TO: Development Assessment Panel FROM: Manager Planning and
TO: Development Assessment Panel FROM: Manager Planning and
City of Charles Sturt 41. TO: Development Assessment Panel FROM: Manager Planning and Development DAP Report 3/07/13 DATE: HINDMARSH WARD ITEM 3.36 1 MANN DRIVE BROMPTON Applicant George Majda & Associates Application No 252/0489/13 Proposal A residential flat building comprising one three storey dwelling with spa and one two storey dwelling with associated front fence Owner of land Arash Bidhendi Zone Residential Zone Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 Form of assessment Merit Public notification category Category 2 Representations No representations Agency consultations Nil Author Lisa Stevens Development Officer— Planning Attachments a. Development Plan Provisions Table b. Application documents Development Plan 5 July 2012 Recommendation Approval with Conditions City of Charles Sturt DAP Report 3/07/13 42. Report Background The subject site is currently a vacant allotment. In 2009 Development Approval was granted for one three storey detached dwelling on the subject site which had a very similar footprint and building envelope to the current proposal. The development did not progress to the construction stage. Proposal This application seeks approval to develop a residential flat building comprising two dwellings on the subject site. Dwelling one is a two storey dwelling fronting Mann Drive and dwelling two is a three storey dwelling with a frontage to West Street. The dwellings are integrated and appear as one larger dwelling to both streetscapes and overlap each other with the bathroom for dwelling 2 covering the courtyard for, dwelling 1. Dwg 1 Dwg 2 Development Plan DP Provisions Met? Site Area per Dwelling 114m 2 lOOm 2 No minimum Yes Street Frontage Width 11.5m 10.6m No minimum Yes Building Height 7m 9.75m 3 storey Yes 3.6m im Average neighbours Yes Setbacks • Front 2.5m • Side (lower) Cm Om 0.9m or butting adjoining wall Yes • Side (upper) Om Cm As above Yes • Rear (lower) Om Om 3m No • Rear (upper) 4m 3.3m 3m Yes 33m 2 32m 2 20% of site area (23m 2 and 20m) Yes Private Yard Areas Carparking • Tenant 1 2 1 Yes • Visitors 1 0 1 Acceptable City of Charles Sturt 43. DAP Report 3/07/13 Site/Locality The subject site is located on the corner of Mann Drive and West Street within the Residential Zone - Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20. The allotment has a site area of 214m 2 with a 11.5m frontage to Mann Drive and 19m frontage to West Street. The allotment has a corner cut off of 4.24m. The adjoining allotments to the north and west are established two storey residential dwellings built to the boundary. The immediate character of the locality is predominately contemporary townhouse development of medium to high density with the existing single storey housing stock remaining on the southern side of West Street. The established character of the area is dominated by two or three storey contemporary dwellings built with minimal front setbacks and built abutting or with minimal side setbacks with associated frOnt fencing. m 1 N 0 rn 0 0 a) or 0 0 zT = t U, a) U 0 '1- 4-. 0 U 0 —j C a) 4-. U, Flaw • Ll AbMVIP lit y * a) C I- >. U 0 —j C (5 a) .0 C C 0 a) 4-. U U, U) a) .0 City of Charles Sturt DAP Report 3/07/13 45. Summary of Representations and Applicants Response Representations The proposal underwent the Category 2 Public Notification process. No Representations were received. Internal Consultation Department/Staff Response Mark Pierson The existing landscaped area on West Street does not appear to impinge on the reverse-out turning manoeuvre for the B85 vehicle. Development and Permit Officer Engineering Strategy and Assets DA approval is 'supported subject to the requirement to obtain a permit to match their internal driveway with the existing invert. Chris Taras Technical Officer Arboriculture - Open Space Recreation and Property Carmine D'Amico Civil Engineer - Development Services Planning and Development The trees are semi-mature and to construct the proposed crossover will not have a significant impact on the existing two trees in Mann Drive. The crossover is to have no taper on each side other than a standard radius at the invert and a linear root barrier be installed to a minimum depth of 500mm on each side of the crossover. Finished Floor Level The minimum FFLofthe development is 16.83. The garage level is 16.8, it will need to be brought up to the minimum level, the FFL of the living area complies. The driveway level at the boundary must be 300mm above the Water Table, this has not been shown on plans, it is required for both driveways. Stormwater Management Plan Complies with CCS requirements City of Charles Sturt 46. DAP Report 3/07/13 Development Assessment The proposal is neither a complying nor non-complying form of development and must be considered on its merits against the relevant provisions of the Development Plan. The Development Act 1993 provides that a Planning Authority is to have regard to the relevant provisions of the Development Plan in assessing development proposals. Attachment A contains a comprehensive list of all Development Plan provisions considered relevant to the proposal. A comprehensive assessment against the relevant provisions of the Development Plan has been undertaken within Attachment A. Where compliance with a particular Development Plan provision requires further discussion, it has been outlined in further detail below. Land Use The proposal to construct two dwellings is appropriate within the Residential Zone Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20. There is no minimum land size required in this policy area which enables a range of housing styles with varying footprints. The application is consistent with the Desired Character statement of the Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 which envisages a range of dwelling types including high density housing. Visual Appearance/Built Form/Landscaping The proposed dwellings are of modern contemporary design which is in keeping with the established character of the locality. The facades are well articulated and incorporate glazing, balconies and solid walls that results in an interesting built form. The two dwellings are integrated in their design which presents as one building to the street. This approach results in a high quality streetscape. Dwelling one has a frontage to Mann Drive and presents to the street with a single garage, living area and courtyard. The second storey of dwelling one incorporates a balcony which extends over the driveway which results in the garage not being a dominant element of the streetscape. Dwelling two has a frontage to West Street and presents to the street with a double garage, entry point and study at ground level. Dwelling two has a second and third level which is well articulated and incorporates front balconies which extend over the garaging which ensures there is no garage dominance. The third level of dwelling two is located centrally within the allotment which minimises the bulk and scale of the dwelling. Dwelling one incorporates a courtyard wall along the front boundary that is articulated in height and has a rendered finish to match the proposed dwellings. This courtyard wall is an appropriate style of fencing for the locality. The landscaping provided to both dwellings will positively contribute to the streetscape as it will break up the built form. The overall design is appropriate for the site and locality and is consistent with the Desired Character statement of the Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 which envisages two and three storey development, cohesive streetscapes with a variety of housing forms and City of Charles Sturt 47. DAP Report 3/07/13 styles. The proposal is also consistent with the Design and Appearance Objectives and Principles of Development Control which envisages development that is of high architectural standard, has regard to the desired character of the locality and has regard to mass and scale, proportion, roof form and façade articulation and detailing. Setbacks The immediate locality and established character of the area is dominated by two and three storey contemporary townhouses that are often in row dwelling or residential flat building formation with two storey components built to the side boundaries. Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 Principle of Development Control 3 states that walls located on a side boundary should be located immediately abutting the wall of an existing building on the adjoining site in regards to height and length. The proposed dwellings are consistent with this principle as the proposed two storey walls abut existing two storey walls on the boundary for the same height and length. The ground floor rear courtyard to dwelling two abuts the open space of the adjoining dwelling to the north east which minimises any impact of the proposed built form to the neighbouring property. The front setbacks are appropriate for the site and locality as the adjoining dwelling to the north is setback 2 metres with the adjoining neighbour to the west setback approximately 3 metres. Both adjoining properties have balconies or canopies forward of the main face. Private Open Space Dwellings within the Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 require 20% of the site area to be dedicated to private open space. The private open space should be located behind the building line, not include bin storage areas and have 16m 2 with a minimum dimension of 4 metres. Private open space located above ground level should be a minimum dimension of 2 metres. Whilst the proposed development does not meet all the requirements regarding private open space, the overall arrangement is appropriate given the locality and existing character of the area and is not considered at serious variance with the Development Plan. Dwelling one requires 23m 2 private open space. The proposal includes a courtyard to the rear of the dwelling of 10m 2 to facilitate bin storage and clothes drying. The combined area of the courtyard to the front of the dwelling and upper balconies is 33m 2 . The proposed location of the courtyard also facilitates northern sun which would not be captured if located behind the building line due to the surrounding built form. Whilst a portion of the private open space is located forward of the dwelling given the locality, orientation and high quality design in this development it is considered appropriate. Dwelling two requires 20m 2 dedicated to private open space. The proposal includes a 10m 2 courtyard located to the rear of the dwelling which facilitates bin storage and clothes drying and 32m 2 provided in the form of balconies. The shortfall of private open space located behind the building lines has not been considered at serious variance with the Development Plan given the provision for bin storage, clothes dying areas with the addition of large balconies to each. dwelling. The City of Charles Sturt 48. DAP Report 3/07/13 proposed private open space for both dwellings is considered appropriate given the site and design. Overlooking The upper storey windows that do not have a street frontage are high level to minimise overlooking to the adjoining neighbouring properties. The balconies proposed for dwelling one and two both have street frontages and enable casual surveillance to the public street. Windows without a street frontage have been designed as high level to minimise any overlooking potential. There are no overlooking issues raised with the proposed dwellings. Traffic Management and Parking Dwelling one provides two off street car parks in a tandem arrangement. Dwelling one's crossover will be located between two existing street trees and has been supported by Councils Development and Permit Officer and Technical Officer - Arboriculture. Dwelling two provides two off street car parks which utilise an existing crossover. The access and parking arrangement proposed is appropriate for the site and locality. Crime Prevention The proposed dwellings incorporate elements of solid and tubular fencing at ground level to allow for casual surveillance of the public street. Both dwellings also have balconies orientated to both Mann Drive and West Street to enable casual surveillance. Stormwater The proposal has been assessed by Councils stormwater engineer and has been amended to comply with Councils flood mitigation and stormwater management policies. Conclusion This application has been assessed against the Charles Sturt Development Plan dated 5 July 2012. The proposed development is consistent with the desired character statement for this locality, in terms of the type, allotment size of dwellings and the appearance of the dwellings. The development is considered to provide adequate setbacks, private open space and on site car parking. Overlooking has been addressed whilst still allowing for maximum passive surveillance over the adjoining public land. For these reasons the proposed development is considered to adequately comply with the relevant Development Plan Provisions and hence warrants the granting of Development Planning Consent. 49. City of Charles Sturt DAP Report 3/07/13 Recommendation A. Reason for Decision The Panel has read and considered the report prepared by the Development Officer, Planning dated 3 July 2013 and agrees with the assessment outlined in that report. B. That pursuant to Section 35 (2) of the Development Act, 1993, the proposal is not seriously at variance with the relevant provisions of the Charles Sturt (City) Development Plan consolidated 5 July 2012. C. That pursuant to Section 33 of the Development Act, 1993, Development Application Number 252/0489/13 be GRANTED Development Plan Consent subject to the following conditions: 1. Develop in accordance with the approved plans That the proposal shall be developed in accordance with the details and approved plans stamped by Council except where varied by the conditions herein and shall be completed prior to occupation of the proposed development. Reason: 2. To ensure the development proceeds in an orderly manner. 1.5 metre high sill height That any side and rear upper storey windows that do not have a street frontage shall have a minimum 1.5 metre high sill height above the finished floor level or have translucent glass/film to a minimum height of 1.5 metres. The translucent glass/film windows shall be fixed or be provided with awning sashes that do not exceed an open distance of 200mm. 3. Reason: To minimise the impact on adjoining residents. Note: With respect to this condition other forms of screening can be used as long as it can be demonstrated to Council that such screening will prevent overlooking. However, should you wish to use an alternative screening method you are required to lodge an application to vary the above condition. Stormwater Management Plan Condition All stormwater runoff shall be directed away from neighbouring properties and shall be managed in accordance with the Stormwater Management Plan prepared by MQZ Consulting Engineers dated May 2013 and quoted with Job Reference Number 130503. Reason: To ensure stormwater is disposed of in a controlled manner. City of Charles Sturt 50. DAP Report 3/07/13 Notes 1. You are advised that under the Fences Act you are legally required to give notice for the removal of a fence on the common boundary. Please refer to the Fences Act for the correct procedural requirements. 2. The applicant is reminded of its general environmental duty, as required by Section 25 of the Environment Protection Act, to take all reasonable and practical measures to ensure the activities on the site, including during construction, do not pollute the environment in a way which causes or may cause environmental harm. This includes being mindful of and minimising off site noise, dust and vibration impacts associated with development. Construction noise can cause nuisance to nearby residents and therefore activities which include the operation of machinery need to be restricted to between 7.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Saturday and if necessary on Sunday between 9.00am and 7.00pm to minimise potential for noise complaints. Construction must be undertaken in accordance with Division 1 of Part 6 of the Environment Protection (noise) Policy 2007 at all times. Heavy vehicles accessing the site should avoid residential streets wherever possible. 3. The approval for this development does NOT imply approval to alter, shift or remove any street tree, side entry pit, stobie pole, bus stop, fire hydrant or other gas, electricity, water, telecommunications or other similar infrastructure. Approval to alter any of these or similar infrastructure needs to be obtained from the relevant government department, private organisation or Council. Any costs associated with such alteration are the responsibility of the applicant. 4. Before proceeding with this proposal, you are required to seek Building Rules Consent pursuant to the provisions of the Development Act, 1993. 5. You are advised that construction of any footpath, kerb, gutter or crossover on Council land will require a permit from Council's Engineering and Construction Department. It is illegal to undertake work on Council land without permission. To ensure your development can now proceed without unnecessary delays please ensure the matters outlined below are properly managed. The following information outlines your obligations in relation to appropriately managing noise, dust and works effecting adjoining land (both private and public). Driveway Crossovers . If you are relocating an existing driveway crossover you must remove and reinstate the old crossover to match the existing kerb profile, footpath and verge. You will require a permit to work on Council land to construct your new driveway crossover which must be constructed to Council specification. Please contact Council on 8408 1111 or refer to our website for relevant specifications. City of Charles Sturt 51. DAP Report 3/07/13 Council Verges . Please take every precaution necessary to avoid damage to the landscaping and infrastructure present on Council verges, as you will be required to make good damage to Council property. Common boundary When removing fences that are on the common boundary with your neighbour you must give your neighbour 28 days notice in writing that you intend to remove the dividing fence. Where the neighbour has a pool, particular care must be taken to ensure the pool is not left exposed, if temporary fencing is installed the temporary fence must comply with AS 1926.1 - Swimming pool safety. We recommend that you consider the Fences and the Law booklet available on line and follow the processes outlined in the booklet. Where it is intended to erect external walls on the boundary the face of the external wall must be on the boundary. Further, barge boards, capping tiles or other fixtures on the boundary wall must not encroach upon the land of the adjoining owner. Existing fence lines may not be the true legal boundary. To avoid violation of neighbour's rights, the onus of proof of the boundary line rests with the owner of the land where the work is undertaken. This will necessitate a survey being carried out by a licensed surveyor to identify the true location of the boundary and proposed footing on the ground. You will need the neighbour's written approval to enter their land to carry out any construction. Neighbours . Construction within an established neighbourhood can be a stressful time for existing residents. You are urged to take all necessary precautions to ensure adjoining properties are not damaged or residents unreasonably impacted. In the interests of good neighbourliness you may wish to consider providing your contact details to all adjoining property owners inviting them to contact you should there be any concerns during the construction process. Dust . Airborne dust and sand emissions potentially generated on site must be managed and this can be achieved by wetting down the soil and site during the demolition and construction process. If you have any concerns or questions in relation to dust you can contact the EPA on 8204 2004. Asbestos . If there is asbestos material in or on the building or fencing to be demolished there are specific requirements for the method of removal and disposal of asbestos. The removal of asbestos over 10 square metres in area must be carried out by a licensed asbestos removal contractor in accordance with Safe Work SA requirements. For further information in relation to this please contact Safe Work SA on 1300 365 255. City of Charles Sturt 52. DAP Report 3/07/13 Use of Public Space • Should any part of the development process require use of public land (ie, the footpath, nature strip, road or other reserve), additional permits will be required. • Examples of such activities include storage of materials, delivery of materials from public land, placing of temporary fences on public land, blocking of the road, footpath or nature strip for any period of time. • Where works from public space impact vehicular or pedestrian traffic, you will be requested to lodge a Traffic Management Plan that adheres to the requirements of the relevant Australian Standards. • Additional fees and charges may apply, please contact the Council's Compliance Team on 8408 1380 to discuss your projects needs. Environment Protection Note The Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003 requires any person who is undertaking an activity, or is an occupier of land to take all reasonable and practicable measures to avoid the discharge or deposit of waste from that activity or land into any waters or onto land in a place from which it is likely to enter any waters (including the stormwater system). The policy also creates offences that can result in on-the-spot fines or legal proceedings. The following information is provided to assist you to comply with this legislation: 1. Building and construction should follow sediment control principles outlined in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention - Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry (EPA 1999). Specifically, the applicant should ensure: • During construction no sediment should leave the building and construction points to entry site. Appropriate exclusion devices must be installed at stormwater systems and waterways. • A stabilised entry/exit point should be constructed to minimise the tracking of sand, soil and clay off site. However, should tracking occur, regular clean-ups are advised. 2. Litter from construction sites is an environmental concern. All efforts should be made to keep all litter on site. The applicant should ensure that bins with securely fitted lids, capable of receiving all waste from building and construction activities, are placed on site. 3. All building and construction wastewaters are listed pollutants under the Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003 and as such must be contained on site. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the terms of the Policy and ensure that all contractors engaged by you are aware of the obligations arising under it. For further information please contact the Environment Protection Authority on telephone (08) 8204 2004. City of Charles Sturt 53. DAP Report 3/07/13 ATTACHMENTA [Attachment A consists of 8 pages] Development Plan Provisions - Consolidated 5 July 2012 Land Use PolicyArea Desired Character Statement - Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 No housing density limitations apply in the policy area and it is expected that its character will be represented by integrated subdivisions accommodating a wide range of dwelling types at medium to high densities, such as detached, semi-detached, row and group dwellings, residential flat buildings and aged person's housing, which demonstrate best practice urban development. Development will contribute to a cohesive housing form and style. Buildings of up to two storeys in height are appropriate, with three storey buildings appropriate in the middle of the policy area, adjacent the Neighbourhood Centre Zone - Findon Policy Area 10 and at least 30 metres away from housing in other policy areas of the Residential Zone. It is envisaged that sites previously used for commercial purposes or land that has been previously used for waste disposal will be replaced with housing after, where necessary, decontamination has occurred. Development that will achieve cohesive streetscapes whilst allowing for variety in housing form and style is desirable. Complies - Development within Bowden and Brompton shall reinforce the established rectilinear street and allotment pattern. It is envisaged that additional public open space will be provided in one substantial area south of Third Street between West and Brown Streets that would enable convenient pedestrian access from these streets and have proportions and a shape that ensures the reserve is usable and suitable for its purpose. In Findon, west of Findon Road, housing development needs to make efficient use of sites and integrate effectively with surrounding land uses, especially the Findon Shopping Centre facility, as well as being sited and designed to contribute to and enhance attractive existing or expected streetscape character Policy Area - Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 oi Development that contributes to the desired character of the policy area. PDC 1 Development should not be undertaken unless it is consistent with the desired character for the policy area. PDC 2 The two storey component of a building should be setback no closer than 3 metres from the rear boundary. Complies Complies See body of report. A wall of a building on a side boundary should satisfy all of the following: (a) be located immediately abutting the wall of an existing or simultaneously constructed building on the adjoining site and is constructed to the same or to a lesser length and height (b) where not affected by (a) above, have a maximum height of 3 metres above natural ground level measured from the ground level at the boundary of the adjoining site (c) does not exceed 40 per cent of the length of the boundary (d) be constructed along one side of the allotment only. Residential Zone A residential zone comprising a range of dwelling types. 01 See body of report. 02 Complies PDC 3 PDC 1 Increased dwelling densities in close proximity to centres, public transport routes and public open spaces The following forms of development are envisaged in the zone: • Domestic outbuilding in association with a dwelling • Domestic structure • Dwelling • • Complies Complies Dwelling addition Small scale non-residential uses that serve the local community, for example: o Child care facilities o Health and welfare services o Open space o Primary and secondary schools o Recreation areas o Shops, offices or consulting rooms • PDC 3 Supported accommodation Vacant or underutilised land should be developed in an efficient and co-ordinated manner to increase housing choice by providing dwellings with densities higher than, but compatible in form, scale and design with adjoining residential development. Complies Residential Zone Form and Character PDC 6 Development should not exceed two storeys in height except where specified in the relevant policy area. PDC 7 The roof pitch of a dwelling should be less than 5 degrees or greater than 25 degrees. PDC 8 Front fences should be incorporated as part of a dwelling development where the established character of a locality is identified with this element. General Section Design and Appearance 01 Development of a high architectural standard that responds to and reinforces positive aspects of the local environment and built form PDC 1 Buildings should reflect the desired character of the locality while incorporating contemporary designs that have regard to the following: (a) building height, mass and proportion (b) external materials, patterns, colours and decorative elements (c) roof form and pitch (d) façade articulation and detailing (e) verandas, eaves, parapets and window screens. PDC 2 Where a building is sited on or close to a side or rear boundary, the boundary wall should minimise: (a) the visual impact of the building as viewed from adjoining properties (b) overshadowing of adjoining properties and allow adequate sunlight access to neighbouring buildings - Complies Complies Complies - PDC 3 POC 5 The external walls and roofs of buildings should not incorporate highly reflective materials which will result in glare to neighbouring properties, drivers or cyclists. Balconies should: (a) be integrated with the overall form and detail of the building (b) include balustrade detailing that enables line of sight to the street (c) be recessed where wind would otherwise make the space unusable. . Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Visual Privacy PDC 11 Buildings with upper level windows, balconies, terraces and decks should minimise direct overlooking of habitable rooms and private open spaces of dwellings through one or more of the following measures: (a) off-setting the location of balconies and windows of habitable rooms with those of other buildings so that views are oblique rather than direct (b) building setbacks from boundaries (including building boundary to boundary where appropriate) that interrupt views or that provide a spatial separation between balconies or windows of habitable rooms (c) screening devices (including fencing, obscure glazing, screens, external ventilation blinds, window hoods and shutters) that are integrated into the building design and have minimal negative effect on residents' or neighbours' amenity (d) other than within the Urban Core Zone, sill heights of not less than 1.5 metres or permanent screens having a height of 1.5 metres above finished floor level. Relationship to the Street and Public Realm PDC 13 Buildings (other than ancillary buildings, group dwellings or buildings on allotments with a battle axe configuration) should be designed so that their main façade faces the primary street frontage of the land on which they are situated. PDC 14 Buildings, landscaping, paving and signage should have a coordinated appearance that maintains and enhances the visual attractiveness of the locality. PDC 15 Buildings should be designed and sited to avoid extensive areas of uninterrupted walling facing areas exposed to public view. PDC 16 Building design should emphasise pedestrian entry, points to provide perceptible and direct access from public street frontages and vehicle parking areas. PDC 19 Where zero or minor setbacks are desirable, development should incorporate shelter over footpaths to enhance the quality of the pedestrian environment. Building Setbacks from Road Boundaries PDC 22 Except in areas where a new character is desired, the setback of buildings from public roads should: (a) be similar to, or compatible with, setbacks of buildings on adjoining land and other buildings in the locality (b) contribute positively to the function, appearance and/ or desired character of the locality Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Does not comply Complies PDC 23 Except where specified in a particular zone, policy area or precinct, the main face of a building should be set back from the primary road frontage in accordance with the following table: Setback . between butidings on adjacent allotments Setback of new building lip to 2 metres The same setback as one of the adjacent buildings, as illustrated betow: See body of report 6. When b a< 2. slb,ok of new dwelling Greater than 2 metres = a or b - At least the average setback of the adjacent buildings. General Section - Residential Development A diverse range of dwelling types and sizes available to cater for changing demographics, particularly 02 smaller household sizes and supported accommodation. Medium and high density residential development in areas close to activity centres public and 03 community transport and public open spaces. Residential Development - Design and Appearance PDC 3 Dwellings and accommodation at ground floor level should contribute to the character of the locality and create active, safe streets by incorporating one or more of the following: (a) front landscaping or terraces that contribute to the spatial and visual structure of the street while maintaining adequate privacy for occupants (b) individual entries for ground floor accommodation (c) opportunities to overlook adjacent public space. Residential development should be designed to ensure living rooms have an external outlook. PDC 4 PDC 5 Entries to dwellings or foyer areas should be clearly visible from the street, or access ways that they face to enable visitors to easily identify individual dwellings. Garages, Carports and Outbuildings Garages, carports and residential outbuildings should have a roof form and pitch, building materials PDC 6 and detailing that complement the associated dwelling. - Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies PDC 8 Garages, carports and residential outbuildings should not dominate the streetscape and be designed within the following parameters: arameter Value Morarnurrr floor area Maxonarn 1001 See body of report height 60 square metes 3 eretron Maolrnmn braiding he,ghl 5 metres Mrnenorn setback from o primary rood frontage Garoges and carporto setback in accordance with the fotlosrog. (a) within the Residential Zone or Residential Character Zone - at leant 5.5 metres or 0.5 metres behind the mars tone at the associated dwelling, whichever in the prosier dictonce from the prhsary frontage (b) no closer than any part of its associated dweling and In any other cone, be netbank a rninenorn of 5,5 ,nehen Oothrrild'ergn nhoold not prohnde forward of any part of its associated dweling Min,ncm setback from a secondary road 0.9 web'es or in-lore with the existng dwelfrrg frontage Minisner setback from a reurornide vehicle accesn way 0 reeben Maoirrrure length oloog the bor,ndory 8 mehen or 50 per cent of the length along 0101 boundary (whmch cone in the leaner) Mainmrcrr frontage width of garoge or carpori with an opeetirg facing a rear access tone No rnaninraro Maormure frontage width of garage or carport with an ojrenorg facing the street Lens than hoper cent of the allotment hostage provided the width dons not enseed 5 rnntres wittrur the Renirtenfiot Zone or Rerirfenbol Character Zone General Section—Transportation and Access Table ChSt/2- Off -Street Vehicle Parking Requirements: Dwelling (detached and semi-detached) require 2 onsite carparking spaces, one of which is covered (the second space can be tandem) Site Coverage PDC 11 Site coverage should be limited to ensure sufficient space is provided for: (a) pedestrian and vehicle access and vehicle parking (b) domestic storage (c) outdoor clothes drying (d) a rainwater tanks (e) private open space and landscaping (f) convenient storage of household garbage and recycling receptacles. - Complies PDC 38 Complies Private Open Space PDC 12 Private open space (available for exclusive use by residents of each dwelling) should be provided for each dwelling and should be sited and designed: See body of report (a) to be accessed directly from the internal living areas of the dwelling (b) to be generally at ground level (other than for residential flat buildings) and to the side or rear of a dwelling and screened for privacy (c) to take advantage of, but not adversely affect, natural features of the site (d) to minimise overlooking from adjacent buildings (e) to achieve separation from bedroom windows on adjoining sites (f) to have a northerly aspect to provide for comfortable year round use (g) not to be significantly shaded during winter by the associated dwelling or adjacent development (h) to be partly shaded in summer (i) to minimise noise or air quality impacts that may arise from traffic, industry or other business activities within the locality (j) to have sufficient area and shape to be functional, taking into consideration the location of the dwelling, and the dimension and gradient of the site. PDC 14 For each dwelling in the Residential Zone or Residential Character Zone that has a ground floor level, private open space should: (a) contain one primary useable part, directly accessible from a living room within the dwelling consistent with the following requirements: Po1cy Area Integrated Medium Density Policy Are i Minmum area of useable phvate open space square metres) - or te 3rea sqL.a'e netres Minimum Maximum dimension gradient (metres) ezs See body of report (b) not be covered by verandas by more than 30 per cent and to not include any areas to be used for the parking of motor vehicles (c) be located behind the building line (d) be provided at the following rates and in accordance with the following requirements: Integrated Medium Density Policy Area 20 : 20 % of the site area Private open space located above ground level should have a minimum dimension of 2 metres and be directly accessible from a habitable room. General Section.- Crime Prevention A safe, secure, crime resistant environment where land uses are integrated and designed to facilitate 01 community surveillance Development should be designed to maximise surveillance of public spaces through the incorporation PDC 1 of clear lines of sight, appropriate lighting and the use of visible permeable barriers wherever practicable. Buildings should be designed to overlook public and communal streets and public open space to allow PDC 2 casual surveillance. General Section- Landscaping, Fences and Walls The amenity of land and development enhanced with appropriate planting and other landscaping 01 works, using locally indigenous plant species where possible. DPC 18 Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies City of Charles Sturt 54. DAP Report 3/07/13 ATTACHMENT B [Attachment B consists of 22 pages] •o •oo o ••O Oo•0• 0 • • ° o.oO G0•G • •000 .• .000• 0 _ I 0• • 0 0 0 1J Development Application Form Development Act 1993 Office Use Only To submit an application, sections 1-8 of this application must be completed. Please use block letters and black or blue pen. The completed form must be accompanied by all required documents as specified in the planning requirements checklists and the applicable fees. Property Number: Applications submitted that do not Include the prerequisite information listed in the "Planning Requirements Checklist" will be returned for resubmission by the applicant once they are complete. Received dy: 252/ q79ivfr Date Lodged: I3, 1. Application Type: rEJ ' 2. D Complying Development Development Plan Consent (Planning Only) includes approval to prune or remove a significant tree Location of Proposed Development I Street: MP4-N D.?. Section No: Or, Lot No:7.. DP: No: 1 _45 (Full/Part) Hd: _i Folio: Detailed Description of Proposed Development SMt VVM CkW 4. '4tW10fJ Suburb: Certificate of Title: Volume: 007.5 3. Building Rules Consent (Building Only) Development Approval (Both Planning and Building) Postcode: 50b7 s1Pc..-A Z-.1 1AJOS1OE.1 7_.. & So p.P•t&j Cost of the Proposed Development (excluding fit-out costs such as furniture) $ 48 0 , D°° _Please note: Council may require written justifIcation to verify costs. Sections marked * must be completed. S. Details of Parties (Please note that all correspondence will be addressed to the Applicant. In the event of multiple applicants the addressee will be the first named) *Applint GO.6t Name (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Company): Email: Go- Postal Address: 7z- *Builder (if known): . P' &VA 1:,.jbr. , OCA .frçtj r4OW _PrO_iD ie-_ioc'f- Phone:L&1 l 44-_Mobile; Pr1bP_4A 116I09 Fax: ' Licence No: Email: Postal Address: d% Subject Email: Fax: Mobile: Phone: 4A 4 C1L 4j- ft:Z. Postal Address: Phone: 64 110 OZ..fl Mobile: 64d1- 2.74.10 JoFax: 8410 O5(o City of Charles Sturt 72 Woodville Road, Woodville, South Australia 5011 T 08 8408 1111 F 08 8408 1122 , 2 6. Has The Construction Industry Training Fund Act 1993 Levy Been Paid? 7. SITE DECLARATIONS NEW DWELLINGS ONLY: 7.1 Was the allotment created on or after 1 September 2009? Yes 7.2 Does the site have connection to or is capable of being connected to a sewage system or waste control system which complies with the Public and Environmental Health Act, 1987? Yes No 7.3 Was the site to the best of your knowledge and belief, subject to site contamination as a result of a previous use of the land or a previous activity on the land? Yes No 8. SITE DECLARATIONS ALL DEVELOPMENT: 8.1 Does a regulated tree exist on the site or on adjoining land which might be affected (including damage to tree roots) by the proposed development? Yes No 8.2 If the proposed building includes a garage/carport, does is gain driveway access from: (if not applicable) 0 No - 8.2.3 8.2.4 • 8.2.2 No - • • • 8.2.1 Yes an existing driveway or authorised access point; or a mountable or rollover kerb; or a driveway access point illustrated as part of an approved land division; or a driveway access point that is not located within 6 m of an intersection or a pedestrian actuated crossing and will not interfere with a tree, street furniture, or other infrastructure? 2 No 0 Yes D No 0 Yes No 0 Yes Yes No ga 5/09/2012 3 9. Name: Person for Further Information (if other than the applicant) O -G(e Email:____________________ 1PuW'Fax: Mobile: Phone: 10. Current Land and Property Use (e.g. dwelling, shop, industry, warehouse) z-- it_. (.r. Historic Use of Land Are there any easements on the land? D Yes LJ" No Are there any significant trees on the land or adjacent land? Is there a brush fence within 3 metres of the Yes proposed building work? El Yes EINo E 'No 11. Building classification details Building classification sought: Present classification(s): Commercial/Industrial applications: Male: Number of employees: Institutional buildings: Assembly buildings: Female: Number of persons accommodated: Number of occupants: 12. Decision Notification Distribution Decision Notices and associated documentation will be distributed by email if less than 5mb and the applicants email address is included in the Applicant Details section on page 1 of this form. When greater than 5mb in size or where an email address is not provided the decision documentation will be distributed on a CD unless a paper copy is specifically requested. D Please send a paper copy of the decision documentation by post. 13. Privacy policy I acknowledge that copies of this application and supporting documentation may be provided to interested persons in accordance with the Development Regulations 2008 and Development Act 1993 and where public notification is required may be made available on Council's website. Details provided by the applicant, written representations and other technical reports form part of the reports attached to Council agendas. The agenda, minutes and accompanying report is made available on Council's website. Information, including names and addresses recorded in these documents can therefore be searched by the various website search engines. *Signed : *Date: "Applican Office Use Only: Date: Receipt No: Owner D Authorised Person • .. ....• •.... .. ... . .. . ,. ...• .... ...•...••• .. .. .. .,. .... .. ...... • • . • Powerline Clearance Declaration of Applicant Pursuant to Clause 2A(1) of Schedule 5 of the Development Regulations 2008 To: City Of Charles Sturt 1. From: (Applicant details) cO—Cc- VI PrOA KMOD e 72— Postal Address: Name t-i ' Email: Phone: S1-E 1144' NO14 AtIE . C.Op . Mobile: Fax: 21 fl4-Z.. 2. Development Details t _ a. Development Application Number b. Date of Application c. Locationof Proposed Development d. Description of Proposed Development z-g j .- L8,r_7Z— t40. llp.JO ' 11 cit...J 1C_' t'i %. V4A—*4 Ct.. 3. Declaration being the applicant for the development described above declare thalTfe iroposed development will Involve the construction of a building which would, if constructed in accordance with the plans submitted, not be contrary to the regulations prescribed for the purposes of section 86 of the Electricity Act 1996. I make this declaration under Clause 2A(1) of Schedule 5 of the Development Regulations 2008. Signed: Date: Please refer to notes on next page City of Chatles Sturt 72 Woodville Road, WoodviIe, South Australia 5011 T 088408 1111 F 088408 1122 ' . Title Register Search LANDS TITLES OFFICE, ADELAIDE For a Certt5cte of title issued pursuant to the Reel Property Act 1885 REGISTER SEARCH OF CERTIFICATE OF TITLE * VOLUME 6025 FOLIO 227 * $0.00 (OST exempt ) COST PIRPROD REGION LIRE BOX NO : 665 AGENT 11/10/2012 AT SEARcHED ON 15:21:17 PARENT TITLE AUTHORITY DATE OF ISSUE EDITION CT 5569/556 RTC 11055596 01/12/2008 2 REGISTERED PROPRIETORS IN FEE SIMPLE MIRA BRALIC AND BRANISLAV R000SICH BOTH OF Pa BOX 6034 WEST LAKES SHORE SA 5020 AS JOINT TENANTS DESCRIPTION OF LAND ALLOTMENT 72 DEPOSITED PLAN 79145 IN THE AREA NAMED BROMPTON HUNDRED OF YATALA EASEMENTS NIL sCHEnurE OF ENDORSEMENTS 11089713 MORTGAGE TO AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND BANKZNG GROUP LTD. (SINGLE COPY ONLY) NOTATIONS DOCUMENTS AFFECTING THIS TITLE NIL REGISTRAR-GENERAL' S NOTES NIL END OF TEXT. Page 1 of 2 The Registrar-General certifies that this Title Register Search displays the records maintained in the Register Book and other notations at the time of searching. R65uer-Ocnwl 4 1987 2000 1002 RESRVE 4 Pd 9121 24-3' t 62W 4 9.31 • %• 4 216 82 l) F 84 4e S 4),, 2 - 03 4VW %b NLF . 5I3;& 1>E7 7 * 9•, 4, 6 83 4-2 9241 ti ll C, / 8' 66 424 0 4 9.4 NJ 213 I E1dLARGMEPFr 6 * 428,,,' 511 5l8. ' 511 Lo 021813 • 4r2r Sf • '4 w NOT TO SCALE 4 73 21 8, p 2001 vI NLGTE6 '9.. 021647 67 S9ta , b. W 4, 67 518 Ap ' ENLR13LMENT El KbTTOSC9LI • 425 215 9 6 4$ 71 216 4 / 68 72 214w NYN "• 214 k 0/ I 82 SCALE 0 MCTV(S IO225 70 44 v. SURVZY INFORMATION IS DERIWD FROM DEPOSITED PLAN 79165 / 1. I David John Playford HALL am the registered proprietor of 3 Mann Drive BROMPTON SA 5007, being Certificate of Title Volume 6025, Folio 226. 2. I understand Arash Bidhendi is the registered proprietor of 1 Mann Drive BROMPTON SA 5007, being Certificate of Title Volume 6025 Folio 227. 3. Mr Bidhendi has shown me a four (4) page plan, comprised of a one (1) page hand-drawn perspective of the proposed two (2) dwellings, together with three (3) pages of floor plans for the 2 proposed dwellings. The plan is dated 'Feb 13' and is marked as scheme 3, issue C. 4. I confirm that I have viewed the said plans and do not object to the plans being submitted to council. Dated 13 February 2013 Signed ........ David John Playford Hall Witnessed by . ........................................... George Majda 'a - CIA GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES 72 Kermode Street North Adelaide 5006 Telephone (08) 8267 1144 Facsimile (08) 8239 1142 BUILDING DESIGN & SUP E PV IS ION MATERIALS AND FINISHES SCHEDULE Proposed Development at Lot 72 No. I Mann Drive, Brompton. SA 5007 For Mr. A. Bidhendi Bidhendi Residences I Mann Drive Brompton SA 5007 George Majda & Associates 72 Kermodé Street North Adelaide SA 5006 a Page 1. External Finishes Roof Type True Oak Custom Orb profile - © 3 degree pitch Finish - Colorbond - Surf Mist Sarking - Heavy duty R3.0 Permastop roof blanket Fascia Harditex Cadding - painted Solver Tusk Ivory Eaves Hardiflex lined - painted Solver - Chalkstone Gutter Type Box gutter - sized to suit - Colorbond finish- Surfmist Rainhead Tapered Bottom Rainhead with overflow provision. Finish - Galvanised Downpipes 90mm dia. Galvanised downpipes with galvanized stand off brackets. Walls 75mm Thick Hebel Cladding - rendered finish - Solver Tusk Ivory Render Acrotex render system - acrylic paint finish. Solver - Tusk Ivory Windows I Doors Rylock Aluminium powdercoated finish Colour - Silver Garage Door B & D automatic Aluminium / Acrylic translucent panel lift door Colour - Natural Anodized Driveway Concrete brick paving - 200x200mm Best Payers. Colour - Charcoal Balustrading 1 .Om high Stainless Steel frame with translucent safety glass. Bidhendi Residences I Mann Drive Brompton SA 5007 George Majda & Associates 72 Kermode Street North Adelaide SA 5006 Page 2 Courtyard Concrete brick paving - 200x200mm Best Payers. Colour - Charcoal. Patio! Balcony Ceiling - Hardies 6 mm Versilux ceiling lining with P50 Shadow mould cornice. Perimeter Paving Concrete brick paving - 2200x200mm Best Payers - Colour - Charcoal. Fencing - Type I / Stratco 2.Om high Good Neighbour Colorbond fence. Colour - Merino. Fencing - Type 2 2.Om high Lightweight fence Acrotex render - Colour - Solver Stucco. Gate 2.Om high Aluminium framed - slatted gate Powdercoated - Charcoal. Rainwater Tanks 2,000 Lt. Thin Style Rainwater Tank. Plumbed to laundry and WC. Bidhendi Residences 1 Mann Drive Brompton SA 5007 George Majda & Associates 72 Kermode Street North Adelaide SA 5006 . 5. . Ai 5' wa 007 go 0a -5; Rom EXISTING BUILDING .5. 3m Cotorbond fence 74 U " ironrenlei 16.70 ! "16.51 I6.36,,l 1659 % LI] DRAWING: EXISTING BUILDING r 16.76 SURVEY PLAN. r C ALLOTMENT 72 DP 79145 "1661 16.49 PROJECT: Z z AT: LOT 72, #1 MANN DRIVE BROMPTON, S.A. 16 .SOk 0 j PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. ) jI FOR: 16. 6 "1664 Mr. A. BIDHENDI. "16.57 (AA & 16.0 GEORGE MAJDA "1646 Building Design ASSOCIATES Consultants 72 Kermode Street. Adelaide 5006 North 1 6.60k l6.45,, 16.43 traffic Telephone @ Facsimile enquiries ted elevation r 16.5Sm A + 618 8 267 1144 +618 8239 1142 au 16.50 WEST 16.55 "16.52 STREET 1:100 sCALES: S.M. DRAWN BY MAY 2013 0-498-12 DATE: DRAWING No. SURVEY PLAN SCALE 1:1001 © DA.01 . I ISSUE NO. B. COPYRIGHT. THIS DESIGN IS COPYRIGHT. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON JOE BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK OR SHOP DRAWINGS Pr:; WMQZ - 4A4 CONSULTING ENGINEERS civil & structural 52-54 Springbank Road Panorama SA 5041 1:088277 0284 F: 08 8277 0269 E: CD01 DATE: 14MAY2013 CIVIL REPORT & DETAILS PROJECT NO: 130503 CLIENT: GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES OWNER: SITE: LOT 72 MANN DRIVE, BROMPTON PROJECT: PROPOSED DOUBLE STOREY AND THREE STOREY ATTACHED RESIDENCES This is a Civil Design Report giving specific recommendations for the above mentioned project. This report must be read in conjunction with all the listed attachments and any relevant Australian Standards mentioned in this report or on any attachment provided. This report is based on the current standards and regulations and will require reviewing as the standards and regulations are updated. ATTACHMENTS: COl/PI, CO2IP1, SD3, SD5, CCI. SITE INSPECTIONS: 1. As required by the Engineer or as requested by the client/contractor. NOTES: 1. Flexible connections for all sewer and stormwater pipes are required for this site, provide in accordance with attachment SD5. 2. A sealed system has been designed for this project. 3. Plans and details provided within this report are for planning approval only, further review of the documentation may be required prior to building approval and/or construction. 4. Any retaining walls and or plinths less than 600mm in height required on the boundary are to the discretion of the builder/owner/client. This office does not take any responsibility for the construction of any such retaining walls. 5. The location and extents of retaining walls are indicative only and the client/builder is to ensure that adjoining structures will not be compromised by the construction or compromise the construction of the proposed retaining walls. 6. All proprietary items denoted on the listed attachments or plans are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 7. All drainage systems have been designed in accordance with the council's recommendations and guidelines, installation of all drainage systems shall be in accordance with the council's JJ#cfl1mendtions and specifications. per MQZ Consulting Engineers Z:\Projects\2013\130500\130503\CDO1 130503.doc Page I of 1 NOTES: PROVIOE LIJCALISEO RAMPS TO ALL DOORWAYS IN PAVING AS SHOWN, ALL RAMPS ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS1428. PROVIDE CROSS FALLS TO PAVING AS SPECIFIED IN ATTACHMENT FRS. 4 Z ' 1. FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS FOR SEWER AND STORMWATER PIPES ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS SITE IREFER TO SHEET 5051. PATH LEVEL AT FLOOD GULLY TO BE A MINIMUM OF 165mm BELOW FINISHEO FLOOR LEVEL. PROVIDE 300mm COVER TO ALL STORMWATER PIPES SUBJECT TO VEHICULAR LOADING, ALL OTHER PIPES TO HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 150mm. THIS IS AN ENOINEERING SURVEY ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE TAKEN AS A BOUNDARY IDENTIFICATION SURVEY. THE BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN IS TO BE TAKEN AS A GUIDE ONLY. 2. 3. C. DISCHARGE ROOF STORMWATER TO THE RAINWATER TANKS VIA A SEALED SYSTEM. ITYPI LEGEND: il PAVING IREFER TO 5031 Z-/X IP 16.775 IL 16.475 q.'A \ \ PROVIDE NEW CROSSOVER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCIL'S SPECIFICATIONS. P 16.825 P 16.66 OP DENOTES OUTLINE OF UPPER FLOOR. (TYPI OP 16.475 T- r77 FF I I GARAGE DISCHARGE SURFACE STORM WATER TO THE STREET WATER TABLE ON A SEPERATE SEALED RUN. FALL 1:200 MIN. P 16.775 •' ,r RESIDENE I '. .: :i• 16. CL ILCINI 16.: ILCOUTI 16.1 ','' I SPOON DRAIN IMIN. FALL 1:2001 UNLINED OPEN ORAIN IMIN. FALL 11001 - . STORM WATER PIPE 0100 u,P,V.0 - MIN. FALL 1:200 IO.N.OI GRATED DUMP. 1300 SQUARE U.N.OI STORM WATER TO BE DISCHARGED TO STREET WATER TABLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL'S SPECIFICATION. IIYPI .. PROVIDE NEW CROSSOVER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCIL'S SPECIFICATIONS. OOP DOWNPIPE ...•.•... SOP SURFACE INSPECTION OPENING ® O 090 GRATED INLET PIT IGIPI RETAINING WALL 90.001 DESIGN LEVEL I— L_... P 16.775 . . ORATED TRENCH DRAIN IMIN. FALL 1.200I OSOP SPREADER DOWNPIPE I BL 16 .70 EMBANKMENT/BATTER IGRADE BANKS 1:2 MAX. IJ.N.O.I EXISTING CONTOUR 4 III III III OF EXISTING SPOT LEVEL IL P CL INVERT LEVEL PAVING LEVEL COVER LEVEL m . L. CL 16.675 IL 16.425 f!pCIh WES STREET CONCRETE RETAINING PLINIH, HEIGHT 200mm, MAY BE REOUIREO, CONFIRM ON SITE. CT YP I P2 15.05.13 FFL RAISED, FOR PLANNING APPROVAL P1 1C.05.13 FOR PLANNING APPROVAL MZ MO Q5 MQZ - CONSULTING ENGINEERS cMI & structurod 52-54 SPRINGBANK ROAD PROVIDE SILT TRAP TO LAST SUMP IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCIL'S SPECIFICATIONS. (TYPI PANORAMA SA 5041 DISCHARGE ALL ROOF AREA TO 2000 LITRE RAINWATER TANK, 1000 LITRES PLUMBED TO WATER CLOSET. WATER HEATER OR LAUNDRY COLD WATER OUTLETS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCIL'S SPECIFICATION. REMAINING 1000 LITRES TO BE DESIGNATED AS DETENTION, PROVIDE 020mm ORIFICE TO OUTLET WITH OVERFLOW PROVISIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCIL'S SPECIFICATIONS. IT YP I a-- I - -. T :08 8277 0284 E : PROPOSED RESIDENCES AT: LOT 72, No. 1, MANN DRIVE BR OM P T ON FOR: Cl- GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES DRAWING TITLE I F :088277 0269 PROJECT DRAINAGE PLAN ORAWN M. ZANATTA STATUS FOR PLANIING APPROVAL ENXINEER M. ZANATTA SCALES 1:200 APPROVED 130503 PROJECT No. (02 ORAWINX No. © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application. DATE SURVEYED MAY 2013 BY OTHERS SHEET SIZE A] ISSUE P2 NOTES: THIS IS AN ENGINEERING SURVEY ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE TAKEN AS A BOUNDARY IDENTIFICATION SURVEY. THE BOUNDARY DATA SHOWN IS TO BE TAKEN AS A GUIDE ONLY. V .*, ' 4 '4 .' c_ I' I '.4 —/ > z z -:; 0 p,nd S... fntp.Ili WEST,,-.<' STREET Rg MQZ DENOTES TREES TO BE REMOVED AND THE VOID BACKFILLED WITH COMPACTED SATURATED SANDY SOIL. CONSULTING ENGINEERS civil & stnjclurol \V% \ 52-54 SPRINGBANK ROAD PANORAMA SA 5041 F: 08 8277 0269 1:08 8277 0284 E : PROJECT PROPOSED RESIDENCES AT: LOT 72, No. 1, MANN DRIVE BROMPTON FOR: Cl- GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES DRAWING TITLE LEVEL PLAN H. ZANATTA STATUS JOR PLANIIG APPROVAL DRAWN APPROVED © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application. DATE SURVEYED 1:200 NATTA ' SCALES ENGINEER W / MAY 2013 BY OTHERS PROJECT No. 130503 DRAWING Na. COl SHEET SIZE A3 ISSUE P1 MQZ TYPICAL PAVING DETAILS CONSULTING ENGINEERS civil & structural 52-54 SPRINGBAF'IK ROAD PANORAMA SA 5041 I : 08 8277 0284 - DATE: F : 0882770269 E:admin @ SHEET: S03 JANUARY 07 NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE PAVING dIR vle"R'q ~ ~`~ v CONTROL JOINT IN CONCRETE PAVING, SHALL BE PROVIDED AT A RATIO OF NOT GREATER THAN 1: 1.3 PROVIDE 1-N12 CRACK BAR x 600mm LONG WHERE NO JOINT PROVIDED. (ALSO AROUND PENETRATIONS THRU' PAVING) PROVIDE ISOLATION JOINT TO PAVING IN LOCATIONS AS SHOWN TO ALLEVIATE CRACKING. PLAN OF PAVING AROUND A BUILDING 30mm COVER 1_ 20mm DEEP TOOLED JOINT ENSURE THAT WEAKNESS IS FORMED ALONG LINE OF JOINT BY CUTTING EVERY THIRD CROSS-WIRE OF THEFABRIC. I SECTION THROUGH CONTROL JOINT IN CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT DPC 15mm BEYOND - FACE OF FOOTING• PROVIDE VAPOUR BARRER TO UNDERSIDE AN D PERIMETER OF PATH. EXTERNAL WALL IF DRAIN SEPARATE TO PAVING PROVIDE MASTIC SEALANT AT JUNCTION. 5mm - FOOTING r-*--r- (mm) r300mm WIDE DPC FALL _.- - SLOPE ir---+------ - 'L-_VAPOUR BARRIER AS SPECIFIED - COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL VAPOUR BARRER AND DPC TO EXTEND 20mm ABOVE TOP OF PATH. PAVING TO BE SET UP DIRECTLY AGAINST EDGE OF FOOTING. NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. - . - PROVIDE A SPOON DRAIN AS SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS. PROVIDE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. CONCRETE SPOON DRAIN FORMED IN EDGE OF PAVING, OR 2. SEPERATE FROM PAVING, OR 3. BLOCKS / BRICKS SET IN MORTA TYPICAL SECTION OF PERIMETER PAVING PAVING MUST NOT BRIDGE THE DAMP PROOF COURSE. PAVING SHALL BE GRADED AS PER FRS TO ENSURE ALL WATER CAN DRAIN CLEAR FROM THE BUILDING PROVIDE SPOON DRAINS AS SPECIFIED TO DIVERT RUNOFF CLEAR OF THE BUILDING REFER TO FRS FOR PAVING SPECIFICATIONS. PROVIDE TERMITE PROTECTION TO AS 3660.1 MQZ CONSULTING ENGINEERS civil & structural 52-54 SPRINGBANK ROAD PANORAMA SA 5041 1:0882770284 F:0882770269 FLEXIBLE SERVICE CONNECTION DETAILS FOR CLASS H-D & E.-O SITES STORMWATER & SEWER LDATE: SHEET: sos OCTOBER 05 NOT TO SCALE I FOOTING DENSO TAPE WITH COPPER SULPHATE CRYSTALS STANDARD EXPANSION JOINT CONNECTOR -RUBBER SEALING RING ON UPSTREAM SIDE iL SIDE ELEVATION SOLVENT WELDED JOINT DENSO TAPE WITH COPPER SULPHATE CRYSTALS STANDARD EXPANSION JOINT CONNECTOR -RUBBER SEALING RING ON UPSTREAM SIDE 40 CLOSED CELL POLYETHYLENE I LAGGING AROUND PIPE FOR SOIL CLASS E-D SITES 20 CLOSED CELL POLYETHYLENE LAGGING AROUND PIPE FOR SOIL CLASS H-D SITES SOLVENT WELDED JOINT SECTION 1-1 NOTES: DUE TO THE MOISTURE REACTIVE NATURE OF SOILS ON CLASS H, E SITES, IT IS REQUIRED THAT THE SERVICE PIPES INCLUDE STANDARD EXPANSION TYPE JOINT COUPLINGS. PROVIDE A FLEXIBLE CONNECTION TO PIPES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1. CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH LOCATION WHERE ANY PIPES (50mm OR LARGER) PENETRATE OR PASS BENEATH THE EXTERNAL FOOTING BEAMS. 2. TWO EXPANSION JOINT CONNECTORS ARE REQUIRED, AS DETAILED ABOVE, AT EACH CONNECTION. 3. THE DEN5O TAPE MUST BE SPRINKLED WITH COPPER SULPHATE CRYSTALS PRIOR TO WRAPPING AND MUST EXTEND 50mm BEYOND THE JOINT ON EITHER SIDE. 4. DETAILS ARE APPLICABLE TO SEWER AND STORMWATER PIPES. 5. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATION, FRS, FOR SERVICE TRENCHING AND BACKFILL DETAILS. NORTH EXISTING STREET TREES I I3ENERAL NOTES: I STORM WATER DISPOSAL TO COMPLY WITH COUNCIL SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING FOOTPATH & KERB CROSSOVERS AT DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS. AS PER ENGINEERS SITE WORKS & DRAINAGE DETAILS. ALL STORMWATER SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AS 3500.32 - NATIONAL PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE PART 3,2. CONSTRUCT NEW CROSSOVER w INSTALL LINEAR ROOT BARRIER TO > BOTH SIDES OF NEW CROSSOVER (SHOW DASHED). a DRAWING: PROPOSED SITE PLAN. PROJ 1' CT: z z BALCONY ABOVE DA S HE Dl PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. AT: LOT 72, #1 MANN DRIVE BROMPTON, S.A. 0k NEW 1.8m HIGH RENDERED LIGHTWEIGHT FENCE. 2k 7w1 FOR: Mr. A. BIDHENDI. CIA LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE W.V BALCONY ABOVE DASHED) I / 0.J9,,, A paved .i' DIANEILA BREVICAULIS footpath 6.4g B LIRIOPE GIANT EVERGREEN ARIZONA C KANGAROO PAWS GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES Building Design Consultants 16. • i&.36 Kermode Street, North Adelaide 5006 16 .54k 16 •39wt w 72 CORDYLINE AUSTRALIS RED STAR Telephone +618 8267 1144 PURPLE FLAX enquiries © www. g ma design. corn. au Facsimile + 61 8 8239 1142 EXISTING CROSSOVER. 6.64 WEST .i TBM Masonry null in the top of kerb Adopted elevation = 16.55m A;H;D F S STREET SCALE 1:100 FLAX YELLOW WAVE DIANELLA REVOLUTA 1:1 00 S.M. MAY 2013 D-498- 12 SCALES: DRAWN BY: . NEW SELECTED LANDSCAPED AREA. SITE PLAN * EXISTING LANDSCAPED AREA AMENDED PLAN H BLUE FESCUE I LOMANORA CONFERTIFOLIA ILITTLE TIJFFYI DATE: DRAWING No. & E. ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS TO BE FITTED WITH APPROVED DRIP IRRIGATION WATERING SYSTEM COVERED WITH 20nm GRADED PINE MULCH SHEET No. DA.02 I ISSUE No. A © COPYRIGHT. THIS DESIGN IS COPYRIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON JOB © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application. BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK OR SHOP DRAWINGS 19000 6200 7300 5500 k 3300 000 2000 NORTH 13 MAY 2013 a 0 rn DRAWING: GROUND FLOOR PLAN. PROJECT: 0 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. a U-, 0 0 '0 AT: LOT 72 #1 MANN DRIVE BROMPTON, S.A. FOR: Mr. A. BIDHENDI. 0 0 0 Na C/1A GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES BuildIng RESIDENCE 2. AREAS (m2 LIVING GARAGE BALCONY 13550 42,50 35.00 TOTAL 7210 ) WEST STREET 3425 L 1000 3600 8 365 10635 [ L AREAS (m2 LIVING GARAGE BALCONY 99.50 20.00 16.00 ) 19000 213.00 Telephone + 618 8267 1144 Facsimile i- 618 8239 1142 enquiries © www. g mad es ig n . corn. au SCALES: TOTAL 135.50 SITE 114.70 - 1:100 S.M. MAY 2013 D-498- 12 DRAWN EY: DATE: SITE 99.30 DRAWING No. SHTNo, SITE COVERAGE 68.50 GROUND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1:100 © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application. SITE COVERAGE Consultants 72 Kermode Street. North Adelaide 5006 RESIDENCE 1. 3765 Design 60.50 DA.03 IS5LJEN0. B. © COPYRIGHT. THIS DESIGN IS COPYRIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS, CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON JOB BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK OR SHOP DRAWINGS NORTH FOR PLANKNO 13 MAY 2013 C a In NJ 0 0 0 DRAWING: FIRST FLOOR PLAN. PROJECT: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. C C a a In C C C a AT: 0 In "a LOT 72 #1 MANN DRIVE BROMPTON, S.A. FOR: a a a Mr. A. BIDHENDI. NJ C 0 0 0 C 0 NJ C/AA C C 0 GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES Building 1600 Design Consultants 72 Kermode Street, North Adelaide 5006 2000 Telephone + 618 8267 1144 3375 3660 3765 19000 AMENDED PLAN Facsimile + 618 8239 1142 enquiries @ 1:100 S.M. MAY 2013 D-498-12 SCALES: DRAWN EY: DATE: DRAWING No. SHTNo, FIRST FLOOR PLAN [SCALE DA.04 I ISSUE No. B. © COPYRIGHT. THIS DRSIGN IS COPYRIGHT. 1:100 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - DO NOT SCALE DRAWiNGS. CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON JOa BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK OR SHOP DRAWINGS © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application. SBI}D 11 NORTH I HI LEVEL WINDOW 13 MAY 2013 C C "fl NJ DRAWING: SECOND FLOOR PLAN. [XIS PROJ ECT: BUI L PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. AT: LOT 72 #1 MANN DRIVE BROMPTON, S.A. FOR: Mr. A. BIDHENDI. C C C rfl r"I IT, I;[ X' l 11:40 PLAN C/1A GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES Building Design Consultants Street. 72 Kermode North Adelaide 5006 Telephone +618 8267 1144 3660 I. 3600 I- Facsimile + 618 8239 1142 enquiries @ www. g made sign .Com • au B365 1:100 S.M. MAY 2013 D-498-12 SCALES: DRAWN BY: DATE: NOTE: SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1:100 * - SPA FENCE TO BE A MINIMUM OF 1200mm HIGH & IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS.1926.1 & BCA REQUIREMENTS. ALL GATES AND DOORS TO POOL AREA MUST HAVE CHILDPROOF MACNA LATCH IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS.1 926 PARTS 1 & 2. © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application. DRAWING No. DA.05 1 'SSLIE No. B. © COPYRIGHT. THIS DRSIGN IS COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - DO NOT SCALE DRAWiNGS. CONTRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON JOB BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK OR SHOP DRAWINGS - ACRYLIC RENDER [DATING TO HEBEL WALL SYSTEM. - SOLVER TUSK IVORY. PDWDERCDAIED ALUMINIUM SLIDING DOOR FRAMES - SILVER. POWDERCOATED ALUMINIUM FIXEDWINDOW FRAME - SILVER. STEEL FRAMED CANOPY. ADJOINING RESIDENCE 15 MAY 2013 POWDERCOATED ALUMINIUM FIXEDWINDOW FRAME - SILVER I 10m HIGH STAINLESS STEEL FRAMED BALUSTRADE WITH TRANSLUCENT GLASS. 10m HIGH STAINLESS STEEL FRAMED BALUSTRADE WITH TRANSLUCENT GLASS. FCL ('4 0 C ('4 - FFL FF1. FF1. -- FEL N-I-I FR 0 0 0 Ci. - ~ FL . - - - 0 FF1. ml --- rd 0 ('4 I C I - AUTOMATIC PANELIFT ACRYLIC DOOR. iLi SOLVE° TI DRAWING: ELEVATIONS 1 Bm HIGH LIGHT WEIGHT RENDERED COURTYARD WALL. - AMENDMENTS L__ ACRYLIC DOOR POWDERCDATED ALUMINIUM SLIDING DOOR FRAMES. SILVER. I(it'flV AUTOMATIC PANELIFT - AMENDED EAST ELEVATION SCALE 1:100 ~a & PROJECT: NORTH ELEVATION SCALE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. 1:100 wn A' I, ~ AT: L0T72#1 MANN DRIVE BROMPTON, S.A. FOR: ACRYLIC RENDER COATING TO HEBEL WALL SYSTEM - STEEL FRAMED RESIDENCE FRAMED BALUSTRADE WITH TRANSLUCENT GLASS. - ftL FL .--- I 0 C _L FFL u. - - - ____ ___ I - C -- F( 1. " 0 0 -- ('4 ftC FC ____ ____ _____________ FF1 FF1 - - - ('4 !L_ _ -- - - ___________ CIA FL.. GEORGE MAJDA & ASSOCIATES Building C 0 ___ FR FR. 11 g -.MLiTT_E_ 0 ==== F 1Dm HIGH STAINLESS STEEL POWDERCOATED ALUMINIUM FIXED WINDOW FRAME. SILVER. (" Mr. A. BIDHENDI. CANOPY ADJOINING________________ SOLVER TUSK IVORY. ftL ., Design Consultants 72 Kermode Street, North Adelaide 5006 Telephone +61 8 8267 44 Facsimile +61 8 8239 1142 www g m a d e s I g n corn au . . . iBm HIGH LIGHT WEIGHT RENDERED COURTYARD WALL - SOLVER TUSK IVORY ISHOWN DASHEDI WEST ELEVATION SCALE 1 : 1 00 __________________ EXISTING 13m HIGH COLORBOND GOOD NEIGI-IBDUR FENCE. 1:200 SCALES: S.M. MAY2013 DRAWNBY: SOUTH ELEVATION F 1: DATE: D49 DRAWINGN0. SH1No. DA.06 ISSUENo. c. © COPYRIGHT. THIS DESIGN IS COPYRIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - DO NOTSCALE DRAWiNGS, © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application. CONIRACTORS TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS ON JOB BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK OR SHOP DRAWINGS cZ w Lu II Vli ' L LI L*1;, \r / - - I h ----- ---- --, r- '- \ /11! © Plans, specifications, other technical drawings or content provided as part of this report may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced other than for the purpose of consideration of the Development Application.