20 May 2016 - Marcellin College Randwick
20 May 2016 - Marcellin College Randwick
MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK AETERNA NON CADUCA The Eternal not the Transitory From the Director of Teaching & M-Learning 20 MAY 2016 | NO. 7 Why NAPLAN ? Last week 334 (out of 340) of our Year 7 and Year 9 students completed The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests. NAPLAN is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. All students sit for tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. NAPLAN is the measure through which governments, education authorities, schools, teachers and parents can determine whether or not young Australians have the literacy and numeracy skills that provide the critical foundation for other learning and for their productive and rewarding participation in the community.1 Each year, around this time, various media outlets seem to delight in espousing the pitfalls or otherwise of conducting the tests, and every year a different educational expert appears on ‘Sunrise’ with his or her opinion as to its efficacy.2 Well, let’s set the record straight. NAPLAN results are taken very seriously by the College; they provide the ideal snapshot of where our students sit in these key markers and indeed form the basis for determining teaching and learning strategies across all of our Key Learning Areas (KLAs). Above: Mr Chris Shields with Year 10 student Jesse James in a collaborative Science lesson In Term 1 all of our teaching staff were involved in a Professional Development day where we were given the opportunity and the skills to analyse our NAPLAN and HSC data. Experts Marinko Colak and Penny Lawrence from Sydney Catholic Schools Eastern Region Office joined College staff Jenny Dove, Anthony Burke and myself to fashion a day such that our data can inform our practice. “Providing the balance between innovation and ‘traditional methods’ is the eternal goal within any educational institution...” So what did we study? One key area examined in NAPLAN results was student growth. Being able to determine whether a student has achieved better than expected learning growth, less than expected learning growth, or indeed has recorded a decline, is vital to either affirming or otherwise teaching strategies being adopted, as well as being a precursor to possible change in approach. continued on Page 2... 1 http://www.nap.edu.au/information/faqs/naplan--general.html 2 https://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/watch/31560689/newsfeed-naplan- tests/#page1 www.marcellin.nsw.edu.au | mcr-secretary@syd.catholic.edu.au | Ph: (02) 9398 6355 | Fax: (02) 9398 9049 Figure 1. The above graph (Figure 1) indicates student growth mapped across all students in a particular Year group. The orange arrow indicates the student achieved better than expected growth compared to previous NAPLAN results. The blue arrow pointing up indicates growth occurred, and pointing down indicates a decline was identified. This sort of data serves to highlight areas where we are clearly getting it right, as well as possible areas that may require attention. During our ‘Data Day’, teaching staff also spent many hours analysing Higher School Certificate results. Like NAPLAN, this analysis provides KLAs with vital feedback in order to inform our practice, so as to further sharpen the confidence and competence of our teaching staff. As a result, we continue to explore innovative teaching practice, through flipping the classroom, collaboration, team teaching, and utilising alternative learning spaces. On the other hand research reminds us of the importance of maintaining the structure that boys need in their educational growth. The work of Ian Lillico is worth reading on this topic.3 Providing the balance between innovation and ‘traditional methods’ is the eternal goal within any educational institution. Figure 2. For example, the above graph (Figure 2) maps the results for a particular course over a ten year period. It can alert KLAs to possible trends emerging within a subject area allowing for critical conclusions to be draw in order to improve practice. Opportunities to analyse the data not only provide for moments of affirmation, but they also enable key moments for introspection, seeking possible flags to suggest something can be done better. 2 I have often said that one of the many things that makes Marcellin College an outstanding school is in the way we continue to strive to meet the individual learning needs of every student. This work in analysing ‘our’ data is just another of the key determinants in assuring this continues to be the case. Mr Chris Shields Director of Teaching & M-Learning 3 http://www.boysforward.com.au/ MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER Mother’s Day Mass 20 MAY 2016 3 From the Deputy Headmaster AUTHENTIC LEARNING Last week, I attended a meeting at Burwood with all Assistant Principals in the Archdioceses of Sydney, and this week I spent three days in Bowral at the Eastern Region Assistant Principals Conference. At the top of our agenda at both was learning. As a system of schools and also at Marcellin, the area of Authentic Learning is being deeply analysed. What we are doing is looking at the latest research and statistics in education, being exposed to what is working well in many countries including our own, drilling down into what best teaching and learning practice is and how it is achieved, as well as sharing our own best practice and ideas with each other. One of my reflections is how education and learning has changed since I was at school. For many of our parents, there is absolutely no comparison between when they were at school and what is happening in the classroom now. Another reflection is that the world has also changed so much in recent times. The needs and the ways in which our youth learn these days is vastly different to the way it was done not so many years ago. Of course, technology plays a huge role in many of these worldly and educational changes. TERM 2 IMPORTANT DATES Fri, 3 June Staff Development Day - student free day Fri, 10 June Champagnat Day Tue, 21 June Years 10 & 11 Parent / Teacher meetings. 1.00 – 8.00pm. Venue: The Devlin Centre Student dismissal @12.00pm Wed, 29 June Years 7, 8 & 9 Parent / Teacher meetings. 9.00am - 7.00pm. Venue: The Devlin Centre Student free day I walk around the College and visit classrooms, I always see a great variety of authentic learning in action. Flipped classrooms, team-teaching, student-centred classrooms, teacher-directed learning and technology-rich rooms are all what your sons experience each day at Marcellin. My advice to parents is to be on the learning journey with your sons. Find out what they are doing in each of their subjects and ask them lots of questions about their learning. Read what they are writing in their assignments and for homework every night if you can. This will not only assist you in understanding what they are doing each day at school, but it will also assist them in articulating what they are learning and what lies ahead. ...Flipped classrooms, team-teaching, studentcentred classrooms, teacher-directed learning and technology-rich rooms is what your sons experience each day at Marcellin... The greatest positive in my view in 21st century teaching and learning is that it is very exciting. I don’t think that learning has ever been as engaging and enjoyable as it is today. At Marcellin, we are not only embracing the latest in technology, but we are also adapting a collaborative approach to learning, professionally developing and training our staff, and acquiring new furniture and resources to enhance learning, just to name a few. I must say that when 4 If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. That way, their children don’t have to be slaves of praise. They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence. - Carol Dweck Have a nice week. Mr Peter Buxton Deputy Headmaster MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER Science - Year 10.1 & 10.2 Collaborative Learning 20 MAY 2016 5 Year 7.1 Science Pictured are a number of 7.1 Science students and their Cell Models. Students are currently studying the topic “Nature’s Factories” which investigates living things at a cellular level. The students made their models using everyday materials and produced a creative narrative on how the cell works, helping them deepen their understanding of how living things function. Ms Gillian Clarke Science Teacher As part of Champagnat Day, MCR Solidarity is asking students to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in a peaceful country, and not be subject to the devastation and heartbreak experienced by those in Syria. MCR SOLIDARITY Raising money for The Blue Marists who continue their solidarity work with the displaced families in war-torn Aleppo in Syria. Please support The Blue Marists to help thousands of families survive the traumas of this terrible civil war... 6 Distributing food baskets every month to 800 displaced families. Providing accommodation for 150 families. Providing hot meals every day at noon to 550 persons. And so much more... We ask students to give generously to support The Blue Marists in Syria helping those who have lost everything in the war... MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER 20 MAY 2016 7 Marist Vocations Forum In the last weekend of the school holidays, forty-one Year 12 students from 14 Marist Schools attended the annual Marist Vocations Forum at the Hermitage, Mittagong. Over the course of three days, students created a community where they were able to reflect on, and grow in their understanding of vocation and God's invitation to them to live their lives to the fullest. Students encountered the personal stories of guest speakers from a variety of vocations and gained valuable 'lived' experience about how others have responded to God's call in their lives and in service to those around them. The group held their own forum and broke open some significant vocational questions with each other, including "How do I know if it's for life?" and "What if my vocation is different to the dreams my parents have for me?" They also looked at how mental health issues can be a stumbling block for young people in achieving the fullness of life that they themselves desire. Above: MCR Year 12 student Anson Antony (centre) collaborating with other Year 12 students Below: Group Leader at the Year 12 Forum Miss Anita De Francesco (centre) with her group Congratulations to Anson Antony who represented the College and for his outstanding contribution to the weekend. His willingness to openly discuss, challenge and listen to different viewpoints, all with a genuine respect for others, is to be commended. Miss Anita De Francesco Youth Minister Coordinator Deadline to enrol: 8.00pm Monday, 23 May 2016 All Australian citizens aged 18 years or over are required to enrol and vote.To enrol for the first time, you can enrol online. Voting is compulsory by law but most importantly, young people have the power to shape our future. At the last election 400,000 young people between the age of 18 and 24 election were not enrolled to vote. We are asking students who have turned 18 to take a moment now to enrol. Enrolments can be checked and details updated with the Australian Electoral Commission here: http://bit.ly/1WaouFT. Lionel Bowen YOUNG WRITERS’ AWARD 2016 ARE YOU 18? HAVE YOU ENROLLED TO VOTE? ENTER NOW! for your chance to win Enter your poetry and short stories. WIN prepaid credit cards, books and more. ENTRIES CLOSE 30 JUNE 2016 To register, or for more information visit www.randwick.nsw.gov.au/library or phone 9314 4888 8 MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER Youth Ministry World Youth Day - Formation Day and Workshop On Tuesday, 17 May 2016, the students involved in World Youth Day had the opportunity to attend a Formation Day in preparation for the pilgrimage, combining with students from schools across all the Sydney regions. The Formation Day allowed student pilgrims to gather for a day of activities and was a key part of their preparation for their WYD pilgrimage. A group of Marcellin students from the College Vocal Group attended to take part in the day by singing in the Combined Choir for Mass, which was celebrated in the afternoon. This was a wonderful opportunity for these students to represent the College, and to showcase their musical talent, as they helped lead the Sydney Catholic School’s community attending World Youth Day in Poland. Next Monday, 23 May 2016, the students will have the opportunity to attend the final workshop in preparation for the pilgrimage. This workshop completes the final part of the process, collaborating with the Bus Group Leader, Chaplains and Youth Ambassadors. The workshop will be run by the National Evangelisation Team (NET), a group of young Catholics who volunteer a year of their lives to share their experience of Jesus and serve the Church. The NET team run a range of retreats and events on a wide range of topics and will cater specifically to our Holy Land and Poland Pilgrimage. We will be collaborating with Brigidine College Randwick, Champagnat Catholic College Pagewood and St John Bosco College Engadine for the 4-hour workshop. It will be a great opportunity to work together with these Colleges as they will be travelling on the same Holy Land and Poland bus for the duration of the pilgrimage. Year 9 Evangelisation Day On Wednesday, 18 May 2016, a group of 20 students from Year 9 attended an Evangelisation Day, combining with students from schools across all the Sydney regions. The theme for the day, “NO GREATER LOVE” featured two of the headline presenters from the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide - Jason Evert and Steve Angrisano. The day focused on the challenge to love deeply, with respect and self-sacrifice set within the context of the Year of Mercy, remembering Christ’s love and mercy for us all. Special thanks to Mr Michael Steel for accompanying the boys on the day. Miss Anita De Francesco Youth Minister Coordinator Above: MCR students at a workshop in preparation for their upcoming World Youth Day pilgrimage, along with students from Brigidine College Randwick, Champagnat Catholic College Pagewood and St John Bosco College Engadine 20 MAY 2016 Above: Year 9 students with Miss De Francesco attending an Evangelisation Day at Holy Cross Ryde 9 Careers 1 Year 11 VET Construction & Hospitality Work Placement During Weeks 2 and 3 of this term our Construction and Hospitality students participated in mandatory work placement. This placement provides the students with the opportunity to experience some of the perks and challenges of working in both the construction and hospitality industry. The feedback their teachers received from employers was extremely positive and they commended our boys on their high level of respect and ability to engage in the workplace. Well done boys on putting your best foot forward and making the most of this opportunity. Thank you to all the employers for giving our boys this invaluable experience. 2 Photos: 1. Sam Callanan and Arthur Mourant 2. Josh Douglas and Sam Dickson 3. Mario Sarrinikolaou 4. Lachlan Good and J ack Kelso-Symonds University Visits for Year 12 Year 12 students attended a presentation from the University of Sydney during a recent Pastoral Care Meeting. The presentation was extremely informative and highlighted the wide range of courses and opportunities that Sydney University offers to its students. The Australian Catholic University is the next university visiting on 25 May. 3 Year 10 Work Experience Students are encouraged to secure their placements quickly as the due date for all paperwork and Google Forms approaches (Monday 30th May, Week 6). UNSW Science Year 10 Work Experience Program 28 November to 2 December. UNSW’s Year 10 work experience program aims to give students the opportunity to gain insight and experience into the faculty’s everyday work which involves a diverse array of science https://www.futurestudents.unsw.edu.au/unsw-scienceyear-10-work-experience-2016 4 UNSW Year 10 Information Evening 25 May. 6.15pm to 7.30pm Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW Kensington HSC subject selection , bonus points and course advice. https://www.futurestudents.unsw.edu.au/year-10-subjectselection-information-evening-25-may UAC Presentations - Year 11-12 and Year 10 HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park 2 – 5 June Session time on both Thursday and Friday of each Expo are 10.15am and 12.30pm. UAC will be giving presentations for Year 11/12 students on the ATAR and Applying through UAC 10 MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER and for Year 10 students on Subject Selection and the ATAR . Debating Students looking to study Medicine - UMAT preparation and interview tips MedEntry advice to give students interested in applying for undergraduate medicine, dentistry or optometry a leg up on the competition for the UMAT and university interviews. Free and paid resources are available: https:// www.myhealthcareer.com.au/medicine/medentry-UMATpreparation Marcellin has had a successful first half of the debating season, hosting three of the first round meetings in our very own Greenstead Hall. Med Entry - Preparation for UMAT Test 4 - 5 June, 2 - 3 July, 23 - 24 July: UTS 18 - 19 June: Macquarie University http://www.medentry.edu.au/courses/umat-courselocations Special mention must go to our Year 11 and 12 teams who are undefeated in their first four debates. UNSW Elite Athletes and Performers Bonus Point Guide https://www.futurestudents.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/ files/uploads/EAP%20Web%20Guide%202016.pdf Mr Anthony Noyes Careers & VET Coordinator Reunion – Class of 1996 When: Where: Cost: 17 June 2016 @6.30pm Whitehorse Hotel (upstairs) Crown St, Surry Hills ($20) to cover food Memorable moments have Included a “clean sweep” at home against Domremy in Round 3 and victories in five of the six debates held last Friday’s Round 4 contest at Marist College North Shore. Year 11 Year 12 Francesco Strati, Oscar Strachan, Caleb Siles Anson Anthony, Dominic Maher, Cristian Speranza, Timothy Ryan However, all teams have shown a great deal of improvement under the guidance of their talented and committed coaches. I would like to acknowledge the spirit and goodwill of all our student helpers especially Nicholas Santoso (Year 7) and Joseph Farrugia (Year 7), who have regularly volunteered to chair and keep time at debates. Daniel (the chief) Dehart, Zachary Wheeler and Dylan De Costa have also been invaluable in helping set up the debating rooms and the kitchen and many others have assisted with welcoming guest schools. Thanks to all our coaches staff and helpers and parents who have enabled the boys to turn up burning with enthusiasm each Friday night. We wish all our teams the best of luck at Waverley College on Friday. Mr Ben Rice Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator Photos: Year 12 Chemistry students determining the concentration of acetic acid in vinegar, by conducting a titration experiment. 20 MAY 2016 11 Subscribe Subscribe Share Share Past Issues Past Issues Translate Translate View this email in your browser View this email in your browser and progress with you and we Forward Share Share Tweet Tweet keep you updated with all things happening at the school. Through Like Us on Facebook Like Us on Facebook www.facebook.com/TheJohnBerneSchool www.facebook.com/TheJohnBerneSchool encourage you to be an active part and and progress progress with with you you and and we we of our community so get involved encourage encourage you you toto bebe anan active active part part and tell us what you think as well. ofof our our community community soso get get involved involved and and telltell usus what what you you think think asas well. well. Tweet Like or Follow us. Like Offered on four occasions in 2016, each of theseor Follow us. retreats will provide an opportunity for participants We're excited to announce that The to experience input, reflection time, journaling, We're excited to announce that The John Berne School is now on different styles of prayer (including Eucharist), and the John Berne School is now on facebook and instagram so we can opportunity to meet with a spiritual director. facebook and instagram so we can keep you updated with all things Share Copyright © 2016 The John Berne School, All rights reserved. ABOUT The Care for the Soul Retreat is an adult retreat experience offering an opportunity for deepening and integrating prayer, mission and service. Copyright Copyright © 2016 © 2016 The The John John Berne Berne School, School, AllAll rights rights reserved. reserved. Want Want to to change change how how you you receive receive these these emails? emails? You You can can update update your your preferences preferences or or unsubscribe unsubscribe from from this this listlist The Hermitage, Mittagong Want to change how you receive these emails? - Mark 6:31 It's time to get social. It's time to get social. The John Berne School is now on The John Berne School is now on Instagram and Facebook! Instagram and Facebook! You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list “And he said to them come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” CARE FOR THE SOUL RETREAT 2016 comment on or share ourinvolved news. of our community so get and tell us what you think as well. and tellus uson what you thinklike as us well. RETREAT FACILITATORS Follow instagram, on Follow us on instagram, like us on Brother Bill Sullivan FMS, Brother Robert facebook, O’ConnororFMS do both. We're looking facebook, or do both. We're looking This retreat is facilitated by the Marist Brothers ofsharing The our milestones forward to forward to sharing our milestones and progress with you and we Hermitage, Mittagong and progress with you and we encourage you to be an active part encourage you to be an active part of our community so get involved of our community so get involved and tell us what you think as well. Corner Old South and Bong Bong and tell us what you think as well. VENUE ‘The Hermitage’ Roads, Mittagong NSW COST $320.00 pp (incl. all meals, accommodation and linen) We have also just initiated a Berne Library and would love any teenage fiction or non Like or Follow us. Want to change how you receive these emails? books Forward that families could donate. Want to change how you receive these emails? fiction You can update your preferences orShare unsubscribe from this list Tweet Copyright © 2016 The John Berne School, All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 The John Berne School, All rights reserved. You can update your preferences orShare unsubscribe from this list Tweet 12 Tweet Copyright © 2016 The John Berne School, All rights reserved. happening at the school. Through Copyright © 2016 The John Berne School, All rights reserved. Share We're excited to announce thatForward The John Berne School is now on facebook and instagram so we can keep you updated with all things Like Us on Facebook www.facebook.com/TheJohnBerneSchool Follow Us On Instagram encourage you to be an active part of our community so get involved and tell us what you think as well. Copyright © 2016 The John Berne School, All rights reserved. Instagram and help with volunteers to Facebook! come to our School for 2-3 hours on one day a week on a regular basis to help listen to our super needy kidsTweet read aloudForward as part of our daily literacy Tweet Forward support. Want to change how you receive these emails? RETREAT CONTACT Please contact Brother Bill Sullivan FMS Email: bill.sullivan@marists.org.au Phone: 02 4872 1911 Share Share It's time to get social. John Berne School is now needs on TheThe John Berne School desperately You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list REGISTER Go to register@marists.org.au Translate Forward Forward Follow Us On Instagram happening at the school. Through WHEN our social media channels, you'll be Follow Us On Instagram www.instagram.com/TheJohnBerneSchool our social media channels, you'll be All these retreats will be conducted in a spirit of silence www.instagram.com/TheJohnBerneSchool informed of recent and upcoming Share Past Issues informed of recentSubscribe and upcoming on the following dates in 2016: events, see what and progress withstudents you and and we staff events, see what and Friday 27 May 5:00pm – Sunday 29 May 11:00am and progress withstudents youtoand we staff are up to and like, encourage youbetoable be an active part View this email in your browser are 11:00am up to and betoable to active like, encourage you be an part Thursday 14 July 5:00pm – Saturday 16 July comment on or share ourinvolved news. of our community so get our social media channels, you'll be www.instagram.com/TheJohnBerneSchool MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER informed of recent and upcoming Want to change how you receive these emails? events, see what students and staff Want to change how you receive these emails? progressfrom withthis youlistand we You can update your preferences orand unsubscribe MCR Surfing Team Place 2nd in Sydney Schools Regional Surfing Titles - South During Term 1, many students from Years 10-12 trialled for the Marcellin College Surfing Team. From these trials 27 students formed the team, with eight students selected to represent MCR at Sydney Schools Regional Surfing Titles 2016 – SOUTH. This surfing event, held at Maroubra Beach and organised by Surfing NSW, feeds into the State Surfing Titles which will be held in Port Macquarie in July this year. The competition was held over two days, with the senior boys competing last Thursday, 12 May, and the junior boys on the following day. SENIOR BOYS Zac Michael Zane Killorn Khava Black Paolo Cignetti Luke Michaels JUNIOR BOYS Jordan Fitzgerald Conor Fitzgerald Kye Black Both days had weak swell from the south and a low tide for the earlier heats which challenged all the competitors. Zac Michael, Paolo Cignetti and Jordan Fitzgerald placed first and Khava Black placed second in their heats, progressing through to the quarter finals. Unfortunately Zane Killorn, Luke Michaels, Kye Black and Conor Fitzgerald were knocked out of their heats. In the quarter finals, Paolo and Zac both progressed through to the semi-finals. Zac was unlucky to be beaten by 0.02 in the final moments of the semi-final. He came fifth overall for the senior boys, which is an impressive result. Paolo also had a remarkable day in the water, placing seventh overall. The MCR Senior Boys Team came second out of eleven schools in the region. I am very proud of the way the boys represented the College and I look forward to further developing our Surfing Team in preparation for the next event! My thanks to Year 10 student Dylan De Costa for the great photos from the day. Ms Peta Bourke Surfing Coordinator 20 MAY 2016 13 From the Sports Coordinator WINTER SEASON - RUGBY LEAGUE & SOCCER Round 3 v Bankstown Our teams performed extremely well against Bankstown last Thursday in the MCC competition. This was a successful day in both Soccer and Rugby League with all teams claiming victory, and in the majority of matches by large margins. Our Rugby League teams compiled two hundred points and did not have their tryline crossed once, while our Soccer teams scored forty goals and conceded just four. This round also saw the rare occurrence of ‘Marcellin v Marcellin’ in both the U13 and senior divisions of Rugby League. While the B’s proved too strong for the C’s in both divisions, they were very ‘willing’ contests played with great spirit. This week was a spare round in the winter season due to MCC Rugby League teams competing at the NSWCCC Championships. MCC competition matches resume next Thursday, 26 May against Ashfield. NSWCCC RUGBY SELECTION TRIALS Thirty-three boys from the MCC association attended the Combined Catholic Colleges (CCC) U16 and U18 Rugby trials at T.G. Millner Oval at Eastwood this week on Monday and Tuesday. The CCC trials bring together students from Catholic Colleges from around the state, some travelling from as far as Lismore, Orange and Bathurst. The players are put through a number of drills run by the NSW Waratahs Development Squad and play a number of games, all the while being watched carefully by the CCC selectors and also a representative of the Australian Rugby Union 7’s Talent Identification Team. YR 10 FREE CHOICE SPORT IN FOCUS This term Year 10 are involved in Free Choice sport. Boys are currently participating in quite a varied selection of sports that include tennis, fitness, jiu jitsu, indoor soccer, mixed games and surfing. They have been engaging enthusiastically in their chosen sport and making the most of their time on Thursday afternoons. “As part of Yr10 Free Choice Sport, I have chosen to play tennis at Snape Park, where we break up into small groups and either rally casually, play a match or play tennis mini-games. We often have six to a court and rotate in games of ins-and-outs doubles which lets everyone have a go. On other courts, others practice together in a formal match or help each other out when it comes to learning how to serve and volley correctly. Overall, it’s lots of fun as we have the freedom to play tennis in a group or just one on one, making each week different and interesting.” (Thomas Stellino) ‘In Year 10, the students have been given an opportunity to enjoy Fitness once again. The boys walk down to Coogee and meet up with our instructor to go through a vigorous amount of training. The boys are put through an endurance test in the spin class. This class works on your legs and pushes you to your limits. The circuit has six different routines in one area where you are split into pairs and work on different parts of your body. We enjoy what we get out of this and hope that other students will also participate in Fitness because maintaining a good level of physical fitness is something that we should all aspire to do.” (Chris Gaillard) Of these 33 boys, 12 were from Marcellin College in Years 9-11 and of these 12, William Harrison (Year 11) and Jonathan Mitsias (Year 11) were selected in the U18 CCC team. This is the second time in two years these talented rugby players have made into the CCC team, both having represented last year in the very successful U16 team. Mr Paul MacGee Rugby Coach Right: Members of the MCC rugby squad at the CCC Rugby trials on 16 May 14 MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER ‘A group of Year 10 boys are currently taking part in a challenging Jiu Jitsu program. Throughout the lessons we are increasing our health and fitness as well as learning to defend ourselves in many different ways on the street with use of the martial art Jiu Jitsu. We are also taught the sport of Jiu Jitsu, wrestling with each other and testing our skills. This course is full of hard work and skills I will have for life such as defending myself’. (Jesse James) Mr Luke MacNamara Sports Coordinator 20 MAY 2016 15 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @MCR2031 FOR OUR NEWS & UPDATES FRI, 27 MAY 11.00am - 3:30pm Coogee Beach -- A Randwick City Council Event -National Reconciliation Week celebrates the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and all other Australians. It’s a time for us to learn about our shared histories, cultures and 3 achievements and to explore how we can join the national reconciliation effort and take fresh action. We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we stand. We walk on a land once occupied by the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. May we continue to love and respect the land as they have. SPORT TEAM PHOTOS UNIFORM SHOP Team photos are available online for the next 2 weeks. www.advancedlife.com.au DIGITAL CODE 4KG GG3 DX7 $17.00 per group photo Forms also available from College Front Office 16 Tuesday 8.00am - 11:15am Thursday 8.00am - 1:00pm Phone: 9398 6822 MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK NEWSLETTER
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