Good Morning and Welcome!
Good Morning and Welcome!
Good Morning and Welcome! The Highly Engaged Classroom Dr. Tina Boogren Marzano Research Laboratory Associates cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Revisit YourNon-‐Linguis1c Representa1on for the Four Ques1ons: • • • • How do I feel? Am I interested? Is this important? Can I do this? cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Ques'on One: How do I feel? Page 5-7 cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success How Do I Feel? • Effec1ve pacing • Physical movement • Demonstra1ng intensity and enthusiasm • Using humor • Building posi1ve rela1onships cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success How Do I Feel? • Effec1ve pacing • Physical movement • Demonstra1ng intensity and enthusiasm⏎ • Using humor • Building posi1ve rela1onships cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Enthusiasm cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Posi1ve Teacher Demeanor • Demonstra1ng enthusiasm (all the 1me) • Demonstra1ng intensity (some of the 1me) – Timing – Verbal and nonverbal expressions – Gestures cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success “Modeling may not only be the best way to teach; it may be the only way to teach.” -‐-‐Albert Schweitzer cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success How Do I Feel? • Effec1ve pacing • Physical movement • Demonstra1ng intensity and enthusiasm • Using humor • Building posi1ve rela1onships ⏎ cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Rela1onships cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Rela1onships • Three behaviors that forge posi1ve rela1onships with students: 1. Iden1fying and using posi1ve informa1on about students 2. Showing interest in and posi1ve aVen1on for students 3. Ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all students cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Iden1fying and Using Posi1ve Informa1on About Students Five ways to acquire and use informa1on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class inventory Class discussions Parents and guardians Fellow teachers Ex1nguishing nega1ve conversa1ons about students cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Teachers who build strong rela1onships with students get the “art” of teaching… • What do you do to consciously build posi1ve rela1onships with students? • How about those for whom are more difficult to “love”? cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Mix and Mingle! cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Mix-‐and-‐Mingle • When the music is playing, you’re mingling. • When the music stops, pair up with one or two other people and discuss the ques1on on the screen. • We will conduct three rounds. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Round 1 • Introduce yourself. • Share 1-‐2 strategies you use to to consciously build posi1ve rela1onships with students. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Round 2 • Introduce yourself. • Share 1-‐2 strategies you use with students who are ‘more difficult to love’. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Round 3 • Introduce yourself. • Share a memory you have of a teacher who made an effort to forge a posi1ve rela1onship with you (or one who didn’t). cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Please Head Back to Your Seat… (You can boogie back if you’d like…) cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Showing Interest In and Affec1on for Students Seven strategies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Show simple courtesies. Use appropriate physical contact. Listen to students. AVend to special needs. Make eye contact. Use physical gestures. Use physical proximity. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Without significant relationships, there is no significant learning. K Ewing, Principal cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Ques'on Two: Am I interested? Page 8-9 cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Am I interested? 1. Using GAMES and inconsequen1al compe11on 2. Ini1a1ng friendly CONTROVERSY 3. Introducing UNUSUAL INFORMATION 4. QUESTIONING to increase response rates cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Am I interested? 1. Using GAMES and inconsequen1al compe11on 2. Ini1a1ng friendly CONTROVERSY 3. Introducing UNUSUAL INFORMATION 4. QUESTIONING to increase response rates⏎ cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Ques1oning cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success 80% of what occurs in a classroom: Cueing Ques6oning cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Research finding #1 Teachers ask many questions cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Teachers asked an average of 50.6 questions; students posed only 1.8 questions in a 30 minute period. Encouraging teachers to encourage children’s curiosity: A pivotal competence. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 8, 101-106. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Research Finding #2: Most teacher questions are at the lowest cognitive level—known as fact, recall, or knowledge. Sattes,B. & Walsh, J., (2005). Quality questioning research-based practice to engage every learner. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Research finding #3: • Not all students are accountable to respond to all questions. • Teachers frequently call on volunteers, and these volunteers constitute a select group of students SaVes,B. & Walsh, J., (2005). Quality ques1oning research-‐based prac1ce to engage every learner. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Research finding #4: • Teachers typically wait less than 1 second after asking a question before calling on a student to answer. • They wait even less time before speaking after the student has answered SaVes,B. & Walsh, J., (2005). Quality ques6oning research-‐based prac6ce to engage every learner. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Research finding #5: Teachers often accept incorrect answers without probing; they frequently answer their own questions. Sattes,B. & Walsh, J., (2005). Quality questioning research-based practice to engage every learner. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Research finding #6: Students ask very few contentrelated questions. Sattes,B. & Walsh, J., (2005). Quality questioning research-based practice to engage every learner. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Discuss… What do YOU do that disproves this research? cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Try some procedures that get every child involved: – Use Paired Responses (A/B partner response) – Call on students randomly – popsicle s1cks with names on them – Using response chaining – Using choral responses – Using Quick Draws – Using hand signals (thumbs up/down) – Using response cards – Using response technologies Text, pages 71-‐74 cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Every child responds every 1me! “Smile if you’re ready.” • • “Nod if you’re on page 16.” • “Hold your pen up and wiggle it if you have your homework .” • “If you agree with me on this, raise one pinky.” • “If this concept makes sense to you, give me a thumbs up.” • “If you’re finished, turn your paper over.” • “Hold up the handout if you have received one.” Richard Howell Allen, Impact Teaching, 2002 cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success How can teachers assess his/her questioning style? • Record a complete day of teaching – Review in privacy – View MULTIPLE times Questioning Makes the Difference, Johnson, 1990 cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Bottom Line: Teacher questioning behaviors affect which students learn how much. Sattes,B. & Walsh, J., (2005). Quality questioning research-based practice to engage every learner. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Ques'on Three: Is this important? Page 10-11 cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Is This Important? • Connec1ng to students’ lives • Connec1ng to students’ life ambi1ons • Encouraging applica1on of knowledge cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Is This Important? • Connec1ng to students’ lives • Connec1ng to students’ life ambi1ons • Encouraging applica1on of knowledge ⏎ cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Chunk-‐n-‐Chew What’s a real world applica6on for your content area and grade level? cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success PBL PBL is significantly more effec6ve than tradi6onal instruc6on to train competent and skilled prac66oners and to promote long-‐term reten6on of knowledge and skills acquired during the learning experience or training session. Strobel and Barneveld cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Ques'on Four: Can I do this? Page 12-14 cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Can I Do This? • • • • Using effec1ve praise and verbal FEEDBACK Tracking and studying PROGRESS Providing EXAMPLES of efficacy Teaching about EFFICACY cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Can I Do This? • Using effec1ve praise and verbal FEEDBACK • Tracking and studying PROGRESS ⏎ • Providing EXAMPLES of efficacy • Teaching about EFFICACY cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success My Progress in Writing Process—Content and Organization 4 Goal 3 2 Effort 1 cutting-edge research concrete strategies Date______ Date_______ Date_11/15_ Date_10/31_ Date_10/20_ Date_10/1_ Date_9/24_ Date__9/17_ Achievement sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Spelling Test Scores 100 90 80 70 Test 1 60 Test 2 50 Test 3 84 40 30 60 84 Test 4 Test 5 62 50 20 10 0 Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 cutting-edge research Test 4 concrete strategies Test 5 sustainable success Four strategies can enhance students’ sense of self-‐efficacy. • Using effec1ve praise and verbal FEEDBACK • Tracking and studying PROGRESS • Providing EXAMPLES of efficacy ⏎ • Teaching about EFFICACY cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Efficacy cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Building Efficacy • Reward student effort along with quality of completed work. • Build in short-‐term rewards for student effort and work comple1on. • Give students frequent posi've a9en'on – at least 3 posi'ves for each nega've interac'on cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Personal Reflec1on: Think of a 6me when you exceeded expecta6ons because of the hard work you did. Be prepared to share. cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Quotes “The man on the top of the mountain did not fall there,” –Anonymous “It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up,” –Vince Lombardi “Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration,” -‐-‐Thomas Edison cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success More Quotes… • “If you want to truly understand something, try to change it,” –Kurt Lewin • “If you done it, it ain’t bragging,” –Walt Whitman cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Use stories to promote self efficacy….. – The Pursuit of Happyness – Mr. Holland’s Opus – Rudy – Philadelphia – A Beau6ful Mind Can you think of a story/movie clip you would use in your class? cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Be the change you wish in this world. Ghandi cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success Thank You! Evaluations Dr. Tina H. Boogren THBoogren (Twitter)—Blog cutting-edge research concrete strategies sustainable success