USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER AGOGUÉ Hélène Date of birth: 15/06/1977 Grade: CR1 Institution: CNRS University of La Rochelle Lab. : Littoral Environnement et Sociétés (LIENSs), UMR 6250, 2 rue Olympe de Gouges 17000 La Rochelle Yes No CNU section : 67 HDR Tel: +33 546507650 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 02, 55. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? No EDUCATION: • • PhD Thesis: 2004, Univ-Lyon I, “Diversity of bacteria of the sea surface microlayer: specificity, adaptation and resistance to solar radiation” Oceanographic Institute of Banyuls Master’s degree in Microbial Ecology (2001), Univ-Lyon I “Activity and diversity of bacterial communities in aquatic environment” Oceanographic Institute of Banyuls MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates • Since oct 2009 : CNRS research scientist, LIENSs laboratory, La Rochelle • 2009 : post doctoral researcher, University of La Rochelle, LIENSs laboratory • 2006-2009 : post doctoral researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Marie Curie fellowship • 2004-2006 : Part-time post-doctoral researcher at the University of Le Havre Research topics: MARINE MICROBIAL ECOLOGY • Archaeal and bacterial diversity and function • Role of prokaryotes in biogeochemical cycles TEACHING EXPERIENCES: • • Since 2009 : Marine microbial ecology and bacteriology. University of La Rochelle 2004-2006 : assistant teacher, genetic toxicology, microbiology. University of Le Havre Supervision of students (PhD, masters) • PhD: 1 is on-going • Masters : 5 supervised or co-supervised RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): - 2010 Agogué H., Lamy D., Neal P. R., Sogin M. L. and Herndl G. J. Water mass-specificity of bacterial communities in the North Atlantic revealed by massively parallel sequencing. Molecular ecology. 2:258-274 - 2008 Agogué H., Brink M., Dinasquet J. and Herndl G. J. Major gradients in putitatively nitrifying and nonnitrifying Archaea in the deep North Atlantic. Nature 456:788-91. - 2008 Herndl G. J., Agogué H., Baltar F., Reinthaler T., Sintes E. and Varela M. M. Regulation of aquatic microbial processes: the ‘microbial loop’ of the sunlit surface waters and the dark ocean dissected. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 53:69-81. - 2005 Agogué H., Casamayor E.O., Bourrain M., Obernosterer I., Joux F., Herndl G. J. and Lebaron P. A survey on bacteria inhabiting the sea surface microlayer of coastal ecosystems. FEMS Microbial Ecology 54: 269-80. - 2005 Agogué H., Joux F., Obernosterer I. and Lebaron P. Resistance of marine bacterioneuston to solar radiation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71:5282-9. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER ALIAUME Catherine Date of birth: 16/02/1962 Grade: PR1 Institution: University Montpellier 2/Polytech UMR 5119 ECOSYM, University Montpellier II, Case 093, Place Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier, France Yes No CNU section: 67 HDR e-mail Tel: +334 67 14 4765 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 22 on Introduction to aquatic ecosystems. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes No EDUCATION: Ph.D. in Biomathematics at the University of Paris in 1990 on the spatial and temporal structure of fish communities in relation to environmental factors. Diploma of Water Engineering (major in Hydrobiology) in 1985 at Montpellier University MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 1992-95: Research Associate at North Carolina State University (USA) and project coordinator of a 4year project dealing with gamefish population assessment in tropical coastal zones funded by the Fisheries and Wildlife Service (USA). 1995-2004 : Assistant Professor in the University of Montpellier: research activities on fish bioecology: recruitment, colonisation, growth and survival modelling in relation to environmental factors. Since 2004, full Professor at Montpellier University/ Polytech’Montpellier Engineering School : research activities focus on fish populations and communities response under environmental (climatic or anthropic) stress. Use and development of biological indicators to assess fish health and population performance (biomarkers, otolith micro-chemistry). Experimental ecology. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1995-2004: Assistant professor at Montpellier University teaching biostatistics, ecological modelling. 2004-actual: Full Professor at Montpellier University/ Polytech’Montpellier Engineering School teaching ecology, aquatic resource assessment, aquatic ecosystems functioning and management, biostatistics Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 9 PhD, more than 20 Masters/Engineers MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: 2009-2012 : Head of the Water Science and Technology Department at Polytech’Montpellier Engineering School. 2003-06 coordinator of the workpackage “Scenario Analysis” of the European project Ditty (Development of an information technology tool for the management of Southern European lagoons under the influence of river-basin runoff). RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Cissé-Gning N, Le Loc’h F, Thiaw O, Aliaume C ,Vidy G. 2010. Estuarine resources use by juvenile Flagfin mojarra (Eucinostomus melanopterus) in an inverse tropical estuary (Sine Saloum, Senegal). Estuar, Coast and Shelf Sci. 86 (4) : 683-891 Diouf K., Guilhaumon F., Aliaume C., Ndiaye P., Do Chi T., Panfili J. 2009 Effects of the environment on fish juvenile growth in West African stressful estuaries. Estuar, Coast and Shelf Sci 83 : 115-125 Casiot C., Egal M., Elbaz-Poulichet F., Bruneel O., Bancon-Montigny C., Cordier M-A., Gomez E., Aliaume C. 2009. Hydrological and geochemical controls of metals and arsenic in a Mediterranean river contaminated by acid mine drainage (the Amous River, France); preliminary assessment of impacts on fish (Leuciscus cephalus) Applied Geochemistry 24 : 787-799 Zeman F A, Gilbin R, Alonzo F, Pradines C, Garnier-Laplace J, Aliaume C. 2008. Effects of waterborne uranium on survival, growth, reproduction and physiological processes of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. Aquatic toxicology 86 : 370-378 Aliaume C, Do Chi T , Viaroli, P., Zaldivar. 2007. Coastal lagoons of Southern Europe: recent changes and future scenarios. Transitional Water Monographs 1: 1-12 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY AUDRY Stéphane CV TEACHER photo Date of birth: 19/01/1973 Grade: CNAP (Physician of Observatory) Institution: Obs. Midi-Pyrénées University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse GET, 14 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400, Toulouse, France Yes No CNU section : 35 HDR e-mail: Tel:05 61 33 26 05 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 35 on Carbon and nitrogen cycles in reservoirs and green house gazes (CO2, CH4, N2O (8 hours tutorial) and Project Laboratories & Field Practices (12 hours, Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2003, University of Bordeaux (France); subject : biogeochemistry of trace metals in rivers and riverine sediments in a mine-impacted temperate hydrosystem Master or Engineer diploma: 1998, University of Bordeaux (France); subject: Fluid circulations and diagenesis in the Costa Rica’s active margin MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions: University of Bordeaux (EPOC lab; 2004-2005), University of Limoges (20052006), University of Toulouse (GET Lab, since 2006) Research topics: (i) Fluxes and mass balances of trace metals in aquatic systems; (ii) Transport and processes at the water-sediment interface and early diegenesis; (iii) Sedimentary recording of anthropogenic pollution TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: University of Bordeaux (EPOC lab; 2004-2005), University of Limoges (2005-2006), University of Toulouse (GET Lab, since 2006) Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 4 PhD and 5 masters MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: (i) Head of the Observatory for Research in Environment-Experimental Tropical Catchments (ORE BVET; (ii) Scientific manager of the Analytical Chemistry Facility in the GET RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): 1. Sonke, J.E., Schäfer, J., Chmeleff, J., Audry, S., Blanc, G., Dupré, B. (2010) Sedimentary mercury stable isotope records of atmospheric and riverine pollution from two major European heavy metal refineries. Chem. Geol. 279, 90-100. 2. Audry, S. Grosbois, C., Bril H., Schäfer J., Kierczak J., Blanc G. (2010) Post-depositional redistribution of trace metals in reservoir sediments of a mining/smelting-impacted watershed (the Lot River, SW France). Appl. Geochem., 25, 778–794. 3. Sivry, Y., Riotte, J., Sonke, J.E., Audry, S., Schäfer, J., Viers, J., Blanc, G., Freydier, R. Dupré, B. (2008) Zn isotopes as tracers of anthropogenic pollution from Zn-ore smelters. The Riou Mort-Lot River system. Chem. Geol. 255, 295-304. 4. Audry, S., Blanc, G., Schäfer, J., Guérin, F., Masson, M., Robert, S. (2007) Behavior and budget of Mn, Cd and Cu in a macrotidal estuary: The Gironde estuary (SW France). Mar. Chem. 107, 433–448. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BAUDRIMONT Magalie Date of birth: 21/06/1971 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: University Bordeaux1 UMR CNRS EPOC 5805, “Aquatic Ecotoxicology” team Place du Dr Peyneau, 33120 Arcachon Yes No CNU section : 67 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 (0)5 56 22 39 27 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 23 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 23 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1997, University Bordeaux1, « Etude du rôle des métallothionéines à l’égard des mécanismes de bioaccumulation du cadmium, du mercure et du zinc par les organismes aquatiques (mollusque bivalve d’eau douce : Corbicula fluminea, poissons Cyprinidés) - Approches expérimentales et in situ ». Master or Engineer diploma: 1994, University Bordeaux1, « Etude expérimentale du rôle des métallothionéines (MTs ou MTs-like) dans les mécanismes de bioaccumulation du cadmium et du mercure (Hg inorganique et méthylmercure) par un mollusque bivalve d’eau douce : Corbicula fluminea ». MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 1998 - : Associate Professor, Université Bordeaux 1- UMR CNRS EPOC 5805 – OASU. Aquatic Ecotoxicology team. Research topics : Ecotoxicology of metals and of gold nanoparticles in aquatic systems, cellular mechanisms of detoxification and of adaptive responses of aquatic organisms. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1998 - : Associate Professor, Université Bordeaux 1 1997-1998: One year Associate Professor, University Bordeaux 1 1995-1997: Lecturer at the University Bordeaux 1 Supervision of 8 PhD Thesis (5 graduates and 3 in completion), 21 Master 2 et 12 Master 1. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Responsible of the novel specialty “Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry” of the Master STEE of the University Bordeaux1 Responsible of 5 teaching units in Licence and Master degrees in Bordeaux1 RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Paul-Pont I., de Montaudouin X., Gonzalez P., Jude F., Raymond N., Paillard C. and Baudrimont M. (2010). Interactive effects of metal contamination and pathogenic organisms on the introduced marine bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum in European populations. Environmental Pollution, 158, 11: 3401-3410. Paul-Pont I., de Montaudouin X., Gonzalez P., Soudant P. and Baudrimont M. (2010). How life-history contributes to stress response in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 17:987–998. Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Dufour S., Elie P., Bossy A., Lucia M. and Massabuau JC. (2009). Ovarian gene expression and effects of cadmium pre-exposure during artificial sexual maturation of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). BioMetals, 22:985-994. Pierron F., Baudrimont M., Dufour S., Elie P., Bossy A., Baloche S., Mesmer-Dudons N., Gonzalez P., Bourdineaud J-P. and Massabuau J-C. (2008). How cadmium could compromise the completion of the European eel's reproductive migration. Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 4607–4612. Renault S., Baudrimont M., Mesmer-Dudons N., Gonzalez P., Mornet S. and Brisson A. (2008). Impacts of gold nanoparticle exposures on two freshwater species : a phytoplanktonic algae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) and a benthic bivalve (Corbicula fluminea). Gold Bulletin, 41, (2), 116-126. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BAUDU Michel Date of birth: 28/01/62 Grade: Professor Institution: Limoges University GRESE EA 4330, FST 123 avenue Albert Thomas 87060 Limoges, France Yes No CNU section : 32 HDR Tel: 33 (0)555 457 204 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 13. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU 13: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1990 University of Rennes I. Adsorption onto activated carbon fibres: mechanisms and applications Master of sciences: 1998, School of Chemistry, Rennes (ENSCR). Competitive adsorption onto activated carbon MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: • • Professor, University of Limoges:1998 to present Assistant professor (maitre de conférences), University of Limoges: 1991 to 1998 Research topics: Adsorption mechanism onto mineral or biological material, Physicochemical treatment of water (adsorption, coagulation, flocculation), Metal reactivity and sorption in environmental systems TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates Urban hydraulic : bachelor and master degrees (since 1991) Water supply and sewerage bachelor and master degrees (since 1994) Colloidal stability and coagulation – seteability and filtration : master degree (since 1999) Water production and sewerage : animation of 4 CNAM distance teaching units of master degree (since 2002) Supervision of 28 thesis of PhD, 45 masters, 3 HDR MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: • • • • • • Head of Water Sol and Environmental Research (GRESE EA4330), University of Limoges, 2008 to present Head of Laboratory of water and Environmental Sciences (LSEE EA1068), Limoges, 1998 to 2008 Editor for the "Journal of Water Science": French-Canadian international journal (English and French edition) about water (resources, treatment, and pollution impact) Member of national French scientific groups: Sciences de l’Eau, GRUTTEE, GIS Rameau, GRISCYA, CNRS group ERICHE Expert for national French institutes : OSEO, ANR, RDT Limousin Member of Scientific Council for ASTEE (F) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): ABOULHASSAN M. A., SOUABI S., YAACOUBI A., BAUDU M. (2006). Improvement of paint effluents coagulation using natural and synthetic coagulant aids. Journal of Hazardous Materials 138, 40-45. COMTE S., GUIBAUD G., BAUDU M. (2006), Complexation properties of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) resulting from activated sludge according to their form: Soluble or Bound. Process Biochemistry 41, 815-823. BOURAS O., BOLLINGER J.C., BAUDU M., KHALAF H. (2007). Adsorption of Diuron and its degradation products from aqueous solutions by surfactant-modified pillared-clays. Applied Clay Science 37, 240-250. ELY A., BAUDU M., BASLY J.P., KANKOU M.O.S.O. (2009).Copper and nitrophenol pollutants removal by Namontmorillonite/alginate microcapsules. Journal of Hazardous Materials 171, 405-409 HADJOUDJA S., DELUCHAT V., BAUDU M. (2010). Cell surface characterisation of Microcystis aeruginosa and Chlorella vulgaris. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 342, 293-299. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BEHRA Philippe Date of birth: 26/05/1959 Grade: PR1 Institution: INP Toulouse (ENSIACET) Laboratoire de Chimie Agro-Industrielle, UMR 1010 INRA/INPT-ENSIACET, 4, allée Emile Monso, 31030 Toulouse Cedex 4, France Yes No CNU section : 32 HDR Tel: +33 (0)534 323 508 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 01 on “Solution chemistry & Analytical chemistry” and TU 12 on “Natural water chemistry and analysis”. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 12 No EDUCATION: “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” : 1993, Univ. L. Pasteur, Strasbourg, Aquatic Chemistry PhD Thesis: 1987, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, Water Sciences and Technologies Master: 1984, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, Fluid Mechanics Engineer diploma: 1983, ENGEES (ENITRTS), Strasbourg, Water and Environmental Engineering MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: - Research fellow at EAWAG – ETH Zurich (CH) (Profs. W. Stumm and L. Sigg) (1988-1990): Aquatic chemistry (application to atmospheric water and ground water; reactive transport) - Research fellow (CR) at CNRS (1989-2000): Water chemistry and reactive transport - Professor at INP Toulouse (2000- ) Research topics in Toulouse: (1) Water chemistry and aquatic chemistry (analytical chemistry and dynamic speciation applied to environmental systems; trace metals or metalloids (mercury, silver, organotin, cadmium, arsenic…), groundwater, sensors…), reactive transport (modelling…); (2) Reactivity at solid-gas-liquid interfaces (surface analyses, sorption, physicochemical modelling, metals, CO2 and CH4 in coals…) TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Engineering school of chemistry and chemical engineering (ENSIACET): Analytical chemistry; Introduction to environmental chemistry; Surface analyses (XPS and AFM); Engineering schools of INP Toulouse (ENSAT, ENSEEIHT, ENSIACET) + University of Toulouse 3 (Master degree): Physicochemistry of water and speciation; Reactive transport; Universities of Poitiers, Rennes and Limoges (Master degree): Reactivity at solidwater interfaces in natural systems Supervision of 16 PhD students, and more than 30 Master/Engineer students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: * Head of a Master degree in “Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, Soil, Environment”, University of Toulouse 3 (Paul Sabatier) and INP Toulouse (between 17 and 36 students per year). * Head of the speciality “Environment Engineering” of INP Toulouse (10 to 30 students per year). - Scientific coordinator of the MAISOE project « Microlaboratoires d’analyses in situ pour des observatoires environnementaux » in the frame of RTRA “Sciences and Technologies for Aeronautics and Space” (STAE): 7 laboratories (2009-2013); 8 post-docs, 2 research engineers. - Scientific head of the topic “Microsensors for mercury speciation” in MAISOE project. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): 1. Sigg, L., Behra, Ph., Stumm, W., 2006. Chimie des Milieux Aquatiques : Chimie des Eaux Naturelles et des Interfaces dans l’Environnement. 3rd ed., Dunod, Paris. 2. Laffont, L., Sonke, J.E., Maurice, L., Hintelmann, H., Pouilly, M;, Bacarreza, Y.S., Perez, T., Behra, Ph., 2009. Anomalous Mercury Isotopic Compositions of Fish and Human Hair in the Bolivian Amazon. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 8985–8990. 3. Charrière, D., Pokryszka, Z., Behra, Ph., 2010. Effect of pressure and temperature on diffusion of CO2 and CH4 into coal from the Lorraine basin (France), Internat. J. Coal Geol. 81, 373-380. 4. Charrière, D., Behra, Ph., 2010. Water sorption on coals. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 344, 460-467. 5. Mossion, A., Balayssac, S., Gilard, V. Malet-Martino, M., Potin-Gautier, M., Behra, Ph., 2010. Interaction mechanisms between caffeine and polyphenols in infusions of Camellia sinensis leaves. Food Chemistry 119, 173-181. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BETTAREL Yvan Date of birth: 01/11/1974 Grade: CR1 Institution: IRD University Montpellier 2, UMR ECOSYM 5119. 34095 Montpellier cedex 05 HDR: No CNU section : 67 e-mail: Tel: +33 (0) 4 67 14 39 98 ENGLISH: Fluent TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 22 on Bacterial biodiversity and dynamics (6h tutorial, 4h practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? No EDUCATION: 2002 - Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography, University Clermont II, France. 1999 - Master of Environmental Sciences, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 2004- present: IRD Research Scientist. 2004-2008: IRD Dakar (Senegal) 2008- present : University Montpellier 2, UMR ECOSYM 5119, France. Microbial and viral ecology in tropical environments. Morphological and genetic characterization of planktonic viruses Ecological traits of viruses and prokaryotes along environmental gradients. Life cycles and strategies of phages in aquatic systems. Viruses as a component of the coral holobiont. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Course in viral ecology and marine microbiology at (i) University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) (ii) University of Mexico (2010), (iii) University Montpellier (2009, 2010, 2011) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): BETTAREL Y, BOUVIER T, AGIS M, BOUVIER C, CHU VAN THUOC, COMBE M, MARI X, MINH NGHIEM NGOC, NGUYEN THANH THUY, PHAM THE THU, PRINGAULT O, ROCHELLE-NEWALL, TORRÉTON J-P, TRANQUANG HUY (2011) Viral distribution and life strategies in the Bach Dang estuary, Vietnam. Microbial Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s00248-011-9835-6. BETTAREL Y, BOUVIER T, BOUVIER C, CARRE C, DESNUES A, DOMAIZON I, JACQUET S, ROBIN A, SIME-NGANDO T (2011) Ecological traits of planktonic viruses and prokaryotes along a full salinity gradient. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01054.x. MAURICE CF, MOUILLOT D, BETTAREL Y, DEWIT R, SARMENTO H, BOUVIER T (2011) Disentangling the relative influence of bacterioplankton, phylogeny doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.181. and metabolism on lysony in reservoirs and lagoons. The ISME Journal, SIME-NGANDO T, LUCAS S, COLOMBET J, ROBIN A, BETTAREL Y, DESMOND E, GRIBALDO S, PAUSE TUCKER K, FORTERRE P, BREITBART M, PRANGHISHVILI D (2011) Diversity of virus-host systems in hypersaline Lake Retba, Senegal. Environmental Microbiology, doi : 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02323.x) BETTAREL Y, DESNUES A, ROCHELLE-NEWALL EJ (2010) Lytic failure in cross-inoculation assays between phages and prokaryotes from three aquatic sites of contrasting salinity. FEMS Microbiology Letters 311 : 113-118. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BIROL Florence Date of birth: 12/04/1973 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: CNAP Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, University of Toulouse LEGOS/OMP, 14 av. E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse Yes No CNU section: 37 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 5 61 33 29 24 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 34 (Numerical modelling applied to oceanography) COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1999, Univ. Toulouse 3, Phys. Oceanography Master: 1996, Univ. Toulouse 3, Phys. Oceanography MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Before 2005: Ass. Res. at LEGI (Grenoble-France) and at Mercator-Ocean (Toulouse-France) Since 2005: Ass. Prof. at LEGOS/OMP Research topics: • Environmental satellite data processing and analysis • Coastal altimetry • Coastal physical oceanography TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Since 2005: University of Toulouse, Physical oceanography Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 1 PhD, 5 masters MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: CTOH French observational service (co-head), PI of Jason-2 and AtiKa altimeter missions, scientific expert for the AltiKa altimeter mission, member of the CNES-TOSCA scientific committee (20062009) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): - D. Rozier, F. Birol, E. Cosme, P. Brasseur, J.M. Brankart and J. Verron, 2007: A reduced-order Kalman filter for data assimilation in physical oceanography. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Review, 49, doi:10.1137/050635717. - F. Durand, D. Shankar, F. Birol, S.S.C. Shenoi, 2008: An algorithm to estimate coastal currents from satellite altimetry: a case study for the East India Coastal Current. Journal of Oceanography, 64, pp 831845. - F. Durand, D. Shankar, F. Birol, S.S.C. Shenoi, 2009: Spatio-temporal structure of the East India Coastal Current from satellite altimetry. J. of Geophys Res., 114, C02013, doi:10.1029/2008JC004807. - F. Birol, M. Cancet, C. Estournel, 2010: Aspects of the seasonal variability of the Northern Current (NW Mediterranean Sea) observed by altimetry. J. of Mar. Systems, 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2010.01.005. - R. Dussurget, F. Birol and R. Morrow, 2011: Fine-resolution altimetry data for a regional application in the Bay of Biscay. Marine Geodesy, in press. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BONNET Marie-Paule Date of birth: 02/10/1965 Grade: CR1 Institution: IRD University of Toulouse 3, GET Lab. Yes No CNU section : HDR Tel: +55 61 32573914 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 54 and maybe 35. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU 54: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1995, University P6/ Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris. Numerical modelling of the planktoninc succession in an hypereutrophic reservoir (Villerest, Loire, France) Master or Engineer diploma: 1990 University of Paris 6, Quantitative Hydrology and Hydrogeology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Since 2003 Researcher at the Institut de Recherche pour le Déveleoppement (IRD), GET Toulouse Nov99 -Juin 03 Reseacher at the "Laboratoire d’étude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement ", UMR 5564 (CNRS, UJF, IRD, INPG) (Grenoble). Enseignement à, Reseach activity in the France-Vietnam project « Eau » Study of the influence of domestic waste in the Nhue River (Hanoi, Vietnam). Oct. 98-Oct 99 Post-Doc at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie (Paris 6) in collaboration with the « Ecole Normale Sup de Paris » in the Framework of the CEE MetroMed (CT 960049) project 3D Modelling of the biogeochemical functionement of a coastal zonne (Golfe du Lion, Mediterranée). Nov-95 –Apr 97 Post-doctorat au Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia, Perth Contribution de la modélisation couplée hydrodynamique/biogéochimique 3D à l’étude des interactions entre processus physique, chimique et biologique dans un écosystème lacustre Research topics Floodplain – mainstream interaction and exchanged fluxes; numerical hydrological model Floodplain biogeochemistry; coupled numerical hydrodynamic/biogeochemical model Hydrology and spatial data ; Hydrological modeling of large basins TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Nov99 -Juin 03 : Teacher ENSHMG « Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Hydraulique et de Mécanique de Grenoble » 72h/per year Since 2003 few lectures at the University of San Marco (Perou, Lima) and UNB (University of Brasilia) Supervision of 4 PhD students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Getirana, A.C.V., Bonnet, M.P., Calmant, S., Roux, E., Rotunno, O.C. and Mansur, W.J., 2009. Hydrological monitoring of poorly gauged basins based on rainfall-runoff modeling and spatial altimetry. Journal of Hydrology, 379(3-4): 205-219. Bonnet, M.P., Barroux, G., Martinez, J.M., Seyler, F., Moreira-Turcq, P., Cochonneau, G., Melack, J.M., Boaventura, G., Maurice-Bourgoin, L., Leon, J.G., Roux, E., Calmant, S., Kosuth, P., Guyot, J.L. and Seyler, P., 2008. Floodplain hydrology in an amazon floodplain lake (lago grande de curuai). Journal of Hydrology, 349(1): 18-30. Trinh A D, Vachaud, G., Bonnet, M.P., Prieur, N., Loi, V.D. and Anh, L.L., 2007. Experimental investigation and modelling approach of the impact of urban wastewater on a tropical river; a case study of the nhue river, hanoi, viet nam. Journal of Hydrology, 334(3): 347-358. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BONNETON Philippe Date of birth: 07/02/63 Grade: Director of Research CNRS Institution: CNRS, Bordeaux 1 University Lab.: UMR CNRS EPOC, avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence, FRANCE HDR e-mail ENGLISH: Yes No CNU section : Tel: (33) 05 40 00 29 65 Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-62 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU WEO-62 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1992, Paul Sabatier Toulouse, Fluid Mechanics Engineer diploma: 1986, Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie, Meteorology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 1989-1993 Ingénieur civil de la Météorologie, CNRM, Toulouse 1993-1997 CNRS researcher at IMFT, Toulouse 1997-2006 CNRS researcher at EPOC, Bordeaux 1 University Since 2006 Director of Research CNRS, UMR EPOC Wave transformation in the nearshore; wave-induced circulation; modelling of coastal morphodynamics TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Since 1993 : Ecole Nationale de le Météorologie Toulouse, ENSEEIHT Toulouse, ENSEIRBMATMECA Bordeaux, ENSTA Paris Since 1996: supervision of 13 PhD students and 6 post-doc MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Head of the research team METHYS / EPOC RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Bonneton, P., Chazel, F., Lannes, D., Marche, F. and Tissier, M. 2010 A splitting approach for the fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive Green-Naghdi model. J. Comput. Phys., 230 (4), 1479–1498, doi:10.1016/ Bonneton, P., Bruneau, N., Marche, F. and Castelle, B. 2010 Large-scale vorticity generation due to dissipating waves in the surf zone. DCDS-B, 13(4), 729-738, doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2010.13.729. Bonneton, P., Barthelemy, E., Carter, J.D., Chazel, F., Cienfuegos, R., Lannes, D, Marche, F., Tissier, M. 2010 Fully nonlinear weakly dispersive modelling of wave transformation, breaking and runup. in press to Eur. J. Mech. B Fluids. Castelle, B., H. Michallet, V. Marieu, F. Leckler, B. Dubardier, A. Lambert, C. Berni, P. Bonneton, E. Barthelemy, and F. Bouchette (2010), Laboratory experiment on rip current circulations over a moveable bed: drifter measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C12008, doi:10.1029/2010JC006343. Castelle, B., Ruessink, B.G., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V., Bruneau, N., Price, T.D. 2010 Coupling mechanisms in double sandbar systems, Part 1: Physical explanation and coupling patterns. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 35, 476–486. DOI: 10.1002/esp.1929 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER BOUVIER Thierry Date of birth: Grade: CR1 22/01/1969 Institution: CNRS University of Montpellier 2, CNRS – UMR5119. 34095 Montpellier cedex 05. HDR No e-mail ENGLISH: CNU section : 67 Tel: +334 67 14 40 32 Average TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 22 on Bacterial biodiversity and dynamics. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? No EDUCATION: 1998 - Ph.D. with honours in Biological Oceanography, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. 1993 - Master of Science with honours, University of Bordeaux, France MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 2003- present: CNRS Research Scientist. University of Montpellier, France. Microbial ecology of the aquatic systems. Phylogenetic and physiologic structures and dynamics of bacterial community. Links between bacterial diversity, community metabolism and physiologic activity. Single cell analysis of phage/host interactions. Life cycles and strategies of phages in aquatic systems. Macroorganism-microorganism relationships. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Aquatic bacterial and viral ecology, Marine microbiology. Supervision of PhD student and Master 1 & 2 MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Lead of the "Dynamic and diversity of planktonic population" team in ECOSYM UMR 5119 laboratory (2011-2014) Board member of the National Committee of Scientific Research (2009-2012) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Bettarel Y, Bouvier T, Agis M, Bouvier C, Chu Van Thuoc, Combe M, Mari X, Minh Nghiem Ngoc, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Pham The Thu, Pringault O, Rochelle-Newall, Torréton J-P, TranQuang Huy (2011) Viral distribution and life strategies in the Bach Dang estuary, Vietnam. Microbial Ecology (in press). Gravel D, Bell T, Barbera C, Bouvier T, Pomier T, Venail P, Mouquet N (2011) Experimental niche evolution alters the strength of the diversity-productivity relationship. Nature. 469:89-92. del Giorgio PA, Gasol JM, Condon R, Longnecker K, Bouvier T, Bouvier C, Sherr E (2011) Coherent patterns in bacterial growth, growth efficiency, and leucine metabolism along a northeast Pacific inshore-offshore transect. Limnology & Oceanography. 56: 1-16 Maurice CF, Mouillot D, Bettarel Y, deWit R, Sarmento H, Bouvier T (2010) Disentangling the relative influence of bacterioplankton, phylogeny and metabolism on lysony in reservoirs and lagoons. ISME J. 12: 628-641. Winter C, Bouvier T, Weinbauer MG, Thingstad TF (2010) The “killing the winner” hypothesis revisited – tradeoffs between competition and defense specialists in unicellular planktonic organisms. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 74:42-57. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY BUSTAMANTE Paco CV TEACHER photo Date of birth: 09/02/1970 Grade: PR1 Institution: University of La Rochelle Lab: Littoral Environnement et Sociétés, UMR 6250, rue Olympe de Gouges 17000 La Rochelle Yes No CNU section : 68 HDR e-mail: Tel: +33-546507625 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 41 and TU 55. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 55 No EDUCATION: • PhD Thesis: 1998, University of La Rochelle; Bioaccumulation and detoxification of trace elements in marine mollusks. • Master or Engineer diploma: 1994; university of Aix-Marseille I ; Heavy metals in cephalopods : bioaccumulation and histological investigations MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates • 2000-2007: assistant professor, marine biology. Department of Biology, ULR • since 2007: professor, marine biology. Department of Biology, ULR Research topics: MARINE ECOTOXICOLOGY • Marine ecophysiotoxicology (heavy metals, radionuclides and organic pollutants) • Marine ecology (transfer of pollutants in food webs, use of chemicals tracers) TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates • 2000-2007: assistant professor, marine biology. Department of Biology, ULR • since 2007: professor, marine biology. Department of Biology, ULR Supervision of students (PhD, masters) • PhD: 6 defended PhD, 4 are on-going • Masters : 15 supervised or co-supervised MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: • Since 2008: Director of a Research Federation (8 laboratories, 3 technological centers) • Since 2007: Director of a research team in the UMR6250 LIENSs (13 researchers, 12 PhD) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): • Bustamante P, González AF, Rocha F, Miramand P, Guerra A (2008) Metal and metalloid concentrations in the giant squid Architeuthis dux from Iberian waters. Marine Environmental Research 66(2): 278-287 • Metian M, Warnau M, Cosson RP, Oberhänsli P, Bustamante P (2008) Bioaccumulation and detoxification processes of Hg in the king scallop Pecten maximus: field and laboratory investigations. Aquatic Toxicology 90: 204-213 • Lacoue-Labarthe T, Martin S, Oberhänsli F, Teyssié JL, Markich S, Ross J, Bustamante P (2009) Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on trace element (Ag, Cd and Zn) bioaccumulation in the eggs of the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Biogeosciences 6: 2561-2573 • Chouvelon T, Warnau M, Churlaud C, Bustamante P (2009) Hg concentrations and related risk assessment in coral reef crustaceans, molluscs and fish from New Caledonia. Environmental Pollution 157: 331-340 • Oral R, Bustamante P, Warnau M, D'Ambra A, Guida, M, Pagano G (2010) Cytogenetic and developmental toxicity of cerium and lanthanum to sea urchin embryos. Chemosphere 81: 194-198 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER CABASSUD Corinne Date of birth: 02/11/1961 Grade: Dr, Professor Institution: INSA Toulouse LISBP (Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes biologiques et des Procédés) Yes No CNU section : 62 HDR Tel: +33 5 61 55 97 73 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in WEO-11 and 44, Notable teaching and research experience that could be used to contribute in WEO16 with a chemical engineering approach and in WEO-43 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO-11 and WEO-44 No EDUCATION: HDR in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 1997: Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse on « Membrane processes for water treatment » PhD Thesis in Chemical Engineering, 1986 : at Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse – Laboratoire de Génie Chimique on « Membrane bioreactors for water denitrification » - Chair: Pr Roger ben Aim Engineer diploma in Chemical Engineering at « Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques » (ENSIC) de Nancy & Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at ENSIC Nancy, 1983 MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 1986-1993: Research Engineer and then Research Team Leader in the Membrane Laboratory of Lyonnaise des Eaux Company in Toulouse - France. New ultrafiltration modules and processes for drinking water production. 1993 – Today: laboratory LIPE (now included in the LISBP) from INSA Toulouse Research topics: membrane processes for water production, wastewater treatment and reuse, and desalination: methods to characterise dynamics of particle fouling and retention of viruses in situ, methods to prevent fouling in different membrane systems (nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, membrane bioreactors), design and optimisation of hybrid and chemically enhanced systems, notably as pretreatment before reverse osmosis, membrane bioreactors, aeration in membrane reactors, optimisation and design of modules, nanofiltration of oily waste-water, removal of micropollutants, membrane distillation for water desalination and membrane contactors. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1993-2000: Assistant professor in Chemical Engineering at INSA Toulouse (Department Chemical and Environmental Engineering) 2000-today: Professor at INSA Toulouse (Department Chemical and Environmental Engineering) Teaching topics: about 200 hours per year (levels L3 and M2): Basic phenomena and modelling in particle separation and in membrane processes; unit operations : settling, filtration, membrane processes; water treatment lines; separation processes for water treatment – design and application of membrane processes; water desalination; chemical reaction engineering Supervision of 28 PhD students, 28 master students, 14 post-doc MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: 2003-2009: Director of the department Chemical and Environmental Engineering at INSA Toulouse (150 students, levels L3 to M2, 30 permanent staff) 2009-today: Member of the administration committee, INSA; 1994-2009: Member scientific committee, INSA 2000-today: Leader of a research group (28 permanent staff and PhD students) on separation & oxidation processes 2006-today: Member of “Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs” (CTI) Leader of Workpackages in different European projects on Membrane Bioreactors and on Desalination RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Jean-Pierre Méricq, Stéphanie Laborie, Corinne Cabassud (2010) Vacuum membrane distillation of seawater reverse osmosis brines, Water Research 44, Issue 18, October 2010, pp 5260-5273 Marlène Stricot, A. Filali, Nicolas Lesage, Mathieu Spérandio, Corinne Cabassud (2010) Side-stream membrane bioreactors: Influence of stress generated by hydrodynamics on floc structure, supernatant quality and fouling propensity, Water Research, Volume 44, Issue 7, April 2010, pp 2113-2124 Pierre-Jean Remize, Christelle Guigui, Corinne Cabassud, Evaluation of backwash efficiency, definition of remaining fouling and characterisation of its contribution in irreversible fouling: Case of drinking water production by air-assisted ultrafiltration Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 355, Issues 1-2, 15 June 2010, pp 104-111 Matthieu Jacob, Christelle Guigui, Corinne Cabassud, Hélène Darras, Gwenaelle Lavison, Laurent Moulin (2010) Performances of RO and NF processes for wastewater reuse: Tertiary treatment after a conventional activated sludge or a membrane bioreactor, Desalination, Volume 250, Issue 2, 15 January 2010, pp 833-839 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER CACHOT Jérôme Date of birth: 07/11/1967 Grade: Professor Institution: University of Bordeaux 1 UMR EPOC 5805 LPTC group 351 Cours de la Libération 33 405 Talence Cedex, France HDR : X Yes No e-mail : Excellent, X Good, ENGLISH: CNU section : 67 Tel: +33 540003830 Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU41: Aquatic Ecotoxicology and Risk assessment COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? X Yes TU # 41: No EDUCATION: PhD in Ecotoxicology, University of Aix-Marseille II , 2008 Master degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Rennes I, Master degree in Marine Biology, University of Aix-Marseille II, 1994 MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: - Ifremer Nantes, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, 1994-1998 - University of Le Havre, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, 1998-2007 - University of Georgia, Athens (USA), ABEL Laboratory, 2004-2005 - University Bordeaux 1, Laboratory of Physico- and Toxico-Chemistry of the Environment, 2007Research topics : aquatic eco toxicology, chemical risk assessment, genotoxicity, developmental toxicity TEACHING EXPERIENCES: - Lecturer at University of Le Havre, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, 1998-2007 - Professor at University of Bordeaux, 2007 to present Supervision of 6 PhD and 9 masters (2000-2011) MAIN RESPONSABILITIES Coordinator of the Environmental Toxicology group in the UMR EPOC-LPTC, University Bordeaux 1 RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Cachot J., Geffard O., Augagneur S., Lacroix S., Le Menach K., Peluhet L., Couteau J., Denier X., Devier M.H., Pottier D, Budzinski H., 2006. Evidence of genotoxicity related to high PAH content of sediments in the upper part of the Seine estuary (Normandy. Aquatic Toxicology, 79, 257-267. Cachot J., Law M., Pottier M., Peluhet L., Norris M., Budzinski H., Winn R., 2007. Characterization of toxic effects of sediment associated organic pollutants using the λ transgenic medaka. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 7830-7836. Marchand J., Evrard E., Guinand B., Cachot J., Quiniou L., Laroche J., 2010. Genetic polymorphism and its potential relation to environmental stress in five populations of the European flounder, Platichthys flesus, along the French Atlantic Coast. Marine Environmental Research, 70, 201-209. Morin B., Filatreau J., Vicquelin L., Barjhoux I., Guinet S., Leray-Forget J., Cachot J., 2011. Detection of DNA damage in larvae of the Japanese Medaka, Oryzias latipes, by the comet assay. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399, 2235-2242. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER CASTELLE Bruno Date of birth: 17/04/77 Grade: CR2 CNRS Institution: CNRS University of Bordeaux, CNRS-UMR 5805 Avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence Yes No CNU section : HDR e-mail Excellent, Good, ENGLISH: Average, Tel: (33) 0540002450 Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-62 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2004, University of Bordeaux, Nearshore morphodynamics Master diploma: 2001, University Aix-Marseille II, Coastal Dynamics Engineer diploma: 2001, University Toulon et du Var, Marine Engineering MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 2005-2007 Senior Research Assistant, Griffith University, Australia Since 2007 CR2 CNRS, UMR EPOC, Bordeaux University Nearshore wave-driven circulations; surfzone sandbar morphodynamics; nearshore bedforms interactions TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Since 2007: University of Bordeaux and ENSTA Paris Supervision of 2 PhD students (ongoing) and (co-)supervision of 11 Master students RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Castelle, B., Michallet, H., Marieu, V., Leckler, F., Dubardier, B., Lambert, A., Berni, C., Bonneton, P., Barthélemy, E., Bouchette, F. (2010). Laboratory experiment on rip current circulations over a moveable bed: drifter measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 115, C12008, doi:10.1029/2010JC006343. Castelle, B., Ruessink, B.G., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V., Bruneau, N., Price, T.D. (2010). Coupling mechanisms in double sandbar systems, Part 1: Physical explanation and coupling patterns. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35, 476-486. Castelle, B., Ruessink, B.G., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V., Bruneau, N., Price, T.D. (2010). Coupling mechanisms in double sandbar systems, Part 2: impact on alongshore variability of inner-bar rip channels. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35, 771-781. Almar, R., Castelle, B., Ruessink, B.G., Sénéchal, N., Bonneton, P., Marieu, V. (2010). Two- and threedimensional double-sandbar system behaviour under intense wave forcing and a meso-macro tidal range. Continental shelf Research, 30, 781-792. Castelle B., Bonneton P., Dupuis H., Sénéchal N. (2007). Double bar beach dynamics on the high-energy meso-macrotidal French Aquitanian coast: a review. Marine Geology, 245, 141-159. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER CAURANT Florence Date of birth: 05/10/60 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: University LA ROCHELLE Lab. : Littoral Environnement et SociétéS, UMR 62502, rue Olympe de Gouges, 17042 LA ROCHELLE No CNU section : 67 HDR XYes e-mail Tel: +33(0)546507629 ENGLISH: Excellent,X Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 25 and 41. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? XYes TU #: 25 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1994, univ of Nantes. Subject: Factors influencing trace element (As, Cu, Cd, Hg, Se, Zn) bioaccumulation in pilot whales (Globicephala melas) off the Faroe Islands MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: 1995 to date, Senior Lecturer, University of La Rochelle Research topics: Ecology of marine mammals and seabirds by using trace elements, stable isotopes and fatty acids as a signature of diet and/or populations TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: 1995 to date, Senior Lecturer, University of La Rochelle (Mean of 192h teaching per year). Courses Taught: Vertebrate Biology, Toxicology and Ecotoxicoly, Environment, methodology in bibliography, Ecology Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 10 masters, 5 PhD MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: 2006 to date: Coordinator of a transverse workshop within the LIENSs concerning the use of ecological tracers such as metals, stable isotopes of carbone and nitrogen, and fatty acids in ecological studies 2010 to date: Head of the Biology Department RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): 1. Caurant F., A. Aubail, V. Lahaye, O. Van Canneyt, E. Rogan, A. López, M. Addinke, C. Churlaud, M. Robert, 2. 3. 4. 5. P. Bustamante (2006). Lead contamination of small cetaceans in European waters ‐ the use of stable isotopes for identifying the sources of lead exposure. Marine Environmental Research 62 : 131‐148 V. Lahaye, P. Bustamante, R.J. Law, J.A. Learmonth, M.B. Santos, J.P. Boon, E. Rogan, W. Dabin, M.J. Addink, A. López, A.F. Zuur, G.J. Pierce, F. Caurant. (2007). Biological and ecological factors related to trace element levels in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from European waters. Marine Environmental Research 64 : 247‐266 Caurant F., Chouvelon T., Lahaye V., Mendez‐Fernandez P., Rogan E., Spitz J., and Ridoux V. (2009). The use of ecological tracers for discriminating for discriminating populations: the case of the short‐beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis in the European Atlantic waters. International Whaling Commission SC61/SM34 Aubail A., Dietz R., Rigét F., Simon‐Bouhet B., Caurant F. (2010). An evaluation of teeth of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) from Greenland as a matrix to monitor geographical and temporal trends of mercury and stable isotopes. Science of the Total Environment 408 5137–5146 Aubail A., Teilmann J., Dietz R., Rigét F., Harkonen T., Karlsson O., Rosing‐Asvid A., Caurant F. (in press). Polar Biology USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER CAUSSERAND Christel Date of birth: 14/10/66 Grade: Professor Institution: Toulouse University Paul Sabatier University, Chemical Engineering Laboratory Paul Sabatier University 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9 France Yes No CNU section : 62° HDR Tel: 33 (0)5 61 55 86 90 e-mail: ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Possible Lecturer in TU WEO-44 (10 h C, Tutorial). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1992, Paul Sabatier University, Study of the selectivity in membrane processes Master diploma: 1989, Paul Sabatier University, Physical-Chemistry MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Since 1992 Teacher at Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. Research topics: membrane characterization, mechanism of membrane ageing, mass transfer especially selective transmission of contaminants in nanofiltration, ultrafiltration or microfiltration TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1992-2007: Associate Professor, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. 2007-today: Professor, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. Teaching : thermodynamic, transfer mechanisms, chemical engineering, membrane processes Supervision of 2 post doc, 6 PhD, 8 masters MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: - Chairman of teaching committee of physics-chemistry-automatics Department of Paul Sabatier University. - Training officer of Master in « Physical-Chemistry Processes ». RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): C. CAUSSERAND, S. ROUAIX, J.P. LAFAILLE, P. AIMAR, “Ageing of polysulfone membranes in contact with bleach solution: role of radical oxidation and of some dissolved metal ions», Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47 (2008) 48-56 N. LEBLEU, C. ROQUES, P. AIMAR, C. CAUSSERAND, “Potable water production by membrane processes: new methodology to validate bacterial removal efficiency”. Water Science and Technology Water supply, vol 9 n°4 (2009) 405-412 L. WANG, C. ALBASI, V. FAUCET-MARQUIS, A. PFOHL-LESZKOWICZ, C. DORANDEU, B. MARION, C. CAUSSERAND « Cyclophosphamide removal from water by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membrane" Water Research 43(2009) 4115-4122 N. LEBLEU, C. ROQUES, P. AIMAR, C. CAUSSERAND Effects of membrane alterations on bacterial retention, Journal of Membrane Science 348 (2010) 56–65 A. FURIGA, G. PIERRE, M. GLORIES, P. AIMAR, C. ROQUES, C. CAUSSERAND, M. BERGE. Effects of ionic strength on bacteriophage MS2 behavior: implications on the assessment of virus retention by ultrafiltration membranes. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 77 (1) (2011) 229-236 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER CAZENAVE Anny Grade: Engineer (Emerite) Institution: CNES University of Toulouse 3 LEGOS, 14 av. E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse Yes No CNU section : 37 HDR e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 24 on Altimetry COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: Doctorat 3e cycle en Astronomie fondamentale, Université, Paris, 1969 Doctorat d'Etat en Géophysique, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 1975 MAIN RESEARCH THEMES: Géodésie, Géophysique, Océanographie et Hydrologie Spatiale ; Utilisation des techniques spatiales en sciences de la planète, en particulier sur les domaines suivants : champ de gravité terrestre en terme de structure interne du globe, marées terrestres et océaniques, mouvements des plaques tectoniques, rotation de la terre et mouvement du pôle, changement global, réponse du niveau de la mer au changement climatique, niveaux d'eau des grands lacs et grands fleuves TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Supervision of 26 PhD students, several post-docs and master students ACTUAL (Feb. 2011) MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Member of the Administration Council of CNRS, of the Scientific Council of Météo-France (présidente), of the Adour-Garonne River Basin Committee (présidente), of the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco. Member of GIEC/IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Lead Author of Chapter "Sea level" in the 5th report, Working group I (2010-2013) Member of panel "Assess NASA Earth Sciences programs", National Research Council, The National Academies, USA (2011) Member of Steering Committee, GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) (2009-2012) Member of Panel ‘Earth System Sciences’, ERC (European Research Council) (2008-2012) Member of Scientific Council, GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System), International Association of Geodesy Member of the ‘Revelle Medal Committee’, AGU (American Geophysical Union) (2010-2012) Editor of EOS, American Geophysical Union Responsible of the project "Sea level" of the program "Climate Change Initiative, ESA (2010-2013) DISTINCTIONS: Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Sciences, since 2008 Foreign Member of the Indian Academy of Sciences, since 2008 Member of the French Academy of Sciences, since 2004 PUBLICATIONS: > 170 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals, editor of 4 books, author of 2 books ("Formes et mouvements de la Terre: satellites et géodésie", with K. Feigl, Editions Belin, 1994 & "La Terre vue de l’espace", with D. Massonnet, Editions Belin, 2004) USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER CHOVELON Jean-Marc Date of birth: 14/02/62 Grade: PR1 Institution: University of Lyon University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 IRCELYON, UMR 5256 2, Av. A. Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne Yes No CNU section : 32 HDR e-mail Tel: 04 72 43 26 38 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU XX on YY COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, may 1991. Development of micro-sensors for environmental applications Master: june 1988. University of Lyon, Functionalisation of micro-sensors for calcium detection. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates 1991 –1993 : Post-doctoral fellow : University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 1991 –1999 : Maître de conférences : Ecole Centrale de Lyon 1999 – Present: Professor : University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Research topics: Photodegradation and photocatalytic degradations of organic pollutant in water and in air. Development of analytical techniques for environmental applications. Development of biosensors for environmental applications TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1991 –1999 : Maître de conférences : Ecole Centrale de Lyon 1999 – Present: Professor : University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Supervision of 25 PhD students, 28 master and post doc students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Member of AUF consortium in the asie-Pacifique area in the frame of « appui aux formations et filières Universitaires Francophones. Scientific expert for Ministère de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur in the group « Chine, Urgence environnementale et écotechnologies ». AdHoc expert for EFSA (European Food Safety Authorithy) in the Pesticide group. Referee in the frame of « programmes Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies », Canada Referee for Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (Italia) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): 143 accepted publications in peer review (Factor H 22), 4 patents L. LAGUNAS-ALLUÉ, M.T MARTÍNEZ-SORIA, J. S. ASENSIO, A. SALVADOR, C. FERRONATO, J.M. CHOVELON, Photocatalytic degradation of boscalid in aqueous titanium dioxide suspension: Identification of intermediates and degradation pathways Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 98 (2010) 122–131. Y. LIN, C. FERRONATO, N. DENG, F. WU, J.M. CHOVELON “Photocatalytic degradation of methylparaben by TiO2: Multivariate experimental design and mechanism” Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 88 (2009) 32-41. G. GRANADOS-OLIVEROS, E.A. PÁEZ-MOZO, F. MARTÍNEZ-ORTEGA, C. FERRONATO, J.M CHOVELON, “Degradation of atrazine using metalloporphyrins supported on TiO2 under visible light irradiation”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 89 (2009) 448-454. M. SLEIMAN, C. FERRONATO, J.M. CHOVELON, “Photocatalytic removal of pesticide dichlorvos in indoor air: a study of reaction parameters, intermediates and mineralisation”, Environmental Science and Technology 42 (2008) 3018-3024. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DADOU Isabelle Date of birth: 02 May 1965 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: Univ. Toulouse 3 LEGOS, Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales,OMP, 14 avenue Édouard Belin 31401 Toulouse cedex, France Yes No CNU section : 37 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 5 61 33 29 54 Excellent, Good, Average, Weak ENGLISH: TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 63 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 63 No EDUCATION: 1995, PhD thesis, Oceanography, University of Toulouse, France 1993, Guest Student at Woods Hole Institution, USA 1995-1996, CNES Postdoctoral Position, Toulouse, France Civil Engineer, ENSEEIHT, INP Toulouse MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Associate Professor at University of Toulouse (Paul Sabatier), Toulouse, France Research topics: Ocean Circulation, Interaction between physics and biogeochemistry in the ocean (especially at mesoscale) and Climate, using satellite/in situ data, and coupled physical/biogeochemical models TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 200 h of teaching/year, at University of Toulouse, France since 1997 (25h at ICMPA-UNESCO Chair, Cotonou, Benin, courses in French and English). In charge and organisation of several courses at College and Master levels Undergraduate courses: Fluid Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Physics and Biogeochemistry of the ocean Practical work at sea for students, Marine Station at Banyuls, France Graduate courses: Satellite Observations of the ocean with practical work on computers, Interaction between physics and biogeochemistry in the ocean Since 1997, 7 Master thesis (4 supervisions, 3 co-supervisions) . Since 1998, supervision of 4 PhD thesis, University of Toulouse, University of Talence, Bordeaux, among which 2 as a co-supervisor. Since 2003, supervision and co-supervision of 3 post-doctoral fellows. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Charria, G., I. Dadou, M. Drévillon, et V. Garçon, 2008. Influence of Rossby waves on primary production from a coupled physical-biogeochemical model in the North Atlantic Ocean, Ocean Sciences, 4, 199-213. Charria, G., I. Dadou, J. Llido, M. Drévillon, et V. Garçon., 2008. Importance of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in the North Atlantic Ocean in sustaining primary production: a 3D modeling approach, Biogeosciences, 5, 14371455. Gutknecht E., Dadou I., Charria G., Cipollini P. et V. Garçon, 2010. Spatial and temporal variability of the remotely sensed chlorophyll-a signal associated with Rossby waves in the South Atlantic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research. Charria G., P. Cipollini, S. Theetten, I. Dadou et V. Garçon. 2011. Evidence for westward propagation influence on biological production in the North Atlantic. Ocean Modelling. In revision.. Gutknecht, E., I. Dadou, B. Levu, G. Cambon, J. Sdure, V. Garçon, E. Machu, T. Rixen, A. Kock, A. Flohr, A. Paulmier et G. Lavik, 2011. Nitrogen transfers and air-sea N2O fluxes in the upwelling off Namibia within the oxygen minimum zone : a 3-D model approach, Biogeosciences Discussion. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DAGOT Christophe Date of birth: 25/07/60 Grade: Pr Institution: University of Limoges ENSIL - GRESE, Parc ESTER, 16,rue Atlantis, 87000 Limoges Yes No CNU section : 62 HDR Tel: +33 (0) 555 423 697 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 14. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO14 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1988, University of Provence, Modeling of anaerobic digestion of soluble substrate : application to the lactose methanisation. Master or Engineer diploma: 1983, university of Provence. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: 1986 -1991: CRIFIC and CNRS – LSGC – Nancy – France 1991 - 1993: ProCell Ltd Since 1994: GRESE – University of Limoges FRANCE Research topics: Chemical, Biochemical and sanitary engineering - Optimization of reactors – extended or intensive process for waste water treatment – Fixed bed for arsenic oxidation. Interaction between metals and organic matter – Processes of sludge minimization. Occurrence of Antibiotics in water : impact, removal and antibioresistant bacteria TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates : 1993 : Assistant professor - 2004 : Professor Supervision of 17 PhD students, 4 Post-docs, 19 Master students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Deputy head of Water & Environment Dpt – ENSIL – University of Limoges FRANCE Head of Water & Environment Dpt – ENSIL – University of Limoges FRANCE RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): LU Y.S., DAGOT C., BAUDU M., LAURENT J., HU L.X., Hydrodynamics ans oxygen transfer in a novel extra-loop fluidized bed bioreactor. J. Shangai Univ, 14(4) :266-274, (2010) LAURENT J., CASELLAS M., DAGOT C., Heavy metals biosorption on disintegrated activated sludge: description of a new equilibrium model, Chemical Engineering Journal (2010), doi:10.1016/j.cej.2010.08.023 WAN J., KLEIN J., SIMON S., DICTOR MC., JOULIAN C., DELUCHAT V., DAGOT C., AsIII oxidation by Thiomonas arsenivorans in up-flow fixed-bed reactors coupled to As sequestration onto Zero Valent Iron-coated sand. Water Research 44, 5098-5108, (2010) LAURENT J., CASELLAS M., CARRERE H., DAGOT C., Effects of thermal hydrolysis on activated sludge solubilization, surface properties and heavy metals biosorption, Chemical Engineering Journal 166, 841-849 (2011). ALLNASOURI M., DAGOT C., PONS, M.N., Comparison of four methods to assess biofilm development, Water Sciences and Technology, 63,3, 432-440, (2011). USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DARTUS Denis Date of birth: 26/08/1955 Grade: Professor Institution: Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse Institut de Mécanique des Fluides, Groupe HydroEco, 31400 Toulouse Yes HDR e-mail ENGLISH: No Excellent, CNU section : 60 Tel: +33 5 61 34 32 28 59 Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in WEO-34 Hydrology. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU WEO-34: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1981, INPT, France, Hydraulic - decantation MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Physically based spatially distributed rainfall runoff model dedicated to Flash flood modeling for ungauged catchments software including data assimilation and sensitivity analysis; Development of a 2D free surface flow software including data assimilation and sensitivityanalysis; Preservation and restoration of hydraulic ecosystems. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Linear elasticity ; Structural Mechanics ; fluid-structure coupling; Numerical methods and industrial computer codes; Urban hydrology; water cycle; General hydrology… Supervision of students - PhD: 20. Masters: ~35 MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Head of Research Group HydroEco in IMFT: 11 persons from INPT, CNRS & ONEMA Head of many research projects for ANR RISKNAT, ONEMA, SCHAPI, RTRA, HYMEX … and an European project INCO-DEV with Chinese and Vietnamese university FLOCODS Head of a Master in Hydrology & Hydraulic RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Larnier K., Roux H., Dartus D. & Croze O. (2010) Modelling water temperatures in the Garonne River (France), Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (KMAE), 398, 04, 20pp Braud I., Roux H., Anquetin S., Maubourguet M.M., Manus C., Viallet P. & Dartus D. (2010) The use of distributed hydrological models for the Gard 2002 Flash-Flood event. Analysis of associated hydrological processes, Journal of Hydrology, Flash Floods special issue, 394, 162-181 Castaings W., Dartus D., Le Dimet F.X. & Saulnier J.M. (2009) Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for distributed hydrological modeling: potential of variational methods. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13. 503-517. ISSN 1027-5606 Roux H., & Dartus D. (2008) Sensitivity Analysis and Predictive Uncertainty Using Inundation Observations for Parameter Estimation in Open-Channel Inverse Problem. J. Hydr. Eng. ASCE, 134(5). Roux H. & Dartus D. (2006) Use of Parameter Optimization to Estimate a Flood Wave: Potential Applications to Remote Sensing of Rivers, Journal of Hydrology 328, 258-266 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DAUTA Alain Date of birth: 25/11/1950 Grade: CR1 Institution: CNRS University PAUL SABATIER, Toulouse III ECOLAB, Bat 4R1, 118, Route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9 Yes CNU section : HDR e-mail Tel: +33681566376 Excellent, Good, Average, Weak ENGLISH: TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 53 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: Hydrobiology, Toulouse III, 1983 MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research topics: Algal ecophysiology, modeling, Study of natural environments (lakes and rivers) : management, control and monitoring. Other field of study: artificial systems as algal raceways, industrial systems, waste-water systems, aquaculture and applied algology, eco-engineering (desert algal crust). TEACHING EXPERIENCES: • • • • Toulouse III university (1974-1975 : Biology), Universities of Casablanca, Marrakech, 1986-1988 : Graduate curses, Morocco, Graduate curses Toulouse III (1989-1993 : Modelling and applied computing; Hydrobiology, 1986-2000 : Primary productivity and ecosystem management; 2005-2010 : professional Master for environment management, and Research Master for Biodiversity management Guinea University : (2007-2010, Master Biodiversity & Ecology) Supervision of 18 PhD students. Management of foreigner stays : Algéria : 6, Canada : 8, Belgium : 2, China : 5, USA : 1, Morocco : 25, Tunisia : 3, Indonésia : 1, Ivory-Cost : 2 MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Responsible of Research Team “Communities Dynamic, university Toulouse III”, from march 2000 to April 2002 (27 persons) President of French Freshwater Biological Association (AFL) from 2001 to 2007 Direction, management of Research projects: Rivers = Lot, Garonne, Vire; Impoundments = Vinça, Pareloup, Montbel; Temporary ponds, Great Dams of Morocco; Water Quality Model of River Lot; Eutrophication study of River Garonne; Study of the rivers of Martinique Island (Caribean Sea); Study of the rivers of Guadeloupe Island (Caribean Sea); Mercury Project in French Guyana, 2005; Development of industrial production of algae for spa town of Dax, 2000; Development of first French network for toxic cyanobacteria survey, 2003; Cyclobag Project for French south-west basin eutrophication contro, 2009; Bagphytosan, Project for French south-west basin 2011 RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): MYULAERT K, SANCHEZ PEREZ J.M., TESSIER S., SAUVAGE S., DAUTA A. & P. VERVIER, (2009). Eutrophication and its effect on dissolved Si concentrations in the river Garonne (France). J. Limnol., 68(2) : 368−374 C. Liu, B. Xiao, A. Dauta, G. Peng, S. Liu, Z. Hu. Effect of low power ultrasonic radiation on anaerobic biodegradability of sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology. (2009), 100: 6217–6222. O. Fovet, G. Belaud, X. Litrico, S. Charpentier, C. Bertrand, A. Dauta, C. Hugodot, (2010), Modeling periphyton in irrigation canals, Ecological modeling, Vol. 221, No. 8, pp. 1153-1161. DAUTA A., R. CEREGHINO, A. COYNEL, F. DELMAS, A. DUTARTRE, H. ETCHEBER, P. GONTHIER, J., JOACHIM, A. PROBST, J. SANCHEZ−PEREZ, S. SAUVAGE, F. SIMONET, E. TABACCHI, P. VERVIER., ATLANTIC RIVERS. 2009. In K. Tockner, U. Uehlinger & C. T. Robinson, RIVERS OF EUROPE, Elsevier, London. ISBN−10: 0123694493 : 182−19 Rao B.Q., Wu P., Dauta A ; Li D. & Liu Y.D. 2010. Effects of UVb radiatiions on gfrowth an ultrastructures of cyanobacterial crusts under greenhouse conditions. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae. 31(3) : 649-657. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DELMAS Henri Date of birth: 23/07/49 Grade: Professor (CE2) Institution: ENSIACET-INPT Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT) Lab., address: LGC 4 allée Emile Monso 31030 Toulouse Cedex 4 No CNU section : 62 HDR X Yes e-mail Tel: 05 34 32 36 78 ENGLISH: Excellent, X Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer (reaction engineering, transfer phenomena) COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT Yes TU #: X No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: year 1976, univ.: INP Toulouse, subject « Vapour Bubble Collapse under Pressure Step » MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: Head of the “Multiphase Reaction and Reactors” team (7 permanent researchers) at LGC (CNRS UMR 5503, Lab. of Chem. Eng.) since 1987 Research topics: Multiphase Reaction Engineering, Water Treatment (Adsorption and Advanced Oxidation Processes) TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: Professor at ENSIACET since 1988 (chemical reaction engineering) Supervision of students: 49 PhD MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Vice President of INP Toulouse (International Relations) President of the Scientific Council of “Laboratoire de Génie Chimique” UMR 5503 (CNRS-INPT-UPS) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): DELMAS, H., CREANGA C., JULCOUR C., A.M. WILHELM. AD-OX: A sequential oxidative process for water treatment—Adsorption and batch CWAO regeneration of activated carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal 152 (2009) 189–194 KIDAK R., WILHELM A.M., DELMAS H. Effect of process parameters on the energy requirement in ultrasonical treatment of waste sludge Chem Engng Proc: Process Intensification (2009), 48, 1346-1352 ESSADKI, A.H., GOURICH,B., VIAL, C., DELMAS, H., BENNAJAH, M. Defluoridation of drinkingwater by Electrocoagulation/Electroflotation in a stirred tank reactor with a comparative performance to an external loop airlift reactor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168 (2009), 1325-1333 MURANAKA C.T., JULCOUR C., WILHELM A.M., DELMAS H. , NASCIMENTO C.A.O. Regeneration of activated carbon by (photo-)Fenton oxidation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49 (2010) 3, 989-995 AYRAL, C., JULCOUR, C., STUBER, F., WILHELM, A.M., DELMAS, H. Catalytic wet air oxidation of phenolic compounds and mixtures on activated carbons: conversion, mineralization and catalyst stability, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49 (2010), 21, 10707–10714 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DELUCHAT-ANTONY Véronique Date of birth: 07/11/1969 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: University of Limoges GRESE, 123 av Albert Thomas 87060 LIMOGES Cedex Yes No CNU section: 32 HDR e-mail: Tel: +33 (0) 555 45 74 68 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in WEO-14 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1996, University of Poitiers, “Detergent components complexation properties with heavy metals” Master or Engineer diploma: 1993, University of Poitiers, subject “Phosphonic acids protonation contants and complexation properties with copper” MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates 1997: Post-Doc BRGM Since 1998: GRESE – University of Limoges FRANCE Research topics: Removal of arsenic from fresh waters - Eutrophication: follow up of chemical treatments (Cu and Al); comparison of Chlorella vulgaris and Microcystis aeruginosa sensitivity to copper TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: since 1999: Assistant Professor Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 8 PhD, 14 Masters, 1 Post-Doc MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Head of Bachelor “Diagnostic and Management of Water Resources” - University of Limoges RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): MICHON A., DELUCHAT V., Al SHUKRY R., DAGOT C., BOLLINGER JC., (2007) Optimization of a GFAAS Method for determination of total inorganic arsenic in drinking water, Talanta, 71, 479-485. HADJOUDJA S., VIGNOLES C., DELUCHAT V., LENAIN J-F., BAUDU M. (2009).Short term copper toxicity on Microcystis aeruginosa and Chlorella Vulgaris. Aquatic toxicology, 94, 255-264. MICHON J., DAGOT C., DELUCHAT V., DICTOR M-C., BATTAGLIA-BRUNET F., BAUDU M. (2010), As(III) biological oxidation by CAsO1 consortium in fixed-bed reactors. Process Biochemistry, 45 (2), 171-178. HADJOUDJA S., DELUCHAT V., BAUDU M. (2010) Cell surfaces characterisation of Microcystis aeruginosa and Chlorella vulgaris, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 342 (2), 293-299. WAN J., KLEIN J., SIMON S., DICTOR M-C., JOULIAN C., DELUCHAT V., DAGOT C. (2010) As(III) oxidation by Thiomonas arsenivorans in up-flow fixed-bed reactors coupled to As sequestration onto Zero Valent Iron-coated sand, Water Research, 44, 5098-5108. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DESESQUELLES Pierre Date of birth: 11/04/63 Grade: Pr Institution: Université Paris-Sud 11 CSNSM, bât 104 11 rue Clémenceau, 91405 Orsay Cédex Yes No CNU section : 29 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 1 69 15 52 47 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in WEO-04 (25h C, Tutorial, Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1991, Univ. Grenoble 1, Physics Master or Engineer diploma: 1988 ENSPG and Master Nuclear and Particle Physics MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Statistical physics, nuclear multifragmentation, cluster and molecular fragmentation, statistical fission. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Lectures at: University J. Fourier, University Paris-Sud 11, University of Maine, Ecole Centrale de Paris, Supelec-Supoptique, Tomsk Polytechnical University, Hanoi National University (Coltech, PUF). 5 PhD students. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Coordinator International Relations, Faculty of Sciences, University Paris-Sud 11 Coordinator Master 2 “Physics and Environment” RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): “Exact solution of the finite size Random Graphs (Mean Field Percolation)”, P. Désesquelles, Phys. Let. B (2011) under press, doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.03.023 “Fragmentation of the fluorene cation: H-loss energy-dependent rate constant determination”, N.T. VanOanh, P. Désesquelles and Ph. Bréchignac, J. Phys. Chem. A110 (2006) p.5599. doi: 10.1021/jp057168x “Matrix formalism and singular value decomposition for the location of gamma interactions in segmented HPGe detectors.” Pierre Désesquelles et al., Eur. Phys. J. A40, (2009) p.237-248. doi: 10.1140/epja/i2008-10749-4 “Kolmogorov-Smirnov method for the determination of signal time-shifts”, Pierre Désesquelles et al., Eur. Phys. J. A40, (2009) p.249-253. doi: 10.1140/epja/i2009-10751-4 “Fragmentation branching ratios of highly excited hydrocarbon molecules CnH and their cations CnH+ (n < 5)", T. Tuna et al., Int. J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 128 (2008) p.124312. doi:10.1063/1.2884862 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DEVIER Marie-Hélène Date of birth: 01/04/1975 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: University of Bordeaux Lab.: LPTC, UMR EPOC 5805 CNRS 351 cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence cedex 05 Yes No CNU section: 31 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 540003324 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-42 on Advanced analytical chemistry for water quality. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU WEO-42 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2003, University of Bordeaux 1; Integrated study on the impact of several classes of pollutants (organotin compounds, metals, PAHs, PCBs) on blue mussels. Bioaccumulation and biochemical responses. Master: 1999, University of Bordeaux 1; Identification of lead contamination sources in the aquatic environment using isotopic ratios. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 2006 - today: Assistant professor in Environmental Analytical Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux Research activities are related to the study of source, fate and impact of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment with: - the development of analytical methods for the determination of organic contaminants, - the development of EDA (Effect-Directed Analysis) methodologies for the identification of toxicants in the aquatic environment. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 2006 - today: Assistant professor in Environmental Analytical Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux Co-supervision of 1 PhD (in progress) and supervision of 5 masters RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Dévier M.H., Mazellier P., Aït-Aïssa S., Budzinski H. New challenges in environmental analytical chemistry: Identification of toxic compounds in complex mixtures. C. R. Chimie, 2011, accepted. Tapie N., Dévier M.H., Soulier C., Creusot N., Le Menach K., Aït-Aïssa S., Vrana B., Budzinski H. Passive samplers for chemical substance monitoring and associated toxicity assessment in water. Water Sci. Technol., 2011, under press. Dévier M.H., Labadie P., Togola A., Budzinski H. Simple methodology coupling microwave-assisted extraction to SPE/GC/MS for the analysis of natural steroids in biological tissues: Application to the monitoring of endogenous steroids in marine mussels Mytilus Sp. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2010, 657, 28-35. Le Goff J., Gallois J., Peluhet L., Dévier M.H., Budzinski H., Pottier D., Andre V., Cachot J. DNA adduct measurement in Zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha Pallas. Potential use for genotoxicant biomonitoring of fresh water ecosystems. Aquat. Toxicol., 2006, 79, 1, 55-64. Cachot J., Geffard O., Augagneur S., Lacroix S., Le Menach K., Peluhet L., Dévier M.H., Couteau J., Pottier D., Budzinski H. Evidence of genotoxicity associated to high PAH content of sediments in the upper part of the Seine estuary (Normandy, France). Aquat. Toxicol., 2006, 79, 3, 257-267. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DEZILEAU Laurent Date of birth: 02/11/1970 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: University of Montpellier 2 Lab.: Géosciences Montpellier HDR Yes CNU section : 36 Tel: 0607844569 e-mail ENGLISH: Average TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-52 on BEPH (9 h C, Tutorial, 8 h Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO-52 EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2000, Univ.Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), subject: Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography Master or Engineer diploma: 1997, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), subject Climatology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: Ass. Prof. 01/09/2003 Research topics: Paleoclimatology TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: Ass. Prof. 01/09/2003 Supervision of 1 PhD student (Jérôme Castaings) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): - Dezileau, L., Sabatier, P., Blanchemanche, P., Joly, B., Swingedouw, D., Cassou, C., Castaings, J., Martinez, P., and Van Grafenstein, U. (2011) Increase of intense storm activity during the Little Ice Age on the French Mediterranean Coast. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 299, 289-297. - Sabatier, P., Dezileau, L., Briqueu, L., Colin, C. and Siani, G. (2010) Paleostorm events revealed by clay minerals and geochemistry in coastal lagoon: a study case of Pierre Blanche (NW Mediterranean Sea). Sedimentary Geology, Volume 228, Issues 3-4, 1 July 2010, Pages 205-217. - Sabatier, P. and Dezileau, L. (2010). Archives sédimentaires dans les lagunes du Golfe d’Aigues Mortes : Estimation de l’aléa de tempête depuis 2000 ans. In : Littoraux, lagunes et basses plaines alluviales à l’Holocène. Quaternaire, 21, (1), 5-11. - Sabatier, P., Dezileau, L., Blanchemanche, P., Siani, G., Condomines, M., Bentaleb, I. and Piquès, G. (2010). Holocene variations of radiocarbon reservoir ages in a Mediterranean lagoonal system. Radiocarbon, 52, (1), 91-102. - Sabatier P., Dezileau L., Barbier M., Raynal O., Lofi J., Briqueu L., Condomines M., Bouchette F., Certain R., Von Grafenstein U., Jorda C. and Blanchemanche, P. (2010). Late-Holocene evolution of a coastal lagoon in Gulf of Lions (South of France). Bulletin Société Geologique Française, 181, (1), 27-36. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DUFRESNE Matthieu Date of birth: 12/05/1982 Grade: Assistant professor Institution: National school for water and environmental engineering of Strasbourg, France (ENGEES) IMFS, 2 rue Boussingault 67000 Strasbourg, France Yes █ No CNU section : 60 HDR Tel: +33.(0) e-mail: ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, █ Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-15 and possibly in WEO-45. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? █ Yes TU #: WEO-15 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2008; University of Strasbourg, France; Three-dimensional modelling of sediment transport in sewer detention tanks: physical model and real-life application. Master or Engineer diploma: 2005; Engineer diploma from the National school for water and environmental engineering of Strasbourg, France (ENGEES) MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: PhD student at the National institute of applied sciences of Strasbourg, France between 2005 and 2008; postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liège, Belgium between 2008 and 2009; currently assistant professor at the National school for water and environmental engineering of Strasbourg, France. Research topics: sediment transport in hydraulic works (detention tanks, combined sewer overflow chambers, lamellar decanters, etc.); instrumentation of sewer networks (determination of the flow rate using water depth and velocity measurements). TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: PhD student at the National institute of applied sciences of Strasbourg, France between 2005 and 2008; postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liège, Belgium between 2008 and 2009; currently assistant professor at the National school for water and environmental engineering of Strasbourg, France. Supervision of students (PhD, masters): several master students; 3 PhD students (currently). MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Member of the French working group about urban stormwater (SHF-ASTEE). RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Dufresne M, Dewals BJ, Erpicum S, Archambeau P, Pirotton M (2011). Numerical investigation of flow patterns in rectangular shallow reservoirs. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, accepté pour publication. Dufresne M, Dewals BJ, Erpicum S, Archambeau P, Pirotton M (2010). Experimental investigation of flow pattern and sediment deposition in rectangular shallow reservoirs. International Journal of Sediment Research, 25(3):258-270. Dufresne M, Dewals BJ, Erpicum S, Archambeau P, Pirotton M (2010). Classification of flow patterns in rectangular shallow reservoirs. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48(2):197-204. Dufresne M, Terfous A, Ghenaim A, Poulet J, Vazquez J (2010). Modélisation 3D du transport solide dans les déversoirs d’eau excédentaire. La Houille Blanche, 1:90-96. Dufresne M, Vazquez J, Terfous A, Ghenaim A, Poulet J (2009). Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of flow, sedimentation, and solids separation in a combined sewer detention tank. Computers & Fluids, 38(5):1042-1049. Dufresne M, Vazquez J, Terfous A, Ghenaim A, Poulet J (2009). CFD Modeling of solid separation in three combined sewer overflow chambers. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(9):776-787. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER DUPUY Christine Date of birth: 30/11/1970 Grade: Professor Institution: University of La Rochelle University of La Rochelle (ULR) Lab., address Laboratory LIENSs, Bat ILE, 2 rue Olympe de Gouges, 17000 La Rochelle, France Yes No CNU section : 67 HDR e-mail: Tel: +33 5 46 45 72 18 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 02, 55. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis, 1999 : Thèse de Doctorat en Océanographie Bio. et Env. Marin, Univ. La Rochelle, LBEM et CRELA-CNRS/IFREMER. ‘Rôle fonctionnel des protistes hétéro/mixotrophes dans le réseau trophique d’un écosystème conchylicole : le marais atlantique’. Master diploma: 1995, DEA (M2) ‘Hydrologie, Science de l’Eau et Aménagement’, Univ. Montpellier 2, Laboratoire d’hydrobiologie : Estimation de la biomasse des bactéries, apports de la cytométrie en flux". MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: • 2000-2000: assistant professor, microbial ecology. Department of Biology, ULR • 2010: professor, microbial ecology. Department of Biology, ULR Research topics : • • Marine microbial ecology: structure and functionning of microbial food web in coastal zone (pelagos and benthos) in temperate and tropical areas Role of heterotrophic protists, relation with the grazers (oysters, pelagic fishes), and determinism of bacterial production in intertidal mudflat TEACHING EXPERIENCES: • 2000-2000: assistant professor, microbial ecology. Department of Biology, ULR • 2010: professor, microbial ecology. Department of Biology, ULR Supervision of 6 PhD students and 5 M2. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Coordinator of programs: ANR blanche ‘VasiRéMi’ (2006-11), chantier Golfe de Gascogne PNEC (2003/05). Coordinator of WP: ANR Reproduce (2010-2013) Scientific responsabilities: team DYFEA-UMR6250 LIENSs (since 2008, 16 researchers) Teaching responsabilities: L 1-Sciences du vivant (2001/03), 3 UE Licence and Master (2009) Expertise: member of CNU-67ème section (2007-2010), expert AERES (2009 et 2010), président jury of recrutement ITA CNRS (2009). RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): - 2010 Dupuy C, Rossignol L, Geslin E, Pascal PY (2010) Ammonia tepida: a hard-shelled foraminifera predator of mudflat at meio-macrofaunal metazoan. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 40, no. 4, p. 305-31 - 2009 Pascal P.Y., Dupuy C., Richard P., Mallet C., Armynot du Chatelet E., Niquil N. Seasonal variation in consumption of benthic bacteria by meio- and macrofauna in an intertidal mudflat. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 1048-59. - 2008 Pascal P.-Y., Dupuy C., Richard P., Niquil N. Bacterivory in the common foraminifer Ammonia tepida: Isotope tracer experiment and the controlling factors. J. Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 359:55-61. - 2007 Marquis E., Niquil N., Delmas D., Hartmann H. J., Bonnet D., Carlotti F., Herbland A., Labry C., Sautour B., Laborde P., Dupuy C. Planktonic food web dynamics related to phytoplankton bloom development on the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay, French coast. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73:223-35. - 2007 Dupuy C., Ryckaert M., Le Gall S., Hartmann H. J. Seasonal variations of planktonic communities in Atlantic Coastal pond: importance of nanoflagellates. Microbial Ecology, 53: 537-48. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER FEURTET-MAZEL Agnes Date of birth: 01/11/60 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: University Bordeaux 1 UMR CNRS EPOC 5805, “Aquatic Ecotoxicology” team Place du Dr Peyneau, 33120 Arcachon Yes No CNU section : 67 HDR Tel:+33 5 56 22 39 28 Excellent, Good, Average, Weak ENGLISH: TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 23. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1989, University Bordeaux1, subject: “Population dynamics, morphological characterization and secondary production of Eurytemora affinis hirundoides (copepod, Calanoïde) in the Gironde estuary.” Master diploma: 1985, University of Bordeaux 1, subject: “Contribution to the study of the population dynamics of the copepod Eurytemora hirundoides (Nordquist, 1888) in the Gironde estuary.” MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Since 1995 : Associate Professor, Université Bordeaux 1- UMR CNRS EPOC 5805 – OASU. Aquatic Ecotoxicology team. 1992-1995: Researcher - Contract Adera / Université Bordeaux 1 on behalf of Rhone-Poulenc Inc. France for an industrial cooperation program (1992-1995). Research topics: Study of the metallic, organic and gold nanoparticles pollution effects in aquatic ecosystems. Impacts of contaminants on aquatic organisms. Qualitative and quantitative modifications induced in the structure of communities. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Since 1995 : Associate Professor, Université Bordeaux 1 Supervision of 4 PhD Thesis (2 graduates and 2 pending), 12 Master 2 and 10 Master 1. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Since 2007: in charge of the teaching unit (110h) '”Quality of Aquatic Ecosystems” of the Professional Master 2 "Water, Health and Environment” University Bordeaux 1 and 2. Since 1998: in charge of the teaching unit “Freshwater ecosystems” (54h) in Master degree in Bordeaux1. Since 2008: in charge of the budget of practical teaching activities in Ecology and Ecotoxicology. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Duong T. T., Morin S., Coste M., Herlory O., Feurtet-Mazel A. and Boudou A. (2010). Experimental toxicity and bioaccumulation of cadmium in freshwater periphytic diatoms in relation with biofilm maturity. Science of the Total Environment. 408, 3, pp. 552-562 Pokrovsky, O. S., Feurtet-Mazel, A., Martinez, R.E., Morin, S., Baudrimont, M., Duong, T. T. and Coste, M. (2010). Experimental study of cadmium interaction with periphytic biofilms. Applied Geochemistry 25, pp.418– 427 Morin S., Duong T.T., Herlory O., Feurtet-Mazel A., Coste M. (2008). Cadmium toxicity and bioaccumulation in freshwater biofilms. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 54, 173-186. Duong, T. T., Feurtet-Mazel, A., Coste, M., Dinh, K. D., Boudou, A. (2007). Dynamics of diatom colonization process in some rivers influenced by urban pollution (Hanoi, Vietnam). Ecological Indicators 7 (4), pp. 839-851. Duong T. T., Coste M., Feurtet-Mazel A., Dang D. K., Gold C., Park, Y. S., Boudou A. (2006). Impact of urban pollution from the Hanoi area on benthic diatom communities collected from the Red, Nhue and Tolich rivers (Vietnam). Hydrobiologia 563: 201-216. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER FEUILLADE Genevieve Date of birth: 04/11/67 Grade: Professor Institution: University of Limoges Groupement de Recherche Eau Sol Environnement , site d’ESTER, 16 rue Atlantis 87068 Limoges Cedex FRANCE No CNU section : 62 HDR 7 Yes e-mail Tel: +33 5 55 42 36 95 ENGLISH: Excellent, 6 Good, 7 Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: WEO-13 Lecturer in TU 13. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 7 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1994, university of Poitiers, Optimisation of Micropollutant Removal onto Powdered Activated Carbon during the Coagulation-Floculation Step Master or Engineer diploma: 1991, university of Poitiers, Complexation between aluminium ions and organic molecules : constants and stoechiometry MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates : Coordination of a research group on the mobility of pollutants since 2 years Research topics : optimization of coagulation-flocculation and electrocoagulation processes, characterisation of organic macromolecules, determination of the properties of humic-like substances extracted from leachate of sanitary landfills. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: Assistant professor (1995-2009) and professor since 2009 Supervision of 10 PhD students and 23 masters MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Head deputy of the water and environment department of the National Higher Engineering School of Limoges since 2004 RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): LABANOWSKI J., FEUILLADE G., (2009) Combination of biodegradable organic matter quantification and XAD-fractionation as effective working parameter for the study of biodegradability in environmental and anthropic samples, Chemosphere 74, 605–611. LABANOWSKI J., PALLIER V., FEUILLADE-CATHALIFAUD G., (2010), Study of refractory organic matter during coagulation and electrocoagulation processes: application to a stabilized landfill leachate, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179 (1-3), 166-172. LABANOWSKI J., FEUILLADE-CATHALIFAUD G., (2010), Dissolved organic matter: Precautions for the study of hydrophilic substances using XAD resin, Water Research, 45, 315-327. PARODI A., FEUILLADE-CATHALIFAUD G., PALLIER V., MANSOUR A.A., (2011). Optimization of municipal solid waste leaching test procedure: Assessment of the part of hydrosoluble organic compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials 186, 991-998. PALLIER V., FEUILLADE-CATHALIFAUD G., SERPAUD B. (2011). Influence of organic matter on arsenic removal by continuous flow electrocoagulation treatment of weakly mineralized waters. Chemosphere 83, 21-28. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER FINAUD-GUYOT Pascal sscFirstname Date of birth: 13/01/1982 Grade: Assistant Professor Institution: ENGEES Fluid and Solid Mechanics Institute of Strasbourg, 2 rue Boussingault, 67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE Yes No CNU section : 60 HDR +33 (0) e-mail Tel: ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 45. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 45 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2009, Université Montpellier 2 (France), Macroscopic flood modeling: Taking into account directional flows and main channel – floodplain transfer Master of Science : 2005, Cranfield University (UK), Water Management (option Water and Society) Engineer diploma: 2005, Polytech’Montpellier, université Montpellier 2 (France), Water Sciences and Technology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: - modeling flooding process in natural or urban area (1D, 2D and 1D-2D coupling methodologies) - comparison of modeling and experimental techniques - development of numerical methods TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates - ENGEES : 2010 – 2011, assistant professor (Hydraulics, Computational engineering, Numerical methods, GIS, …) - Université Montpellier 2 : 2009 – 2010, teaching assistant in hydrogeology - Université Montpellier 2 : 2007 – 2009, teaching vacation in hydraulics (Practical) Supervision of students (PhD, masters) - Q. Araud, PhD, Modeling flows in urban area during extreme event (In progress) - N. Hemmerle, Master, Comparison of 1D and 2D modeling for flood in urban area MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): - - Finaud-Guyot P., Delenne C., Lhomme J., Guinot V. and Llovel C. (2010), An approximate-state Riemann solver for the two-dimensional shallow water equations with porosity. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 62: 1299–1331. doi: 10.1002/fld.2066 Finaud-Guyot P., Delenne C., Guinot V. Coupling of 1D and 2D models for river flow modelling, SimHydro 2010: Hydraulic modeling and uncertainty, 2-4 juin 2010, SophiaAntipolis Nice (France). Delenne C., Finaud-Guyot P., Guinot V. and Cappelaere B. Sensitivity of the 1D shallow water equations with source terms: Solution method for discontinuous flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, n/a. doi: 10.1002/fld.2398 P. Finaud-Guyot P. et al., 1D-2D coupling for river flow modelling, C. R. Mecanique (2011), doi:10.1016/j.crme.2011.02.001 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER FRÈRE Jacques Date of birth: Grade: 24/08/62 PR1 Institution: University of Poitiers LCME, UMR CNRS 6008, 1 rue Marcel Doré 86022 POITIERS Cedex FRANCE Yes No CNU section : 64 HDR Tel: (33)549 45 4013 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: water microbiology Lecturer in WEO -02 and -42 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO-42 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1993, University of Caen, Microbiology Master or Engineer diploma: year, univ., subject MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: director of the Laboratory of Water Chemistry and water Microbiology -LCME-, POITIERS France Research topics: water microbiology (microbial ecology, water treatments), Legionella, biofilms TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: Professor, first class Supervision of students (PhD, masters): yes MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Lab. director, teaching department director (biochemistry-molecular biology) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): 1. Rivière D, Ménard-Szczebara F, Berjeaud JM, Frère J et Y Héchard (2006) Development of real-time PCR for detection and quantification of trophozoïtes and cysts from Acanthamoeba genus. J Microbiol Methods. 64 : 78-83 2. Ghrairi T., Frère J., Berjeaud J-M. et Manai M. (2008) Purification and characterisation of bacteriocins produced by Enterococcus faecium from Tunisian rigouta cheese. Food control. 19: 162169 3. Alleron L., Merlet N., Frère J. (2008) Long-term survival of Legionella pneumophila in the viable but nonculturable state after monochloramine treatment Curr Microbiol 57: 497-502 4. Héquet H., Laffitte V., Brocail E., Aucher W., Frère J., Fremaux C., Berjeaud J.-M. (2009) Protective cultures of lactic acid bacteria to preserve meat from spoilage by Gram negative bacteria Lett Appl Microbiol. 48(6):668-74 5. Farhat, M., Trouilhé, M-C., Briand, E., Moletta-Denat, M., Robine, E., Frère J. (2010) Development of a real-scale test rig for Legionella elimination in biofilm in hot water network: heat shock treatment evaluation J Appl Microbiol. 108:1073-82 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER GALLARD Hervé Date of birth: 03/07/1971 Grade: Professor Institution: ENSIP - University of Poitiers Laboratoire de Chimie et Microbiologie de l’Eau 1 rue Marcel Doré 86 022 Poitiers Cedex Yes No CNU section : 32 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 5 49 45 44 31 Excellent, Good, Average, Weak ENGLISH: TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO1 on M1S1 and in TU WEO12 on M1S2. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO12 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1998, University of Poitiers, Kinetic modeling of H2O2 decomposition and organic compounds oxidation by H2O2/Fe(II) and H2O2/Fe(III) processes Master: 1994, University of Poitiers, Water chemistry and Microbiology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: - Full research position at the University of Poitiers in the Water chemistry and Microbiology Laboratory UMR CNRS 6008 since September 2000 Research topics: Water chemistry and Treatment, Natural Organic Matter, Chlorine and Chloramines, Membrane filtration, Oxidation and adsorption by manganese oxides - Invited researcher at the University of Washington (USA - Seattle) - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering – Team of Mark Benjamin and Gregory Korshin – July to September 2001 – Chlorination of natural organic matter and model organic compounds - Post doctoral Research position at the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG) in the team of Urs von Gunten – april 1999 to august 2000 – « Reactivity of natural organic matter and model organic compounds with oxidants used in drinking water treatment plants » TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Associate professor (2000-2008) and Professor since 2008 at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Poitiers Teaching courses: Water Quality and Treatment, Air quality, Analytical methods (chromatography and spectrometry) Dr. Gallard has served as Dissertation Director or Thesis Advisor to 10 Ph.D. students and more than 10 M.S. students. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Responsible of the Master Water Chemistry and Microbiology at the University of Poitiers RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Alasonati, E., Slaveykova, V.I., Gallard, H., Croué, J.-. & Benedetti, M.F. 2010, "Characterization of the colloidal organic matter from the Amazonian basin by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation and size exclusion chromatography", Water research, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 223-231. Allard, S., Gallard, H., Fontaine, C. & Croué, J.-. 2010, "Formation of methyl iodide on a natural manganese oxide", Water research, vol. 44, no. 15, pp. 4623-4629. Gallard, H., Allard, S., Nicolau, R., Von Gunten, U. & Croué, J.P. 2009, "Formation of iodinated organic compounds by oxidation of iodide-containing waters with manganese dioxide", Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 43, no. 18, pp. 7003-7009. Allard, S., von Gunten, U., Sahli, E., Nicolau, R. & Gallard, H. 2009, "Oxidation of iodide and iodine on birnessite (δ-MnO2) in the pH range 4-8", Water research, vol. 43, no. 14, pp. 3417-3426. Humbert, H., Gallard, H., Suty, H. & Croué, J.-. 2008, "Natural organic matter (NOM) and pesticides removal using a combination of ion exchange resin and powdered activated carbon (PAC)", Water research, vol. 42, no. 6-7, pp. 1635-1643. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER GERINO Magali Date of birth: 27/09/62 Grade: PR Institution: Université Toulouse III EcoLab – Laboratoire d'écologie fonctionnelle et Environnement - UMR 5245 (CNRS-UPS-INPT), Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, Batiment IVR1, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex 9 (France) Yes No CNU section : 67 HDR 0625690955 e-mail Tel: ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU Ecological Engineering WEO 53. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO 53 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1992, Univ. of Marseille , subject : Marine Bioturbation MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates - Management of the BioRef team : Biodiversity, Trophic web and flux in the aquatic systems at the ECOLAB UMR since 2011 Research topics : Aquatic organisms engineering, Bioturbation, bio-remediation bio- transports of sediment, matural organic matter and pollutants at the water sediment interface, wetlands and streams and marine ecology. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates Professeur at Université Paul Sabatier- Toulouse III, section 67 since 2007. Supervision of students (PhD, masters) MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Co-managing of the Master of Ecologie (6 specialities) at the University of Toulouse III since 2010 RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): • • • • • Devault D. A., S. Delmotte, Ge. Merlina, P. Lim, M. Gerino, E. Pinelli. 2009 Influence of in situ biological activity on the vertical profile of pre-emergence herbicides in sediment Journal of Environmental Monitoring : 11 :1206-1215. Delmotte S., Gerino M., Thebault J.M. and Meysman F. J. R. 2008 Modeling effects of patchiness and biological variability on transport rates within bioturbated sediments. Journal of Marine Research 66:191-218 Gilbert F., Hulth S., Grossi V., Poggiale J.-C., Desrosiers G., Rosenberg R., Gerino M., FrancoisCarcaillet F., Michaud E., Stora G. 2007. Sediment reworking by marine benthic species from the Gullmar Fjord (Western Sweden): importance of faunal biovolume. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 348: 133-144. Ciutat A., Gerino M., A. Boudou. 2007 Remobilisation and bioavailability of cadmium from historically contaminated sediments. Influence of bioturbation by tubificids. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 68:108-117. Gerino M., Frignani M, Mugnai C., Bellucci L.G., D. Prevedelli, A. Valentini, Castelli A., Delmotte S., Sauvage S. 2007 Bioturbation quantification and related organisms in the Venice Lagoon. Acta Oecologica-Intern. J. Ecol. 32: 14-25 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER GERVAIS Yves Date of birth: 22/09/61 Grade: PR1 Institution: ENSIP University of Poitiers Pprime Institute (UPR 3346) - Bât. B17 1, Rue Marcel Doré 86022 Poitiers Cedex – France Yes No CNU section : 60 HDR e-mail Tel: + 33 (0) 5 49 45 38 09 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 03 (16 h C, 8 hTutorial). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO-03 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1986, University of Poitiers: Study of some aspect of thermoacoustic phenomena : Rijke effect in cavities and thermoacoustic sources, Master in Acoustics, 1983, University of Bordeaux: Thermoacoustic conductive heat sources. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 1986 - Research Engineer at LMFA (ECL, employed by the Society Metraflu), Internal aerodynamics of atmospheric engines, 1988 - Assistant Professor at the University of Poitiers, Lab. Etudes Aérodynamiques, 1997 - Professor at the university of Poitiers, Lab. Etudes Aérodynamiques, Research topics : focused both on coupling and interaction between turbulent flows and acoustic wave, regarding the influence of acoustic fields on flow properties as well as the acoustic emission from turbulence : aspects of thermoacoustics, linear acoustic propagation in inhomogeneous mean flows, acoustic emission from turbulent jets (subsonic and supersonic), noise from unsteady and separated flows (airfoil, forward facing step,...), active control of noise and aeroacoustic coupling in grazing flow cavities. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1988 - Assistant Professor at the University of Poitiers, Faculty of Sciences, teaching General Mechanics, Design, Fluid Mechanic and Acoustics, 1997 - Professor at the University of Poitiers, ENSIP (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Poitiers), teaching Fluid mechanics, Acoustics, Aeroacoustics. Supervision of 25 masters, supervision of 7 PhD and co-supervision of 20 PhD. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: - 2010 → : Head of the Division « Fluids » of the Pprime Institute, (about 150 people), - 2006 → : Assistant Director of the ENSIP in charge of the research (6 laboratories, about 60 professors, Assistant-Professors and Researchers), - 2004 to 2009: Director of the “Laboratoire d'Etudes Aérodynamiques” (LEA, about 150 people). RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): A. GERARD, A. BERRY, P. MASSON and Y. GERVAIS, Experimental validation of tonal noise control from subsonic axial fans using flow control obstructions, J.S.V.., Vol. 321, pp 26-44, 2009 T. RUIZ, C. SICOT, L.-E. BRIZZI, J. BOREE and Y. GERVAIS, Pressure/velocity coupling induced by a near wall wake, Experiments In Fluids, Vol. 49, n° 1, pp. 147-165, 2010 C. BONAMY, P. JORDAN and Y. GERVAIS, Tailored nearfield Green’s functions for arbitrary geometries, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, Issue 5, pp. 2581-2588, 2010 A. CAVALIERI, P. JORDAN, Y. GERVAIS, M. WEI and J. FREUND, Intermittent sound generation and its control in a free-shear flow, Physics Of Fluids, 22, 115113, 2010 S. DEBERT, M. PACHEBAT, V. VALEAU and Y. GERVAIS, Ensemble-Empirical-Mode-Decomposition method for instantaneous spatial-multi-scale decomposition of wall-pressure fluctuations under a turbulent flow, Experiments In Fluids, Vol. 50, pp. 339-350, 2011 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER GRATIOT Nicolas Date of birth: 06/07/74 Grade: CR1 Institution: I.R.D. since 2000. University of Grenoble, LTHE, B.P. 53X, 38 041 Grenoble Cedex Yes No CNU section : HDR e-mail : Tel: 00 33 4 76 63 55 39 Excellent, Good, Average, Weak ENGLISH: TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU32 and/or 35. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2000, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble; France. An experimental study of the formation of fluid mud layer under turbulent conditions. Master or Engineer diploma: 1997, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter for the characterisation of turbulence in concentrated fluid mud MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Abroad France: 2007-2009 : Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Centro de Investigacion en Ecosistemas (Morélia, Michoacan, Mexico). 2000-2004 : Laboratory of coastal ecology in Amazonian environments (ELISA). French Guiana. Research topics: Impact of cohesive sediment on ecosystems, Geomorphic evolution of the muddy coasts, Sediment flocculation and accumulation rates in dams TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates 1997-2000: Physic, University of Savoie, France. 2010-2011: Water and Society, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble; France Supervision of 1 PhD (Anne sophie Susperregui ) and 7 master students RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Duvert, C., Gratiot, N., Némery, J., Burgos, A., Navratil, O. 2011. Sub-daily variability of suspended sediment fluxes in small mountainous catchments-Implications for community-based river monitoring. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 703-713, . Duvert, C., Gratiot,N., Evrard, O., Navratil, O., Némery, J., Prat, C. and Esteves, M. 2010. Drivers of erosion and suspended sediment transport in three headwater catchments. Geomorphology, 123(3-4), 243-256. Gratiot, N., Duvert, C., Collet, L., Vinson, D., Némery, J., Saenz-Romero, C. 2010. Increase in surface runoff in the central mountains of Mexico: lessons from the past and predictive scenario for the next century. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 291-300. Susperregui, A.S., Gratiot, N., Esteves, M. and Prat, C. 2009. A preliminary hydrosedimentary view of a highly turbid, tropical, manmade lake: Cointzio Reservoir (Michoacán, Mexico). Lakes & Reservoirs: Res & Management (14), 31-39. Gratiot, N., Anthony, E., Gardel, A., Gaucherel, C., Proisy, C. and Wells, J.T.2008. Significant contribution of the 18.6 year tidal cycle to regional coastal changes. Nature Geoscience. (1), 169-172. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER GUERIN Frédéric Date of birth: 31/08/1976 Grade: CR2 Institution: IRD University University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) Lab., address Geosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET, ex-LMTG) Observatoire midi Pyrénées - 14, Avenue Edouard Belin 31400 Toulouse HDR e-mail ENGLISH: Yes No CNU section : 37 +33970465161 Tel: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 35 on Biogeochemical cycles of carbon and Nitrogen in hydroelectric Reservoirs and Greenhouse gas emissions. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 35 No EDUCATION: 2006, Ph.D. in Biogeochemistry of continental waters from the University of Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) “Greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4) emissions from a tropical hydroelectric reservoir (Petit-Saut, French Guiana): Experimentation and Modelling” 2002, Master in "Oceanic and Coastal Environments and Paleoenvironments", Specialization: biogeochemistry. “Geochemistry of Cd, Zn and Cu in the in a turbid estuary, The Gironde Estuary”, University Bordeaux 1 (France) MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates • 12/2008 to present Research associate at IRD (LMTG, Toulouse, France) • 11/2006-11/2008 Post doctoral researcher at the Max Plank Institute for terrestrial microbiology (Marburg, Germany) funded by a fellowship from the Max Plank society • 03/2006-09/2006 Post doctoral researcher at University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) • 11/2002-02/2006 Ph. D. at University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) and at UMR 5805 EPOC (University Bordeaux 1) funded by Electricity of France (EDF) Research topics: Greenhouse gas emissions (CH4, CO2 and N2O) and carbon cycle in tropical lakes, watersheds and hydroelectric reservoirs TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Supervision of students 2 PhD and 8 masters RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Deborde, J., P. Anschutz, F. Guerin, D. Poirier, D. Marty, G. Boucher, G. Thouzeau, G. Abril. Methane sources and sinks in the waters of a temperate tidal lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 89, 256-266. De Junet A., Abril G., Guérin F., Billy I. and De Wit R. (2008) A multi-tracers analysis of sources and transfers of particulate organic matter in a tropical reservoir (Petit Saut, French Guiana). River Research and Applications DOI:10/1002/rra. Guérin F., G. Abril, Tremblay A. and R. Delmas (2008), Nitrous Oxide emissions from tropical hydroelectric reservoirs. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L06404, doi:10.1029/2007GL033057 Guérin F. and Abril G. Significance of pelagic aerobic methane oxidation in the methane and carbon budget of a tropical reservoir. Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences). 112, G03006, doi:10.1029/2006JG000393 Guérin F., G. Abril, S. Richard, B. Burban, C. Reynouard, P. Seyler, and R. Delmas. (2006), Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from tropical reservoirs: Significance of downstream rivers. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L21407, doi:10.1029/2006GL027929. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER GUIGUI Christelle Date of birth: 18/10/1973 Grade: Assistant Professor (Dr) Institution: INSA Toulouse LISBP (Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes biologiques et des Procédés) UMR INSA/CNRS 5504-UMR INSA/INRA 792 HDR Yes No ENGLISH: Excellent, CNU section: 62 Tel: +33 5 61 55 97 90 Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-11 and WEO- 44 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (2000), Université Paul Sabatier,Toulouse; Combination of coagulation and membrane for drinking water production Engineer diploma in Chemical Engineering at «Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Génie Chimique » (ENSIGC) de l’INP-Toulouse (1997), Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at INP-ENSIGC, 1997. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: 2001-Today: Assistant Professor Research topics: Membrane Science and Engineering, Water treatment Processes (membrane, coagulation) -Influence of hydrodynamic condition on fouling reduction with local and global hydrodynamics characterisation in MBR -Development of methods for membrane deposit structural characterization and on line membrane retention -Identification of membrane fouling compounds in membrane water treatment (drinking, MBR and reuse) TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: 2000: Assistant Lecturer INSA, 2001-Today: Assistant Professor INSA Supervision of students (PhD, masters): co-supervision of 11 PHD and 7 masters 200 h/year: Separation Processes, Membrane, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamic, Water production and treatment MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Coordinator of “master for bachelor program” (recruitment of students with foreign bachelor for french master) 2006-today: Member of the administration committee, INSA 2004-2010: in charge of the coordination of the 5th year student of Chemical Eng. Department (48 students) 2003-2009: Member of the “Chemical and Environmental Department of INSA” committee In charge of teaching units (Bioseparation (4th Y) Separation Processes (4th Y) and of Practical Platform in Chemical Engineering RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): B Teychene, C Guigui, C Cabassud (2011), Engineering of a MBR supernatant fouling layer by fine particles addition: A possible way to control cake compressibility, Water Research, Volume 45, Issue 5, February 2011, Pages 2060-2072 L. Martinelli, C. Guigui, A. Line (2010), Characterisation of hydrodynamics induced by air injection related to membrane fouling behaviour, Desalination 250, 587–591 PJ Remize, C Guigui, C Cabassud, Evaluation of backwash efficiency, definition of remaining fouling and characterisation of its contribution in irreversible fouling: Case of drinking water production by air-assisted ultrafiltration Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 355, Issues 1-2, 15 June 2010, pp 104-111 M Jacob, C Guigui, C Cabassud, H Darras, G Lavison, L Moulin (2010) Performances of RO and NF processes for wastewater reuse: Tertiary treatment after a conventional activated sludge or a membrane bioreactor, Desalination, Volume 250, Issue 2, 15 January 2010, pp 833-839 J Mendret, C Guigui, P Schmitz, C Cabassud (2009) In situ dynamic characterisation of fouling under different pressure conditions during dead-end filtration: compressibility properties of particle cakes, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 333, Issues 1-2, 1 May 2009, Pages 20-29 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER HALL Nicholas Date of birth: 20/07/64 Grade: PR2 Institution: University Toulouse Lab.: LEGOS, 14 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse HDR Yes No CNU section : 37 Tel: +33 561 332919 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 31. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 31 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1990, univ London UK ., subject Physical Oceanography Master or Engineer diploma: 1986, univ.Reading UK, subject Meteorology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates 2007-present Prof. LEGOS Univ. Toulouse 2003-2007 CR2 CNRS LTHE Grenoble - 2003 research contracts McGill Montreal, Boulder CO, Reading UK Research topics Atmosphere / Ocean dynamics, Waves Instability, Climate TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates 2007-present: full service Prof University: Oceanography, Fluid Mechanics, Climate, Meteo. Supervision of students (PhD, masters) 2006-2009: Thesis supervisor - Stephaine Leroux: Dynamique des ondes d’est africaines: origine, propagation et interaction avec leur environnement. 2005-present: M2 supervisor - Clement Suavet, Stephaine Leroux, Natacha Djath, Xuan Tien Vinh Nguyen, Coline Brothier. + various shorter student projects MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Co-direction of M2 formation "Oceanographie Physique et Applications", UAC, Cotonou, Benin / UPS Member of a several university committees RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): 5 most recent: Douville H., S. Bielli, C. Cassou, M. Déqué, N. Hall, S. Tyteca, A. Voldoire 2011: Tropical influence on boreal summer mid-latitude stationary waves. Climate Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-011-0997-1 Leroux, S., N.M.J. Hall and G.N. Kiladis, 2010: A climatological study of transient-mean flow interactions over West Africa, Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 136, 397–410. Leroux, S., and N.M.J. Hall, 2009: On the relationship between African Easterly Waves and the African Easterly Jet, J. Atmos. Sci., 66, 2303-2316. Janicot, S., F. Mounier, N.M.J. Hall, S. Leroux, B. Sultan and G. N. Kiladis, 2009: The dynamics of the West African monsoon, part IV: Analysis of 25-90-day variability of convection and the role of the Indian monsoon. J. Climate, 22, 1541-1565. Thorncroft, C.T., N.M.J. Hall and G.N. Kiladis, , 2008: Three dimensional structure and dynamics of African Easterly Waves, part III: Observations. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 3596-3607. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER HECHARD Yann Date of birth: 29/05/65 Grade: PR Institution: University of Poitiers Lab of water chemistry and microbiology, 1 rue Georges Bonnet, UFR Sciences, 86022 Poitiers cedex, France Yes No CNU section : 64 HDR e‐mail yann.hechard@univ‐ Tel: ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO‐02 Ecobiology and ecosystems Lecturer in TU WEO‐42 Advanced methods for water quality COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1993, University of Poitiers, subject Master or Engineer diploma: 1989, University of Poitiers, subject MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: Assistant Professor since 1993 and Professor since 2010 Research topics: Legionella, amoebae, antimicrobials, biofilms TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: 1993 Assistant Professor, 2010 Professor Supervision of students (PhD, masters): PhD: 9 in total, 2 currently; Masters: 15 in total, 1 currently MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Head of the Water Microbiology Team Responsible for the Master Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetic (1st year) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): 1. Drider D., Fimland G., Héchard Y., McMullen L. & Prévost H. (2006) The continuing story of class IIa bacteriocins. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 70, 562‐584. (IF 12.585) 2. Bouyer S., Imbert C., Rodier M‐H. & Héchard Y. (2007) Long term survival of Legionella pneumophila associated with vesicles of Acanthamoeba castellanii. Environ. Microbiol. 9, 1341‐1344. (IF 4.909) 3. Hindré T., Brüggemann H., Buchrieser C. & Héchard Y. (2008) Transcriptional profiling of Legionella pneumophila biofilm cells and the influence of iron on biofilm formation. Microbiology 154, 30‐41. (IF 3.025) 4. Verdon J., Falge M., Maier E., Bruhn H., Steinert M., Faber C., Benz R. & Héchard Y. (2009) Detergent‐like activity and α‐helical structure of warnericin RK, an anti‐Legionella peptide. Biophys. J. 97, 1933‐1940. (IF 4.390) 5. Dupuy M., Mazoua S., Berne F., Bodet C., Garrec N., Herbelin P., Ménard‐Szczebara F., Oberti S., Rodier MH., Soreau S., Wallet F. & Héchard Y. (2011) Efficiency of water disinfectants against Legionella pneumophila and Acanthamoeba. Water Res. 45, 1087‐94. (IF 4.355) USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER HERRMANN Marine Date of birth: 20/11/77 Grade: CR2 Institution: IRD Université de Toulouse Lab., address : LEGOS, 13 av. E. Belin 31400 Toulouse HDR Tel: +33 5 61 33 30 56 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in WEO-34 and WEO-63 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: WEO-34 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2007, Université de Toulouse, France : « Formation and fate of water masses in the Northwestern Mediterranean – Influence on pelagic planktonic ecosystems – Interannual variability and climate change » 2004, MS in Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: LEGOS Toulouse Dec. 2010 to present. Junior researcher. Influence of scale interactions on water masses and planktonic ecosystems: coupled air-sea and physical-biogeochemical modelling in the South China Sea. CNRM-GAME Toulouse Sept. 2008 – Nov. 2010. Post-doctoral researcher. Regional coupled climate modelling of over the Mediterranean Sea: impact of intense events and uncertainies. Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia et l’Ambiente (ENEA) Rome, Italy Feb. 2008 – Aug. 2008. Post-doctoral researcher. Impact of increasing the complexity of regional coupled models on the representation of the Mediterranean atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Laboratoire d’Aérologie (LA), Pôle d'Océanographie Côtière Toulouse, France Sept. 04 – Jan. 08. Research assistant for Dr. C. Estournel. Study the impact of climate change on circulation and pelagic planktonic ecosystems in the Northwestern Mediterranean using modeling tools. MIT Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics Cambridge, USA Jan. – Jun. 04. Research assistant for Prof. D. McLaughlin. Evaluation of the number of people that China can feed: water resources, dietary behaviors and agricultural, optimization tools. MIT Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics Cambridge, USA Sept. 02 –Dec. 03. Research assistant for Prof. O. Madsen. Study and parametrisation of the effect of stratification due to suspended sediment on velocity and concentration profiles. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Sept. 2004 – Sept. 2007 : Teaching assistant at Université de Toulouse. 64h TD / year (optics, Geophysics, Fluid Mechanics). Jan. 2008: Supervision of a modelling internship of 3 master students of Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie, Toulouse. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Reviewer for JGR-Oceans, JMS, ECSS, Ocean Dynamics RECENT PUBLICATIONS M. Herrmann, F. Sevault, J. Beuvier, S. Somot (2010). What induced the exceptional 2005 convection event in the northwestern Mediterranean basin? Answers from a modeling study. J. Geophys. Res.,115, C12051 M. Herrmann , J. Bouffard and K. Béranger (2009). Monitoring open-ocean deep convection from space. Geophys. Res. Let., 36, L03606, .See also Nature Research Highlights, Vol 457, 26 February 2009 M. Herrmann , C. Estournel, S. Somot and M. Déqué, P. Marsaleix, F. Sevault (2008). Impact of interannual variability and climate change on dense water cascading in the Gulf of Lions. Continental Shelf Research, 28 (15), 2092-2112, M. Herrmann and S. Somot (2008). Relevance of ERA40 dynamical downscaling for modeling deep convection in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. Geophys. Res. Let., 35, L04607. M. Herrmann, S. Somot, F. Sevault, C. Estournel and M. Déqué (2008). Modeling deep convection in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea using an eddy-permitting and an eddy-resolving model: case study of winter 1986-87. J. Geophys. Res. 113, C04011, USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER LE CLOIREC Pierre Date of birth: 11/02/1955 Grade: Professeur Institution: Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes Lab.: ENSCR, avenue du Général Leclerc, Campus de Beaulieu, CS 50837, 35708 Rennes cedex 07, France No CNU section : 62 HDR X Yes Tel: 33 (0)2 23 23 80 01 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, X Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in WEO 13 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: X No EDUCATION: 1979 Chemist Engineer (Master degree) (ENS Chimie Rennes, France) 1983 PhD in Chemistry (University of Rennes I, France) 1985 PhD in Physics (University of Rennes I, France) 1985 Pos-Doctoral Position University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC, USA) MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 1981-1982 Chemist, Engineer Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, ENS Chimie Rennes, France 1982-1990 Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, ENS Chimie Rennes, France 1990-1995 Professor, Head of laboratory Environmental Engineering, Ecole des Mines d’Alès, 1995-2006 Professor Head of Department Energetic and Environmental Engineering, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France, Vice Director, UMR CNRS 6144 GEPEA 2006 Professor, Ecole de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) – Director Research topics: Water and wastewater treatments (micropollutants), Air treatments (VOC, odors), Adsorptiondesorption, Multiphase reactors, Bioreactors in air treatments TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Ecole de chimie de Rennes – Master level: Mass and Heat transfers, Experimental methodology, Process with mass transfer - Separation, Water and wastewater treatments, Air treatments Research Master 2: Adsorption –desorption, Air treatments Supervision of 58 PhD students and 42 Master students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Director of Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes, France (2008 ) Head of Department Energetic and Environmental Engineering, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France (1997-2005) Vice Director, UMR CNRS 6144 GEPEA (2002-2006) Head of laboratory Environmental Engineering, Ecole des Mines d’Alès, France. (1990-1995) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Gérente C., Lee V.C.K., Le Cloirec P, McKay G. (2007) Application of chitosane removal of metals from wastewaters by adsorption – Mechanisms and model review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 37, 1, 41 – 127 Boulinguiez B., Le Cloirec P., Wolbert D. (2008) Revisiting the determination of Langmuir parameters – Application to Tetrahydrothiophene adsorption onto activated carbon. Langmuir, 24, 6420-6424 Faur C., Cougnaud A., Dreyfus G., Le Cloirec P. (2008) Modelling the breakthrough of activated carbon filters by knowledge-base model, neural networks and recurrent neural networks. Chem. Eng. J., 145, 7-15 Amadhy-Asbchin S., Andrès Y., Gérente C., Le Cloirec P. (2009) Natural seaweed waste as sorbent for heavy metal removal from solution. Environ. Technol., 30, 7, 757-762 Boulinguiez B., Le Cloirec P. (2010). Chemical transformation of sulphur compounds adsorbed onto activated carbon materials during thermal desorption. Carbon, 48, 5, 1558-1569 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER LE TOAN Thuy Grade: Researcher Institution: University of Toulouse 3 CESBIO, 18 av. E. Belin, 31401 Toulouse Cedex9 No HDR Excellent, Good, Average, ENGLISH: Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 24, TU 56 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU 24 EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1973 University Paul Sabatier, Nuclear and Atomic Physics Master or Engineer diploma: ENSCT and University Paul Sabatier MAIN RESEARCH THEMES: Use of Earth Observation for land applications: Carbon cycle, Forestry, Agriculture, Hydrology. Development of Radar remote sensing methods. Initiation of a P-band radar satellite for biomass estimation. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Post graduate lectures in Remote Sensing at the University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. Training courses and Invited lectures on Remote Sensing in Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia), America (US, Brazil, Bolivia) and Asia (Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hongkong, China, Vietnam, Thailand). Supervisor of Ph.D theses at the University Paul Sabatier (27 in total). Supervisor of Master degree students (2 per year). Co-supervisor of Ph.Ds through international collaboration (Univ. of Bari, Italy; Univ. of Valencia, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain; MIT in USA, AIT, Thailand; Univ. of Technology, Vietnam). Member of Ph.D reviewer board in France and at MIT (USA), Univ. Sheffield (UK), Univ. Louvain (Belgium), Chalmers University, Sweden; University of Bari (Italy), University of Jena (Germany). MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Leader of the BIOMASS proposal, the satellite mission candidate to ESA Earth Explorer Core mission, retained for phase 0, in May 2006, and for the phase A in March 2009. Chair of the BIOMASS Assessment Group(2006-2009) and Co-Chair of the BIOMASS Mission Advisory Group (2009-2012) Co-ordinator of the CNES TOSCA-BIOMASS projects (15 research teams) Co-ordinator of the SPOT Image Planet Action project in Vietnam (11 teams) Co-ordinator of an ESA-China Dragon project (8 teams) Member of the JAXA Kyoto and Carbon Initiatives science team, Member of NASA review panels (carbon, LULUC), Member of Scientific Committees of International Symposia (IGARSS, LandSAR, PolInSAR, Living Planet), Member of European project REDDAF (2010-2013), Member of the Electromagnetics Academy President and Co president URSI Commission F (Remote sensing and Propagation) France (until 2008) Guest editor, IEEE Transactions in Geosciences and Remote Sensing. PUBLICATIONS: A large number of papers and lectures on the use of remote sensing in studies related to forests, agriculture, climate change and to the carbon cycle. Examples of 5 papers: • • • Le Toan T., S. Quegan, M. Davidson, H. Balzter, P. Paillou , K. Papathanassiou, S. Plummer, S. Saatchi, H. Shugart, L. Ulander : ‘The BIOMASS Mission : Mapping global forest biomass to better understand the terrestrial carbon cycle’, in press, Remote Sensing of Environment, April 2011. Bouvet A., T. Le Toan, Use of ENVISAT/ASAR wide-swath data for timely rice fields mapping in the Mekong River Delta. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1090-1101. Delbart N., P. Ciais , J. Chave, N. Viovy, Y. Mahli, T. Le Toan ,’Above ground biomass simulated by a Dynamic Vegetation Model in Amazonia : mortality as a key pilot of the spatial distribution’ Biogeosciences, 7, 1-12, September 2010. • Garestier F. and T. Le Toan ”Forest modeling for height inversion using Single Baseline InSAR/Pol-InSAR data,” IEEE TGRS, Vol 48, No 3, March 2010. • Bouvet A., Le Toan T, Lam Dao N., (2009) “Monitoring of the rice cropping system in the Mekong delta using ENVISAT/ASAR dual polarisation data”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 47 no 2, pp.517-526, February 2009. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER LEFRANCOIS Christel Date of birth: 23/10/73 Grade: Assistant professor Institution: University of La Rochelle, Department of Biology, France Lab.: LIENSs- 2 rue Olympe de Gouges 17000 La Rochelle Yes X No CNU section : 67 HDR Tel: 0033(0)546457217 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, X Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-25 on Ecophysiology, biomarkers COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: X No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2001, Univ. of La Rochelle (France) in Biological oceanography and marine environments : "Effects of the abiotic environment (temperature and oxygen) on the energy metabolism, the cardiac physiology and the behaviour of two coastal species: the sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax and the sole, Solea solea". Master or Engineer diploma: 1996, Univ. Paris VI (France), Marine environment and bio-geochemistry MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: - Current position (since sept. 2004): Assistant professor at the laboratory LIENSS (LIttoral, ENvironment, SocietieS ; CNRS/University of La Rochelle ; UMS 6250) - In delegation to the CNR (National Council of Research, Italy) from Sept. 2006 to August 2008 - Post-doctorate fellow from Apr. 02 to Aug. 04 (MARIE CURIE fellowship). IMC, International Marine Centre, Italy - Lecturer in marine ecology from Sept. 01 to Apr. 02. Institute for environment, University of ‘Opale Coast’ Littoral (ULCO), France Research topics: Fish eco-physiology, Bio-energetics, Locomotion, Mechanisms of adaptation in fish facing changing environment TEACHING EXPERIENCES: - Current position (since sept. 2004): Assistant professor (‘Maitre de Conférences’) - Lecturer in marine ecology from Sept. 01 to Apr. 02, University of ‘Opale Coast’ Littoral (ULCO), France Supervision of 2 PhD students, 2 post-doc fellow, and 12 master students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: - since 2009: in charge of the Master AIEL- Integrated approach of the coastal ecosystems, Univ. of La Rochelle (France) - 2010-2013: principal investigator in CONPHYPOP- Contamination and Physiology of Fish exposed to Pollutants. National Agency of Research (France) co-ordinated by Dr X. Cousin. 2011-2014: coordinator of ALIVE- Ageing and functional integrity: modulation by LIfe-extending treatments in a VErtebrate model with extremely short lifespan. National Agency of Research (France) - - 2011-2014: Member of the Management Committee of the COST action ‘Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishes’. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Luna-Acosta A., Lefrançois C., Millot S., Chatain B., Bégout M.L. 2011. Physiological response in different strains of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): swimming and aerobic metabolic capacities. Aquaculture, in press. Terzibasi E., Lefrançois C., Domenici P., Cellerino A. 2009. Effects of dietary restriction on mortality and agerelated phenotypes in the short-lived fish Nothobranchius furzeri. Ageing cell. 8 (2): 88-99 Lefrançois C., Ferrari R.S., Moreira da Silva J., Domenici P. 2009. The effect of progressive hypoxia on single and shoaling golden grey mullet, Liza aurata, L. Journal of Fish Biology. 75:7, 1615-1625 Vagner M., Lefrançois C, Ferrari R.S., Satta A., Domenici P. 2008. The effect of acute hypoxia on swimming stamina at optimal swimming speed in flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus. Marine Biology, 155: 183- 190. Claireaux G. and Lefrançois C. 2007. Linking environmental variability and fish performance : integration through the concept of scope for activity. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society. 362 (1487): 2031- 2041. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER LEGEAY Alexia Date of birth: 28/07/1970 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: University Bordeaux1 UMR CNRS EPOC 5805, “Aquatic Ecotoxicology” team Place du Dr Peyneau, 33120 Arcachon Yes No CNU section : 67 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 (0)5 56 22 39 21 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 23. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes No EDUCATION: 1999 : PhD Thesis (specialty « Oceanography, Paleo-oceanography »), University Bordeaux 1. «Etude physiologique des besoins en oxygène liés à la prise de nourriture chez les crustacés. Interaction avec les facteurs environnementaux ». 1995 : Master or Engineer diploma (specialty « Environnements Océaniques Actuels, Paléoclimatologie et PaléoOcéanographie »), University Bordeaux 1. « Etude physiologique des possibilités d’approvisionnement en oxygène chez le crabe Carcinus maenas après prise de nourriture en hypoxie ». MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 2000 - : Associate Professor, Université Bordeaux 1- UMR CNRS EPOC 5805 – OASU. Aquatic Ecotoxicology team. Research topics : Ecophysiology aquatic breathers / Ecotoxicology of metals in aquatic systems / cellular responses TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 2000 - : Associate Professor, Université Bordeaux 1 1998-2000: two years Associate Professor, University Bordeaux 1 1996-1998: Lecturer at the University Bordeaux 1 Supervision of 1 PhD Thesis (in completion), 6 Master 2 and 7 Master 1 MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Responsible of the Master mention “Sciences de la Terre et Environnement, Ecologie”, University Bordeaux1 (since 2007) Responsible of 4 teaching units in Licence and Master degrees in Bordeaux1 RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Mela, M., Cambier, S., Mesmer-Dudons; N., Legeay, A., Grötzner, S.R., Oliveira Ribeiro, C.R.;Ventura, D.F, Massabuau, J.C. 2010. Methylmercury localization in Danio rerio retina after trophic and subchronic exposure: a basis for neurotoxicology. NeuroToxicology, 31: 448-453. De Montaudouin, X., Paul-Pont, I., Lambert, C., Gonzalez, P., Raymond, N., Jude, F., Legeay, A.,Baudrimont, M., Dang, C, Le Grand, F., Le Goïc, N., Bourasseau, L., Paillard, C. 2010. Bivalve population health : multistress to identify hot spots. Mar Poll Bull 60 : 1307-1318. Paul-Pont, I., Gonzalez, P., Baudrimont, M., Jude, F., Raymond, N., Bourasseau, L., Le Goïc, N.,Haynes, F., Legeay, A., Paillard, C., De Montaudouin, X. 2010. Interactive effects of metal contamination and pathogenic organisms on the marine bivalve Cerastoderma edule. Mar Poll Bull 60: 515-525 Chambon, C., Legeay, A., Durrieu, G., Gonzalez, P., Ciret, P., Massabuau, J.-C. 2007. Influence of the parasite worm Polydora sp. on the behaviour of the oyster Crassostrea gigas : a study of the respiratory impact and associated oxidative stress. Marine Biology 152: 329-338. Legeay, A., Achard-Joris, M., Baudrimont, M., Massabuau, J.-C., Bourdineaud, J.-B. 2005. Impact of cadmium contamination and oxygenation levels on biochemical responses in the Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea. Aquatic Toxicology 74: 242-253. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER LEGUBE Bernard Date of birth: 06/12/48 Grade: Professor Institution: ENSI-Poitiers University of Poitiers Lab. Water Chemistry and Microbiology (UMR CNRS 6008) ENSIP, 1 rue Marcel Doré, 86022 Poitiers Cedex Yes No CNU section : 32 HDR Tel: +33 5 49 45 37 17 +33 6 08 36 69 41 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 13, 16, 43 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT Yes TU #: 16, 43 No EDUCATION: 2 PhD Thesis: 1975 and 1983, Univ. Poitiers, subject: oxidation of phenols in water Master or Engineer diploma: 1971, Univ.Poitiers, subject: chemistry MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: - - Head of research laboratory (1996-2009) Head of research program on “Water and Soils” between 12 research teams (since 1999) Research topics : Oxidation in aqueous medium (chlorination, ozonation, AOPs, …), Aquatic natural organic matter (characterization and properties), Adsorption of organic pollutants, Coagulation of organic matters, Drinking water treatment, Treatment of industrial effluents Publications : 137, Proceedings : 125, Books and reviews : 8, Patents : 4, Invited conferences : 55 TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Assistant professor (assistant): 1971 to 1977 Professor (maitre de conférences) : 1978 to 1997 Full Professor : since 1988 Teaching topics : Analytical chemistry, Water chemistry, Water treatment, Drinking water Supervision of students (PhD, masters) : 30 PhD, 45 masters MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Actual Dean of School of Engineers (ENSIP) of University of Poitiers RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): F. FOLLUT, F. PELLIZZARI, N. KARPEL VEL LEITNER, B. LEGUBE, « Modelling of phenol removal in aqueous solution depending on the electron beam energy », Radiation physics and Chemistry, 2007, 76, 5, 827833. M. DEBORDE, S. RABOUAN, P. MAZELLIER, J-P. DUGUET, B. LEGUBE, Oxidation of bisphenol A by ozone in aqueous solution, Water Research, 2008, 42, 4299-4308. F. AL MARDINI, B. LEGUBE, Effect of the adsorbate (Bromacil) equilibrium concentration in water on its adsorption on powdered activated carbon. Parts 1 and 2, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 170, 744-762 . J. RODIER, LEGUBE B., MERLET N. et col., 2009, L’analyse de l’eau, 9ème édition, Dunod Paris, 1526 pages. B. LEGUBE, P. MOUCHET, 2010, Eaux de distribution : Filières de traitement, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, W 5 510, 18 pages. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER LEVI Yves Date of birth: 21/06/1956 Grade: Professor Institution: Univ. Paris sud UMR 8079- Public health – environment group Faculté de Pharmacie, 5 rue J.B. Clement, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France No CNU section : 86 HDR ⌧ Yes e-mail Tel: 33 1 46 83 53 66 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, ⌧ Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer WEO-41 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? ⌧ Yes TU #: WEO-41 No EDUCATION: Agrégation (Pr. Position) in pharmaceutical sciences : 1997, public health and environment PhD Thesis: 1994, Montpellier (France), subject : Interaction between dissolved organic matter and bacterial regrowth in distribution systems, disinfection by-products et residual chlorine management. Dr in pharmaceutical sciences: 1981, univ. Paris sud, MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Since 1997 – Professor at the Univ. Paris sud Public Health and environment laboratory (Since 2010 included in UMR 8079, Univ. Paris sud-CNRS-AgroParisTech). 1992-1997 : Head of research department : Research center of SUEZ-Lyonnaise des Eaux (GDF-SUEZ) group. 1989-1992 : Head of research department : Compagnie Générale des Eaux (VEOLIA) group. 1983-1989 : Deputy director of the central analytical laboratory: Compagnie Générale des Eaux (VEOLIA) group. Research topics : risk assessment of emerging pollutants (endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs), microbial ecology, management of drinking water in distribution systems… TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Since 1997 – Professor at the Univ. Paris sud. Public health and environment. Co-founder of the master “Public health and environmental risks” Supervision of many PhD, masters. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Member of the French Academy of Technologies Member of the French national academy of Pharmaceutical sciences President of the French national expert committee for water at the National Agency for risk evaluation (Anses) Member of numerous committees on water quality and public health risks RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): JUGAN M.L., LÉVY-BIMBOT M., POMÉRANCE M., TAMISIER-KAROLAK S., BLONDEAU J.P., LÉVI Y. (2007) A new bioluminescent cellular assay to measure the transcriptional effects of chemicals that modulate the alpha-1 thyroid hormone receptor. Toxicol. In vitro, 21 (6), p.1197-1205 MIÈGE C., KAROLAK S., GABET V., JUGAN M.-L., OZIOL L., CHEVREUIL M., LEVI Y., COQUERY M., (2009) Evaluation of estrogenic disrupting potency in aquatic environments and urban wastewaters by combining chemical and biological analysis, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 28, 2, 186-195 JUGAN M.L., OZIOL L., BIMBOT M., HUTEAU V., TAMISIER-KAROLAK S., BLONDEAU J.P., LEVI Y. (2009) In vitro assessment of thyroid and estrogenic endocrine disruptors in wastewater treatment plants, rivers and drinking water supplies in the greater Paris area (France) Sci. Tot. Environ., 407, 11, 3579-3587 (IF=2,905) MULLOT J.U., KAROLAK S., FONTOVA A., LEVI Y. (2010) Modeling of hospital wastewater pollution by pharmaceuticals: first results of Mediflux study carried out in three French hospitals. Wat. Sci. Technol., 62, 12, 2912-2919 (IF=1,005). KAROLAK S., NEFAU T. BAILLY E., SOLGADI A., LEVI Y. (2010) Estimation of illicit drugs consumption by wastewater analysis in Paris area (France). Forensic Sci Int, 200, 1-3, 153-60 (IF=2,104) USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER MARI Xavier Date of birth: 04/02/69 Grade: CR1 Institution: IRD University: University Montpellier II (UM2) Lab.: UMR 5119 ECOSYM, University Montpellier II, Case 093, Place Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier, France Yes No CNU section : HDR ENGLISH Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH Lecturer in TU 22 on Dynamics and characterization of marine organic matter: Role in marine biogeochemical cycles. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION PhD Thesis: 1997, University of Paris VI, subject: Seasonal distribution of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) in coastal waters (Kattegat, Denmark): Consequences for trophic web and vertical fluxes. Master diploma: 1994, University Aix-Marseille II, subject: Concentration, size distribution and bacterial colonization of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) during a phytoplanktonic bloom in the Kattegat (Denmark). MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES 1998/2002 Post-doctoral fellow at the CNRS in the Laboratory of Oceanography of Villefranche (LOV, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France). 2002 Hired at the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD). 2004/2009 On posting at the Nouméa IRD Center (New Caledonia). 2009 On posting at the Institute of Biotechnology (Hanoi, Vietnam). Research topics : Role of Transparent Exopolymeric Particles (TEP) in flux processes and planktonic trophic web structure: Influence of adsorptive and sticking properties • Biogeochemical cycling • Marine aggregates • Control mechanisms on bacterial production and diversity • Bacterial turnover and decomposition of dissolved and particulate organic matter • Mechanisms of aggregates formation • Coagulation processes/particle dynamics • Small-scale processes • Coastal ecosystems functioning • Black carbon TEACHING EXPERIENCES Biogéochimie de l’interface océan-atmosphère et de la couche marine de surface (Villefranche-sur-Mer, 2003, Responsible: Migon C.) Supervision of 1 PhD and 3 MSc students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Principal Investigator of three grants: (1) 2004-2007 Programme National / ACI – FNS “ECCO”. (2) 2008-2011 Programme MAORY (ANR - AAP Blanc 2007). (3) 2006-2008 Ministère de l’Outre-Mer (MOM). RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Mari X, Migon C, Nicolas E (2009) Reactivity of transparent exopolymeric particles: A key parameter of trace metal cycling in the lagoon of Nouméa, New Caledonia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58:1874–1879. Mari X (2008) Does ocean acidification induce an upward flux of marine aggregates? Biogeosciences, 5: 10231031. Mari X & Robert M (2008) Metal induced variations of TEP sticking properties in the southwestern lagoon of New Caledonia. Marine Chemistry, 110: 98-108, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2008.02.012. Mari X, Kerros ME & Weinbauer MG (2007) Virus attachment to transparent exopolymeric particles along trophic gradients in the southwestern lagoon of New Caledonia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(16): 5245-5252. Mari X, Rochelle-Newall EJ, Torréton JP, Pringault O, Jouon A & Migon C (2007) Water residence time: A regulatory factor of the DOM to POM transfer efficiency. Limnology & Oceanography, 52(2): 808-819. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER MAUMONT Stephan 21/07/60 Assistant Professor Université de Toulouse Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique - UMR 5174 CNRS/UPS HDR No CNU section : 67 Tel: 33 (0) 5 61 55 64 39 e-mail ENGLISH: Good TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 21 on Aquatic living resources (13h C, 10h Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? No (coordination of speciality : Biochemical and Ecology Processes in Hydrosystems (BEPH)) EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1990, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III), « Intérêt taxonomique de l’histologie des téguments séminaux chez les Acacieae et les Ingeae (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae) ». MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Associate-researcher, Cornell University (USA), Bailey Hortorium, Dir. Pr Jeff Doyle (dec. 1990 march 1992). Researcher, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) since sept. 1992. Plant Systematics - phylogenetic reconstructions using molecular, morphological and anatomical characters - biogeographic implications of these phylogenies. Mainly legume family and mangroves. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teacher, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) since sept. 1992 : Systematics of Plants, Plant Biology, Adaptations, Phylogeny, Economic Botany, Paleo-botany. Co-supervision PhD studies : Anne Bousquet-Melou (Biosystématique des palétuviers du genre Avicennia : recherche de nouveaux marqueurs taxonomiques - 1991-1996). Marie Fougère-Danezan (Phylogénie moléculaire et morphologique des Detarieae résinifères (Leguminosae : Caesalpinioideae) ; contribution à l’étude de l’histoire biogéographique des légumineuses - 2000-2005). Supervision of 5 Master degree studies : 1997, 1999, 2008, 2010, 2011. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: L3 « Biologie des Organismes des Populations et des Ecosystèmes » (UPS) : 150 students/year (20032011). Master "Biodiversité & Ecologie" – Université Julius Nyéréré, Kankan, Guinée (2009 -2011) : 20 students. Licence « Biologie et Environnement » (co-reponsability) : 500 students/year (2011-2015). RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Fougère-Danezan M., Maumont S. & A. Bruneau, 2007. Relationships among resin-producing Detarieae s. l. (Leguminosae) as inferred by molecular data, Systematic Botany 32 : 748–761. Fougère-Danezan M., Herendeen P. S., Maumont S. & A. Bruneau, 2010. Morphological evolution in the variable resin-producing Detarieae (Leguminosae) : Do morphological characters retain a phylogenetic signal ? Annals of Botany 105 : 311-325. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER MAZELLIER Patrick Date of birth: 18/05/71 Grade: Professor Institution: University of Bordeaux Laboratory of Environmental Physico and Toxico Chemistry Yes No CNU section: 31 HDR Tel: 33 5 53 35 24 29 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 01 on Solution Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Lecturer in TU 12 on Environmental Physico-Chemistry COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes No TU 01: Solution Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry EDUCATION: Habilitation in Water Chemistry: 2007, University of Poitiers. PhD Thesis in Physical Chemistry: 1997, University of Clermont-Ferrand MAIN RESEARCH THEMES: Research activities are related to behavior of organic pollutants in aquatic compartments with : - the development of analytical methods for the measurements of trace concentration, - the study of physic-chemical degradation processes (hydrolysis, photolysis, radical reactions,…) - the study of Advanced Oxidation Processes with the investigation of inorganic radicals reactivity TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Assistant Professor, 1998 – 1999, University of Saint-Etienne, CNRS Researcher, 1999 – 2008, University of Poitiers, Professor, 2008 -…, University of Bordeaux Supervision of students: 13 PhD students (8 defended; 5 in progress); 9 master students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): - - A comparison of Fenuron degradation by hydroxyl and carbonate radicals in aqueous solution. P. Mazellier*, C. Busset, A. Delmont and J. De Laat, Water Research, 2007, 41, 4585-4594. Oxidation of bisphenol A by ozone in aqueous solution, M. Deborde*, S. Rabouan, P. Mazellier, J. P. Duguet, B. Legube, Water Research, 2008, 42, 4299-4308. Phototransformation of the steroid hormones 17 -estradiol and 17 -ethinylestradiol in dilute aqueous solution. P. Mazellier*, L. Méïté and J. De Laat, Chemosphere, 2008, 73, 1216 – 1223. Evaluation of the use of Performance Reference Compounds in an Oasis-HLB adsorbent based passive sampler for improving water concentration estimates of polar herbicides in freshwater, N. Mazzella*, S. Lissalde, S. Moreira, F. Delmas, P. Mazellier, and J. N. Huckins, Environmental Science Technology, 2010, 44, 1713–1719. HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method for 33 pesticides in natural water and comparison of performance between classical solid phase extraction and passive sampling approaches, S. Lissalde, N. Mazzella, V. Fauvelle, F. Delmas, P. Mazellier and B. Legube, J. Chromat. A. 2011, 1218, 1492-1502. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER NICULESCU Simona Date of birth: 21/04/1968 Grade: Assistant Professor Institution: IUEM, University of West Bretagne, Géomer UMR 6554 CNRS LETG, Technopôle Brest-Iroise Yes No (in progress) CNU section: 23/ CNRS section: 31 HDR e-mail: Tel: 00 33 2 98 49 86 16 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO 56 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2002, PARIS Sorbonne, Remote Sensing/Landscape Master or Engineer diploma: Exempt of DEA (publications) MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: • Project ALOS / ADEN of European Space Agency (ESA). Project: Diachronic study on Land cover /Land use in the Danube Delta. Scientific coordinator (2007‐2013). • Project Egide research program (ECO‐NET). Project: Flood risk management in the Danube Delta. Scientific coordination (2008‐2010). Project Cooperation program of the French Ministry of the Exterior: French‐Romanian project Vulnerability of the Danube delta in front of the environmental risks. Scientific coordinator (2009‐2012). Project SPICOSA (Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment) Integrated project, the 6th PCRD «global change and ecosystems» on the topic «sustainable development and integrated management of coastal areas (GIZC) ». Coordination: Ifremer and IUEM (Cedem), about 50 international partners in 18 workshop sites (the Danube delta makes part of the 18 project sites). Project participant (2007‐2010). Project ENCORA coordination activity, project of the 6th PCRD aiming at the implementation of an European network made of 13 national networks connected among them by 10 thematic networks approaching different topics of GIZC. The French Network for Coastal Research (RFRC) animated by Cetmef comprises around twenty universities, research institutes and research departments. Project participant (2007‐2010). • • • Research topics: Flood Risk Assessment and Management / Remote Sensing / Optical and Radar TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching experience in Higher Education 15 years Teaching experience at postgraduate level 7 years Supervision of MSc student projects / theses 16 Cumulative number in past Supervision of PhD student projects / theses 2 Cumulative number in past MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Titles of relevant post graduate modules taught: Master SML (Coastal and Marine Sciences), mention EGEL (expertise and management of coastal environment)/ Master 2: Remote Sensing of Littoral RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max): Niculescu S., Lardeux C., Güttler Nor F., Rudant J.P., 2010. Multisensor systems and flood risk management. Application to the Danube Delta using radar and hyperspectral imagery, Remote Sensing, 9, 3-4. Niculescu S., Lardeux C., Frison J.L., Rudant J.P., Approche Sociale et Radar de la Gestion du Risque d’Inondation dans le delta du Danube, Houille Blanche, Revue Internationale de l’eau, SHF, Paris, n° 2, 2009, Paris. Niculescu S., Lardeux C., Gestion du risque d’inondation dans le Delta du Danube, Actes du Colloque « Gestion intégrée des eaux et des sols/Ressources, aménagements et risques en milieux ruraux et urbains », Journées Scientifiques Inter Réseaux AUF, 4-9 novembre 2007, Hanoï. Niculescu S. (dir), 2005, Transformations des territoires ruraux, n° spécial de la Revue Internationale de Géomatique, vol. 15, n°3/2005, Hermès, Lavoisier, Paris (ISBN 1260-5875). USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER ORANGE Didier Date of birth: 31/05/61 Grade: CR1 Institution: IRD UMR 7618-BIOEMCO, Univ. Paris 6, Paris 7, Paris 12 SFRI, Dong Ngac, Tu Liem, Hanoi (Vietnam) Yes X No CNU section : HDR e-mail Tel: 09 04 140 05 01 Excellent, X Good, Average, Weak ENGLISH: TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in WE-05, 32, 35 COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? X Yes TU #: 32 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1990, univ. Strasbourg, Hydrologie et Géochimie Engineer diploma: 1986, ESEM, univ. Orléans, Géologie, Hydrogéologie et Matériaux MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: I started my research work with IRD (ORSTOM at this time) in Senegal and Guinea from 1985 to 1989 on river matter transport and chemical erosion linked to the rainfall geochemistry impacted by aeolian dust. After my PhD, I moved to RCA (Centralafrican Republique, 1992-1995) to work on the hydrological survey and erosion assessment of the Ubangui River for IRD (1996-1997). I was the coordinator of the multidisciplinary programme GIHREX in Mali on the inner Niger River Delta (posted at Bamako from 1997 to 2001). Then I move to the MSEC project (Management of Soil Erosion Consortium) from IWMI/IRD where I am the coordinator in Vietnam from 2002. This project addresses the coupled scientific questions concerning the appropriation of a best bet agricultural practice by the stakeholders in relationship with the best option appropriated to the biophysical environment. I have experience of working with a wide range of techniques (cultures, mesocosms, in situ) and in a wide range of and countries (Senegal, RCA, Cameroun, Guinea, Mali, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand), both alone and as part of a group, either as a simple participant or as the coordinator of the program. The results of my research have been published in 30 articles published in journals of Rank A, as well as chief organizer of 2 international seminar (Mali in 2000, Vietnam in 2007) and 3 books edited, one TV film and TV programmes. I am regularly contacted to conduct reviews for high quality scientific journals. From 2007, I was nominated the representative of IWMI in Vietnam. Research topics: The central theme of my research is the study of the runoff generation in relationship with the landuse change under climate change scenarios to promote the hydrological modelling as a tool of integrated management of water and soil resources. I look mainly matter transport by the waters (from the surface runoff until the large rivers) and on the other side the impact of the landscape on the human decision. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Punctual lecturers or conference at the universities (Dakar, Paris, Bamako, Hanoi) Supervision of more than 10 PhD students, near than 100 students in master. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Head of the IRD Laboratory of Hydrology at Bangui (RCA) from 1992 to 1995 Expert for UICN in environment and ecology in West Africa. Head of the GIHREX research project from IRD in Mali from 1997 to 2001 Coordinator of the MSEC research team in Vietnam from 2002 Representative of IWMI in Vietnam from 2007 to 2010. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Orange D., Dardenne L., Geier P., Nguyen Duy Phuong, Jouquet P., Tran Duc Toan, 2009. Using a biogas scheme to control soil erosion on sloping lands, North Vietnam. Mountain Forum Bulletin, January: 52-55. Clement F.*, Orange D., Williams M., Mulley C., Epprecht M., 2009. Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam: Assessing local variations using geographically weighted regression. Applied Geography, doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2009.01.003: 1-16. Luu Thi Nguyet Minh*, Garnier J., Billen G., Orange D., Nemery J., Le Thi Phuong Quynh, Tran Hong Thai, Le Lan Anh, 2010. Hydrological regime and water budget of the Red River delta (Northern Vietnam). Asian Earth Science J., 37: 219228. Dang Thi Ha*, Coynel A., Orange D., Blanc G., Etcheber H., Le Lan Anh, 2010. Long-term monitoring (1960-2008) of the river-sediment transport in the Red River Watershed (Vietnam): temporal variability and dam-reservoir impact. Sciences of the Total Environment, 408 (20): 4654-4664. ISSN 0048-9697. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER OUILLON Sylvain Date of birth: 15/04/1966 Grade: DR2 Institution: IRD Univ. Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale (LEGOS), UMR 5566, 14 av. E. Belin, 31400 Toulouse Yes No HDR: Tel: +33 5 61 33 30 55 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: French responsible of the WEO department and of the Speciality "Oceanography & Hydrology". Lecturer in TU 61 on Sediment transport. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1993, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Numerical modelling of free surface flows and transport of non cohesive suspended sediment. Complementarity with remote sensing Civil Engineer, 1989, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique, d’Electrotechnique, d’Informatique et d’Hydraulique de Toulouse (ENSEEIHT) MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: IRD Researcher since 2001 (2001-2008 in Noumea, since 2008 in Toulouse). Research topics: Hydrodynamics and particulate transport from catchments to coastal waters, variability and processes - Keywords: Physical coastal oceanography, Sediment transport, Coastal processes, Ocean color and remote sensing applications, Numerical modelling and integrated studies (in situ data, remote sensing measurements, models), Field campaigns TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Assistant Professor at the Univ. of Toulon and Var, 1993-2001. Lecturer associate (ATER, 1992-93; Monitor, 1989-92) at INP Toulouse (ENSEEIHT). Supervision of 4 PhD, 10 master students. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Member of the Scientific Council of IRD since 2008. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Ouillon S., Douillet P., Lefebvre J.P., Le Gendre R., Jouon A., Bonneton P., Fernandez J.M., Chevillon C., Magand O., Lefèvre J., Le Hir P., Laganier R., Dumas F., Marchesiello P., Bel Madani A., Andrefouët S., Panché J.Y., Fichez R., 2010. Circulation and suspended sediment transport in a coral reef lagoon : the southwest lagoon of New Caledonia, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 61, 269-296. Jouon A., Ouillon S., Douillet P., Lefebvre J.P., Fernandez J.M., Mari X., Froidefond J.M., 2008. Spatio-temporal variability in suspended particulate matter concentration and the role of aggregation on size distribution in a coral reef lagoon, Marine Geology, 256, 36-48. Ouillon S., Douillet P., Petrenko A., Neveux J., Dupouy C., Froidefond J.M., Andréfouët S., Muñoz-Caravaca A., 2008. Optical algorithms at satellite wavelengths for Total Suspended Matter in coastal tropical waters, Sensors, 8, 4165-4185. Achite M., Ouillon S., 2007. Suspended sediment transport in a semiarid watershed, Wadi Abd, Algeria (19731995), Journal of Hydrology, 343 (3-4), 187-202. Migon C., Ouillon S., Mari X., Nicolas E., 2007. Geochemical and hydrodynamic constraints on the distribution of trace metal concentrations in the lagoon of Noumea, New Caledonia, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 74 (4), 657-666. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER PIC Jean-Stephane Date of birth: 06/04/1969 Grade: Assistant Professor Institution: INSA Université de Toulouse LISBP 135 avenue de Rangueil 31077 TOULOUSE cedex 4, FRANCE Yes No CNU section : 62 HDR e-mail Tel: +33 5 61 55 97 47 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WE-11 on chemical reactors and WE-44 on Advanced Oxidation Processes. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2000, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France. “Study of the action mechanism of a kinetic inhibitor on methane hydrate crystallization” Engineer diploma: 1994, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques, Nancy, France. Chemical engineering MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates 2000-2001 assistant lecturer, University of Marseille III, France 2001-2011 assistant professor, INSA Toulouse, France Research topics Application of supercritical fluids to extraction and to precipitation processes. Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes for wastewater and industrial effluents treatment. Hybrid processes (combining adsorption and oxidation) Study and development of hybrid processes (coupling membranes and precipitation) for phosphorus and nitrogen recovery in urine treatment. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates 2000-2001 assistant lecturer, 2001-2011 assistant professor Supervision of students (PhD, masters) From 2000 to 2011 2010-2011 master 5 0 PhD 5 2 Post-doctorate 1 0 MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Director of Studies for 2nd and 3rd year students in chemical and biochemical engineering (ICBE) at INSA (168 bachelor level students) RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): López-López A, Pic JS, Debellefontaine H. 2007. Ozonation of azo dye in a semi-batch reactor: A determination of the molecular and radical contributions. Chemosphere 66:2120-2126 Reungoat J, Pic JS, Manero MH, Debellefontaine H. 2007. Adsorption of organic pollutants from water onto high silica zeolites and regeneration by ozone. Separation Science and Technology 42 (7):1447-1463 Silva AC, Pic JS, Sant’Anna Jr GL, Dezzoti M. 2009. Ozonation of azo dyes (orange II and acid red 27) in saline media. Journal of Hazardous Materials 169 (2009):965-971 Merle T., Pic J.S., Manero M.H., Mathé S. and Debellefontaine H (2010), Influence of activated carbons on the kinetics and mechanisms of aromatic molecules ozonation, Catalysis Today 151, 166-172. Reungoat J., Pic J.S., Manero M.H. and Debellefontaine H. (2010), Oxidation of nitrobenzene by ozone in the presence of faujasite zeolite in a continuous flow gas-liquid-solid reactor, Water Science and Technology 62.5, 1076-1083. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER RIBOLZI Olivier Date of birth: 26/06/1968 Grade: DR2 Institution: IRD Univ. Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse Géosciences Environnement Toulouse (GET) UMR5563 14 av., Edouard Belin 31400 Toulouse Yes No HDR +33 5 61 33 26 41 e-mail Tel: ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 32 (Advanced Hydrology) on rural hydrology erosion processes; and TU 35 (Dam’s management) on Hydrology, Erosion and sedimentation. . COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1996, Université d'Aix-Marseille III (Hearth Sciences, Hydrochemistry), Study of stormflow processes in a Mediterranean vineyard catchment using isotopic and geochemical tracers. Master, 1992, Université d'Aix-Marseille III (Soil science, Erosion and Water Ressource), Transferts of major elements and metals in a Mediterranean vineyard catchment. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: IRD researcher since 1997 (1997-2002 in Burkina Faso; 2002-2004 in France; 2004-2008 in Laos; 2008-2011 in France). Main objective: Contribute to an interdisciplinary understanding of the hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of catchment systems and the hydroecology of associated river networks. Specific research themes: (1) runoff generation processes, (2) stream-chemistry, (3) groundwatersurface water interactions and (4) soil erosion. The climatic contexts: from Mediterranean (Southern France), Sahelian (Northern Burkina Faso) to humid sub-tropical (Northern Laos). Experimental approach: rainfall simulations, classical hydrological monitoring, isotopic and chemical tracing, and geophysical soundings. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Co-supervision of about 20 masters and 5 PhD. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Scientific supervision of the MSEC (Management of Soil Erosion Consortium) project in Laos. Member of the experts’ comity under the Department of research and training programs (DPF) of IRD. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Ribolzi, O., Karambiri, H., Bariac, T., Benedetti, M., Caquineaux, S., Descloitres, M., Aventurier, A., 2007 – Mechanisms affecting stormflow generation and solute behaviour… Journal of Hydrology, 337, 104-116. Vigiak, O., Ribolzi, O., Pierret, A., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., Valentin, C., 2008 - Trapping efficiencies of cultivated and natural riparian vegetation… Journal of Environmental Quality, 37, 889-897. Descloitres, M., Ribolzi, O., Le Troquer, Y.; Thiebaux, J.P., 2008 - Study of water tension in heterogeneous sandy soils... Journal of Applied Geophysics, 64, 83-98. Ribolzi, O., Cuny, J., Sengsoulichanh, P., Mousquès, C., Soulileuth, B., Pierret, A., Huon, S., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., 2010 - Land Use and Water Quality Along a Mekong Tributary in Northern Lao P.D.R. Environmental Management DOI 10.1007/s00267-010-9593-0 Ribolzi, O., Patin, J., Bresson, L.M., Latsachack, K.O., Mouche, E., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., Silvera, N., Thiébaux, J.P., Valentin, C. 2011 -Impact of slope gradient on soil surface features and infiltration on steep slopes in northern Laos. Geomorphology, 127, 53–63. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER ROCHELLE-NEWALL, Emma J. Date of birth: 04/11/1971 Grade: CR1 Institution: IRD University : Ecole Normale Superieur, 46, rue d’Ulm, 75005, PARIS Lab.: UMR BIOEMCO Yes No CNU section: 67 HDR e-mail Tel: 0611092671 ENGLISH: Excellent (mother tongue), Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 02 on aquatic ecology (13h C, 8 Tutorial, 12 Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU # 02: Ecobiology and ecosystems No EDUCATION: PhD (2000). Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Science Program, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA. Title: Biological production of colored dissolved organic matter. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 09-2009 – present : Chargé de recherche (CR1) IRD – UMR 7618 BIOEMCO, Paris 06/2007-09/2009 Chargé de recherche (CR1) IRD – Montpellier, UMR 5119 ECOLAG. 06/2003-07/2007 Chargé de recherche (CR2) IRD, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie. 01/2000-05/2003 Postdoctoral researcher (EU project «EUROTROPH) with J-P Gattuso, LOV, UMR 7093, Villefranche sur Mer. Research topics: Aquatic microbial ecology and biogeochemistry, Dynamics of dissolved organic matter (colored and non-colored) in aquatic ecosystems, Impact of agricultural practices on water quality. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 1) University of Maryland: Bio101. 1st year university level general biology course, responsible for practical course (1995) 2) University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji Islands. Aquatic microbial ecology, 1 week course, 2005. 3) University of Orsay (P11), M2 module “MALI”, lecture on Dissolved organic matter in aquatic systems, 2010 and 2011 4) Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 5 masters students (1 in 2011) and co-supervision of 2 PhD students (1 in 2011) MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Member of the scientific commission (CSS3) of the IRD (2007-2011) PI of research projects on aquatic microbial ecology and biogeochemistry RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Bettarel Y, Bouvier T, Agis M, Bouvier C, Thuoc CV, Combe M, Mari X, Ngoc MN, Thuy NT, Thu PT, Pringault O, Rochelle-Newall EJ, Torréton J-P, Huy TQ (In press) Viral distribution and life strategies in the Bach Dang Estuary, Vietnam. Microb Ecol Rochelle-Newall EJ, Chu VT, Pringault O, Amouroux D, Arfi R, Bettarel Y, Bouvier T, Bouvier C, Got P, Nguyen TMH, Mari X, Navarro P, Duong TN, Cao TTT, Pham TT, Ouillon S, Torréton JP (2011) Phytoplankton diversity and productivity in a highly turbid, tropical coastal system (Bach Dang Estuary, Vietnam). Biogeosciences Discussions 8:487 Rochelle-Newall EJ, Delesalle B, Mari X, Rouchon C, Torréton JP, Pringault O (2008a) Zinc induces shifts in microbial carbon flux in tropical coastal environments. Aquat Microb Ecol 52:57-68 Rochelle-Newall EJ, Mari X, Pringault O (2010) Sticking properties of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) during aging and biodegradation. J Plank Res 32:1433-1442 Rochelle-Newall EJ, Torréton JP, Mari X, Pringault O (2008b) Phytoplankton-bacterioplankton coupling in a subtropical South Pacific coral reef lagoon. Aquat Microb Ecol 50:221-229 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER ROUX Frank Date of birth : 31 / 07 / 1955 Grade : Professor Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III Laboratoire d'Aérologie, 14 avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France HDR : Yes CNU section : 37 e-mail : Excellent, Good, ENGLISH: Tel : +33 561 33 27 52 Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in "Atmospheric Physics" (WEO-33, 17h course, 6h practical, with C. Kieu) COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: « West-African Squall Lines of COPT 81 : Environment, Précipitation, Kinematics and Thermodynamics » (Thèse d'Etat, Université Denis Diderot - Paris 7),7 May 1987 Master Diploma: « Study of Convection in the Atmosphere with a dual-Doppler Radar System » (Thèse de 3e Cycle,Université Denis Diderot - Paris 7), 19 February 1980 MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Researcher at CNRS (Attaché 1981, chargé de recherche 1985, directeur de recherche 1993) Visiting scientist at Hurricane Research Division (NOAA, AOML, Miami, Fl., USA), 1990-1991 Professor at the University Paul-Sabataier, Toulouse since 2003 (2005: 1st class Professor) Research topics : Tropical and mid-latitude weather systems, from ground-based, airborne and spatial, in situ and remote sensing observations, and from numerical modeling. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Professor in Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III Supervision of 12 PhD students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: 2006 - ... : Director of Laboratoire d’Aérologie (LA), Toulouse ; 2005 - 2011 : Chairman of the Scientific Committee « Programme Atmosphère et Océan à Moyenne Echelle » (INSU, CNRS) 2000 - 2006 : Deputy director of Laboratoire d’Aérologie (LA), Toulouse ; 1999 - 2002 : Aide for the deputy director of Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU/CNRS), in charge of programs concerning the dynamics of the atmosphere and the ocean. 1993 - 1998 : Member of the Scientific Committee « Terre, Océan, Atmosphère, Biosphère » (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales - CNES) ; 1992 - … : Member of the Board of « Société Météorologique de France (SMF) » ; 1989 - 1998 : Member of the Scientific Committee « Programme Atmosphère et Océan à Moyenne Echelle » (INSU, CNRS), Scientific Secretary 1991-1994. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): ARNAULT, J., et F. ROUX, 2010 : Comparison between two case-studies of developing and non-developing African Easterly Waves : Absolute vertical vorticity budget. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 1420-1445. ARNAULT, J., et F. ROUX, 2010 : Failed cyclogenesis evolution of West-African monsson perturbation observed during AMMA SOP-3. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 1863–1883. JENKINS, G., P. KUCERA, E. JOSEPH, J. FUENTES, A. GAYE, J. GERLACH, F. ROUX, N. VILTARD, M. PAPAZZONI, A. PROTAT, D. BOUNIOL, A. REYNOLDS, J. ARNAULT, D. BADIANE, F. KEBE, M. CAMARA, S. SALL, 2010 : Coastal observations of weather features in Senegal during the AMMA SOP-3 period. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D18108, doi :10.1029/2009JD013022 ARNAULT, J., et F. ROUX, 2011 : Characteristics of African Easterly Waves associated with tropical cyclogenesis in the Cape Verde Islands region in July-August-September of 2004-2008. Atmos. Res., 100, 61-82. doi : 10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.028 LAFORE, J.P., C. FLAMANT, F. GUICHARD, D. PARKER, D. BOUNIOL, A. FINK, V. GIRAUD, M. GOSSET, N. HALL, H. HÖLLER, S. JONES, A. PROTAT, R. ROCA, F. ROUX, F.SAÏD, C. THORNCROFT, 2011 : Progress in understanding of weather systems in West Africa. Atm. Sci. Letter, doi : 10.1002/asl.335 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER SANCHEZ PEREZ José Miguel Date of birth: 01/08/1962 Grade: DR Institution: CNRS University Paul Sabatier, School of Agronomy of Toulouse (ENSAT) ECOLAB, Avenue Agrobiopole, Castanet-Tolosan (France) Yes No CNU section : HDR e-mail Tel: 33 5 34 32 39 20 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU Ecological Engineering WEO 53 ( C, Tutorial, Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1992, University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg), Hydrogeochemistry functioning of the Rhine alluvial floodplain. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research at the CNRS before 1993 Research topics: groundwater pollution, modeling groundwater, modeling at the catchment scale; interface zones, surface water pollution. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: Participation at the Master formation in the university of Strasbourg and Toulouse (France) and University of the Basque Country (Spain). Supervision of students (PhD, masters): Direction of 10 PhD and 40 Masters. Actually, direction of 2 PhD. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Coordination of the AGUAFLASH project INTERREG IV B (2009-2012) : 1.3 M€. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Oeurng C., Sauvage S., Sánchez-Pérez J.M. (2011). Assessment of hydrology, suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon transport in a large agricultural catchment using SWAT model. Journal of Hydrology, in press. Oeurng C., Sauvage S., Sánchez-Pérez J.M. (2010). Temporal variability of nitrate transport through hydrological response during flood events within a large agricultural catchment in south-west France. Sciences of the Total Environnement, 409, 140-149. Graba M., Moulin F., Boulêtreau S., Garabetian F., Kettab A. Eiff O. Sánchez-Pérez J.M., Sauvage S. (2010) Dynamics of epilithic biofilm biomass in artificial rough, open-channel flow: Experimental and modeling approaches. Water Ressources Research. Jégo, G. Martínez M., Antigüedad I., Launay M., Sanchez-Pérez J.M., Justes E. (2008). Evaluation of the impact of various agricultural practices on nitrate leaching under the root zone of potato and sugar beet using the STICS soil–crop model. Sciences of the Total Environnement, 394 : 207-221. Sánchez-Pérez J.M., Lucot, E., Bariac, T., Tremolieres, M. (2008). Water uptake by trees in a riparian hardwood forest (Rhine floodplain, France). Hydrological Processes, 22(3) : 366-375. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER SERÇA Dominique Date of birth: 01/11/1966 Grade: Assistant Professor Institution: University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Lab.: Laboratoire d'Aérologie, 14 Avenue E. Belin 31400 Toulouse Yes No CNU section : 37 HDR Tel: (33) 561.33.27.04 e-mail: ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 33 on atmospheric chemistry and in TU 35 on Carbon and nitrogen cycles in reservoirs and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) emissions and project laboratory and field practices. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 33 EDUCATION: - PhD Thesis: 1995, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, "Nitrogen compounds exchanges in tropical ecosystems"; - Master: 1990, UPS, Toulouse, "Study of nitrogen compound emission by the tropical biosphere". MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Assistant professor since September 1996. Research topics: - Surface-atmosphere exchanges, emissions-deposition, measurements and parameterization, surface energy budget, micrometeorological methods; - Surface modeling (SVAT), emission inventories; - Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O), quantification, processes, budget; - Atmospheric chemistry, nitrogen oxides (NOx), Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs), ozone (O3), modeling of emission impacts on the tropospheric chemistry. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: - Teaching positions and dates: Assistant professor since September 1996: 192 h / year. About 160h / year of teaching at master level these last 5 years Inventor (patent pending) of a teaching tool (web site) on the atmospheric chemistry - Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 4 Ph.D. students, 13 master students MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: - Laboratoire d'Aerologie, Deputy director - Member of the bureau of the French National University Committee (CNU), section 37 - Director of the Physics and chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans master, Toulouse - Member of the group for the study of greenhouse gases emissions by dams, International Hydropower Association (IHA). Co-writer (Peer-Review group) of the "Field Manual" and "draft Calculations Manual" under the supervision of UNESCO-IHA - Focal point of the AMMA project for the ILEAPS (Integrated Land Ecosystem - Atmosphere Process Study) and IGAC (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry) programs (IGBP- International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme). RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Atmospheric nitrogen budget in Sahelian dry savannas, C. Delon, C. Galy-Lacaux, A. Boone, C. Liousse, D. Serça, M. Adon, B. Diop, A. Akpo, F. Lavenu, E. Mougin, F. Timouk, Atmos. Chem. Phys, 10, 2691–2708, 2010. A study of the impact of dust aerosols on direct radiative forcing, surface energy budget, heating rate profiles and convective activity over West Africa during March 2006, Mallet, M., P. Tulet, D. Serça, F. Solmon, O. Dubovik, J. Pelon, O. Thouron and V. Pont, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 7143-7160, 2009. Neural network treatment of 4 years long NO measurement in temperate and tropical climates, R. Dupont, K. Butterbach-Bahl, C. Delon, N. Bruggemann, D. Serça, JGR-Biogeoscience, 113, G4, doi:10.1029/2007JG000665, 2008. Biogenic nitrogen oxide emissions from soils. Impact on NOx and ozone over West Africa during AMMA (African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Experiment): Modelling study, C. Delon, C. Reeves, D. Stewart, D. Serça, R. Dupont, C. Mari, J.P. Chaboureau, P. Tulet, Atmos Chem. And Phys., 8, 2351-2363, 2008. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER SEYLER Frédérique Date of birth: 28/09/56 Grade: Director of Research Institution: IRD University Montpellier 2, UMR 228 ESPACE-DEV, Maison de la Télédétection, 500 rue JFrançois Breton, 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France Yes No CNU section : 36 HDR e-mail Tel: (00 33) +467548712 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 56 on basin integrated management with remote sensing COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #:56 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1986, Paris 7, spatialization of soil by remote sensing Master or Engineer diploma: 1980, Paris 6, pedology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Image Processing Engineer at SEP (Société Européenne de Propulsion) from 1986 to 1989 Research Scientist at IRD from 1989 to 2007, successively in Cameroon (1989-1994), Brazil (19952001), France Senior Research Scientist (Research Director) at IRD from 2007 to now, in Brazil since 2006 Research topics: Soils spatial distribution by remote sensing (visible, near infrared and SAR) Image processing (texture analysis and oriented-object approach) Hydrology from space (radar altimetry) Spatial data integration in hydrological models TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching at Brasilia University, Brazil 2008- 2010. “Spatial data for great tropical basins » Vocational training “Hydrology from Space” at ANA (Brazilian Agency for water resources management) and at CICOS (Congo-Oubangui-Sangha Basin Commission) in 2009. Organization of the Summer school "Observation Spatiale de l'Environnement", Brasilia, 2009, and Manaus 2010 Supervision of 3 PhD students since 2006 MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Coordination of the team “OSE – Observation Spatiale de l’Environnement” UMR ESPACE-DEV RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Frappart F., Papa F., Güntner A., Werth S., Santos da Silva J., Tomasella J., Seyler F., Prigent C., Rossow W.B., Calmant S., Bonnet M.P. (2011). Satellite-based estimates of groundwater storage variations in large drainage basins with extensive floodplains. Remote Sensing of Environment, in press. Silva, J. S., Calmant,, S., Seyler, F., Rotunno Filho, O.C., Cochonneau, G., Mansur, W.J. (2010). Water levels in the Amazon basin derived from the ERS 2-ENVISAT radar altimetry missions, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114 (10), p. 2160-2181. Seyler, F., Calmant, S., Santos da Silva, J., Leon J.G., Frappart, F. Bonnet, M.-P., Filizola, N., Roux, E., Cochonneau, G., Zoppas Costi, A.C., de Oliveira, E., Guyot, J.-L., Seyler, P. (2009) New perspectives in monitoring water resources in large tropical transboundary basins based on satellite imagery and radar altimetry. Improving Integrated Surface and Groundwater Resources Management in a Vulnerable and Changing World (Hyderabad, India). IAHS Publ. 330, 2009, pp. 282-288. Seyler, F., Calmant, S., Santos da Silva, J., Filizola, N., Cochonneau,, G., Bonnet, M.-P; Zoppas Costi, A.C. (2009). Inundation risk in large tropical basins and potential survey from radar altimetry: example in the Amazon basin. Marine Geodesy, 32(03), pp. 303 - 319. Seyler, F., Muller, F., Cochonneau, G., Guimarães, L., Guyot, J.L..(2009). Watershed delineation of the Amazon sub-basins system using GTOPO30 DEM and a drainage network obtained from JERS SAR images. Hydrological processes, 2009 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER SOTTOLICHIO Aldo Date of birth: 12/11/1970 Grade: Assistant Professor Institution: University Bordeaux 1 EPOC Laboratory (CNRS UMR 5805) avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence Yes No CNU section : 36 HDR e-mail Tel: +33(0)5 40 00 88 49 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-61 (O&H) on Estuarine Sediment Dynamics (10h Course, 5h Tutorial) COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: 1999 : PhD Thesis, University Bordeaux 1 : Modelling dynamics of turbid structures (turbidity maximum and fluid mud) in the Gironde estuary. 1993 : Master in Oceanography, University Bordeaux 1: Conditions of resuspension and deposition of fine sediment in the “Ouest-Gironde” Shelf Mud patch. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 2000-present : Assistant Professor at the University Bordeaux 1 Research topics : cohesive sediment dynamics in estuaries and lagoons, estuarine morphology and circulation, turbidity in coastal waters, tidal currents, coastal boundary layers, suspended sediment fluxes TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Since 2000 : 200h of teaching on average/year. Main topics : coastal oceanography, estuarine sediment dynamics, marine geology, coastal sedimentology Supervision of 4 PhD thesis (3 as co-supervisor) Supervision of 12 Master students (6 as co-supervisor) MAIN RESPONSABILITIES (Univ. Bordeaux 1) Responsible of 3 teaching Units at Master of Oceanography, and 2 Units of BsC RECENT PUBLICATIONS Sottolichio, A., Hurther D., Gratiot, N., Bretel, P. (2011) Acoustic turbulence measurements of near-bed suspended sediment dynamics in highly turbid waters of a macrotidal estuary. Cont. Shelf Research (accepted) Sottolichio, A., Castaing P., Etcheber H., Maneux E., Schmeltz M., Schmidt S. (2011) Observations of suspended sediment dynamics in a highly turbid macrotidal estuary, derived from continuous monitoring. J. of Coastal Research, SI64, In press Etcheber H., Schmidt S., Sottolichio A., Maneux E., Chabaux G., Escalier J.M., Wennekes H., Derriennic H., Schmeltz M., Quemener L., Repecaud M., Woerther P., Castaing P. (2011) Monitoring water quality in estuarine environments: Lessons from the MAGEST monitoring programme in the Gironde fluvial-estuarine system, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 15, 831-840. Abril G., Commarieu M.V., Sottolichio A., Bretel P., Guerin F. (2009) Turbidity limits gas exchange in a large macrotidal estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 83, 342-348. Capo S., Brenon I., Sottolichio A., Castaing P., Le Goulven P. (2009) Tidal sediment transport versus freshwater flood events in the Konkouré Estuary, Republic of Guinea, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 55, 52-57. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER TEN-HAGE Loïc Date of birth: 15/12/71 Grade: Ass. Prof. Institution: Université de Toulouse Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III Ecolab, UMR UPS CNRS INP 5245, 118 rte de Narbonne, 31062 cedex 9 HDR Yes No CNU section : 67 e-mail Tel: 33 5 61 55 67 27 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 021 on Aquatic Living Resources (13h C, 10h Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 021 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2000, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, Oceanology – Subject : Benthic dinoflagellates from SW Indian Ocean : taxonomy, toxicity and ecology Master diploma: 1997, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, Oceanology - Phycology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Associate-researcher, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecology Lab (sept. 2000 - august 2001). Researcher, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) since sept. 2001. Research topics: phytoplankton (dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria) & microphytobenthos (diatoms) ecology and taxonomy, phototrophic biofilm ecology, marine and freshwater HABs, aquatic microbial ecology TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teacher, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI – 2000/01 : Phycology, ecology. Teacher, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) since sept. 2001 : Phycology, botany, phylogeny, aquatic ecology, microbial ecology, chemical ecology. Supervision of 4 PhD students and 9 Master degree students since 2011. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: L2 « Biologie des Organismes des Populations et des Ecosystèmes » (UPS) : 150 students/year (20072016). Licence « Biologie et Environnement » (co-reponsability) : 500 students/year (2011-16). L3 « Ingénierie pour l’Environnement » (co-reponsability) : 20 students/year (2011-16). Master "Biodiversité & Ecologie" – Université Julius Nyéréré, Kankan, Guinée (2009 -2011) : 20 students. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Allard B., M. Danger, L. Ten-Hage, G. Lacroix 2011. Influence of food-web structure on the biochemical composition of seston, zooplankton and recently deposited sediment in experimental freshwater mesocosms. Aquatic Sciences. In press. Leflaive J., L. Ten-Hage 2011. Polyinsaturated aldehydes and benthic diatom ecology: effects on adhesion, motility, aggregation and biofilm formation. Microbial Ecology. In press. Leflaive J., L. Ten-Hage 2009. Chemical interaction in diatoms: role of polyunsaturated aldehydes and precursors. New Phytologist, 184: 794-805. Leflaive J., L. Ten-Hage 2009. Allelopathic interactions in benthic biofilms: effects of abiotic conditions on production of and sensitivity to allelochemicals. J. of the N. American Benthol. Society, 28: 271280. Le Cohu R., Ten-Hage L. & Coste M. 2009. Geissleria bourbonensis, G. mascarenicensis, G. creolorum and G. mafatensis (Bacillariophyceae), four new freshwater diatom species from La Réunion Island (France). Diatom Research, 24: 307-326. Leflaive J., M. Danger, G. Lacroix, E. Lyautey, L. Ten-Hage 2008. Nutrient effects on genetic and functional diversity of aquatic bacterial communities. FEMS-Microbiology Ecology, 66: 379-390. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER TORRETON Jean-Pascal Date of birth: 15/10/59 Grade: DR2 Institution: University Montpellier 2 IRD UMR 5119 ECOSYM (IRD UMR 238), Mail address: IRD, Van Phuc Diplomatic Compound Appt. 202, Bldg. 2G - 298, Kim Ma, Hanoi, Vietnam Yes No HDR e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, CNU section : 67 +84 9 83 74 32 64 Tel: Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 22 on Outlines of carbon and nitrogen cycles in aquatic systems (3h C, Tutorial, 4h Practical). COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: 22 No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1991, Aix-Marseille II univ., Cellular Biology and Microbiology Master: 1982, Aix-Marseille II univ., Cellular Biology and Microbiology MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Research positions and dates: 1982-1983: Scientist at ORSTOM (former name of IRD, Nancy & Marseilles, France); 1983 - 1984: ORSTOM, Abidjan (Ivory Coast); 1984 - 1985: ORSTOM (Maine & California, USA) ; 1985 - 1989: ORSTOM, Abidjan (Ivory Coast); 1990 - 1991: ORSTOM (Marseilles, France); 1992 - 1998: ORSTOM (French Polynesia); 1999-2000: IRD (Montpellier, France); 2001-2005: Senior scientist (IRD New Caledonia); 2006-2008: IRD (Montpellier, France); Since Sept 2008: IRD (IET, VAST and IBT, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam) Research topics: Properties and functioning of coastal marine ecosystems under human influence. Role of heterotrophic bacterioplankton (element fluxes and diversity) in pelagic food webs and their change under anthropogenic pressure. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: 1993-1995: Aquatic Microbial Ecology (DEA= Master2 level), French University of the Pacific, French Polynesia; 1998-2004: Aquatic Microbial Ecology (block teachning, BSc, 300-level), University of the South Pacific at Suva, Fiji Supervision of students (PhD, masters): 2 PhD, 9 DEA/Masters MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Coordination and head of 11 research programs (including ZoNéco program in New Caledonia, >100 researchers over 2003-2005). Elected member of Scientific commission 3 of IRD (1998-2000, and 2001-2004), of Scientific council of New Caledonia University (2004-2005). Member of the Scientific Council of the French National Program for Coastal Environment (1998-2002). Interim director of IRD in French Polynesia (6 months over 1997-1998) and New Caledonia (1.5 month over 2002-2003). First delegate to IRD representative in Vietnam since 2008. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Lemonnier H, Courties C, Mugnier C, Torréton JP, Herbland A (2010) Nutrient and microbial dynamics in eutrophying shrimp ponds affected or unaffected by vibriosis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(3): 402-411 Weinbauer MG, Kerros ME, Motegi C, Wilhartitz IC, Rassoulzadegan F, Torréton J-P, Mari X (2010) Bacterial community composition and potential controlling mechanisms along a trophic gradient in a barrier reef system. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 60: 15-28 Torréton J-P, Rochelle-Newall E, Pringault O, Jacquet S, Faure V, Briand E (2010) Variability of primary and bacterial production in a coral reef lagoon (New Caledonia). Marine Pollution Bulletin 61(7-12): 335-348 Faure V, Pinazo C, Torréton J-P, Jacquet S (2010) Modelling the spatial and temporal variability of the SW lagoon of New Caledonia I: A new biogeochemical model based on microbial loop recycling. Marine Pollution Bulletin 61(7-12): 465-479 Bettarel Y, Bouvier T, Agis M, Bouvier C, Chu VT, Combe M, Mari X, Nghiem NM, Nguyen TT, Pham TT, Pringault O, Rochelle-Newall E, Torréton J-P, Tran QH (2011) Viral distribution and life strategies in the Bach Dang Estuary, Vietnam. Microbial Ecology in press DOI 10.1007/s00248-011-9835-6 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER ULSES Caroline Date of birth: 8/4/79 Grade: Associate Physicist Institution: CNAP Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), University of Toulouse Laboratoire d'Aérologie (LA), avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, FRANCE Yes × No CNU section : 37 HDR e-mail Tel: 05 61 33 27 79 ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, × Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 34 on Numerical modelling applied to oceanography. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: × No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 2005, University of Toulouse, Ocean dynamic and transport of particulate matter in the Gulf of Lion : flood, storm and winter period, 2005, 249 pp. Master and Engineer diploma: 2002, University of Marseille/Ecole Centrale Marseille, Modelling of the ocean circulation in the Gulf of Fos. MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Since 2008: Associate Physicist at LA-OMP 2006-2008: Postdoc position at NIOO-CEME 2005-2006: Postdoc position at LA-OMP Research topics: Hydrodynamic, sediment transport and biogeochemical modeling; shelf-slope exchanges; extreme events; biogeochemical cycles. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: 2008-2011: University of Toulouse (Oceanography, Sediment transport, Matlab) MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Since 2008: SIROCCO coastal ocean model service RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Ulses, C., C. Estournel, J. Bonnin, X. Durrieu de Madron, P. Marsaleix, 2008a. Impact of storms and dense water cascading on shelf-slope exchange in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean), Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C02010, doi:10.1029/2006JC003795. Ferré, B., X. Durrieu de Madron, C. Estournel, C. Ulses, G. Le Corre, Impact of natural (storm) and anthropogenic (trawl) resuspension on the export of particulate matter to the open ocean. Application to the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean), Continental Shelf Research, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2008.02.002. Ulses, C., Estournel, C., Puig, P., Durrieu de Madron, X., Marsaleix, P., 2008b. Dense water cascading in the northwestern Mediterranean during the cold winter 2005. Quantification of the export through the Gulf of Lion and the Catalan margin. Geophysical Research Letters 35, L07610 doi:10.1029/2008GL033257 Ulses, C., C. Estournel, X. Durrieu de Madron, A. Palanques, 2008c. Sediment Transport in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean): Impact of Extreme Meteorological Events (storm, flood). Continental shelf research, 28, 2048-2070 Marsaleix P., Ulses C., Pairaud I., Herrmann M. J., Floor J. W., Estournel C., Auclair F., 2009. Open boundary conditions for internal gravity wave modelling using polarization relations. Ocean Modelling, 29, 27-42. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER VALENTIN Christian Date of birth: 01/03/54 Grade: DRCE Institution: IRD University Lab., address 32, av. H. Varagnat, 93143 Bondy cedex, FRANCE HDR Yes No CNU section : Tel: +33 (0)1 48 02 55 31 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU 32 on "Land-use and erosion processes" COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1981, Université Paris7, Impact of surface crusts on infiltration and runoff Master or Engineer diploma: 1976, University Paris 7, National Institute of Agronomy Paris-Grignon, Soil Science MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: 35 years of experience in conducting and coordinating interdisciplinary research in soil erosion, agronomy, hydrology and ecology, mainly in West Africa and Southeast Asia. He has been posted in Ivory Coast (12 years), Niger (5 years) and Laos (6 years). His publishing credits (h-index =21) include 75 articles in refereed journals. He belongs to the editorial board of Catena. He chaired the soil erosion and conservation of the International Union of Soil Sciences, the international network of the Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems program of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program and coauthored an IPCC chapter on desertification in 1995. He chaired the CNUCED expert group on desertification indicators. He also chaired the Soil Erosion and Conservation sub-commission of the International Soil Science Society. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Teaching positions and dates: > 40 hours/yr for MSc in Universities of Créteil, Paris (UPMC); AgroParisTech, University of Tunis and Antananarivo Supervision of 21 Ph.D Students and 40 MSc students. MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: • Deputy Director of the Bioemco research unit, Paris, pluri-institutional and multidisciplinary, staff: 178, • Deputy Director of the Environmental Research Consortium (FIRE), Paris, pluri-institutional and multidisciplinary staff: 825). • Member of the French Interdepartmental Task Force on Food Security • Board Member of the SYSTERRA Programme on Ecosystems, Territories, Biological Resources and Agriculture of the French National Agency for Research • Corresponding member of the French National Academy of Agriculture RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Podwojewski, P., Janeau, J.-L., Chaplot, V., Grellier, S., Valentin, C., Lorentz, S., 2011. in press. Influence of vegetal soil cover on water runoff and soil detachment in a sub-humid South African degraded rangeland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.2121, in press. Ribolzi O., Patin J., Bresson L.M., Latsachack K.O., Mouche E., Sengtahevanghoung O., Silvera N., Thiébaux J.P., Valentin C., 2011. Impact of slope gradient on soil surface features and infiltration on steep slopes in northern Laos. Geomorphology. Chaplot V. Bouahom B., Valentin C. 2010. Soil organic carbon stocks in South-east Asia: spatial variations and controlling factors. Global Change Biology. 16(4) :1380-1393, Dupin, B., de Rouw A., Phantahvong, K, Valentin, C., 2009. Assessment of tillage erosion rates on steep slopes in northern Laos. Soil & Tillage Research, 103:119-126. Valentin, C., Agus F., Alamban, R., Boosaner A., Bricquet, J.P., Chaplot V., de Guzman, T., de Rouw, A., Janeau J.L., Orange, D., Phachomphonh K., Phai Do, Podwojewski P., Ribolzi. O., Silvera, N., Subagyono K, Thiébaux J., Toan T., Vadari, T., 2008. Runoff and sediment losses from 27 upland catchments in Southeast Asia: Impact of rapid land use changes and conservation practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 128: 225-238. USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY CV TEACHER VILLENAVE Eric Date of birth: 14/06/1968 Grade: Professor Institution: University of Bordeaux EPOC, UMR 5805 CNRS, Université Bordeaux 1, 33405 Talence cedex No CNU section : 31 HDR X Yes Tel: +33 5 4000 6350 e-mail ENGLISH: Excellent, X Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-33 on Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere. COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: X No EDUCATION: PhD Thesis: 1996, University of Bordeaux., subject: structure-reactivity of radical reactions of tropospheric interest Master or Engineer diploma: 1993, Bordeaux, subject: kinetics and mechanisms of peroxy radical reactions arising from the atmospheric oxidation of VOCs MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Since 2006: Professor of atmospheric chemistry at UB1 1997-2005: Assistant professor in physical-chemistry at UB1 1996-1997: Post-doctoral position at NIST (MD, USA): determination of GWP of hydrofluoroethers, NASA upper atmosphere programme. Research topics: formation and degradation of atmospheric organic pollutants; heterogeneous chemistry at the gas-solid interface, field measurements, lab studies, kinetics and mechanisms of gas phase reactions, laser photolysis, photochemistry, primary particles and secondary aerosol formation TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Areas: Master courses in atmospheric chemistry at UB1 and at ENSCBP (Bordeaux), spectroscopy, kinetics, physical chemistry, environmental chemistry. Supervision of students: 12 PhD, 11 Masters MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Leader of the atmospheric chemistry team at EPOC Direction of CNRS-INSU: in charge to follow the different national activities and programs in atmospheric chemistry Chair of the French Group of Chemical Kinetics and Photochemistry Headed during ten years the Master of Environmental Chemistry at UB1 Member of the SC of UVED, PRIMEQUAL, PNCA, IPEV, AIRAQ RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): George C., Mellouki W., Villenave E. The atmosphere: An incredible playground for physical chemists. Special Issue on Atmospheric Chemistry, dedicated to George Le Bras, Philippe Mirabel and Robert Lesclaux, Co-edited by E. Villenave, C. George and W. Mellouki. ChemPhysChem., 2010, 11, 3775-3777. Rio C., Flaud P.-M., Loison J.C., Villenave E. Experimental revaluation of the importance of the abstraction channel in the reactions of monoterpenes with OH radicals. Special Issue on Atmospheric Chemistry, dedicated to George Le Bras, Philippe Mirabel and Robert Lesclaux, Co-edited by E. Villenave, C. George and W. Mellouki. ChemPhysChem., 2010, 11, 3962-3970. Cazaunau M., Le Menach K., Budzinski H., Villenave E. Atmospheric heterogeneous reactions of benzo(a)pyrene. Article invité, Special Issue on "Physico-chemical Aspects of Global Atmospheric Change” dedicated to Reinhard Zellner. Z. Phys. Chem., 2010, 224, 1151-1170. Miet K., Budzinski H., Villenave E. Heterogeneous reactions of OH radicals with particulate-pyrene and 1-nitropyrene of atmospheric interest. Polycyclic Aromat. Compd., 2009, 29, 267-281 Miet K., Le Menach K., Flaud P. -M., Budzinski H., Villenave E. Heterogeneous reactions of ozone with pyrene, 1hydroxypyrene and 1-nitropyrene adsorbed on particles. Atmos. Environ., 2009, 43, 3699-3707 USTH, MASTER WATER ENVIRONMENT OCEANOGRAPHY WOLBERT Dominique CV TEACHER photo Date of birth: 03/04/65 Grade: PR Institution: E.N.S.C.Rennes Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes Equipe CI, UMR Sciences Chimiques de Rennes ; Avenue du Général Leclerc CS 50837 ; 35708 RENNES Cédex 7 Yes No CNU section : 62 HDR Tel: 33(0) ENGLISH: Excellent, Good, Average, Weak TEACHING ACTIVITIES IN USTH: Lecturer in TU WEO-13 : Unitary physico-chemical processes for water treatment COORDINATION OF A TEACHING UNIT? Yes TU #: No EDUCATION: 1992 PhD in Chemical Engineering at the “Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse” / “E.N.S.I.G.C.” suject : Sensitivity analysis and optimization in a simultaneous modular process simulator 1989 Master degree in Chemical Engineering (Diplôme d'ingénieur) of the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Génie Chimique de Toulouse” 1987 Bachelor of science “Measures and treatments of pollution and nuisances” (M.S.T.) Department of applied Sciences, University of Pau MAIN RESEARCH EXPERIENCES AND RESEARCH THEMES: Since 2005 Full Professor in Chemical Engineering at the E.N.S.C.R. 1994-2004 Assistant professor in Chemical Engineering at the E.N.S.C.R. 1992-1994 Non-tenure Lecturer, Industrial Process Engineering Department, INSA of Toulouse 1989-1992 Research Engineer ATOCHEM ( now part of Total-Fina-Elf) Research areas : Control of trace compounds pollution (pesticides, odors, dioxin and alike, disinfection by-products, endocrine disruptors, …) in air or in water using adsorption, absorption or oxidation processes. Chemical mechanism and physico-chemical kinetics, with or without competitive interactions ; mass transfer ; reactors scale up. Modeling and development of specific simulation software. TEACHING EXPERIENCES: Areas : Undergraduate Courses: Statistics, Design of experiments, Fluid mechanics, Reactors, Process dynamics and control. Graduate courses : Design of water distribution and sewer networks, Air pollution and treatment. Lab courses: Chemical engineering and Environmental engineering, Process Control Supervision of students (PhD, masters) MAIN RESPONSABILITIES: Head of the "Chemistry and Process Engineering" Reseach team of the UMR 6226/CNRS/ENSCR/ Université de Rennes 1 "Sciences Chimiques de Rennes" Research Unit Head of the ENSCR Student Registry Office RECENT PUBLICATIONS (5 max, < 5 years): Brosillon S., Lhomme L., Vallet C., Bouzaza A., Wolbert D. – “Gas phase photocatalysis and liquid phase photocatalysis: Interdependence and influence of substrate concentration and photon flow on degradation reaction kinetics”. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 78, 232-241, 2008. Assoumani A., Favier L., Wolbert D., “Adsorption kinetics and isotherm characteristics of selected endocrine disrupting compounds on activated carbon in natural waters.” Wat. Sci. Technol.: Water Suppl. (2009) 9, 51-58. Mandel P., Wolbert D., Roche N., Pham H.H., Bréant P., “A modelling procedure for on-site ozonation steps in potable water treatment.” Wat. Sci. Technol. (2009) 9, 459-467. Treguer R., Tatin R., Couvert A., Wolbert D. , Tazi-Pain A. “Ozonation effect on natural organic matter adsorption and biodegradation – Application to a membrane bioreactor containing activated carbon for drinking water production”. water research 44 (2010) 781 – 788
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