BEGINS Friday, September 23RD Join Us! What moves us? What changes our plans, intentions, and the course of our lives? What Gods and Goddesses cross our paths and compel us towards wholeness and meaning? Archetypes: Gods and Goddesses SEASON PASS NOW AVAILABLE – SAVE $110 A SEASON PASS is only $250 for 6 events, a savings of $110 (Membership, Schoen Workshop, Tarantino Seminar, Annual Event & CEUs are not included). Send your check (include address, phone & email) with “Season Pass” noted to: Patrick Parham, CJSSF Treasurer, P.O. Box 669, Hallandale, FL 33008 Or visit JungCenterSouthFlorida.org to pay under Membership. THE CENTER IS A NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION that serves the wider community by presenting lectures, workshops, and discussions to address psychological, social and spiritual issues and provide a forum for personal reflection and growth inspired by C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology. Come join us as we explore the paradoxes and ambiguities of the archetypal psychic powers that manifest in our personalities, relationships, culture, arts, and spirituality, and as we grow to appreciate that these Gods and Goddesses must be honored…all within a supportive, welcoming community of mental health professionals and others actively seeking personal awareness, exploration, and growth. Jung spoke of his understanding of God days before his death: “To this day, God is the name by which I designate all things which cross my willful path violently and recklessly, all things which upset my subjective views, plans and intentions and change the course of my life for better or worse.” CJSSF BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT & MEMBERSHIP: Ann Q. Lynch, Ed.D., LMHC CHAIR: Brenda Astor, R.N., DCN VICE PRESIDENT & PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Pamela Heider, Ph.D., LMHC SECRETARY & CONTINUING EDUCATION: Constance Avery-Clark, Ph.D. TREASURER: Patrick Parham, M.A. COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR: Jeannette Sullivan, M.A. COMMUNICATIONS: Lucia Leao, M.A. BOOKSTORE: Richard Chappell, B.A. TREASURE COAST CHAPTER CHAIR: Teresa Oster, M.S., M.SW., LCSW MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Joanna DeAngelo, M.A., LMHC, ATR, CAP JUNGIAN ANALYST: Fred Fleischer, M.A. CONTINUING EDUCATION: Hilary Israch, M.S., LCSW HOSPITALITY: Yehudis Levitin, B.FA. WEBMASTER: Kristin Rosebrock, B.FA. JUNGIAN ANALYST ADVISORS: Santo Tarantino, Ph.D., Linda van Dyck, M.Div., Ph.D., Rick Overman, Psy. D., Danila Crespi, M.A., Judith Moscu, Ph.D., & Kaitryn Wertz, M. Ed. Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida Visit JungCenterSouthFlorida.org for expanded event descripƟons with learning objecƟves plus details on CEUs, discounts, and direcƟons to The Riverside Hotel, All Saints Episcopal Church, The Duncan Conference Center, and The Flagler Center. Se pte mb er 2 3 Friday 6:30—9:30 pm All Saints Episcopal Church, Ft. Lauderdale Social, Book Sale & Film Film Featuring Marion Woodman The Feminine & Addiction Please join us as we kick off our new season with an evening of conversation, food, and drinks—all FREE!— plus amazing bargains. Build your library with new and classic Jungian and other psychology works, along with donated books at low, low prices. The DVD presentation of a poignant, intensely personal interview with world renowned Jungian Analyst Marion Woodman on her struggle with her own addiction will serve as a prelude to our November 18 & 19 workshop on “The War of the Gods in Addiction: C.G. Jung, Alcoholics Anonymous and Archetypal Evil” with acclaimed author David E. Schoen. Ms. Woodman discusses the relationship between the archetypal feminine and addiction in general, touching on the negative mother, the positive masculine, the unravished bride, the body, and connecting to the feminine through dream imagery. She suggests that we turn to addictions out of an unconscious yearning for what is lacking—whether that be joy, love, or nurturing—or in response to an unhealed childhood trauma. Only by embracing the positive feminine archetypal presence can we find our way out of the addiction and into a more balanced life. All FREE! RSVPs Appreciated Oct ob er 15 Saturday 9:30 am—4:30 pm All Saints Episcopal Church, Ft Lauderdale Creative Aging with Ricki Tannen, Ph.D. “For the aging person it is a duty and a necessity to devote serious attention to himself,” Jung stated. As the first half of life is an outbound journey, the second half takes us inward, requiring time, patience, a reorientation towards the shadow and inferior functions, and the development of the relationship with the Self. Jung's focus on the Self stands in opposition to the collective consciousness bombarding us with messages about how not to grow old. CJSSF Presents a Special Event No ve mb er 1 8 -1 9 Friday 7:30—9:30 pm; Reception 6:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am—4:00 pm The Riverside Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale The War of the Gods in Addiction: C.G. Jung, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Archetypal Evil David Schoen, M.S.SW , LCSW Jungian Analyst & Author with This special event lecture and workshop will explore the correspondence between Bill W., one of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, and Carl Jung. Based on David Schoen’s highly acclaimed book by the same title, this workshop will suggest an original, psychodynamic view of addiction that explains the creation and successful treatment of alcoholism and other addictions through the dual lenses of A.A. and Jungian psychology. Mr. Schoen suggests that addiction is not just overindulgence in alcohol, drugs, sex, or fudge, and not just a lack of will power, motivation, or moral character weakness, or the inability to resist temptation. Rather, it is about the total, potentially lethal taking over of healthy ego functioning by Archetypal Shadow/Evil, namely, the powers of fear, anxiety, and other obstacles to wholeness. Mr. Schoen will emphasize Archetypal Shadow/Evil neutralization as he delineates each of the 12 steps of recovery programs in terms of analytic theories of recovery. Clinical, theoretical, mythological, fairy tale, and dream material will be used for conceptual illustration and treatment explanation. (Combined 8 CEUs) David E. Schoen, M.S.SW., LCSW, is presently senior analyst in the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts. He lectures and teaches nationally, and has published several articles for journals in the United States and abroad. His books include Divine Tempest: The Hurricane as a Psychic Phenomenon (1998), and The War of the Gods in Addiction: C. G. Jung, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Archetypal Evil (2009). He is also a Louisiana poet. This program will explore Jung's seven tasks of aging in light of modern research, timeless philosophy, gender issues, and modern depth psychology. It will include the trickster approach to aging and the Baby Boomer demographic. While exploring shadow dynamics, we will consider the perspectives of James Hillman, Helen Luke, Marion Woodman and other Jungian sages. (6 CEUs) Ricki Tannen, Ph.D., has a doctoral degree in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and is also a Harvard trained attorney. She served as President of CJSSF in 2003-2004 and has presented for the Center many times. She is an author, including her most recent book, The Female Trickster (2007). She has a small private practice in Hollywood, FL. Workshop $75, Student $60, (Lunch) Both: $175 (M Member $150); St Member $135) Student $150 (S M $40) St $40 (S SM $35) Friday ONLY: $50 (M M $110)St $110 (S SM $1 100) Sat ONLY: $125 (M ~ NO EVENTS In DECEMBER~ Jan uary 21, 201 2 Treasure Coast Chapter Apr il 14 Saturday 10:30 am – 3:30 pm The Duncan Center, Delray Beach Saturday 1:00 – 5:00 pm A Reading Seminar: ~ NEW VENUE ~ The Flagler Center, Stuart “Jung's Thought about the Self in Light of its Underlying Experience" by Wolfgang Giegerich with Romantic Love and Immortality in the Fountain With Santo Tarantino, Ph.D. In 1913 Jung came to the realization that there was no longer any viable myth, and that out of this demise of myth (and religion), psychology necessarily emerged as the next historical phase of consciousness. Paradoxically, Jung immediately asked, “Then what is my myth?” Wolfgang Giegerich describes Jung’s psychological development after the break with Freud when he was wrestling with his myth. This question was not answered until Jung, in a transformational encounter on safari in Africa, experienced consciousness being aware of itself as thought. This “myth of consciousness” was the pathway to “meaning.” The seminar will critically and rigorously explore the movement of consciousness from implicit to more explicit thought as a defining characteristic of humankind and meaning, and will suggest reasons that consciousness cannot be a subject for mythology. It will require the reading of Giegerich’s Chapter Eight of The Neurosis of Psychology (Spring Journal Books), available through CJSSF. Giegerich’s article will be challenging to most readers, but if understood, it will begin a revolution in one’s views of Jungian psychology. Santo Tarantino, Ph.D., is a Jungian Analyst with a Diplomate in Jungian Psychoanalysis and a doctoral degree in Social Psychology. He served as President of the CJSSF from 1992- 1994. He has been an Associate Professor of Psychology at FAU (now retired), has published and presented internationally to Jungian organizations and is Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority. Seminar $100 + $20 Book (Lunch) Limited to 25 CJSSF Members Febr uary 19 Sunday 11am—3:30 pm The Riverside Hotel, Ft Lauderdale THE QUEST FOR HAPPINESS and the INDIVIDUATION PROCESS in The Blue Bird with Linda van Dyck, M.Div., Ph.D. The Blue Bird is a Russian Fairy Tale made into a film by the United States and the Soviet Union. A poor brother and sister are sent on a journey by the Witch/Light to find the Blue Bird of Happiness and to bring it home. They must choose their path. They look in various places, including memory, night (the unconscious), pleasures, and even the future. However, just when they think they have found the bird, it eludes them. Inanimate objects, such as fire, bread, milk, and sugar, come to life and join the children. Their dog and cat, who can communicate by speaking, also accompany them. This is an enchanting story that suggests the process of developing wisdom and finding meaning for ourselves and for our lives. (3 CEUs) Linda van Dyck, M.Div., Ph.D., of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich holds a Masters in Divinity in psychology and counseling from Yale University Divinity School, and is a senior training analyst with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, and is an Advisor to the CJSSF Board. Her private practice is in Palm Beach. Brunch, Film & Discussion $60; St $45 Mar c h 1 6 & 1 7 Friday 7:30 – 9:30 pm; Reception 6:30 pm Saturday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm The Duncan Center, Delray Beach Jung’s Psychology As One Modern Man In Search of His Soul Douglas Canterbury-Counts, Ph.D. With This lecture and workshop will focus on general and then specific aspects of archetypal power on the path of individuation. The lecture will explore Jung’s assertion that "effective psychology is applied philosophy." If philosophy is the love of wisdom, by whose wisdom will we live? For Jung, it was the wisdom of the archetypal Self. Dr. CanterburyCounts will use Jung’s Modern Man in Search of a Soul, The Undiscovered Self, and dreams to explore examples of Gods and Goddesses of the Self that represent the interface between the noumenal world and the phenomenal world, such as Father Sky and Mother Earth. The intent of the evening is inspiration, education, evocation, and initiation into our own unique paths. (2 CEUs) The Black Mother Kali: Archetype for the 21ST Century This daylong workshop will focus more specifically on feminine archetypes and will emphasize the dangers every individual and modern culture faces by repressing the feminine archetypal energies. Much of world social unrest may be the feminine emerging as Kali, the fierce skull headed Crone with the power to revitalize old spiritual practice. Kali’s myth will be retold as transformation of the ego through shadow work immersed in divine, unconditional love. Jung’s The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, works by James Hillman and Marion Woodman, and experiential exercises will be used to personalize concepts of shadow integration through fierce love and to facilitate our waking up to Kali’s wisdom. This re-emergence of the feminine is one of the most significant events of the 21st century. (6 CEUs) Douglas Canterbury-Counts, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical and neuropsychologist, founder and director of the Center for Sacred Psychology, Regional Coordinator for the Sacred Passage Wilderness training program, and was a formative member of the CJSSF Board. He is clinical consultant for River Fund, a HIV-AIDS project and By the River, an elderly housing project. Both $125; Student $100 (Lunch) Friday Lecture: $30; St $20 Saturday Workshop: $95; St $80 Teresa Oster, M.S., LCSW Living a more symbolic life, or finding one's myth, as Jung put it, offers us meaning and purpose in our distracted modern existence. The Fountain, a centuriesspanning romance about a man who wants to live forever in service to his “Izzy”/Queen Isabella, weaves universal threads in Mayan myth, the Christian Quest, Kaballah, Alchemy and Buddhist reincarnation. The hero and his queen endure dark gauntlets on their soul journeys, propelled on by symbols: the tree of life, the fountain of youth, a golden ring. They show how love, devotion, and Jungian “individuation” can lead us to more inspired living, to living in relation to Self. (3 CEUs) Teresa Oster, MS., MSW., LCSW., is a licensed psychotherapist in Stuart, FL. She is interested in the intersection of the arts and psychology, and is Chair of the CJSSF Treasure Coast Chapter. Film & Discussion $45 St $30 May 5 Saturday 11 am — 4 pm The Riverside Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale The Tree of Life: An Exploration of the Archetype With Patrick Parham, M.A. & Brenda Astor, R.N., DCN The Tree of Life, with its many branches, can represent good and evil as well as the interconnectedness of all life on the planet. These motifs, together with the themes of archetypal love, loss, and forgiveness, are presented through beautiful imagery and classical music in the movie, The Tree of Life. It tells the story of a young protagonist who, while growing up in a small, 1950’s Texas town, has an internal dialogue with God regarding existential questions. Brenda and Patrick will have their own dialogue about their felt responses, and then offer time for sharing together. We want this to be a very experiential opportunity. (3 CEUs) Patrick Parham, M.A., is an instructor at St. Thomas University’s training Spiritual Directors program and serves as Treasurer of the CJSSF Board. Brenda Astor, R.N., DCN, is the founder of Wise Woman Associates and Healing Arts Associates, a consulting practice for creating Integrative Healthcare programs for individuals and corporations. She serves as Chair of CJSSF Board. Brunch, Film & Discussion $60, St $45 24th ANNUAL EVENT Jun e 3, 20 12 Sunday 3:00 – 7:30 pm The Riverside Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale JUNG AND ACTIVE IMAGINATION Film featuring James Hillman, Ph.D., World Renowned Jungian Analyst Facilitator: Pamela Heider , Ph.D. The emergence of C.G. Jung’s Red Book from years of storage in a Swiss vault has rekindled interest in Active Imagination. This method of self-exploration involves actively engaging one’s own imagination in dialogue with archetypal forces, through writing, art, or the spoken word. In this DVD, James Hillman, introduces the method of Active Imagination and delves deeply into the therapeutic value it offers to re-engage us with the Gods and Goddesses of our psyche who are dangerously ignored in an increasingly noisy and demanding world. Hillman considers the history and theory of Active Imagination in Jung’s work, and offers examples for scrutiny and discussion. He discusses our fear of inviting in the Gods and Goddesses as they are so often presumed, and sometimes experienced, as demons. He explores our apprehensions at opening wounds, and addresses the difference between the voices of inner figures and auditory hallucinations. A discussion follows the film with local Jungian Analysts and the audience, facilitated by Pamela Heider, Ph.D. An elegant dinner will complete this celebration. (3 CEUs) James Hillman, Ph.D., is a Jungian Analyst, an American psychologist, the first Director of Studies at the Jung Institute in Zurich, and the developer of Archetypal Psychology. He is the former editor of Spring Publications, devoted to advancing Archetypal Psychology, mythology, philosophy, and art. Pamela Heider, Ph.D., a Jungian-oriented and Gestalt Psychotherapist, received her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She has a private practice in Boca Raton and Hollywood and serves as Vice-President and Program Chair of CJSSF. Film, Discussion & Dinner $75, St $60 TO REGISTER: Send your check with your contact information payable to CJSSF with event noted to Patrick Parham, Treasurer, P.O. Box 669, Hallandale, FL 33008. For late fees, directions, or to pay online visit JungCenterSouthFlorida.org. SORRY, NO REFUNDS. CEU CREDITS are offered through the Florida Department of Health for Psychologists (50-324, exp. 5/31/12) and for Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, and Mental Health Counselors (50-324, exp. 3/31/13.). BECOME A MEMBER OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP for only $40 (student $20). Dues and donations are tax deductible. Please send your email address to info@JungCenterSouthFlorida.org or call our MESSAGE line at 954-525-4682. Help the Center‘s work and keep Jungian ideas and events alive in South Florida. We are a 501(c)(3) organization. TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS ALWAYS NEEDED.
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Patrick Parham, CJSSF Treasurer
P.O. Box 669,Hallandale, FL 33008
PRESIDENT: Pamela Heider, PhD, LMHC...
2010-2011 - Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida
The Center is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that serves the wider
community by presenting lectures, workshops, and discussions to address psychological,
social and spiritual issues and pr...