goeske pacesetter - Janet Goeske Center
goeske pacesetter - Janet Goeske Center
GOESKE PACESETTER The Magazine For Active Fifty & Better Seniors March 2015 Center Hours: Monday thru Friday 7:00A-9:00P; Saturday 9:00A-5:00P; Sunday 1:00P-5:00P; Holiday Hours 9:00A-4:00P INSIDE THIS ISSUE FREE HAIRCUTS For Men & Women Office of Senior Services…..…5 (On Site Services, Other Resources, Retired Groups, Support Groups) March Calendar ....................10 Dancing……………………... 12 Activity Highlights....……......13 Movies………………………..13 Advertisements………….…..16 Membership………………....18 Staff, Board of Directors…....19 Starting May 4th Monday, March 2nd 9:00am—12:00pm Come with clean hair! First come, first serve SPONSORED BY Pier w/HEALTH NET A NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Wow! We are entering the third month of the New Year already! The calendar for the month of March is full of activities and programming that is sure to please… we have something for everyone! Did you miss this year’s Black History Program & Celebration? EMPOWER-U Production did an amazing job on their performance of “We Shall Not Be Moved: The 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964-A Dream Deferred”! Everyone has been talking about how this event had such magnificent music, dialog and history! It definitely was a wonderful treat to be had, and I’m not just talking about the delicious food! Thank you to everyone (too many to list) who worked so very hard to put this program together and made it such a success. I can truly say that you don’t want to miss this event next year as it continues to get better and better every year! If taxes are on your mind, AARP is once again sponsoring the Tax-Aid Program. This is a free service for those with low to moderate incomes. The program is available at the Center Monday through Friday from 9:00A to 1:00P on a “first come, first serve” basis. So… make sure to come in early and take advantage of this free service. Save the date Saturday, April 25th for our 10th Annual Senior Salute! We are excited about this year’s gala which will be held at the Riverside Municipal Auditorium. Our “Foxy Fever” Disco theme will be sure to entertain you! Our signature fundraiser event includes a fabulous silent and live auction and our famous Dancing with The Stars - Inland Empire Edition. We are proud to say our gala has been described as a “must attend” event! Would you like to attend? Senior reservations are $10 for Goeske members and $15 for non-members. Other reservations are available for purchase including the $125 VIP reservation which includes a wonderful reception. Just talk to a staff member and make your reservation today! We have a lot of fun here at the Center so why not join us! I’m sure you will agree that the Center is the place to be. Hope to see you soon. Warmest regards, Judith Vails Page 4 OFFICE OF SENIOR SERVICES On-Site Services Free Services Attorney, Ken Weiss: 1st, 2nd, & 4th Thurs 9:00A - 4:00P. Call for appt (951) 351-8800. Audiologist, Floyd Milner: 4th Thurs 10:00A - 11:00A. Blood Pressure Check w/Health Net: 3rd Fri 10:30A11:30A. Bureau of Automotive Repair, Robert Snyder: Call for appt (951) 782-4250 x 8147. Late Life Depression Program, Catholic Charities: Every Mon 9:00A - 2:00P. For appt (909) 7634970 x 531. Food Box Distribution, Community Action Partnership of Orange County: 2nd Fri at 10:00A. Must qualify (714) 897-6670. Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP): Every Tues 9:00A - 12:00P. Call for appt (800) 434-0222. Low Vision Specialist, Braille Institute: Pick up every Monday at 8:00am-3:30pm. 13 week session, next session starts May 4th. Call for appt (760) 321-1111. Senior Advisor, Marilyn Lynch: Every Wed 9:00A-4:00P & Thurs 9:00A - 3:00P. Call for appt (951) 351-8800 or visit www.jgc4seniors.com and click on “Ask Marilyn”. Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP): Every Mon & Fri 9:00A - 2:00P. No appt needed. Food Pantry: The Center provides a small amount of food to seniors in need. If you would like to donate food items, see someone in the Office. Please watch for expiration dates. Low-Cost Services RCC Mature Driving Class: Call for information, schedule & reservations (951) 351-8800. ($2). RCC Registration Forms are at the Welcome Desk. (Class held at Goeske) Notary: Carolyn Ponder-Call for appt (951) 687-4049 Forest Trowbridge: M-F 8:30A-12:00P or call (951) 575-3113 ($9 per Signature Verification) Nutritional Lunch Program, Office on Aging: Mon - Fri at 11:30A. Must qualify. ($ by donation) Chair Massage, Becky: Every other Mon & Wed, 8:00A 12:00P. Call for info & appt (951) 300-7343 ($5) Chair Massage, Casey: Every other Mon 8:30A-2:30P & Every Thurs 8:30A - 2:30P. Call for info & appt (951) 515-9580 ($5) Elegant Aspect Salon, Betty Locke: Every Tues 7:00A 12:00P. 1st Come 1st Serve. Must come w/clean hair ($10-$12) Page 5 Support Groups Bereavement/Grief Support Group: 2nd & 4th Weds 8:30A. For info call (951) 784-1388. Riverside Braille Club: Every Tues 10:00A. California Council of the Blind (CCB): 2nd Sat 12:00P California Disability Rights: 2nd Fri 12:00P Fit, Fresh & Fun at 50+: 1st Fri 9:00A Grandparents Raising Grandchildren:4th Tues 10:00A It’s Your Season for HOPE: Every Wed 10:00A Mayor’s Commission on Aging: 2nd Tues 4:00P Mended Hearts: 3rd Saturday 11:00A National Federation of the Blind (NFB): 2nd Sat 10:00A Parkinson’s Support Group: 3rd Tues 1:00P Riverside After Stroke Group: Every Thurs 10:00A Riverside Deaf Seniors: 4th Wed 12:00P Retired Groups (CRTA) California Retired Teachers Association: Board Meeting - Tues 9:00A General Meetings - 3rd Tues 11:00A (Feb, Apr, Jun (Dinner), Aug, Oct, Dec) National Active & Retired Federal Employee (NARFE): Board Meetings - 4th Wed 9:00A Member Meetings - 4th Wed 11:00A Retired Public Employees Association (RPEA): Board Meetings - 4th Thurs 12:00P (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec) Chapter Meetings - 4th Thurs 11:30A (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov) AARP: 1st Sat 9:30A Other Resources Prescription Discount Card, County of Riverside: Pick up at the Center’s Office of Senior Services. Meals on Wheels: Call (951) 683-7151. Office On Aging: HelpLink (800) 510-2020. Special Transportation: City of Riverside (951) 687-8080; Dial-A-Ride Services (800) 7957887. Utility & Weatherization Assistance Program: Contact CAP Riverside at (951) 955-6448 or www.capriverside.org. Page 6 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HEALTH FOUNDATION PRESENTS: SENIOR ORAL HEALTH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18TH FROM 9:00-10:00 AM COOKING DEMONSTRATION & SAMPLES! Location: Janet Goeske 5257 Sierra St. For more information regarding Project SHARP or other programs/services offered by RCHF, please call Rachel Dowling at (951) 823-0702. Goeske Drama Group Needs volunteers Sound Booth * Stage Hand/Curtain Puller Costume Tailor/Seamstress Friday’s from 1:00pm—3:00pm Page 7 Senior Liaison Committee The purpose for a Senior Liaison Committee is to facilitate communication between patrons and staff. *Liaison’s will be available for patrons to discuss concerns, ideas or suggestions. *All communication between Liaison’s and patrons will be confidential. Yolanda Renn Steve Jasina Aurora Chavez 951-442-5954 951-247-8797 951-359-5657 (Se Habla Espanol) stevejasina@yahoo.com achavez5068@aol.com AARP Taxes February 1st through April 15th Monday-Friday 9:00A-1:00P No Appointments/Walk-Ins Only Starting at 7:00am AARP is sponsoring the “Tax-Aid Program”. This is a free service available to young and old alike with moderate incomes. AARP representatives will be here at the Janet Goeske Center every Monday thru Friday from 9:00A - 1:00P on a first come, first serve basis. The last day will be Wednesday, April 15th. Tell your friends and don’t wait until the last minute. Beat the rush! Remember to sign in at the welcome desk in order to hold your spot in line. The Center opens at 7am. AARP is unable to assist anyone with: A small business with more than $10,000 in expenses and/or depreciation issues or out of state returns. Ownership of rental properties. Multiple stock transactions or trust and estate issues. If you are NEW to this site, please bring the following: A copy of 2013 tax return. Social security card. Photo ID (driver’s license). Page 8 Page 9 Doors open at 10:00am * Snack Bar opens at 11:00am BINGO PLAYERS - Join us the 3rd Saturday for a Spaghetti lunch * Must show Bingo receipt March 7 April 4 * May 2 MARCH DAY & NIGHT SCHEDULE MONDAY 7:15A-8:15A 7:30A-8:45A Page 10 TUESDAY Learn How to Use the Gym Equipment 7:00A-12:00P WEDNESDAY Betty w/Elegante Aspects Salon 7:30A-8:45A Arthritis Exercise w/Robin (RCC) Arthritis Exercise w/Robin (RCC) 7:30A-8:30A Early Z’s Zumba 8:00A-12:00P Chair Massage w/Becky (Mar 11, 25) 8:00A-12:00P Chair Massage w/Becky (Mar 9, 23) 8:00A-9:00A *Yoga w/Jennifer 8:30A-10:00A Bereavement Group (Mar 11, 25) 8:30A-2:00P Chair Massage w/Casey (Mar 2, 16) 8:00A-5:00P 9:00A-9:45A Light Exercise 8:30A-9:30A 9:00A-12:00P Pastel, Oil & Acrylic w/Lois (RCC) 9:00A-12:00P 9:00A-1:00P Scrabble Group 9:00A-2:00P 9:30A-10:30A RSVP– Don Coon 9:30A-10:30A Water Exercise w/Robin (RCC) Hand & Foot Card Game 9:00A-9:45A Light Exercise *Sit & Be Fit Class w/Vera 9:00A-10:00A Project Sharp (Mar 18) HICAP Counseling 9:00A-11:00A N.A.R.F.E. Board Meeting (Mar 25) Oil & Acrylic w/Subodh (RCC) 9:00A-12:00P Ladies Billiard Group Spanish Class Peggy’s Painting Class $5 (Mar 4, 18) *Yoga Class w/Jennifer Bridge Current Events Group Scrabble Group 9:30A-11:30A Bridge Lessons 10:00A-11:30A 10:00A-10:30A Tai Chi Class 10:00A-2:00P Riverside Braille Club 9:00A-3:00P Senior Advisor - Marilyn Lynch 10:30A-11:30A *Alive Fitness w/Vera 10:00A-3:45P Pinochle 9:30A-1030A Water Exercise w/Robin (RCC) 11:00A-12:00P Water Exercise w/Rosanne (RCC) 10:30A-11:30A Ballroom Dance Lesson 10:00A-10:30A Tai Chi 11:30A-12:00P Nutrition Lunch Program 11:00A-12:00P Yoga Class w/Jennifer (RCC) 10:00A-11:00A It’s Your Season For HOPE Encouragement Support Group 11:30A-12:30P Zumba Gold Fitness (RCC) 11:30A-12:00P Nutrition Lunch Program 10:00A-12:00P Easy Intermediate Line Dance $4 12:00P-4:00P 12:00P-4:00P 10:30A-2:00P BINGO 2 Table Bridge 11:30A—1:00P Loose End Quilters (Mar 10, 24) 10:00A-3:45P Pinochle Writing Group and Workshop for 10:30A-11:30A Veterans & Family of Veterans *Alive Fitness w/Vera Book Club (Mar 17) 11:00A-12:00P Water Exercise w/Rosanne (RCC) 12:45P-1:45P *Pilates w/Angela 12:00P-2:00P 12:30P-4:00P Bridge 12:00P-4:00P Bridge 11:00A-1:00P N.A.R.F.E. Chapter Mtg (Mar 25) 1:00P-3:00P Write Your Life Story 12:30P-3:30P Bridge Group 12:00P-4:00P Riverside Deaf Sr. Social (Mar 25) 2:45P-4:45P Chair Volleyball Practice (Olympic Team) 12:30P-4:00P 4:00P-7:00P Sticks & Strings 1:00P-1:45P Riverside Ladies Bridge Group (Mar 3, 17) 11:30A-12:00P Nutrition Lunch Program Chair Yoga w/Jennifer (RCC) 11:30A-12:30P Zumba Gold Fitness (RCC) 5:30P Yoga w/Tammy (RCC) 1:00P-2:30P Poetry Writing Group 12:00P-3:00P Ceramics/Pottery 6:00P Toast Masters Club 130 1:00P-3:00P Raincross Garden Club (Mar 10) 12:30P-4:00P (WEB) We Enjoy Bridge Heart & Soul Line Dance 1:00P-4:00P Parkinson’s Support Group (Mar 17) 12:45P-1:45P Pilates w/Angela (RCC) 7:00P Riverside Flower Show (Mar 2) 2:30P-3:45P Fiction & Non-Fiction Writing 1:00P-2:00P Birthday Celebration (Mar 4) Goeske’s String Ensemble 3:00P Supper Club-Farmer Boys (Mar 10) 1:00P-2:15P Christian Bible Study/Fellowship 4:00P Table Tennis 2:00P-3:00P Goeske Band Mayor’s Commission on Aging (Mar 10) 2:30P-4:30P Sign Language Class 4:30P Beads, Beads & More 3:00P-6:00P Oil Painting w/Betty 5:00P Decoy & Wild Fowl Carvers 3:30P-4:30P Heart & Soul Line Dance-Beginners Texas Hold’em 3:30P Table Tennis Bunco (Mar 17) 4:00P Yarn-A-Holics 5:30P Yoga w/Marianne (RCC) 5:30P Goldware Tennis Club 6:00P Jam Sessions w/Jim 6:00P Riverside Lyric Opera *Donation Class No fee for this class but donations are greatly appreciated 6:30P Inland Region Iris Society (IRIS) (Mar 3) Friendship Quilters (Mar 11, 25) Raincross Quilt Guild (Mar 17) Heart & Soul Line Dance (Mixed) Raincross Rose Society (Mar 10) MARCH DAY & NIGHT SCHEDULE THURSDAY 7:30A-8:30A 7:30A-10:30A 8:00A-9:00A 8:30A-9:30A Page 11 FRIDAY SATURDAY/SUNDAY Early Z’s & More (Zumba) 7:15A-8:45A Chair Volleyball Practice (Olympic Team) TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 7:30A-8:45A Arthritis Exercise w/Robin (RCC) *Yoga w/Jennifer 8:30A-9:45A *Sit & Be Fit Class w/Vera 8:30A SATURDAY ACTIVITIES Fun Club (Mar 6) 9:00A-12:00P Great Starts @ Goeske Breakfast AARP Chapter Meeting (Mar 7) Mixed Media w/Subodh (RCC) Please call for reservations 951-351-8800 8:30A-2:30P Chair Massage w/Casey 9:00A 9:00A-3:00P Senior Advisor - Marilyn Lynch 9:00A-9:45A Attorney Ken Weiss (Mar 5, 12, 26) 9:00A-1:00P 9:30A-10:30A *Yoga w/Jennifer 9:15A Fit, Fresh & Fun Monthly Meeting (Mar 6) Bridge Light Exercise 10:00A-12:00P Scrabble Group Genealogy Society of Riverside (Mar 14) National Federation of the Blind (Mar 14) Great Starts @ Goeske Breakfast 10:30A -1:00P Mended Hearts (Mar 21) Please call for reservations 951-351-8800 10:00A-12:00P 10:00A-12:30P 12:00P-5:00P 11:00A-12:00P Stepping w/Suzi Line Dance 9:30A-10:30A Water Exercise w/Robin (RCC) 12:00P-3:00P Riverside After Stroke 9:30A-3:30A Ceramics Class 12:00P-4:00P Pinochle 9:30A-2:30P Community Action Partnership of Orange 12:30P-4:00P County Food Distribution (Mar 13) Baltic Lodge (Mar 7, 21) BINGO Bridge Yoga w/Jennifer (RCC) 10:00A-10:30A Tai Chi Class 1:00P-4:00P California Council for the Blind –CCB (Mar 14) 11:00A-2:00P Watercolor w/Lois (RCC) 10:00A-11:30A Friday Morning Group 1:00P-4:30P Jewelry Making Class 11:30A-12:00P Nutrition Lunch Program 12:00P-2:00P Goeske Choir Practice (Mar 13, 27) RPEA Chapter Mtg (Mar 26) 10:00A-1:00P 12:00P-4:00P Bridge 10:30A-11:30A 12:30P-4:30P Old Gals From Riverside Bridge (Mar 12, 26) 11:30A-12:00P 1:00P-1:45P Chair Yoga w/Jennifer (RCC) 11:30A-12:30P Dominoes Mexican Train w/Kaye SUNDAY ACTIVITIES *Alive Fitness w/Vera 1:00P-5:00P Nutrition Lunch Program Chess Club Inland Woodturners (Mar 15) Zumba Gold Fitness (RCC) 1:30P-4:30P Featherweight Club (Mar 8) 1:00P-3:00P Knit & Crochet Group aka “Happy Hookers” 12:30P-2:30P Friday Movie 2:00P-4:00P Sunday Movie 1:00P-4:00P Dominoes: Mexican Train 12:30P-4:00P (BIG) Bridge Is Great 3:00P-4:30P English Country Dance (Mar 1, 22) 2:30P-5:00P Art Exploration ($5) 12:45P-1:45P 3:15P-5:15P 4:00P Pilates w/Angela (RCC) 5:00P Chair Volleyball Practice 1:00P-3:30P (open play) Goeske Drama Club Table Tennis 1:30P-3:30P Nancy’s Sandpainting Class Yoga w/Marianne (RCC) 3:30P-6:30P Stain Glass w/Frank 6:00P Stained Glass w/Fran 5:00P Texas Hold’em 6:30P Ballroom Dancing 7:00P “Live Bands” Riverside Single Swingers (Mar 13, 27) Burnt Toast Club 815 (Toastmasters) 7:30P Regular Pre-Round Dance (Mar 13, 27) 8:00P Square Dance (Mar 13, 27) Goldware Tennis Club * Donation Class No fee for this class but donations are greatly appreciated Page 12 LET’S GO DANCING! Easy Intermediate Line Dance w/Ruth Wednesday’s 10:00A &12:00P ($4) Steppin’ w/Suzy (Beginners Line Dance) Thursday’s 10:00A - 12:00P (No class-4th Thursday) Ballroom Dance Lessons Tuesday’s 10:30A - 11:30A Heart & Soul Line Dance Monday’s: 6:00P - 8:30P Wednesday’s: 3:30P - 4:30P (Beginners) Wednesday’s: 6:00P - 8:30P (Mixed Level) English/Country Dancing 1st & 4th Sunday 3:00P - 4:30P $8.00 - 1st Week (w/band); $5.00 - 4th Week (recorded) Riverside Single Swingers 2nd & 4th Friday Advanced Round Dance 7:00P - 7:30P Regular Pre-Round Dance 7:30P - 8:00P Square Dance 8:00P - 10:00P ($5.00 Donation) Thursday Evening Ballroom Dance “Live Music” 6:30P - 8:30P March 5th - Paul & Pam March 12th - Dan Damon March 19th - Global Affairs March 26th - Paul & Pam $4.00 - Members ~ $5.00 - Non-Members LET’S GO TO THE MOVIES! FRIDAY MOVIES Start Time - 12:30 PM Page 13 SUNDAY MOVIES Start Time - 2:00 PM *Movies are subject to change* March 6th THE NOTEBOOK (2004) Starring Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams March 13th NON-STOP (2014) Starring Liam Neeson & Julianne Moore March 20th CAROLINA (2003) Starring Julia Stiles & Shirley MacLaine March 27th BIG DADDY (1999) Starring Adam Sandler & Joey Lauren Adams March 1st THE APARTMENT (1980) Starring Jack Lemmon & Shirley MacLaine March 8th ELSA & FRED (2014) Starring Shirley MacLaine & Christopher Plummer March 15th LIFE AS WE KNOW IT (2010) Starring Katherine Heigl & Josh Duhamel March 22nd LETTERS TO JULIET (2010) Starring Amanda Seyfried & Christopher Egan March 29th SECRETARIAT (2010) Starring Diane Lane & John Malkovich ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS March Birthday Celebration-1st Wednesday of the month @ 1:00P Bunco-3rd Tuesday of the month @ 5:00P Friday Morning Group-Fridays @ 10:00A Supper Club-2nd Tuesday of the month at Farmer Boy’s on Madison @ 3:00P Women’s Billiard Lessons w/Bill-Wednesdays @ 9:00A Tennis Club-Sundays @ 5:00P & Wednesdays @ 5:30P (Goldware Tennis Courts) Stained Glass w/Fran - Thursdays @ 6:00P Alive Fitness w/Vera- Cardiovascular, Respiratory Conditioning-Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays @ 10:30A Sit & Be Fit Class-Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 8:30A -9:30A. Total body exercise while seated Yoga with Jennifer-Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 8:00A & 9:30A Chess Club-Sundays @ 1:00P Bible Study Fellowship-Wednesdays @ 1:00P Art Exploration ($5)-Thursdays @ 2:30P Stained Glass w/Frank-Fridays @ 3:30P Book Club-Tuesday, March 17th @12:30P. The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd Chair Volleyball-Mondays @ 2:45P (olympic team play only), Thursdays @ 3:15P (open play-everyone welcome) & Fridays @ 7:15A (Olympic team play only). Knit & Crochet aka “Happy Hookers”-Thursdays @ 1:00P (we accept acrylic yarn donations) Early Z’s (Zumba and more) - Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 7:30A Current Events-Tuesdays @ 10:00A Sign Language - Wednesdays @ 2:30P Spanish Class - Tuesdays @ 9:30A Goeske Band - Wednesdays @ 2:00P Jim’s Jam Session-Tuesdays @ 6:00P (Musicians welcome to join. Bring your instruments) Need Computer Help? Charlene is available Mon-Fri from 10:30A-3:00P for individual help Texas Hold’em -Tuesdays & Fridays @ 5:00P Wood Carving-Tuesdays @ 5:00P Goeske Drama Club-Fridays @ 1:00P Its Your Season For HOPE-Encouragement Support Group for Seniors-Wednesdays @ 10:00A Yarn-A-Holics-Wednesdays @ 4:00P-Everyone Welcome Page 14 Become a Senior Ambassador for the Center Welcome “New” guests to Goeske Give tours Mingle with Patrons If interested, fill out volunteer application at Welcome Desk For more information, please see Estella or Phellina Page 15 Page 16 PAID ADVERTISEMENT Page 17 ADVERTISEMENT DISCLAIMER On occasion, the facility/rooms on the premises of the Janet Goeske Center are rented to private businesses/entities for private and/or public programming/functions. The Janet Goeske Foundation does not recommend or endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter, nor does the Janet Goeske Foundation review the legitimacy, efficacy, qualifications or validity of any product or service advertised in this magazine. We strongly encourage you to obtain additional information regarding any product or service that you may be interested in from independent and reliable sources, such as applicable state licensing agencies, the Better Business Bureau, the Riverside County District Attorney’s office or other reputable agencies. Please exercise personal and independent due diligence in investigating all offers of products and services. PAID ADVERTISEMENT New Members 2014-2015 Sean Bacca Monica Bailey Elisa P Bati Marilyn Beach Edward Bonner Lila Bonner Glenn Byers Jeanie Byers Leonora Calderaz Mona Diaz Billie Elsey John Evans Anne Falconer Janet M Giddings Anna Gipson Cherylyn Glass Mary Godshall Toni J Gordon Isabel Guerrero Maria E Haley Tee Hall Doug Hargis Catherine Harries Arlene C Hays Roberta Hightower Sara Hughes Dee Dee Inzer Konstantin Konstantin Liliana Konstantinova Steve Lundy Vicki Matchett Elizabeth McEllistrim Susan Miller Tina Montgomery Linda O'Neal Brenda Oppenheim Lucille Posey Barbara Price Karen Roholt Chris Roholt Lou Ann Roseling Donna Slezak Mary Lou Snider Diana (DD) Stanton Janice Taulli Penny Urbach Jedrry Urbach Isiran Verma Lugena Wahlist Lugena Wahlquist David Wahlquist Ann Ward Joanne C White Catherine Woods Ed Worth If you notice a misspelling in your name or you are not listed, please see Phellina. Names are from members who joined in the months of January . Page 18 LIFETIME MEMBERS Yoko Boucher Peter Brabant Shizuyo Sue Campfield Pamela Carnahan Alecia Curtis Pauline Curtis Elena Diaz Sharon Barnett Dillon Kirk Ferguson Wanda Gong Regenia Griffin Nancy E. Hart *Stephen Jasina Karen S. Kane Mildred Leslie Dave Nelson Ralph Nunez Dolly Ogata Howard Owens Patricia Owens Pete Peterson Rosie Russell Harriette Coggs Stuckey *Inaugural Member Page 19 STAFF Judith Vails, Executive Director jvails@jgf4seniors.org Marilyn Lynch, Senior Advisor mlynch@jgf4seniors.org Estella Granillo Activities & Senior Services Coordinator egranillo@jgf4seniors.org Day Porter Tom Romano Kitchen /Snack Bar Attendants Connie Tarango Phyllis McElveny Recreation Attendants Phil Croyle Bryce Vails Damian Rivera Christine Clayton, Accountant cclayton@jgf4seniors.org Jessica Crawford Development Associate jcrawford@jgf4seniors.org Michelle Fuentes Executive Assistant mfuentes@jgf4seniors.org Phellina Castillo, Program & Special Events Coordinator pcastillo@jgf4seniors.org Volunteer Travel Director Barbara Crisler Bingo Manager Andrea Boggio aboggio@jgf4seniors.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Members Danette Buoye Howard Owens Director of Events & Volunteer Services Retired/Vice President Operations Kaiser Permanente Medical Center The Press-Enterprise Executive Board Members Russ Cornelius, Chair CEO BrandSavants, Inc. Melva Cooke, Retired Educator Community Volunteer Michael Goldware, Vice Chair Attorney at Law The Law Offices of M.A. Goldware Steve Popkin, Chief Executive Officer Parkview Community Hospital Medical Center Manuel Enriquez VP Network Management HUMANA, Inc. Judy Carpenter, Treasurer President & Chief Operating Officer Riverside Medical Clinic Christina Reid-Brown Assistant Vice President, Physician Relations Riverside Community Hospital Kathleen S. Hartman President/Chief Executive Officer Riverside Personnel Services, Inc. Henry Romero, Secretary President/Founder HRBC Insurance Howard Saner, Past Chair Chief Executive Officer Riverside Physician Network Bobbie Ann Mays Health Care Administrator, Co-Owner Hospitals, Specialty Rehab & Nursing Centers Vickie Hawley, Member at Large Controller, Luminex Software, Inc. Debbie Ojeda, Office Manager Alonso R. Ojeda, M. D. Joan E. Roberts, Ph.D. Owner Visiting Angels of Riverside County Michelle Steele V.P. Branch Manager Provident Bank Kelli Tyson Stockton Co-Owner Riverside Jazzercise Personal Training Center PARTNERS 4 PRIME RIVERSIDE MEDICAL CLINIC AETNA HUMANA RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 951) 683-6370 (800) 529-5586 (800) 795-2403 (951) 788-3000 HRBC INSURANCE (866) 383-4722 SBHIS PARKVIEW COMMUNITY HOSPITAL CARE 1st HEALTH PLAN CITIZENS CHOICE HEALTH PLAN (888) 988-8072 (951) 688-2211 (800) 847-1222 1-888-979-CCHP (2247) Mission Statement Janet Goeske Foundation is committed to enriching the quality of life of those 50 and older in the community we serve while maintaining the highest level of advocacy and providing health and wellness programs. 5257 Sierra Street Riverside, CA 92504 Phone: 951-351-8800 Fax: 951-351-9731 www.jgc4seniors.com Janet Goeske Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. TIN 33-0023938