Fittins Instructions for GFB WRX Dec tor Pro (MY01
Fittins Instructions for GFB WRX Dec tor Pro (MY01
Fittins Instructions for GFB WRX Dec tor Pro Included in the Deceptor Pro WRX kit: o WRX DeceptorPro blow-offvalve . Blow-off valve in-car volume controller o Doublesided o a (MY01- current modelsonly) 2 x stainlesssteelmountingbolts O-ring (pre-installedin baseflange) Thank you for purchasingthe GFB WRX DeceptorPro blow off valve,the world'sfirst and only in-car volume of thatyou familiarizeyourselfwith the operationandadjustments adjustableblow-offvalve.We highly recommend it. installing the DeceptorProbefore The top of the DeceptorPro is divided into two separatesections: Spring adjuster cap: The Deceptor Pro's chrome cap adjusts spring preload; clockwise for firmer, and anti-clockwisefor softer. Note that the chrome cap rotateswhen the volume level is being electronicallyadjusted with the controller, so although it may appear that the spring is being adjusted when the volume level is changing, this is not the case - the volume and the spring pre-loadare in fact independentadjustments. Vacuum nipple ring: Directly under the chrome cap, this ring is free to rotate 360" independentlyto make attachingthe vacuumhoseeasier' Installin and wiring the in-car volume controller l) Test the unit beforeinstallationby connectingthe DeceptorPro's plug to the in-car controller. Strip the end of the red wire and connectto the positive terminal of your car's battery or a l2Y source. Connectthe black wire with the eyeletto the negativeterminal. Upon initial power-up,the unit will perform an open/closecycle before revertingto the position indicatedon the controller dial. By turning the dial, you will seethe chrome cap rotate with the inner sleeve.Observethat the inner sleeverotatesfrom 'trumpet port closed' to 'plumb back port closed'; this will be obvious when looking through the respectiveports. Do not manually rotate the noise adjustment, always apply power and use the controller to change the venting bias. 2) Find a suitable location on or around the dashboard,steeringcolumn or instrumentbinnacle for your in-car volume controller.Clean both mating surfaceswith someMethylated Spirits or "wax and greaseremover" and securethe controller using the supplied double-sidedtape. Note that it takes up to 24 hours for the tape to developa strongbond. 3) Using a multi-meter or voltmeter,find suitablepower wire that reads12V only when the ignition is turned on. Strip the end of the volumecontrollerpositive(red)wire and solderit to the 12 V source,makingsurethat the fuse is still accessibleand that the joint is insulatedproperly. (up to 5.7 mm diameter)to connectthe unit's ground(black)wire to. 4) Find a suitablebolt on the body/chassis Connectthe unit's ground wire usingthe attachedeyelet. s) At this point you should plug the DeceptorPro back into the in-car volume controller, and test its operation againto ensurethe electricalconnectionsare good. 6) Unplug the DeceptorPro and passthe controller'sextensionlead through the firewall into the enginebay. It is usually possibleto find an existing grommetthat can be usedfor this purpose. ln any case,it is important to ensurethat the lead is protectedwhere it passesthroughthe firewall to preventwear or damage. 7) Ensurethat all excesswiring insidethe car is bundledtogetherand securedunderthe dashboard. Installing the WRX Deceptor Pro blow-off valve 1) Pull the hosesfrom aluminium tubesthat run across the front of the intercooler (there are two on the left and 1 on the right. Seefigure l, step1). 2) Using a l2mm spanner(wrench), undo the bolts that hold the factory bypass valve and remove, leaving it supported by the hose. Take care not to drop the bolts or gasket from behindthe valve (figure 1, step2). 3) On the short hose section between the intercooler and throttle body, loosen the hose clamp closest to the intercooler. Loosen the clamp holding the hose onto the outlet ofthe turbo (figure 1, step 3) Figure I 4) Undo and remove the two mounting bolts (again using the l2mm spanner) that hold the intercoolerin place (figure 1, step4). s) Carefully slide the intercooler back just enough to accessthe hose clamp under the valve (figure 2). Take care when handling the intercooler since the cooling fins are very fragile, and also take care not to bend the plastic hose from the turbo too much. 6) Take note of the position of factory valve and then use pliers to open the recirculation hose clamp (figure 2). Removethe valve from the recirculationhoseand vacuumhose. 7) The WRX DeceptorPro comeswith an o-ring pre-insertedinto the undersideof the base flange. This o-ring sealsthe valve to the intercooler, so the factory gasket is not needed. If the factory gasket is stuck to the intercooler,use a knife blade or similar to free one end, then carefully peel it off. Make sure there is a clean, flat surface left for the o-ring to seal on, remove any remnants of the gasketbeforeproceeding. 8) The baseflange of the DeceptorPro spinsfreely until it is bolted to the intercooler, make sure before performing this step that the flange is oriented the sameway as the factory valve. Now unscrew and remove the return nozzle from the factory valve. Fit the retum nozzle to the outlet of the DeceptorPro as shown in figure 3, using the screws and the o-ring from the factory valve. Figure2 Figure3 9) Remove the trumpet by unscrewing it in an anticlockwise direction from the DeceptorPro to allow the mounting bolt to be insertedinto the hole (see figure 3). Once the valve has been bolted to the intercooler you can replacethe trumpet. l0) Pushthe retum nozzle into the recirc. hose in the same way as the factory valve, and replacethe hose clamp (figure 4). Figure4 I l) NOTE: The vacuum nipple on the Deceptor Pro can be rotated independently through 360". Rotate the vacuum nipple to the correct position, as shown in figure 4. t2) Ensure the o-ring on the undersideof the StealthFX flange (mentionedin step 7) is still in place. Slide the intercoolerback into position, then bolt the valve onto the intercooler using the supplied stainlesssteel bolts, and tighten them with a 5mm Allen/hex key. Pushthe vacuum hose onto the brass nipple, and then replace the trumpet (figure 5). Don't forget to replace the intercooler mounting bolts and tighten the intercooler hoseclamps. l3) Figure5 Connectthe DeceptorPro's lead to the plug from the controller,ensuringthatthe whole cableis securedin the enginebay away from direct heat sourcesor moving parts. 14) Bundle any excesscableunderthe dashand cabletie it securely. Adiusting the spring pre-load The spring pre-loadDOES NOT need to be adjustedto hold different boost levels. The valve will stay shut regardlessofboost pressureor springpressureas long as the vacuumhoseis properlyconnected.Rather,the spring adjustmentchangeshow easily the valve openswhen you lift the throttle, and how long it stays open when it vents. It is also usedto accommodatevariationsin manifold vacuum levels on different cars. There are 1l full turns of spring adjustment,and stopsat both endsof travel. With the car idling at normal operatingtemperature,start with the spring adjustmentat the softest setting (anti-clockwise).Watch the piston through the trumpet (not too closely!), stabthe throttle and quickly lift off. The piston should lift and vent. then closeslowly and smoothly. If the piston remainsslightly open as the enginereturnsto idle, tighten the spring a few turns until it closesfully at idle. This is a good "rough" setting to begin with. For cars with airflow meters,the spring can sometimestake a little more fine tuning according to the following guide. @FNGFtrTIL€ If you notice any of the following symptoms,tum the chrome cap clockwise until the problem disappears. o The piston is open at idle o The engine"stumbles" as it returnsto idle speed o If when driving you notice hesitationsbetweengearsor loud/excessivebackfiring from the exhaust If when driving a significant fluttering noise is heard (when using full boost and high revs), turn the chrome cap anti-clockwise a few turns. Note that depending on your final spring setting, a small amount of flutter may occur at low RPM, particularly with a larger turbo. It is not detrimental provided the noise does not occur once the turbo has reachedfull boost. The reasonfor this is becauseof the different way in which the Deceptor Pro operatescompared to the factory valve, which allows the Deceptor Pro to vent to atmosphere without stalling the car, and also to improve throttle responseover the factory valve. NOTE: There is a range of around 4-5 tums within which your valve will operateproperly, and if it is outside this range it will be immediately noticeablein the symptomsdescribedabove. Also note that you cannot damage your engine by experimenting with the adjustment. If you notice none of the symptoms mentionedabove,then simply leaveit where it is. Adjustin The in-car volume controller provides proportional volume adjustmentof your Deceptor Pro to any level from silent through to loud. Tuming the knob clockwise will open up the trumpet outlet more, making the valve louder, whilst turning the knob anti-clockwisewill open up more of the plumb back outlet for quiet operation. Tuming the knob fully anti-clockwise will close off the trumpet completely, and the valve will operate silently, like a factory diverter. Conversely,turning it fully clockwise will make it vent completöly to atmosphere,which is the loudestsetting. Maintenance All GFB valves are designedto be as maintenancefree as possible. In most cars the small amount of crankcaseand rocker-coverblow-by oil that is directed into the intake systemis enoughto keep the piston well lubricated. In cars that utilize an aftermarket oil catch-can(or if you notice the movement of the valve is not smooth), it does pay to periodically lubricate the piston every 2 months or so with engine oil. This can be done by applying a small amount to the piston surface through the trumpet and the underside of the valve, and working the piston up and down by hand. It is a good idea to keep the trumpet area clean and free from oil, as it attractsdirt which can result in damageto the piston. NOTE: The DeceptorPro is assembledusing a light greaseon the piston, which during the first week or two of use can slow the operationof the valve a little. You may notice the venting characteristicsof the valve changingslightly in the initial period,this is completelynormal. Troubleshooting Problem: Solution: A fluttering soundis heardduring gearshifts. It is not uncomfilon with an aftermarketblow-off valve to induce low-RpM flutter, dependingon the particular application. The different way that the DeceptorPro operates comparedto a iactoryliverter is responsiblefor the improvementin throttle response,but can result in low RpM flutter. 'I'he blow-off valve will not usually vent until the RPM is above the point where the turbo is starting to build boost. So for a larger turbo, the RPM where the valve will begin to vent is higher than with a small turbo. Provided the flutter doesnot occur once the enginehas reächedthe point *h"r" the turbo is making full boost,no damagewill occur to the engineor turbo, and throttle responsewill be optimum. lf the flutter occursat high RPM seebelow. Protllem: Solution: The valve doesnot vent at all, or a flutteringsoundis heardat high RpM. Check the spring pre-load setting; try loosening it by turning ihe chrome cap anti-clockwise until it stops. If the pre-loadis too hard,the valve wiil havedifficulty opening. Checkthe vacuumconnection.The valve relieson the manifold vacuumsignalto help it open. If the signalis weak becauseof a hosekink or leak,it will not openproperly. Alsä ensureno otherhosesare teed into the vacuum hose,as this can reduceor slow the-vacuumsignal to the valve. Since the valve relies on the vacuumsignalto help it open,this part is critical. Big cams can reducethe amountof vacuumavailableto help open the valve. Measure the idle vacuum at the valve with a gauge,if it falls below 16 inchesr".iury (inHg), you will need a softer spring. Contactyour local GFB dealershouldyou needone. F'nsurethe piston is not stickingby moving it by hand. If stickingis suspected, lubricatethe valve as describedin the maintenancesection. Problem: Solution: Suspectedvalve leak. are only two things that can causethe valve to open under boost: l) a mechanicaljam fhere (least likely), or 2) a significantpressuredifferencebetweenthe top and bottom of the valve. l) If the valve blows off when you shift gears,it is not jammed. If the piston doesnot move, refer to the first and secondproblemsabove. 2) Checkthe vacuumconnection.The valve relieson the manifoldconnectionto provide boost pressureto keep the pistonshut. If there is a leak or kink in the hose,the pressure will be unevenon the top and bottomofthe piston,causingit to open. Note that pressurizingthe intakewith a smokemachineis not a viablemethodof checkingthe valve for leaks' The reasonfor this is becausethis test will pressurizetheplumb back hose,and the valve will show a small leak throughthe trumpet. This is becausethe valve is not designed to hold pressureon the plumb backport, which in practiceis neverpressurized. Protrlem: Solution: The valve doesnot respondto the controller Checkthat the red light on the volumedial comeson when the ignitionis switched on. lf not, check that the power connectionsare receivingat least 12Y, and,alsocleck the fuse.If the fuse is blown, the replacement is a commonlyavailable3AG size,2A rating. If the red light doescomeon with the ignition,checkthe leadto the servo,making surethe insulation hasn'tbeendamased. @EIFffiCJ(re Accessories Base adaptors (screw on in place of existing base): 5320- 20mm hosebase 5325- 25 mm hosebase(shown) 5330- 30 mm hosebase 5335- 35mm hose/l" pipe mountbase 5338- 38 mm (i.5") pipemountbase O Plumb back adaptors: 5220- 20 mm 5225-25 mm 5230- 30mm 5233- 33 mm (shown) Flange adaptors: (base flange and plumb back must be swappedfor 5335 and 5230 exceptfor 5105) 5101- MY99-00 WRX/ForesterGT 5102- R32 Skyline GTS-T (shown) 5105 - Toyota Soarertwin turbo (must be usedwith 5330 base,5230 not required) 5107- MY03 ForesterXT Model-Specific adaptors: 5402-S14/515200SX 5403- R33 / R34 GTS-T Skyline & I't gen Talon/Eclipse ;üi (]" '--. Weld-on pipe (weld to turbo piping for custominstallation- use 5335 or 5338) 5601- 1" mild steel(suppliedwith 1001-5and 1008) 5602- 1" alloy 5603- 1" stainlesssteel 5604- 1.5" (38mm)alloy 5605- 1.5" (38mm)stainlesssteel(shown) This product is intended for racing use only, and it is the owner's responsibility to be aware of the legalities of fitting this product in his or her state/territory regarding noise, emissions and vehicle modifications. GFB products are engineered for best performance, however incorrect use or modification of factory systems may cause damage to or reduce the longevity of the engine/drivetrain components. GFB recommends that only qualified motor engineers fit this product. Warranty is for the period of one year from the date of purchase and is limited only to the repair or replacement of GFB products provided they are used as intended and in accordance with all appropriate warnings and limitations. No other is expressedor im