Community Edition / Édition communautaire Spring / printemps 2016
Community Edition / Édition communautaire Spring / printemps 2016
TAKE5IVE Community Edition / Édition communautaire 705.675.7252 Spring / printemps 2016 Get Loud for CMHA’s 65th Annual Mental Health Week May 2 to 8, 2016 Parlez haut et fort pour la 65e semaine de la santé mentale le 2 au 8 mai, 2016 It’s CMHA’s 65th Annual Mental Health Week from May 2 to 8. Again this year, CMHA is asking Canadians to GET LOUD for mental health! C’est la 65e semaine annuelle de la santé mentale de l’ACSM du 2 au 8 mai. Encore cette année, nous voulons que le Canada PARLE HAUT ET FORT pour la santé mentale. Getting loud means speaking up to stop the discrimination and the stigma that often go hand in hand with mental illness. It means using your voice to raise awareness and build support. For someone at home. For someone at work. For yourself. Parler haut et fort signifie se faire entendre pour mettre fin à la discrimination et à la stigmatisation qui vont souvent de pair avec la maladie mentale. Cela signifie utiliser notre voix pour sensibiliser les gens et susciter leur soutien. Pour un collègue. Pour un membre de votre famille. Pour vous-même. GET LOUD to maintain positive mental health. GET LOUD to get it back. PARLEZ HAUT ET FORT pour maintenir une bonne santé mentale. PARLEZ HAUT ET FORT pour retrouver une bonne santé mentale. Visit to learn more about participating in Mental Health Week. Visitez afin d’apprendre davantage au sujet de la Semaine annuelle de la santé mentale et comment vous pouvez participer. Mental Health Week Activities / Activités pour la semaine de la santé mentale CMHA Sudbury/Manitoulin—Mental Health First Aid, May 3 & 4th / ACSM Sudbury/Manitoulin—Mental Health First Aid, le 3 et 4 mai Promotional #GETLOUD Ads— CTV, Q92, KISS105.3, MOOSE FM / Promotions #PARLEZHAUTETFORT—CTV, Q92, KISS105.3, MOOSE FM NISA – Mental Health Spectrum Board up in the lobby all week for those to contribute art and writings on their experiences with mental illness / L’INAS—Spectre porte-voix de santé mentale à la réception pour la semaine, pour ceux et celles qui veulent contribuer de l’art ou une pièce écrite au sujet de leurs expériences avec la maladie mentale Various other presentations in the community. Be sure to follow along on Facebook and Twitter! / Une variété d’autres présentations dans la communauté. Suivez-nous sur Facebook et Twitter! TAKE5IVE Community Edition / Édition communautaire 2 Share It Out Loud! Wellness Activity / Activité de bien-être partagez-le! How will you be participating in Mental Health Week? Feel free to try out the suggestions we provided below or come up with your own unique schedule. Don’t forget to #GETLOUD on Facebook and Twitter and tag us! Comment allez-vous participer pendant la semaine de la santé mentale? N’hésitez pas à essayer les suggestions ci-dessous ou développez votre propre horaire unique. N’oubliez pas de #PARLERHAUTETFORT avec l’aide de Facebook et Twitter! Monday May 2nd Pet Therapy – 1pm @ NISA Tuesday May 3rd Go for coffee with an old friend or family member. Wednesday May 4th Find a park nearby and spend some time outside. Thursday May 5th Make a list of short term goals for the next month and stick it on your fridge. Friday May 6th Find a new, healthy recipe and try it out at home. Saturday May 7th List everything you are grateful for and keep it in a safe place. Sunday May 8th Take 10 minutes for yourself in a quiet space with no electronics. Thérapie avec les animaux— 13h00 à l’INAS. Allez prendre un café avec un cher ami ou un membre de ta famille. Trouvez un parc et dépensez du temps dans la nature. Dressez une liste de buts à court terme pour le prochain mois et gardez-la sur votre frigo. Trouvez une nouvelle recette saine et essayez -la chez vous Dressez une liste de ce qui vous est cher et gardez-la dans un endroit sûr. Prenez 10 minutes à vousmême dans un espace calme sans appareils électroniques. Join Ride Don’t Hide! / Joignez On pédale, on en parle! Don’t miss out on Sudbury’s 2nd annual Ride Don’t Hide event at Adanac Ski Hill and Rotary Park Trails on Sunday, June 26th. The ride is designed to accommodate all activity levels! Bring your bike and helmet out for a day of mental health awareness and physical activity. Register at Ne manquez pas la chance de participer à notre 2e événement annuel On pédale ,on en parle, qui aura lieu au Centre de ski Adanac et dans les sentiers du parc Rotary, dimanche, le 26 juin. L’événement accueille les gens de toute habileté physique. Emporte ta bicycle et casque de sécurité pour une journée d’activité physique et de sensibilisation à la santé mentale. Enregistrez-vous au site web: TAKE5IVE Community Edition / Édition communautaire 3 Mental Health Check-Up Guest Writer: Melanie Lefebvre, Rehabilitation Practitioner We’ve been taught to see doctors for physicals, dentists for cleanings, optometrists for eyewear, mechanics for our vehicles, the list goes on. But were we taught the importance of mental health check-ups? I know I wasn’t. This wasn’t something they taught in school. Our mental health is like our emotional currency that impacts how we relate to ourselves and the world around us. My career path and lived experience with mental illness is what taught me the value of this currency. You may be familiar with the adage, “inch by inch, it’s a cinch. Yard by yard, it’s hard.” Let’s try a simple mental health check-up right here, right now. Below you’ll find a sampling of coping tools I’ve learned throughout the years. Choose one that speaks to what your mental health needs in this moment and give it a try: Take a screenshot of a feel-good text someone sent you. Refer to it as needed. Feeling too busy? See if you can find 30 seconds to claim as your own. Maybe it’s 30 seconds before you get up for the day or maybe it’s 30 seconds as you wait for your coffee to brew. Let them be 30 guilt-free seconds. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths—embrace the guilt-free zone. Need a hug but no one’s around? Visit this link to get a virtual hug: Be gentle with yourself. Think of emotions like a circle—we all experience ups and downs and everything in between. Let this be a reminder that our feelings are part of the human experience. When your emotions are tough, think of them as having a raging party. Sometimes by using our imagination to think of our thoughts in a different context, we can create some space from them. Sing your thoughts. Sing them to the tune of a nursery rhyme. Want to take it to the next level? Get an app that turns your speaking voice into a singing voice. This can help soften the intensity of your thoughts. Ask yourself: Will this matter one month from now? What about six months from now? This may give you some perspective. Ask yourself how someone you admire would handle the situation. Think in shades of grey instead of black and white. This may give you some wiggle room when irrational thoughts are trying to take over. TAKE5IVE Community Edition / Édition communautaire 4 Update—Harm Reduction Home Day Program After just a few months of serving the Sudbury community, we now have 7 individuals in the program, 6 of which are now housed, who access services regularly. To better serve these individuals, hours have been extended to now be open 8:30am – 10pm. Members of the program have significantly decreased daily alcohol consumption and have been working on developing life skills such as grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning. They have also been learning how to work together and advocate for each other’s needs in the program. We are pleased to have seen the benefits of this service within other areas of the community including dramatic reductions in police calls and emergency and detox care. Our staff at the home has grown and are looking forward to cross-training opportunities in Ottawa to further their learning on how best to help those accessing services. CMHA is still actively seeking a permanent location to add the much needed residential component to the program. Mise-à-jour—maison de reduction des méfaits programme de jour Suite à quelques mois au service de la communauté de Sudbury, nous avons 7 individus dans le programme, dont 6 sont maintenant logés et accèdent aux services régulièrement. Pour mieux répondre aux besoins de ces individus, les heures du programme ont été prolongées pour qu’il soit ouvert de 8h30 à 22h00. Les membres du programme ont considérablement diminué le montant d’alcool qu’ils consomment quotidiennement et travaillent sur le développement de compétences pratiques, tels que faire l’épicerie, la cuisson et le nettoyage. Ils travaillent ensemble et se défendent l’un l’autre, par rapport à leurs besoins dans le programme. Witnessing an Evolution: A Client Success Story Guest Writer: Melanie Lefebvre “Thank you for all you do and all you’ve done for me. I would not be alive without you!” These words are etched on the inside cover of a novel—a novel published by an individual I work with. It was a powerful compliment to receive but the real power came from his willingness to live. Yes, he was referencing a time in his life when depression was consuming him whole, when thoughts of suicide held him hostage. But he was also referencing a time in his life when he chose to honour the safety contracts we created; he was referencing a time when he agreed to collaborate with mental health professionals despite the hopelessness he felt. And most importantly, he was referencing a time when the steady stream of suicidal thoughts lifted. And when they lifted, I witnessed a new person evolve. I witnessed a person who wasn’t working to obtain employment which he enjoyed and took pride in, a person who was hesitant to connect in a group setting become a member of NISA (Northern Initiative for Social Action), a person who wasn’t sure they were worthy of love enter into a partnership, a person who wrote a novel with a special message inside. So to this individual, I ask him to read back the words he wrote to me, as a message to himself. Nous sommes ravis de voir les effets positifs de ce service sur autres programmes et services dans la communauté, y inclus une réduction considérable en appels à la police, et en cas d’urgence et de désintoxication. Le nombre d’employés à la maison a augmenté et ils attendent une formation transversale à Ottawa pour apprendre à mieux aider ceux qui accèdent aux services. L’ACSM cherche encore activement un lieu permanent pour ajouter l’élément résidentiel au programme. TAKE5IVE Community Edition / Édition communautaire 5 Breakfast of Champions—Gloria’s Restaurant Thank you to everyone that came out to support our annual Breakfast of Champions at Gloria’s Restaurant. The day was a huge success! As a community, we raised $3,200 for CMHA Sudbury/Manitoulin. We look forward to seeing you all next year! Un gros merci à tous ceux et celles qui ont appuyé l’événement Breakfast of Champions du restaurant Gloria’s. La journée fut un grand succès! La communauté a recueilli 3,200 $ pour l’ACSM Sudbury/ Manitoulin. Nous espérons vous revoir l’an prochain! Building New Community Partnerships: ARC Climbing Yoga Fitness & Kiwanis Club of Sudbury Through ARC Climbing Yoga Fitness’ donation-based Karma Yoga classes they were able to raise $1,500 for our upcoming Ride Don’t Hide event. Thank you to our yoga community for making this happen! We are so thankful for our new partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Sudbury. The club has generously donated $500 to our family-friendly Ride Don’t Hide event. À travers les classes de yoga Karma d’ARC Climbing Yoga Fitness, ils ont recueilli 1,500$ pour notre événement On pédale, on en parle. Merci à notre communauté yoga pour leurs contributions! Nous sommes reconnaissants de notre nouveau partenariat avec le club Kiwanis de Sudbury. Le club a généreusement contribué 500$ à notre événement familial On pédale, on en parle. Pictured here / ici-bas: Krista MacDonald (CMHA), Laura Schmidt (ARC), Emily Zanini (CMHA) TAKE5IVE Community Edition / Édition communautaire 6