Newington Community Association Monthly Newsletter February 2013
Newington Community Association Monthly Newsletter February 2013
Newington Community Association Monthly Newsletter February 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Recycling / Shredding ...... p. 1,5 Directory ............................. p. 2 Ads ...................................... p. 3 Minutes............................. p. 4-5 Community News ............... p. 6 Exterior Project Form.......... p. 7 Calendar .............................. p. 8 2013 NCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETINGS February 6 March 6 April 3 Electric Sunday Fairfax County residents can recycle televisions, computers and peripheral devices and unbroken fluorescent light bulbs and tubes. There is No Charge for Fairfax County residents to participate in Electric Sunday; however, they may be required to show proof of residency. Events are held from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. March 24: I-95 Complex, 9850 Furnace Road , Lorton June 23: I-95 Complex, 9850 Furnace Road , Lorton Sept. 22: I-95 Complex, 9850 Furnace Road , Lorton *Dates at the I-66 Transfer Station can be found at electric-sunday.htm Secure Document Shredding The Fairfax County Solid Waste Management Program will be sponsoring one secure document shredding event in each supervisory district. Events are held from 8 a.m. - Noon. …. Continued on Page 5 POOL PASS NOTICE Be sure to keep track of your pool passes from last summer. Lost pass fees are $10 per pass. Look for pool registration form in the March newsletter. 1 NEWINGTON STATION DIRECTORY http:\\ USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS NCA COMMUNITY OFFICE 703-455-3606 Fax: 703-455-0013 Hours: Monday / Wednesday /Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday / Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Community Manager: Lori Randall Assistant Community Manager: Tina Queen Email: BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Sarah Jernigan (Aug ’13) Email: V. President - Mike Smith (Aug ‘13) Secretary - Beth Rodriguez (Aug ‘15) Treasurer - Louise Whitt (Aug ‘14) Member - Matthew Reid (Aug ‘15) Member - Vacant (Aug ‘14) Member - Vacant (Aug ‘13) ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Chair - TBD FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair—Louise Whitt PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Chair—Lou Tobat Liason - TBN RECREATION COMMITTEE Chair - Volunteer Needed Liason—TBN Emergency 911 Non-Emergency (Police & Fire) 703-691-2131 Including barking dog complaints American Disposal Services 703-368-0500 Animal Control/Shelter 703-830-1100 Cox Cable 703-378-8422 Domestic Violence Hotline 800-838-8238 Dominion Towing 703-730-1177 Dominion Virginia Power 1-888-667-3000 Fairfax Connector 703-339-7200 Fairfax County Fairfax County Housing Authority Selena Davis 703-704-6758 Fairfax County Storm Water Management (not State streets) 703-934-2800 Fairfax Water 703-698-5600 Key Middle School 703-313-3900 Lee High School 703-924-8300 Lorton Fire and Rescue 703-339-5141 Lorton Landfill 703-690-1703 Poison Control 202-625-3333 Pool (emergencies only) 703-455-9873 Saratoga Elementary School 703-440-2600 Streetlights 1-888-667-3000 Summit Management 703-360-0904 Supervisor Gerald Hyland 703-780-7518 Virginia Highway Department (Snow—State Roads Only) 703-383-8368 Virginia Railway Express 1-800-RIDE VRE Voter Information 703-222-0776 West Springfield District Police 703-644-7377 Newsletter Distributors MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE Chairs—Sarah Jernigan and Lori Randall 2 Kathy Anderson Peggy Fields Liz Pelletier Amanda Baird Jennifer Firman Sharoyn Marshall Abdul Berlas Arthur Kanakis Lori Randall Karen Chauvin Donna Kellam Roche Family Stephanie Curb William & Mary Loy Mike Smith Gladys Diaz Richard Neimeyer Spinelli Family Robbie Douthwaite Al Owens Regina Watson 3 NEWINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING – January 2, 2012 Draft Minutes of the Meeting – NCA Pool House Meeting Room COMMITTEE/BUSINESS REPORTS Community Manager (CM) Report, Lori Randall General Disclosure inspection(s): 7896 Godolphin Drive, 8433 Kitchener Contacted three playground companies. One response/meeting. Removing Earthlink account as primary email. Switching to web address only. Will save $23 per month once Earthlink is cancelled. When we replace computer, we don’t need much storage or anything complicated. An upgrade of the CPU at a cost of about $500 plus upgrade of windows is all that is needed. Expect net income position in operating budget for the year. CM approximates it at $5K. At 7:05 pm President Sarah Jernigan called the meeting to order. Board members present were President Sarah Jernigan, Vice President Mike Smith, Secretary Beth Rodriguez, Treasurer Louise Whitt, and Director Matthew Reid. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Treasurer Whitt raised the question as to whether the dollar amounts approved for the employee bonuses should be included in the December minutes. The CM noted that this item of business is personal, the amounts were not in the minutes last year and there is no requirement that they be included. Director Reid made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 5th meeting as written. President Jernigan seconded the motion. Vote: 3 yes, 2 no. Motion passed. Resident Complaints/Issues/Comments We should remind everyone about revised trash schedule over the holidays through voice mail and signs. Towing company towed on Christmas, drives too fast and goes against one way when on NCA streets. RESIDENT’S OPPORTUNITY FOR A HEARING ON RULES VIOLATIONS Lot 371 requested to appeal the ruling on their hearing from last month. Their trash was not picked up on the Tuesday of the Sandy storm and they felt they were not provided enough information to know that it should not have been placed out for pick up. Lot 597 is new to the community and they were not aware of the times when trash could be put out. Lot 264 lives out of town and sent a letter to the Board regarding their hearing on an architectural violation. Lot 260 was not in attendance for a hearing on an architectural violation. Additionally, the CM stated that some residents disregarded signs, notices in the newsletter and office voice mail messages that there was no trash pick up on Christmas day or New Year’s day. Many trash letters will be going out. There are multiple lights out around the pool and the electrician is scheduled to come in Friday to fix the problems. Regarding a new office computer, Vice President Smith recommended a basic computer but to get at least 16 Gb RAM. GENERAL BUSINESS – Old None GENERAL BUSINESS – New 2013 Pool Rules – President Jernigan only had one comment and that was to add a sentence about the timing for residents to receive their pool passes who are delinquent but pay their assessments by check when it is time to pick pool passes up. She wanted it stated that pool passes won’t be released until the check has time to clear and Summit can verify receipt of funds. The Board convened to Executive Session to discuss rule violation hearings and delinquent accounts with the collection attorney. The Board returned from Executive Session at 9:20 pm. COMMUNITY FORUM A resident stated that the January newsletter had information about holiday trash pick up but was received too late on their door for it to be effective. The CM noted that the holiday trash schedule had been published in both the November newsletter (which was on everyone’s door at the end of October) and the December newsletter. The resident also asked if there was any follow up on the request to get better signs than the hand written notices for parties. The CM noted she has not found a sign that will provide enough space to include everything she writes on a poster board sign. Cost should be expected to be about $300 per sign and NCA would need three. 4 ….continued on page 5 Continued from page 4... President Jernigan made a motion to send an email to NCA’s collection attorney with four general questions about liens, time lags, reporting to credit bureau and credit card fees. Vice President Smith seconded the motion. Vote: 5 yes. Lot 371 and their appeal, Secretary Rodriguez made a motion that the previous vote stands to assess the resident $50. Vice President Smith seconded the motion. Vote: 4 yes, 1 abstain. Lot 597 and their hearing on a trash violation, Vice President Smith made a motion to assess a $50 charge for the trash violation. Treasurer Whitt seconded the motion. Vote: 3 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain. Motion passes. Lot 260 had a hearing on an architectural violation. Secretary Rodriguez made a motion to assess a charge of $10 a day beginning April 1. Vice President Smith seconded the motion. Vote: 5 yes. Lot 264 had a hearing on an architectural violation. Director Reid made a motion to assess a charge of $10 a day beginning April 1. Secretary Rodriguez seconded the motion. Vote: 5 yes. The Board adjourned the meeting at 9:27 pm. …. from cover page Recycling/Shredding March 23: South County Govt Center , 8350 Richmond Highway , Alexandria April 27: I-95 Complex, 9850 Furnace Road , Lorton *Additional dates and locations can be found at dpwes/recycling/shredding.htm Accepted: Residential material of a sensitive nature such as tax documents, financial records, etc. (Please recycle junk mail and magazines through your normal collection service.) Up to 5 medium -sized packing boxes per vehicle. Prohibited Items: Business documents BINDERS of any type (3-ring, plastic, spiral, metal) Plastic document covers Wet or moist paper Hanging file folders with metal support bars Metal binder clips Electronic media including computer disks and diskettes or CDs Books, either hardback or paperback Credit cards Magazines, catalogues and newspapers (unless just the page with the address) Film or photographs For additional information on these programs, please contact 703-324-5230. 5 Saratoga Park Ride Opened December 14th, 2012! GRANITE COUNTER TOPS FOR SALE Due to an upcoming kitchen remodel, which will change the configuration of our kitchen, we are selling our existing granite. This granite was installed four years ago and is in excellent, like new condition, with no marks or blemishes. Located at Barta Road, Springfield Served by Fairfax Connector routes 333 and 394 (Service to Springfield Franconia Metro and Pentagon Metro) For those in the townhouses in the Newington Community, this is the original standard cabinet layout and counter top dimensions, so they could easily be used to replace existing counter tops in your own townhouse. pdf/333.pdf and pdf/394.pdf We are removing the counter tops on January 26th, and all pieces will be available for pick-up at that point. We are asking $250 for all of the pieces. Please see the below listing for pictures and dimensions: mat/3546601249.html Near the intersection of Barta Road and Fairfax County Parkway (Route 286) 500 spaces; Free parking; Maintained by VDOT Burton and Janaya Rampton 703-546-4509 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS CALCULATOR FOR SALE Model TI‐5045 SV, with owner's manual and paper refills. It works !! $5.00. Call Paul 703 455‐2996. 6 NEWINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION *** At Newington Station *** P.O. Box 351, Springfield, VA 22150 703-455-3606; Fax 703-455-0013; EXTERIOR PROJECT REQUEST FORM Submit form for any exterior addition, alteration, modification or change Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Property Address: __________________________________________________________ Lot #: __________________ Telephone #: Home: ________________________ Work: _____________________ Cell: ______________________ Owner’s Signature (or authorized agent): ________________________________________________________________ Type of Project (check one) o Addition o Deck or Patio Enclosure o Door o Exterior Painting Project o Fence o o o o o Gutters/Downspouts Landscaping Other Roof Shed o o o o Shutters Siding Walkway Windows Description of Above Project: Colors _________________________________________________________(sample required for all requests) Size ____________________________________________________________________________________ Style ____________________________________________________________________(pictures preferred) Materials ________________________________________________________________________________ Area of house/yard where project is being done. If necessary, include a sketch or site plan with home location and indicate where the alteration will be located on the property. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Deck Projects/Additions - Neighbors must be informed. Provide plans that will be submitted for Fairfax County building permit. Estimated Start Date: _________________________ Estimated Completion Date: ______________________ Consult NCA Architectural Standards for existing policies. Applicant is solely responsible for obtaining Fairfax County building permits and adhering to Fairfax County codes as they relate to drainage, etc. Please mail this request to the above address. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. A copy of this request will be returned to you within 30 days of NCA receiving this form. Wait for a reply before buying materials or starting any project. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - office use only - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW ACTION Advisory Committee: Date received:____________ Date of action:____________ Holding for additional info.: Forwarded date: __________ Recommendation: _________ Chairperson: _____________ Comments: ______________ ______________________ ______________________ Control Committee: Date received: _______________ Date of action: _______________ Date returned: _______________ Request is: Approved/Disapproved* Comments: _____________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 7 __________________________ (NCA Board President ) (date) __________________________ (NCA Board Vice Pres.) (date) __________________________ (NCA Board Secretary) (date) 9 25 24 NO SCHOOL MONDAY Trash & Recycling 26 Trash & Recycling 19 12 Trash & Recycling Trash & Recycling 5 TUESDAY 27 20 1 28 1 White Good Removal 21 1 White Good Removal 14 1 White Good Removal White Good Removal 7 THURSDAY FRIDAY 9 2 Trash & Bulk pick-up 22 Article Deadline 23 15 Trash & Bulk pick-up 16 Trash & Bulk pick-up 8 1 * For Single Family Homes Only 7:00pm NCA Board Mtg (pool house)** 13 6 WEDNESDAY SATURDAY February 2013 Contact American Disposal Customer Service at 703-368-0500 24 hours in advance of pick-up. There is an additional cost to resident for this service. 1 ** Board meetings are open to all NCA residents. 18 11 10 17 4 3 SUNDAY Newington Community Association
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