Senior Citizen Activity Center Madison Heights, MI 48071
Senior Citizen Activity Center Madison Heights, MI 48071
Senior Citizen Activity Center 29448 John R Madison Heights, MI 48071 Senior Center Staff Lee Fedel, Coordinator Jennifer Cowan, Sr. Ctr. Assistant Bill Gordon, Part-time Driver Marie Murphy, Part-time Driver Carrie Durkin, Part-time Driver Gayle Verbiest, Part-time Driver Lee Jennifer Bill Marie Carrie Gayle What’s Inside... New Trips...................................1-2 Trips Still Available.......................3 Upcoming Trips............................4 Extended Travel...........................5 Events.........................................6 News to Know..............................7 Classes.......................................8 Services & Fitness.......................9 Birthdays, Anniversaries & Senior Dining..............................10 Advertising & Extras....................11 Madison Heights Senior Scoop $2.00 per copy Novvemb ember Dec ecemb ember No er & D ec emb er 2011 Senior Citizen Activity Center Madison Heights Senior Center November Sunday 6) Daylight Savings Time Ends 13) 20) 27) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 10:00-TRIP SIGNUP 10:00-EXERCISE 11:00-LINE DANCE 12:00-Chicken Cacciatore GRO: Kroger 10:45-OPC Diva’s & Divo’s 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Baked Ham 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI 7) 8) 9) 14) 15) 16) GRO: Kroger 8:45-FRANKENMUTH 9:00-POOL TOURNMNT 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Pepper Steak 12:45-CRAFTS 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-WII LEAGUE 9:00-OAKLAND MALL 11:00-EXERCISE 11:30-GREEN ART 12:00-Pub Burger 12:45-CRAFTS 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-WII LEAGUE 21) 9:00-TARGET 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Baked Chicken 12:45-CRAFTS 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-BOOK CLUB 1:00-WII LEAGUE 28) 8:45-GRT LAKE CROSS 9:00-BIG LOTS 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Meat Lasagna 12:45-CRAFTS 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-WII LEAGUE 2011 29448 John R, Madison Heights, MI 48071 248.545.3464 ELECTIONS 10:00-EXERCISE 11:00-LINE DANCE 12:00-Chicken Patty 10:00-EXERCISE 11:00-LINE DANCE 12:00-Mac & Cheese 1:00-ADVISORY BD MT 22) 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Beef Pot Pie 29) 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Fish Sandwich GRO: Meijer 11:00-VETERAN’S PGRM 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Spaghetti/Meat 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI 9:00-KMART 10:00-BLOOD PRESSURES 10:00-MOBILE LAW 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Stuffed Peppers 1:00-BINGO 1:00-QUILT GROUP 1:30-COMPUTER CLASS 10) 9:00-KMART 10:00-FLU SHOTS 10:00-BLOOD PRESSURES 10:00-EXERCISE 11:00-BOOT CAMP 11:15-CHIROPRACTOR 12:00-Roast Pork/Gravy 1:00-BINGO 1:00-QUILT GROUP 1:30-COMPUTER CLASS 9:00-MASSAGES 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Greek Pasta Salad 12:45-“African Cats” 1:00-BUNCO 11) 12) 17) 18) 19) 25) 26) 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Polish Sausage 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI 9:00-KMART 10:00-BLOOD PRESSURES 10:00-EXERCISE 11:00-SING ALONG 12:00-Turkey/Dressing 1:00-BINGO 1:00-QUILT GROUP 1:30-COMPUTER CLASS 23) 24) 10 AM – 2 PM: MINI HEALTH FAIR GRO: Meijer 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Pork Chops 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI CENTER CLOSED 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Baked Pollock 12:45-“Snow Flower and the Secret Fan” 1:00-BUNCO 10:45-LA MARSA 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Homemade Chili 12:00-BIRTHDAY CAKE 12:45-“The Conspirator” 1:00-BUNCO CENTER CLOSED Happy Thanksgiving! 30) Country Christmas Depart GRO: Kroger 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Salisbury Steak 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI Thanks to our advertisers! Shanbom Eye Specialist, City Medical, PC, 920 on the Park, CarePRO, Right at Home and Home Care Assistance Madison Heights Senior Center December Sunday Monday 2011 29448 John R, Madison Heights, MI 48071 248.545.3464 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1) 2) 3) 5) 6) 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Pork Chop GRO: Meijer 11:00-EXERCISE 11:30-MADISON LUNCH 12:00-Chicken Sandwich 12:00-SALV ARMY LUNCH 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI 9:00-KMART 10:00-MOBILE LAW 10:00-BLOOD PRESSURES 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Hot Dogs 1:00-SPECIAL BINGO 1:00-QUILT GROUP 1:30-COMPUTER CLASS Country Christmas Return 8) 9:00-KMART 10:00-BLOOD PRESSURES 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Roast Pork/Gravy 12:00-SALV ARMY LUNCH 1:00-BINGO 1:00-QUILT GROUP 1:30-COMPUTER CLASS 5:00-HOLIDAY DANCE 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Cook’s Choice GRO: Meijer 11:00-EXERCISE 11:45-WICKED 12:00-Boneless Chicken 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI 21) 22) 23) CENTER CLOSED through January 2 See you next yearJanuary 3, 2012! 24) 25) Merry Christmas! 26) CENTER CLOSED 27) CENTER CLOSED 28) CENTER CLOSED 29) 30) CENTER CLOSED 31) Thanks to our advertisers! Shanbom Eye Specialist, City Medical, PC, 920 on the Park, CarePRO, Right at Home and Home Care Assistance 4) 12:45DONNY & MARIE 9:00-OAKLAND MALL 9:00-POOL TOURNMNT 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Sloppy Joe 12:45-CRAFTS 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-WII LEAGUE 7:30-HOLIDAY CONCERT 9:00-TARGET 11:00-EXERCISE 11:30-GREEN ART 12:00-Kielbasa/Kraut 12:45-CRAFTS 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-WII LEAGUE 9:00-PRODUCE PALACE 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Beef Pot Pie 12:45-CRAFTS 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-WII LEAGUE 9:15-FORD HOUSE 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Manicotti/Meat 7) GRO: Kroger 11:00-EXERCISE 11:45-LAMPHERE LUNCH 12:00-Pub Burger 12:45-PINOCHLE 1:00-DOMINOES 1:30-TAI CHI 9:00-KMART 10:00-BLOOD PRESSURES 10:00-EXERCISE 11:00-SING ALONG 12:00-Ham Loaf 1:00-BINGO 1:00-QUILT GROUP 1:30-COMPUTER CLASS 9:00-KMART 10:00-BLOOD PRESSURES 10:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Homemade Chili 1:00-BINGO 1:00-QUILT GROUP 1:30-COMPUTER CLASS Winter Begins CENTER CLOSED 10:00-TRIP SIGNUP 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Mac & Cheese 12:45-“Water for Elephants” 1:00-BUNCO 9) 10) 9:00-MASSAGES 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Beef Tips/Noodles 12:45-“Green Lantern” 1:00-BUNCO 11:00-EXERCISE 12:00-Baked Fish 12:00-BIRTHDAY CAKE 12:45-“The Help” 1:00-BUNCO Traverse City Depart 12:30ELVIS/PORTOFINO ---------------------New Year’s Eve -1- 29448 John R, Madison Heights, MI 48071 248.545.3464 ~For a free copy visit us online at (Run mouse over “Departments” & click on “Senior Center”. On left side click on “Senior Scoop” or “Seniors Calendar”.) NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2011 $2.00 per copy $12.00 per year SIGN UP DATES: Tuesday, November 1 & Friday, December 2, 2011- Sign up numbers will be given at 9:00 am. Residents’ registration starts at 10:00 am and non-residents’ registration starts at approximately 10:30 am. Full payment is required for day trips and checks are preferred. Please make all checks payable to the City of Madison Heights. You may register for extended trips at any time with deposit. There is a minimum of 15-20 people per day trip. If you mail in or leave a check with the front desk for a trip, you must also supply a self-addressed stamped envelope for your ticket stub(s) or we will not register you. Address labels for your tickets are very helpful too! If you need to cancel a trip or event after you have signed up, we will do everything we can to refund the cost (minus a $3.00 cancellation fee) by either selling the ticket to someone else or by cancelling your reservation if possible. However, if payment has already been issued, we may not be able to obtain a refund. If a refund is possible, it will be sent through the City Treasurer’s office and may take up to three weeks to be processed. For more info on our sign up policy, stop by or call 248.545.3464. * * * * * November Signup ----- Tuesday, November 1 or later * * * * * Christmas Shopping Edsel & E leanor F or dH ouse Eleanor For ord House Great Lakes Crossing Lunch & Tour Monday, November 28, 2011 9 am - 3:30 pm $5-Res/$7-Non-Res November sign up Come with us to Great Lakes Crossing Mall for Christmas shopping and lunch “Dutch Treat” with your friends. For those of you who do not want to shop, there is a movie theatre there with a selection of many movies for your viewing enjoyment. Holiday Dinner Dance Thursday, December 8, 2011 5-9 pm at the Senior Center $25-Res/$27-Non-Res November sign up Our annual holiday dinner dance will be held on Thursday, December 8 at the senior center. A special delicious buffet dinner will be served at 5 pm and the Mike Zelenak Band will perform for your listening and dancing pleasure. Come celebrate the holidays with your friends at the Center. $12.00 Tuesday ecember 13, 2011 uesday,, D December 9:30 am - 2:30 pm $35-Res/$37-Non-Res November sign up Join us for a holiday tour of the Ford House on Lakeshore Drive in Grosse Pointe. You will step back in time to discover the magic of the holidays and hear about the Ford family’s traditions and spectacular parties. Lunch following the tour. Entree choices are #1-Pecan Encrusted Chicken- boneless breast of chicken served with pecans and honey Dijon caper sauce or #2-Penne Primavera- pasta with sauteed fresh seasonal vegetables tossed in a white wine basil cream sauce. Lunch includes a Michigan salad, fresh rolls & butter, vegetables, potatoes or rice, dessert and fresh brewed coffee, hot tea or iced tea. Newsletter Registration 2012 It’s time to register and pay for the senior scoop for 2012! The newsletter is filled with pertinent information regarding trips, activities and special programs. Newsletters are mailed “first class” which receives top priority. The cost for the coming year will stay at $12.00 per household. If you choose to pick up a “scoop” at the Center, the cost is $2.00 per (bimonthly) copy, or get a free copy online at the City of Madison Heights website. See directions at top of page. Name ________________________________ Your Birthdate: Month ___________ Day__________ Year __________ Address ______________________________ Spouse Name: ____________________________________________ City ______________________ Zip ________ Spouse Birthdate: Month __________ Day _________ Year _________ Your Phone ( ) _______ - ____________ Wedding Anniversary: Month __________ Day _________ Year ______ Emergency Phone ( ) _______ - _________ Date signed up: _______________________________________ Madison Heights Senior Center 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 South Oakland Concert Band Holiday Concert -2- Monda y, December 5, 2011 Monday 7:30 - 9 pm $5-Res/$7-Non-Res November sign up Get in the mood for the holidays with the South Oakland Concert Band. This 50-piece band will be playing all your Christmas favorites. Following the concert we invite you to stay for a special after-glow of delicious refreshments. Detroit Opera House Wicked Wednesday, December 21, 2011 12-4:30 pm $95-Res/$97-Non-Res November sign up *Only 20 tickets- sign up now! Long before that girl from Kansas arrives in Munchkinland, two girls meet in the land of Oz! One- born with emerald green skinis smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. How these two grow to become the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good makes for “the most complete and completely satisfying new musical in a long time”. ~USA Today Ne wY ear’ s Ev e Cele bra tion! New Year’ ear’s Eve Celebra bration! Tribute to Elvis at Portofino Italian Restaurant Saturday, December 31, 2011 12:45 - 5 pm $66-Res/$68-Non-Res November sign up Located along the Detroit River in Wyandotte, Portofino has been serving the finest Italian food for over 30 years. Enjoy this New Year’s celebration designed specifically for seniors. Relive the hits of an American icon who transformed popular music with a hip-swiveling, lipcurling salute to the King of Rock ‘n Roll, Elvis Presley. A three course dinner will be served during the 2:00 pm show beginning with a garden salad, a choice of three entrees: #1-Chicken Piccata, #2-Baked Orange Roughy or #3-Beef Burgundy, and a sugar or sugar-free dessert. All entrees include a free cocktail, wine or beer. Trip also includes deluxe motorcoach transportation. Come along and get an early start celebrating the arrival of the new year with food, fun and friends. **** December Signup ----- Friday, December 2 or later **** Meadowbr ook Meadowbrook Nunset Boulevard Detroit Institute of Arts Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus W ednesda y, Jan uary 25, 2012 ednesday January 11:15 am - 5 pm $40-Res/$42-Non-Res December sign up Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:30 am - 1 pm $15-Res/$17-Non-Res December sign up * Audio Tour Included Seven small, emotionally powerful portraits of Jesus by Rembrandt and his students are displayed together for the first time in this exhibition of 64 intimate works. See how Rembrandt broke from the convention of showing Jesus as a divine, perfect figure by portraying him as a compassionate, complex human being. Lunch will be on your own at the Cafe DIA. The cafe features new hot entrees each day along with a variety of soups, salads and sandwiches. Holocaust Memorial Center Farmington Hills Tuesday, January 17, 2012 9:30 am - 2:15 pm $35-Res/$37-Non-Res December sign up Gilmore Car Museum We will visit the nation’s first free standing museum, dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust. Beyond exhibits from their former facility in West Bloomfield the museum features extensive new material, much of which uses state-of-the-art display techniques to enhance and extend the scope of their message. Lunch following the trip will be at the Family Buggy Restaurant in Farmington Hills. Entree choices are: #1-Lake Perch, #2-Tenderloin Steak or #3-Chicken & Vegetables. Lunch is served with the ultimate bean soup, dessert and beverage. Madison Heights Senior Center The little sisters of Hoboken travel to California to play what they believe is the famous Hollywood Bowl. When they get there however, they are surprised to find that they will be playing at the Hollywood “Bowl-A-Rama”. Things get even more interesting when the nuns catch wind that a famed movie producer is across the street auditioning roles for his new movie muscial, “Nunset Boulevard”, for which the sisters think they’d be naturals. Lunch prior to the show at Kruse & Muer Restaurant. Entree choices: #1-Pasta Primavera, #2-Chicken Dijon or #3-Lake Superior Whitefish. Lunch includes home-baked bread, Charley’s Chowder or coleslaw, coffee, tea or iced tea and a small hot fudge sundae. Tuesda y, J an uar y 31, 2012 uesday Jan anuar Time TBA $69-R es/$71-Non-R es $69-Res/$71-Non-R es/$71-Non-Res December sign up Dreams of finding an old car in a barn are a daily reality here! The Gilmore Car Museum has been named one of the top five museums in the nation. This unique museum features over 200 antique, classic and collector cars on display. It began in 1963 as a hobby of Donald S. Gilmore. The Gilmore’s established a non-profit foundation and then opened the museum to the public for the first time in 1966. After we tour the museum, we have a delectable lunch included at Schuler’s, a Michigan gem since the 1930s. 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 We still have tickets available for... Frankenmuth -3- Apple Pie Fundr aiser Fundraiser Thank you to everyone who helped with our annual apple pie fundraiser! Nine bushels of Bavarian Inn apples were peeled by the hardworking volunteers while others put Birch Run Shopping the pies together for baking. We made 100 pies and six trays and sold Monday, November 7, 2011 them all to apple lovers everywhere! They were delicious! $840.17 will 9 am - 5 pm go into the Senior Escrow account to pay for new eight-foot tables. $27-Res/$29-Non-Res Thanks again to our volunteers: Anna Costaras, Trudy Beck, Shirley Leahey, Martha Kehoe, Elizabeth Lipsett, Leo Zelkowski, Jean Sign up now! Zelkowski, Beverly Parker, Julie Moran, Jim Cleary, Dolores Bail, Leila Step into the heart of Germany with your feet planted firmly in Bickford, Molly Peasley, Charlie Trendler, Ray Nowinski, Gloria Hoffman, Steve Stevenson, Helen Stevenson, Bob McDowell, Michigan. Trip includes lunch at the Bavarian Inn. Entrees are: Cornelius Knaggs, Steve Koziol, Irene Koziol, Stephanie Drake, Effie #1-Frankenmuth Chicken Plate served with mashed potatoes & Bennett, Christel Schwedes, Lee Paraskevin, Beverly Kado, Inez baked dressing, #2-Whitefish served with potato cheese puffs or Smeltekop & Loretta Ortbals. #3-Sausage sampler served with sauerkraut & potato cheese puffs. If we missed your name, please let us know and we will put it Included with lunch is homemade stollen & white breads with in the January/February newsletter. preserves, pasta salad, chef’s choice dessert, coffee, tea, milk and fountain drinks. Following lunch, we’ll head to Birch Run to shop for lots of Bone Health Can Be Improved at Any Age bargains for Christmas. Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones lose minerals and Let’s Do Lunch Around the World become brittle. This makes bones likelier to break. These fractures are serious as they can affect your health and quality of life. For La Marsa example, research shows that one out of five people who break a hip Friday, November 18, 2011 moves to a nursing home facility within a year. Additionally, 20 percent 11 am - 2 pm of older adults die within a year of suffering a hip fracture. $20-Res/$22-Non-Res for veg eaters While weak bones are especially common in women and $25-Res/$27-Non-Res for meat eaters become more common as we age, the good news is that Sign up now! osteoporosis is not an inevitable part of getting older. Each month we will ‘do lunch’ at a different ethnic restaurant around Adults older than 50 are at risk for weak bones town. Our first restaurant is La Marsa in Troy. Entree choices are A new report from the U.S. Surgeon General predicts that by #1-Chicken Shawarma Plate, #2-Meat Shawarma Plate or 2020, half of all Americans older than age 50 will have, or be at risk for, #3-Koshary. All entrees served with your choice of rice or fries & soup osteoporosis. or salad, beverage and dessert. An appetizer of hommous and However, in recent years, doctors have learned a great deal homemade pita bread will be served before lunch. about preventing the disease. In particular, research shows that certain healthy habits do help to stave off weak bones and fractures — Six Steps to Turn Your Love for Animals no matter what your age. Into Lifesaving Action! Your lifestyle can beef up your bones Here are some of the steps you can take to build up your 1. Go vegan. Giving meat the boot is the best way to help ensure a bones and brace yourself against future problems: lifetime of good health- while taking a stand against the atrocities of · Get enough calcium. Beyond dairy products, calcium can be found factory farming. Take the 30-Day Vegan Pledge and get a free in foods such as leafy green veggies, baked beans, tofu and fortified vegetarian/vegan starter kit at or call foods, such as juices and cereals. The U.S. Surgeon General says 1.888.VEG.FOOD. 2. Remove cruelty from your closet. More than half the fur sold in the most adults age 50 and younger need 1,000 milligrams of calcium a U.S. is imported from China, where dogs and cats are bludgeoned, day. People older than age 50 need 1,200 daily milligrams. bled to death and skinned alive for their fur. Most leather comes from · Don’t forget the D — vitamin D, that is. Thirty to 40 percent of older developing countries where animals’ throats are cut and their skin is adults with hip fractures are vitamin D deficient. According to the ripped off, often while they’re still conscious. The manner in which Institute of Medicine, adults age 70 and younger need “exotic” animals such as snakes and lizards are killed is bone600 international units a day. For ages 71 and older, the requirement chillingly cruel. With so many fashionable, comfortable options jumps to 800 IU a day. Most multivitamins provide 400 IU of vitamin D. available, there is no excuse for wearing real skins. 3. Stop animal testing. Each of us can help save animals by advising Fortified cereals and sunlight are also good sources of vitamin D. However, sunlight may not be realistic for older adults, as the skin our alma maters that we don’t make donations until they stop experimenting on animals and by purchasing cruelty-free household cannot manufacture vitamin D as efficiently. products and toiletries. You can search for cruelty-free companies at · Do a weight-bearing activity three to four times per week, such as walking or dancing. 4. Boycott circuses that still use animals. For animals in circuses, · Don’t get too thin — being underweight raises the risk for weak there is no such thing as “positive reinforcement”- only punishment bones. and deprivation, from bullhooks to shackles. You can help save · Prevent fractures by reducing your risk for falling at home. Remove elephants, bears and tigers from a sad life of torment by always loose rugs and other obstacles in your walkways that could cause a choosing animal-friendly entertainment. 5. Help stop the homeless dog and cat crisis. For every lucky dog or spill. · Consider having your bone density checked if you have any kind of cat who has loving guardians, countless others are suffering at the hands of incompetent or abusive people, are struggling to survive on fracture after your 50th birthday. If tests show you have weak bones, the streets or are waiting in vain in animal shelters for a good home. your doctor may suggest medicine to help strengthen them. You also Take PETA’s pledge to end animal homelessness and never buy an may want to ask your doctor if you need a bone test if you have a family animal from a breeder or a pet shop- only adopt! history of weak bones. 6. Provide your financial support by sending a donation at Taken from Madison Heights Senior Center 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 Upcoming Trips... -4- Soaring Eagle Casino Moderator: Sally Arrivee with the show “Grand Ole Opry” Monda y, F e br uary 6, 2012 Monday Fe bruary $35-Res/$37-Non-Res T ime TB A TBA January sign up Monday, November 21, 2011Read the book of your choice NO BOOK CLUB in December 1:00 pm- Free! Six hours at Mt. Pleasant’s beautiful casino. Receive $25 in casino incentive. Meadowbrook Spreading It Around The Madison Heights Public Library invites you to participate in our book club. It is held once a month on Monday. You can pick up the book at the Senior Center for your convenience! Enjoy some sweet treats & popular books and discuss them with friends. Medicare Prescription Drug Assistance Beneficiaries of Medicare Part D plans can make appointments with a MMAP counselor who will review plans, compare options and help with joining a Medicare Part D plan. (New Comedy) Wednesday, April 4, 2012 11:15 am - 5 pm $41-Res/$43-Non-Res March sign up When Angela Drayton, a widow living in a gated retirement community in Florida, grows tired of footing the bills and handing out money to her unappreciative children, she and some of the other residents start the “S.I.N. (Spending It Now) Foundation”, an organization which gives to those really in need. Fearing they will lose their inheritance, her greedy son and his shopaholic wife show up to try to stop the “needless” spending of their money. Lunch prior to the show will be at Alfoccino’s Italian Restaurant in Auburn Hills. Entree choices are: #1-Fantazia Fromagio, #2-Chicken Piccata or #3-Filet of Fish. All entrees served with a tossed salad or homemade minestrone soup and fresh garlic bread sticks. Complimentary coffee, tea or iced tea and dessert. Meadowbrook From My Hometown ~Motown Musical~ Wednesday ednesday,, May 2, 2012 11:15 am - 5 pm $42-Res/$44-Non-Res April sign up This 2004 Off-Broadway rags-to-riches tale about three young men who leave their homes in Philadelphia, Detroit and Memphis to seek fame and fortune at New York’s Apollo Theatre, features the greatest hits of the Motown era and examines the difference between the Detroit/Chicago Sound, as well as the Philly and Memphis sound. The show was “re-launched” in NYC Summer 2011. Lunch prior to the show will be at O’Malley’s Restaurant. Entree choices are: #1-Gaelic Chicken Sandwich, #2-Shillelagh Club, #3-Retro Burger or #4-Parmesan Baked Cod. All lunches include salad, beverage and dessert. THANK YOUS Donations for the Troops- Christina Brown, Dorothy Peacock, Barbara Shaner and Carmen Donations of Green Art/Volunteers- Adam, Beverly Parker, Irene Koziol, Ruth & Alice Wehner Donations of Senior Wish List Items- Auntie Eva Eggersdorf Magazine Subscriptions- Hopcroft Funeral Home Madison Heights Senior Center Book Club Friday, November 18, 2011 10 am - 3 pm Birmingham Area Senior Citizens Center 2121 Midvale Birmingham, MI 48009 Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10 am - 3 pm Macomb Intermediate School District 44001 Garfield Rd, Room 104 Clinton Twp, MI 48038 Please call Area Agency on Aging 1-B at 1.800.803.7174 to schedule an appointment or to find other dates or places. Zesty Black Bean Soup Serve with a fruit salad of sliced bananas, papaya and pineapple dressed with a spoonful of honey, a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lime for a complete meal. Ingredients 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2 pound baby carrots, sliced 1 bay leaf Salt to taste 1 red onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 (15-ounce) cans black beans, drained and rinsed 1 cup frozen corn, thawed 1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes, with their liquid 1 quart vegetable broth Hot sauce to taste 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro, plus more for garnish Method Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add carrots, bay leaf and salt and cook until carrots are just tender, about 7 minutes. Add onions and garlic and cook 5 minutes more. Add cumin, cinnamon, beans, corn, tomatoes and broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in hot sauce and chopped cilantro. Ladle hot soup into bowls and garnish with more cilantro. Nutrition Serves 4-6. Per serving (about 19oz/541g-wt.): 280 calories (60 from fat), 7g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 1540mg sodium, 45g total carbohydrate (13g dietary fiber, 8g sugar), 12g protein Taken from: 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 Time to Travel! Pick up a flyer at the Center for more info! Country Christmas November 30 - December 1, 2011 $249 pp dbl occ Tour Includes: Round trip motorcoach transportation, One night stay in Mason, OH, One breakfast, One lunch, One dinner, Big Tree Plantation with wagon ride and refreshments, Golden Lamb Restaurant, The Christmas Ranch, Kings Mills General Store & Christmas Shop & La Comedia Dinner Theater- “A Christmas Carol”. Traverse City New Year December 30, 2011 - January 1, 2012 $219 pp dbl occ Includes motorcoach transportation, two nights in Traverse City, gambling stops at Turtle Creek, Soaring Eagle & Little River, two buffet dinners and $75 in casino incentive. Kewadin Casino 3-Da 3-Day! y! -5E x t e n d e d T r a v e l Ne wY or k City New Yor ork June 15-20, 2012 $1299 pp dbl occ Tour includes modern motorcoach transportation, one night Wilkes Barre, PA, three nights Novotel New York City, one night Somerset, PA, five breakfasts, all day sightseeing tour of New York City, Greenwich Village Food & Culture Tour, Sunset Harbor Cruise, leisure time in New York City, Flight 93 Memorial and luggage handling. Western National Parks “Wonders of the World” July 8-18, 2012 $2999 pp dbl occ Includes roundtrip air, airport transfers, first class touring motorcoach, Shoreline tour director, 10 nights lodging, 10 breakfasts, one lunch, five dinners, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Colorado National Monument, sightseeing tour of Salt Lake City, leisure time in Jackson Hole, boat cruise in Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Crazy Horse Memorial, Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, luggage handling and tax & tip on included meals. March 5-7, 2012 $119 pp dbl occ T he Plains of Africa Two nights hotel stay at Kewadin Casino in Sault Ste. Marie, with gaming stops at St. Ignace and Bay Mills. Breakfast buffet included! $70 total in casino incentive. September 2-14, 2012 London & Paris Roundtrip air, 45 meals, Nairobi, Samburu National Reserve, Mt. Kenya Safari Club, Kigio Conservancy, Masai Mara, Karne Blixen Home, Mt. Kilimanjaro and Eight wildlife safaris. April 12-18, 2012 $3,249 pp dbl occ Roundtrip air, 10 meals, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Theatre performance, Eurostar Train, Seine River Cruise, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower Dinner and Paradis Latin. Island Resort & Casino UP 3-Day! May 13-15, 2012 $159 pp dbl occ $6,999 pp dbl occ Irish Splendor November 5-12, 2012 $2,449 pp dbl occ Roundtrip air, 9 meals, Dublin, Guinness Storehouse, Local Pub Visit, Blarney Castle, Killarney, Dingle Peninsula, Cliffs of Moher and Ashford Castle. National Parks & Canyon Country Give yourself the best gift of all! Spend two breathtaking nights at the Island Resort in Harris, MI in the UP. Experience God’s country as you Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, see the beauty of Northern MI. Your package starts with a visit to Kewadin Casino in St. Ignace, Manistique and Odawa. Breakfast daily Grand Canyon, Lake Powell & Sedona at hotel. Receive $95 in casino incentives and meal discounts for 2012 lunch and dinner and much, much more. Amtr ak to Boston plus Ne t, RI Amtrak Newpor wport, wpor $2,399 pp dbl occ Tour includes: Roundtrip Amtrak Station Transfers, California Zephyr & Southwest Chief Trains, First class touring motorcoach, Two nights Chicago, Two overnights on Train, One night Green River, Utah, Two nights Kanab, Utah, Two nights Sedona, Arizona, Modern motorcoach transport, Amtrak- Cleveland to Boston, Shoreline One night Grand Canyon, One night Flagstaff, Seven breakfasts, Five dinners, sightseeing tour of Chicago, Architectural boat cruise tour director, 1 Night- Cleveland, 3 nights- Boston, 1 Night- Newport, RI, 1 Night- Pennsylvania, 6 Breakfasts, 3 Dinners, Come Fly Away @ in Chicago, Sightseeing tour of Bryce Canyon National Park, Sightseeing tour of Zion National Park, Sightseeing tour of Grand Cleveland Playhouse, Sightseeing Tour of Boston, Boston Harbor Canyon, Lake Powell boat cruise, Sedona highlights trolley tour, Dinner Cruise, Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Salem Witch Museum, Shoreline tour director, luggage handling and tax & tip on included Kennebunkport Trolley Tour, Leisure Time in Kennebunkport, New meals. Bedford Whaling Museum, Sightseeing Tour of Newport, RI, Marble House, 10 Mile Drive, Breakers Mansion, Newport’s Famous Cliffwalk, Luggage Handling and Tax/Tip on Included Meals. May 16-22, 2012 $1499 pp dbl occ Madison Heights Senior Center 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 -6- EVENTS CarePRO Home Health System, Inc. from Madison Heights is at the Center: Thursdays from 10 am - 12 noon. Veteran’s Day Program Wednesday, November 9, 2011 11:00 am Please join us for a special program to honor those who have served in each branch of the armed forces. Veterans are then invited to stay for a free lunch. Please call the kitchen one day ahead at 248.398.0990 to sign up for lunch. Everyone is invited to attend this event so that we may honor all those who have served our country so bravely. Flu Shots Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:00 am - 12 noon City Medical will be coming back to the Center to administer flu shots to individuals. There is no charge for Medicare recipients. A Medicare card and picture ID must be shown. If you do not have Medicare, there will be a $20 charge. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with their health care agent! Green Art Projects Calling All Crafters (or non-crafters) Help Wanted with New “Recycled” Art Projects Mondays, November 14 & December 12, 2011 11:30 am - 1:30 pm (or later if you’d like to stay longer) Free! Our November class will be Epsom salt luminaries and our December class will be bird seed pine cones. These products will then be used for senior center events or fundraisers. If you would like to purchase the items following the class, you will have first choice! Please stop by the front desk or call the Center at 248.545.3464 to sign up to help with this class. Kee pY our Spine in Line eep Your T hur sda y, No v ember 10, 2011 hursda sday Nov 11:15 - 11:45 am Vegetarian Cooking Class We invite you to come and listen as Dr. Edward Fireberg, D.C. speaks about the benefits of Chiropractic services along with Jennifer DeLaFlor from Southeast Home Health Care. In this free event, he will explain how Chiropractic care along with simple stretching exercises can increase your range of motion, improve circulation and decrease neck and lower back pain. Jennifer will be on hand for free giveaways and to speak about slip and fall prevention. Why allow the pain to get worse? Chiropractic works! Let us begin helping you today! A FREE lunch is included with talk if you sign up by November 3. Call 248.545.3464 or just stop by the front desk. Beginning Monday, January 9, 2012 1:30-3:30 pm Just $3.00! December sign up Mini Health Fair Oakland Community College Mobile Nurse Clinic Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10 am - 2 pm Free! Have you always wanted to cook a healthy vegetarian meal but never knew where to start? Beginning in January, we will have a vegetarian cooking class featuring samples, recipes and information about healthy, meatless meal preparation. Occasional speakers and information will be provided to help you serve a plant-based diet. For our first month we will be preparing a tempeh-vegetable stir fry with brown rice and a scumptious vegetarian dessert that we’re sure you’ll love. Join us to start making simple changes for a healthier lifestyle. The Geek Squad is Back! Free health assessments, screenings, health education and referrals! Special Bing o Bingo Sponsored by American House T hur sda y, December 1, 2011 hursda sday 1:00 pm Join us for bingo on Thursday, December 1 and enjoy special prizes and refreshments compliments of American House. Don’t miss out on the holiday fun! Madison Heights Senior Center Samples and recipes provided! Thursday, January 26, 2012 11:00 am Free! Includes refreshments Sign up by January 24 Have questions about your digital camera? Bring it to the Center and ask the Geek Squad about it. That goes for your cell phone, iPod, E-reader, iPad, laptop or any other technical equipment you may need help with. The Geek Squad will be more than happy to assist you with your equipment and you’ll become a Geek yourself. 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 News to Know -7- Salvation Army Lunches Wednesday, December 7 or Thursday, December 8 12 noon (Includes special entertainment) 3015 N. Main Street Royal Oak, MI 48073 248.585.5600 Admission by ticket only. Doors open at 11:30 am. Please use front door of church. If you need the elevator, park on the south side of the church. Some tickets are available at the Senior Center or call the church at the number above. Transportation will again be provided by the Senior Center on Thursday only for a $5 roundtrip charge. School Holiday Lunches Lamphere and Madison School districts will again be hosting a holiday luncheon for your enjoyment. Invitations will be mailed to those seniors who are currently on the Center’s mailing list. All seniors who live in both districts are invited to attend your district luncheon. Please RSVP to the appropriate numbers below. Madison Heights residents only. Transportation will again be provided by the Senior Center for a $2 roundtrip charge. Madison (Wilkinson) Lamphere (Page) Wednesday, December 7 Wednesday, December 14 11:30 am 11:45 am RSVP to 248.399.7800 ext 3400 RSVP to 248.589.3428 St. John Hospital 24th Annual Christmas Dinner December 25, 2011 Exclusively for older adults who would otherwise spend the day alone. At time of print, St. John had not confirmed. Call 1.888.751.5465 to verify dinner and/or to reserve your spot. Santa Letters Volunteers are needed to help answer Madison Heights children’s letters to Santa Claus beginning after Thanksgiving. Call 248.545.3464 if you would like to help. Stationery, pens and sample letters will be provided. Bring in Your Unused Greeting Cards The Center collects donations of unused greeting cards to sell as a fundraiser. Cards cost just 10 cents each and the money goes to help fund several events here at the Center like the 80 & Better Birthday Party and the Ice Cream Social. We need your help! Our rack is starting to become bare. Help us by bringing in your unused greeting cards to the front desk. We will give them to our volunteers, Gil & Fran Rugh, who will sort throught them and put them up for sale. Inclement Weather Policy When the City declares a snow emergency, as seen on the Madison Heights cable channel and/or the local TV and radio stations, all scheduled classes, daytime activities and transportation at the Senior Center will be cancelled. Call the kitchen at 248.545.3464 after 9:00 am to see if the Center is open for lunch that day. Madison Heights Senior Center Center Closed: Thursday, November 24 Friday, November 25 Friday, December 23 Monday, December 26, 2011-Monday, January 2, 2012 Don’t Forget... Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6 at 2:00 am. Don’t forget to change the batteries in your smoke detector(s) and to set your clocks back by one hour before you go to bed on Saturday. Got a Minute? 12 Super-fast Ways to Improve Your Well Being Want to be healthier? It’s easy! Each of these tips requires only a minute or so of your time. 1. Wash your hands. It’s the best way to reduce the risk of spreading or being exposed to germs. 2. Stand up straight. “Proper posture can help reduce back pain,” recommends Chad Savage, MD, an internal medicine physician at Providence and Providence Park Hospitals. “By sitting and standing more erect, you may minimize the curvature of the spine that can occur with aging. Turns out mom was right all along.” 3. Just floss! Flossing daily can remove plaque and debris, helping to prevent gum disease. 4. Scrub those fruits and veggies with water. Even if you’re peeling them, you want to make sure you’ve removed any pesticide residue, dirt or bacteria. 5. Buckle up. Wearing a safety belt lowers your risk and your passengers’ risks of being seriously injured in an accident. 6. Test your smoke alarms every month. A good rule of thumb for remembering to change their batteries: Do it when you set your clocks ahead or back each spring and fall. 7. Disinfect your kitchen sponge. That innocent little sponge can be a big source of bacteria in your home. But studies have shown that microwaving a wet sponge (never a dry one, which can cause a fire) for one minute can kill almost all bacteria on it- better than soaking it in bleach. 8. Take a multivitamin. Most people don’t need a multivitamin because they get all the right nutrients from their food, but if you are a vegetarian or at risk for osteoporosis, ask your health care provider if it would be beneficial for you to take a supplement. 9. Turn down the volume. Prolonged exposure to noises at or above 85 decibels can cause gradual hearing loss, which can’t be reversed. Keep the volume at about half of its maximum capacity and take breaks from music. 10. Do a freezer check. Raw ground meats should be kept no more than four months and cooked meats no more than two or three months. Also make sure your freezer is set to 0 degrees F or lower. 11. Pack safety gear. Springtime can mean injury time with the increase of outdoor activity. Depending on what you’re doing, you may need to pack elbow or knee pads, a helmet or a life jacket. 12. Post the National Capital Poison Center number on all your phones. (1.800.222.1222). Don’t forget to stash harmful medicine, cleaning supplies and insect and rodent repellents out of reach. ~Taken from 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 -8- Classes Wii League Thursdays from 1:30-2:30 pm WHEN INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE Instructor: Bill Gordon Mondays from 1-3 pm FREE! The Nintendo game console’s revolutionary motion-sensitive controller and video screen format is designed for users to play virtual fitness games and sports. Older adults in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s most of whom never touched a video game in their lives are becoming addicted to Wii’s therapeutic capabilities with back problems, hand-eye coordination or challenges with balance, dexterity and endurance. Join us to see just how much fun Wii can be. Tai Chi Class November 2 - 23, 2011 November 30 - December 21, 2011 *NO CLASS DECEMBER 28 January 4 - 25, 2012 $15-Res/$17-Non-Res 1:30-2:30 pm Instructor: Sam Purdy This four-week class will focus on exercises specially developed for seniors from the popular art form of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is well known as a gentle form of exercise that helps to improve circulation, balance & joint mobility. Exercises will be done standing and sitting in a chair. Line Dance Class Tuesdays for 8 weeks January 10 - February 28, 2012 $15-Res/$17-Non-Res 11:00 am - Intermediate NO Beginners Class Instructor: Connie Fontana Join us for line dancing every Tuesday where the bottom line is laughter, fun and group participation. Line dancing renews stamina, coordination, balance & confidence at an easy pace. Quilting Group Join us for weekly quilting sessions on Thursdays from 1-3:30 pm. The group is unstructured, meaning you can bring your own quilting projects. If you use a machine bring it with you as well as your own extension cord. Dominoes Club Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Drop in for some stimulating fun with dominoes on Wednesday afternoons. Get together with your friends for some friendly competition. No experience necessary. Madison Heights Senior Center Ask Bill! Computer Drop In Class Training will be offered to get you started on using a computer. Learn how to type a letter, print, set up an email account, surf the Internet, read the newspaper online, use eBay, and other topics. Call 248.545.3464 for more info or to make sure instructor is available. Senior Website of the Month: A comprehensive website supported by 12 local organizations with a shared goal to provide unbiased information on, and access to, senior services in southeast Michigan. SHARP Program Senior Home Assistance Repair Program SHARP – Madison Heights has started a program to help seniors and those that are physically challenged in Madison Heights with home maintenance. The program is co-sponsored through the North Woodward Community Foundation (of Troy). Volunteers perform chores such as plumbing, electrical work, clean up and removal of debris, changing batteries in smoke detectors, simple carpentry tasks and other similar tasks that help seniors keep their homes safe and livable. Seniors pay only for the materials, not the labor. If you or someone you know is interested in receiving assistance, or if you need more information, you can pick up an application at the Senior Center or call 248.545.3464. The SHARP program is also looking for volunteers to perform work at seniors’ homes. If you are able to help, please call the Center at 248.545.3464. Have you Heard About the Yard Services Program? The Madison Heights Yard Services Program provides free lawn care and snow removal services for eligible senior citizens and disabled residents. Recipients receive up to sixteen grass cuts and four snow removals per year. In order to qualify for the program, all participants must complete a new application and income verification every year, be at least 55 years of age or disabled as defined by the Social Security Act (receiving SSI or SSD) and also occupy the home. If a non-senior/ non-disabled individual lives in the home, applicants will not qualify for the program. In addition, we need written proof of the total gross annual income of all persons living in the house over 18 years of age, and a list of all persons residing in the household regardless of age. The income limits are as follows: One person $23,250 Three people $29,900 Two people $26,600 Four people $33,200 Applications are on the City website: or at the Senior Center front office or call 248.545.3464 for information. 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 -9- S e r v i c e s Fitness Bus Schedule Movies start at 12:45 pm sharp each Friday $1.00 drop in fee November Movies 04- “African Cats”, G, Documentary, 89 min 11- “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan”, PG-13, Drama, 120 min 18- “The Conspirator”, PG-13, Drama, 122 min 25- CENTER CLOSED for Thanksgiving December Movies 02- “Water for Elephants”, PG-13, Drama, 120 min 09- “Green Lantern”, PG-13, Action, 105 min 16- “The Help”, PG-13, Drama, 146 min 23- CENTER CLOSED for the holidays 30- CENTER CLOSED for the holidays MON: DOCTOR APPTS TUES: MISC/ERRANDS WED: GROCERY SHOP THUR: KMART/BINGO FRI: DOCTOR APPTS Transportation Fees: • Cost is $5.00 roundtrip for appointments going outside Madison Heights up to seven miles. • $1.00 each way for any other transportation including daily trips for activities and lunch at the Center. • Ask about our monthly trips to Target, Oakland Mall, Produce Palace & newly added- Big Lot/Michaels/Dollar Tree! *Call at least one day in advance: 248.545.3464. Exercise Class MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY NO CHARGE •Monday-11:00 am: Senior Shape-up: sitting/standing exercise •Tuesday-10:00 am: Strength Training: 20 minute sit down+weights •Wednesday-11:00 am: Chair Dancing: all sitting exercise •Thursday-10:00 am: Strength Training: 20 minute sit down+weights •Friday-11:00 am: Silver Foxes: all standing exercise Massage Therapy Friday, November 4, 2011 Friday, December 9, 2011 9 am - 3 pm Exercise Equipment Massage Therapist- Liz Marsh Liz will be at the Center doing massages on certain Fridays every month from 9 am until 3 pm. The massages will be 30 minutes long and cost only $25. Appointments are required and will be taken on a first come - first serve basis. Sing Along with Jim Thursdays at 11:00 am November 17 & December 15 The Center has two treadmills, a recumbent bike, a recumbent stair stepper, an elliptical machine, a cardiofit and two exercise bikes. A short training session is required before first use. There is a small fee to use the exercise equipmentEither $4 per month or $30 per year for residents or $5 per month or $40 per year for nonresidents. All funds raised from this fee will go towards upkeep and purchase of new equipment. Pinochle Every Monday & Wednesday at 12:45 pm. Bingo Boot Camp for the Brain Thursday at 11:00 am in the front room. Cost: Free! Thursday, November 10, 2011 Do you feel like you’ve lost your memory? Then come find it at Boot Camp for the Brain! Each class we have fun completing puzzles, word searches and other mental fitness exercises. You’ll even take some fun home with you. Come join us! Pool Tournaments Bunco Play is every Friday of the month from 1-3 pm. Prizes for six players. $1.00 pp, 3 table minimum Mobile Law Office Monday, November 7, 2011 at 9:00 am Monday, December 5, 2011 at 9:00 am Director: Tom Wargo Small entry fee Maximum amount of players. Join us for lots of fun and good competition! Sept 6 : 1st: Paul Riddell & Al Kroll 8-Ball 2nd: Cliff Alvira & Ken Pineau Winners 3rd: Ambrose Biondo & Vinnie Contrera Oct 3: 1st: Paul Riddell ANNUAL 2nd: Elmu Modde Winners 3rd: Bob McDowell There is a small fee to use the pool tables. Residents must pay $4 per month or $30 per year. Non-Residents must pay $5 per month or $40 per year. Funds are used for upkeep and purchase of new equipment. Madison Heights Senior Center Every Thursday afternoon from 1-3 pm. You must be 55 or older to play. Admission cards are $1.00. All other cards are 25 cents each. Each week we hold a 50/50 raffle that is earmarked for the Volunteer Recognition Dinner and the 80 & Better Birthday Party. All funds raised from the 50/50 raffle will go to these two events. University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Do you need legal help? We provide FREE & CONFIDENTIAL consultations. We MAY represent you or provide you with a free referral! The Mobile Law Office is coming to the Senior Center on Thursdays, November 3 & December 1. Call 248.545.3464 to schedule a time. Oakland Livingston Legal Aid COUNSEL & ADVOCACY LAW LINE CALL: Attorneys and Counselors at Law Serving Senior Citizens & Low Income Clients. Service is free of charge, however, donations are welcome. Local (248) 569-9658 Toll Free (888) 783-8190 Fax (248) 569-9980 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 November Birthdays 01-Hugh Simpson 02-Joanne Levitt 13-Gloria Hoffman 04-Theresa Moreau Brenda Peters 05-Nancy Hill 06-Geri Spratt 07-Aro Gallerani Mary Schultz 08-Vincent Mazzenga 10-Mary Zanichelli Doris Toellner Anna Kucharski 11-Rita Skidmore Jean Linville 12-Kathleen Teschke Roger Demers 13-Peter Ofiara 14-Dolly Ferries Rose LePage Michael Miller 16-Janet Hill Constance Fontana Dorothy Kurczak 17-Kitty Noble 18-Lee Paraskevin 23-Elisabeth Tussing 24-Elizabeth Lipsett Claudine Kergan Irene Vandevelde 25-Florence Risko Joe Giordano Kathy Story 28-Margaret Galgoul Harold Booms Patricia Nixon 29-Margaret Topping Eugenia Teany November Anniversaries 03-Catharine & Nabih Khoury 08-Happy 64th Anniversary Julia & Adam Kudla! 12-Joan & Larry Mesaeh Alice & Albert Wehner 24-Camille & Robert Keyes 25-Happy 35th Anniversary Loretta & Donald Harp! 26-Barbara & Robert Shaner Boo Boo-isms... Did I tell you I used to work in a bakery? Rye did I quit? I didn’t make enough dough! Madison Heights Senior Center -10- December Birthdays 01-Carol Bannow 02-Jan Schwedt Nancy Moore John Johnson 03-Barbara Shaner Ria Palm 04-Ann Estes 05-Clara Booms 06-Dorothy Burry 07-Patricia Bourque 08-Sandra O’Leary Carol Cepuran 10-Hilde Eiben Kay Ruzycki 11-Shirley Novak 13-Shirley Borcsane 14-James Moore 16-Norma Snyder 18-Effie Bennett Anna Antosiek Lawrence Huddleston 19-Graham Stallsmith 20-Gerald Keehn Marie Szlag 22-Evelyn Borkowicz Gloria LaDue Elizabeth Scott Richard Lepage 23-Carol D’Andrea 24-Eva Eggersdorf 25-Robert Shaner 26-Paul Roebeck 27-Maxine Kemp Roland Porter 28-Bernice Gennette 29-Kathleen McGuire 30-Jan Lazarus 31-Ginny Krato Dolores Hartz December Anniversaries 05-Inge & Ken Kiato 23-Evelyn & Michael Miller 24-Stefanie & William Olszewski 26-Bobbie Jean & Albin Lichowicz 27-Barbara & Vince Bosco Lunch SENIOR DINING All Senior Retirees 55 yrs. of age, their spouses and disabled persons are invited to participate in the senior dining program. For those 55 and older the charge is $3.00 and for those under 55 the charge is $3.50. See menu on calendar.* For reservations call 248.398.0990 by 1:00 pm the day before. *Menu subject to change. Monthly Birthday Celebration Fridays, November 18 & December 16 Noon Lunch Cake will be served with lunch to celebrate birthdays this month. You are invited to join the celebration if you are celebrating your birthday this month. Contact Information Oakland County Health Division Nurse on Call: 1.800.848.5533 Senior Citizen Services Coordinator: 248.858.0213 Area Agency on Aging: 1.800.852.7795 Oakland County Sheriff’s Department For free 911 cell phones: 1.248.975.9700 Social Security Administration: 1.800.772.1213 Legal Hotline: 1.800.347.5297 Pension Rights Hotline: 1.800.347.5297 Oakland County Parks: 1.248.858.7596 Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program: 1.800.803.7174 State Long Term Care Ombudsman: 1.866.485.9393 Michigan Office of Services to the Aging: AARP: US Administration on Aging: National Council on Aging: Healthy Aging for Older Adults: OCHD Senior Resource Directory: 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464 Together We Can Change the World -11- AND SA VE MONEY! SAVE Thanks to our Advertisers! One Person at a Time GO GREEN! and Save Money This Holiday Season • Choose LED lights over incandescent. If you have your lights on the average of 360 hours this holiday season (40 days at 9 hours per day) one 100 bulb strand of incandescent lights will use approximately $8.10 of energy. Over that same amount of time one 100 bulb strand of LED lights will use only $1.08. LED lights also last much longer than incandescent lights. A typical incandescent light will last 1,000 to 2,000 hours. An LED light will last from 25,000 to 100,000 hours. • Don’t send out new Christmas cards this year! Recycle old cards or send electronic cards to friends and family. • Consider a re-gift exchange. Ask if everyone can agree to wrap something they already own instead of buying a new gift. • You could also have a handmade gift exchange. Agree that all gifts have to be handmade by the giver, whether they are baked goods or craft-type gifts. • Lastly, you could give the gift of time. Give a voucher to clean their car or babysit their children. Be creative! • When you are ready to wrap all of your ‘green’ gifts, wrap them with comics, road maps, pieces of fabric, brown bags, take out menus or tissue paper you already have. Or, wrap with another gift, such as a kitchen towel or throw blanket. Try all of the above ideas or just a few. You’ll save money and the Earth too! November/December Puzzle Contest- If you know the answer to the puzzle below, you can come to the Senior Center’s front desk starting at 9:00 am on Thursday, November 3 and give your answer. We will continue to take answers until 12 noon. All correct answers will be put into a drawing and the winner will be announced at lunch. Five different whole numbers add up to 15. Multiply those same five numbers together, and the result is 120. Can you determine what those five numbers are? September/October Puzzle Contest: Answer: 5.9 (Add a decimal point!) Winner: Art Antosiek CITY MEDICAL, P.C. Thomas M. Pinson, D.O. Board Certified in Geriatric Medicine 30581 Stephenson Hwy. Madison Heights, MI 48071 (248) 589-1770 Fax (248) 589-2838 THANK YOU Pamphlet Display Sponsors! Home Care Assistance 920 on the Park Right at Home CarePRO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! Pamphlet Sponsor- $120 per year Business card size- $250 per year Quarter page size- $500 per year Call 248.545.3464 for more info! Senior Scoop is Online...and it’s Free! Penny Fundraiser News Over the last two months you have donated a total of $51.74. Our big winner this time is Julie Moran who donated $20.30! Thank you Julie and to everyone else below. Betty Speer, Pauline Hall, Larry Brown, Tony Napolitano, Rose Howell, Delphine Dusza, Inez Smeltekop and Anonymous. We will continue to collect pennies and the person who donates the most will win a prize. Note: Please write your name and penny count (if you know it) on the container. We appreciate it! Keep those pennies coming…no donation is too small! Proceeds will go towards upkeep for our computer workstations and exercise equipment. Madison Heights Senior Center Cataract, glaucoma, and general ophthalmology State-of-the-art cataract surgery Including multi-focal implants Shanbom Eye Specialist 28747 Woodward Ave. Berkley, MI 48072 Call today for your appointment- 248.546.2133 The Senior Scoop is online at the City of Madison Heights website. You can request the electronic version only by sending an email to Be sure to include your name and email address. You will be notified via email every other month when it is available online. The History of Candy Canes The candy cane can be traced back to Germany in 1670. Legend has it that the choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral handed out sugar sticks bent into the shape of a shepherd’s staff to keep his young singers quiet during long services. In the mid-1800’s, August Imgard of Woodster, Ohio, began using candy canes as a tree decoration. Candy canes took on their familiar stripes around the turn of the twentieth century. Today, people enjoy candy canes as both ornaments and candy. 29448 John R, Madison Heights MI 48071 248.545.3464
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