LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS AIR AIRFIELD GUIDE LITHUANIA AD EYKA - 1 26 JUL 2012 KAUNAS/INTL - EYKA 1. Koordinatės ir padėtis 54 57 50N 024 05 05E 14 km atstumu į šiaurės rytus nuo Kauno miesto centro 1. Coordinates and location 54 57 50N 024 05 05E 14 km NE from Kaunas 2. Adresas VĮ ,,Kauno aerouostas” 54460 Karmėlava Kauno rajonas Tel. +370 37 39 92 50 Faks. +370 37 39 93 45 AFS EYKAYDYX 2. Address State enterprise ,,Kauno aerouostas” LT-54460 Karmėlava Kauno rajonas Tel.: +370 37 39 92 50 Fax: +370 37 39 93 45 AFS EYKAYDYX 3. Paskirtis Skrydžiai pagal IFR ir VFR 3. Approved for IFR and VFR flights 4. Darbo valandos AD administracija Pirmadieniais - ketvirtadieniais: 0545 – 1430 (0445 – 1330); Penktadieniais: 0545 – 1315 (0445 – 1215) Aerodromo: 0400 – 2200 (0300 – 2100) 4. Operational hours AD administration MON - THU: 0545 – 1430 (0445 – 1330); FRI: 0545 – 1315 (0445 – 1215) Aerodrome: 0400 – 2200 (0300 – 2100) 5. Muitinė/Imigracija Kaip AD 5. Customs/Immigration As AD 6. Degalai, tepalai ir priemonės nuo apledėjimo Degalai: TS-1 (pvz. Jet A-1), AVGAS Tepalai: nėra Priemonės nuo apledėjimo: yra 6. Fuel, Oil and De-icing Fluid, etc. 7. Angarai atskrendantiems orlaiviams Nėra 7. Hangar Space for Visitors NIL 8. Taisymo orlaiviams Nėra 8. Repair Facilities Available įranga atskrendantiems Fuel: TS-1 (egz. Jet A-1), AVGAS Oil: NIL De-icing fluid: Available NIL 9. Gelbėjimo ir priešgaisrinė tarnyba Priešgaisrinė tarnyba: H24 Priešgaisrinės įrangos kategorija: CAT 7 Gelbėjimo įranga: Yra 9. Rescue and Fire Fighting Service Fire fighting service: H24 Category for fire fighting equipment: CAT 7 Rescue equipment: Available Įvykus avarijai aerodromo teritorijoje, gelbėjimo darbus atlieka aerodromo administracija, pasitelkusi aplink esančias paieškos ir gelbėjimo struktūras. Apie įvykį pranešti: In emergency on the territory of aerodrome rescue and fire fighting service is provided by appropriate neighbouring authorities. An incident should be reported to: ORO NAVIGACIJA AMDT 26/12 AD EYKA - 2 17 OCT 2013 LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS AIR AIRFIELD GUIDE LITHUANIA a) priešgaisrinei tarnybai Tel.: +370 37 39 94 13 112 b) Aeronautikos gelbėjimo koordinaciniam centrui Tel.: +370 706 94 587 +370 706 94 588 +370 706 94 585 Mob. +370 610 46 024 c) Civilinės aviacijos administracijai Tel.: +370 5 273 9259 +370 5 273 9260 Mob. +370 698 85 945 a) Fire fighting service Tel.: +370 37 39 94 13 112 b) Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre Tel.: +370 706 94 587 +370 706 94 588 +370 706 94 585 Mob. +370 610 46 024 c) Civil Aviation Administration Tel.: +370-5 273 92 59 +370-5 273 92 60 Mob. +370 698 8 59 45 10. Sezoninis tinkamumas Sniego valymo įranga: yra 10. Seasonal Availability Snow clearing equipment: Available 11. Viešbučiai Mieste 11. Hotels In the city 12. Restoranas Mieste 12. Restaurant In the city 13. Turizmo biuras Oro uoste ir mieste 13. Tourist Office At AD and in the city 14. Medicinos įstaigos Pirmoji pagalba AD Ligoninės mieste 14. Medical Facilities First Aid at AD Hospitals in the city 15. Transportas Autobusai ir taksi 15. Transport Buses and taxies 16. Pastabos a. Išskrendantys orlaiviai pradeda ryšį su TWR, kad gautų ATC leidimą dar prieš pradėdami riedėti. Naudojamasi 118.500 MHz dažniu. Išskrendantys orlaiviai 118.500 MHz dažniu gauna iš TWR leidimą stumti ir riedėti. b. Mokomieji, pratybų bei techninių bandymų skrydžiai galimi tik Kauno TWR leidimu. Atkreipkite dėmesį į tai, kad pirmumo teisę turės reguliarieji skrydžiai. c. Kilimo ir tūpimo tako klasifikacija: 16. Remarks a. Departing aircraft shall contact TWR to obtain the ATC clearance before taxiing. Frequency 118.500 MHz is to be used. Departing aircraft shall obtain the push-back and taxi clearance from TWR on 118.500 MHz. b. School- and training, technical test flights can only be made after permission there to has been obtained from Kaunas TWR. It is to be noted that priority for scheduled flights will be prevail. c. RWY classification: KTT Nr. 08 26 RWY Nr. 08 26 AMDT 30/13 KTT kodas 4E 4E Danga Asfaltbetonis Asfaltbetonis RWY code 4E 4E Surface Asphalt-Concrete Asphalt-Concrete ORO NAVIGACIJA LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS AIR AIRFIELD GUIDE LITHUANIA AD EYKA - 3 24 JUL 2014 AERODROME CHART KAUNAS/INTL AD ELEV: 256' ARP: 54 57 50N 024 05 05E KAUNAS TWR:124.200, 118.500(ALT) ATIS:129.050 KAUNAS INFO:124.600 Scale 1:30 000 Datum : WGS-84 ELEV IN FT, BRG, TRACK ARE MAG 24°6'E 390 (160) 010) VAR 6°E (2 24°5'E ANNUAL RATE OF CHANGE 8'E 24°4'E S RI NE 380 (157) Karmėlava TERMINAL 348 (92) WDI RETE ASPHALT - CONC 3250 X 45 27 9 300 KAUNAS DVOR/DME 114.4 CH 91X KNA _________ Changes: Tower FREQ; obstacles. 24°4'E RWY DIRECTION Nr. 08 26 085° GEO 079° MAG 265° GEO 259° MAG ORO NAVIGACIJA Note: sa 1.The displaced THRs installed Vė as FLW: RWY 08-300M from THR, RWY 26-295M from THR 2.TWY B - FM the end of apron to INT with TWY C TWY C - 870M FM THR 26 to INT with TWY B AERODROME LIGHTING 54 57 37N 024 03 59E 300 54°57'N ELEV 256' CWY 200 X 300 24°6'E 18 CWY 200 X 300 ILS GP 332.6 IKM _________ 259° PAPI ILS GP 333.8 DME 109.9 CH 36X ISE _________ 079° 0 C ARP 26 C 300 STRIP 3370 x B ELEV 236' A PAPI 08 DTHR A WDI 54°58'N B DTHR TWR AIS MET 54°58'N 24°5'E THR 54 57 46N 024 03 34E 54 57 55N 024 06 36E RWY DIMENSIONS MTOM (kg) 3250 X 45 PCN 64 F/B/X/T APCH lights: RWY 08 900M I CAT LIH RWY 26 900M II CAT LIH Visual slope PAPI: RWY 08 3.0° MEHT (61FT) LEFT 54°57'N RWY 26 3.0° MEHT (61FT) LEFT RWY edge lights from THR: RWY 08 SURFACE 300M red, next 2350M white, last 600M yellow LIH ASPHALT RWY 26 300M red, next 2330M white, CONCRETE last 620M yellow LIH RWY 08/26 CL lights from DTHR: 2050M white, next 600M white and red alternately, last 300M red LIH RWY 08/26 DTHR lights: green LIH TWY lights: edge lights blue LIM, red stop bars lights at holding positions TWY A,C LIL AMDT 33/14 Changes: Tower FREQ. PCN 36 F/B/X/T PCN 29 F/B/X/T PCN 37 F/B/X/T PCN 31 F/B/X/T PCN 36 F/B/X/T PCN 31 F/B/X/T PCN 66 F/B/X/T PCN 66 F/B/X/T PCN 35 F/B/X/T PCN 66 F/B/X/T PCN 66 F/B/X/T PCN 35 R/B/X/T PCN 66 F/B/X/T PCN 66 F/B/X/T PCN 66 F/B/X/T 010) 23 m A, B, C A 23 m asphalt - concrete B 23 m C VAR 6°E (2 ANNUAL RATE OF CHANGE 8'E A B C SURFACE: APRON TAXIING ROUTES: Taxiing Description ACFT stand and ACFT route facing direction Fifth turn from the main taxiing 5, 6 - facing east I PCN 36 F / B / X / T route "P" going from TWY B (first 3, 4 - facing west PCN 66 F / B / X / T turn from TWY A) PCN 66 F / B / X / T J Fourth turn from the main taxiing 7, 8, 9 - facing east route "P" going from TWY B 5, 6 - facing west (second turn from TWY A) K Third turn from the main taxiing 10, 11, 12 - facing east route "P" going from TWY B 7, 8, 9 - facing west (third turn from TWY A) 13, 14, 15 - facing east L Second turn from the main taxiing route "P" going from TWY 10, 11, 12 - facing west B (fourth turn from TWY A) 13, 14, 15 - facing west M First turn from the main taxiing route "P" going from TWY B (fifth turn from TWY A) N Sixth turn from the main taxiing 3, 4 - facing east route "P" going only from TWY B 1, 2 - facing west 1, 2 - facing west O Straight ahead from TWY A, going only fromTWY A 3, 4 - facing east 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, P The main taxiing route (redHANGARS yellow-red line) starts from the 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 beginning of TWY A up to the facing east/west TWY B. From taxiing route "P" goes all others taxiing routes to ACFT stands. STRENGTH: TERMINAL TWR AIS MET 13 10 7 ADMINISTRATION 5 9 K 12 L 15 M TWY B I N ORO NAVIGACIJA P TWY C O P TWY A KAUNAS/INTL P LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS AIR AIRFIELD GUIDE LITHUANIA 4 J KAUNAS INFO:124.600 ELEV IN FT 2 6 APRON ELEV: 233' ARP: 54 57 50N 024 05 05E 3 1 14 11 8 AD EYKA - 4 24 JUL 2014 024 04 20.59E 024 04 20.57E 024 04 25.96E 024 04 26.15E 024 04 31.39E 024 04 31.58E 024 04 36.82E 024 04 37.01E 024 04 37.19E 024 04 42.40E 024 04 42.59E 024 04 42.76E 024 04 47.97E 024 04 48.16E 024 04 48.33E WIDTH: AERODROME GROUND MOVEMENT AND PARKING CHART 1 - 54 57 57.69N 2 - 54 57 56.33N 3 - 54 57 57.94N 4 - 54 57 56.59N 5 - 54 57 59.22N 6 - 54 57 57.87N 7 - 54 58 00.49N 8 - 54 57 59.14N 9 - 54 57 57.95N 10 - 54 58 00.75N 11 - 54 57 59.40N 12 - 54 57 58.21N 13 - 54 58 01.01N 14 - 54 57 59.66N 15 - 54 57 58.47N TAXIWAYS Parking position strength KAUNAS TWR:124.200, 118.500(ALT) ATIS:129.050 Not to scale Datum : WGS-84 AMDT 33/14 Coordinates for aircraft stands (WGS-84) LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS AIR AIRFIELD GUIDE LITHUANIA AD EYKA - 5 24 JUL 2014 VISUAL APPROACH CHART KAUNAS/INTL AD ELEV: 256' ARP: 54 57 50N 024 05 05E KAUNAS TWR:124.200, 118.500(ALT) ATIS:129.050 KAUNAS INFO:124.600 Scale 1:200 000 Datum : WGS-84 ELEV IN FT, BRG, TRACK ARE MAG 24°0'E 24°10'E TUSDA 459 Batėgala (102) R Didžiosios Lapės R 55°0'N 479 (180) Domeikava 55°0'N 426 (197) Šatijai 390 R (160) 380 0 Karmėlava (157) Lapės 508 (194) Kalnėnai Užusaliai 343 KUS 270 358 (98) 90 Ramučiai 54 57 37N 024 03 59E 300 180 SOUTH Neveronys 420 (197) 823 (591) Pravieniškės II R R 423 Kaunas Karčiupis R 4000 MSL 1200 MSL Užusalių tv. Smiltynai I KAUNAS DVOR/DME 114.4 CH 91X KNA _________ EY TSA 2 010) NORTH R Voškoniai R CTR KAUNAS 1200 MSL GND 124.2 C VAR 6°E (2 SITGU TMA KAUNAS SECTOR A FL 95 1200 MSL 124.2 R C R R R Kauno marios Noreikiškės 594 (348) Žiegždriai RAVPO Aleksotas ATZ (RMZ) 1200 MSL GND ULKIL CTR REP Changes: Tower FREQ. RAVPO R-123/D6.9 KNA TUSDA R-018/D5.9 KNA 54 53 10N 024 13 12E 55 03 01N 024 08 11E SITGU R-294/D9.0 KNA Rumšiškės Girionys 24°0'E Naugardiškė Šlienava 24°10'E Note: RMZ - radio mandatory zone. Before entering RMZ, a pilot shall establish radio communication, and transmit call sign, type of aircraft, position, level, and intentions of the flight. ULKIL R-201/D5.8 KNA 55 02 06N 023 50 28E 54 52 29N 023 59 29E ORO NAVIGACIJA AMDT 33/14
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