2016 Letters of Support - Pease Development Authority
2016 Letters of Support - Pease Development Authority
LETTERS OF SUPPORT MARKET STREET MARINE TERMINAL MAIN WHARF REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION TIGER 2016 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Honorable Jeanne Shaheen, U.S. Senate The Honorable Kelly Ayotte, U.S. Senate The Honorable Frank Guinta, U.S. House of Representatives The Honorable Margaret Wood Hassan, Governor of New Hampshire The Honorable Christopher Sununu, NH Executive Council The Honorable Charles Morse, President NH Senate The Honorable Shawn Jasper, Speaker, NH House of Representatives The Honorable Martha Fuller Clark, NH Senate District 21 The Honorable Nancy Stiles, NH Senate District 24 Victoria Sheehan, Commissioner NH Department of Transportation Jeffery Rose, Commissioner NH Department of Resources and Economic Development The Honorable Jack Blalock, Mayor, City of Portsmouth George Bald, Chairman, Pease Development Authority Donald Coker, Chairman, Division of Ports and Harbors Advisory Council Anthony McManus Captain Bradley Wellock, President, North Atlantic Ports Association Valerie Rochon, President Greater Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce Cheryl Coviello, President Propeller Club of the U.S., Port of Portsmouth Allen Chadwick, Chairman, Piscataqua Maritime Commission Captain Christopher Holt, President Portsmouth Pilots, Inc. Captain Richard Hold Jr., General Manager Moran Towing, Portsmouth Dale Wood, Managing Member, Gray Fox Logistics Percy Pyne, Co-Founder, Green Shipping Line Paul McDermott, Morton Salt Joseph Ciccia, Vice President New England Shipping Co. Edmund Merrium, President Sound Advice Steamship Agency Joel Constantino, Vice President of Operations, New England Steamship Agents William Eldridge, President Peabody and Lane Ships Agents Sean Petty, Operations Manager, Moran Shipping Agencies Captain Jeremy Bell, Owner, Isles of Shoals Steamship Company Captain Bradley Cook, Owner, Atlantic Fishing and Whale Watching • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Captain Peter Reynolds, Owner, Granite State Whale Watch Angel Eaton Gauron, Owner, Al Gauron Deep Sea Fishing Joseph Watts, CEO, Star Island Corporation Bryan Bush, Vice President, Pepperell Cove Mooring Services Kenneth Anderson, Riverside & Pickering Marine Jimmie Biondi, President, W.J. Casey Transportation and Rigging Jason Marchioni, Vice President of Marine Services, Weeks Marine Donald Gray, Newington Station Manager, EVERSOURCE Energy Carl Rossi, Director of Global Logistics, Westinghouse Electric Company Peter Vigue, President and COO, ClAN BRO Corporation Stephan DeiGrosso, regional Operations Manager, Walsh Construction Joseph Barbone, President and CEO, Methuen Construction David Chase, President, NORTHPOINT Marine and Industrial, Inc. Peter Goodman, President, AxI Inc. James Daley Ill, President, S & J Transportation Services Mathew Magnusson, M.B.A. Owner, Seacoast Economics KELLY A. AYOTTE 144 RUSSELL BUILDING DC 20510 NEW HAMPSHIRE WASHINGTON, 1200 ELM STEEET. SUITE 2 ARMED SERVICES ianited *tates *enate HOMELAND SECURITY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS WASHINGTON, DC 20510 (202) 224.3324 COMM,rmEs BUDGET SMALL BUSINESS MANCHESTER, NH 03101 N~Hu& NH 03060 14 MANCHESTEBS:UAIIE.SUITE 140 19 PLEASANT STREEt SUITE 13B BERLIN, NH 03570 April 20, 2016 The Honorable Anthony Foxx Secretary of Transportation Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Aye, SE Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: I write to express my support for the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA) application for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) competitive grant funding to rehabilitate and expand the main wharf of the Market Street Marine Terminal located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The current wharf along the Piscataqua River was built in two stages, initially in 1964, with a second stage added in 1977. This is New Hampshire’s primary port of entry and is part of a designated Foreign-TradeZone, employing more than 780 people and exporting $3 million annually. This port plays an integral role in the regional economy and without significant upgrades is at risk of future closure. The wharf has deteriorated over recent years and is not prepared to handle cargo loads from larger, more modern vessels. The proposed project will improve the structural integrity of the existing wharf as well as expand the existing terminal by 29,000 square feet. The expansion will enhance access to the entire length of the wharf as well as improve the operational functionality of the facility. The public benefits from awarding this grant are numerous: increased access to the worldwide markets for New Hampshire businesses, more competitive transportation costs due to increased access to shipping cargo by marine vessel and a decreased burden on roadways for transportation. This would ultimately result in increased exports and greater economic growth for the region. The Market Street Marine Terminal is key to New Hampshire maintaining a working waterfront on our seacoast. I urge your full and due consideration of the competitive grant application submitted by the PDA. Thank you for your consideration. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Sincerely, a Kelly A. Ayotte United States Senator KAAJj ci FRANK C. GUINTA C0M~4(HEE Mct~,urn OF CoNGRESS Is, Dis I RICE. Noi HAP.,PSHnE FINANCIAL SERVICES it the 326CA10:ouiIousrO,n:FBUROI,:o MA,:CHFsIEO.NHO3IO( (603) 641-9536 3Llniteb ~‘tatea 3t~oii~c of 1&epre≤enEatibe≤ lfllunljtugt ii, QQI 20515—29111 SUOCOMMIflEE ON rINAN~~,i:TLmoNsANn SOOCOMMIFFEE ON MONEIAOYPOIICV AND IIIADE April 8, 2016 The Honorable Anthony Foxx U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Aye, SE Washington, DC 20592 Dear Secretary Anthony Foxx, I write in support of the TIGER 2016 competitive giant application submitted by the Pease Development Authority (PDA), a division of Ports and Harbors to rehabilitate and expand the main wharf at the Market Street Marine Terminal located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The PDA is seeking a grant totaling $13.25 to $13.33 million. This project is vital to the economic welfare of the State of New Hampshire and offers a significant cost effective alternative to shipping goods via the congested interstate highway system, our states primary means of shipping. The Market Street Marine Terminal Wharf was built in 1964 and expanded in 1977. It is New Hampshire’s primary port of entry and is a crucial part of a designated foreign trade zone, employing nearly 800 people and exporting $3 million in goods and materials annually. With the increase in global trade this terminal, a major contributor to the regional economy is threatened with future closures in the absence of modernization. The public benefits of this initiative are clear. New Hampshire businesses will see a drastic increase in access to the global economy, resulting in increased exports and substantial economic growth. Trar sportation costs will become more competitive as producers importing goods by marine vessel will have greater access to the region. Federal highways will be relieved of excess truck traffic, mitigating the growing congestion and improving air quality. Conversely, without federal support of this initiative the Market Street Marine Terminal Wharf will undoubtedly close due to its inability to service the larger marine vessels used in international and interstate shipping. The PDA is prepared to begin construction in short order pending the approval of tins competitive TIGER grant. All wetland pern its have been secured from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and a NEPA review is already undet way. As the elected representatives of the people of New Hampshire’s first Congressional District, I strongly urge you to consider this competitive grant application. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, -~/e //,at— Frank C. Gtunta Member of Congress PRINTED ON HECYCI ED PAPER STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR MARGARET WOOD KASSAN Governor April 27, 2016 The Honorable Anthony Foxx Secretary of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 Subject: Market Street Marine Terminal Dear Secretary Foxx: I am writing in support of the Pease Development Authority’s request for a 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economy Recovery (TIGER) grant for $13,326,087.00 to rehabilitate and expand the main wharf of the Market Street Marine Terminal in Portsmouth, a project that will benefit the economies of communities in both New Hampshire and Maine and is imperative to the future economic viability of New Hampshire’s working port. The Market Street Marine Terminal is the only public access, general cargo terminal on the Piscataqua River. Located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, this terminal is a vital component of the Seacoast’s working waterfront. The State has committed a local match of $5 million if the TIGER grant is received, a clear sign of the economic importance of this vital rehabilitation and expansion project of the terminal’s main wharf for the Pease Development Authority and the State of New Hampshire. The Market Street Marine Terminal was originally constructed in 1964 and was expanded in 1977. This terminal facility supports more than four million tons of cargo for regional businesses, as well as local tourism-related services, which is the second largest industry in New Hampshire. With support from the 2016 TIGER grant, the Pease Development Authority will repair a collapsed access bridge, improve structural integrity of the main wharf, extend the length 125 linear feet, and expand the terminal by 29,000 square feet to increase cargo-offload capacity and accommodate Panama-class vessels. These improvements will ensure the safe operation of the Market Street Marine Terminal, increase operational efficiency and create job opportunities. The 35-year-old pier has crumbling concrete and exposed rebar, and without the necessary improvements to the main wharf, the terminal will be in jeopardy of closure. This project also ties into an existing navigation project on the Piscataqua River authorized by the US Army Corp of Engineers and represents our 107 North Main Street, State House - Rm 208, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Telephone (603) 271-2121 • FAX (603) 271.7640 Website: httpilwww.nh.govl • Email: governorhse.an@nb.gov TDD Access: Relay NH 1-600-735-2964 Secretary Foxx Letter April27, 2016 Page 2 ongoing commitment to maintaining a healthy and thriving port that can drive economic growth for years to come. This rehabilitation and expansion project has my full support. If! can provide any additional assistance or information, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Thank you for your consideration. With every good wish, Margaret Wood Hassan Governor 107 North Main Street, State House ~ltm 208, ()oncor4, New Hampshire 0880Z Telephone (608) 27E-2121 • FAX (603) 271-7640 Webaltet httpi/www.nh.gov! • Email: governorhassan@nh.gov TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-785-2964 The Executive Council of the State of New Hampshire State House, 107 North Main Street, Concord, NH 03301 Christopher T. Sununu Executive Councilor District Three April 10, 2016 The Honorable Anthony Foxx, Secretary United States Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 Re: SUPPORT TIGER 2016 Application, Portsmouth, NH Pease Development Authority, New hampshire — Dear Secretary Foxx: As Executive Councilor for District Three that includes Portsmouth, NH, I write in strong support of the application for TIGER 2016 funding that was submitted by the Pease Development Authority of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The request for $13.33 million will upgrade and extend the Main Wharf Expansion and Rehabilitation. This proposal is for an area-wide multi-modal transportation improvement project that is much needed in our seacoast region. New Hampshire has only 18 miles of seacoast therefore this is a significant improvement project for the Portsmouth, NH-Kittery, ME region. The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, located in Kitteiy, ME is one of only four remaining active shipyards in the United States. Many parties have worked cooperatively to develop this planned improvement including the New Hampshire Legislature, the Pease Development authority, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard as well as elected officials and community leaders. The US Army Corps of Engineers Piscataqua River Federal Navigation Channel is designed to accept ocean going vessels 750 feet in length; however, the current wharf at 582 feet cannot accept vessels of that size. The port’s strategic location in New England and its close proximity to Interstate 95, combined with an improved and expanded wharf will be able to accommodate larger vessels and would ultimately enhance the economic growth and viability of the two state areas while creating a large number ofjobs. As proposed, the main wharf upgrade and expansion would create additional dock space to accommodate ships associated with post activities as well as those associated with the Naval Shipyard. The funding of this project will help us realize our mission of capitalizing on our limited coastal exposure. Thank you in advance for your review and support of this important project for the State of New Hampshire. Sincerely, Christopher T. Sununu Executive Councilor Christopher T Sununu 71 Hemlock Court Newlields, NH 03856 603 969-1488 The Senate of the State of New Hampshire 107 North Main Street, Concord, N.H. 03301-4951 CHARLES W. MORSE President of the Senate State House, Room 302 (603) 271-8472 April 6, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Senator Chuck Morse Senate President District 22 STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE House of Representatives 107 North Main Street Concord, NI! 03301-4888 SHAWN N. JASPER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE April 5,2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Shawn N. Jasp~dpeaker of the House New Hampshire House of Representatives TOD ACCESS: RELAY NH I -800-735-2984 • TELEPHONE (803) 27’ -388’ The Senate of the State of New Hampshire 107 North Main Street, Concord, N.H. 03301-4951 April 7, 2016 The Honorable Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Martha Fuller Clark NH State Senator District 21 MFC:sfd The Senate of the State of New Hampshire 107 North Main Street, Concord, N.H. 03301-4951 April 5,2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx, This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep water terminal, will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the tenninal to full capacity to meet the current and future demands of the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf; which due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessels for which thee Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet to transit, and in 1990 the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in the global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, marine infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grant Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Main Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for business currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire or Maine. I respectfully urge you to consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Nancy F. Stiles NH Senate District 24 k1z-~ Lire THE STATE OFNEWIL4MPSHJRE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Depanmesu of flarnponolion William Cass, RE. Assistant C’ommissioner April4 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Author ty, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth New Hampshire The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACQE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal However the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future The application for the ‘Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the fund ng assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2015 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Victoria F. Sheehan Commissioner JOHN 0. MORTON BUILDING • 7 HAZEN DRIVE • P 0 BOX 463 • coNcoRD NEW HAMPSHIRE 03302-0483 TELEPHONE: 603-271-3734 • FAX. 603-271-3914 • TOD RELAY NH 4-800-735-2964 • INTERNET ~WJ.NHDOTcOM S \commssoner\vsheehan\corresponden~ 2016\TIGERl6Peasecjmd Doex STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT of RESOURCES and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE of the COMMISSIONER 172 Pembroke Road Concord, New Hampshire 03301 603-271-2411 FAX: 603-271-2629 April 11,2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. As the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development, this project is a top priority and absolutely critical to the future of the State’s port terminal. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation, repairs, and expansion of the State’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must be safe and modernized. To meet these global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfhlly urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Jeffrey J. Rose Commissioner recycled paper TDD ACCESS: RELAY NH 1-800-735-2964 ‘-‘c’ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER 603-271-2411 CITY OF PORTSMOUTH Jack Blalock Mayor April 12, 2016 Municipal Complex 1 Junkins Avenue Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801 (603) 610-7200 Fax (603) 427-1526 The Honorable Raymond LaHood, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: Please accept this letter of support on behalf of the City of Portsmouth for the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The application requests funds to rehabilitate and expand New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal. The improvements will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity which so it can meet the current and future demands for movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The proposed project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet, lengthen the wharf by 125 feet, improve terminal operations and allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. By undertaking the proposed improvements, the terminal can take advantage of the navigation project benefits which was designed for ships up to 750 feet in length. Currently, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels 630 feet long. Portsmouth is New Hampshire’s only deep water port. The maritime industry is a significant part of our local economy and the port facility is part of what makes Portsmouth unique. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth and be well maintained while expanding and improving facilities to meet future marine transportation needs. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. 1 respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 20 6 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this grant application. Very truly yours Jack Blal ,Mayor City of Portsmouth, NH PEASE I N T E R N AT I 0 N A L 55 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY April 5,2016 The Honorable Anthony Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the tenninal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Pease Development Authority 0000 603-433-6088 TAKING fax YOU 603-427.0433 THERE w w w. p eased cv - org PEASE INTERNATIONAL 555 Market Street, Suite 1 Portsmouth, NH 03801 PORTS AND HARBORS April 05, 2016 The Honorable Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue S.E. Washington, D.C. 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: The Division of Ports and Harbors Advisory Council (Council) strongly supports the TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grant application being submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (Division) called the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation andExpansion”. The Council was established by NH RSA 12-G:44 and consists of eight (8) members, six (6) of which are appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Executive Council. The Council shall include a commercial fisherman and at least two (2) members experienced in the maritime industry. In addition to the six (6) appointed members, the Commissioner of the Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED) or designee and the Mayor of the City of Portsmouth or designee shall, by virtue of their offices, be members of the Council. The Council shall consult the Division Director with respect to the policies, programs and goals of the Division, the operation of the Port, the selection of Harbor Masters, Assistant Harbor Masters and the procurement of a port terminal operating firm. The Council has consulted with the Division Director and is fully aware of the operation and physical deficiencies that the current condition of the main wharf presents. The deficiencies, if left uncorrected, will inevitably result in the closure of the facility, the only deep water port on our river. Additionally, the proposed expansion of the main wharf will allow continued and expanded support for maritime activities in the Seacoast region. Furthermore, this expansion will allow for emergency and courtesy docking locations for tugboats and other ocean going vessels if and when needed. Advisory TAKING YOU fax: 603-436-2780 THERE w w w. pease d e v.org Hon. Anthony Foxx, Secretary US Dept of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Aye, SE Washington, DC 20590 39 Glen Hill Road Dover, NH 03820 April 22, 2016 Dear Secretary Foxx, lam writing in support of the TIGER grant application filed by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors for the expansion and rehabilitation of the Market Street Marine Terminal located in Portsmouth, NH. For approximately five years I was a Director of the PDA and for much of that time served as the Chair of the Port Subcommittee. This past year I completed a term as a City Councilor in Dover, 10 miles upriver from Portsmouth. As a result of this service I have personal knowledge of the importance of the Port to the entire Seacoast region and the potential impact of the project under consideration. The Port of Portsmouth is the only deep water port in the State of New Hampshire, accessible to ocean-going cargo, which supplies a variety of businesses, energy companies, tourist services, a small fishing fleet and provides a tax-free zone for industry and business throughout the state. We all know that the demands on East Coast ports are expanding, as the nature of cargo and the size of shipping increases. It is vital to the PDA and the continued commercial success of the entire region that the existing port facilities be upgraded and enlarged not just to continue providing current level of services but to attract and accommodate the new generation of commercial shipping. The plan for Portsmouth, which has been under consideration for several years. Is to lengthen the wharf and expand the terminal and storage areas, in addition to identifying and correcting any existing structural deficiencies. The state of the current facility limits the size of the ships that car access the port. In anticipation of the expanded facility the Port has partnered with the Army Corp of Engineers to increase the depth of the river channel and to enlarge the turning radius for larger vessels. The States of Maine and New Hampshire are in the midst of a massive bridge building project that will provide for greater upriver access for larger ships. The next logical step would be approval of the TIGER application and the creation of a 21st century facility at the Port. I strongly urge that you consider and approve this application. 2 4 NO H~ri-4 .AiT’LA11\rt’I C; P0 HJWS JkS SOC LAT[’I O]NJ I 11CC) r ~i o1~ a. t e ci 65 Rockland Avenue, Portland, ME 04102 (207) 774-3600 STATEMENT OF SUPPORT TIGER GRANT The North Atlantic Ports Association Inc. is writing in support of the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) competitive grant program, which has greatly helped our member ports address challenges in economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, and safety. Since its inception in 2009, ports have turned to TIGER as a flexible and innovative program that recognizes the importance of ocean commerce in America’s economic recovery and well-being. Our port managers have a deep understanding of the globally-integrated economy and how ocean transportation connects with highway and rail to form and maintain the supply chain that America must have and will continue to require. This intermodal transportation system identifies America as a valued trading partner in the world marketplace. We are working every day to provide port infrastructure that is smart, forward-looking, safe and sustainable. Unlike highways and airports, which have dedicated sources of funding for their capital needs, seaports rely on a revenue base that is relatively small, fragmented and uncertain. Here in the Northeast, we have some of the largest and most prominent seaports but they are also among the oldest in the country. Meeting the demands of international trade, which we see clearly ahead, presents a huge challenge to us as port managers. Keeping pace with seaport facilities being developed around the world is something we work at every day. That is why the TIGER program, with its focus on innovation and flexibility, has been so needed and is so widely supported by our port community. The North Atlantic Ports Association Inc., founded in New York City in 1949, has been the voice of seaports located between virginia and the Canadian Maritimes, speaking up for the economic, environmental and national security aspects of internationals trade. As our members present their projects under TIGER grant program, the Association as whole stands behind each of them, because we know that these investments are responsible, sound, and very much in the best interests of America. Sincerely, Capt F. Bradley Wellock President www.northatlenticports.org GREATER PORTSMOUTH CR A MB ER or COMMERCE 22 April2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, and deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly n New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sin r ly, d&c&7 Valerie T. Rochon, Interim resident Greater Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce 500 Macket StjP.0. Box 239 Portsmouth. NH 03802-0239 603.610.5513 603.436.5119 info~postssnoothchamber.org ~wsw.portssnouthchanibcr.org THE PROPELLER CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES PORT OF PORTSMOUTH P.O. Box 1436 Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03802 To Promote, Further and Support an American Merchant Marine. To Aid the Development of Great Lakes, River and Harbor Improvements. Port No. 156 Chartered June 5, 1974 8Apr11 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Re: Letter of Support for TIGER 2016 New Hampshire Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project - Dear Secretary Foxx: Please accept this letter of support for the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The Propeller Club of the United States Port of Portsmouth is a non-profit organization founded in 1974 and is a recognized local port of the International Propeller Club of the United States. Consistent with our parent organization, some objectives of our main mission include — To meet the requirements of national and international security and economic welfare > To promote waterborne commerce and marine industry > To promote worthy and economically justifiable river, coastal and harbor improvements ~ To develop and maintain continuing programs of public relations and education of the public, industry, and governments to promote the maritime industry. ~‘ On the local level, we achieve these objectives by serving as a source of information, a forum for discussion, and a voice of support for waterborne commerce and marine industry in the Port of New Hampshire area. Our support of PDA-DPH’s Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project meets these objectives. The funds requested in PDA-DPH’s grant application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. The rehabilitation and expansion project will address > Critical repair of elements of the wharf facility. Operational restrictions and closure have been implemented on various components of the wharf facility because of structural inadequacy due to age and existing conditions. Such operational restrictions create impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. Thus, the repairs are necessary to improve the structural integrity of the Main Wharf. Without Propeller Club of the United States Port of Portsmouth Piscataqua River Uppermost Turning Basin Letter of Support 8 April2016 Page 2 funding assistance, additional operational restrictions and possibly closure of other sections of the Main Wharf will become necessary. > Expansion of the terminal and Main Wharf for cornpatibilitv with the navigation channel. The Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length and includes a 1,000-foot turning basin in front of the terminal. Although ships of 750-foot length navigate the river and utilize other facilities, they cannot berth at the PDA-DPH’s Main Wharf. The existing length of the Main Wharf limits its usage to vessels with a maximum length of 630 feet. This limitation on vessel size impacts the usage of the Main Wharf and the type of cargo the facility can effectively handle. PDA-DPH’s Main Wharf Project will expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. Thereby improving operational flexibility at the terminal, providing a wharf that can safely accommodate the largest vessel for which the ACOE navigation channel was designed, and allowing for more diversity in cargo. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The grant application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located, or desiring to locate, in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. Therefore, the Propeller Club of the United States Port of Portsmouth respectfully request that you consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. — If you would like to discuss further, please contact me at my work at 781-2784803 or cheryl.coviello@gza.com. Sincerely, aus~ Cheryl W. Coviello, P.E. Propeller Club — Port of Portsmouth, President Piscataqua Maritime Comm ss’on Post Office Box 545 Poitsmouth. NH 03802-0545 2 April 2016 The Honorable Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 Dear Mr. Secretary: I write to you as the Chairman, and on behalf of the Board, of the Piscataqua Maritime Commission (PMC). We are a non-profit organization in Portsmouth, NH, dedicated to “enhancing the awareness, appreciation, and understanding ofthe rich cultural maritime heritage and history of the Piscataqua River estuary”. Portsmouth’s maritime history encompasses both support of our Navy, at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, and a very long history of marine commerce. Portsmouth is one of our Nation’s oldest ports! The Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River, operated for the State of New Hampshire by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH), is the State’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal. In the furtherance of its mission, the PMC hosts Tall Ships at Portsmouth, and in doing so, has the occasion to work closely with Geno Marconi, the Director of Ports and Harbors at the PDA. Through working with Director Marconi, we have become very aware of the pressing need for the rehabilitation of the port’s main wharf; lengthening the main wharf and expansion of the terminal area. While neither I nor our Board are experts in this field, and certainly cannot speak to the specifics, we are aware that an application has been made for a 2016 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) competitive grant program. This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” We understand, in general terms, the funds requested will address operational deficiencies of the tenninal and return it to full capacity, so it will be able to meet the cunent and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. These improvements will improve operations at the terminal and wilL allow the wharf to accept Piscataqua Maritime Commission Post Office Box 545 Portsmouth. NH 03802-0545 the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was intended (750’). For businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine, to be able to effectively compete in a global economy, means that our maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained, while facilities are improved to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. Our PMC organization, strongly wishes that Portsmouth’s maritime history does not become an interesting footnote to history, but integrated with the Market Street Marine Terminal, continues vibrantly into the fixture Therefore, I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. 5~ cerely, 4i1 Chad Chadwick Chairman Piscataqua Maritime Commission PM C PORTSMOUTH PILOTS, mc. ~ Ports of Portsmouth and Newingroa New Hampshire CEREs Sm~E~r Wae~ju~, Box 72 PonsMoum, NH 03802 603-436-1209 • FAx 603-436-0417 April 05, 2016 The Honorable Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project at the Market Street Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, NH. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, and deep-water tenninal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the tenninal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept and accommodate the largest vessels for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designated and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River Navigation Project is designed for ships up to 765 feet in length to transit and, in 1990 the ACQE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in the global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. This is a critical and important decision and I respectfully urge you to favorably consider the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Professionally, C414 /_-t).7a~~~ Capt. Christopher D. Holt, President Portsmouth Pilots, Inc. MORAN TOWING PORTSMOUTH 34 CERES STRELT RD DRAWER 448 poRrsMOuTI NEW HAMPSI lIRE 03802 DICK HOLT GENERAL IMNAGER April 4, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong suppprt of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division o Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The fbnds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal an!i return the facility to fill capacity to meet the current and fhture demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. 1}hese repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main whaif Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Pi4ataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOF), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships u~ to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, I~ransportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while~expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that,1 with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionart’ Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide~ a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. DIVISION OF M?R\N lOWING CORPORATION FEI.EI’I ONE: wo3)43r,{)556 • CCLI.: (603) 765-5844 • FAX R503)436-O417 • C1yIAIL: DICK.I-IOI.T@MORANTUG.COM MORAN TOWING PORTSMOUTH 34 ERES STREET P0. DRAWER 448 PORTSMOUT NE\~ HAMPSHIRE 03802 DICK HOLT GENERAL IAANAGUI I respectfully urge you to favorably considyr fimding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, FM Captain Dick Holt Jr General Manager Moran Towing Portsmouth DIVISION OF MORAN TOWING CORI3UI-<AflUN TELEPI lONE: WJ3) 436-0556 • CELL: 603) 765-5S4~4 FAX 603) 436-0417 • EMAIL: DICK.HOLT@MORANTUG.COM 12/05/2013 09.00 ~“~Agray fox logistics April 21, 2016 The Honorable Anthony Foxx, Secretary United States Department ofTransportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 RE: Support for Pease Development Authority, New Hampshire TIGER 2016 Application Dear Secretary Foxx: Gray Fox Logistics/Northeastern Marine Development supports the Pease Development Authority application for TIGER 2016 funding for the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The $13.3 Million request will enable an essential rehabilitation and 125 foot extension of the main wharf thereby increasing the safety, capacity, and movement of cargo. Gray Fox Logistics/Northeastern Marine Development is directly involved in container importing and exporting with emphasis on New Hampshire Exports. If the port is rehabilitated, then our clients will be able to export and additional 12,000 containers annually out of the Market Street Marine Terminal. This quantity of container shipping will provide in excess of $24,000,000.00 annually over the next 2-3 years, and create 60 to 100 good paying jobs during the first year. Job creation will increase as the container shipments increase on an annual basis. In addition, the multiplier component of these transactions will benefit the labor market as well as business. The wharf expansion will have positive impacts to the mufti-modal Pease Tradeport, which is less than two miles away. The reduction in highway traffic and emissions along the 1-95 corridor will assist the State of New Hampshire in meeting the federal guidelines for environmental regulations that will allow current and future federal funding in the region. The rehabilitation and wharf extension will enhance significant growth at this multi-modal facility by increasing port capacity, thereby creating both union and non-union jobs, increasing local and state revenues, utilizing the Foreign Trade Zone Designation benefiting Importers and Exporters, and reducing overall shipping costs to New Hampshire as well as regional area manufacturers and businesses. We urge you to approve the TIGER 2016 applications submitted by the Pease Developmental Authority. Very ly yo rs, 62 ale S. Wood, Managing Member 149 Post Road, North Hampton, NH 03862 ml inkir. flCA tCA Oflfl2 CAV• Ot4_~R~7Q The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 April 5, 2016 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2015 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Green Shipping Line (“GSL”) is a Delaware incorporated company that will provide waterborne Short SeaiFeeder transportation between strategic Hub and Spoke Ports along the United States East and Gulf Coasts and Lake Erie Services between the U.S. and Canada. GSL will build, own, and operate economic, fuel efficient, ‘green sensitive vessels. GSL has received a MARAD designated as a Marine Highway Project of the American Marine Highway. As such, we will continue to work closely with various port authorities to implement service and attract users to the Marine Highway including Portsmouth New Hampshire. As Portsmouth was one of the supporters of our now successful application and subsequent Designation, we believe that Portsmouth’s application for Tiger Funding has special merit as stipulated in the law. As a supporter of Pease Development Authority Division of Ports and Harbors, GSL plans to provide service to Portsmouth when we begin our operations on the USEC. Providing service to Portsmouth is critical as New Hampshire’s Market Street Marine Terminal is only 1500 feet from Interstate 95 Ewhich is one of the most congested and densely populated region in the U.S I connecting to the inland transportation system reaching to interior New Hampshire, Vermont, Southern Maine and Northern Massachusetts. We know that by moving cargo in and out of Portsmouth, there will be a significant reduction of gridlock, congestion and emissions. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf Green Shipping Line 30 WaIl Street • Suite 1100 FloorS New Yort • NY 10005 Phone+1 212 2694888~Fax+ 12122698108 Save Our Roads Use Our Ports WI which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACQE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2015 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. Portsmouth is a “Strategic Asset” on the American Marine Highway. Therefore, I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2015 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Percy R. Pyne Co-Founder Green Shipping Line Green Shipping Line • 30 WaIl Street Phone + • Suite 1100 Floor • New York • NY 10005 1 212 269 4888 • Fax + 1 212 269 8108 Save Our Roads Use Our Ports .e • April 14, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The Port Authority has signified that critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf, which due to age, have been shut down and are presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. The Port has cautioned that without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The proposed rehabilitation project will provide much needed repairs and expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. Respectfully, we urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, P. McDermott Senior Director, Supply Chain Bulk Salt North America MORTON SALt INC. A K+5 GROUP COMPANY ew The Anthony It Foxx, Secretary . . ppg CompanyInc. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 359 New Haven Ave.• Millard, CT 06460 Tel (203) 301 3333• ax: (203) 301-3332 email: aps@neweng andshipping cam YA’sw.newenglandshiing.cam April 4, 2016 U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the ~cility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without fUnding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving fficilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main WharfRehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, P. Ciccia, Vice President rew England Shipping Company, Inc. NEW YORK • 182 Calcutta Street, Part Newark. New Jersey 07114 Tel (973) 274-9026 Fax 973) 74-9028 NEW LONDON • Admiral Harold E. Shear State Pier, New Landon Con ecticut 06320 Ta (860) 443-8042 Fax: (860) 443-8243 ALBANY 240 Church Street, Albany. New York 12202 Tel (518) 436-1320 Fax (518)20 1986 a SOUND VICE SHIP AGENCY LTD. 1931 WOODBURY AVE., SUITE 200- PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03801 Tel 603 430 0105 Fax 603 430 0705 April 5, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without fhnding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will im prove operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Nav igation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot tuning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improv ing facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Sweet Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Edmun A. am, President Sound Advice Ship Agency Ltd. NGA ‘S c\~ ~ SI I April 15, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf Without finding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf 730 DOWNING STREET NISKAYUNA N.Y. 12309 U.S.A. PH.518-526-4709 cr5109 FX.518-377-86$2 ops@newengIandsteamship.com - Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the fhnding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfthlly urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Joel Constantino, V.P. Managing Director New England Steamship 730 Downing Street Niskayuna, N.Y. 12309 518-526-4709 518-377-8662 24 hr ph ft opsØ~newenglandsteamshjp.com 730 DOWNING STREET NISKAYUNA N.Y. 12309 U.S.A. PH.518-52647Q9 or 5109 FX.518377-8$62 ops@newengIandsteamshjp.com - Peabody & Lane Corporation 8 Essex Center Drive Peabody, Ma. 01960 Tel: 978 532 3712 Ops~pealanecorp.com April 19, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Depastment of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Our firm has represented vessels in the various New England ports for 100 years; we are extremely concerned with the rapid decrease in terminals and port infrastructure The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the fUture. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Tenninal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, \~~~$% c~. William C. Eldridge President Peabody & Lane Corporation 1~J~J\_IcJ 36 Union Wharf, Suite 2 Portland, ME 04101 Tel: (207) 772-6515 Fax: (207) 775-0478 Shipping Agencies, Inc. Going Beyond the afl...Since 1937 April 5,2016 Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 Newjersey Avenue, SE. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and 1-larbors (PDA-DPFI) for the “Maine Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requesLed in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access of general cargo deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. It is our understanding that Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. further to our understanding these repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largets vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piseataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750’ in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000’ turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630’ in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Maine Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDS-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for business currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Maine Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Sean Pet Operations Manager Moran Shipping Agencies, Inc. www rnoranshipping.corn lii,, I[4I~S ~ STEAMSHIP COMPANY April 6, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The fUnds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. 315 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801 1-603-431-5500, www. islesofshoals corn —~ cliii 11111111 IAIJuI,._._ a TlIO~tR5 IflGRTON ~ ~ STEAMSHIP COMPANY I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Very Respectfully, Captain Jeremy M. Bell, President Isles of Shoals Steamship Company 315 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801 1-603-431-5500, www.zs1esofshoa1s.com ATLANTIC FISHING & WHALE WATCHING P.O. BOX 678 RYE HARBOR, N.H. 03870 603-964-5220 11 April 2016 Honorable Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Dept. of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx; Please consider this letter of strong support for the TIGER 2016 application by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, NH. I am sure that PDA-DPH officials have enumerated the many reasons contributing to the necessity of the project as well as the long term benefits to be realized far into the future. The project would be an outstanding complement to other recently completed as well as planned improvements on the Piscataqua and would provide NH businesses and the Northeast access to a user friendly marine transportation resource. Additionally, small (less than 150 passenger) U.S. Coast Guard certified passenger vessel operators in NH, northern MA and southern ME such as myself would benefit from access to a protected facility for vessel dockage during emergency weather conditions. Our local coastal areas have extremely limited marine facilities for vessels of our type and access to the project upon completion would be a major improvement as we deal with more frequent severe weather brought on by global climate change. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Very truly your Atlanti ‘ o er ing Sc WhaJ Granite State Whale Watch P0 Box 768, Rye, NH 03870 603-964-5545 800-964-5545 www.granitestatewhalewatch .com Fax: 603-964-8639 19Apr11 2016 Honorable Anthony R. Fox, Secretary U.S. Dept. of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx, Please consider this letter of strong support for the TIGER 2016 application by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, NH. There are numerous reasons as to the urgent need for this project. The Main Wharf is vital to the economy of the seacoast region of New Hampshire and would provide long lasting benefits to the area. The project would be an ideal compliment to other ongoing and recently completed infrastructure improvements in the area. In addition to the normal uses of the Main Wharf, it is also vital to small passenger operators in the event of severe weather. There are a very limited number of marine facilities for vessels of our type and the completion of this project would ensure safe harbor for us in the future. This facility is the only one of its type in the area that we can rely on. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project.” Peter D. Reynolds, Owner Granite State Whale Watch, Inc. Al Gauron Deep Sea Fishing 1 Ocean Blvd Hampton Beach NH 03842 1-603-926-2469 April 5, 2016 Dear Secretary Foxx, Please consider this letter our support of the Tiger 2016 application by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA_DPH) This application is for the Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project at the Market Street Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, N.H. There are numerous reasons as to why this project is needed. The main wharf is vital to the economy of the seacoast region of New Hampshire and would provide long lasting benefits to the area. This is vital to our company for a place of refuge for our party boats. There are only a few places for our boats to be placed during severe weather and without this facility we would be on a first come first serve basis with other party boats leaving us vulnerable to major damage. This facility is one of the only ones we can rely on. Please consider funding the Tiger 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project.” Thank you, Angel Eaton Gauron STAR ISLAND CORPORATION April 4,2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The fUnds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to fUll capacity to meet the current and fUture demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOB), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfuLly urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerel Joseph W. Watts, IV Chief Executive Officer t’ MORTON-BENEDICT HOUSE PRONE (603) 430-6272 • • 30 MIDDLE STREET FAX (603) 430-6270 OFFICE@STA RIST,ANP.ORG • . . PORTSMOUTH, NI-I 03801 ISLAND PHONE (603) 601-0832 www.sTARIsLAND.oRG Pepperrell Cove Marine 105 Bartleti St-Rear-Portsmouth, NFl 03801 P17: 603.373.6812 Fax 603.373.6832 info pepcove.com April 20, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (POA.DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo In the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, fl-~7 Bi~’n Bush, vice President Pepperrell Cove Marine Services, Inc. RIV RSID MARINE ICKERING CONTRACTORS April 19, 2016 Anthony R. Fooç Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Re: TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program Dear Secretary Fo,oc tam writing in support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project’ at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. - The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo and deep water terminal will help to address the operational deficiencies of the terminal. Through strategic acquisitions and organic growth, Riverside is the largest local marine contracting firm in the region who uses this terminal regularly. It is imperative that this facility receives these upgrades and repairs so we may continue use of the facility to support our growing operations and allow us to continue to excel in serving our customers. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of heavy equipment, machinery and cargo. It is our understanding repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down which would inevitably affect our company’s operations With companies like ours, it is getting increasingly more difficult to remain competitive with the Boston, MA; New Bedford, MA and Portland, ME Markets without the use of a local facility such as described herein. By awarding this grant to the PDA-DPH, it will allow companies like ours to remain competitive in the marine construction, logistics and dredging markets by offering a facility to help support our local operations. I strongly urge you to consider the necessity of this grant for our region. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I can speak from personal experience as to the importance of this project. This facility is, and will always remain a critical component to the success of our company, continued growth and providing job opportunities in our region. Thank you for considering this letter in your decision making process. Since y Kenneth Anderson The Riverside Companies Riverside and Pickering Marine Contractors Riverside and Pickering Tug and Logistics, LLC Riverside-Tripp Dredging Contractor Office: 603-427-2824 I Fax: 866-571-7132 I 195 West Rd Portmouth NH 03801 www.riversideandDidcerlnp.com A division orRivnside Marine Constniciion, inc April 18th, 2016 Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 NewJersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the fiGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. This Port is a vital point of access/egress for all major project cargo moving to/from the NE United States. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project”will demonstrate that, with the ftinding assistance of the U.S. Department ofTransportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street MarineTerminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding theTIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sin cerely, James V. Biondi, President WJ. CaseyTk. 8. Rig. Co., Inc. 25 Meister Aye, Branchburg, NJ 08876 04/4/16 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, DMsion of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Weeks Marine, Inc. 4 Commerce Drive Cranford, NJ 07016 (908) 272-4010 (906) 272-4740 Man FaX www.weeksmarine.com Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Jason L Marchioni Vice President, Marine Services Weeks Marine, Inc. EVERS URCE FNFR(Y 165 Gosling Road Newington, NH 03801-3328 Newington Station April 7, 2016 The Anthony R. Foioc, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, (~,‘,.7/7 .~a/ Donald E. Gr y Newington Station Manager Eversource Energy W Westinghouse The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, 5.E. Washington, DC 20590 Westinghouse Electric Company 1000 Westinghouse Drive, Suite 231 Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania 16066 USA Direct tel: 412.374.3774 Email: rossica@westinghouse.com April 7, 2016 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-waterterminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. Page 2 of 2 April 7, 2016 I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Carl A. Rossi Director, Global Nuclear Transportation & Logistics Westinghouse Electric Company CIANBRG Cianbro Corporation April 11,2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.F. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and fUture demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, CIANERO CORPORATION Vigue President & COO 101 CIANBRO SQUARE P0 Box 1000, Prn-srIELD, ME 04967 1(207)487.33111(207)679-2465 1Ax I www.cianbro.com ii,, Li. IkBR() I. tt~LI IS ft id~?~IS Ir,L~,I .‘,l iennI it I~ (q I lu Ci,,utuc, C E~iri in In Walsh Construction A~~Ei.’BCq Qr he Wash Gr t~, April 15, 2016 The Honorable Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.F. Washington, DC 20590 Subject: Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project Dear Secretary Foxx: I’m writing to express my strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application are for the rehabilitation and expansion ofNew Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal. The rehabilitation will address operational deficiencics of the terminal and return the facility to fill capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which have been shut down due to age and currently present impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOF), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit. In 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal, however the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. Maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of global markets in the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” will demonstrate that. With the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. 45 Shawrnut Road. 3rd Floor. Canton Massachusetts 02021 P: 78)793.9988 F: 781.828.3804 www.waIshgroup.com An Equal Opportunity Employer Letter to Secretary Foxx April 15, 2016 page 2 — I respectfully ask for your favorable consideration of finding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Walsh astruction Company Stephen A. DeiGrosso, P.R Regional Operations Manager u~~i_F~ICC S LWC 00 April 17, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Our Company has utilized the old pier several times over the last 6 years as the only working pier available in our area to support projects for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. Methuen Construction Co., Inc. I 40 Lowell Road I Salem, NH 03079 - www. methu en construction .com - 603.328.2222 I 603.328.2233 I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. S~ncere1y, Joseph Barbone President and CEO Methuen Construction Co., Inc. I MARINE & INDUSTRIAL. INC. April 21, 2016 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACQE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I ‘.O.I’.ox 1388 I ‘nrlsmouth, NH (fl8(12 Ii I: E,tfl—978—$829 Fax: ~$$_537_375() V H a MARINE & INDUSTRIAL, INC. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, David Chase, (603) 978-8829 dave(2i~northpointmarjne.com North Point Marine & Industrial, Inc P0 Box 1388 Portsmouth, NH 03802 DUNS #: 004093125 Cage Code: 4ZWBI TIN: 26-0 157356 PC). Box 1388 l’ortsiuouth, \H 038(12 1’I I: h(fl-~l78-8829 Fux: 888—5374759 .54XL Incorporated !IV ‘3o~ 791, greenland; 9’15[ 03840 (603)433-5555 • 7a~: (&23) 433-6100 4 DATEZ~5ZflftW.S )6 The Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Cows of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOB constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2016 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerelf~~~~ ~ Transportation Services, Inc. (Tel) 603 659-3542 (Fax) 603 659-3558 April 8,2016 The Honorable Secretary Anthony R. Foxx U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Mr. Secretary: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2015 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Critical repairs are needed to certain elements of the wharf which, due to age, have been shut down presenting impediments to the safe and efficient handling of cargo. These repairs are also necessary to improve the structural integrity of the main wharf. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf may be forced to shut down. The project will also expand the terminal area by 29,000 square feet and lengthen the wharf by 125 feet. This will improve operations at the terminal and will allow the wharf to accept the largest vessel for which the Piscataqua River Navigation Project, designed and maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), was intended. The Piscataqua River navigation project is designed for ships up to 750 feet in length to transit and, in 1990, the ACOE constructed a 1,000 foot turning basin in front of the terminal. However, the existing length of the main wharf limits usage to vessels of 630 feet in length. 215 CALEF HIGHWAY ROUIE 125 LEE NH 03824 www.SJTRANS.com S Transportation Services, Inc. (Tel) 603 659-3542 (Fax) 603 659-3558 We are a New Hampshire based drayage transportation carrier. Because of the current inability of container cargo ships to call on the Port of Portsmouth the container traffic must be drayed to Montreal, Pq, Boston, Ma or the NY/NJ port facilities. This adds to the congestion of our highway system and increases ground transportation costs to our customers. Having a viable container ship port facility in Portsmouth will lessen these costs and allow our customers to be more competitive in the ever growing world market. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The application for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation an Expansion Project” will demonstrate that, with the funding assistance of the U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER 2015 Discretionary Grants Program, the PDA-DPH, Market Street Marine Terminal will continue to provide a viable regional marine transportation option for businesses currently located or desiring to locate in the Northeast region, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2015 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, 4/ames P Daley III President S & J Transportation Services, Inc. 251 Calef Highway Lee, NH 03861 215 CALEF HIGHWAY ROUTE 125 LEE NH 03824 www.SJTRANS.com Seacoast Economics 4/5/2016 The Honorable Anthony R. Foxx, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20590 Dear Secretary Foxx: This letter is written in strong support of the TIGER 2016 application submitted by the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors (PDA-DPH) for the “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project” at the Market Street Marine Terminal located on the Piscataqua River in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Total regional economic impacts of port-related activities include 2,350 jobs and $275 million in value added. Port activity results in 2,100 jobs in New Hampshire and 280 jobs in Maine paying $156 million in salaries, wages, and benefits. For every dollar in value added by port industries, another $0.66 cents is generated in indirect and induced economy activity in New Hampshire and Maine. This activity results in $25 million in state and local taxes in New Hampshire and Maine. To compete in a global economy, transportation infrastructure must keep pace with global growth. To meet those global markets, maritime transportation infrastructure must be maintained in a state of good repair while expanding and improving facilities to meet the marine transportation needs of the future. The funds requested in the application for the rehabilitation and expansion of the State of New Hampshire’s only public access, general cargo, deep-water terminal will address operational deficiencies of the terminal and return the facility to full capacity to meet the current and future demands for the movement of ocean cargo in the region. Without funding assistance, additional sections of the main wharf will be forced to shut down reducing economic activity in both New Hampshire and Maine. I respectfully urge you to favorably consider funding the TIGER 2016 application of the Pease Development Authority, Division of Ports and Harbors “Main Wharf Rehabilitation and Expansion Project”. Sincerely, Matthew Magnusson, M.B.A Principal, Seacoast Economics