ftÇ ]Éá° Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - San José Catholic Church


ftÇ ]Éá° Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - San José Catholic Church
ftÇ ]Éá° Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{
3619 Toledo Road - Jacksonville, Florida 32217
Phone: 904-733-1630 ~ Fax: 904-731-4335 ~ www.sjcatholic.org
Office Hours: Mon. —Thurs. 8:30 a.m.— 4:00 p.m. Fri. — 8:30 a.m.- Noon
Pastor ~ Rev. Gregory Fay
Mass Schedule
Associate Pastor ~ Rev. Rodolfo Godinez
Ext. 118, fr.rodolfog@sjcatholic.org
Weekday (Monday—Friday)
8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Priest in Residence ~ Rev. Thomas Moore
Saturday ~ 8:00 a.m.
(Spiritual direction, counseling, confession, or to chat.
Please leave a message with your name & phone number.)
Saturday Vigil ~ 5:30 p.m.
Deacon — Deacon Chris Supple
Ext. 204, csupple01@att.net
8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. ~ English
12:30 p.m. ~ Spanish
Phone - 379-6880
Deacon — Deacon Angel Sanchez
Ext. 204, deaconangel@sjcatholic.org
Parish Staff
Office & Finance Manager ~ Donna Carle
Ext. 104, admin@sjcatholic.org
Receptionists ~ Mary Ann Wright & Camille Marmo
Ext. 101, reception@sjcatholic.org
Dir., Religious Education ~ Anita Michaels Ext. 111,
Director, Music/Liturgy ~ Carol Johnson Burns
Ext. 108, liturgy@sjcatholic.org
Youth Director ~ Mike Diaz
Ext. 103, sjyouth@sjcatholic.org
New Parishioners — We invite new members to register as soon
as possible by filling out a new parishioner form available in the
back of the church.
Sick Calls — Call the office at any time. When any of our parishioners are hospitalized or confined to their homes, please advise
the Pastor.
Baptism — To present a child for Baptism is a serious obligation
and requires a faith commitment on the part of the parents and
godparents. This commitment is exemplified by being practicing,
active Catholics for at least 6 months, at San José Parish. If you
have just moved into the parish, a letter from your previous Pastor verifying the same is acceptable.
Pastoral Care ~ Kathy Perry
Ext. 109, pastoralcare@sjcatholic.org
Marriages — Contact the Priest at least 8 months in advance.
Marriage preparation is required. Verification of couple being
practicing, active, Catholics at San José or previous Parish is required.
Hispanic Ministry ~ Cristina Perez
Ext. 120, hispanic@sjcatholic.org
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — Those interested in becoming Catholic are invited to call the office for information.
Spanish Music ~ Jeanette Rivera de Mejia
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament — Fridays 8:30 am-5:00 pm
School Principal ~ Brian Wheeler
733-2313, wheeler@sanjoseschool.com
Reconciliation — Saturday, 4:30 — 5:00 pm
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — June 12, 2016
Page 2
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — June 12, 2016
Masses for the Week
Saturday, June 11
5:30 pm Special Intention for Mike Elias
Sunday, June 12
8:30 am † Priscilla Searcy
10:30 am † Mary Petruska
12:30 pm No Intention
Monday, June 13
8:00 am † Kathleen Snavely
5:30 pm † Thomas Geraghty
Tuesday, June 14
8:00 am No Intention
5:30 pm Special Intention for Patti Taylor
Wednesday, June 15
8:00 am † Nancy Spuria
5:30 pm † Anastiasia Lapochkenat
Thursday, June 16
8:00 am No Intention
5:30 pm † Holly Hosch
Friday, June 17
8:00 am No Intention
5:30 pm † Maria Torres
Saturday, June 18
8:00 am Suhaila,Rosemary & Wadie Shakoury
Readings for the Week
1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7;
Mt 5:38-42
1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11,
16; Mt 5:43-48
Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24;
Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15
2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20;
Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23
2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34;
Mt 6:24-34
Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 89; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24
That on our website we post a
monthly Mass schedule that
shows which priest is
presiding at each Mass?
Just go to www.sjcatholic.org and click on “Liturgy
Schedule” on the left side of the page.
W e e k ly C o l l e c t i o n
June 5, 2016
Regular Collection
Hispanic Collection
Online Giving
Debt Reduction
$ 22,032.50
$ 2,361.00
$ 3,216.00
Parish Weekly Operating Cost:
Surplus / (Deficit)
$ 23,655.00
$ 4,804.50
Bridge the Gap
World Mission Sunday
Peter’s Pence
Like the sower in today’s Gospel, I
sca er as seed my gi s of me,
talent, and resources; and I trust
that, by God’s grace and in God’s
me, these small gi s of myself
may grow and flourish and help
to bring about the kingdom of
Our “Poor Box” is located in
the back of church. All
donations placed in the poor
box will be forwarded to
Catholic Charities.
When considering Gifts
to a charity in your
Will or Trust please consider
San Jose Parish.
We are grateful for your
support of our church.
Online Giving allows you to
make contributions to our
parish without writing
checks or worrying about
cash donations. This site
lets you set up automatic contributions and
change the timing or the amount of your gift at
any time. Please go to our website for the link to
sign up www.sjcatholic.org.
Sulzbacher Center
Vo l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Sulzbacher Supper dates for 2016 are:
Jun. 27, Jul. 25, Aug. 22, Sept. 26, Oct. 24,
Nov. 28, Dec. 26
Join us on any of these 4th Monday’s to cook and
serve the evening meal at the Sulzbacher Center at
611 E Adams St. Cooks arrive at 3:00 pm to begin
food preparation, servers arrive at 5:30 pm. We
begin serving the meal at 6:00 pm and are always
finished by 7:00 pm. Come by yourself, with a
friend, a family, or a ministry. No experience
necessary, but it’s an industrial kitchen so volunteers must be over age 12. For more info please
contact Ruby Peters at 448-6555 or email
Religious Education
will begin in July.
High School Students
mark your calendars for
at Universal Studios Orlando Florida
As Catholics, we are called to carry the values of the
Gospel and the teachings of our Church into the public
square. As citizens of the United States, we have a duty
to participate in the framing and the debate of public
issues and in the selection of those who occupy positions
of civic leadership. These dual responsibilities to faith
and citizenship are at the heart of what it means to be a
Catholic in a free and democratic nation.
This guide, approved by the bishops of Florida, is intended to encourage Catholic clergy and laity to facilitate
the involvement of their faith communities in appropriate election related activities. These activities are designed to increase parishioner interest in the policy issues that will characterize this election year’s debate,
to focus their attention on candidate positions, and encourage them to exercise their right to vote. Questions
and requests for guidance on these and other electionrelated issues should be directed to the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, 201 W. Park Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301, phone (850) 205-6820 or email info@flaccb.org.
This document may be photocopied and distributed. It is
available for printing in English and Spanish on the website of the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Updated: April 2016, Florida Conference of Catholic
Bishops, Tallahasse
Attention all rising 9th grade and high school students mark your calendars for our first big event
of the year, Rock the Universe, September 10 &
11, 2016, at Universal Studios Orlando. Lift your
hands and let your heart soar for a weekend of
pulse-pounding music from some of Christian
Rock’s brightest. In-between the concerts,
scream, spin and laugh on action-packed rides.
Contact Mike at the Parish Center Office for
more information.
Come work in community with your peers for
three days while we ignore all of our distractions and focus fully on our call to discipleship! All rising 9th grade -12th grade youth
are invited to join us July 18 – 20, 2016. The
group will participate in daily community service projects, prayer, and of course lots of
fun. If you are interested please contact Mike
Diaz at 733-1630 ext. 103 to register.
Employment Opportunities
Visit the Diocese of St. Augustine Website:
Page 4
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — June 12, 2016
(Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults)
Are you interested in learning more about
the Catholic faith? Are you seeking a
deeper relationship with God by becoming a part of the Catholic faith? A new
cycle of RCIA is beginning.
Inquiry session will be held on
Sunday mornings:
July 24 — August 21 — September 11
Sessions will take place at 9:30 a.m. in
the Parish Office. Our first group meeting will begin on Sept. 18. If you have
any questions, please contact Jim
Knutzen at 945-2870 or email
knutzencpa@aol.com or contact Sr. Ambrose at sanjosercia@yahoo.com..
The trunk ministry will close for the
summer months (June, July, and August). But…Fill the Trunks will resume
in September!
Enjoy your summer!
Catholic Charities
Refugee Resettlement
Program is in Need of:
Twin & Double bed sets (mattress, box
spring & frame), Dressers, Night stands,
Lamps, Sofas, Coffee tables, Kitchen and
dining tables with chairs. Call 224-0071
or email cakers@ccbjax.org for details.
7 5
Please Pray
For Our
Military Personnel
MTCM T. Alan Propes II, USN, husband of Christine
Pikula Propes, father of Alexandra Propes & son-inlaw of Joseph & Jennie Pikula; Joshua Hastings,
grandson of Nona Hastings, great nephew of Mittie
Kenan & son of Terri Hastings; Lance Corporal
Richard J. Sheard, USMC, Son of Chris & Karen
Sheard; Luis D. Baez, Jr., USMC, son of Mary & Luis
Baez; PFC Peter Kirschner, USA; Sgt. Christopher
Futch, USMC; Sgt. Chris Boland, USMC, grandsons
of Yvonne & Joe Paffe; Lt jg Daniel Burke, son of
Gina & Mike Burke; Lance Corporal Joshua Hastings, USMC, grandson to Nona Hastings, great
nephew to Mittie Kenan & son to Terri Hastings;
SPC Diego F. Villanueva, USA, son of Diego & Ana
Villanueva; Lt Cdr. Tim Tuschinski, USN, son of
Dick & Linda Tuschinski; 1st Lt Geoffrey Troy,
USMC, grandson of Harriet McDonald; 1st Lt Jason
DeWitt, US Army, brother of Kris Lucey; ADC Jorge
E. Estrada, USN, husband of Madeleine, father of
Gabriela & Daniella, son of Doris Ayala; 1st Lt.
Joshua Green, USA, grandson of Jack & Anne
Coyle, cousin to Tommy & Reilly Farrell; Joseph
Shaia, USA, grandson of Joseph & Gloria Shaia, Lt.
Nick Smith, son-in-law of Ann & Terry Farmand;
GSM3 Aran E. Marquez Bihouet, USN, husband of
Jessica Marquez, Gregory Jackson, USN, husband
of Katie Jackson; 1st Lt. Philip Bebeau, USMC, son
of Gene and Jan Bebeau; LCDR Steve Duba, USN,
father of Charlie Duba; Airman Adam Shaia, USAF,
grandson of Gloria Shaia, Pvt. Alex Curlin, USMC,
grandson of Sheila Curlin; SPC Jerrold Burroughs,USA, 101st Abn Div Asslt, son of Jerrold &
Darlene Burroughs; CDR Bill Fallon, USN, nephew
of Grace & John Fallon; MSgt Johnny Rhodes, USA,
son-in-law of Linda Forbes; LCpl Donato Mario Maffin, USMC, grandson of Mario and Nadia de la Penta.
If you have a relative currently on active duty in the Military, we invite you to submit their name for prayer.
Please include their name, your name and your relationship to the military relative. Email admin@ sjcatholic.org
or call Donna at 733-1630.
Bishop Estévez prays the Angelus three times Monday
through Friday at 6:00 a.m., noon and 6:00 p.m., on
Queen of Peace Radio-1460-AM/ 1600-AM. Tune in for a
daily dose of prayer.
The Gift Shop will be CLOSED
from June 18 through August 20.
It will re-open on Sunday, August 21.
The parish offers sympathy
and prayers to . . .
Xiomara Arias and family on
the death of her husband,
Castulo Arias.
Jim McInerney, Catherine
Millan, Kristoph Paffe, Rose
Mendez, Vicki Rayburn,
Raymond Rodriguez, Jeanette
Currie, Mercedes Galarza,
Mary Galvin, Jean Galvin, Fran
Gibson, Riyad Haddad, Jack
Pearce, Luis Miguel Rolando, Augustin Sosa,
Robert Grimes, Leo Fitzpatrick, Kyle Bolte,
Elaine Paffe Curran, Sharon Symko, Pamela
Ossi Cooper, Mary Zerbest, Troy Stanek,
George & Martha Wise, Jeri Frantz, Gayle
Milan, Matt Magovern, Miriam Hapner, Becky
Snyder, Katie Higbee, Connie Baker, Samuel
Evans, Raymond Brault, Lee Lafser, Maureen
Kincaid, Anastasia Rush, Barbara Ventimiglia,
Joe Stanley, Genovev Lopez, Melissa Martin,
Dolores Segora, Kristine Moraga, Vincent
Ossi, Teresa Eichner and Young Jim Connolly,
Greg Farrell, Infant Elliot Watson, Emily
Leone, Gary Ellis, Karen Sheard, Dutch
Scholtz, Infant Jamie Greene, Mary Lucas,
Karin Coutts
Due to HIPPA laws, we are prevented from receiving
information from hospitals and health care facilities
regarding patients. Therefore, we ask that the
patient, family or friends, please notify Kathy at 7331630 x109, if a family member is sick, hospitalized or
in a facility, and if the parishioner would like to
receive the Eucharist while they are homebound.
Easter Sunday
Of The Resurrection
Of TheTime
News &
Congratulations to our Honor Roll Students!
The following students were recognized during an honor roll assembly on Wednesday, 06/03/2016 to acknowledge
their outstanding achievement. Great job students! Here is the full listing of our dedicated students.
A Honor Roll
Grade 3
Lily Brady
Brianna Canlas
Thomas Cratem
Stephen Duba
Ian Ferrizzi
Karla Flores
Kelsey Garfield
Gabriella Naddaf
Holland Opdycke
Megan Porkert
Ailanie Sanchez
Madeleine Wing
2015-2016 Fourth Quarter
Grade 4
Emily Barsky
Anna Bass
Marianna Cratem
Caleb Evans
Maddox Fox
Magnolia Fox
Gloria Gjuraj
Sean Madigan
Sydney McDaniel
Jalila Nackashi
Michael Nass
Elizabeth Rowe
Sammy Safar
Joseph Schellenberg
Thomas Thornton
Abigail Tonto
Grade 5
Charlotte Bressler
Emma Lea
Michael Leonard
Avyree Sakovich
Ryan Spinelli
Grade 6
John Cratem
Robert Porkert
A/B Honor Roll
Grade 3
Ava Brady
Annie Brophy
Faith Cooksey
Emory Dilts
Tabitha Dooley
Anthony Ducali
Jack Farhoud
Kadence Heldenbrand
Marianna Hernandez
Caroline Kartsonis
Cole Madden
Evan Main
Luke McCormick
Ava Miller
Padraig Newman
Walter Pacheco
Elizabeth Poirrier
Tina Safar
Wyatt Smith
Adrian Zadrima
Grade 4
Finley Becker
Reed Elliott
Millicent Fox
Bradley Giddens
Kaitlyn Gilmore
Emily Gjergji
Stephen Joost
Grade 7
Andrew Connolly
John Costa
Isabella Cratem
Ashton Dilts
Katherine Enoch
A.J. Horkan
Abigail Jones
Grace Mullaney
Grant Reidy
Layne Rivera
Kaela Sanchez
Ella Schellenberg
Chloe Shaw
Grade 8
Sephora Affa
Kaitlyn Bateh
Karley Dry
Adam Dziergowski
Claire Evans
Caroline Giddens
Klea Gjoka
Mark Khadour
Grace McCormick
Hailey Mullis
Angela Naddaf
Derrian Nguyen
Bridget Porkert
Mary Alice Young
2015-2016 Fourth Quarter
Maura Madigan
Isabel Mendoza
Charbel Naddaf
Miles Rivera
Marianna Rodrigues
Bruno Safar
Meriem Safar
Mark Shahla
Lucia Sharrah
Pau Sian Mang
Eli Smith
Joseph Tepas
Avery Thomas
Mary Wheeler
Grade 5
Hope Alexander
Andrew Bass
Kaley Blackburn
Briggs Canlas
Cameron Clifford
Riley Deighan
Erik Dobrie
Ethan Eddins
Megan Erne
Yousif Hanooshi
Zachary Jones
Jayden Lewis
Riley McCormick
Juliana Namen
Jack Newman
Julianna Panichelli
Benjamin Poirrier
Yousif Safar
Stella Shaw
Anna Grace Shoemaker
Celine Torres
Grade 6
Jacob Amirault
Jenny Bawi
Haley Bousquet
Sofie Braddock
Alexis Chin
Bailey Chin
Patty Elmore
Grace Frazier
William Garfield
Adriana Gjergji
Brian Gjoka
Jessica Golden
Emma Joost
Tom Khadour
Cal Leonard
Briana Lukaj
Connor McDaniel
Marie-jose Naddaf
Caroline Sacco
Andrew Safar
Brandon Safar
Kevin Sample
Dorian Ujka
Izabelle Young
Grade 7
Madelyn Aiken
Elia Barsky
Jennifer Binkley
Jennifer Bird
Jack Brophy
Emily Citrano
Jovan Corri
Johnny Dahi
Ashley Daragjati
Mary El Hassan
Jose Gallo
Amanda Granados
Charlie Hansen
Gabriella Khazal
Genevieve Lehman
Brianna Naddaf
Nicholas Rukab
Yousif Shakoury
Matteo Turra
Erick Urbano
Grade 8
Amanda Angel-bello
Sydney Boyd
Carter Buddenbohm
Sarah Daboul
Leanne Dobrie
Maria Dyro
George Farmand
Anna Frisco
Luke Gilsdorf
Emy Jubani
Malena Liguori
McKenna McCormick
Joan Muisenga
Jared Nass
Annie Pritchard
J. Paul Schellenberg
Yessenia Sierra
Victoria Zlatanoff
Page 7
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — June 12, 2016
Divorce & Annulment
Do you have questions regarding divorce and
annulments in the Catholic Church? If so, Sr.
Ann Kuhn, SSJ, is available on Thursdays, 1:00
to 4:00 p.m. to help. She can be reached at
800-3293, email: akuhn@dosafl.com or at the
Tribunal Office, 2598 Forbes St. in Jacksonville.
D i vo rc e d o r S e p a r a t e d
a n d Wo u n d e d
If you have recently experienced the loss of a relationship and are in need of immediate guidance
and/or confidential, compassionate support, call:
(904) 452-8318. You will be given information
about a divorce support group which meets on Fridays from 7—9 pm at Holy Family Parish, 9800 Baymeadows Road, in Jacksonville. We are here for
Support Group
A support group for those who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage,
ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or newborn death
is available at St. Vincent Medical Center and
meets monthly. For more info and other miscarriage support resources visit www.dcfl.org
or call (904) 551-2619.
San Jose’s
Are Available for
Companion Niches — $2,300
Single Niches — $1,800
If you are interested in purchasing a niche or
would like more info, please contact Donna
in the Parish Office at 733-1630, ext. 104, or
email admin@sjcatholic.org.
Helping Hands
of the Carpenter
A message from the
Pastoral Care Ministry
From Kathy Perry
We are continuing to follow Pope Francis in this
Celebration of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. We
have just finished the Seven Corporal Works of
Mercy and now let us reflect on the Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy and how we can apply
them to our daily lives.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy
The Spiritual Works of Mercy have long been a
part of the Christian tradition, appearing in the
works of theologians and spiritual writers
throughout history. Just as Jesus attended to
the spiritual well-being of those he ministered
to, these Spiritual Works of Mercy guide us to
"help our neighbor in their spiritual
needs" (United States Conference of Catholic
Counseling the Doubtful
Everyone has moments of doubt in their faith
journey. Nevertheless, we should always remember that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the
Life and turn to him along our way.
~ Listen to counsel and receive instruction,
that you may eventually become wise" (Prov
~ The Cross of Christ "the foolishness of God is
wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of
God is stronger than human strength" (1 Cor 1:25)
~ Has someone asked you for advice? Direct
your response to Christ, who is the Way, the
Truth, and the Life
~ Follow Christ with the witness of your life so
that others may see God's love revealed in your
~ Accompany a friend who is struggling with
believing to join a parish group for service or
faith formation, share a book you found useful in
dealing with your friend's faith concern, and worship at Sunday Mass
May God bless you abundantly and remember,
Pagina 8
Decimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario — 12 de junio del 2016
La Buena Nueva
“La Gloria de Dios es una persona verdaderamente viva”
MISION DE LA PARROQUIA “Nosotros la Comunidad Católica de San José, unidos al Obispo de San Agustín,
con el lema de “los amó hasta el extremo”, nos comprometemos como familia, a rezar y trabajar juntos
para que todos conozcamos, amemos y sirvamos a Dios.”
VISION HISPANA: Trabajar unidos para promover la fe cristiana a través de implementar el plan pastoral
compartiendo nuestros talentos, tiempo y tesoro, siendo miembros activos del cuerpo de Cristo: en la
comunidad de San José.
“aquellos que tienen la valentía de ir adelante”. Y
El camino a la santidad necesita
valentía, esperanza, gracia y conversión la valentía es movida “por la esperanza”. Segunda
Vaticano 24 May, 2016
Moverse hacia la santidad quiere decir “caminar
en la presencia de Dios de forma irreprensible”.
Así lo ha indicado el papa Francisco en la homilía
de la misa celebrada en Santa Marta. Un compromiso que necesita un corazón que sepa esperar
con valentía, interrogarse, abrirse ‘con sencillez’
a la gracia de Dios.
palabra que lleva a la santidad. La valentía que
espera “en un encuentro con Jesús”.
Después está el tercer elemento, cuando Pedro
escribe: “poned toda vuestra esperanza en esa
Recordando que la santidad no podemos hacerla
solos, el Santo Padre ha subrayado que la santidad
es una gracia. “Ser bueno, ser santos, ir todos los
La santidad no se compra ni se gana con las mejo- días un paso adelante en la vida cristiana es una
res fuerzas humanas. Así, el santo Papa ha expligracia de Dios y debemos pedirla”, ha precisado.
cado que “la santidad sencilla de todos los cristia- En esta línea, el papa Francisco ha invitado a leer
nos”, “la nuestra, la que debemos hacer todos los el capítulo 11 de la Carta a los Hebreos. Cuenta el
días”, es un camino que se puede recorrer solo si camino “de nuestros padres, de los primeros llala sostienen cuatro elementos imprescindibles:
mados por Dios” y cómo ellos fueron adelante.
valentía, esperanza, gracia, conversión.
Por otro lado, ha indicado que Pedro en su carta
Durante la homilía, el Pontífice ha comentado el
subraya la importancia de un cuarto elemento.
pasaje litúrgico de la primera Carta del apóstol
Así, indica que cuando invita a sus interlocutores a
Pedro, la que define como “un pequeño tratado
no conformarse con los deseos de un tiempo, les
de santidad”. La santidad es “caminar en la preestimula esencialmente a cambiar desde dentro el
sencia de Dios de forma irreprensible”.
propio corazón, en un continuo trabajo interior.
De este modo, ha precisado que “la santidad es un
camino, la santidad no se puede comprar, no se
vende. Ni siquiera se regala”. La santidad –ha aseverado el papa Francisco– es un camino en la presencia de Dios, que debo hacer yo: no puede hacerlo otro en mi nombre. “Yo puedo rezar para
que otro sea santo, pero el camino debe hacerlo
él, no yo”, ha recordado.
El Pontífice ha explicado en su homilía cómo es la
conversión de todos los días. Conversiones pequeñas. “Si tú eres capaz de no hablar mal de otro,
estás en el buen camino para hacerte santo”, ha
asegurado. Por eso ha invitado a “morderse la lengua” cuando tengamos ganas de criticar al vecino
o al compañero de trabajo. Se hinchará un poco la
lengua –ha bromeado– pero vuestro espíritu será
más santo en este camino.
A continuación, el Santo Padre ha propuesto una
serie de palabras que nos enseñan cómo es la san- Finalmente, el santo Papa ha recordado que el catidad de cada día, esa santidad anónima.
mino de la santidad es sencillo. Y ha animado a los
presentes a “no volver atrás sino ir siempre hacia
La primera es “valentía”. Por eso, ha explicado
adelante” y con fortaleza.
que “el Reino de los Cielos de Jesús” es para
Pagina 9
Decimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinativo — 12 de junio del 2016
Para las personas nuevas a nuestra parroquia las invitamos a que se inscriban en la parroquia, para poder
servirles mejor y poder informarles de lo que esta pasando en nuestra parroquia, Si usted necesita algún
sacramento, necesita estar inscrito por lo menos seis meses, o si necesita alguna carta de cualquiera
índole es la única manera que podemos saber si pertenecen a la comunidad de San José
Oficina Hispana de San Jose
Colecta de la semana del
Para citas e información llamar de lunes a jueves
de 9:15 a 3:00 pm, también pueden dejar su mensaje después de horas y se le contestara lo mas
rápido posible.
Padre Rodolfo Godínez
733-1630 ext 118
M Cristina
733-1630 ext 120
5 de junio del 2016
Colecta Regular
Misa en español
Colecta Electrónica
Reducción de deudas
$ 22,032.50
$ 2,361.00
$ 3,216.00
Costo de operaciones:
Sobra / (Déficit)
$ 23,655.00
$ 4,804.50
Presentar un niño para el Bautismo es una obligación
seria y requiere de un compromiso de fe por parte de los
padres y padrinos. Este compromiso verifica ser
católicos activos por lo menos 6 meses, en la Parroquia de San José. Si usted se acaba de mudar a la parroquia, una carta de su párroco anterior verificando que
usted era activo es aceptable.
Junio 12 — Julio 17
Las clases se ofrecen después de la misa de 12:30
pm en el Jubilee Room del Centro Parroquial. Por
favor traigan una copia del acta de nacimiento.
Julio 2 10:00 am Agosto 6 10:00 am
Apoyo al colegio
Peter Pence
Domingo de las Misiones mundiales $
" Entré en tu casa y no me diste agua
para los pies..." Lucas 7:44
El Evangelio de hoy nos llama a considerar como
podemos servir a Dios. ¿Consumimos como los
Fariseos que simplemente se reclinaban en su mesa
esperando ser servidos? O, ¿contribuimos como la
mujer que se arrodilló ante Jesús y le lavó Sus
pies? Cada día debemos escoger. ¿Tomar o
dar? ¿Consumir o contribuir? ¿Ser servidos o servir?
Junio 12-Clases de Bautismo
Junio 16-Grupo de Oración se reúne en la
capilla de Ntra. Sra. de Gauadalupe-7:30pm
Junio 17-Misa de Sanación 7:00pm
Junio 19– Dia de los padres.
Junio 22-Aniversario del padre Rodolfo”25”
Junio 26-Recepcion para el padre
Pautas para matrimonios
Pocas parejas casadas piensan en la viudez, pero nadie vive para siempre. Si la idea de enviudarse te parece demasiado lúgubre, piensa mejor en la posibilidad de quedarte solo algún día
para así apreciar más a tu cónyuge. Honra o reza hoy por algún viudo o viuda que conozcas.
"tomado de Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net."
Educacion Religosa
Cuando bautizamos a nuestros hijos, prometemos educarlos y que crezcan en la fe
Las inscripciones para las próximas clases
de educación religiosas saldrán en el mes
de julio.
Pautas para padres
Al final del año escolar suelen celebrarse banquetes y ceremonias. Es inevitable que algunos niños se
ganan más premios que otros. Ayuda a tu hijo a
reconocer su valor interno que vale más que los
"tomado de Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net."