December 2010 newsletter - American College of Veterinary
December 2010 newsletter - American College of Veterinary
AMERICAN COLLEGE OF VETERINARY OPHTHALMOLOGISTS® The ACVO View VOL. 2 ISSUE 10 | WINTER | 2010 “...that light shall prevail over darkness...”® PRESIDENT’S CORNER bylaws as needed, and currently we have little control as a consequence of members that do not participate in the process. We will similarly propose to modify our bylaws in 2011. Passage would allow an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the eligible ballots cast, to determine the results of a measure. ® TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Corner ...Page 1 Member News...Page 2 Committee Reports...Page 3 Public Relations...Pages 4 ACVO Conference...Page 5 VAF Foundation...Page 6 Calendar...Page 8 Classified Ads...Page 10 Inserts: Ads Dues Form Service Dog Eye Exam Event Sign-up Form by Carmen Colitz, DVM, PhD, DACVO I am truly humbled and honored to serve as the President of the ACVO. While the job can be daunting and awesome at the same time, I have been privileged to watch previous Presidents accomplish numerous goals with finesse and patience. I hope to be able to do the same with current goals important to our future. Numerous issues were discussed at our conference in beautiful San Diego in October. The need to modify our bylaws in order to allow an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the eligible ballots cast is imperative. This was proposed and failed in the recent bylaws vote a few weeks ago. The primary problem is that in order to implement ANY change, we presently need 2/3 of our eligible membership to vote on an issue. Therefore an abstention from voting constitutes a ‘no’ vote. As it stands, the current proposal changes this requirement to a 2/3 supermajority of those who actually cast a vote. If this measure fails again, the ACVO is likely never to be able to amend its bylaws, a consequence with significant ramifications. A supermajority of those who actually vote will still be required, but the results will no longer be affected by those who do not vote. This is a standard requirement for bylaws changes in many organizations. In our last two bylaws votes only 45% and 76% of the Active and Emeritus Diplomates cast eligible votes, respectively. We, the members of the ACVO, deserve the right to change our I encourage you to vote again in 2011 on this important measure, and I thank those of you who made the effort in 2011. A second issue that is on our radar is the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) proposal. The proposal has been discussed, edited, and returned to the MOC committee for proposed changes. The requirement for MOC will not affect present Diplomates of the ACVO. Existing diplomates, however, may elect to demonstrate that they are current by undergoing the MOC process. A third issue, though no less important than the other issues, is the separation of Certification/ Diplomate and Membership. This issue is still in its development phase but much more advanced than before. Dr. Whitley, our ABVS representative, has been working with the Governance committee to follow recommendations of the ABVS and allow an easy streamlined transition that will protect us as individuals and as a group. I look forward to seeing you all in Hilton Head, South Carolina at the ACVO conference this fall. Feel free to contact me with any comments or concerns and we, the BOR, will do our best to address these issues. THE ACVO VIEW, PAGE 2 MEMBER NEWS { WELCOME NEW ACVO DIPLOMATES! } that 38% of Diplomates did not cast a vote. A vote that is not cast essentially provides a ‘no’ vote toward the measure. See the specific break down below. 336 - Total eligible votes. 224 – Total votes that must have been received for an affirmative majority to have passed the measure. 208 – Total eligible votes received (128 did not cast a ballot). 182 – Votes in support of the measure to change the bylaws. 26 – Votes in opposition to the motion. Your vote is very important. Please plan to vote again in 2011 for a similar measure that will be proposed. { RESULTS OF THE ACVO ‘SPENDING’ SURVEY } The below individuals successfully passed ACVO exams and were inducted into membership as Diplomates in September. Biography information is available for each new Diplomate at, in the members section. Drs. Joshua Broadwater, Christin Chapman, Tina Fife, James Histed, Stacy Peterson (Ivins), Amber Labelle, Catherine Nunnery, Chris Pirie, Simon Pot, Tara Richards, Lynsey Smith, Robert Swinger, Mitzi Zarfoss and Dara Zirofsky. { ACVO OFFICER ELECTIONS } Congratulations to ACVO’s newest Regent, Dr. Steven Hollingsworth and the Public Regent, Mr. Douglas Jack. These individuals were elected into office during the business meeting in October. Additionally, Dr. Brian Gilger was elected as President-Elect and Dr. Robert English as Vice President. Special thanks go out to outgoing Past-President, Dr. Cynthia Powell for her 7+ years of service on the Board of Regents. We all appreciate the tireless hours that our Regents and our committee members put into the ACVO and thank them ALL for their dedication. Please see an updated list of current committee members on the website under ‘leadership’. { 2010 BYLAWS MOTION RESULTS } Below are the voting results on the bylaws motion proposed by the ACVO Board of Regents. The premise of the proposed changes was to make clerical updates and amending the process by which bylaws could be changed in the future. Votes were collected via mailed ballot and on site at the business meeting. Only one vote was permitted per eligible Diplomate. Active and Emeritus Diplomates at the time of the mailing in August, were eligible to vote. The results of the vote showed overwhelming support of the change but unfortunately the measure still failed due to the fact Plan to save money and experience better benefits in 2011! Thank you for offering your opinions via the ‘spending survey’ administered this past spring. The Board received this feedback and prioritized options based on your responses. The items that ranked highest included: eliminate automatic dues escalator, dues reduction, enhancement of audio visual support during the annual conference and financial support of the PR committee and their efforts. After discussion, the Regents voted to do the following: 1) Suspend the automatic dues escalator in 2011 and thereafter review the dues annually. The ACVO’s dues include a free subscription to a published Journal, a $150 value! This is not typical with other College dues fees. 2) An increased investment will be made in the annual conference technology both on-site and post-meeting online availability. We are planning to provide attendees with online sessions to view post-conference. Right now the details are being worked out. 3) Finally, the Board voted to help fund the 2011 Service Dog event if it wasn’t funded by a major sponsor. The good news is that Merial will again act as the major sponsor in 2011 therefore the board may reconsider this action at its board meeting this March. (Secondary sponsorship is currently being discussed.) The overall financial situation of the College will continue to be examined and appropriate proposals made as needed. As of now the Board is pleased to announce that the goal of accumulating one year’s reserves will likely be reached by the end of 2010 or early 2011. { CONGRATULATIONS! } Eye Care for Animals in Avondale, AZ is proud announce that they became an AAHA accredited referral practice in March 2010. ACVO BOARD OF REGENTS { PRESIDENT } Dr. Carmen Colitz (561) 967-5966 { PRESIDENT-ELECT } Dr. Brian Gilger (919) 513-1273 { VICE PRESIDENT } Dr. Robert English (919) 319-3348 { PAST PRESIDENT } Dr. Cynthia Cook (650) 551-1115 { SECRETARY/TREASURER } Dr. Michael Paulsen (817) 483-8762 { REGENT } Dr. Nick Millichamp (979) 845-2351 { REGENT } Dr. Joseph Wolfer (416) 232-0211 { REGENT } Dr. Steven Hollingsworth (530) 757-7205 { PUBLIC REGENT } Mr. Douglas Jack (519) 843-4908 { ABVS REPRESENTATIVE } Dr. David Whitley (515) 294-4900 { ABVS ALT. REPRESENTATIVE } Dr. Cynthia Powell (970) 297-1259 { EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR } Ms. Stacee Daniel (208) 466-7624 { ACVO OFFICE INFORMATION } PO Box 1311 Meridian, ID 83680 Ph: (208) 466-7624 Fx: (208) 466-7693 { “THE ACVO VIEW” } Edited by Ms. Stacee Daniel and Ms. Jennifer Simon “...that light shall prevail over darkness...” COMMITTEE REPORTS { BOARD OF REGENTS } The ACVO BOR, having completed goals in the 2006 ACVO Strategic Plan will meet again to renew this plan for the next 5 years. The meeting will take place during the Spring board meeting, lengthening it by 1.5 days. Critical board member training will also be administered during this time period to help its members work together with increased efficiency. These meetings will be combined to help lower costs of these directives. { BASIC SCIENCE COURSE } by Dr. Michael Davidson, Chairperson The 9th Biannual William Magrane Basic Science Course in Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology was held June 7-25, 2010 at North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC. Eighty-one individuals representing 18 countries registered for the course, including 43 ACVO residents and 11 ECVO residents. The Basic Science Course planning committee developed the curriculum for this three week course over the prior two years. This planning committee is comprised of Drs. Ellison Bentley, Cynthia Cook, Mike Davidson, Dick Dubielzig (ACVP), Diane Hendrix, David Maggs, Paul Miller, Ron Ofri (ECVO), and David Wilkie. Twenty-seven faculty participated in the course including 16 ACVO Diplomates, three ECVO Diplomates, and eight faculty in other fields. New faculty this year included Drs. Alison Clode, Christine Heinrich, Gill McLellan, Richard McMullen, Carol Naranjo, Teresa Peña, and Gabi Seiler. The efforts of all of these individuals are greatly appreciated. Total revenue for the course was $104,650 and after expenses (which this year included an honorarium to most speakers) course proceeds totaled $37,350, which has been distributed to the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation. A number of faculty generously donated their honorarium to the ACVO Foundation. EARLY DOCUMENT CHECK: Applicants wishing to take advantage of the optional early document check should submit all documents and fees so as to ensure RECEIPT by 5 pm Mountain Time, January 7th, 2011. { JOURNAL COMMITTEE } by Dr. David A Wilkie, Editor and Chief In addition to our regular issues, the Journal published a Special Issue on Zoo and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology in 2010 and I would like to thank Dr. AJ Marlar for an excellent job managing the largest number of manuscripts we have ever had submitted for a Special Issue. We are currently soliciting manuscripts for a Special Issue on Feline Ophthalmology. It has been 10 years since the last Special Feline Issue edited by Dr. Mary Belle Glaze and it is time for us to re-visit this topic. If you have manuscripts that pertain to Feline Ophthalmology please submit them online for our Guest Editor, Dr. Jean Stiles. The Journal continues to grow in the annual number of submissions and the sources of these submissions remain broad based with respect to both country and ophthalmology area. We have an excellent journal with an Impact factor of 1.516 and a Ranking of 31/141 in the Veterinary Sciences. This is a result of the efforts of all of us including authors, reviewers and Editorial Board Members. I would like to offer my thanks to all who have help make us as strong as we are. While the Journal is the official publication of the ACVO, it is also supported by 12 other worldwide ophthalmology colleges and societies. I would also thank them for their generous support to ensure we remain a truly international journal. If you have any concerns, or would like to offer your help as a reviewer please do not hesitate to contact me at { GENETICS COMMITTEE } Planning for the 2012 Basic Science Course will begin in May 2011. by Dr. Katie Diehl, Chairperson { CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE } by Dr. David Maggs, Chairperson CREDENTIALS PROCESS 2011: Downloadable credentials forms and instructions for completing these forms along with the Credentials Committee’s Policies and Procedures document are now available in the Residents section of the ACVO website ( CommInstructions.asp). All Applicants intending to take the ACVO certifying examination this year, along with their Supervising Diplomates if they are first-time applicants, should visit the ACVO website for full instructions. Enquiries not answered by reading the Policies and Procedures document as well as all instructions for completing forms may be sent by email to Dr. David Maggs, Credentials Chair at Thanks to CERF and Optigen for their continued generous sponsorship of the Genetics Update Symposium this year the “CERF Exam Forum” in San Diego, and CERF for continued financial and administrative support of our committee. A revised/updated, but informal version of the pamphlet “Guidelines for completing the CERF form” has been prepared by the Genetics Committee and CERF liaison. It was provided to participants in the CERF exam forum and is also provided to new diplomates at their initial CERF luncheon. It will also potentially be available on the ACVO website in the genetics committee / CERF section, as well as future “Blue Books”, but in the meantime, it may be requested via any of the committee members (see page 7 for a list of committee members). A revised/updated 2010 version of the 5th edition of the “Blue Book” (with a few corrections and new breed conditions based DEADLINE: on 2008 diagnoses statistics analysis and literature review) will This year’s deadline for RECEIPT of all documentation and fees is be available very soon. It will only be available online, replacing 5 pm Mountain Time, January 21st, 2011. Forms received after the the 2009 version found/accessed on the ACVO website under deadline, incomplete forms, and submissions not using original and the CERF section with password protection. When it is officially current versions of all forms will render the Applicant’s credentials posted there, the CERF office will begin using its “rules” for packet incomplete for that year, and the Applicant will be unable to processing of forms, and this timing will be announced to take the certifying examination in that year. diplomates via email. (continued on page 7) THE ACVO VIEW, PAGE 4 PUBLIC RELATIONS increase the numbers of veterinarians participating and service animals benefiting from the event! Watch your email for ongoing updates this spring. { 4TH ANNUAL ACVO NATIONAL SERVICE DOG EYE EXAM EVENT, MAY, 2011} ® by Stacee Daniel { ACVO.ORG IMPROVEMENTS } ACVO & May 2011 will mark the 4th year of the ACVO/Merial Service Dog event. Thank you all for helping bring increased awareness of the profession to over 87,000,000 people during the 2010 event. We experienced amazing results last year… so much so that Merial has promised to fully fund the event again in 2011! The continued key sponsorship from Merial and supporting sponsorship of others, including to date I-Med Animal Health, MWI Veterinary Supply and Welch Allyn, Inc., will help us promote and hopefully increase the number of service animals seen and thus increase the press to the profession and your individual clinics. Again this year, the event will take place during the entire month of May. If your clinic wishes to participate plan to sign up in December off the member section of the website or in response to an email we will be sending you. Service Dog registrants will again be directed to contact your office after April 1st to set appointments according to your schedules. Last year some of you set aside ½ day appointments during one full week, others set aside one entire day each week for 4 weeks, still others managed it differently. You do not have to commit to certain days or hours to participate in the event. I implore anyone already providing similar services to marry their program with this event during the month of May. Your participation not only increases your exposure but also helps us In the month of December you will notice a major aesthetic and navigational update to the website. Please feel free to send comments and suggestions to us as you move through the site. We are also working to update the database functions yet again this spring. The goal is to allow you to update your member profile directly. The profile will hopefully include expanded member information, pictures, and links. This system is currently being bid and reworked so it is not likely to be in affect in time for dues renewals in December/January. We will be highlighting a Diplomate on the cover of the site every month or two. If you submit information about yourself or your clinic, an interesting case, unusual animal examined, PR that you picked up locally, etc., we will consider featuring it on the site for your clients to see. Please email any suggestions to us as soon as possible. Rotation will depend on how many responses we receive. Approximately half a dozen are in the rotation to be featured in 2011. In order to accommodate these changes, individual passwords will be assigned to Active Diplomates this spring. You will need this information after that time to access the ‘member’ areas of the site. (Public Relations section continued on page 8) Offering Vitreoretinal Surgery in two locations to conveniently serve our East and West coast clients. Pasadena, CA Allison Hoffman, DVM, DACVO (626) 564-0202 Wheeling, IL Steve Sisler, r DVM, DACVO (847) 215-3933 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR BOARD ELIGIBLE AND BOARD CERTIFIED VETERINAR AR Y OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Contact Human Resources at (480) 682-6903 or www w "SJ[POBt$BMJGPrOJBt*MMJOPJTt,BOTBTt,FOUVDLZt.BrZMBOEt/FWBEBt/FX.FYJDPt0IJPtTFYBTt6UBIt T VirHJOJBt WJTDPOTJO “...that light shall prevail over darkness...” ACVO CONFERENCE RECAP San Diego proved to be an amazing venue for attendees of the 41st annual conference this fall. Over 640 people attended the meeting, another 100+ including VOTS. The Welcome Reception, hosted at SeaWorld, co-sponsored by SeaWorld, I-Med, OcuGLO Rx and ACVO, was fabulous. Over 570 people attended and were privy to a private Shamu show complete with a customized husbandry display, never ending food and hosted drinks. Educational sessions included general for three days, special session breakouts (equine, vitreous and exotics), poster sessions, Memorial Lecturer, Dr. Mike Robinson, hosted lunches, and a packed exhibit hall. The exhibit hall spilled out onto a massive deck overlooking Mission Bay which made mingling all the more enjoyable. The Friday Gala was held outside, crowned with string lights, accompanied by the soft sounds of a steel drum band lazily drifting by. The ERG lecture was well received by many while the wet lab fell short for those wishing experience another vendor’s equipment. Circumstances prevented this from occurring properly and we offer our apology to those of you who may have been disappointed. A survey feedback was received and is being evaluated for next year’s event in Hilton Head. We look forward to welcoming you on the All East coast next fall for another outstanding event! THE ACVO VIEW, PAGE 6 VISION FOR ANIMALS FOUNDATION { 2010 VAF GRANTS } Congratulations 2010 Vision for Animals Foundation Award Winners Our congratulations go out to the following Vision for Animals Foundation Grant winners for 2010-2011. Each grant winner will receive $5,000 toward funding their grant research. Winners will be required to present their data at the ACVO conference within the next three years so Diplomates should look forward to seeing presentations on these topics in the future. Thank you to everyone who continually supports the Foundation to help fund these annual grants. Due to your generosity, the Foundation has been able to fund over $190,000 in grants to date. The VAF’s financial goal remains to accumulate 1-1.5 million dollars in reserve to become a self-funding granting institution and to fund additional research grants, including Diplomates’ work. 1. Dr. Ann Bosiak - Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth A. Giuliano, University of Missouri - Columbia. Title: “Gene therapy in the canine cornea: efficacy and safety of a novel therapeutic strategy.” 2. Dr. Thomas Chen - Mentor: Dr. Juliet Gionfriddo, Colorado State University. Title: “Abnormal distribution or inhibition of EAAT3 may lead to oxidative stress in glaucoma.” 3. Dr. Jay Harrington - Mentor: Dr. Brian Gilger, North Carolina State University. Title: “Correlation of clinical and histologic effects of diode laser endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation on the normal equine eye.” 4. Dr. Elizabeth Lutz - Mentor: Drs. David A. Wilkie and Anne Gemensky Metzler, The Ohio State University. Title: “Impact of cyclosporine A on lens epithelial cell apoptosis and corneal endothelial viability.” { YOUR “EYE-TO-EYE” STATUE ORDER BENEFITS THE FOUNDATION! } The Vision for Animals Foundation has teamed up with artist Jim Gion, who created the “Eye-to-Eye” statue which sold during the VAF auction at the ACVO conference in Chicago, to sell a limited number of ‘Eye-to-Eye’ commissioned bronzes to ACVO Diplomates as a fundraiser. We have received eight orders so far! The following pieces are available: 1) Reduced sized maquettes (male or female subjects) approximately 4”x 8” x12” in size and will weigh around 20 pounds. The cost of this bronze would be $1,150 (includes shipping in the US). Shipping would be “foamed in place and insured” as per the artist. Approximately $150 of this price would be deductible as a donation to the VAF. 2) A limited number of full sized bronzes (male or female subjects) - 7” x 16” x 32” in size. The artist didn’t quote the weight but I recall it was over 100 lbs at the ACVO conference. The price for this piece will be $5,000. Shipping to anywhere in the US is about $400 additional. It would also be foamed in place and insured. Approximately $1,500 of this price would be deductible as a donation to the VAF. The artist has made these available to the VAF at wholesale to allow us to promote this as a fund raiser. To order, please visit or contact ACVO office. { VAF FUNDRAISERS FOR 2010 } Thank you to all who donated to the Vision for Animals Foundation programs in 2010! Estimates show that donations should total about 60K this year. Grants were funded for 20K and Foundation expenses ran around $6,000 in total. If you would like to help the Foundation reach its goal of 1 million to become self funding, consider supporting the below programs or make a direct donation. 100% is tax deductible in accordance with IRS. Financial Summary: BSC (from 2010) - $37,350 Pet letter donations - $6,055 General member donations - $5,500 Auction - $3,731 Interest - $3,000 Eye-to-Eye Statues - $1,500 Public donations - $1,075 “...that light shall prevail over darkness...” (Genetics Committee report continued from page 3) As before, the Genetics Committee continues to work on annual “Blue Book” revisions based on breed statistics, literature review and overhaul of the introduction, genetic testing information, glossary/definitions, and outdated or erroneous references. We anticipate another version of the document, potentially a new edition, to be available late 2011 or early 2012. CERF form reminders and upcoming changes (early 2011) Pannus Currently – Plasma cell infiltration of the nictitans (“plasmoma”) is considered part of the pannus/chronic superficial keratitis disease complex even when it occurs in isolation (i.e., without corneal change). The breeding recommendation is the same as for pannus. Diplomates are advised to mark this condition as “Other – suspected as inherited” and specify under “Comments”. With new form, under third eyelid, a bubble was added for “plasmoma/atypical pannus” and this may be marked when this change is noted with corneal changes or without. The word “inherited” was also removed from pannus in the corneal section of the form – this bubble should still be used for the corneal disease, with or without third eyelid involvement. Finally, we are working on cleaning up the pannus/chronic superficial keratitis definitions in the “Blue Book.” As previously announced, in the PPM section: Lens pigment foci, no strands – This bubble should be marked for pigmented anterior lens capsular opacities thought to be caused by a previous PPM. At this time, marking this bubble does not have specific breeding recommendation consequences, but the bubble was created to allow more consistent and accurate data collection and tracking of this condition especially as it relates to (if at all) other, more visually significant/threatening PPM issues, as currently that is nearly impossible as this is marked or described and commented on/documented in so many different ways by different Diplomates. Endothelial opacity, no strands – This bubble should be marked for opacities of the corneal endothelium (pigmented or not) thought to be caused by a previous PPM. Marking this bubble will have the same consequences on the breeding recommendation as marking “Iris to Cornea” PPMs. Opacities of the corneal endothelium that are not thought to be caused by PPMs should be marked as “Other.” Punctate posterior suture tip opacities – significance unknown – These should be marked as such in lens under cataract so that they can be consistently monitored and thus tracked. We are working on getting these to NOT generate an E1 (“cataract, significance unknown) diagnosis category on CERF certificates, possibly through having their own bubble (“suture tip opacities”) but for now are just trying to achieve consistency in their documentation. Any size cataract (punctate, intermediate or diffuse) can be qualified by marking the significance unknown bubble. This may be used for suspected traumatic cataracts, etc. As this bubble states though, please describe its use (essentially doubt of inheritance or at least possibility that the change noted is not inherited for some reason….) in the comments section. Congratulations to the 2010 ACVO Resident Award Winners: Veterinary Ophthalmic Specialities and ACVO Best Clinical Paper: Dr. DJ Haeussler, Ohio State University Veterinary Ophthalmic Specialties and ACVO Best Research Paper: Dr. Allyson Groth, UC Davis Retinopathy bubble previously added for this recognized disease in certain breeds that is different from retinal dysplasias. Examples include: Coton de Tulear -multifocal retinopathy – cmr2; previously known as retinal dysplasia – bullae Great Pyrenees - multifocal retinopathy – cmr1 Mastiff – multifocal retinopathy – cmr1 Swedish Vallhund Likely others…. Persistent hyaloid artery or persistent hyaloid remnant – When noted, these should be marked as other, suspect non (typically) inherited and described or notes in comments. As this bubble used to exist on the forms and is in the database as a diagnosis, these get recoded to track this issue as long as they are documented. Removed bubbles for: retinal atrophy – suspicious and eury/macroblepharon Please describe lesions noted in the comments section, as drawings often don’t show up on the “carbon” copies. Additionally, when marking the “other” bubbles, both for suspected inherited and suspect non-inherited lesions, PLEASE describe the other in the comments! Please feel free to contact any member of the Genetics Committee with questions or concerns that you may have regarding this information or other related issues. The current members of the Genetics Committee are: as of 1.1.11, co-chairs Carrie Breaux and Jacqueline Pearce, and members Joshua Bartoe, Michel Carrier, Patricia Gearhart, Alan Brightman, Gia Klauss, Ruth Marrion and one other to be determined. Outgoing members are Katie Diehl (chair 2009-2010) and Nicole MacLaren. Carrie Breaux has served as CERF liaison, but as of 12.31.10, will be vacating this post to join the committee and Katie Diehl will take over this role. We would also like to encourage interested ACVO Diplomates to consider volunteering their services as members the Genetics Committee in the future. THE ACVO VIEW, PAGE 8 (Public Relations continued from page 4) CALENDAR { ACVO BROCHURES AVAILABLE ONLINE} Six ACVO brochures are now available for Diplomates to download from in the members’ section. The brochure files are high resolution pdfs which can be sent to the printer of your choosing. We highly recommend the company Sterling Graphics, who’s contact information is listed below the brochure files online. If you would like to add your clinic or practice information to the original brochure file before printing, please contact the above mentioned printer. They have the native file and will add your contact information. Contact Sterling Graphics for pricing and ordering information. We hope to be able to offer interactive pdf files to allow Diplomates to add their own contact information in the future. These brochures do not, in any way, describe or dictate a standard of care. Its purpose is to provide general educational information to the pet-owning public. February 2-5, 2011 VSIPP San Diego, CA Hotel del Coronado, San Diego, CA Contact: Gary Abeyta February 4-5, 2011 MWVOS Itasca, IL Eaglewood Resort and Spa Contact: Seth Koch Email: Phone: 202.363.4157 February 13, 2011 NCVOS San Francisco, CA Queen Anne Hotel April 1-2, 2011 Dorothy Havemeyer Foundation Equine Ophthalmology Consortium Symposium West Palm Beach, FL West Palm Beach Marriott NALBUPHINE Ophthalmic Excerpts from clinical studies: “When properly made, Nalbuphine Ophthalmic does not damage tissue”. “Specialized compounding and sterilization of Nalbuphine Ophthalmic Solution is imperative for its function as a safe and effective drug. If improperly compounded and /or sterilized, damage to tissue may occur”. Long term treatment with Nalbuphine Ophthalmic is safe. There don’t appear to be any overt toxic effects on the corneal epithelium with extended exposures. The pet should always be under supervision by a veterinarian. Contact GARxY for information and/or for copies of clinical studies Gary and Gerald – Prescription Center – Phone 800.682.4664 <> Fax 888.256.6291 The only pharmacist supporting ACVO since 1991 May 20-22, 2011 2011 ECVO Annual Scientific Meeting Berlin, Germany June 15-18, 2011 2011 ACVIM Forum Denver, CO September 29-October 2, 2011 International Society of Ocular Toxicology (ISOT) Stevenson, WA Skamania Lodge October 26-29, 2011 ACVO Annual Conference Hilton Head, SC Marriott Hilton Head Resort & Spa ANIMAL HEALTH A Division of I-MED Pharma Inc. Siflex® Vet Hydrophobic Acrylic IOL Siflex® Vet is the first veterinary foldable hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens. The Siflex® Vet features true 360o square edge, heparin surface modification, and blue blocking materials offering the best long-term protection and superior clinical outcomes on an easy to implant platform. Call Now For Your Free Evaluation t First foldable hydrophobic acrylic IOL - smaller incisions, easier to implant, reduced inflammation and chance of adverse reactions t True 360o square edge - reduces PCO t Blue light filtering material protects the retina against harmful UV light t Heparin surface modification (HSM) - reduces post-operative inflammmation, foreign body reactions and PCO Unique, with over 20 years of experience, I-MED Animal Health provides the veterinary community with specialized eye care products. T (800) 463-1008 F (514) 685-8998 E W THE ACVO VIEW, PAGE 10 PRIVATE PRACTICE POSITIONS (Ads have been edited for space. For complete ads, please visit SEEKING BOARD-CERTIFIED OR BOARD-ELIGIBLE OPHTHALMOLOGIST, OKLAHOMA CITY AND TULSA, OK The Animal Eye Clinic is seeking a board-certified or board-eligible ophthalmologist to join our Oklahoma practice. We are a well established practice with a great referral base. The position will include a 3-5 day work week, a baseline salary, benefit package, paid vacation and retirement plan. A new multi-disciplined 12,000 ft. referral hospital in Tulsa should be completed in the fall of 2011. Please contact our A.E.C. office manager, Mary, at 405-751-3821 or if you have an interest in joining our practice. SEEKING BOARD-CERTIFIED OR BOARD-ELIGIBLE OPHTHALMOLOGISTS - MI AND FL BluePearl Veterinary Partners is a leading provider of specialty services that is owned and operated by veterinarians and veterinary professionals. We are exclusively dedicated to specialty and emergency medicine with 19 locations in 9 states, and growing. We confidently offer exciting, collegial and fulfilling work environments; competitive compensation and benefits; and buy-in potential. Join our team of board-certified specialists, working in state-of-the-art facilities and supported by well-trained staff and excellent management. If interested, please contact Terri Morris at 248-912-5670 or Please visit JOB OPPORTUNITY FOR A BOARDED OR BOARD-ELIGIBLE OPHTHALMOLOGIST - ROCKLIN, CA Animal Eye Center (AEC) is looking for a full time ophthalmologist to join our staff. Compensation is based on percentage with 401-K, medical and liability insurance, CE and paid vacation. We are a progressive and well equipped hospital with a large client base. AEC provides clinical rotation for interns from two area referral specialty hospitals. The Sacramento area offers broad cultural, athletic and outdoor opportunities. Please contact Lana Linton DVM, DACVO (Work 916-6244364 or Home 530-888-0195 or Email ALCON LABS SEEKING OPHTHALMOLOGIST - FORT WORTH, TX Alcon Labs is seeking an Ophthalmologist to direct a centralized function to perform highly specialized and technical in vivo examinations to support preclinical safety studies. DVM with at least 8 years of demonstrated clinical aptitude in surgical procedures required. Board certification preferred. Submit applications to SEEKING BOARD-CERTIFIED OR BOARD-ELIGIBLE OPHTHALMOLOGIST FOR A FULL OR PART-TIME POSITION – LOVELAND, CO Animal Eye Center is seeking a person to join us in the Northern Colorado area. The practice is in a 2,500 sq foot facility; next door to a 15,000 sq foot specialty practice providing internal medicine, surgery, physical therapy, and 24 hr emergency services. AEC has a full array of standard and advanced ophthalmic instrumentation to permit such diagnostics as high resolution ultrasonography as well as glaucoma surgery using endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation and gonioimplants. Please submit a CV via e-mail to, by mail to AEC, 215 W. 67th Ct, Loveland, CO 80538, or FAX to 970-461-0027. OPHTHALMOLOGIST WANTED PREFURRED PET CARE, SAN DIEGO, CA PPC is currently seeking a full time Ophthalmologist to join our expanding company. We offer excellent pay and full benefits including medical, dental, extensive continuing education opportunities, and paid vacation and sick time. We currently have two full time ophthalmologists working in the San Diego area. Please contact and submit resume to BOARD-ELIGIBLE OR BOARD-CERTIFIED VETERINARY OPHTHALMOLOGIST POSITION AVAILABLE, SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CA Drs. Friedman and Smith are looking for a board-eligible or board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist to join our ophthalmology practice in the eastern part of the San Francisco Bay Area. We have two locations: one in Fremont and the other in Pleasant Hill. In the Fremont location we are associated with three board-certified veterinary specialists as well as an emergency clinic. Flexible hours. Great working environment. Outstanding staff. Profit sharing plan, 401K, and excellent health benefits as well as potential for future ownership. Contact Deborah Friedman at 510-623-0444 or OPHTHALMOLOGIST – CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Carolina Veterinary Specialists (CVS) has four 24 hour emergency and referral only specialty hospitals throughout North Carolina with a fifth set to open in 2011. Although board certification is preferred, individuals who have completed residency training or are undergoing residency training are encouraged to apply as well. Compensation consists of base salary and production based percentage pay in addition to an excellent benefits package. Our specialists enjoy a four day work week with an excellent quality of life away from the hospital. Contact Dr. Jesse Eichenbaum at (704) 504-9608 for more information. Email resumes to SEEKING A BOARD-CERTIFIED OR QUALIFIED - BAY AREA, CA Veterinary Vision is seeking a board-certified or qualified colleague to join our private practice in the California Bay Area. We have two new, state of the art ophtho only facilities; one in San Carlos and one in San Francisco. The position offers a three or four-day work week and future partnership potential. Salary is based on experience, motivation and individual production. We offer an attractive fringe benefit program that includes CE, a Profit Sharing Plan and 401K. Contact Cindy Cook ( or Albert Mughannam ( for more information. 2011 DIPLOMATE DUES REMINDER Diplomate dues renewals will begin December 1st. You may renew using the enclosed form or preferably the secure, online link off of the front page of the ‘members area’ of the website. “...that light shall prevail over darkness...” UNIVERSITY POSITIONS FULL-TIME FACULTY POSITION - UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA, IL DVM degree or equivalent. ACVO or ECVO board-certified, board-qualified or individuals who have completed ACVO or ECVO residency training in veterinary ophthalmology. Residents currently in an ACVO or ECVO training program are also encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will join our existing faculty in providing clinical service and clinical and didactic teaching of professional students, interns, and residents, as well as contributing to the scholarly mission of the College, through either independent or collaborative research efforts. Please create your candidate profile through https://jobs.illinois. edu<>. Upload application materials, including your application letter, resume, transcripts, and names and contact information for three references by November 30, 2010. All requested information must be submitted for your application to be considered. Additional information about the position may be obtained by contacting Dr. Ralph E. Hamor, 217-333-7451 VETERINARY OPHTHALMOLOGIST, OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, STILLWATER, OK The Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Oklahoma State University Center is seeking applicants for a tenure-track or clinical-track position. Salary and academic rank will commensurate with experience and qualifications. A DVM or equivalent and completion of clinical residency training in veterinary ophthalmology are required. Board certification by the ACVO is preferred. However, those qualified to take the ACVO certification examination are encouraged to apply. Eligibility for faculty licensure in the state of Oklahoma is required. Applications should include a letter of intent with a statement of professional goals, curriculum vitae, and names and addresses of three references. Contact: Dr. Charles MacAllister, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-2042, 405-744-8468, FAX 405-744-6265, email: DEPARTMENT CHAIR, DEPT. OF CLINICAL SCIENCES, CORNELL UNIVERSITY, NY Cornell University invites applications for the position of Chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences ( We seek an individual to lead the Department in all aspects of academic activity, including stewardship of personnel and resources. Applicants must hold a DVM or equivalent veterinary degree, with evidence of further postgraduate education in the form of diplomate status in a recognized specialty board and/or advanced degrees. The successful candidate will have strong leadership capabilities, a record of active participation in academic affairs, and evidence of balance and excellence in teaching, research and clinical activities that are appropriate to the interests of the Department of Clinical Sciences and the College. Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. Interested individuals are asked to submit CV, letter of intent, and the names and addresses of three references to the Chair of the Search Committee: Professor Julia Felippe. Electronic applications are preferred ( CONTRACTUALLY LIMITED OPHTHALMOLOGY SPECIALIST VETERINARIAN, UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, ON, CANADA Seeking applications to fill a 7-month, contractually limited position as an Ophthalmology specialist Veterinarian for the period February 1, 2011-August 31, 2011. There may be an opportunity extend this position after August 31, 2011. Applicants must have a DVM or equivalent degree, must be licensed or eligible for licensure to practice in the Province of Ontario, and should be ACVO Board-Certified or Board-Eligible. Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. The deadline for applications will be December 31, 2010 or until a successful candidate has been found. Interested parties should contact Dr. Sherri Cox, Associate Dean, Administration, and Chief Operating Officer, Ontario Veterinary College Health Sciences Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1 519-824-4120 ext: 54100, Email: Fax: 519-824-0317 and provide a letter of application, current curriculum vitae and the names of at least three referees. INTERNSHIPS OPHTHALMOLOGY INTERNSHIP POSITION - ANIMAL EYE CLINIC, NORWALK CT Dr. Marjorie Neaderland is offering an ophthalmology internship in a multispecialty emergency practice to start June 2011. The ophthalmology practice sees about 3,000 small animal appointments and 200 equine appointments annually. There are 16 general small animal interns in our multispecialty hospital. The hospital is in Norwalk, CT, a suburban town of about 80,000 people, located in southwestern Connecticut on Long Island Sound. Dr. Neaderland is interested in training interns who have completed a small animal or equine internship and are pursuing an ophthalmology residency. Please contact Dr. Neaderland by phone, 203-855-1533 or FELLOWSHIPS RESEARCH FELLOW, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OH Responsible for a laboratory-based canine posterior lens capsule opacification study. Must be able to manage the project with minimum direction. This is a 12-month appointment. Required Qualifications: DVM or equivalent. Desired Qualifications: Research experience is desired but not necessary. Preference will be given to applicants who have either clinical or basic science research experience.Target Salary: $25,000-30,000 depending on experience. Interested persons may send their current CV and a letter of intent to Dr. Heather Chandler at ® { PO BOX 1311 | MERIDIAN, ID | 83680 } PRESCOTT’S, INC. Prescott’s Microscope Special For our valued veterinarian customers, the Zeiss Opmi 6SFC, S-3 floorstand package is now available for the unheard price of $19,500, including assistant scope and two year, parts and labor warranty. If you are interested in purchasing this highly regarded eye microscope, or a possible upgrade path to your existing microscope, now is the time. P R E S C O T T ’S, INC. P.O. Box 609 • Monument, CO 80132 (800) 438-3937 • (719) 481-3353 • Fax (719) 488-2268 email: website: Be sure to visit our website! ACVO 2011 Dues Renewal Please take a moment to verify your contact information for the ACVO. Dues renewals are st due Jan 31 , 2011 to avoid penalties and to ensure inclusion in the 2011 Directory. You may also renew online at Please print clearly. _____ Link to my web address off of the ACVO web site: ________________________________________________ Please let us know the year you were boarded (so we can verify our records): _____________ CONTACT INFORMATION: Up to two addresses will be included in the printed directory. Additional addresses may be submitted on the back of this form and will be posted on the web site only. (Email and home telephone is never listed in the public area.) Check all boxes that apply. Secondary contact information may be used for: If this second address is blank, you may write it below. Additional directly listing Members-only area of website Public and member areas of website Primary contact information may be used for: Primary contact information. Will be used for directory/ mailings. Members-only area of website Public and member areas of website Total 2011 Dues: $550.00 ($600.00 after January 31st) REQUIRED!! Due to the National Privacy Act we need to request your permission to send emails or faxes by signing the form below. You will only receive information that is ACVO related. Thank you. Name of person providing consent: ___________________________________________ Email: ______________________________ Fax: _________________________ Date: _____________________ PAYMENT REMISSION: Please mail checks to, ACVO, PO Box 1311, Meridian, ID 83680. You may fax credit payments to 208-466-7693. (You may also renew online at VIN# is optional. Type of card (mark one): _____VISA _____MC _____Discover Name on Card:_________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Billing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Total to Charge: $ ______________ DUES WILL BE PAST DUE IF POST MARKED AFTER JAN.31, 2011! Card #: ________________________________________________ Exp Date: __________________ CVC #__________ Thank you for agreeing to participate in the 2011 Service Dog event. Please submit one registration form for each ophthalmologist participating in your clinic or list doctors’ names separately. Submit the contact information that you would like to be provided to clients to make appointments. We will use this data to calculate the total number of participants. As was done in past years, the client will be forced to register prior to being supplied your contact information. Once they register they will receive a confirmation with a registration number, they should be able to bring this document to your clinic on the day of the appointment. Your personal name will not be made available but the client will call the clinic in general to set the appointment, which will occur according to your clinic's determination. Early commitment on your behalf will help us in our promotional efforts. Please register early when possible! (*Important note - The date of the event has will take place the entire month of May, effectively creating the Service Dog Eye Exam “Month”. You may still determine availability as you see fit for the event, e.g. over one week, one day each week, several 1/2 days scattered throughout the month, etc. Clients will be informed to contact your clinic for specific dates.) OPHTHALMOLOGIST INFORMATION - Please submit one form per doctor. Clinic name: ___________________________________________________________________ Veterinarian: __________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _________________________________________ (where appt will take place) City: ________________ State: ________________ Zip/Postal Code: ____________ Telephone: _______________________________ (to be provided to client to make appointment) Email: (optional) ________________________________________________________________ (only if you want clients to make appointments via this method) Website: (optional) ______________________________________________________________ (for your clinic's promotional purposes) Questions or concerns, please contact the ACVO office at 208-466-7624 or via email at Bringing You the Science of Sight L-LYSINE CHEWS • Highly palatable soft chew • Each chew contains 500mg L-Lysine EYE CLEANER & WIPES . Two gentle and effective methods for removal of ocular secretions and staining around the eye. . No harsh chemicals for safety around the eye. EYE LUBRICANT • Extended protection for, and adherence to, the cornea during anesthesia. • Long lasting lubrication for corneal surface provides comfort to dry eyes. VISCOELASTIC • No refrigeration required. • Synthetic 1.8% sodium hyaluronate. • Non animal source. NEW! 25g size & “stand up” tube design Exclusively thru MWI All Buying Groups Veterinary Specific Ophthalmology Products from AVENTIX