89309_PL_Jork Polanoir Broschuere
89309_PL_Jork Polanoir Broschuere
POLAROID ART GALLERY > UNIQUE ORIGINALS / AFFORDABLE HIGH QUALITY LIMITED EDITIONS 01 INDEX & CREDITS 00. 01. 02. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 23. 24. 26. 29. PA G E N U M B E R > CONTENT < .INDEX INDEX & CREDITS EDITORIAL SIMONE FRIGNANI HELEN ERRINGTON BORIS ZULIANI AURÉLIEN DUMONT CARMEN DE VOS LARS GARTEN DEFEKTO CELL NORAH GOLDENBOGEN PAOLO DEGASPERI I-NAN KUO POLAROIDS IN ART POLAROID HISTORY GRANT HAMILTON TRIPP & BROWN LIA SÁILE RANDOLPH A. BARRY TOBSEN FILIPPO CENTENARI POLANOIR BASICS ORDER PROCESSING/GALLERIES EDITOR - UNVERKAEUFLICH HANDELS GMBH SUPERVISOR - WOLFGANG “WOLGA” GASTAGER DESIGN & ARTIST TEXTS - LIA SÁILE PICTURES: COVER/BACK - I-NAN KUO “LOVER” P. 02 SIMONE FRIGNANI “POPGARDEN“ P. 09 LARS GARTEN “SNOWLAND 03“ P. 12 NORAH GOLDENBOGEN “SUPERSTARS (J)“ P. 16/17 - CARMEN DE VOS P. 20 LIA SÁILE “INTUITIVE FRAGMENTS I” P. 25 FILIPPO CENTENARI “AIRPORT” P. 26/27 - GRANT HAMILTON, FLORIAN KAPS, ERWIN SCHUH, FLORIAN TRENDELENBURG, LIA SÁILE, LARS GARTEN P. 28/29 - FILIPPO CENTENARI, SCHWARZERFREITAG, LIA SÁILE, DUDUADUDUA .EDITORIAL - POLANOIR GALLERY It all began in autumn of 2004 with this peculiar and mysterious toy that chance dropped into our laps. There was the charming misshapenness of it, the strange smell it emanated and that lettering that was familiar to us right away. It read POLAROID and SUPERSHOOTER - it was our first instant camera and everything that followed took the heart of our analogue passion by storm. Today, 2 years later, our fascination of the first encounter turned into an intense relationship full of passion and awe. Most notably an awe of the inventive genius of Edwin Land and his visions, as well as a reverence for his masterpiece – the SX-70–which, to us, remains the most beautiful and most revolutionary camera of all time. One thing became clear to us only gradually as time passed: the real reason that Polaroid always has been synonymous with cult and that it possesses an irrepressible potential to captivate people both then and now, lies within the mysterious, almost magical power of those images. Polaroids tell stories in an inimitable way. Stories so intense and intimate that upon viewing, the photographer often isn’t the only one struck with this feeling of being (or having been) part of a scene. And chance leads the way. Polaroids are originals and thus as unique as paintings. This extraordinary characteristic sets them apart from all other photographic works. As a result they are honest, incorruptible and authentic. Polanoir, the first gallery worldwide to exclusively dedicate itself to Polaroid photography and this first edition of the Polanoir catalogue present to you a selection of extraordinary Polaroids chosen by an international jury that is available to attractive conditions. Everlasting moments captured by established as well as unknown young artists from all over the world made available in the form of high-quality, large-format, limited editions of 47 each, that pursue one major goal: to convey the indescribable fascination of Polaroids. In this era of digital sensibilities, experience the magic and feel the special and often mysterious effect particular to an all but forgotten analogue medium, which, even though declared dead by many, now celebrates with Polanoir a touching, experimental and deeply alluring comeback. Herzlich Willkommen in der faszinierenden Welt von Polanoir Florian Kaps und Andreas Höller P . 01 Alles begann im Herbst 2004 mit diesem eigenartigen geheimnisvollen Spielzeug, das uns der Zufall in unsere Hände spielte. Bezaubernd unförmig, einen seltsamen Geruch verströmend und mit einem Schriftzug versehen, der uns sofort vertraut war. POLAROID stand da zu lesen und SUPERSHOOTER - es war unsere erste Sofortbildkamera und alles was nun folgte, eroberte das Herz unserer analogen Leidenschaft wie im Sturm. Heute, 2 Jahre später, ist aus der Faszination der ersten Begegnung eine intensive Beziehung voller Leidenschaft und Ehrfurcht geworden. Ehrfurcht vor allem vor dem genialen Erfindergeist Edwin Lands und seinen Visionen, vor seinem Meisterwerk, der SX-70, für uns noch immer die schönste und revolutionärste Kamera aller Zeiten. Eines aber wurde uns erst im Laufe der Zeit langsam klar: Der wahre Grund, warum Polaroid immer Kult war und sowohl damals wie heute das unbändige Potential besitzt, Menschen in seinen Bann zu ziehen, liegt in der geheimnisvollen, fast magischen Kraft der Bilder. Polaroids erzählen Geschichten in unvergleichlicher Art und Weise. Geschichten so intensiv und intim, dass nicht nur der Fotograf beim Betrachten immer wieder das Gefühl bekommt, direkt dabei (gewesen) zu sein. Vom Zufall geleitet. Polaroids sind Originale und so einzigartig wie Gemälde. Mit dieser Besonderheit unterscheiden sie sich von allen anderen fotografischen Erzeugnissen. Sie sind damit ehrlich, unbestechlich und authentisch. Polanoir, die erste Galerie weltweit, die sich ganz dem Thema Polaroid verschrieben hat, und die nun vorliegende erste Ausgabe des Polanoir-Kataloges präsentieren Ihnen eine durch eine internationale Jury zusammengestellte Auswahl herausragender Polaroids zu attraktiven Konditionen. Unvergängliche Momentaufnahmen von etablierten aber auch unbekannten jungen KünstlerInnen aus aller Welt in Form hochwertiger, großformatiger Editionen in einer limitierten Auflage von 47 Stück, die ein großes Ziel haben: Die unbeschreibliche Faszination von Polaroids zu vermitteln. Erleben Sie die Magie und fühlen Sie die besondere, oft geheimnisvolle Ausstrahlung eines fast vergessenen analogen Mediums, das, von vielen totgesagt, nun mit Polanoir in einer digital sensibilisierten Welt ein berührendes, experimentelles und zutiefst verführerisches Comeback feiert. EDITORIAL Welcome to the fascinating world of Polanoir Florian Kaps und Andreas Höller Yes, I’m ready to go! / 58 x 70 cm http://www.polanoir.com/simonefrignani < ARTISTS - SIMONE FRIGNANI P . 03 Looking at Simone Frignani’s Polaroids would never lead to the conclusion he had only five years of experience in the art of photography but he states having started capturing his life no sooner than in his mid-twenties. Ever since his first Polaroid camera he seems to push the medium to its possible limits and further yet, not only to express and show his life but to go even deeper, to bare his soul, strip his mind to its most intimate thoughts, fears, worries and troubles. He captures his pain, his agony, personal disappointment, anger, his struggle with his surroundings. Frignani’s work’s characteristic trait is the inexhaustible and expressive use of watercolors and acrylics, which are painted, spread, smeared and splotched on the inside foil of his Polaroids. Smell like I’m alone / 58 x 70 cm SIMONE FRIGNANI. Limited Edition of 47. 147 EUR - POPGARDEN 01 Spoken in Silence / 67 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR Nexus numbered 1 - 10 / 67 x 70 cm P . 04 ARTISTS - HELEN ERRINGTON .HELEN ERRINGTON 02 The artist Helen Errington lives and works in Newcastle in the United Kingdom. Her work focuses on blurry, trashy, vivid and dynamic snapshot-like images, capturing random moments, freezing vitally colorful pictures or deep black and white images, usually working with high contrast, deep intensity of vibrant colors or intense monochromatic images. Polanoir features a series using the “ME or Merrington-technique “ developed and born “in collaboration with Clarisse Merigeot in a late night experiment high up in a Parisian Apartment block – the shot was taken close up, with flash – the image was then carefully & painstakingly developed then hand finished using a unique edging technique.” Errington describes. Ten images that continuously expose more fragments of the model but never allow a complete puzzle. > http://www.polanoir.com/helenerrington http://www.polanoir.com/boriszuliani < ARTISTS - BORIS ZULIANI P . 05 Zuilani, 28 years old, started photography spending five years shooting still life images when discovering the power of a Polaroid. Now he works for a fashion magazine in France and travels the world as a free time documentary photographer. Polanoir shows a selection of his non-commercial Polaroids, divided in two themes; the blue series “Aquaroid”, created with a pinhole camera, searching the shores for spontaneous subjects. The other series features Zuilani’s famous “light paintings”. Exposing a picture in an almost completely dark surrounding he “paints” a model with light, which results in unreal and indeed luminous images. Subjects, perfectly frozen in time that never really existed the way they do on film. A little miracle, painted onto cloth, skin and Polaroid. Pachanoid / 47 x 70 cm BORIS ZULIANI. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 03 The Elefant / 58 x 70 cm Balancing Bonome / 58 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR Carnival / 58 x 70 cm ARTISTS - AURÉLIEN DUMONT P . 06 .AURÉLIEN DUMONT 04 “An emotion, a place, a thought, a movement, an exposure, a state of mind, a certain light, the possibility to play with what is real, to play with the image, trying new techniques... this is what make me love photography and what inspires me... I love the Polaroid because I never have two identical pictures, I can draw on the picture, it’s simply beautiful!” This positive exclamation by Aurélien Dumont already hints at his joyous and playful images. The French photographer, designer, animator and illustrator exemplifies vitality and has a lose, relaxed way of shruggishly smiling at human fears, dreams and thoughts. His colorful, entertaining illustrations reveal a tender and frisky approach to serious as well as random human situations, showing wittiness and humour. > http://www.polanoir.com/aureliendumont Magdalena #01 / 58 x 70 cm ARTISTS - CARMEN DE VOS P . 07 The Belgian artist, in her late thirties, has a massive journey of techniques and many experiments behind her. Because of the excessive and impulsive way of photographing regularly, she possesses broad knowledge regarding the power of an image. “I want to see, to learn, to feel, ...to fly if possible. [...] I live fast, at high speed.” Her Polaroids boast a pulsating vitality, positively as well as tragically and dramatically when it comes to her intense self-expression, revealing inner processes, feelings and thoughts, pondering about her place in the world, identifying as a mother, as a woman in society, as well as simply being a woman. “I am fascinated by the unreliability of the human memory. [...] I actively search for the flaw, the interpretation and deformation of reality by creating images that could convey the subsequent memory of an event.” http://www.polanoir.com/carmendevos < Magdalena #03 / 58 x 70 cm CARMEN DE VOS. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 05 Der Kampf um die Sonne / 58 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR Angriff aus dem All / 58 x 70 cm P . 08 ARTISTS - LARS GARTEN .LARS GARTEN 06 The German artist Lars Garten, situated in Berlin, probably represents one of the most traditional photographers within the selection of artists of the current Polanoir gallery. His photographs are exactly that: photographs. Garten is a photographer with all his mind and soul. His heart beats for the photographic medium in the most classical way, while still staying open for experiments and ideas if they are manageable within photographic means. “Sometimes I do not see much for a long period. But some days there are scenes which take my breath away. That’s when I feel my heart pounding while getting my SX-70 ready for shooting. One of these moments happened to be on the 1st of January 2006.” are words concerning his Polaroid series showing a snowy landscape in Germany, which is amongst his most popular photographic works. > http://www.polanoir.com/larsgarten P . 10 ARTISTS - ARTIST NAME Villa Inn / 69 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR Foot with Ice Dispenser / 69 x 70 cm P . 10 ARTISTS - DEFEKTO .DEFEKTO 07 Born 1965 in Salinas, California, the artist and graphic designer began taking Polaroids in the late 80s in San Francisco. After some “sporadic” Polaroid years in New York, he rediscovered his Spectra when moving to Baltimore in 2002, where he began observing and documenting the “interesting people” of “Charm City” as he puts it. Defekto explains that his personal work “revolves around identity, outcasts and visual excesses. I love incorporating costumes, masks, props and other elements to create works that are at times mildly unsettling to the more extreme cartoon ghastliness. Being the kid who wanted Halloween to happen every day. I’ve found that the magic of Polaroid has become a major player in making my weird fantasies a reality.” He continues to document fringe culture in Baltimore and beyond. > http://www.polanoir.com/defekto Epil / 69 x 70 cm http://www.polanoir.com/cell < P . 11 ARTISTS - CELL Lips / 569 x 70 cm Residing in Hamburg, Germany, Cell has assisted a stylist and many photographers until he became a freelance photographer in Germany. The thirty years young man has a clean studio-qualitylike style, professionally working with light equipment, backdrops, accessories and flash but always works with an addition of a trashy, dirty, alternative touch. Few of his images stay as clean and perfectly flashed and exposed as they would with other studio photographers. Cell seems to be open for experiments with various media but mainly stays in a sleek, perfect ionised, untextured aesthetic, perfectly exposed or overexposed for an even softer and cleaner effect, lending the pictures an artificial plastic feel or using the effects to idealise the subject. Pubic Hair / 69 x 70 cm CELL. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 08 P . 13 ARTISTS - ARTIST NAME JC + James / 58 x 70 cm http://www.polanoir.com/norahgoldenbogen < P . 13 JC / 58 x 70 cm The young student resides in Vienna where she studies graphic art and lately also applied for a photography class at the “University of Applied Arts”, while the former seems to serve as the foundation of her work. Goldenbogen’s Polaroids, among Polanoir’s best selling editions, rarely keep traditional photographic information but are collages of illustrations, drawings, comics, photocopies, foils, papers, sometimes even containing tiny items and cloth. Basically she uses paintings, often of religious or classically famous content, photographs it or cuts it out and then builds the collage around it, using it as a background on which the idea evolves. She tends to use either defect or expired film as a bottom layer and takes advantage of the white frame for the graphical arrangements and collages. ARTISTS - NORAH GOLDENBOGEN NORAH GOLDENBOGEN. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 09 No Title (Landscape) / 58 x 70 cm No Title (Landscape) / 58 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR No Title (Landscape) / 58 x 70 cm ARTISTS - PAOLO DEGASPERI P . 14 .PAOLO DEGASPERI 10 “I’m complicated, sophisticated, not linear and involved, so [are] my photographs!”. The Italian architect and designer Paolo Degasperi discovered photography at the age of 13. Following this path parallel to his architectural studies he intensively sought its limits by experimenting with various techniques of manipulation in his darkroom, such as exposing already captured images onto Polaroid film. The artist quickly learned to use the power of colors and manipulation and now seeks the perfect crop and perfect picture, searches for the perfect fragment for a perfect illusion for his Polaroid work. Degasperi considers his work to be far away from the “instant instinctual photograph”, which does not weaken their impact but heightens their intensity and lends them an unmistakable trait. > http://www.polanoir.com/paolodegasperi Disperse / 70 x 56 cm http://www.polanoir.com/inankuo < P . 15 ARTISTS - I-NAN KUO Car Chasing / 70 x 56 cm I-Nan Kuo, residing in Taiwan, is trained in graphic art and design, but also shows a longstanding experience of photography. His work seems to focus on subjects surrounding him in his personal - often intimate - every-day life. The Polaroids, differentiating in subject and technique, are connected through a lyrical subjectivity, especially dominant in his portraits. The lyrical touch combined with his specific documentary approach lend the images a unique and almost timeless feeling, freezing moments in time and thus transforming them to monuments of eternally visual memory. The use of either expired pack film or integral film support this memory-allusion and add a feel of “history” as well as “timelessness” which again seem to represent a contradiction which he combines effectively. Soar Above! / 70 x 56 cm I-NAN KUO. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 11 .POLAROID: DER BLICK IN DIE SEELE Ich bin fasziniert von Menschen, die durch ihren Erfindergeist und ihre Innovationskraft das Neue in die Welt bringen. Sie sind es oft, die der Kunst neue Technologien zur Hand geben und damit ein Wechselspiel zwischen Kunst und Medium erst möglich machen. Edwin H. Land muss wohl einer von ihnen gewesen sein. In gewisser Weise hat ihm der englische Filmregisseur Nicolas Roeg in dem Film „Der Mann, der vom Himmel fiel“, mit dem großartigen David Bowie in der Hauptrolle, seine Reverenz erwiesen, indem er Bowies Partner, während er eine seiner Studentinnen verführt, permanent Fotos aus der Kamera ziehen lässt, die sich sofort entwickeln. Für mich, der damals gerade fünfzehn Jahre alt war, ein unglaublich prägender Film, wirken doch die großen Erfinder und Künstler für uns Normalsterbliche manchmal auch wie Sterngeborene einer anderen Galaxie. Ich habe damals wirklich geglaubt, die Polaroidfotografie sei eben erst erfunden worden und nicht schon 1947. Geprägt hat sie uns wie kaum ein anderes Medium, weil plötzlich Bilder von größter Intimität für alle möglich waren, ohne dass irgendein Fotolabor davon etwas mitbekommen hätte. Und genau das ist es, was für bildende Künstler aller Genres interessant war. Der Blick in die Seele der Menschen ist mit Polaroid abbildbar geworden. Kein wichtiger Fotograf von Irving Penn bis Helmut Newton konnte sich diesem Medium mehr verschließen. Der große deutsche Maler Gerhard Richter präsentierte auf der Documenta 10 seinen „Atlas“ mit hunderten von Polariods. Als der japanische Fotokünstler Nobuyoshi Araki im Jahr 1997 in der Wiener Secession ausstellte, ergänzte er die aus Japan mitgebrachten Fotografien mit über tausend Polaroids, die er in wenigen Tagen in Wien geschossen hatte. Polaroid war 50 Jahre lang „state of the art“ und hat damit zwei Generationen von Künstlern nachhaltig beeinflusst. Die eigentümliche Farbigkeit, der Geruch, die nicht vorhandene Reproduzierbarkeit sind unersetzbar. Auch wenn im Laufe der Jahre die Polaroidfotografie ganz verschwinden sollte, kulturell betrachtet verschwindet sie nie mehr. Mögen die letzten Jahre ein strahlendes Lebenszeichen sein. RAIMUND DEININGER Geschäftsführer ArtWare P . 16 POLAROIDS IN ART .POLANOIR: A NEW HOME FOR INSTANT ART PHOTOGRAPHY The vague idea of an online fine art photography gallery received a realistic frame when Dr. Florian Kaps and I met the other day in Frankfurt. This idea was not as much about how to define “fine art photography” for online purposes nor was it to establish just another place to offer and sell images while the international fine art photography market is mushrooming. It was about creating a “room” exclusively for Polaroid instant photography. Just a few months later Florian contacted me in order to review the first submissions that came from the polanoid. net platform and asked me to be part of a jury to help selecting the first collection for Polanoir… I was first introduced to instant fine art photography when I started at Polaroid in the early 90’s being responsible for the archiving the International “Polaroid Collection” and its transfer to the “Maison Europeenne de la Photographie”. At that time I was extremely impressed with the variety of formats, film types and techniques used, but particularly, with the quality of the images and the number of famous photographers and artists that were working with Polaroid – and I still am. Later I had the pleasure to be involved in the P-Magazine, the International Photography Awards as well as the School Awards. Reviewing the submissions for Polanoir I could breathe in and feel again how different a Polaroid is compared to other fine art photographs. A Polaroid has a unique look and feel of its own that the viewer gets so much more than from any other photography medium. And one must not forget that each Polaroid is indeed a unique piece of art.So why is it different to work with Polaroid? In Japan I received this simple but true answer from a photo student: „In our world everything is controllable. I dial a number on my cell, I push the button on my remote, I click on my computer mouse, I take a digital photo – I always know in advance what will happen. When I take a Polaroid picture, I will not know what will happen while seeing the picture developing in my hand and it is always different and unique.” I am convinced that Polaroid film will continue to be the most expressive material to work with and I’m glad that again – with Polanoir – professional photographers, artists and photo enthusiasts, as well as collectors and lovers of photographic art, have a new home that delivers online as well as offline a room to enjoy the spirit and beauty of “Polaroid Instant Art Photography”. MARKUS MAHLA Prokurist and Country Manager Polaroid Germany/Austria .EDWIN LAND In the first half of the 20th century, a certain Edwin Land had a groundbreaking idea which already then paved the way for one important aspect of digital photography: the instant image! What has become a matter of routine to those of us who know what to look for on a digital display is something Polaroid already made possible decades ago. Even more than that. Not only could Polaroid photographers witness the development of their pictures straight away — they could instantly hold them in their hands. They could feel and smell their pictures, immediately present them to those around and — the very next moment — give them away to their hearts’ content. Polaroid is still synonymous with the noble art of spontaneity, immediacy and intimacy. Es war ein gewisser Edwin Land, der in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts mit seiner bahnbrechenden Idee, einen wesentlichen Aspekt der Digitalfotografie schon vorwegnehmen sollte: Das Sofortbild! Was vielen unter uns durch den routinierten Blick auf das Display längst selbstverständlich geworden ist, hat Polaroid schon Jahrzehnte zuvor möglich gemacht. Und noch viel mehr. Nicht nur, dass der Polaroid-Fotograf unmittelbar dabei sein konnte, wenn sich sein Bild entwickelte, hielt er es auch gleich in Händen. Er konnte es fühlen und riechen, konnte es sogleich seinen Mitmenschen präsentieren und nach Lust und Laune im nächsten Moment auch verschenken. Polaroid, das ist nach wie vor die hohe Kunst der Spontaneität, Unmittelbarkeit und Intimität. .MAGIC INSTANT MOMENTS 1944 > While on vacation, Land’s daughter asks why she has to wait to see the picture he has just taken of her. During a solitary walk around Santa Fe, he undertakes the task of solving the problem his daughter. Within an hour he has visualized most requirements for the camera, the film, and the physical chemistry. 1947 > Instant Photography is born. On February 21, Land astonishes the audience at the Optical Society of America with the announcement of the one-step process for producing finished photographs in just sixty seconds. 1963 > With the Type 48 and Type 38 Polacolor Land roll film Polaroid introduces instant color film 1972 > The revolutionary SX-70 system is introduced. The camera is fully automatic, motorized, folding, single lens reflex, which ejects self developing, self timing color prints. Many amazing and revoltionary Polaroids will follow. 2005 > Polanoid.net is launched by a small group of Polaroid-enthusiasts to celebrate the magic of Polaroid pictures in a digital world and to “bring back the instant fun” One year later over 40.000 polaroids, collected all over the planet are online. 2006 > April: Polanoir, the first gallery concept ever, strictly dedicated to polaroid art, is born. 2006 > Oct.: Introduction of the SX-70 BLEND film, a cooperation of Polaroid and polanoid.net that makes it possible to use the legendary SX-70 camera again, after the original SX-70 film has been discontinued end of 2005. P . 17 1956 > The one-millionth camera, a Modell 95A is sold in South Orange, New Jersey, on December 31. POLAROID HISTORY 1948 > The first Polaroid Land camera, the Model 95, is sold in Boston on November 26th for USD 89,75. Berwyn / 58 x 70 cm Atari / 58 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR Handi Mart / 58 x 70 cm ARTISTS - GRANT HAMILTON P . 18 .GRANT HAMILTON 12 Grant Hamilton was born in 1969. At the University of Illinois he earned a Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts in Industrial Design. Regarding his Polaroid relationship he credits the birth of his daughter as a key moment: “I wanted to document her growth with more than snapshots. I started with a Canon 10D [...] after a while though, I began searching for my artistic voice and found myself gravitating toward the Polaroid photography.” Buying an SX-70 he “quickly realized that the square format and characteristic colors of the Polaroid film was perfect for the types of subjects I was interested in.” The Polaroids support his conclusion visibly. Hamilton hunts for details, or better yet; the details find him. > http://www.polanoir.com/granthamilton Secret Agent Man 1 / 58 x 70 cm http://www.polanoir.com/trippandbrown < ARTISTS - TRIPP & BROWN P . 19 Candice Tripp and Jamie Brown, two young graphic designers working in Great Britain, share an interesting background. The couple met online on a photography site, finally meeting face to face in October 2005 and ever since working together, inspiring one another, motivating each other’s creative processes, documenting each other’s lives and symbiosis mainly through photography. They describe their photographic collaboration as having “combined their separate areas of interest” and having “found that they achieve something entirely different to what they produce on their own and subsequently strengthen each other”. Together the couple concentrates on fashion-resembling themes as well as intimate moments of privacy, which gives some of the images an almost voyeuristic touch. Secret Agent Man 3 / 58 x 70 cm TRIPP & BROWN. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 13 P . 21 ARTISTS - ARTIST NAME http://www.polanoir.com/liasaile < ARTISTS - LIA SÁILE Lingering Moment II / 58 x 70 cm P . 21 21 years young, this artist from Germany has the almost magical power to polarise people. Seemingly breezing and at the same time selfdestructively obsessed, she absorbs almost everything surrounding her, building a very intense personal universe of outrageously powerful creativity, deep thoughts and dreams. Sáile is currently studying in Vienna, where she bought her first Polaroid camera in October 2005, immediately discovering a warm kinship with this medium, especially visible in the way she handles expired film and pushes this very sensitive material to as-of-yet unknown possibilities. Even if expired film is hardly predictable, she never leaves anything to chance. Too precise are her concepts and plans, often producing little Polaroid film sequences, full of multilayered content and sophisticated dramaturgy. Lingering Moment III / 58 x 70 cm LIA SÁILE. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 14 A Camino / 58 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR Roger Swinging / 58 x 70 cm P . 22 ARTISTS - RANDOLPH A. BARRY .RANDOLPH A. BARRY 16 Randolph A Barry is 25 years old, born and raised in New Mexico, USA. The photographer has a clean yet lively approach to imagery and convinces with an observant, distant feel that is still able to touch the beholder’s core. “My pictures express my fascination with the sky. The sky is spontaneous and my camera is free. What I photograph is always me. Out there is forever. Our arms rise up to meet her. We embrace. This is love. This is truth. This is ecstasy.” This positively intense exclamation easily expresses Barry’s fascination for Polaroids and photographing the world surrounding him. His images are spontaneous, unstaged, free and carefree. > http://www.polanoir.com/randolphaberry Aurelia / 58 x 70 cm http://www.polanoir.com/tobsen < P . 23 ARTISTS - TOBSEN Thiago / 58 x 70 cm Tobsen aka Sonja Tobias is a German professional photographer currently working and living in Hamburg. Born in 1973 in Lüneburg, she soon moved to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, returning to Germany in 1993, where she started her career as a photographer shooting for many famous mostly German magazines, brands, record companies and agencies. Publicly she divides her commercial work into the categories Beauty, Advertising, Fashion and Kids, while Beauty and Kids are her predominant Polaroid domains. Polanoir shows a series of four kid-portraits all taken in front of the same background. Tobsen knows how to spontaneously capture a child’s primary personality, playing with their expressions, not waiting for them to sit still or present a fake smile but capturing vivid, alive and “real” portraits. Nanni / 58 x 70 cm TOBSEN. Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR 15 On the Street / 58 x 70 cm Limited Edittion of 47. 147 EUR Corner / 58 x 70 cm P . 24 ARTISTS - FILIPPO CENTENARI . FILIPPO CENTENARI 17 Filippo Centenari, living in Cremona, is an artist and professional graphic designer interested in any media available today. “I work with many media: from video, photography, print, painting and installation. Creating connections between different languages in a sort of multimedia way.” Polaroid is no exception. While Centenari creates a variety of Polaroids, the manipulations of SX70 film represent the highlights of his portfolio and receive high attention. Manipulating the emulsion behind the transparent foil almost turns the photographer into a painter. With intuitive strokes and careful yet confident pressure, the waves, lines, circles, turns, curves and deeper cutting strokes that leave black or white lines, transubstantiate the spontaneous photographic shots into fascinating “paintings”. http://www.polanoir.com/filippocentenari < P . 26 ARTISTS - ARTIST NAME ABOUT / ÜBER POLANOIR LIMITED EDITIONS EDITION SIZE: 47 COPIES / AUFLAGE DER EDITIONEN: 47 STÜCK POLANOIR EDITIONS The Polanoir concept requires that an exact limit is set for each edition. Nothing would have been more obvious here than to salute the heritage of Edwin H. Land again. In 1947, he presented his invention, instant imaging, to the “Optical Society of America.” In view of this historical moment, we did not think twice but made an agreement with all involved artists to fix the edition size at 47. Das Konzept der Polanoir-Editionen setzt voraus, eine klare Auflagengrenze für die einzelnen Editionen zu definieren. Was lag dabei näher, als auch in diesem Punkt Edwin H. Land die Referenz zu erweisen. 1947 gab er vor der „Optical Society of America“ die Erfindung der Sofortbildfotografie bekannt. Vor diesem Hintergrund war es nur noch ein Schritt, um mit allen beteiligten KünstlerInnen die fixe Auflage von 47 Stück zu vereinbaren. P . 26 POLANOIR BASICS FORMAT OF THE EDITIONS / FORMAT DER EDITIONEN Together with the artists, Polanoir made a decision to limit the format of the enlarged copies to one fixed size per edition. And the editions must follow the originals in every respect, which means that it will always be the entire Polaroid picture, with the margin included, to be used as the reproduction master copy. Gemeinsam mit den KünstlerInnen kam Polanoir zu dem Entschluss, bei den einzelnen Editionen nur jeweils ein fixes Format der Vergrößerung zuzulassen. Und die Editionen haben in jeder Hinsicht den Originalen zu folgen, womit auch klargestellt ist, dass immer nur das gesamte Polaroid-Bild, also inklusive des Rahmens, die ausschließliche Basis für die Reproduktion sein kann. HAND-SIGNED AND NUMBERED / HANDSIGNIERT UND NUMMERIERT Each individual edition copy is hand-signed by the artist and issued with an edition number. Jedes einzelne Exemplar einer Edition wird von der/dem KünstlerIn handsigniert und mit einer Editionsnummer versehen. THE CLAIM TO AUTHENTICITY / ANSPRUCH AUF AUTHENTIZITÄT PROCESS Time and again, and for just reasons, the artists, Polanoir and the photo lab would engage in intense discussions as to what constitutes a vital part of a picture and what is just a dust particle, an errant fingerprint or an unwanted scratch. Not once did we have to repeat scans until the artist would give his or her final approval for the production of an edition. Nichts wurde immer wieder und notwendiger Weise so heftig zwischen KünstlerInnen, Polanoir und dem Fotofachlabor diskutiert, wie die Frage, was ist unabdingbarer Bestandteil des Bildes und was ist einfach nur eine Staubkorn, ein irrtümlicher Fingerabdruck oder ein ungewollter Kratzer. Nicht nur einmal mussten Scans wiederholt werden, bis der/die KünstlerIn ihre/seine abschließende Freigabe für die Produktion der jeweiligen Edition erteilte. Together with cyberlab, our hi-tech photo lab partner, we found a way to reproduce the Polaroid originals to top-notch quality, using photographic means. Each and every edition copy is an advanced quality photo print — a Lambda Print — printed on Fujicolor Crystal Archive paper. Gemeinsam mit dem Fotofachlabor cyberlab wurde ein Weg gefunden, die Reproduktion der Polaroid-Originale mit fotografischen Mitteln in höchster Qualität zu ermöglichen. Jedes einzelne Editionsexemplar ist ein moderner hochwertiger Fotoabzug, ein Lambda Print, belichtet auf Fujicolor Crystal Archive Fotopapier. POLANOIR BASICS GENUINE PHOTO PRINTS / ECHTE FOTOABZÜGE Polanoir editions are produced with a Durst Lambda printer, using the data to expose conventional photographic paper which is then chemically developed. Für die Herstellung der Polanoir-Editionen kommt ein Durst Lambda Fotobelichter zum Einsatz, der eine Belichtung aller Daten auf konventionelles Fotopapier und chemischer Entwicklung ermöglicht. P . 27 LAMBDAPRINTS / LAMBDA-BELICHTUNGEN THE POLANOIR MOUNTING / DIE POLANOIR-KASCHIERUNG ORIGINAL / MOUNTING Polanoir offers two options of buying an edition copy. One of them is to purchase the print as-is, the other one is to opt for a laminated mount — an alternative to the traditional frame. This second option means that the picture will be laminated onto a “Dibond” aluminum composite panel of identical size. Polanoir bietet zwei Möglichkeiten an, ein Exemplar einer Edition zu erwerben. Einerseits nur als Print, andererseits - als moderne Alternative zur klassischen Rahmung - inklusive einer Kaschierung. Im letzteren Fall wird das Bild auf eine ALU-Verbundplatte, „Dibond“ genannt, in gleicher Größe kaschiert. P . 28 POLANOIR BASICS POLANOIR ORIGINALS / POLANOIR ORIGINALE In agreement with the artists, and as opposed to other galleries, Polanoir is able to offer something very unique: the edition’s Polaroid original. The unique artwork. Without any doubt, each and every instant image offered through this platform is something very special. It represents singularity and authenticity. To do justice to this observation, Polanoir offers these originals in special online auctions, where not only the original in an elegant frame is offered for public sale, but along with it, one edition copy as well. In Abstimmung mit den KünstlerInnen kann Polanoir im Unterschied zu anderen Galerien zusätzlich zu den Editionen immer wieder etwas sehr Exklusives anbieten: Das Polaroid-Original einer Edition! Das Unikat! Ohne jeden Zweifel ist jede einzelne Sofortbildfotografie, die in diesem Rahmen angeboten wird, etwas ganz besonders. Sie steht für Einzigartigkeit und Authentizität. Um dem gerecht zu werden, bietet Polanoir diese Originale in speziellen Online-Auktionen an, wobei hier nicht nur das Original, in edler Rahmung, zur Versteigerung gelangt, sondern gleichzeitig auch ein Exemplar der Edition mit ersteigert wird. SINGULARITY PLUS APPRECIATION POTENTIAL / EXKLUSIVITÄT UND MÖGLICHE WERTSTEIGERUNG Unless otherwise indicated with a presented picture, all editions are exclusively available from Polanoir. Once an entire edition has been sold, each copy basically begins to bear a considerable appreciation potential and may create a strong demand on the market. This way, the purchase of such a piece of art has an additional and appealing element to it. Soweit bei einem präsentierten Bild nicht ausdrücklich vermerkt, sind alle Editionen bei Polanoir exklusiv und nur dort erhältlich. Ist eine Edition einmal ausverkauft, hat jedes Exemplar daraus grundsätzlich das Potential, eine deutliche Wertsteigerung zu erfahren und verstärkt am Markt nachgefragt zu werden. So bekommt das erworbene Kunstwerk eine zusätzlich attraktive Komponente. ORDER PROCESSING / BESTELLMÖGLICHKEITEN ORDER ONLINE / ONLINE-BESTELLUNG WWW.POLANOIR.COM OFFICE@POLANOIR.COM CALL US / ANRUF POLONOIR HOTLINE 0043 1 890 3 190 VISIT OUR GALLERIES / UNSERE GALERIEN IN VIENNA, BARCELONA, BERLIN ADRESSES: SEE FOLLOWING PAGE LIGHTNING-FAST ORDER PROCESSING / ATEMBERAUBENDE LIEFERZEITEN Perfect cooperation between Polanoir and its partners allows shipping within 7-10 days after receipt of an order. Eine perfekte Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beteiligten Partnern und Polanoir macht es möglich, einen Versand innerhalb von 7-10 Tagen nach erfolgter Bestellung anbieten zu können. THE PARTNER / DER PARTNER After detailed benchmarking, Polanoir knew it all. Following weeks of various tests in different labs and many reviewed questions of detail, a cooperation with cyberlab, the hi-tech photo lab in Vienna came about. The reason was not just the equipment they use which is, of course, top-notch, but also their staff who take great care that every Polanoir order is processed with utmost diligence, precision and skill. Der Vergleich machte Polanoir sicher. Diverseste Tests in unterschiedlichsten Fachlaboren mündeten nach langen Wochen der Klärung vieler Detailfragen in eine Zusammenarbeit mit cyberlab - Das Hi-TechFotolabor in Wien. Und das nicht nur wegen der Geräteausstattung, selbstverständlich der moderndsten, mit der dort gearbeitet wird, sondern auch wegen der Menschen, die dort dafür sorgen, dass jeder Polonoir-Auftrag mit äußerster Sorgfalt, Präzision und Brillanz erledigt wird. (www.cyberlab.at) P . 29 DIE POLANOIR GALERIEN / THE POLANOIR GALLERIES ORDER PROCESSING & GALLERIES CYBERLAB – BRILLIANCE, WITH A HEART / BRILLANZ MIT HERZ POLANOIR VIENNA POLANOIR BERLIN POLANOIR BARCELONA GALLERIES ALL OVER THE WORLD POLANOIR at UNSALEABLE SHOP AND GALLERY BREITE GASSE 11/1/1 1070 VIENNA AUSTRIA Tel.: 0043 1 890 3 190 Open Mo - Fr: 10.00 - 18.00 info@polanoir.com www.polanoir.com POLANOIR at DUDUÁ C/ROSSIC 6 08003 BARCELONA SPAIN Tel.: 0034 93 315 04 01 Open Mo - Sat: 11.00 - 14.00 and 17.00 - 21.00 duduadudua@gmail.com HOW TO ORDER ORDER ONLINE: WWW.POLANOIR.COM OFFICE@POLANOIR.COM CALL US: POLONOIR HOTLINE 0043 1 890 3 190 VISIT US: AT OUR GALLERIES IN VIENNA, BARCELONA, BERLIN POLANOIR at SCHWARZERFREITAG - SHOWROOM ACKERSTRASSE 173 10115 BERLIN GERMANY Tel.: 0049 30 939 553 42 Open Mo - Fr: 10.00 - 18.00 showroom@schwarzerfreitag.com www.schwarzerfreitag.com All prices in Euro, including 20% Austrian VAT, without shipment costs / Alle Preise in Euro, inkl. 20% österreichischer Mwst., ohne Versandkosten. POLANOIR disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors / Druckfehler vorbehalten. Offer without obligation / Angebot freibleibend.