2015 Leaders` Guide popcorn
2015 Leaders` Guide popcorn
Susquehanna Council, BSA 815 Northway Road Williamsport, PA 17701 popcorn 2015 Leaders’ Guide Why Popcorn is Important for Your Unit and your Susquehanna Council? Index Scout Executive Letter 2 Popcorn Sale Calendar 2,11 Unit Popcorn Chair Responsibilities 3 Pack and Troop Quotes 3 Commissions 3 Product Catalog 4 2015 Prize Program 5 Planning Checklist 6 Calendar Checklist 7 Successful Unit Tips 7 Unit Online Ordering 8. 9 Online Sales Program Instructions 11 July Thursday, July 16th, 2015 Pay Anywhere 10 • Back Page 12 In 2014, the Popcorn Campaign generated $84,266 for Unit Programs and $79,058 for your Council. These funds enable Scouts to have an experience of a lifetime. They allowed your Council to improve services, camp, training, and activities. This is one of the major income sources for your Susquehanna Council. We are sure that you truly believe in the values of Scouting and we look forward to being able to continue to grow. Jon Brennan Scout Executive Denny Brumbaugh Council Popcorn Kernel Elliott Strickland Jr. Council President Popcorn Sale Calendar Popcorn Training Session/IceCream Social Location, Revival Tabernacle Watsontown. 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. gathering time. Meeting time 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. Attend to earn additional popcorn discounts and learn the new Popcorn Procedures. Receive your Units Popcorn Flyers at this Event!!! • Contact Information Bald Eagle District Yvonne Hughes, District Kernal (570) 367-9420 (cell) yhughes1@comcast.net Richard Morse, District Executive (570)326-5121 x102 Or cell (570) 974-9970 Richard.Morse@scouting.org Seven Bridges District Beth Bingeman, District Kernal (570)743-6020 Cell: (570) 765-0016 bethbing@ptd.net Christopher Berleth, District Executive (570) 326-5121 x100 Cell: (570) 560-0633 Christopher.Berleth@scouting.org Council Kernel Denny Brumbaugh (570) 279-1315 or (570) 419-0655 denny@keystonebingo.com or dbrumbaugh@verizon.net Staff Advisor Jon Brennan, Scout Executive (570) 326-5121 x 103 or (570) 560-0633 (mobile) Jon.Brennan@scouting.org Topics include: How to use the Pay Anywhere Card Reader, How to do Door To Door Sales, How to have an effective Popcorn Kick-offs for Cub, Boy Scouts, and Venturers, Specific Training on how to place your Show and Sell, Take Order, and Prize Orders on the Campmasters Website. This will be a “Round Robin” type Event. You will get to visit ALL the Stations. • Sign into the Campmasters popcorn computer system early to learn how the system works before the deadlines July 20 to July 31, 2015 August Saturday August 1 – Monday August 10, 2015 *Window to place Unit’s Show and Sell Orders on Campmasters Website, by Unit Popcorn Kernal. Saturday, August 29, 2015 *Popcorn Distribution, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Parking Lot, Revival Tabernacle, Watsontown, PA *Show and Sell, Take Order & Online Popcorn Sales begin October Monday, October 19, 2015 *Take Order Sale Ends, Take Order Popcorn Orders entered in Campmasters Popcorn system. *Show and Sell Popcorn extras return to Keystone Bingo Supply. Returns begin October 12, 2015 *Unit may only return 25% of their original show and sell order must keep the balance to fill their take order orders or additional show and sell sales. November Thursday, November 5, 2015 *Sorting popcorn at Milton Transportation Warehouse Friday, November 6, 2015 *Popcorn Pick-up at Milton Transportation Warehouse Saturday, November 7th, 2015 *Popcorn delivery to Dunnstown Fire Company, Clinton County, Lock Haven Area, 9-10am. Friday, November 20th, 2015 *Popcorn Money due at Council Office, Williamsport. All money is due 11/20/2015 1% discount if paid by 11/20/2015 5% penalty if paid after 11/20/2015 ~2~ THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE UNIT POPCORN CHAIR (KERNEL) 1. Develop unit fundraising committee to share responsibilities for Take Order, Show ‘N’ Sell, Prizes, and Kickoff, and to ensure effective and efficient sales program. Responsibilities should not fall to one person. With a committee in place, responsibilities can be appropriately delegated to maximize resources and ensure success in reaching unit goals. 2. Attend council popcorn sale training session. Pick up forms and information. 3. Place show and sell popcorn order on the Campmasters popcorn online computer system. 4. Share the information from the council training. 5. Work with committee to develop a unit sales goal. Divide that goal into a “per boy” goal. 6. Develop a unit incentive plan for your Scouts in addition to the Council prize program. 7. Arrange Show ’N’ Sell in locations (i.e., Walmart, Dunkin Donuts, Kmart, and Lowe’s also any high traffic area, etc.). Do not wait. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL YOUR UNITS HAVE THEIR UNSOLD SHOW ‘N’ SELL BACK TO YOU AND RETURNED TO KEYSTONE BINGO, 1625 JOHN BRADY DRIVE, MUNCY BY OCTOBER 19. Returns begin 10-12-15. You may only return 25% of the show and sell popcorn order, use leftover popcorn to fill take order popcorn orders. 8. Decide when Take Orders, money and prize forms will be due to you. Orders are due to Council by October 19, 2015. 9. Prepare handouts for unit kickoff meeting for both leaders and Scouts. Handouts include: By entering in the campmasters computer system. 10. Hold unit kickoff meeting near date popcorn sale begins. Discuss sales techniques, money collection, safety suggestions, unit recognitions and per boy goals. • • • • Timeline showing sale dates, date orders due, time and place for pickup Unit goal and per boy sales goal Unit Master Record form (s) to record Scout’s sales for den/patrol totals 1 order form and 1 prize flyer per boy, prize flyers and order forms will be handed out at the popcorn training meeting, July 16, 2015. 11. 12. Collect and total orders from dens/patrols on designated unit order due date. Submit all popcorn take order and prize orders at www.campmasters.org by October 19, 2015. If you do not have a computer to place the order, please call your district popcorn chairs or the district executive(s) for help. 13. Pick up popcorn at the designated site on popcorn pickup day. Make sure to bring enough vehicles large enough to accommodate your order. You will be expected to verify counts and sign the Unit Packing Slip form acknowledging receipt. 14. Please pay for popcorn when you pick it up November 5th, 6th, or 7th. 15. Unit chairs should get money due from Scouts when they turn in their order forms. If you did not pay for the popcorn when you picked it up, you must have it to the Scout Service Center no later than November 20th. Note that late payments will be assed a 5% late fee. Early payment earns a 1% account. 16. Take responsibility for managing the “Pay Anywhere” program using a separate checking account from normal unit account (s) Pack and Troop Quotes “Popcorn sales were fantastic this past year, we earned in excess of $3,000. We surpassed the year before and proud of it!! Show & Sell was our biggest help and the scouts enjoyed interacting with each other and with the customers! Popcorn is definitely the best way to help the pack financially and grow as well, recruiting while selling!” ~Deb Commissions Base Commission 30% On time payment +1% Prior to 11-20-15 Attend Popcorn Training +3% $100 per youth member popcorn sale average +1% $200 per youth member popcorn sale average +2% Late Payment -5% "Our Troop and Pack used their popcorn profits for crediting boys who sell so they may attend camp, purchase uniforms, etc. Show and sell went very well for us. Our sales increased from the prior year.” ~Yvonne Pack & Troop 66 "The popcorn sales went great last year. I started booking show and sales sites in early spring. We had a quick kick off meeting a month prior to the star of “popcorn season” and the boys were really interested in show and sell. They were highly motivated and the set up without the table worked well..” ~Rachel ~3~ CAMPMASTERS PRODUCT CATALOG (A) (B) 5 Way Chocolatey Treasures Tin 1 per case; 76 oz. Asst. Total $50 NEW 3 way Premium Tin 8 per case; 36 oz. Asst. Total $40 (P) 3 Way Cheese Tin 1 per case; 16.5 oz. Asst. Total $30 (S) 20 Pack Snack Size 94% Fat Free 1 per case $20 (D) (C) (E) (G) (J) 24 Pack Variety Microwave Popcorn 1 per case $25 (L) 24 Pack Movie Theatre Extra Butter 1 per case $25 (KK) (O) NEW CINNAMON CRUNCH POPCORN TIN Supreme Caramel Crunch 8 per case; 20 oz. $20 15 Pack Extra Butter Roaster Summer Corn 8 per case $15 14 Pack Kettle Corn 8 per case $15 Caramel Corn 8 per case; 8 oz. $10 Popping Corn 8 per case; 24 oz. $10 8 per case $20 (V V) SPECIALTY PRODUCTS NEW CHOCOLATEY DRIZZLED CARAMEL W/NUTS 8 per case; 17 oz. $20 (W) $40 Military Donation (Z) $25 Military Donation = Products for Show ‘n Sell ~4~ Prize Brochure ~5~ PLANNING CHECKLIST Look up your units show and actual sales from 2014 and determine your 2015 order on the Campmaster computer system by August 10, 2015 (not before August 1, 2015) You may sign in starting July 20, 2015 Decide with your unit leaders how many locations and dates your unit will sell at. Find a location that has high foot traffic and is safe for the boys to participate. Contact store or event organizer to gain permission and setup times and dates. Create a sign-up sheet for your weekends and have unit parents and youth sign-up for time slots. 24 boys per 2-hour shift. Always emphasize safety. Review the safety information provided in the sales material. Adult supervision is required in the door to door and Show ‘N’ Sell methods. Consider Door to Door Sales. Train youth on salesmanship techniques and have them memorize and practice the sales script. • “Hi sir / ma’am, my name is _________________, and I’m a scout with Pack / Troop _____________. We’re selling popcorn to help raise money for our Pack / Troop. You can help us by buying some of our delicious popcorn. You’ll help us out, won’t you? All Scouts should be in FULL uniform while they are selling. Store product in a cool and clean location to keep sweeter, coated items from melting. Clean site. Sweep up dirt and pick up any garbage before you set up. This will make your presentation look better and strengthen your unit’s relationship with the location. Set up location. Be sure to organize product in a neat and orderly fashion. Do not set up any chairs or tables. It will create unnecessary barriers between the scouts and the customers and keeps your scouts from remaining mobile. Organize sale kits that you would need for each location if doing multiple locations the same day. Include items such as: Money box, Popcorn, Banner and be sure to wear you full uniform as we want to present ourselves well. Display banners for advertisement and point of sale on the store sign. As your unit shows up begin to build teams of two putting more extroverted youth with more introverted youth. This will help build confidence. Have the boys practice what they are going to say to the customers. (always mention scouting) Let the youth do the selling. Its easy for adults to say no to adults but, very tough for adults to say no to Scouts in uniform. Provide samples of the product for passers by. Quality sells the higher priced products. Be sure to pickup and be done on time. Be sure to clean up after yourselves and take all garbage with you. Gather pictures of Scouting events you have participated in or are planning to attend. Be specific on what you are fundraising for. NEW THIS YEAR —> The popcorn sale is one week longer this year. Additional Unit Leader Information The following materials are just some of the items you can find at Campmasters.org. Log on to find additional flyers, handouts, and presentations to help you give your unit the best popcorn kickoff. ~6~ SELL SELL SELL CALENDAR CHECKLIST Commissions During the Take Order Sale, Scouts travel door to door with order forms collecting orders and return in November to deliver the product and collect money. The Take Order Sale can begin as early as August 29th and concludes on October 19th. Your unit needs to place their order no later than October 19th and popcorn can be picked and sort on November 5th or just pick up on November 6th for distribution. Be sure to keep track of youth sales throughout the Popcorn sale and register your top selling Cub Scout and Boy Scout for the Council sales contest. July Attend Training on July 16th at the Revival Tabernacle Religious Center, 960 Susquehanna Trail, Watsontown, PA , 6:00 to 8:30 pm Sign in early, to the Campmasters popcorn system, beginning July 20, to learn the system features. August Place your units Show and Sell order on the Campmaster computer system. Starting August 1 - August 10, 2015. Base Commission 30% Attend Popcorn Training +5% Pick up your units Show and Sell popcorn order on Saturday August 29, 2015 from 9 am to 12 noon at at the Revival Tabernacle Religious Center, 960 Susquehanna Trail, Watsontown, PA parking lot. September Create sales budget goal for your unit. Increase Sales by 15% +3% Over Last Year * Pass out order forms and prize vouchers to all unit youth. Emphasize importance of the sale to parents and the benefits they can receive. Make sure each parent and unit leader are aware of deadlines for handing in popcorn orders, prize orders, bonus prizes and weekly drawings. Having a big unit kickoff for the youth to get all materials and GET EVERYBODY EXCITED! All youth should receive the Prize Brochure and Take Order Form. Review all prizes available to the youth. Set per Scout sales goals. Write a letter that all your Scouts can use which explains the popcorn sale and why you are selling, tell the dates of delivery, and explain the benefits for your unit and Council. Have your Scouts leave a copy of this letter with an Order Form copy in the mailbox or newspaper box at the homes of people they know who are not around when the Scouts stop by. This is a good letter to share with parents. Share and post a chart with your unit goal and individual Scout goals in your meeting place or have it on hand during meetings. As the sale progresses be sure to update the chart. October After the final week of sales collect all popcorn order forms and prize orders from the Scouts. Total all the orders onto a single order form to make entering the orders online simpler. Enter popcorn orders and prize orders online following the ordering instructions (pages 8-9). Last day to order is Monday, October 19th. Call your district kernel if you need help. Be sure to collect your money on time from your Scouts and make prompt payment to Susquehanna Council to avoid a late fee charge. November If your unit would like to help sort popcorn on November 5th, please email your district kernel so we know how many people are coming. If you help sort, you may pick up your popcorn order that night 4:30-6:30 pm. Email or call your district kernel to schedule a pick up time between 4:30 and 6:30 on November 6th at Milton Transportation. If for some reason you will be late, please call one of the District Kernels. Pick up your popcorn at your distribution location on November 6th. Directions to Milton Transportation: Merge onto I-80 East towards Bloomsburg, take the PA-254E, Exit 25 toward Limestoneville. Turn left onto Broadway Road (PA-254), turn left onto State Road, Milton Transportation is on the left. Saturday, November 7th, will be a delivery to the Lock Haven area at Dunnstown FC, 9:00 am—10:00 am Be sure to bring a large enough vehicle to haul your order with and be on time to insure timely distribution. Before you leave make sure to sign in with the Council Professional on site to signify that you picked up your product. Distribute the popcorn to your youth at a pre scheduled time. Make sure you have copies of your Scouts order forms. Receiving 1% discount if paid early or by November 20, 2015. Checks must be made out to Susquehanna Council. Units with outstanding payments after November 20th will be charged a 5% late fee. PLEASE BRING A CHECK WITH YOU WHEN YOU PICK UP YOUR POPCORN. SUCCESSFUL UNIT TIPS 1. Educate parents of the direct benefits to them. – i.e. Johnny sells $x amount and gets to go to camp. Explain why this is such an important fundraiser, state goal, uses, explain High Achiever’s Program, Bonus Awards Program, Achievements that can be earned, etc. Show how this fundraiser gives more back to their child than other fundraisers. 2. Have a unit “Blitz Day” where every youth in the unit goes out selling and whomever sells the most that day gets a prize. 3. Have a prize for the youth that has the highest sales each week. 4. Establish a unit customer base. Make 2 copies of all Take Order forms. One to keep in unit records for next year in case a youth moves, etc. and one for the youth to keep so they can call on them next year. 5. Do corporate sales using employers and companies of parents and leaders within your unit. ~7~ CAMPMASTERS POPCORN EASY STEPS FOR UNIT ONLINE ORDERING YOU WILL HAVE JUST ONE UNIT LEADER LOG-IN/USER I.D.. Login by July 20th—July 31, 2015, TO BE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO WORK THE SYSTEM, BEFORE THE DEADLINES !!! GET READY….GET SET…. GO!!! SIGN IN PROCEDURE Log-on to the internet to the popcorn website: www.campmasters.org. Navigation “Bar is on the bottom: find “Council and Unit Ordering” and “Click”. This brings you to the “LOG-IN” page. “SELECT COUNCIL”- scroll down list and select “Susquehanna Council”. “USER ID” – Type in the ID number the Council has given you. (For example: Pack 10 user id should be P0010. Pack 123 user id would be P0123).There always is 4 digits after the P(Pack) or T(Troop) or C(Crew). “PASSWORD” – The first time you log in, every year, you type in “hello”. You will see a message that says your login was successful. For security reasons, you will need to change your password and choose a question from the list and provide an answer. (If you forget your password, you will be prompted to answer the question you chose. An E-mail with your user I.D. and new password will then be sent to your E-mail address.) Once you have changed your password you will be logged into the Popcorn ordering System. There is a Demo/Practice Site for you to go in and Look/Practice: Follow the directions to #1 and #2 above. On the Regular Log In Page for Campmasters, it will show you under the Submit Button, a Demo Site. Please click on that and it will come up Demo Council, the UserName will be demounit and the Password is hello2. Click submit and you will be taken Order Settlement Form/Unit Invoice for Unit—2014 to the demo site. If you have any questions, please contact your District Popcorn Kernel. VIEW LAST YEAR’S SALES 2014 BOTH SHOW AND SELL AND TAKE ORDER Sign into the Campmasters Popcorn Website, using your Unit’s Sign-in Procedure/Log in and Password. (See procedure above.) Go to Reports. Select Unit’s Invoice/Order Settlement Form. Under Unit, select drop down arrow and select your Unit. Under Drive, Select 2014 Fall Popcorn Sale. Under Sale Type, Select either Show and Deliver or All. The All Report Show’s ALL the Popcorn Ordered, both Show and Sell and Take Order from last year (2014) along with the Show and Sell Returns from last year. See a copy of the Report, above. This information is important because you must PRE-ORDER and be responsible for your Unit’s Show and Sell Popcorn. You will only be allowed to return 25% of your unsold Show and Sell Popcorn in October. The remainder of your unsold Show and Sell Popcorn would be used for your Unit’s Take Order Orders or be sold at any Show and Sells that your Unit has to sell the excess popcorn product. NEW FOR 2015 POPCORN SALE!!! The Council is NOT responsible for returning ANY unsold Show and Sell Popcorn, other than the first 25%, from the Unit’s Show and Sell Order Form. Use your unsold Show and Sell Popcorn to fill your Take Order orders or be responsible for selling “your Unit’s” leftover popcorn for additional Show and Sell Sales, beyond the first 25%. There will be a minimum of back up inventory for the show and sell portion of the popcorn sale! EACH UNIT MUST ENTER YOUR UNIT’S SHOW AND SELL ORDER BETWEEN AUGUST 1 AND AUGUST 10, 2015. in the campmasters computer system. This Popcorn will be delivered to the Revival Tabernacle parking lot on Saturday, August 29th, 2015 between the hours of 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon. To enter a Show and Sell Order, on the left hand navigation bar, you will select “Place Unit Show and Sell Order”. Only Non -Chocolate items may be ordered for Show and Sell Sales!!! Continued onto Page 9 ~8~ Continued from Page 8 1. SHOW and SELL Orders – Once you have logged in as the Unit User, on the left hand navigation bar, Place Unit Show and Sell Order. Enter Order in Full Case Quantities Only. Remember, there will little Back Up Inventory. 2. Contact Information will be displayed. Please review for accuracy. If you need to make changes, click on “Change Contact Info” and proceed with needed changes. Also, at the bottom of the page be sure the “Profile” has the correct email address. 3. Scroll down the page to see the list of products available and pricing. Type in your order quantity for each item. As you enter the order, the system will show you the total price and total number of cases and containers you are ordering. 4. At the bottom of the page, you will see a dollar total. If this is correct, select “Preview Order”, if not, select “Cancel” and Start Over”. 5. Prizes are NOT ordered at this time for the Show and Sell Order. 6. If “Preview Order” is O.K., then click “Submit Order”. If the “Preview Order” is not O.K., you can select “Make Change”. This will take you back to your Order where you can change quantities and then select “Preview Order” again. Once you “Submit Order”, the System will give you an Order Number on the screen – please note the Order Number for future reference. 7. Print the Order form and this will show you how much the Unit owes for Popcorn. 8. Once you SUBMIT the order, if you find any errors please do not place a 2nd order. Please contact your District Popcorn Kernal or Jon Brennan Scout Executive@ Jon.Brennan@scouting.org. When you are finished, please click “Logout”, located on the bottom, right hand side of the page. POPCORN RETURNS FROM SHOW AND SELL PORTION OF THE POPCORN SALE MUST BE RETURNED TO KEYSTONE BINGO BY MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH, 2015 TO KEYSTONE BINGO SUPPLY, 1625 JOHN BRADY DRIVE, MUNCY, PA— BY 5:00 P.M. ENTER YOUR UNIT’S TAKE ORDER POPCORN ORDER BY MIDNIGHT, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH, 2015 ON THE CAMPMASTERS POPCORN ORDER SYSTEM. To enter a Take Order Popcorn Order, on the left hand navigation bar, you will select “Place Unit Take Order”. All types of Popcorn maybe ordered on the Take Order Popcorn Order, including chocolate. 1. Unit Take Order- Once you have logged in as the Unit User, on the left hand navigation bar, click “Place Unit take Order”. 2. Contact Information will be displayed. Please review for accuracy. If you need to make changes. Click on “Change Contact Info” and proceed with needed changes. Also, at the bottom of the page, be sure “Profile” has the correct email address. 3. Scroll down the page to see the list of the products available and the pricing. Type in your order quantity for each item. As you enter the order, the system will show the total price and total amount of cases and containers you are ordering. Take order Orders may order cases and containers for the exact order with no leftovers. 4. At the bottom of the page, you will see a dollar total. If this is correct, select “Preview Order”, if not, select “Cancel” and start over. You will also have to choose that you are participating in the COUNCIL PRIZE PROGRAM. It will say PRIZES (Yes or No) and you must select the yes option before you can move forward with placing your order. ***See Prize Ordering Below*** 5. If “Preview Order” is O.K., then click “Submit Order”. This will send the Order to Council and you would NOT be able to make changes. If the Preview is not O.K., you can select “Make Change”. This will take you back to your order where you can make changes and then select “Preview Order” again. Once you click “Submit Order” the system will give you an Order Number on the Screen. Please write this number down for future reference. 6. Print form and this will show how much the Unit owes for Popcorn. Please make a check out to Susquehanna Council, BSA and bring it with you when you pick up the Popcorn Order. 7. Once you submit the Order, if you find any errors, please do not place a 2nd order. Please contact your District Popcorn Kernal or Jon Brennan, Scout Executive at Jon.Brennan@scouting.org. 8. When you are finished, please click “Logout”, located on the bottom, right-hand side of the computer page/screen. RETURNS/INVOICE ADJUSTMENTS Returns/Invoice adjustments can only be entered at the Council Level by Jon Brennan. The Council allows up to 25% returns from Your Unit’s Show and Sell Order but has to make an invoice adjustment to make this happen. The Council will enter a Return Order that you will be able to review online. PRIZES 1. Before you logout, place your prize orders. On the left hand navigation bar, select “Prizes” to enter your “Prize Orders”. This link will take you direct to the ordering pages for the prizes. Before ordering prizes, check your e-mail address under “Profile” at the bottom of the page to make sure the address is correct. 2. Total up each Scout’s Take Order Sales, their Credit for Show and Sell Sales and their Online credit card sales from www.popcornordering.com (direct ship orders and sales), then order prizes for each of your Scouts. 3. For Campmasters High Achiever Prizes, please complete the High Achiever Prize Form (download from www.campmasters.org) and turn it into the Council Office by November 20, 2015. ~9~ payanywhere.com/campmasters Grow your business by accepting credit cards safely and securely from anywhere at anytime with PayAnywhere. Camp Master & Susquehanna Council has partnered with PayAnywhere to help you boost your sales. With PayAnywhere you can accept credit cards with your smartphone or tablet and offer your customers added convenience and value. You'll be able to track your increased profits at the easy-to-use online merchant portal. You pay only when you process, with no monthly, setup, or hidden fees. PayAnywhere is the only solution that delivers a 100% secure transaction with live customer support, detailed sales reporting, and funds paid daily. Get started today with PayAnywhere by signing up and claiming your free credit card reader! Your unit can take credit cards for popcorn sales • The Total Mobile Payment Solution • Accept Credit Cards with PayAnywhere! • FREE app and FREE card reader—More than one leader can have a reader and software (separate account and swipe fee apply) • No hidden fees...No monthly minimum fees, no setup fees and no cancellation fees • Funds within 24 hours of processed transactions • Free Merchant Portal for detailed account activity and business intelligence reporting • Safe and secure with immediate data encryption and PCI complaint and certified • Live Customer Service via Phone and Chat • 2.69% Per Swipe Fee *Must use a checking account. Do not use any personal accounts or information when setting up swipe account! (We suggest setting up an additional Unit Checking Account for just popcorn) ~ 10 ~ Popcorn Calendar for 2015 July Thursday, July 16th, 2015 Saturday, August 29, 2015 *Popcorn Distribution, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Parking Lot, Revival Tabernacle, Watsontown, PA *Show and Sell, Take Order & Online Sales begins *Show and Sell, Take Order, and Online Sales Begin. • Popcorn Training Session/IceCream Social Location, Revival Tabernacle Watsontown. 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. gathering time. Meeting time 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. Attend to earn additional popcorn discounts and learn the new Popcorn Procedures. Receive your Units Popcorn Flyers at this Event!!! Topics include: How to use the Pay Anywhere Card Reader, How to do Door To Door Sales, How to have an effective Popcorn Kick-offs for Cub, Boy Scouts, and Venturers, Specific Training on how to place your Show and Sell, Take Order, and prize Orders on the Campmasters Website. This will be a “Round Robin” type Event. You will get to visit ALL the Stations. October Monday, October 19, 2015 *Take Order Sale Ends, Take Order Popcorn Orders entered in Campmasters Popcorn system. *Show and Sell Popcorn extras return to Keystone Bingo Supply, subject to return policy. November Thursday, November 5, 2015 *Sorting popcorn at Milton Transportation Warehouse Friday, November 6, 2015 *Popcorn Pick-up at Milton Transportation Warehouse Saturday, November 7th, 2015 *Popcorn delivery to Dunnstown Fire Company, Clinton County, Lock Haven Area, 9-10am. Friday, November 20th, 2015 *Popcorn Money due at Council Office, Williamsport. July July 20 to July 31, 2015 *Sign into the Campmaster computer system early to know how it works. Do not wait till the last minute! August Saturday August 1 – Monday August 10, 2015 *Window to place Unit’s Show and Sell Orders on All money is due 11/20/2015 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ONLINE SELLING www.popcornordering.com SALES WILL START ON AUGUST 29, 2015 This site allows Scouts to sell CAMPMASTERS products to friends and relatives across the country! Here are a few key points on how the site works and how the Online Sales Program will benefit Scouts and Scouting Step 1: Go to www.campmasters.org Step 7: Unit Leader and the Scout will each have the ability to log in later to track their online sales. Step 8: Customers will pay for product online with their credit card, and their order will be shipped directly to their home. Step 9: You will receive credit for your sales from your Council based on the online sales commission structure. Step 10: The Unit Leader will combine the online sales with traditional popcorn sales to calculate “Prizes”. Step 2: Click “Council and Unit Ordering” – log in using your user id and password Step 3: Click on “Admin” at the bottom of your screen (in the middle) Step 4: Step 5: Click “Scout” – check the list to see if this is a new Scout, and then click “Add”. You will need to enter all the information in the required fields. Scout information, including valid e-mail address. Assign a Username and password. A 10 digit “Key Code” will also show on this screen. Click “update”. You will need to retain this number to show customers at the time they place an order. 70% of all product sales will benefit scouting Site access will be available through www.popcornordering.com or www.campmasters.org. You will then be able to give the Scout his Username, password, and Key Code. ~ 11 ~ Susquehanna Council, BSA PH: 570-326-5121 815 Northway Road Williamsport, PA 17701 FAX: 570-326-7339 wwww.susquehannabsa.org ~ 12 ~ ERROR: undefined OFFENDING COMMAND: STACK: