Vol 23 No 3 - New England Blacksmiths
New England Blacksmiths To discover, to help July 2003 VOL. 23 NO. 3 Our 25th Year 1978-2003 “Smile, and say surprised!” Peter Happny presents the Alex Bealer Award on behalf of ABANA to a very modest and surprised Leonard Masters. Through the many tours he and Lilo have set up, Leonard has made it possible for American blacksmiths to visit and network with European craftsmen, and provided access to people and places tourists never get to see. Perhaps the trip to Scandinavia will transpire in 2005! Inside this issue: Page, 2 BOD and contacts 3 Pres. Message & letters Special notice of Bud Oggier’s memorial service 4 Around New England and Threadsmiths note 5 Brentwood and beyond 6 Uncle Bud’s tong lesson Summer 2003 8 Are you cross? 9-10 The split cross explained 11 New members 12 Spring meet develops 13-16 How it all turned out 17 Make your plans for the Fall Meet Visit us on line www.newenglandblacksmiths.org Page 1 www.newenglandblacksmiths.com 18 Prepare for the Silent Auction!! 19 Video Library 20 Tailgate 21 A neat gadget for centering punches & chisels New England Blacksmiths Contact information for NEB officers and directors Ian Eddy - President P O Box 169 Saxtons River VT 05154 phone: 802-869-2828 aanviliee@vermontel.net David Burtt - Vice President 203 Flying Point Road Freeport, ME 04032 phone: 207-865-1627 fpforge@juno.com Ian Walker - Secretary RR 1 Box 1005 Stonington, ME 04681 phone: 207-367-5103 diwalk@acadia.net Tim Blanchard - Treasurer 18 Hayes Ave. Beverly MA 01915 Phone: 978-927-3546 timb88@msn.com Marc Godbout, Membership 2 Manning St. Derry, NH 03038 Phone 603-785-4512 marc@ironringforge.com Ralph Sproul - NH Rep. 99 Winnepocket Rd Webster, NH 03303 phone: 603-746-3783 brhlbsmt@mcttelecom.com Bob Gilbert - NH Rep. 339 Middle Rd. Brentwood, NH 03833 Phone: 603-642-5440 hollygnp@aol.com Fred Mikkelsen - RI Rep & Editor 23 Waterman Dr. N.Scituate, RI 02857-2036 phone: 401-647-3086 fred@trollshammerforge.com Owen Bostrom—RI Rep. 99 Chase Hill RD Ashaway, RI 02804 Phone: 401-377-2611 obostrom@cox.net The New England Blacksmiths, an affiliate of the Artists-Blacksmith’s Association of North America, is devoted to the preservation and advancement of blacksmithing. Summer 2003 Joel Wentworth - ME Rep. Overlook Hill Rd. Union, ME 04862 phone: 207-785-4268 jgwsr@tidewater.net Ed Grove- Me Rep. 828 Haley Town Road Brownfield, ME 04010 Phone: 207-935-2262 Engro828@pivot.net Bob Bordeaux - VT Rep. P.O. Box 353 Richmond, VT 05474 phone: 802-434-4004 hotanvil1@aol.com Lucian Avery - VT Rep. 736 Mackville Rd Hardwick, VT 05843 phone: 802-472-3899 Lavery@pshift.com Harry Dunning - MA Rep. P O Box 92 Colrain, MA 01340 phone: 413-624-8888 W2HMD@aol.com Rick Korinek - MA Rep. 46 Joseph Rd Framingham, MA 01701 phone: 508-877-8815 Korineks@rcn.com Ted Jones - CT Rep. 722 Raymond Hill Rd Oakdale, CT 06370 Phone: 860-848-7101 Connsmith722@aol.com David Hageman - CT Rep. 6 Dickinson Rd. Colchester, CT. 860-267-0659 hagemanneb@yahoo.com Letters to the editor, articles, technical tips, tools for sale, or other materials which furthers these ends, will be considered for publication in this newsletter. The New England Blacksmiths disclaim any responsibility or liability for damages or injuries as a result of any design, construction, manufacture, use or other activity undertaken as a result of the use or application of information contained in the newsletter of the New England Blacksmiths. Page 2 These are the folks who have volunteered to represent your interests in the NEB. Do they know how you feel? Do they have the information you need? That’s what they are there for. Keep in touch with them! After Winter, Smiling again. Sandy, a kindergarten teacher in Luray, VA told me this story: The past winter was severe all along the eastern US. So there were many more challenges for kindergarten teachers with small children, boots, and snowsuits, even in the Shenandoah Valley. Sandy had just finished the routine of taking off the little boys shoes so she could pull on the snowsuit, to replace the shoes, and add the boots, when the little boy said, “Teacher, you’all know, this ain’t my snowsuit!” Sandy reversed the process and then asked, “Well, Peter, where is your snowsuit?” The little fellow replied, “At home, this is my brothers snowsuit, but my Mom let me wear it today!” FWM ;-) Thanks to all Contributors to this issue: Add your name to this list Become a contributor! Tom Reinertsen The Ruelkes Marc Godbout Ralph Sproul Rick Korinek Ian Eddy Larry Brown Next newsletter deadline: August 15th, 2003 New England Blacksmiths The President’s Message: Happy Spring everyoneIt has been a great spring weather wise for blacksmithing, generally cool and it seems wetter than usual - a nice time to be in the shop and not having to deal with high heat and humidity . Cool and wet was the kind of weather we found at the recently completed Age of Iron gathering at Hancock Shaker Village just outside of Pittsfield, Mass. Bill Senseney and his group of Berkshire smiths have put on this event for 10 years now, and they graciously hosted four other groups at this last one, your NEB was one of them. As one walked about the event and looked at the demonstrators spread out around the grounds, you began to realize the depth and variety of blacksmithing available throughout the region. There were over 50 demonstrators present and opportunities to question and visit abounded. The NEB tent was a hive of activity over the weekend, with five demonstration areas going almost constantly. Two of the demonstration areas featured the demonstration forge set-ups similar to what our group will have available for its membership soon. Ralph Sproul's unit and a clone made up by Chris Caswell of the Green Mountain Blacksmiths served admirably for a rotating group of smiths all weekend. Those of us who were there for set up and takedown saw first hand the ease of utilizing the demo forge and trailer concept conceived by our board member Ralph Sproul. Happily, the membership voted unanimously at the meeting to have the group purchase and set up our own demo trailer unit that will be available to the membership for use at events through out our region. As a board, we feel that this will be a valu- able asset in fulfilling our mission of educating the public - more often and in more places. Perhaps it is now time to reacquaint you, the membership, with the "purpose and objectives" of the NEB as listed in our by-laws: “The "New England Blacksmiths" is organized exclusively for educational purposes, including but not limited to, the dissemination of information on blacksmithing and ornamental iron-working to the general public, to encourage and facilitate the training of persons interested in the art of blacksmithing and ornamental iron-working, to provide educational materials of practical significance for those persons interested in the art, and to promote seminars, demonstrations and exhibitions for the general public illustrating the art of blacksmithing and ornamental iron-working.” As one reads over this statement of our purpose created by our founding members, we can see that the NEB has been working to fulfill this purpose over the years, most recently with the creation of our teaching center at Brentwood, NH with its classes and workshops, our development of our website with its many pages and links of information and assistance, and as mentioned above, the soon-to-be demonstration trailer. The board and I are hopeful that this latest effort on behalf of the membership will continue to provide valuable educational opportunities for all throughout New England. Have a nice summer, and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Fall Meet at Brentwood organized by Rick Korinek & featuring Nol Putnam as demonstrator on the first weekend of October. Ian Eddy Please Notice NEB members are invited to join with the friends and family of the late Oscar "Bud" Oggier at a memorial service to be held at the town cemetery in Cushing Maine on Saturday July 19th at 3:00pm. The service will be followed by a reception at the home of Waite Maclin for those wishing to share their fond memories of Bud and his wife, Val, who had predeceased him. Those planning to attend should R.S.V.P. to Joel Wentworth at (207) 785-4268. Donations to the NEB Scholarship Fund in Bud's name should be sent to the NEB treasurer at P.O.Box 58 Beverly, MA 01915, Please memo the check "Bud Oggier Scholarship Fund" Summer 2003 Page 3 New England Blacksmiths Around New England Rhode Island Southern Bunch @ SCM Connecticut July 10-13 – CBG at North Stonington Fair. Call Bill Crandall at 860.535.1969 to schedule a day and time to demonstrate or hang out. note: If you missed the Yellin Tour of work at Yale, you can get a campus map and do it “self guided”. Contact Bill Scheer for more information. (CBG web site) Massachusetts no report ? Maine July 26th, Aug. 23, Sept. 27 @ Winsor shop Foster, RI town fair grounds, Foster Old Home Days, July 25-27 Vermont GAMBA @; August 2nd, Calvin Coolage Homestead in Plymouth, VT Sept. 13th , ART HOP in Burlington, VT Sept.20th, Harvest Festival, Shelburn Farms, Shelburn, VT. no report New Hampshire ? July, Lamson Farm, forging day the fellows interested are Ray Ciemny, Rick Kornick, Bob Phillips, Bob Bordeaux, Doug Craighead, and Ralph Sproul. We're trying to set a date and do a day of forging, take the power hammer apart, and lay out a sign (group project) for future get togethers. Threadsmith News Sandi Ruelke was at the rec center, Brentwood, Sat June 7 and Sat June 21 and had asked others to join her making denim quilts for the Fire and Rescue. She hoped to have people to cut, iron and sew. All help was welcome. They had the two quilts made at Union, ME to donate that weekend. Call or e-mail, Sandi, if you need more information on future events and plans for projects. 603-352-2915 bigrock@localnet.com Summer 2003 Page 4 Ralph Sproul’s latest “Do it yourself” project! Rebuilding and reassembling 11,428 lbs. Of iron and steel that is his “new” Nazel air hammer! New England Blacksmiths Opportunities to Learn, Brentwood and beyond. A few NEB members who teach: New England Blacksmiths Teaching Center Brentwood, NH Dereck Glaser’s New England School of Metal Work <dglaser@newenglandschoolofmetalwork.com> or call 1-888-753-7502 George Martell teaches at R. I. School of Design For Fall session info, call 1-800-364-7473 ext 2 Bill Scheer will be teaching at Mystic Seaport in CT call 860-572-5322 and at Guilford Handcraft Center in CT 203-453-5947 July 12 + 26: Work party to pay our rent! Good company, good cause, good time! August 30: Workday to make improvements to the shop Sept. 6: Advanced Blacksmithing, instructor to be announced Sept. 20: Intermediate to Pro, instructor to be announced October 3,4,5 NEB Fall Meet with Nol Putnam Lucian Avery 802-472-3899 Spring/Summer 2003 Colonial Door Hardware July 19-20 Material fee: $10.00 Experience: Must be comfortable performing basic blacksmithing techniques Bill Senseney will be teaching at the Brookfield Craft Center, CT 203-775-4526 <brookfieldcraftcenter.org> and at the Carving Studio & Sculpture Center, W. Rutland, VT 802-438-2097 <carving@vermontel.net> Bob Jordan teaches at his studio in Orleans on the Cape (508) 255-1767 Think beyond New England! Plan a trip to expand your horizons(then write an article for the newsletter!) Summer 2003 Page 5 New England Blacksmiths Uncle Bud’s lesson 11, Tong making “Have you made any more tools for your shop?” “Yes, I made three or four chisels and a bottom swage. Had some trouble getting the shank on the swage to size, but it came out OK.” “Well, Jean, I think it’s time we made a pair of tongs. You’ve noticed all the tongs in my rack; there are well over a hundred. You won’t need that many for a while, but you’ll need some. After I made the most common sizes, I made the rest as I had a job that needed them. Jean, tongs are a very personal thing. They should be made to suit you, and of a weight suitable for what you will be doing with them. I like my tongs quite substantial, consequently, they are a little heavier than most, but they suit me. Let’s start out your tong supply with a pair of flat jaw tongs for 1/4" stock. If we use 7/8” stock, we ought to have enough material for a good pair. First thing is to form the jaw. To do this, put the piece over the edge of the anvil nearest you with as much on the anvil as you want for the jaw, and forge it down until it is about 1/4” - 3/8” thick and about 1” wide. I like to taper the jaw so it is thicker at the rivet end than at the other. I have two pieces of stock for each of us. It pays to make both parts on each operation before going to the next step. I’m having you use two pieces of stock so you can compare each half easily. OK, here we go, piece in the fire. I want these jaws about 1 1/2” long, so I’ll just put a chalk mark on the anvil about 1 1/4” in from the edge. My piece is ready, on the anvil, move it in to the chalk mark and hit it with my hammer, half over the anvil and half off. That way I’ll get a fairly sharp shoulder. Notice I’m using the radius corner on the anvil so I won’t have a sharp corner, but one with about 1/8” - 1/4 radius in the bottom. There, I’ve got it about the right thickness, square up the sides, and that step is done. Your turn, Jean. This is a mild steel, so don’t be afraid to get it hot, a nice orange, that way it will be easier to forge. Can you still see the chalk mark? OK, go for it. Don’t let your piece crawl away from the anvil, Jean, keep it tight up against the shoulder, that’s better. Summer 2003 Page 6 OK, straighten up the sides, good. Some smith s like to make tongs from a hardenable steel, but I don’t because if you get them hot and forget to quench them to cool, they will be hard and may break, unless you draw them. OK, now to make the other jaw. In making tongs both parts are alike. It seems that one should be right hand and the other left, but that’s not true they are both the same. My piece is ready, set it into the mark and flog away. There, notice that the jaw is thinner at the end than at the rivet end, and that it is now about 1 wide and 1 1/2” long. I’ll check it against the other one because these will be a “pair” of tongs. Well, they match up quite well. Your turn, Jean. OK, how does it match up with the other half? Good, looks fine. Now we have to forge down the cheek where the rivet goes. To do this, bring the piece out of the fire and lay it on the anvil the same way it was when you made the jaw. Turn it one quarter turn away from you, move it across the anvil, and move it to 45° to the anvil’s edge. The back end of the jaw should be right at the anvil’s edge. My piece is ready, on the anvil, quarter turn away from, me, across the anvil, move it over to a 45° and hit again, half on and half off the anvil. I’ll forge it down until the edge of the cheek is right at the middle of the jaw. That looks about right. Your turn. Good, you made all the right moves. Drive right down on the piece and hold it back against the anvil. Don’t worry if it bends the jaw down a little, we’ll straighten it up. Good, let’s look. See, the cheek is a little tapered. It’s thicker on one end than it is at the jaw end, but we’ll fix that in the next step. Now, let’s each make the other piece and check them. There, mine matches up pretty good, how’s yours? That looks fine, Jean, you’re beginning to produce pretty professional looking work. Now, to forge down the end behind the cheek for the start of the reigns. We’ll be using 1/2 stock for the reigns, so this end needs to be about 3/4” at the end of the cheek and taper down to about 9/16” where the 1/2" stock will weld on. Here go, the same motions, jaw on the anvil, 1/4 turn away, across the anvil, now another quarter turn away from me and move it out until the cheek is about 1 1/2" long and forge away. See, I’ve got it over the large radius on the anvil. I want a good fillet in that corner. There, now to taper it down to 9/1 6”. I’m going to leave a small New England Blacksmiths lump at the weld end so I won’t have to upset it for welding. There, that looks OK. Go ahead, Jean, good, get a full 11/2” of cheek. Great, go. While the piece is reheating, we’ll get ready to flatten the cheek and take out that taper I’ll do this with the flatter. Even if it wasn’t tapered, I’d use a flatter on the cheek. I like a good flat surface for the two cheeks to mate against. That piece hot yet? OK, Jean, strike for me, hit, again, OK. See, by tilting the flatter, I get a flat parallel face. OK, as soon as we get the mating pieces forged, we’ll be ready to make and weld on the reigns. Well, we’re all done with these pieces except cutting them off the bar. So let’s do that. Don’t forget to leave the knob on the end for welding. See how this straight sided hardie put the angle on the cutoff end and left a square cut on the bar? That way our scarfs are half made. Now the reigns, we’ll have to upset the ends of these bars a little before scarfing, so here goes. Short heat and then upset, there, that’s enough, reheat and scan. Now the jaws ends are scarfed the same way. There, mine are ready to weld. Your turn. How do they match up, Jean? OK? Good. Now to weld. Check the fire for clinker and clean it if it needs it. Well, guess we’re ready. In goes one reign and one jaw end. Heat them and flux them all over the weld area. Looks like they’re getting ready, check them with the feeler, doesn’t stick yet, just a little more, good, now they’re ready. Knock them together to get rid of the dirt or coal that got on them, to the anvil, right hand piece scarf up, left hand scarf down, lay one on the other and weld. First hit in the middle, next over the bottom lip, then the top lip, and forge down to size. OK, Jean, you go. Good, be sure you get the lips welded tight and check if you need a second heat. That looks pretty good, Jean. We’ll weld up the other two and then finish them. Now that they are all welded, they need a little finishing. So let’s heat them up and put a light chamfer on all the edges and make a smooth transition where the square end joins the round portion of the reigns. OK, that one looks pretty good. Now the other. Now one last check to see if they are a pair. Say, they came out pretty good. If someone didn’t know better, they might think I’d done this before! Summer 2003 Page 7 Go ahead, Jean. Good, the cheeks on these are a little longer than some, but I like them to be substantial, and a long cheek helps keep them from being sloppy. Now for a rivet hole. I like to drill mine, they can be punched, but I like the better hole a drill produces. The rivet hole goes in the middle of the cheek. So I’ll measure to find the middle in both directions and center punch the outside face. That way when I drill them, the joint face will be down and the hole will be at 90° to it, then the rivet won’t get bent, or the faces won’t be together, and the tongs will always loosen up. OK, what size rivet? Since these tongs are for 1/4” stock, a 3/8” rivet will be fine. You can use almost any size, but unless the tongs are very light and only for small work, 1/4” would be too light. I’ll drill these and we can rivet them. Now they’re drilled, how long should the rivet be to make a good head? The Machinery Handbook says that 1 1/2 times the diameter makes a standard head. So the jaws are 1/2 each, that’s 1"; plus 1-1/2 times the diameter (3/8” plus 3/1 6), that’s 9/1 6”, so I’ll cut this rivet 1 9/1 6” under the head, and it should be right. To rivet these, I’m going to use a top and bottom rivet set. The bottom fits in the pritchel hole and has the same depression in it as the rivet head. The top one is held in the hand and finishes the rivet head, it has the same depression as the bottom one. OK, we’re ready, put in the rivet, hit it a couple of licks with the hammer peen so it won’t fall out, then into the fire, rivet head up. Heat it up until the whole area is a good red. Now it’s ready, set it on the anvil with the rivet in the bottom set and hit the rivet six or seven times good with the hammer, then use the top set to finish it. Be sure the edges of the rivet get set tight against the cheek. Now to make them free. While they are still hot, work the reigns open and shut a few times, then put the tongs in the slack tub and keep working the reigns back and forth until it’s cool. You will notice that when the tongs are in the tub they will be free and then in just a little bit they tighten up; keep them working and they loosen up again. This happens when the steel is changing its crystalline form, just as in hardening. This occurs as you go through the critical temperature. If this were a hardenable material, it would come out hard. OK, Jean, rivet yours. The reason for putting the rivet head up in the fire is that the end you are going to heat New England Blacksmiths up is closer to the heart of the fire, and will get hotter and rivet easier. The reason for hitting the rivet with the hammer first and only finishing with the set is, if the rivet is hit hard enough to upset its entire length, it will fill the hole before the head starts to upset and give you a good joint. I think your piece is ready to rivet, Jean. Don’t be afraid to hit that rivet with the hammer; good, OK now go to the set. Get the edges down tight, now work the reigns until the jaws move freely. Now in the slack tub, work the reigns, feel them tighten up, keep working the reigns until they are cool. Well, Jean, how do they look? The jaws are not quite in line with each other and the reigns need to be lined up, but that’s easily done. What are mine like? Looks like I’ll have to do the same thing, so get them hot and on the anvil and straighten things up. There now, get yours, Jean. They look pretty good now, but we want them to hold 1/4" thick stock, and the jaws need to be sized so that when the reigns are a comfortable distance apart the jaws will be parallel and 1/4 apart. I have a piece of wood here that if it fits between the reigns they will be the right distance for me. So we’ll heat the jaws up and put a piece of 1/4” stock between them and then hit them on the anvil until they are tight on the stock, and the reigns are tight on my wooden piece. OK, here we go, tongs are hot, stick between the reigns, jaws on the anvil, 1/4’ stock between them and make them fit. Darn, the fit is good, but the stock does not come out of the jaws straight. Well, to fix that, reheat and go to the vise, put the stock between the jaws and tighten, bend until the stock and the middle of the reigns are in line. There, go ahead and size yours. Jean, that’s a nice pair of tongs. I like my reigns about 16" long from the rivet, that’s what these should be, but if they don’t suit you, just cut them to suit. Jean, all types of tongs are made with this same technique, the only difference is the shape of the jaws. Why don’t you make a pair at home and bring them next time? The making of Christoph Friedich’s Cross and Francis Whitaker’s visit to South County Museum In the Fall of 1991 the Southern Bunch had the privilege of hosting the NEB meeting at South County Museum with Francis Whitaker as the demonstrator. One of the items he skillfully showed us was the cross unfolded out of one piece of square stock. A couple of months ago, we were talking about the photo’s of that meet that are displayed at the SCM shop and realized many of the newer folks had never seen that bit of forge magic. Francis and Charlie Orlando hot cutting the splits for the cross at SCM in 1991. Photo by: Erik Mikkelsen The process involved is simple when seen and almost impossible to explain with just words. Tom Reinertsen had sketched the process at an ABANA conference held the year before. It was published in the Anvil’s Ring and he has graciously given us permission to republish here. In April Owen Bostrom and Fred Mikkelsen showed those assembled at SCM how to do it in 3/4 stock. You can see from Tom’s drawing that the ratio is 5x/6x (where x = the thickness of the square stock) scales the work for what ever dimension you attempt. On the left, is the one we did of 3/4 (it’s 11” tall) and below is a necklace done using 1/4 (it’s 3”), that Fred made a while ago. Uncle Bud Oggier Special thanks to Larry Brown and the New Jersey Blacksmiths for providing me with these articles in digital format. There are hopes of ABANA printing Summer 2003 Page 8 New England Blacksmiths The making of Christoph Friedich’s Cross By Francis Summer 2003 Whitaker Page 9 Francis demonstrated this cleverly unfolding cross at the ABANA Conference, on June 30,1990 at Alfred , NY. The credit was given to a Swiss Blacksmith, Christoph Friedich, who had shown it in 1988. New England Blacksmiths Summer 2003 Page 10 New England Blacksmiths Welcoming Our Many new Members From MA: Ernest Andrews Craig Davis Thomas Dunn Carl Tappan From CT: Leroy Crabb Skip Kern Brace Peters From ME: Norman Fletcher From NH: Michael Cook Ron Gilpin Stev Poehlman Scott Reed From VT: Robert Wetzel Lodi Foreau Help make them From RI: Nancy Dean feel at Home ! NEW ENGLAND BLACKSMITHS MEMBERSHIP FORM Dues are $20.00/yr. (Canadian: $32.00) due each January 1. Send checks to: NEB Membership 2 Manning St. Derry, NH 03038 Name ______________________________________________ Date_______________ Business name, if applicable___________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ Phone _____________ City _______________________ State_______ Zip________ Fax _______________ E-mail____________________________________________________________________ Web Site__________________________________________________________________ Occupation________________________________________ Year of birth______________ Check forging skill: __Beginner __Intermediate __Advanced Blacksmithing areas of interest ________________________________________________ Check all that apply: __Teach Blacksmithing __Teach Related Metalworking Skills Which skills?________________________________________ __Do Public Smithing Demos __Demo Fee (Amount: __Would hold NEB Office __ABANA Member ) __Require Travel $ Any demonstrator or demonstration requests for NEB Meets?_________________________ Comments: Summer 2003 Page 11 New England Blacksmiths Before the fact, an explanation of just how the “different Spring Meet” developedA year ago while at the Spring 2002 NEB meet at Brentwood, several of us discussed the practicality and potential interest in holding a future NEB meet in the area of Western Massachusetts. The idea of including other ABANA affiliates was also tossed around, and it was concluded that we should seriously research the feasibility of having just such an event. By the time of our Fall NEB meet, the Hancock Shaker Village appeared to be the most practical location to use, and the BOD formed a committee to work out the details. Early in December 2002 the BOD received a well thought out proposal from the committee for consideration. The proposal included HSV's suggestion that the "Age of Iron" event be moved from its usual late July time frame to coincide with our planned event. The committee agreed that this would greatly enhance the idea of having a "regional" event. The committee was expanded to include the Capitol District Blacksmiths (MA and NY), the New Jersey Blacksmiths (NJ), the Connecticut Blacksmiths Guild (CT and RI), and the Berkshire Blacksmiths (Western MA and NY) who traditionally run the Age of Iron. Unfortunately, our primary representative to the committee became incapacitated due to illness. The implementation plan suffered a major set back and some confusion developed over what had and had not been accomplished. An alternative plan emerged after a while when HSV teamed with the Berkshire Blacksmiths. Bill Senseney, who has a strong relationship with both organizations agreed to take the lead in coordinating the event and things got back on track. The late timing of the major changes to the original plans, which just happened this April, some difficulties in establishing good communications between the remaining committee members, and the physical distance between the homes of the committee members and Pittsfield, MA contributed to a feeling of apprehension and frustration among the committee. The delays, coupled with some unexpected limitations imposed by HSV regarding hours of operation, have resulted in what will be a much different experience for an NEB event. Hopefully, it will be one that we all enjoy and remember as a chance to see lots of different things and to meet with a wider cross section of smiths. Through out this series of unfolding events, the committee has worked diligently to try to make this alternative style NEB meet a worthwhile experience for our members and also to insure that our oversight duties also promote regional cooperation. We also need to thank the Berkshire Blacksmiths for including us in their Age of Iron festivities, which is being promoted as "New England's only blacksmithing trade show". We hope to see or have seen you all there. The NEB Spring 2003 Meet Committee After the fact, When all was said and done, we had so much fun that we didn’t even mind the rain! Sara Ritchie-Crowther listens to a story. Summer 2003 Page 12 Green Coal, popular place to begin. New England Blacksmiths To all who came and to those who missed it......... Sure was great to see everyone at HSV - Age of Iron yesterday. What a great event! It was supposed to rain on Sunday and it didn't so we had a very limited audience from the folks paying to see the Village BUT it sure left some time for everyone to gather round the demo forges to make leaves, frogs, dragons, ice picks, knives and what ever else they wanted to try for most of the afternoon. Thanks to everyone who came as the blacksmiths turn out seemed really heavy with lots of questions and interest on what was going on with all the demo set ups. The Berkshire Blacksmiths were great hosts and it was a pleasure to be part of their event. Age or Iron "New England's only Blacksmithing Trade Show" - I don't think it could be promoted in any better terms............ Ralph talks tools and I heard the count was 53 demonstraRalph’s leaf story board, above. tooling, above. Below, Jim Fecteau works on a tors participated in the event !! pierced strap. Ed Mack won best of show as he well should have for all his shapes and textures on folded and formed copper. Ed was answering questions for folks on all topics with his 27 years of experience and I sure learned a lot from him. George Martell did demos on forging copper, bronze and answered all kinds of questions for folks all day long. Peter Happny kept everyone laughing Lucian’s jig, above. and fielded questions on forge techniques. Jonathan Nedbor had his hardware that was so clean and crisp you could tell he has been studying old techniques for some time. I really enjoyed the staple on the deadbolts he explained to me. He said he was copying some hardware for a customer of a really old deadbolt and came to realize the method of the notched staple at the top as it was easy to hold - and it backed the rivet better, as well as didn't need an extra step of sizing the bore for the deadbolt to slide in........then came the conversation on studying old iron - what a great topic to bring up with Jonathan some time! You should try it when you see him next. Over in the CBG tent Ted Jones, Bill Scheer, Susan Madasci and company sure kept the interested parties flowing by their set ups. Every time I walked by to take a break there were crowds gathered to check out Bill's whaling items, his Above, Bob Borlocks, and Susan's floral forms were really nice. I especially liked her deaux and below, leaves that looked like they could be used in an adjustable curtain rod Fred Mikkelsen situation if need be..........at least it was the idea it triggered in my mind when looking at her samples on the table. Fred Mikkelsen and Owen worked on roses and leaves, horses, claws, and twist forms from some of the samples I saw on the table, and Lucian, Bob, Jim, Chris and I tinkered on all kinds of projects varying from hooks and knives- to an entrance arch. Bob even made an ice pick for the lady that owned the motel we stayed at. He did it out of an old hay rake tine and put an antler handle on it. She was so thrilled with it that she brought it out every time we went into the office to show everyone what Bob had made for her! She proceeded to get all the chairs and ice Summer 2003 Page 13 New England Blacksmiths cubes out and give them to us in case we wanted to have any parties in our rooms or anything...."Rita" ended up as the greatest house mom / motel owner we ever ran into. :-) I sincerely hope everyone got to check out Walt Scadden's 1/3 scale window grille he had made. It was a sample for a job coming up, and the joinery, detail, collars, and finish were spectacular. Walt had set up by the old cider house near Ray Ciemny who won most professional in the show for his display and demo. Phlip Alderton from the CBG and Sarah Ritchie set up a green coal area and said they had a good response from the younger folks interested in working iron. Bill Clemmens from Pennsylvania brought the "Mastyr Myr Collection" which Geoge Martell, above was a great item to view in the cider house. His enthusiasm for the craft was contaand Ed Mack with ? , gious as he was there every morning (before us!) to help with set up, chores below that needed doing, and displayed his own pictures and samples along with showing many of us how to forge a frog during the afternoon on Sunday. A special thanks to Bill for going way out of his way to make the event more enjoyable with his involvement. (Bill came from Pennsylvania) I hope lots of folks took pictures of the work around the village grounds as my time to walk around and enjoy the other demos was really limited as we were so busy in our 30’x40’ demo tent. I had a great time, met lots of new friends, have some folks interested in joining the club, and took lots of orders We finally got to see Peter for tools and dies along with selling 9 set of plans for coal and gas forges while Happny at work! I was demo’ing. Please send pictures along to me if you have them, or you could send them to Marc Godbout also as we wanted to post many of them to the web site for members who couldn't make the event. I hope someone got a chance to photograph the handles that Ed Palcowicz had made on his kitchen utensil rack as there were some really beautiful patterns hanging there on his rack at his demo both. If someone took a picture of his story board on making utensils I'd appreciate a copy of that too. I have a collection of story board pictures that I'd like to make a CD of some day when I get enough of them to offer to members. It will be on forging sequences of projects they may be interested in making. At our brief membership meeting under the big top....Bob Gilbert delivered a report on how well Brentwood was going with its classes and lessons. He also Below, Sarah shows some brought a garden gate (made at one of the workshops led by Bob Menard) that young ladies how to. went into the iron in the hat! Dereck Glaser (who set up a display for the New England School of Metalworking) offered a "free blacksmithing course" at the school of metalworking so the tickets for iron in the hat got distributed pretty heavily by Burtt Sargent who's voice I could hear peddling tickets all afternoon while I was demo’ing...Thanks. The members of the NEB also gave the green light to the spending of funds for a portable demo trailer and forging set up to be acquired and built for use by members. It will take some time to get this together, but there will be a workshop at my shop to build the demo forge and accessories that many may want to attend. You could help the club and also learn how to make your own coal forge. So it's a two way opportunity as well as learning a bit on welding and assembly if you are so inclined. Let me know if you interested in the workshop and I'll add your name to the list I'll compile for people to notify for the workshop when I come up with a date that fits Summer 2003 Page 14 New England Blacksmiths my schedule. Rick Kornick informed us that the fall meet will be held at Brentwood and the demonstrator would be Nol Putnam! He mentioned the date which would be early in October on the 3rd, 4th and 5th - mark your calendars for another meet you'd like to attend. I can't thank enough the volunteers that helped to set up and take down the demo set ups, Jim for selling T-shirts, those that ran the iron in the hat, and carry out all the chores necessary to complete this event. It was so nice to see the smiling faces after two days of wet and soggy weather.......but there were no dampened spirits at all. We have such a good brotherhood of folks when it comes to helping out and getting the job done. The team effort is very inspiring to see - and the future is looking good for more workshops and get togethers, if you haven't pitched in and been involved with some of these folks, try it - you'll come away pleased with all the new friends you've made and the team you are a part of. It was a pleasure to work with each and every one of you. Robert DeLisle’s historically correct forge All 3K years of blacksmithing history were seen. Ralph Sproul - Bear Hill Blacksmith & the Spring Meet Committee. How Jim Palkowics turns RR spikes into ladles! An exquisite example of the blacksmithing art/craft by Bill Senseney, our host. John Olson shows off his angle pien hammer. Summer 2003 Page 15 Another medieval forge set up. New England Blacksmiths Walt Scadden’s neat little “soup can” propane forge. The only butterflies seen were those by Susan Madacsi. Below, a sample of the diversity of projects that could be seen at the Age of Iron. The blacksmith shop at Hancock Shaker Village. Right, some colonial era work. Below, Leonard Masters is greeted by some friends. L to R; Gabe Korinek, Ian Eddy, Leonard, ?, ?, Fred Faller,?, Peter Happny, and Jonathan Nedbor in the classic derby. The sun was shining on Friday afternoon as we setup. Then the skies darkened but we were successful in forging our own sunshine the rest of the weekend! Summer 2003 Page 16 New England Blacksmiths Nol Putnam comments on the art/craft of blacksmithing Come and see him demonstrate at Brentwood, this Fall! "I love the fluidity of iron. That it may be strong and delicate at the same moment. In the course of twenty odd years, my work has moved from the very practical. Isn't that where we all have our roots. Most of my work is of architectural scale. Thus it often has a function, but moves beyond to the artistic ~ sometimes naturalistic, sometimes sculptural". "My love is the forging of iron. To have the iron hot and moving under the hammer and moving against some self boundary. As almost all of my work is commissioned I keep finding ways that will both challenge me and please the customer... gates for the National Cathedral which become flowers or andirons which turn into hooded cobras. And most recently a gate made of huge leaves from steel, copper and brass." About his work he says: "My work is one-of-a-kind hot-forged iron. It is highly worked; often sculptural (in this phase). I probably design 90% of the work. I have trained four people in my craft, and now feel I have done enough. I work alone, and A floral gate by Noll Putnam Not too early to start thinking about October- Nol Putnam to demonstrate at the Fall Meet An elegant stairway done by Nol Putnam slower, consequently there is usually a four to eight month time lag. I teach smithing, both at my shop with an on-going class, and at craft schools (this summer at Penland). “ who specializes in architectural ironwork. Using traditional joinery, he works in both traditional and modern styles. He has executed many private and public commissions. In 1990, he completed three gates for the Washington National Cathedral, in Washington D.C. For them, he received the Visual Arts Honors Award by the Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art and Architecture. His work has won other awards including the Allied Craftsmen’s award in 1983 by the Virginia Society of Architects, and the Top Job Award from the National Association of Miscellaneous Metals in 1989 and 1994. In addition to being a superb designer and craftsman, Nol is a great demonstrator and teacher. His presentations are inspiring as well as informative. He will also share slides of his extensive body of work. Mark your calendar. You won’t want to miss this one. The 2003 Fall Meet will be held at the Brentwood Recreation Center during the weekend of October 3, 5 and 6. Watch the website and the newsletter for more information. Note: volunteers are needed for this event, to volunteer, contact the coordinator, Rick Korinek via email at korineks@rcn.com or drop a line to him at the address found on page 2 of this newsletter. Nol Putnam of The Plains, Virginia, will be the featured demonstrator. Nol is a master blacksmith Summer 2003 Page 17 New England Blacksmiths SILENT Fall Meet to Feature a Special Silent Auction In addition to the “Iron in the Hat” we will be offering a separate, silent auction at this year’s Fall Meet. The idea is to encourage NEB members to make something by hand to be sold in the to the highest bidder. Think about contributing something nice you can make in a day or less. The field is wide open. Handmade Metal Items: • Your keynote or signature piece • Demonstration pieces • Shepherd’s hooks, plant hangers, decorative hooks • Latches • Candle holders, bells, fountains • Knives • Sculpture and other decorative items • Handmade tools such as hammers, punches, chisels, tongs, tong rings, spring swages, smithing magician items, etc. • Decorative elements from a larger project you are working on Other Handmade Items: • Quilts, do-wrap hats, tool rolls • Honey, bees wax • Jelly, jam, other home canned goods • Garden produce • Workshops • Books, drawings, sketches Here’s how it will work. Bring your item to the meet. It will go on display Saturday with all the other silent auction items. People bid by writing their name and bid price on a sheet next to each item they are interested in buying. Bidding ends for all items at the same, predetermined time. Winners will be called one at a time to claim and pay for the item(s) they won. Note that the silent auction is in addition to, and does not replace the “Iron in the Hat”. We will still be holding the IITH. You are also encouraged to bring usable items for the IITH drawing. Items for IITH include but are not limited to: • Tools—antique, used or new • Stock—tool and mild steel, pure iron, bronze • Welding consumables and safety gear • Textbooks Please consider making and contributing an item for the silent auction. It will be a fun way to raise funds for the NEB. Got questions? Contact Rick Korinek Contact info on page 2 Summer 2003 Page 18 New England Blacksmiths The EXPANDED N.E.B. VIDEO LIBRARY, 2003 The following tapes are for rental only: “Power Hammer Forging” 5 tapes 2 hrs. Each By Clifton Ralph The following Tapes may be Rented or copies purchased: “Treadle Hammer” By Clay Spencer Tape #1 Introduction, Making tools, "Wizard head Knocker" Tape #2 Shovels, Quench Formula, "Dogwood & Iris Blossoms Tape #3 Candle Holder, Tool making, Discussion Decorative panels. Tape #4 Tempering Ranges, Small Bowl, Free Standing Cross. Tape #5 Working Flat Stock, Making tools. “Woodwrights Shop” By Roy Underhill Tape #1 Making an Axe, Chisel from Bog Iron, Anderson Forge Tape #2 making a forge from Brake drum, Anvil From Junk Yard steel, Spike Dogs, Heat-treating Chisel, Roy and Peter Ross make a Cant Hook. “Forge and Anvil” Vol. #1 By Elmer Roush Beginning Blacksmithing - 5 projects, Thumb Latch, Colonial American Hardware and Fixtures "New Additions, Tapes" NOMMA ED. Foundation 1997 Video series “Basic of Forging”, 1 hr 30 min. “Learn how to Forge” By Bill Epps Tape #1 Forged Animal heads- Dragon, Long horn Steer, Ram, Horse. Tape #2 Making Tongs- Three joints, Twisted, Traditional, Champion. Three types of Jaws- Rat tail, Wolf, Bolt Tape #3 Leaves and Flowers- Five leaves: Cut Vein, Folded Raised Vein, Peapod, Oak. Five Flowers: Trumpet, Morning Glory, Dogwood, Calla Lilly, Rose Bud Tape #4 Bugs and Birds- Scorpion, Snail, Dragonfly, Hummingbird, Swimming Swan, Winged Swan. Summer 2003 “The Power Hammer Cycle” How to cure the Bang-Tap-Miss Blues (1 hr) By Dave Manzer Page 19 George Dixon @ Cassidy Bros Forge 1990 Bud Oggier 1991 Francis Whitaker @ South County Museum 1991 Tapes #1 and #2 Francis Whitaker, A Yellin-esque Quatrafoil Peter Renzetti @ Camp Leslie 1991 Tapes #1 and #2 "Uncle Bud Roast” 1992 Rob Gunter, @ South County Museum 1993 Rob Jordan, @ Orleans, MA, 1994 Frank Turley, @ Stratham, NH, 1995 Carl Close and Bob Compton, @ Manchester, NH, 1996 Rob Lyons @ Brentwood, 2001 Suffolk Latch, H+L and Butterfly Hinges L-tec Welding + Cutting Systems Safety-composite (45 min.) Audio Tape by Walt Scadden "How to survive in Business as an Artist, Craftsman or Creative Person." Rental fee is $40/ tape. This "fee" is returned to the member upon its timely return to the library assuming it has not been damaged in any way. Tapes that are available to be purchased can be done so for a fee of $10/ tape, which includes postage. This is a new service to our membership and gives everyone the opportunity to build their own blacksmithing library. Make checks payable to: NEB and forward to: Tom Perkins NEB Video Librarian 141B North St. Georgetown, Mass. 01833 I can be reached either by phone or email. Phone # 978-352-2735 Email perkinst79@yahoo.com An idea: Buy a video from a commercial source and then after you’ve watched it enough times to have memorized it and driven your family crazy, donate it to the library! New England Blacksmiths Tailgate Sales Area Rusty stuff from here to there For Sale English Anvil, Warranted Crown-Danton, marked 159, probably weight Price $250 by Richard Menkello Call 508-759-5339 Professional gas forges, in production for serious smiths Contact: Ralph Sproul Additional offerings: From Ralph For Sale: Smithing Magicians - strong enough to stand up in anvil or treadle hammer use. Magician comes with three dies (flat, 5/8 fuller, and butcher). Selling for $225. Will make stem to fit your hardy hole requirement. You can pick up at my shop, or you can pay for shipping. For Sale: Many welding table tops. Some cast iron for weld not to stick to, others are steel plate, one is hollow platen steam table. Various sizes, weights, and shapes. Varied prices For Sale: 250 lb Beaudry power hammer in rebuild able condition. Will sell as is, or rebuild, call if interested. For Sale: Guillotine tools for pipe forging. Fabricated tools selling for $40 each. Pick up at my shop or you pay freight. For Sale: Power hammer tools. Low profile tooling made from 4140, 52100, and S7 tool steels. Handles are 5/16 round stock. Shapes available are flatter/fuller, three sizes of fuller, butchers, radius tool, and cut offs. You specify what you need, or a full set can be purchased of all available shapes. Selling for $30 each. Pick up at my shop, or you pay freight. For Sale: Gas forge Plans. "The Vertical Sidewinder" is a new style gas forge I have come up with to accommodate odd shaped forgings. Plans are available Summer 2003 Page 20 for $40 each mailed to you. If you'd care for me to build this forge for you, I charge $1400 for one completed unit. (pictured above) For Sale: Tongs made from spring steel shapes are for 3/8 & 1/2" rounds and squares, box jaws for 3/4 flat, and tool holding or pickup tongs. $40 per set. Pick up at my shop or you pay shipping. For Sale: Sidearm Burners 1" barrels with stainless flares. Price is $75 each, pick up at my shop or you pay shipping. Also available are stainless flares for building your own gas forge. 1" stainless flares in stock now, 3/4"stainless would have to be ordered. contact: Ralph Sproul e-mail: brhlbsmt@mcttelecom.com phone: 603-746-4975 Free adds to members Contact 400 smiths at one time! The Editor Rambles—– I’ll risk being accused of being repetitious and once again encourage you to use your membership list and get a “local group” going in your area. When the “Southern Bunch” first identified itself as an active group operating under the NEB banner we were accused of being a “splinter group” that would tear apart the NEB! I think we’ve proved that prediction dead wrong! If anything, the establishment of “pockets of activity” in many spots around New England have energized the NEB. The “Northshore Gang” made the Brentwood Teaching Center a reality. “Ralph’s Rouges”, might be based in NH but attract friendly smiths from great distances. “The Green Mountain Blacksmiths” keep the fires burning all over the state of VT. In ME there seems to be a less formal affiliation among our members but that may change with time. The CBG chose to become a separate ABANA affiliate but still works closely with the NEB and that is to the benefit of both affiliates. By not formalizing these groups into “forges”, as some others have done, we can continue to enjoy the positive energy thus developed and hope that they each continue to be successful. If you take the initiative and create a local group, you will find it very rewarding. As the group works together it will gain confidence and might even “dare” to put on a NEB Meet! “Fortune favors the bold” Fred Mikkelsen Editor New England Blacksmiths Thanks to: On June 21st they did more than have lunch! The table workshop went very well and we not only got the tables done, but also were able to get the parts cut out, ground, deburred, and punched for 4 demo forges. The workshop on the 6th of July is still on, and we hope to complete four forges that day as we have the "Kits" ready to weld and assemble. One of these will be the new NEB forge. Seven members participated today, and we got more done than I imagined we would. Participants included: Rick Kornick, Bob Bordeaux, Ted Jones, Doug Craighead, Ray Ciemny, Mark Kellogg, and Ralph Sproul. A special thanks to those who donated not only their time to helping with this forge project, but to those who donated the post vice, the post drill, the blower, and on top of it all they delivered them to my shop! I'm very impressed with the willingness to help out with this mobilization of club gear. It makes my work much easier and enjoyable to organize and put this together when members take it upon themselves to get involved. This should be another fun workshop on July 6th, proving once again many hands make light work of it. Ralph The nice folks that donated items to the club were: Ron Gilpin who donated a post drill; Rick Kornick who donated a hand crank blower; Tom Ruelke who donated a post vice Tom Glynn also offered a post vice but the one in Keene was much closer than the one in New York, but we thank him for his offer! Summer 2003 Page 21 New England Blacksmiths NEB Stuff by Mail Get T-shirts, sweatshirts and other good stuff featuring our great logo By sending a check or money order made out to new England blacksmiths Mail to: Why wait for the next Meet, Neb Stuff c/o Dondi LaRue P.O. Box 58 Summer clearance specials! Ashby, MA 01431-0058 Please remember to tell us what you want, how many and what size. We will try to honor color selection, but color depends on stock at hand. Tell us your second and third color choices. Chose T-shirts in 100% cotton or 50/50 cotton/poly blend, let us know. Total your order and remember to add postage. Payment to: New England Blacksmiths. Please include your mailing address and phone number. Before 9:00pm, you can call Dondi at (978) 386-0066 T-shirts Adult 100% cotton . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 “ “ “ long sleeve . . $15.00 Kids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6.00 Adult 50/50 cotton/ poly . . $7.50 now only $5.00 Sweatshirts Adult crew neck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.00 Adult hooded . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 Others Postage for the average order $4.00 FIRST CLASS MAIL New England Blacksmiths Fred Mikkelsen, - Editor 23 Waterman Dr. North Scituate, RI 02857-2036 Patch, NEB logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.00 NEB caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00
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