First Additional Protocol
First Additional Protocol
PARTIAL SCOPE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL AND THE COOPERATIVE REPUBLIC OF GUYANA The Cooperative Republic of Guyana (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties"), Considering the Partial Scope Agreement signed by the Parties on June 29 \ 2001, hereinafter referred to as the" Agreement", and its Article 31, which establishes that ammendments to it shall be formalized by means of Additional Protocols; t Taking into account the Minutes of bilateral meeting between the Parties on the Partial Scope Agreement held in Georgetown, Guyana, on May 5th_ 6th , 2003·, The products included in Annex I to this Protocol shall be extracted from the list of preferences previously granted by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement) and shall be subject to MFN treatment. The products included in Annex II to this Protocol shall be extracted from both lists of preferences (Annexes I and II to the Agreement) and shall will be subject to MFN treatment. The products included in Annex III to this Protocol shall have preferences reduced to 25% by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement). Brazil shall maintain preferences previously agreed. The products included in Annex IV to this Protocol shall have preferences reduced to 15% by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement). Brazil shall maintain preferences previously agreed. The products included in Annex V to this Protocol shall have preferences maintained at 100% by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement), with the observations indicated therein. This Protocol shall enter into force when each of the Parties communicates to the other the conclusion of the necessary procedures to incorporate this Protocol into their legislations. For the purposes of Article 27, the Agreement shall be deemed to have entered into force together with this Protocol. In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, authorized, have affixed their signatures to this Protocol. being duly Done in the city of Brasilia, on the 1?!h day of November, 2003, in two copies in the Portuguese and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. Il FOR THE FEDE ATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL COOPERATIVE OF GUYANA o 2 FEB. 2004 E"S COPIA FIEL DEL ORIGINAL AN F. ROJAS PENSO Embajador Secretario General REPUBLIC Products which shall be extracted from the list of preferences previously granted by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement) and which shall be subject to MFN treatment Product NALADI/SH 96 Description (Portuguese) Product CARICOM nomenclature 02032200 Pemas, e pas respectivos pedayos, nao desossados Toucinho entremeado Outras Outros (Palinurus Lagostas spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) 020322 02032910 02032990 03026900 03061100 020329 020329 030269 030611 03062100 (Palinurus Lagostas spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) 030621 03062300 08013200 09011110 Camaroes Sem casca Em grao 030623 080132 090111 09012100 Nao descafeinado. 090121 12010090 Outras 120100 18061000 Cacau em po, com adiyao de ayucar ou outros edulcorantes 180610 21041000 Preparayoes para caldos e sopas; caldos e sopas preparados Aguas, incluidas as aguas minerais e as aguas gaseificadas, adicionadas de ayucar ou de outros edulcorantes ou aromatizadas 210410 22021000 220210 Description (English) Tariff preference Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in. Other Other Other Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) Shrimps and prawns Shelled Coffee not roasted , not decaffeinated Coffee roasted, not decaffeinated Soya beans, whether or not broken powder, Cocoa containing added sugar or other sweetening matter Soups and broths and preparations thereof MFN including Waters, mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavor MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN '\ MFN 230990 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or In the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soyabean oil Other 230990 Other MFN 230990 240120 Other Tobacco partly or wholly stripped. Tobacco partly or wholly stripped. Based on polyesters Based on polyesters Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers Other Based on acrylic or vinyl polymers Of orange Perfumes and toilet waters Perfumes and toilet waters Shampoos Pre-shave, shaving after-shave or preparations Soaps for toilet use (including medicated products) Other Anionic Non-ionic Other Of man-made fibres MFN MFN Of other textile materials Of cotton Of man-made fibers MFN 23040000 Tortas (bagayos) e residuos outros s6lidos, mesmo triturados ou em "pelIets", da extrayao do 61eo de soja. 230400 23099010 Preparayoes forrageiras de adicionadas melayo ou de ayucares Pre-misturas para a de elaborayao alimentos compostos, "completos" ou de alimentos "complementa-res" Outras Furno (tabaco) negro 23099020 23099099 24012010 32081010 32081020 32082020 Furno "rubio" Tintas Vemizes Vemizes 32089010 32091010 Tintas Tintas 320890 320910 33011200 33030010 De laranja Perfumes 330112 330300 33030020 Aguas de colonia 330300 33051000 33071010 Xampus Cremes de barbear 330510 330710 34011110 SabOes 340111 34011910 34021100 34021300 34021900 62081100 Saboes Anionicos Nao-ionicos Outros De fibras sinteticas ou artificiais De algodao 340119 340211 340213 340219 620811 De algodao De fibras sinteticas ou artificiais 620821 620822 24012020 62081910 62082100 62082200 (tabaco) 240120 320810 320810 320820 620819 MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN A. I;) -...;:.: " 620829 62111290 62113100 De outras materias texteis De a1godao De fibras sinteticas ou artificiais De outras materias texteis De algodao De fibras sinteticas ou artificiais Outros De algodao De fibras sinteticas ou artificiais Outros De la ou pe10s finos 62113200 De a1godao. 621132 62082900 62089100 62089200 62089900 62111110 62111120 62111190 62111210 62111220 textile Of other materials Of cotton Of man-made fibers MFN MFN 621111 621111 other textile Of materials Men's or boys' Men's or boys' 621111 621112 621112 Men's or boys' Women's or girls' Women's or girls' MFN MFN MFN 621112 621131 Women's or girls' Of wool or fine animal hair (other garments for men or boys) Of cotton (other garments for men or boys) MFN MFN 620891 620892 620899 MFN MFN MFN MFN MFN ~ 0/ ,: Products which shall be extracted from both lists of preferences (Annexes I and II to the Agreement) and which shall be subject to MFN treatment Product NALADI/SH 96 Description (Portuguese) Product CARICOM nomenclature Description (English) Tariff preference 08030000 080300 08071100 08071900 08072000 Melancias Outros Mam5es (papaias) 080711 080719 080720 Bananas, including plantains, fresh or dried (Citrus Lemons limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia) Watermelons Other Papaws (papayas) MFN 08053000 Bananas, incluindo as pacovas ("plantains"), frescas ou secas Lim5es (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) e limas (Citrus aurantifolia) 080530 MFN MFN MFN MFN Products which shall have preferences reduced to 25% by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement). Brazil shall maintain preferences previously agreed. Product NALADI/SH 96 Description (Portuguese) Product CARlCOM nomenclature 72106100 Revestidos de ligas de aluminio-zinco 721061 72107000 Pintados, envemizados ou revestidos de plasticos 721070 73130010 Arame farpado 731300 73130090 Outros 731300 73142000 Grades e redes, soldadas nos pontos de tios interseyao, de com, pelo menos, 3mm na malOr dimensao do corte transversal com e 2 malhas de 100 cm , ou mais, de superficie 731420 73144200 Recobertas plasticos 731442 de Description (English) Plated or coated with aluminiumzinc alloys Painted, varnished or coated with plastics Barbed wire of Iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing, of iron or steel Barbed wire of Iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely twisted double WIre, of a kind used for fencing, of iron or steel Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of WIre with a maximum crosssectional dimension of 3mm or more having and a mesh size of 100 cm2 or more Coated with plastics Tariff preference 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% Products which shall have preferences reduced to 15% by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement). Brazil shall maintain preferences previously agreed. Product NALADI/SH 96 Description (Portuguese) Product CARICOM nomenclature Description (English) Tariff preference 18063100 18063210 38190000 Recheados Chocolate Liquidos para freios (travoes) hidnlulicos e outros liquidos preparados para transmissoes hidnlulicas, nao contendo oleos de petroleo nem de minerais betuminosos, ou contendo-os em inferior proporyao a 70% em peso. 180631 180632 381900 15% 15% 15% 39172210 De polipropileno. 391722 39173100 flexiveis Tubos podendo suportar uma minima pressao de 27,6 Mpa 391731 39173200 Outros, nao reforyados com outras materias, nem associados de outra forma com outras materias, sem acessorios Outras Perfis para recauchutagem 391732 Dos tipos utilizados em automoveis de passageiros (incluidos os veiculos de uso misto e os automoveis de corrida) Absorventes (pensos) e higienicos, tampoes fraldas para beMs e 401110 Filled Not filled Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids hydraulic for transmission, not containing or containing less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals Of polymers of ;propylene Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, having a mInImum burst pressure of 27.6 Mpa Other, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings Other "Camel-back" , strips for retreading rubber tyres Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and reeing cars) (tyres) Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and 39269000 40061000 40111000 56011000 392690 400610 560110 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% artigos higienicos semelhantes, de pastas ("ouates") 72159000 72162100 72162200 72166100 Outras Perfis em Perfis em Obtidos laminados 72166900 84212300 Outros Para filtrar oleos minerais nos motores de igniyao por centelha (faisca) ou por compressao. L T de produtos pIanos 721590 721621 721622 721661 721669 842123 napkin liners for babies and sanitary similar articles, of wadding Other L Section T Section Obtained from flat-rolled products Other Oil or petrolfilters for internal combustion engines 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% Products which shall have preferences maintained at 100% by Guyana (Annex II to the Agreement), to which observations are added Product NALADI/ SH 96 09041100 27100052 Description (Portuguese) Observation (Portugues e) Nem Somente triturada para nem em po sementes de pimenta branca e oreta Oleos de Exceto os fuso seguintes ("spindle itens na oil") nomenclatu ra CARlCOM 271013, 271022, 271023, 271030, 271040 e 271090 Product CARlCOM nomenclatu -re 090411 271000 Description (English) Neither crushed ground Observa-tion (Portugue-se) White and nor black pepper seeds only Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, other than crude; preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials, these oils being the base of the preparations. Excluding the following items in the CARICOM nomenclature: 271013, 271022, 271023, 271030, 271040 and 271090. Tariff preference 100% 100%