09 February t o 15 February, 2 0 1 4
09 February t o 15 February, 2 0 1 4
Weekly Knowledge 09 February t o 15 February, 2 0 1 4 1 2 Guru is the infinite love When you start giving in abundance, it comes back to you in abundance. -Sri Sri in bodily form. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Guruji Codes 2 Happy Valentine Day! This Valentine Day, make the Divine your valentine. See the Divine in your valentine and make the divinity your valentine. 2 Where there is love, there are always miracles happening. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Have the same love for everyone, with different flavors. You cannot behave the same way with everyone, but you can love all of them. Love transcends behavior and etiquette. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:I love Sri Sri Abiding in the Self, you become the valentine for the whole world. Spirit is the valentine of matter and matter is the valentine of the spirit. 2 Happy Valentines Day They are made for each other. I am the valentine of the whole world and I reside in every heart. If you are my valentine, you will see me everywhere. –SriSri If you hold on to matter and do not respect the spirit, then matter is not pleased. If you honor the spirit, then you will care for the world, and when you care for the world, it will take care of you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-0215 / Poster:The Art of Living - Amritsar Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri 2 Often, you do not know how to respond, or feel obliged and bound, 2 W hen when someone shows a lot of love. you find that you do not need love from anybody and you are the source of it, then you start giving. The ability to receive genuine love comes with the ability to give love. The more you are centered and know by experience that love is not an emotion; it is your very existence, the more you feel at home with any 2 amount of love expressed in any manner. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Jesus, Your Guru, Mother, Friend? Tweet to us using the hashtag #LoveForSriSri Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Art of Living Universe Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri 2 Happy Valentine Day It is not a question of being in love with someone -- it is a question of being love - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 Happy Valentines Day #LoveForSriSri# H App yValentinesDay There is nothing that love can not transform. Accommodate people and see they will be transformed. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:The Art of Living 2 Happy Valentine Day This Valentine Day, make the Divine your valentine. See the Divine in your valentine and make the divinity your valentine. To grow in unconditional love and in beauty is spirituality. Have the same love for everyone, with different flavors. You cannot behave the same way with everyone, but you can love all of them. Happy Valentine Day,-Sri Sri. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Loving someone because they belong to you, great or otherwise, is unconditional love. –SriSri Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:We Love Sri Sri 2 Keep your heart in a safe place. It is too delicate. Events and small things make strong impressions on it. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Art of Living India And you cannot find a better place than the Divine to keep your heart safe. Make the Divine your Valentine. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 personification of love 2 Make Who is personification of love for you? Krishna, loved. 3 the divine your Valentine. Just be... and know that you are 2 Seva That is Beloved. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a must in everybody life. because it brings fulfillment and happiness. -SriSri Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Art of Living Universe Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Art of Living Philippines Disaster Relief Work 2 Having a guru means being able to relax and smile all the time, walk 2 with confidence, be fearless and have a vision. Q: What is grace and how to attract it? Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:My Guru strongest Sri Sri: When you receive something which is not just by your effort you call it grace. Whatever you receive is much more than your effort then it is called grace. 2 If you enjoy doing service, it is good. If you do not enjoy never mind because someone who is benefitting, is enjoying. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Guruji Codes 2 Start Whatever that you have received more than what you really deserve is grace. making as many contacts with existence as possible. Start Loving the Nature and your nature will become Love. Feel like you are hugging the whole nature and you are merging with it. Anything that comes to you not just by your effort and not because you qualify you can consider it a gift; as grace. And grace grows b y g ra titu d e .Wh e n yo u demand there is no grace, but when you are grateful it comes in abundance....* Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Art of Living Dubai 2 Joy is the love of what is. Sadness is the love of what is not. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 Am sharing another beautiful story that Sri Sri related once, that teaches us about the nature of the Master and the disciple and how they find each other... Feel free to share it with others as well! Story: There was a talented teacher. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:We Love Sri Sri He was a great orator, who would convince people very well. He had a fair 4 knowledge of scriptures and spiritual techniques also. He was very good, but he was not complete; he was in search of a Master. Everyone used to honor him, but he lacked that final touch. palanquin❝. So, he sent his palanquin. The teacher sat in the palanquin and started going towards the Master. And then he arrived in that town. He asked a person carrying the palanquin to take him to the Master, and one of them, who was carrying the palanquin, stood up and said, ❝ I am him❝. The teacher was so moved that he fell at his feet. He said, ❝How could you do this?❝How could you carry me? From where you have been carrying me?❝ The Master answered, ❝Half the way. He just wanted to surrender to a Master. He did not have a Master at that time. I heard you were coming to see me, so half the way I came to bring you to me. Now come, Lets go.❝ So the Master came half-way and carried the palanquin of the disciple and brought him to the place and said, ❝Here I am, the person you are looking for.❝ Like that God is already carrying you and is right there with you. Only when the time comes, the Master also comes. So, the time had come. He knew who his Master was, and he was in search for him. You take one step towards the Master, and He will take ten steps towards you. When he was departing from the kingdom, the king asked, ❝Where do you want to go❝? He said he wanted to meet such and such a Master in such and such and such a place. Then king said, ❝Oh, it is so far, 300 kilometers away. But that one step has to be taken. If you take one step back, God will take ten steps back. This is the tradition of Masters. So much humbleness, humility and simplicity is needed. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Swami Purnachaitanya 2 SriSriQuotes! When everything is in abundance, dispassion happens. And when dispassion is there , everything comes in abundance. An exclusive Android app developed for reading and sharing quotes by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar! Download now and check out, link: You cannot walk and go. Yo u c a n t a k e m y 5 stability? Is it possible to make this graph stable, or is death the only cure? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: http://tiny.cc/srisriquotes Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Art of Living Universe No, first of all, do not think your life is a stock market. Mind goes up and down. Just look back and notice, so many times you reached a point where you thought that this is the end of life; that heaven has fallen on your head. 2 When a storm comes, it is the trees that get uprooted. Be as humble as the grass, and nothing can touch you - nothing! In the eyes of the Divine, those who serve the creation are the true kings and queens. Walk like a king and be a perfect servant! -Sri Sri But there was an unseen hand that pulled you out of every crisis. You have always received help whenever you have been in crisis. Turn back and see, you will see that in your life this is a fact, that you are always helped. And know that in the future also you will get such help from an unseen, unknown hand, and that is the Divinity. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:We Love Sri Sri When you know there is a power that is watching me, a power that is going to take me along, it is never going to let me down, then you will never say your life is a stock market. It is a very solid foundation to life. 2 Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Art of Living Universe Always know that the Divine loves me, that is it! Full stop! No question mark in front of that.- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 Life is a Dream, a Burden or a Joke Often when you are happy you feel life is a dream because you do not believe in the reality of it. When there is misery you feel life as a burden. And we take trivial things very seriously. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Art of Living Universe But one who has really gone through the pleasure realizes that pleasure is a burden. And if you have undergone misery thoroughly you will realize that life is a dream. 2 Q: Guruji, my life goes like a stock market; it reaches a peak and then falls to zero. How do I bring In every miserable condition you have been walked or carried through and you realize life is a dream. When you see life is dream a burden or a joke only then can you be centered. 6 life is a dream, a burden or a joke and only when you realize this can you be centered. And when you have really gone through misery you have really seen life as a dream. And in between the pain and pleasure life is all a joke. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:My Guru strongest 2 He has gained the fruit of knowledge as well as of the practice of yoga, who - contented and with purified senses - ever enjoys his own company and being. Life is very uncertain. Before it takes you a w a y, r e a l i z e i t i s a dream, a burden or a joke. Someone asked: What about life is a joke? Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:The Ashtavakra Gita 2 **Compassion and Karma** There are two types of compassion. One is the compassion of the wise, one is that of the ignorant. An ignorant person compassion is on the fruit of an action whereas a wise person compassion is towards the non-availability of knowledge. Answer: A joke you do not question. If you question a joke, it is no longer a joke. Do not question a burden either. Compassion for suffering shows ignorance. Suffering comes because of karma, and if you believe in karma, where is compassion? One reaps the fruit of one actions. If a judge has compassion for all the offenders then the jails will be empty. It is a waste of time to question life and its events. At the same time, are the judges cruel to the offenders? No; the judges compassion is for the non-availability of knowledge, not for the suffering of the criminals. It is their karma. Often people think compassion is an act, an action. The burden makes you go deep. Know that compassion is your very nature. It gets you to the core of yourself. Realization of a dream wakes you up. And seeing life as a joke makes you light. Then you will see that karma and compassion are not contradictory but complement each other. Suppose two people come to a hospital. One is suffering from starvation, the other is ill from overeating. The only certainty is that 7 love. ~ Sri Sri ♥♥♥ : What type of compassion should the doctor have towards each of them? This is a riddle for you to solve! with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji! Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:We Love Sri Sri 2 Q: Is it love or surrender when I feel your presence in meditation? Sri Sri :): Surrender with love. And that which happens with surrender is love. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Art of Living India Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings 2 22222 2 2 2 2 2 2 DAILY SUTRA J ust open your fist and the sky is there in your hand! - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar There is enough for everybody need but not enough for everybody’s greed. ~~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART OF LIVING DAILY SUTRAS 2 Happy Valentine Day! 2 If love is based on the Celebrate this special day by sharing your #LoveFor quality of a person, then the love is not stable - after sometime the qualities change and the love becomes shaky. SriSri : If love is based on the quality of a person, then the love is not stable - after sometime the qualities change and the love becomes shaky. Loving someone because of their greatness or uniqueness is Third-rate love. Loving someone because they belong to you , great or otherwise, is unconditional love. –SriSri Loving someone because of their greatness or uniqueness is Third-rate love. http://bit.ly/LoveForSriSri Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:My Guru strongest Loving someone because they belong to you, great or otherwise, is unconditional 2 Expressing Love 8 Love and admiration too can become a burden. When this happens, people try to unburden themselves by running away from it. One goes running after the other saying, ❝Honey, Honey❝, all the time. And then what happens? They suffer from diabetes! (Laughter) Every now and then they will say, ❝Honey, honey❝, and then one fine day they get fed up and say, ❝I can not stand you.❝ One should not go overboard with expressing their love. In India, it is the opposite. People here never used to express love. If you go to the Indian villages, you will find that they do not express love at all. Many love marriages have fallen apart because of this only. One partner expresses too much love towards the other, and the other is not able to handle it. The other person then feels like running away. They keep it in their hearts but they do not express it. And abroad they express it so much that love just vanishes; it just does not stay. I feel that we should take a middle path; express a little, but not too much. Do express, but you do not express so much that you start with, ❝I can not live without you❝, and then later you say, ❝I can not stand you.❝ Love should be planted like a seed. And they do run away! How many people have seen this happen? (Many raise their hands) We should not talk too much about love because it is inexpressible, actually! If you sow the seed too deep into the earth, then it will not sprout. And if you keep it on the surface of the mud, then also it will not sprout, it will not take roots. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:My Guru strongest Many people come to me and say, ❝I am in love with this person. 2 Raw Milk Yet whomsoever I love, they run away from me.❝ I tell them, ❝Do not express so much love day and night that they get bored and irritated with it.❝ In countries abroad that is what they do. Simple Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Your Face: To cleanse the skin and pores - Raw Milk: One of the known basic ayurvedic tip is using raw milk. Using raw milk helps remove unseen dirt and impurities from the face as well as the pores of the skin. It also adds a subtle glow and acts as a natural moisturizer. 9 You see? But we are looking for some love that stands the time – the old, ancient, strong, powerful love - The Divine Love! .. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Use raw milk with a cotton ball to gently cleanse your skin. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Art of Living India You may even mix a little lemon juice with raw milk for this purpose. Source: Style Craze 2 Q: Guruji, how does being religious help me in my spiritual quest? How do I ensure that my daughter grows up to be a good girl devoted to God? www.srisripanchakarma. org Sri Sri :): You know, in the ancient society, in the ancient times, they never said, ❝This is Father Day, this is Mother Day.❝ They never dedicated one day in a year to fathers and mothers, but they said, ❝everyday dedicate some time to your father and mother❝. And so, as soon as you wake up in the morning, the first thing you have do is to give a few minutes in the first hour as father minutes and mother minutes. Then make the nature your valentine. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma 2 Happy Valentines Day Consider the sun in the morning as your valentine. Wish you all a Happy Va l e n t i n e s D a y m o r e :www.srisripanchakarma. org And in the evening, when the sun sets, it is so romantic that when you look at the whole creation, the whole nature, you feel the Divinity is your valentine. Date:2014-0215 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma So, there is a ❝valentine❝ hour or minute in every day. So, in every home children should think, ❝This is my time with the parents.❝ It could be half an hour or a few minutes. 2 Happy Valentines Day Children should start spending half an hour or one hour with the parents everyday in the morning or evening. At least if one meal everyone shares together, then you would have successfully celebrated your Father Day and Mother Day. Rise in Love with your Self this Valentine!!! Love, everyone is looking for such a love that never dies. As time goes it seems to be dying out. Similarly, when you wake up and see the whole creation is my valentine, the country is my valentine, Divinity is my valentine, knowledge is my 10 valentine, then Valentine’s Day never ends for you. All 365 days is Valentine Day. And you are all so rich. Rich with the spiritual knowledge and rich with this beautiful wisdom. I am saying ❝Beautiful wisdom❝ but usually, wisdom is considered to be very tough, very difficult and very hard to achieve and beauty is something rare. That is how I feel – e v e r y d a y i s Va l e n t i n e Day. Of course in the Ashram everyday is Valentine Day, and for a devotee it is so obvious. But I would say, it is beautiful wisdom; wisdom for the head and beauty for your heart. Date:2014-02-15 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings 2 Healthy Snacks This is just an excuse when you say, ❝Today is a Valentine Day❝, but if anyone looks at your faces, they will know that you are in a perpetual valentine minute. Healthy Snacks To Always Have On Hand - #3 [Hummus or Bean Dip with Vegetables] Keep hummus or bean dip on hand for dipping vegetables like carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers. #healthy #snacks #beans #vegetables Source: Mind Body Green There is so much love oozing out of everyone faces, everyone behavior. Looking at your nature p e o p l e w i l l s a y, ❝ O h , maybe you are celebrating Valentine Day today!❝ Yes?! www.srisripanchakarma.org Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma 2 compassionate Come what may, I will not get hurt. If someone is nasty, I will learn to be compassionate. -Sri Sri So, the poor persons celebrate festivals only once a year, because he can afford only that, but the rich ones celebrate everyday and every minute. Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings 2 Q: Why is there suffering in love? Sri Sri :): Without knowledge, there is suffering in love too. Despite knowledge, if there is suffering, then accept it. 11 That is the nature of love. traumatized. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-0214 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri 2 Come what may, I will not get hurt. 2 Thousands If someone is nasty, I will learn to be compassionate. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of events may come and create doubt within you, despite that if you move on with courage and strength, then one can say that you have true faith. Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Guru Punch 2 The presence of the Master in one life will bring fulfillment to all relationships. A person with strong faith will never face failure or have any downfall in life. -Sri Sri Every relationship will become complete with the presence of infinity, of the Master, in your life. - Sri Sri Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:I love Sri Sri 2 Date:2014-0214 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings Simple Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Your Face: To acquire a smooth complexion - Applying fresh orange juice to your face on a daily basis will help bring about an improvement in the texture of your skin as well as the skin tone. 2 repeat mistakes the same This fruit is rich in Vitamin C which enables our body to fight ageing and it also acts as a good skin toner, especially for oily skin. Events are like stones and pebbles in the great river of time which keeps flowing unabated. In life, things are to be learnt and forgotten - learnt so that you do not repeat the same mistakes and forgotten so that they do not leave you www.srisripanchakarma.org Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma 2 God and world are not two separate or different entities; they are one. Have you seen those 3-D pictures or holograms, where on one side you see Nehruji on other side if you move it a little you can see Mahatma 12 Gandhi? strongest 2 That is how God and the world are, just like a 3-D hologram. -Sri Sri The biggest power is rest; deep rest and love. If these two things are present in life, then everything else will come. It will happen. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-0214 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Guruji Codes 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 GURU PUNCH 2 L Beyond Come what may, I will not get hurt. If someone is nasty, I will learn to be compassionate. ~~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The biggest victim of one sided love is God. Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART OF LIVING DAILY SUTRAS ove Imagination 2 He loves you so much and you do not even recognize it. God loves you, this creation loves you, and you seldom recognize it. If you recognize this and be quiet in yourself, then you will see. The universe pours so much love on you. Whoever we fall in love with , we are really falling in love with our Self. –SriSri Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 Happy Valentine Day Make Divine Your Valentine - Happy Valentine Day Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Swami Madhusudan 2 You can not handle it, the universe pours that much love on you. The world always loves you more than you love the world. Satsang Knowledge Satsang tonight in our wonderful Bangalore Ashram: In the flow of time, events happen and finish... But the impression of the event stays. The sum of all impressions is memory. Something happened in the morning, you woke up, brushed your teeth, took a bath, had breakfast... All events till now have occurred and are now over, like a dream ... But if Date:2014-0214 / Poster:My Guru 13 Shankaracharya had been giving a lecture on exactly this and after that went for a walk. you get caught up with one event then you will miss what is happening right now. A mad elephant cane rushing at him and he ran... A passer by later asked him if everything is a dream, then the elephant was also a dream, so why did you run? It is like something is written on the black board and without that being rubbed out, something more is written and this goes on and you can not read what is being written any more. He replied saying my running was also a dream! Knowing that these dimensions exist, relieves you and brings a sense of utter peace to you. To cut a cake in a dream, you need a dream knife! Q. How should the relationship between a Guru and a devotee be? A. When you are free from stress, you are natural and you are sensitive, then ANY relationship, any interaction between you and any one else is bound to be harmonious. The sum of all your experiences is just like a dream... You getting stuck to any event will bring a host of trouble, misery and worry to you. Wake up and see that this is all a dream. There is no “should”... You be simple, easy and relax. religion to spirituality! Religion divides, spirituality unites. Q. Why are some garlands made of lemons or Tulsi leaves? Flowers I can understand, but why fruit or leaves? Shake yourself up and say this is all a dream! This sends such a gush of energy into the system... Knowing that this is all a dream, do act. Do not go into oh it is all a dream what is the point of doing anything?! This is for kindling the awareness... A s t o r y : Convert from A. Whatever is good for health is considered sacred. Every house should have a Tulsi plant, a neem tree, a gooseberry plant and a lemon tree. All these have anti oxidant, anti viral and other very beneficial properties. This is the reason that garlands are also made out of these fruits, flowers or leaves. The photo of the almost full moon (doing no justice to her beauty) showering her blessings and soft light on all of us... Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:BAWA A d i 14 2 Pic: Glimpses of a rocking Latin American Satsang today at Art of Living International Ashram Satsang Knowledge Diamond and charcoal are virtually the same substance. But they do not have charcoal hanging from their ears. Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Art of Living International Ashram 2 Where there is love, there are always miracles happening. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:My Guru strongest In life also there is one aspect where you see diversity and there is one aspect where you see only the oneness and both are essential. 2 Happy Valentine Day Art of Living International Ashram wishes everyone a Very Happy Valentine Day! When you wake up and see the whole creation is my valentine, the country is my valentine, the Divinity is my valentine, knowledge is my valentine then Valentine Day will never end for you. When you see that everything is one, that is when meditation happens. All 365 days is Valentine’s Day. That is how I feel – everyday is Valentine’s Day. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ques: Who am I? I have not got any satisfactory answer. Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Art of Living International Ashram 2 Love is not a path, it brings you back home. Love IS home. - Sri Sri Can you tell me who I am? SriSri: Very good you are so lucky! One who knows will not tell you. Now you guess, I am not going to tell you. (laughter) This very question is a vehicle for you to go where you have to go! Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings 2 Be happy. Love yourself. Do not judge others. Forgive. Be simple. Do not make distinctions. Give up the habit of choice. Let the mind dissolve. Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:The Ashtavakra Gita 15 2 Happy to see the baby standing on its own feet, the mother giraffe comes over and gives it yet another kick. S hould Read ones. Baby Giraffes never go to school. But they learn a very important lesson rather early in life. A lesson that all of us would do well to remember. The birth of a baby giraffe is quite an earth-shaking event. The baby falls from its mother womb, some eight feet above the ground. The baby giraffe falls one more time, but now quickly recovers and stands up. Mama Giraffe is delighted. She knows that her baby has learnt an important lesson: Never mind how hard you fall, always remember to pick yourself up and get back on your feet. Why does the mother giraffe do this? She knows that lions and leopards love giraffe meat. So unless the baby giraffe quickly learns to stand and run with the pack ? it will have no chance of survival. It shrivels up and lies still, too weak to move. Most of us though are not quite as lucky as baby giraffes. The mother giraffe lovingly lowers her neck to smooch the baby giraffe and then something unbelievable happens. No one teaches us to stand up every time we fall. When we fail, when we are down, we just give up. No one kicks us out of our comfort zone to remind us that to survive and succeed, we need to learn to get back on our feet She lifts her long leg and k i c k s t h e b a b y g i r a ff e , sending it flying up in the air and tumbling down on the ground. As the baby lies curled up, the mother kicks the baby again and again until the baby giraffe, still trembling and tired, pushes its limbs and for the first time learns to stand on its feet. Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Swami Atmanand 2 The Art Of Communication It is not how correct, what you are saying , that is important , it is how you make the other person understand, that what you are saying , is correct. That is the skill. -SriSri Date:2014-02-14 / Poster:Art of Living Punjab 2 Finding security in your inner space is spirituality. - Sri Sri 16 Blessings Date:2014-0214 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings 2 Kick all complaints about anybody or anything out of your head. 2 Then you become useful to this world. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar If you have a strong vision of doing something good to the society, I tell you resources will come all by itself. Nature will start helping you. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Break through all the barriers and feel that you Are Blessed. Date:2014-0214 / Poster:Seva Portal.org This Is The One And Only Step You Have To take - the rest will all happen. This deep sense of feeling that ❝I am blessed❝ can help you overcome any obstacles in life. Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Guru Punch 2 Feel blessed 2 It gives you courage and confidence and it will open your lid for grace to be poured in. Q: Guruji, if God has created us human beings then why has he made life so complex with so many problems in our lives? enjoyable it is. Once you realize that you are blessed, then: All the complaints disappear All the grumbling disappears All the insecurities disappear A sense of feeling unloved disappears Wanting love disappears. Sri Sri :): I know you watch movies. The more complex the movie the more If you do not realize you are blessed, then the doership begins. If you want to make a difference in your life, feel you are blessed. And especially for those on this path of knowledge, there is no reason for you to not feel blessed. So, feel you are blessed. This is the first step towards the Self. What you see in this world is nothing but just a movie. The director makes the movies so complex so that the viewers can enjoy it! Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:My Guru strongest 2 Satsang Knowledge Date:2014-0214 / Poster:Sri Sri There are many quaint traditions the world over and they all need to be 17 preserved and practiced. The diversity needs to be preserved for the coming generations. take a pillow and go to bed! The heart loves the old and the ancient friendship, love takes pride in something old. The mind and intellect wants new - new fashion, new gadgets, new technologies. If any one of them disappears it will be a great loss to the cultural heritage of the planet. They are like that and this is what makes life complete. Wisdom is knowing when to use the heart and when to use the mind... If you want to see Lord Vishwanath - The Lord of the Universe, then you need Vishala, the one with the broad or big vision, the one with the big eyes... That is why our meditation Hall is called Vishalakshi... When people meditate, they get the broad vision. And it is also the name of my (Gurudev) mother. So it fits well. The ethics of how to keep the mind at peace, inward and balanced in adverse as well as pleasant situations is elucidated in the second chapter of the Bhagvad Geeta. Q. What should I do to please God? Smile, Serve and be Sincere - This is the way to please yourself and God. An entire generation of India was bought up listening and internalising this Knowledge. Mahatma Gandhi did Satsang every day and listened to this chapter every single day. If a baby asks his mother what should I do to please you? She will say just be happy... Be around... Really nothing to do Jai Gurudeva! Love Bawa Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:BAWA 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 Q. I have confusion between what my heart says and what my mind says. Each wants different things. How to marry them and want just one. GURU PUNCH Kick all complaints about anybody or anything out of your head. Then you become useful to this world. ~~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART OF LIVING DAILY SUTRAS A. There is a proverb in China, if you are confused, 2 W hen 18 Seva is made part of your nature, it happens without Vishalakshi Mantap Vishala means broad and askshi means vision. Vishalakshi means broad vision, big eyes. People come here, sit and meditate and broaden their vision. Of course its my mother name also! So both came together. doership. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Maha Shivaratri Special Seva Opportunity in presence of #SriSri in Art of Living International Ashram It has a deep spiritual meaning. If you have to see the Lord of the Universe, you have to have Vishalakshi, the big eyes. God is not somewhere out there. Date:2014-0213 / Poster:Art of Living International Ashram He is right here. You need to have to right vision. Only with the big eyes can you perceive the greatest in the Universe. Ques: What is the best and easy way to please god? 2 If you are grumbling, #SriSri: My dear, He is already pleased with you. Keep your heart clean, mind focused and put your 100% in any work you do. Smile, serve and be sincere. you can not be grateful, and if you are not grateful, how can there be grace? ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Art of Living International Ashram Date:2014-0213 / Poster:Guruji Codes 2 Be grateful to everyone, because everybody is creating a space for you to be transformed - even those who think they are obstructing you, even those whom you think are enemies. 2 Sri Sri on Anger! Your friends, your enemies, good people and bad people, favorable circumstances, unfavorable circumstances - all together they are creating the context in which you can be transformed and become a Buddha. h t t p : / / y o u t u . be/25czY88DF8Y Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Art of Living Dubai Date:2014-0214 / Poster:Sri Sri Wisdom Videos 2 If your time is good even the worst enemy behaves like a friend, and if your time is bad, your best friend behaves like an enemy. 2 Satsang Knowledge So bow down to time. There is a saying, ❝Kalaya tasmai namaha❝, which means that it is time which plays around. -- Sri Sri Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang today talks about 19 Date:2014-0213 / Poster:I love Sri Sri non-changing something? You become Nihsangah! It is already there; you are just waking up and looking at it. This non-changing something is also a witness of all actions; it is not acting. 2 If you are at ease with yourself, everyone will be at ease with you. Be natural and be simple. Relationships develop naturally. What is its nature? This is what Ashtavakra explains to Janaka! Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:The Ashtavakra Gita 2 NaradaBhaktiSutra If you try to build a relationship that is when you become a little artificial. You like someone to be honest, open, natural, unassuming with you. That is exactly what others also want from you. ||Yo vedanapi sanyasyati, kevalam avichinn anuragam labhate|| Essence: The One who has transcended knowledge, who has transcended action, who has gone beyond the action and knowledge, He attains the pure love that is everlasting. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar For a complete synopsis of the Narada bhakti Sutra visit: Date:2014-0213 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar http://www.artoflivinguniverse.org/2012/11/narada-bhakti-sutras-sri-sriravi.html Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Art of Living India 2 What is that something 2 SriSriInNews that does not change in you? Our Souls Rejoice in Love” by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Consciousness is indestructible, like the bones in your body are indestructible. You can not see it - but you have an idea, an intuition that there is something that is not changing. That is how they could find the bones of dinosaurs even after several million years. In the same way, if they were just left on this planet, your bones would stay forever. What happens when you have a firm foot in that Like the bones, which are the grossest of your existence, and the subtlest, 20 Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Art of Living India your consciousness, also the eternal, the mind, the consciousness which harbours the thoughts and feelings, emotions, everything, is eternal, that stays forever. 2 Ques: I am a victim of one-sided love.. Please give me some tips! Sri Sri : Perhaps God is the biggest victim of one-sided love. He loves you so much and you do not even recognize it. The Universe pours love on you. And all those whose body and mind, their body and spirit have separated, that spirit still exists, the soul still exists. We should know this that this Universe loves you more than you love this Universe. Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:We Love Sri Sri 2 Pearls from the pages of Patanjali. One of the Root cause of Misery in Those souls, those units of energy, those units of consciousness, simply rejoice in love. life is ❝Avidya❝, Ignorance. Avidya, Ignorance is, to consider permanent that which is not so; to think/understand that which is changing to be unchanging; that which is not joy to be joy; that which is not Self to be the Self; thinking that you are the body when you are not; thinking that you are thoughts and emotions when you are not; It is considering your body to be unchanging when it is”. One ultimate question remains: how much love you have gathered in your life and have given in your life. P ublished in : Indian Express , Bangalore Your ignorance makes you hold on to your old fears and thoughts;hold on to your past. You hold on to your idea of who you are. A fixed idea about who you are destroys you totally. It stops your growth and limits your potential. The concept of how things should be makes you miserable. There will be further posts on other root causes of Misery. Date: 12.02.2014 h t t p : / / w w w . newindianexpress. com/cities/bangalore/ Our-Souls-Rejoicein-Love/2014/02/12/ article2052058.ece#. UvtIJ6LDDDd Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Sri Sri Yoga 2 Give and Get! A poor man asked the Buddha, ❝Why am I so poor?❝ The Buddha said, ❝you do not learn to give.❝ So the poor man said, ❝If I am not having 21 anything?❝ Buddha said: ❝You have a few things, The Face, which can give a smile; Mouth: you can praise or comfort others; The Heart: it can open up to others; Eyes: who can look the other with the eyes of goodness; Body: which can be used to help others.❝ their flaws also❝. So, actually we are not poor at all, poverty of spirit is the real poverty. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: While meditating, the breath becomes slower as activity goes down in the body and deep rest comes to both body and mind. This leads to the fourth state of consciousness. Date:2014-0213 / Poster:Seva Portal.org There are three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping. To this, the saint replied, ❝Your miseries will speak out loud about your flaws and bad qualities by themselves. Why do I need to say that?❝ - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri 2 Q: Guruji, why does the breath slow down and even stop while meditating when we are still alive. Can you please explain? But other than that there is a state where you are awake and yet fully at rest, and that is meditation. In that state the breath is almost feeble, and almost not there for few seconds. 2 Misery Speaks There was a very old saint, he had a habit of always praising people, no matter what. People would be surprised on seeing this and would ask him, ❝Why do you always praise people, even when they are no good? After that activity comes up, and stress gets released and the mind becomes more active. Why do you only speak a b o u t so m e o n e ’s g o o d qualities? Please tell them So the in breath and out breath also has a specific impact. Art of Living Free Subsciption: When the mind becomes calmer, physical activity increases, it is a phenomenon. Similarly, if you see, when you breathe in, you are accumulating energy. When you breathe out, you are relaxing the whole system. 22 www.subscribe. artoflivinguniverse.org If you just look at lack, the lack increases in life. See what you have, and then abundance increases. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Experience the feeling of abundance through the unique processes in the Date:2014-0213 / Poster:Art of Living Universe Date:2014-02-13 / Poster:Art of Living International Ashram 2 If your time is good even the worst enemy behaves like a friend, and 2 Happy Valentine day if your time is bad, your best friend behaves like an enemy. I am the VALENTINE of the WHOLE WORLD and reside in EVERY HEART. If you are my VALENTINE, you will see me EVERYWHERE! Happy Valentine day! So bow down to time. There is a saying, ❝Kalaya tasmai namaha❝, which means that it is time which plays around. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:My Guru strongest 2 Q: I want to be your best instrument. Will you make me? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : Yes. Good. Good. more : Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Art of Living India On this Valentine day, let u s o p e n u p o u r h e a r ts and express our love & gratitude towards our Beloved Master. Let us come together, and spread the waves of ❝Love For Sri Sri❝. 2 Question No.6. Which leaf is used in Shiva Pooja? Options: a. Mango leaf. b. Banana leaf. c. Bel leaf. d. Orange leaf. Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Sri Sri Publications Trust 22 22222 2 2 2 2 2 DAILY SUTRA http://bit.ly/LoveForSriSri If your time is good even the worst enemy behaves like a friend, and if your time is bad, your best friend behaves like an enemy. So bow down to time. Date:2014-0213 / Poster:Art of Living Universe There is a saying, ❝Kalaya tasmai namaha❝, which means that it is time which plays around. +Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 Abundance is a state of mind within you. Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART OF LIVING DAILY SUTRAS 23 2 am trying to become a vegetarian. What should I tell him? The ignorant are fanatically religious and the intelligent are fashionably atheist. The wise are obviously spiritual. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Choice of food is yours. You are free individuals. If you are eating healthy then convince your dad that your choice is vegetarian. We all have freedom to choose what we want to eat. Tell him that vegetarian food does not make me weak because elephants are vegetarian. Horses, elephants, bulls are vegetarian and are very powerful. Our immediate ancestors, monkeys are also vegetarian. Date:2014-0212 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri And a large population today around the world is following vegetarianism for health reasons. 2 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on dimensions of Time, Truth If you go over the material available on the internet, there are so many articles and scientific researches on the benefits of being vegetarian. http://youtu.be/_ mdW2YwFrrI Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Art of Living Universe 2 Date:2014-0212 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar knowledge videos Healthy Snacks To Always Have On Hand - #2 [Plain Yogurt with Berries, Nuts or Seeds] Flavored yogurts often contain more than 20 grams of added sugar. 2 Dialogue with Sri Sri If adding fruit does not make plain yogurt sweet enough for you, add a small amount of honey, maple syrup or molasses. #healthy #snacks # y ogurt # b erries # n uts # s eeds Source: Mind Body Green more :www.srisripanchakarma.org http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Dcyu2IeVcZo Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma Date:2014-0212 / Poster:Sri Sri Wisdom Videos 22222222222222 #SriSriAyurveda #GarbhSanskaar The aim of any parent is to bear and nurture a healthy, capable child who can face the pressures of our increasingly complex lifestyles. 2 Q: Guruji, my father is An Ayurvedic solution to this situation has slowly gained momentum — always after me because I 24 The idea is to enhance every aspect of the mother life. Ideally, preparations should start at least a year before conception. a process called Garbha Sanskar. Its revival is the brainchild of Ayurvedic physician Dr Balaji Tambe, who explains it in his upcoming book Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar. Garbha Sanskar is both a medical practice and a ❝culture❝. Garbha Sanskar covers pregnancy,childbirth and guides parents until the child is two years old. Parents who have followed these instructions say their babies are able to hold their heads up, turn on their side and begin speaking earlier than other babies. They sleep soundly for several hours and have far fewer health concerns than their peers. In some cases, they show extra-ordinary development. Just like a person brought up in a musician’s house imbibes a musical culture, the child is conditioned within the womb. Preparing for conception A healthy diet (see chart) and lifestyle is recommended so the couple achieves peak physical and psychological health. The reproductive cells are the most potent cells in the body and need special nourishment, so health tonics such as panchamrut (see chart), are vital. The practice has been developed over four decades of research and medical practice. Tambe says, ❝If women are provided with expert guidance during pregnancy and the early years of their children, it will have an immense impact on society.❝ Seminal fluids are also an indicator of the health of reproductive cells. If either partner suffers from deficiencies of any kind, an Ayurvedic Pancha Karma is recommended before conception. The process aims to cleanse the body of toxins. Its therapies lubricate the body internally and use techniques to expel toxins naturally. This is followed by therapy for specific problems as individually required. Guidelines for sexual interaction describe an ideal atmosphere and psychological readiness for the invitation of a good soul. What it involves Traditional diet planning, the use of herbal preparations, yoga, music, behavioural suggestions, and medicines are all used in harmony. The couple should eat light food suited to their individual constitutions, and choose a time between 10 pm and midnight for the attempt to conceive. During pregnancy: Ancient descriptions of foetal development are surprisingly accurate. 25 A month-by-month diet that supports every development, and health tonics are advised to keep up strength and provide essential nutrients. traumatic for the baby, compared to the shock of sudden exposure to the outside environment through caesarean section. Exercises and external applications during labour facilitate a simple and less painful delivery. Some of the essential steps after delivery include oiling the baby’s fontanel (homemade ghee can be used), and feeding it a touch of gold infused honey to boost nervous system activity. Yoga and oiling the body is a must. Use oil that is cultured with herbs such as bala,sahachar and ashwagandha to reduce stretch marks and prevent breasts from sagging. The mother regains her strength through an easily digestible and nutritious diet, and loses excess weight through basic yoga. The date powder, shatavari kalpa and dhatri rasayan must be continued to help the production of good and adequate breast milk. Some guidelines for childcare: *Until the child is two years old, it needs regular oil massages to help growth *While he or she can start eating other food after it is six months old, it must be breast fed until it is a year old Do not place the baby’s bed under direct light *Avoid loud and disturbing noises » Introduce new foods gradually, and allow the baby to start eating by itself at a certain age even if it creates a mess Preconception foods: For potential parents, almonds, panchamrut and chyanvanprash are essential. Several food and behavioural precautions are listed for the mother. Mixing fruit and milk can be particularly harmful, as it causes allergies in the baby. Around the fourth month, the mother will experience food cravings. These are to be adequately satisfied and sensitively treated, as they are the cravings of the foetus and will help it develop b e t t e r. C h i l d b i r t h a n d childcare: Garbha Sanskar favours a natural delivery. Food during pregnancy: Apart from a balanced vegetarian diet, iron and calcium are most important for a pregnant woman. She should consume milk, Ayurvedic ghee and fresh juices of sweet seasonal fruits Calcium can be ingested through dry dates, traditional dink (Gum acacia) ladoos and poppy seeds For iron and folic acid, eat black raisins, figs, saffron, spinach, pomegranate and apples Foods for every month 1st Month: Milk at room temperature sipped throughout the day 2nd Month: A cup of milk with a spoon of shatavari kalpa twice a day, before sunset 3rd Month: Mix one teaspoon of ghee and ½ teaspoon of honey in a cup of room temperature milk. Drink every morning 4th Month: Over the day, eat 10 gms of homemade butter (white) 5th Month: Ingest six to seven teaspoons of ghee over the day 6th & 7th Month: 1 teaspoon of ghee cultured with sweet herbs every morning. It holds that this is far less This should be prepared by an Ayurvedic doctor 8th Month: One bowl 26 of kheer with breakfast or lunch. Can be made with rice, semolina, wheat, or seviya 9th Month: No specific diet. take a prism and make sunlight pass through it to make different colour lights for your joy. So similarly one divinity is all over but an aspect of that divinity is chosen for a specific occasion or function. Regular intake of milk and ghee. Diet post delivery Khichdi, light soups, dal and rice, bhakri and chapati. Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Swami Madhusudan Different gods are the different aspects of one Divinity. 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 GURU PUNCH First you should admit that you do not truly know yourself. When you do not know yourself, you do not know how much potential you have within you. You have no idea about how many things you can do. - -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ahleev (garden cress) kheer. Lightly prepared vegetables. No gravies. No oil and minimal spices until the child is being breastfed. Drink warm water instead of room temperature water throughout the day. Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART OF LIVING DAILY SUTRAS 2 Y our non-attachment to the mundane is your charm, Your attachment to the Divine is your beauty. - Sri Sri Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:I love Sri Sri Date:2014-0212 / Poster:Art of Living India 2 Q: Jai Guru Dev, guide me to turn to spirituality again and again, because laziness blocks me to do this. Please advice how can I tackle laziness. 2 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Sri Sri: To tackle laziness, you should take a vow for a limited period of time. in Satsang Ques: If God exists everywhere, why do we have Gods in different forms? Next 20 days I am not going to be lazy. In between, if you become lazy then from that day onwards for another 20 days take a vow again, ❝I am not going to be lazy.❝ # S riSri: Like in the day time there is sunlight everywhere but then you Whenever you break a vow, you say from that time you will continue 27 This happens. with double the enthusiasm, and double the vigor. That seems to have worked for many people. Number one, taking a vow, taking a d e te r m in a tio n . Se co n d would be attending to your food. That is why we must avoid all these preservatives, ketchups which has all these chemical preservatives. What do you say? How many of you agree with me on this? (Many in the audience raise hands) We should go back to organic natural food. Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri 2 The man of wisdom is a child. He never sets one thing against another. He does freely whatever comes his way. Third would be to do some pranayama. When there is energy, when there is prana, it does not allow you to simply sit and be lazy. Fourth, check vitamin levels in your body. If D3 is low, which more people seem to be having these days, or B12 is low in your body, then you do not feel like doing anything. Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:The Ashtavakra Gita 2 S haring another beautiful story that Sri Sri shared once, that teaches us the importance of the type of people we surround ourselves with.... Feel free to share it with others as well! The Story: There is a story. It is very famous in India. There was a king called Vikramaditya. He was known for his righteousness, and piousness. He was a saint of a king. He had all the characteristics that were required of a king - wise man, saint, good human being, and very intelligent also. Morning you wake up and you feel too tired. This is the sign of vitamin D3 going very low in your body, because we eat all this fast food. E series of preservatives from food block the sun rays from getting processed into the system. Though you are in the sun, the D3 does not get into your blood stream. There are many good human beings, but they are not intelligent (laughter), and intelligent human beings who are not good. This king had all the aspects. He was very patient. After he died, there was nobody who could take his place. His seat was so powerful, nobody could get on the throne. After some time, the throne got buried. Many years passed. There was a garden, and in the garden, a small hillock. The gardener would go sit on the hillock, and have a big smile on his face. 28 From there he would invite all the passer-bys he would see on the road. He would invite people to come, and have fruit from the garden - mangoes, coconuts. But when they came, he would come down from the hillock and take a stick, and chase them. self. If you sit in negative company, you feel negative. If you sit where there are doubts, then this is what you will feel. Thats why Buddha said ❝Sangha❝, the company of people who are positive, focused on the higher goals of life is important. If someone is always thinking of money, or of cheating, those vibrations will have an impact on you. If you sit in joyful company like here (in satsang), you will feel joyful. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar He would fight with them. ❝How dare you come to my garden? Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Swami Purnachaitanya 2 When you are full of love, sharing takes place. And then comes the great surprise - as you give love, you start receiving it from unknown sources, from unknown corners, from unknown people, from the trees, rivers, from the mountains. How dare you trespass?❝ People would not understand his behavior. Some thought he was mad. Others thought there must be something else. Love starts showering on you from all nooks and corners of existence. The more you give, the more you will get. Life becomes a sheer dance of love. So, they decided to dig the hillock, and find out. They dug the hillock, and found the throne of the king. It had such an impact on the gardener, the vibrations, that whenever he would be standing on the hillock, he would become so nice and generous. Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 22222 22 22 Ashram IQ Can you recognise this newly made open amphitheatre at Art of Living International Ashram? Share your answer in the comment box below! Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Art of Living Universe 2 Guru Story Coming down he would come back to his normal 29 There is a magician that knows how to make me glow; even when I have been grilled in the day, as much as Mumbai would grill me in 1 month, with just 2 hours of sleep the previous night. to see, or Mexican food in the middle of the night; be it countless rose bouquets, or diamonds; be it lots and lots of chocolates or a loved one I crave to see; be it by helping me save a suicidal person from taking his/her life, to filling their life with happiness in no amount of time; be it raising funds for a good cause, or helping me reach out to people in need of hope or belongingness, there is too much to be mentioned here, but there is one thing I am most grateful for. And that is LOVE, INFINITE LOVE. Continue reading the wonderful Guru Story : There is a magician who I am smitten by, crazier than you can imagine, in love with! The magician acts like a genie, and shows up every time I ask Him to appear in front of my eyes, and it is so frequent that it’s sometimes hard to tell if it is a dream or truly a reality. http://bit.ly/1gpc1pf Date:2014-02-12 / Poster:Art of Living Universe 2 Herbs For Peace In Mind & Body - #4 [Ashwagandha ] ●Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic remedy and has incredible anti-stress properties. ●Ashwagandha is in that same adaptogen category like Holy Basil . It soothes the nerves, lowers that cortisol level, and it’s an antioxidant, meaning that it protects the body from the ravaging, aging, and immune-lowering effects of stress. The magician manifests the smallest of my desires. Be it a Vada Pav (a snack served in Mumbai,India) craving attack at someone’s house out of the blue, a dream haircut, free or dirt cheap air tickets to anywhere I want to travel, or an invitation to any event I wish to visit, a sudden appearance of a long lost friend I wish ●Since Ashwagandha is a root, it is a little more challenging to use as a tea. You have to make something called a decoction, and simmer the roots for 10 minutes. ●For capsules: 600 to 1000 mg per day. For tincture, try 10 drops three times per day. Up that if you need to, but try this along with your other teas and aromatherapies for a few weeks before upping the dose. Source - Mind Body Green | 30 a happy frame of mind so that all your actions become a waterfall of happiness. Image: healthdirectusa. com more :www. srisripanchakarma.org Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Art of Living Dubai Date:2014-0211 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma 2 Shiva They say that in Shiva procession, all types of people are there. So in this world, there are all types of people, all belong to that supreme soul. There is no one else here. It is said ❝Sarvam shivamayam jagat. 2 First you should admit that you do not truly know yourself. This whole world is Shivamaya❝ - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Pic: # S riSri meets devotees during Maha Shivaratri 2013 celebrations When you do not know yourself, you do not know how much potential you have within you. You have no idea about how many things you can do. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Art of Living International Ashram 2 Blessing Make your home God home and there will be light, love and abundance. Date:2014-0211 / Poster:Guru Punch Make your body God abode and there will be peace and bliss. Feel your mind as a toy of God and you will watch and enjoy all its games. 2 See this world as play and as a display of God Himself and you will repose in the Non-Dual Self. Blessing comes to you in many forms: People ask how they can live happily? I tell them to live this very moment happily, and do not ask how. If you breathe do it joyfully, if you raise your hands do it joyfully, if you walk, sit, do it joyfully. What ever you do, do it with If you are generous, blessing comes to you as abundance. If you are hardworking, blessing comes to you as happiness. If you are lazy, blessing comes to you as hard work! (Laughter) If you are pleasure loving, blessing comes to you as dispassion. If you are dispassionate, blessing comes to you as knowledge of the Self. 31 Date:2014-0211 / Poster:My Guru strongest 2 ❝S ati mule tadvipako jaty ayur bhogaha❝ (II Sutra 13) ❝If the roots of karma are existing, they ripen and result in the body into which you are born and the fruits of the karma are experiences throughout the lifetime.❝ Patanjali explains more about the genesis, how we gain our birth. Jati means in which body you are coming, where you are born. You are born as a chicken, monkey, human male or female. Your birth is determined. The length of your life is determined. What you will get in your life, your enjoyment, the miseries, are also determined. Why is someone born in Ethiopia and someone else born in Switzerland? Is there any 32 explanation? Read on: http://www.artofliving.org/in-en/yoga/patanjali-yogasutra/knowledgesheet-58 Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Art of Living India 2 Be content with whatever happens, for what God chooses for us is surely better than what we choose for ourselves. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Guruji Codes 2 If you can win over your mind, you can win over the whole world! - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri 2 Healthy Snacks To Always Have On Hand - #1 [Smoothie with Fruit, Hemp Seeds, and Chia Seeds] Add Smoothie with Fruit, Hemp Seeds, and Chia Seeds I love adding hemp seeds to smoothies, because they are fiber rich and packed with nutrients like magnesium, iron, zinc, and B-vitamins. Chia seeds are very rich in soluble fiber, meaning they absorb water and can thus help promote good digestion and elimination. Berries are always a great choice for smoothies, but experiment with adding avocados, apples, oranges, spinach, and other fruits or veggies #healthy #snacks #smoothie #fruits Source: Mind Body Green www.srisripanchakarma.org Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma unconditioned, immutable, formless, of cool disposition, of unfathomable intelligence and unperturbed. Desire Consciousness alone! 2 22222 2 2 2 2 DAILY SUTRA Once we have the conviction, we can change the system, we can make a difference. Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:The Ashtavakra Gita 2 Q: What are the roles that media can play to bring about a change in society? As youth, you must have this conviction in your mind, ❝I can make a change.❝ A: ❝I think media has two important roles to play. 1. Bring the facts to the people 2. Also give hope to people during a crises. In a crises,you must not depress people further! If you think, ❝The world is corrupt and it is never going to change, and nothing can ever change❝, then your own thought, and your own vibration will bring these kind of situations around you. They should know that there are people doing good work too!❝ from ❝A Dialogue with Sri Sri❝ yesterday. Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 What are you seeking? Happiness, bliss, joy – that is what you are seeking. You have been seeking for millennia, and you have not yet found it. Give a little pause to your search – recapitulate. So you need to come up with an idealistic dream, and then you will find things do happen. ~~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar It is time, the right time to think again, to meditate again. Namaste Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Art of Living Dubai 2 Your bondage to the Master, to the Truth, to the ancient Knowledge Date:2014-0211 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART O F L I V I N G D A I LY SUTRAS of the Rishis is your savior. -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:The Art of Living - Amritsar 2 Q : Guruji, why is it important on the spiritual path to be in control of the five senses? 2 Y o u a r e 33 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Not just on spiritual path, if you do not have control over your tongue, and you just blabber whatever comes to your mind, it will get you into t r o u b l e . Yo u c a n n o t speak whatever you want. Anything that brings pain to you and to others. Sin is that which brings long-term pain to oneself and others. What is merit? Though you have freedom of speech, you cannot abuse people, you cannot hurl abuses. Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Guruji Codes That which brings happiness and contentment to you and to everyone else. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:My Guru strongest 2 The more we open ourselves, the more room we will have for God to fill. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 The moments you are in the company of knowledge - the Master - are the most precious moments in your life. Treasure them. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar You can not say, ❝It is my right, I can abuse anybody❝, no. Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Sri Sri Publications Trust 2 Love! The Question Of An Answer In a congregation, Sri Sri asked, You are going to face the consequences of it. Similarly, if you eat too much and do not listen to the body, you are going to bear the consequences. ❝ How many of you are feeling strong?❝ Many people raised their hands. Sri Sri : ❝Why?❝ Because YOU are with us!!! Sri Sri : ❝Only those who feel weak can surrender❝. All those who were feeling strong were taken aback! If you are in love, you feel weak because love makes you weak. Date:2014-0211 / Poster:Art of Living Universe Yet there is no power stronger than love. Love is strength. (All those who had raised their hands for strong suddenly felt weak!). 2 Sin means that which bothers you and creates guilt in you. Yet love is the greatest power on earth. 34 You feel absolutely powerful when you are with the Divine. Someone asked: ❝But why do we keep alternating between the two?❝ Is the pain in your joints limiting you from enjoying life the way you wish to? Are you tired of popping painkillers multiple times a day? Sri Sri: ❝That is the fluctuation in life.❝ Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:My Guru strongest Basic yoga postures will heal your joints and strengthen them, read more on the link: http://www.artofliving.org/yoga/health-and-wellness/yoga-joint-pain 2 Ques: I am a victim of one-sided love.. Please give me some tips! Date:2014-0211 / Poster:My Guru strongest SriSri : Perhaps God is the biggest victim of one-sided love. He loves you so much and you do not even recognize it. The Universe pours love on you. 2 Do not let your desires obscure your wisdom. We should know this that this Universe loves you more than you love this Universe.. Life is a swing between ❝I want my way❝ and ❝Let Thy Will Be Done.❝ ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:We Love Sri Sri 2 If you have confidence you can manage anything, you can handle any situation, that is wealth. -Sri Sri Date:2014-0211 / Poster:Guru Punch Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:We Love Sri Sri 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 GURU PUNCH 2 How Do not let your desires obscure your wisdom. Life is a swing between ❝I want my way❝ and ❝Let Thy Will Be Done.❝~~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Yo g a Ca n Keep You From Joint Pain Do your knee joint or wrists or shoulders ache when doing trivial things? Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART OF LIVING DAILY SUTRAS 35 2 Sri Sri: I have no experience in this. Let us think. All problems are caused by love only. Our impressions, our identifications, our ideas about ourselves are the cause of our misery and limitation. There are two things. One is people express their love too much, and then there are others who do not express it at all. Both are no good. If you express your love too much, the person who is receiving it does not know how to respond. Just imagine yourself in that place, if someone gives you too much love, you will feel like running away. You thought you can only do this and not that. You thought this is possible by you and that is not possible by you. You do not know how to respond, unless and until you are so centered and you have one pointed love towards the Divinity. If you are connected with the universal spirit of one pointed love, it does not matter. Then there is only one thing, that is one sided love. But - you do not know what you are, who you are! I think God also feels the same thing: one sided love. The biggest victim of one sided love is God. He loves you so much and you do not even recognize it. Not having any fixed ideas in your mind about yourself is wisdom. So he must be feeling the same way. God loves you, this creation loves you, and you seldom recognize it. If you recognize this and be quiet in yourself, then you will see. Don’t be swallowed up by these identifications! Date:2014-0211 / Poster:The Ashtavakra Gita The universe pours so much love on you. You can’t handle it, the universe pours that much love on you. The world always loves you more than you love the world. You should know this, the universe loves you more than you love the universe. 2 K n o w l e d g e Sheet: One sided Love! Gurudev, I am a victim of one sided love, always. Please give me some idea or tips to make it two sided. God loves you more than you can ever think or can ever imagine. As I said, a seed will not sprout if put on the surface of the mud. And also if it is too deep inside the mud, then it will not grow. So it should be somewhere in between. It should not be deep inside the soil or in air, just a little bit covered. In the same way, expression of love 36 should be somewhere in the middle. does a master decide, how much truth is to be revealed and how much to be concealed as the listeners may be on different stages of their spiritual growth. When you do not express it verbally, it shows in your actions. Gurudev, we can see mistake of others very easily, but keep on repeating our mistakes as we do not see them. Sri Sri: Real master does not make any effort at all. He has purity in heart, clarity in mind and spontaneity in action. Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Daily Sutras and Knowledge Sheets 2 Q: Gurudev, how to deal with failure? No learning, or advice is helpful in that state of mind. What do I do? Many times we are not able to apply knowledge on ourselves, but we give knowledge very easily to others. Why is it so? Sri Sri: That is a good realization. Once we recognize that we are not applying the knowledge. Sri Sri: Remember that you are going to die one day. You are going to leave everything behind. All your degrees, awards, necklaces and diamonds, everything will remain here, of which you have been so possessive. So when you know that one day you have to leave everything behind and go, you will say, ❝Failure, okay failed, what to do? I offer that to the Divine as well❝. Remember that every failure is a step towards success. It is a learning process. Once we realize it then we start turning around. You should see it this way perhaps. There are only two situations: either you win or you make others win. You should be proud of making others win. Do you know why mistakes are tempting? When elders play with children at home, they do not always win, sometimes they make the children win and feel happy in their happiness. So making others win is a sign of a big mind. It is because we think we are going to get some great pleasure and joy out of it. But over a period of time, it will drop. Gurudev, how Finding joy in the happiness of others is a sign of a big mind. There is a beautiful story in the Ramayan. In the chapter called Bharat Milaap, when Bharat meets Ram, both of them forget their Sankalpas (vows). 37 Ram says to Bharat, ❝I will do whatever you want❝. Upon hearing this, Bharat is overcome with happiness and emotion. Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:BAWA Ram had left the kingdom to keep his father vow and he had himself vowed that he would not return till 14 years had passed. If he were to return on Bharat request, he would be accused of breaking his vow. And anything that needs to be felt needs synthesis, not analysis. 2 You cannot understand love through intellect. It needs to be felt. You have to become one with it to know it. Whatever you know through the head is at a distance. The subject-object relation will always remain. But love is not like that. And Ram took his vows very seriously. He believed in ❝Praan jaaye par vachan na jaye❝ (It is okay if I lose my life, but may I never break my vow). The taste of the pudding is in tasting, music is in hearing it. In the same way, feeling. So, Bharat on realizing that Ram, who valued his vow more than even his own life, was ready to break his vow for him and said, ❝No brother, you please carry on as you wish❝. Date:20140 2 - So it is said that their minds got swapped. Ram mind went to Bharat and vice versa. This is what we call a sign of love. 11 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 You must know the difference between being sensitive to others It is a very unique story where there is no desire for oneself. All these are ideals. These ideals help in preventing us from deviating from our principles. and getting caught up in the emotions of others. You can easily get caught up in someone else emotion, and lose your centeredness. Then your perception gets dull, your judgments become hazy or erroneous. Date:2014-02-11 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri 2 Stop seeking joy in action. Come from a space of giving. Dedicate And you do not get that clarity. your life to a cause. Then there is no space for boredom and it will vanish. 38 That is what Yoga does. It keeps you centered, yet sensitive and sensible. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Sri Sri Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings 2 Gurudev, I am a victim of one sided love, always. Please give me Date:2014-0210 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri some idea or tips to make it two sided. Sri Sri: I have no experience in this. Let us think. All problems are caused by love only. There are two things. One is people express their love too much, and then there are others who do not express it at all. Both are no good. 2 C oming out of your comfort zone time and again will expand your ability and your strength; you become stronger. If you express your love too much, the person who is receiving it does not know how to respond. Just imagine yourself in that place, if someone gives you too much love, you will feel like running away. You are so caught up in your comfort zone. That is the cause of your fear, your anxiety, and your bondage. You do not know how to respond, unless and until you are so centered and you have one pointed love towards the Divinity. If you are connected with the universal spirit of one pointed love, it does not matter. Then there is only one thing, that is one sided love. I think God also feels the same thing: one sided love. Your comfort zone is your bondage. Sometimes when you wake up and say, ❝I am going to get out of this❝, it brings that strength back to you. -Sri Sri The biggest victim of one sided love is God. He loves you so much and you don not even recognize it. So he must be feeling the same way. God loves you, this creation loves you, and you seldom recognize it. If you recognize this and be quiet in yourself, then you will see. The universe pours so much love on you. Date:2014-0210 / Poster:Sri Sri Blessings You can not handle it, the universe pours that much love on you. The world always loves you more than you love the world. 2 F aith is the nature of an undivided mind, an undivided consciousness.- You should know this, the universe loves you more than you love the universe. God loves you more than you can ever think or can ever 39 2 Sitting and crying being emotional is not going to help. Wake up imagine. As I said, a seed will not sprout if put on the surface of the mud. and see this is the world and the world has its own metrics. See how you can move forward. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Guruji Codes And also if it is too deep inside the mud, then it will not grow. So it should be somewhere in between. It should not be deep inside the soil or in air, just a little bit covered. In the same way, expression of love should be somewhere in the middle. When you do not express it verbally, it shows in your actions. 2 Wish happiness for others and happiness will come to you. That is the law of nature. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Art of Living Universe 2 Q: Guruji, how does being religious help me in my spiritual quest? How do I ensure that my daughter grows up to be a good girl devoted to God? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Honesty in character, purity in heart, clarity in the mind and spontaneity in action, this is what religiosity should bring. If you think that you are religious and your heart is not pure, I tell you, you are not religious. Date:2014-0210 / Poster:I love Sri Sri If you think you are religious and your mind is filled with worries, I tell you, you are not religious. 2 Just be in the simple And if you have doubts and fears, then there is something missing; the faith is missing. So, being religious means being righteous, and preserving tradition. Doing your prayers, celebrating. All this is essential. But more essential is the spiritual upliftment. and innocent state of ❝I do not know!❝ This life is a beautiful mystery. Just live it! When we live this mystery of life so totally, then joy dawns. Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Art of Living Universe 2 22222 2 2 2 2 2 Date:2014-0210 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar DAILY SUTRA Sometimes your head should win and sometimes your heart should win, that is life. It is all about compromise. ~~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 40 Date:2014-0210 / Poster:GURUS BLESSINGS ART O F L I V I N G D A I LY SUTRAS everything that I need. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Guru Punch 2 Worth reading.... 2 Sometimes Once there was a farmer who discovered that he had lost his watch in the barn. Sometimes your head should win and sometimes your heart should win, that is life. It is all about compromise. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar It was not an ordinary watch because it had sentimental value for him. After searching high and low among the hay for a long while;he gave up and enlisted the help of a group of children playing outside the barn. He promised them that, the person who found it, would be rewarded. Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn, went through and around the entire stack of hay but still could not find the watch. Just when the farmer was about to give up looking for his watch, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another chance. Date:2014-0210 / Poster:My Guru strongest 2 Work never gets done by worrying about it. It gets done by intelligent thinking and clever action. For that your mind needs to be calm and happy. The farmer looked at him and thought, ❝Why not.? After all, this kid looks sincere enough.❝ So the farmer sent the little boy back in the barn. After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand..! The farmer was both happy and surprised and so he asked the boy how he succeeded where the rest had failed...! The boy replied, ❝I did nothing but sit on the ground and listen. In the silence, I heard the ticking of the watch and just looked for it in that direction.❝ Moral : A Peaceful mind can think better than a Worked up mind. And how do you bring that calmness and happiness to your mind when there are so many difficulties at work? Allow a few minutes of Silence to ur mind every day, nd see, how sharply it helps u to set ur life the way u expect it to be..! The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.. The challenge is to silence the mind … .. It is by having that faith that God is there to look after and provide for 41 Date:2014-0210 / Poster:Swami Atmanand a change.❝ If you think, ❝The world is corrupt and it is never going to change, and nothing can ever change❝, then your own thought, and your own vibration will bring these kind of situations around you. So you need to come up with an idealistic dream, and then you will find things do happen. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 2 brand Q: what should a person who is physically, mentally and socially weak do to become strong in all the three areas? Sri Sri: First of all, you should not brand yourself that you are very weak. Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:My Guru strongest 2 ??? Why do we read Gita, even if we can not understand or remember Story: An old Farmer lived on a farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Bhagavat Gita. The moment you brand yourself as weak, you find y o u r s e l f e v e n w e a k e r. Know that you do not know yourself, you do not know your strength. You will find that you have enough strength to do what you want to do. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, ❝Grandpa! I try to read the Bhagavat Gita just like you but I do not understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Bhagavat Gita do?❝ The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied,❝Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.❝ The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. Date:2014-0210 / Poster:Art of Living - Nederland 2 O nce The grandfather laughed and said, ❝You will have to move a little faster next time,❝ and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. we have the conviction, we can change the system, we can make a difference. As youth, you must have this conviction in your mind, ❝I can make Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry 42 water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, ❝I do not want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You are just not trying hard enough,❝ and he went out the door to watch the boy try again. At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, ❝See Grandpa, it Is useless!❝ ❝So you think it is useless ?❝ The old man said, ❝Look at the basket.❝ The boy looked at the basket and for the first time 43 realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out. ❝Son, that is what happens when you read the Bhagavat Gita. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Krishna in our lives.❝ Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Swami Atmanand 2 Herbs For Peace In Mind & Body - Camomile #2 ●You are probably familiar with camomile; aside from black tea, it’s the best-selling tea in the world. As a tea and an herb for calming the nervous system, camomile is a definite go-to. ●Camomile works best as a tea in my experience, and since it’s so easy to find, it is also super accessible. Depending on how long you brew your tea, camomile can be used to help you digest a meal (it becomes super bitter if you steep it for longer than 5 minutes — bitters are great for digestion) or calm the nerves (2-3 minutes, tops). ●Use loose-leaf herbs for tea (well, for anything, really). That way you can control the quality, strength, and source of your brew. However, prepared tea will work, too (just be sure to get good quality). ●If you are loose-leafing it, use one teaspoon per cup of water and steep, covered, for three minutes. Doctor with stevia, honey, lemon, and/or unsweetened nondairy milk. Be sure to inhale that aromatherapeutic steam with the intention to calm the body and mind as you drink. ●If you are using your brew for digestion, steep for 5-10 minutes, don’t sweeten, and drink 20 minutes before OR 30 minutes after a meal. A note: if you have extreme ragweed allergies, go slowly with camomile — it can, on rare occasions, elicit an allergic reaction. Source - Mind Body Green | Image: hohli. com Any devastation, destruction happens by head only. And also any transformation happens by head only. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar www.srisripanchakarma. org Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Art of Living International Ashram Pic: Today morning Rudra Puja at Vishalakshi Mantap. Rudra Puja every Monday morning at 7am 2 You are free this very moment. At any moment you can relax totally D a t e : 2 0 1 4 - 0 2 - and let go, that very moment you are peaceful. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 10 / Poster:Sri S r i A y u r v e d a Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Wisdom From Sri Sri Panchakarma 2 2 Sri An evening with Sri http://youtu.be/ E9B1LIayIQI ..nature of mind is like that, it keeps jumping from one thing to another.... http://youtu.be/x09EjY79IU4 Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Sri Sri Wisdom Videos 2 Date:2014-02Herbs For Peace In Mind & Body - Lemon Balm #1 10 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi S h a n k a r k n o w l e d g e ● I do not know about you, but my anxiety tends to settle right in my videos stomach. I can not eat (or I eat emotionally). I can not digest anything, Three different qualities of one parmatma are called as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. In our body there is place of Brahma – below abdomen, Vishnu – middle portion, Mahesh – head region. Shiva tattva is above on the head. and my stomach ends up riddled in knots. ● You too? Well, then lemon balm is your answer. It calms the nervous system, soothes digestion, and lowers blood pressure. Best thing? It is so easy to take as a tea or a tincture and it works quickly. (Just be sure you have got some good-quality lemon balm, and not citronella — that will not help things along very well, although you won’t be eaten by mosquitoes, for sure!). ● Once you have your tincture (or make your tincture), try 10 drops 44 three times per day. If you do not have relief from this dose after a week or so, you can push it up to 30 drops t h r e e t i m e s p e r d a y. Lemon balm is safe, so no worries about using as much as you want. Image: herbhedgerow.com more :www.srisripanchakarma.org Date:2014-02-10 / Poster:Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma 2 Who are your real friends? Do not think people who agree with your grievances are your friends. Those who make your negative feelings and frustration grow more and more in you may appear to be friends but they are bad company. Good friends makes you feel the problem is nothing. ❝It is solvable, it is simple, do not worry.❝ They pump enthusiasm in you. ● I also love lemon balm tea — part of the mint family (as so many herbs are), it makes a marvelous, uplifting, energizing tea. Avoid dairy milk in your herbal teas, though (as well as sugar). The proteins tend to affect the absorption of the medicinal benefits. Date:2014-02-09 / Poster:Sri Sri Ravi Shankar F e e l f r e e , h o w e v e r, to use unsweetened nondairy milks and sweeteners such as stevia (another herb, and one that will sweeten without affecting blood sugar, calorie consumption, or weight; it may take some getting used to, however). Source - Mind Body Green | 45 46