Motion to Approve Contract with Clegg`s Termite and Pest Control
Motion to Approve Contract with Clegg`s Termite and Pest Control
MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Martha Lide, Interim County Manager SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Pest Control Services DATE: July 10, 2013 It is recommended that the Board approved the attached contract with Clegg’s Termite and Pest Control for the “basic services” covered in the Request for Proposals in the amount of $17,520 per year with a three year contract totaling $52,560. The process for selecting this contractor was as follows: On May 24, 2013, Lincoln County issued Request for Proposal #2013-0618 for Pest Control at all County facilities. Six vendors received the mailing for the RFP. The RFP documents and advertisement were posted on the County’s website. The proposal due date was Tuesday, June 18, 2013. Proposals were received from the following four vendors: o Bug Busters Exterminators o Clegg’s Termite and Pest Control o Innovative Pest Control o Orkin Rest Control The vendors bid on “Basic Services” which included the following three categories of services: o The total for Bi-Weekly /Monthly service (Animal Control only) o Monthly service o Quarterly service The vendors also submitted pricing for “as needed basis” or “optional” services. Attachments included area as follows: Proposal/bid tab sheet Signature page for acceptance of proposal by Lincoln County RFP Addendum 1 LINCOLN COUNTY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP #2013-0618 - Pest Control Service TITLE: Pest Control Service USING AGENCY: Lincoln County ISSUE DATE: May 24, 2013 BID TYPE: Informal Sealed ISSUING AGENCY: LINCOLN COUNTY MANAGER’S OFFICE JOHN ISENHOUR, CLGPO PURCHASING OFFICE THIRD FLOOR CITIZENS CENTER 115 WEST MAIN STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 Phone: 704-736-8478 E-mail: Sealed Informal Proposals are due before 2:00 pm, Tuesday, June 18, 2013. This is an informal sealed request and there will not be a public opening of the proposals. IMPORTANT NOTE: Indicate firm name, Cost Proposal, and RFP number on the front of each sealed proposal envelope or package, along with the date for receipt of proposals specified above (2013-0618 – Pest Control Service). Direct all inquiries and questions concerning this RFP to: John Isenhour, CLGPO NOTE: Questions concerning the specifications in this Request for Proposals will be received until 4:00 pm, Monday, June 3, 2013. A summary of all questions and answers will be posted on the internet as an addendum by close of business on Wednesday, June 5, 2013, located under the RFP # being modified. It is the offeror's responsibility to assure that all addenda have been reviewed and, if need be, signed and returned. A. GENERAL INFORMATION Scope of Contract: Lincoln County Government is soliciting proposals for the provision of pest control services at county owned and or leased facilities located in Lincoln County, North Carolina. The scope of work to be performed as specified herein shall be accomplished Page 1 of 34 on a monthly, quarterly or as needed basis for pest control in and around perimeter of designated buildings and annual termite inspection & protection of designated buildings with re-treatments between services as required to control pest outbreaks. Contract Period: The initial term of this contract will be for three (3) years beginning July 1, 2013. At the option of the County Purchasing Agent and Assistant County Manager, the contract may be extended for an additional period up to one two (2) one (1) year renewal options for a total contract period of Five (5) years. All changes to this contract must be confirmed in the form of a written amendment, which shall be signed by the County Manager or his/her designee and the Contractor. Tentative start date for the contract is July 1, 2013. Payment: The Contractor shall submit an invoice to the Individual Departments the first day of each month for services rendered during the previous month. All invoices will require approval by the Maintenance Supervisor, Department Head or his/her designee before being forwarded for payment. Payment terms Net 30 after approval of invoice. Contract Award: It is the general intent to award this contract to a single overall bidder on all items. The right is reserved, however, to make awards on the basis of individual items, groups of items, per facility or add/delete any areas included or subsequently may have been omitted, if such shall be considered by the County to be most advantageous or to constitute its best interest. B. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Contractor Employee Policy: The Contractor agrees that it has, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required by the Contractor in performing the services under this agreement. Such personnel shall not be employees of, or have any individual contractual relationships with Lincoln County Government. The Contractor agrees to be responsible for and shall provide supervision of all its employees working under this contract. The Contractor shall ascertain that all its employees abide by the following rules: 1. They shall wear an identification badge or distinct uniform provided by the Contractor at all times while on the premises. 2. They shall possess a valid NC Drivers license to operate any licensed vehicles and for identification. 3. They shall not engage in idle or unnecessary conversation with county employees, other employees of the Contractor, tenants or visitors to the buildings. 4. They shall not remove any article or materials from the premises, regardless of its value or regardless of any employee’s or tenant’s permission. This is to include the contents of or any item found in trash containers in or around the premises. Trash items are to be placed in receptacles designated for that purpose. Page 2 of 34 5. They shall report any property loss or damage to their supervisor immediately. The supervisor shall report loss or damage within 24 hours to Lincoln County in writing, specifying the loss and the location and extent of damage. Failure to report such information, as required, may be construed as default of the contract. 6. They shall abide by the rules and regulations set forth by Lincoln County, which affects the performance of their work. 7. Upon written request of the County to the Contractor, any of the Contractor’s employees that fails to abide by these or other rules and regulations established by Lincoln County Government, subject employee(s) will be immediately removed from the job by the Contractor and replaced. Liability: The Contractor shall assume liability for damage or loss resulting from the wrongful act(s) and/or negligence of its employees while in performance of this contract. The Contractor or his insurer shall reimburse Lincoln County Government for any such damage or loss within 30 days after a claim is submitted Indemnification: To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Lincoln County Government and employees of Lincoln County Government from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance or failure of performance of the work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss of expense (1) is itself including the loss of use resulting there from, (2) illegal dumping of Lincoln County debris and (3) is caused in whole or part by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor or the Contractor’s subcontractor. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or otherwise reduce any other right or obligation of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to any party or person described in this Article. Equipment and Supplies: The Contractor shall provide all supplies and equipment (adequate in kind, quantity and quality) for professionally performing all work in this contract. Losses to the County caused by inferior quality equipment or supplies will be reimbursed by the Contractor. MSDS sheets shall be furnished to the Maintenance Supervisor and Department Head for all chemicals, etc. used in performing work in this contract. Inspections: The Contractor shall accompany the Maintenance Supervisor, Department Head and or her designee on inspections of the work at any time during normal business hours of Lincoln County Government. Lincoln County Government reserves the right to make determination as to whether service is being performed satisfactorily. Security Compliance: Upon award of the contract, the awarded contractor shall schedule a meeting with the Maintenance Supervisor and or Department Heads to meet compliance with Lincoln County Security Initiatives and Compliance. The Contractor and Contractor employees Page 3 of 34 will be subject to security background checks. Lincoln County reserves the right to require submission of employees of perspective contractor’s criminal background checks during the evaluation of proposals. Secure Areas: Controlling access to secure areas is a critical component of Lincoln County’s Detention areas. Vital security measures that will ensure individuals who pose a threat do not gain unescorted access to secure areas of Lincoln County’s Sheriff’s Office or Detention Center. Environmental Data: Where applicable, environmentally safe products shall be employed in the performance of this contract. Laws: All bidders must comply with the regulations of the North Carolina Pesticide Law of 1971. (G.S. Sec. 143-434). The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. Default: Failure to satisfactorily perform the services required by the contract will be grounds for the Lincoln County to declare the Contractor in default. All contract disputes will be referred to the Purchasing Agent and Assistant County Manager for resolution. Minimum Wage: In the event of a federal minimum wage increase, the contract price will be subject to renegotiation. No changes to the contract will be made without the written approval of both parties. The Contractor will be granted such an increase provided sufficient documentation is given to support the increase. C. CONTRACT SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS General Requirements: The Contractor will furnish all labor, supplies, materials, and equipment to perform these services in a manner that is satisfactory to Lincoln County. The Contractor is expected to conduct the contract operations in a professional manner and to supply generally accepted pest control services. The Contractor shall correct all complaints within two (2) working days and supply special requests for services within a reasonable time period. All complaints, both major and minor, shall be investigated during the same working day. Those considered unreasonable or which cannot be dealt with for reasons beyond the Contractor's control shall be specifically reported to the Maintenance Supervisor or Department Head. Uncorrected complaints, if not considered unreasonable by the Maintenance Supervisor or Department Head shall be cause for any and or all of the actions stipulated in the Lincoln County General Contract Terms and Conditions. Page 4 of 34 If any type of normal pest control service duties have been inadvertently omitted, the contract is to be interpreted to include them. The Contractor is required to provide emergency call backs covered under the terms of this agreement and will be handled within twenty-four (24) hours from the time of notification. Safety: The Contractor shall provide all necessary safety measures for the protection of all persons on the job site. The Contractor shall adhere to the rules, regulations and interpretations of the North Carolina Department of Labor relating to the Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1926 published in volume 39, Number 122, Part II, June 24, 1974 Federal Register), and revisions thereto as adopted by the General Statutes of North Carolina 95-126 through 155. The areas surrounding Lincoln County facilities is an public environment in which at times there is exceptionally heavy foot and automotive traffic. The Contractor shall ensure that all employees are constantly alert and exercise caution and good judgment when moving between locations in the performance of their work. The contractor shall use extreme care when administering chemicals and sprays in areas where food is prepared and or consumed. The contractor shall not administer chemicals or sprays in any water processing areas of the Water Treatment Plant. SPECIFICATION OF WORK Contractor shall check-in at the front office of each facility before beginning any work. A “Tasks Performed for each area” form shall be completed, signed and dated, and returned to the office of each facility at the end of each visit. At the inception of the contract period, the contractor will tour the facility with the Maintenance Supervisor and Department Head or his/her designee to identify all areas requiring chemical treatment. These areas shall be treated during the contractor’s first visit. 1.1 Service Locations: Within City Limits of Lincolnton: Bi-Weekly/Monthly Service The facilities listed below shall include the inside of the building and a 50 foot outside perimeter service performed on a twice per month basis for the months of May thru October and monthly for the months of November thru April. The monthly bid shall be based on the above mention criteria for the frequency of service. The service shall include but not limited to the following types of pest: Flees, Ticks, Ants, Fire Ants, Silverfish, Crickets, Cockroaches, Rodents, Carpet Beetles, Spiders, Flies, Stinging & Biting Pests, Beetles and Weevils. Any additional identified service that may be required for individual sites will be identified on the bid sheet as an additional/option charge. The exterior (50 foot perimeter) will be sprayed at each visit. Trips to control any pest outbreaks that occur between the regularly scheduled visits will be made as necessary and at no charge. Annual termite inspection and protection plan will be provided for these locations. Vendor shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products used in providing the services outlined under this request for proposal. Page 5 of 34 1. LINCOLN COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL 650 JOHN HOWELL MEMORIAL DRIVE LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 1.2 Service Locations: Within City Limits of Lincolnton: Monthly Service The facilities listed below shall include the inside of the building and a 50 foot outside perimeter performed on a monthly basis and shall include but not limited to the following types of pest: Ants, Fire Ants, Silverfish, Crickets, Cockroaches, Rodents, Carpet Beetles, Spiders, Flies, Stinging & Biting Pests, Beetles and Weevils. Any additional identified service that may be required for individual sites will be identified on the bid sheet as an additional/option charge. The exterior (50 foot perimeter) of the building will be sprayed at each visit. Trips to control any pest outbreaks that occur between the regularly scheduled visits will be made as necessary and at no charge. Annual termite inspection and protection plan will be provided for these locations. Vendor shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products used in providing the services outlined under this request for proposal. 1. CITIZENS CENTER 115 WEST MAIN STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 2. LINCOLN COUNTY COURTHOUSE # 1 COURT SQUARE LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 3. LINCOLN COUNTY COURT SERVICES 125 EAST SYCAMORE STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 4. LINCOLN COUNTY APPRAISIALS 119 COURT SQUARE LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 5. LINCOLN COUNTY TAX OFFICE (OLD BOA BLDG.) 100 EAST MAIN STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 6. LINCOLN COUNTY FORESTRY 127 EAST CONGRESS STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 7. LINCOLN COUNTY LIBRARY - MAIN JONAS BRANCH 306 WEST MAIN STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 8. LINCOLN COUNTY DSS 1136 EAST MAIN STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 9. LINCOLN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Page 6 of 34 151 SIGMON ROAD LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 10. LINCOLN COUNTY HOME HEALTH Medical Arts Building 200 Gamble Drive LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 11. LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 302 NORTH ACADEMY STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 12. LINCOLN COUNTY SENIOR CENTER/GASTON COLLEGE 511 SOUTH ASPEN STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 13. LINCOLN COUNTY CAMPUS OF GASTON COLLEGE (COCHRANE BUILDING) 128 EAST CONGRESS STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 14. LINCOLN COUNTY EMS CENTRAL (MAIN) 720 JOHN HOWELL MEMORIAL DRIVE LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 15. LINCOLN COUNTY TRANSPORTATION (TLC) 1323 GASTON STREET LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 16. LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE & DETENTION CENTER 700 JOHN HOWELL MEMORIAL DRIVE LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 17. LINCOLN COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL 650 JOHN HOWELL MEMORIAL DRIVE LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 1.3 Service Locations – Outside City Limits of Lincolnton: Monthly Service 1. LINCOLN COUNTY EMS - EAST 1595 SOUTH HIGHWAY 16 DENVER, NC 2. LINCOLN COUNTY EMS - WEST 120 CEDAR GROVE CHURCH ROAD VALE, NC 3. LINCOLN COUNTY LIBRARY - EAST FLORENCE SHANKLIN BRANCH 7837 FAIRFIELD FOREST RD DENVER NC 28037 4. CAR FARM SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE SITE 815 CAR FARM ROAD Page 7 of 34 LINCOLNTON, NC 5. OWL’S DEN SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE SITE 701 OWL’S DEN ROAD LINCOLNTON, NC 6. TIN MINE SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE SITE 879 TIN MINE ROAD LINCOLNTON, NC 7. AIRPORT SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE SITE 112 AIRPORT ROAD LINCOLNTON, NC 8. NORTHBROOK SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE SITE 616 HWY 274 VALE, NC 9. WEBBS CHAPEL SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE SITE 7889 WEBBS CHAPEL ROAD DENVER, NC 10. OPTIMIST CLUB SOLID WASTE CONVENIENCE SITE 7914 OPTIMIST CLUB ROAD DENVER, NC 11. LINCOLN COUNTY LANDFILL INCLUDES: MAIN OFFICE, SHOP & SCALE HOUSE @ 5291 CROUSE ROAD CROUSE, NC 12. FORNEY CREEK WWTP 7533 S. LITTLE EGYPT RD STANLEY, NC 13. KILLIAN CREEK WWTP 6769 OLD PLANK ROAD STANLEY, NC 14. LINCOLN COUNTY WTP 7674 TREE FARM LANE DENVER, NC 28037 15. LINCOLNTON AIRPORT 905 DANBROOK CIRCLE LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 1.4 Service Locations – Outside City Limits of Lincolnton: Quarterly Service The facilities listed below shall include the inside of the building and a 50 foot outside perimeter performed on a quarterly or as needed basis and shall include but not limited to the following types of pest: Ants, Fire Ants, Silverfish, Crickets, Cockroaches, Rodents, Carpet Beetles, Spiders, Flies, Stinging & Biting Pests, Beetles and Weevils. The exterior (50 foot perimeter) will be sprayed at each visit. Trips to control any pest outbreaks that occur between the regularly scheduled Page 8 of 34 quarterly visits will be made as necessary and at no charge. Annual termite inspection and protection plan will be provided for these locations. Vendor shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products used in providing the services outlined under this request for proposal. 1. “Old” Lincoln Hospital Bldg. Gamble Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 2. NORTH BROOK COMMUNITY CENTER 568 Hwy. 274 Vale, NC 28168 3. HOWARDS CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER 494 Howards Creek School Road Lincolnton, NC 28092 4. EAST LINCOLN COMMUNITY CENTER 8160 Optimist Club Road Denver, NC 28037 5. BLOCK SMITH GYM 130 East Rhodes Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 6. LINCOLN COUNTY GROUNDS BLDG. 874 Startown Road Lincolnton, NC 28092 1.5 Service Locations – Outside City Limits of Lincolnton: As Needed Basis The locations listed below shall have the grounds treated on an as needed basis to include but not be limited to the following types of pest: Fire Ants 1. BEATTY’S FORD PARK 9120 Unity Church Road Denver, NC 28037 2. WEST LINCOLN PARK 369 Hulls Grove Church Road Vale, NC 28068 3. UNION/VALE 4875 Reepsville Road Vale, NC 28168 4. East Lincoln Park 8160 Optimist Park Road Denver, NC 28037 5. McBee Street Park East McBee Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Page 9 of 34 Upon award of contract the Contractor shall provide a Rodent Control Plan for each Location. The Rodent Control Plan is to identify and minimize the presence and negative effects that these pests can cause. The Rodent Control Plan shall comply with requirements in the North Carolina Pesticide Laws. E. REFERENCES Prospective Contractors must supply three references or government agencies and/or private firms for whom they have provided similar services on a contract basis during the last two years. Do not use Lincoln County Government as a reference. THE PROCUREMENT PROCESS The following is a general description of the process by which a firm will be selected to provide services. 1. Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued to prospective contractors. 2. A pre-proposal deadline for written questions is set for 4:00 pm, June 3, 2013. (See cover sheet of this RFP for details.) 3. Proposals in one original and one copy should be received from each offeror in a sealed envelope or package. Each original shall be signed and dated by an official authorized to bind the firm. Unsigned proposals will not be considered. 4. All proposals must be received by Lincoln County no later than the date and time specified on the cover sheet of this RFP. 5. There will not be a Public Opening of the proposals; however, the County will display a copy on the county’s website ( of all who submitted proposals by 5:00pm Tuesday, June 18, 2013. References will be checked and an evaluation of the proposals for completeness and correctness of the proposals will be completed by June 25, 2013. The award results will be listed on the County Website by no later than 5:00 pm June 25, 2013. 6. At their option, the evaluators may request oral presentations or discussion with any or all offerors for the purpose of clarification or to amplify the materials presented in any part of the proposal. However, offerors are cautioned that the evaluators are not required to request clarification; therefore, all proposals should be complete and reflect the most favorable terms available from the offeror. 7. Proposals will be evaluated according to completeness, content, experience with similar projects, ability of the offeror and its staff, and cost. Award of a contract to one offeror does not mean that the other proposals lacked merit, but that, all factors considered, the selected proposal was deemed most advantageous to Lincoln County. In addition to any other evaluation criteria identified in this solicitation document, the county shall, for purposes of evaluating proposed or actual contract performance, consider the following factors to ensure that any award will be in the best interest of the County: a) Total cost to the County b) Level of quality provided by the vendor, past performance and references c) Process capability across multiple departments d) Protection of the County’s information and intellectual property Page 10 of 34 e) Availability of pertinent skills f) Ability to understand Lincoln County’s business requirements and internal operational culture g) Risk factors such as the security h) Relations with citizens and employees i) Contract enforcement 8. Offerors are cautioned that this is a request for offers, not a request to contract. Lincoln County reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all offers when such rejection is deemed to be in the best interest of Lincoln County. It is the general intent to award this contract to a single overall bidder on all items. The right is reserved, however, to make awards on the basis of individual items or groups of items, if such shall be considered by the County to be most advantageous or to constitute its best interest. The County reserves the right to change contract frequency based on actual need. 9. The County objects to alterations of the County’s Terms and Conditions. Any subsequent terms and conditions or alterations of the County’s terms and conditions are understood to hold no merit and any contract resulting from this RFP will be based solely on the County’s Terms and Conditions included herein. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS The response to this RFP shall consist of the following sections: Corporate Background and Experience Financial Statement Project Staffing and Organization Technical Approach Cost Proposal 1. Corporate Background and Experience: The offeror is requested to include background information on the organization and should give details of experience with similar projects. This section shall also include a current certification of insurance and copy of all associated pesticide licenses. 2. Financial Statement: The offeror's most recent audited financial statement or similar evidence of financial stability shall be provided within five days if requested by Lincoln County 3. Project Organization: The offeror is requested to include the proposed staffing, deployment and organization of personnel to be assigned to this project. The offeror is to provide information as to the qualifications and experience of all personnel to be assigned to this contract and designate if the individuals are certified. 4. Technical Approach: The offeror is requested to include, in narrative or outline the offeror's approach to accomplishing the tasks outlined in the Specification of Work section of this RFP. Included in this section is the product information sheets and MSDS for all chemicals or products to be used. Page 11 of 34 5. Outsourcing: The Vendor must detail the manner in which it intends to utilize resources or workers subcontracted and will evaluate the additional risks, costs and other factors associated with such utilization to make the award for this proposal as deemed by the awarding authority to be in the best interest of the County. For any proposed or actual utilization or contract performance subcontracted, the offeror’s proposal must include: a) The location of work performed under a state contract by the vendor, any subcontractors, employees, or other persons performing the contract. b) The corporate structure and location of corporate employees and activities of the vendors, its affiliates or any subcontractors. The County may initiate proceedings to debar a vendor from participation in the bid process and from contract award as authorized by North Carolina law, if it is determined that the vendor has refused to disclose or has falsified any information provided herein. 6. Cost Proposal: The Cost Proposal shall be submitted and contain all costs (labor, materials, travel, etc.) associated with the performance of this service. Costs are requested based on several options that include monthly service, quarterly service, as needed service. Award will be based on one of these two basis and may be split among the various locations. As needed service is understood to be services that are called out at such time the County determines service is necessary and the associated cost is for that particular call. Termite Annual Cost is to be inclusive of a termite annual inspection of the facilities listed only. This is not requesting a bond or treatment, only an inspection. The County reserves the right to make a single or multiple awards based on requirements. Page 12 of 34 COST PROPOSAL: To provide all labor, equipment and materials to perform pest control services for Lincoln County Government locations as required in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications contained herein. Bi-Weekly /Monthly Service: Service First thru Third Year Location: LC Animal Pest Treatment Control Cost/Month $__________________ 650 John Howell Memorial Termite Treatment Drive Cost/application Lincolnton, $__________________ NC 28092 Fourth Year Option Fifth Year Option Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Month Cost/Month $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ Monthly Service: Service Location: LC Citizens Center 115 W. Main Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 First thru Third Year Fourth Year Option Fifth Year Option Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ LC Courthouse # 1 Court Square Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ LC Court Services 125 E. Sycamore Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Page 13 of 34 LC Appraisals 119 Court Square Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ LC Tax Office ( Old BOA) 100 East Main Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Lincoln County Forestry 127 E. Congress Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Lincoln County Library Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ - Main Jonas Branch Termite Treatment 306 West Cost/application Main Street $________________ Lincolnton, NC 28092 Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ LC Library – East Florence Shanklin 7837 Fairfield Forest Rd Denver, NC 28092 Page 14 of 34 LC Library West 5545 West Highway 27 Vale,, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Lincoln County DSS 1136 East Main Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ LC Health Department 151 Sigmon Road Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ LC Home Health Medical Arts Building 200 Gamble Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ LC Planning & Inspections Department 302 N. Academy Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Page 15 of 34 LC Senior Center Gaston College 511 South Aspen Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ LC Campus Of Gaston College 128 E Congress Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ LC EMS Central (Main) 720 John Howell Memorial Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ LC EMS East 1595 South Hwy. 16 Denver, NC Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ LC EMS West 120 Cedar Grove Church Road Vale, NC Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Page 16 of 34 LC – TLC Transportation 1323 Gaston Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ LC Sheriff’s Office & Detention Center John Howell Memorial Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Snake Treatment – Option - Cost/Month $_________________ Snake Treatment – Option - Cost/Month $_________________ Snake Treatment – Option - Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Car Farm Solid Waste Convenience Site 815 Car Farm Road Lincolnton, NC Option: Treatment of all area inside of fence Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Page 17 of 34 Owl’s Den Solid Waste Convenience Site 701 Owl’s Den Road Lincolnton, NC Option: Treatment of all area inside of fence Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Tin Mine Solid Waste Convenience Site 879 Tin Mine Road Lincolnton, NC Option: Treatment of all area inside of fence Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Airport Solid Waste Convenience Site 112 Airport Road Lincolnton, NC Option: Treatment of all area inside of fence Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Page 18 of 34 Northbrook Solid Waste Convenience Site 616 Hwy 274 Vale, NC Option: Treatment of all area inside of fence Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Webb’s Chapel Solid Waste Convenience Site 7889 Webb’s Chapel Road Denver, NC Option: Treatment of all area inside of fence Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Optimist Club Solid Waste Convenience Site 7914 Optimist Club Road Denver, NC Option: Treatment of all area inside of fence Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Option: Monthly Fire Ant Treatment $_________________ Page 19 of 34 Lincoln County Landfill Main Office, Shop & Scale House 5291 Crouse Road Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Forney Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant 7533 S. Little Egypt Rd Stanley, NC Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Killian Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant 6769 Old Plank Road Stanley, NC Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Lincoln County Water Treatment Plant 7674 Tree Farm Lane Denver, NC 28037 Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Lincoln County Airport Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Month $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Termite Treatment Cost/application $_________________ Page 20 of 34 Monthly Service Lump Sum – Option Service Location: All locations requiring Monthly Service First thru Third Year Fourth Year Option Fifth Year Option Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Month Cost/Month Cost/Month $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Quarterly Service Service Location: North Brook Community Center 568 Hwy. 274 Vale, NC 28168 First thru Third Year Fourth Year Option Fifth Year Option Howard’s Creek CC 494 Howards Creek School Road Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ East Lincoln Community Center 8160 Optimist Club Road Denver, NC 28037 Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Page 21 of 34 Block Smith Gym 130 East Rhodes St. Lincolnton, NC 28092 Lincoln County Grounds Bldg. 874 Startown Road Lincolnton, NC 28092 “Old” Lincoln Hospital Gamble Drive Lincolnton, NC 28092 Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Bat Extermination Cost/Treatment $__________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter $__________________ Bat Extermination Cost/Treatment $__________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter $__________________ Bat Extermination Cost/Treatment $__________________ Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter Cost/Quarter $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Quarterly Lump Sum – Option Service Location: All locations requiring Monthly Service First thru Third Year Fourth Year Option Fifth Year Option Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Pest Treatment Cost/Month Cost/Month Cost/Month $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Termite Treatment Cost/application Cost/application Cost/application $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Page 22 of 34 As needed basis: Service Location: Recreation – Beatty’s Ford Park 9120 Unity Church Road Denver, NC 28037 West Lincoln Park 369 Hulls Grove Church Road Vale, NC 28168 First thru Third Year Fourth Year Option Fifth Year Option Union/Vale Recreation 4875 Reepsville Road Vale, NC 28168 Fire Ants Fire Ants Fire Ants Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Fire Ants Fire Ants Fire Ants Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Fire Ants Fire Ants Fire Ants Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ East Fire Ants Fire Ants Fire Ants Lincoln Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment Park $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ 8160 Optimist Club Road Denver, NC 28037 McBee Street Park East McBee Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Fire Ants Fire Ants Fire Ants Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment Cost/Treatment $__________________ $__________________ $__________________ Page 23 of 34 References: Firm Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Business Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________ Firm Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________________________________ Firm Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Business Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________ Page 24 of 34 COST PROPOSAL/EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL By submitting this proposal, the potential contractor certifies the following: • This proposal is signed by an authorized representative of the firm. • Pages 13-25 of the document are being returned with each page initialed by the bidder at the top. • All insurance certificates, licenses, product information and MSDA as required to be submitted is attached • The cost and availability of all equipment, materials, and supplies associated with performing the services described herein have been determined and included in the proposed cost • All labor costs, direct and indirect, have been determined and included in the proposed cost • The potential contractor has read and understands the conditions set forth in this RFP and agrees to them with no exceptions Therefore, in compliance with this Request for Proposals, and subject to all conditions herein, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this proposal is accepted within 90 days from the date of the opening, to furnish the subject services. OFFEROR: ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: _______________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________ FAX: ________________________________ E-MAIL: ________________________________________________________________________ Principal Place of Business if different from above (See General Information on Submitting Proposals, Item 18.): ________________________________________________________________________ BY: ________________________________ TITLE: _____________________ DATE: _____________ Signature __________________________________ Printed Name ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL BY: ____________________________ TITLE: ____________________DATE: _________________ THIS PAGE MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED IN YOUR PROPOSAL. Unsigned proposals will not be considered. Page 25 of 34 GENERAL INFORMATION ON SUBMITTING PROPOSALS 1. EXCEPTIONS: All proposals are subject to the terms and conditions outlined herein. All responses shall be controlled by such terms and conditions and the submission of other terms and conditions, price lists, catalogs, and/or other documents as part of an offeror's response will be waived and have no effect either on this Request for Proposals or on any contract that may be awarded resulting from this solicitation. Offeror specifically agrees to the conditions set forth in the above paragraph by signature to the proposal. 2. CERTIFICATION: By executing the proposal, the signer certifies that this proposal is submitted competitively and without collusion. False certification is a Class I felony. 3. ORAL EXPLANATIONS: The County shall not be bound by oral explanations or instructions given at any time during the competitive process or after award. 4. REFERENCE TO OTHER DATA: Only information which is received in response to this RFP will be evaluated; reference to information previously submitted shall not be evaluated. 5. ELABORATE PROPOSALS: Elaborate proposals in the form of brochures or other presentations beyond that necessary to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired. In an effort to support the sustainability efforts of the County we solicit your cooperation in this effort. It is desirable that all responses meet the following requirements: • • • • All copies are printed double sided. All submittals and copies are printed on recycled paper. Unless absolutely necessary, all proposals and copies should minimize or eliminate use of non-recyclable or non re-usable materials such as plastic report covers, plastic dividers, vinyl sleeves, and GBC binding. Three-ringed binders, glued materials, paper clips, and staples are acceptable. Materials should be submitted in a format which allows for easy removal and recycling of paper materials. 6. COST FOR PROPOSAL PREPARATION: Any costs incurred by offerors in preparing or submitting offers are the offerors' sole responsibility; Lincoln County will not reimburse any offeror for any costs incurred prior to award. 7. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE: Each proposal shall state that it is a firm offer which may be accepted within a period of 90 days. Although the contract is expected to be awarded prior to that time, the 90 day period is requested to allow for unforeseen delays. 8. TITLES: Titles and headings in this RFP and any subsequent contract are for convenience only and shall have no binding force or effect. 9. CONFIDENTIALITY OF PROPOSALS: In submitting its proposal the offeror agrees not to discuss or otherwise reveal the contents of the proposal to any source outside of Lincoln County Government, government or private, until after Page 26 of 34 the award of the contract. Offerors not in compliance with this provision may be disqualified, at the option of the County, from contract award. 10. RIGHT TO SUBMITTED MATERIAL: All responses, inquiries, or correspondence relating to or in reference to the RFP, and all other reports, charts, displays, schedules, exhibits, and other documentation submitted by the offerors shall become the property of Lincoln County when received. 11. OFFEROR’S REPRESENTATIVE: Each offeror shall submit with its proposal the name, address, and telephone number of the person(s) with authority to bind the firm and answer questions or provide clarification concerning the firm's proposal. 12. SUBCONTRACTING: Offerors may propose to subcontract portions of the work provided that their proposals clearly indicate what work they plan to subcontract and to whom and that all information required about the prime contractor is also included for each proposed subcontractor. 13. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: Trade secrets or similar proprietary data which the offeror does not wish disclosed to other than personnel involved in the evaluation or contract administration will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by G.S. 132-1.3 if identified as follows: Each page shall be identified in boldface at the top and bottom as "CONFIDENTIAL". Any section of the proposal which is to remain confidential shall also be so marked in boldface on the title page of that section. Cost information may not be deemed confidential. In spite of what is labeled as confidential, the determination as to whether or not it is shall be determined by North Carolina law. 14. HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES: Pursuant to General Statute 143-48, the County invites and encourages participation in this procurement process by businesses owned by minorities, women, disabled, disabled business enterprises and non-profit work centers for the blind and severely disabled. 15. TABULATIONS: The Purchasing Agent will release a bid tabulation to be posted on the County’s website. Tabulation of where the apparent low bidder is $50,000 or more will be posted within three working days. Bids less than $50,000 will be posted once the contract or purchase is awarded. Lengthy tabulations may not be available on the Internet, and requests for these verbally or in writing cannot be honored. 1. LINCOLN COUNTY GENERAL CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1 DEFAULT AND PERFORMANCE BOND: In case of default by the Contractor, the County may procure the articles or services from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. Lincoln County reserves the right to require performance bond or other Page 27 of 34 acceptable alternative guarantees from successful bidder without expense to the County. Upon the Contractor filing a petition for bankruptcy or the entering of a judgment of bankruptcy by or against the Contractor, Lincoln County may immediately terminate, for cause, this contract and all other existing contracts the Contractor has with the County, and debar the Contractor from doing future business with Lincoln County. 1.2 GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTIONS: In the event any Governmental restrictions are imposed which necessitate alteration of the material, quality, workmanship or performance of the items offered prior to their delivery, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify, in writing, the issuing purchasing office at once, indicating the specific regulation which required such alterations. Lincoln County reserves the right to accept any such alterations, including any price adjustments occasioned thereby, or to cancel the contract. 1.3 AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: Any and all payments to the Contractor are dependent upon and subject to the availability of funds to the agency for the purpose set forth in this agreement. 1.4 TAXES: Any applicable taxes shall be invoiced as a separate item. By execution of the bid document the vendor certifies that it and all of its affiliates, (if it has affiliates); collect(s) the appropriate taxes. 1.5 SITUS: The place of this contract, its situs and forum, shall be North Carolina, where all matters, whether sounding in contract or tort, relating to its validity, construction, interpretation and enforcement shall be determined. 1.6 GOVERNING LAWS: This contract is made under and shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 1.7 NO COLLUSION OR CONFLICT OF INTEREST: By responding to this RFP, the Service Provider shall be deemed to have represented and warranted that the Proposal is not made in connection with any competing Service Provider submitting a separate response to this RFP, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 1.8 INSPECTION AT CONTRACTOR’S SITE: Lincoln County reserves the right to inspect, at a reasonable time, the equipment/item, plant or other facilities of a prospective contractor prior to contract award, and during the contract term as necessary for the County’s determination that such equipment/item, plant or other facilities conform with the specifications/requirements and are adequate and suitable for the proper and effective performance of the contract. 1.9 PAYMENT TERMS: Payment terms are Net not later than 30 days after receipt of correct invoice or acceptance of goods, whichever is later. Lincoln County is responsible for all payments to the Contractor under the contract. Page 28 of 34 1.10 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: The Contractor will take affirmative action in complying with all federal and state requirements concerning fair employment and employment of people with disabilities, and concerning the treatment of all employees without regard to discrimination by reason of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. Title VI is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and its implementing regulations provide that no person shall be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance. For our purposes, “national origin” equates to individuals who have a limited proficiency with the English language and their primary language is not English, hence, the term “limited English proficiency” or LEP. 1.11 CONDITION AND PACKAGING: Unless otherwise provided by special terms and conditions or specifications, it is understood and agreed that any item offered or shipped has not been sold or used for any purpose and shall be in first class condition. All containers/packaging shall be suitable for handling, storage or shipment. 1.12 STANDARDS: All manufactured items and/or fabricated assemblies subject to operation under pressure, operation by connection to an electric source, or operation involving a connection to a manufactured, natural, or LP gas source shall be constructed and approved in a manner acceptable to the appropriate inspector which customarily requires the label or re-examination listing or identification marking of the appropriate safety standard organization, such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for pressure vessels; the Underwriters Laboratories and /or National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association for electrically operated assemblies; or the American Gas Association for gas operated assemblies, where such approvals of listings have been established for the type of device offered and furnished. Further, all items furnished shall meet all requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and state and federal requirements relating to clean air and water pollution. 1.13 PATENT: The Contractor shall hold and save Lincoln County, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from liability of any kind, including costs and expenses, on account of any copyrighted material, patented or unpatented invention, articles, device or appliance manufactured or used in the performance of this contract, including use by the government. 1.14 ADVERTISING: Contractor agrees not to use the existence of this contract or the name of Lincoln County as part of any commercial advertising. 1.15 ASSIGNMENT: No assignment of the Contractor’s obligations nor the Contractor’s right to receive payment hereunder shall be permitted. However, upon written request approved by the issuing purchasing authority and solely as a convenience to the Contractor, Lincoln County may: Page 29 of 34 1.15.1 Forward the Contractor’s payment check directly to any person or entity designated by the Contractor, and 1.15.2 Include any person or entity designated by contractor as a joint payee on the Contractor’s payment check. In no event shall such approval and action obligate Lincoln County to anyone other than the Contractor, and the Contractor shall remain responsible for fulfillment of all contract obligations. 1.16 INSURANCE COVERAGE and GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - During the term of the contract, the contractor at its sole cost and expense shall provide commercial insurance of such type and with such terms and limits as may be reasonably associated with the contract. As a minimum, the contractor shall provide and maintain the following coverage and limits: 1.16.1 Coverage: Workers’ Compensation - The Contractor shall provide and maintain Workers’ Compensation Insurance, as required by the laws of North Carolina, as well as employer’s liability coverage with minimum limits of $150,000.00, covering all of Contractor’s employees who are engaged in any work under the contract. If any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor to provide the same coverage for any of his employees engaged in any work under the contract. Commercial General Liability - Contractor shall maintain Commercial General Liability insurance, including coverage for products and completed operations liability, contractual liability, liability from independent contractors, property damage liability, bodily injury liability, and personal injury liability with limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence, and $1,000,000.00 annual aggregate. The limits may be satisfied by a combination of primary and excess insurance. The coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis. Automobile - At all times while the Contractor’s representatives are conducting on-site work, the Contractor shall maintain Business Auto insurance for any owned, hired, rented, or borrowed vehicle with a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage liability. The limit may be satisfied by a combination of primary and excess insurance. 1.16.2 General: Page 30 of 34 Prior to beginning the work, Contractor shall provide written evidence of insurance as requested by the County to confirm that these insurance requirements are satisfied. Lincoln County shall be named as an additional insured under Contractor’s automobile and general liability insurance. In the event of a loss arising out of , or related to the Contractor’s services performed under this Agreement, Contractor’s Liability insurance shall be primary (pay first) with respect to any other insurance which may be available to the County, regardless of how the “other insurance” provisions may read. The workers compensation policy must contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the County. Contractor shall be responsible for insuring all of his/her own personal property, improvements, and betterments. All insurance policies put forth to satisfy the above requirements shall require the insurer to provide a minimum of thirty (30) days notice to the County of any material change in coverage, cancellation, or nonrenewal. All insurance put forth to satisfy the above requirements shall be placed with insurance companies licensed to provide insurance in the State of North Carolina. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions in the required insurance shall be subject to approval by the County. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance to the County as evidence of the required coverage. Contractor agrees to provide complete copies of policies if requested. Failure of Contractor to provide timely evidence of insurance, or to place coverage with insurance, or to place coverage with insurance companies acceptable to the County, shall be viewed as Contractor’s delaying performance entitling the county to all appropriate remedies under the law including termination of the contract. 1.17 GENERAL INDEMNITY: The Contractor shall hold and save Lincoln County, its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from liability of any kind, including all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any other person, firm, or corporation furnishing or supplying work, services, materials, or Page 31 of 34 supplies in connection with the performance of this contract, and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm, or corporation that may be injured or damaged by the contractor in the performance of this contract and that are attributable to the negligence or intentionally tortuous acts of the Contractor provided that the contractor is notified in writing within 30 days that the County has knowledge of such claims. The Contractor represents and warrants that it shall make no claim of any kind or nature against Lincoln County’s agents who are involved in the delivery or processing of contractor goods to the County. The representation and warranty in the preceding sentence shall survive the termination or expiration of this contract. 1.18 CONTRACT AND OR AGREEMENT TERM LENGTH: The duration of this contract and or agreement shall be for one year unless noted on the signature page. No contract and or agreement shall extend 60 days past the renew date. Contract and or agreements may be extended, upon agreement of the parties, for up to a total of five years from the original contract or agreement date. However; the contract and or agreement will not be automatically renewed past the contract and or agreement dates listed on the initial signature page. 1.19 CANCELLATION (TERM CONTRACTS ONLY): All contract obligations shall prevail for at least ninety (90) days after the effective date of the contract. After that period, in addition to the provisions of the paragraph entitled Price Adjustments, for the protection of both parties, this contract may be canceled in whole or in part by either party by giving thirty (30) days prior notice in writing to the other party. 1.20 QUANTITIES (TERM CONTRACTS ONLY): The award of a term contract neither implies nor guarantees any minimum or maximum purchases thereunder. 1.21 PRICE ADJUSTMENTS (TERM CONTRACTS ONLY): Any price changes, downward or upward, which might be permitted during the contract period, must be general, either by reason of market change or on the part of the contractor to other customers. 1.21.1 Notification: Must be given to the issuing purchasing authority, in writing, concerning any proposed price adjustments. Such notification shall be accompanied by copy of manufacturer’s official notice or other acceptable evidence that the change is general in nature. 1.21.2 Decreases: The County shall receive full proportionate benefit immediately at any time during the contract period. 1.21.3 Increases: All prices shall be firm against any increase for 180 days from the effective date of the contract. After this period, a request for increase may be submitted with the County reserving the right to accept or reject the increase, or cancel the contract. Such action by Lincoln County shall occur not later than 15 days Page 32 of 34 after the receipt by Lincoln County of a properly documented request for price increase. Any increases accepted shall become effective not later than 30 days after the expiration of the original 15 days reserved to evaluate the request for increase. 1.21.4 Invoices: It is understood and agreed that orders will be shipped at the established contract prices in effect on dates orders are placed. Invoicing at variance with this provision will subject the contract to cancellation. Applicable North Carolina sales tax shall be invoiced as a separate item. 1.22 CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS CHECKS: Lincoln County is committed to providing a crime free environment for its staff and citizens. If the contractual requirements requires your personnel will have access to various areas of County Facilities. The County reserves the right to require a criminal convictions check on owners, officers, employees and any other workers of the Contractor and their subcontractors at any time upon written request. The Contractor or the Contractor’s direct representative shall accompany all new employees to the jobsite and present them to the Contract Administrator. At that time, if a criminal convictions check has been requested the Contractor shall provide a criminal history (not a letter) including traffic records, by presenting a document from a reputable company providing statewide searches covering a minimum of the last seven (7) years to the Contract Administrator. The criminal history shall match the name on state issued picture identification card. Out of state searches shall be required for persons living in the state of North Carolina for less than seven (7) years. The names, addresses and birth dates of each person that enters County property (including the owners and subcontracts) in the performance of this contract shall be supplied with the criminal history on company letterhead signed by a representative duly authorized to sign on behalf of the company. This history shall be provided to the Contract Administrator at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to any person performing work under this contract. Persons without this criminal history may be turned away and not allowed to work on any property owned or utilized by the County until proper documentation is submitted and approved by the Contract Administrator. The County reserves the right to keep any person from being assigned to work on its property if that person (1) has been convicted of a criminal offense since the age of eighteen (18), or (2) been found at any time to have an outstanding warrant or a pending court case, or, (3) if related to his/her work at the County, has current habitual problems with traffic related issues such as no driver’s license, no vehicle tags, and/or no insurance. The Contractor must disclose the criminal convictions records of all persons proposed to work on property with the designated county official. During the term of this contract, the Contractor shall comply with these procedures for any new owner, officer, employee and any other worker of the Contractor and their subcontractors upon proper written notification by the Contract Administrator. Page 33 of 34 The Contract Administrator shall maintain all criminal convictions checks in a secure locked container for the term of the contract. At the end of the contract period the Contract Administrator shall ensure that the files have been returned to Contractor or destroyed in such a manner as to prevent disclosure of any kind. 1.23 EMPLOYEE VERIFICATION: Contractor shall verify and provide photo identification of each of its employees, and require the same of any subcontractors hired by Contractor. Contractor shall further utilize employees or subcontractors that speak fluent English such that they can understand any directions of the Contractor or County, and be understood in their responses thereto. Page 34 of 34 May 26, 2010 The Lincoln County Purchasing Office is issuing Addendum Number One (1) to RFP # 20130618 Pest Control. Questions have been received concerning the RFP and Lincoln County is issuing the following addendum to give clarification and answer the questions. 1. Would you consider performing quarterly treatments with unlimited service callbacks instead of monthly treatments to save the county money, and to impose less of an impact on our environment considering the longevity and persistence of some of the pyrethroid pesticides that we are using? Answer: Quarterly treatments are not an option for all facilities. The treatment frequency for the facilities were determined based on the level of service that the county expects. The objective of the county is not to have callbacks. By following the requested service intervals and by treating not only the inside of the building but the outside as well as defined in the RFP (Service Locations 1.1 thru 1.4) Lincoln County feels that the goal of limited or no callbacks can be accomplished. 2. Please clarify and define what you mean by inside treatment? Is it crack and crevice treatments, entry points only, just problems addressed inside treatments, or what other expectations would your facility department head want as you have mentioned in the RFP. Answer: Inside treatment shall include the complete facility, which shall include but not be limited to cracks, crevices, windows, doors (entry/exit), stairwells, and wall penetrations. The outer perimeter of the facility shall be treated as identified in the RFP. 3. Please define the part on Termite Treatment. Quotes on termite treatments can be broad based on type of treatment.. Please define what treatment type is preferred. Liquid or bait. Also on your quote sheet, are you looking for a termite treatment quote for each structure or just a routine yearly inspection with record? Reason I ask is the blocks you have on the quote sheet state termite treatment costs/application and ask for a price, under item #6 page 12 it says not requesting a bond or treatment. Please clarify. Answer: a) The County will require a liquid treatment if termites persist and the treatment option is chosen. b) For the duration of the contract a yearly, termite inspection, and report shall be performed during the month of July at each facility. The yearly termite and inspection report cost is to be pro-rated for a monthly cost and included in the price of the monthly service for pest treatment. c) The interpretation for termite treatment – cost/application is to be on a linear foot of application with a minimum of twenty feet (20’) per application. Termite treatment should it be necessary is priced as an option and is on an as needed basis. 4. Please clarify rodent control expectations, on page 10 it says upon award you will need to provide a plan for rodent control. But under page 5 section 1.1 and other service locations it says rodents are included. Answer: Rodent control is included in the pest control contract. The statement on page #10 to provide for a rodent control plan is just what it says. Upon award of the contract the awarded company will provide a plan on how they will handle rodent control (bait, traps, glue traps etc.) as they apply to the NC Pesticide laws, applicable statutes and regulations. The changes listed above will be effective upon receipt of this addendum. This addendum must be signed and return with your bid. Company Signature Date