here. - Lady Margaret Hall


here. - Lady Margaret Hall
Curriculum Vitae
UnCUT/Voices. Godfrey Williams-Okorodus. Oil on Canvas. 2009.
Dr. Tobe Levin Freifrau von Gleichen
Activist, Author, Editor, Educator, Publisher, Translator
Associate, The Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University
Visiting Research Fellow, International Gender Studies, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford (2014-16)
Collegiate Professor (Emerita) University of Maryland University College in Europe
Adjunct, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Founder and CEO, UnCUT/VOICES Press
Martin-Luther Str. 35, 60389 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Mobile: +49 177 7494062 / Mobile in the UK: +44 0747 920 0595 ° °
Cornell University, Ph.D. Comparative Literature, August 1979; M.A. January 1977.
Dissertation: “Political Ideology and Aesthetics in Neo-feminist German Fiction: Verena Stefan,
Elfriede Jelinek, Margot Schroeder.”
L'Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle (Paris III), maîtrise (mention bien)
Lettres modernes, Octobre 1974. Mémoire de maîtrise: « La Conception de la Femme chez Rousseau
et Diderot. »
New York University in Paris, M.A. French, June 1973.
Ithaca College, B.A. summa cum laude (Salutatorian). Departmental honors, English. May 1970.
Other institutions attended …
Taiwan Mandarin Institute. Grade 2 (TOCFL2) 48 Hour Chinese Mandarin Course with distinction.
Taipei, Taiwan. 29.12.2014-09.01.2015.
Landesspracheninstitut Nordrhein-Westphalen with the University of Bochum [Language Institute of
North-Rhine Westphalia] / LSI-Sinicum in the German Centre, Beijing, China. Intensive
Introductory courses A and B, Mandarin Chinese, 20-30.9 and 02-07.10.2006
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci. Florence, Italy. Italian Language (intermediate). August 2004.
J.W. Goethe-University. Frankfurt am Main. American Studies. 1980-83.
Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich. American Studies. 1977-79.
Ruprecht-Karl-Universität Heidelberg, Cornell-Heidelberg Exchange Scholar. 1976-77.
Free University of Berlin. German Studies. 1975-76.
Centro Colombo-Americano, Bogotá, Colombia. Spanish. Fall 1972.
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. Junior Year Abroad. 1968-69.
AY 2014 – AY 2016 Visiting Research Fellow, International Gender Studies, Lady Margaret Hall,
University of Oxford, UK.
June 2011 & 2012
Visiting Professor Short Term in Women’s Studies and English, China
Women’s University, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
Spring 2010
Visiting Scholar, Comparative Literature, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
July 2009 -2014
Guest Faculty, Intensive Advanced English Course, Northwestern
Polytechnical University (Xi Gong Da), Department of Aeronautical Engineering,
Xi’an, China.
2009 - present Associate, The Hutchins Center, formerly W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
2006 - 2008
Non-resident Fellow, W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American
Research, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Winter 2006
Scholar-in-Residence, Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Brandeis University, Waltham,
Fall 2004
Associate, Five Colleges Women’s Studies Research Center (Smith, Mount Holyoke,
Amherst, Hampshire, University of Massachusetts at Amherst) at Mt. Holyoke
College, S. Hadley, MA.
1979 - 2014
University of Maryland University College in Europe. English and Women’s Studies.
Face-to-face and distance education.
1986 - 2006
J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. Lehrbeauftragte [adjunct lecturer]
American Studies/ Women’s Studies.
Spring 1996
University-Gesamthochschule Paderborn. Lehrbeauftragte [adjunct lecturer] American
Studies/ Women’s Studies.
Frankfurt Military Community. Lecturer, German – Gateway/Headstart Program
Frankfurter Frauenschule. (Women's Community College) Lecturer, "Do You Speak
Feminist English?"
Cornell University. Lecturer and Teaching Assistant, Comparative Literature.
China Women’s University
Gender Images in American Narrative
Multiculturalism and Women’s Literature
Concepts of Feminist Criticism
African-American Women Writers of the Twentieth Century
University of Maryland University College in Europe
Autobiography and Social Awareness
Images of Men in Novels by Women
Black Women Novelists
Afro-American Literature: The Expatriate Experience including a class trip to Paris
Language and Sexism
Jewish American Literature
Literary Works by Women
Women in Literature
Distance Education:
U.S. Women Writers
Literature by U.S. Women of Color
Hispanic American Literature
Twentieth Century American Drama
Afro-American Literature of the Twentieth Century
Afro-American Literature to 1900 as consultant to Christine Gray
J.W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
Concepts of Feminist Literary Criticism
Jewish American Women Writers of the Twentieth Century
Gender Images in Jewish American Narrative
Images of Gender and Community in Afro- and Jewish American Literature by Women
Autobiographical Writings by U.S. Minority Women
Migrating (American) Women Writers
Women’s Holocaust Memoirs (published in the U.S.A.)
African American and Jewish Women Writers; How do they represent each other?
Alice Walker and the Literature of Female Genital Mutilation
Black Women Writers
Women Authors Both Black and Jewish, and Their Mothers
Cornell University An Introduction to West German and French Neo-feminist Fiction
Frankfurter Frauenschule Do You Speak Feminist English?
Additional professional experience and skills
International Advisory Board, The Research Center for Translation Studies, China Women’s
University, 2012 – present.
Peer Reviewer, Bio Med Central /Reproductive Health, 2011 – present.
Honorary Board, The Rose Project. Little Silver, NJ.
Founder and CEO, UnCUT/VOICES Press. Publisher specializing in Foreign Language and English
Books on FGM [Female Genital Mutilation], Frankfurt am Main, 2009 - present.
Editorial Consultant, Journal on Female Genital Mutilation and Other Harmful Traditional Practices.
Scientific Organ of the IAC [Inter-African Committee]. University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
2009 - present.
Chair, Organizing Committee, National Action Plans against FGM, funded by the European Union
DAPHNE Program. Podium discussion in the Bundestag [Parliament], Berlin, 25 November
Freelance Consultant on FGM (pro bono) to the British and German governments, the EU, WHO,
UNICEF and the Human Rights Council of the UN.
Editorial Board, Journal of International Women’s Studies, 2006 - present.
Editor-in-chief, Feminist Europa. Review of Books [with Waltraud Dumont du Voitel]. German
Foundation for Gender Studies, Heidelberg. 1998 – 2010.
Jesse Obidiegwu Education Fund Trustee, 2007- present.
Editor, WISE Women’s News (bi-lingual [English-French] newsletter of Women's International Studies
Europe, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands). 1991 - 2005.
Women's International Studies Europe (W.I.S.E.), co-founder and board member, 1990-2003.
Founder and President, FORWARD - Germany (against FGM), 1998 – (re-elected) 2012; Vice
President 2010-12.
Secretary, European Network against FGM (EuroNet FGM). Brussels, Belgium. 2000-2004 and
(interim) 2009 - present.
International Advisory Board. 50th Anniversary of The Second Sex Conference, Paris. 19-23 January
Editorial Board, Women’s Studies Quarterly. The Feminist Press at the City University of NY. 1978–
1994 and 1999-2004.
Editorial Board, European Journal of Women’s Studies. London: Sage. 1994 - present and referee,
2001; 2004.
Advisory Board, FrauenMediaTurm. Das feministische Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum
[Women’s Media Tower. Feminist Archives and Documentation Center], Cologne. 1994present.
Women’s Studies International, Co-Coordinator with Florence Howe, Mariam Chamberlain, Erna Kas,
Planning Committee for the 4th UN World Conference on Women, Vienna ’94 and Beijing
Expert on minority women's issues. EEC, Equal Opportunities Unit, Brussels. 1993
Referee, Women in German Yearbook. 1993.
German: fluent; French: fluent; Spanish: fluent; Italian: fair
Chinese (Mandarin): intermediate
Hebrew: beginner
Part 1. Female Genital Mutilation
Selected Blogs
“For International Women’s Day, Links and LIKES.” 8 March 2016.
“Breaking the Omerta on FGM. Reflections on Mothers on Mothering Sunday.” 7 March 2016.
“FGM where you wouldn’t expect to find it – in IRAN. For Zero Tolerance Day.” 6 February 2016.
“Contestation around FGM: Activism and the Academy.” 4 February 2016.
Links to
“Reflections on the ‘Chef’: with Leyla Hussein to end FGM.” 1 February 2016.
“On Human Rights Day: Leyla Hussein on Screen with WAAF (Women’s Actions against FGM –
Japan.” 11 December 2015.
“Rituals of Violence: a Maasai in Germany, Kiminta opposes FGM.” 25 November 2015.
“Declaration of the Rights of the Child: Lessons from German History for the Fight against FGM.” 21
November 2015.
“The British NHS (National Health Service) and Dr. Pierre Foldes: ‘FGM is not the end. There
is hope’.” 25 October 2015.
“Day of the Girl Child October 11: Asylum sought on grounds of FGM … Where are the Country of
Origin Information Experts?”11 October 2015.
“Leyla Hussein at Harvard.” 4 October 2015
“Leyla Hussein at Harvard Law School, October 1, 2015.” 28 September 2015
“For Africa Day, less FGM …” 25 May 2015.
“At the University of Oxford, Contestations around FGM: Activism and the Academy.” 7 March 2015.
“February 6, Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation Day: the Hippocratic Oath.” 6 February
“Egypt’s First FGM Conviction …” 27 January 2015.
“Scholars Ending FGM: A Tribute to Engagement on International Human Rights Day.” 10 December
“Female Genital Mutilation as Violence against Women. At the Institut en Santé Génésique with Dr.
Pierre Foldes, Frédérique Martz, Linda Weil-Curiel, and satisfied patients.” 26 November
“Why should you care? What can we do? ‘Sing and Shout against FGM’.” 6 November 2014.
“The Clitoris Restoration Fund and its US Representative: Sini Sanuman/Healthy Tomorrow.” 30
October 2014.
“Celebrating Efua Dorkenoo, OBE, UnCUT/VOICES’ board member, author and friend.”
23 October 2014.
“All Honor to Girl Children and Their Courage in Fighting FGM.” 11 October 2014.
“Stories of the clitoris restored … and of family pressure to cut it off again! With Dr. Pierre Foldes …”
7 September 2014.
“Jaha Dukureh, Representative Joseph Crowley and the Guardian campaign: The USA opposes FGM
– at last!” 19 June 2014.
“Eve Ensler at Radcliffe: FGM sub rosa in a stellar speech.” 15 April 2014.
“An ‘Ethical Charter’ to help stop FGM: Pierre Foldes opens the Institut en Santé Génésique (Institute
for Sexual and Genital Health).” 8 March 2014.
“Inna Bocoum and the Surgeons: Pierre Foldes, Dan mon O’Dey, Abdoul Aziz Kassé for Zero
Tolerance to FGM Day 2014.” 6 February 2014.
“Announcing the Clitoris Restoration Fund: ‘Reversing the effects of a crime’ (Foldes).” 10 January
“The GUARDIAN campaigns against FGM. Your comments, please, to Hilary Burrage …” 5 January
Moderator and co-author. “Statement on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). A Feminist Statement on
the Naming and Abolition of Female Genital Mutilation.” Summer 2013.
“Another storyteller telling Tashi’s story: novelist Verena Stefan hears the children cry.” 12 November
“On a continuum of violence: FGM in Possessing the Secret of Joy.” 3 November 2013.
“On presenting Alice Walker (once again) in China: or how fiction can end FGM.” 28 October 2013.
“Female Genital Mutilation: Aren’t the HUMANITIES the answers?” 22 September 2013.
“Alice Walker’s Novel and a Few Good Men: Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Joseph Conrad and Carl Jung.”
19 September 2013.
“Dr. Pierre Foldes: Stories or Restoring … and Enhancing Campaigns to Stop FGM.” 15 September
“Possessing the Secret of Joy in the USA.” 13 September 2013.
“Possessing the Secret of Joy and Authors in Uganda. FGM, Choice – or Coercion?” 11 September
“On Keyboards and Keys; or, Ending FGM with ‘Word’.” 28 August 2013.
“Walker’s ‘Universal Self’: On FGM in Hiroshima, with Anne Frank.” 24 August 2013.
“Teaching Walker’s Novel on FGM in India.” 18 August 2013.
“Reading Alice Walker on FGM in China.” 16 August 2013.
“’The Effects of a Crime’: FGM and the Law.” 10 August 2013.
Comment on Nimco Ali’s UK Government Department for International Development guest blog. 14
April 2013.
“UnCUT/VOICES in Japan: WAAF, Khady, Alice Walker and Empathies Nourishing Engagement.” 7
July 2013.
Producer with Erica Pomerance and Fatoumata Siré Diakité. Bannir le Couteau de l’Excision.
Documentary featuring the APDF in cooperation with FORWARD – Germany. Dir. Erica
Pomerance. Montréal and Bamako, 2014.
Interviewee (with Khady Koita). Rose Lore. Essays in Cultural History and Semiotics. Ed. Frankie
Hutton. CD, 2011.
Associate producer, Caravane. Dir. Erica Pomerance. Mali/Canada, 2008.
Refereed Articles, edited books
Tobe Levin and Phyllis Ferguson, eds. Contestations around FGM. Activists and the Academy.
Conference Proceedings. Oxford: University of Oxford Feminist E-Press, International Gender
Studies Centre, Lady Margaret Hall, 2015.
fgm-workshop_11-1-16.pdf See also Tobe Levin. Female Genital Mutilation. Workshops at
the University of Oxford and the Human Rights Council with the IAC. Report referenced in
Official Proceedings. (Forthcoming).
Maria Kiminta and Tobe Levin. Kiminta. A Maasai’s Fight against FGM. Frankfurt am Main:
UnCUT/VOICES Press, 2015. Including Tobe Levin. “Critique of anthr/apologists observing a
Maasai rite.” 116-126.
Levin, Tobe. 女性割礼——在艾丽斯·沃克的花园里剪玫瑰 [Chapter in the Mandarin edition] Rose
Lore. Ed. Frankie Hutton. Trans. 丁占罡. Peking University Press, 2015. Pp. 24-48.
Editor. Waging Empathy. Alice Walker, Possessing the Secret of Joy, and the Global
Movement to Ban FGM. Frankfurt am Main: UnCUT/VOICES Press, 2014.
“Afterword” in Prolongeau, Hubert. Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, the Surgeon
who Restores the Clitoris. Foreword Bernard Kouchner. Trans. Tobe
Levin. Frankfurt am Main: UnCUT/VOICES Press, 2011. 235-256.
“FGM in Somalia and Senegal.” Crimes against Women. Ed. David W. Pike.
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishing, 2011. 175-182.
Levin, Tobe and Augustine H. Asaah, eds. Empathy and Rage. Female Genital
Mutilation in African Literature. Banbury, Oxfordshire: Ayebia Publishers, 2009;
“Preface” (xiv-xvii); “Assaults on Female Genitalia: Activists, Authors and the
Arts” (1-14) and “What’s Wrong with Mariam? Gloria Naylor’s Infibulated Jew”
Review of Empathy and Rage in African Studies Review. Vol. 53 No. 2, Sept.
“Feminist (and “Womanist”) as Public Intellectuals: Elfriede Jelinek and Alice Walker.” In The New
York Public Intellectuals and Beyond. Exploring Liberal Humanism, Jewish Identity, and the
American Protest Tradition. Eds. E. Goffman and D. Morris. W. Lafayette, IN: Purdue U.P.,
2009. 243-274.
“Genital Mutilation in Europe, Female.” Encyclopedia of Blacks in European History and Culture. Ed.
Eric Martone. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. 236-238.
Radike, Britta with Tobe Levin. “A Place to Call Home. Images and Interviews with Refugees from
Ogaden.” TRANSITION. An International Review. An official publication of the W.E.B. Du
Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University. Vol. 100.
2008. 78-111.
“Nura Abdi, Fadumo Korn: no more ‘pudendal desecration’.” In Fearful Symmetries: Essays and
Testimonies Around Excision and Circumcision. Matatu 37. Ed. Chantal Zabus. Amsterdam &
NY: Editions Rodopi, 2008. 129-144.
“FGM or Cutting the Rose in Alice Walker’s Garden.” Rose Lore. Essays in Cultural Criticism and
Semiotics. Ed. Frankie Hutton. NY: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. 19-32. [rpt. in third revised
and expanded edition, UnCUT/VOICES Press, 2015, 35-49].
Levin, Tobe, ed. Violence: “Mercurial Gestalt.” Papers from the 2003 Cultures of Violence
conference at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Net.
Amsterdam, NY: Rodopi, 2008; “Introduction” plus “The Creative Writing of FGM as an Act
of Violence and Human Rights Abuse.” 111-122.
Working paper. “Public Intellectuals, controversial feminists: Elfriede Jelinek and Alice Walker.” Accessed 1 January 2013.
“Afterword.” Korn, Fadumo with Sabine Eichhorst. Born in the Big Rains. A Memoir of Somalia and
Survival. Trans. Tobe Levin. NY: The Feminist Press, 2006. 171-183.
“Female Genital Mutilation: Campaigns in Germany.” Engendering Human Rights: Cultural and
Socio-economic Realities in Africa. Eds. Obioma Nnaemeka and Joy Ezeilo. NY: Palgrave
Macmillan at St Martin's Press, 2005. 285-301.
“Die Würde des Menschen ist Unantastbar.” [Human Dignity is Inviolable] Schnitt in die Seele.
Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung -- eine fundamentale Menschenrechtsverletzung. [Wounded
Soul. FGM - a fundamental human rights abuse] Ed. Terre des Femmes. Frankfurt am Main:
Mabuse Verlag, 2003. 88-94.
“Female Genital Mutilation and Human Rights.” Comparative American Studies. An International
Journal. Special issue on human rights. Guest eds. Werner Sollors and Winfried Fluck. Vol. 1
(3) 2003. 285-316.
“Ill at Ease with Mariam, Gloria Naylor's Infibulated Jew.” Holding Their Own: perspectives on the
multi-ethnic literatures of the United States. Eds. Dorothea Fischer-Hornung and Heike
Raphael-Hernandez. Tübingen: Stauffenberg, 2000. 51-66.
“Alice Walker: Matron of FORWARD.” Black Imagination and the Middle Passage. Eds. Maria
Diedrich, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Carl Pedersen. NY: Oxford UP, 1999. 240-254.
“Dos milliones cada año durante cuántos años más? Hacia la abolición de la mutilación genital
femenina.” La Construcción cultural de lo Femenino. Eds. Amparo Gómez Rodríguez and
Justine Tally. Tenerife: Universidad de la Laguna. Centro de Estudios de la Mujer, 1999. 75104.
“Abolition Efforts in the African Diaspora: Two Conferences on Female Genital Mutilation in
Europe.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 1999, 1 & 2. “Teaching About Violence Against
Women.” NY: The Feminist Press. 109-116.
“Die Klavierspielerin: On Mutilation and Somatophobia.” ‘Other’ Austrians. Post-1945 Austrian
Women’s Writing. Ed. Allyson Fiddler. Proceedings of the Conference, Post 1945 Austrian
Women’s Writing, University of Nottingham, 18-20 April 1996. Berne: Peter Lang, 1998.
“Women as Scapegoats of Culture and Cult: An Activist’s View of Female Circumcision in Ngugi wa
Thiong’o’s The River Between.” Ngambika. Studies of Women in African Literature. Ed.
Carole Boyce Davies and Anne Adams Graves. Trenton, NJ: Africa World P., 1985. 205-221.
“’Unspeakable Atrocities’: The Psycho-sexual Etiology of Female Genital Mutilation.” The Journal of
Mind and Behavior. 1:2, Autumn 1980. 197-210. Revised version of “Warum geschehen all
diese Greueltaten an Frauen? Versuchen wir eine Erklärung, suchen wir nach den
Begründungen-- und den Gründen.” [Why do such things happen to women? Let’s examine
the reasons -- and the rationalizations] Trans. Gabriele Geiger. Materialien zur Unterstützung
von Aktionsgruppen gegen Klitorisbeschneidung. [Documentation for groups against
clitoridectomy]. Eds. Ingrid Braun, Tobe Levin, Angelika Schwarzbauer. Munich: Verlag
Frauenoffensive, 1979. 55-62.
Editor (with Ingrid Braun and Angelika Schwarzbauer). Materialien zur Unterstützung von
Aktionsgruppen gegen Klitorisbeschneidung. [Documentation for groups against
clitoridectomy]. Munich: Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1979.
Reports and Reviews
Interview by Tobe Levin. “Khadidiatou Koïta and the International Campaign to End Female Genital
Mutilation (FGM).” The Women’s Review of Books. Wellesley College. September - October
“’Lose your clitoris and you lose your independence’: Khady wants the world to know.” Her Circle. A
“African FGM Author Finds Herself Called to Activism.” On the Issues Magazine. The Café. 6
January 2012.
“UnCUT/VOICES: Unequivocally Against Female Genital Mutilation.” On the Issues Magazine. The
Café. November 2010
“’Highly valued by both sexes’: Activists, Anthr/apologists and FGM.” Rev. of Hernlund, Ylva and
Bettina Shell-Duncan, eds. Transcultural Bodies. Female Genital Cutting in Global Context.
New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2007. In Journal on Female Genital Mutilation and Other
Harmful Traditional Practices. Scientific Organ of IAC. IAC 25th Anniversary
Commemorative Issue. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010 (including Vol. 2 No. 2). 52-61.
See also & Feminist Europa. Review of Books.
9/2009 & 10/ 2010.
Rev. of Chantal Zabus. Between Rites & Rights. Excision in Women’s Experiential Texts and Human
Contexts. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 2007. In Wasafiri. International Contemporary Writing.
Summer 25:3 (Issue 63), 2010. 85-86.
(with Joy Keshi Walker). “Through the Eyes of Art: Confronting FGM.” Vrouwen, een Leven vol Pijn.
Genitale verminking: Een kunstzinnige confrontatie. Exhibition catalogue. Ghent: Forum van
Vlaamse Vrouwen, 2008. Np.
“Three more on FGM, from Italy, France and Switzerland.” Rev. of Prolongeau, Hubert. Victoire sur
l’Excision. Pierre Foldès, le chirurgien qui redonne l’espoir aux femmes mutilées. [Victory
over excision. Pierre Foldès, the surgeon who gives hope to mutilated women.] Préface de
Bernard Kouchner. Paris : Éditions Albin Michel, 2006; Lange, Benoît and Dominique
Voinçon. Cicatrice. Un village et l’excision. [Scar. A village and excision.] Lausanne :
Éditions Favre, 2004; Busoni, Mila and Elena Laurenzi, eds. Il corpo dei simboli. Nodi teorici
e politici di un dibattito sulle mutilazioni genitali femminili [The body as symbol. Theoretical
and political approaches in debates on FGM] Firenze: Sei Editori, 2004. in Feminist Europa.
Review of Books. No. 1, 2005/No. 1, 2006.
Ed. (with Shulamit Reinharz and Joy Keshi Walker). “Through the Eyes of Nigerian Artists.
Confronting Female Genital Mutilation.” Exhibition catalogue. Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
“Female Genital Mutilation: Good Advice.” Final Report of the UNICEF Conference Female Genital
Mutilation in Europe, March 7, 2005, in Zürich. Zürich: UNICEF Schweiz and Bundesamt für
Gesundheit, 2005. 32.
“Darstellung der gesellschaftlichen Ursachen und Analyse der kontinuierlichen Praxis weiblicher
Genitalverstümmelung, Motive und Begündungen.” [Social Background to and Analysis of
the on-going practice of female genital mutilation, reasons and rationalizations]
Expertentreffen zur Überwindung der weiblichen Genitalverstümmelung. [Expert Meeting on
Abolition of FGM. Documentation] Berlin: Auswärtiges Amt [Ministry of Foreign Affairs],
2003. 29-36.
“Between the Feasible and the Transformative.” Rev. of Shirin M. Rai. Gender and the Political
Economy of Development. From Nationalism to Globalization. Cambridge: Polity, 2002. In
The European Journal of Women’s Studies. 10 (3) 2003. 351-353.
“Internet-Based Resources on Female Genital Mutilation.” Feminist Collections. A Quarterly of
Women’s Studies Resources. Vol. 23, No. 3, Spring 2002. The University of Wisconsin
System: Women’s Studies Librarian. 19-24.
“FGM Research in Law and Medicine in Germany.” Rev. of Rosenke, Marion. Die rechtlichen
Probleme im Zusammenhang mit der weiblichen Genitalverstümmelung. [Legal Problems in
relation to FGM]. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2000 and Okroi, Eiman. Weibliche
Genitalverstümmelung im Sudan. “Female Genital Mutilation.” [FGM in the Sudan]
Hamburg: Akademos 2001. Feminist Europa. Review of Books. The German Foundation for
Gender Studies. Heidelberg. Vol. 2. No. 1, 2002.
“Female Genital Mutilation: Recent Contributions in German.” Rev. of Hermann, Conny, ed. Das
Recht auf Weiblichkeit: Hoffnung im Kampf gegen die Genitalverstümmelung. Bonn: Dietz,
2000; Schnüll, Petra/ Terre des Femmes, eds. Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung: Eine
Fundamentale Menschenrechtsverletzung. Göttingen: Terre des Femmes, 1999; DiabyPentzlin, F. and E. Göttke, eds. Einschnitte. Materialband zu Female Genital Cuttings (FGC).
Eschborn: GTZ (Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), 1999; Kirchenamt der
Evangelischen Kirche Deutschland (EKD), ed. Genitalverstümmelung von Mädchen und
Frauen. Eine kirchliche Stellungnahme. Hannover: Kirchenamt der EKD, 2000. Feminist
Europa. Review of Books. The German Foundation for Gender Studies. Heidelberg. Vol. 1/
Nos 1 & 2, 2001. 8-24.
Editor, with Joy Keshi Ashibuogwu. Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung. Künstlerinnen und Künstler
aus Nigeria klagen an. Exhibition Catalogue. [FGM. Nigerian Artists Protest a Rite]
Frankfurt: consellgruppe, 2000.
“Internationale Initiativen gegen genitale Verstümmelung.” [International efforts to end FGM] (with
Ulrike Brown). Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung. Eine fundamentale Menschenrechtsverletzung. Eds. Petra Schnüll & terre des femmes. Terre des femmes: Tübingen, 1999.
“Klitorisverstümmelung: Mitten in Europa.” (with Temesgen Melzer). [Clitoridectomy in Europe]
Emma. Nov/Dec. 1998. 56-57.
“For a while, ‘Even a Gaasha [Foreign Non-believer] is a Gaban Gudban [Closed, Virgin] ...’” Rev. of
Charlotte Beck-Karrer. Löwinnen sind sie. Gespräche mit somalischen Frauen und Männern
über Frauenbeschneidung. Bern: eFeF, 1996. European Journal of Women’s Studies 5/3 & 4,
November 1998. 533-536.
“A Pain that Knifes the Soul: Parliamentary Hearing against Genital Mutilation of Girls and Women.”
WISE Women’s News. 7/2 (1997): 24.
“Maintaining the Body’s Integrity.” Rev. of Efua Dorkenoo. Cutting the Rose. Female Genital
Mutilation. The Practice and Its Prevention. London: Minority Rights Group, 1994. European
Journal of Women’s Studies. 3/3. August 1996. 315-318.
Full text of review available on the web: Tobe Levin. Book Reviews: Maintaining the Body’s
Integrity: Efua Dorkenoo. Cutting the Rose. Female Genital Mutilation: The Practice and its
Prevention. London: Minority Rights Group, 1994, ISBN 1-873194-60-9 hardback
European Journal of Women’s Studies August 1996 3: 315-318,
doi:10.1177/135050689600300311 Accessed 23 October 2014.
“Netzwerk ‘Genitalverstümmelung’: zur Gründung einer deutschen Sektion von FORWARD.”
[Networking on FGM: Toward the founding of a German section of FORWARD] Terre des
femmes RUNDBRIEF 2/1995. 20.
Rev. of Warrior Marks, a film by Pratibha Parmar, executive producer Alice Walker, 1993; and
Warrior Marks. Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Blinding of Women by Alice
Walker and Pratibha Parmar. NWSA Journal 6/3. Fall 1994. 511-514. Accessed 3 June
2015. Accessed 1 January 2013.
Accessed 28 February
“6.000 am Tag, 2 Millionen im Jahr.....” [6000 each day, 2 million every year ...] and “FORWARD:
Hoffnung für die nächste Generation.” [FORWARD: Hope for the next generation] Terre des
Femmes RUNDBRIEF. 3/4.1994. Tübingen: terre des femmes, 45-47.
“Frau, warum weinst du? Weibliche Beschneidung im Sudan und ihre Folgen. Dr. Tobe Levin (TDF)
im Gespräch mit Asma El Dareer, Sudan.” [Woman, why do you weep? Female circumcision
in the Sudan and its consequences. Interview with Asma el Dareer] Terre des femmes
RUNDBRIEF 1. 1992. Tübingen: terre des femmes, 18-19.
“Frauen im Kampf” [Women in struggle: Documentation of early 1980 initiatives against genital
mutilation] Terre des femmes RUNDBRIEF II/91. 12 – 15 [including reprint of “Solidarische
Rassistinnen.” Emma. February 1983]
“Cutting out Circumcision.” Rev. of Olayinka Koso-Thomas. The Circumcision of Women: A Strategy
for Eradication. London: Zed, 1988. The Women’s Review of Books. 5/8, May 1988. 5-6.
“Von Schwester zu Schwester.” [Sister to Sister] Emma. September 1985. 27.
“Gegen Verschleierung des Gehirns: Interview mit Nawal el Sa’adawi.” [Against veiling of the mind:
an Interview with Nawal el Sa’adawi] Emma. September 1985. 28-29.
“Solidarische Rassistinnen: Bericht über eine Konferenz in Senegal.” [Racist solidarity: Report on a
conference in Senegal] Emma. February 1983. 63.
“Klitorisbeschneidung.” [Clitoridectomy] Courage. 10 October 1982. 16.
“Genital Mutilation – The Unspeakable Atrocity.” Manushi 8. 1981. 39-42.
“Klitorisbeschneidung.” [Clitoridectomy] Emma. December 1980. 46.
Part 2. Jewish Women, Gender and the Holocaust
Refereed Articles
“Ilona Karmel.” Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature. Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson.
Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005. 1213-1215.
“Jo Sinclair.” Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature. Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson. Westport,
CT: Greenwood, 2005. 2040-2041.
“Alicia Appleman-Jurman.”Holocaust Literature. An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work. Vol. 1.
Ed. S. Lillian Kremer. NY: Routledge, 2003. 64-66.
“Cecilie Klein.” Holocaust Literature. An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work. Vol. 1. Ed. S.
Lillian Kremer. NY: Routledge, 2003. 656-658.
“Blanca Rosenberg.” Holocaust Literature. An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work. Vol. 2. Ed. S.
Lillian Kremer. NY: Routledge, 2003. 1027-1029.
“Aranka Siegal.” Holocaust Literature. An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work. Vol. 2. Ed. S.
Lillian Kremer. NY: Routledge, 2003. 1159-1162.
“Feminism: Jewish.” Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women. Global Women’s Issues and
Knowledge. Vol. 2. Eds. Cheris Kramerae and Dale Spender. NY: Routledge, 2000. 775-780.
“Jewish Women in Germany” (with Susanna Keval). Jewish Women 2000: Conference Papers from
the Hadassah Research Institute on Jewish Women at Brandeis University International
Scholarly Exchanges 1997-1998. Eds. HRIJW and Helen Epstein. Waltham, MA: Hadassah
Research Institute on Jewish Women Working Paper 8, November 1999. 203-232.
« Pouvons-nous appliquer les principes de la critique littéraire féministe aux écrits de femmes sur
l’Holocauste? » [Can we apply principles of feminist literary criticism to women’s Holocaust
writing?] Féminismes et nazisme. En Hommage à Rita Thalmann. Ed. Liliane Kandel. Paris:
Publications de l'Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot (CEDREF), 1997. 250-259; rpt. In
Féminismes et nazisme. Ed. Liliane Kandel. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2004. 250-259.
“Die Jüdische Frauenbewegung in Deutschland.” [The Jewish Women’s Movement in Germany]
‘Fremdes’ oder ‘Eigenes’? Rassismus. Antisemitismus. Kolonialismus. Rechtsextremismus aus
Frauensicht. [Foreign or domestic? Racism, anti-Semitism, Colonialism and Rightwing
Extremism from the Perspective of Women] Ed. Renate Nestvogel. Frankfurt am Main:
Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 1994. 86-100.
Reports and Reviews
“Holocaust Scholarship and Voices of Women or The Holocaust and Gender: Remediation and
Compensation.” Rev. of Elizabeth R. Baer and Myrna Goldenberg. Experience and
Expression. Women, the Nazis, and the Holocaust. Detroit: Wayne State U.P., 2003. In The
European Journal of Women’s Studies. 12/4, November 2005. 497-499.
“An Israeli ‘Joan of Arc’? Gender in Holocaust Research.” Rev. of Baumel, Judith Tydor. Double
Jeopardy. Gender and the Holocaust. London: Valentine Mitchell, 1998 and Fuchs, Esther, ed.
Women and the Holocaust. Narrative and Representation. Studies in the Shoah Volume XXII.
Lanham, MD: University P. of America, 1999. In European Journal of Women’s Studies. 9/1,
February 2002. 82-97.
“Gender and the Holocaust.” Rev. of Dalia Ofer and Leonore J. Weitzman, eds. Women in the
Holocaust. New Haven: Yale U.P., 1998; S. Lillian Kremer. Women’s Holocaust Writing.
Memory and Imagination. Lincoln, NE: U. of Nebraska P., 1999; and Da Costa, Denise. Anne
Frank and Etty Hillesum. Inscribing Spirituality and Sexuality. Trans. Moscha Hoyinck and
Robert E. Chesal. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U.P., 1998. European Journal of Women’s
Studies. 7/2, May 2000. 345-351.
“Gender and the Holocaust.” Rev. of Marion Kaplan. Between Dignity and Despair. Jewish Life in
Nazi Germany. NY: Oxford, 1998. European Journal of Women’s Studies 6/2, 1999. 246 248.
Rev. of Marian A. Kaplan. Jüdisches Bürgertum. Frau, Familie und Identität im Kaiserreich. Trans.
Ingrid Strobl. Hamburg: Doelling und Galitz, 1997. Feministische Studien. 16/1 May 1998.
“Assimilation, Jews and Gender.” Rev. of Paula E. Hyman. Gender and Assimilation in Modern
Jewish History: The Roles and Representations of Women. Seattle & London: U. of
Washington P., 1995 and Jessica Jacoby, Claudia Schoppmann, and Wendy Zena-Henry, eds.
Nach der Shoah geboren. Jüdische Frauen in Deutschland. Berlin: Elefanten P., 1994.
European Journal of Women’s Studies. 4/3 August 1997. 405-411.
Rev. of Nach der Shoah geboren. Jüdische Frauen in Deutschland. [Born after the Shoah: Jewish
Women in Germany] Eds. Jessica Jacoby, Claudia Schoppmann, Wendy Zena-Henry. Berlin:
Elefanten P., 1994. Bridges. A Journal for Jewish Feminists and Our Friends. 5/2. 1996. 111118.
“Women, War and Peace: The Vision and the Strategies.” Conference Report. Bridges. A Journal for
Jewish Feminists and our Friends. 5/1. 1996/5756. 97-99.
“Feminism and Nazism.” Conference Report. Bridges. A Journal for Jewish Feminists and our
Friends. 3/2. 1993/5753.120.
Part 3. Women’s Studies in Literature (not FGM)
Refereed Articles
“Black/Jewish/Female: The Challenge to Identity in Jeannette Lander and Fran Ross.” Manascarya
(An International Journal of Cultural Studies) 2: 2&3. December 1996. 16-24.
“Anzia Yezierska e la lingua della madre: non in essa ma con essa.” [Anzia Yezierska and the mother
tongue: not in but with it] Trans. Alice Bartolomei. S/Ogetti Immaginari. Letterature
comparate al femminile. Eds. Liana Borghi and Rita Svandrlik. Urbino: Quattro Vente, 1996.
“The challenge to Identity in Jeannette Lander and Fran Ross.” Commonwealth and American
Women’s Discourse. Ed. A.L. McLeod. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1996. 256-267.
“No Place for Identity: Jeannette Lander’s Migrating Women’s Aesthetic.” International Women’s
Writing. New Landscapes of Identity. Ed. Anne E. Brown and Marjanne E. Goozé. Westport:
Greenwood P., 1995. 253-263.
“Anzia Yezierska.” Bio-bibliographical Dictionary of Jewish American Women Writers. Ed. Ann
Shapiro. Westport: Greenwood P., 1994. 482-493.
“Aesthetik einer erzwungenen Fremd/sprache. Anzia Yezierskas Immigrantin als Schriftstellerin und
Muse.” [Aesthetics of forced foreign tongues. Anzia Yezierska’s Immigrant as Author and
Muse] Trans. Angelika Köster-Lossack. Jüdische Kultur und Weiblichkeit in der Moderne.
[Jewish Culture and Femininity in Modernity] Eds. Inge Stephan, Sabine Schilling, Sigrid
Weigel. Cologne: Böhlau, 1994. 131-140.
“Jelinek’s Radical Radio: Deconstructing the Woman in Context.” Women’s Studies International
Forum. 14: 1, 1991. 85-97.
„U.S. Feminismus: Schwarz auf Weiß.“ [U.S. Feminism in Black and White] Beiträge zur
feministischen theorie und praxis: Geteilter Feminismus. Rassismus/ Antisemitismus/
Fremdenhaß. [Contributions to feminist theory and practice. Fractured feminism: racism/ antiSemitism/ xenophobia] 27. Cologne: 1990. 56-66.
“How to Eat without Eating: Anzia Yezierska’s Hunger.” Cooking by the Book. Ed. Mary Anne
Schofield. Bowling Green: Bowling Green U. Popular P., 1989. 27-36.
“Introducing Elfriede Jelinek: Double Agent of Feminist Aesthetics.” Women’s Studies International
Forum. 9: 4, 1986. 435-442.
“Black Feminism in For Colored Girls.....” (with Gwendolyn Flowers). History and Tradition in AfroAmerican Literature. Ed. Günter Lenz. Frankfurt: Campus, 1984. 181-194.
“Nachwort.” Trans. Barbara Vogels. In Mary E. Wilkins Freeman. Die Revolte der Mutter. Munich:
Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1977. 101-106.
Reports and Reviews
“Her Mother/ Herself and the Girls, Neither Fish nor Fowl.” Rev. of Verena Stefan. Es ist reich
gewesen. Bericht vom Sterben meiner Mutter. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1993 and Rauh, wild & frei.
Mädchengestalten in der Literatur. Frankfurt: Fischer, 1997. Feminist Europa. Review of
Books. 1/2, 1998. 22-24.
“Elfriede Jelinek: The First Two Full Length Studies.” Rev. of Allyson Fiddler. Rewriting Reality: An
Introduction to Elfriede Jelinek. Oxford: Berg, 1994 and Marlies Janz. Elfriede Jelinek.
Stuttgart/Weimar: J.B. Metzlar, 1995. European Journal of Women’s Studies. 4/1. 1997. 108113.
Rev. of Günter H. Lenz & Klaus Milich, eds. American Studies in Germany: European Contexts and
Intercultural Relations. Frankfurt am Main: Campus & NY: St. Martin’s, 1995. European
Association for American Studies EAAS Newsletter. No. 37, Oct. 1996. 22 –23.
“Entrada y Esodo.” [Coming and going] Trans. Liana Borghi. Tuttestorie. 3 March 1995. 39-40.
„Schwarze und weiße Frauen im afro-amerikanischen Frauenroman.“ [Black and white women in
African American women’s novels] Akademie-Berichte. Frauenbewegung und Schule.
Dokumentation zu Lehrgang. 36/158 vom 29. Mai bis 2. Juni 1989. Dillingen:
Akademiebericht Nr. 164, 1990. 265-269.
Rev. of Bessie Head. Die Farbe der Macht. West Berlin: Orlanda, 1986. Englisch-Amerikanische
Studien. Dec. 3/4/1988. 541-544.
“Schwarze Freundin: Autorin Toni Morrison” [Black Girlfriend: Author Toni Morrison] (with Anne
Koenen). Emma. October 1984. 40-41.
“Report on the third Treffen schreibender Frauen.” [Report on the third meeting of women authors]
Women in German Newsletter. University of Wisconsin, Fall 1978. 12-20.
[as Münchner Literaturarbeitskreis] “Gespräch mit Elfriede Jelinek.” mamas pfirsiche
- frauen und literatur 9/10. Münster: Verlag Frauenpolitik, 1978. 170-181.
“Gesprächsthema: Die Liebhaberinnen von Elfriede Jelinek.” [On the table: Elfriede Jelinek’s Lovers]
mamas pfirsiche – frauen und literatur. 8. Münster: Verlag Frauenpolitik, 1977. 59-68.
Part 4. Women’s Studies/ Women’s Movements
Refereed Articles, edited Books
Editor (with Barbara Bagilhole and Akke Visser) and “Editorial.” WISE Women’s News Yearbook
2004. State of the Art in European Women’s Studies: Some Bad News but More Good.
Utrecht: WISE, 2004. 5-7.
“European Women’s Studies: the work of WISE.” Perspektive: GLOBAL! Internationale
Wissenschaftlerinnen-Werkstatt der Promovendinnen der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung vom 9. bis
12. September 2001. Düsseldorf: Reihe der Hans Böckler Stiftung, Nr. 75. 2003. 67-78.
“Lobbies and Networks for Women’s Studies and Gender Research in the EU: WISE, NIKK, EWL.”
Forschungsförderung für Women’s Studies and Gender Research. Ed. Gabriele Moser and
the University of Vienna. Vienna: Studienverlag, 2001. 47-73.
“Women’s International Studies Europe (WISE): Eine Einführung.” (with Angelika Köster-Lossack,
MdB.) Frauen Macht Europa. Dokumentation. 24. Kongreß von Frauen in Naturwissenschaft
und Technik. Darmstadt: FiT Verlag, 1998. 48-51.
“Women’s Studies in Germany.” Women’s Studies Quarterly. Beijing and Beyond. Toward the
Twenty-first Century of Women. Ed. Florence Howe with assistance of Mariam K.
Chamberlain, Tobe Levin, and Gloria Bonder. 24:1&2, 1996. 299-316.
Editor (with Margit van der Steen and Claar Parlevliet). WISE Expert Meeting. Women’s Studies
Research Information and Documentation in Europe. A Report. Utrecht: W.I.S.E. [Women’s
International Studies Europe], 1996.
“Afterword.” Verena Stefan. Shedding and Literally Dreaming. Trans. Johanna Moore, Beth
Weckmueller, Johanna Albert, Tobe Levin. NY: The Feminist Press, 1994. 151-176.
Editor (with Margit van der Steen). European Women’s Studies Guide. Utrecht: W.I.S.E. [Women’s
International Studies Europe], 1993.
“Editorial.” (with Angelika Köster-Lossack) Women’s Studies Quarterly 20, 3&4. Fall/Winter 1992.
“Women’s Studies Networking in Europe: Introduction to the European Network for Women’s Studies
(ENWS) and Women’s International Studies Europe (WISE).” Women’s Studies Quarterly 20,
3&4. Fall/Winter 1992. 153-162.
Guest Editor (with Angelika Köster-Lossack, MdB [member of the German Parliament]). “Women’s
Studies in Europe.” Women’s Studies Quarterly, 20:3/4, 1992.
“Feminist Teaching in a Military Setting.” Women’s Studies Quarterly. Summer 1984. 13-15.
Reports and Reviews
Rev. of Diana Tietjens Meyers, ed. Feminist Social Thought. A Reader. NY: Routledge, 1997.
Feministische Studien 17/ 2, 1999. 144-147.
“The WISE Feature.” European Journal of Women’s Studies. 5/3-4 November 1998. 513-514; and 5/2
May 1998. 263-265.
“Germany.” Women’s Studies Quarterly. Anniversary Issue. Looking Back, Moving Forward: 25
Years of Women’s Studies History. Eds. Dorothy Helly and Elaine Hedges. 25/ 1 & 2. 1997.
“Germany.” European Women’s Studies Guide. Ed. Claudia Krops. Utrecht: WISE, 1997. 80-83.
“Education.” (with Florence Howe and Erna Kas). Final Report. Vienna NGO Forum ’94. Geneva:
NGO ECE Working Group on Women. 1995. 32-35.
“Thinking about the other’s code.” Travelling through European feminisms: Cultural and political
practices. Eds. Ghaïss Jasser, Mieke Verloo, Margit van der Steen. Utrecht: W.I.S.E, 1995.
“Of Fortresses and Feminists.” Revisioning Feminism around the World. NY: The Feminist Press at
CUNY, 1995. 45-46.
“Seit 20 Jahren am Anfang. Women’s Studies in der Bundesrepublik.” (with Sabine Bröck). [For
twenty years now, German women’s studies has been at the starting line] Konkret “Politik
Hochschule.” Heft 2. June 1995. 6-8.
“Introduction.” European Women’s Studies Guide. Eds. Margit van der Steen and Tobe Levin.
Utrecht: W.I.S.E. Women's International Studies Europe, 1993. 3-5.
“Germany.” European Women’s Studies Guide. Eds. Margit van der Steen and Tobe Levin. Utrecht:
W.I.S.E. Women's International Studies Europe, 1993. 73-79.
“To Introduce W.I.S.E. – Women’s International Studies Europe.” European Feminists’ Research
Conference Papers from Stream 3: Women’s Studies and Research Policy. Workshops No. 23,
24, and 25. Ed. Anne Margarete Berg. Denmark: University of Copenhagen, 1992. 104-113.
“Major Issues Facing European Women.” A Report on the 1991 Frankfurt Book Fair and the Seminar
on “Women in Christian Publishing.” London: World Association for Christian
Communication, 1992. Appendix B.
“Male Students — Women’s Studies: On Mainstreaming Feminist Scholarship.” The European. II/1,
Spring 1992. 25-28.
“Einige der besten Soldaten tragen Lippenstift.” [Some of the best soldiers wear lipstick] (with
Josefine Carls). Emma. February 1991. 10-12.
“How We in Germany are Dealing with [Racism, anti-Semitism, Xenophobia] ...” WISE Women’s
News 1/2. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. 1991.
“Valencia, May 1990: Wise Encounters of a Fruitful Sort.” (with Angelika Köster Lossack). WISE
Women’s News 1/1. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. 1991.
“Women’s Studies in Europe: Conference Report, Part II.” (with Angelika Köster-Lossack). NWSA
Journal 2/ 2, Spring 1990. 265-269.
“Women’s Studies in Europe: Conference Report, Part I.” (with Jo Myers-Dickinson). NWSA Journal
2/ 1, Winter 1990. 101-104.
“Alice Schwarzer: Journalist, Feminist, a Household Word” (with Virgina Fichera). New Directions
for Women. January/February 1987. 8.
“Las Mujeres y el Ejercito.” [Women and the Military] El Pais. July 26, 1985. 22.
“Beruf: Soldatin.” [Career: Soldier] Emma. July 1983. 32-37.
“Introducing Manushi: An Indian Feminist Journal.” Women’s Studies Quarterly . 8/1. Winter 1980.
30-31. Reprinted from Motheroot. 1/4, 1979. 6.
“Women’s Studies in West Germany: Community vs. Academy.” Women’s Studies Newsletter. 8/1,
Winter 1978. 20-22.
Selected Translations
From German: “Guest Preface” by Nobel Laureate in Literature 2004 Elfriede Jelinek and Chapter 2,
Verena Stefan, “Mutilation of the Vulva and Circumcision of Other Female Freedoms – or the
Perfect Vulva’s Aura and Revolt.”
From Italian: Chapter 4, Claudia Landi, “Animals in Possessing the Secret of Joy.”
Jelinek, Stefan and Landi in Tobe Levin, ed. Waging Empathy. Alice Walker, Possessing the Secret of
Joy, and the Global Movement to Ban FGM. Frankfurt: UnCUT/VOICES Press, 2014.
From German: Andlauer, Anna. Back to Life. The International Children’s Center Kloster Indersdorf
1945-46. Trans. Tobe Levin. Nürnberg: Antogo Verlag, 2011.
From German: Korn, Fadumo with Sabine Eichhorst. Born in the Big Rains. A Memoir of Somalia and
Survival. Trans. and Afterword. Tobe Levin. NY: The Feminist Press, 2006.
From French: Prolongeau, Hubert. Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, the Surgeon who Restores the
Clitoris. Trans. and Afterword Tobe Levin. Frankfurt am Main: UnCUT/VOICES Press, 2011.
From French: Khady with Marie-Thérèse Cuny. Blood Stains. A Child of Africa Reclaims Her Human
Rights. Trans. Tobe Levin. Frankfurt am Main: UnCUT/VOICES Press, 2010. [Review pp. 12-15] Also
From French: Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, “Excision and African Literature: An Activist Annotated
Bibliographical Excursion”
From German: Nura Abdi and Leo Linder, “Desert Tears” (Excerpts)
Herzberger-Fofana, Abdi and Linder in Tobe Levin and Augustine H. Asaah, eds. Empathy and Rage.
Female Genital Mutilation in African Literature. Banbury: Ayebia, 2009.
From French: (with Judith Miller and Cosmos Badasu). Nazi-Boni, Deborah. “The Ugliest Girl in the
Kingdom.” Women Writing Africa. West Africa and the Sahel. NY: The Feminist Press, 2005.
From French: (with Judith Miller). Ndoye, Mariama. “On Route to the Twenty-First Century.” Women
Writing Africa. West Africa and the Sahel. NY: The Feminist Press, 2005. 446-448.
From German: Gerhard, Ute. “The Long Waves of Women’s Movements.” NIKK Magasin. No. 3 –
2004. 16-19.
From German: Stefan, Verena. “Euphoria and Cacophony” in Shedding and Literally Dreaming.
Trans. Johanna Moore, Beth Weckmueller, Johanna Albert and Tobe Levin. NY: The Feminist
Press, 1994 and Stefan, Verena. “Literally Dreaming” (with Johanna Albert) in Trivia. A
Journal of Ideas. 14/Spring 1989. 72-81.
From German: Schmidbaur, Marianne, Simone Mazari, Ute Gerhard, Ulla Wischermann. Employment
& Women’s Studies: The Impact of Women’s Studies Training on Women’s Employment in
Europe. Trans. Tobe Levin. EU Contract # HPSE-CZ2001-0082. Qualitative Data Report
Germany. January 2003.
From German: Weigel, Sigrid. “Rhetoric of Matter and Machine: New Clay Sculptures by Gabriele
Schnitzenbaumer.” Gabriele Schnitzenbaumer. Engel und Amazonen. Skulpturen 1996/1998.
München: 1998. 1-3.
From German: Anderle, Helga. “Saturday Night Fever.” In Sara Paretsky, ed. Woman on the Case.
NY: Delacorte, 1996. 241-249.
From German: Hardt-Friederichs, Friederun. “Letters from Delft... or what about all those declarations
of love? How does Vermeer show us the woman of his times?” Essay #2. November 2003.
From German: Excerpts from Abdi, Nura and Leo Linder. Tränen im Sand. [Desert Tears] Bergisch
Gladbach: Ehrenwirth, 2003. In Feminist Europa. Review of Books. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2004.
From French: Jasser, Ghaiss. “The Twin Evils of the Veil.” Social Identities. Journal for the Study of
Race, Nation and Culture. 5/ 1. 1999. 31-45.
From French: Monique Rémy;
From Italian: Marina Addis Saba;
From German: Ute Gerhard, Gudrun Werner-Hervieu
In “Women’s Studies in Europe.” Guest Editors Tobe Levin and Angelika Köster-Lossack. Women’s
Studies Quarterly 20, 3 & 4. Fall/Winter 1992.
From German, French, Spanish, Catalan and Dutch: translations appeared regularly in Feminist
Europa. Review of Books.
Key references to my work in publications by others
Walker, Alice.
Hulverscheidt, Marion A. “Health Right or Human Right? Changing Tides in the International
Discussion of Female Genital Mutilation, 1970-2010.” In Alex Mold, David Rubi, eds.
Assembling Health Rights in Global Context. Genealogies and Anthropologies. London:
Routledge Studies in Public Health, 2013. 94-108.
Ayo Kehinde. Rev. of Empathy and Rage: Female Genital Mutilation in African Literature. African
Studies Review 53.2 (2010): 206-207. Project MUSE. Web. 25 Jan. 2013.
“The Guardian’s Effort to End FGM.” United Nations Commission on the Status of Women – Session
ADVOCACY TO POLICIES & ACTION – POST 2015.” New York City. 18 March 2016.
“Le progrès du mouvement contre les mutilations sexuelles
féminines en Angleterre et en Allemagne.” L’Université de Paris 8
(Vincennes/St. Denis). 2 March 2016.
“FGM outside Africa.” Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford,
Fifth Research Fair Poster Session. Oxford, UK. 25 February 2016.
“Toward a network of scholars and activists, including Women’s Action against FGM – Japan
(WAAF).” Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press and Global Woman P.E.A.C.E.
Foundation. Washington, DC. 14 February 2016.
Host for Ousmane Sembène’s Moolaadé, International Zero Tolerance for FGM Day. Lady Margaret
Hall, University of Oxford. 4 February 2016.
Thanks to Godfrey Williams-Okorodus, FGM
in Iran, Water color, 2015.
Host with Her Excellency the Ambassador from Namibia to Tokyo,
Sophia Nangombe, Reception for Ambassadors and Professors.
Residence of Namibia. Denenchofu, Tokyo. 12 December 2015.
“Advances toward ending FGM in the UK and Germany.” Guest of WAAF (Women’s Action against
FGM—Japan). Tokyo, Japan. 10 December 2015.
“Introducing Dr. Pierre Foldes and Clitoris Restoration.” FGM is not the end. There is hope. NHS
(National Health Service) Symposium on FGM. Ealing Town Hall, London. 21 October 2015.
Invitee. Reception sponsored by FORWARD UK for the Premiere of My Body My Rules and The True
Story of Ghati and Rhobi. Porticullis House, London. 20 October 2015.
Host. “Leyla Hussein shows The Cruel Cut.” Harvard & First Church, Cambridge, MA. 1 October
Mentor for Naomi Rosen. Fellowship Recipients’ Reception. Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. Bonn,
Germany. 28-29 September 2015.
“Toward Anchoring FGM in the Curriculum.” Let's End FGM in a Generation. International
Conference. Mojatu Foundation. Nottingham Trent University. Nottingham, UK. 3 September
“Introducing WAAFRIKA or female genital mutilation in trans-Atlantic
LGBT drama.” CAAR Conference 2015. Mobilising Memory: Creating
African Atlantic Identities. Liverpool Hope University. Liverpool, UK. 25
June 2015.
Welcome at book launch reception, Chinese Translation (Peking
University Press, 2015) and revised English edition, Rose Lore. Essays in
Cultural History and Semiotics. With Dr. Frankie Hutton and IGS, LMH,
University of Oxford. Cotswold Lodge, 23 June 2015.
“Contentious Kin: Female Genital Mutilation, International Gender Studies and the University of
Oxford.” [Delivered in Italian. Trans. Lidia Sciama, Francesca Morra, Liana Borghi]. Centro
IdeaZione Donna. Giardino dei Ciliegi. Florence, Italy. 29 May 2015.
Participant. “2015 Black Portraiture(s) II Conference: Imaging the Black Body and Re-staging
Histories.” NYU & Hutchins Center Sponsorship. Florence, Italy. 28-31 May 2015.
“Prosecuting FGM in France: The Remarkable Case of Ex-cutter Mama Gréou.” The Criminalization
of Race in History and Global Societies. Social Activism and Equal Justice. Monmouth
University, West Long Branch, NJ. 17 April 2015.
“Dr. Pierre Foldes and Contestations around FGM: Action and the Academy.” Rotary Club
Palmengarten. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 1 April 2015.
“Contestations around FGM: Activism and the Academy.” Oxford University Women for Women.
Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford. Oxford International Women’s Festival. 12
March 2015.
Organizer and Moderator. International Workshop. “Activism and the Academy.” International Gender
Studies. Lady Margaret Hall. University of Oxford for Oxford International Women’s Festival.
7 March 2015.
Poster Presentation. Kiminta. Maasai. Lady Margaret Hall. Fourth Research Fair. University of
Oxford, UK. 13 February 2015.
“’No, it isn’t ‘circumcision’”: synergy and tensions in campaigns for human genital integrity.”
Masculinity Series. International Gender Studies. Lady Margaret Hall. University of Oxford,
UK. 12 February 2015.
“Fighting Female Genital Mutilation ‘with angry and unbitten tongues’.” American Graduate School
of Paris. Paris, France. 4 February 2015.
EuroNet-FGM Board Meeting. Terre des Femmes, Berlin, Germany. 29 January 2015.
Press conference. European FGM Conference: Promoting Change toward the Abandonment of Female
Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Practicing Communities across the EU. Under European
Commission DAPHNE sponsorship, presentation of the Europe-wide Curriculum for a PilotTraining Programme against FGM. The Representation of the European Commission in
Germany. Berlin. 28 January 2015.
Participant. “1st International consultation on The Management of Women with FGM/C.”
L’Université de Paris, La Sorbonne. Paris, France. 27 January 2015.
Invited contributor. “Seminar on the Follow-Up to the Communication ‘Towards the Elimination of
Female Genital Mutilation’.” European Commission. Brussels, Belgium. 26 January 2015.
“On FGM, Human Rights and the Medical Community.” University of Heidelberg Medical School.
Heidelberg, Germany. 2 December 2014.
“On FGM. Cause, consequence, and key to abolition – African leadership.” American Graduate
School of Paris. Paris, France. 28 November 2014.
Guest of Womankind Worldwide at the launch of “Prevention is Possible: Ending Violence against
Women & Girls in Ethiopia, Ghana & Zambia.” State Rooms, Speaker’s House, House of
Commons. London, UK. 26 November 2014.
Guest of the Institut génesique (Dr. Pierre Foldes). “Des Mots pour les Maux” – Speak-Out on
Violence against Women. Press conference. St. Germain-en-Laye. 25 November 2014.
“Female Genital Mutilation: Why should we care? What can we do?” Sponsored by Oxford chapter of
Lawyers without Borders and the Oxford Panel on FGM. St. Edmund Hall, University of
Oxford. 14 November 2014.
Interviewed by Isaac Mugabi for the Deutsche Welle researching background to Ban Ki-moon’s
announcement of support for fighting FGM. AfricaLink. Beginning at 04'14'' 31 October 2014.
“Guidelines for Thinking about Femicide … or toward understanding without despair.” Lecture with
PowerPoint to introduce The Three Deadliest Words in the World: It’s a Girl. (Standing in for
IGS Department Chair Dr. Maria Jaschok). Oxford Women for Women International Society.
St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, UK. 20 October 2014.
Invited participant. Pathways to Power Panel with Shadow Home Office Minister for Preventing
Violence against Women and Girls, MP Seema Malhotra. State of the World’s Girls 2014
Report. Plan UK. Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, London, UK. 14 October 2014.
“Response of the German community to FGM.” KGSS-OGA e.V. Sierra Leonean Association
Symposium on FGM & Teen Pregnancy. Bürgerhaus. Schwalbach, Germany. 20 September
“FGM in the Diaspora: Makode Aj Linde and the Silenced Shriek.” Migrating the Black Body.
Volkswagen Stiftung Symposium. Hannover, Germany. 10 September 2014.
Translator and Discussant. “Beneficiaries of Clitoris Restoration Speak Out” (with Dr. Pierre Foldes).
Institut génésique. St. Germain-en-Laye, France. 4 September 2014.
Radio Discussant. “Women’s Hour Live from Paris. Topic: FGM.” Moderator Neneh Bojang in
conversation with Tobe Levin and Lorraine Koonce. Program associated with Gambian
Kibarro News. Promoting Freedom, Justice & Equality. 3 September 2014.
“On Female Genital Mutilation: Educators and Survivors Working Together to End It.” Asian
Symposium on Human Rights Education. SHARE 2014. PRESDA Foundation. Mitsui Garden
Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan. 3 August 2014.
“In Angsterfüllten Symmetrien: Essays und Augenzeugenberichte zur weiblichen
Genitalverstümmelung und der männlichen Beschneidung.” [‘Fearful Symmetries’: Essays and
Testimony on Female Genital Mutilation and (male) Circumcision] Wissenschaftliches
Symposium “Genitale Autonomie: Körperliche Unversehrtheit, Religionsfreiheit und sexuelle
Selbstbestimmung – von der Theorie zur Praxis.” University of Cologne. 6 May 2014.
See also
“Female Genital Mutilation: the Beautiful, the Ugly, and the Need for a Movement in America.”
Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press. Washington, DC. 6 April 2014.
&type=3 Retrieved 2 April 2016
Moderator, “Women’s Liberation in Movement: Received, Reworked, Revised (Germany, Italy,
France).” A Revolutionary Moment: Women’s Liberation in the later 1960s and early 1970s.
Boston University. Boston, MA. 29 March 2014.
“Female Genital Mutilation and the Rose.” Pure Light Bookstore. Rose Lore Lecture Series. Highland
Park, NJ. 23 March 2014.
Representative of the EuroNet-FGM. CHANGE (European Union DAPHNE FGM Project) Meeting.
Terre des Femmes. Berlin, Germany. 17-18 March 2014.
“Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung (FGM): Eine Einführung.” Keynote Address, Projects Week.
Rudolf-Steiner-Schule, Dietzenbach, Germany. 10 February 2014.
Representative of FORWARD – Germany. Fachgremium FGM Rhein Main. F.I.M. Frankfurt am
Main, Germany. 28 January 2014.
Moderator, EuroNet-FGM General Assembly. Terre des Femmes. Berlin, Germany. 25 January 2014.
Representative of FORWARD – Germany. INTEGRA Netzwerktreffen. Balance,
Germany. 24 January 2014.
e.V. Berlin,
Advisory Group with Hilary Burrage. The Home Affairs Committee New Inquiry under Rt Hon Keith
Vaz MP: Female Genital Mutilation and The Guardian FGM
Campaign. Office of QC Dexter Dias. Garden Court Chambers.
London, UK. 22 January 2014.
“Introducing WAAFRIKA, Waging Empathy, and UnCUT/VOICES
Press.” Pure Light Bookstore. Highland Park, N.J. 24
November 2013.
“Fiction versus Fact. How Alice Walker
and Nick Mwaluko Author the End of
FGM.” The Hutchins Center for African
and African American Research, Harvard
University. Cambridge, MA. 21 November
“Fiction versus Fact. How Alice Walker and Nick Mwaluko Author the
End of FGM.” Mt. Holyoke College. S. Hadley, MA. 19 November 2013.
“Introducing UnCUT/VOICES Press, WAAFRIKA, and Waging Empathy.” University of Hartford,
guest of Professor Carole MacKenzie. Hartford, CT. 18 November 2013.
Moderator, Panel Discussion on Desert Flower, the film. Zonta International to benefit FORWARD –
Germany. Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main. 4 November 2013.
Convener, EuroNet-FGM General Assembly. Dataforce. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 2 November
“Introducing Waging Empathy, Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy and FGM.” China
Women’s University. Beijing, China. 21 October 2013.
“Khady, a Case Study in Feminist Inspiration: from ‘Sand Belly’ Kid to International Activist.”
Women’s Rights Committee Open Meeting on FGM, The TUC (Trade Union Congress) in
London, South East and Eastern Region. London, UK. 26 September 2013.
“FGM in Germany. Issues and Challenges.” Faculty of Liberal Arts. Hosted by Courtney Lawrence,
International Program. Hiroshima Jogakuin University. Hiroshima, Japan. 9 July 2013.
“Ending FGM in Germany.” Women’s Action against FGM – Japan (WAAF). Tokyo. 6 July 2013.
Featured in WAAF Newsletter Vol. 66, 30 November 2013. Cover + pp. 3-5.
“Female Genital Mutilation: the Approach of FORWARD – Germany and UnCUT/VOICES Press.”
Dataforce. Frankfurt am Main. 2 May 2013.
“Presenting UnCUT/VOICES Press.” Social Justice Workshops. Graduate School of Education.
Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. 27 April 2013.
Contracting partner representing EuroNet-FGM. DAPHNE CHANGE Project on FGM. Kick-off.
Berlin: Terres des Femmes. 18-19 April 2013.
“Female Genital Mutilation: An Introduction to FORWARD-Germany’s Projects in Mali and Europe.”
Inner Wheel at the Frankfurter Hof. Frankfurt am Main. 11 April 2013.
Moderator of Panel 13 and “A New Book on Alice Walker: Global Essays about Possessing the Secret
of Joy.” CAAR Conference. Agnes Scott College. Decatur, GA. 14 March 2013.
Moderator, High Level Panel. “Harmful Traditional Practices – Violence against Women and Girls.
Law vs. Rhetoric: Rhetoric vs. Reality.” UN Commission on the Status of Women 57.
Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations. NYC. 8 March 2013.
“Female Genital Mutilation: an Introduction for Clinicians as Victims See It.” Residents in Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Monmouth Medical Center (St. Barnabas System). Head of Department Prof.
Dr. Graebe. Long Branch, NJ. 7 March 2013.
“Germany’s Partnership with Mali.” Armenian Convention Center Y Room. U.N. Commission on the
Status of Women 57, “The European Network, the African Diaspora, and the USA.” NYC. 6
March 2013.
“Introducing UnCUT/VOICES Press to the Rose Lore Group.” The Rose Project. Piero’s Italian
Restaurant. Union Beach, NJ. 27 February 2013.
“Presenting Waging Empathy. Alice Walker, Possessing the Secret of Joy, and the Global Movement to
Ban FGM.” Harvard University. W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American
Research. Cambridge, MA. 7 February 2013.
“On UnCUT/VOICES Press, Rose Lore, and Cutting Roses in Alice Walker’s Gardens.” Surya group,
Theosophical Society. Westfield, NJ. 13 December 2012.
Invited Participant. 12th Donors’ Working Group meeting, civil society session. DFID (UK
Department for International Development). London. 6 December 2012.
Delegate representing FORWARD – Germany. Trust Women Conference. London, UK. 4-5
December 2012.
Delegate representing FORWARD – Germany. “Beschneidung – ein umstrittenes und unbequemes
Thema.” Fachtagung des bundesweiten Netzwerks INTEGRA zum Thema
Genitalverstümmelung. Rathaus Charlottenburg. Berlin, Germany. 27 November 2012.
“Why does Rose Lore have a chapter on ‘Cutting the Rose’?” The Theosophical Society of Deerfield
Beach, FL. 11 November 2012.
Opening welcome to Dagmar Schultz and Ika Hügel, reading Invisible Women. Growing Up Black in
Germany and screening, Audre Lorde. The Berlin Years – 1984 to 1992. A Film by Dagmar
Schultz. W.E.B. Du Bois Institute. Harvard University. 9 October 2012.
Invited Participant and contributor. UN-Women – Germany. “Dialogforum zur Vorbereitung der 57.
Frauenrechtskommission.” [Dialogue with NGOs Preparing for the U.N. Commission on the
Status of Women 57th session, NYC, March 2013] Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren,
Frauen und Jugend. Berlin. 26 September 2012.
Convener, EuroNet-FGM General Assembly. Dataforce. Frankfurt/ Main. 15 September 2012.
Convener, opening ceremony, EuroNet-FGM General Assembly with reading from Khady’s Blood
Stains/ Mutilée/ Die Tränen der Töchter. Dataforce, Frankfurt am Main. 14 September 2012.
Participant. “Engagiert und Integriert; Afrikanische Diaspora und Kommunale
Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland.” [Engaged and Integrated: The African Diaspora and
Municipal Development in Germany] Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit
und Entwicklung with Engagement Global. Schloss Ludwigsburg und Kulturzentrum.
Ludwigsburg. 19-20 April 2012.
Reading with Hubert Prolongeau from Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, the Surgeon Who Restores the
Clitoris. Harvard University, The W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American
Research. International Women’s Day. Cambridge, MA. 8 March 2012.
Reading with Hubert Prolongeau from Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, the Surgeon Who Restores the
Clitoris. Brandeis University. Sponsored by the Women’s Studies Research Center; Schuster
Institute for Investigative Journalism (Brandeis); Women’s and Gender Studies (Brandeis);
Gender Working Group of the Heller School of Social Policy and Management (Brandeis);
Amnesty International (Brandeis Chapter); Brandeis Student Union; Women’s Gender and
Sexuality Program (Boston University); Our Bodies, Ourselves; Center for Women’s Health
and Human Rights, Suffolk University; American Studies (Wheelock College); Africana
Studies (Wellesley College); African and African American Studies (Brandeis). With gratitude
to Mei-Mei Ellerman and Shula Reinharz. Waltham, MA. 7 March 2012.
Reading with Hubert Prolongeau from Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, the Surgeon Who Restores the
Clitoris. Mt. Holyoke College. Sponsored by European Studies plus Departments of German
and French. South Hadley, MA. 6 March 2012.
Reading with Hubert Prolongeau from Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, the Surgeon Who Restores the
Clitoris. University of Hartford. Hartford, CN. 5 March 2012.
Moderator, United Nations Commission on the Status of Women 56, High Level Panel, “FGM –
Female Genital Mutilation – Rural Women and Girls.” Permanent Mission of the Federal
Republic of Germany to the United Nations, German House, NYC. 2 March 2012.
Reading with Hubert Prolongeau from Undoing FGM. Pierre Foldes, the Surgeon Who Restores the
Clitoris. Dataforce, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 16 February 2012.
“FGM through the Eyes of African Artists – Art Exhibition.” 9th Anniversary of the International Day
on Zero Tolerance to FGM, “From Malabo to New York: Supporting the General Assembly
Resolution to end FGM worldwide.” Inter-African Committee, Ariana Museum, Geneva,
Switzerland. 6 February 2012.
“Undoing FGM and Khady’s Blood Stains: Introducing UnCUT/VOICES Press,” Clark University as
guest of Professor Marianne Sarkis, Introduction to Anthropology. Worcester, MA. 7
December 2011.
Welcome and Introduction. Health Project in Burkina Faso. “Bangr-Nooma,” Nothing is better than
Knowledge. Event sponsored by FORWARD – Germany and Terre des Femmes. EVA
Begegnungszentrum. Frankfurt am Main. 3 November 2011.
Guest advisor, European Expert Group. Analysis of FGM/C in the Netherlands. PHAROS. The Hague,
The Netherlands. 12-13 September 2011.
“The First Decade of Women’s Studies in the West.” Women’s Studies and the Cultivation of Talent.
China Women’s University Women’s Studies Department Tenth Anniversary conference.
Beijing, China. 24 June 2011.
“Cultural Violence and the Female Body – FGM in Africa and the Virgin Complex in China.” China
Women’s University, Beijing. 15 June 2011.
Distinguished Speaker, “On FGM and the Arts.” High Level Panel U.N. Human Rights Council
Session 17. Palais des Nations. Geneva, Switzerland. 1 June 2011.
Panel Chair, EuroNet-FGM Colloquium. “Building Bridges between Africa and Europe.” Stockholm,
Sweden. 20 May 2011.
Panelist, Discussion of “Secret of the Dawn,” Documentary on FGM. Harvard University Extension
International Relations Club. Emerson Hall. Cambridge, MA. 16 April 2011.
Cited in
Master of Ceremonies and Introduction, Honorable Fatoumata Siré Diakité, Ambassador from Mali to
Germany. Farewell dinner. Schlosshotel Kronberg, Kronberg, Germany. 6 April 2011.
“FORWARD-Germany and UnCUT/VOICES Press: Modern Media opposing FGM.” 8th
International Day on Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation “Building Bridges between
Europe and Africa.” Inter-African Committee. Centre International de Conférences (CICG).
Geneva, Switzerland. 7 February 2011.
Panelist, “Feiern und Leben ohne Schnitte” [Celebrate Life without Cutting] International ‘Zero
Tolerance’ to FGM Day. MAISHA. Selbsthilfegruppe Afrikanischer Frauen in Deutschland.
[Self-help for African Women in Germany] Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 6 February 2011.
Reading from Blood Stains and Presentation of UnCUT/VOICES Press. La Scarpetta Restaurant. West
Long Branch, N.J. 13 January 2011.
Chair of panel # 360. “Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in African Literature: Fiction, Memoir, and
the Discourse of Human Rights.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Los
Angeles Convention Center. 7 January 2011.
Reading from Blood Stains and Presentation of UnCUT/VOICES Press. 123 East 75th St., New York
City. 2 January 2011.
Reading with Khady from Blood Stains. A Child of Africa Reclaims Her Human Rights. Bluestockings
Bookstore, New York City. 13 November 2010.
Chair of the session on “Race and Violence” including reading with Khady from Blood Stains. A Child
of Africa Reclaims Her Human Rights. “Examining Race in the 21st Century.” Second Biennial
Interdisciplinary Conference on Race. Monmouth University. West Long Branch, NJ. 11
November 2010.
Reading with Khady from Blood Stains. A Child of Africa Reclaims Her Human Rights. W.E.B. Du
Bois Institute for African and African American Research Colloquium series. Harvard
University. Cambridge, MA. 10 November 2010.
Reading with Khady from Blood Stains. A Child of Africa Reclaims Her Human Rights. “Polygamy,
Polygyny, and Polyamory” Conference, Brandeis University. Waltham, MA. 8 November
“Female Genital Mutilation: Activists and the Academy since the early 1970s.” Women’s Liberation
@ 40: Changes and Continuities. Ruskin College. Oxford, UK. 12-13 March 2010.
“Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Transforms Girls into Women: Ritual Initiation in Memoirs by
Senegalese and Somali Immigrants in Europe.” MLA Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
27 December 2009.
Invited participant. “Uniting Europe and Africa to Fight Female Genital Mutilation.” The Dutch
Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport. The Hague, The Netherlands. 25 November 2009.
“FGM in Deutschland. ” Deutscher Frauenring. Bad Homburg. 4 November 2009.
“FGM Präventionsansätze und Diskurs in Deutschland.” [FGM Prevention Efforts and Debate in
Germany] Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung (FGM): State of the Art der medizinischen
Behandlung und Prävention. Medizinische Universität Wien (University of Vienna Medical
School) with the Office of Women’s Affairs, City of Vienna. 30 June 2009.
Introducing the Ambassador from Mali to Germany, Fatoumata Siré Diakité. Presenting the Caravane
des Jeunes and film “Caravane” directed by Erica Pomerance. Amnesty International
Frankfurt and FORWARD – Germany. EVAngelisches Frauenbegegnungszentrum, Frankfurt
am Main, Germany. 16 May 2009.
“Alice Walker on Female Genital Mutilation: Europe vs. the USA.” Séminaire doctoral collectif
“Corps, Travail, Expérience.” Centre d’études féminines et d’études de genre de l’Université
de Paris 8, St. Denis, under the direction of Anne Berger. St. Denis, France. 15 May 2009.
“Campaigns against FGM in Europe.” From global to local: FGM/C in Diaspora. International Forum
on Harmful Traditional Practices. Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. Banjul, The Gambia.
6 May 2009.
Radio Interview on FGM with Lisa Bellini. 25 April 2009.
Reading & Presentation of Empathy & Rage. Female Genital Mutilation in African Literature. East
Brunswick, NJ. 20 April 2009.
Delegate for FORWARD – Germany. International Conference on Female Genital Mutilation in the
EU. European Parliament, Brussels. 15-17 April 2009.
“Empathy and Rage, or Literature as Key to Eradicating FGM.” CAAR (Collegium for African
American Research) Conference. University of Bremen. Bremen, Germany. 26 March 2009.
“Toward National Action Plans against FGM.” Bundestag (German Parliament). Paul Löbe Room.
FORWARD funded by DAPHNE (European Union). Berlin, Germany. 25 November 2008.
“Race” and anti-racism in campaigns against female genital mutilation (FGM) in Europe with specific
reference to FORWARD – Germany, a 501 © 3 against FGM and its exhibition, “Through the
Eyes of Nigerian Artists.” Conference on “Race”: Future of an Illusion, Future of the Past.
Monmouth University. West Long Branch, N.J. 13 November 2008.
“Tasks and strategies for fighting female genital mutilation in the European Union.” Symposium
sponsored by WHO, the German Ministry of Health, and the Bundesärztekammer (German
equivalent of the A.M.A.). World Health Organization European Centre for Environment and
Health. Bonn. 31 October 2008.
“Nationalen Aktionspläne gegen die genitale Verstümmelung” [National Action Plans against FGM].
Speech in the Parliament. Vienna, Austria. 10 October 2008.
“Introducing FORWARD – Germany.” National Conference for Municipal Government Equality
Officers. Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 18 August 2008.
“Joining the Grassroots Movements to End Female Genital Mutilation.” National Coalition against
Domestic Violence Conference. Washington, DC. 21 July 2008.
Keynote speaker, “To Introduce the Exhibition: Art Speaks a Strong and Subtle Language.” Vrouwen,
een Leven vol Pijn. Genitale Verminking. Een kunstzinnige confrontatie. Augustiner Kloster.
Ghent, Belgium. 13 July 2008.
Master of Ceremonies and introductory speech. “Respect: a Multi-Media Performance.” FORWARD –
Germany Girls’ Theater Group as guests of FORWARD UK. Harriet Tubman House, London.
5 July 2008.
Delegate. “Genital Cutting in a Globalized Age: A Forum for Interdisciplinary Debate.” Royal Society
of Medicine. London, U.K. 4 July 2008.
Master of Ceremonies. “The Cornell Chordials sing for FORWARD.” Fund-raising Concert.
Katholische Studentengemeinde, University of Applied Sciences. Frankfurt am Main. 13 June
Master of Ceremonies. “The Cornell Chordials sing for FORWARD.” Fund-raising Concert. Institut
für Medizinische Psychologie, University of Heidelberg. 12 June 2008.
Master of Ceremonies. “The Cornell Chordials sing for FORWARD.” Fund-raising Concert.
Ökumenisches Studentenwohnheim. University of Munich. 11 June 2008.
Moderator, Workshop: “Does the Community Divide Exist? Working and Researching across
Communities for Social and Political Change.” National Council for Research on Women.
New York University. 6 June 2008.
“Introducing Ousmane Sembène’s Moolaadé and FORWARD – Germany Girls’ Theater Group multimedia production, Respekt.” International Women’s Day. Dritte Welt Haus. Frankfurt am
Main, 8 March 2008.
Moderator. “Ogaden: Refugees in Eritrea and Kenya” – prize-winning photographs by Britta Radike.
Zero Tolerance to FGM Day. Frankfurt am Main, 6 February 2008.
“Why Review Books You May Never Be Able to Read?” Session 668. The Book Review. Modern
Language Association Annual Convention. Chicago. 30 December 2007.
“Afro-European Activists: Confronting FGM.” Session 460. African Creative Nonfiction. Modern
Language Association Annual Convention. Chicago. 29 December 2007.
“Ansätze zur Arbeit gegen die Genitalverstümmelung in Deutschland.” International Conference
„Menschenrechtsschutz für Frauen – Internationale Standards und regionale Ansätze.“
UNESCO-sponsored with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Universität Magdeburg. Magdeburg,
Germany. 11 December 2007.
Introducing the Exhibition, “Through the Eyes of Nigerian Artists.” Bridgewater State College.
Bridgewater, MA. 2 November 2007.
Invited guest as President of FORWARD – Germany, e.V., Donor’s Working Group Meeting on
FGM, German Foreign Ministry, Berlin. In Absentia. Represented by Dr. Angelika KösterLossack, former Member of the Bundestag (German Parliament). Berlin. 17 October 2007.
Invited guest. British Parliament, House of Lords. Launch of the first Epidemiological Study of FGM
in England and Wales by FORWARD UK. 9 October 2007.
“FORWARD – Germany, e.V.: Our Aims.” Invited Expert on FGM, Hearing in the Bundestag
(German Parliament). Berlin, Germany. 19 September 2007.
Consecutive conference interpreter and participant, European Network FGM, International Steering
Committee, “Developing National Plans of Action to Eliminate FGM in the EU – DAPHNE
Project of Euronet-FGM.” Brussels, Belgium. 30-31 August 2007.
Selected participant. Leadership Conference, University of Maryland University College. Inn and
Conference Center. Adelphi, MD. 30 July – 2 August 2007.
“A Life-Writing Approach to Persuasive Messages: the example of Alice Walker and Fadumo Korn in
campaigns against female genital mutilation.” Fourth Annual July Writing Conference.
University of Maryland University College, Inn and Conference Center. Adelphi, MD. 27 July
Host for the Ambassador to Germany from Mali, the Honorable Fatoumata Siré Diakité, “Fund-Raiser
for the Caravane des Jeunes.” Am Römerberg 10, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 7 July 2007.
Invited representative of WISE at the ATHENA Annual Meeting (Advanced Thematic Network in
European Women’s Studies). Central European University. Budapest, Hungary. 31 May 2007.
Participant. The Seventh International CAAR Conference, Blackness and Modernities. National
University Madrid, Spain. 18-21 April 2007.
“Through the Eyes of Nigerian Artists: Birth of an Exhibition.” Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. 19
February 2007.
Introduction and reading with Fadumo Korn. Born in the Big Rains. Bluestockings Bookstore. NYC.
18 February 2007.
Introduction and reading with Fadumo Korn. Cornell University, Ithaca, NYC. 17 February 2007.
Introduction and reading with Fadumo Korn. Mt. Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. 16 February
Introduction and reading with Fadumo Korn. Harvard University COOP. Cambridge, MA. 15
February 2007.
Introduction and reading with Fadumo Korn. Brandeis University. Waltham, MA, 15 February 2007.
“On Activism and Art: Welcome to the Exhibition.” The Harvard Faculty Club. Cambridge, MA. 12
February 2007.
“Three African women memoirists: Nura Abdi, Fadumo Korn and Khady [Koita], dedicated to ending
FGM.” Session “African and African American Feminisms.“ MLA. Philadelphia, PA. 29
December 2006.
“Three African Immigrant Women’s Memoirs.” Reception organized by Dr. Frankie Hutton.
Eatontown Public Library. Eatontown, NJ. 23 December 2006.
Presentation, workshop on “Dialogue and Communication.” Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung
Beenden. Erfahrungen aus Afrika und Europa – Perspektiven für Deutschland. Sponsored by
the GTZ, German Ministry for Development Aid, and INTEGRA. Berlin. 12-13 December
Moderator, FORWARD – Germany e.V. General Assembly. Frauenschule. Frankfurt am Main,
Germany. 26 November 2006.
“Translating and editing Fadumo Korn's autobiography Born in the Big Rains – and Nigerian
painting.” Annual University of Maryland in Europe Faculty Meeting, English Caucus.
Heidelberg, Germany. 4 November 2006.
Moderator, FORWARD - Germany e.V. General Assembly. Frauenschule. Frankfurt am Main,
Germany. 2 July 2006.
Moderator, opening panel. “Through the Eyes of Nigerian Artists.” Exhibition of artwork against
FGM. Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. 6 April 2006.
“Introducing Elfriede Jelinek, enfant terrible of Austrian literature.” Hadassah-Brandeis Institute.
Brandeis University. Waltham, MA. 28 February 2006.
“Zero Tolerance to FGM Day.” Hadassah-Brandeis Institute. Brandeis University. Waltham, MA. 6
February 2006.
Master of Ceremonies, Reception for Fatoumata Siré Diakité, Ambassador from Mali and Efua
Dorkenoo OBE, founder of FORWARD UK. Schlosshotel Kronberg. 13 January 2006.
“Introducing FORWARD – Germany and several Best Practices against FGM in Europe.” Do They
Hear You When You Cry? A one-day conference on female circumcision. Medgar Evers
College, CUNY. Brooklyn, NYC. 15 October 2005.
“Writing to Change the World: Somali Immigrant Memoirs in German by Nura Abdi and Fadumo
Korn.” Creativity, Dissidence and Women: The Seventh International Conference of the Arab
Women’s Solidarity Association. The Greater Cairo Library. Cairo, Egypt. 22 May 2005.
“Alice Walker in the Bundestag.” The Black World C.A.A.R. 2005 Conference. Université Francois
Rabelais, Tours, France. 22 April 2005.
“FORWARD’s Past and Present Projects.” Olympe de Gouges Award presented to FORWARD –
Germany by the women’s caucus of the Social Democratic Party and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Frankfurter Frauenverbände. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 20 March 2005.
“Female Genital Mutilation and Good Advice” and Plenary Round-table, “Scope of Action and
Strategies to eradicate Female Genital Mutilation.” UNICEF Conference: Female Genital
Mutilation in Europe. Zürich, Switzerland. 7 March 2005.
“Introduction,” International ‘Zero Tolerance to FGM Day’. Speech for FORWARD – Germany with
Alice Schwarzer. Katharinenkirche, Hauptwache. Frankfurt am Main. 11 February 2005.
“Für ein Recht auf unversehrtes Leben…” Politischen Frühstück für Frauen. Frauenprojekt GallusGutleut. Frankfurt am Main. 6 February 2005.
“FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) in Creative Writing: Activism and Aesthetics.” Chair of the
session. MLA. Philadelphia, PA. 27 December 2004.
“Gender and Genital Surgeries in Somalia: Nura Abdi and Fadumo Korn.” (A)Symétries sexuelles:
autour de la circoncision et de l'excision/(Dis)symmetry embodied: Around Male and Female
‘Circumcision’. Fondation universitaire, Bruxelles, Belgium. 18 December 2004.
“Amnesty International and Efforts to End FGM: Focus on Somalia and the Sudan.” Northfield Mount
Herman School. Northfield, MA. 3 December 2004.
“Presenting FORWARD.” Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frankfurter Frauenverbände. Römerberg 9. Frankfurt
am Main, Germany. 25 November 2004.
“Somali Immigrant Memoirs and Campaigns to End FGM in Germany.” Five Colleges Women’s
Studies Research Center lecture series. Mt. Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. 7 October
“FGM: Risking and Eschewing the Pornographic Gaze.” Keynote speech. Interdisciplinary-Net
conference. Mansfield College. Oxford, UK. 20 September 2004.
“Nura Abdi and Fadumo Korn on ‘Female Circumcision’.” African and Caribbean Students’
Association. Mt. Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. 3 November 2004.
“Documentary in FGM Research: Production and Use.” International Society of Political Psychology
(ISPP). “The Political Psychology of Hegemony and Resistance.” ISSP 27th Annual Scientific
Meeting. Lund University, Sweden. 18 July 2004.
“Black/Jewish Women Authors, or What Fault-lines Reveal about Ethnicity and Democracy.” 4th
MESEA Conference, “Ethnic Communities in Democratic Societies.” Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece. 20 May 2004.
“(Minority) Women in the USA.” Series „Frauen aus anderen Kulturen.” [Women in other Cultures].
Diakonisches Werk Offenbach; Integrationsbüro, Frauenbeauftragte. Begegnungstätte
Winkelsmühle, Dreieich, Germany. 22 April 2004.
“FORWARD - Germany, Feminist Europa and WISE: (a second) introduction.” In-house presentation,
International Gender Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House. University of Oxford, UK. 18
March 2004.
“FGM: All women's concern.” Keynote speech. Women's History Luncheon. Cambrai Fritsch
Kaserne. Darmstadt, Germany. 8 March 2004.
“Why is FGM so hard to stop? The experience of FORWARD - Germany.” Model United Nations.
University of Marburg. Marburg, Germany. 7 February 2004.
“Fünf Jahre FORWARD - Germany.” International Zero Tolerance to FGM Day, FORWARD Germany, e.V. Christuskirche, Frankfurt am Main. 6 February 2004.
“FORWARD - Germany, Feminist Europa and WISE: introduction.” In-house presentation,
International Gender Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, UK. 28
November 2003.
“Umgang mit weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung.” [Dealing with FGM for physicians and nurses]
FORWARD Workshop. “Lust auf Dialog. Frauengesundheit und Migration.“ 10.
Jahrestagung. AKF - Arbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Medizin, Psychotherapie und
Gesellschaft e.V. Rathaus Schöneberg, Berlin. 1 November 2003.
Introduction and MC, Reading by Hanny Lightfoot Klein and Gritt Richter. Afrika-Europa-Forum
sponsored by FORWARD with Black & White/ Schwarzundweiss. Christuskirche. Frankfurt
am Main. 9 October 2003.
“The German Women’s Movement: Its History and FGM.” FORWARD Training-for-Trainers,
European Commission DAPHNE-sponsorship. InterCity Hotel. Frankfurt am Main. 4 October
“Creative writing of FGM as an act of violence and human rights abuse.” Cultures of Violence: 4th
Global Conference: Diversity within Unity. St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, UK.
27 September 2003.
“Workshop on Feminist Europa. Review of Books.” Gender and Power in the New Europe. 5th
European Feminist Research Conference. University of Lund, Sweden. 22 August 2003.
“The European Network for the Prevention and Eradication of Harmful Traditional Practices affecting
the Health of Women and Children, in particular Female Genital Mutilation.” Gender and
Power in the New Europe. 5th European Feminist Research Conference. University of Lund,
Sweden. 21 August 2003.
“Die Arbeit und Projekte von FORWARD - Deutschland.” [FORWARD - Germany: Work against
FGM] Guest lecture in the seminar “Tradition oder Barbarei? Ein transdisziplinärer Blick auf
den schwierigen Umgang mit weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung” (Lecturer: Daniela Hrzan)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. School of Law. Berlin, Germany. 4 July 2003.
“’Betrayal’ or FGM and the African Diaspora: Reflections on the artist-activist.” Collegium for
African American Research (CAAR) Conference. King Alfred’s College, Winchester, UK. 14
April 2003.
“Ziele von FORWARD.” [Aims of FORWARD] Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung: Introducing
FORWARD - Kreis Offenbach. Katholische Dekanats- und Gemeindezentrum,
Dreieichenhain. 14 March 2003.
“Einführung in die Ausstellung.” Opening of the Exhibition sponsored by Terre des Femmes and
DAFI. WeiberWirtschaft. Berlin, Germany. 8 March 2003.
“Darstellung der gesellschaftlichen Ursachen und Analyse der kontinuierlichen Praxis weiblicher
Genitalverstümmelung, Motive und Begründungen.” [Accounting for social background and
resistance to change] Auswärtiges Amt [Ministry of Foreign Affairs]. Berlin, Germany. 8
March 2003.
“FORWARD - Germany: Unser Mädchenprojekt.” Fund-raiser for FORWARD. Theatercompagnie
Tagträumer presents Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologe. Gallustheater. Frankfurt am Main. 7
February 2003.
“INTACT: a controversial advertising campaign.” European Union DAPHNE-sponsored seminar on
Media. European Network against Harmful Traditional Practices including FGM and AIDoS.
The Women's Building. Rome, Italy. 14 December 2002.
“FORWARD: Pictures in an Exhibition” with Mayor Dr. Alois Rhiel. Marble Room, City Hall. Fulda.
7 December 2002.
“FORWARD’s Acceptance Speech.” Ingrid Gräfin zu Solms Human Rights Award Ceremony. St.
Catherine’s Church. Frankfurt am Main. 25 November 2002.
“European Initiatives against FGM.” Douglass College/ Rutgers University. Women’s and Gender
Studies Lecture Series. New Brunswick, NJ. 14 October 2002.
Salon: “Female Genital Mutilation: Films for Abolition.” Conference of the International Society of
Political Psychology. Intercontinental Hotel. Berlin, Germany. 16 July 2002.
“Anzia Yezierska and Dympna Ogwu-Oju, Two Immigrant Autobiographers.” MESEA (Multi-ethnic
Studies Europe and the Americas) Biennial Conference “Sites of Ethnicity.” Università degli
Studi di Padova, Italy. 28 June 2002
“Between Home and Homeland: Anzia Yezierska and Dympna Ogwu-Oju, Two Women Immigrant
Autobiographers.” National Women’s Studies Association Conference. University of Las
Vegas, NV. 14 June 2002.
“FORWARD - Germany, Terre des Femmes, INTACT: Activities Report.” GAMS (Group femmes
pour l’Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles) Europe Seminar. Espace Conférence des
Diaconesses, Paris, France. 29 March 2002.
“Female Genital Mutilation as a Human Rights Issue.” In Workshop 10 on Violence and Human
Rights, The European Association of American Studies Biennial Conference, “The United
States of/in Europe: Nationhood, Citizenship, Culture.” Université Michel de Montaigne.
Bordeaux, France. 24 March 2002.
“FGM in Europe.” City University of New York. New York City. 14 March 2002.
“La lutte contre la mutilation génitale des femmes africaines. ” Rotary Strasbourg. Hilton Hotel.
Strasburg, France. 4 March 2002.
“Genitalverstümmelung an Frauen und Mädchen in Afrika.” Deutscher Frauenring, e.V., Ortsverband
Darmstadt. Forstmeisterhaus. Darmstadt, Germany. 6 November 2001.
“Einführung in die Ausstellung: Hintergründe der einzelnen Kunstwerke.” Opening the Exhibition,
“Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung: Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus Nigeria klagen an.” Foyer
of the City Hall. Lüdenscheid, Germany. 21 October 2001.
“Wissenschaftlerinnenkooperationen international: Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Perspektiven:
Podiumsdiskussion.” 8. Wissenschaftlerinnen-Werkstatt der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Haus der
Gewerkschaftsjugend. Oberursel, Germany. 10 September 2001.
“Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung: Nigerianische Künstlerinnen und Künstler klagen an.” Speech
opening the Exhibition. Regierungspräsidium (City Hall) Darmstadt. 1 September 2001.
“Der Kampf gegen genitale Verstümmelung in Deutschland.” Rotary (Städel). Deutsche Bibliothek.
Frankfurt am Main. 12 July 2001.
“Eröffnungsvortrag: Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung, Nigerianische Künstlerinnen und Künstler.”
Elisabeth-Selbert-Haus [City Hall] Kassel. 19 June 2001.
“Introducing FORWARD and Hanny Lightfoot-Klein.” Cornelia Goethe Center for Women’s Studies.
University of Frankfurt. 15 May 2001.
“FGM in Germany: FORWARD in Action.” Colloquium with Hanny Lightfoot-Klein. NIMBA
(Afrikanische Kunst und Kultur e.V.) University of Bremen. 5 May 2001.
“FGM in Germany.” Deutscher Frauenring. Oberursel, Germany. 2 May 2001.
“Eröffnungsvortrag: Nigerianische Künstler gegen FGM.” NIMBA (Afrikanische Kunst und Kultur
e.V.) University of Bremen. 20 April 2001.
“Missing Feminist Voices in Black-Jewish Affairs.” CAAR Conference (Collegium for African
American Research). Sardinia, Italy. 24 March 2001; and Chair of the session, Colorlines II.
Representative for FORWARD, Germany: FGM in the Italian Parliament (Emma Bonino). Rome. 5-6
March 2001.
“European FGM Network” and Workshop Chair, “Capacity Building.” The Forum on Female Genital
Mutilation co-ordinated by FORWARD. Friend's House, London. 19 February 2001.
Participant and secretary-elect, Founding Conference, European Network against FGM. European
Parliament. Brussels, Belgium. 29 November 2000.
Organizer, Exhibition of Nigerian Paintings against FGM for the All-Parliamentary Group on
Population, Development and Reproductive Health. Introduction of the Report, Parliamentary
Hearings on Female Genital Mutilation. (Christine McCafferty, MP). House of Commons/
House of Lords, Joint Reception. Parliament. Westminster, London, UK. 22 November 2000.
“Lobbies and Networks for Women's Studies and Gender Research in the EU: WISE, NIKK, EWL,
and others.” Vienna Project Center of Women’s Studies and Gender Research Conference.
"Funds for Women's Studies and Gender Research." University of Vienna, Austria. 17
November 2000.
“FORWARD.” Panelist, FGM in Germany and Africa. Global House. Bahai Pavilion. EXPO 2000.
Hannover. 7 October 2000.
Presenter of selected paintings by Nigerian Artists. Joint Conference Kirche und Entwicklung "AIDS,
Genitalverstümmelung, alleinerziehende Mütter. Tabu-Themen im Partnerdialog."
Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe e.V. Gustav-Stresemann Institut. Bonn. 1516 September 2000.
“Nigerian artists against FGM.” Opening of the exhibition with municipal health minister Dr. EvaMaria Krüger. City Hall. Essen. 7 August 2000.
“Mona Lisa.” TV news show reports on the Römer Exhibition against FGM. Moderator: Conny
Hermann. ZDF (Second German Television Station) 23 July 2000.
“Suffering, Sorrow and Set-back: Nigerian artists against FGM.” Opening of the exhibition with Dr.
Angelika Köster-Lossack, MdB; city councillor Silvia Schenk; Dr. Asili Barre-Dirie, Gritt
Richter, Mariame Racine Sow, Christa Müller, and Renate Krauß-Pötz. Römer (City Hall)
Frankfurt am Main. 21 July 2000.
“Art against FGM.” Opening the Exhibition. Landratsamt [City Hall] Homburg (Saarland). 3 July
“FORWARD and the Struggle against FGM.” Opening of the Exhibition. World Vision Pavilion at
EXPO 2000. Hannover. 2 June 2000.
“Ending FGM in Germany and Nigeria.” Opening of the Exhibition. Medizinische Hochschule
Hannover [Hannover Medical School], Department of Functional and Applied Anatomy, with
support from the Freundeskreis Tambacounda. 29 May 2000.
“FORWARD against FGM - History of the Movement.” Community Center. Dreieich. 16 May 2000.
“Art and FGM.” Opening of the Exhibition. Community Center. Dreieich. 2 May 2000.
Representative for Germany. European Union. Daphne Grant. Seminar for activists. Administered by
the University of Ghent, Center for Reproductive Health and the City of Göteborg. Göteborg,
Sweden. 25-28 April 2000.
“FGM.” Panelist. Opening the Exhibition. Youth Center, Frankfurt/ Höchst. 17 March 2000.
“Presenting FORWARD.” Deutsch-Afrikanische Fraueninitiative (DAFI). Berlin. 16 March 2000.
“Nigerian Artists Protest a Rite.” Opening of the Exhibition. City Hall. Saarbrücken. 8 March 2000.
Participation with FORWARD - Germany in “Schnitt ins Leben. Afrikanische Frauen bekämpfen ein
Ritual.” A film by Dagmar Brendecke and Anke Müller-Belecke. ZDF (Second German
Television Station). Aired 7 March 2000.
Chair of Session and Round Table on Networking. “‘Man macht es, weil man es macht’: Weibliche
Genitalverstümmelung.” Amnesty International. University of Cologne. 13 February 2000.
“FORWARD and Nigeria against FGM.” Grand Opening of the Exhibition “Weibliche
Genitalverstümmelung. Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus Nigeria klagen an.” Library in the
City Hall, Mannheim. 4 February 2000.
“Introducing WISE-L -- List of Women’s International Studies Europe (WISE).” WWWEUROPA.
Una perspettiva di genere nel web conference. MeDea and the City of Venice. Venice, Italy.
26 November 1999.
“Jewish Women in the U.S.A.” Jüdischer Frauenbund Deutschland (Jewish Women’s Association).
Eden Hotel. Bad Kissingen. 22 October 1999.
“Successful Strategies for Preventing Female Genital Mutilation in the African Diaspora.” Workshop
Chair. Second International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women and Health. University of
Edinburgh, Scotland. 13 July 1999.
“Female Genital Mutilation in Europe/Introducing, Expanding, Debating the Network.” Women’s
Worlds ’99, International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. University of Tromsø,
Norway. 21 June 1999.
“Verbrecherische Verstümmelung?” AstA Studierendenhaus. University of Frankfurt. 10 June 1999.
“Changing His Name to Imamu Amiri Baraka, or How Hettie Cohen Became Hettie Jones: Their Story
against the Background of Black / Jewish Dissent.” German Society for American Studies
Annual Conference. University of Cologne. 26 May 1999.
“White Women in Black Women’s Novels.” 9. Erfurter Hochschultage, "Frauen im vereinten Europa."
University of Erfurt. 7 May 1999.
“Genitalverstümmelung: Erfolgreich bekämpfen?” Die Grünen. Hotel zum Wilden Mann.
Aschaffenburg, Germany. 26 February 1999.
“Genitalverstümmelung bei Frauen: Tobe Levin stellt die Organisationen INTACT und FORWARD
vor.” Politisches Frühstück für Frauen. Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN. Frankfurt am
Main. 7 February 1999.
“FGM in Germany: History of Campaigns.” Women in Africa and the African Diaspora (WAAD)
conference. University of Indiana. Indianapolis, IN. 25 October 1998.
“‘Unter vielen Narben fanden wir eine Klitoris’: Genitale Verstümmelung, Prävention und
Rehabilitation.” Terre des femmes conference. Genitalverstümmelung - Unterstützung für
Afrika/Prävention für Europa. Internationales Jugendforum. Bonn. 12 September 1998.
“Verena Stefan: Her Mother / Herself” (with videotaped interview). Women in German Studies Tenth
Anniversary Open Conference. Women’s Autobiography in German. University of
Manchester, U.K. 17 July 1998.
Delegate representing (I)NTACT at the Second International Study Conference on Genital Mutilation
of Girls in Europe. Sponsored by the World Health Organization. Göteborg, Sweden. 1-3 July
“On Gloria Naylor’s Bailey’s Cafe: The Problem of Infibulation.” MELUS Europe Inaugural
conference. University of Heidelberg. 27 June 1998.
“WISE: Eine Einführung.” 24. Kongress von Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik. University of
Mainz. 21 May 1998.
“Ill-at-Ease with Mariam – Why did Gloria Naylor Make her a Jew?” The First Nashville Conference
on Black-Jewish Relations. Fisk University. Nashville, Tennessee. 4 April 1998.
“Genital Mutilation. Introducing the Issues.” Fachhochschule für Sozialpädagogik. Frankfurt am Main.
6 February 1998.
“Jewish Women in Germany.” Hadassah International Research Institute on Jewish Women. Inaugural
Conference. Brandeis University. Waltham, MA. 18 December 1997.
“Organizing against FGM in Germany.” The Fourth Inter-African Committee General Assembly,
sponsored by the World Health Organization. Representing (I)NTACT. Dakar, Senegal. 18
November 1997.
“FGM: The Fight in Germany.” Antioch University Abroad Program. Berlin. 13 October 1997.
Chair, WISE General Assembly. Third European Feminist Research Conference. University of
Coimbra, Portugal. 7 July 1997.
Angela Ditscheid interviews Tobe Levin in “Africa Report.” Deutsche Welle. Aired 18 April 1997 at
13:30, 18:30 and 21:30 to all African regions.
“Sexismus - Rassismus.” Frauenzentrum (Women’s Center) Friedberg, Germany. 4 March 1997.
“Introducing WISE and FORWARD.” Antioch University. Yellow Springs, OH. 10 February 1997.
“Frauenbeschneidung und Europa.” Volkshochschule (Community College) Aschaffenburg, Germany.
8 November 1996.
“La Lucha contra la circoncisión femenina.” Universidad de Verano. Adeje ’96 “La Construcción
cultural de lo Femenino.” Universidad de la Laguna. Tenerife, Spain. 22 July 1996; and Mesa
Redonda: “La construcción cultural de lo femenino.” 24 July 1996.
“U.S. Feminismus: Schwarz auf Weiß.” Frauenforum. University-Gesamthochschule Paderborn.
Paderborn, Germany. 3 July 1996.
“Afrikanische Frauen gegen afrikanische Bräuche: Widerstand gegen die Beschneidung von kleinen
Mädchen.” Frauenforum. University-Gesamthochschule Paderborn. 22 June 1996.
Television Studio Guest, “Liebe Sünde” with Andrea Thilo. Theme: “Klitorisbeschneidung.” Aired on
Pro 7. 18 June 1996.
WISE representative, European Union-sponsored expert meetings. “Women’s Studies Information in
Europe” and “Successful Strategies for Women’s Studies in Europe.” International
Information Centre and Archives of the Women’s Movement. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
11-12 May 1996.
“Signing the Body: Mutilating Idiom in Elfriede Jelinek’s Die Klavierspielerin.” Post-1945 Austrian
Women’s Writing conference. University of Nottingham, U.K. 19 April 1996.
Co-chair (with Elaine Hedges). Workshop 15, “European American Studies and U.S. Feminist
F(r)iction: Contacts and Contamination.” European Association of American Studies Biennial
Convention, “American Culture and Its Impact, 1946-1996.” University of Warsaw, Poland.
21-25 March 1996.
“Das Frauennetzwerk WISE.” University of Frankfurt Women’s Bureau series “Profession and
Gender.” 14 December 1995.
“Beijing ’95: Planning for and Follow-up to the 4th U.N. World Conference on Women.” University of
Maryland European Division In-house training. Heidelberg, Germany. 1 December 1995.
“Anzia Yezierska: Not in the Mother tongue.” S/Oggetti immaginari. Letterature Comparate al
Femminile. Università degli Studi di Firenze and WISE. Florence, Italy. 4 November 1995.
Convener of the panel on “Women’s Studies Programs begun in the 1970s.” NGO Forum. U.N. 4th
World Conference for Women. Beijing, China. 5 September 1995.
“Anzia Yezierska and Jewish American Women Writers.” Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg.
Heidelberg, Germany. 23 June 1995.
“Are Jews White? The Color of Self-hatred.” German Society for American Studies annual
convention. University of Hamburg, Germany. 7 June 1995.
“Alice Walker and the Literature of Female Genital Mutilation.” Wednesday Lecture Series. J.W.
Goethe-University. Frankfurt am Main. 17 May 1995.
“The Struggle for the ERA,” “U.S. Minority Women’s Literature” and convener, Friedrich-Ebert
Stiftung Seminar, “The U.S. Women’s Movement.” Mainz. 26-27 March 1995.
Co-convener (with Florence Howe and Mariam Chamberlain). “Women’s Studies International:
Planning for Beijing.” NGO Forum on Women. NY: United Nations Church Center. 16 March
“The German and American Women’s Movements.” University of Maryland. Schwäbisch Gmund. 10
March 1995.
Chair of the session “Female Flesh: Mutilation and Manipulation in African American Texts.”
Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) conference. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife,
Spain. 17 February 1995.
“The Book in the World: Alice Walker’s Activist Aesthetic.” Universidad de la Laguna, 16 February
1995 and at the CAAR conference, “Transatlantic Passengers.” Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife,
Spain. 17 February 1995.
“Twentieth Century Jewish American Women Writers.” Volkshochschule (Community College)
Aschaffenburg. 2 December 1994.
Co-convener (with Florence Howe, Mariam Chamberlain and Erna Kas). NGO Planning Committee,
Education Focal Point. Region: Europe and North America. ECE Regional Preparatory
Meeting. 4th UN World Conference on Women. Vienna, Austria. October 1994.
“The unkindest cut of all: Alice Walker, Judith Butler and the need to trouble gender.” Reconceptualizing American Studies: The Impact of Feminism and Gender Studies. German
Association for American Studies. Regional Conference. University of Leipzig. 1 October
Chair, WISE General Assembly. 2nd International Feminist Research Conference and facilitator of the
WISE workshop, “Evaluating Women’s Studies.” University of Graz, Austria. 6-9 July 1994.
Yezierska and the Immigrant Woman’s Hunger.” Fachbereich 3: Allgemeine
Literaturwissenschaft. University-Gesamthochschule-Paderborn, Germany. 22 June 1994.
“Warum WISE?” (with Angelika Köster-Lossack). Alice-Solomon-Fachhochschule für Sozialarbeit
und Sozialpädagogik (Technical University for Social Work and Education). Berlin. 13 May
“Die amerikanische Frauenbewegung --- eine Einführung” and “Literarische Texte amerikanischer
Wissenschaftstage. Fachhochschule (Technical University). Magdeburg. 29 April 1994.
“Black/Jewish/Female: The Challenge to Identity in Jeannette Lander and Fran Ross.”
Commonwealth and American Women’s Discourse. The Institute of Commonwealth and
American Studies and English Language. University of Mysore, India. 12 January 1994.
“Anzia Yezierska: Stimme der Jüdischen Immigrantin.” Jüdische Kulturwoche. Amerika-Haus. Berlin.
16 November 1993.
“Images of African Americans in Jewish American Women’s Fiction.” Amerika-Haus. Berlin. 7
December 1993.
“Can we Apply Feminist Literary Criticism to Women’s Holocaust Memoirs?” Amerika-Haus. Berlin.
6 December 1993.
Expert on minority women’s issues. “Women and the Construction of Europe” seminar. Equal
Opportunities Unit and GRACE Database Project. EEC. Brussels, Belgium. 11 October 1993.
“Writing in a Second Language and International Feminist Studies: Nancy Huston and Leila Sebbar.”
Travelling Through European Feminism: Cultural and Political Practice. W.I.S.E. Division
“Cultural Practices and Communication” Colloquium, EEC-Sponsorship. Paris, France. 8-11
October 1993.
“The Struggle against Genital Mutilation (France and the UK).” Belle van Zuylen Institute (Graduate
Center for Women’s Studies). University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 29 September
Radio Discussion on “Political Correctness” (with Peter Gay and Renate Voris). Hosted by Uwe
Gebhardt. Südwestfunk/Hörfunk Baden-Baden, Germany. 27 August 1993, 17:05 SWF 2.
“Why WISE (Women’s International Studies Europe)? On experience abroad as a feminist educator’s
issue.” Improving University Teaching. Eighteenth International Conference. SchwäbischGmünd, Germany. 13 July 1993.
Consultant to the NOIOSE Consortium. Colloquium “Integrating Minority Women’s Studies into the
European Curriculum.” University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. June 1993.
“Black American Jews: Answering the Question.” African American Literature Today: Critical
Approaches. L’Institut Charles V. Université de Paris VII, Denis Diderot. Paris, France. 13-15
May 1993.
“Women’s Studies Networking in Europe: Presenting WISE” & “Women’s Studies in Germany.” V.
Congreso Internacional e Interdisciplinario de la Mujer. Universidad de Costa Rica. San Jose,
Costa Rica. 22-26 February 1993.
“Pouvons-nous appliquer les principes de la critique littéraire féministe aux écrits de femmes sur
l'Holocauste?” Féminismes et Nazisme. Colloque en hommage á Rita Thalmann. Université de
Paris VII. Paris, France. 11 December 1992.
“Die jüdische Frauenbewegung in Deutschland.” [The Jewish Women’s Movement in Germany]
Colloquium: Zum Wirken jüdischer Frauen in Europa. [The Role of Jewish Women in
Europe]. Haus der Demokratie. Berlin. 3 December 1992.
“Ethnicity and Discrimination in Refugee Policies in Europe: Description of WISE Division Projects.”
KEGME (Mediterranean Women’s Studies Association) Conference, Women in a Europe in
Transition: The Rights of Immigrant and Refugee Women. Athens, Greece. 23-27 November
Chair, WISE General Assembly. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. June 1992.
“Anzia Yezierska als Beispiel der jüdischen Autorin und Immigrantin.” [Anzia Yezierska: Jewish
immigrant author] Conference on Marginale Gattungen? Briefe, Tagebücher,
Autobiographische Texte. University-Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany. 18-20 June 1992.
Co-Chair (with Claude Safir) of the Workshop, “The Germans and the French Read Toni Morrison.”
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien Annual Convention. Free University of Berlin. June
“Women’s Concepts of Regionalism: Focus on Mary E. Wilkins Freeman.” Conference on American
Regions and Regionalism – Literature, Culture, History, Politics. Falkenstein, Hessische
Erwachsenenbildungsstätte/ZENAF. 7- 9 May 1992.
“Global Feminism or Are Women(’s Rights) Human (Rights)?” Keynote Address. Rhein Main
Federal Women’s Luncheon. Frankfurt Military Community. 3 April 1992.
Respondent in Atelier 3 A 4, “Three Women Writers.” African Americans in Europe Conference.
Institut du Monde Anglophone. Université de Paris III, la Sorbonne nouvelle. Paris, France. 7
February 1992.
“Jewish and Black American Literature: A Feminist Encounter” (with Sabine Bröck). Johannes
Gutenberg University Mainz. 29 January 1992, and the Wednesday Lecture Series, Women’s
Studies Graduate Colloquium, J.W-Göethe University Frankfurt am Main. February 1992.
“Tongues-Tied: Reading Jelinek with FINRRAGE and Dworkin.” Modern Language Association
Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA. 27 December 1991.
“No Place for Identity – Jeanette Lander’s Migrating Women’s Aesthetic.” Colloquium L’Utopie.
L’EREF à l’Université de Paris VIII (St. Denis). Paris, France. 5 October 1991.
“To introduce WISE (Women’s International Studies Europe).” European Feminist Research
Conference. University of Aalborg, Denmark. 19 August 1991.
“Do you speak Feminist English? Sprachtheoretische Aspekte mit praktischen Übungen.”
Vorbereitungsseminar USA. Women’s Group. Haus der Gewerkschaftsjugend.
Bundesjugendschule Oberursel, Germany. 12 April 1991.
“Aesthetik einer erzwungenen Fremdsprache: Anzia Yezierskas Immigrantin als Schriftstellerin und
Muse.” Symposium: Jüdische Kultur und Weiblichkeit in der Moderne. [Jewish Culture and
Femininity in Modernism]. Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrein-Westfalen, Kulturinstitut.
University of Essen. 16 April 1990.
Moderator/Chair/Convener, Women’s International Studies Europe
Convention. Driebergen, The Netherlands. 9-11 November 1990.
“Jeannette Lander’s Atlanta.” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien Annual Convention.
University of Bonn. Bonn, Germany. 10 June 1990.
Moderator and presenter. “Feminist Studies in Science: West Germany.” ERASMUS-funded WISE
Seminar. University of Valencia, Spain. 25-27 May 1990.
“Anzia Yezierska and Immigrant Women.” Keynote Address. Frankfurt Military Community National
Women’s History Month Luncheon. Frankfurt Officers’ Club. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
23 March 1990.
“Toward an Immigrant Women’s Aesthetic.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention.
Washington, D.C. 29 December 1989.
“Zum Kampf um die Aufrechterhaltung des Abtreibungsrechts in USA.” [Struggle for Abortion
Rights.] Freitagsreihe Frankfurter Frauenschule. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. September
“US Women in Non-traditional Careers: Business and the Military.” Seminar for University Students.
Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung and Elisabeth-Selbert-Kolleg. Saarbrücken, Germany. August 1989.
“Introducing Women’s International Studies Exchange (WISE)” (with Jalna Hanmer). National
Women’s Studies Association National Convention. Towson State University. Towson, MD.
June 1989.
“Women in the Military Service.” In-service seminar for German teachers of English in adult
education, J.W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main and the Hessische Landeszentrale für
Politische Bildung. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. June 1989.
Moderator, ERASMUS-funded WISE seminars, Sheffield City Polytechnic, U.K. 19-21 May 1989;
and Ruprecht-Karl University Heidelberg. Heidelberg, Germany. 9-11 June 1989.
“Schwarze und weiße Frauen im afroamerikanischen Frauenroman.” German Gymnasium Teachers’
Continuing Education Seminar lead by Verena Stefan. Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung.
[Academy for Teachers’ Continuing Education]. Dillingen, Germany. May 1989.
“The U.S. and West German Women’s Movements.” Ruprecht-Karl University Heidelberg, Institut für
Übersetzten und Dolmetschen. May 1989.
“Aims of WISE.” Panel Session, “Strategies to Promote Women’s Studies in Europe.” Colloque
Européen, Concept et Réalité des Études féministes. Institut de Sociologie. Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Belgium. 18 February 1989.
“Women as Immigrants, Migrants, Refugees, Expatriates -- Jews and Italians in America.” DODDS
in-service workshop for high school teachers. Worms, Germany. January 1989.
“Toward the founding of W.I.S.E.” National Women's Studies Association annual convention,
University of Minnesota. June 1989.
“Black Women Writers." TV Interview. “Gasthaus.” AFN (American Forces Network) February 1988.
“Opening the Classroom Door -- Forays into the American Community Abroad.” Third International
Conference, Visions of Higher Education Transnational Dialogues: Praxis and Prospects.
University of Dalian. People's Republic of China. August 1987.
“Toward the Founding of W.I.S.E.” (with Jalna Hanmer). Third International Interdisciplinary
Congress on Women. Trinity College. Dublin, Ireland. July 1987.
“Jüngste Entwicklungen in der Frauenbewegung in den USA und der Bundesrepublik --Vereinbarkeit
von Beruf und Familie?” Keynote Speech. “Die Frau in der U.S.-Amerikanischen und der
Bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft.” Seminar. Amerika-Haus Heidelberg. November 1986.
“Anzia Yezierska -- eine jüdische Feministin der Jahrhundertwende.” Frankfurter Frauenschule.
Frankfurt/Main. September 1986.
“The German and American Women’s Movements: Accent on Female Executives.” Keynote Address.
Women’s Equality Day. Frankfurt Military Officers’ Club. August 1986.
“Male Students – Women’s Studies: On Mainstreaming Feminist Scholarship.” Improving University
Teaching conference. Universities of Heidelberg & Maryland in Europe. Heidelberg,
Germany. July 1986.
“The American and German Women’s Movements: Comparative Efforts on the Issue of Women’s
Human Rights.” Keynote Address. Federal Women’s Week Program. Hanau American
Military Community Officers’ Club. Hanau, Germany. March 1986.
“Afro-American Writers and the Expatriate Experience (Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, James
Baldwin, and Alice Walker).” Keynote Address. Afro-American History Month. Worms
Military Community Officers’ Club. Worms, Germany. February 1986.
Panelist in the session on “Linkages and Future Developments: Inside and Beyond the Network.”
Women's Studies International, NGO Forum. U.N. End-of-Decade for Women Conference.
University of Nairobi, Kenya. July 1985.
“American Transpatriots: Interviews with Long-term U.S. Residents in London, Paris, and Rome.”
And co-chair of the panel “Reluctant Ambassadors? Expatriate Reactions to Stereotypes of
‘The American’.” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien Annual Conference. University
of Marburg. May 1985.
“The American and German Women’s Movements.” Federal Women’s Program. Pioneer Caserne
Education Center. Hanau, Germany. March 1985.
Panelist. “Sisterhood is Confusing? Möglichkeiten und Unmöglichkeiten
Frauensolidarität.” Amnesty for Women. Frankfurt. 9 November 1984.
“Sind Frauen (Rechte) Menschen (Rechte)?” [Are Women’s Rights Human Rights? (Are Women
Human?)] Amnesty International colloquium. University-Gesamthochschule Paderborn.
October 1984.
“Our Jewish Foremother: Anzia Yezierska,” and co-organizer of the panel, “Multi-ethnic Women’s
Literature.” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien Annual Conference. Free University of
Berlin. Berlin, Germany. June 1984.
“Feminist Teacher in a Military Classroom.” Second International Interdisciplinary Congress on
Women. University of Groningen. The Netherlands. April 1984.
“Teaching Afro-American Literature.” TV Interview. “Gasthaus.” AFN. [American Forces Network]
February 1984.
“Ntozake Shange’s World Beyond Cliché.” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien Annual
Conference. University of Kiel. June 1983.
“Feminism in Black and White.” John F. Kennedy Institute. Free University of Berlin. June 1983.
“Women’s Studies in a Military Setting.” (delivered in absentia by Ellen Cannon). National Women's
Studies Association Annual Conference. Ohio State University. June 1983.
“Asylrecht für Frauen: Die Arbeit von Amnesty for Women and Terre des femmes.” Verein für Frauen
in Wissenschaft und Technik Annual Conference. University of Aachen. May 1983.
“Des Femmes en Lutte.” [Women in Struggle: Introducing Terre des Femmes, e.V. and Amnesty for
Women]. Colloquium sponsored by CAMS (Commission pour l’Abolition des Mutilations
sexuelles). University of Dakar. Dakar, Senegal. December 1982.
“Black Feminism in Ntozake Shange’s For Colored Girls...” Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Amerikastudien regional conference. J.W. Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main. June
“Mary Wilkins Freeman’s Women’s World.” Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien Annual
Conference. University of Eichstätt. June 1982.
“Für und Wider die Aufnahme des Gleichberechtigungsgrundsatzes (ERA) in die amerikanische
Verfassung.” [On the Equal Rights Amendment]. Arbeitstagung des Bayerischen
Landesfrauenausschußes. Amerika-Haus. Munich. February 1982.
“Why We Need the ERA.” Vilseck Military Officers’ Club. Vilseck, Germany. November 1981.
“Problems and Promises of International Sisterhood: Role of the ‘Outsider’ in the Struggle against
Genital Mutilation.” National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference. University of
Connecticut at Storrs. June 1981.
Panelist. International Women's Studies Seminars. NGO section. U.N. Mid-Decade for Women
conference. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. July 1980.
“Mutilation of Young Girls as Initiation Rite.” Cornell University Women’s Studies Seminar Series.
Ithaca, N.Y. April 1979.
“Sexismus und Feminismus in der Schule.” Feministische Theorie und Praxis in Sozialen und
Pädagogischen Berufsfeldern conference. Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis für
Frauen. Fachhochschule (Technical University) Cologne, Germany. November 1978.
“The Women’s Movement and the Feminist Press in West Germany.” S.N.D.T. Women's University.
Bombay, India. September 1978.
“An Introduction to the Neo-feminist Novel in West Germany and the USA.” University of Delhi.
New Delhi, India. August 1978.
MEMBERSHIPS (academic and humanitarian)
EuroNet FGM (Founding Secretary 2001-2004)
FORWARD – Germany, Founding President 1998-2010; presently Vice-President
The Cornell Club of Germany
The Harvard Club of Germany
W.I.S.E. (Women's International Studies Europe) 1990 - 2005 (Co-Founder & Board, 19902002) (WISE merged with AtGender in 2007)
CAAR (Collegium for African American Research)
Cornelia Goethe Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Frankfurt
Équipe de Recherche sur les Résonances des Mouvements de Femmes (E.R.E.F.) and
Mosaiques, Université de Paris VIII (St. Denis) 1995-2005
Modern Language Association and Women’s Caucus for the Modern Languages
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien [German Society for American Studies] (and
women’s caucus) 1984-2006
The Florence Howe Society
FrauenMediaTurm (Board)
Ingrid zu Solms Stiftung Human Rights Fellow (2002)
Associate of the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press
Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford. Induction into the Senior Common Room. 17 October
University of Maryland University College Certificate of Recognition for “Notable Scholarly Activity
in the Area of Professional Publications.” 15 May 2014.
Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press. Women and Media Award. Washington, DC. 6 April
University of Maryland University College Certificate of Recognition for “Notable Scholarly Activity
in the Area of Professional Publications.” 9 May 2013.
University of Maryland University College Faculty Research Grant. Fall 2011.
Certificat de Reconnaissance (Gratitude) for Services Rendered to the Republic of Mali. Embassy of
Mali to Germany. Berlin. 22 September 2010.
Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity. 10 April 2009.
Olympe de Gouges Award for FORWARD’s Somali girls’ project, “Education, not Cutting.” SPD and
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frankfurter Frauenverbände. 20 March 2005.
Dedicated to Tobe Levin. Terre des Femmes, ed. Schnitt in die Seele [Wounded Soul, articles by FGM
activists in Germany] Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse-Verlag, 2003.
The Ingrid Gräfin [Countess] zu Solms Foundation International Human Rights Award to FORWARD
- Germany. St. Catherine’s Church, Frankfurt am Main. 25 November 2002.
The Presidential Award. University of Maryland University College. 12 September 2002.
European Union DAPHNE Grant, for European partnership projects against violence against women,
IDIL. 2002-2003.
The Rockefeller Foundation. Participant invited by Florence Howe. Bellagio Study and Conference
Center Team Award to edit Women Writing Africa. 22-30 September 2001.
European Commission. Education and Culture DG. Culture 2000 Grant. Joint application with
Mariarosa Cutrufelli, Tuttestorie, and Giovanna Covi, Feminist Europa. Review of Books.
Culture, Audiovisual Policy and Sport. Policy development in the cultural sphere. “Culture
2000 framework programme.”
Stanley J. Drazek Teaching Excellence Award. University of Maryland in Europe. October 1999.
State of New Jersey, Senate and General Assembly Joint Legislative Resolution by Assemblymen
Corodemus and T. Smith and Senator Palaia: Congratulations on Induction into the Shore
Regional Hall of Fame, 21 March 1998.
National Endowment for the Humanities. Study Grant. Holocaust Memoirs in French, German and
English. New York Public Library. Summer 1992.
National Endowment for the Humanities. Summer Seminar. Jewish American Writers. University of
Illinois at Chicago Circle. Summer 1990.
Biographee in:
Love, Barbara J., ed. Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975. Urbana: U. of Illinois P., 2006.
Who's Who of American Women Vols. 12-15. Chicago: Marquis Who’s Who (Macmillan Directory Division),
1981-1988; and Vol. 25, 2005.
Who’s Who in the World. Vols. 7 & 10. Chicago: Marquis Who’s Who (Macmillan Directory Division), 1984-85 &
Who’s Who in American Education. 1992-1993. Third edition. Wilmette, IL: National Reference Institute. 1992.
The World Who’s Who of Women. Seventh Edition. 1984. & Thirteenth Edition. 1995-96. Cambridge, England:
Melrose Press, 1984.
Who’s Who in Western Europe. Second Edition. Cambridge, England: International Biographical Centre, 1984.
International Who’s Who of Intellectuals. Vol. 5. Cambridge, England: International Biographical Centre, 1983.
Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. 35th Edition. Washington, D.C.: Randall
Publishing, 1969.
University of Maryland University College European Division Faculty Summer Research Grant, 1982.
Cornell-Heidelberg Exchange Scholarship, 1975-76.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Cornell University Chapter, 1973.
New York University Graduate Fellowship, 1971-73.
Ithaca College Scholarship, 1966-70.
NJ State Scholarship, 1966-70.
Revised 02.05.2016