Future Programs Mary Tabar`s Quilts
Future Programs Mary Tabar`s Quilts
July 2015 Volume 7, Issue 3 MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2015 San Clemente Presbyterian Church, 119 N Ave De La Estrella, San Clemente, CA 92672 9:30 am—10:00 am Sign-in & Visiting Time Index for this Issue… Birthdays 5 Block of the Month 13 & 14 Board Meeting 1 Bus Trips 2 Challenge 2015 8 Fat Quarter Estimates 5 Friendship Groups 12 Future Programs 1 Hospitality 3 Lunch after meeting 4 Magazine Recycle 10 Membership 3 Monthly Mini 6 November Fest 3 Officers/Committees 20 Orange County Fair 10 Philanthropy 5 & 9 Places to Go 15 President’s Column 2 Programs 1 SCCQG 2 Show & Tell 12 & thru-out Sponsors 18 & 19 Stashbusters 9 Sunshine & Shadows 5 Treasurer’s Report 5 UFO Group 9 Workshops 4 Wounded Warrior 10 Board Meeting - July 21 10am at Mary Freedman’s home 864 Avenida Acapulco San Clemente, CA. Call Mary to save a seat: 949-388-6901 10:00 am Program Mary Tabar’s Quilts Mary Wood Tabar was born in Hannibal, Missouri where her mother was employed and trained by Singer Sewing Machine Company. Since the age of four Mary has been working with sewing machines. By six years of age she was doing crewel embroidery and other hand sewing projects. Raised with Midwest working ethics and family values, these qualities helped to foster appreciation, patience and a simple approach to life. She graduated from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology, and a minor in Graphic Arts, and later received her Teaching Credential from California State University at San Marcos. She has had a variety of sewing experiences from making Madam Alexander doll clothes in New York City to making Renaissance costumes in San Diego for people such as Mick Fleetwood. She lives in San Diego with her husband and two daughters. Currently she teaches classes at Palomar College and San Diego Community College in quilting, dyeing and fabric embellishment. She teaches kids' sewing camps at local sewing shops. She is a quilt judge at San Diego County Fair. And she has had several wall quilts published in books and magazines. She has exhibited her work at San Diego Quilt Show, Poway Days, El Camino Quilt Show, Eccentric Dyeworks Traveling Challenge, Hoffman Fabric Challenge, Canyon Quilters Fabric Challenge, Road to California, AQS Quilt Show Paducah, AQS Quilt Show Nashville, Pacific International Quilt Show. The quilt Defiance traveled with IQF My Culture, My Country to Lyon, France. Her art quilts have traveled with Elements, Quilts On The Wall 2008. , SAQA. IQF 2008, Quilt Visions 2008 – 2009. Future Programs August 11 - Surfside Quilt Challenge September 8 - Rami Kim - Asian Designs www.ramkim.com October 13 - Sue Rasmussen www/suerasmussenquilts.com 1 PRESIDENT’S CORNER Odette Osantowski odetteoo@cox.net 949-412-4988 July isn’t all about barbeques and fireworks. It’s also about freedom, liberty and being thankful to those in uniform serving today and in the past; we honor them. Be proud to be an American and wave your flag. Did you know that July 2nd is “World UFO Day”? Oh, I think they mean Unidentified Flying Object. Well, I don’t know about you but sometimes my project is unidentifiable and I would like to send it flying out the door! So invite your friends over and have a party----get some of your UFO’s done! Mary Tabar, our speaker this month, will present a workshop on “Water Color Strip” quilt that should be quick and easy to complete. UFO party here we come. Odette Osantowski Mary Mulcahey has ready the first block to sew in the “Mystery Quilt”. Last month she gave us the information on the amount of fabric we would need for the whole year. Stop by her table to pick up the next installment to this MYSTERY. BUS TRIPS/SPECIAL EVENTS Maggie Bell mbell62@aol.com Monica Shafer immshafer@yahoo.com PLAN AHEAD! If you are seriously interested in attending any of these upcoming Quilt Shows and would be willing to pay to ride a bus, please e-mail Maggie Bell at mbell62@aol.com. If enough people are willing, we'll reserve a bus. Your e-mail is not a reservation, just a way for me to judge whether or not reserving a bus is financially possible at a reasonable price. 1. Quiltfest Oasis Palm Springs - October 8 - 10, 2015 Estimated cost about $45.00. Thursday the 8th is probably the best day to go. (I will be out of town, so Monica would head up this trip) 2. Road2CA in Ontario - January 21 - 24 , 2016 Estimated cost about $35.00. Maggie Bell . We would probably schedule the bus for Thursday, Jan. 21st. 3. Modern Quilt Guild's QUILTCOM West in Pasadena - February 18 - 21, 2016 Estimated cost about $40.00. Thursday the 18th would probably be the best day to go. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COUNCIL OF QUILT GUILDS Nancy Ota Nancy@nancyota.com 949-498-4243 The Glendale Quilt Guild is hosting the next quarterly meeting for SCCQG Topic: “Successful Boutique, Bazaars, Teas - What Does It Take” Speaker: Peggy Foley First Congregational Church of Glendale, 2002 Canada Blvd, Glendale, CA 91209 Date: Saturday, July 11, 2015 Time: 10 AM Contact: Colleen Shier, programchair@sccqg.org Nancy Ota SCCQG is a valuable organization that seeks to foster education through sharing speakers, teachers and programs. It is an information network to inform and coordinate resources to promote quilt making. Council election is coming in October and new officers with fresh new ideas are welcome. Little traveling is required as their work is done online and by telephone. The offices of treasurer, parliamentarian, membership, and insurance coordinator will be open. If you are interested in helping to run this large organization, please contact Leora Raikin parliamentarian@sccqg.org or Pam Overton president@SCCQG.org For other information check the website: http://www.sccqg.org If you are interested in attending the July meeting, please let me know. You are welcome to ride with me. Nancy Ota, SCCQG Representative 2 NOVEMBER FEST - 2015 Betty Collins 760-722-4796 Barbara Seidel 949-443-1341 There will be a November Fest table at SQG meetings each month from now through October. Each month, there will be pertinent information for you to check out. July will again feature "Basket Partner" sign-ups, along with basket inspirations, and showcase several donated items for the live auction. In August, you can sign up to receive a cellophane bag for your basket donation. You will be able to pick up your cellophane bag at the September SQG meeting. September will bring volunteer forms, which will be explained later. Additionally, donated items will be showcased. Barbara Seidel October is the month to turn in a basket or live auction item. The donation form is on the SQG website. Please fill it out completely and attach to your donation. That information will be transferred onto unique tags for each basket. Betty Collins and Barbara Seidel are looking forward to an exciting November Fest on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. MEMBERSHIP Betty Collins Katy Lillie katylillie@gmail.com 949-412-7451 cell May Meeting: Members - 121 , Guests - 12 , New Members - 1 Total - 134 Total current guild membership (those that have renewed) is 204. Welcome to our newest member Carol Hughes of Fallbrook, CA. Katy Lillie HOSPITALITY Vivien Hawker Vivien Hawker vivienhawker@cox.net 949-218-0347 "Thank you to the ladies who brought in delicious treats, savories and snacks in June. If your birthday falls in the month of July, please come and celebrate your "special month" with us by bringing in your favorite snacks for the Hospitality Table. Of course, we would love to share goodies from any members who would like to add a plate of treats. If you do bring in a treat, please remember to enter our Hospitality drawing for a prize. The lucky winner in June was Mary Jayne Bellamy, who won a pot of flowers. Thanks so much..” MAKE IT EASIER FOR US TO KNOW YOU - WEAR YOUR NAMETAG AT EVERY MEETING 3 WORKSHOPS Wendy McCalley wendyannmccalley@cox.net Linda Rigdon qltncat@cox.net July 15th Water Color Strip Quilt with Mary Tabar This lovely quilt is made from only three floral fabrics plus one border fabric. Students will design their own version of these strip strata because there are thousands of layouts possible! Sewing machine needed and basic sewing supplies. www.marytabar.com August 12 - Fiber Postcards & Quilt Cards We are thrilled to have member Del Thomas teach us how to make fiber postcards in August. These cards are a great way to make a big quilt on a little canvas! AND, what could be more special than to receive a big quilt on a little canvas? The last time Del taught this class for SQG, the class was overflowing and some of us missed it. Sign up today to reserve your space! Wendy McCalley Linda Rigdon Workshops are at Faith Lutheran Church, 34381 Calle Portola, Capistrano Beach, 9:30 to 3:30 on the Wednesday following the SQG general meeting unless otherwise noted. >Any kit or book fees are payable directly to the teacher. The workshop fees are $40.00. Non-member fees are $50.00. Please make checks to Surfside Quilters Guild. >SQG members have first priority for workshop reservations until the break at the previous general meeting. Non-members are put on a waiting list and will be confirmed to attend following the break. >If you have a reservation but are unable to attend, please attempt to find someone to fill your space and advise Wendy or Linda as soon as possible. Refunds are available until the break of the previous month’s general meeting. Lunch Reservations at Carbonara’s Lynn Tweet lynntweed2@gmail.com 949-481-4335 Thank you to Mary Carbonara and her staff for our delicious lunch after the meeting. We love and enjoy lunch and spending the time with the ladies. Chicken With Artichoke Hearts & Penne a la Vodka- Salad - Bread & Butter - Beverage - Chef’s Choice for Dessert Maggie Bell Maggie Bell MBELL62@aol.com 949-488-3011 Lynn Tweet $15.00 including Tax and Gratuity. The deadline for making or canceling your reservation is Sunday, July 12. You are responsible for your reservation. 4 TREASURER’S REPORT Robin Free robinfree107@gmail.com SUNSHINE AND SHADOWS Joann Bishop BISHOP370@aol.com 949-493-4722 Susie Russell susanrussell2665@gmail.com 949-275-5365 05-01-15 through 05-31-15 Beginning Balance: $ 26,470.31 Income: Membership Monthly Mini Philanthropy - Fabric Sale Recycling - Magazines Sponsors 4,935.00 261.00 1,334.00 26.00 100.00 Total Income: Summer is here and the good news is all seems to be sunny in our Surfside Quilter’s Guild. We have no shadows to report! We are happy all of you are doing well and enjoying the summer! Be sure to let us know of a member who needs a little sunshine. We care about our members and want to stay in touch. Cheers to good health and much happiness. You are welcome to call or email us. $ 6,656.00 JULY BIRTHDAY WISHES to: Expenses: Facilities - Meeting Hospitality Operations - Internet Server Fee Philanthropy - Room Treasurer Workshop - Meeting room 300.00 105.67 15.00 100.00 69.28 100.00 Total Expenses: $ 689.95 Current Balance: $ 32,436.36 Joann Bishop Respectfully Submitted, Robin Free, Treasurer, Surfside Quilters Guild 2015-16 Susie Russell Wondering about sizes for Philanthropy and Wounded Warrior quilts? These are not EXACT sizes, just guidelines. Any size is accepted; if you want to donate a double size quilt the committee will find a home for it! Baby 36”x54” Afghan/Lap 54”x72” Twin 54”x90” In order to fit on the gurneys the Wounded Warrior quilts need to be 48"x78" (or close). 5 Cece Bowe 2 Irmgard Terbrack 5 Annice Douglas 10 MaryLois Kuhn 14 Anita Fleming 15 Margaret Arnold 17 Karen Markley 18 Charlotte Spere 18 Sharon Pembrook 21 Monica Shafer 21 Judy Lawry 25 Phyllis Parente 25 Diana Imhoof 27 Nancy Pestal 27 Wendy McCalley 28 Penny Soldin 28 Michelle Lincoln 29 Rosalind Doidge 30 Janice Elliott 31 MONTHLY MINI Becky McDaniel homekybeky@sbcglobal.net 949-362-9911 The July Monthly Mini, “Aloha Keiki”, was made by our Surfside President Odette Osantowski. The design was inspired by a Lisa Boyer pattern. This little quilt measures 15”x11.5” and is beautifully embellished with seashells, flowers, oar, sunglasses and thongs. This whimsical wall hanging will look great in your home! This patriotic quilt was the Monthly Mini for June. Made by Katy Lillie, the quilt was won by Barbara Ann Christensen. “Suzanne’s Roses” made by Kayley Rose. Her friend lives in a Carmel cottage and loves Shabby Chic décor; her house is full of fairies & flowers. She gave Kayley some fabric to make a new twin bed comforter. Kayley decided on 9” blocks to preserve the fabric design her friend loves and to give space for appliqué and 9-patch with the alternating blocks. Suzanne received her quilt when she turned 65 in June. Kaylee Rose also showed “Carrie’s Garden” made to celebrate Carrie’s 70th birthday. She suffers periods of chronic fatigue and one of her passions is gardening, so Kayley made this riotous garden quilt with vibrant Kaffe Fassett fabrics full of flower pleasure and healing. This was a surprise gift at the Carmel birthday party. 6 “Man in the Moon” Lynn Tweet made this in a class given by Jean Impey in 2011 (she thinks). Jean has all the different alphabet patterns that students can trace and color with special pens. It is quite a procedure that is really interesting and fun. This is the letter “M”. Lynn hopes to do another of these little quilts and possibly take a class again. They are hung with a ruler placed under triangles sewn on the back. Kathy Chevalier showed a quilt she started in Jean Impey’s quilt-as-you-go class and was made with a jelly roll. The jacket was also made in a Jean Impey class. Sue Richardson started this Spider Web quilt in one of Jean Impey’s classes at Sewing Party several years ago. The top has been finished for quite a while and is now in the pile of tops waiting to be quilted. This is the first foundation pieced quilt that Sue has made and doesn’t think it will be the last. They are addicting. Joann Bishop presented this “Tee Shirt Quilt”, a graduation gift for her granddaughter, Emma Lee, who graduated from high school. She has played softball since she was 8 years old, been on the travel teams and plays in high school. This is a dorm twin size bed quilt, batted with wool and backed with flannel to keep her warm at college in Rhode Island. Quilted by Cosmic Quilting. So many memories. 7 SURFSIDE QUILTERS GUILD 2015 CHALLENGE “IT’S ALL ABOUT THE WATER” Challenge entries are due at the July 14 meeting. Pin the paper entry form to your article and turn it in at the Challenge table. Jan Hirth Contact Jan 949-363-0533 or 949-256-9097Cell IT’S ALL ABOUT THE WATER Member name:_________________________________________________________ Name of entry:__________________________________________________________ Dimensions:_____________________________________________________________ Please circle the following categories that apply to your entry: Machine pieced Machine appliqued Hand pieced Hand appliqued Machine quilted Hand quilted Other:_________ Original design Includes work from another person (name)_______________________________ Tell us something about your entry _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8 STASHBUSTERS - PHILANTHROPY Sheri Hill, dsmkhill@cox.net, 949-492-3788 Barbara Ann Christensen, barbaraanndp@gmail.com Charlotte Spere, jcspere@cox.net Vicki Janis 2010Vickie@gmail.com Our next meeting will be: WEDNESDAY, July 22, 2015 10 AM - 2:00 PM SAN CLEMENTE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 119 AVENIDA DE LA ESTRELLA IN SAN CLEMENTE +Scrappy Chevron Strip Quilt - Please join us at Philanthropy on July 22 from 10-2 to use the remaining scraps and make quilt tops! Barbara Seidel has a fun way to learn a new technique without having to buy anything! These quilts can be used for the Vets. Just bring your sewing machine, scissors, rotary cutter, and a neutral thread. Pack a lunch and dessert will be awaiting you! +Linda Ambrosini will be giving another free motion quilting class on August 19th, so mark your calendars. +If you are interested in either or both of these workshops, please let us know with an email, phone call, or stop by the philanthropy table at the guild meeting. +Our collection of quilts for the Veterans’ Hospital and Meals on Wheels, San Clemente, continues. We are looking for lap and throw quilts (50”x60” or there about) for men and women. + SMALL ITEMS: Our host church is grateful for the small toiletries and non-perishable food items we deliver each month. You can leave them on the hearth in the Fireside Room as you check in for the meeting. Sheri Hill Barbara Ann Christensen Charlotte Spere Nancy Pestal UFO GROUP Marjie Butterworth marjieb@cox.net 949-940-9167 or 949 606-4506Cell Cora Schmitt coraschmitt@yahoo.com 949-606-4770Cell Next meeting: Friday, July 24th (and every 4th Friday) Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM Meeting Place: Maggie Bell’s Clubhouse, 33715 Surfside Dr, Dana Point. On Friday June 26th, 21 members of the UFO group and two guests shared 20 finished projects. We then learned to make a fun doll thanks to Glenna Anderson. Next month, July 24th , our goal is to complete item #6. Cora Schmitt Marjie Butterworth 9 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR EXHIBIT & SEW-IN Come visit the Surfside Quilters Guild exhibit table on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa! If you are interested in volunteering for a 2-1/2 hour shift, seated and hand sewing on YOUR own projects in the AIR CONDITIONED Home Arts Building, please email Sharon Whelan sewhelan@cox.net. FREE parking AND admission that day for our volunteers - what a deal! You are free to view the fair before and after your shift. We need a few more helping hands so invite a friend or family member to join you that day and email me with your availability. Thank you in advance to those who've volunteered thus far. Sharon Whelan WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT Mary Freedman, Chair quiltlady@cox.net 949-388-6901 Nancy Burch johnandnancy@cox.net 949-582-5333 Carmelle Spruill cmspruill@sbcglobal.net 949-498-1931 As I announced at the meeting I am still in business, so please return the finished blocks at the July meeting; I have none to work with. I will continue to make and ship the quilts with Jon, but at a slower pace. There is a need and the quilts are going to the places where our troops are fighting as advisors, so please return them to me. I am going to try to get out a block for the meeting, but because of my personal life right now I don’t know if I will have the time. I will be having a Wounded Warrior meeting on the first Tuesday as usual for those who can attend. Mary Freedman Nancy Burch Carmelle Spruill Thank you for your continuing support, Mary Freedman Quilt Magazines for Sale Jan Kemp jjjjkemp@cox.net Cleaning out your space and ending up with a stack of used quilting/sewing magazines, patterns or pamphlets that you no longer want to keep? If they are dated 2005 or later bring them to Guild meetings where we sell them four for a dollar. The money earned by this project goes toward guild expenses. A Bargain at 4 for $1 10 Mary Jayne Bellamy maryjayne1023@yahoo.com Jan Kemp Mary Jayne Bellamy “Grady’s Graduation Quilt” presented by Cathie Opila. Her family loves to quilt. Each time a niece or nephew graduates from high school they get together and make a strip quilt. Each sister and sister-in-law makes a strip. There are eight of them! This quilt will go to nephew, Grady, who graduated in June. He likes surfing and fishing. He is going to college at UC Santa Cruz. Becky McDaniel showed “Cottaqe Charm”. Started in 2007 as a hand appliqué project when she needed hand work to do. It kept getting pushed aside as 4 of her 5 kids got married and then came the need for baby quilts. This is her year to finish UFOs and this is the first. She almost scrapped it, but is so glad she finished it. She loves the cozy feel of this one. Diane Collins shared four projects from Jean Impey’s classes. Diane says, “I will take a Jean Impey class whenever I can. I always learn something new: a new tool, a new technique. But most important her projects are fun and do-able. You leave class with a project you can finish. There are a few samples of things I have made in her classes. They make great gifts.” 11 SHOW & TELL Vickie Janis 2010vickie@gmail.com 949-842-6089 Joan Orris joanorris@cox.net Great job ladies! I think Jean Impey was pleased with our Show and Tell with SO many of her quilt designs being shown. Thank you all! There were 17 ladies showing 27 quilts. It’s July, we celebrate our nation’s birth and kick off summer (if the June Gloom goes away). Looking forward to seeing all of your current works of art. You can get the show and tell form online at Surfside Quilters Guild/Forms & Bylaws/Other Forms/Show & Tell Form. OR just write out the information on a piece of paper before the meeting and give it to Joan Orris or me. We will give you a number; line up after the break with your quilt in numerical order. Del asks that you stand still with your quilt for 30 seconds so she can take a photo of you and your quilt. Hope to see you there! By the way, NO SHOW AND TELL IN AUGUST. Be sure to finish your Challenge entries! Vickie Janis Joan Orris FRIENDSHIP GROUPS Monica Shafer immshafer@yahoo.com 949-362-5524 You may ask yourself why you should join a friendship group. In my opinion, there’s nothing better than being with people who share your passion. Creativity flourishes and ideas spark. People find they bring out the best talents in each other and productivity increases. While spending time working together, stories are shared and friendships form. These things take too long to happen during a guild meeting where the focus is on the business of the guild, the committee reports, and the speaker’s presentation. Surfside offers a number of opportunities for joining friendship groups. Three groups currently have openings and are looking for new friends. One is the Woolies group whose members love Primitive Gatherings-type patterns and working with wool. A second group is mainly interested in friendships and general quilting. A third group had members move away, so they are looking for some fresh faces to join them. If you’re interested in any of these groups, or maybe starting one of your own, let me know. Betty Collins showed this small quilt of the Surfside logo that she made in a class with Jan Hirth. 4th JULY 12 Monica Shafer Block-of-the-Month Mystery Quilt Mary Mulcahey mmul19@aol.com 949-951-2066 Finished size: 54” X 74” with borders This mystery quilt is simple in construction and becomes a striking quilt when strongly contrasting fabrics are used. The construction consists of easy, straight-line sewing and is a breeze to put together. The quilt works best with only 3 fabrics, but you can choose to do several different focus (C) fabrics. They should be interesting prints that are of similar color and value. Your background (A) should be a dark solid or tone-on-tone and your accent fabric (B) should be a solid or tone-on-tone that contrasts strongly with the background fabric. Your focus fabric also should contrast to both the background and accent fabrics. Fabric Requirements Fabric A (background) 1 ½ yards Fabric B (accent) 1 yard Fabric C (focus) 1 yard or a total of 1 yard if you are using several different focus fabrics 1st border uses the B fabric and is included in the amount above 2nd border – 1 5/8 yards Backing – 3 ½ yards Binding – 5/8 yard Cutting Instructions Cut all of your fabric and put all of each size of each fabric together, either in baggies or clips, and label them. This will make the construction of your blocks each month go very quickly. You also will need to label your blocks with their numbers as you make them. This will make the final assembly a real snap. Fabric A (background) Cut WOF (width of fabric) strips listed below, then sub cut as listed Cut 8 – 2 ½ “ strips Cut 5 – 4 ½” strips Cut 1 – 6 ½” strip 6–2½x2½5–4½x4½1–8½x6½ 8 – 4 ½ x 2 ½ 3 – 6 ½ x 4 ½ 1 – 10 ½ x 6 ½ 9–6½x2½3–8½x4½3–6½x6½ 5 – 8 ½ x 2 ½ 6 – 10 ½ x 4 ½ 7 – 10 ½ x 2 ½ 1 – 16 ½ x 4 ½ 1 – 12 ½ x 2 ½ 2 – 14 ½ x 2 ½ 1 – 18 ½ x 2 ½ Fabric B (accent) Cut 4 – 2 ½ “ strips 6 – 2 ½ x 2 ½ ; 8 – 4 ½ x 2 ½ ; 5 – 6 ½ x 2 ½ ; 4 – 8 ½ x 2 ½ ; 4 – 10 ½ x 2 ½ Fabric C (focus) From the focus fabric, you will need 14 squares; cut the bigger pieces first. Three squares @ 10 1/2” Five squares @ 8 1/2” Six squares @ 6 1/2” 13 BOM Mystery Quilt 2015 July Block 3 Mary Mulcahey mmul19@aol.com 949-951-2066 We are starting with Block 3, an easy block to get started on. Since we are not doing the blocks in order, you will need to label your block when you finish it. This will be very important when it comes time to assemble your quilt top. All of the block diagrams will have each piece marked with a number (the order in which they will be sewn together), a letter designating which fabric to put here (refer to your cutting instructions) and the size of the piece. You will be making this block in 2 sections, then putting the 2 sections together. Section 1 – sew piece 1 to piece 2, pressing towards darker fabric (since there are no seams to match, pressing direction doesn’t really matter) Section 2 – Sew piece 3 to piece 4, then sew piece 5 to pieces 3 & 4, finally sew piece 6 to piece 5. Complete your block by sewing section 1 to section 2 and labeling it “Block 3”. Block 3 1 2 A C 10 1/2 10 1/2 X 2 1/2 X 10 1/2 3 A 6 A 8 1/2 X 2 1/2 5 B 8 1/2 X 2 1/2 6 1/2 X 6 1/2 Section Two Section One Anna Turek showed us “A totally Different Kind of Bird With His Eye on You”. She worked from a photo taken by her husband. The background is bleached and painted. The crown, or hair, is unraveled twine with a medium coating it and then painted. The bird is mostly thread painted with material underneath. [This is a Crowned Crane.] 14 4 B 6 1/2 X 2 1/2 PLACES TO GO Del Thomas surfsideQG@aol.com 714-315-9526 July 18 - Oct 1 Visions Art Museum: Contemporary Quilts + Textiles, 2925 Dewey Road, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 619-546-4872 www.visionsartmuseum.org Fee Four exhibits: Collectors Showcase; Shaping Space - Work by Kate Stiassni; Balboa Park Arches; At the Beach Challenge. Tues – Sat 10AM - 4PM, Sunday Noon - 4PM, Closed: Monday and major holidays July 4, Friendship Quilters Guild of San Diego hosts the July 4th Quilt Show at the Templar’s Hall in Old Poway Park ,14134 Midland Rd, Poway CA. July 11 Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds quarterly meeting in Glendale. Topic: Successful Boutiques, Bazaars, Tea's—What does it take? Contact: Nancy Ota/SCCQG Rep. Aug 1 - 2 Quilters by the Sea Quilt Show, National Guard Armory, 2200 Redondo Ave, Long Beach Sat 9am - 5pm Sun 9am - 4pm Contact: quiltshow@quiltersbythesea Sandy Carreon 562-290-3242 Aug 15 - 16 Tehachapi Mountain Quilters “Legacy of Quilts” Quilt Show, Monroe High School, 126 South Snyder Street, Tehachapi, CA 9356 Also the Mountain Festival/Car Show on Aug 15 from 10– 5 Arts and crafts, fiddling contest, carnival and rodeo. Sep 5 - 6 27th annual Mountain Treasures Quilt Show, Busy Bears Quilt Guild of Big Bear Lake, CA Big Bear Middle School, 41275 Big Bear Blvd Sat 10 - 5, Sun 10 - 4 www.busybeaerquiltguild.com Sep 10, 11, 12 34th Annual San Diego Quilt Show, San Diego Convention Center, Hall A. 10am - 5pm Preview night Sep 9th 6pm to 9pm More info: www.sandiegoquiltshow.com Anna Turek showed this triptych of the “Garden Outside Her Bay Window”. The garden attracts birds and insects. The quilts have couched yarn, Tyvek, and other materials. The flowers are all commercial fabric. The background is hand-dyed. Anna says it was a lot of fun to make. Odette Osantowski made “Home is Where My Stash Is” for the Beach Cities Quilters Guild Challenge and it won a ribbon. Odette says, “Every sunrise is an invitation to fly the nest in search of fabric, thread, patterns, and anything of quilting interest, be we always bring our stash home.” 15 “A Day at the Beach” by Betty Collins was a Block-of-the-Month project. Betty Collins also showed this green and white piece from a small Accucut class at Eleanor Burns Quilt-In-A-Day. Chris Huben made these pillows in a class with Jean Impey at the Sewing Party. The first tree she put the fusible on the right side - after she made the pillow she decided to use the other tree - wrong side facing! We sometimes profit from our mistakes. Chris did the quilting herself. Holders are Linda Ambrosini and Susie Russell. Jan Hirth shared “Mason’s Menagerie”. Jan’s niece asked for a jungle theme quilt for her newborn son. Jan saw Jean Impey’s grandson’s quilt on Facebook and asked Jean if she had a pattern. Jean told her it was her original design and she was going to pattern it. Jan got the preliminary plans from Jean and made the quilt. Mason, now 14 months old, loves to look at the animals. 16 Barbara Seidel displayed “Jay’s Chocolate Garden”. Jay’s T-shirt which reads “Will Work For Chocolate”, and Jean Impey’s “My Secret Garden” class inspired this quilt. Jean had a funny look on her face when Barbara shared her fabrics and the idea. Less than 15 seconds later, Jean embraced the concept and was a tremendous motivator while also inspiring. Martha Hurlburt did the quilting and Barbara’s husband loves his Chocolate Garden. “A Tisket-A-Tasket” was made by Pat Gates in a Jean Impey class last year. She had a lot of fun making this quilt. She says “You are only limited by your imagination.” She hopes to make another basket quilt in the near future. Angela Irish showed her “Spider Web” quilt started in a Jean Impey class at Sewing Party. She decided to change it up a bit by making the background kites black and white. Sharon Pembrook shared her “Baskets” quilt. She received the pieced top over 20 years ago along with 5 others from her great-aunt who had them stored in a trunk. This top was pieced by her great-grandmother in Canistoga, S.D, around 1930. This type of quilt was called a “farm quilt”. Sharon finds the use of shirting materials and calicos quite interesting. The thread used for the piecing is very strong, much stronger and thicker than what we use today. Sharon quilted this on her home sewing machine. She thanks her friendship group, who helped her alter the top so that the baskets floated on the pink calico. They also donated the grey fabric for the binding. 17 FAT QUARTER ESTIMATES From one fat quarter (18” x 22”) you can cut: 99 - 2” squares 56 2 1/2” squares 42 - 3” squares 30 - 3 1/2” squares 20 - 4” squares 16 - 4 1/2” squares 12 - 5” or 5 1/2” squares 9 - 6” squares 6 - 6 1/2” or 7” squares 4 - 7 1/2”, 8”, 8 1/2” or 9” squares 18 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS - LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE A MEMBER 19 Surfside Quilters Guild, P. O. Box 3295, San Clemente, CA 92674 WWW.SURFSIDEQUILTERSGUILD.ORG 2015-16 OFFICERS: President: Odette Osantowski odetteoo@cox.net 949-489-9639 949-412-4988C 1st VP Programs: Betty Collins collins0430@att.net 760-722-4796 760-805-9908C 2nd VP Membership: Katy Lillie katylillie@gmail.com 949-412-7451 949-412-7451C 3rd VP Facilities: Karen Wendel Karen.L.Wendel@gmail.com 949-240-8516 949-392-0866C Secretary: Nancy Pestal butterflynp@cox.net 949-492-9855 Treasurer: Robin Free robinfree107@gmail.com 949-234-0567 760-274-3424C Parliamentarian: Linda Ambrosini lagunaquilts@cox.net 949-362-4206 949-290-5592C Past President: Linda Ambrosini lagunaquilts@cox.net 949-362-4206 949-290-5592C STANDING COMMITTEES: BOM Mystery Quilt: Mary Mulcahey mmul19@aol.com 949-951-2066 Challenge: Jan Hirth janhirth@cox.net 949-363-0533 Phyllis Parente filusara@yahoo.com 949-388-9666 949-573-1301C Friendship Groups: Monica Shafer immshafer@yahoo.com 949-362-5524 949-933-6345C Hospitality: Vivien Hawker vivienhawker@cox.net 949-218-0347 Jane Salem janehsalem@yahoo.com 949-661-8169 Monthly Mini: Becky McDaniel homekybeky@sbcglobal.com 949-362-9911 949-899-5111C Bette Bradley bbradley@fea.net 949-470-0103 Newsletter: Del Thomas surfsideQG@aol.com 714-315-9526C Philanthropy: Sheri Hill dsmkhill@cox.net 949-492-3788 Barbara Ann Christensen barbaranndp@gmail.com 949-496-3962 Nancy Pestal butterflynp@cox.net 949-492-9855 Charlotte Spere jcspere@cox.net 949-496-3588 Publicity/Sponsors: Marjorie Johnson quilting4me@gmail.com 949 493-8786 SCCQG Representative: Nancy Ota nancy@nancyota.com 949-498-4243 Show & Tell: Vickie Janis 2010vickie@gmail.com Joan Orris joanorris@cox.net 949-240-5890 Sunshine & Shadows: Joann Bishop bishop370@aol.com 949-493-4722 Susie Russell susanrussell2665@gmail.com 949-275-5365C Ways & Means: Barbara Seidel barbmelv@aol.com 949-443-1341 Betty Collins collins0430@att.net 760-722-4796 760-805-9908C Welcoming: Julie Vlahos Juliev10@cox.net 949-661-2522 Carol Whiteside carol.sanclem@gmail.net 949-361-5388 949-463-5027C Workshops: Wendy McCalley wendyannmccalley@cox.net 949-582-2024 949-521-1774C Linda Rigdon qltncat@cox.net 949-588-1640 SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Bus Trips: Maggie Bell mbell62@aol.com 949-488-3011 949-338-9344C Monica Shafer immshafer@yahoo.com 949-362-5524 Internet Website: Julia Neff Maben neffmaben@gmail.com 949-492-7946 Internet Buddy: Mary Gorelick old2020@gmail.com 626-639-3540 614-314-8664C Lunch Reservations: Maggie Bell mbell62@aol.com 949-488-3011 Lynn Tweet lynntweet2@gmail.com 949-481-4335 Magazine Recycle: Jan Kemp jjjjkemp@cox.net 949-369-9737 Barbara Ricks barbricks@yahoo.com 949-546-0048 Mary Jayne Bellamy maryjayne1023@yahoo.com 949-492-2017 Photographer: Del Thomas delqlts@aol.com 714-315-9526C UFO Group: Marjie Butterworth marjieb@cox.net 949-940-9167 or 949 606-4506C Cora Schmitt coraschmitt@yahoo.com 949-606-4770C Wounded Warrior Quilts: Mary Freedman quiltlady@cox.net 949-388-6901, 949-285-0750C Carmelle Spruill cmspruill@sbcglobal.net 949-498-1931 The Surfside Quilters Guild, a 501 (c)(3) corporation, was established in March 2009 to promote quilting and other fiber arts in the South Orange County area. The Guild offers the opportunity to share experiences with other quilters in an atmosphere of fellowship, as well as to enhance the knowledge and skills of its membership. Newsletters are distributed via the Internet. Dues are $30.00 annually for the membership year from May 1st through April 30th. Guests are always welcome for a donation of $5.00. Membership and Volunteer forms are available on our website: 20