NJVMA Women’s Forum: About the NJVMA The New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association (NJVMA) was founded in 1884 and is a professional association representing the state’s licensed veterinarians. The NJVMA is dedicated to advancing the veterinary profession in New Jersey. Resolving Issues Affecting Women in the Veterinary Profession March 26, 2015 For more information, visit eess lliinn l add ddee na s rso endds pe eeekken w we hh enssss t t l l hea ildararernene e cichee aaww E E F I F ls al s I a l L E gooa ntoionnal L E h t g tne ti C y K h t m C o y e pt RKAcN m po OR N s es s c LA su cces O AL W su W BouA se Bp ttic c a rac p r p s s us g s n s ll po i i t k s s s ee g l s e n l d i i m t k u s e t i e t t a m NorthStar VETS, Robbinsville, NJ 315 Robbinsville-Allentown Road Robbinsville, NJ 08691 n Follow Us! e nio tiot m room ly ily prpo FAX: i fam eer fam car (908) 281-0918 (908) 450-1286 E-MAIL: PHONE: lifleife New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association 390 Amwell Road, Suite 402 Hillsborough, NJ 08844 NJVMA Women’s Forum: R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Resolving Issues Affecting Women in the Veterinary Profession NJVMA Women’s Forum: Resolving Issues Affecting Women in the Veterinary Profession March 26, 2015 The veterinary profession has undergone a great demographic shift over the past 25 years, but the change in leadership hasn’t kept pace. Women, now more than half of the profession and rising, need to be better represented in leadership roles in their practice, their community and in organized veterinary medicine, if we’re to deliver on the promise of veterinary medicine to society for the future. The NJVMA is dedicated to helping develop those leaders and to achieve a stronger, more diverse and personally rewarding profession. It’s not a job we can tackle alone. We need the support and cooperation of all members of the NJVMA- veterinarians, technicians and practice managers of both genders, who understand that the future of veterinary medicine is tied to the success of the people in the profession. Help us to help you, and help lead our profession into the future. In November, the NJVMA conducted a forum to identify issues facing women in the veterinary community. We identified the following issues as being of the most interest to members: { } Work/Life Balance Self Esteem and Effectiveness in Practice Generational Differences in Work Ethic What’s in it For You? Participating in the NJVMA Benefits of Mentoring Gender Differences in Communication Styles Financial Concerns: Business and Personal Women’s Health in the Workplace: Pregnancy Sexual Harassment The purpose of the March 26th meeting will be to break up into work groups, with a topic assigned to each group, to identify tools and resources the NJVMA can develop to help our members address those issues. We anticipate approximately 30-40 minutes for each group, then rotating to a different topic. Registration is FREE to all NJVMA Practice Members (Veterinarians, Technicians, Managers and Office Staff) and NJVHMA Members. Non-Member cost is $50 per person. We have lined up an outstanding panel of facilitators to assist us in this program. Rene Carlson, DVM- Past President of the AVMA and Current President of the WSAVA Karen Bradley, DVM- Current President of the WVLDI, Current VT AVMA Delegate and Former Chair of the AVMA House of Delegates Advisory Committee Charlotte Lacroix, DVM, JD- Principal, Veterinary Business Advisors and Immediate Past President of NAVC Mary Moon, VMD- Current NJVMA President Beth Hunton, DVM- Past President of the NJVMA Maria Iannone, VMD- Past President of the NJVMA Debbie Elliott, DVM, JD- Principal, VETdispatch Joan Fisher, MBA- Practice Manager, NorthStar VETS Thursday, March 26, 2015 ■ 8:00am - 12:00pm NorthStar VETS 315 Robbinsville-Allentown Road ■ Robbinsville, NJ Name _____________________________________________________ Practice ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State______ Zip__________ Email _____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FEE: ■ NJVMA Member, FREE ■ NJVHMA Member, FREE ■ All Non-Members, $50.00 per person METHOD OF PAYMENT (please check one): ■ Visa Schedule of Events - Thursday, March 26 ■ Mastercard ■ AmEx Check Enclosed. Please make check payable to “NJVMA” 8:00am - 8:30am Registration/Breakfast Credit Card #________________________________________ 8:30am - 8:40am Welcome and Introductions Exp. Date ___________________________ 8:40am - 11:20am Working Groups Print Card Holder’s Name: 11:20am - Noon Summary Remarks ____________________________________________________ Noon - 12:30pm Lunch Signature: The NJVHMA will be holding a CE session in the afternoon. ____________________________________________________ Kindly RSVP by Friday, March 20 Return your completed registration form to: For fast and easy registration, simply visit the NJVMA website at and click on the “Events” tab. New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association 390 Amwell Road, Suite 402 Hillsborough, NJ 08844 or E-MAIL: FAX: (908) 450-1286 Questions? Call (908) 281-0918