Beartrap Substation Transmission Project
Beartrap Substation Transmission Project
March 2012 Beartrap Substation Transmission Project Why Are You Receiving This Project Information Brochure? MARIE LAKE COLD LAKE BONNYVILLE NO. 87 La Corey COLD LAKE I.R.149B ² ³ 55 ! ( 892 V U ² ³ 41 COLD LAKE BEARTRAP Big TRANSMISSION PROJECT Meadow ² ³ 55 ! ( Fort Kent ! ( Ardmore ² ³ BONNYVILLE 660 V U COLD LAKE I.R.149A ! ( 28 COLD LAKE I.R. 149 659 V U MOOSE LAKE MURIEL LAKE KEHIWIN I.R. 123 657 V U REITA LAKE 897 U V ST. PAUL COUNTY NO. 19 Project Overview The Beartrap Substation Transmission Project is required to connect a proposed industrial pump station facility to the provincial electrical system. If approved, the project will involve the construction of a new substation and about 16 kilometers (km) of new transmission line to connect the substation to an existing transmission line. Beartrap Substation Transmission Project New transmission facilities are needed east of Bonnyville in the central east region of Alberta. ATCO Electric has been directed by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) to assess site and route options for these new facilities. We have prepared this summary for landowners, occupants, agencies and interested parties located near the proposed transmission facilities. This package will provide you with important project information and outlines our public consultation process. We invite any comments, questions or concerns you may have. Please refer to page six for our contact information and details. What’s Included In This Package • Project Information brochure • Reply Form and postage paid envelope • Alberta Utilities Commission brochure Public Involvement in Needs or Facilities Applications • Alberta Electric System Operator Need Overview Document • Maps and Drawings 1 Project Need and Details Beartrap Substation (940S) When upgrades to Alberta’s electrical system are needed, they are identified by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). ATCO Electric applied to the AESO to provide service to the proposed industrial pump station. The AESO has confirmed the need to connect the proposed pump station to the provincial electric grid. The Beartrap substation (to be called 940S) will be located approximately 16 kilometres (km) south of Ardmore on NW 23-60-4 W4M. If approved, a new transmission line will be constructed to connect the substation to an existing transmission line (called 7L24). The substation will consist of one 144 kilovolt (kV) circuit breaker, one 4.16 kV circuit breaker and one 144-4.16 transformer. The substation will also include a 46 metre telecommunication tower. The Alberta Electric System Operator is an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for the safe, reliable and economic planning and operation of the provincial transmission grid. For more information about why this project is needed, please refer to the AESO’s Need Overview included with this package, or visit www. If you have any questions or concerns about the need for this project you may contact the AESO directly or you can make your concerns known to an ATCO Electric representative who will communicate them to the AESO on your behalf. A substation in Alberta Beartrap Substation Transmission Project 2 144 kV Transmission Line Typical Single-Circuit “Davit Arm” Structure If approved, the project will involve the construction of approximately 16 kilometres (km) of new 144 kilovolt (kV) single-circuit transmission line (to be called 7LA24). The line will connect the proposed Beartrap substation to an existing transmission line (called 7L24). The newly constructed single-circuit line will consist of one set of three conductor wires and one overhead shield wire strung on wooden structures. The typical structure will be a single-pole “davit arm design” about 20 m tall. The typical distance between towers will be 120 m to 170 m. Non-typical structures with taller or additional poles, anchors, and/or guy wires are required where the line ends or bends, at corners, and to maneuver around and over obstacles. In all cases, minimum clearance will meet or exceed the requirements of provincial safety regulations. Beartrap Substation Transmission Project 20 m 3 Typical Right-of-Way Transmission lines are located in corridors that have been cleared of brush or other obstacles. These are called a ‘rightof-way’. Right-of-ways must have a minimum width to ensure safety and allow for construction and ongoing access for maintenance purposes. The width of the right-of-way, and the position of transmission structures within it, will depend on a number of factors including the type of structure that is used. The typical right-of-ways associated with this project are shown below. Details may change as the project develops and designs are finalized. Beartrap Substation Transmission Project 4 Route and Site Selection Facilities Application Process The proposed Beartrap substation location was chosen to ensure: suitable site conditions (level, well-drained), close proximity to the proposed industrial load, sufficient space for initial development and incoming lines, and adequate setback from adjacent development and environmentally sensitive areas. Once feedback has been considered and route and site selections have been finalized, ATCO Electric will submit a Facilities Application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to obtain approval for the construction and operation of the proposed transmission facilities. We have identified three preliminary route options with various connector segments for the transmission line. Site and route options were selected to: For more information about how you can participate in the process, please refer to the enclosed AUC brochure entitled Public Involvement in Needs or Facilities Applications. • Avoid homes and minimize impacts to seasonal and permanent residences • Minimize impacts to environmentally sensitive areas such as watercourses, wet or steep areas and wildlife habitat • Follow property boundaries and other linear features wherever possible to provide access and to avoid impacts to agriculture. • Minimize impact on built up areas, highways, recreational areas, historical sites, oil and gas operations and communication facilities Other options for a transmission line route may be considered if identified through our consultation process. Beartrap Substation Transmission Project 5 Proposed Timeline* ATCO Electric March 2012 Consultation with landowners and agencies June 2012 Selection of preferred site and route options Albertans count on us for the safe, reliable and costeffective delivery of electricity to their homes, farms and businesses. We have delivered electricity to Albertans for more than 80 years. Headquartered in Edmonton, ATCO Electric has 38 service offices serving nearly two-thirds of the province in northern and east-central Alberta. September 2012 Submission of the Facilities Application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) July 2013 If approval is granted by the AUC, construction will commence We help keep the lights on across the province by building, operating and maintaining more than 74,000 kilometres of transmission and distribution power lines. We also operate an additional 8,800 kilometres of distribution power lines on behalf of Rural Electrification Associations. We are committed to responsible development and environmental practices. We conduct an open and transparent consultation process, carefully considering the impacts to landowners, communities and the environment. October 2013 Facilities completed and operating *Timing may be adjusted to reflect final plans. Contact Us Your comments and concerns are important to us. Please contact us toll free 1-855-420-5775 or direct: Wes Caldwell, Project Planner Beartrap Substation Transmission Project ATCO Electric 10035-105 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 2V6 Phone: 780-733-2700 Fax: 780-420-5030 Email: Website: Beartrap Substation Transmission Project 6 8 7 62-4-4 A1 ! ( 32 8 7 888 7 77 8 7 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 2 ed o nd n a b 8 A 7 ay Railw 8 7 8 7 U V 78 28 8 7 29 8 7 8 7 LC RIE EK RE 61-4-4 8 7 87 8 7 8 87 7 8 7 A5 21 8 7 8 7 15 16 30 25 U V 892 8 7 8 7 23 8 7 8 7 87 7 8 14 8 7 U V 659 8 7 8 7 87 7 8 87 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 24 8 7 13 8 7 87 7 8 B10 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 Range Road 442 Range Road 442A Range Road 441 - 11 2 A13 3 8 7 4 A10 8 7 32 Range Road 445 87 7 8 8 7 5 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 33 8 7 34 8 7 8 7 7 B12 B13 1 29 60-4-4 8 7 8 7 26 27 8 7 8 7 8 7 87 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 8 7 B19A ) 940S " " ! ( BEARTRAP SUBSTATION # Route Start Point Primary/Secondary Highway A1 Reference Point Rail Route End Point 8 7 8 7 8 7 C12 6 ERNESTINA LAKE 5 C12A 23 Crown Land Cemetery Preliminary Beartrap Substation Location C13 25 30 24 19 60-3-4 8 7 29 - Several route options are shown, but only one route/line will be built ATCO Planner: Laura Caden 8 7 8 7 8 7 20 8 7 ² - Only facilities in the vicinity of the route options are shown. Existing 144 kV Transmission Line Approved By: Laura Caden 8 7 8 7 C14 8 7 Beartrap Transmission Project NOTES: Preliminary Routes Cartography By: BA C11 32 31 B16 B19 Road Residence 8 7 B18 8 7 8 7 8 7 PRELIMINARY 8 7 20 36 8 7 8 7 ) " 659 8 7 Township Road 605 8 7 8 7 8 7 LEGEND æ U V 8 7 12 35 8 7 Township Road 604 87 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 7 8 7 87 7 8 8 7 BEARTRAP LAKE ! ( " ! ( B9 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 WEST PRELIMINARY ROUTE 8 7 Range Road 444 8 7 9 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 20 19 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 87 7 8 8 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 61-3-4 29 8 87 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 Township Road 615 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 87 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 17 32 31 8 7 8 7 Township Road 614 22 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 87 87 87 8 7 26 8 87 7 87 8 7 4 8 7 8 7 36 8 7 8 7 20 A4 A4A æ 8 7 8 7 27 28 A4B 8 7 8 7 87 7 8 8 7 8 7 5 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 6 8 7 35 æ 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 9 8 7 34 MU 8 7 28 8 7 8 7 ARDMORE 8 7 3 8 7 8 7 87 7 8 Township Road 620 8 7 8 7 E S OR 8 7 NH IRO RAIL 8 87 7 T 8 7 33 # 7L24 8 7 4 U V 8 7 8 62-3-4 8 7 8 7 8 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 - 5 8 87 7 8 7 8 7 7 ! ( Range Road 434 8 7 892 8 7 Range Road 434 8 7 U V 8 7 EAST PRELIMINARY ROUTE 8 7 12 11 10 C1 8 7 8 7 CENTRAL PRELIMINARY ROUTE 9 Range Road 444 Range Road 445 8 8 7 Range Road 443 8 7 ! ( Range Road 440 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 7L24 B1 8 7 Range Road 440 8 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 # 8 7 8 7 Township Road 622 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 Range Road 434 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 # RGE. RD. 8 7 8 7 8 7 PRELIMINARY ROUTE MOSAIC 1:50 000 EBA Project Manager: Brent McMillin RS-7LA24 -P-01 February 2012 Need for Beartrap 940S Substation Connection in the Cold Lake Area Transmission Development Information for Stakeholders Why is this transmission development needed? ATCO Electric Ltd. (ATCO) has requested an increase in transmission capacity to serve growing demand for electricity east of Bonnyville. In response to this request, the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) has determined that the need for additional capacity can be reliably met by constructing a new substation, tentatively named “Beartrap 940S” and a new 144 kilovolt (kV) transmission line connecting the new substation to the existing 144 kV 7L24 transmission line. The AESO is processing ATCO’s request, including providing information to landowners, occupants, residents and agencies that may be near the proposed the transmission development. The AESO intends to apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) for approval of this need in the summer of 2012. The AESO’s needs identification document will be available on the AESO’s website at at the time of its application to the AUC. Who is the AESO? Alberta’s transmission system, sometimes referred to as the Alberta Interconnected Electric System (AIES), is planned and operated by the AESO. The transmission system comprises the high-voltage lines, towers and equipment (generally 69kV and above) that transmit electricity from generators to lower voltage systems that distribute electricity to cities, towns, rural areas and large industrial customers. The AESO’s role is to maintain safe, reliable and economic operation of the AIES. The AESO’s planning responsibility includes determining the need for transmission system development and the manner in which that need is met. The AESO is also mandated to facilitate the interconnection of qualified market participants to the AIES. The AESO is regulated by the AUC and must apply to the AUC for approval of its needs identification document (NID). How is ATCO involved? ATCO is the transmission facilities owner (TFO) in the Cold Lake area. While the AESO is responsible for identifying that transmission system development is needed, ATCO is responsible for detailed siting and routing, constructing, operating and maintaining the associated transmission facilities. The AESO has directed ATCO to provide information to stakeholders on this need and to file a facility proposal application with the AUC that will include a detailed description and location of the proposed transmission development. 1115 Page 1 February 2012 Further Information The AESO appreciates your views on the need for transmission system development and your comments are encouraged. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the need for the proposed transmission system development in the Cold Lake area or the AESO’s application regarding this need, please contact: Mark Sears-Gamache AESO Stakeholder Relations 1-888-866-2959 2500, 330 – 5th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 0L4 The AESO is committed to protecting your personal privacy in accordance with Alberta's Personal Information Protection Act. Any personal information collected by the AESO with regard to this project may be used to provide you with further information about the project, may be disclosed to the Alberta Utilities Commission (and as a result, may become public), and may also be disclosed to ATCO as the legal owner of transmission facilities in your area. If you have any questions about how the AESO will use and disclose your personal information, please contact us at 1888-866-2959 or at 1115 Page 2 February 2012 Join us at our open house Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4 - 8 p.m. BEARTRAP SUBSTATION TRANSMISSION PROJECT ATCO Electric is hosting an open house to share details of the Beartrap Substation Transmission Project, which includes the construction of the proposed Beartrap substation and about sixteen kilometres of new transmission line connecting the substation to an existing transmission line. We invite you to attend the open house. Attendance at an open house will provide you with an opportunity to meet the members of our team, learn more about the different options under consideration and have your questions answered. We welcome open discussion including any comments or concerns you may have as your feedback plays a critical role in our projects. We look forward to meeting you. If you have any questions about this project, or if you cannot attend the open house and you would like to discuss this project with ATCO Electric, please contact: Wes Caldwell, Project Planner Toll Free: 1-855-420-5775 Fax: 780-420-5030 Email: Website: Ardmore Community Hall 4910 50th Street, Ardmore, Alberta REPLY FORM BEARTRAP SUBSTATION TRANSMISSION PROJECT 10035 – 105 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 2V6 CONTACT INFORMATION Date (DD/MM/YYYY): First Name: Please help us identify new contacts Last Name: Company/Organization Name (if applicable): Mailing Address: You were contacted about this project because ATCO Electric identified you or your company/organization as having a land interest in the vicinity of the project. Is there anyone else associated with your property, such as other owners, renters or occupants, who we should also contact? If so, please provide the name(s) and contact information below: City/Town: Province: Postal Code: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Business Phone: Fax: I would like to receive all future correspondence about this project by Email (If this is your preference, please check the box) Email: ABOUT PRIVACY: The information on this form is being collected to help identify potential concerns with proposed alterations and the location of proposed power transmission facilities, to facilitate communications about the project, and to comply with our obligations to the Alberta Utilities Commission. This information may be provided to the Alberta Utilities Commission, other electric facility owners or the Surface Rights Board. Information relating to the need for the facilities may be provided to the Alberta Electric System Operator. Enquiries or concerns about ATCO Electric's privacy policies can be directed to Tony Melnychuk, privacy officer (address above), phone 780-420-4466. Please list any residences, buildings or other areas on your property that should be avoided: I am not aware of any residences, buildings, facilities, or areas on my property that should be avoided (If this statement applies to you, please check the box) LOCATION DESCRIPTION (If you require additional space, please attach a separate sheet) Please share any comments or concerns that you have about the project: HOW TO SUBMIT: Please use the enclosed envelope to return by mail or fax to 780-420-5030. If you would like more information about the project, please contact us toll free 1-855-420-5775 or by Email: