
“all the news we can find to print.” ( Well, honestly, we don’t actually print anything)
Check us out on the Web at
Official welcome banner at 1341 Forester. This is a signature annual event. Be there!
Smokers a-smokin for tempting tastings.
Two entries in the 2013 Smoke off.
There are several categories for prizes.
August 3 - Breakfast & Ride
VP Steve Thoerner says:
The August 3 club ride:
Be at Nick's American Cafe (248 S. Miami Ave, Cleves OH 45002) for
breakfast at 9:00AM. We'll ride at 10:00AM. About 110 miles, 3.5 hours of
rural Indiana routes, river routes & scenic byways.....this is the perfect route
to finish your weekend after the Berry Bros Smoke Off on Saturday. See you
Nick’s Sausage & eggs breakfast
Nick’s Biscuits & Gravy
To be hosted by Chris & Joe Berry at their home, 1341 Forester. Pay attention, this
meeting is on the FIRST Saturday of August.
See photos on page 2 and watch the GCBMWC Yahoo group email for details.
Arrive hungry.
Meeting held 7/12/2014 at the home of Larry Lovejoy and Gail Deatherage.
Meeting called to order by President Bill Wright at 7:19 PM.
Treasurer’s Report; Beginning balance of 2688.39, Income of $65.00 (Monthly STP - $17.00, plus new
memberships for $48), Disbursements of $25 (RA Charter Club membership), Ending Balance of
Old Business;
Advanced Rider Course was successfully held on the grounds of Butler Tech. Several members participated, all thought
it was useful and helpful. Possible to re-run the program in 2015.
RA Rally at the Barber Motorsports Park was well received with reports of soft grass, hot showers, cold beer.
Nate Kern will appear at Motohio on 7/19 with his BMW race bikes.
Motohio is sponsoring Track Day at Mid-Ohio racetrack on 7/19 with Nate Kern.
Willville MC Campground was visited by members Bill Berry, Bill Wright and Ken Nor- time. He had only ridden on the track a
few times before his March 2002 debut at
ris who all agreed that it is a great place, pretty setting on the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Traveling motorcyclists include Merrill Glos in Asia and now in eastern Europe, Neil of 8 races and was immediately moved to
pro status.
Jones just back from Alaska, Thoerner, Disher and DeLuca recently back from Utah.
Nate Kern has established himself
as one of the most promising racers of his
Daytona Int. Speedway where he won 8
New Business
Plans to develop a Meritorious Service award have been dropped.
MOA National Rally will be in St. Paul in July.
Burr Oak exploratory visit is planned by Bill Wright and Steve Thoerner.
Newsletter Submissions are requested and appreciated.
Next meeting is 8/2 at Joe & Chris Berry’s house, the annual club Smoke Off BBQ Contest and feast.
2010 F650GS is for sale by Ken Norris, plus a Kermit chair.
Raybuck’s Big Top party will be August 9 with the Battle Creek club in attendance.
Dan & Lauria Finazzo were voted in as new members.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM
First Rides………………………………….by Larry Lovejoy
My first motor bike was just that, a Whizzer motor bike that I bought off a friend who bought a new Moped
(Sears). I was 11 and I remember that thing ran every time I got on it, even when there was snow on the
The first new bike was a
Simplex, single seat, belt
drive with a centrifugal
clutch-transmission, purchased at A and B Bikes
and Locksmith in Norwood.
Next was a new BSA 175 I think. I could pull
wheelies on that thing and I thought I was
cool. These bikes were all owned before I
turned 15.
Also before I turned 16 I bought a brand new
18 foot runabout, Evinrude outboard, just an
old plywood boat, painted red and white,
with a highly shellacked mahogany bow, on
sale at the place I bought my BSA, down on
Central Ave for $995.00. I had a friend that
would pull that boat up to New Richmond on
the Ohio River on a Friday evening, and the
group would spend the weekend skiing,
drinking beer, talking about girls and really not caring about much (sounds like an Alan Jackson song).
Somewhere during this time, I had the hair-brain
idea of customizing the Simplex, a complete tear
down, chrome plated exhaust, seat springs and
other parts, white rolled and pleated seat, candy
apple red paint job -- boy was it going to look
good. When I sold that bike to a friend it was all in
boxes. I ran across this guy about 20 years later,
and learned that he never got it together.
I traded the BSA to a friend for a 1932 Ford pick up that was
channeled with shortened bed on the frame, no engine. My
friend left Cincinnati on that BSA headed for California. The reason he blew town was that he thought he got a girl pregnant.
My first car was a ‘58 Corvette that I bought used in 1960 when
I turned 16. Two tickets in 5 months got me a 90 day suspension, then after a month or so I snuck the car out, but had an
accident that led to a suspension till I was 18. I sold the
'Vette to my friend Ron's (the guy headed to CA) father, who
was a body man, who then repaired the front end and sold it to
an older brother of another friend of mine. I remember seeing
that 'Vette drive past my house during my suspension and kicking myself for being stupid, and today I wish I had that Corvette
So now it was time build that ‘32 Ford for the drag strip, in the A altered class. A small block Chevy, Hillburn fuel
injected, worked up by George Montgomery of Dayton OH. I had over $3,000 in the engine, in 1961. The best
speed and time was a149.4 mph in 10.5 seconds.
By the time I turned 18 I had sold the boat to the father of the kid I bought the Whizzer off of. I parted the 32 Ford
out, engine, mags and slicks, and the body sold separately. During this time of walking and depending on my future
father in law to transport Joanne and I to the Century theater for dates, I decided that I wanted to go to college. So
when I got my license back at 18, I drove the family 62 Pontiac, which turned out to be the car we made our honeymoon trip in 1966. After 2 years I found myself working for Ford Motor
Company as a traveling sales rep, and worked in the auto business till I
While those first bikes, cars, and boat are only memories in my mind, I did
fulfill that old dream that I had since those teenage days of owning a TBucket Ford, when I purchased Debbie Smith’s brother’s rod last year.
Larry Lovejoy
I started my Four Corners Ride on July 16th. Made my first corner on Friday, July 18th in Madawaska, Maine. Entered Canada from Vermont then rode across Quebec and New Brunswick to
enter into Maine at Madawaska. Found Quebec very clean and had great riding weather with
no rain and cool. In Quebec only saw their province flag until I got to New Brunswick to see the
Canadian flag.
At a rest stop at noon in Quebec, all the picnic tables were being used with families having a relaxing lunch. Arrived at my cousin's home on Saturday in the Boston Area, and staying a few
days before riding down to Annapolis to visit my son's family. Will give you an update when I
reach my second corner in Key West, Florida, but will be taking a week's family beach vacation
along the way.
If you look real closely at the photo you can see the border crossing sign entering the USA and
Madawaska, Maine, where the customs agent asked if I was doing the four corners.
John Sires
The hunt for petroglyphs in Utah started May 10, 2014.
Alan Disher, Neil Jones, Joe DeLuca, & I had a nice trip out West this spring. You never need an excuse to
go, but finding some petroglyphs out in Utah seemed like it might be interesting. Turns out, that there are
two types of rock art represented out in the
area. Petroglyphs are carved or chiseled into
the stones and pictographs which are drawn &
painted with mineral pigments and plant dyes.
Finding the first carving near Moab proved to
be fairly elusive. The descriptions we had read
said to look for things like drawings of animals
& hunters on the rock face of the wall. The
panel is 20 feet up & 40 ft long. Turned out the
rock was 40 feet or more but the petroglyph
was only two feet tall!! I expected these enormous sculptures & there it was - all two foot of
Other carvings we later found were larger, but the first ones were hard to find.
At another location off the beaten path (and down the rock road) near Moab we went to a
famous location called the "Birthing Rock". Notice the top left corner of the rock shows a
woman giving birth (or at least that's what everyone says it is)....
Birthing Rock
Some in the club probably know Neil
is a Geocacher. He hunts up tupperware bowls full of good stuff that
people have hidden in remote locations. Neil walked around the birthing
rock, looked down at some loose
rocks & said, “That's the kind of place
where people hide a geocache.”
He moved the little stones and pulled
out a geocache stash! I'm not sure
how he knew that it was there pretty impressive......
Here’s Joe and Neil poring over
the maps to plan the sightseeing. (Don’t pay any attention to
the camping supplies partially
obscured by the map.)
Sego Canyon had the best petroglyphs
& pictographs that we saw. Some were
life size which was pretty impressive.
They date these from thousands of
years BC up to the 1800's. They think
the floating abstract figures are the oldest, the ones with arrows & bows are
around 500AD and the ones depicting
horses are from the 1800's.......
Here's Neil & Alan hanging out with their
new pictograph buddies......some of the
largest figures we saw. If you watch cable
TV at all, you know these life-size ones
were made by ancient aliens!
Early prototype of the desert Kermit Chair.
Joe standing next to the Durango-Silverton narrow gauge railway locomotive in Colorado.
and if you head out that way don't
pass up Mesa Verde (which was historically very cool to see)......
Mesa Verde National Park is the largest archaeological preserve in the
United States, featuring some of the best-preserved cliff dwellings in the
world. Located in Colorado near the Four Corners, it features numerous
ruins of homes and villages built by the ancient Pueblo people.
Camping at night was fun.... Next time you see Joe ask him how to filter beer in the desert.
We had a nice
clean campground
in Moab for $7.50
per person per
Steve Thoerner
After some hearty breakfasts Bill Wright, Ken
Norris, and myself were seen off by Steve Thoerner
from Walton Ky under clear skies.
A beautiful morning to ride thru Kentucky’s horse country
on 460 as it twists and turns up and over the hills and
follows creeks towards Prestonsburg. We arrive in town
around lunch time and what do you know, I had heard of
a BBQ place in town that had good reviews. Turns out the
reviews were spot on, Pig in a Poke is worth a stop on
your travels thru Eastern Kentucky.
Fueled and fueled, we continued into Virginia and turned
left to follow the Virginia/North Carolina border on 58 all
the way to Camp Willville. I won’t bore you with turn by
turn routes just note that route 58 is a fun road on 2
wheels once you can get out of Abingdon, Va.
Bikes of Bill Wright, Bill Berry and Ken Norris (L to R)
Unfortunately the last 20 minutes or so of the ride down
was in one of the bands of thunderstorms from Hurricane
Arthur. It was “Gettin’ It” as we rolled in to camp, gingerly parking the bikes at the pavilion and waited for the
storm to end to set up camp.
A kind, fellow camper handed us beer so it was all good.
Once the rain stopped camp was setup and the chilllaxing began. It’s a beautiful campground, mostly
flat, heavily wooded bordered by a creek. He has a
nice large clean restroom/shower facility.
We had great weather the rest of the trip, riding
the Blue Ridge Parkway and various roads to and
Within a mile of Willville the wide spot in the road
called Meadows of Dan, which is mile-marker 177 on
the Blue Ridge (1 mile south of Mabry Mill), has food
and fuel and beer so really it makes for a good base
camp for exploring the area. And if you time it right
you might even find Road Ribs.
As we rolled into a little town Saturday as we stopped at the stop
sign we smelled smoke. Not
smoke from brakes or hot engine
but that wonderful light blue
wispy smoke from proper BBQ.
sleeps 5,
bring your
own earplugs.
Delish, done right from a smoker
along the side of the road. A
young gentleman practicing his
craft after working in restaurants
for years.
On one ride we even had a bear
cub run in front of us, clear a
fence, do the classic drop & roll, and run
off thru a field towards the cows. Sorry no
picture, about the time I realized what it
was and got stopped to look I thought
“Where is Momma?” so I rolled on.
We chose a different route home, following U.S.52 most of the way. Very nice especially being a Sunday morning of a holiday weekend. True there was countless
coal trucks parked along the way which
means it is heavily traveled by them during the week but still a great road for 2
wheels, just with rolling obstacles. As we
stopped for fuel and hydration on the way
home we were already planning our return visit to Willlville, when, which route,
who we can get to go.
We will return to Willville.
Bill Berry
Maury Dick (above) rides a silver 2013 Gold Wing
with an attention-commanding stop light. He is a
long time friend of Mike Brenner. Maury does a lot
of miles for a guy in his 80’s.
Gerry Lozano rides a blue F800 GS. He contributed
an article for the June Newsletter and is friends with
Ed & Deb Saul.
Keith Brown recently bought this R1200 GS. Keith met
Allan Smith at the Fuel Café. At Allan’s suggestion Keith
came to the GCBMWC breakfast and ride on July 6.
Ride To Ice Cream
I called one to Zip Dip in Cheviot.
I rode over.
It was good, neat old school joint.
I ate. I rode home. The End. Bill Berry
January 11
Smokey Bones Bar & Grille
West Chester
February 8
Home of Tom & Joni Raybuck
West Chester, OH 45069
March 8
Home of John & Barb Fischer
April 12
Home of Marsha O’Connor & Neil Jones
May 10
Home of John & Marilyn Sires
Dublin, OH
June 14
Home of Scot & Lisa Friedman
Lake Lakengren, near Eaton, OH
July 12
Home of Gail Deatherage & Larry Lovejoy
Craigs Creek,
Warsaw, KY
August 2
September 20
Home of Chris & Joe Berry
1341 Forester Dr.,
Berry Bros. BBQ Smoke-off
Cincinnati, OH 45240
Club Outing at Burr Oak State Park
Burr Oak St. Pk. Lodge
Glouster, OH 45732
October 11
Home of Mary Tholking & George Nyktas
2674 Gum Grove Rd.,
Clarksville, OH 45113
November 8
Home of Ian & Pam McCurrach
3745 Heritage Pointe Blvd.
Mason, OH
December 5
Holiday Party
Receptions in Fairfield
Frank & Rosa Alfaro
Jeff Lemkuhl
Mike and Ann Allen
Larry Lovejoy & Gail Deatherage
Bill Berry
Ian & Pam McCurrach
Chris & Joe Berry
Ron Monnig
Mike & Ursula Brenner
Ken Norris
Keith Callahan
George Nyktas & Mary Tholking
Tom & Margaret Collins
Jim Osbun & Rosemary Haddad
Chuck & Marta Craves
Karl Perry
Linda & Joe DeLuca
Eric Ratterman & Jessie Baublitz
Alan Disher
Joni & Tom Raybuck
Dan & Lauria Finazzo
Cheryl & Tom Ritter
John & Barbara Fischer
Ed & Deb Saul
Ken & Becky Francois
John & Marilyn Sires
Gary & Sue Franklin
Jim & Deana Smith
Scot & Lisa Friedman
Allan & Debbie Smith
Merrill & Di Glos
Steve & Karen Thoerner
Bill & Linda Howson
Bob & Gail Ulrich
Neil Jones & Marsha O’Connor
Glenn & Nancy Williams
Chris Katzer
Bill & Shelia Wright
Mike & Kim LaBar
Allen Leach
Todd Leaver
Steve Thoerner
Bill Wright
Chartered Club #220
Cheryl Ritter
Neil Jones
Mike LaBar
Chartered Club # 18
Advertising Section. To place an ad, get out your wallet and call the Edditor at 937-545-5223
Got Sued?
Tom Collins
Got Hurt?
Get Collins!
BMW rider, for all your legal needs
Get Collins!
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Preferred Dealer, Motohio European Motorbikes, 5936 Scarborough Blvd., Columbus, Ohio