August 2016 Newsletter - First Christian Church
August 2016 Newsletter - First Christian Church
Our Mission Our Vision To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, To be a faithful, growing church that demonstrates true witnessing, loving and serving from our doorsteps community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion “to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) for justice. (Micah 6:8) Where has the time gone? We’ve just recently returned from our beach vacation and I know that my wife is already thinking about the snow. Well she’ll have to wait a little bit longer before we see the white fluffy stuff I pray. The suntan is still in full glow for a few more days but it is evident that we are drawing to the end of summer 2016. I hope your summer has afforded you opportunity to be with your families and friends. I do hope that relationships were rekindled and brand new relationships were made. Summer time is the best time, many would say. I do like the longer days, but I have grown to love the four season country that we live in. The school bus just stopped in front of my house. Yes, it’s 7:15AM and the neighborhood kids are back in school. That means Graham – Beaver / Beaver – Graham football is about to fire up! There’s another reunion of sorts in the making. Thousands of people will pack into Mitchell Stadium one more time to see their favorite team try to be the victor in this rivaled tradition. Now, this is where I shift gears and put on my Pastors hat, but before I do I have to be honest with you about something. Things are changing in my world. Oh, I still love a good football game and a nice long vacation, but not as much as I used to. It seems that the further I go and grow in my relationship with my Elder Brother Jesus, the more I long to see others win the true victory that is in Jesus. I want to see God’s people longing for relationship with Him. Oh I love to see the Body of Christ out for worship on Sunday morning. I love to see as many as are willing and able to plug into the myriad of ministry opportunities that are available to us. It’s a blessing to see the Body of Christ active and about. Moving and making way in a world that so needs to see the Body of Christ connected and cohesive in their ministry endeavors for the cause of Jesus. But, are you growing in your faith? Are you drawing closer to your Heavenly Father? Are you the same person that you’ve been for the last 10 years or are you seeing spiritual growth in your personal life? Who is mentoring you? Who are you mentoring? What’s the last good book that you have read that has helped you grow? What’s the last spiritual conversation that you’ve had that has really tugged at your heart? When was the last time you spent more time hanging out with God than you did hanging out with Face Book? Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s ok to know and document your gas mileage from your vacation trip. I even think it’s good to know how much money your vacation cost you from beginning to end. I think it’s ok to know how many yards your favorite team had your senior year of high school and what the final score of the Big Game was last year. But when was the last time you visited or called a shut in? When was the last time you checked on someone who hasn’t been at church for some time? When was the last time you engaged in conversation with someone to share your faith story? When was the last time you prayed for a total stranger? When was the last time you took quality time to just hang out with your heavenly Father? I said it Sunday Church. It’s time we the redeemed of Jesus Christ come out of hiding and be seen living out our faith in the world where we are planted. Join us at 9 or 11 on Sunday. Go to the Lake service on the 28th. Be a part of the 125th Celebration. Learning opportunities on Tuesday, Thursday nights. Serving opportunities 24/7. Let’s come out of hiding together by seeking first Christ and His righteousness. The Lord bless and make manifest His presence in you today. You are a gift from God, fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. Shalom Y’all!! P-Doug Prayer Requests SHUT INS Doris Wiley June Turner Ruth Shields Margaret Goodwin ONGOING HEALTH Logan Hawks Evelyn Wickham Eunice Cooper Glenn Kersey Matt Selbee Lois Gibson Marie Boerboom Shannon Neal HEALTH CONCERNS C.D. Hale Jane Elliott Mrs. J.W. Newton Sue Goble Eula Angie Harris Zack Carter Melissa Stacy Neoma Reed Dennis Neal CANCER CONCERNS Bill Stevens Jim Russell JD Turner Brenda Kidd Wanda Pennington Brian Chumbly Louise McVey Nancy Tabor Carol Stafford Joyce Farmer Analyn Lilly Bernard Atwood George Smith Lori Yost Moss Shirley Harless Amy Louthan Sharon Gibson Karen Hoops Simon Bill Neal Gail Rexrode Angela Robinette Hylah Lohr Zack Williams Kristin Caudilll Donald Elliott Rebecca Dunford Lori Johnston Cheri Strong Lyons Jeep Grim Betty Gibberson Patricia Miller Wilma Cox BEREAVEMENT The Family of Jean Hale The Family of Diane Rice The Family of Elizabeth Cumby The Family of Randy Dobbins PRAYING FOR OTHERS (NON-HEALTH RELATED UPLIFTING PRAYERS ) Randy & Jan Bailey BCC Congregation FCC Congregation Retha Smith & Family Our Pastor & his family Our Country People effected by the flooding Noah Toney Bryce Allen Florence & Sarah Neal Tim & April Scott & Children UNSPECIFIED REQUEST Kevin & Joanne Fuzia Church Humor Reason To Keep Quiet In Church A mother was giving instructions to her three children as she sent them into Sunday school, “And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?” Her son quickly responded, “Because people are sleeping!” We resume our study of the epistles of Paul with Philippians beginning on Tuesday evening @ 7 pm on September 6 in the Parlor. Paul had grown to love the congregants at the church at Philippi due in large measure because when Paul was soliciting assistance for the Jerusalem Church during the famine the Philippian Church was the only contributor. Paul never forgot the generosity and faithfulness of that Church. If you are inclined to come to our study, be sure to read the entire epistle and also read the background in one of the many study Bibles to understand the approximate date of the letter and where Paul was when he wrote it. We have concentrated upon the teaching of Paul about how we are blessed by the great gift of grace received through Jesus from our Father. He struggled to put in simple words what God’s plan was for the Gentiles and how that came to fruition through the life and ministry of Jesus and the martyrs of the early church. We struggle to understand and appreciate what Paul was teaching because we do not fully understand and appreciate the culture at that time and the parables that Jesus used to teach but also which confuse us. Paul now is teaching us in Philippians how we are to respond as children of the Father and heirs of the Kingdom. As he has frequently said, we are to live as if we are worthy of those gifts, especially Jesus Christ. Please make plans to join us as we continue our study of the most beautiful book ever written! Why Doesn’t God Answer? The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her preacher father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day she asked him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages, "I'm asking the Lord to help me to preach a good sermon." "Well then, how come He doesn't do it?" she asked More Fun Yelling After a church service on Sunday Morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, "Mom, I've decided to become a minister when I grow up." "Well," said the little boy, "I have to go to church on Sunday anyway, and I figure it will be more fun to stand up and yell than to sit and listen." Jokes Retrieved from rchjokes.htm We hope to see you there. May God Be Glorified In Christ, the Son of the Living God, Roger Mullins (c) 08/10/16 rwmullins To order sanctuary flowers please call Martha Royall at 304-327-8444 Music News Chalice Columbarium and Memorial Garden At First Christian Church Upcoming Concert: To Be Announced as they come. August 28, 2016 We will be having church at Claytor Lake. The time we are leaving the church is currently: TBA. After the service there will be a picnic at the lake. Please remember if you have hot or cold items for the picnic to make proper arrangements to keep them at temperature. If you do not wish to attend the service at the Lake, no worries. We will have a combined BCC & FCC service at First Christian Church at 10:00AM with Jeff Stiltner at the pulpit. The High School Youth just returned from their summer retreat to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We would like to thank everyone that made this possible. It was both a time of fun and spiritual renewal. Although all the high schooler’s who went were girls, there were walls that were broken down and everyone was at ease with each other and cliques were nonexistent. One of the highlights of the trip was Dixie Stampede. (photo below) The next thing on the agenda is to start back W.O.W. Wednesday’s the 2nd and 4th Wednesday’s of each month starting in September at 5:30PM in Bethany Hall. The September dates for W.O.W are September 14 & 28. Thank You again for all that you do and continue to do for the Youth you all are truly amazing and We are blessed to work with such a supportive congregation. God Bless You all, Sarah Neal COLUMBARIUM SALE $1250.00 July, through September 2016 The Chalice Columbarium and Memorial Garden is designed to provide an appropriate place on church property for interment or scattering of ashes following cremation and to memorialize those interred at this location. It affords an opportunity for those who intend to be cremated to have their ashes interred at the church where they have worshipped and served. All church members at First Christian Church and Bluefield Community Church, and their families, are eligible for niches and any others with valid ties to the church or with approval of the columbarium committee. Each niche of the columbarium will accommodate 2 boxes of cremains. The cost for a niche is $1250.00, reduced from $1500.00, in July, August, and September of 2016. The cost includes the engraved inscription. The church provides perpetual care for this area and it is secured. If you have interest in a niche or have questions about it please contact the church office for an information packet. July 2016 Just as a reminder, with vacation time underway and folks being away, please keep up your gifts to God’s ministry. We give thanks to God for God’s provision of gifts and savings to help balance out the cash flow. If we remain faithful in our “little,” God will remain faithful for our “much.” I am grateful for your faithfulness to God’s work in this place. As a reminder, please continue to check for LIGHTS, RUNNING TOILETS, A/C OR HEAT, etc. following all meetings at the church. Don’t assume someone else will lock up or turn off. This really helps to hold down utility costs. Also, if you become aware of maintenance issues with the property, please bring it to the attention of the Property Ministry Team (Co-chairmen, George Birkelbach and Scott Collier) or the church office. Delayed repairs can be more expensive than when they are caught early. Our Church is truly blessed! Ronnie Hypes, Treasurer Bluefield, West Virginia First Christian Church Financial Information for July 2016 Treasurer’s Report Below is the financial report for July 2016. God is good! Praise God for His faithfulness to His church! Praise God for each of you and your faithfulness to the ministries at FCC. No transfers from savings in June!! I also want to praise God for the saints of the church. During July, we received a bequest of $20,000 to establish the Buddy and Frances Oliver permanent fund to support our ongoing ministry. First Christian Church Month-to-date Total offerings and other sources Total expenses Excess (deficit) of offerings to expenses Transfers from (to) savings Increase (decrease) Balances on hand July 31, 2016: General Fund Memorial and Special Gifts Property Repairs and Replacement Scholarship Bequested Funds and other savings Total $ Join us for our Year-to-date 13,194.58 15,013.74 $101,185.72 106,767.07 (1,819.16) 0.00 $ (1,819.16) (5,581.15) 5,707.15 $ 125.80 125th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, September 17th Sunday, September 18th Saturday, September 17th Activities 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 12:00 noon $ 1,212.23 14,574.37 Tour of the Old Church Downtown Picnic Luncheon - Bluefield City Park Sunday, September 18th Activities 10:00 a.m. First Christian Church & Bluefield Community Church 342.36 2,301.09 91,975.79 $ 110,405.84 Sermon by: Rev. Thaddaeus Allen, Regional Minister & President Stained Glass Window Dedication and Time Capsule Dedication 12:00 noon Luncheon – David’s at the Club 4:00 p.m. Music at First Christian Church Harold Brown, Concert Pianist RSVP by September 2, 2016 Saturday, September 17th – Picnic Luncheon – Covered Dish Sunday, September 18th – Catered Luncheon Location: David’s at the Club 1501 Whitethorn, Bluefield, WV Cost $15.00 per person – Make check payable to: First Christian Church Mail to: Sue Shields, FCC, 2200 Bland Road, Bluefield, WV 24701 September 2016 SUN MON WANT TO BE WITH US—BUT NEED A RIDE? Call Pastor Doug at 304-920-9992 ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CALL Don’t forget to visit the church website at Birthdays TUE WED Anniversaries For birthday/anniversary additions/changes please notify Sarah THU FRI SAT *Please note that there is no Tuesday Evening Bible Study for the Month of August. This will resume the first week of September. FCC: BCC: bluefieldcommunitychurch. 1 *George Smith *Men’s Prayer Meeting 7:30AM *Breaking Free Bible Study 6:30PM 2 4 *BCC Worship 9:00AM *Sunday School 10:00AM *FCC Worship 11:00AM *Celebrate Recovery Training 5:30PM *Youth 8:00PM—9:00PM 5 *Labor Day Office Closed *Help the Wade Center 3-6PM *Boy Scouts 7:00PM 6 *Prayer Gathering 6:15PM *Bible Study 7PM *Holy Yoga 7:00PM *Celebrate Recovery Info Meeting 7PM 7 *Breakfast at TBA 7:30AM *BCC Praise Team 5:00PM *FCC Praise Band Practice 6:00PM 8 *Sarah Neal *Men’s Prayer Meeting 7:30AM *Breaking Free Bible Study 6:30PM 11 12 *Boy Scouts 7:00PM 13 *Prayer Gathering 6:15PM *Bible Study 7PM *Holy Yoga 7:00PM *Celebrate Recovery Info Meeting 7PM 14 *Martha Royall *Breakfast at TBA 7:30AM *BCC Praise Team 5:00PM *W.O.W. Wednesday 5:30PM *FCC Praise Band Practice 6:00PM 15 *Men’s Prayer Meeting 7:30AM *Breaking Free Bible Study 6:30PM *Boy Scout District Scout Meeting 20 *Prayer Gathering 6:15PM *Bible Study 7PM *Holy Yoga 7:00PM *Celebrate Recovery Info Meeting 7PM 21 *Daniel Francisco *Breakfast at TBA 7:30AM *Newsletter Assembled/Mailed 10:00AM *BCC Praise Team 5:00PM *FCC Praise Band Practice 6:00PM 22 *Erin Wilson *Men’s Prayer Meeting 7:30AM *Breaking Free Bible Study 6:30PM 23 27 *Prayer Gathering 6:15PM *Bible Study 7PM *Holy Yoga 7:00PM *Celebrate Recovery Info Meeting 7PM 28 *Breakfast at TBA 7:30AM *BCC Praise Team 5:00PM *W.O.W. Wednesday 5:30PM *FCC Praise Band Practice 6:00PM 29 *Bill Bassett *Men’s Prayer Meeting 7:30AM *Breaking Free Bible Study 6:30PM 30 *Anne Chappell *David & Shirley Hines *BCC Worship 9:00AM *Sunday School 10:00AM 3 9 10 *Annie McDaniel *9AM FCC Cabinet Meeting 16 17 *FCC”s 125th Anniversary *FCC”s 125th Anniversary *Newsletter deadline *FCC Worship 11:00AM *Celebrate Recovery Training 5:30PM 18 *FCC”s 125th Anniversary *BCC Worship 9:00AM *Sunday School 10:00AM *FCC Worship 11:00AM *Celebrate Recovery Training 5:30PM *Youth 8:00PM—9:00PM 19 *Nick Shoemaker *Boy Scouts 7:00PM 25 *BCC Worship 9:00AM *Sunday School 10:00AM *FCC Worship 11:00AM *Celebrate Recovery Training 5:30PM *Youth 8:00PM—9:00PM 26 *Boy Scouts 7:00PM 24 *Sue Smith *Spencer Turner * Evelyn Wickham Bluefield, WV 24701 2200 Bland Road Disciples of Christ First Christian Church 304-327-5633 Office Hours: M-F 9:00 am -1:00 pm May you be blessed today. We heartily welcome all Welcome To Our Church Non-Profit Organization Bluefield, WV 24701 Permit # 51 # US Postage Paid Douglas W. McDaniel Jr., Pastor First Christian Church 11:00 am Worship Service Sunday School: 10:00 am Bluefield Community Church Service 9:00 am Worship Service Sunday Youth Night 8:00PM—9:00PM W.O.W. Wednesday September 14 & 28 At 5:30PM *Youth Outreach Ministry If you have any questions concerning youth events please contact Darius Carper, Youth Minister or 304.800 3774 or Sarah Neal, Youth Mentor or 304.910.2682