2009 Report - Equality Now
2009 Report - Equality Now
EqualItYNow 2009 Annual Report “Gender is the first way we are divided into the leaders and the led, the first reason that dominance and even violence come to seem normal or inevitable—and so to normalize other dominations, from race to religion. the work of Equality Now strikes at the root of all inequality.” –Gloria Steinem Girls from communities in intergenerational prostitution at a hostel run by partner Apne Aap in Bihar, India EqualityNow 2009 In 2009, Equality Now experienced a tremendous year of growth and impact. This could not have been achieved without our dedicated supporters throughout the world! With our local partners and through our new program areas: Discrimination in Law, Sexual Violence, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and Trafficking, we made significant progress in our campaigns as illustrated in this report. The Adolescent Girls’ Legal Defense Fund (AGLDF) is a crosscutting venture that supports impact litigation on issues that highlight the most common human rights abuses of adolescent girls. Equality Now’s track record in identifying and tackling from the ground up the most severe and pervasive human rights violations facing women and girls remains strong. We are committed to bringing the initiatives of grassroots organizations working on the frontlines to the international level as well as always ensuring that our participation will add value to their efforts. With your help, we have made a difference by awareness-raising in the media; partnering and developing coalitions; strengthening international and regional human rights law, standards and mechanisms; conducting strategic litigation; and mobilizing financial and capacity-building support for local groups. Achieving justice and equality is an immense task, and we aim to ensure that millions of women and girls will have a safer and brighter future. Thank you for being a partner in our mission. Maasai woman working with FGM Fund partner Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative in Kenya. ©Des Willie/Comic Relief 2009 Annual Report | 1 introduction | Summary Introducción: RESUMEN En el 2009, Igualdad Ya experimentó un año de considerable crecimiento e impacto. ¡Esto no hubiera sido posible sin nuestros fieles seguidores de todo el mundo! Para expresar de una forma más concisa el trabajo de Igualdad Ya, hemos reclasificado nuestros programas de la siguiente manera: Discriminación Legal, Violencia Sexual, Mutilación Genital Femenina (MGF), Trata de Personas, y Respuesta Urgente. El Fondo de Defensa Legal de Niñas Adolescentes es un proyecto transversal que apoya el litigio de alto impacto en cuestiones que representan los abusos más habituales de los derechos humanos de las niñas adolescentes. En el interior encontrarán lo más destacado del 2009 en cada una de estas áreas del programa. INtroduction: Sommaire En 2009, Égalité Maintenant a connu une année remarquable en termes de croissance et d’impact. Ceci n’aurait pas été possible sans le soutien de nos activistes dévoués de par le monde. Pour clarifier la présentation des travaux d’Égalité Maintenant nous avons re-catégorisé nos programmes de la façon suivante: Discrimination dans la Loi, Violence sexuelle, Mutilations Génitales Féminines (MGF), Traite des femmes et Réponse d’Urgence. Le Fonds de défense judiciaire des adolescentes (AGLDF) est un projet transversal qui prend en charge des procédures de litige destinées à avoir un impact sur des sujets qui représentent les plus fréquentes violations des droits des adolescentes. Vous trouverez dans ce document les points forts de l’année 2009 dans chaque programme. 2 | Equality Now DISCRIMINATION IN LAW Global: Eliminate sex discriminatory laws I n 1999, Equality Now started its campaign against sex discriminatory laws, which governments had pledged to repeal in the Beijing Platform for Action adopted at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. In 1999 and 2004, respectively, Equality Now issued reports highlighting a sampling of discriminatory laws in order to urge governments to honor their commitments to change these laws. In 2005, we also started a campaign advocating for the creation of a United Nations special mechanism addressing discriminatory laws and promoting equality before the law. Highlights of 2009: n Equality Now continued to advocate strongly for the creation of a new UN mechanism on discriminatory laws. A broad coalition of women’s groups from around the world joined this campaign. n In September 2009, the Human Rights Council (HRC) passed a resolution asking the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a report on discrimination against women in law and in practice and how the issue is addressed through the UN system. The HRC will consider this issue at its next session in September 2010. We are hopeful that a special mechanism will be approved at this session. n We began preparations for the February 2010 launch of our third report on laws that discriminate on the basis of sex, Words and Deeds: Holding Governments Accountable in the Beijing +15 Review Process. Africa: End discrimination against African women through ratification and implementation of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa T he Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Protocol) is a groundbreaking women’s rights legal instrument. Since the Protocol came into force in 2005, Equality Now, in partnership with the SOAWR Coalition Annual Review & Agenda-Setting Workshop, October 2009, Nairobi, Kenya 2009 Annual Report | 3 diScriMiNatioN iN law Solidarity for African Women’s Rights (SOAWR) Coalition, of which Equality Now is a founding member, has worked to ensure its ratification and domestication by African nations, so that the rights set forth in this instrument can be realized. Highlights of 2009: n Equality Now continued to serve as Secretariat for the SOAWR Coalition. We participated in regional advocacy activities to meet campaign objectives and published a quarterly SOAWR newsletter, which can be accessed at www.soawr.org. n As of December 2009, the SOAWR Coalition had 36 members from 21 countries, and 27 of 53 African countries had ratified the Protocol. n In collaboration with the African Union and UNIFEM, we convened a stakeholders’ meeting for 14 state parties in July 2009 on strategies to domesticate the Protocol through a multi-pronged approach. n We researched, wrote and produced a comprehensive training manual for lawyers and activists on how to use the Protocol in domestic and regional litigation to advance women’s rights in Africa. This manual will be finalized, translated into French, Arabic and Portuguese and widely disseminated in 2010. n Equality Now provided support to rural women from Burkina Faso, Burundi, Mali and Malawi to engage with the African Union and to contribute to discussions on addressing challenges women face in food security and land ownership. uNITEd NATIoNS: reform the united Nations’ system of justice to better address cases of sexual harassment and sex discrimination E quality Now has identified several problematic trends in cases of sexual harassment and sex discrimination brought by female UN staff within the UN internal system of justice. It appears that complainants are often denied due process and may find themselves dismissed from their position after bringing a grievance. In 2009, Equality Now got involved in four such cases that occurred in different UN entities, and worked with the plaintiffs and their counsel. We recommended to the UN SecretaryGeneral and other relevant UN agencies that 4 | EquAlity Now “Many U.N. workers... say the current system for handling complaints is arbitrary, unfair and mired in bureaucracy.” the UN establish transparent complaint and investigation procedures; provide mandatory gender sensitivity training to staff investigating these types of cases; and have appropriate follow-up mechanisms to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable. Equality Now continues to follow up on individual cases. Highlights of 2009: n Equality Now staff met with UN officials to advocate for fair and transparent handling of cases to promote gender equality within the UN. n In February 2009, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent us a letter explaining that sexual harassment and sex discrimination were high priority concerns and expressed faith in the new system of justice being established at the United Nations. n The issue received prominent media coverage, including two articles in May 2009, in the Associated Press and on the cover of the Wall Street Journal, respectively, which helped raise public awareness. Saudi Arabia: Eliminate male guardianship over women S ince 2008, Equality Now has been working on the case of Fatima Bint Suleiman Al Azzaz who was subjected to forced divorce from her husband Mansour on the basis of “tribal incompatibility” alleged by her half brothers who were deemed to be her male guardians. The divorce was confirmed by Saudi Arabia’s highest court. Fatima was sent to prison for nine months along with her infant son for refusing to Mansour with his daughter Nuha recognize the court’s decision. After her release, she went to live in an orphanage run by the Ministry of Social Welfare because she declined to be released into the custody of her half brother. Mansour, who also refused to sign the divorce papers, was constantly moving, along with his four-year-old daughter Nuha, because he was “wanted” by the Saudi government. Equality Now is urging the Saudi government to abolish the system of male guardianship and consider Fatima a person in her own right and not under the perpetual guardianship of her brothers. 2009 Annual Report | 5 diScriMiNatioN iN law Highlights of 2009: n In February 2009, Equality Now issued a Women’s Action calling on members to write to the Saudi King and the Minister of Justice, asking them to ensure that the Saudi legal and judicial system reflect that women are not subject to male guardianship; support the establishment of a codified personal status law to guarantee the rights of women in marriage and divorce; and reunite Fatima with her family. n We conducted targeted advocacy on this issue with the Saudi King, the Minister of Justice, Princess Adilah, the Saudi Human Rights Commission and the Saudi Ambassador to the United States. In September 2009, the Saudi King directed the Court to re-visit its decision in Fatima and Mansour’s case. n Equality Now submitted the issue to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations under its communications procedure. “It is as if I am... walking in the clouds. I cannot believe that my feet are on the ground. I cannot believe...that I am in the presence of my children. Nobody can understand how I feel.” –Kobra Najjar IrAN: Abolish stoning as a punishment for adultery S ince 2007, Equality Now has been campaigning on behalf of Kobra Najjar, an Iranian woman who was sold into prostitution by her husband in order to finance his heroin addiction. A sympathetic “client” murdered Kobra’s husband. She was charged as an accomplice to the murder and with adultery, for which she was sentenced to death by stoning. Kobra Najjar, after her release from jail 6 | EquAlity Now Highlights of 2009: n In 2009, after successful advocacy on Kobra’s behalf, Kobra’s stoning sentence was commuted but replaced with a sentence of 100 lashes to be carried out before she could be released from prison. In January 2009, we issued an Urgent Alert to call on the Head of Judiciary to release Kobra unconditionally and to bring a permanent end to stoning as a cruel and inhuman form of punishment. n In May 2009, Kobra Najjar was released from prison. n In July 2009, after learning of the assault on and abduction of Shadi Sadr, the founder of the Stop Stoning Forever Campaign, by Iranian government officials, we issued an Urgent Alert calling for Shadi’s immediate and unconditional release. Equality Now also submitted Shadi’s case to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and other UN mechanisms. Shadi was subsequently released from prison in late July. AfGhANISTAN: Guarantee women’s political participation and security S ince 2007, Equality Now has been working on the case of Malalai Joya who was illegally suspended from the Afghan parliament in May 2007 after questioning the ethics of parliamentarians. We continue to work with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) for Malalai Joya’s reinstatement and her personal safety and on ensuring that women’s political participation is a reality in Afghanistan. Highlights of 2009: n Equality Now conducted targeted advocacy with various international government officials and the Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United Nations. n We carried out strategic advocacy on the issue of the enactment of discriminatory laws in Afghanistan (in particular the Shia Personal Status Law, which includes various provisions in violation of the rights of women under international law). In April 2009, our letter highlighting the impact of the Shia Personal Status law on Afghan women was published in The Guardian UK. “Afghan women’s rights continue to be sidelined and traded by both the Afghan government and the world at large.” 2009 Annual Report | 7 Discrimination in law | Summary Discriminación Legal En el 2009, Igualdad Ya siguió abogando incansablemente por la creación de un nuevo mecanismo de la ONU destinado a abordar las leyes que discriminan a la mujer. En septiembre de 2009, el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU (CDH) aprobó una resolución que solicitaba a la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos la elaboración de un informe sobre la discriminación contra la mujer en la ley y en la práctica, y sobre cómo se aborda esta cuestión en el sistema de la ONU. El tema será considerado en el período de sesiones de 2010 del CDH. En su calidad de Secretaría de la Coalición Solidaridad para los Derechos de las Mujeres Africanas, Igualdad Ya siguió trabajando a favor de la ratificación y de la incorporación al derecho interno del Protocolo a la Carta Africana de Derechos Humanos y de los Pueblos sobre los Derechos de la Mujer en África. En colaboración con la Unión Africana y UNIFEM, convocamos en julio de 2009 una reunión con 14 países sobre las estrategias a seguir para incorporar el Protocolo al derecho interno. A fecha de diciembre de 2009, 27 de los 53 países africanos habían ratificado el Protocolo. Igualdad Ya ha colaborado en cuatro casos de acoso sexual y de discriminación sexual entablados por funcionarias de la ONU que fueron mal llevados por el sistema judicial interno de la ONU. En el 2009 nos reunimos con funcionarios de la ONU para abogar por un tratamiento justo y transparente de estos casos. En febrero de 2009, el Secretario General, Ban 8 | Equality Now Ki-moon, nos confirmó por escrito que el acoso sexual y la discriminación sexual eran un asunto prioritario y expresó su confianza en el nuevo sistema judicial de la ONU. En febrero de 2009, Igualdad Ya publicó una Acción Mujeres sobre el caso de Fatima Bent Suleiman Al Azzaz, que se vio obligada a divorciarse de su marido Mansour por culpa de sus medio hermanos, considerados sus tutores masculinos. El divorcio fue confirmado por el Tribunal Supremo de Arabia Saudita. Apelamos al Rey Saudí y al Ministro de Justicia para que permitieran la reagrupación de Fatima con su familia y abolieran el sistema de la tutela masculina en Arabia Saudita. En septiembre de 2009, el Rey saudí ordenó al Tribunal que revisara la sentencia del caso de Fatima y Mansour. Desde el año 2007, Igualdad Ya ha abogado por la liberación de la cárcel de Kobra Najjar, una mujer iraní condenada a morir lapidada por adulterio. En el 2009, la sentencia de lapidación de Kobra fue conmutada y sustituida por una sentencia de 100 latigazos. En enero de 2009, publicamos una Alerta Urgente para exigir al Presidente de la Magistratura que liberara a Kobra incondicionalmente y acabara con la lapidación por tratarse de un castigo cruel e inhumano. En mayo de 2009, Kobra Najjar fue liberada de la cárcel. Desde el año 2007, Igualdad Ya ha estado trabajando en el caso de Malalai Joya, que fue ilícitamente suspendida del Parlamento afgano tras cuestionar la ética de los parlamentarios. En el año 2009, Igualdad Ya abogó con diversos funcionarios públicos internacionales y el Embajador de Afganistán ante las Naciones Unidas para la rehabilitación y la seguridad personal de Malalai Joya así como la participación de las mujeres en la política de Afganistán. En abril de 2009, The Guardian UK publicó nuestra carta en la que se destacaba el impacto de la Ley Shia sobre el Estatuto Personal en las mujeres afganas. Discrimination dans la loi En 2009 Égalité Maintenant a continué ses efforts de plaidoyer pour la création d’un nouveau mécanisme au niveau de l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) pour faire face aux lois discriminatoires envers les femmes. En septembre 2009, le Conseil des droits de l’Homme des Nations Unies (CDH) a fait voter une résolution demandant au Bureau du Haut-commissaire aux droits de l’Homme de préparer un rapport sur les lois et les pratiques discriminatoires à l’encontre des femmes et sur la façon dont le système des Nations Unies aborde ces lois et pratiques. La question sera examinée durant les sessions 2010 du CDH. En tant que Secrétariat du Mouvement de Solidarité pour les Droits des Femmes Africaines, Égalité Maintenant continue d’œuvrer pour la ratification et la transposition, au niveau du droit interne des États signataires, du Protocole de la Charte Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des peuples relatif aux droits de la Femme en Afrique. En collaboration avec l’Union africaine et le Fonds de développement des Nations Unies pour la femme (UNIFEM), nous avons organisé une réunion pour les 14 états-parties en juillet 2009 sur la transposition au niveau juridique national du Protocole. En décembre 2009, 27 des 53 pays africains avaient ratifié le Protocole. Égalité Maintenant a apporté sa collaboration dans quatre procédures de plaintes pour harcèlement sexuel et discrimination fondée sur le sexe intentées par des employées des Nations Unies qui ont été mal gérées par leur système judiciaire interne. En 2009, nous avons rencontré de hauts fonctionnaires des Nations Unies afin de plaider pour une gestion juste et transparente de ces affaires. En février 2009, le Secrétairegénéral Ban Ki-moon nous a écrit pour affirmer que le harcèlement sexuel et les discriminations fondées sur le sexe étaient des préoccupations de premier plan et a exprimé sa confiance dans le nouveau système judiciaire des Nations Unies. En février 2009, Égalité Maintenant a publié une Action Femmes sur le cas de Fatima Bent Suleiman Al Azzaz, une femme contrainte par ses demi-frères à divorcer de son mari Mansour car ceux-ci étaient considérés comme ses gardiens. Le divorce a été confirmé par la plus haute juridiction d’Arabie Saoudite. Nous avons demandé au Roi et au Ministre de la Justice saoudiens de réunir Fatima avec sa famille et d’abolir le système de tutelle des femmes par les hommes en Arabie saoudite. En Septembre 2009, le roi saoudien a ordonné à la cour de réviser sa décision dans l’affaire de Fatima et de Mansour. Depuis 2007, Égalité Maintenant a plaidé en faveur de la libération de Kobra Najjar, une iranienne condamnée à mort par lapidation pour adultère. En 2009, la condamnation à la lapidation a été commuée, mais en une peine de 100 coups de fouet. En janvier 2009, nous avons publié une Alerte Urgente afin d’exhorter le chef du système judiciaire à libérer Kobra sans conditions et d’arrêter la pratique de la lapidation, punition cruelle et inhumaine. En mai 2009, Kobra Najjar a été libérée de prison. Depuis 2007, Égalité Maintenant travaille sur le cas de Malalai Joya qui a été illégalement suspendue du parlement afghan après avoir mis en cause l’éthique de plusieurs parlementaires. En 2009, Égalité Maintenant a conduit des missions de plaidoyer auprès de hauts représentants de différents gouvernements et de l’ambassade d’Afghanistan aux Nations Unies, appelant à la réintégration de Malalai Joya et à des gages pour sa sécurité, ainsi que pour une plus grande participation politique des femmes en Afghanistan. En avril 2009, notre lettre mettant en avant les effets que la loi chiite sur le statut personnel aurait sur les afghanes a été publiée dans Le Guardian UK. 2009 Annual Report | 9 SExual violENcE JAPAN: ban rape simulation games that promote a culture of violence against women and girls E xtreme pornography in the form of cartoons known as hentai appears in various media, such as comic books, animation, computer games and online entertainment and is easily accessible and acceptable in Japan. Common themes of hentai include rape, gang rape, incest and the sexual abuse of schoolgirls. RapeLay is a game where the player gets points for stalking and raping young girls and women. Equality Now believes computer games such as RapeLay promote gender-based violence. Rather than allowing them to flourish, the Japanese government should be taking effective measures to change cultural acceptance of violence against women, which hinders women’s equality. “I strongly agree with your women’s action against Japanese hentai games such as RapeLay. I am a Japanese woman of age thirty-three, and observed hentai manga and animation from early age in classrooms or in garbage cans at . . . our playground . . . I hope your action can raise awareness to our government as Gaiatsu (pressure from outside of our country) and succeed –women’s Action Network Member from Japan to eliminate this hentai culture.” Highlights of 2009: n In May 2009, Equality Now issued a Women’s Action calling on Illusion Software and Amazon Japan to withdraw from sale—and on the Japanese government to ban—all games, including RapeLay, which normalize and promote violence against women. n Within weeks of the Action, Amazon Japan withdrew RapeLay from sale and Illusion Software removed RapeLay from its website. n Equality Now’s campaign was widely reported in the Japanese and international media through newspapers, television, radio and blogs and triggered widespread debate across the internet. However, along with messages of support we received a lot of hate mail, including rape and death threats from hentai fans. n The campaign pressured the Japanese government to begin addressing loopholes in its child pornography laws that currently only criminalize the production of child pornography and not its possession. 10 | EquAlity Now n Equality Now submitted the issue to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which examined Japan’s report in July 2009. In its concluding comments, the Committee strongly urged the Japanese government to “ban the sale of video games or cartoons involving rape and sexual violence against women which normalize and promote sexual violence against women and girls.” n In September 2009, Equality Now issued a Women’s Action Update calling on the Japanese government to comply with the CEDAW Committee’s recommendations and to ban such games. The update also targeted Illusion Software and Amazon Japan who continue to sell games that include rape, stalking, child sexual abuse and sexual molestation. Yemen/Saudi Arabia: End child marriages I n 2009, Equality Now launched a campaign against child marriage, which has profound physical, mental, social and educational consequences for the girls who are in such marriages. Currently targeting Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Equality Now asked government officials to enact and effectively enforce laws establishing a minimum age of marriage to prevent child marriage. “[Minimum age of marriage has resulted in] lots of dialogue...and awareness has been raised to a point where everyone talks and discusses the issue from various aspects.” –Rashida Al-Hamdani, Chair of Women’s National Committee, Yemen Highlights of 2009: n In June 2009, Equality Now issued an Urgent Alert calling for the Saudi King to ban child marriages and to annul the marriage of Amneh Mohamed Sharahili, a 10-year-old Saudi schoolgirl, to a 25-year-old Saudi man. n In October 2009, we released a Women’s Action calling on the Yemeni government to enact and effectively enforce a law establishing a minimum age of marriage, which had been introduced in parliament. The Action highlighted the cases of 12-year-old Fawziya Abdullah Youssef, married to a 25-year-old man, who died after three days of labor, and 14-year-old Asghan M.S. who repeatedly ran away from her adult husband and was threatened with death by her father. The bill was not passed in 2009 and Equality Now continues to support Yemeni human rights groups in their efforts to get this law passed. n Equality Now became a member of a coalition of 13 organizations in the United States endorsing the International Protecting Girls by Women protesting child marriage, Yemen 2009 Annual Report | 11 sexual violence Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2009 (H.R. 2103, S.987), which authorizes U.S. foreign assistance programs to prevent child marriage around the world. In November 2009, we issued an Urgent Alert calling on members in the United States to urge their senators to pass this legislation in the U.S. Congress. Ethiopia: Prevent and address abductions, rapes and forced marriages of girls S ince 2003, Equality Now has been involved in the case of Woineshet Zebene Negash, who was abducted, raped and forced into marriage at age 13. Partly through the Adolescent Girls’ Legal Defense Fund (AGLDF), Equality Now continues to seek justice for Woineshet whose case was mishandled by the Ethiopian legal authorities leading to the release of her rapist and abductors from jail. In May 2007, together with the Ethiopian Women Lawyers’ Association (EWLA), Equality Now brought Woineshet’s case to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Commission) after local remedies had been exhausted. The Ethiopian government asked us to work with them to reach a “friendly settlement” of the case. However, despite our full efforts, we were unable to reach a settlement in 2009 and will likely ask the African Commission to declare the case admissible and rule on its merits in 2010. Additionally, in January 2009, the Ethiopian government passed a law, which will go into effect in February 2010, preventing human rights groups from receiving more than 10% of their funding from international sources. This law puts our partner EWLA and other human rights organizations in jeopardy. Highlights of 2009: Woineshet Zebene Negash n Woineshet completed her college studies and is hoping to attend law school so she may help other girls. Equality Now secured private funding to help with her education and develop her English language skills. Zambia: Prevent and address cases of rape of schoolgirls by teachers I n 2007, through the AGLDF, Equality Now became involved in a case of a 13-yearold girl, R.M., who was raped by her teacher, a frequent occurrence in Zambia. The Zambian authorities failed to prosecute the alleged rapist, so R.M. pursued a civil case with our support where she was awarded damages in a 2008 landmark decision of the Zambia High Court. The court also urged the Director of Public Prosecutions to arrest and prosecute R.M.’s rapist and the Ministry of Education to take steps to prevent future cases of sexual violence in schools. Subsequently, the Zambian government filed notification of its intent to appeal this decision. 12 | Equality Now Sara Longwe of the Zambian coalition, Yasmeen Hassan and Caroline Muthoni Muriithi of Equality Now and a representative of NGOCC at the Ministry of Education, Zambia Highlights of 2009: n In February 2009, Equality Now issued a Women’s Action calling on the Zambian government to drop its appeal to the 2008 High Court decision and to implement the court’s directives to institute criminal charges against R.M.’s rapist and to establish guidelines in schools to prevent and better address sexual violence. n Because of overwhelming response from our Women’s Action Network members, the Zambian Ministry of Education asked us for help in writing guidelines to address sexual violence against girls in schools. n In August 2009, the Zambian government dropped its appeal of the High Court judgment rendering it final. However, as of the end of 2009, R.M. had not been paid the damages awarded to her and her rapist had not been arrested. n In December 2009, we issued a Women’s Action Update asking the Zambian government to arrest and prosecute R.M.’s rapist, issue guidelines in schools and to pay R.M. the compensation awarded by the High Court. n To build on the momentum generated by R.M.’s case, Equality Now convened a coalition of Zambian groups working to address sexual violence against schoolgirls in Zambia. Equality Now submitted a proposal to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women requesting support for comprehensive efforts of this coalition over the next three years, which was one of 13 proposals selected for funding out of 1643 submissions. 2009 Annual Report | 13 sexual violence Pakistan: Prevent and address cases of incest I Sidra Humayun from War Against Rape counsels “N” n 2009, Equality Now’s AGLDF, through our local partner War Against Rape (WAR), took on a case involving the rape of a 15-year-old girl, N, by her father. N’s case exemplifies all the hurdles that victims of sexual violence and particularly incest have to go through, including the skepticism of police and prosecutors and procedures that make justice unattainable. There is no legal provision on incest in the Pakistan Penal Code and incest cases rarely make it to court, although civil society groups working on rape report that incest is widespread. Equality Now hopes not only to get justice for N, but also to assist our partners in advocating for legal change. Highlights of 2009: n Equality Now identified a pro bono lawyer for N. We worked with the lawyer to prevent the police from dropping the case after a cursory investigation in favor of the father. Equality Now accompanied the lawyer in meetings with the Superintendent of Police and were successful in getting the police to reinvestigate the case. The lawyer was also successful in getting the prosecutor, who had let the father out on bail without giving the victim and her mother notice of the bail hearing, suspended. “Now I am so happy that my children have a chance at a better life and they can grow up, be educated and become good human beings.” –Letter from N’s mother n Equality Now facilitated support from a private donor for N and her family for lodging as well as schooling for N and her five siblings. n We began working with WAR and other local groups to convene a network on sexual abuse and incest with the aim of identifying obstacles to justice faced by girls who have undergone incest and/or sexual abuse and to compile data on incest cases in Pakistan. 14 | Equality Now Special Performance of Pulitzer-Prize Winning Play E quality Now hosted a performance of RUINED, the 2009 Pulitzer Prize winner for Drama by Lynn Nottage, on April 7, 2009 for our supporters, and on June 19, 2009 for United Nations SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and other United Nations officials, in UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, playwright collaboration with the Office Lynn Nottage, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at a special performance of RUINED of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. RUINED is a haunting, probing work set in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that brings to life the impact of war on women and the resilience of the human spirit. Executive Director Taina Bien-Aimé, Gloria Steinem, Sarah Jones and Christine Lahti at the April reception for 2009 Pulitzer Prize-winner RUINED 2009 Annual Report | 15 Sexual Violence | Summary Violencia sexual En mayo de 2009, Igualdad Ya emitió una Acción Mujeres dirigida contra RapeLay, un videojuego producido y vendido en Japón en el que el jugador debe violar a niñas y mujeres. Exigimos a Illusion Software y Amazon Japón que retiraran de la venta, y al gobierno japonés que prohibiera, todos los juegos, incluido el RapeLay, que normalizan y promueven la violencia contra la mujer. Al cabo de unas semanas, Amazon Japón retiró el RapeLay de la venta y, poco después, Illusion Software eliminó el juego de su sitio web. En septiembre de 2009, Igualdad Ya publicó una Actualización de Acción Mujeres que instaba al gobierno japonés a cumplir las recomendaciones emitidas por el Comité de la ONU para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer para que prohíba este tipo de juegos. En junio de 2009, Igualdad Ya emitió una Alerta Urgente en la que pedía al Rey saudí que prohibiera el matrimonio infantil y que anulara el matrimonio de Amneh Mohamed Sharahili, una colegiala saudí de 10 años de edad, con un hombre saudí de 25 años. En octubre de 2009, publicamos una Acción Mujeres en la que instábamos al gobierno yemení a que promulgara y obligara a cumplir una ley que estableciera una edad mínima para el matrimonio. La Acción destacaba los casos de Fawziya Abdullah Youssef, una niña de 12 años que murió de parto tras tres días de parto, y de Asghan M.S., de 14 años, que huía repetidamente de su marido adulto y que fue amenazada de muerte por su padre. En noviembre de 2009 publicamos una Alerta Urgente en la que pedíamos a los miembros estadounidenses que instaran a sus senadores a aprobar la Ley Internacional para Protección de Niñas mediante la Prevención del Matrimonio Infantil de 2009. A través del Fondo de Defensa Legal de Niñas Adolescentes (AGLDF), Igualdad Ya siguió buscando justicia para el caso de Woineshet Zebene Negash, que fue secuestrada, violada y obligada a casarse a los 13 años. En colaboración con la Asociación Etíope de Mujeres Abogadas (EWLA), Igualdad Ya presentó el caso de Woineshet a la Comisión Africana de Derechos Humanos y de los Pueblos. En el 2009 no conseguimos alcanzar un “acuerdo amistoso” con el gobierno etíope, lo cual fue solicitado por el propio gobierno. En el 2010 continuaremos con el caso ante la Comisión Africana. Además, en enero de 2009, el gobierno etíope aprobó una ley que impide que los grupos de derechos humanos reciban más del 10% de su financiación de fuentes internacionales. Esta ley hace peligrar la existencia de nuestro socio EWLA y de otras organizaciones de derechos humanos. A través del AGLDF, Igualdad Ya se ha involucrado en el caso de R.M., una chica de Zambia que fue violada por su maestro cuando ella tenía 13 años. Las autoridades no procesaron al violador, por lo que R.M. inició un juicio civil con nuestro apoyo y el Tribunal Superior de Lusaka dictó en el 2008 una sentencia a su favor de reparación de daños. En febrero de 2009, Igualdad Ya publicó una Acción Mujeres que solicitaba al gobierno de Zambia que retirara su apelación del juicio y que implantara las directivas del Tribunal a fin de procesar al violador de R.M. y establecer directrices en las escuelas destinadas a evitar la violencia sexual. En agosto de 2009, el gobierno retiró su apelación a la decisión del Tribunal. En diciembre de 2009, publicamos una Actualización de la Acción en la que pedíamos al gobierno que aplicara la sentencia del Tribunal y que pagara a R.M. la indemnización dictada por el Tribunal Superior. Asimismo, Igualdad Ya recibió financiación del Fondo Fiduciario de la ONU en apoyo de las medidas para eliminar la violencia contra la mujer, para respaldar el trabajo de una coalición de grupos de Zambia que convocamos para abordar la violencia sexual contras las escolares. En el 2009, a través de nuestra organización asociada paquistaní, Guerra a la Violación (WAR), el AGLDF de Igualdad Ya asumió un caso de violación de una chica de 15 años, N, por su padre. Localizamos un abogado que trabaja gratuitamente en el caso de N. No existe ninguna disposición legal sobre el incesto en el Código Penal paquistaní y los casos de incesto raramente llegan a los tribunales. Igualdad Ya espera no tan sólo conseguir justicia para N, sino también ayudar a nuestras organizaciones asociadas en su reclamación de un cambio en la legislación. Violence Sexuelle En mai 2009, Égalité Maintenant a publié une Action Femmes visant RapeLay, un jeu vidéo produit et vendu au Japon dans lequel les joueurs violent des jeunes filles et des femmes. Nous avons demandé à Illusion Software et Amazon Japon de retirer de la vente ce jeu, et nous avons appelé le gouvernement japonais à interdire tous les jeux, RapeLay inclus, qui banalisent la violence contre les femmes ou en font la promotion. Dans les semaines qui ont suivi, Amazon Japon a retiré RapeLay des ventes et Illusion Software a retiré le jeu de son site internet peu après. En septembre 2009, Égalité Maintenant a publié une Mise à jour Action Femmes appelant le gouvernement japonais à se mettre en conformité avec les recommandations du Comité des Nations Unies pour l’élimination des discriminations contre les femmes qui vise l’interdiction de ces jeux. En juin 2009, Égalité Maintenant a publié une Alerte Urgente demandant au roi saoudien l’interdiction du mariage précoce et l’annulation du mariage d’Amneh Mohamed Sharahili, une écolière saoudienne de 10 ans, à un homme âgé de 25 ans. En octobre 2009, nous avons publié une Action Femmes demandant au gouvernement yéménite de promulguer et d’appliquer une loi fixant un âge minimum pour le mariage. L’Action a permis de faire connaître les histoires de Fawziya Abdullah Youssef, 12 ans, morte lors d’un accouchement qui a duré trois jours, et de Asghan M.S, 14 ans, qui a fui plusieurs fois son mari adulte et que son pére a menacé de mort. En novembre 2009, nous avons publié une Alerte Urgente demandant à nos membres aux états-Unis de contacter leurs sénateurs afin de les exhorter à voter en faveur de la proposition de loi “protection internationale des filles par la prévention des mariages précoces de 2009” (International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2009). Avec le Fonds de défense judiciaire des adolescentes (AGLDF), Égalité Maintenant a continué à chercher à obtenir une décision de justice dans l’affaire de Woineshet Zebene Negash, enlevée, violée et mariée de force à l’âge de 16 | Equality Now 13 ans. Avec l’Association éthiopienne des femmes avocates (EWLA), Égalité Maintenant a déposé un recours à la Commission africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples quant au cas de Woineshet. En 2009, nous n’avons pas réussi à trouver un accord avec le gouvernement éthiopien par voie de “procédure à l’amiable”, procédure demandée par le gouvernement. En 2010, nous porterons l’affaire à la Commission africaine. De plus, en janvier 2009, le gouvernement éthiopien a voté une loi qui interdit aux associations de défense des droits humains de recevoir plus de 10% de leur financement de sources étrangères. Cette loi met en danger la viabilité de notre partenaire EWLA ainsi que d’autres associations de défense des droits humains. Avec le fonds AGLDF, Égalité Maintenant s’est impliquée dans le cas de R.M., une fille zambienne qui, à l’âge de 13 ans, a été violée par son enseignant. Les autorités n’ont pas poursuivi le violeur. R.M. a donc entamé une procédure civile avec notre soutien et, après décision de la Haute Cour de Lusaka, elle a obtenu le droit à un dédommagement. En février 2009, Égalité Maintenant a publié une Action Femmes demandant au gouvernement zambien d’abandonner sa procédure d’appel de la décision de la Haute Cour et de mettre en place des mesures dans les écoles pour prévenir les violences sexuelles. En août 2009, le gouvernement a abandonné l’appel. En décembre 2009, nous avons publié une Mise à Jour Action Femmes demandant au gouvernement de mettre en œuvre la décision de la Haute Cour, y compris le paiement à R.M. de la compensation fixée par cette Cour. Par ailleurs, Égalité Maintenant a reçu un soutien financier du Fonds d’affectation spéciale des Nations Unies à l’appui de la lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes dans le cadre du soutien à un regroupement d’associations zambiennes que nous avions organisé pour combattre les violences sexuelles contre les écolières. En 2009, avec notre association partenaire au Pakistan, War Against Rape, le Fonds de défense judiciaire des adolescentes d’Égalité Maintenant a soutenu le cas de N, une fille de 15 ans violée par son père. Nous avons trouvé un avocat pro bono pour N. Il n’y a aucune disposition légale contre l’inceste dans le code pénal pakistanais et les affaires d’inceste aboutissent rarement devant un tribunal. Égalité Maintenant espère non seulement obtenir justice pour N mais aussi aider nos partenaires dans leurs efforts pour obtenir des changements de la loi. 2009 Annual Report | 17 FGM Girls participating in International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM, Somalia Fund for Grassroots Activism to End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM Fund) E quality Now’s FGM Fund is a proven vehicle that delivers effective and accountable financial support to 24 grassroots groups in 17 countries in Africa that work in their communities to end this harmful traditional practice. Apart from providing funding, Equality Now also partners with the groups and assists them upon request with planning, execution and evaluation of their programs to end FGM. We convened our sixth conference of the FGM Fund grantee-partners in Bamako, Mali, to give visibility to the Africa-wide campaigns to end the practice, while also offering an opportunity for grantee-partners to share their challenges, successes and lessons learned, from their local campaigns. The 22 grantee-partners in attendance were also introduced to a monitoring and evaluation tool to improve their assessment of progress towards ending the practice. Highlights of FGM Fund grantee-partners’ work in 2009: Awareness-raising: n In Kenya, over 151 girls underwent the alternative rite of passage organised by partner Tasaru Ntomonok Initiaive (TNI). The current Kenyan Demographic and Health Survey of 2009 shows a decrease in the practice of FGM from 32% to 27%. n In Somalia, Equality Now partner Galkayo Education Centre for Peace and Development (GECPD) rescued over 120 girls from FGM who are now staying at the Centre and attending school. 18 | Equality Now Legal remedies: Our partners in Niger, Tanzania and Kenya have taken cases to court to protect girls under threat of FGM. They have also instigated prosecution of perpetrators in FGM cases. n In Niger, perpetrators responsible for mutilating 73 girls were charged for violating the anti-FGM law of 2003 and a judgment is expected in early 2010. “We have moved from a culture of complete silence to having FGM discussed and debated as part of the public agenda.” –GECPD, Somalia n In Kenya, our partner Women’s Rights Institute for Peace (WRIP) assisted a mother to secure a permanent protection order from the Eldoret court banning her husband from subjecting their daughter to FGM. Countries in Africa where FGM is known to be practiced and current Equality Now FGM Fund grantees 2009 Annual Report | 19 FGM “In my work as a traditional birth attendant I have seen many women and girls suffer and die as a consequence of FGM. Because I have seen this suffering, I feel pity in my heart and that’s what drives me to go far and wide in my community telling them to stop FGM.” –Maasai woman from Tanzania n In Tanzania, a number of girls challenged their parents with court action if they subjected them to FGM. n In Mali and Ghana, communities passed by-laws that ban FGM. Abandonment by communities: n In Tanzania, over 50 Maasai elders in Hai, Rombo, Same and Simanjiro abandoned the practice and acted as monitors in their community to ensure that girls do not undergo FGM. n In Ijara district, Kenya, Muslim leaders issued a declaration prohibiting FGM in their community and emphasizing that FGM is not an Islamic requirement but a deep rooted cultural practice. Work with circumcisers: Partners in Cameroon, the Gambia, Guinea, Mali and Niger worked with circumcisers to convince them to abandon their tools and supported them in securing alternative means of livelihood (village shops, restaurants, soap making and farming). n In Gambia, over 60 circumcisers publicly “dropped their knives” and pledged to abandon the practice. Equality Now staff and FGM Fund Partners at actress Christine Lahti’s home in Los Angeles for “Africa Rising” fundraising event 20 | Equality Now A F R IC A R IS IN G The Grassroots Movement To End Female Genital Mutila tion “Africa Rising” director Paula Heredia with Meryl Streep, FGM Fund Partner Agnes Pareyio of Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative, and film consultant Laurens Grant at the New York screening A screenings frica Rising, a documentary film directed by Paula Heredia and produced by Equality Now, explores the courageous work of those on the frontlines of the grassroots effort to stop FGM in Africa. In 2009, the film premiered in New York at an event hosted by Meryl Streep with a Q&A session with activists from Mali, Kenya, UK and Fanta Camara, a survivor of FGM from Mali. Africa Rising was also screened in Boston and San Francisco with additional showings in New York at the Reel Sisters Film Festival. Internationally, Africa Rising was featured in film festivals in Burkina Faso, Kenya, Egypt and Tanzania. A film by Paula Heredia, prod uced by Equality Now London Office Director Jacqueline Hunt with anti-FGM activist Efua Dorkenoo 2009 Annual Report | 21 FGM Mali: Enact a law prohibiting FGM Since 2004, Equality Now has been working with local partners to advocate for a law against FGM in Mali, highlighting the case of Fanta Camara who was rendered incontinent and suffered multiple health complications from this procedure. In 2009, we continued this campaign with our FGM Fund grantee-partner Association Malienne pour le Suivi et l’Orientation des Pratiques Traditionelles (AMSOPT), devising other strategies including nationwide awareness-raising through local media. Highlights of 2009: n During the FGM Fund meeting in Mali in June 2009, Equality Grace Uwizeye from Equality Now speaking with a former circumciser on a visit to Bamako, Mali Now held a press conference that resulted in substantial media coverage in the Malian press raising awareness of the need for a law against FGM in the country. n Along with our local partners, Equality Now visited senior Malian government officials in March 2009 to discuss the need for a law against FGM. We agreed to facilitate a visit to Mali by parliamentarians from neighboring countries in 2010 to discuss strategies. n Equality Now hired a legal consultant to analyze the existing laws and procedures and devise a litigation strategy in order to set a precedent on the rights of girls to not undergo FGM, particularly as Mali has ratified the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa that calls for laws against FGM. Kenya: Effectively implement the law banning FGM In 2001, Kenya enacted a law prohibiting FGM. While this was a significant victory, it is crucial to monitor the implementation of this law to ensure that it is being used to protect girls from this harmful practice and is a deterrent among FGM-practicing communities, such as the Maasai. In 2008, along with our partner Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative, Equality Now through AGDLF started following the case of a 12-year-old Maasai girl who bled to death after being subjected to FGM. The girl’s father and circumciser were charged with manslaughter, but they absconded while on bail, and as of the end of 2009, they had not been re-arrested. 22 | Equality Now TNI-affiliated mother who prevented her youngest daughter from undergoing FGM. ©Des Willie/Comic Relief Highlights of 2009: n Equality Now attended court hearings along with our local partner to monitor the FGM case and brought irregularities and lack of follow-up to the attention of the magistrate as well as the superintendent of police. n In December 2009, we received a letter from the Commissioner of Police assuring us that the police were working to immediately arrest and prosecute the perpetrators and that they would keep us apprised of the progress made. Awaken Equality Now continued to write, produce and distribute Awaken, our newsletter about FGM, sharing information and providing a forum to promote a better understanding and more effective strategies for the eradication of FGM. Over 3,000 free copies of Awaken were distributed to those from practicing communities, and the newsletter was also posted on our website. 2009 Annual Report | 23 FGM | Summary MGF En junio de 2009, en Bamako, Mali, Igualdad Ya celebró la sexta conferencia del Fondo para el Activismo de Base para Poner Fin a la Mutilación Genital Femenina (Fondo MGF), que proporciona ayuda financiera a 24 grupos de base de 17 países de África que trabajan en sus comunidades para acabar con esta nociva práctica. En el año 2009, el trabajo de los sociosbeneficiarios del Fondo MGF incluyó actividades de sensibilización, el uso de remedios legales para acabar con la MGF, declaraciones públicas de comunidades para abandonar la práctica de la MGF, y el ofrecimiento de medios alternativos de sustento para las mujeres que practicaban la MGF. África Despierta (Africa Rising), documental dirigido por Paula Heredia y producido por Igualdad Ya, presenta el trabajo de nuestros beneficiarios del Fondo MGF para detener la MGF en África. En el 2009, la película fue estrenada en Nueva York en un acto presentado por Meryl Streep con una sesión de preguntas y respuestas con activistas de Mali, Kenia y del Reino Unido, y Fanta Camara, una superviviente de la MGF de Mali. África Despierta se presentó también en Boston y San Francisco. A nivel internacional, África Despierta fue presentada en festivales de cine de Burkina Faso, Egipto, Kenia y Tanzania. En el 2009, Igualdad Ya siguió abogando por una ley en contra de la MGF en Mali, en colaboración con nuestra organización asociada Association Malienne pour le Suivi et l’Orientation des Pratiques Traditionelles. Junto con nuestra organización asociada local, en marzo de 2009 visitamos a diversos funcionarios gubernamentales para discutir la necesidad de una ley anti-MGF. Durante la reunión del Fondo MGF que se celebró en Mali en junio de 2009, Igualdad Ya organizó una conferencia de prensa que consiguió una considerable cobertura por parte de los medios de comunicación y que aumentó la conciencia de la necesidad de dicha ley. Con nuestra organización asociada Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative, Igualdad Ya, a través del AGLDF siguió el caso en Kenia de una niña Massai de 12 años que murió desangrada tras haber sido sometida a la MGF por sus padres. En Kenia la MGF está prohibida por la ley. El padre de la chica y la persona que practicó la MGF fueron acusados de homicidio, pero se fugaron después de ser puestos en libertad bajo fianza. En diciembre de 2009 recibimos una carta del Comisario de policía de Narok, en la que nos aseguraba que la policía estaba trabajando en el arresto inmediato de los autores. Igualdad Ya siguió produciendo y distribuyendo Awaken (Despertar), nuestro boletín informativo sobre la MGF, destinado a compartir información y abrir un foro para promover una mayor comprensión y unas estrategias más eficaces para la erradicación de la MGF. 24 | Equality Now MGF En juin 2009, à Bamako, au Mali, Égalité Maintenant a organisé la sixième conférence du Fonds d’aide aux organisations de base pour mettre fin aux mutilations génitales féminines (Fonds anti-MGF), qui fournit une aide financière à 24 associations de base dans 17 pays africains qui travaillent avec leurs communautés pour en finir avec cette pratique néfaste. En 2009, le travail des partenaires- bénéficiaires du Fonds antiMGF comprenait des actions de sensibilisation, l’utilisation de moyens légaux pour combattre les MGF et l’attribution de moyens de subsistance alternatifs pour les exciseuses. L’Eveil de l’Afrique, un documentaire réalisé par Paula Heredia et produit par Égalité Maintenant, présente le travail de lutte contre les MGF par les bénéficiaires du Fonds anti-MGF. En 2009, la première du film a eu lieu à New York dans le cadre d’une projection présentée par Meryl Streep suivi par une session de questions-réponses avec des activistes du Mali, du Kenya, du Royaume-Uni et Fanta Camara, une survivante malienne des MGF. L’Eveil de l’Afrique a également été présenté à Boston et à San Francisco. A l’étranger, L’Eveil de l’Afrique a passé dans plusieurs festivals de cinéma au Burkina Faso, en égypte, au Kenya et en Tanzanie. En 2009, Égalité Maintenant a continué à plaider pour la mise en place d’une loi contre les MGF au Mali en collaboration avec notre partenaire, l’Association Malienne pour le Suivi et l’Orientation des Pratiques Traditionnelles. Avec notre partenaire local, nous avons rencontré de hauts responsables gouvernementaux en mars 2009 pour discuter de la nécessité d’une loi anti-MGF. A l’occasion de la réunion du Fonds antiMGF en juin 2009 au Mali, Égalité Maintenant a tenu une conférence de presse pour une sensibilisation sur la nécessité de cette loi. Avec notre partenaire la Tasaru Ntomonok Initiative, Égalité Maintenant, par l’intermédiaire du Fonds de défense judiciaire des adolescentes, a suivi au Kenya le cas d’une fille maasai de 12 ans qui est décédée en se vidant de son sang après avoir été soumise à l’excision par ses parents. Les MGF sont interdites au Kenya. Le père de la fille et l’excision ont été inculpés pour homicide involontaire mais ont pris la fuite après avoir été libérés sous caution. En décembre 2009, nous avons reçu une lettre du commissaire de police de Narok nous assurant que la police faisait son possible pour immédiatement arrêter les auteurs. Égalité Maintenant a continué à produire et à distribuer L’Éveil, notre bulletin d’information sur les MGF, afin de partager des informations et de fournir un forum pour promouvoir une meilleure compréhension des MGF et une meilleure stratégie de lutte contre celles-ci. 2009 Annual Report | 25 Trafficking Grantee-Partners Cambodia AFESIP Fund for Grassroots Activism to End Sex Trafficking (Trafficking Fund) The Trafficking Fund provides financial assistance to grantee-partners and endeavors to create an international movement of activists who can support each other’s work and exchange effective practices and strategies to end trafficking in women and girls. In 2008-2009, Equality Now expanded support for members of the Trafficking Fund, and made grants to eleven grantee-partners from Cambodia, Iceland, India, Latvia, Lithuania, Nepal, Peru, the Philippines, South Korea, Zambia, and the U.S. United States: End sex tourism E quality Now continues to urge the U.S. government to apply federal laws to prosecute and shut down sex tourism companies in the United States. These companies transport men to countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and the Dominican Republic and facilitate their efforts 26 | Equality Now Iceland Stigamot India Apne Aap Latvia The Resource Centre for Women “Marta” Lithuania Klaipeda Social and Psychological Services Center Nepal Maiti Nepal Peru Movimiento del Pozo Philippines Buklod Center South Korea Mungchi United States Girls Educational and Mentoring Services (GEMS) Zambia Tasintha Programme Women’s small savings group organized by trafficking grantee-partner Apne Aap, India to exploit women and girls in these countries. Sex tourism supports a multi-billion dollar commercial sex industry and an estimated 25% of international sex tourists are reportedly from the United States. However, the Department of Justice continues to fail to prosecute sex tour companies and to apply existing federal laws that penalize knowingly transporting a person across state or national boundaries to engage in prostitution. Highlights of 2009: n In May 2009, Equality Now issued a Women’s Action Update calling on the new U.S. Attorney General to prosecute the owner of G.F. (formerly G&F) Tours, a sex tour company based in Texas, and other U.S.-based sex tour operators. Since Equality Now’s 2005 Women’s Action on G.F. Tours, the company has removed sexually explicit pictures of women and other incriminating sex content from its website and stopped referring to its tours as “sex tours.” The travel services G.F. Tours offers, however, remain the same. n At the state level, the criminal trial of the owner/operators of Big Apple Oriental Tours, a sex tour company, took place in January 2009 in New York. Unfortunately, the jury acquitted the defendants. 2009 Annual Report | 27 Trafficking New York State: Enact and implement a strong anti-trafficking law E quality Now continued to serve on the Steering Committee of the New York State Anti-Trafficking Coalition, which was successful in getting a comprehensive antitrafficking law passed in New York State in 2007. The Coalition is working on ensuring proper implementation of this law. In 2009, the Coalition held stakeholder meetings to discuss experiences with the law and strategies to strengthen implementation including training of law enforcement officers and increasing prosecutions under the law. Global: Effective legislation on trafficking and prostitution E quality Now continues to support efforts for the enactment and implementation of strong legislation on trafficking around the world that conforms to international standards as exemplified in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (the Palermo Protocol). We also support efforts for the enactment of legislation criminalizing the demand for prostitution while decriminalizing prostituted women. Highlights of 2009: n In summer 2009, Equality Now convened a meeting with women’s rights activists from Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya and Zambia to discuss strategies to combat and end sex trafficking in Africa. n Equality Now participated in a coalition advocating for the passage of an effective trafficking law and for closing a “loophole” in the prostitution law that allowed “indoor” prostitution in the U.S. state of Rhode Island. Equality Now testified at a Rhode Island Participants in Equality Now’s meeting to end sex trafficking in Africa, Kenya 28 | Equality Now legislative hearing on the requirements for an effective trafficking statute, and the need to criminalize the demand for services of prostituted women that fuels the sex trade while decriminalizing prostituted women. In October 2009, Rhode Island enacted antitrafficking legislation and amended the Equality Now with activists from the Middle East at a meeting on trafficking organized by the Kvinna Till Kvinna (KTK) Foundation and prostitution law to the Swedish Institute, Egypt criminalize purchasers of indoor prostitution, but unfortunately, the law also criminalized prostituted women. n We continued our efforts, with Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery and other partners, to get a human trafficking law enacted in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Equality Now submitted written testimony to relevant committees of the Hawaiian legislature concerning this bill. In November 2009, Equality Now staff participated in the training of Hawaiian law enforcement agencies and service providers on human trafficking. n Equality Now analyzed trafficking legislation of Pakistan and United Arab Emirates to identify gaps and challenges for local partners in these countries as well as priorities for law reform. n We supported the Garden of Hope Foundation in Taiwan in its efforts to oppose a move from the Taiwanese government to legalize prostitution. Equality Now joined efforts in encouraging the government to decriminalize prostituted women while criminalizing the demand for prostitution. We continue to have constructive dialogues with Taiwanese officials on the subject by encouraging them to support exit mechanisms and viable alternatives for those wishing to leave prostitution. n Equality Now participated in a consultation by the United Kingdom’s Home Office at the end of 2008 on how best to tackle demand for prostitution and engaged with members of the House of Lords in support of local coalition efforts on discussions around prostitution and the licensing of lap-dancing clubs. In November 2009, the UK Parliament passed new legislation that makes it an offense to pay for sexual services from someone who has been subjected to prostitution by force and that regulates lap-dancing clubs as part of the sex industry rather than the leisure industry. 2009 Annual Report | 29 Trafficking | Summary Trata de Mujeres En el periodo 2008-2009, Igualdad Ya aumentó su apoyo a los miembros del Fondo para el Activismo de Base para Poner Fin al Tráfico Sexual, que ofrece ayuda financiera a los sociosbeneficiarios e intenta por todos los medios crear un movimiento internacional de activistas que trabajan para terminar con la explotación sexual comercial, y que pueden apoyar el trabajo de los demás e intercambiar prácticas y estrategias eficaces. El Fondo concedió becas a socios-beneficiarios de 11 países. En mayo de 2009, Igualdad Ya publicó una Actualización de Acción Mujeres en la que solicitaba al nuevo Fiscal General de Estados Unidos que aplicara las leyes federales para procesar al propietario de G.F. Tours, una empresa de viajes sexuales, y a otros touroperadores sexuales radicados en Estados Unidos. A nivel estatal, en enero de 2009 se celebró en Nueva York el juicio por lo penal del propietario y los operadores de la empresa de viajes sexuales Big Apple Oriental Tours. Desgraciadamente, el jurado absolvió a los acusados. Igualdad Ya siguió trabajando con el Comité de Dirección de la Coalición del Estado de Nueva York contra la Trata de Personas. En el año 2009, la Coalición convocó varias reuniones para discutir las estrategias destinadas a consolidar la aplicación de la ley del Estado de Nueva York contra la trata de personas, incluyendo mediante la formación de agentes del orden público y el aumento de los procesos. La Coalición colaboró también en la configuración de la campaña de la Alcaldía de la Ciudad de Nueva York contra la trata de personas. Igualdad Ya continuó apoyando los esfuerzos destinados a la promulgación y a la aplicación de fuerte legislación sobre el tráfico de seres humanos en todo el mundo. Participamos en una coalición que abogaba por la aprobación de una ley efectiva contra la trata de personas en el Estado estadounidense de Rhode Island, destacando la necesidad de penalizar la demanda de prostitución a la vez que despenalizar a las mujeres prostituídas. La legislación se aprobó pero, lamentablemente, penaliza a las mujeres prostituídas. Presentamos un testimonio escrito a la asamblea legislativa de Hawaii referente a un proyecto de ley sobre la trata de personas, y en noviembre de 2009, participamos en la formación de agentes del orden público y prestadores de servicios en Hawaii sobre el tráfico de seres humanos. Apoyamos los esfuerzos de un grupo local de Taiwán para oponerse al intento del gobierno taiwanés de legalizar la prostitución. Igualdad Ya participó en una consulta llevada a cabo por el Ministerio del Interior del Reino Unido a finales del 2008 sobre cómo abordar la demanda de la prostitución. En noviembre de 2009, el Parlamento británico aprobó una nueva legislación que penaliza el pago de los servicios sexuales a alguien que ha sido obligado a ejercer la prostitución. Traite des femmes En 2008-2009, Égalité Maintenant a accru son soutien aux membres du Fonds d’aide aux organisations de base pour mettre fin à la traite aux fins d’exploitation sexuelle. Ce Fonds offre une aide financière aux partenaires-bénéficiaires 30 | Equality Now et cherche à créer un mouvement international d’activistes œuvrant pour la fin de l’exploitation sexuelle à des fins commerciales afin qu’ils puissent s’entraider dans leur travail et échanger des stratégies et des pratiques efficaces. Le Fonds a distribué des subventions à des partenairesbénéficiaires dans 11 pays. En mai 2009, Égalité Maintenant a publié une Mise à jour Action Femmes demandant au nouveau Procureur Général des États-Unis d’appliquer les lois fédérales et de poursuivre le propriétaire de G.F. Tours, une compagnie voyagiste qui propose de pratiquer du tourisme sexuel, ainsi que d’autres compagnies du même type basées aux États-Unis. Au niveau des États fédéraux, un procès d’assises a eu lieu en janvier 2009 à New York contre le propriétaire et les exploitants du voyagiste Big Apple Oriental Tours accusés d’aider à la pratique du tourisme sexuel. Malheureusement, les jurés ont acquitté les prévenus. Égalité Maintenant a continué ses efforts en lien avec les travaux du Comité Directeur de la Coalition anti-Traite de l’État de New York. En 2009, la Coalition a organisé des réunions pour discuter des stratégies visant à renforcer la mise en application de la loi antitraite d’êtres humains de l’État de New York, y compris la formation des officiers de police et une augmentation du nombre de poursuites. La Coalition s’est aussi impliquée dans l’élaboration de la campagne du bureau du maire de New York contre la traite d’êtres humains. Égalité Maintenant continue de soutenir les efforts pour la promulgation et l’application de législations sévères pour lutter contre la traite des femmes à travers le monde. Nous avons participé à une coalition qui plaide pour la promulgation d’une loi de lutte contre la traite des femmes dans l’État américain de Rhode Island, mettant en avant le besoin de criminaliser la clientèle tout en décriminalisant les femmes prostituées. La loi est passée mais, malheureusement, elle criminalise aussi ces dernières. Nous avons déposé auprès de la législature hawaiienne des témoignages écrits dans le cadre d’une proposition de loi visant le trafic d’êtres humains et nous avons participé à des travaux de formation des services de l’ordre et des services de la traite. Nous avons soutenu une association locale quand le gouvernement taïwanais a essayé de légaliser la prostitution á Taïwan. Égalité Maintenant a participé fin 2008 aux consultations du Ministère de l’Intérieur britannique sur la meilleure manière d’aborder le marché de la prostitution. En novembre 2009, le parlement britannique a voté une loi qui criminalise le paiement de services sexuels à toute personne contrainte de se prostituer. 2009 Annual Report | 31 Urgent Response Girls read during class after schools reopened in Swat Valley, 17 February 2009. ©REUTERS/Abdul Rehman Equality Now retains the flexibility to respond to violations of women’s and girls’ rights that require an urgent response. Pakistan: Safeguard girls’ right to education threatened by the Taliban in Swat T he Taliban destroyed 150 girls’ schools in the Swat valley in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan in 2008 and announced a ban on girls’ education in the region effective 15 January 2009. They also banned women and girls from marketplaces and other public places, ran a campaign of terror through radio announcements threatening the residents of Swat, and killed teachers and other women. In early 2009, Equality Now began a campaign against the Talibanization of Swat valley and its impact on women and girls. 32 | Equality Now Highlights of 2009: n Equality Now worked with Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) to draw attention to the issue of the threat to girls’ education in Swat, including through a resolution introduced in the U.S. Congress by Representative Carolyn Maloney. n PGA and Equality Now helped draft a resolution to be adopted by the Pakistani Parliament, which highlighted Pakistan’s obligations to protect women and girls under the Pakistani constitution and under international obligations. A resolution to this effect was shortly thereafter adopted by the Pakistani Parliament. n In January 2009, we issued an Urgent Alert asking our members to write to Pakistani officials and urge them to take action to uphold girls’ and women’s rights in Swat. The response from the Women’s Action Network was significant. Shortly thereafter the Pakistani government took action to re-establish law and order in Swat. n In February 2009, we issued another Urgent Alert asking our U.S. members to write to U.S. Senators about making the proposed $7.5 billion aid package to Pakistan conditional on action being taken to uphold the rights of Pakistani women and girls. “...not only should there be greater accountability for how these funds [U.S. foreign assistance] are used, but the money should be conditioned on the Pakistani government taking active steps to…uphold and protect the rights of girls and women.” n In response to the Pakistani government proposing to enter into a deal with the Taliban to institute a parallel legal system in Swat based on Shariah, Equality Now issued a final Urgent Alert in February 2009 asking its members to write to relevant Pakistani government officials and urge them to desist from taking this step, which was unconstitutional and would have had an adverse impact on women. While the Pakistani government initially entered into an accord with the Taliban, this agreement was broken by both sides soon after. n Equality Now generated significant press coverage for this campaign. An opinion piece on the situation was published in The Washington Post (26 January 2009), followed by a response to our piece in the same newspaper by the president of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. Equality Now staff also had a piece in the Independent and appeared on the Riz Khan show on Al-Jazeera as well as several other radio shows and podcasts on this issue. 2009 Annual Report | 33 Urgent Response | Summary Respuesta Urgente En el 2008, los talibanes destruyeron 150 escuelas de niñas situadas en el valle Swat de Pakistán y anunciaron la prohibición de la educación femenina en esta región a partir del 15 de enero de 2009. En enero de 2009 publicamos una Alerta Urgente en la que pedíamos a los miembros que instaran a los funcionarios pakistaníes a que mantuvieran los derechos de las niñas y de las mujeres en Swat. Poco después, el gobierno pakistaní restableció la ley y el orden en esta zona. En febrero de 2009, publicamos otra Alerta Urgente en la que pedíamos a nuestros miembros estadounidenses que escribieran a sus senadores para que condicionaran el propuesto paquete de ayudas a Pakistán a la acción de mantener los derechos de las mujeres y de las niñas pakistaníes. En respuesta a la propuesta del gobierno pakistaní de suscribir un acuerdo con los talibanes para instituir un sistema judicial paralelo en Swat basado en la sharia, Igualdad Ya emitió una Alerta Urgente final en febrero de 2009 en la que pedía a sus miembros a que instaran a los oficiales pakistaníes a negarse a adoptar esta medida. Finalmente, el gobierno reparó su acuerdo preliminar. Esta campaña generó una considerable cobertura periodística, incluido un artículo de opinión en The Washington Post, seguido de una respuesta en el mismo periódico del Presidente de Pakistán Asif Ali Zardari; un artículo en The Independent; y una aparición en el programa Riz Khan de la cadena Al-Jazeera. Réponse d’Urgence Les Talibans ont détruit 150 écoles de filles dans la vallée de Swat au Pakistan en 2008 et ont annoncé une interdiction pour les filles de se rendre à l’école dans la région à partir du 15 janvier 2009. En janvier 2009, nous avons publié une Alerte Urgente demandant à nos membres de se mobiliser pour exhorter les responsables pakistanais à soutenir les droits des femmes et des filles dans le district de Swat. Rapidement après, le gouvernement pakistanais a rétabli l’ordre et la loi dans le district. En février 2009, nous avons publié une autre Alerte Urgente demandant à nos membres américains d’écrire à leur sénateur pour conditionner les projets d’aide au Pakistan à la mise en place de mesures pour assurer les droits des pakistanaises. En réponse à la proposition du gouvernement pakistanais de conclure un accord avec les Talibans dans lequel un système légal parallèle basé sur la Charia serait mis en place dans le district de Swat, Égalité Maintenant a publié une dernière Alerte Urgente en février 2009 demandant à ses membres d’exhorter les hauts représentants du gouvernement à ne pas mettre en œuvre cet accord. Le gouvernement a finalement renoncé à cet accord. Cette campagne a généré une importante couverture médiatique, y compris un article dans le Washington Post, avec une réponse dans le même journal du président pakistanais Asif Ali Zardari, un article dans le journal britannique, l’Independent, et un passage sur le plateau du Riz Khan Show sur la chaîne Al-Jazeera. 34 | Equality Now Activists of Equality Now Board of Directors Sapana Pradhan-Malla Adolescent Girls’ Legal Defense Fund Advisory Board Chair Judith Bruce Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas Interim President Meaza Ashenafi Susana Chiarotti Colette De Troy Ann Colin Herbst Jessica Neuwirth President, on leave 2009 Gloria Steinem Yukiko Tsunoda Helen Zia Chair Dale Buscher Elizabeth Evatt Jane Fonda Marianne Gimon Ann Graham Judge Claire L’Heureux Dubé Carolyn Makinson Judith Bruce, Chair of the Adolescent Girls’ Legal Defense Fund (AGLDF) Advisory Board ex-officio Taina Bien-Aimé Profiles Jacqueline Hunt Faiza Jama Mohamed UK Trustees Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas Sapana Pradhan-Malla Serving on the board for nearly a decade, the founder and director of the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling in East Jerusalem has shared with Equality Now her insight and expertise in defending women’s rights. Maha previously headed the Quaker Service and Information Centre, the first organization to provide legal assistance to Palestinians in Israeli jails. Today, Maha heads her own not-for-profit dedicated to the promotion of the social and legal status of Palestinian women. She joined Equality Now’s Board of Directors in 2002, and has also served on the board of various Palestinian human rights, peace and women’s organizations. She continues to be a staunch leader working to end human rights abuses against women and girls. Chair Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas Interim President Meaza Ashenafi Taina Bien-Aimé Susana Chiarotti Colette De Troy Elizabeth Evatt Ann Colin Herbst Faiza Jama Mohamed Jessica Neuwirth President, on leave 2009 Gloria Steinem Yukiko Tsunoda Deborah Taylor Ashford Helen Bernstein Winnie Byanyima Andrew Byrnes Edwidge Danticat Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge Hanny Megally Robin Morgan Alanis Morissette Irene Kubota Neves Elizabeth Odio Benito Indira Rana Joan Ruddock Bonnie Schaefer Meryl Streep Rose Styron Liz Young © Dan Deitch Advisory Council Donna Deitch is a committed women’s rights activist and outstanding Equality Now supporter. She’s an independent filmmaker (Desert Hearts) and an Emmy award-winning television director (Women of Brewster Place, Grey’s Anatomy, Law and Order SVU and more) When Donna is not dedicating her talents to film and television, she pours herself into working for women’s equality around the world. She has travelled many times with Equality Now, including for meetings in Kenya with FGM Fund partners, to discuss sex trafficking in Southern Africa, as well as a journey to Paris, France, where Equality Now brought Fanta Camara from Mali to seek medical attention for the harm she endured after undergoing FGM as a child. Donna continues to bring passion, intelligence and humor to our collective work. We are extremely fortunate that she shares with Equality Now her fierce generosity of spirit and extraordinary commitment to uphold the rights of women and girls everywhere. 2009 Annual Report | 35 Worldwide Support & Outreach Equality Now greatly appreciates our donors whose crucial support enables our work. Foundations & Corporate Supporters A G Foundation Shana Alexander Foundation Banky-LaRocque Foundation Jacob Blaustein Institute The Buffin Foundation Bydale Foundation Carlson Family Foundation Comic Relief Dreitzer Foundation Flora Family Foundation Ford Foundation Malcolm Gibbs Foundation Global Giving Foundation The Hexberg Family Foundation ICAP North America Inc. Jana Foundation The Margaret and Daniel Loeb— Third Point Foundation NEPAD Spanish Fund New Field Foundation of Tides Foundation Nike Foundation NoVo Foundation Oxfam GB Oxfam Novib Silver Mountain Foundation for the Arts Jane M. Timken Foundation The Ruth Turner Fund The Westport Fund UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women Legacy Society Legacy Society Members’ commitment to Equality Now in their estate plans helps ensure that our efforts will continue as long as violations and abuses against women and girls exist. Those who wish to remain anonymous are not listed. IN MEMORIAM Robert Joffe 36 | Equality Now Beverly Benoit Michele Dayras Adrienne Gombos Elizabeth Iannone Laurie Jenkins Kate Lauer John Levin & Diane Keefe Laura A. Lewis Caroline Mcmanus Rosemary Sullivan Grace Warolin Leadership Circle Individual donors who gave $1,000+ Susan Allee & Karen Krhulik Lisa Alter Stuart Applebaum Deborah Taylor Ashford Cynthia Attwood Nina Auerbach Christopher Avery Robert and Helen Bernstein Twiss Butler Colleen Cannon J. Speed & Martha Carroll Cecily M. Carson Cathy Cleghorn Anne Marie Connell Grant Couch Leslie Couvillion Carrie Craven Nina D’Ambra & Martin Goldberg Peggy Darwin Donna E. Deitch Lynn Diamond Corey Dietz Abigail Disney Catherine Douglass Eve Ensler Ruth Garfield Ellen Gavin & Melinda White Barbara Gold Joshua Goldberg Adrienne and Ervin Gombos Victoria Gomez-Trenor Lela Goren Eileen Guilfoyle & David Moody Agnes Gund & Daniel Shapiro Catherine Gund Mariska Hargitay Ann Colin Herbst Tracey Hogan David Hoover & Nicole Hoover Felicity Huffman & William Macy Kenneth Jerome Hughes, Jr. Carol H. Ingersoll Chandra Jessee Lisa Jonas Deborah Jones Nancy Kaplan Diane Keefe & John Levin Sheila Kelley Alan M. Knoll Christine Lahti & Thomas Schlamme Honor Lassalle Norman Lear Irene Lee Sue Liang Daniel & Margaret Loeb Thomas Matte Jennifer McCarthy Pamela McGreevy Gail McGreevy Harmon Myriam Miedzian Betsy Mitchell Ruth Mueller Jessica Neuwirth Gloria S. Neuwirth Trilby Norton Ellen Nusblatt Laura O’Shea Mary Alice Parsons Edyta Pirog Ronnie Planalp & Stephen Trevor Madelyn Pulver Jennings Josh Radnor Joann Rasmussen Jaana Rehnstrom & Andrew Blane Bonnie Schaefer Marla Schaefer Erica Schipper Kay Schlozman Zachary Segal Alan D. Seget, Esq. Elizabeth and Stephen Shafer Michelle Denise Shardell Carol Shaw Karen Simonsen Harold Slosson Susan Smalley Michele Speir Sarah Stamboulie Kristin K. Stitz & J. Scott Coleman Meryl Streep Jeanne Thomsen Heidi Troester Angela Uherbelau & Curtis Robinhold Rebecca Van Dyck Jenny Warburg Jonathan Willens & Julia Beardwood Debra Winston-Levin Elizabeth Ziff Jerry & Janet Zucker Worldwide Support & Outreach Equality Now thanks the following individuals and organizations for their advice, encouragement and support. 2009 Friends Tristin Aaron Zarizana Abdul Aziz Kadog Abdullah AD HOC Foundation Susan Adelman AFESIP International Esohe Aghatise Deborah Akel AMSOPT Sanjay Aparanti Ziad Asali Christopher Avery Zia Awan Anthony Azizi Anne Barringer (CSTS) Mikaela Beardsley Kristen Berg Andrea Bottner Shoshanna Brown The Browncoats Judith Bruce Toni Bruno Peter and Jennifer Buffett Dale Buscher Kelvin Bwalya Winnie Byanyima Fanta Camara Percy Cammack Can’t Stop the Serenity Casa Amiga Marisa Cardinale Sergio Carmona Luz Esthela Castro Claudia Castro-Malaspina Belkys Centeno Challenges Worldwide Tad Chong Rebecca Chowdhury Caroline Christopher Anja Marija Ciraj Norma Cirincione Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Amy Fine Collins Michelle Conde Jane Connors Christopher Coombe Jocelyn Cooper Diane Corr Bob Coyle Barbara Crossette Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Bob Dandrew Edwidge Danticat LeeAnn Davidson Stephanie Davis Kate Day Thalif Deen Alban del Pino Dr. Fabien Demaria Margriet Den Breems Jane Deng Mariama Diallo Mariano Diaz Efua Dorkenoo Christine A. Doyle Bill Drayton ECPAT Laurel Eisner Minna Elias Deborah Emmert Eve Ensler The Equal Rights Trust Hilary Ervin Dr. Haleh Esfandiari Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association European Women’s Lobby Fahamu Melissa Farley feminist.com FEMNET Anouchka Filippi Wendy Flick Jane Fonda Hannah Forster Forum for Women Law & Development Genevieve Tissot Fuellemann Felice Gaer Eleanor Kennelly Gaetan Kim Gandy Chris Garrett Marianne Gimon Girl Fest/Safe Zone Foundation Girls Education and Mentoring Services (GEMS) Jamie Gordon Karenna Gore-Schiff Samir Goswami Margaret Grady (CSTS) Jehmu Greene Greenberg Traurig LLP Sarah Greenberg Ellen Greer IN MEMORIAM Equality Now mourns the death of Esther Chávez Cano, a brave and fearless activist who worked tirelessly on behalf of victims of sexual and domestic violence. Esther founded Casa Amiga, the first rape crisis center in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and played an essential role in bringing international attention to the issue of violence against women in Ciudad Juárez. Even as she battled illness, Esther continued demanding justice and dedicating her life to women and children in her community. Equality Now and the human rights movement will deeply miss Esther and her fierce determination to make her community a safer place for women and children. Karen Grube Humberto Guerrero Grace Gummer Mamie Gummer Ruchira Gupta Hina Hafeezullah Donna Hall Nick Hannigan Chris Harbert Ned Hawkins Brooks Hefner Rosilyn Heller Rita Henley Jensen Bob Herbert Paula Heredia Lillian Hewko Maria Hinojosa Sarah Hobson Leah Hoctor Sadie Holzman Angel Hopkinson Irungu Houghton Swanee Hunt Rana Husseini Info Mundo Cooperante Initiative for Inclusive Security inMotion Institute of World Affairs Sherene Ishtihar June Jacobs Carol Jenkins Terri Jentz Virginia Joffe Hywel Jones Sarah Jones Veronica Jordan Paul Joseph Ashley Judd Kyung-wha Kang Fauziya Kassindja Rosaria Mashita Katakwe Peggy Kerry Nan Kennelly Bo Kyun Kim Ben Kioko Gabe Kleinman Anuradha Koirala Carla Koppell Morissanda Kouyate 2009 Annual Report | 37 Worldwide Support & Outreach 2009 Friends continued Nicholas Kristof Caroline Kritzalis Ambassador Luis Cde Baca Ana Langer Michelle Skrabut LaPierre Dorchen Leidholdt Eileen Lepping Claire L’Heureux-Dubé Laurie Lichtenstein Linklaters LLP Rachel Lloyd Karen Cheeks-Lomax Sarah Longwe Sonia López Nkandu Luo Catharine MacKinnon Pontso Mafethe Gloria Maira Maiti Nepal Rep. Carolyn Maloney Kathy Mangones Firoze Manji Rita Maran Suzy and Wally Marks William Mascioli John McManus Lisa McNulty Cecilia Medina Quiroga Hanny Megally Lonneke Mensink Stephanie Mermin Debra Messing Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights Arune Mickute Pat Mitchell Marianne Mollman María Guadalupe Morfín Otero Florence Mumbai Willy Mutunga Petronella Mwamba My Sisters’ Place Bradley Myles Lina Nealon Woineshet Zebene Negash Beth Nelson Violeta Neubauer Deena and Michael Neuwirth Laura Neuwirth 38 | Equality Now Robert S. Neuwirth Irene Kubota Neves The New York Women’s Foundation No Peace Without Justice The Norman Foundation Lynn Nottage NOW-NYC Elizabeth Odegar Ana Oliveira Sonia Ossorio The Paley Center for Media Pambazuka News Wayne Pesaresi Navanethem Pillay Tara Polen Polaris Project Katha Pollitt Sara Posada Karina Puttiev Archana Pyati Norma Ramos Vicki Randle Janice Raymond Amy Richards Haile Rivera Ingrid Rogers Katherina Rohrer Wendy Roosevelt-Fahy Nina Roosevelt-Collmer Daniela Rosche Jessica Rubenstein Stacey Rubin Leah Rutman Elizabeth Sackler Zainab Salbi Dorothy Samuels Sanctuary for Families Joanne Sandler Rassolguessida Clémence Ilboudo Sawadogo Susan Sawyers Rudolf Scheffer Ingeborg Schwartz Rhonda Senior Pamela Shifman Heisoo Shin Kadidia Aoudou Sidibe Hannah Silver William Silverman Sisters of the Good Shepherd Solidarity for African Women’s Rights Coalition Eleanor Solo Peter Splinter Carol Smolenski Stephanie Staal Karen Stauss Steve Stecklow Mary Steenburgen & Ted Danson Gloria Steinem Beate Stirø Antonia Stolper & Robert Fertik Stronge Family Foundation Rebekah Spicuglia Rose Styron Courtney Sullivan Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. Nura Taefi Glennda Testone Amy Thesing Stephanie Thomas Salvador Tinajero Rita Tomaino Marisa Tomei Kady Traore Davinia Troughton Hulan Tsedev UNIFEM United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights V-Day Soheila Vahdati Liesbeth van der Hoogte Kathleen Vermazen Vital Voices Alma Viviana Perez Meredith Wagner Liz Wamuyu Mary Wandia War Against Rape, Lahore Charlotte Watson Diane Watson Clemens Wennekes The Westport Fund Kori Wilson-Griffin Alicia Foley Winn Women Make Movies Women Thrive Worldwide Women’s Media Center Joanne Woodward Sheryl WuDunn Kathy Xian Liz Young Amy Ziff Debra Zimmerman 12th Annual Edith I. Spivack Award recipients Taina Bien-Aimé (center) and Jessica Neuwirth (third from right), with members of the New York County Lawyers’ Association’s Women’s Rights Committee. ©Rick Kopstein, New York Law Journal Staff List New York Taina Bien-Aimé Executive Director Yasmeen Hassan Deputy Executive Director, Director of Programs Lakshmi Anantnarayan Communications Director Catherine Brandli Director of Development Carmen Chiong Administrative Director, Controller Sophia Giddens Programs and Publications Coordinator Bethany Hurley Project Manager, Publications/Website Antonia Kirkland Equality Now Staff Legal Advisor Sally Mercedes Database Manager, Website Coordinator Cossette Morillo Office Manager Mehr Qureshi Program Officer Leah Rutman Program Officer Amanda Sullivan Director, Women’s Action Network London Jacqueline Hunt Director Onyinye Nwulu Office Manager Anber Raz Programme Officer Nairobi Faiza Jama Mohamed Director Mary Ciugu Office Manager Caroline Muthoni Muriithi Programme Officer Grace Uwizeye Programme Officer Consultants Suad Abu-Dayyeh Jacqueline Asiimwe Kenneth Franzblau Bonnie Greenfield Karolyn Irvin Sara Longwe Shoji Masuzawa Caroline Osero-Ageng’o Emilie Trautmann Translators Arabic: Ghada Diab Wafaa Wahba French: Marie-Claire Boisset-Pestourie Milcah Chokah Jérôme Mangelinckx Patricia Mugambi Hélène Robineau Browncoats From June through September 2009, the fourth annual Can’t Stop the Serenity worldwide screening event was held in 50 cities in seven countries. Organized by the “Browncoats,” fans of writer/director Joss Whedon and his film Serenity, 2009 was their most successful year so far, raising over $100,000 to support the work of Equality Now. We continue to be inspired by and grateful for their enthusiastic efforts and their dedication to advancing the rights of women and girls around the world. Spanish: Maritza Ascencios Marie-Claire Boisset-Pestourie Jérôme Mangelinckx Leticia Molinero Portuguese: Josefate Muhlanga 2009 Annual Report | 39 Financial Statements FINANCIAL POSITION 2009 2008 $1,507,085 950,547 1,221,082 46,537 43,283 36,009 $3,804,543 $1,744,711 913,344 611,911 27,117 43,717 21,344 $3,362,144 $109,813 101,398 31,154 $242,365 $89,611 262,040 10,551 $362,202 $1,784,223 1,777,955 $3,562,178 $3,804,543 $1,750,959 1,248,983 $2,999,942 $3,362,144 2009 2008 UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Public support and revenue Contributions and grants Foundations Individual donors Corporations Special events, net Donated goods and services Investment income Other income Public support and revenue before release of restrictions Net assets released from restrictions Total public support and revenue $689,539 707,337 143,158 59,084 79,466 69,833 4,099 1,752,516 979,075 2,731,591 $485,964 1,076,813 19,416 90,032 (13,713) 2,476 1,660,988 903,777 2,564,765 Expenses Grants * Staff and consultants Travel and meetings Campaign materials Communications Administration Total expenses Increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets 437,421 1,467,400 258,991 125,303 83,572 325,640 2,698,327 33,264 498,561 1,358,151 244,892 99,156 100,417 263,773 2,564,950 (185) 1,508,047 (979,075) 528,972 562,236 2,999,942 $3,562,178 674,308 (903,777) (229,469) (229,654) 3,229,596 $2,999,942 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Investments Contributions and grants receivable Prepaid expenses Property and equipment, net Other assets Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expenses Grants payable Deferred rent Total liabilities NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets ACTIVITIES TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Contributions Net assets released from restrictions Increase (decrease) in temporarily restricted net assets Total increase (decrease) in temporarily restricted and unrestricted net assets Net assets: January 1 Net assets: December 31 *Trafficking grants: $160,000 and $110,000, respectively, for 2009 and 2008 FGM grants: $188,631 and $358,000, respectively, for 2009 and 2008. Auditors Lederer, Levine & Associates, LLC 40 | Equality Now Equality Now was founded in 1992 to work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. Working with national human rights organizations and invididual activists, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and adds an international action component to support their efforts to advance equality rights and defend individual women who are suffering abuse. Through its Women’s Action Network, Equality Now distributes information about these human rights violations to concerned groups and individuals around the world, along with recommended actions for publicizing and protesting them. The Women’s Action Network represents an international force of activism, capable of rapid and concerted response to crisis situations and committed to voicing a worldwide call for justice and equality for women. Issues of concern to Equality Now include discrimination in law, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, trafficking and other human rights abuses against women and girls. Egalité Maintenant a été fondée en 1992 afin de travailler pour la protection et la promotion des droits humains de la femme dans le monde entier. Travaillant avec des associations nationales pour les droits humains et avec des activistes individuels, Egalité Maintenant documente la violence et la discrimination contre les femmes, en ajoutant un élément d’action internationale pour soutenir les efforts de ces associations et activistes pour avancer les droits de la femme, et pour défendre des femmes individuelles maltraitées. Au moyen du Réseau Action Femmes, Egalité Maintenant transmet des renseignements sur ces violations des droits humains aux groupes et aux individus intéressés partout dans le monde, avec des actions recommandées pour faire connaître au public ces violations, et pour protester contre elles. Le Réseau Action Femmes représente une force internationale d’activisme, capable d’une réponse rapide et concertée aux situations de crise et engagée à faire appel mondial pour la justice et l’égalité pour la femme. Les problèmes auxquels s’intéresse Egalité Maintenant comprennent:la discrimination dans la loi, la violence sexuelle, les mutilations génitales féminines, la traite, ainsi que toutes les autres violations des droits humains envers les femmes et les filles. Igualdad Ya fue fundada en 1992 con el propósito de trabajar a favor de la protección y promoción de los derechos humanos de las mujeres en todo el mundo. Trabajando junto a organizaciones nacionales de derechos humanos y con activistas individuales, Igualdad Ya documenta casos de violencia y discriminación contra las mujeres y agrega un componente de acción internacional para apoyar sus esfuerzos para avanzar los derechos de igualdad y defender casos individuales de mujeres que sufren abusos. A través de su Red de Acción Mujeres, Igualdad Ya disemina información acerca de estas violaciones de derechos humanos entre grupos e individuos interesados en todo el mundo, junto con recomendaciones de acciones para publicitar y protestar estos casos. La Red de Acción Mujeres es un ejemplo de activismo internacional capaz de dar una respuesta rápida y concertada a situaciones de crisis. La Red se compromete a dar voz a un llamado mundial a la justicia y la igualdad para las mujeres. Los temas de preocupación para Igualdad Ya incluyen la discriminación en la ley, la violencia sexual, la mutilación genital femenina, la trata de personas, y otros abusos de derechos humanos contra las mujeres y niñas. 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